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Your Business and Your Spiritual Gifts

Freed and Powered Up
17 Plays17 days ago

In this episode Master Intuitive and Healer Trainer leads us into a super juicy conversation about balancing business coaching and traditional business practices while engaging your spiritual gifts, resistance to using spiritual gifts and hearing angels when it comes to business, being in marginalized communities where you weren't allowed to accept help and how that blocks accepting spiritual help, suppressing spiritual gifts, and how we end up getting in our angels' way.

Oh my goddess!!! Soooooooo juicy!!

Charmaine helps spiritually gifted men and women who are struggling to pay themselves more because they aren’t attracting enough right fit clients. I help them identify and market to their soulmate clients with energy work and angelic business guidance.

You can get in touch with Chamraine Diallo at www.recalltruth.com


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That's business coaching, right? But all I'm saying is you've got to do these practical things until you get out of your angel's way. They'll start sending people to your Facebook messenger. Hold on. Say that again. Can you say that again? No, I need you to say that again because we have adopted the mantra, get out of your own way. Right.
Right. But you just said something different. but not Say it again. I said, and I'm talking to myself too, you know, on a level, we have to get out of our angels way. But while we're doing that, we have to still do the work.
Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders who are taking their exit from the overly dominant male patriarchal energy, however you experienced it, can really start to break free from the energy that keeps us back from being who we came here to be and leaving the legacy we came here to leave.
episode, I'm going to connect you to your inner power and awaken the divine feminine within you. I'm your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.
Hello again, and welcome, welcome, welcome Phoenix's, welcome goddesses, and welcome all who enjoy the juiciness of this podcast. I'm Latoya, your host, and I, as always, am super excited about our guest today. As because as you know, my guests are hand selected and are very particular about how who we bring to this community. And so my guest today has a very unusual and juicy art interesting and out of the box, the expertise. And I am so excited and can't wait for her to share her gift, her light and her story with us today. And so without further ado, I would love to bring on our guests. And please tell the people who you are and what you do, my love. Thank you so much jo soa for having me. I'm excited to be here. My name is Charmaine Jallo.
And I'm with my company Recall Truth, and I work with healers to find themselves and get their business to align with their life purpose and then help them get unstuck on their business pieces as well. So getting in alignment with what you're supposed to do with your abilities by hearing from your angels and then getting those business blocks out of the way.
I think that what you do is so very powerful and it's definitely unusual because we have a lot of business um coaches, business, you know,
However, they call themselves architects, guides, and so forth. And there are a lot of people who help their clients get unstuck. And now you see more people um coming into the space who want to help creatives and want to help healers because we're not the typical you know business mind or you know the typical business strategist. And so it is different. It is different for healers. It is different for um people who are in particularly spiritual businesses. However, and I've not yet heard anyone who said, no, I very specifically help them hear from their angels and from their guides and help them get unstuck that way. And it's really interesting because um this is not really a space or a thing where you hear people who you know are trying to start their business or you know trying to scale their business and they're thinking, man, I need to hear more from my angels.
right? Some more in this virtual space, but I'd love for us for you to tell us how did you come upon this is what I want to help of spiritual people in business do.
Yes, absolutely. Well, to get started, I mean, i I wasn't receiving messages when I first started. I was working in energy work. I was helping people still get unstuck, all the same things I said, but I started to get messages during session. So I kind of got thrown into it.
I love that, but I was nervous at first because I wasn't sure where they were coming from. I didn't know if it even pertained to that person, if it was correct, et cetera. ah But what I found was that some of the traditional ways that we research for our businesses, you know doing market research, trying to see what our target market, et cetera, if you just ask your angels, you're so safe. A lot of time and a lot of,
you know trial and error, if you just go to the source, like, hey, what am I supposed to do? Who am I supposed to serve? No, see, this is such a different take because you will see ah some business coaches and guys out there who are like, okay, spiritual people, I know you're, you know, you're intuition and your charts and all these things, but you need to go get the numbers, right? Like you need to go do the market research, which if you're out there and you're a healer or a spiritual worker or your business that pulls in from you know the spiritual realm, you you probably shriek at that, right? You probably like your whole insides shrink when you start to hear those things. And so to hear this kind of take, I'm sure, is refreshing.
You know, it's refreshing for a lot of um yeah people who have spiritual businesses, but i but i but there's such a pushback and a resistance, you know? And I just wonder,
A couple of things. I wonder, did you when you first started hearing this and you started you know leaning into it, but did you feel any resistance within you at first? And as you as you speak about that, I wonder, do you encounter some of those same resistances with your clients and the people you work with?
Yeah, so personally, I was all for like, just letting spirit handle everything. But what I found is that we have to find a balance of practical, we'll call it practical, right? We're traditional spiritual, I mean, traditional business.
practices and the spirit realm, because as healers, we all come in with blocks. We come in with things from past life. We come in with supernatural blocks, things that are working against us, depending on, you know, what your life purpose is. And until we can get our angels full assistance, we have to do more practical to make up for it, if that makes sense.
Yes, I see. That makes sense. Yeah, like someone would need to do more of the manual footwork, so to speak, more going to get clients like in person speaking or doing those types of things. And the more you can clear your blocks, the less of that you have to do is it never again, not necessarily, but you can pull it more supernatural help when you're not blocked, if that makes sense.
Yes, that absolutely makes sense. So what I hear you saying is like, you know, if we're working with 100, you might be at a 80 20 at first, you know, and then you start to do more of the clearing and the unblocking and you you can start to do 60 40 and you you come into that balance, then you can start to b flip the scale where you're doing more more of the spiritual hearing and Right. that Right. i I understand. So yeah, it makes absolute total sense. So I want to go into the supernatural blocks and things that might be working against you because we don't really talk about that. Right. Or I should say it's not really talked about. Right. And I think we all I think many of us feel it. I think many of us
in some way, shape or form understand or or have a sense, but but we're not really talking or addressing or hitting it face forward, if you will. This is what I feel right now. So I'd love for you to talk a little bit more about that. No, you're you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Yes. I mean, we hear all the time mindset, beliefs, all of that. That's personal. That's within us, our belief system. We do have to address that.
But depending on your purpose, like, for instance, if you work with heavier energy like I do, they actually have their own consciousness and they can work against you as well. So it comes now you have like a third party that's getting in your way. um And that has to be addressed. And, you know, if you're doing certain types of work, you don't even have to go there. But you may have brought in things from a past life.
You may consider that that like a supernatural type of thing. It's not necessarily accessible in this particular dimension. Things have to be in alignment period and different things can throw you out of alignment. Sometimes it's in your environment. Sometimes it's in your consciousness. Sometimes it's in your energy field. You know, there's, we're all one, but if you have to break it down, there's different areas where you can be blocked.
And sometimes it's not you. you know we We always take blame, we're gonna take responsibility. And yes, we do have issues, right? But sometimes there are outside factors working against us as well. Yeah, i this is one of the major things that is important for me.
And you know just speaking from coming from where I came from, right I know that you know as I was healing from a domestic violence relationship, I knew that there were cords that had to be cut. I knew that there were still energies that were working within me or attached in me or you know voices that I was hearing from that relationship that needed to be cleared. And I could say the same from a career standpoint, was as well as coming from the military, there were definitely um just toxic energies that I worked with that were and that I felt were still attached to me in in different ways that I felt and needed to be cleared and healed um yes you know and and detached.
And so just coming from myself, like this is something I really, truly, truly believe that if a lot more of us tapped into and and decided that this needs to be addressed and cleared, and it gets to be, it gets to be because we are worthy of of more, of feeling free and clear and at peace from those things, and then we would do those things. However, Charmaine, we buck up against resistance that is within us. Yes.
yes I would say particularly black women or women of, um you know, marginalized or traditionally marginalized communities. um We buck up against some some resistance of belief systems and so forth. And I'm just going to open that. yes Let's talk about that.
Yeah, I think in my own experience, you know, as African-American group with parents who went through the civil rights movement, there's a lot of you have to find everything within. You have to be self-reliant. You have to be, you you know, doing all these things. If there's an obstacle, you have to blast through it or you have to climb over it or whatever. There's no reaching out.
that is looked down upon. That's a big thing. that's a big yeah yeah There's no reaching out for help or support. No, it's looked down upon as weakness and you know maybe there's a trust issue there as well. And that just translates over into the spiritual belief systems as well. And I just want to point out, LaToya, that People of color, all the different colors, we have a higher percentage of people who are spiritually gifted. So it just compounds the issue. Being marginalized, not trusting, being given these religions that don't match our traditional cultures and our traditional ways of thinking, all of that's mixed together. And you've got someone who's a second class citizen, even in their own home.
Okay, now I'm back to women, right of all races. Yes, second class citizen who's expected to do everything and be super powerful and never take a break superwoman and has an ability that's making her more sensitive and vulnerable. And she's got extra of everything, you know, right, right, and right.
She's nowhere to turn. and She's nowhere to turn and there's no space for the giftings and that she's feeling within which is being suppressed and then oh it's so much. Yes it's too much and that is a big part of who I've become. I needed that when I started. I needed someone to say hey You can go one mile on this road, but when you get to the fort, just go left.
Just go left. Don't be curious about ranks. Okay? I spent a lot of time checking both ways, you know, because I was taught check, check, double check. I wasn't in the military, but I was raised to be very, you know, accurate and precise. And that includes investigating wrong answers, you know, and making sure being thorough, you know, it's just, it was too much. But if I had a guide,
which is what I am for a lot of people. I'm a guide. I don't consider myself a business coach, but I'm guiding. you know And sometimes that includes, hey, did you do your reach outs? Did you email? Did you text? That's business coaching, right? But all I'm saying is you've got to do these practical things until you get out of your angel's way.
They'll start sending people to your Facebook Messenger app. Hold on. Say that again. Can you say that again? No, I need you to say that again. Because we have adopted the mantra, get out of your old way. Right. Right. But you just said something different. but not Say it again.
I said, and I'm talking to myself too, you know, on a level, we have to get out of our angels way. But while we're doing that, we have to still do the work.
Give me just a sec, goddess. I know this episode is getting juicy, but you gotta know that the next goddess unlock is going down October 4th through 6th. And this is your space for what your soul is calling for now. A virtual stay-k retreat where you get to pour into yourself and take yourself to the next level of energy mastery. It's so freaking delicious. you get to know how you're designed to align with your wealth path and your next level of purpose and maybe most importantly how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
This is a super tight container with some energy clearing, ancestral work, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about both their transformation and yours so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for. Welcome to The Goddess Unlocked, my love. A three-day live virtual journey into yourself and your infinite potential. We're up leveling your frequency of your purpose, prosperity, and power. Let's finish this year stronger than you could have ever imagined together. Click the link in the show notes and let's get this party started. Let's get back into the episode.
There was a long time where I was sitting there, hey guys, you said, Right? The angels. You said you could do X, Y, Z. You said you could send me clients. You said blah, blah, blah, blah. And once in a while they could win my resistance with doubt. Well. Okay. Okay.
So I have to do more of the footwork when I'm resisting. And it's like, you need to be aware. How much am I resisting? Like you said, out of a hundred, am I allowing 50% of the assistance? Am I allowing 20%? Was I taught I have to do everything myself that I can't trust anyone to help me? And that thing should be hard. Those are all the lessons that I learned.
As a black woman, as a human being, as a college educated person, all those lessons are ingrained. You have to work for what you have. You have to work hard. Are you working hard enough, long enough, when those things aren't really relevant? Is how much resistance do you have to your own progress and to supernatural help? That's what all you really need to know. Yeah.
And then you got to make up for it while it's being cleared. That's the other part. And it's really important that part like while it's being cleared. and Right. Because it may take a while. And not just expecting it to be cleared, but actually taking the steps for it to be cleared. That's right. That's right. We have free will.
It's so free that our angels cannot jump in for us. We have to ask. But if you don't know what's there, you can't ask. You can't ask. You can't ask. That's the whole point of a so-called healer. I don't call it a healer. I call it a guide. Yeah. Because i'm I'm not healing you. You heal yourself. I just show you. There's this thing that happened over here when you were 12.
We got to work on it. You have to agree. And that 12 year old part of you has to agree. Yeah. I'm just guiding you. I'm just guiding you. But you've got to go with me. And you got to not stop the forces that want to.
And I feel so sorry that this this podcast is going to be ending in a few minutes because we could, I feel we could go on and on and on. And we probably will. We probably will do another live because, you know, o there are so many reasons and justifications yeah why we would stop.
the supernatural from helping us. And I really will leave that up to the listener right now. If you're listening and you're like, I don't want it to be hard anymore. And I want to be able to listen more. And I want to to really clear these box very specifically um so that I can move forward in ah in a lighter way, in a way that my soul is really meant to. um And you feel drawn to Charmaine and listening to her voice. Yeah, the encouragement is to reach out. And that being said, Charmaine, tell the people how they can reach out to you and and the the ways that they could work with you.
Yeah. So I mean, my, my homepage has everything. It's a place to get onto my email list, see what I'm up to. It's a place that will also allow you to reach out to me and say, Hey, I'm ready to get to know you better and tell you about what's going on with me. All of those things are available on, you know, on my homepage. I work with people in person and also remotely.
I mean, everything's remote, right, with Zoom, but actually without a session is the best way to put it. But the most effective is when we're face-to-face, like you and I are doing right now, talking through it. You're working with me again, a guide. Your things are going to come to you, come up to you.
And we do that 45 minute sessions and get get that together at least three months, right? Because one session, you know, you may have a powerful bre breakthrough and it does happen, but that's just to get to the next layer. For sure. And there are plenty of layers.
but Right. ah slightly i like up Yeah. So tell them, do I'm going to drop the link for sure in the show notes, but can you, could you just say it here, what your homepage is so that people can hear. Absolutely. It's recall truth dot.com. So, so simple and so powerful because what you really are is recalling the truth of people's um power and spiritual um spiritual authority and spiritual access. Ooh, that is what I feel from you you. You help to open people's spiritual access. Yes, I like that. I love the way you put that access. yeah Yeah, that's it. Access, that's their birthright. That's their birthright.
food So powerful. And I am so grateful because I know our time is precious. Thank you so much for spending your time with us, spending your time with the goddesses and the phoenixes that are listening to this podcast, um sharing these powerful gems. I know that I benefited from it. I know someone listening right now is like, whoa, that made my day and unlocked me to feel more powerful and um hoping that the one who feels connected and aligned will reach out to you and and become the next iteration of themselves. So again, thank you so very much for your time and your energy. Thank you. Thank you as well. Thank you for the opportunity. Thank you very this is not just for you to listen to. This is for you to take action, change the trajectory of your life and live in your power. If you're liking what's happening here, hit that subscribe button so you do not ever miss a powerful episode and definitely share it with that sister who you know needs this power in their life. if you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself and using your intuitive tools, knowing undoubtedly who you are and why you are here, being yourself unapologetically, head on and over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com. You don't have to wait until you're ready to unlock your next level. You are ready now.