What's all the hoopla about Human Design? image

What's all the hoopla about Human Design?

Freed and Powered Up
18 Plays1 month ago

Why use Human Design? Is it too overwhelming? Is it useful? Is it life-changing? Can it be the coaching tool everyone has been looking for? Can it help you clear decades of questioning or is it all a hoax? 

These questions led me to interview the Psychic Intuitive and Human Design coach extraoridnaire to enlighten us. Let's Dig into Human Design! See you inside. 

You can get in touch with Ameenah adn check out more about Human Design at www.theshicollective.com


To find out more about the next cohort of the epic Goddess Unlocked click here

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Desire for Meaningful Friendships

Sometimes this felt to me as though it's something wrong with me because this energy wasn't always reciprocated and it would really bother me. I'm the type that we catch up over three hour brunch and we're going deep and just really affirming each other. For me,
when I make friends, I want to be able to celebrate them. I want to have connected, you know, experiences and really just have depth and meaning to our relationship. However, many people were good to just catch up, you know, once every five years, it's great. It's great. How is that even a thing for you? Like, it just, it was, it was very unsatisfied. Why are you calling me out? Why are you calling me out?
one doll that I know is a reflector that works for you.

Empowering Conscious Female Leaders

Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders who are taking their exit from the overly dominant male patriarchal energy, however you experienced it, can really start to break free from the energy that keeps us back from being who we came here to be and leaving the legacy we came here to leave.
the fear, the triggers, the self-sabotage, and limiting behaviors and beliefs without all of it. Every episode, I'm going to connect you to your inner power and awaken the divine feminine within you. I'm your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.
Hello, hello, everyone.

Introducing Amina Asante

Hello, Phoenixes, and hello, Goddesses, and hello, everyone who enjoys the deliciousness of this podcast. Welcome to Freedom Powered Up once again. I am super excited, as always, because, as you know, my guests are very much hand-selected, because I'm very protective of the energy of this space. And my guest today,
is just a super, super powerhouse, has been so influential in my life and in the lives of many others that I personally know of. And what she does really, really contributes, I believe, to the elevating of the collective consciousness and of our elevation of spiritual awareness and awakening. And so without further ado and without all the other talking,
I'm going to bring up our guests. And I would love for you, my dear, to introduce yourself. Tell the people who you are and what you do.

Amina's Transformational Work

First of all, thank you so much Latoya. I'm so excited to be with you today, the podcast. You are such a gem and the work that you do is incredible. So this exchange and this flow, I have just been looking forward to all month since we booked it and let's get into it. So I am Amina Asante.
I'm a transformational life coach. That's the foundation of what I do. I use tools in order to support my clients really go from a place of stuckness, confusion, and move them into clarity. One, via human design. Human design as a modality is just a really powerful newer tool that combines ancient technology, and I also am a psychic intuitive.
and supporting clients with a spiritual energy around them. And so I use all of these things, coaching, human design, and psychic intuition to support people to understand what I call their soul blueprint.
I really love that and I always have loved that you call it or the words that you use are so blue bread. And I am just interested and I get this question all the time. And so you probably get this question all the time. And so I'm going to ask it, I'm going to ask it because I personally know people who would like to move into a space where they're using more of their,
their intuition, intuitive gifts and psychic abilities, and they feel fearful or just stuck in doing that. And so I would like to ask, how did you, you know, what's part of the story where you fully decided, damn it, I'm a psychic intuitive, this is who I am, this is what I do, I'm bringing it into transformational coaching, or, you know, how did you, how did you come into that space?
Absolutely. So it was probably about five years ago where I was in a space, in a spiritual space, and I was listening to people, watching people, and watched how they moved. And I recognized that what was happening in my body, what was happening in my spirit was something that was really calling me forward. And

Early Spiritual Intuition

It's one of those kind of duh, aha moments where I've been connected to source since I was probably since the age of seven and aware of the connection to source, aware of being told things and then acting upon them and watching them come to fruition.
But in this space as an adult, as this was happening, I noticed that I had been holding back and using my spiritual intuition specifically for my own work, but I was not using it in my professional life, which
didn't make any sense once I figured it out. Once I started doing that, my coaching clients, everyone was starting to really receive so deeply and experience such rapid transformation. What was happening with you in the beginning when you were using it, but not necessarily in your business or professional life? I wonder if you could talk a little bit about what was that?
Sure. It really was deep intuitive guidance for my entire life. So as you know, I went from the space of being from Michigan originally to having dance be a huge part of my life and eventually moving to Japan
and having my own dance company and doing all of these different things. But when I trace back how this progression happened, it was from such clear choices that were given to me of like, no, this actually is the route that you should go in order to be where you want to be, Amina. And as I learned to listen,
my success, my clarity, my fear subsided, like everything just really came so effortlessly. So what I hear you saying is when you, and surely I'm guessing there are times where we kind of waver or think better, but when you really open yourself to listening to
how you feel yourself being guided, and really just stepping into that, there is more ease and flow and grace and manifesting of what your heart has always desired.

Understanding Human Design

Yes, absolutely. So one of the tools that you mentioned is human design. And
There's so many ways that we could go with this, right? I know that some people, when they look at the human design chart, they're already stuck. They're already like shut down.
because there's so much to it. And then it could be, oh, when you look at it, you're like, oh, let me do some more research. And then you find out, oh, there's astrology, there's hygiene, there's so much into it. And then some people can feel overwhelmed or shut down there. So I wonder if you could like give us a peek or a lens into how you see human design and how do you see it as the blueprint of the soul?
Sure. So human design for me, me first seeing a chart, then seeing my chart, and then having a session with a coach years ago, it was the first time that I actually felt seen by any system.
As a child, I was super into astrology and super into numerology, yoga, all of these books I check out at the library. I would get through a couple of chapters, but at the end of it, I was like, it's cool. It's neat. But with human design, it was the first time that I really felt my chart hit me.
And so much of what I've been feeling internally was really explained so well by my design. And as you mentioned, human design is a composite, a synthesis of such astrology.
Also the Chinese Yiching, you have the Hindu chakra system and then the Jewish Kabbalah, the Tree of Life. So all of these things working together with quantum physics to produce this blueprint.
And for human design as a tool, I'm able to see people through their chart, right? It adds almost a fourth dimension to the soul that is in front of me.
And it gives them such doubt. And as they're talking parts of the chart come alive. And I'm sure this is similar for you with Vedic astrology. Like if you know their chart, it's just like, it's coming alive as you're being in an experience with them, right? And it's just, it's juicing.
And I understand that looking at a human design chart can be overwhelming. But there are some things that are like super simple. So even if you knew like some basics, like the profile lines, the six profile lines are able to look and say, Oh, this person is very
inquisitive about so many things because they have so many one lines and they're investigative, right? And oh, they're so really, maybe intelligent and great at whatever profession they choose because of that fifth line, which is mastery, right? And so just knowing these basics gives you such the gives you the ability to see people just on another plane, another dimension. Yeah.
I'd like to ask you this question because there are so many modalities out there and I feel like human design is becoming more mainstream, more popular.

Human Design and Personal Uniqueness

I have conversations with people all the time and they know their, you know, they know their numbers. I would like to ask you this question. Let me think about how to ask it for a second. Take your time, reflector.
Let me just say this real quick. When people start talking about human design and then I'm like, or they ask me a very important question, I start leading with, okay, I need you to know that I'm a reflector. And there's always, there's a gasp or there's a pause or there's like, there's always a change of facial expression.
Which I so appreciate. Oh, this is the beautiful lead into the question. I so appreciate because I feel like just saying that alone gives me the space to be who I need to be in the moment. It gives people
a reason. And it, you know, as we step into our power, people don't need a reason and I don't need a justification. Nevertheless, it gives people a reason to give me the space.
to be who I need to be in the moment. And when I say that, when I say reflector, they already know I need time to think, I need time to process. And you probably, you may not get an answer today, may not be this week. But when I say I'm a reflector, it just makes space for what needs to happen. And I'm super grateful for that. Therefore, the leading the question is, how would you say,
What would be one of the greatest or the best benefits of people knowing their human design? That is a question. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. So it's a really wonderful question. And when I'm experiencing your question, there is a tremendous amount of
weight that is placed on my chest. And when I'm in this experience, I know what is coming forward on behalf of whomever's listening. It's just so vital. And it's almost like it's like the mantle, right, like carrying like this weight. And I want it to be
received with, with all of the love and the importance that it's intended. So understanding your human design chart, even just the core basics around your strategy and your authority will
like the difference of having that in your life versus moving through life without that is such an important part of your transformational growth on this planet. And without it, we can look to spiritual tools, we can look to people experiences,
However, the likelihood that we will ever be truly satisfied as a generator, feel successful as a projector, feel at peace as a manifestor, or be in this delightful surprise as a reflector, the likelihood that that will happen is significantly diminished because the world
wants to be what the world wants us to be what the world wants us to be and if we don't know who we actually are then we're always falling by the wayside we're always falling short and it can be so confusing and lonely because something's not adding up something's not matching up
I love that. I really love what you said about that, especially the last part of something feeling like something's not matching up. And I feel like that is so powerful because, as you say, in our society, in our world right now, there are so many boxes. They've created so many boxes for us to fit in.
And there's so many conditions and, you know, regulations and rules that, you know, and so we oftentimes we just squeeze ourselves into one box or squeeze ourselves into another box, even though there are some corners that don't match or there's some right. And so in those in those.
those seemingly small corners where you notice, I don't match here, I don't fit here, that can make us feel so uncomfortable, so stuck, so lonely, so not belonging in this world. And so I really do feel a tool like this, like human design,
It is necessary. It's like one of those, what I always say is like, it's so important for us to be affirmed again and again and again in a world that seeks to de-affirm us continually. And yeah, and I feel like human design is such a powerful tool to do this. I would like to do this in a slightly different way. So I hope you oblige. You know, I love it. I'm surprised too.
I was in this Facebook group and someone said, oh, human design is just bullshit. There was nothing in this chart that I feel connected with. First of all,
I'm assuming that they somehow just plug their numbers into a site or an app somewhere and it came back and there was no depth and no, you know, no connection, no, no life to it. I feel, I feel there's no way that they could have known the fullness of human design because I just feel like if you really had
even a quarter of some of the information design that there's no way you could say that because it's just so in depth. And I would like to ask you from maybe your personal experience, and you could even share also someone that you've worked with, and I would love both actually. But for you personally, knowing your own design and your own blueprint,

Validation through Human Design

maybe something unlocked or something powerful or something super like unforgettable for you that you're like, this, this is why I needed human design in my life, my life personally. I love this question because what made me fall in love with human design was two things.
Give me just a sec, goddess. I know this episode is getting juicy, but you gotta know that the next goddess unlock is going down October 4th through 6th. And this is your space for what your soul is calling for now. A virtual stay-k retreat where you get to pour into yourself and take yourself to the next level of energy mastery. It's so freaking delicious.
you get to know how you're designed to align with your wealth path and your next level of purpose and maybe most importantly how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
This is a super tight container with some energy clearing, ancestral work, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about both their transformation and yours so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for. Welcome to The Goddess Unlocked, my love. A three-day live virtual journey into yourself and your infinite potential.
We're up leveling your frequency of your purpose, prosperity, and power. Let's finish this year stronger than you could have ever imagined together. Click the link in the show notes and let's get this party started. Let's get back into the episode. Two channels, the only two channels that I have in my chart. So for those that know human design, I'm a 1-3 emotional generator.
I'll start from before I knew human design. I knew that I was someone who cared so much about people. And I've always loved friends. And the way in which I have loved my friends
Sometimes this felt to me as though it was like, is something wrong with me? Because this energy wasn't always reciprocated and it would really bother me. You know, I'm the type that, you know, we catch up over, you know, three hour brunch and we're going deep and, you know, just really affirming each other. And for me,
when I make friends, I want to be able to celebrate them. I want to have connected, you know, experiences and really just have depth and meaning to our relationship. However, many people were good to just catch up, you know, once every five years. It's great. It's great. How is that even a thing for you? Like it just it was it was very unsatisfied. Why are you calling me out? Why are you calling me out?
one doll that I know is a reflector that works for you. But for me, when I discovered that I have what's called the channel of intimacy in my chart,
not only once, not twice, but three whole times I have this channel in my chart. Yes. And how it shows up in my life that I need to have relationships that have that depth, that have that connection and have that true vulnerability or else it'll be unsatisfying to me.
So when I understood that I was able to erase this
these decades worth of like, you're just needy or you're just whatever, fill in the blank. But no, I love people and I want to be able to celebrate my people and really be a part of their lives and then a part of mine. And so that was the first piece. And then the second channel that I have is called the channel of transformation. I mean, the first time I sat in a weekend long workshop,
unpacking the human experience, I was like, oh my God, I could do this all day, every day. And as you know, that's what I do all day, every day in my work. And unpacked the human experience either with one-on-one clients or in groups. And it's so beautiful for me to watch people transform. So,
to be able to have clarity on the why, why my life needed these things, why I needed these types of experiences in my world, down to the science in my design, spoke volumes. I just, I could not shake it after I understood that. Sign me up. What do I need to do? How do I get certified?
Yeah, because they're like, how do I get certified? And how do I bring this to the people they need to know? Yes, yes, exactly. So another example of why human design, I really love this particular
this particular example. And I think, you know, you know and love this person as well. And I think that it'll make sense to listeners. So you and I, we have a mutual friend. And once upon a time, she was a vice president of accounting.
And she did you know this work she enjoyed the work and one day she decided that she was done with the work and then she became a client and i got to spend about a year with her unpacking life.
in group coaching.

Innovative Applications of Human Design

At some point during that year, she's working on something. She wanted to create a financial product for Black women and to consume to help people get right with their finances.
as she's like digging into the finance and I'm looking at her chart, I got to remind her that she has all of this beautiful gate 59 flowing in her chart. And her 59 energy is the gate of sexuality. It's the gate of intimacy. It's actually part of that channel, the intimacy that I was just talking about.
in that sexuality, there's motherhood, there's divine feminine, there's so much that is needing and wanting to come out. And so anything that she's putting forth in life, it has to have her signature on it, right, her essence.
on it. And so why not a financial product that has this beautiful sexual playfulness attached to it, and really allowing that part of her that we all we all know, but would never leave. Right.
wouldn't necessarily name to place on this financial report and make it sexy. And when she released it in that way, people were very drawn to it because it's something so different and so unique. And so it's really just that kind of pairing. And I think this goes along with, I know for you, looking at wealth and finance is also a part of the work that you do.
there, when we get really clear with our charts, with our design, we're able to understand our nuance beyond just a niche, beyond just, you know, this aspect of business, what's the essence that is in us that needs to be included and to be highlighted in order to add the extra wealth.
I can't tell you how much I love that. I, okay, so as a reflector, I heard so much in what you just said. And I don't know that I could reflect it back so beautifully, but I feel the need though to kind of like really hone in and drill in on this because I know that our listeners
would so much be unlocked by what you just said that for example even someone who's working with finances or someone who wants to build their wealth or someone who wants to fix their whole money situation that
Energy itself is, excuse me, money itself is an energy. And you working with money, you are also bringing your own energy. And so this person that we know has such a beautiful sensual energy that she gets to bring to it. And someone else could bring something else that they have within their chart, and they could bring that to it. And that might be the piece.
that could unlock so much for them because otherwise you're like knocking on the door knocking on the door knocking on the door and you're like I'm doing the things I'm doing the pieces I'm doing the savings I'm doing that like you're like literally just working with the ones and zeros and the numbers and not necessarily being able to tap into those beautiful nuances that reside in the energy piece.
Exactly. That's where you step into the truest vibration of yourself when you are connected to the inner parts of you that are screaming to come out. And in so many ways, we're not given permission to do that.
And so we don't, and then our work ends up being a cookie cutter version of every single person on Instagram or a TikTok or whatever, right? And without knowing who you actually are down to your blueprint, you end up robbing yourself. You're taking from yourself.
And when you begin to understand it and add it in, all of these doors that were once stuck and closed and blocked, all of this just kind of bursts open. And you have this expansion where your design activates and it puts you in a vibration that attracts all that is yours. All that is yours. It was always meant to be yours.
Yes, it's just they're waiting for you. It is literally just they're waiting for all of us. I wanted to go back to this piece really quick. This I know, like part of like the core of what you do is when you say I want you to understand who you are and why you are.
And what kind of just came down to me as you were explaining your own experience with understanding this is why I am the way that I am in friendships and what I need. What came to me at that point is it's so important for us to understand why because we are constantly being asked the question, why? Why do you need so much?
why do you have to answer? Why do you feel the need to, you know, even my son asked me the other day when I learned a certain modality and I was like, got to put this in my program. He was like, why do you feel the need to teach it or do it every time you learn it, right? And so, and some of it is out of curiosity. Some of it is out of their own, you know, people, their own discomfort. Some of it is out of their own need for healing and however that manifests, but
we're always being asked the question, why? Which, if we don't know why, can throw us into this tailspin of so much, right? Of imposterism of, you know, then begin to sabotage yourself and you begin to answer the question why with other people's answers that are all over the place, right? And so it's so important
for us to understand this question, why for ourselves? That's what I'm feeling so very deeply right now. Absolutely. The why itself, I say for me, I believe it's more important than the who. So as you stated, like, who am I? Great.
Who am I? At the end of the day, that's really for you. It's for you. But the why am I is the question. The why am I is the question because that means I see myself, I understand myself, and now understanding why I am makes, it propels me into service and contribution in this world.
The why is the fuel, right? The who is just like, okay, yeah, got my boost for the rest of my life. But the why is like, okay, now go forward. And I get to take responsibility for my life. I get to take responsibility for learning a thing because I'm drawn to it.
Yeah. Right? Yeah. And then feeling like I want to teach it because this is, I can feel that in my being that this is what I'm meant to do. Yeah. Yeah. So beautiful. The why is sacred. It's sacred. Yes. It's sacred and it's so far reaching like just hearing you speak about it. It's the impact. Yes. It's the impact.
Hmm. Okay. Doesn't feel like we've been on here for this long. We can do this all day. Especially with human design. Oh my goodness. I really want to say that before I ask you how the people can go into human design with you. But I need to say this, right? When I hear people say,
that they know what their human design is. Or I hear them say what their profile is or they're like, I'm like, but do you really though? Do you? Because I am in this coaching program with Amina and I can tell you there is so much depth and there's so many different parts that you can't get by looking at
the app or the internet. And I don't want to discount that. I want to credit that. Like, let's celebrate the fact that we have encountered this thing. Right. Exactly. There is so much. There's so, so, so, so, so much that we get to know, that we get to know, that we get to dive deeper and deeper into ourselves, but also the why. Right. Which is so impactful and so sacred. So I just wanted to share that. And now that being said,
You mentioned that you work with people in these transformation spaces in this group. So would you tell the people, the good people, the juiciness that you have that they could engage in? Absolutely. So one of my favorite things to do is to conduct, to facilitate my baby.
Soul Blueprint Live. It's a three day virtual event that I do only a couple times a year and the next time I will be doing it is in October. So October 4th through the 6th. It is a full transformative experience that
I'm just so blessed that the work, the why landed on my being and I could see and I could put the pieces together and offer this. This upcoming one will be the ninth version of this program.
And I'm just so excited. I know, nine. She's about to be at home. You're too, girl. Yes. How powerful. Just to think about that, nine iterations have gone out of people who have experienced that sacred space of knowing who they are and why they are and have experienced it with the beauty and the gift that you bring.
Thank you. Which I think is powerful. I love that. I appreciate that.
Also, I do a coaching program, it's called Undefined, and it's for people to learn human design for the use in their coaching, no matter what profession they're in. So whether they're simply coaches themselves, or if they are in education, or if they're therapists, whatever
whatever modality is the person that the person is using, they're able to use human design in order to support them. And this will be a powerful iteration that's offered this fall as well. And am I able to talk about Costa Rica?
You are but let's put it in there for a second because I want to go back because there's a reason that you do that. There's a reason why you teach that one and I know that I know I heard you say it and I would like for you to say it on those podcasts that when you talked about how you used to do life coaching, transformational coaching and that there was what you felt um because I brought for you yeah. Sure absolutely so
I created Undefined exactly as you're mentioning LaToya. As a coach, I understood that I loved coaching and I understood that I was here to support individuals. However, what I found in coaching is that people were
no matter whether it was me as a coach or my peers as a coach, people would go and live their lives after coaching sessions and they would come back very similar and stuck to where they were before they left. And even though their experience in the coaching session was so transformative and breakthrough after breakthrough, but they would come back in the similar state of stuckness and it dawned on me
And this is really where human design came into my world to begin with. It's like, how can I actually coach you? Or how can anyone coach anyone without knowing who they are? And also, how can anyone coach anyone with that person, the client, not knowing who they are? Who they are. Right? And so at the end of the day, we're just literally like guessing.
The client is also guessing in their response.

Coaching with Human Design

Their response is, yes, I have a desire for this. But we don't know, is that mom or dad from conditioning from 30 years ago talking? We don't know. But let's look at something like your blueprint, something like your human design chart and actually see how you're wired, see how you're designed, so we're no longer guessing.
And so, Unfind as a course in order to bring people through not only the basics of human design, but this expansive look at how do we see people through their design and also honor the soul in there, honor them as a whole being.
Yeah, beautiful. And I think this is powerful. I feel and hear and know that there will be therapists and counselors and coaches that are like, I experienced the same thing with my clients. And maybe this will be the tool for them. So yeah, before we give the links for those people who are like, I need to be an undefined,
Before we do that, please tell the good people about the juiciness that's going to happen in Costa Rica. Yes. So going to Costa Rica in March of 2025, doing a five-night expansive experience on the campus of the Imaloa Institute. It's this luxury retreat center.
where we'll have all of our dining, private plans, whatnot supporting us through transformation. And the experience itself is focused on intuitive development, Reiki and ancestral healing and human design. And so we get to dive deeply into all of these things with the beauty of the jungle and the ocean all there just surrounding us and pouring into us.
Hmm, beautiful location, beautiful energy, powerful facilitators, and people who are along the path of knowing themselves and why they are and lifting up that vortex of energy. That sounds like a place that everybody wants to be. That sounds like a place where we all need to be.
So thank you so much. The links we will be dropping, but right now they're listening. How can they get in touch with you?
Sure. So the best place to get in touch with me is Instagram. So you want to find me on Amina underscore Asante on Instagram. And for podcast listeners, so you don't have to look at your phone, that's A-M-2-E-S-N-A-H underscore Asante, A-S-A-N-T-E.
Yay. So hopefully you wrote that down. People are going to their Instagram right now and they're following you. And the links will be in the show notes, if you're driving. Absolutely. Links in the show notes. I also have my YouTube for full length content, as well as TikTok, my website that you can go and gather information, theshecollective.com.

Connect with Amina Asante

Excellent, excellent, excellent. And let me just say the final word. Listen, I actually fully believe this. Wherever you have consumed your human design content, you really have not had a human design reading, unless you've had one with Amelia. I really believe that.
And I was sharing with Amina before this, I've not done a podcast on human design. And as you know, I'm very selective with this podcast. So there's reason for that. You have not done a human design reading, unless you've done with Amina. So that being said, lovely people, get the links, follow on Instagram, and as you are led, connect with her and know who you are and why you are and
Yeah, I think all the tools that we use and that we intuit that we're aligned with serves us for the better. So I know that your time is valuable. I know that you're out there doing powerful transformational work. So I want to thank you for being here. Thank you for lending us your time and your gifts and your energy and sharing your story with us. Thank you so much.
Thank you. Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. I honor you. My soul honors your soul and the incredible work that you're doing in the world. I'm so proud of you. It's beautiful watching you move and all that is showing up as a result of who you're being effortlessly. Incredible. Incredible. Thank you. Truly a transformation of
Thank you. And I will say a lot of part of that is because of the work that I've been doing. So thank you so much.
Listen, this is not just for you to listen to. This is for you to take action, change the trajectory of your life and live in your power. If you're liking what's happening here, hit that subscribe button so you do not ever miss a powerful episode and definitely share it with that sister who you know needs this power in their life.
if you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself and using your intuitive tools, knowing undoubtedly who you are and why you are here, being yourself unapologetically, head on over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com.
You don't have to wait until you're ready to unlock your next level. You are ready now.