Can You Heal Yourself Emotionally, Physically, and Energetically with Detoxing? image

Can You Heal Yourself Emotionally, Physically, and Energetically with Detoxing?

Freed and Powered Up
13 Plays2 months ago

How can one go from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Hashimoto's to being symptom free, feeling healthy and strong? Especially when the doctors are running out of options for you! 

Meet Corry Lang: Nutritional Therapy, Regenerative Detoxification, Iridology and Emotional Health. She healed herself from multiple debilitating chronic illness symptoms and is on a mission to teach other women with chronic health issues to take matters into their own hands, listen to their inner intuitive wisdom and heal themselves with biologically appropriate nutrition and powerful herbal remedies (versus relying on a patriarchal and outdated medical system and pharmaceuticals). 

You can find her at corrylang.com or send an email to [email protected]

Listen in, subscribe, and share this goodness with someone you know!!! 


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Patient's Experience with Dismissive Doctors

So I found all this out. I went to the doctors and I said, can you test me for this virus? I think I might have this virus. And they're like, they were mocking me. They said, oh, you were on the internet. Are you a doctor now? Ha ha ha. Wow. No, I'm your customer. I'm paying you. Don't be disrespectful. And I was so mad and so sick and so tired. And so I yelled at them and they did take my blood. They ran this test and they did have this virus. And you did have it.

Podcast Introduction and Mission

Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders who are taking their exit from the overly dominant male patriarchal energy, however you experienced it, can really start to break free from the energy that keeps us back from being who we came here to be and leaving the legacy we came here to leave.
the fear, the triggers, the self-sabotage, and limiting behaviors and beliefs without all of it. Every episode, I'm going to connect you to your inner power and awaken the divine feminine within you. I'm your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.
Hello and welcome, welcome, Phoenix's and goddesses and all who enjoy the juiciness of this podcast.

Guest Introduction: Corey Lang

I am here with another powerful and wonderful guest, someone who I have known for a few years now. And I have always been intrigued by the magic and the work that she brings for the elevation of the planet and her story really, truly
is amazing and I think one that gets to be shared as we all, you know, support one another and are energized by each other's stories and we get to be elevated and move forward with that. So without further ado, I'm going to introduce my friend. Corey, come on up and please let the people know who you are and what you do.
Hello. Hi, LaToya. And thank you so much for having me on your show. And I am so blessed to know people like you, like yourself, who are helping to elevate the consciousness on the planet and who are so supportive or the collective and for humanity. And I really appreciate you.
Thank you. Thank you. Same here. Thank you. My name is Corey Lang.

Corey Lang's Health Journey and Research

I live in Encinitas near San Diego. I'm originally from Germany. And I help women with chronic health issues get to the bottom of what's actually making them sick. And then I help them to detoxify from whatever is making them sick. And my background is in scientific research. I was actually sick with fibromyalgia, lupus, and Hashimoto's a few years ago.
And doctors weren't helping me. They just didn't know what was wrong with me. They couldn't figure it out. The blood work typically came back almost normal and they just weren't able to help me. And so I got really sick. I had very bad chronic fatigue. I couldn't work anymore. I had muscle weakness. I couldn't walk at the worst time.
or bring my arms up over my head or do anything. I was in so much pain. I had brain fog. I had mood swings, hormonal imbalances, all kinds of road rage and weird things. I teach yoga and meditation, so that was very atypical for me. I often feel that. Well, I shouldn't say often, but sometimes I feel that.
a Reiki master practitioner and energy practitioner, and then I'll find myself like, you know, really, you know, whatever it is, yelling at the kids or something like that. And I'm like, look at this energy master practitioner doing these things. So no, I'm laughing because I feel like, yeah, there is some humanness to us too, but go ahead with your story.
I agree. We can always, you know, be angry in a responsible way and we sometimes get angry by things and that's actually a healthy emotion to have. But we also release that emotion usually in a timely manner. But my road rage was different. It was very aggressive and actually from a job over this one time, it was really debilitating. It was not just, it was like, I was following people on the freeway. I mean, I would never,
Yeah, one time I did that. But someone cut me off and then I followed him and I was like, I'm going to punch you. It was dangerous what I did. And then at work, I got into a fight that wasn't necessary and got to write up over that. And it's like, wow, what am I doing? That's so untypical for me. Anyway, so I noticed something was really wrong with me. And then in addition to the pain and I was unable to work at that time, I couldn't actually physically work.
And, um, I lost so much money over that, like I lost, you know, income, you know, and then. So at that point, um, the doctors weren't helping me. I was like, I have to either heal this or exit this life because I couldn't live like this. I had burns wrong myself. And I was in so much pain and in so much fatigue. One time I slept for 30 hours straight.
I went out to pee twice and called in sick and went back to bed and a total I slept of 38 hours, which was so weird. I didn't even have anemia or anything like that. It was just weird. So then I did research.

Historical Health Research Insights

So I read the medical literature about my symptoms and I realized that my symptoms had been known since the 1960s and a lot of people have these symptoms, mostly women.
And there's typically a virus behind this, a virus and cofactors. And those cofactors can be heavy metals that the viruses feed on, can be bacteria, strep bacteria, they all live in symbiosis together. And then it can be parasites, toxicity in general, toxins, pesticides, chemicals, and acidosis, so very high acidity in our body.
And then there's usually a congested lymphatic system. So our lymphatic system is basically the sewer system of our body. And the metabolic processes, they result in toxins that get washed out of the body, you know, metabolic waste products. And if our lymphatic system is congested, then this sewage will go back into our cells and organs and make us sick.
So most people who have chronic health issues also have a congestive lymphatic system. So I found all this out. I went to the doctors and I said, can you test me for this virus? I think I might have this virus. And they're like, they were mocking me. They said, oh, you were on the internet. Are you a doctor now? Wow. No, I'm your customer. I'm paying you. Don't be disrespectful. And I was so mad and so sick and so tired. And so I yelled at them.
and they did take my blood, they ran this test, and they did have this virus. You did have it. I just want to pause just for a moment because that part of the story is really so powerful. I know people right now who are experiencing that very same thing. I know that from research and statistics and people who do a certain kind of work, they know that women often
I mean, people in general, but women specifically are often denied and discounted and just put a point, let's not believe, right? And so it's so powerful to me, this part of the story of you being able to stand in your power and say, no, this is what I need and something isn't right. And not settling for the status quo
answer that they have been given a lot of people. It's so powerful for you to say, no, I'm not leaving. This is what I need. And pushing for what you need and pushing for answers. So I just, first of all, I applaud you. And I also want to take this moment to invite those who are listening. But if you're experiencing certain things, right, like
It considers an invitation to say, you are worthy to stand up for what you, I just wanted to say that because I know people right now in that situation. So thank you for even sharing that. That was so powerful. Thank you. I should definitely include that the next time I talk about this, I will insert that as well and tell other people, if you're feeling this way, and if you need to stand your ground, you are worthy to ask for what you need and to knock down
and not put up with their medications either if a doctor tells you you just depressed or you just need attention you be like no i'm not depressed i'm sick and you have to figure this out in my doctor i'm paying you something in that arena you know so don't just take the presence because they're not gonna help you.
I mean, it takes forever for them to actually work and be right. And then it's really just a band-aid anyway. And there will be facts down the road. All these medications go to your liver, make you more acidic and more toxic. You have to get to the bottom of what's actually making you sick. And sadly, the doctors aren't trained to help us with that. That's another thing. I'm not even mad at the doctors themselves. They have to stay within their box of what they learned. They paid a lot of money for this. And you know, med school is expensive.
And they hardly learn anything about nutrition or natural ways to heal or herbs or forget herbs. I mean, most doctors I know and I have friends who are doctors, they had nutrition training for 30 minutes or a few days. I mean, it's not really impressive and they don't know anything.
They're the first to admit that. Some doctors are even frustrated with all this. They don't want to be in this system, in this box either. But if they pick this outside of their box, then they can get fired. And a lot of them are. And so I don't think it's the doctor's fault, except that doctors also have to ask for changes.
make sure that the new doctors get taught better. But I mean, there's this whole powerful pharma industry behind all this and they write the lesson plan, right? I mean, it's about them and patients.
Yeah, I mean, that could be a whole different whole complete podcast by itself. Yeah. But I'm glad we went down that rabbit hole because I believe that there may be someone listening right now who again, like we said, can truly take this as an invitation and support in that they can stand for what they need. Yes. Yeah. So again, it's okay. Back to the story. So you found out that you had this virus.
Yes. So after we got the test results and then I said to the doctor, so can you

Discovering Regenerative Detoxification

help me now? Do you have anything? And they said, we have nothing for this virus. We don't even know how it works, what it is. So I went back home and I kept researching and I tried so many things. I tried all kinds of supplements and herbs and herbal protocols and all kinds of stuff and everything and acupuncture and you know, all these things worked to a degree.
But i still had flare ups i was still feeling sick i was still miserable and. I just didn't get the help i needed and then eventually i came across a method that really helped me which is called regenerative detoxification.
It's a method to detoxify all your organs on your body systems from everything that makes you sick. So we use herbal medicine, we flush out the organs and the cells and the tissues and it's a step by step thing. It's basically I invented my own program that helped me. I was my own first patient and I healed myself.
I love that. And I believe that that is the case for a lot of healers, a lot of people that do this kind of work, a lot of light workers. And I think that that is such a powerful part of what you do. It's not only that you feel called to this, but that you led yourself through this.
Yeah, it took me nine months. I mean, it took a long time. I got certified on the way to be regenerative detoxification specialist. I studied this, right? And then I learned how to apply these herbs. I learned about the herbal medicine and all that, and I tested it out on myself.
And just doing this, just testing it out gave me so much hope and so much power. Like really, I started, my power was coming back. I started to feel stronger. I could work again, could make some money again, you know? And then that's when I started to heal myself. And after six months of having even balanced energy, no more ups and downs, no more mood swings, no more pain. After six months, I told my boyfriend that I'm healed. I healed myself. I think I'm done. I think this is it. I'm done. I'm healed.
And we celebrated this and it was like, holy crap, this really worked. And then after that, I started to talk to other women about it and started helping them and telling them what I did and all that. And I mean, there are multiple methods out there, but I think it all comes down to detoxification for everything. Not just these chronic illness symptoms that lead to lupus and fibromyalgia.
That's a whole other topic, by the way. Lupus and fibromyalgia are not really diseases. They're just labels. They're just names for a whole bag of symptoms. So there's like 12 or 16 interchangeable symptoms. And if you have eight of them, you can be labeled with lupus or fibromyalgia. But even to doctors, those illnesses are a mystery. Okay. We'll also call them mis-tensions, by the way.
And they call us unicorns sometimes because unicorns are very rare. Sometimes we think they don't exist, but they do exist. I mean, in medicine, these are women, mostly women who have unexplainable, inexplainable illness symptoms. And doctors are just helpless about those. So we, these people are called unicorns.

Reframing Disease Labels

And Mr. Ellis are silent illness. That's another label, but lupus and fibromyalgia aren't real illnesses. There's not a bladder.
Oh, here it says the blood test marker, the blood marker says you have lupus. Lupus is just a bunch of symptoms.
Really? Yeah. I mean, there are inflammation markers that they test for, ANA, C3, C4, and others. And sometimes when your inflammation markers are high, they tell you you have an autoimmune disease. But autoimmune is also a term for illnesses they don't really understand because the body never attacks itself. The body is waiting for the day to attack itself. The body is looking for an invader. OK, now we're getting into a whole other topic.
But I love that statement just by itself. The body is way too intelligent to attack itself. First of all, I'm a doctor, and I don't do, don't dabble into what you dabble into. But for me, that statement is powerful enough to carry into so many different other
Things in our lives right like you know People in energy work talk about psychic attacks and they talk about it in a way in which your mind attacks itself But I also believe the way that you to believe I believe that our minds are way too powerful to attack itself And so I'm I'm really grateful for that statement and I know a lot of listeners are grateful for that too that we can take that on as a new belief that
Our minds, our bodies, our energy is way too powerful to attack itself. And even starting with that belief can help motivate us and give us the energy to move forward into taking the steps to healing ourselves and whatever it is that we need healing in.
Yeah, and so there's a theory that the body attacks itself because it builds antibodies against its own tissues, but that's false.

Importance of Detoxification

The antibodies are for invaders and these invaders, like the virus that I had, they hide in our organs and our liver and our B cells and they are very hard to reach. So that's why the body is shooting off all these antibodies in order to draw an invader and can't really find it. That's why we have all these symptoms.
But the body would never attack itself that would be self-destructive and biology doesn't happen, you know in nature And that's I think our tests are just not very good yet. Our medicine is not very good yet We're focusing way too much on treatment methods and not on Prevention and getting to the bottom of things really like cancer. I mean cancer
has been healed by this German doctor, what is his name? Dr. Gerstin. He healed cancer 80 years ago, by now it's 100 years ago, through detoxification. And that's not even rocket science anymore.
We do that in Mexico and in other countries detoxification is really the most important thing because if we remove the pathogens and the toxins that make us sick, then the body doesn't have to get sick at all. Why would the body get sick if there's no pathogens and toxins that make us sick?
Hey, infinitely expanding soul. How could I let you leave this podcast episode without knowing about an amazing opportunity? To know yourself deeper and fall so madly in love with yourself that you ooze it out in everything that you do. To know your life path for certain and erase the doubt. To know your soul's purpose and what it came here to work out and the cycle it came to complete. To know where your major energies are aligning in your talents and your gifts.
and where your major energies are aligning with your wealth consciousness. Yes, more money. And maybe most importantly, how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
in a super tight container with some energy clearing, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about not only their transformation, but they're about yours too so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for.
Welcome to the new and enhanced Goddess Collective, a 90-day journey into yourself and your infinite potential, your purpose, your prosperity, and your power embodied now. Click the link in the show notes to reserve your seat for the next cohort and do not delay.
Wow. Wow. Wow. So powerful. And I think, you know, I have a really good friend who really is aligned with what you're saying.
I feel like there has been two sides, you know, that there's been the people who are pushing for us to detox ourselves. And I think in this society, we don't even know what actually is toxic. I think there's a lot more toxins going into our bodies than we think, the things that are toxic that we wouldn't consider toxic.
that we're taking into our bodies. But then there's the other side that feels like, oh, we've gone too far with detoxing, and it's become like an addiction, detoxing. I don't know if you've heard that kind of talk.
I've never heard anyone say it's an addiction but i do agree that there are some really radical methods out there i don't suspect to those i mean even the trading i had i had to modify that for myself and that's how i treat my clients now. And it's everything i do is customized according to the patient of the client symptoms and their blood work.
And then we work at their pace. So the really radical approaches, I don't like those either. I don't think you should live on 100% fruit for six months. It's too extreme and it's not really helpful for people who are already sick and they're...
It takes a lot of energy to do that. I wouldn't be able to live off 100% fruit for six months. I couldn't do it. So there has to be vegetables also to build up your tissues again. There has to be some support. I mean, we can talk about this another time and about the details, but I do believe we are overdoing it in some areas. Yes.
Get to the other point you just made we don't know what's toxic one big problem is our Nutrition industry and not nutrition. I'm sorry food industry right the food industry the foods they're selling to us as healthy and
which are basically just empty carbs. I mean, like cereal. So the American Heart Association put their label on and said the cereal is good for you. There's a lot of sugar in it. There's empty carbs. There's no actual nutrients. And those things, I like the industries are mislabeling things because of money. I mean, I'm not sure. My brain is so full of information. I don't know how to chat.
No, I get it. I think that as a collective, we're raising awareness and awakening to these things. I see many movements getting back to farmer's markets and homegrown food and really just starting to pay attention and awaken to the things that we are putting in our bodies. I really appreciate raising it again because I don't feel like
I don't feel like there's ever too much of raising the flag and say, hey, pay attention, because especially women who are listening to this podcast, who are in the movement of becoming their
best and highest and next level selves. We're doing a lot of energy work. We're doing a lot of mindset shifting. Even some of us are doing a lot of exercising and sometimes some pieces of the whole picture get left behind. It's always a good thing, I think, to raise the remembrance flag of, also, what are you putting in your body?
I love that you are so very intentional about that in your program.
I think one good way to look at this too, what we put in our body is to look at nature. Like every time I have a conflict or I'm not sure about something, I always look at nature. Like how do our closest relatives, the apes, how do they live? And what do they eat, right? And I mean, the apes, they graze through the forest and they eat whatever grows in the forest. That's a lot of fruits.
It's a lot of leaves or grasses, which we could substitute with kale or spinach. They eat, you know, roots and seeds and nuts and those things. And very occasionally, they eat birds' eggs or the bird or a grasshopper or bugs. So if we eat like the apes, our closest relatives eat, and we are basically apes, right? Humans are primates.
genetically speaking, we are. And we have the same teeth and the same hands, like gorillas, for example, right? So if we eat like they do, then we shouldn't even have all these toxins and not eat so much fast food or pasta or bread, those things that apes don't eat, or meat, oh God, or dairy products, right? Our diet, the primates diet, the ideal diet consists of 3% animal protein.
That's all they need and that's okay but we eat way too much animal protein and it congests us it clocks us up we're not designed to digest meat we have a long we have long intestines whereas carnivores like cats they have short intestines.
They digested and they pulled it out and we as humans, we have a long, we have long intestines. We're not supposed to eat a lot of meat. So that's just one, one visual. And, um, yeah, if we have questions about how to eat, we can look at nature and see what happens in their biology.
Absolutely. I love that you said that. And I think there's multiple probably examples of how we could shift. I have one last question as we start to wrap up.
And my last question is, I know you deal specifically with detoxing and I'm absolutely in love with that because I think there are a lot of naturopath and health workers, but this portion I think can get left behind.
There is a notion that it might be the lack of detoxing that causes us to be a little addicted to the things that we're addicted to, whether it be sugars or salts or, you know, other things that are really not good for us in major quantities. So what are your thoughts about that and how detoxing can help us life? Eating healthier foods, you know, it grabs whatever your thoughts about that.
I have found that when we are not detoxing regularly, I detox about once a year. And otherwise I try to eat a healthy diet, you know, more or less. And I do cheat sometimes, but I mostly try to eat healthy. And when we don't, when I don't detox regularly, and I see that with my clients too, I have returning clients who come back after two years because they have the same sugar cravings or other cravings again.
our issue is that we have parasites right we have bacteria and we have yeast and those things that and and real parasites i'd like to eat meat that are dictating to us what they want us to eat so we have to go back because
Nobody likes to hear that, first of all. Nobody wants to hear, I have parasites. And nobody wants to hear that I'm living with them and they're the reason why I'm craving what I'm craving. And I want us to just really be clear. Are you saying that we all have parasites?
I don't know if we all have parasites, but when you have sugar cravings, for example, you definitely have some kind of dysbiosis in your intestines, some overgrowth of some bacteria that would like to sugar and they tell your brain to let's go get some sugar. And then you have craving and you need to eat something sugary so that they're happy. I see. And so the detoxing helps to clear that. And you find that once a year is enough to help to clear that.
Yes, for me personally, I do it once a year. I do a thorough detox once a year. And I try to eat healthy otherwise. So if I feel like sugar cravings coming on, I typically take some herbal medicine. I take an herbal product that kills my parasites. And then after one dose already, I don't have those cravings anymore.
And, but there are also more dangerous parasites, like meat eaters, pretty much all meat eaters have, or sushi, you know, fish eaters, they have parasites. And I had a client who actually released a tapeworm. I'm sorry, a roundworm, a roundworm. And it was this long. I don't know if you can see it. It was like a spaghetti noodle. Oh, wow. And she cleaned it out, cleaned it up, washed it off, put it against the wall and took a picture. No.
I mean, I have lots of my clients poop out eggs or flukes, like little pieces of a worm, tapeworms have little pieces that come out. It's horrible, but otherwise it's good that they're out, you know? So yes, meat eaters and fish eaters, they usually have worms. And sometimes we live with them for years and don't even know.
Yeah, it's good to do regular detoxes so that our cravings, um, stop. I know when I'm detox, when I'm cleansed, I don't have any cravings and I feel really good. I feel really light. My brain works really well. I have amazing higher vibration thoughts. I'm connected to the universe. I feel so healthy and clean and love my, my people around me, you know, love humanity, inspired and motivated and have energy. And that's when I just cleansed and detoxed.
So, and then it kind of slows down a little bit and then I do another detox. Yeah, it's definitely healthy to detox once a year. So if you have chronic health issues, you can really help yourself with detoxification to get rid of your chronic health issues.
And I wanted to say one more thing really quick about us women connecting and making the planet a better place with all these healing methods. And we're together collectively taking humanity and our consciousness to a higher level, right? And we're stepping away from those systems that are outdated and corrupt, basically. We're trying to disrupt those systems and we can heal ourselves.
we can absolutely heal ourselves. And if we learn to listen to our intuition again and go back to nature, nature is absolutely benevolent and it has herbs for us, right? And we can heal ourselves and it's not even that hard. We just have to learn to trust ourselves again, our female intuition and bond with our sisters more and help each other. And that's what's going to save the planet in the end as well.
Absolutely. I am in alignment and in belief of everything that you just said and so very powerful.

Conclusion and Contact Information

Corey, this has been really enlightening and really empowering. So thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself and so much of your information. I know I can see the passion within you and I can see that you can definitely go forever, never, never, never on that.
But now that somebody's listening and someone is like, I am so glad I'm listening to this podcast and I need to detox. What's the best way that you would like them to get in touch with you?
So I think the best way would be through my website, and that's just kori-lang.com, just my name, kori-lang.com. I do offer monthly free webinars where I talk about all this. I have YouTube channel that I'm building right now, and that's
detox with kori or kori land detox one is my instagram and one is my youtube and either way and then also i offer free consultations of course where we can talk a little more i have an e-book on my website that you can download a free book where i talk about detoxification a little more.
I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you again. Thank you so much for sharing your light and your energy and so much of your information with us. And I know that sisters here have been enlightened and impacted and I know ready to work with you. So thank you again for sharing and for sharing your information. And I just want to thank you for coming on Freed and Powered Up.
Thank you so much for having me. This was so delightful. Thank you, LaSoya. Thank you.
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