Better Relationship Energy: Clearing the old to receive the new! image

Better Relationship Energy: Clearing the old to receive the new!

S2 E1 · Freed and Powered Up
9 Plays9 months ago

How do we release old energy from previous relationships? Who do we actually need to let go and clear from our energy? How do we clear the space for healthier, more aligned, more vibrant relationships so that we can thrive? For your business, for your mental health, for your emotional health, for your energetic health, healthy relationships is vital. Let's dive in on how to clean up our relationship energy! 

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Energetic Blockages from the Past

There are other people who are not currently in your life, people from your past, people in your ancestry that are still drawing energy from you.
to such an extent that it's causing some stagnation, some blockage, blockage and clarity, blockage and ability to move forward, blockage in decision making. So when I say cut, I don't only mean looking in your phone and figuring out who you need to cut. I mean that there's some energetic cutting that needs to happen.

Podcast Introduction: Empowering Female Leaders

Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders can really start to break free from the self-sabotage, the fears, the triggers, and limiting behaviors and beliefs that keep us from being our highest and best selves. Every episode, I'm going to reconnect you to your inner power. I'm your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.

Unlocking Potential: People, Purpose, Positioning

Welcome to the new series of people, purpose, and positioning. And I really believe that these three Ps are vital and pivotal for 2024. I sat and I allowed the download to come. What are we talking about for really up-leveling and unlocking the next level you in 2024? And the download came these three Ps.
people, purpose, and positioning. And so we're going to be working with those things together. If you come into my live event happening at the end of January, we're going to be really diving into those things, really truly integrating it to you and you personally, individually, so that you can become fully unlocked and
in your own power and in your next level.

Assessing Relationships to Avoid Stagnation

So today we're talking about the who, right? People. We're really going to dive in just a bit on the people, right? Yeah, so the who. You have heard so many people talk about how important it is
who is in your life. And today, I also want to talk about how important it is, who is not in your life. Because there are two sides to the coin, right? And both are equally important. And for many of us, especially we're doing the work, we're in the elevating, we're getting to the next levels, and we're not releasing. So we're adding, adding, adding, and we're not releasing. And so it's still creating a stagnation, right?
Right. Right. Right.

Energy Cleanup: Aligning with Higher Self

So this energy cleanup is necessary at every level of success. This energy cleanup of the who is necessary at at each stage.
of your success as you are assessing, as you are connecting with, as you are really connecting with your higher self, with the frequency of what you're bringing in, what you're manifesting, what you're declaring, what you're creating. It's really, really vitally and pivotally important that we do the energy cleanup of the who. And so I'm just going to dive right in and give you the key, right? Are you ready? Are you ready?

Cut, Control, Confront: Key to Energy Cleanup

I'm going to give you the key to do the energy cleanup of the who. First, let me just tell you what that means. People come and go. This is the mindset that we actually need to have.
People come and go in our lives. People enter our lives for certain periods. They bring what they need to bring. We give what we need to bring. We connect the way that we need to connect. We learn the lessons. We grow. We heal. Sometimes we get damaged. We allow for the wound so that we learn even deeper that lesson.
Right? And then sometimes we form forever bonds and sometimes it's time for those people to move out of our field.

Mindset Shifts: Letting Go of People

Right? People come and go.
where we get stuck is the go part. Sometimes it's necessary for us to go or it's necessary for them to go. And here is where it gets kind of murky, right? It gets kind of icky, it gets kind of stucky. So what we need to really, truly shift are a few mindsets. But first, let me give you the key.
It's a three-part key, right? It's a three-part key. If you want to enter that space where you're doing the energy cleanup of the who, and I'm using those words very strategically, because although it is vital and pivotally necessary, many of us don't want to.
And so you can hear the key. You can write down the key in your journal. You can do the mantras. But if you have not cleared the energy up within you to have the desire to move forward, then you're going to stay stuck.

Healing Internally to Break Negative Patterns

Let me say that again. You can be doing all the things, but if you have not healed or you're not doing the healing things within, you will stay stuck. And you will repeat patterns
And people patterns will repeat in your life.
So we've got to do the energy cleanup. And the key that I'm going to give you is the energy cleanup for the people, but know that there's a deeper energy cleanup that we get to do. And I, again, invite you into the live event, The Goddess Unlocked, for my females, January 26th to 28th, so that we can do that work. Okay, that being said, let me give you the keys. Here are the keys. They're the three Cs. Ready? Cut, control,
and confront. Have you written that down? Cut, control,
and confront. These are the three keys for that energy cleanup of the who. So listen, this is not a you thing. This is not a woman man thing. This is not a rich, poor thing. This is not a I'm in the process of elevating and I have already elevated thing. This is not an I have arrived and I'm still getting their thing. This is not a manifestation thing. This is an everybody thing.
Oprah Winfrey at every stage and every level.
Viola Davis at every stage and every level. Beyonce, like if you don't believe me, go back, watch their interviews and listen to how they talk about how they clear their people, right? And so they may not use the words that I'm using. They may not call it an energy cleanup, but that is in fact what it is. Why? Because we as people are vibrating energy. We're emanating energy and we're receiving and drawing and some of us sucking
energy. So it is an energy cleanup, and it is at every level of your life in success, no matter who you are, what you look like, it is a human thing. Cut, control, and confront. So I'm going to explain those three real quickly, because we have to get to the mindsets that need to be there so that we can do the cut, confront, and control. So now, cut, real simple.
What does that mean? It really means cut people out. That's really what it means. And I know that sounds harsh and not everybody needs to be cut out, but you and I know, hold on, let me look at you. You and I know that there are some people energy in your life right now that needs to be cut. And it just is what it is.
And so I know there's some resistance around that for a lot of people and i'm going to get to that in a minute, give me a moment right, but it is cut right and.
So that's simple. Some people need to be cut. And let me say this, because of the kind of work that I do, there are people that are currently in your life that are energy vampires and energy vultures. And they do. They're feeding off of certain kinds of energy.
and they're sucking energy, right? Whether they're doing it consciously or unconsciously, whether they're hurt, whether they need healing, whether they intend to or not, it is what it is, right? So there are some people that are currently.

Controlling Your Energy and Environment

There are other people who are not currently in your life, people from your past, people in your ancestry that are still drawing energy from you
to such an extent that it's causing some stagnation, some blockage, blockage and clarity, blockage and ability to move forward, blockage in decision making. So when I say cut, I don't only mean looking in your phone and figuring out who you need to cut. I mean that there's some energetic cutting that needs to happen. I mean that there's some really deeper work of cutting
serious cutting that needs to happen. And if you're listening and you're feeling like you just don't even know why, but you feel that in your body, please message me, DM me, because there is something there. Trust it. Trust your body, what your body's messaging to you, and know that that's a thing.
That's cut. Number two, let me say this for people who are listening who are like, what does she mean by control? I know control feels harsh and we don't want to control people. In fact, we cannot control people. And that really is the whole point. You cannot control people. People are doing what they do. 90% or more of it, scientists tell me, subconsciously.
So if they can't even control it, how are you expecting to control it? You can't, right? You can't. And so once we let that go, once we release that illusion,
Then we can enter the true reality of controlling your energy and controlling your environment to the fullest extent that you can. And that's what I mean. Controlling your time with people, controlling how much, so this brings me to one of the mindsets. And the mindset is this, let me read it because it downloaded and I want to share the download with you. Where you spend time,
is spending time with you. So let me say that again. Where you are spending time is also spending time with you and in you. So if you're spending most of your time on Instagram, whatever Instagram is doing subconsciously, subliminally, and all those things is also spending time with and in you, believe me.
If you're spending most of your time on Facebook and how and where, and I'm not, believe me, I'm not judging because there's a lot of goodness and I'm on Facebook, right? There's a lot of goodness and positivity there. But what I'm asking you to do is clean up your energy with the who, right?

Intentional Energy Management Online

You know that there might be somebody out there who's doing great things, but for some reason they're triggering you or there's something not right or there's something your body is messaging to you. What you're spending time with is also spending time with and in you.
So this is a truth that we want to absorb, understand, take in, and work with. So that being said, the second C is control. Controlling where and who you are spending time with and controlling how much of their energy is entering you. Yes, you have control. You have spiritual authority. And I'm not talking about
Any religious

Live Event Introduction: Unlocking Divine Potential

indoctrination, I'm talking about your soul. I'm talking about your soul path. What you came here to maneuver and grow from and learn and elevate in, yes, you have spiritual authority. And it's time for us to stop discussing it and actually integrate and activate it. And one of the ways that we do that is clearing up the energy of the who. Believe me, that
has so much more pivotal effect on you than you can imagine or realize. They say, you know, birds of a feather flock together. Yes.
They say, you know, the five or six people that you spend the most time with is who you are becoming. But in today's reality with social media, we're spending our time with hundreds of people at the same time. And what is that energy that is spending time with you?
We're talking about clearing up the energy of the who. It's really powerful. So controlling. I know we're talking about it. Your phone will tell you how much time you spent on electronics this week, all those things. But what I'm asking you is to be intentional. In fact, I'm going to ask you right now. If you're watching live, you're watching on hashtag replay, I'm going to ask you right now. Before we even finish this live, right now, in tending your mind, I'm going to make some decisions when I stop watching this video.
Right? Because it actually is time for us to stop discussing and integrate and activate. There's, there's divine energy in you and 2024 is the time to unlock it. Okay. Control.

Confrontation Begins Within

So cut control. And number three is confront. And this is one of the hardest ones, right? And what do I mean by confront? There are people in your lives who
have been offensive, who have been abusive, who have taken advantage, who are subtly manipulative. Some of them can't even help it because like we said, scientists are saying a lot of what we're doing is 90% subconscious, right? So here's where we, particularly as women, we get caught up.
Hey, infinitely expanding soul. How could I let you leave this podcast episode without knowing about an amazing opportunity to know yourself deeper and fall so madly in love with yourself that you ooze it out in everything that you do. To know your life path for certain and erase the doubt. To know your soul's purpose and what it came here to work out and the cycle it came to complete. To know where your major energies are aligning in your talents and your gifts.
and where your major energies are aligning with your wealth consciousness. Yes, more money. And maybe most importantly, how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
in a super tight container with some energy clearing, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about not only their transformation, but they're about yours too, so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for.
Welcome to Goddess Unlock, a three-day live virtual journey into yourself and your infinite potential, your purpose, prosperity and power. This is all happening January 26th through 28th. Click the link in the show notes to reserve your seat. They are filling up and time is nearing. So let's start this year off right. See you back inside.
Here's where we, particularly as women, we get caught up, regardless of their intentions. You heard me? Regardless of their intentions. What hurts hurts. What's not right isn't right. What is not in alignment with where you're going and who you are. And I mean the honoring of who you are.
If it's not in alignment, it's not in alignment. And let me tell you, yes, right? With the offensive and the manipulative. Yeah, and suddenly manipulative. Ooh, we're getting so good at that as a human race. And let me tell you, as I've been doing this, as I've been doing these Vedic astrology birth charts, some people are super gifted at this thing. Super gifted.
And if you're not healthy, you just out here wiling with your gifts, just wiling with them, right? So the way that we start confronting is that we confront ourselves. Yeah.
You cannot effectively confront people in a way that's healthy and positive and doesn't leave you scarring yourself and doesn't leave you at night in your bed going over and over and over the conversation for a thousand times. The way to do that is to confront yourself first. What's going on Latoya? Where is the wound?
What is your inner child saying? What is the trauma bond that's happening?
What am I really accepting in my life right now? And why am I accepting it? What am I compromising? And why am I compromising? And when you can see it for what it is, and you can really be truthful with yourself, then you can be truthful with someone else. Because when you have confronted yourself, and now you are aligned
and your root chakra is the strongest that it could be, right? Like you are fully grounded in your truth and standing for your standards and who you are. You are in your personal conviction, then you are immovable. And that is the healthiest place for you and the person that you need to talk about

Growth vs. Fear of Leaving Others Behind

this thing. Because then you become the mirror for honoring
yourself as a person, right? You become the mirror for what needs to be manifested for yourself, for the relationship, for that other person, for humanity.
So I'm not going to call you a day, but you know you need to come into this weekend, January 26th to 28th. You need to come into this weekend. There needs to be no excuses. There needs to be no excuses because we need to get this right. And I told you that not only is it vital, but it's pivotally vital. All right, so those are the three C's. I'm giving you the keys, right? Cut, control, and confront.
Remember the mindset, one of the ones that we need to have is where you spend time is spending time with you. Who you are spending time with is also spending time with you subconsciously, right? Okay, so now I need to address something and I really could do a whole live on this particular one, right? Here we go. We,
We have this notion that if we're up leveling and we move on and we cut control and confront and we do the energy cleanup, that somehow we're leaving people behind. Let me let that sink in because I know that somebody watching this is like, yes, I know that. I know that. Vibrationally, I know that. Experientially, I know that. As a healer guide, I know that.
And it becomes a fear. I don't want to leave them behind. You know what? Super noble of you, right? And I don't mean that sarcastically. Super loving and caring of you. Yes, because you are a fantastic, wonderful being. So let's go into the truth. The truth is you're not leaving them behind. Behind where? They are where they are. And what is,
What's the healthiest thing for us is to allow them to make their own decisions. You can't drag them to where you're going, number one. Number two, it may not be even for them to go where you're going when you're going, number two. Number three, you don't have control over their destiny.
I need you to hear this very super clearly, right? And I like, I can't know this anymore deeper, especially now that I've been doing these Vedic chart readings. Everyone's path is different. Everyone's timing is different. Your soul is growing the way that it needs to grow. And the reason why we don't want to leave people behind is because we're in a bond that is unhealthy.
And it's okay because nobody taught us how to not do that. So the reality is you're not leaving anyone behind.
there is no behind. There's your path and there's their paths and wonderfully so at times when our soul needs and their soul needs and it's meant to the paths cross and we have what we have and we grow with what we grow and we get what we need to get
And when your soul is ready and it's ready to move on, you feel it, you know it, your body starts telling you, your body starts telling you physically. Some of you are feeling pain right now in your body because you're not listening to it in the sense of move on. Move on.
Move on. You are successful. You're making money. You're increasing in position and still in your body you know. There is a messaging. Move on.
So there's some bonds that need to be released.

Spiritual and Cellular Regeneration

There's some cord, energetic cord cutting that needs to happen. There's energetic cleansing that needs to happen. There's a loving, a really loving, caring release that needs to happen. You holding on to this connection and to this bond is in fact not doing them any good.
because you are not moving on and therefore you're not allowing their own soul growth path to happen either. And chances are there's unhealthiness on their part too. And I always tell my clients, you want to release in a way that that energy, whoever that is also wants to release you. And it really takes some energy cleaning. So now
What I know is this, last point, what I know is this, and especially through Reiki, when it is that you are releasing, there is a replacing. And it's not that the people are replaced, right? Hear me clearly. We can't replace people. How?
How? We're all snowflakes. There's a uniqueness that is unrepeatable, never ever again to be repeated. Therefore, that connection, that relationship is never ever again to be repeated, right? For certain, there is a replacing in your soul, right? There's a light, there's a healing, there's energetic renewal, there's cellular regeneration, right?
as you are growing, as your soul, your spirit is elevating, your soul is doing the growth that it came here to do. Right? So as you're releasing, that renewing, that filling, that regeneration is happening. And as you allow it, because you're doing the healing work,
And you heal through, you know, the mourning, the grieving, the ashes, you then rise from those ashes like the Phoenix, right? The regeneration happens. But if you don't do the release, the regeneration cannot take place the way that it needs to take place. Whoo! That was for someone right now.
because I felt that so very powerfully. The regeneration cannot take place in your life and in your body the way that it needs to and wants to. Yes, so that's all I have for you today. I knew this one was going to be powerful. I knew this one was going to be powerful. I didn't even put the title up. So listen,
It's been a wonderful time. Yes, come back to this video because it was super powerful and I know this and I know that. I felt things in my body happening. Share this with somebody you know needs to hear this because 2024 is the time.
Seriously, no more playing. Let's stop discussing this. Let's stop journaling this, right? Let's stop monitoring this. Let's do this, right? Let's integrate this. Let's activate this. Let's become this. And this is my desire for you, that we together
elevate, and it's time, and it is time. So this has been Energy Clerup with The Who.

Encouraging Personal Growth

This is the series we're doing people, purpose, and positioning. Believe me, this series has been downloaded, and it is life-transforming, but it doesn't stop here. January 26th through 28th, I'm doing The Weekend. We're diving into purpose, prosperity, and power. We're going to look at your Vedic birth chart
We're going to look at where your divine purpose is, where your soul purpose path is, where your energies are combining for your prosperity and for your gifting and your power so that you can truly unlock the divine within you and be the fullness of who you are meant to be. And that, my loves, is what I'm here for. Okay.
Sally, you're so very welcome. Yes, if you want me to save your seat because there are back door, there are back door, there's a back door entrance before registration goes up. And if you have been on this live, I honor you. Just message me, DM me because it is gonna be a tight circle and I will give you the seat.
Yes, I am so glad. I'm so glad, Monica, that this was confirmation for you. And I have no doubt because I say this from the heart. This was downloaded. So I knew the Spirit was like, we're going to connect with the people. For myself, too. Listen, like I said, at every level, at every level. So absolutely. Listen. Listen.
2024? No words, right? Unspeakably powerfully unlocked. And that is all I have. I'll see you in the DMs and I will see you later on in the week. Have a wonderful, wonderful week. And I'm sending you so much love and power always.
Listen, this is not just for you to listen to. This is for you to take action, change the trajectory of your life and live in your power. If you're liking what's happening here, hit that subscribe button so you do not ever miss a powerful episode and definitely share it with a sister who wants to be freed and powered up because don't we all?
If you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself again, knowing yourself on that deeper level, believing in yourself, being your most unapologetic and authentic self, or maybe you're really looking for rebalancing and shifting your energy, head on over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com.
You don't have to wait until you are ready to unlock your next level. You are ready to elevate now.