Don't Let Your Reasons be Your Excuses! Go Get Your Success image

Don't Let Your Reasons be Your Excuses! Go Get Your Success

Freed and Powered Up
10 Plays5 months ago

You have gone through some things and so those feelings you have, doubts, fears, delays, feelings of imposter syndrome and all the rest are real. They did come from somewhere. So what do we do with them as we honor ourselves, our worthiness of better relationships, more money, and a life of abundance? Do not let your real reasons become excuses. You are here to live out your life purpose, let's dive inside!

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LaToya is your home girl Priestess, master reiki healer, master EFT tapping facilitator, Vedic astrologer and Inner Power Coach here to hold space for you to unleash your truest identity, purpose, and power. Her life path is to help you be free and take your next step forward.



Introduction and Purpose of the Podcast

But you, my friend, are listening to this. You, my sister or brother, whoever you are, are listening to this. And the reason you're listening to this is because there is also an energy in your soul that says it's not enough. We're called for more. We're called for more reach. We're called for more impact. We're called to leave a legacy on this earth. We're called for a different kind of alignment and purpose.
and service on this earth. We're called to do a different kind of shifting and make a different kind of change on this earth. Therefore, the reasons, as real and as powerful and as honorable as they are, they don't get to be your excuse.
Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders can really start to break free from the self-sabotage, the fears, the triggers, and limiting behaviors and beliefs that keep us from being our highest and best selves. Every episode, I'm going to reconnect you to your inner power. I'm your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.

Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Excuses

Welcome, and today we're talking about don't let the reason be the excuse, right? So we know it's about to be some power. We know that there's about to be some energy shifting. We know that there's gonna be some movement, okay? So welcome in. I'm gonna tell you in a power coach and energy practitioner, and we're gonna get it today. All right, so don't let your reasons be your excuses.
What do I mean by that? I want you to know that we can realize and we can accept and we can know that there are real reasons why you're not doing the thing that you know in your heart it's time for you to do, right? So what do I mean by that?
there is a real reason why you're not making the moves that you want to move, that you want to make, right? You want to buy that house, you want to buy that apartment, you want to make that big investment, right, in yourself, or you want to make that big financial investment, you want to make that big business

Common Barriers to Progress

move. And there are, you want to go for your PhD, you're thinking about
diving into that deep, luscious, juicy relationship again. And you're not doing the thing. Whatever it is that you're thinking about doing, you're not doing the thing. And there are real reasons why you're not doing the thing, right? Your reasons, hear me very clearly, your reasons have merit. They have value. They get to be honored, right?
They get to be honored because they are real.
you may not be making the move because you're afraid to leave folks behind, folks that you love, folks that you care about, folks that you desire success for, folks that you want to feel good in life, you want to see them succeed, and they love you and you love them, right? And so you, because of fear or anxiousness of them being stuck, right, them not moving at your pace,
These are some of the reasons why you're not making the move that you want to make, right?
Some of you are waiting for your kids to leave, right? Leave the house. You're waiting for them to be on their own or go to college, right? You're waiting for them to leave the nest because raising kids costs money. I know that, right? Because raising kids takes energy. It takes time. It takes soul growth. It takes life force out of you.
And you're waiting to make your big move because you feel like you need for them to be out of the nest before you make the move. I get that. Again, these are real reasons, right? And they're meritorious. They're real reasons that get to be honored. They have value, right? Some of you are not making the moves that you want to make because you're waiting to be able to pay off some debts.
Money is a real thing. It's a real energy and therefore a real reason why you might not be making the move forward.

Understanding and Managing Fear

Many, many of you have real fears, real fears.
Fears, what are they? Fears are projections of the outcomes that happened in your past onto the possibilities of your future. Something happened in your past and it had a negative outcome, a toxic outcome, a hurtful outcome, a damaging outcome, or just a not desired outcome.
the fear of that outcome happening again, what happens is we project that fear onto the possibility of the future and we allow that fear to keep us stuck. I want you to know today though that that fear is real, right? Fear is an energy and energy cannot be destroyed, right? Only heal through and transmute it. So that fear is real. There's nothing false about real. I don't subscribe to that acronym.
particularly for women because we've been through a lot of shit. And then not that men haven't, but collectively,
there's a different level, right? And so any individual who's listening to this right now, I know that you've been through something. And because you've been through something, the fears that are being projected are real. They're not false. There's no false evidence. I don't subscribe to that, right? Your energy body and your mind, they put up blocks to keep you safe because something happened, something real.
So your fears are real. There's nothing false about your fear. Can I say that several times? I need for that to be honored because I know some of you who are listening and some of you who are on replay. And I understand some of the triggers that happened, the projections that are happening, the need for safety that's happening, and your body is doing its best
to collaborate with you to keep you safe. There is nothing false about that. And so we get to honor what you've been through. And we get to honor the way your body is trying to keep you safe because of what you've been through, right? So when I applied for, when I was applying to get into the Navy,
As a chaplain, we had to have endorsers by the religious body and this particular endorser came after me and he came after me hard, right? He sought to destroy my reputation and my career and was almost successful.
So now, do you think that when I go for another big promotion or when I am applying for a big speaking event or something that could be life-changing for me position-wise when it comes to my career, what I'm doing, you don't think that my body, my mind, my subconscious, my energy body is going to go into protection mode? We don't want that to happen again, right? We don't want
you know, that negativity, that toxicity, um, really that, that sabotage that, that, uh, what's the room looking for? Anyway, that trauma, we don't want that to happen again, right? So my whole being is going to go into protection mode. We have to understand that fear is a real energy and it comes from somewhere.
When I made some of my belief choices and I shifted in what I believe in, some friends dropped off the list. So what happened? There's a certain discomfort that comes with the space, right? The loneliness that I may have felt when I'm in transition or the rejection or the judgment that I have now felt when I was choosing to do something that's more aligned, truly aligned with who I am.
And so what's going to happen? My energy body, my mind, my subconscious is going to go into protection mode. We don't like to feel the discomfort. We don't like to feel the loneliness. So it's going to try to protect me from the fear of being alone, from the fear of being rejected, from the fear of being abandoned. When
You know, I left a domestic violent relationship and the second to last encounter that I had with him, I nearly lost my life. I blacked out, I was like, yeah. My body went into, okay, we're getting ready to leave this earth. So do you think that when I started to open myself back up to deeper relationship,
to a long lasting, juicy, loving relationship that my body was not going to go into protection mode. It absolutely did. So I need you to understand that you have real reasons and some of those real reasons have to do with fear, which is not false evidence. Shit happened to you. And so
I want you to know your reasons are real and they get to be honored.

Societal Beliefs and Personal Blocks

The energy behind your procrastination is real. The energy and the reasons behind some of your self-sabotaging behaviors is real, even if you're not completely aware of where they're coming from and what's triggering it. It is still real. The energy and reason behind your energy blocks that want to keep you safe and comfortable is real.
The energy behind the anxiety that you feel comes from somewhere. Right? Okay. Also, and this right here is super special to me because this is where a lot of my passion comes from.
A lot of the real blocks that we're feeling are not even ours. They don't come from our personal trauma or our personal event that happened to us. They come from the collective suppression that we have been under.
What do I mean by that? You have been under ideas or beliefs or indoctrinations about what Black people are supposed to be, what women are supposed to be, what women from your community are supposed to come out to be, what people who do what you do
are supposed to be doing or how they're supposed to be elevating and the timeline that they're supposed to be doing, right? What mothers who have your certain circumstance are supposed to be doing, what they're supposed to look like. And so what they're supposed to wait for, how they're supposed to pause, right? And so these collective blocks are also real.
I remember the first time I was introduced to the Pygmalion Effect through Malcolm Gladwell's book, and I'm pretty sure it was outliers, but I'm not positive. Don't quote me. Go look it up and fact check me. But in the book, he was talking about how they were doing several, several research studies, and how they were talking about how
you know, when, for example, white people would go and they were going to their, their high jumpers by profession. And if they were made to do that little demographic block that you're made to check before you do certain exams or apply for certain things, right? They say that it's, you know, that you can choose to do it or not. Right. And so these white professional high jumpers, Caucasian, if you will, when they would have to check, you know, their name,
And then they're demographic. And the mere fact of checking their demographic, the fact that they were white or Caucasian caused them to be less successful in their jumps in that particular session. Why? Because there was a belief, a mantra that was happening in society that white men can't jump, right? The same was happening to black people when they were made to check that demographic before they would complete
a mathematical exam. And they consistently performed less when they were made to just simply check that they were African-American. Why? Because there are mantras, there are tapes, there are stories that are being played that have seeped into our energy body and our subconscious that cause us to be blocked, that cause us to have the imposter thoughts and the self-sabotage, the procrastination thoughts, the I'm not enough thoughts.
And a lot of times we think there's something wrong with us or I can't heal or I can't get over X, Y, and Z. But what's really happening is we're still subject to the collective suppression that has been happening to you for years and years and years, generationally, by the way, generationally.

Pursuing Your Soul Path

So first we have to understand that this energy of whatever the block is, the fear, the self-sabotage, the procrastination, the story that's being played, it is real. It is real in your mind and it is real in your flesh body and it is real in your energy. And the truth is, is that somewhere along your life there was a low expectation and projection set for you.
So these blocks, these beliefs, these protective walls, they are real reasons. They're really enough and they merit value to where we stop, to where we stay stagnant, to where we'd be like, okay, you know, I'm making enough money, right? This relationship is stable and is good enough. Where I live right now, it's enough for now. It's enough for the next five, 10 years, right?
The reasons are really not for us to stay stuck where we are. But you, my friend, are listening to this. You, my sister or brother, whoever you are, are listening to this. And the reason you're listening to this is because there is also an energy in your soul that says it's not enough. We're called for more. We're called for more reach. We're called for more impact. We're called to leave a legacy on this earth. We're called for a different kind of alignment and purpose.
and service on this earth. We're called to do a different kind of shifting and make a different kind of change on this earth. Therefore, the reasons as real and as powerful and as honorable as they are, they don't get to be your excuse. I remember when John was born and he was a miracle child. I was told that I probably couldn't have children.
And that seemed to be true for a number of years. And then, boom, miracle John. And I remember thinking, well, all my dreams, all my plans, they have to go in the back burner and maybe not ever come out again because now I'm a mother and now I need to take care of this miracle child. And I remember sitting in my office and my husband walking up to me, I was sitting in front of my computer and my husband walking up to me and he says,
Don't think that because now you have a child, you are not going to walk in your calling. And he left. And I will tell you that statement literally changed the trajectory of my life. Because I believed that because I was at the time, a good Christian mother,
I needed to give up everything else and stay home. And I know that I'm talking to someone right now because whether you're, whatever belief you're operating under, you have been allowing this belief to keep you safe and protected and comfortable and not in your calling and not in your purpose and not in your power and not in your legacy.
So I have always known you, I'm talking about you. I have always known that you have purpose, that you are on this earth for a reason, that your soul has a path here, and you can choose the different ways in which you fulfill that purpose. You get creative license, you get spiritual authority, and you have a purpose on this earth.
And now that I'm doing the Vedic birth chart readings, I know that I know that I know that I know without a doubt that my belief is in fact truth. I can see it in your chart and I can show it to you how the energies are for real aligning for your soul path and what the only thing is missing is your decision.
the decision that's powerful enough for you to start walking in that path, really literally picking up one foot and taking one step. And let me speak, let me speak to this because this is, this was me too.
Hey, infinitely expanding soul. How could I let you leave this podcast episode without knowing about an amazing opportunity to know yourself deeper and fall so madly in love with yourself that you ooze it out in everything that you do. To know your life path for certain and erase the doubt. To know your soul's purpose and what it came here to work out and the cycle it came to complete.
to know where your major energies are aligning in your talents and your gifts, and where your major energies are aligning with your wealth consciousness. Yes, more money. And maybe most importantly, how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
in a super tight container with some energy clearing, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about not only their transformation, but they're about yours too, so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for.
Welcome to Goddess Unlock, a three-day live virtual journey into yourself and your infinite potential, your purpose, prosperity, and power. Click the link in the show notes to reserve your seat. Seats are limited and they're already filling up, so do not delay. See you back inside. I found it.
impossible to pick up one foot and let it walk along the path because I could see that it was going to take 2000 steps for me to get to where I was going, even now today. And it felt impossible. It felt too big. It felt too much.
Of course, it's going to feel that way. But you're not asked to take 2,000 steps right now. And this is the thing. You know what? I'm so glad I'm here right now. This is the thing, because there is this conversation going on and on and on about quantum leaping.

Challenges as Growth Opportunities

We want to skip some steps, right? We want to skip some shit. And I don't blame you.
But your soul is here to learn some things. Hold on, let me go back because these reasons, these circumstances, these challenges, they're here for a reason. Your soul is meant to grow through these things, to expand through these things, to feel the sense of accomplishment after you overcome these things.
you're here for evolving, you're here for growing and the growth, the evolving, it requires you to go through what your soul came here to go through with and that can show you that in your chart too. I want you to understand
that what you think are reasons for you to stop or wait or stay still are actually the steps that you need to move through in order for you to get where you're meant to go. Your circumstances are not hurdles, they're tools. Your circumstances are not gates, they're stepping stones. Your circumstances
are not shackles. They're textbooks for you to open and learn and gain the lessons and gain the wisdom and gain the knowledge that you need, that you wouldn't get otherwise. They're not your excuses. So if your real reasons, hold on, I'm closing now. If your real reasons, what you've been through,
what you're going through, what happened to you, what was said to you, what was projected and preached over you. If those are real reasons and they don't get to be your excuses, then there are no excuses. There are no excuses.
It's time for you to walk in your soul path. It's time for you to walk in your life purpose. And it's time for you to take the next step. And with that, the transmission is complete. It is all part of the process.
And we'd be trying to escape that process. We'd be trying our best. And I'm not saying that they're not shortcuts. I believe energy work is in fact a shortcut. But what I know, and definitely from doing these Vedic charts, if you are intentional about being aligned
with what you came here to do, what you came here to experience. There's so much to say, especially for women. You didn't only come here to do something, you came here to experience something. You came here in this body to experience something, some things. And what we can't understand is that the things that you're meant to go through, grow through,
is all part of the sweet, juicy, delicious experiencing that you're meant to have, that you get to have, the fullness of it. And when you're intentional about getting the fullness of what you came here to do and what you came here to experience, the energies are aligning. Source is aligning all of the energies and you're going to do what you came to do. You're going to grow through what you came to grow through,
And you're going to experience what you came here to experience. It's your birthright. Talk about birthright? Is that just coins? It's the fullness of what you came here to do and experience. And with that. Yeah, Alyssa, absolutely. You know,
And the stories, and I was speaking to you specifically, Lissa, right? Some of what you're going through. The stories, they start even from before the womb. They start even from before the womb, right? And all of that gets to be a part of the soul path and the life purpose, all of it.
All of it. And D to your question, does everyone have a birthright? I am so grateful for that question because I am so grateful for that question because here is the thing. I know that we are now, when we're coming into this, the alignment and the consciousness of who we really are, the power that's really within us. And we know that we are creators, but we are co-creators, right? This is important.
because life is happening. Other people in your area, other people in your sphere, in your surroundings, people who live with you, people who sleep with you, people who are collaborating with you, their energy and how they're working with you is co-creation of your life, which is why it's so important to clean up the people energy, another life. But the reason why I bring that up as far as birthright is concerned is because
is because some of us were born to go through some severely traumatic things. And I want to honor that right now. Life, everybody has challenges, but some people, real talk, their challenges are just way more difficult than many others. And the question is, do these people have a birthright? And that's why
I'm writing it differently. Replacing the R-I-G-H-T with W-R-I-T-E. Why? Because you are also author. You are author because you have spiritual authority. You have spiritual authority. You are co-creating.
and whatever birthright you think didn't come in your spiritual inheritance, you get to rewrite the story. Too many of us are stuck in what was supposed to be. Whoo, you done brought this up. Too many of us are stuck in what was supposed to be. Oh, we were the original X and we were original Y and we were supposed to have and we should have had
And you've got to clear all that shit from your energy because as long as you're stuck in what was supposed to, you can't be co-creating in what gets to. As long as you're stuck in what was supposed to be, you cannot be in the co-creation of right now of what gets to be. You get to rewrite the story.
And it's so important because for many of us, a story has been written. Listen, they got the beginning, the middle, and the end. They got the heroes. They got who your adversaries are supposed to be. They got your ending, your downfall. I hope you all come on Tuesday. Please, please, please come to this live on Tuesday. Because we're going to talk about when they come for you, show up.
When they come for you, when they come after you, when they're coming against you, you show up. Please come here, please be here on Tuesday. But listen, understand that when we're talking about, oh man, there are some pieces missing to my birthright, change the R-I-G-H-T to W-R-I-T-E. Yes, you do have a birthright and you get to co-create that birthright.

Taking Action and Tools for Growth

And the mere fact that you're living means you get to have a pen and you get to continue writing. There are people who didn't get to co-create their birthright because they died early because things happened. And that was a part of what their soul came to experience and go through and complete. But you're still breathing. You're still living. You're listening to things like this. Pick up the pen and start writing your birthright.
co-creating your birthright, wasting too much energy trying to figure out what it was when you have the spiritual authority to co-create it what it is right now. So today, don't let the reasons as real as they are, as powerful as they are, as honored as they get to be.
They don't get to be your excuses. Now's your time. Take the first step forward. Know that I'm offering Vedic birth tired readings. They're my love, my joy, my passion. I absolutely love to do them. DM me, message me, any other questions or comments. I love to interact. Share the link with the one you know, really needs to hear this. I'll see you next time. Bye everybody.
Listen, this is not just for you to listen to. This is for you to take action, change the trajectory of your life and live in your power. If you're liking what's happening here, hit that subscribe button so you do not ever miss a powerful episode and definitely share it with a sister who wants to be freed and powered up because don't we all?
If you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself again, knowing yourself on that deeper level, believing in yourself, being your most unapologetic and authentic self, or maybe you're really looking for rebalancing and shifting your energy, head on over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com.
You don't have to wait until you are ready to unlock your next level. You are ready to elevate now.