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4 Soul Paths in Vedic Astrology

Freed and Powered Up
24 Plays1 month ago

Ever wonder what your true life purpose is? Sure, but in Vedic astrology there is an even higher desire of your soul. Your soul is here to fulfill, learn, grow, be challenged by and elevate in 4 major  soul paths called the Purusharthas. Which one are you? 


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And I wanted to preface with this. I absolutely truly believe that the answers to your soul purpose, your your life purpose, what you're here to really do for yourself as well as humanity, those answers are in you. That's why I love Reiki work so much because Reiki work, that energetic work helps to bring you back to the truth that is within you. It helps to bring you back to the truth that you actually came here with.
right? It helps to bring you to that higher part of yourself. And so in addition to that, we get to use different tools and techniques to tap in to the deeper parts of ourselves.
We get to use different tools and techniques to understand ourselves better, deeper. And I know the question might come, well, why do I need to understand myself at such a deep level? Because then you show up differently. Then you serve differently. Then you move in the world powerfully, differently.
Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders who are taking their exit from the overly dominant male patriarchal energy, however you experienced it, can really start to break free from the energy that keeps us back from being who we came here to be and leaving the legacy we came here to leave.
episode, I'm going to connect you to your inner power and awaken the divine
Hello, hello, and welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to Freed and Powered Up. And today I have a special live for you, something that I have not really done in its fullness in the past, something I typically reserve for the phoenixes and the goddesses and the women who are in the collective and who do work with me. But by popular request, um I'm going to go ahead and share this and do some live videos about Vedic work, Vedic astrology, birth chart work, and how the stars align for you to support you. And let me just start off by saying what I mean by that. Everyone that I work with,
i I'm a firm believer that you are called for the next level of your purpose, right? So I know that everybody's called to do what they came to do and give what they came to give and leave what they came to leave and be who they came to be here on this earth. And I really i really don't believe at the core of my soul too much in hierarchies, right? We're all here to be pieces of the puzzle of this collective. um However, I know that the women that I work with are here for the next level of their purpose, right? For the next level of their greatness. And part of that is know that you know that you know that you know who you are and what your purpose is. Know that you know that you know that you know at the core of your being who you came here to be
And what is the legacy that you came here to leave? Even more so than that, though, what did you come here to elevate in for yourself? And I really need to hone in on that. And you're going to see as we move through the four soul paths evaded work. I think there's a misconception that when we talk about purpose,
Typically, the energy behind how we talk about purpose is what you came to do for other people, right how you came to serve. And there's nothing wrong with that. This is super important. This is vital to who we are as you know as as the village, as tribe, as collective, as human beings. right We're here to serve. We're here to be parts of the puzzle. We're here to give. We're here to interchange and collaborate.
right our Our brains are completely lit up when we are in that bipartisanship, if you will, right? So, absolutely. But what has been missing from that piece is what you came to do for you, what you came to elevate in for your yourself, how you came to grow and learn and and spiritually ascend how you came to grow for yourself, what you came to enjoy for yourself. ah So much of what we have been taught and indoctrinated with and projected on, so much of it is missing that vital piece, which is why we get all messed up in the kindest words that I can use, right?
what's missing is yourself. And this is why now we're having to go back to these mantras and affirmations and confirmations about I am worthy, I am enough, right? Because all of these schools of thoughts and religions and denominations and things that we have been a part of have left out the fact that a lot of our purpose here, soul purpose here on this earth has to do with your own personal elevation, your own personal spiritual growth and evolution, right? So that being said, this is why I love speaking about the four soul paths or the Purushatas when I'm doing Vedic birth chart work, because we get to talk about you, right? Not just what you're here to to give service to, but how that is embodied
in you and how you get to enjoy, how you get to ah move in, how you get to really um recalibrate to that part of your life. So that all being said, let's talk about the four soul paths. And I wanted to preface with this.
I absolutely truly believe that the answers to your soul purpose, your your life purpose, what you're here to really do for yourself as well as humanity, those answers are in you. That's why I love Reiki work so much because Reiki work, that energetic work helps to bring you back to the truth that is within you. It helps to bring you back to the truth that you actually came here with.
right? It helps to bring you to that higher part of yourself. And so in addition to that, we get to use different tools and techniques to tap in to the deeper parts of ourselves.
We get to use different tools and techniques to understand ourselves better, deeper. And I know the question might come, well, why do I need to understand myself at such a deep level? Because then you show up differently. Then you serve differently. Then you move in the world powerfully, differently.
So ah one of those tools is Vedic Astrology. And I believe that the the the arrangement of the stars in your chart are a clue to that part of yourself. And so it can be not only a magnifying glass to deeper parts of yourself, solve parts of yourself that you suspect, that but that you don't know, that you know, that you know, um parts of yourself that you have been wanting to tap into, but you're unsure if they're actually there.
we get to take that magnifying glass and look, we get to, and sometimes a microscope, right, if you're willing to do that deeper work, to find the next layer and the next layer and the next layer. Because those layers get to, get to feed into the power of who you are on this earth and what you're here to bring.
Hey, Katiana, oh, your reading was so powerful. Yeah, thank you for that. I'd love to do in your reading too. It was such an honor. let's talk about the four soul paths. So first of all, they're called Purushartas, they are the soul paths, and there are four of them. And the general sense is, your soul came here in this lifetime to really dig into one of those soul paths. Typically one, sometimes there's a tie between two, and for
different souls, there might be an even spread. In my experience, there's there are rare more rare that even spreads. um the
and Yeah, thanks, Marissa. And I want to address that in a second. And so sometimes there's an even spread. But typically, the soul comes here to operate in one, more so in one of the four, right? So let's, for now, let's call them one, two, three, and four. And let's say that as we're doing your chart reading, we see that your soul came here for number one.
It isn't that the other three are not in operation. They are in operation. All four are working at all times, but the other three are working to support the one, right? And so you could see it as um Let's say there are four siblings and one is tasked to do the dishes and it's not that the other three don't help, they help out, but the responsibility, the the major energy is in the first sibling who's tasked with it. So that's just something that I just came up with right now to help understand, right? The other three are here to support the one.
um And so then we get to look at which one is your soul here for. I'm gonna go through the four. And if you haven't had your chart reading, then you can kind of guess based on your life, based on your experiences, based on your desires, based on what you feel is the next level of your purpose, which one you might be.
um And if you've had your chart reading, you get to just kind of reactivate. um And to Marissa's comment, she said, I'm still sitting with all the messages from my reading. And what I know is that when you do a chart reading, I actually call them activations, because when you do a chart reading, once you see, you can't unsee. That's number one. And then number two, an activation happens, because once you see it,
Right? In geometric form, once you see how things are aligned for your purpose, for the next level of your purpose, then things begin to activate within your subconscious, things begin to activate within your energy bodies and the messages continue to come and be reaffirmed in your life and you get to see them from a different perspective and a deeper understanding of the self. And it just gets to keep unfolding and unfolding and unfolding, which is what I love so very deeply.
um So the four purushartas, the four soul paths. The first I want to start with, you may have heard, it's the one that I feel came over to the Western side of the world more predominantly, and that is dharma. So dharma, when you think of the word dharma and you heard dharma, what comes to your mind?
Typically it's purpose, right? But purpose in the sense of duty, in the sense of mission, in the sense of legacy, right? And so sometimes that part gets watered down, right? When you think of, oh, what's your dog? What are you thinking? Go to your purpose, right? It's deeper than that. It's a yearning of the soul to leave a mark, to leave a legacy. And it's a legacy typically that's really here to serve ah abroad.
a portion of humanity, right? So we're talking about a person who feels like, oh man, I really don't want to leave this earth until I have accomplished leaving a legacy. And you may feel it that way. And as you progress in life, then you may start to understand and start to have some direction as to what that is, right? I feel like avatars of this would be the way that we see Elon Musk going after trying trying to bring us to Mars, right? And I've heard him speak about it. And I heard him say, I felt like I would fail 80%. Like 80% chance I would fail at getting us to Mars, right? Who would go for something when you feel like 80% chance I'm about to fail? Who would do that, right? But his perspective is, I can't not do it. It is my purpose.
And humanity needs this. This is his perspective, right? This is from his perspective. This is his drive, right? That he would sell his homes and then put a little box home on SpaceX compound because this is his drive. He does not want to leave Earth without leaving a major mark in getting us to Mars. And I heard him speak about it. He said,
And I may not get there, but I know that I'm leaving a major part of the work for the next person who's going to come and pick up the torch and carry this legacy, right? So this, when we talk about this kind of mindset, this is the essence, the energy of Dharma, right? Purpose, mission, duty to humanity. It's expressed through you, right? It's felt through your actions. It's it's the energy behind what you're doing.
All right. So let's start now. Let's move to Artha. Artha is um the most curious to me, especially because I work with women. And there's been such conditioning around women and money, women and wealth, women and abundance. So you already know where I'm going with with Artha.
Artha is the sole path that's here for wealth, for abundance, um but in the sense of security, um independence, being able to care for oneself, being able to be safe in the fact that they have understood wealth consciousness. And I really need to say that again. Artha is not about, oh, I came here to be rich. Oh, I came here to make money. Oh, I came here to just expand, you know, in, in, in riches and investments in wealth and real estate. Although that tends to be the case at the end of life. But Artha is about wealth consciousness, the true understanding of the exchange of energy, that wealth and money is
in fact, currency and the depth of that understanding. People who come here for Artan are going to go through the waves of of lack and sometimes ah have loss and poverty. Sometimes they go through um ah well um when you you know You have a lot of debt and you know your house is foreclosed and some of those things because the soul has come here to understand all sides of the coin. And the soul has come here to have the depth of that experience and that understanding. And think about it, once you have the depth and the experience of all sides of the coin, then you can move with flow and with grace and with mastery.
That's what the soul path is looking for. It's looking for mastery in the in whatever specific area that it's come for. right So the way that I describe Artha is ah skillfully living in the world of material objects right and understanding how they exist for our benefit.
and for the benefit of humanity as well as self. These people come here and typically they're going to be teaching, they're going to be coaching, they're going to be um expressing, they're going to go through their experiences first and then they're going to um and then they're going to give that wisdom to others right um in various different ways. So you're probably in your mind thinking about people who might be like an avatar of Artha for you. right um people who have written the books and you write you read their story, how they've gone up and down and up and down and they've been poor and they've done this and then they're done that and then now they fully understand and now they're giving this wisdom to you. And not that all people come here for Artha are going to write books or teach or coach, but in some way, shape or form, they are here to bring and help humanity raise their level of wealth consciousness.
So that's artam. And the reason why I say it's curious for me because I find that a lot of women who come to me and they do their birth chart, They suspect that their soul path might be Artha, but they're having some serious issues in their lives currently. And so there's this push and pull, there's this friction, there's like, ah, how can this be? I don't know, I don't believe it, but understand that by and by, you will understand. And it's funny that they suspect it because they feel it in their hearts and in their spirits, but they know that their soul, their their whole selves, their body selves,
hasn't matured into the fullness of Artha. And if you feel like this might be the case for you, or you've done your chart reading and you're listening to this, I'm sending you so much love and grace. I know that it's not an easy path. And I know you feel it in your soul that you feel that yearning, you feel that pull, you feel that tug. You you feel like you can't leave this earth without embodying wealth consciousness and really bringing maybe your tribe, maybe your culture, maybe your race, maybe your family, you're looking to ah break generational patterns. Stay the course, stay the course, continuing your purpose, continue doing that self-work, continuing your awareness and your awakening, and it will come to pass. So that's artam.
I wanna leave you with this quote before I go there because i it's from the Upanishads and I really love it and I hope that this may be an inspiration for you. There is no joy in smallness. Joy is in the infinite. And so i this is for everyone. Again, because all four paths are working in us at all times, supporting the one.
know that we are our souls carry infinite energy, infinite, like infinite, our souls carry infinite possibilities and probabilities within us.
So now the question is, what's required? What's required of you? Is there a shedding? Is there a releasing? Is there a letting go? Is there a cutting? Is there a healing? Is there a removal? Is there an activation? What might be in the way of you touching the infinity that is within you, since you rise to the next level of joy, of expansion, of bigness,
Alright, so let's move from Artha to Kama. Give me just a sec, goddess. I know this episode is getting juicy, but you gotta know that the next goddess unlock is going down October 4th through 6th. And this is your space for what your soul is calling for now. A virtual stay-k retreat where you get to pour into yourself and take yourself to the next level of energy mastery. It's so freaking delicious. you get to know how you're designed to align with your wealth path and your next level of purpose and maybe most importantly how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
This is a super tight container with some energy clearing, ancestral work, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about both their transformation and yours so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for. Welcome to The Goddess Unlocked, my love. A three-day live virtual journey into yourself and your infinite potential. We're up leveling your frequency of your purpose, prosperity, and power. Let's finish this year stronger than you could have ever imagined together. Click the link in the show notes and let's get this party started. Let's get back into the episode.
And Kanban probably is my favorite because it's the one that is most rejected. Comma is in its simplest form, joy and pleasure.
And most women specifically are like, how can I be here? How can my soul be here for one of the the purposes of joy and pleasure? Could it be that I could be here simply to really, truly understand all sides of joy consciousness? Now, we're in an era where we're talking about money consciousness, wealth consciousness, abundance calls to consciousness, right? Where have you heard the words joy consciousness? Where have you heard those words?
And yet some of you are actually here to experience, understand, go into the depths of joy consciousness. You are here to to find out.
what joy is in its deepest meaning and perspective. And then raise the consciousness of the collective and bring us all into that next level of joy. Imagine that you are here for joy. Some of you are working so hard, you're pushing, you're grinding, right? All of those words. And and you you have to go back to, you have to work at joy. And listen,
This is no judgment. I'm one of those people, right? And so your coach is like, when's the last time you did something for pleasure, did something for joy, did something creative that was just for you, right? Asking those questions that you have to think really hard. You can't even remember when's the last time. And what if that is in fact the deepest sense of your purpose here?
I find that many, many women who are um labeling themselves multi-passionate, I could be good at anything. I could actually do anything for work. I could actually make money at anything. I could actually um do anything as a business. I have so many multi-passionates. And I find many of those women, you're either tied or your your path is comma.
and If you're unsure, I would absolutely love to know, and I would absolutely love for you to know. And how would that make a difference in the way you see life? How would that make a difference in the way you see your business, your life purpose, the way you move in this earth? Right? So that's Kama.
Vida, I think I forgot you were Kama. Yeah. Ooh. And now that I just said that, I can see it all over you. All right. And the last one um is Moksha. And Moksha is the one that's interesting to humanity, I think. We revere it, but we don't honor it.
Very interesting. So moksha is the liberation through spiritual growth, enlightenment, consciousness of self, oneness. But really, if any of those words are the most of moksha, it's liberation, right? It's spiritual freedom.
Okay, now you see the way that I just reacted to that? My life path is actually moksha. Some of the avatars of Moksha are, you know, we think of Mother Teresa, we think of Mahatma Gandhi, we think of people who set themselves aside, right? And you see throughout their whole lives, there's a, hmm, there's a peace, right? They have given up all things. They've liberated themselves from, you know, the 3D world. And most of what they're doing now is about spiritual elevation.
These are avatars, by the way, right? These are people who have expressed moksha in that way. But not everybody who's called to moksha expresses in that way. And so there's lies the confusion because you could be a lawyer and your soul path be moksha. You could be a politician and your soul path be moksha. You could be a businessman or businesswoman and your soul path be moksha because it's about bringing consciousness elevation to whatever it is that your hands find to do. This is a beautiful time to talk about the difference between soul path and life purpose, right? Your soul path is the overarching desire of the soul. The life purpose, the life purpose is what your hands find to do in order to express that soul path.
right, in order to actually activate that soul path. So your hands can be finding to do many, many, many things, and it's bringing the energy, the thought, the consciousness of liberation, of freedom to people. It could be through your crafts. It could be through your writing. It could be through your your clothing designs. It could be through anything. And so here is where I think there's a lot of liberation in knowing your soul path. because the It actually frees you from thinking that this job or this work or this business is my life purpose or I don't know my life purpose because I don't know what I want to do with my hands. It frees you from that because there's a greater energy that your soul is desiring to move in, right? So
um Sometimes people come here with a combination of two, sometimes there's a widespread and so and most times there's the one. And it's a combination of um where the concentration of cosmic planets are in your chart and we get to calculate that and then we get to see and then we get to talk about how that's being expressed in your life and how you'd like to express that more in your life and where you may see some elevation in that and where can you bring that more to the collective, but most importantly,
most importantly, How can you embody it, embrace it, recalibrate to it, and become it so that you feel more fulfilled, so that you feel grounded, so that you feel a self-confirmation, so that you feel that power, that inner power, that spiritual authority now brightening and brightening and brightening in you, that you go forward with ah another level of confidence and assurance in who you are and what you came here to bring on this earth. And that is the Four Purushartas. In a nutshell, in a nutshell, in summary,
If you're like, wait a minute, I need my birth chart read. Send me a message or send me a DM. If you're on Facebook, the link is right there that you can schedule your VEDA chart reading. It's one of my favorite, favorite, if not the favorite thing that I do in Freedom Powered Up.
And again, if you have any questions, please let me know. Know that the three-day intensive is coming up in the beginning of September where we do some more in-depth chart work. We do some more in-depth work in the Purushartas. And really at the end of the day, it's about you knowing that you know, that you know, that you know, that you know who you are, who you came here to be, how you came here to elevate,
and what your purpose is so that you can step in your power. Okay, I'm sending you so much love and light. May you walk into your manifesting um techniques and tools and practices in an elevated way today. And yeah, I may love and light be with you. And that is all.
Listen, this is not just for you to listen to. This is for you to take action, change the trajectory of your life and live in your power. If you're liking what's happening here, hit that subscribe button so you do not ever miss a powerful episode and definitely share it with that sister who you know needs this power in their life. if you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself and using your intuitive tools, knowing undoubtedly who you are and why you are here, being yourself unapologetically, head on over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com. You don't have to wait until you're ready to unlock your next level. You are ready now.