Can you Manifest Through Your Taxes? image

Can you Manifest Through Your Taxes?

Freed and Powered Up
9 Plays2 months ago

What the hell is she talking about? Randa Hoffman, Vogue named "Most Influential Woman of Orange County", Wealth Planner and Tax Guru says forget all the trauma and triggering tha that happens when you do your taxex, Manfest through it! Having been divorced and having a dicy tax situation her self, and now THE expert, she's going to tell us how it's done. 

Listen in, share, subscribe and let's elevate together.

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Negative Perceptions of Taxes and Personal Empowerment

A lot of us would not even go that way because when we think of taxes, when we think of IRS, we think, oh, they're stealing our money. They're gouging us. They're not even using our taxes. Everybody's corrupt in that level. There's all of that other baggage. You know what? This whole thing of it's corrupt. The system is corrupt. It's just going here. Those all things that we've heard and people say them all the time.
It's not serving you. Just stop saying it. It's not serving you. It's not serving you. It's not. It's not. Okay, it may be. Fine, just let it be. Just come back to you like people give away their power.

Introduction to 'Freed and Powered Up' Podcast

Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders who are taking their exit from the overly dominant male patriarchal energy, however you experienced it, can really start to break free from the energy that keeps us back from being who we came here to be and leaving the legacy we came here to leave.
the fear, the triggers, the self-sabotage, and limiting behaviors and beliefs without all of it. Every episode, I'm going to connect you to your inner power and awaken the divine feminine within you.

Meet Rhonda Hoffman: A Passion for Taxes

I'm your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.
Hello, hello, everyone. Welcome, Phoenix's welcome goddesses and all those who love the juiciness of this podcast. I am Latoya and I have my amazing, amazing, amazing friend. We've been friends for years and she is an unusual.
person. An unusual goddess amongst our myths. I've never actually met anyone like her. And so you know, the theme today is manifesting through your taxes, right? What you don't know. And so without further ado, I'm just going to invite her on and let us all bask in the craziness, which is the juiciness of my friend. So come on up, please let the know, let the people know.

Complexity and Learning in Taxation

who you are and what you do.
Yeah, first of all, I am your crazy friend and I just love you just as much. I just adore you, Latoya. I really, really do. We've been together several years, so that's, I know you, I know you well. So here's, so my name is Rhyanda Hoffman. I'm the owner of Radiant Wealth Planning and Radiant Tax Services, because those two, you know, wealth planning investments and taxes,
They're really the yin and yang of money, of financials. And so I was telling Latoya, oh, God, I love taxes. I love taxes so much. To which I was like, what? What? Yeah, I love. I do. I do. You know what I love about it? And we're kind of probably maybe jumping ahead. But what I love about it, it's so complex.
It's infinite learning and you can
interpret it in different ways, right or wrong, right? So it's not only just understanding it, yeah, yeah, okay, tax law says this. It's like, but does it say that? But what if this happens? What does that, then what happens to this tax law? But if this situation happens, because it changes, every, if situation happens, changes the outcome. And so it's understanding all those little things that's so fun,
So basically what you're saying is all the things that people hate about taxes is what you love.

Manifesting Positivity Through Taxes

I love it. I look forward towards tax season. Like it is you know how people get excited for Christmas or Halloween or Thanksgiving. That is my tax season. That is my
I feel alive season. Wow. Well, and it makes sense knowing who you are, right? Cause I know people are listening like, Oh, of course you come alive because that's when, you know, the flux of people and money and clients will be coming in, but that's,
That's not all that it is. It's that you get to dive into the complexity of life, per se. You get to dive into it, right? It's the complexity of people's lives, right? Because you are seeing people's lives through the numbers.
Yeah, past, their past life too. Not past life, but the previous year life, you know? Yeah, and it's like, how can we make life better this upcoming year? How can we do just a little better? How can I progress you guys just a little better? What if we did this? What if you did that? What if, what if, what if? So then when I'm doing your taxes next year,
it looks just a little better, you know? And so that's the fun about it. And also the fun about it is, you know, we always do a review, I do a review with clients that then, okay, here's your tax return, this is the numbers, you know, just do you understand the flow? I told them, let me just show you the flow of the numbers. And everybody's like, you actually made it fun. Like, who would have thought like, you made it fun. And even collecting the information from them, my system is very,
systematic, right? It's very organized. And even for that, they're like, it was actually painless. That is so cool that I can bring that to a topic that everybody regrets doing. Yes, that everybody dreads, which first of all, let me just say she really is not just saying this for the podcast. This is in fact,
who she is, we've had this conversation several times just as friends. And so now I was like, I have to expose people to this craziness. So much so, let me just tell you, it's so much so that my friend brought me a shirt. She made a custom shirt for me that says, I love taxes a lot. This was like a few tax seasons back. Which first, let me say this, and I'm gonna dive into the question.
But I, so part of what I do is really helping women connect with and feel this way about their purpose, whatever their purpose is. So when I meet someone
who is so in love with their purpose and so immersed with their purpose. It really lights me up. It's why I do what I do. And I'm just really magnetized to this energy and this people. And I think most people are, right? I want someone who is
really just totally wrapped up in the juiciness of what they do. I want them to be working on my stuff. The person who absolutely loves lawn care, I want them to be working on my lawn, right? The person who's in love with hair, I want them to be working on my hair, right? Because it's just a different energy. So yeah, I would definitely
people who are like me, you want random to be doing your taxes because there's not many people, I promise you, who are so in love with their taxes. But that being said, the reason why we're on here today is because our conversation the last time we spoke went into manifesting through doing your taxes.
which I don't think anyone has spoken about ever. We manifest so that we can pay taxes, or we manifest that we're going to get so much back from our taxes, or we manifest that the taxes look great this year, or we don't have to pay too much. This is typically what we're manifesting around taxes. But what you and I discussed was the manifesting through taxes.
I wonder if you could just kind of lead us, just lead us into that conversation.

Loving Your Profession and Its Impact

We'll just dive in. Yeah. You know, let me just say why you want somebody that you want your professional, whatever it is, like you said, your hairstylist, your whoever it is, I don't care.
You want them to love what they do because when we do, when you find that person, we go above and beyond. We go just a little deeper. We go a little more. We just, as opposed to somebody just collecting their paycheck, you're like, okay, it's five o'clock. I'm done. Here's your text return. I'm out of here.
You don't want that on anything, on anything. On anything. It's really about serving the people. What I feel is it's the gift both ways. The person receiving is receiving so much more, but the person who is in love with what they do, they are also receiving the fulfillment through what they are giving.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. You're giving me the opportunity to delve deeper and do this and share it with you. And wow, thank you. It's almost like thank you. Thank you for being a

Basics of Manifestation and Positive Energy

client. Thank you. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. And so manifest. Yeah. Right. Yeah. But so manifesting is
I mean, think about how this whole thing started is I was telling you, when I was married in 2016, we had a tax bill, me and my ex-husband, we had a tax bill, a tax liability that was kind of a big amount. And so we went on a payment plan and we got divorced in 2016, and the payment plan still keeps going. And he's like, no, I'm not going to pay. I'm not going to pay anything about it, anything on it.
And I'm like, geez, OK, so I guess it's all on me because I'm the responsible one. And, you know, so, OK, fine. I took it and it was a thousand dollars a month. And it's and I used to, you know, I kind of still do write down all the bills that I have going on for the month. And instead of writing IRS payment,
which then feels an IRS payment, my ex-husband, to waste up $1,000. I mean, man, the stories and the feeling that could keep the triggers, all the stuff that it would bring up for you. Every single month. Wow. Wow. Every single month you would see then, you know, I was like, you know what? Let me just label it instead of IRS payment on my little Excel sheet. Let me just label it parks.
So now every time the $1,000 goes out and I, you know, check markets, the $1,000 went out, I was like, oh, it went to the parks because I love hiking. I wonder where my $1,000, what park it went to. So I just put it towards a recreational park that I love going and hiking towards. And that's where I allocated my money. Now, it's still going to the IRS.
you know, the payment, so going to the Treasury Department. But in my mind, and on my Excel sheet, I labeled it parks, because I love to fund parks. And so now I look at it, and now I get excited. So now I just switched how I feel about it. And also what is manifestation?
How you feel and what actions are you taking? Right. Okay. Right. Right. How can you just

Aligning Tax Perception with Positive Manifestation

hold on? We cannot gloss over that because you just you just boil down manifestation to two phrases, two phrases. And I'm so glad you do that because people
really freeze over a manifestation. Oh, it's too woo woo. Oh, it's just visualization. Oh, you're just sitting thinking all day and nothing happens, right? That's not what manifesting is. And I love that you broke it down into two phrases, um, how you feel about it and the action that you're taking based on
the positive vibrations, the positive feelings and emotions and connecting with your intuition and higher power, however that works for you. But it really is. And so I just, I couldn't gloss over it because a lot of people were like, Oh, I'm visualizing. Oh, I'm writing every day and I'm, I'm journaling and everything. But you may still be feeling exactly what you were just saying, Brenda, like,
You're manifesting, okay, I have $2,000 to pay off these taxes, but when you write the word taxes, what is coming up for you? Not only in your conscious, but in your subconscious. And what's happening in your body? Maybe your chest is tensing. Maybe your shoulders are tensing. Your stomach. You feel a pain in your stomach.
Right? Yeah. Not even realizing that the word taxes even or the number or IRS is bringing these things up for you, which then blocks the energy of bringing about in your life, which is manifesting. I'm so glad you broke that. I could not gloss over that because that's the meat of it. What you did,
was just so genius. Nobody thinks about that, right? And you know what, I gotta say this too, because I think a lot of us would not even go that way because when we think of taxes, when we think of IRS, we think, oh, they're stealing our money. They're gouging us. They're not even using our taxes. Everybody's corrupt in that level. There's all of that other baggage.
that could be that's attached to taxes. Yeah. Right. And so it's even the more difficult to bring up positive energy. So the fact that you would even go there and say, well, I'm manifesting that this money goes to the parks for me is even incredible in that by itself.
Yeah, you know what, this whole thing of it's corrupt, the system is corrupt, it's just going here, you know, those all things that we've heard and people say them all the time. It's not serving you. Just stop saying it. It's not serving you. It's not serving you. It's not. It's not. Okay, it may be. Fine, just let it be. Just come back to you. People give away their power.
You know, like if they say, you know, if this president goes, happens, then I'm going to move. If this president happens, then I'm going to move. You know, like, right, right. Bring your power back. Bring your power back. Who cares of what's going on on the IRS? Just let it be, right? You. How do you feel good? Yeah. How do you feel good?
How do you make yourself feel good in this situation? Oh, this kind of sucks. You know, I don't like paying $1,000 for an ex to top it off, you know? Definitely. For an ex. So how can I change this just a little?
slightly. I still have to pay it. It's not going to go to the Treasury Department. How can I change it slightly so I can feel good about it? That's all it is. On everything. If we could just keep tweaking, tweaking, tweaking, it's like, oh, I'll just label it parks.
That feels good. I'm like, yeah, I like that. I'm like, oh my God, I just paid for the park. This is kind of cool. It's so super cool. And what's cool about that is that everybody gets to choose what they feel in alignment with. You love parks, you love hiking. So this is something that
is in alignment with you gets it gets to raise your frequency. So someone else could choose school, someone else could choose smooth roads, someone else could choose whatever it is that you can really feel good about really feel connected to really feel aligned with.
I think that's, um, yeah, it's just continuing tricking your brain. You know, we have to, cause the brain is like, no, it's not going to the parks. It's going to the IRS. Like, okay, fine. Thank you so much. Thank you. You're right. It's going to the parks and a smile. And that's not true. It's going to the parks and just kind of keep going with it. It's nothing serious is happening. Nothing, you know, like it's not.
It's not the end of the world, it's okay. It really isn't. We get to trick our minds, but we also get to retrain our minds. And we can do that about anything, really. Exactly, exactly, yeah. The other piece that we went into was that
the manifesting piece, right? So once you raise your vibration in this particular thing that used to bring you whatever, triggers, sadness, anger, you know, whatever it was, and you've raised the vibration and now you feel good about this thing,
What it does is it clears the energy and opens the door for other areas in your life where you might be manifesting, right? So, because when we're talking, we're like, well, what does taxes have to do? No, it's your vibration, period. Everything. It's connected. Life is not segmented. You can be like, taxes over here. And then in the next five minutes, I'm manifesting the love of my life. No, no.
And then you're like, why isn't it coming? Why isn't it coming? Well, there's something in your field that may not be matching the frequency of what you're manifesting. And so take action. And take action. And so take action. But you can't take action unless you're at least aware enough
and desiring to know what might be blocking, right? Because you could just keep plowing through, plowing through, plowing through. You want in love in your life, you're journaling, you're manifesting, you're visualizing, you're repeating your affirmations, you're repeating your mantras, but the frequency of your emotion somewhere is tied up. And
Yeah. This episode random, the professional is inviting us to think differently about our taxes, to actually use the process of taxes to raise our frequency, change our vibration and open up doors that we didn't even know were closed into manifesting in other areas of our lives.
Okay, so let's talk a little bit about owing because I think quite a few of my viewers now are entrepreneurs and there is this owing business, right? Owing taxes. And the word itself brings some baggage, right? I owe, I'm going to owe this year. I'm not going to get anything back, right? And so even before you get to, you know, reframing what it is that the money is going to, I know that there is some anxiety or

Reframing Tax Owing as Gratitude

you know, stress, even depression around the fact of knowing I'm going to old is time. How do you, how do you, what are your thoughts about that? How do you deal with that? So once again, let's do a little reframe, reframing little tricks
Hey, infinitely expanding soul. How could I let you leave this podcast episode without knowing about an amazing opportunity? To know yourself deeper and fall so madly in love with yourself that you ooze it out in everything that you do. To know your life path for certain and erase the doubt. To know your soul's purpose and what it came here to work out and the cycle it came to complete. To know where your major energies are aligning in your talents and your gifts.
and where your major energies are aligning with your wealth consciousness. Yes, more money. And maybe most importantly, how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
in a super tight container with some energy clearing, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about not only their transformation, but they're about yours too so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for.
Welcome to the new and enhanced goddess collective, a 90 day journey into yourself and your infinite potential, your purpose, your prosperity and your power embodied now. Click the link in the show notes to reserve your seat for the next cohort and do not delay. So once again, let's do a little reframe, reframing little tricks. OK, so let's say you owe. Wow.
I'm actually grateful that I made money that I can owe taxes because if you are below a certain threshold or if you paid enough throughout the year, but let's do the lower, on the lower threshold of income, you don't pay taxes. Wow, my income must have been, it would have been really low if I didn't owe taxes, right? Oh wow, I made enough.
I need that much money that I have to owe this much tax as well. Grateful, some gratitude, not that you're owing taxes, but gratitude that you made income. Wow, that's a big deal. It's a big deal. I was going to say, it's a switch of focus because in the first part, you're focusing on, oh man, I owe with the money coming out. But you get to switch focus on the fact that money came in enough to go out.
to go out. Yeah. Yeah. You know, there's little tips and tricks you could do throughout the year, you know, like pay a little quarterly taxes a little higher, increase your holding on your W2 a little more. So then it's like, oh, okay, a little little throughout the year. Hey, you might get some money back because you might have overpaid. So there's
whatever it is, say, what's this little tip and trick? What can I do just a little to tweak it? That's the only question. That's all you have to ask. How can I tweak this thought? Yes, yes. After you have said that, how can I tweak this thought, then the next question is, are there things that I can do to tweak these numbers? Not that you're trying to trick the system, but
how can I maneuver throughout the year to where this is the best process that it can be for me, right? And if that is, and so that being the fundamental question, then we get to contact Brenda.
And why would you protect anybody else? Because she is aligned with the frequency. She is in her purpose. She absolutely loves what she does. And she's in service to the people. So yeah, that's phenomenal. Phenomenal. Oh, man. I can't believe it's already time. It's already time. But we dove in quickly. We got all the juice. And I told you guys that she was different from anybody you ever met.
So now, Randa, these people are like, I don't want her to do my taxes. I want somebody like her to do my taxes and like really be in my energy field and maybe even do your wealth planning. So how can they get in touch with you? Oh, that's a great question. So the easiest way for me for people to reach out to me is either on the website for radiant, radiant tax services.com or for the financial planning and investments, radiant wealth planning.com.
Excellent. And I will have both those links in the show notes. So if you're listening, go to the show notes, click on the links and connect with Randa. She is a phenomenal human being who is just in alignment with the next level of who we are as the collective. And so, Randa, thank you for bringing your Godestry into this podcast. And I'm so, so very grateful and honored that you were here. Thank you.
Thank you Latoya, thanks for having me. Listen, this is not just for you to listen to. This is for you to take action, change the trajectory of your life and live in your power. If you're liking what's happening here, hit that subscribe button so you do not ever miss a powerful episode and definitely share it with that sister who you know needs this power in their life.
if you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself and using your intuitive tools, knowing undoubtedly who you are and why you are here, being yourself unapologetically, head on over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com.
You don't have to wait until you're ready to unlock your next level. You are ready now.