The Sun in Your Birth Chart, Your Positioning, & Your Money image

The Sun in Your Birth Chart, Your Positioning, & Your Money

Freed and Powered Up
20 Plays24 days ago

What does the sun symbolize in your chart?
In western astrology, your 'major' or 'dominant' sign is your sun sign. But what if that's not the complete story? What if it points to something so much more powerful in connection to your purpose? What if this is the unlocking your spirit needs to stand even more powerfully in the calling that's pulling you?


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You as the revolutionary, you as the pioneer, you as the way-bringer, the way-shower, you as the light parting through the clouds get to show the new way to those who are primed and ready and able to listen to your voice. And I mean that because not everybody is ready for your message.
Whoo! And I know somebody is saying that today. Not everybody is ready for your message. And that's okay. We get to move in a way that we're speaking to those who are ready for your message. And one of the ways that we get to lean into that strength, that power, and that passion is by knowing where your son is and being in flow.
Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders who are taking their exit from the overly dominant male patriarchal energy, however you experienced it, can really start to break free from the energy that keeps us back from being who we came here to be and leaving the legacy we came here to leave.
episode, I'm going to connect you to your inner power and awaken the divine feminine within you. I'm your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.
Hello, hello, welcome, Phoenixes, welcome. Goddesses, welcome all those who enjoy the juiciness of freed and powered up. I'm Latoya Zavala, and I am your energy mastery guide. And today I wanna start with this. When you know who you really are.
then you have the ability to fulfill any dream you have because you are the eternal possibility, immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and will be. Deepak Chopra. And so what did he mean by that? Well, we're talking about the infinite ah potentiality that is within you, right? Because you are in, you're an infinite soul, you are infinite, you know, um a spiritual energy. And so when you really tap into the I Am, the divinity that is within you, when you really tap into that infinite potentiality that is in you and circulating all around you, then
You have every ability and capability and possibility of fulfilling any dream that you have because you are the eternal possibility. I absolutely love that quote. And this is a quote that we got to dissect and really dive into in The Goddess Collective yesterday. It was so yummy. It was so juicy. um And so today I want to talk a little bit about that piece, right? So one of the tools that I help with um help women with knowing who they really are in the infinite potentiality is Vedic astrology. um And so when you were born, a snapshot was taken in the sky. And so just imagine this snapshot and the virtual background is the night sky. And what you have there is fixed stars, right, against this beautiful dark night sky.
and these stars from our perspective, they're not moving, they're fixed. And this virtual background is divided then into 12 sections. And the 12 sections are what they call houses in um in astrology. And so you have 12 houses.
everyone's birth snapshot has the 12 houses. And everyone's birth snapshot has constellations that sit in the 12 houses. This is what we would call your birth chart. But not only are there the houses, right? Now we get to look at what are the combinations, the powerful, energetic, and cosmic combinations, the planetary combinations that are sitting in each house.
and how they affect each other, how they're affected by the house itself, how they're affected by the constellation that's sitting there. And we get to look at really fun analogies like the owner of the house, the renters of the house, right the occupants of the house, the aromas that are floating within the house, and really get to dive into how that what it looks like for you to reconnect with who you really truly are, what your gifts are, what your strengths are, but your what your spiritual talents and gifts are. And then even more powerfully your purpose, your personal inner power, and how you get to move and flow for your elevated prosperity. So today we're looking at the sun, right?
What does the sun mean in your chart when it pertains to your prosperity and your purpose? Because that really is what my calling is on this earth is to help you dive more and more and more and more into your your purpose, your higher level purpose, right? Your legacy, um what you actually came here on this earth to do, what your soul is actually yearning and looking for and wanting to do.
beyond what they told you it's supposed to do, right? And so when we're looking at your divine purpose. When we're looking at the purpose that's gonna actually make you, not make you, but the purpose that's actually gonna usher you into feeling good, right? Feeling good, feeling fulfilled, feeling expansive, feeling your divine self, feeling like, yes, I am doing what my soul has been wanting to do on this earth for a long time. When we're looking at that movement, when we're looking to become that person,
There are a few things that we look at in the Vedic chart and one of them is your son. So I wanted to talk about your son today because it is so powerful. In Western astrology, right, the the horoscope that you kind of know that you look at, you might, you know, you know, based on your birthday, okay, I am an Aries, I am a Taurus, I am a Leo, right? We've got the fun, you know, animal signs and necklaces and, you know, we got the Facebook posts like, whoo, whoo, Scorpio's in the house, Scorpio season, right? We're doing all that, right? So in the Western astrology in this world, when you say, this is my sign, right?
born between this date and this date, this is my sign. but what What they're talking about is your son, right? What constellation was your son passing through in that snapshot of when you were born? Vedic astrology is a little bit different, and I'm not going to go too deep into that, but I want to say that there's so much more meaning to your son.
And I invite every client that I have to look at themselves a little differently, right? When we say I am, when we say I am that sign, we typically tend to lock ourselves in. And I have met so many people who are like, yeah, there are a lot of things about my sign that I don't necessarily identify with, or I'm not quite sure that that really pertains to me.
And there's reasons for that. But I would say one of the biggest ones, and this is what I do with my clients, is I invite you to really look at yourself as all 12. Why? Because in that snapshot of when you were born, there are 12 houses. We all have the 12 houses. We all have a constellation sitting in those 12 houses. So somewhere in your constellation, there's Leo energy. Somewhere in your house, there's Aries energy. Somewhere in your chart,
right? There's Scorpio energy. And so really, truly, we're all 12. It's just really a tool to look at and see what areas do these energies manifest in our lives, right? In what areas are we more fire? In what areas are we more are we more earth and water? What areas are do we do we have more of these aspects in our lives? And so Getting to know this is getting to know ourselves on a deeper level, and not only that, but on a more expansive level, right? So really, truly, we're all 12.
Knowing that then, right moving away from I'm only this and knowing we're way more expansive than that, now we get to look at, OK, where is the sun? What constellation is it sitting in? And then what does that mean exactly? So let's look at the energy of the sun by itself. right This is really what I want to do today.
So the energy of the sun, when we think about the sun, right? First of all, we know this is fire energy, right? So what do we think about when we think about fire energy? We're thinking, right?
Fire is a way that we get to burn some shit down. And I really need to say it that way because I know that most of the women that I work with, they're pioneers. They are revolutionaries. They are here to burn some shit down. They're here to reconstruct something in the field that they're in, right? They're experts and now they're called to pioneer. They're called to do something different. They're called to shift the energy. They're called to elevate the collective In this particular area, whether you're a teacher, whether you are in health, whether you are you know you're in fitness, whether you are teaching women to make money and and elevate themselves in this way, you are a pioneer. You are a revolutionary. You are here to shake some shit up and burn some shit down. And so it behooves us then to look at where is the sun, because where the sun is, you're going to have some really powerful fire energy where you get to burn some shit down.
Fire, what ah else, what ah what ah excuse me, what else does fire do? It purifies, right? So when we look at where the sun is,
We're knowing that in that part of our lives, there's some purification that gets to happen. There's some clearing that gets to happen, right? We're burning out some of the things that we get to shed, we get to release, we get we've learned it. Listen, we've learned the lesson, right? We've fallen, we've we've gotten we've got the trophy, we've written the book.
And now we get to clear it we really get to purify right and sometimes you have to go through the fire to purify so we're looking at the sun to see okay, what do we get to we're we're in this in the area of our lives.
Are we called to do some more purification, to go deeper in that way? And not only in our own personal lives, but purifying through the field that you're in. Maybe you're a life coach, again, maybe you're a teacher, maybe you are a business coach, maybe you are, right, floristry, social justice, whatever it is you're doing,
where your son is, it's most likely you're being called to do some purification. You're being called to not only burn some shit down, but clean some shit out, right? Right? Okay.
Yeah, Vida, I love that. Disruptor in the house, yes, absolutely. Listen, I know that the people who come to me and we we do some chart work, we do some other things. I know that I know that I know that I know they're disruptors, they're pioneers, they're revolutionaries. Clearly that's my calling, is to help uplift and support and collab with and um yeah move with the revolutionaries of the world. So I'm so appreciative.
I love you all. So yes, burn something down, clean some shit out, right because you're pioneers, you're revolutionaries. So that's what we're looking for, the sun. The other thing um that we know about the sun right is that I know this sounds simple when I say it, but it shines, right? So one of my favorite things to do, Viti, you're in the sun right now. One of my favorite things to do when I'm out in the sun, sometimes when it's partly cloudy and you get to see the sun rays part through and come through that cloud, right? I live near the beach, so I get to see the sun come through that cloud and then shine on the ocean. Man, that is definitely one of my favorite, favorite scenes. Where your sun is,
that gets to be you. You get to part some of the cloudiness, some of the confusion, some of the projections, right? Some of the the the indoctrinations, right? The social expectations. You get to part those clouds and let your sunshine through. You get to spread, right? We know that the sun shines all over the place. but We're talking about spreading, right?
Fire energy, your message, your truth. You're here to have that spread, right? So where your sun is, you are most likely, your soul is saying, this is where we get to be seen, heard, felt, right? You're on the sun right now, you feel the sun, you see the sun, right? right and um and And it has impact, right? So,
When we say impact, right, we know that the sun has major life-giving impact. ah Life-giving impact. I'm going to say that a third time. Life-giving impact. Where your sun is, this is where your soul is saying, we will most likely, most probably, if you lean into this,
This is where you're going to have life impact, right? We're talking about legacy. We're talking about lot but life, right? Plants and trees and flowers and growth, animals, humans, right? We're all getting life from the sun. So where your sun is is where you get to impart life, life-changing truths, life-changing messages, life-changing services, whatever that service is.
Give me just a sec, goddess. I know this episode is getting juicy, but you gotta know that the next goddess unlock is going down October 4th through 6th. And this is your space for what your soul is calling for now. A virtual stay-k retreat where you get to pour into yourself and take yourself to the next level of energy mastery. It's so freaking delicious. you get to know how you're designed to align with your wealth path and your next level of purpose and maybe most importantly how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
This is a super tight container with some energy clearing, ancestral work, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about both their transformation and yours so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for. Welcome to The Goddess Unlocked, my love. A three-day live virtual journey into yourself and your infinite potential. We're up leveling your frequency of your purpose, prosperity, and power. Let's finish this year stronger than you could have ever imagined. Together. Click the link in the show notes and let's get this party started. Let's get back into the episode.
right And so there's heat, we know that we feel heat from the sun. So when when you lean into wherever your sun is, you get to lean into a deeper passion that is within you. Passion that will keep you going through the challenges, right through the rough times, through the times where there's nobody, through the times where there's no support, through the times where there's criticism online, through the times where you know the you thought collab was gonna come and it didn't go through. right That passion, that passion is gonna keep you going. So it behooves us to know, where's my sun?
And how can I lean into that? Because I know if I lean into that, I'm going to lean into where my deeper passion is, and it's going to be part of the foundation that keeps me going, right? And then we talked about the light, right? So when that light is parting through the crowds through the clouds, excuse me,
when the light is parting through the clouds, we know that you're bringing your expertise. You're bringing your pioneer energy. You're bringing your revolutionary energy. You're bringing new information, new understanding. You're up leveling, right? You are expanding. You're evolving the understanding of your field, right? And so you're you're you're evolving the way that people have moved and people have executed.
right a call I was on call yesterday. It was a customer service support. right and There are a few of us on the Zoom call. and some will and the and the the operator of customer service, he says, excuse me, sir, I need you to follow this procedure. Would you go to this link and then click on the type of support you need? And he keeps saying, but this is the way that I've always done it. I've always just come in here and asked you to put me in the room. And the the the operator keeps saying, sir, this is the way that we can help control security and safety. If you would just please go in here, click the link and let us know which support will put you in that room.
And the customer keeps saying, but this is the way we've always done it. This is the way I've always done it. I've been here already five times. This is the way that I have done it. And I'm thinking in my mind, and what if you do it a different way today? What if you actually follow follow the instructions today? But he was so stuck in, this is the way I've always done it.
You as the revolutionary, you as the pioneer, you as the way bringer, the way shower, you as the light parting through the clouds get to show the new way to those who are primed and ready and able to listen to your voice. And I mean that because not everybody is ready for your message.
Whoo! And I know somebody needs to hear that today. Not everybody is ready for your message. And that's okay. We get to move in a way that we're speaking to those who are ready for your message. And one of the ways that we get to lean into that strength, that power and that passion is by knowing where your son is and being in flow. Right?
in your birth chart. That's what I mean, right? So of course, this gets to be balanced because the sun is a male energy. So yeah, we're talking about fire. We're talking about action. We're talking about moving execution, right? We're talking about leaving that legacy and doing the thing. So it gets to be balanced with the the divine feminine, right? The other side of the coin that is within you for sure. But the sun is not just hanging out there by itself, right? It's in a house So when we're looking at the birth chart, we get to know what house is it in? What's the flavor of that house? Is the house a Dharma house, right? Which is purpose. Is it an Artha house, which is wealth? Is it a Kama house, which is um joy and pleasure? Is it a Moksha house, which is spirituality?
um You can probably guess where my son is, right? My son is in a mocha house, which is spirituality and liberation. That's why I do what I do. That's why even before knowing that, my company is named Freed and Powered Up, right? Yeah, go figure. Since I was five, I knew that I wanted to help people be spiritually free. It's all that I've ever done my entire career. ah So my son is in my mocha house. And and I feel when I'm out of line.
I feel when I'm trying to move in arta. I feel that. I feel when I'm trying to move, you know, and spearhead in dharma. I feel that. And when I feel out of alignment and things are not working out, I remind myself, you are here from moksha. Your son is in moksha. So let's get back. Let's lean back into that. And every time I do, things start to flow again.
So this is why it's important, right? Know what's the flavor of the house that it's in. Are there other other planets in the house that kind of, you know, help and affect the sun? When we're doing chart readings, we look what's What's before the sun? What's with the sun? And what's after the sun? Because that will affect the way that we execute, the way that we move, the way that we do actions or not do actions. What what keeps us stuck sometimes? What hems us up? right what are those clouds and What are those clouds that tend to block the sun?
um And we get to look at that, right? So we get to look at what they call the conditions of the sun. um And then there's something in the chart that we call aspecting. So there are many other things to look at, but what we get to know is what's the general um foundational energy of the sun. And it's not just that, oh, my son is in cancer. I'm a cancer.
Crap, you know, and I know it's fun. I know it's fun and I know it's you know, it's it's connecting with other people I'm not pooping on that I look power to us and There's more and there's deeper and there's more expansive and there's more connecting and there's more flow flow for you flow for your well-being flow for and wealth flow for purpose, and most importantly, from my perspective, flow for your interpersonal power. So I want to end with this, and I hope that this has been uplifting, motivational, and helpful for you. If you have questions for me, hit me up in the DMs. This is one of the funnest things that I do. And so I love, love to do this. And I'm going to end with this quote again.
When you know who you really are, this is the ability to fulfill any dream you have because you are the eternal possibility. Immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and will be, the Fox show premise.
Listen, this is not just for you to listen to. This is for you to take action, change the trajectory of your life and live in your power. If you're liking what's happening here, hit that subscribe button so you do not ever miss a powerful episode and definitely share it with that sister who you know needs this power in their life. if you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself and using your intuitive tools, knowing undoubtedly who you are and why you are here, being yourself unapologetically, head on over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com. You don't have to wait until you're ready to unlock your next level. You are ready now.