How to Kick the Pressure to Be Perfect and Perform image

How to Kick the Pressure to Be Perfect and Perform

Freed and Powered Up
8 Plays4 months ago

Sis, you have been under this matrix pressure to perform and to be perfect for way too long. Badass, successful, ambitious women like us, especially if we're coming from the military, government, or other male dominate space, we were sold the palitable word 'perfectionism' so that we could feel good about this endless drive into the ground. It's depleting you and while it brought you the measure of success and achievement in leadership and entrepreneurship and business that you have now, it hasn't brought you the alignment to joy, peace, inner power and flow that you deserve. Time to stop it, and here's how.  

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See you inside.


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To get your copy of my explosive, raw, and down to your every day life play book on stopping the self-sabotage, get your 'Stop Self-Sabotage the Awakened Way' here 



The Social Media Approval Trap

So they hijacked the reward of approval and affirmation. So now, especially when in the social media world, we're working for views, likes, engagement, numbers, which eventually translate into this tit for tat money scheme, when the divine feminine of flow within you knows that the universal law of abundance doesn't work like that.

Introducing Freed and Powered Up

Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders who are taking their exit from the overly dominant male patriarchal energy, however you experienced it, can really start to break free from the energy that keeps us back from being who we came here to be and leaving the legacy we came here to leave.
the fear, the triggers, the self-sabotage, and limiting behaviors and beliefs without all of it.

Meet Latoya Zavala

Every episode, I'm going to connect you to your inner power and awaken the divine feminine within you. I'm your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.

Overcoming Perfectionism

Hello and welcome again to Freed and Powered Up. I am super excited because this download was downloaded very specifically for you. There are no coincidences. There are no mistakes. You are here listening to this for a reason. And what are we talking about today? We're talking about how to kick the pressure to perform and to be perfect. So let me start with this.
Perfectionism is a fallacy. Not because you are not perfect and there's no soul that is perfect. And I know that we were given that mantra, if you will, to repeat for the end of time. But perfectionism is a fallacy for the exact opposite. It's a fallacy because you are already perfect.
So what is perfectionism then? What is it really?

The Patriarchal Perfectionism Trap

It's the drive, that internal never ending motor that is pushing you to reach a goal that has already been attained. Let me say that again. Perfectionism is the drive. It's that motor that continuously runs within you that pushes you to reach a goal that you've already reached.
It's the racetrack dog being trained to chase after the carrot. So let me explain. It's an analogy, you know I'm not calling you a dog. Listen, the cruelty in that situation is that the dog is tricked into thinking it can get the carrot when the real goal behind the scenes is for the dog to cross the finish line as fast as possible, right? To win the race. For other people's benefit, right?
So the cruelty for women specifically is that we're tricked into thinking that perfection is something to be achieved. When all along the truth is that the desire of the super patriarchal system is for you to achieve more and more and more and more at the expense of yourself, thinking you're closer to achieving something that is already inside of you. You already have it.
In other words, there's a fake carrot being dangled above your head for you to run after when the real carrot was in your stomach the whole time. So let me make my position very clear.
You are perfect. You came here perfect. And I say that unapologetically. And my invitation to you is that we stop using that mantra when we make a mistake or when we fall at something or when we said something that we maybe shouldn't have said.
Right? And then we say, oh, I'm not perfect. Nobody is. That is a fallacy. And it continues to run energetics in your body that is not aligned with who you are, who you came here to be, and what you came here to accomplish.

Excellence Over Perfectionism

It's misaligned with the true power that is within you. So again, the invitation is that we stop using that mantra. So why did we believe in this fake carrot?
Number one, because excellence is in our nature. And when it was passed off as perfectionism, we easily substituted one for the other. So you can now replace the word and its frequency with excellence.
Okay, you're welcome. And I do mean its frequency because we are so powerful that we can actually switch the word and substitute the word and then transfer the former energy to the new word and then suffer the same ill consequences, right? So what I'm saying is don't make excellence the same slave driver as perfectionism because it isn't and it carries very different energy, okay?
Why did we believe in the fake carrot? Reason number two. It's because we've lost touch with who we truly are in our divine feminine core.

Embracing the Divine Feminine

Right? The divine feminine is comfortable with the perfection that she already is. She's comfortable in her innate beauty. It's already perfect. She's comfortable in adorning herself because she is okay with embellishing on her perfection. Right? She's okay with pleasing herself.
because she's perfection and she enjoys pleasure, she's comfortable in her intuition and her gifts of discerning and seeing and hearing and feeling, she's comfortable in the flow of wealth whether it however it comes and especially if it comes through from other people because the divine feminine knows that that's how in fact we are designed.
right, we're designed for community, right? And I know we've gotten a little bit away from that and there are lots of reasons for that for another podcast, another day, right? But she's comfortable with the flow of wealth, right? The divine feminine is unapologetically sensual in nature.
So when they told you that the shoulders, the ankles, the neck, and the hair were too sensual, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, go back in history, especially when it came through religion, right? And they told you parts of yourself were too sensual, they were too sexual, they had to be covered in order to save the man from his sins.
What they were doing was they were actually killing your divine feminine, your comfort with yourself as the other half of divinity, and gave us, again, a false carrot, right? Another way to strive for perfectionism when we were already perfect.

Reconnecting with Your True Self

What I know from doing Vedic astrology and reading these charts is that there is always a suspicion, right? You're suspecting the more that's in you. You're suspecting the greater and the deeper and the real that is you, but you are not comfortable with it.
So the reading is not enough. And I had to create the God's collective so that we could support you into becoming her again. And again, for me, the word again is so very important and so very powerful because you came here as her, right? Because the charts are very clear. You came here as her. You are her. So now we get to do the work to embody her again.
All right, so why did we believe in this false carrot? Number three, the third reason is because we bought the system of reward. And when I say the system, I mean their system of reward, right? We do something to gain something, right? And now we're rebalancing you here in the business world, we really need to come away from exchanging hour for dollar, but that was the system that they gave us and they gave us a cloth to punch in and all of that, right?
So they hijacked the reward of approval and affirmation. So now, especially when in the social media world, we're working for views, likes, engagement, numbers, which eventually translate into this tit for tat money scheme. When the divine feminine of flow within you knows that the universal law of abundance doesn't work like that.
So now we're hesitating to make posts and write emails and we're spending way too long doing these things so that we can get the A in the site of whatever system we're playing to, right? Whatever their

Aligning with Purpose

translation of the A or the A plus is.
Hey, infinitely expanding soul, how could I let you leave this podcast episode without knowing about an amazing opportunity to know yourself deeper and fall so madly in love with yourself that you ooze it out in everything that you do to know your life path for certain and erase the doubt
To know your soul's purpose and what it came here to work out and the cycle it came to complete. To know where your major energies are aligning in your talents and your gifts. And where your major energies are aligning with your wealth consciousness. Yes, more money. And maybe most importantly, how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.
in a super tight container with some energy clearing, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about not only their transformation, but they're about yours too so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for.
Welcome to the new and enhanced goddess collective, a 90 day journey into yourself and your infinite potential, your purpose, your prosperity, and your power embodied now. Click the link in the show notes to reserve your seat for the next cohort and do not delay.
So now we're hesitating to make posts and write emails and we're spending way too long doing these things so that we can get the A in the site of whatever system we're playing to, right? Whatever their translation of the A or the A plus is.
So let me be clear, I'm not advocating that you withdraw and pull up into the mountains and go completely off grid unless your soul path is Moksha. And that's what you want to do because that's what you would be here to do. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you gotta come do your life path sync so you can know which of the four soul paths you're in.
I am saying though that you get to go back to your feminine divine source within that knows that you are already perfect.

Moving Powerfully Through Life

So now imagine operating from that place, from that mindset, from that frequency.
that you can call to yourself your ideal clients and your legacy work, that you can call back to yourself and use your sensual prowess and the magic that is within you. That is how you were created. It is your gift. It is your light. There is nothing evil or sinful about that. It is in fact your design and how you were created. So what I am saying is
Dedicate some time to recenter and to call back who you are. I'm saying run the race, but throw away that damn fake carrot. Feel the satisfaction of the carrot that is already within you. Replace the frequency of perfectionism with that of excellence.
Give them back their soul killing projected lie of perfectionism. Don't use that word anymore and move in your power. So here's your declaration. I know I haven't used one in a while, but this episode definitely calls for it. We repeat it three times, okay? For the power of the three. I am in my goddess energy. I am perfect.
I am excellence and I am freed and powered up. Take a deep breath. Let's do it again. I am in my goddess energy. I am perfect. I am excellence and I am freed and powered up. This time you can put your hand over your heart and over your solar plexus and let's really recalibrate, ready?
I am in my goddess energy. I am perfect. I am excellence and I am freed and powered up. I love you and I truly hope to see you join the goddess collective because this kind of work for who you are called to be is inevitable. I'll see you next time.

Take Action for Empowerment

Bye for now.
Listen, this is not just for you to listen to. This is for you to take action, change the trajectory of your life and live in your power. If you're liking what's happening here, hit that subscribe button so you do not ever miss a powerful episode and definitely share it with that sister who you know needs this power in their life.
if you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself and using your intuitive tools, knowing undoubtedly who you are and why you are here, being yourself unapologetically, head on over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com.
You don't have to wait until you're ready to unlock your next level. You are ready now.