7 Remedies For Being Triggered by What You're Manifesting image

7 Remedies For Being Triggered by What You're Manifesting

Freed and Powered Up
9 Plays3 months ago

I get it. Sometimes we're triggered by the very thing we're manifesting. The timing of it, too fast, too slow. Seeing it manifest for others around you. Life seemingly getting in the way. Sometimes you don't even know why you're feeling antsy or frustrated or cloudy. Trust me I get it. Let's talk about 7 ways to remedy those feelings when they come up so that you can get back to powerfully manifesting, doing your powerful energy work, and fully showing up as the goddess you are. 

See you inside!

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Introduction to Freed and Powered Up

So yes, of course. Yes, of course. When we are triggered by the very thing we're wanting, we want that to propel us. We want that to drive us. We want that to be a part of the fuel. But how? Right? All these big time coaches and big time motivational speakers, they're telling you just, yeah, just let that drive you. Just let that motivate you. Just let that inspire you. But how?
Welcome to Freed and Powered Up. Here is where conscious female leaders who are taking their exit from the overly dominant male patriarchal energy, however you experienced it, can really start to break free from the energy that keeps us back from being who we came here to be and leaving the legacy we came here to leave.
the fear, the triggers, the self-sabotage, and limiting behaviors and beliefs without all of it. Every episode, I'm going to connect you to your inner power and awaken the divine feminine within you. I'm

Facing Big Dreams and Triggers

your host and your sister, Latoya Zavala. Let's go.
Hello and welcome once again Phoenix's and goddesses and those who love listening to the juiciness in this podcast. Today we're talking about manifesting and sometimes how we're triggered by what we actually want and what are seven remedies that we can use to move through it and then move into our goddess power so that we can manifest with ease, with grace, with flow and with fun. Okay.
So yes, sometimes we are triggered by what we want. And what I mean by that is sometimes the goal, the dream is so big and you feel like it's so much bigger than you, especially if you are a revolutionary, if you came to start a movement, right? Or propel the movement. You came to leave a mark, to leave a legacy on this earth.
and to break free of the molds and the boxes and the conventional. So the dream will feel big to you. It will feel humongous. It will feel

Grounding in Goals

like little old me and this grandiose thing, right? And then sometimes
when you're in that energy and you know that you're moving forward and you're making steps and you are connecting with the right people. So they tell you, right? You want to make sure that the five or six people that are closest to you that you're running with are of the frequency that you yourself are manifesting.
So oftentimes, you're going to see them making the money. You're going to see them in the relationships that you're wanting to manifest for yourself. You're going to see them in the home environments or investing environments, business environments, you know, rubbing shoulders with government.
heads and officials, you're going to see that happen because you are moving in the right direction, because you are manifesting who you are becoming, because you are now vibrating at that frequency and bringing and attracting those people into your lives. But what happened is because we're not yet stabilized
We're not yet grounded and established in that frequency. Sometimes some unhealed wounds, thought patterns, limiting beliefs and behaviors will start to surface, right? One of the major killers is doubt.
when another major

Overcoming Old Thought Patterns

killer is feeling like an impostor. And I'm not going to call it a syndrome because it's not a syndrome. And that word is a projection that the collective would like us to embody and embrace so that we can feel like we're ill. And I'm not going to do that.
But sometimes you can feel disconnected, you can feel a space between yourself and who you are becoming and what you're manifesting. And that space will sometimes be, you'll see that space in front of you as you're making the connections and as you're drawing in and attracting the people of that frequency into your life.
So, yes, of course. Yes, of course. When we are triggered by the very thing we're wanting, we want that to propel us. We want that to drive us. We want that to be a part of the fuel. But how? Right? All these big time coaches and big time motivational speakers, they're telling you just, yeah, just let that drive you. Just let that motivate you. Just let that inspire you. But how? How do you deal with the thoughts and the emotions and the
limiting things that are coming up for you. How do you deal with the old thoughts, the old timelines that your energy may want to be connected to? And what I mean by

Exploring Enoughness

that is,
before you may have thought, oh, it's going to take so long to get my PhD. It's going to take so long to build to a million dollars. It's going to take, oh, it's going to take me five years to amass the amount of property that I want to, right? These are old timelines. Right now, you're manifesting to vibrate at the frequency where you can collapse timelines, where you can shorten things, where things can be quick and with ease and flow and grace and fun for you.
You are learning to work with the energy of time. So those thoughts are old timelines for you. But when we're triggered, those old timelines can bring up old emotions for us.
Right? So that happens when we see our vision happening with other people. When we feel like, oh man, we got to work harder. Or then we feel like we're not doing enough. Or then we start to question, am I favored? Right? Were you coming from the Christian tradition? Am I favored enough? Do I have enough faith? Am I the chosen enough? Right? Which is why I just cannot connect with those thoughts

Seven Practices for Manifestation

Right? What also can come up for you is the difference between doing and being. And now you're questioning, am I doing it correctly?
Right? So then there's this question of enoughness in your doing and in your being. So I want to give you some practices that have worked for me. I'm going to give you seven practices that have worked for me. Seven steps, seven techniques, seven tools, whatever you want to call them. I'm going to give you seven of them.
And you don't have to do all seven of them. You can choose a combination of them. Some of them you may have been like, oh man, Latoya, I've been trying these and they're not working. Well, I'm gonna talk about that at the end of the seven that I'm gonna give you, all right? So let's go.
visualization. Now, I know that for some people it's difficult to visualize and this is not an enough thing. This is a being thing, right? There are certain people who came here with different gifts

Visualization and Technology

and different abilities. And for people who have different gifts, visualization is hard for them. My son, my eldest son is one of those people.
And if you come into the Goddess Collective, then we can talk about that. However, if you are working with visualization, after you have processed the emotions, get into the practice of seeing. So, hmm, allow yourself to feel the emotion, to feel maybe even where it's coming from, to feel even where it is in your body,
Right? And then allow it to just flow right out of you.
I know that some people have a hard time visualizing in the moment because you have a hard time bringing up the positive emotion that you have been taught needs to be connected to the visualization in order for that manifesting technique to work. You can't just see it. You have to feel what you're seeing. You have to bring up the vibration. Feel the gratitude. Feel the happiness. Feel the joy. And in that way, visualization works.
Now, this is true. I know that that is a part of it, but this is why I love Vedic chart work so much. And I mean that. Why? Because Vedic chart work helps you to see it physically in black and white. That you don't necessarily have to work yourself up to the place where you can see it. You can literally go back to your chart and see where the energies are converging for you.
See where the alignment has combined for you. See where your gifts are. See where your soul wants to be

Transmuting Energies

challenged and wants to grow and move forward in. You can go back to your chart, look at that, and that is going to by itself create a new activation in you. You can sit with that chart.
And you can sit with what some of those things mean for you, and then it's going to start to work up the energy for you. It's an easier way for you to flow into visualization because you're already seeing.
Right? So the chart work is just one tool. And if you haven't seen your Vedic birth chart yet, you really need to contact with me because there is so much power in seeing your birth chart. There are other tools out there on YouTube and some apps that will allow you to create
a visual of your life vision or what you're manifesting. This is also another easier way for you to visualize. You don't have to work yourself up to the place where you can see it. You can allow these AI and technologies to create the visualization for you, and as you're seeing it, then you can start to work up your frequency and your energy to match what it is that you're manifesting in your life.
So these are two ways that you can ease the technique of visualization for yourself, right? That's number one. Number two, transmute the energy. Now, if you're not used to energy work, you're going to be like, what? What are you talking about? So listen, remember, energy is either created nor destroyed at this level, right, in the 3D world. But you do have the power to transmute.
Okay? Energy that is stuck transmute it. Energy that is not yours and has entered your field transmute it. Energy that is of a lower frequency than what you're manifesting for you and your life transmute it. So
I want to really hone in on that, right? Because it's not necessarily that the frequency is negative. It's not necessarily that the frequency is toxic. It's simply lower than what you are manifesting in your life. There's nothing wrong with someone who's at the frequency of, hey, I got to work hard for $10 an hour to make ends meet.
Listen, that might be someone's frequency. That's where they're at. That's where they feel good. They're comfortable. Maybe they've risen themselves to that place. But that is not where you are manifesting. You are at a different place. So any frequency that is lower than what you're manifesting, you get to transmute it. So what do I mean by transmuting?
Hey, infinitely expanding soul. How could I let you leave this podcast episode without knowing about an amazing opportunity? To know yourself deeper and fall so madly in love with yourself that you ooze it out in everything that you do. To know your life path for certain and erase the doubt. To know your soul's purpose and what it came here to work out and the cycle it came to complete. To know where your major energies are aligning in your talents and your gifts.
and where your major energies are aligning with your wealth consciousness. Yes, more money. And maybe most importantly, how to integrate it all into your life so that we stop spinning in circles trying to figure all this shit out in a world that hopes that we don't.

Raising Vibrations and Gratitude

a super tight container with some energy clearing, laser coaching, and a vortex of women who are about not only their transformation, but they're about yours too so that there's no room for leaving this space without getting what you came for.
Welcome to the new and enhanced Goddess Collective, a 90-day journey into yourself and your infinite potential, your purpose, your prosperity, and your power embodied now. Click the link in the show notes to reserve your seat for the next cohort and do not delay.
So what do I mean by transmuting? I mean connect with what the energy is and then let it transform into a higher frequency. There are several ways to do this. And I teach a few of those ways in the Guards Collective. But for now, you can do something like feel where the energy is in your body, give it a number from one to 10, give it a color or a shape.
and then start to raise your vibration until that symbol changes. You can transmute any energy that comes into your field. You can transmute any energy that's hanging around you or projecting itself onto you or trying to resurface from your past or coming in through songs or media or the news.
It is part of your divine feminine power and your divine feminine authority. And what I need is for you to fully step into her. We can't upgrade the collective until you
One who is called to be the revolutionary and the rebel fully steps into her with all of your divine authority. So start getting back to practices that allow you to become her. Number three is a simple one, send love and light.
Every person post video statement that is somehow connected to your vision and your purpose and what you are manifesting for yourself, send love and light. Because as you elevate the vibration for that person, you're also elevating the vibration for the cause, right? For the collective, for the elevation of our species, of our gender, of women, of the planet.
So you're doing a great thing and by doing that, you're opening the door, you're opening the vibration for your own frequency to be elevated, right? So whatever you may start to feel triggered by, even if you're not, right? When you come across something that is connected to your vision, your purpose, your core values, send love and light.
All right, number four, take one action step, just one. Just take one step toward your dream and what you're manifesting and you're going to see doors open. And what this also does is jar you out of the other person's world or jar you out of your past timeline and brings you back into the frequency of who you are and what you are manifesting.
It's a disruptor, and then it grounds you into your own process, your own personhood, and your own future and purpose. So just take one action step when you start to feel triggered by what you are actually manifesting. All right, number five, raise your vibration. Now, this is easier to do than you might think.
Okay, it's not hard. You can raise your vibration with music that's upbeat, that's positive, that gets you moving. You can raise your vibration by dancing, by doing affirmations, by listening to motivational speakers and videos, or reading motivational thoughts. You can raise your vibration by laughing,
You can raise your vibration by movement. And by that, I mean exercising or walking or yoga or stretching. Stretching is a really good one. You can raise your vibrations by creating, right? Whether that's playing with Play-Doh or painting or creating a piece of content, whatever that looks like for you.
But you can raise your vibration by doing something in this list, whatever works for you. And do a combo of these things. I would suggest do at least three. When you're starting to feel triggered, right, and then some imposterism comes in or some doubt or some fears come in, I would invite you to use three of these things to raise your vibrations and provide you with disruptors.
so that you can ground and establish yourself in the new and higher frequency for that moment or even for that day. This also is going to bring you out of the other person's world and into your own. It's you taking authority back over your emotions, your vibration, and your future. It's you acknowledging and

Power of I AM Statements

making use of these things around you that's going to help you and ushering you into the energy of your manifesting.
Number six, get into a flurry of gratitude. And I know that this has been talked about a lot. You all know that gratitude is important. But listen, I'm talking about like a flurry, right? Get into a word vomit. Whether it's writing or speaking for me, sometimes writing is not enough because I just can't write fast enough to move myself out of the energy I'm trying to move out of, right? So get into a vortex of gratefulness. Immerse yourself in the energy.
I just let my thoughts go and I just start being grateful for the bed I'm laying on, the clothes that I'm wearing, the money that I've been able to make so far, the achievements that I've made. You know, my children and I just go and I go and I go. Bathe yourself in it and don't give your mind the space to object or resist or to limit you. Because if you give your mind space, it will do that. And you know that, right? So just go until your frequency changes.
And then take a deep breath and then just be in that energy of gratefulness. And you will know, you will know that your frequency has been risen. Okay, number seven, this is the last one. Go read your I Am statements and declarations. Now this is something that I work on extensively with my clients.
especially the ones who come into the Goddess Collective, we go through all three phases and we are updating the I AM declarations along the way because you transform along the way. Your I AM declarations are so, so, so important and powerful in more ways than you can imagine.
Remind yourself of who you are and who you're becoming. Connect with the vibration of who you are. Reactivate your solar plexus by reading it and immerse yourself in you, right? The immerse yourself in the energy that is you, your journey, your power, your magic, your wealth consciousness,
your soul path is yours and yours alone. So let your higher self come through the statements, let divinity come through the statements and bring you back to who you are, the goddess energy that is within you. So those are your seven.
And listen, the more you do it, the more that it becomes your normal reaction. You are changing your habits. You are changing your normalcy. You're normalizing your reaction to things that might trigger you.
This reaction will change. I've seen this happen in myself. I've seen it with my clients that we have practiced these practices. And I have seen people's lives transform so fast just by using these techniques consistently.
but it's not just the techniques. Listen to me carefully. It is not just the techniques. It needs you. Every one of these techniques needs you. It's you in the practices. It's you surrendering to the practices. It's you walking in the practices and becoming through the practices. It's you. It's you changing your vibration.
and using your divine authority to alter your frequencies.

14-Day Practice and Goddess Collective

It's you. And this is a vital mind shift because I know I hear a lot, well, I've tried that. It didn't really work for me. It's not the it that works for you. It's you. It's you, right?
OK, so now try some of these over the next 14 days consistently and then hit me up. Let me know how things have been working for you, how things have been changing for you, because I know that they will be changing for you. And I want to hear. I want to hear the testimony. I want to hear your experience.
If you would like deeper work, more techniques and tools, and a deeper dive into the Goddess within you so that you can move in this world as the revolutionary that you were meant to be, you need to come into the Goddess Collective. It's the 90-day accelerator that will change your life and elevate your purpose, your prosperity, and your power. The link is going to be in the show notes.
And so, again, I would love to hear from you after you dive into some of these practices with the wholeness of yourself. And I'm sending you so much love and power. Until next time.

Empowerment and Resources

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If you are not yet living in your power, if you are not yet loving yourself completely and deeply, trusting yourself and using your intuitive tools, knowing undoubtedly who you are and why you are here, being yourself unapologetically, head on over to LatoyaZavala.com. That's LatoyaZavala.com.
You don't have to wait until you're ready to unlock your next level. You are ready now.