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Just Some Love image

Just Some Love

Awaken Bake
165 Plays1 year ago

To all of our dear listeners, we love you with all our hearts. If you don't know it, the world is lucky to have you here. Lately...the world has been a hard place to be and there aren't really words or answers, but there is love. So let's hold onto it as tight as we can. 


Introduction and Podcast Nature

Welcome to Awakened Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual pot, I am sorry podcast from One Girl, One Joint, and a journey to awaken what is inside all of us in the words of the wise Wiz Khalifa. Let's roll something and get the day started.
Hello, you guys. What up? Good morrow. Good morning. Good day. Good evening. Good. Whatever I am sending you so much love from where I am to where you are whenever you are when you when this voice is hitting your ears just know that you are so loved so loved Guys, first of all, I know we have been So sporadic with our episodes

Listener Support and Podcast Challenges

for so long. We were so good at releasing on every Monday and every Thursday and
And then these past six months, uh, you all know, Danny and I have gone through some like insane transitions, insane changes, as well as being two bitches with mental health problems and like shit. So be patient. Okay. And you have been, you honestly have been. So I just want to say thank you for being patient with us, for being here with us. Uh, when I am recording this, we have had a 500 listen weekend insane. Amazing. Hello, all of you. Um,
I just am speechless as to the support that you guys have given us, even when I'm sitting here and I'm like, oh my God, I haven't been doing enough. You guys are still just affirming that I am doing enough and that I am enough. So thank you for validating me, because that's what I'm here for, right? To validate myself? No, obviously not. Hi, guys. Hello. Okay. I got the thank you.
I'm here. Like I said, we've been sporadic and stuff. I can't lie, a part of the reason that I've been, I don't know, I don't want to say not called to do this right now, but I've been conflicted. I've been conflicted about the right way to do this, the right way to come on here, the right way to
to find space in this time.

Middle East Tensions and Peace Efforts

I don't want to get into all the details of the awful things that have been happening in the world right now. And that's not because I'm afraid to talk about it, but that's just because I just want to talk about love. Yeah, I just want to talk about love. There's so much pain right now.
Um, there's so much pain and that's what matters. It doesn't matter at the sides that they're on. I like, I, at the, at the base of it, I, it's so hard to talk about. It's so hard to talk about in a way where I'm not, I don't know. I just want it to come out right. That.
I'm not trying to make this obviously at all about me or my opinion or my anything. I'm just sharing how I have been feeling in light of the horrible, horrible, horrible, horrific, and just atrocious
amount of pain in the Middle East right now. Um, and I, yeah, I just feel called in my heart to specifically call out the Palestinians. Um, and I, I don't, I, I just, I, um, I, God, I don't, I suppose this is why I didn't want to get into these specifics.
And this is exactly what I feel like I did an episode not too long ago. God, it doesn't seem like it was that long ago when there was the last tragedy. And I wanted to talk about staying focused on your gratitude and getting through and how we're going to get through. And now I'm here doing it again and I'm
I'm doing it for myself, guys, if I'm being honest. What I'm going to sit here and tell you today is that there's good people. There's good people. And I'm saying that because I need to hear that. There's good people. There's good people who are fighting a really, really impossible fight right now. And I just,

Global Conflicts and Moral Reflections

I can't even imagine the sacrifice that some are making right now in this world in the name of land and money and things that don't really matter when life is what's in question. And I think for a lot of us here that are in this space, it's impossible for us to even wrap our minds around
hurting another being in this way, even someone that we... I mean, our worst enemies. And so it's just so hard to think that it's real. It's almost... And God, I know the privilege that I'm saying this, and again, I'm not trying to
to sound, I just am sharing. I'm just sharing, I'm just sharing it. But it's just almost impossible to grasp that that reality is a reality that people are being bombed 24 seven. It's just so wild that it's real. But right, we see, it's so hard.
This is what I'm saying, guys, is it's so hard to focus on the positive. I know that. And I know it sounds like a shout into the void. Just focus on the positive. And I promise you, I'm not telling you to be ignorant. I'm saying that we have to recognize the terrible. We have to speak out against these terrible, these horrible, horrible injustices that are being committed
Um, we have to call that out. We call that out. And like I said, I write the genocide in palace in Palestine. And I just don't know what else to call it. I guess is kind of like, I just, yeah, I don't. Um, and all of the pain in all of the middle East, I want to see, because I know that it is not just one place and it's not just one people who are being hurt. And it's not, but the,
the attack on humanity that is happening in the Middle East right now by other humans. I don't know, I don't know how to, I see videos, I see pictures because I'm trying to expose myself because I think we need to do that. I do think we need to see, we need to know what's happening, we need to be aware
Um, it's our duty to do so, to take in as much as we can. And, and that's where we all have different limits and we all have in different days, you'll have a different limit. Um, but being aware is so important and speaking out against it is so important. And this is where it's hard is that there's not, I feel like I have nothing else I can do beyond

Role of Light Workers and Positive Action

that. Um, you know, share things and do,
do what I can. There are no rallies near me and I have a newborn so I can't really do anything like that. Also, it's on the other side of the world. I felt at a loss. I feel like there keeps being these horrible, huge losses of life, these huge
We keep inflicting these huge wounds on the world. And wound doesn't even sound like a good enough word, but that's what I'm going to say is we keep inflicting these giant wounds on our world. And then saying, I wish our world was better. And it's just hard to not throw in the towel and give into the views of, right, the world is shit. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. And giving up and losing myself and I.
Again, I'm speaking just for myself, but I feel like if you're here with me, I feel like if you're listening now, you too feel this way that you don't want to. I don't want to give in to giving up. I truly believe that I just never will be able to make sense of the senseless violence, and I guess that's why they call it that, but I truly believe that
Danny, I, all of you who are listening to me right now and so many other beings in this world are light workers that are here and we, our souls chose to be here now for a reason. And that reason is that there are horrific things happening and we have to stop it. And some of us,
get to be there and do incredible things and stop it at the front lines and expose it. And there are so many people that you can go and follow. And with this situation, with this wound that we're dealing with, there's some incredibly hard to watch. And that's why I'm not trying to
I do want you to go to, and I hope I'm saying his name right, Motaz Aziza on Instagram and watch his stories and see the things happening because it is important. However, do so at your own discretion. It is incredibly difficult to watch. But what I'm saying is there are people, light workers like that, and they're able to in this instance
do direct work. They are there, and there's so many others. I didn't write them down. I should have before I started talking, and I will post people that you should follow on our story. But there are people who are able to do that work right now, and that is incredible. And there are people who are fighting forward, and you can do things.
like signed petitions for cease fires and all of that. And there are things that you can do, but also what you can do.

Positivity and Future Generations

And what I know we are here to do is we are here to be these light workers who are going to focus on the positive. And when I say focus on the positive, I don't mean be ignorant. I mean to find the silver linings and to hold onto them and to bring that light into the dark and help it to
be brighter. I just truly, I think we are here to progress. I think we are here to help. And by we, I don't mean just us or, wait, I'm talking about the very grand we. I mean all of us that are here right now, every single soul, even these bad people, even these people that I just can't think of another word for but evil, they are meant to be here and they are meant to be here so that we can take them down and
I don't mean take them down in a war with fighting and violence. I mean raising their vibration and eliminating those negative ones from this world because when we raise it, the higher we go, we get higher and higher and it just lessens those who are on those lower planes.
And I know it sounds simplistic and I'm not trying to simplify, again, such an incredibly complex problem. I'm just saying that I right now am sitting here and I feel helpless as hell. And this has nothing to do with me. So I can't even imagine. And so what I'm going to do is I'm going to sit here and I'm going to try like hell to look at the good things in this world. I am going to honor the horrible. I am going to honor those whose lives are lost. I am going
to take in as much as I can of that because I know that I need to know that the truth is out there and that that is the truth and that is happening. I need to know that that pain is there so that I can have something that fuels me to fight against it because I cannot keep doing this. I cannot keep making episodes on a podcast to try to remind myself to stay positive because I have a daughter in this world now. I have someone's future that I am fighting for. It's not just
that I have to make it. I have to make it as long as I can make it. I now have a stake in this world to continue. And I can't even really talk about that or I'm really going to get upset. But this is the first world scale tragedy since Phoebe's been born. And I'm sure there will be, unfortunately, more
And so it's the first time I've had to see things like this and have a child. Um, and wow, fuck guys, if it doesn't change your perspective on just everything, um, it really, whoo. Um, okay. Sorry. Okay. So what I want to do.

Stories of Innovation and Kindness

So I want to give us some positive to focus on, guys. Some high vibe highlights. Okay. Some happy news. I found two great stories that I want to tell you to just remind you that there is good in this world and that we are here.
Again, the grand we, we are here. The love is here. The love is here and it is not giving up. I'm not giving up. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not giving up. Okay. To start off, I would love to tell you guys about a name, a man named human Kelly. And I hope I'm saying that right. Human Bekele. Um, Mr. Bekele is a ninth grader, so he is 14 and
This child came up with a soap that prevents skin cancer. A 14-year-old came up with a prevention for skin cancer and he discovered a compound that he can use to make this soap that stimulates the dendric cells in your body, which are like what is responsible for protecting your skin. And there's an awesome video where he describes how he figured this out by like
tracking the recovery rates of melanomas in Sub-Saharan Africa and the US and he is a genius. And so he was able to use that data to find this fucking magical mixture that is a soap that can prevent and help cure cancer. A 14 year old, this 14 year old genius. Um, like what? And the best part is that this 14 year old cancer stopping hero,
and this cancer-stopping soap that he created, he made sure it was affordable and accessible because, right, he is trying to help sub-Saharan Africa and the entire world. And so he's a good fucking human who knows that that means that everyone should be able to have access to this life-saving soap. Soap. It's a soap. Oh my god.
Hug this kid. Um, I just am blown away. Like when I read about this, I just like was Googling good things that have happened because I needed, and I came across this and he is now America's top young scientist. And I, ooh, it made me really excited to have this story come out and for this to be what I found. Um, because children are the future.
They are not wrong. And I, oh, I needed some good, some good. Yeah, clearly guys, I needed this, but I'm, I was just very excited. Okay. I'm going to share the video where he explains it all on our story and you can find it there. Um, but yes, I, hell yeah.
I hope that was good. I hope you guys enjoyed that story. The next is from Spokane, Washington, and it's the story of a community coming together in Spokane. There was a young boy named Gabe who loves riding his bike, and I mean like beyond loves it. Gabe is autistic and to him, his bike is like his safe space. He described it to his mom as the only place where his brain is quiet, like this kid and his bike, inseparable. And because there's assholes, an asshole stole his bike.
The good news, the good side is that his community who loves him and just cherishes him, they reached out to these two companies Cherry Hill BMX and Two-Wheeler Dealer and they came together and created an exact replica of the bike because it was like a custom bike and they made it and they presented it to him.
And now Gabe is back racing around on his two wheels and he is happy and he is quieting his brain once again. Yeah. Okay, guys, those are two little stories, two happy things, and there's so much more. And I want to highlight more, and so I would love it if you guys would send in little
little positivities from your day. I know that that was just like two quick little stories. It doesn't sound like like, but that's kind of what I wanted it to be. I don't know. I wanted to remind you guys of just little things that are happening that we don't get to see because of all this negativity and to remind us that. Yeah, there's good guys. There's there's good guys. And there's some really not so good guys, too. And we just can't we can't give up.
We can't give up. We need each other now more than ever.

Gratitude and Hopeful Conclusion

I'm so grateful. And I feel like I have no other words to say other than just I keep saying to myself that I am so grateful for where I am. I am so grateful for where I am.
And I am so grateful for the future that I know is coming because I know that we will be better. I know that we are better. I know it. I believe with my whole heart that someday we will learn. And I also believe that we are here helping to teach that lesson. And I might not see it in my lifetime.
I hope Phoebe does. I'm not giving up the faith. I know this has kind of been a weird episode and I hope I haven't been too negative. Like I said, this was kind of
I had a whole other thing I was going to talk about, but I just, I didn't know how to have all this stuff going on and not, it would have felt disingenuine to not mention it or to try and just put on like a happy voice and talk about planets. I don't know. I don't know. I hope I didn't overstep. I hope, I hope you all get what I meant, where I'm coming from and know I'm here. And you can always talk to me and Danny and I just.
I love you. I love you. And to everyone in the world, I am just sending out this message of love. I just, I just, I just, I just, I have a lot of love. Alright guys, stay high.