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Midwatch Conversation 1 image

Midwatch Conversation 1

E1 ยท Down Ladder Podcast
34 Plays1 year ago

First attempt at just talking, working out kinks and just seeing what you guys would want out of a podcast like this. Also, diving into the submarine community as a whole and how submariners fit in the real world


Introduction to the Downlatter Podcast

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the Downlatter Podcast with your hosts Wes and Cole, two submarine guys doing a podcast about anything by submariners for submariners and sailors and anybody who wants to listen to whatever the fuck we got to talk about. General warning going forward. If you're not a submarine guy, you'll find that submarine guys were just naturally touched in the head.
weird things might come out. It's just going to happen naturally. You just got to roll with it.

Life after the Navy: Culture and Camaraderie

Yeah. We want to do this podcast because, uh, well, I'm now out of the Navy, uh, recently divorced from the Navy, uh, hell yeah. And I realized like very early, like immediately I missed the culture and I missed the shit talking and day-to-day tomfoolery, dickbaggery, uh, shit talking that goes on. And that's why we want to do this. So.
Yeah, especially just the general knowing that not everything's a fire, and even sometimes the fires aren't even fires, and it's a lot more laid back than what most people would think. But obviously, there's aspects where it's like, that's super not laid back. That was totally handled inappropriately, but whatever.

Submarine Safety Concerns and Public Perception

We're searching for the average, though.
But yeah, we were actually just talking. We were talking about how now things to submarines especially, like rich people, they don't have to climb to the top of Mount Everest to die in a treacherous part of the world. They can just sink to the bottom of the ocean just like that, which is pretty good. Hats off to submarines right there. It's pretty cool. Crazy actual sardine can. That thing, looking at it, why the fuck would you go down to one of those things?
Granted, we go to some cool depths, but nowhere near what those retards are doing.
No, it's like and like plus it's like like I feel like a lot of people were like giving it a lot of criticism like saying like wow that just looks like terribly unsafe and like they were controlling that with like a Frickin gate like a knockoff gamecube controller and like, you know took to my response is like You that that's still that's no different in the actual like submarine. Maybe there's like a lot of everything's pretty much just held together by like, you know EB red and Frickin bazooka bubblegum. Yeah
Like if I had a nickel for every freshly replaced O-ring that just decided to shit itself, you know, the boat wouldn't go under way. Just thank the bot. But yeah, I was reading about the, I know the QA issues they had with the, you know, like the glass and the actual like safety features.
And apparently like someone before, even before they started the program, you know, actually sending people down there, it was like, dude, this is not, not a safe, not a safe thing at all. I don't remember what the actual like, uh, issues were.
But like someone actually brought it up and then they, they pretty much just silenced this guy. And then, I don't know if it's like the, it's probably like the pretty much the equivalent equivalent of like, if you've ever like experienced snap roll, um, it's generally like, it's one of those things. It's like, it's not cool enough to where you want to stop, but it's like still, still kind of cool enough to attempt to do three more high speed turns, you know, with my chipping on board.
Exactly. It's like, you know, might as well, you know, might as well just, you know, make it happen. I don't know. You got to impress somebody, you know. I think it's probably like around the same thing, you know, because like, you know, growing up, there's one time I like, I had a car, like, car with a backseat full of girls and, you know, I just, I was like, oh, it's hot, hot rod this thing around. Immediately got it stuck in a ditch. That was terrible. You know, nothing makes it look worse. Well, at least that guy got to die. You know, you never got to like view his shame. You know, he's like, oh, man.
He's just, he was cool until he wasn't anymore. That was it. That's all I knew. Yeah. With his son on board. Crazy. Oh, it was dope. Well, rest in peace to his son. But like, you know, in all honesty though, like first rule of submarine-ing, you know, you kind of went ahead and violated that one, you know, you kind of, yeah. Don't die in a submarine, you know, kind of.
Kind of ruined it there. Kind of fucked that whole thing up. For a quarter million dollar discount. That's what that means. Well, the money all of a sudden didn't matter anymore. How much could the Navy make doing joy rides on

Comparing Navy Life with Civilian Experiences

submarines? We do tiger cruises, but they might have something there. Maybe not now. That's how we get out the deficit. We just turn the Navy into six flags. Yeah, if you're stuck in port and
supply doesn't have the money to buy something for you, do open purchases, you could have all the money you want. Get all the new chairs you could possibly dream of. That'd just be like a shitty cruise liner because all the people who are working on those cruise ships, everyone has an earpiece and there's probably some stuff that happens. You're like, oh wow, it's a good thing. I didn't know that. Could you imagine?
just over your earpiece or just like fire, fire, like, oh my God. You just have to like briskly walk in the halls like nothing's going on. I could not do a freaking cruise dude. I'd lose my mind. Never again would I, like I would go in a, sure I could go on boats. I could probably do a commercial industry again, like commercial sailing or, uh, well, maybe not. But like if I had to, I could, I would not volunteer to go on a cruise and not get paid, you know, like, come on. Yeah.
Well, like, I mean, I don't I feel like I can't really handle like a lot of like normal things anymore. Just basically like just any normal like work environment because just that like the sense of urgency is so misplaced. It's it's it's absolutely bonkers. It's like, we're going to run out of paper in a week. It's like, okay, just just order some more. Yeah, order some more. And everything's like a mild meltdown. And it's like,
really like you can you can you can watch half of your life supply just like just say see you later and you're just like, well, I better grab a clipboard and write down what time that happened. That's that's wild. Yeah. You know, that's crazy that the electric plant just like half of it just decided to go away. I better write down what time that happened. That was weird. Does everyone know what's going on? Crazy.
Then later on, obviously, this is part of the nuke world, but then you get four guys coming up to you and being like, hey man, what happened back there? It's just like, dude, just don't even worry about it. It's not even worth you worrying about it. It's such a reveal. What happened was so bonkers. It's like, it's fine. Just don't worry about it. Could it happen again? It's definitely going to happen again, but just don't worry about it.
Yeah. Did you call kind? Did you see that? That was crazy.
And the opposite when sonar or like fire control shit gets fucked up and they're like, well, we're not going to go underway tomorrow. Well, because this one car doesn't work anymore. You know, like, yeah, sonar just kills itself every, you know, 30 minutes. It just decides to put a bullet in its head. And then everyone's like, well, yeah, that's, that sucks. Whatever. They're going to go underway. Yeah.
Oh, man, dude. Yeah, like, well, it's like anything with like those like bigger casualties where like, things really start like going south. Like, like, I mean, again, I was talking to you about this like a couple days ago, it's like there there's two general schools of thoughts when like, things go like when shit really hits the fan. Like afterwards, after the smoke settles, there's like people that are like,
Oh my god, we're on a fucking death trap. Yeah, the other half is like, holy crap, guys, do you see how much shit can go wrong and we still don't die? This place is so safe. Like, yeah, to very extreme looks at it. And I imagine there's like, some people who just like refuse to think about anything, they just like compartmentalize super hard. And, you know, they just
They just bagged that up for the VA claim and, you know, when they get out of their 20, you know? Like, if I hold in all this baggage, maybe, maybe I will never be able to sleep again. Dude, speaking of VA claims, I had like two appointments today online, two video conference appointments.

Veterans' Healthcare Challenges

Both of them didn't show up.
to their own, like the doctors didn't show up to their own appointments for the VA. Is it like a court case where you just, you just get off, you just like, they just give you, you're fine. You just like, here you go. Yeah. I'm trying to get like actually seen for something. And one of them was an indoctrination. It's like a, my initial intake or onboard for the VA. Um, and so it was like a general questionnaire, but that guy didn't, he never logged on. So I'm like calling, calling, calling, and they don't like,
It's a completely different system. They're all contractors, so no one actually gives a shit. And then the second one was for...
education benefits and vocational rehabilitation. And that guy didn't show either. I was like, what the fuck on the same day? Like, Jesus Christ. Dude, those government those government gigs, you know, they are always, you know, the view from the top is what it seems like sometimes. Like, well, I mean, I guess I also like happened. I mean, probably not to the same extent. I mean, we went to me and wife, we went to go see a pediatrician.
And like we had just got home and then we're like, Oh man, we have another question for her. So we just called up and it was like, probably like three in the afternoon, maybe two 30 or something. And then we call, I was like, Hey, yeah, we have a question for like the, the pediatrician. And they're like, well, she's not in anymore. I was like, Oh, okay. And they're like, and she doesn't take calls. It was like in two, like big breaths in between. I was like.
So, all right, I guess we're done here. He's like, well, you have a good day. I was like, oh, okay. I guess we're going to WebMD this. Yeah, I guess we're going to WebMD this. Yep. Great. Had one simple question about maybe a sniffly nose and then my kid has pertussis or something now. Yeah. That whooping cough. You can always call your parents. I think that's what I would do.
Hey, mom, this thing happened. I don't know how to take care of this baby. What do I do? And then my mom would probably help out. Well, see, the funny thing about that, though, too, was that there was one time where I was back home on leave. My mom was cleaning out some old parts of her bedroom, and she dug out a book that was raising a healthy baby in spite of your doctor. And I was like,
Okay that explains so much. I was always wondering why like the only time I ever went to the doctor was like when I was on the verge of death and it was always like urgent care. There's one time I had like a staff infection on my forehead that was so severe I looked like one of those like you know those shitty looking goldfish.
that just are like, I look like a freaking normal fish. And so like, you know, I'm in like middle school, right? So it's like, it's like a weird time, like everybody's making fun of everybody is crazy. And so it's the summer and I was like, I just don't want to run into anybody I know for the love of God. And my mom's like, well, let's try the the urgent carrot Walmart.
I'm like, Oh God. But I was so disfigured. I saw like a couple of people, but I don't think they recognized me. But it was like, it was so bad. I get the Walmart, I get the great value doctor. Never went to the hospital. Not my family. That was it. Yeah. Put some fix of April rub on your chest.
You're like, well, that's when my mom was bringing out like the big guns is when you got the VIX on the bottom of your feet. You knew it's like, Oh yeah. Oh, I'm terminal. That's what this means. I'm going to die. Look, I was VIX on the bottom of my feet. So I died comfortable. I mean, that's how, that's how medical is on the boat. So same thing. Change your socks. Did nothing. Nothing beats like, I don't know if it was just like the docs that we had, but like,
You know, just the more unintelligible a corman can be, I guess the, the easier it is for them to advance or something. I don't know. But it's like, it's like, you're bleeding, but the bleeding is slowing. So you're fine. You're just, you're fine. It's fine. It's like, doc, we'll talk. I don't feel fine. So can you give me something? We, you know, I actually thought we had a bad, but, uh,
from what I hear about the Nimitz and like carriers, it is a freaking shit show. I was helping two of Julius's friends with their VA claims and like they showed me their medical record. They had nothing in their medical record.
from like four years of being on a ship, nothing zilch about things. Really? Yeah, there was like no x-rays. One dude broke his hand and had no x-rays or any proof that he broke his hand. He had to get a letter from the captain and their medical saying, yeah, we lost all these records. This guy broke his hand probably about this day. And this is probably what we did the treating. So here you go. And I was like, well, dude, you're just gonna have to submit that.
You know, in your VA claiming, good luck because shit, but that's probably good enough for VA claim. You do a separate physical anyway, but yeah. Well, that's, I mean, well, and, and, you know, that's, that should be like a little plug there is like, Hey, put everything possible on your medical record.
that you possibly can even like make sure it's there like, oh, yeah, just ask like, anybody to like, hey, can you print that off that this happened? And like, you'll probably like, do the normal thing where they try and talk you out of getting something that you need. But yeah, make sure you get that stuff in there, like in paid dividends. And also, if like you're prideful about putting in a VA claim,
you know, knock that shit off if that money's there for a reason. Use it. Yeah, it's already paid for literally, you know, however many billion dollars goes to the VA. It's for you. You earned it. Don't be a don't try to be a hero and say you don't, you know, deserve.
that either the disability income or even the VA services. If you did know, if you get 50% VA disability rating, you're automatically enrolled in VA healthcare, which is a free for you healthcare. You don't think you have to pay co-pays. So for all those young sailors out there or anybody at the prototypes who's on the verge of getting out,
looking at that stuff and take taps seriously. Oh, you know, it is probably going to be a waste of time for anybody, but yeah. As with most things, it's like, that's, I think that's like one place where I've like definitely had to do better is like, you know, just not reading into everything like so literally and just like, you know, laughing at things like, well, you know, that happened. You know, you'll have that on them big jobs and move on.
The, uh, it's like any like Navy training.

Navy Technology and Communication Issues

I saw a meme where it's like, uh, guy going through, he's like, you know, when you do the cyber awareness challenges or anything like that, you just super click through, like absorb everything. He's like, there's no way you could possibly do that. He's like, I know everything. I've done this like 50 times. I know what it's saying. Yeah.
I know Frank has a job for you to help defend the American cyber infrastructure and it's the same shit. They just add one little thing every now and again. It's crazy. I never fully passed them every time. Six years of doing that. Oh, yeah.
Well, it's like that just shows you how useless it is. See, that's like everything. You know, they probably had to spend way too much money on that probably because like, you know, some admiral's nephew was part of the company that made it and they're like, well, you know, we got suckered into a 10 year contract on this one. Gotta milk it. Yeah. Oh, $250 million. Yeah, $250 billion for
pretty much DVD video like you know the games that were on like those DVDs that you'd play as a kid that you had to use a little shitty remote for that's like the level of technology that we're still using for our trainings and we're like this is better you know it's like
Club Penguin style games. Yeah, Club Penguin level of like, you know, while like, you know, MIT, they're like controlling a fleet of like hovercraft with their mind. And then like, you know, we're just sitting here still, you know, not able to pull emails at PD. So bitch.
Yeah, that'll get off next week. Yeah, it's been in the freaking cash forever. Yeah, to all those boats out there on deployment, you're definitely not listening to this, but keep your head up, keep looking out.
We're with you here in our thoughts. Yeah. Prayers if you think that those work. If you think those work, then we're there too. Whatever, non-denominational, non-gender specific deity you worship. Yeah. I mean, there's been a lot of things politically going on though, not until I get into a political chapter of anything or any opinion piece.

Current Challenges for Submarine Sailors

But now that I'm off the boat and everything, it's
You look at some things popping up and you're like, I am so glad I'm not on a submarine right now. It is a rough time to be a submarine sailor. And plus, Op Tempo was already going through the roof. And then China rush, you have to start pulling some shit. And you're just like, I'm so glad. I don't have to experience that. Not this year. Not this year.
Crazy. Yeah, we were talking about this the other day. I was like, I kind of wish, I don't know. Part of me wishes I was still on the boat just for the camaraderie and being there with people, which is crazy. Cause I'm, I mean, I'm, if you're listening, I'm in Bremerton, Washington right now, which is one of the submarine capitals, you know, there's more fricking retired submarine guys and it's probably on the grating level, but still it's,
Yeah, I kind of long for that, the shit that we had.
Well, the, what the crazy thing is, is it like, um, with submarines as a community, it's, it's so interesting where you can find fellow submarine guys. It's nuts. Like I was, I was at like the, at the gym working out one day, like one morning, it was like five o'clock in the morning. And a guy, he sees like, I'm wearing like a Navy hoodie and he's like, oh, Hey, yeah, hell yeah. Navy. I was like, are you a Navy guy? He was like, yeah, I was an officer on a nuclear submarine. I was like,
I was a reactor operator on a nuclear submarine and we just like it was definitely Like you could just tell like this dude was a j.o. It's like you didn't have to like you didn't have to really say anything It's like okay. Yeah, dude you got
You got like, you got a little bit of the burgers and you got a little, little, little, little tism, little, little dash, little pepper. And that's like, just talking about stuff. That guy was, that guy was definitely like a little bit of a spaz. He's definitely like, you know, probably had like a interesting time with the transitioning, but yeah, but they're, they're everywhere, man. They are really everywhere. And you can still like, even like, cause I'm up in the middle of nowhere, like Ohio and like you bump into them. It's weird.
Yep. And that's definitely like a, like a really crazy thing because it's like.
just like, I don't know if it's the misery loves company or what it is, but I think like I always, I never understood why people would go back for a second boat tour. And, you know, they always said that you'll understand when you get away from it. And it's like, you do kind of understand it. Cause like, it's definitely a mindset and a mentality that is not really held anywhere else. And you feel very out of place in the real world, very out of place.
Yeah, crazy having like, like for me, like going from, like you think about your day to day on a submarine and there's like always something to do, but at the same time, there's always periods of you just standing at the workbench or, you know, in your space, just kind of post it up on a bulkhead and just like shooting the shit. But like the stress level was high, even though if you like, like break it down minute by minute, there's not a lot going on, you know? And I find that here it's like,
I also don't have a lot going on, but at the same time, I want that anything could happen at any time right now. Your brain starts to crave the stress for whatever reason. Granted, were there times where six hours went by and I didn't even look at my panel, of course that happened way more times than it should ever happen.
But was it still stressful for? Well, yeah, probably inside 2020. I was like, yeah, you know, especially like, depending on who you have to your left and to your right, it can make things way more stressful. Especially when things do go south is like, Oh my God, I wish I wish I could reach over there. I wish.

Work-Life Balance in the Navy

I remember when we were, uh, we were doing crit testing and it was you and I as the RMTs doing
I don't know if I could say it's on the air. Yeah. Undisclosed maintenance. Undisclosed testing, yeah. And I had stayed the entire night to help out with that testing because I wanted to get it done. And I would have been up for like 26 hours, I want to say.
Yeah. We were just like, you and I were so tired. We're just, we're so beat. And there's this fucking shipyard guy who was like oversight or I don't know what his job was. He was just kind of in the way. Um, part of the testing team. And I remember you snapped at him and like looking back, I was like, yeah, do you remember that? I think I dude, I, if, if I remember, did you, yeah, you're probably just going to have to remind me what I said, dude. I don't know.
It was so funny because you're like just like dude just let us do what we're gonna do Just shut the fuck up like let us keep going. It's gonna be fine You're gonna be right and like this guy had probably just shown up to work Just turned over and he's like ready to get the day rolling and he had to deal with us you know, that's how it was like a lot of times was like just like looking at those people it's like You wouldn't want to tell your boss that anything got slowed down today. Would you?
I mean either so and I want to go home. So let's smooth this out. I missed it. Look here Todd. Travis or you know. Look here Trav. I've been up for so long. Not all of us are union guys. Please let me go.
Man, nice. Dude, there's so much stuff I wish we could talk about. But there is one thing, talking about the same line of that as the desperation for liberty. I put my mouth on a funnel to try and clear it so that we could try and mouth suck a funnel so you can get
any water to drain out of it because you just want to go home that bad. It's been so long. Spit cleaning a pinsy roof. Yeah, it's like goodness gracious. It's like I'm only going to get four hours of sleep, but you know for sure I'm still going to make that drive home and drive back in the morning. Because if I have to sleep on the boat one more time, like I got skin marks in my underwear, like older.
older than some of the paint in this boat. I need to go home. Jeez.

Economic Concerns and Personal Reflections

It was crazy. I just really missed the tempo. That's what I'm looking for in a job like for all those listening in the job market right now. I didn't do another with LinkedIn post moving to South Carolina soon, very soon.
Um, having to buy a house in his fucking market. Oh my God. Interest rates, dude, dude. I was just talking to my like neighbor cause like, you know, I just bought a house back in November and, uh, I was talking to like my neighbors because they knew that people lived here before me. And they're like, what this guy did is he, uh, he got a good deal on a double wide and moved his family of five to a double wide from this like pretty decent 1700 square foot house. Um,
moved them to a double wide.
and he's gonna wait for the market to cool off before he buys a house so that he can capitalize on all the money made off of selling this house. And you know, I was just like looking at the market here recently. I was like, man, that dude fucked up on levels that were just unprecedented. Yeah. Dude, the number of times that I'd like kick myself from not buying a home, like doing the math, like as a, you know, E4, even an E3, dude. Like think about it, I could have showed up to Charleston
living in the barracks and bought a house in Charleston in 2017. And then value today would have doubled, you know? Oh, yeah. And then went to New York. I could have bought New York at that time, 2018, could have bought. Yeah. Went to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, could have, definitely should have bought, like we know a lot of guys who made, I mean, there's, you know, Lincoln on our boat. Yeah. Who freaking, the guy with the tism came out with like 80 grand on top. Yeah.
Coming out freaking, pulling up with five Ace cards right there. Jesus. Yeah. I don't like, yeah, it's the hindsight is so, so crazy. It's like to look back how many people like made so much money on like housing. But the problem is, is it like, you know, like once you sell you, like, even though you're selling it like a higher market, you just, you have to buy in that same bullshit market. You're just like, this is.
You get the same amount of house that you had in the first place. Or less. Yeah. Honestly, it's like definitely not prime. Not prime to be doing money moves. No. Interest rates are killer. Stocks are shit. Well, maybe not shit.
I anticipate they will be. This does not constitute investment advice. Yeah, exactly. It's about time to start playing Bo Cephas. Start playing some Bo Cephas. Bo Cephas too, hopefully one of his sons or grandkids is out there making some country boy will survive type music.
You know, we can all get our, yeah, everybody start prepping. Get all the, get all the toilet paper, you know, all that, all that raw, the raw unground wheat that you've been telling yourself you're going to make into flour for when the shit hits the fan. And then the shit never hits the fan, but you know.
Yeah, I still sucked up on a nine mil two years ago. And he used to sing around. Dude, seven year old me's should have bought all the 22 ammunition that he ever saw. Take out futures on ammo. Yeah, taking out futures like Jesus, you know, one of those just need to get one of those go back machines. As soon as they get that go back machine to start working, dude, we're going to be swimming in the swimming in Benjamins, man.
For real. Be Scrooge McDuck in it. Weird pause on the podcast while we contemplate on what to talk about next. Yeah. Hey dude, this is all about the learning experience. Yeah. We can have a couple dry runs and stuff and edit stuff out, figure things out. It has to be pretty hard to start doing this because it's like you have to talk like you're not talking to anybody.

Podcast as a Reflection of Submarine Life

Yeah, which is crazy. You are talking to somebody. You are talking to somebody. Yeah. But then the natural lull in normal conversation. This is kind of like being on watch together, thinking about it. Yeah. This is exactly what would happen.
Well, yeah, she's listening to a new Bad Bunny album. Yeah, that was pretty cool. Maybe that's what this podcast should be is just like a mid watch conversation and then just like, you know, at some random point, there's just gonna be two hours of complete silence and just like the vague sound of pages turning. That would be a good, uh, not an intro would, uh,
Not like a special, a part of the podcast. I don't know. Mid-watch conversation. Yeah. The mid-watch conversation. Yeah. Just like where me and you both wake up at 11 o'clock at night. And just the first two hours is just like, someone tries saying something, shut up. Shut up. Bring an Aeropressin. Yeah.
So there's this one time my mom tried getting me to set like setting me up with my cousin. It's like stop telling that story. You've told that story so many times. Shut up. Don't want to hear that. Don't care about that story. No, I don't care if your cousin was hot or not. Shut up. Stop it. Craziest mid watch I've ever had. Let's see. Let's just think about that craziest mid watch. Um,
All the conversations. I don't know. Dude, well, they're impossible to remember because like there were so many and so much like fucked up stuff like happened. Um, one thing I can't remember is all the times I showed an officer my penis. That was, it may have been, it may have been a lot of times. Yeah. I remember every time. The thick stories. I think my, my best thick story is, uh, being in a dry dock and.
We had this guy named Phoenix, an emdiver, who would... And Phoenix, if you're listening, shout out to Phoenix. Cool dude. He... Oh, what was he doing? Oh, he was in like this tent in the dry dock. It was really cold and he had this like little heater unit in the dry dock. And he was like some watch for some, I don't even know what fucking we were doing, steam generator testing or something like that. And he...
I go to like, relieve him. And I just see, as I'm walking up to this little tent, there's just a dick, just ball and cock, hanging out of the dick, just peeing. He's just peeing. And there's like urine, just like, trail. And I'm just watching this unfold, walking up. I was like, well, I gotta, I gotta do something. So I just opened the thing. I'm like, what are you doing? And then, and you seen him, and it's just like, well, I'm peeing. He had like, poked a hole in the little slit.
in the thing and he had to pee. Yeah, in the Tyvek and then put his dick in the Tyvek and was just peeing out of the Tyvek.
No bottle, no nothing, which, it's a dry dog, so who the fuck cares? But you know, it's just like, imagine in our walking up on that. I've seen a dick. Anybody, well, I've seen a lot of, that's one crazy thing is that you realize is that like, even the people in charge of you don't want to admit that some things happen. Cause you know, then they have to talk about it a repeated amount of times. And then it's just,
the paper. Yeah, it's just like how well this would just be an administrative headache. Just turn around, start whistling. I didn't see anything. Or it's like when you go to rip off one tag, and then you rip off seven tags at the same time, because somebody like, you know, taped them over each other, and then you like turn to your right and you see a representative and you're like,
So when they just walk away and you're like, oh, thank God, thank God. Dude, what I found out is doing a bunch of job interviews. Obviously, yes, the Navy uses the tag out procedures, but in the regular world, they use actual log out tag outs where
Like they lock everything, everything is locked, because that's how stupid people are. Which granted, like there's the same level of stupidity in the Navy. I definitely know people, we all know people like that, who would like see a tag and be like, oh, I got you, I got you, and then. That like, that is like more true than anything. There's one time I was like, I shit you not, I was like up by like one of the shore power bunkers, because I was just talking to the wife on the phone,
And like this, I don't know, uh, like now fat guy who was like in charge of like cleaning off the pier or like, you know, he has just tried to plug in like a leaf blower and he plugs it into one of the, like the outlets over by the shore power bunker.
And it wouldn't work. It wouldn't work. And so he's like, oh, I wonder if this, and I'm right next to it, he goes to trip shore power. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no. And that's all my wife heard was just me. I was just talking like, yeah, so honey, when I get home, no, no, stop, stop, stop it, stop it, stop it. And he's like, hey, what's wrong? I was like, you.
You don't want to do that. That doesn't do what you want to do. He's like, okay. And he just like walks down the pier. I was like, Oh my God. That was almost like, you know, and like, no one, no one was around to see that. Like you just look around you're like, somebody tell me I did a good job. Somebody tell me good boy. Nope. Nope. Didn't get that.
Talking with these hiring managers and you tell them, they explain number one question like, how would you do a tag out procedure? So you let them know and they're like, and I would always explain the difference of what a commercial tag out versus a Navy tag out. And granted, every company's got their own freaking systems and way of doing things. But explain to people, you don't physically lock something or you don't physically
You know, put something in the way. And, you know, there's varying degrees of that in the Navy, but like they could not wrap it through their head like, well, how would you stop somebody from touching it? Are you going to stop somebody from opening the valve? I'm like at the fucking.
the red thing on it. You know, the thing that says you're not to not to. That's why the thing that says to don't just don't the to don't tags. Yeah, crazy. Yeah, it's crazy stuff. Well, and see, that's kind of goes back to like a lot of the the the weird relationship you just have with your surroundings. Like,
Like even now, like there's like a couple of times they'll be like, be sitting at my desk at work and the lights will flicker. Cause like, you know, it gets windy and the lights flicker. And now I just like kind of pause for a second. I'm like, Nope, you're, it's okay. You don't need to do anything right now. Just, you know, just chill.
I remember having those flat lows, like moments in a, in like a Home Depot where like the lights flicker and something happened and everyone stops.

Submarine Culture and Community

I noticed it here in Bremerton at the, the Home Depot. Oh yeah. Yeah. Cause it's obviously as much as sub guys. Yeah. Or at least at the banger base. And like I was in the electrical aisle buying some cool ass electrical equipment that I don't need or never will use, but uh.
I like the whole aisle. I could just tell it was nukes or like it was, oh, I just knew it was some shipyard guys. And like the lights flicker and everyone stopped. Everyone stopped, looked up. And then we were like, and then we all looked at each other and we were like, oh shit, we're all, we're all of the same people. We are one. Join us. Yeah. Fricking Legion. Frickin hive mind. Dude.
I forgot. I totally forgot what I was going to say. I saw an article about a boat that pulled into, I think Haiti. I think that was pretty cool. That's why the Navy tests for AIDS by annually. Sometimes we got to go to Haiti or Thailand and we can't make it look like we're singling out any certain sailors.
Yeah, crazy way. Yeah, I think that was pretty, I think it's the USS Pasadena. They pull in to Haiti. That's a cool ass port call. Like, oh, we're doing it. Yeah. Like welcome to third world country.
Yeah, enjoy your and stretch your American dollar here. Enjoy your chicken. And you know, you know, some like some, you know, there's gonna be somebody coming back to the boat, you're gonna over you're gonna walk past a conversation that's gonna be like, you know, I was gonna wear a condom, but I was like, when's the next time I'm gonna be in Haiti? Oh, my god, go see Doc now. Go to Doc.
Oh my god. You have, you have athletes penis now. You have contracted athletes penis. That's what you have. You have gangrene. My gangrenous pee hole. Does it burn when you pee? Doc, I can't feel it. Alright. Alright. Sounds good.
You know, that's what that's when Doc just takes away all your socks. You're just like you don't You might contaminate the laundry you're gonna have the laundry machine you're gonna give your feet herpes No more no more happy socks no nothing I Think a funny one. I remember remember on the in the maneuvering status board. We have a we'd have cat days to
How do we say like they see you get back to your, your import sock. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. That could be a really good moment of conversation is the, the submarine dictionary, um, which is, you know, praise be to the, to the submarine dictionary, gracing us with all the cool and fun phrases, you know, the old import sock, your significant other, you know? Yeah.
Why like depending on who your significant other they may enjoy that comment or they may hate that comment That's true 50 I have found that even if they do like it the more you say it the less they like it
Found that out. It does wear out. It does. Replace it with cum dump. Yeah, cum dump. Yeah, or like, you know, getting educated on what a screaming seagull is, is where you're like, you know, having sex on the beach and you like pull your dick out, rub it in the sand and then shove it back in.
The screaming seagull knows no gender. It works always. That's a Coronado favorite. That's a Coronado favorite. Black speech favorite. Black speech favorite. You have yourself a weenie fry and hit a screaming seagull real quick.
I'm surprised I didn't see more of that in Black Speech. I went like twice. Not nude, you know, just I went on a run, obviously. Oh, some voyeur. Just to see what was out there. Drop another nickel in the voyeur tank. Yeah, I didn't see any of that. My Twitter feed was full of that. It's crazy.
Granted the, the, uh, the porn industry of San Diego is actually pretty, pretty hot is what I've heard or see. And I know in like, after like, you know, being like, I've spent some time in Kentucky, Missouri, you know, Ohio now.
All these places where you'd think there'd be a little bit more white supremacy. I saw more like KKK t-shirts and white powers. Oh, yeah, dude. I saw a guy walk shirtless with the old Kentucky tuxedo, white beater and white beater cargo shorts, and he was like, dude, shirtless.
with freaking like SS tattoo, just like a big ass SS on his, his torso and like with the shaved head. And I was like, oh, this, this guy fucking for real, like in Coronado. Yeah. I don't do like, well, I mean some parts of like,
I mean, well, that's, I guess that's the only place they can walk around really is like, you know, they, they can't, they, you know, you're not going to see a, you're not going to see a skinhead and a low income side of San Diego. You know, not even they would walk by themselves. What are all these bottles doing around me? What is with all these minorities around here? Someone should tell them to steer clear of me.
Jesus. One LaCucaracha horn was the last thing he heard, you know? For real. Blasting Travis Treat and his truck. Frickin' Travis Treat! I love the new Luke Holmes album! Whoo! Whoo! This new Zach Bryant song's awesome!
I can't find anywhere to park my diesel pickup truck. Yeah. Blast a jelly roll. That's a guy who looks like a white supremacist. Do you look at that? Yeah. Him and Post Malone. Oh my God. You know. Well, I mean, I think. They make great music. They're probably great people, but you look at him like, oh my God.
Well, yeah, I mean, like one thing I've like me being like, you know, I don't, I mean, I guess neither one of them are bald, but me being a bald guy, it's like, you know, I was, I finally understood it was like, you know, I can't, you know,

Personal Expression and Identity Respect

have any hair to cut or anything to like really express myself, you know, it's like, so I could totally see myself getting a face tattoo, you know, and like, I started thinking that and I was like, you know what? I think we need to take a step back and see where we're at mentally because I think, I think that's like the slippery slope, you know, like white dudes have no hair.
face tattoo, it's just like, you know, like any woman getting bangs, you know, it's like, you see somebody like, who, who hurt you? Who hurt you? What went wrong? Talk to me. I hope you're doing okay. You see a lot of that in us, Seattle, is the lane of the blue hair in pronouns, you know? Dude, hell yeah. It's a strange, strange town. Dude, I'll frickin', dude, I'll call anybody whenever they want me to call them, dude. I'm like, I'm all,
Improv's all about yes and, man. You just got a yes and. Yes and your way through life, you know? Just like somebody says that. It's like, okay. It's like when you go up to like the gas station, you're like, hey, I'd like a 20-pound bag of ice. And the lady's like, it's a 22-pound bag. It was like, yes, and I'd like to pay for one of those, please. Thank you. Just like, and then you just like, just dream about strangling that person. Because that person's terrible. Don't be that person.
If you can, if you can, yes, and your way through it, it's like, you don't need to comment on it. Like, it's like, so you know, which bad, bad advice I was talking about. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe, I don't, maybe that shouldn't bother me as much as it did, but it was like, I felt my intelligence was insulted. I felt like I was insulted on a deeper level. It's like, you know, I'm gonna make you pay for that. You know, it's like, he'll fire a broomstone.
That's when we just take those deep breaths, count it to 10. You're just like, you know what? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe not. Not today. Well, say that for another day. I was thinking about the, uh, yesterday, tripping on mushrooms.

Entrepreneurial Ideas and Military Costs

This is what I was thinking about the, uh, remember the submarine sweater idea? Yeah. You know, we were all about the American made submarine sweater. They actually have a company that does it. I actually found one, but it's, uh, well, they don't make them anymore. Probably because it's incredibly impossible to do for a price point, but.
Yeah, I've been actually looking like thinking about doing it again. I could buy a whole like pre-manufactured. What's it called? Fucking wool. Like fabric? Yeah, fabric. It's like the wool you use for it. Already loomed. I would just have to get the right dye or I could probably just dye it myself and then, you know, make a few of them. You know, I got my brother on a boat out here.
and see if, you know, do a little minimum, what we call the MVP, minimum viable plan. See if people will even, you know, be worth buying it, but I think the money in that would be selling to the government, you know, you have to buy, like sell it to, like, DLS, whatever the fuck that company is, the DLA. Yeah. Well, I mean, like, I think, like, as long as, like, if you could just make it a little bit more high quality than, like,
Because honestly, even if like like Arcterix or like Patagonia made a submarine sweater, even if it was like 100 bucks, if it was like actual high quality, because like even like I have a pretty decent submarine sweater. And it's, it's still like, like, hey, this is just like one ply wool, like there's no like liner or anything in there. There's no merino, no friggin alp, alp, alp, alpaca. What's the little rabbit?
Yeah, dude, like that. And see, I think that's like what the submarine sweaters missing because it's like, is it more comfortable than nothing? Yes. Yes, it is more comfortable than nothing. Is it cool that like, you know, there's also like, litany and like, government policy that like lets us wear and the policies pretty much just like, you know, as long as it's like, a military asked color, and it has like a certain amount of buttons, you're like good.
The cool rabbit fur? Angora? Angora? Yeah, Angora. Angora fur. None of that shit.
Yeah, how that'll change with the new uniform, you know? I don't know. It doesn't affect me anymore. Our new mailman uniform that we got. I haven't even seen it.
Yeah, dude, honestly, like, man, talking about, like, I've been working on this conspiracy since, like, you know, an undiscernable, you know, amount of midwatches ago. Like, it all of a sudden hit me. It's like, dude, big uniform is like trying to scam us out of money, man. It's like going down a rabbit hole of like, man, just, you know, just like Alex Jones, man, follow the money. Follow the money. Where's the money go? Yeah. It's like, this is bigger than us.
Just let me pocket my freaking clothing allowance every year. You fucking retard. Yeah. Or just like, maybe if you just like, if it was so much that we got paid for the uniforms that we remotely actually need, why don't they just give it to us from supply?
Oh, they don't want to spend a hundred bucks for a pair of pants and a shirt? Yeah, me neither. Jesus. For real. Yeah. That stuff is made in America, so hell yeah. If you're listening and you want good American made quality products, Origin Maine, not a sponsor. I'm just a huge fan of them. They are very expensive to buy like shirts, jeans, belts, boots, jujitsu geese, if you're a fellow jujitsu practitioner.
Yeah, going out and wrestling cows if you want, like in your spare time from in between jitsu sessions. Yeah, or you know, just show up to the gym in some cool ass denim jeans and just start kicking the bag, you know, if you're just full on Chuck Norris, just like, you know, kicking ass and jeans that are way too tight. Yeah, or like WWE wrestling in the 80s. We're just wearing tight ass pants.
Yeah, just the tightest like, you know. Well, I mean, all the medicine that those guys were taking was already making their balls small enough to fit in those pants is the thing, you know. Oh, yeah, dude. That was before HGH or whatever that... Oh, human growth hormone? Yeah, that T-booster, T4 or whatever. I don't know. Dude, those gas station boner pills? Yeah.
Dude, getting ripped on Yeah Station Boner pills, dude. That's like a, you know, small town pastime, man. How many black rhinos have you taken today? Dude, too many. Too many black rhinos. Well, hey, we've been going for like 50 minutes. You wanna just close it up? Oh, yeah. Geez, that went quick. Yeah, dude. It went really quick. Yeah, cool. First pot down.
Yeah. If anyone's looking out there, you know, uh, let us know how we did. If you, uh, you want to comment where we are on Instagram. Hold on.

Engagement and Feedback from Listeners

Let me pull it up. Cause I forgot what it was called. Uh, let's see. No, that's my account. Shit. I don't operate Instagram enough. I don't know how to do this. And these, and these are going to get way smoother as we keep going. Um, yeah, they're just going to keep getting smoother. And, uh, you know, if they're terrible.
Tell us how terrible it was. Really like posted everywhere, how terrible we were. Uh, cause we were on, we're on down ladder podcast at Instagram. Also sub bros. That's what I, uh, I named it. I really got to update this podcast. It's a picture of the USS NFA roll pad, baby. Uh, yeah, it's an inside joke. You'd have to be on Santa Fe to get it. Uh, yeah.
Yeah. Oh, we got 15 followers. Who the fuck is following us? Dude, I don't know. It probably, probably all of our submarine friends. Maybe Jacob dude. Shout out to tally. Shout out to Rodriguez. Shout out to cab. Johnny Cabrera. Rebus dude. I missed that guy. Dude. We should definitely have some of these people on a, whoa, dude, we can have anybody we want. Cause you know, all of them, they have microphones because they all play video games. Yeah. Deuces out here. Deuces. Didn't go on deployment. What the fuck?
Dude, we gotta have Duce sit on here. Don't blow him up like that. Don't blow him up like that. Good for him, actually. Good for him. Duce, I imagine you have a valid excuse about why you're not underway right now. And that's fine. Yeah, dude, I have more support. Dude, I'm all about as much time off. I spent my last three months in the Navy, not on the boat. And dude, that's the way to go, you know?
Dude, but it is pretty cool. Like when, if you can go underway and you can just turn off society, you know, just the world just keeps turning and you're just like, you know, Hey, I don't have to worry about anything except for, you know, obviously my own mortality, but yeah. Hell yeah. But it's not as cool as fresh air and like being able to, you know, if you want to, you can just go to a gas station and get that energy drink that you've been deprived of. Dude, freaking red bulls. Oh my God.
Dude, Reggie. I'm back on him. I'm back on him, dude. Yeah. I tried to quit. Tried. Those things, like...
Dude, grab a Reggie. Honestly, Reggie's. Red Bulls, Reggie's, same thing. Original. I still call Red Bulls, Reggie's, and people still look at me sideways. I got Julius saying it, and now people don't know what the fuck he's talking about. Dude, it's great. That's the way to do it. It's like... You want a Reggie? You don't say it super loud at the commissary, and I see people like, what the fuck is he... What'd he say? Reggie?
Dude, and plus they go for a premium like that. It's not like, it's not a cheap habit. It's like, like if you like Red Bulls, like honestly with the price of cigarettes right now, you could, you could be almost a pack a day smoker and like, you know, those are the same price almost, you know? Yeah. My annual contribution to Red Bulls, I could probably put like a sixth of a 401k, you know, something like that. No, no, yeah, honestly. It's really fun to feed a, feed a village.
Shit. Feed myself with the price of eggs. You know me, eggs I get by? Yeah. Wesley Gonzalez safely fixed the housing crisis because he gave up drinking Red Bulls. Yeah. Contributed to 2% of GDP. Honestly, what my contribution to the GDP has been recently is that
that weird bucket of beef jerky sticks that just sits at the countertop of every gas station register.
backwoods guy making beef jerky in this little thing. And like the tongues have obviously been, you know, there's no serve safe or any like cleanliness of any sort. Oh yeah, not FDA approved. No, not at all. But dude, me and the dog have been just demolishing those because anytime I'm over there, dogs in the truck. Every time the dogs in the truck, I'm buying four of those bitches because they're two for a dollar. And me and me feeding the dog beef jerky.
me feeding me beef jerky, nothing beats it. If we stop buying them, they would they would see something would go red on their spread. Something would immediately go red. They're like, we have to fix this. What the fuck? So quarter two earnings are down two percent. What the fuck? Yeah, freaking turns out there's one guy in Ohio. He got a high cholesterol reading from his doctor and had to cut that shit out.
Okay. Yeah. Well, that's, that's, that's it for right now. Um, we're still figuring stuff out and we're going to keep figuring stuff out. And if you want to be on this, give your two cents in beyond one of these mid-watch conversations, uh, hit us up on Instagram. Yeah, dude, we love to hear from you and, uh, thanks for tuning in until next time, whenever we decide that is. Yeah. All right. See you later. Adios. Damn, Liana.