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Episode 140- Bad Batch Season 3 Trailer  image

Episode 140- Bad Batch Season 3 Trailer

The GALactic Podcast
135 Plays1 year ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about the Bad Batch Season 3 trailer! ASAJJ VENTRESS IS BACK! Will Tech return? What other cameos could we get? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

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Introduction and Podcast Overview

Hello everyone and welcome to the Galactic podcast. I am Lauren Romo with me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd, Andrea Gutierrez. Yo, yo, yo, bright sons. Man, it's been a long time. It's been a long time. It's been a minute. We have, we have been kind of MIA for a little bit. Just taking breaks, just taking life as it comes.
We're back, baby. We're back. We're back. We're

IMAX Experience of Dune

back. What's going on, Ang? We saw Dune. We saw Dune in the IMAX, our local IMAX. It was dope. It was good.
I'm going to see it again. They're re-showing it again. Oh, are they on the IMAX? This upcoming Friday, Saturday, Sunday, like 2 30 and 6 30. So I think Saturday with the kids. Nice. It is cool. I mean, we talked about that. This is super side note before we get into what we're going to talk about. But we talked about how when that movie came out was during COVID. So I think a lot of people are
seen it in theaters for almost the first time. Which is really cool. Because, yeah, if you can see it in IMAX again, it was awesome. Wow. Like, at least our theater has recliners and like, you could feel the sound. You were shaking that. It was huge. It was crazy. It was crazy. Isn't that exclusive clip that they showed at the end? Yeah. That was cool for Doom part two.
That got me hyped. That got me hyped for part two. I was on Twitter this morning and I heard people are saying that part two is going to be this generation's empire's first back. Now Lauren, I know what happens. I've read the book and I'm feeling it.
People that haven't read the book are going to be very surprised at a few things. I remember when I first watched when Dune originally came out, I didn't like read. I didn't read the books like you. But again, real quick, kids, before you get to Star Wars, we

Dune Part Two vs. Empire Strikes Back

promise. But this is a Dune podcast. Yeah, real quick. But I remember like going online and just like getting like the the synopsis and kind of the stories of the next.
like of the second half of it I mean yeah I get it but it's like it's such a a overthrown I think like thing like oh this is the next Empire Strikes Back I'm like okay guys let's be real Empire Strikes Back is a one of one
Like you're not going to repeat an empire strikes back. Yeah, I don't think you get what I'm saying. Like, yeah, I think there are reactions like that. I mean, immediately when people are comparing empire strikes back to other things, it's like the reveal of Darth Vader being Luke Skywalker's father. And I had also heard that into the spider verse felt they felt like that was that like
Gen X's Empire Strikes Back because of the way Miles. Yeah, Miles. Again, I get it. Like I get like the what they are trying to compare and like what they're trying to say. But it's like, guys, it's I get it. But it's like it's a one on one each movie. Like again, Doom, you're never going to get another Doom movie like this.
You know, like it's just it's one of one. Like, I mean, there's so many awesome characters that are going to be debuted in this one. I mean, I can't wait. And. I think it's going to be huge, man. Yeah, no, I'm excited because I mean, from what I've seen and again, the the synopsis of what that first book was and like, again, what we're kind of going into the second half of this book.
It's gonna get wild. A lot of battles, obviously, and everything like that. Obviously, they've shown that in a lot of trailers, but there's a lot of other stuff that's gonna happen that, again, I think I know, again, I'd have to look back on the synapses, but it's gonna be good, right?

Dune's Appendix and Glossary Insights

This movie's gonna be great. It's gonna be great. I'm rereading it again for the third time, and I ordered a 1984 hardcover print of it. Ooh, nice, old school, okay.
Because I realized in the back, there's a bunch of appendices on the ecology of Dune, the religion of Dune, and then also the Bene Gesserit. And then there's a terminology of the Imperium glossary in the back. So when we got out of the movie, when we went and saw it at the IMAX, I was literally just nerding it up, reading a glossary, and loving it. I love that. I love that. I love that.
All right, guys, now to Star

Transition to Star Wars Discussion

Wars. Yeah, we got a lot to talk about. We're going to talk about that trailer, the Bad Batch season three final season trailer. It was a doozy.
So let's get into it, but before we do and have some fun with that discussion, if this is your first time listening to us, welcome. We are Star Wars Podcasts to discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far, far away. In each episode, we'll dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it, and we talk about it. All right, Ange.
We have been, I think, on the bad, bad strain for a long time. We love the show. It's a great show. We have had a ball with these characters and the storytelling within the show so far has been some of the best. Again, Star Wars animation doesn't miss, in my opinion. It sure doesn't. Does not miss.

Anticipation for Bad Batch Final Season

So they finally dropped the Bad Bats trailer for season three, official trailer. Now you and I have talked about like, ooh, I wonder when it is gonna come out. Cause after Ahsoka, like we knew it was in the can, like we knew it was coming, right? Cause we just knew season three was coming. And then we thought, okay, Acculite is, we thought it was pretty much done. We know Skeleton Crew is basically in the can from our understanding. Maybe, maybe not.
So I mean, we kind of thought that this would be maybe somewhere early ish or like springtime and we're getting in February. Which I'm so excited for because now we have I believe it's 16 up 16 episodes again. So we have it's basically taking us through May 1st. So February 21st and the last episode is May 1st. So right before May 4th. Hmm.
Surprised, maybe, maybe not. That's interesting. Timing. I think they're reserving that day for probably a couple more announcements or something. Right, right. And I remember you said this the other day when we were watching, when we went and saw Dune, that May 4th is on a Saturday. So that could be huge, huge, huge. I might cancel my May the 4th tattoo. Oh, interesting, okay. I know, right. I just, I'm not feeling it this year.
because you're doing you're doing as our one this year as your one yeah and tattoos are so expensive now man are they oh my god three hundred dollars an hour get out of town that is a lot with a two with a two-hour minimum like I can't even I can't even that's a lot it is a lot but your tattoos are so good I know
she's a really good artist like no your girl's good your girl's real good well you got some time right to think about it to think about it yeah but let's get into this trailer because oh boy i mean there was so much to talk about first of all let's just go over all thoughts i absolutely loved it
It just hits you, right? I mean, just from this jump, you're in a, whatever mission they're on, right? You get like a little scene of that basically, pretty much. And it's Wrecker and it's Hunter and they, and then what's her face? Is it V? One of the site's character, V? Which I, again, we're both big fans. She shows up.
It was it felt it just like you were just right back in there, you know, man It just hits you right where you're like, okay This is where we left off and we're hitting the road and then you get the glimpses of you know things to come You know, you see the Empire you see Palpatine talking about you know how to keep you know the Empire going and that whatever they're doing is very important to the sustainability of the Empire and

In-depth Bad Batch Trailer Analysis

So it's giving us that political side that I think you and I both really enjoyed, especially second season. So I'm super stoked to expound on that side of it, because it looks like we're going to get there, because again, with the Palpatine stuff, again, you get the great action. There's a shot of a planet, I think it's called, is it T-E-E-T-H or something like that?
It could be misspelling or mispronouncing the planet, but that was a planet that we were in Clone Wars. I think it was the first season. The Clone Wars movie. Yes, right. That's when was it Anakin and Ahsoka? Yeah. Or racing up the like the mountain or the yeah, whatever it is. Yeah. So that's cool that we're again, it's almost like a full circle. Like I feel like
What this trailer almost did for me was like, OK, we are full, full circle getting back to like, again, kind of wrapping up this whole clone wars, bad batch era. And I'm very excited. Again, we see Rex. We see, again, the clones, we see Wolf. There's just so much so many, again, quick images and.
I'm just so excited to get back with this crew. You know, you see Omega still under the Imperial, you know, imprisonment that she's in with her half sister or sister, right? So that's going to be interesting, right? We don't know how that's going to go. Is she going to help her escape? Because that's the thing I think you and I talked about.
the finale was is she is her sister gonna help her because it seemed like she maybe was and maybe wasn't down with what they were doing so we'll see again
We'll see how that goes. We know, obviously we see, what's his name? That's also imprisoned in the, along with Omega, the other bad batch guy. I can't believe I'm drawing on his name. Crosshair, crosshair, thank you. Geez, I couldn't remember. Can't believe I lost, I forgot his name. Crosshair, so we saw crosshair. And I think in the very beginning of the trailer,
There's that shot of record jumping across to the ship and there's not just One other bad badger. There's another one. So there's three total. So I'm assuming that other one was What's his face crosshair crosshair crosshair, sorry, sorry crosshair You're you're a real one. Don't believe me and then of course in the trailer. What do they do? They show us that shot of tech falling
Oh, just open the wound right back up. Go ahead. Just just do it to us. Jeez, Jennifer Corbin. Great. Right in the feels like we remember. Right. We get it. We were there. We watched it. But yeah, I mean, overall, again, the music, the just everything as any Star Wars trailer, live action or animation, they do a good job cutting it and it gets you excited. It's going to be a three episode premiere on February 21st on Disney Plus.
And then the big thing, and we'll dive into this more, but OMG Asajj Ventress. Wow. I mean, there's a lot to talk about there. We will discuss. But yeah, overall, my thoughts, I'm ready. Like I'm excited to get back into it, excited to see what they do with this show and how they wrap it up.
You know, because it feels like, again, it's going to be a full circle. They're wrapping up this entire clones era, right? Clone Wars, Bad Batch. They're wrapping it up in the show. And I'm excited to see how they do it. I'm excited to see the adventures we go on. Again, this is from February 21st and then the last episode is May 1st. So we have a lot to, you know, we're getting a lot of episodes.
We're getting a lot of good stuff down the pipe. So I'm excited. I know you're excited. And your overall thoughts, opinions, anything jump at you, jump out at you. What do you got? Go ahead. Oh, it's just awesome. I mean, you immediately see Hunter and record, like just back at it again.
And you see Fi as well too. And just have to wonder what her involvement is going to be. And I like, it made me remember her and Tech's relationship and what Sid did. And I was like, Oh my God. Oh, Sid bro. I forgot about Sid. How can you man?
Hemlock, seeing Hemlock was great. He's such a good villain. Dr. Emery Carr, Omega's quote unquote sister, very interesting as well too. And then I always get excited when I see Emperor Palpatine and hear- Helps, baby, helps. Yeah, hearing Ian McDermott's voice is just like always so great. It's so iconic. It really is now. I mean, I thought it wasn't before, but it is, like it's iconic. It is.
And I mean, there's just some amazing battle shots in the animation look even better than season two. And I don't even know how that's possible. So season two was we talk about that a lot. Yes. And then seeing Fennec was great, seeing Cade Bain was great as well, too. And then hearing Ventress and then seeing her
I was undone. I didn't know. I didn't know. I ascended at that point. I went through a whole realm of emotion and denial and I went through all of it, you know? I really did. It was, it's it. I mean, again,
That's a big moment. And I find it interesting that they reveal it in a trailer, which tells me there's a lot of other things I think that they're keeping secret if they are showing us that Asajj Ventress is back.
Do you feel that way? I mean, does that make sense? What do you guys... I do, but I also, I wish I was a person that didn't know that Asajj Ventress was gone or dead or that I, I wish I was a person that didn't know the story of Dark Disciple because I would just assume like, Oh yeah, Clone Wars, Bad Batch, Asajj Ventress. Like here we go. That's great. Right. Right. But, um, as a fan of the novels,
like confusion sets in. Yeah. Well, I mean, we'll, we'll dive into that. And I'll look for sure when we talk about her overall, but I mean, you're all, I mean, feelings about.
Yeah, what do you I'm ready like I'm I'm

Clone Wars Animation Legacy

I'm ready. I'm also a little sad This is this is going to be our final season Clone Wars animation is just something Within itself that is so amazing and we experience it and could experience it a little bit more with more Tales of the Jedi episodes but
That's a good point. I don't know. This is going to be a tough one to give up and not see anymore. So, but there's so many questions and I was listening to our season two finale episode and just.
I mean, our excitement back then of what we were thinking and our surprise on the way it ended and all of that. I mean, we really went on a roller coaster ride in season two where we were kind of frustrated. Like, what is the story doing? It looks like we're going to have a happy ending and then shit hit the fan and we were happy. Man, I was heartbroken.
Thank God the Mandalorian was on at the same time and I could see Grogu because it was rough. So I'm really excited to get back into this story. Star Wars Clone Wars is just something amazing. And I find it really cool that again, you brought up like the Clone Wars.
It's obviously a part of that. And we've had so many moments in Bad Batch where it's kind of, it's showing kind of the end of this era, right? I mean, we saw the fall of their home world, right? Of the clones, Camino. I mean, we saw that and that was season one.
That was right. So it's like they started us on this road of this is the end of this era. We are seeing the end of the clones, right? The clone wars, everything. This is the end. And you get that feeling with this trailer, right? Like the, I mean, the, the, the tagline of one last fight, right? Kind of says it all.
You know, and knowing that Rex will be there, I'm excited. Like you're saying, you saw, you know, Wolf was there too. I'm interested to see what we get with those other, like all these other clones, right? Wolf, Gregor, like we know they are with Rax, so do we see that? Yeah, we see Rax.
Do we see them go off to where we see them eventually in rebels like there's just a lot of things that again They don't have to wrap up like I don't have to see them all in a ship heading towards that planet you know, but there's got to be a Something that tells us they are you know, this is where they came together Which we kind of I guess we kind of got that
in season two a little bit. So it's just, it's gonna be fascinating. I'm just fascinated where this story is gonna go. Because again, like you said, we thought we knew where season two was gonna end. Lo and behold, we did not. And I did, again, I think one thing that we really enjoyed was the political side of it and how it got a little more,
that in this show and obviously I'm excited to get back there because again Palpatine the cloning of the Zillow beasts and all that Where does that go?
Right. What I find exciting as well, too, is how this series could seep into a lot of projects that are happening right now or just happen. I mean, we could stretch into the sequel trilogy, Ahsoka, Mando, Book of Boba Fett. Obviously, Rebels is over and done with, but now with the pickup of Ahsoka, we could seep the Bad Batch, Omega,
Um, what happens on Tantis that is all going to be, um, like the continuation on to what we have seen already so far. So I think, I, I think the bad patch is, um, must see Star Wars.
I think if you don't know the bad batch, I think you're missing like a big chunk of how we got where we are So I just I just love it. I think it's great And I will say this too for bad batch
My dad, who's not a huge Star Wars fan, as you know, Papa J. He'll watch it, because I watch it, and because I'm a nerd, and I do this podcast with you, so yeah. Him and my mom love Bad Batch. They both love Bad Batch.
And that just blows my mind. Like he likes Mando too, like that. And he likes Boba Fat, I believe too. But he actually, he's like, yeah, he's like, yeah, I like that show. And he's not an animation guy, right? That is so out of his like norm. So again, that speaks to how well the show is written, how compelling these characters are.
Think for non Star Wars fans and to bring it back to what you said about a size two If you you know, I think this is a great opportunity For them just like just like this is what they do very well, even if you haven't read the books right
They will, and maybe you have watched Clone Wars, and you don't know what happens to a Shaz. So seeing her is not that big of a deal. They will explain it to where, oh, okay, so she died and she came back or whatever, right? That's what I'm excited to, is that when they bring in characters, they don't do it just for the big shh reveals.
Right, there's a purpose, right? I mean, like you're saying, Finnick, Cad Bane, how do they play into this? Because we haven't seen them since season one. Will we? I mean, since season one, we've been talking about Boba Fett because Boba Fett is along the lineage of Omega, could be, is like a brother, so. That's a huge thing that you and I have talked about.
So it's gonna be interesting. How do they wrap that up? And then who else shows up? Because I mean, again, if you are showing us a size in a trailer.
That something's right. Something's going to give. Do you think they should have showed a sash in the trailer? I mean, it's kind of, I mean, I wasn't around the time when rebels was premiering, but if you didn't like the reveal of Darth Maul being alive, still, um,
I would hate to have seen that in a trailer. Not that I'm upset that I saw it in a trailer. It definitely builds up more hype.
But when you do a short flash of that, it's like the reaction is so severe. And everybody goes in tons of different directions because they have no information backing up what happened. So in the Star Wars fandom can be ridiculous sometimes. Yes, again. Yeah. So I'm kind of like, was it necessary to put a massage in the trailer? I don't know. We'll see.
I think it's gonna be interesting to find out, right? Because there's, again, they bring in certain characters for a purpose, right? Like Hera, we saw Hera, we saw Kanan, little Caleb, in season one, right? We saw Hera in season one. There's a reason why I think they do these, you know, these kind of reveals and everything like that.
So yeah, I mean, and then are we going, cause in season one we saw the Martens sisters, are we going to see them again? I would love it.
We're big fans, big fans and Martens sisters around here. I mean, the other big question I came out with is, is tech, right? Is tech alive? Yep. We see tech fall. Um, there's some conflicting information from what was said on when season two ended and then what it says now. So.
a lot of people think there's that one character that you see in the trailer. Everybody thinks it's tech and like a different kind of like helmet ish, but it's a dog. Again, I, if the story they're going to tell, if he is alive, then okay. Right. I wouldn't mind. And, and I might've said this and maybe back me up. I might've said this when we did our season two finale, I would rather have him
Be dead. Be dead. You said that. You did say that you want tax sorry. I sound sounded like Southern. Tack. Sound like Omega. Omega. You want to tax sacrifice to mean something and they should stick with it. So there is that. But then again, then I go back to what about Asajj Ventress's sacrifice?
Again, if you read, if you read The Dark Disciple, and let's jump into Asajj, because that's, that's a big talking point, obviously, with this trailer throughout

Speculation on Asajj Ventress's Return

the fandom. So I want to know what, give me your feelings, thoughts. I want to know exactly how you felt when you watched that trailer, because you're a huge Asajj Ventress fan. Probably bigger than I am, but I definitely appreciate her. She's, she's a badass.
Um, I love the dark disciple story. Um, I I love her her story just completely and um Everything in from like uh that duku novelization that they had what was that called? Why can I never remember that one? It's I think it's called dupe like I think it's called duku. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah lost jedi maybe I don't know but um
I mean, her story is just excellent. Her arc is great. You know, where she comes out of the last time you see Clone Wars helping Ahsoka, like, it's just amazing. But you're like, you've always, from the get, you're like, Asajj, Fentress, is God-tier, right? Oh, she is S-tier, as the kids say. Oh, yeah, on God. Yeah, like, she is that good, because I think her... No cap. No cap, as we learned from Karmie.
Her character arc is up there and I've said this before I believe on this podcast maybe numerous times her character arc is Up there as far as Anakin's Because they're so similar Their arcs are so similar that it's it's fan. It's just fascinating right because they started on a path of you know, she drew up a Jedi and
You know, something happens in her life that destroys her. She loses her master and again, loses his mom.
sets these guys off on a dark path that later consumes them, right? Took Anakin a little later to get down that, but as soon as she, you know, lost her master, who swoops in is Dooku, and he takes her down this path. And then they follow that path, right? Of these people that they believe are helping them. But in reality, they're not, right? And then they both finally break away from that.
Right, Vader throws Palpatine over. She, you know, sacrifices herself for Quinlan Voss who she probably would have never done that. Right, because she wants to end Dooku because she knows he betrayed her and he is not, you know, someone that she, you know, admired anymore or wanted to care about because she knew that he just basically did it.
So again, there's so similar arcs and I love it. And I think what I love about Dark Disciple, and I can't remember if we did a book review on that or not, I'd have to go back. We did. Okay, I thought we did. Just her overall sacrifice in that book was such a big thing for me because again, in the Clone Wars, her helping Ahsoka,
was is one of my favorite arcs. It's one of my favorite like episodes because it's just her being a sash, but her also knowing that she is not the person she used to be. And the trusting and things like that and trusting.
you know, helping Ahsoka in, you know, telling Anakin how it was too, and how he was treating her, and she's pulling from experience, from what she was going through with Dooku, she's a fabulous character. So when that trailer, to come back to your question of how I felt when that trailer, the moment you heard the voice, I was like, wait a minute, like it took me a second, I'm like, no way, that doesn't make sense.
And then you hear her say, you know, but you're making it very tempting. I was like, oh no. And then they show it and she's got the yellow, she's got the hair. I was like, yes, my witch is back. I cannot wait to see what they do with it. Because again, could you argue that dark disciple, again, I know this is where I think a lot of, you know, retcon people are thinking that they're gonna do, I don't think they are.
Because here's the thing, what do we know about Dathomir? What do we know about the Nightsisters? It's magic. Magic, baby. That's all you have to... Seriously, that's all you have to know. They are witches. They use the Force in magic. So yeah, dude. Quinlan put her in that pool, in that cave. Yeah, you can resurrect, dude. We've seen it. We've seen it in Ahsoka. We know they can do this stuff. So it's not that far-fetched.
for them to bring her back. I'm interested to see how they do it. I'm interested to see why. What does this mean moving forward? Is she alive? Is this a flashback? We don't know, right? I don't think it's a flashback. I think it's her up front. I think this is her. She got resurrected somehow. That's just my opinion.
And I hope, I can't remember I saw this on Twitter, but I hope she is, you know, what we find out is that she got resurrected. She found Quinlan and they are helping Jedi's. Go through the what we learn in Kenobi, the the basic of the path, right? I think is it called the path?
and where they're hiding these young Jedi. That would be, to me, the ultimate just full circle, massage character. I would love that. We'll see. I would love to see her live action. She's alive.
Give it to me. Yep. I don't care. I don't care that they're bringing her back. She's such a beloved character by many people. And you know, the fact that we weren't able to see what would have been the dark disciple Clone Wars episodes, right? Cause this, that was supposed to be in Clone Wars, right? So for us to now be able to see her in animation again,
And again, have it full circle. I'm just, I am so excited. I can't wait. I can't wait. And honestly, I don't, is she gonna be a huge part in this season? No, probably not. It might be one episode. Who knows?
I don't care, we're getting her back. That's all I care about. That's all I care about. I'm just excited to have her come back because she is one of my favorite, one of my favorite Star Wars characters of all time. She really is. Just the arc, what she went through in the Clone Wars, what we find out right through all that stuff, man. She's just so good. She's so good.
I'll throw it back to you, Ang. I mean, again, I know you're not as big as a fan, but you are a big, you appreciate Asajj for what she is. What were your initial thoughts as you were watching that trailer and that reveal pop on your screen?
Uh, I immediately, when I saw her, I thought, is this a flashback? Because I felt like she looked younger, to be honest. Um, that's fair. That's fair. She kind of did almost. And the other reason I was like, um, Asajj Ventress is dead.
because one, I've read Dark Disciple, two, and I called you that night and had a long conversation about how I have the Star Wars timelines reference book and her death is marked in that book. And I was kind of like, they said she died, right? Like it's in there, like she died.
So, um, and I get, I do get a little annoyed with, um, no one's ever gone. I'm like kind of getting annoyed with it. Oh, that's fair. It could be, it is almost all getting overplayed. I get, I knew where you're coming from with that. A hundred percent, a hundred percent.
Uh, so the, but if she comes back, she's a worthy character to come back, just like Darth Maul was, right? Cut to short. And even her ending wasn't shown on, um, like a screen. It was in a book, not saying that that medium is, is lesser than. Exactly.
But in reality, it was supposed to be shown on screen. The Dark Disciple book was adapted from Clone Wars episodes that was actually written by Katie Lucas. All hail. All hail Katie. All hail Katie. Right. So do I think that Star Wars is going to retcon Dark Disciple when George Lucas, Katie Lucas, and Dave Filoni were involved in it? Absolutely not. Thank you. No way. They're not going to do that.
So then my guess is, just like you said, Dathomir is magic. It's dark magic, it's black magic, it's all that. It can bring people back from the dead. What does that look like? And I went back to The Dark Disciple and I read the end. And I hope I'm not spoiling it for anybody, because honestly, you should read Dark Disciple. It's a quick read, it's a small book, and it is absolutely fascinating to see
Thank you.
a character that we've known as evil and dark, join forces with the light side to fight against her master that betrayed her. I mean, and Anakin's in it. It's so good. Obi-Wan's in it. It is such a good story. So much that we've also hoped that maybe it would be a Tales of the Jedi series, right?
That sounds like a good one. Oh, I'd be all about that. And Asajj, Tales of the Jedi. Yeah. Yeah. And if you read the end of Dark Disciple, it leaves it a little bit open. I'll give you that. And now when you go on to and you go into the data bank and you look at Asajj, it does say that her story is not over. So this isn't a flashback. She's coming around is what I think. And
But then like I, I kind of get, I get kind of crabby because she did sacrifice herself from, she stepped in front of Dooku's force lightning to protect the man that she fell in love with, Quinlan Voss, Jedi. You might not, some people might not even be familiar with him as well too. Yeah. Um, so I get a little, a little annoyed. I get a little annoyed with, um, bringing characters back that, um,
had a had a good ending already. So.

Ventress's Character Development

And you again, and that that's a very valid point, because again, what I say about tech, right? It's the same thing you're saying. It's it's a sacrifice that she made. That she was willing to do for a guy that she loved and let it be right.
But I think there's, and just like you said, Ang, I think there are some characters that are worthy to come back, and she's definitely one of them. Yeah, absolutely. And I get the frustration of, like you're saying, the official this and that say this, and yeah, I mean, the ending, the dark disciple ending is kind of from a certain point of view.
Shall we say, right? You could interpret it. It's Quinlan's point of view, right? I mean, it's what he sees in that moment and what he believes he's seeing. Right. It's a, from a certain point of view, this is what's happening, right? I don't think, again, as an Asajj Ventress fan, and maybe just because I am a fan, I don't think her sacrifice to Quinlan would be any less now that she is alive.
Because I feel like that's, again, that's almost a full circle from where she was, right? From being Dooku's apprentice, being his assassin, right? To not caring, right? Being thrown away and going back to her, go back to the Nightsisters. And then that gets taken away, right? Because of Grievous. And then she becomes a bounty hunter. She joins Boba Fett's crew.
And then she says, no, F that amount because she saw that she had a bigger purpose. Right. And then that, that purpose came full circle with this, with the Quinlan situation. And so, yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe it's Dathomir magic. Maybe it's the force who knows that brought her back. Right. There's a purpose to why she's back and I'm excited to see. And again, I, I'm just.
To see her with the hair is so cool because that was a big thing in Dark Disciple, right? And that was a big, I believe, you know, like the drawings of her for that, you know, that arc for Clone Wars. She was going to have that look. So it's just great to have her back. And it's cool to have a a Nightsister that I think, again, the general population as of now sees them as evil.
Oh yeah, especially after Ahsoka, yeah. So to take someone like her...
and bring her into the quote unquote Jedi side or whatever you wanna call it. But you don't know that. Well, no, right. To bring her to out of the evil side and to put her maybe in a neutral side, right? Because she is, she's not. And that's one of the things I loved about her character is that even when she wasn't with Dooku and she was doing her bounty hunter stuff, she was still kind of bad, but she had her own code now.
Yeah, right. And she was just cool. And that that's why I loved her so much is because she did her own thing, because that's finally what she came to as a character.
her decision to do what she wanted to do, not follow Dooku anymore, not follow Boba and follow his lead or be a part of a crew. She knew that she was better, sadly, better alone, right? But she knew that was, but she was okay with that, right? And then you bring in Quinlan and throw all those two together and it's a great book. And again, go back to and listen to our Dark Disciple review because
It's one of my favorite Star Wars novels. And I think, Angie, it's one of yours, I believe, too. It's my favorite. I'm going to be serious. I mean, I was shocked when I read it. It's a little bit, like, it's romantic. It's kind of sexy. It is also full of, you know, nostalgic, Clone Wars, Star Wars, as well, too. And then to see a character develop that you had seen in one light, it's
It's such a good story and it's written by Christy Golden. She does a great job. She does a really great job.
this will be like if so if she comes back and she's like Does what we're expecting her to do right be with Quinlan helping? To be on the path that's our assumption right this will be the first time we like get to see this Because in Star Wars people do bad things they get redeemed and then they die right so if she can
She's been redeemed. If she can come back and live this life a little bit of atonement, but also in a better place, this will be a new start. It will be one of the best stories in all of Star Wars. Right, for like how we see redemption now in Star Wars. So I think that's pretty cool. I'm so glad you said that because yeah, if they do it right,
And again, we don't know. I hope and I think we're both saying we hope that this is her. Again, like you're saying, she did the sacrifice thing and she paid for what she you know, what she had done in the past. But now that she returns, like you're saying, she can go on this redemption or atonement type of situation to where she feels like now she's making a difference.
Right? Because it started with when she did that, you know, sacrifice for Quinlan. And now it's moving forward in doing and helping other people.
Right? Again, hopefully, or you know what? If she goes back to being a solo bounty hunter, it's fine by me too. She is just the coolest character. And I still, I swear if they ever did an Asajj Ventress bounty hunter, like black series, whatever, that'd be my first black and only black series figure I buy.
Because that is one of my favorite, like, outfits. You know what's going to happen now. You know, it better. It better. Give me the bounty hunter. Black series figure, kids. I want it. I need it. Removable helmet. I want it all. Give it to me. Give it to me. But no, I'm I'm excited to see what happens because again, I don't see and I could be totally wrong. I don't see her being in a ton of episodes.
I don't either. I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see it. I was also a little disappointed that that was overshadowing the rest of the Bad Batch when this trailer came out.
I really am still hoping for Tales of the Jedi with Asajj Ventress. I really am. That is my biggest hope. I feel like if we never get that, like if we're 80 years old and me and you are still doing this and we don't have a Tales of the Jedi of Dark Disciple, that will be an entire episode in its own, just me complaining about it.
They still don't have that tail. Could you believe that they did a size Ventress like that? Circa 20, 40, whatever, like something. God, that doesn't seem far away. Anyway, but no, I, yeah, I think if there's a character that deserves this, it's her.
And that's a really good point though, Ang, that you brought up. It's supposed to be bad batch, right? But they threw in a massage right at the end and it's like, oh my God, nobody, that's everybody was talking about. But again, why do they do that? Because they want people talking about that. They want conversation. And this gets people like you and I and a lot of other Star Wars fans very excited for this season. Because again, if they are showing her in a trailer,

Bad Batch Storyline Predictions

Where are we going? Because like you're saying, Boba Fett, you and I have been screaming about that since season one. Will they finally come full circle with that? What are we doing with the clones? How are we wrapping up this kind of clones thing? Are we going to get a clone uprising? We talked about that many times, if that's the case.
It's just, yeah, there's a lot for them. Yeah. There's just a lot for them to not, they don't even have to wrap it up, but there's a lot of things that I think they need that do need. There are certain things that do need to be wrapped up. Right.
Yeah, I agree. I think there are things we need like answers to, our assumptions, like we all assume that Tantus gets destroyed and that's why Palpatine has to then start doing like canning, cloning over on Exocle, you know, and putting little nickel snokes in jars. So that's our assumption. I want to see it. If that's what happens, I want to see it.
Yeah, I mean, I'm interested to see where again, how this ties into like you talked about other things, how this moves things in certain directions in Mando, in the sequel trilogy and a lot of other things. So I want a couple of your predictions. Do you think we will see tech again?
Again, because I don't want to see him because I feel like his sacrifice meant so much. No, I don't want to see him. But do I? Oh, yeah. I mean, of course I want to. But what's your con? No, I. No, I don't think unless it's a flashback. No. Does that count? No.
It's not a real answer. No, I don't think he I think he is dead. OK, one more thing. If we do get tech back, do we get a tech and fee reunion and they ride off into the sunset? A happy couple. That better happen. Right. If that's the case, if he comes back, if he's alive,
You better wrap that story up with them living together on that planet. Was it a pal or something? The one that he took them to. I can't remember the name, but they showed that island. Right. In the trailer. Right. And it looks like they were imperial people there. Yeah, so. But I need them together. I do. Oh, yeah. Do you think we see sit again?
Oh yeah, you have to see Sid. Do you think we see Fi beating the hell out of Sid for turning them in? No, I don't think we see that, but I do. Would be nice. I will say, here's my prediction on Sid. I think she
Semi, not full, but I think she redeems herself a little bit. A little bit. I don't. She's passed it. A little bit. We talked about that. Oh, I agree. She is. I was like, uh-uh. I don't need anything like that. It's going to take a lot for me to be totally redeemed, but I think they will try to. Once a trained ocean, always a trained ocean. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. Will the bad batch rescue Omega?
Oh yeah, I think that's happening. That's happening? I think so. Do you? I don't know. I think, I think that's the whole, yeah, no, I do. I think they get her. And then again, this is where, where do we, where do they go? Maybe they just live, do they survive? Do all of them survive? That's the whole thing.
I'm gonna say they do. I don't want anybody to die. I don't want one person to die in this damn season. I'm throwing it out there right now. I don't want one death. I'm over it, because you know why? They don't mean anything anymore. Someone dies, they bring them back. That's why I'm saying that's why I want one. Text death to mean something.
Yeah, I agree. So do you think there will be a clone uprising or do you think they kind of just disappear? I think in my opinion, I think it's more of a they just kind of fade away. Mm hmm. I think. I don't think it's an uprising because I think they've basically from what we have seen so far, they have phased them out and then we know in Kenobi, they're
poor, you know, some of them are poor, living on the streets. So I don't think it's an uprising as much as they are just faced out as we know, and they are taken somewhere or they are just told, here you go, go live your life. I mean, because we know and cease to do, that was a big thing with Senator Chuchi in trying to get them a better life after they are relieved of their duty.
So I don't see an uprising. And you brought this up before. The fact that Wolf is still in contact with Imperials and Rebels kind of goes to show that the Imperials didn't sever ties with the clones, or at least some of them. I would love a clone uprising, though. Oh, I know. I know. And maybe we get a small one.
But I don't think it's a big, like all the clones that are still alive go to Tannis or go wherever in, in like rebel. I don't see it. Where is Cody?
Again, there's a question. Do we see Cody again? I think we do. I hope so. I think he comes back and I, again, Cody redeemed. He needs redemption. I'm on the Cody redeemed team. I hope he is. I think he's on his way. I really do. I know he shot at Kenobi. I get it, kids. It's not cool, Cody, not cool. But I think he's on the train. He's on the redemption train. Full board, full steam.
Maybe he's the one. Maybe we lose Cody. And a big sacrificial loser. We're not losing anyone. We're not losing anyone. Just saying. I'm just doing it out there. If someone dies in those first three episodes on February 21st, I'm not going to be happy. I'm not telling you. I don't think we'll get anybody that early. I'm going to throw a bunch of papers in the air and I'm going to say, goddamn star. You're going to be Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. Classic episode.
No, yeah, I don't think an uprising, no. No, I don't see that at all. At all. I don't see it. Any other questions that you got? No, I got through them all. Look at that. I like that. Kind of doing like a lightning round at the end. Yeah, I know. I like that a lot too. Yeah. It's good stuff. It's good stuff. Any predictions that you want to give? No. You're not a big prediction person. I forgot. I am in my mind, but I'm not going to voice them.
We're saving those for when we do reviews. Mm. Maybe, maybe not. OK. All right. What was the last thing I predicted where I was wrong or right? I can't remember, but. You've been right. What was there's one? Oh, remember how I went on a tangent about mortis? That was a big one in Ahsoka. You were right on some stuff during Boba Fett. Yeah. Even Mando. I think you had some some stuff, too. So yeah, you've been right.
Just like everybody. I mean, I've been right and wrong, too, so. That's why I'm kind of disappointed that we saw Asajj in the trailer. Like, I didn't even want that in my head, you know? But it's cool. Like, the anticipation of it is cool. But if it doesn't deliver in those first three episodes, I'm going to be like, oh. Well, yeah, I don't know if we'll see you in the first three. Lauren, that sucks. I should. Why?
I wanna earn it, I wanna earn it. And the only reason I say that we don't is because I believe in that shot in the cave, you see Wrecker, you see Hunter, and then you see, I think, Crosshair's scope. Yeah, scope or the end of his race. Well, I think, unless we get him out in the first two episodes, which again, I don't think we do. I see it.
You want me to predict? Did you just, did you literally just push me into predicting something? No, I did not. I did not. But if you want to give a prediction, I'm not going to go back. Yeah, I'm done. No, I'm done. I'm excited. I'm excited to see how this, how they start off the season. I really am because
The last time they did a, what, a three episode premiere was season one. Cause that was the whole end of, you know, the, that was order 66 with Caleb, them going back to Camino and all that. That was, I think that cause season two was only a two parter, I believe. So this is going to be, yeah, this, you could be right. Cause it's going to be an hour and some change probably.
Cause three episodes about what 20 minutes, 20 minutes each, roughly usually. Are you going to get up early and watch it? Like it is a 21st is what on a Wednesday.
Are they doing it Wednesday night, or do they say? They haven't said yet. Okay. Well, we'll see. I mean, I hope they do the 9 p.m. stuff, because that's great. If they do it the night before, I'm 20. So we'll see. If they do that, I'm on board. But even if they don't, I'll probably get up early. Because I don't start work until 9. So I can definitely squeeze it in. What a life you have.
I guess so. Working from home. Any other thoughts on the trailer? Anything else you want to bring up before we wrap it up? We didn't really bring much up about Omega. Oh yeah, our little Omega. She looks kind of rough. Like she's been through it. So I'm really interested to see what's going to happen with her.
We do see that shot of her flying and looks like it's going down. Yeah, so Yeah, I mean I think I here's a prediction I will say I think obviously they get crosshair and
but aren't able to get Omega first and then they have to go get her again. Like, and maybe they move her somewhere or something. I don't know, but I think it's going to be early. I mean, I don't know if it's going to be in the first three episodes, but it is going to be earlier in the season where they get crosshair and then they have to go get Omega. And maybe that's Omega is helping crosshair escape.
And that makes sense. And maybe that's maybe the sister, maybe her sister helps out too. Yeah. I think Fennec's going to be involved with getting Omega out. Yeah. Cause what's her, cause we did see that shot of what's her face. The um, now say something. Yeah. So, and we know again, yeah, from season one,
Fennec said, if you need me, let me know. So she's gonna know if she needs her. So we'll get Fennec, we'll get Cad Bane. How is he gonna play in? Is he gonna be on the Empire side? Heck yeah, he's gonna run amok. I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait to get Cad Bane back. And then Boba, are we gonna see Boba? Yeah, it's gonna be me. I mean, are we gonna see any other Jedi? Probably not.
I don't think so. Will we see Quinlan boss? Yeah. Yeah. That'd be great. I don't know if we will though. I mean, as I said, we know we're seeing a size, but right. What, what does that come with? Cause we see Obi-Wan Kenobi. Probably not. Probably not. No. Cause he's still on the desert at this point.
Yeah, because he would still be. Yeah, he didn't know about Quinlan till after. Right, because when he during Obi-Wan, that's he's like, oh, Quinlan was here. So yeah. Yeah. So we'll see. We'll see. There's a lot of. A lot of open, open threads that need to be closed, for sure. Will we see Darth Vader? Ooh, maybe. Mm hmm.
Maybe. I don't know if it's gonna be necessary, but maybe. It's always necessary. I know that's your boy. I mean, I could see it though. Why not? I mean, might as well. Might as well throw Vader in there. He is Vader, so.
All right, kids, that's it. That's the show. Hope you guys enjoyed our little breakdown of the season three Bad Batch trailer. We're very excited. February 21st cannot get here soon enough. Andch.
Where can the good people follow? Well, let me let me do this So you guys can follow us at the collective podcast at the collective pod on all the major platforms Then we're an apple pod Google Play spotify all the major platforms there and you can follow me Lauren Romo at lower nose on again all the major platforms and
You can follow me Andrea Gutierrez at r2d2step on Twitter and Instagram There you go, and I know those things are Star Wars related That's not true for the hot takes you don't follow us oh Real quick rip to mr. Weathers. Oh others. Oh That's a big one. Yeah, that's a big one Grogu's favorite uncle. Yep. All right P man
to a real one. He really was, you know, just some iconic performances and characters that he played and to be a part of the Star Wars world that hits hard. Yep. Yep. He'll be sorely missed by obviously many people, fans, family, you know, in the Star Wars fandom for sure. So Carl Weathers, to you, sir, to you. Be peace. Be peace. Be peace.
All right, kids, that's it. That's the show. And as always, may that force be with you. Always. Always.