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Episode 142- The  Bad Batch Season 3 Recap Episode 4 image

Episode 142- The Bad Batch Season 3 Recap Episode 4

The GALactic Podcast
122 Plays1 year ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Bad Batch Season 3 episodes 4! How do Omega and Crosshair work together? Who was right? A happy reunion? Where do we go from here? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

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Excitement for Dune Part Two: Influence on Star Wars

Well, hello everyone and welcome to the glad to podcast. I am Lauren Romo with me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd Andrea Gutierrez as it is written as it is written. What's going on? Oh, just showing.
We had some fun. Got to get in the Star Wars mood. We've been in the Dune mood. I'm still in a Dune mood. Yeah, we saw Dune part two. Part two. Together, we're going again today as we're recording this later on. Because we love this movie, part two, if you haven't seen it. I swear this is not a Dune podcast. We could make it one. Easily, it could be 100%.
A good movie and you can get to bring the Star Wars, you get where there's influences. Oh yeah. 100%. And if you ask me, I think Star Wars should be influenced now by Dune.
It could be I mean, you know, I guess you'd have to we'd have to talk to Denny villain to weave I mean just the the like vehicles and all that stuff like I feel like that that should be adapted by Star Wars when they're making future projects, you know, and I think it is I think Star Wars is becoming that where people are pulling the
you know, uh, influence or pulling from for sure for inspiration. Definitely. You know, I, especially when it came out in 77, you can see where it changed a lot of things and it still continues to change. I think things as well.

Introduction to Bad Batch Episode 4 Discussion

So I kids, but no, we are back, uh, with some bad batch episode four. So we're going to talk about it, but before we do that,
This is your first time this new us welcome you we are so worth podcast that discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far far away Each episode we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion of them Topics could be movies TV series books comics a specific character you name it and we talk about it All right, and who we
episode four. I love this one. This is it's up there for me as well. So we were talking about bad, bad season three, episode four, a different approach. Your directors were Brad Riles, Saul Ruiz,
writing credits are obviously Dave Filoni, Jennifer Corbett, George Lucas. Obviously that's based on Star Wars and characters he created. And then also this was actually written by Mr. Ezra Notchman. So he wrote a good one. Kudos all around to that crew. Right. This, this episode was, was up there for me. I'll kick us off with overall

Tension and Animation in Bad Batch Episode 4

thoughts. I mean, this might be one of my favorite out of the entire series.
Like, this is, it's up there. It's up there for me, I think. Watching this, so I got up, did my usual, I got up before work, watched it. Didn't have to get up too early, because it was just one episode instead of three, so that was nice. But got up, watched it, and honestly, from start to finish, man, I was on the edge of my seat. Because you just felt the tension of like, okay, how are they getting off of this thing? What is gonna happen?
What are we doing? For sure. So it. You were literally pins and needles the entire time. The music was great, as always, a kinder. I mean, I can't express how much they are so good at doing Star Wars, especially that ending, which will obviously we'll talk about. But overall, yeah, I like I like this new planet that we went to. Wow. It kind of gave me
A little bit of like, it seemed like it was a colder planet or at least where they were on the planet. Yeah, you can see their breath. Is that the first time we've ever seen that? In animation? In Star Wars animation? Maybe, maybe not. I had to rewatch. I feel like Clone Wars, we saw some. Like when they were with Choochie on that ice planet. Yeah. Maybe. Yeah, I just realized I forgot to do my homework from last week. Anyway.
We're we're we're sometimes homework sometimes sometimes out here as people who listen to us know. But no, yeah, but it looked it looked good, though. Right. It just felt felt like really, really just well done animation wise. Again, the outfits. I love the outfits that Omega and Crosshair got. I would take an action figure of those both. They were really, really cool. Very cool. Especially Crosshairs gave me like Hoth vibes.
Like, yeah, with that little piece underneath. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was really, really cool. Again, the whole like, like this little, you know, this little space port town that they're in was very, very cool. It just, it was a good episode from start to finish. Cause again, it was from beginning to end, very tense.
very tense you because again they they crash land after they get into hyperspace right you see that it's just and it's a wild a wild wild ride from them getting onto the planet crashing trying to get in you know trying to disguise them disguising themselves
trying to get money so they can get off of the of the space port of the planet through the space port. It's a wild ride and it was tense because you you really didn't know.

Omega vs. Crosshair: Contrasting Approaches

Right. And then I just love the interaction between Omega and Crosshair, man. This was this was excellent, like just excellent. And again, the the title of the episode, a different approach. It was so perfect for this episode.
Right, I mean, just how Omega wants to do things versus how Crosshair wants to do things. In his, as he said, his skills, like, what is he good at? He's good at eliminating people. I mean, he's good, he's very good at that. That's what he was basically born to do. So, you know, her trying to,
get him to see a different way and all that. Just again, visuals were great. The music was great. The overall theme of this, of, you know, a different approach and everything like that for this whole episode was fantastic. I loved it. Again, this is one of my favorite episodes of the entire series. I mean, it's just, it's that good for me. We'll, we'll dive in, you know, deeper, but and throw it to you.
thoughts, feelings, how'd you watch it? You know, the usual, what'd you get? What'd you do? Let's talk about it. Yeah, I watched it after work.
It kind of feels like a nice way to do it. Just work and then come home and just like lay on the couch and watch it. And yeah, I enjoyed it all the way through. I almost got emotional at the end. Like there was a slight tear. There was a slight tear that almost came out. If I didn't have so many things chemically balancing me, I think I would have bald my eyes out dead serious.
And it was a great display of how different Omega and crosshair are. They're so different, you know? It's like they have nothing in common besides like loyalty and even he is dodgy around that. In survival, different approaches, but... Oh yeah. Survival, for sure. Different approach.
So, um, yeah, I, I loved it. I thought the music was outstanding, especially at the end when crosshair came walking out. Oh my God, that was lights out. Um, and I, I love, I liked the planet. I love the Imperial officer. I really, really did. I thought it was just a great representation of what they are in like a five minute span. It was so perfect. We'll get into that more.
And there were some times when Omega would be like, why don't we save all the animals? I was like, come on, let's go.
Can't do that. We can't do everything. I love the good crosshairs. It was like, you're pushing it. Yeah, you're pushing it. So there were some really great moments in here just to represent how these characters thought process works. And then also like how the Imperial works. Man, I love now say like telling Hemlock it might be a false positive way to just get in his head. So it just it just had some some great elements all the way across and
I I'm kind of surprised how fast we we had a reunion, but I Liked it. Yeah, I didn't mind that at all. I really didn't I like how we're just doing the thing We're just doing it. We're not we're not you know Elongating it or like really no filler right right right, but
People are saying it. Well, whatever. People can say if they want. People are weird. Well, yes, this is true as well. But I'm glad they just did it because why drag it out?
right why drag it out for like half a season where you can just okay boom boom boom and now okay now let's get into the Emperor the Empire stuff let's get to what where's what are they going to do like are they

Empire Dynamics: Hemlock and Nala Se

because in this episode of mega you know one of her things was we have to go back to get everybody out and
And that obviously crosshair was like, we have to get out of here first before we can do anything. You know, so is that kind of where we're going? Like much, a lot of things that they can do now that they're, now that they're, the reunion is done. Right. And there's still opportunity. We'll talk about it, uh, where they still have to maybe go get a mega too. Well, so I'll, I'll give those thoughts down the road in a little bit, but.
Yeah, I love this episode like you're saying the music especially at the end was just it was so good It was so good Let let's dive into I want to talk about hemlock and the Empire and all that I Mean, yeah, I was like you brought it up and now say trying to just Basically tell him Don't worry about it It's it's it's fake
Don't worry. When she said that it was an aberration, like the clone herself, I feel like I could almost see the gears twitch inside of Hemlock's head. God, she could be right.
And that's why he couldn't really argue like, he was like, well, once I get her, we'll see if you're lying or not. And by the way, your like future doesn't look good. You don't have one. You don't have one. Exactly. And can we real quick, can I just give a shout out to Nala say's knees, but she's sitting. I don't know if you saw this. Her knees are like literally almost like
I'm like, God, anyway, stupid animation, like, you know, stupid thought as I watch animation. But it he is very. I think like you're like, that's a good point, and he can't disagree with her because even though he's a scientist, she's she is the one that's been like knows and has been doing this longer than him.
Right, I mean I think we could safely say that I feel like so he does have to trust her in a way of knowing what these results or how you know what this could mean or if it's true like she's saying it could be an aberration and he He can't really just prove that Because he doesn't have omegas again as he says, you know, we'll see when I get her to see if it's you know if it was true or not which I mean
Could it have been an aberration? Yeah. I mean, right. That's, I mean, thinking about it. We could all be thinking she's force sensitive and she's just not.
But we do know the other side of the story was that Nala Se was not testing her blood dress whatsoever. So obviously something's up. But I mean, she should play Sabacc. Nala Se, she has a really great Sabacc face. I don't know if you call it poker face when you're playing Sabacc. But she- She has a good card face. She has a good card face. I love how we talk about these people. They're real humans.
real beings. Like someone drew the reaction on his face, but I was like, man, he was really considering. But that's how good the animation is, obviously, for sure. But yeah, no, I mean, it. She is playing the long game. And I like how he was like, you know, oh, my God, and CT 9004 escaped. She's like, I'm surprised about that.
And he's like, are you, are you though? Because pretty sure you were the one that was, helped her. And he can't really prove that yet, but he's pretty, he's pretty confident that he, like she helps. She, you know, she assisted in Omega, Omega's escape. And then like you said, like her saying, eh, don't worry. It's an aberration. It's,
You know, that's that's gonna happen, right? That was like her thing. It's gonna happen. We're gonna get false positives He's like, okay. Well, he's probably like we've never had one before nice try So when I get her we'll find out and you're our trouble anyway, so don't worry so yeah, I think again Hemlock in now say that's a it's such a small conversation, but it's such a big deal, right because She is still trying to like
Keep Omega safe somehow by any means, right? By lying, by whatever way she can. She wants to protect her. And now this is the only way she feels she can do it. Do you ever think about if Omega is force sensitive and it was intentional by the Kaminoans, who directed that?
Again, those are really good questions because all we know is that she is a clone like Boba not altered. I guess that's how you consider it, right? Because I mean, I'd had to rewatch that, you know, the first season, those first couple episodes again. Homework. Yeah, they could have they might have talked about it before, but she obviously we do know she is a clone similar to.
Boba where it's not altered, but that's why she ages slowly kind of like Boba fat, right? So, but right. But the bigger question is, right. Now let's say, well, who directed her to do this? Was it just them? Just, right. Where'd she get moving around the chlorians?
I mean, they did hang out with Jedi a lot, right? I don't know. I mean, Sifo-D has, supposedly. Right? Right? So... Dooku. Yeah, Dooku. But yeah, that's a good question. I mean, did they just stumble upon it somehow? Or like, did they have something? I'm with you. Maybe we'll get those answers. That's a really good... That's a huge question, right? That's kind of been lingering from season one, really.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't think we would get an answer to it. I think it's just supposed to be one of those things we don't even consider. Like Yoda and species mystery. Yeah, I can see that. I mean, that makes sense. But that's a good question, though. Like, who wanted to do this? Whose idea? And was it dejangle fact, give the okay again? Maybe he's force sensitive. And maybe we didn't know that, right? Who knows?
Everybody's force sensitive now. No, I am. You are. Here we go. Paul Atreides, he's force sensitive. Ates. I gotta bring dude and do it.
But I think the, you know, again, that conversation is such a small one. It reminds me of like Andor, where the conversations are palpable and they're important. They ignite thoughts. Right. And that's what this conversation did for sure. Anything else that you brought out in that little scene, Ange?
No, I'm going to have to rewatch and look for Nala Say's knees now.

Imperial Corruption: Captain Man's Role

I tell you, it's so ridiculous again.
Once you see it, you won't unsee it. Let's just say that. I'm running. Yeah, definitely. BM Lookout for your rewatch and everybody else too. Again, it's like literally almost to her head. Anyway, I'll get off the knee strain real quick. All right, so let's go to Lao and let's talk about that side of the empire because in typical fashion, right, there's a guy that's basically running the town.
Shocker in the Empire. He's corrupt. Shocker again. And he, his name is, I think it's Captain Man. I believe is the literal name. Captain Man. I love it. Two ends. Of course it's two ends. It's so Star Wars. I love it. But again, a great villain.
Like you're saying, prototypical imperial, right? So, Angie, talk about that kind of that whole side of it. That side from Lao, Captain Man, talk to me about all that stuff. What you got?
Yeah, I loved how Omega has to take the lead on figuring out what to do there because Crosshair's idea is just absolutely terrible. Like, let's just shoot up the spaceport. Like, that's not going to have any consequence whatsoever. Create so much havoc that you'll be unable to escape. Or maybe you will. I don't know. But it shows how resourceful Omega is and how Crosshair just has his skill and his one way of thinking.
Um, which has its place and you get to see that later. But, um, bribing the attendant, right? You never know what you're going to get. You never know if you're going to get one that's going to say, yeah, give me 30,000 credits or one that's going to hit an alarm and say, these people try to bribe me. You just don't know which one you're going to get. Yeah. Like solo. So that's pretty awesome too. Um, and then.
When she's playing, it's not Sabak, whatever she's playing with that captain, maybe it is, I don't know. It never crossed my mind she was gonna get away with it, right? It just didn't. Oh, right, right. Yeah, like something was gonna happen, he wasn't gonna like the result, and he wasn't gonna like anything about
her hit crosshair and batcher, right? So you knew it was gonna come to head in the next scene, which it did. So it was just...
a great example of what we see in Star Wars when it comes to our heroes trying to get past the Imperial part of every planet they're occupying. So it was great. I liked it. I really liked Lao.
Again the planet it's like again. It's it feels very old-school Star Wars like Just like a mando like those those those little towns that he goes to You know especially in season one right that are run by the Empire or I should say not run by the Empire But just those old old towns that you see on these planets. That's what it gives me it gives me those like vibes right and
I loved the Empire's look like a stormtrooper with a poncho. Can't go wrong. Give me an action figure. I loved it so much. Bro, you little ponchos. I'm a pro poncho. I'm pro poncho around here. But again, I like how, especially with the captain,
Again, he runs the town, right? He goes into the bar, he, you know, the droid gives him his usual, pays him, you know, what he's supposed to pay him. Like it's so, it's so, it's so empire. Especially when you're not near Coruscant, right? Like the further you go out, obviously it's, it's, it's run this way, right? It's run by a dude that's governing the town, right?
And yeah, I agree. So that moment between him and Omega, again, that's why this episode is so intense because it really could have gone a multitude of ways. Right. I mean, it could have been like, he's like, uh, no, you cheated and they throw him in jail or, right. He, he did.
did kind of what I didn't think he was gonna do and be like okay yeah you won fair and square right and then when he said that I was okay wow we're getting away with this and then he was like going on you owe me a fine I'm like come on dude like of course but then she was like 10,000 you know he's like 10,000 she gives it to him
And then I'm thinking like, well, Craig, do they have enough to get off? And then she was like, we have 35. I'm like, all right, let's get out here. Let's go. What are we waiting for? And then of course he takes Batcher. Like who does that? Who takes the dog? Come on. It's terrible. So, but again, what I love the conversations between Omega and Crosshair throughout this whole process, right? You know, they, they, when they get to Lau, you know, she wants to,
notify Hunter and crosshair is like, we can't do that because they're, they're definitely, you know, watching those long, long communications, right? So, okay. So that's out. So then she gets disguises and then she, like you say, she tries to bribe the lady and she was the lady at the ticket counter and she was told you need 30,000 credits, you know? And then, uh, I love the comment though, when, you know, she,
tells the lady, you know, ask for, you know, how they can get on without it. And it's a bribe. And the lady tells her, and then, you know, crosshair, they're walking away and crosshair's like, so that went well. She's just like, stow it. Like, I love that line of just how she said it, to crosshair, just like, it's like the equivalent of shut up in Star Wars, just like, stow it, I love it.
But then again, Omega thinking outside the box a little bit, again, different than crosshair.

Omega's Compassionate Decisions

And I like when they're in that bar and he's like, so you want to hustle someone. Like this is your plan. And I love, again, I love Omega's like,
I done it before and I call it a relocation of funds or whoever she says it. She doesn't like to call it hustling. It's a, you know, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a
But again, and then even that little moment of before they go into the bar, there's that kid right that we see outside of it. And you wonder why they hung like they kind of hung on him for like a beat. It comes back because he.
You know, when they leave the bar, that's when they notice Batcher's gone. And then the kid is like, well, I know where he is, but it's going to cost you money. And I said, again, I love crosshairs. Just like, I am so sick and tired of everybody wanting money, wanting 10,000 credit. And so he like walks up to the kid like he's going to like do something. And Michael's like, all right, hold on. The kid's like, all right, 5, 5, 5, just give me 5,000. But, you know, take it or leave it.
And that's when he tells them that, you know, batchers at the dock or the space board dock or whatever. And then the moment that I thought was really interesting is this is when Omega's going towards the dock and then crosshairs going the other way. He's like, the spaceport's this way. She's like, well, where they have batchers the other way. He's like, you have to let that go. Right. Because again, he is so survival.
right, but in a different way, because Omega wants to survive, but she wants to survive with the people she cares for. Does that make sense, Ang? She cares about these people. She cares about Badger. Man, I was on Team Crosshair in this moment, honestly. I was like, and I'm a dog person. I'm like, it's a dog. You have the credits to get off of this planet. Let's go. Let's go.
Seem crosshair I I it's interesting. It's an interesting thing. I think what and I was a shout out to Alberto from Radio Rebellion podcast I was watching his show yesterday and he brought up this this interesting an interesting idea of that That scene where she throws the money at him right and says take it. I'm saying here you can go without me and
Did you feel like that was a little bit out of character for her? The entire episode, and this is very, very true, like Alberto was saying, the entire episode, she was like, we gotta go together. We have to do it this way. We have to get off planet together. And then at a moment's notice, she was like, take the money, you get out here, I'm saving Batcher.
Was that what did that feel off or is that just or do you feel like that? No, that's that's omega. I mean, it seems like a something that she would do. And then it felt a little omega. But it also felt like crosshairs going to give in and follow her anyway. And I think that's what she knows as well. That's a good point. But I just I don't know. It didn't know it didn't feel off to me and
I think in that moment, I thought there's gonna be a moment where it's not gonna work out for Omega. She's gonna push for one result, and it's gonna turn bad on her. This one kind of did because it was a trap, but they got out of it. So she keeps getting these moments where her way is the best way, and I don't know if that's gonna come back to bite her, because she's not really taking into consideration
What crosshair is thinking and he was right like it was a trap. It was time to go They got lucky getting on that that cargo ship. I'm gonna be honest. So I Think it I it was on par for me But I think it was a point that's gonna come up later in the future where it's gonna bite her. I Like that. No, that's a really good point. I guess I
It felt, it did kind of, I mean, thinking of it in those terms of like her saying, you know, no, we got to do this together, right? We got to, we got to, you know, we got to get off the planet together and all that. And at a moment of where they can do that together, but because they don't have Batcher, she's willing to, like you're saying, risk it all.
because she cares so much about, you know, Batcher. And her point, again, her point of contention is that, you know, we wouldn't be where we are without Batcher, which may be true. Right. True. Maybe, maybe not. But it is kind of interesting for her just to be like, you take all the money.
I'm saying here, where she could at least took her half. It's been like, here's your half. You gotta do what you gotta do. But I think you're 100% right when you say, I think Omega, maybe in the back of her mind, hoped, or maybe she really believed that he would follow her.
And he did, of course, right? Begrudgingly, but he did. And I like how he's just, you know, his words were like, we'll do it your way, right? Instead of trying to fight her, he's just gonna go along with it finally, right? Because the entire episode, he's been like saying no, no, no, no, right? To any of her ideas.
I loved how he gave her the reminder. He said, my skills are being wasted. And she said noted. That was perfect because there has to be a compromise where you're utilizing everybody in the correct way. And he was just calling it out.
Crosshair I loved him in this episode was great. And then of course, like you said, you know, we get to that That point but before that though, I think I think you're 100% right with crosshair I think He is trying to tell her okay Like well, I'll follow you but like you realize We're not using what I'm very good at right now
so that we can survive this together. And like you said, she said noted, and I do love that. But you're right, he's 100% right in what he's been saying the entire episode, like we have to get off this planet immediately because they will find that that crash ship. We have to like, we can't delay it. So you get his point and I'm 100% with you, Angie. You get where he's coming from,
and how he thinks, but Omega just doesn't think that way, right? She thinks, again, it's a different approach. Again, aptly, you know, why this episode's so perfectly, you know, titled. But, you know, they get to the point where they get into the cargo hold area and it's a trap, like you're saying, it's a trap.

Tense Escape and Teamwork on Lao

And at that moment of Omega just sighing,
And like turning to like crosshair a little bit, like, all right. She's like, all right. She throws the bag. She's like, we'll do it your way. And then it's just like, finally. I loved it so much. And then we get one of the greatest Star Wars, Stampede animals scene that I loved so much. I loved it. I loved it so much. So I mean, what's your, and we get to this point, what's your thoughts about, you know, how they escaped the whole process. What would you, what'd you think about it?
I mean, it was in their favor. You didn't really know in this episode, just like you said, during the card game, whether it was going to be, they could have easily got locked up, put somewhere else, and then here we are trying to get out of another bad situation.
You got to like when the creatures get involved. You got to like when nature helps out. That's always like a strong Star Wars, George Lucas-y thing. So that was really great. Nature vs. Empire. So you got to love that.
The compromise came through. After it moves on from this, you still see them butt heads a little bit and crosshair just being very pessimistic about the outcome of things. Did they learn a lesson in this one or is it going to take a moment to sink in? I liked it.
Yeah, I mean, I love that she freed all the animals. Cause again, like we brought it up at one point, she was like, we have to let them all go there. And he was like, don't push it. He's like, don't push it. Like, come on. We're already here for one animal. I was right there with cross hair. I was like, come on, just get your dog and let's go. Right. Cause again, this entire episode, you were on the edge of your seat. Like, we have to get off this freaking planet. Let's go. And again, I love how it all played out.
you know, crosshair just, you know, doing his thing, right? Some of those cool moves of like him pulling the gate to like black a blaster shot or that was great. I mean, again, some great animation, great choreography, great, all of that. It was so, so good.
And then when they get onto that cargo ship and one of my favorite shots is that stormtrooper kind of getting up looking and see the ship taking up and just yeets them.
off the tower that he's on. Oh, it was so funny. It was so funny. And then I love again, I love that little moment of when they're on the cargo ship, you know, she was he's like, we she's like, yeah, we got to go. I know I'm working on it. Like, again, they're kind of unison now a little bit or at least are on the same page. And then I love Batcher just giving kisses to crosshair to you. You got to love it. You got to love that little dog. Well, that's a big dog, but, you know, you got to love that dog.
And then again, she sends out that corrupted message, hoping that they would answer. And even crosshairs like, you know, it's been months. We don't even know if they're alive. How'd you feel when he said that? I mean, he's not wrong, right? I mean, he doesn't know. I was surprised. I just.
didn't even cross my mind, maybe because we know the other side, but- Right, right, right, that we already knew, right. Yeah, but I never would have thought like, oh, they, I mean, cause they got through every battle, every mission, you know, they were like infallible, like how were they maybe not around anymore? It just surprised me when he said that. It was, I mean, for him to be kind of thinking of them, right? Or even like,
thinking that, hey, you know what, maybe they are alive. Maybe they're not, or maybe he probably hasn't really even thought about it a lot. And he's just assuming like, dude, it's been months. We don't even know. We don't know if they're alive. And at least we know it's been months and not years. Yeah, right. And we kind of, I mean, we figured that we, you know, we did the math last week and we figured it was a few months. So confirmed right by crosshair that it's been a few months.
And then again, they land at that secret location that she said. Now I'll ask you this, Ange, that reminded me of the spot that they met Hera. It is. Is it the same spot? I thought it was. Yeah, it's a moon off of Ryloth. Okay, I thought that was, okay, I was thinking the same thing. Okay. Nice. That was perfect. Again, nice little callback from season one for them to land and meet where that all happened.
But again, that, that shot of like the two ships on, you know, on either side, you see the lights, right. And then you see Omega come down and it's record first, which I love. That was perfect.

Emotional Reunion with Crosshair

Yeah. And then you see Hunter behind her, you know, and that Omega Hunter like theme kicks in, which is great.
And then, you know, I love Hunter, you know, there. He asked, he's like, how did you, you know, we've been looking for you forever and you, you're the one that reached out to us. And, you know, he was like, how did you, how did you accomplish it? He's, she's like, I had help. And then you hear that crosshair theme. Ooh, God, it was so good.
Goosebumps when it happened. Yeah, yeah, and I just love the like hunters facial expression and wreckers Right. They're just like what and he just walks down the you know, the the ship door, you know walking down you just see their faces and then you can see omega kind of worried like oh crap today and
Did I do, was this the right call? Like, should I have maybe left him behind on Tanis? Like, because they're mad, clearly, or at least it looks like how that ended. They were not happy to see him. But I feel like that's going to change for sure. But talk to me about the whole, the whole scene and which thing, how'd you feel?
Yeah, I love the line when Wrecker was like, we crossed the galaxy four times looking for you. It sounded so like, like, I don't know. It just sounded like I crossed the galaxy four times. It was so great. I was like, wow. They're really been. And then Hunter's like, it was actually five. Yeah. I just thought that was so great. And.
I was surprised. I was surprised we got a reunion that fast. I thought maybe she would send a call out and someone else would intercept it and it wouldn't be them that showed up and all that stuff. But I love that they are back together and that there was a reunion and that crosshair is there.
And that makes me very excited for what's going to happen next. Are they going to have a conversation about tech? Are they going to bring crosshair in with open arms? Because Rucker and Hunter kind of had a look on their face, but they also know that he sent out that signal about what they were trying to do. So they know he's
He he still might be as difficult as he's always been but at least he's on board with them. So That makes me really excited for what's coming up And that's a good point like it it could go a multitude of ways Right. He can be like I don't want to do this anymore, you know Right. He could just he could just be like, all right. Well, she's safe. Bye. Like I'm gone. I'm out here I'm gonna take this dog
He's going to take better. But no, and you're completely right, like it. How their facial expression said so much without saying anything, right? But you have that, like you said, and it's a good point, you have that moment from last season where he sent that message.
And that was, and it was tech was the one that pushed it because in last season, a hundred record, we're like, can we trust it? And tech's like, right? We have to trust it. He is, you know, he's still our brother. Like we.
And it's a coded message, right? It wasn't like, it was something that only they would be able to like pick up and understand, right? Like the code, the plan or whatever he, I can't remember what he said exactly, but in season two, but it was a warning, right? He fully warned them about what was going on. And because of tech, they're the ones that went to go look into the situation.
But there's so much trust already burnt by him, right? From what he did, it's gonna be a minute, I think, for them to trust him. Maybe, maybe not, I don't know, right? I mean, maybe they, obviously, I think he has to go with them to get somewhere and then either he can stay with them or he'll leave, right? I feel like he's staying just based on the trailer, but
But it might he might leave and then maybe they maybe he comes back who knows right? There's a lot of things that could happen a lot of things that could happen But it's a big moment right is a big big moment I mean the reunion that again, we got it in the first four episodes Like they're just doing the thing like we talked about earlier like they're just not holding back because there's so much more to I think maybe to dive into this season, but who knows so
And four episodes in this season already, we're a quarter of the way done already, which is crazy to think about. Overall, how are you feeling so far? Is it moving like you did, or is it unexpected, like kind of where you at so far in the season?
A little unexpected because when we saw the trailer, we started thinking like, oh, maybe crosshair makes it off and Omega is stuck and that's going to be the thing is them trying to get Omega off of Tantis. Boy, were we wrong. We were so wrong. We were so wrong.
So I'm loving the speed of this. I love the beginning where it was like that slow burn and you got to feel the uncomfortableness of what was going on with everybody and the like all of the
trials they were going through as well too. And then to then get a reunion right off the bat. Cause you want your team back, right? It's kind of like how I was in rebel season three, where everybody split off and do did their own thing. And when you got them back together in season four, you're like, this, this is what I, I like. Right. Not that I don't like them by themselves, but that, that family orientation of them,
It just has a good feel to it. I hope that's what we get to. I hope they come to a realization that you never know what's going to happen and life is short and you should probably just accept people for their differences and let's stay together as a family.
Omega has a high price on her head, so it's going to be dangerous. She's got a really big price on her head. You know, she could have many chlorians. It's wild. Right, right. Or it could be a false positive, as Alice said. You know it's not. I know it's not, but I'm just saying it could be. It could be.
I think the first four episodes, I loved them. I loved how we kind of got back into it, like you're saying, Ange, especially those first episodes, couple episodes.

Season Reflection: Pacing and Developments

It was like, okay, this is where we're at, this is the stakes, this is where everybody is, right? Everybody's on the board now, or we know where everybody's at. I think when you put, I think, episodes one, three, and four together, so basically like Omega and Crosshair stuff,
It's good. And I'm not saying anything bad about that other episode. I'm just saying like those three episodes, when you put them together, like if I do, when I rewatch, I might watch all those three consecutively.
because it just flows so well, right? But I love that episode with Wrecker and Hunter because again, A, you learned more information about the empire, right? What they were doing and how they were doing these experiments, right? And then it got out of control and they had to literally bombard the place because they couldn't do anything about it. And then we got the cadets, right? That survived and all that. It was a good episode. It was a fun episode.
These first four I'm with you as far as I'm a little surprised at how fast we got to reunion I'm not mad about it. I am very surprised so for me I I I really I have thoughts Of where it can go. I think again. This is now that we're four in My thinking process goes like this again
This is just based off of just feelings and just how maybe it could go again. We've obviously been wrong already once, so I'll go two for two probably. But I feel like they will obviously get to Pabu, right? I feel like that's where they're gonna go next. And I feel like at some point, I don't know if it's gonna be next episode or somewhere in this season, right?
Omega's gonna be on Pabu. They might be away or something like the Wrecker and Hunter and I think cross air because I think cross air obviously joins them again, just Kind of what we've seen the trailer, but just a feeling But I think that's where Pabu because again in the trailer we see it in a bad spot Right. We see it burning and he's like it doesn't look good for Pabu So I feel like that's where the Empire finds them
and gets Omega back. And I think then, maybe towards the end of the season, that's obviously their goals, getting Omega back. I think they feel like if she stays on Pabu, because it's out in an area where nobody really knows it, right? That's as far as we have been told. Like Pabu was kind of a hidden place.
Well, eventually, they're going to find it. And I think, again, even in this episode, when Hemlock was on Lao, he told that one commander, send all of our assets. So who's that? Is it bounty hunters or just the stormtroopers that he's got? What is he talking about? Because that could lead to Catbane. That could lead to Fennec. So you see kind of where the path is going, for sure.
but yeah for me I feel like it's obviously at some point they are gonna get Omega that's just how I feel and that's when I think they have to come together again as a group and go get her and maybe even again save those other clones from Tantus too I think that might be
part of it and but plus we still have the whole Emperor stuff I think there's a lot those questions that still need to be answered too so a lot a lot to do I think in these last what 12 episodes that we have so it's crazy and where do you go where you go with all that uh do you think Omega makes it survives yeah I think so yeah I don't think they're gonna
I don't think they're going to eliminate a child in the animation. I mean, she survives, but how though? I don't know. What's your point to that? She doesn't make it or the empire doesn't, doesn't, doesn't utilize her in the end, right? Doesn't have her anymore. And then if this is the end of the bad batch,
then is it a happy ending? They all survive. They all make it. They all go somewhere and live a peaceful life. I don't know.
My mind's kind of blank about what's ahead for the future. I mean, we know a couple things like we haven't seen yet. We know Fennec's in play, Cad's in play. Ventress? Ventress is in play. You know that Fennec goes back to Nala Se. So it's going to be really interesting. But the final product is, I don't know, it's going to be interesting.
Yeah, and again, maybe they don't even go to Pabu, and the Empire just knows that they were there. And maybe they're just trying to hide, right? I mean, that could be a thing. I mean, they could be on the run because of the bounty, right? Because you know there's probably gonna be a bounty, and maybe that's how campaign gets involved, Fennec, and maybe that's how Ventress gets involved. So maybe she's back doing her bounty stuff.
I saw on Twitter, just a side note, somebody talking about how they would love to see Ventress and Quinlan reunite, which I would love as well. But they also said that it'd be cool if those two together, because we know obviously from the Obi-Wan Kenobi show that Quinlan was part of the path, that it'd be cool if them together were helping children
like get the safety through the through the path. And maybe that's what Ventress does with Omega. Maybe she could be a force sensitive child.

Future Speculations: Ventress and Omega

We don't know that, but right. We're kind of leaning towards at least M count wise. She has a higher sense of the force that she could tap into with training. We have to be specific on that because I think it was clear in Ahsoka in the Ahsoka show that that's
kind of how it works, right? Even though you might have the force, you have to train with it. You have to be willing to train with it and be disciplined, right? But that could be a thing. I would love that. Like, honestly, I would love if Ventress and we get Ventress and Quinlan together and we kind of get the whole path thing, that would be cool. I would love that. Yeah, not putting all my chips in that, but that'd be very, very cool.
But I think it's going to be more of the again, they the empire gets to Pablo at some point somehow, right? Either they maybe capture a mega or they get away and that's when they have to keep running around. And that's where we see again, Ventress and Cad Bane and Fennec.
Because we know that, or at least I'm aware of like the early reviewers got the first eight episodes. So they got the first half of the season, basically. So I don't know if a lot of what they have shown in the trailer in the first eight, I would guess, but maybe, maybe not.
But that would make sense, because if they just give them the first eight, it's what things in the trailers they have seen. Obviously, they want the last half of the season to be secretive or whatever, or not show anything. But yeah, it's going to be interesting. Like, how does this all, like, how does everybody get into play?
Right? Because there's a lot of things that we have seen or we assume is going to happen. And again, that's one thing about this season so far is they can go a bunch of different ways. A very bunch of different ways. I mean, think about last season, we literally thought they were going to ride off into the sunset and it was tragic. Old country or Jennifer Corbett said, old country. Why were we wrong? Again, we were wrong and that's OK.
I'm fine with that. And again, any, any other thoughts about again, we've quarter of the way, anything that you might, I know, I know speculation. We don't like to do it too much around here, but where anything that you think we could be going to or anything that you want, let's go by this. Anything you want to maybe see or have brought up the season
to wrap up, like a main storyline, a B storyline, whatever. What do you got? I want Cad Bane and the Emperor's connection to come back up again. So you know how it was in the Clone Wars and then where it's led it to. So I hope that is the result of like why we see Cad Bane is because of the Emperor and what they were doing with stealing that.
Who's that thing called? They saw the force sensitive like the list of force sensitive. Yeah. Was it a hologram? It might have been I can't remember if it was a holocron exactly but you're but you're on the right path because you know when the Emperor told him like you have all the resources Kat Baines prior resource for the M for the Emperor, right? So Maybe that's what he meant when he said all the assets like notify them. Maybe he that's who he's gonna reach out to that could be
That could be. What else you got? Anything else you want to see or know or get wrapped up or anything? I mean, I really want to see what's up with Ventress and why she's here, you know? I really want to see that. That's probably the most enticing thing that we saw in the trailer. It kind of distracted us from the rest of the story. So I would like to see how it relates, you know, because right now we're all in on the batch in Omega.
So how does Ventress, how does she play into this? I want to see it. How is she alive? Yeah. And maybe we get those answers, maybe not, right? I mean, who knows? Who knows? Who knows is that they're going to answer it or kind of leave it not vague or at least leave it up to our interpretation of it. Maybe, maybe not. I mean, maybe they'll be specific with it or maybe they'll just
I can kind of give a very vague overlay of her just saying, I'm from Dathomir, I'm a witch. Like, oh, okay. Say no more. Like, I get it. I think, yeah, I think ventures, that one's I think intriguing to me.
Is again, cause again, she's one of my favorite characters. So seeing her back, how that all plays out. And again, how we get to her is going to be fascinating. I really want to, again, I assume we will, but I'm really interested for me too.
In this whole emperor project, neck, no manner, neck, no, it was a nectro or necro, necromancer. I'm interested in seeing what that, what's in the pods, what are we doing? What is going on in Tantus? Like, what is that lab trying to create? We kind, we're assuming it's a clone for the emperor, right? We're assuming it's a body that he can take over.
Maybe, maybe not. But what are, but there was, there was a lot of tubes. What's in those things? Like you're saying, like I know you said, like last weekend, it could be for sensitive people. It could be other species. Who knows? It could be Dathan. You know, Dathan, his son that is Ray's father, like, huh, there's that. Like he, he was a failure of one of the experiments. Like he could be in one of those pods. I wonder if.
Ooh, that's interesting. When Nilesay and Hamlet talked about how they were successful, but it was like diminished, I wonder if that was him, right? Ooh, I like that. That's a good one. That's a good one. I'm very interested to see how we wrap up that empire stuff though, right? Like what do we, like, how is this play in the overall bigger picture, right? Not just Bad Batch, but obviously we know moving forward,
It's still in play, it's still at large, right? This project, Necromancer. So how does this get all connected? Yeah, I'm fascinated. I'm hoping to see two cross-haired Dawn, his bad badger, bad badger outfit. Oh yeah, I think we're getting that for sure, right? I'm hoping, right? I'm hoping. Get him back with his sniper blaster or whatever.
I'm ready for it. I'm ready for him to join the crew. I am. I'm ready for him to be back as a member. And then again, one of the bigger questions is tech. Is he truly gone? I mean, we know nobody is ever really gone. I get it, Luke. But is he really gone? I think that's going to be interesting. Again,
I, I have said this before. I hope it is because again, I think that just gives his sacrifice a bigger meaning, but we'll see. We'll see anything else. And they want to talk about before we wrap things up around here. Nope. My mind just went. So I'm going to stop. It just went to one of those like, uh, Kira is, is raised mom things.
We're going down that path. I'm going to stop. We're going to ramp it up real quick before we get out of control.
All right, guys, that's it. That's the show. I hope you guys liked our review of Bad Batch episode four. A different approach. We'll probably be doing two at a time moving forward. I mean, unless something huge happens. I mean, Ventress could be in next week, so we want to talk about it, you know? So we'll play it by episode, but for sure, two at a time. Again, depending on the episode, if it's
a big one we will have to discuss it but will go to the time just gives us more talk about and you know more to digest and discuss but
That is the plan for now, guys. Hope you guys like this recap. If you like our show, please go follow us, the collective podcast at the collective pod and all the social medias. And you can follow us on apple pod, Google play, Spotify, all the major platforms for your podcasting listening. And you can follow me, Lauren Romo at low road nose on all the socials. You can follow me, Andrea Gucci eras at r2d2step on Twitter and Instagram.
All right, kids. That's it. That's your show. And as always, I have nothing to say about BTS because they're gone. Right. They're gone. It's it has been a giant. It has been a giant void them all being in the military service. But I will say that Jen does come back in 100 days. So that's exciting.
And we have Dune, too. Yeah. Oh, I've been on Dune for a while. You know, I freaking read it three times. I'm reading Messiah now. I've been on a Dune thing. That'll get us through the next hundred days for sure. Yeah. All right, kids, that's it. That's the show. And I hope you liked it. And as always, may that force be with you. Always. Always.