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Savage Worlds - The Phony Express 3.8: All The World Is My Stage

Roll Players
55 Plays7 months ago

Today, Cutter experiences a strange Haunted House with Sam and Dean, while Maverick slays some entertainers in Freedom Hallow. Finn becomes and Ryn and now wants Bowls Bowls Bowls and a vacation. Some weird stuff is going down and the boys are suspicious of the people in town. Also, how you doing everybody? You taking care of yourself? You better be!

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Introduction and Banter

Here ah we go. I'm wearing shorts. I hope it comes off on recording that I'm wearing shorts right now. I want to rock and roll every day and part of every night. Part of the night, not the whole night. You can't stay all night. Part of every night. I am wearing underwear. He said he wants his shorts to come off, everybody. So. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I want my shorts to come off part of every night. um Yeah, so an Adrian's in his underwear already so good morning. Good afternoon. dan Good evening. Ladies germs bond by the way, but if that works, the universe is not known. Boy, my mouth just malfunctioned. Hey, this is role players. Welcome back to phony express episode eight. I believe ah last time things happen. Justin already summed it up perfectly before we recorded.

Justin's Recap: Search for Bathie and Demon Talk

So I'm going to have him do it again.
Because apparently my mouth is kinda not working i think my tongue is trying to escape from my lips and i don't know why. um So hey justin tell us again exactly what happened. ah guy Hey everybody it's justin here from role players. So listen, hey, hey, last time um somebody started to cut her because I remembered that because I was him. ah He went up there looking for Bathie at a place called Winchesterville and and you couldn't find her. So there was some talk about a demon being around, killing people, taking people. And there's a scary house that they may or may not have built before or after the demon showed up because people are having fun with it now. because They think it's funny that people are getting, they think it's a big joke, they're monsters.
um me like a haunted house and apparently maybe something's in there now or that that bad stuff in there either way we gotta go find Baffy and he met Sam and Dean Winchester not Winchester Sam and Dina in Winchesterville some monster hunting little fellas that ah may or not be related to some show or something I don't know um And we're

Maverick's Escapade and Ren's Transformation

going to go in here. We got a priest piss. We're going to go in there and find a demon and hopefully find Bathy. Have sex with her. I mean, and then Maverick, he was over in Freedom's Hall. Hallo. Have sex.
He's having sex, too, with a man named Theo in the streets, because he's trying to get his bird back um from him. Or maybe he's fighting. Who knows? And and Ren Tintin is not no longer Finn. She got turned into a bigger girl now. She's a teenage-ler. And her mom, ah also her mom's a bitch, by the way. She thinks she thinks me and ah Maverick are dicks. And ah she's going to come hunting for us. But she went after, she's going to look after for Cutter first. And, but, but then Ren was like, oh, I'm a teen now. I'm going to go hang out at the vacation home of our pumpkin sign dad house. And, uh, also go to the town and get weed or something from that Indian lady who sells bowls or whatever it is.

Teen Ren's Plans and Town's Chaos

I think that's about right.
Yeah, Appany and Lila run the Bulls, Bulls, Bulls over and again. They sell pottery, but way what's the innuendo there for? You know, good yeah herbal remedies, herbal remedies. My name is every bull comes with a bull. Hey, that's how I remember everything happening, though. Excellent. Well, that's the long and short of it, I think. Oh, yeah. And then ah one thing Bella was telling Finn at the time, oh, hey, fucking cutter and maverick killed Ryn. That's what happened. And she was like, oh, those dicks. and So let's be lying. She said some mistrust or else in her memory. I don't know. What was that? I said, well, someone told her all the wrong bullshit and she thinks it's true. Well, I don't know. You know, something she's going on.
Something's real fucking fishy going on and in Montana. Um, all right. So, uh, the gang is still kind of split up. Um, so sorry I apologize. Eventually you'll reunite, I hope. Oh, we all, uh, huh. all we yeah Or we all die. Or you all die. When my fan was making a weird noise, it was very distracting. I thought I was going to blow up. um Anyway, that's okay. I'll just suffer like Cass has to suffer. I'll just sit in a toasty room just so I don't risk having to edit that out of my recording. um Okay, so ah let's go to... um You know what? Why don't we just go to Rin first? She's back to being... Wren, right? um So Wren, I had to train my mouth for so long to say Finn, and now I have to go back to Wren. So I have to like really like really think about it. So Wren is currently with um Duchess and Brave and Ravey the Raven, aka Ravey the Weird, on Brave's mom's horse,
And she was just talking about going to the vacation home apparently after um mom said she would catch up. um So ah but also rim is like oh i'm just gonna stop a bull's bull's bull's mom you want anything so she might also be writing to

Ren's Community Involvement and Infirmary Volunteering

do dad first so. Ren what is your first move what are you in the in your intrepid gang of um adolescents doing. So Ren is going to be like, of course, going through her stuff, getting all the things that she thinks she's going to need for her vacation home because, you know, she's going to have to look by while she's there. And then she is going to grab Ravey and ah Duchess and Brave and head to do dad. All right, sir. Heading over to do dad first. Mm hmm.
All right. From Punky's house on a horse, it might take you, I don't know, maybe like 15, 20 minutes since you're just on the outskirts of Ghost Alley where Punkenstein's house is. Is there any place you would like to stop any conversation you would have with Brave, Ravi and or Duchess ah or anything that you would like to do while you're on your way there? So like Brave. So when like all of the crazy stuff happens and you know, you're like all grown up and everything. So you're like going to come over, right? ah he kind He kind of shrugs and he he puffs his cheeks out a little bit again. That's kind kind of like his go to shut himself up thing. And he just goes, he goes, all the air escapes from his cheek. Yeah. Is that what you do when you're a big kid? I mean, I'm a big kid. I know that. I just wanted to make sure you know what that means. Of course.
And yeah, obviously I'm. Yeah. What? Whatever that means. Yeah. Like what we're going to like play like blocks and stuff and like maybe like play stickball. And, ah yeah you know, let's see what else. What else? Naughty soap. Am I right? wo ah Well, that depends on if you're going to be like totally naughty and say bad words because you know that that is not allowed. Oh, dang, I'm still not allowed to say bad words even when I'm bigger. ah Dang. No, no, I gotta be like a preacher said bad words are for people that have no class and you know what I am the classiest ah Yeah, I'll go to class too if I need to be if that's how I get classier I mean I skipped a couple times, but I mean I'll go to class if you want if you think we should all be classy Yeah, that's how you get through life like
Ravey kind of like perches on your shoulder and he's just like, hi, am I classy? Oh, you are the classiest, Ravey, you know, like, because you are just so awesome and you never say bad words. Yeah, can I be Ravey the classy weird? No, that's too many words. ah I'll think of some. Yeah, we'll think of something later. Don't worry. Borph, Borph is is Dutch is classy. Oh, she is like the queen of classy. Like if I could even be close to the classy of Duchess, we the world would be such a better place.

Maverick's Gunfight and Town Tensions

Yeah. All right. Well, maybe Duchess will teach him classes so we can all get a little classy. and Yeah. Why are we going back to do that, by the way? Oh, I got to go stop my balls, balls, balls really fast because I'm like happening. She's like my favorite thing on the whole world, you know, because
She has the best supply, I mean, the best bowls. And I promised my mom that I would get us a bowl or two for the vacation home so that she could make, like, you know, desserts and things in there. Uh-huh. Yeah, well, look, I don't know if you know this, but I heard a rumor that um that engine lady, she sells cigarettes there. Oh, no way. Yeah, she sells cigarettes to people. is It's not just balls for mixing and eating, eating delicious. so yeah Oh, but that's OK, though, because we're just getting balls, right? Wink. Well, did you just say wink?
yeah know Yeah, right. Wank, he says out loud. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And then like you see like rabies just like blinking a bunch of us. Yeah, wink, wink, wink. So you guys make your way to to do dad will flash forward there. um You're there now where you're in do dad and you know the fires as you show up like the fires of dude of of the yeah
the the brothel or out. um You can see that like, you know, there's still quite a bit of hustle and bustle there. There's people that are helping to clean up and and handle all the debris that fell into the street. um You see ah Sheriff Jeff and company up by the um that I don't know if I guess you would kind of have like a vague memory of this from the original Ren that you were that like there was an explosion up at the mountain. You see Sheriff Jeff has a lot of his people back from um that were helping out up there. um You see that the infirmary down the street has like a long line of people ah standing out waiting to get in there.
ah And other than that, everything else is relatively normal, weirdly enough, aside from just to clean up in the street and the infirmary. What do you do? This town looks like a mess. What happened? Wow, this is so weird. Do you think that, like, we should stay here and help? Well, I was originally helping. I don't know if you remember that, you know, since you were like little, little. Well, do I call you Finn still when you were a little fan? You can call me Ryn. All right. Well, when you were Finn and now you're Ryn, uh, yeah, you know, I don't know if you remember, but I was helping out, you know, Mr. Maverick at the time, but I was helping like clean up the place and make sure the fire got put out. Yeah, man. Some narrative whales came into town and done set everything on fire. Weird. Yeah. ah Yeah. It was scary. I mean, what a what do we do? Well, I think we should stay and help them.
I mean, I'm fine with it. I told Mr. Maverick I would, but now that I found out that Mr. Maverick might be a bad guy, I don't know if I should do what Mr. Maverick tells me to do. You're right. oh But I mean, that's the right thing to do, right? yeah ah You see, um as you're talking about that, like Duchess just like runs off over to ah towards where Sheriff Jeff is kind of directing people and everything during cleanup and it goes and gets pets from Sheriff Jeff. um And then Brave is just like, I don't know. I mean, Sheriff Jeff seems like a good guy and he's helping out. So, I mean, as you know, maybe we could we could, you know, do some due diligence. I mean, just because Mr. Maverick might be a bad guy, I know for sure. Sheriff Jeff's a good man. Hmm. I think you're right there. If I remember correctly in my memory bank,
that he was, I mean, if I remember correctly, he did have a thing for really hot things, which is weird, but I guess he would be pretty helpful. I never saw anything untoward by him. Well, I don't know anything about him liking hot things, but I mean, everybody has different tastes, I suppose. I mean, sometimes when my mama says, hey, if that piece of candy drops on the floor, don't eat it after five seconds, I'll wait like six or seven seconds and I still eat it. So, I mean, everybody likes different things, I suppose. Why would you do that? Why would you like go against your mom? That's so bad. Sometimes it sometimes it feels good to be a little naughty.

Cutter's Scare House Adventure

You got me there. All right. Let's go ask Sheriff Jeff if ah he needs some help. Yeah. All right. um And then you ah you guys head on over towards Sheriff Jeff. um Brave hops off the horse with you. ah Ravey kind of just like sos soars up into the sky for a little bit kind of flying around you, Dad. And um You see Sheriff Jeff's, he just kind of, he's petting, petting Dutch. He goes, why aren't you just the cutest big old, big old fliffer thing I ain't ever seen? See, look at you all goochy, goochy, go. He looks up and he just like, wait, is that you? Come on now. Why you look different? but i Every time I look around is you're wearing different clothes. What's going on here? Um, so I just wanted to like come over and see if we could, you know, help out because,
All of our like adults and everything are being held hostage by somebody evil, and I noticed that this town's kind of like run down, and um since my dad, Punkenstein, he helped really build this town up anyways, might as well help out, right? Yeah, totally. He just like he stares at you just like for a good like 10 seconds. It just blinks as like his hand kind of autopilots and pets that just he just like looking at you like he's down on one knee petting her and looking up to you and he just blinking slowly every few seconds. Then he goes, I'm sorry. What in the fuck did you just say? Who's. Sir, you need to wash your mouth out with soap. That is a terrible word. All right. Hang on a second.
oh Tell me again, did you just say that everybody's kidnapped when I just done rescued some people from a mountain mine thing and now there's more people I got to go and rescue? Well, yeah. But who did you rescue? I don't know, man. There's like people that like probably have to amputate an arm or a leg and shit like that. Man, it's going to be a long day at the infirmary. I tell you what. Damn it. Um, so like.
Can I help you? Because like my dad told my mom that, you know, there was people being held in other places and they just keep moving them around and they need help. Yeah, Mr. Jeff, Mr. Jeff, you know, um I can go and catch the bad guys for you if you want. Church just kind of like rubs ah his eyes a little bit and he's like, all right, look, little dude, why don't you go? Because we said dude back then. All right, little dude, hey, why don't you do this? All right, look, I need you right now to run and go watch all the other kids that are held up over in the, you know, behind the church, the new church we're building down the street. That's where we're keeping everybody in like a safe haven for a little while. All right. So just
Just go hang out there and make sure nobody runs away or nothing. Make sure everybody's like eating their food and not pissing their pants in a church. You feel me? He's like, yes, sir. Mr. Jeff, sir. And then he turns to you, Ren, and he's just like, all right, well, you know, he's kind of in charge around here. So I'm going to go make sure all the other kids don't piss themselves. OK. I'll see you later. OK. ah Yeah, I'll be around probably. Certainly. I mean, you know, I got to go put my horse back. as well but I mean if you still need I guess you could bring it back later okay and he runs off and he you know he picks up a stick and starts swinging it around as he sees like other kids you start swinging them about these other kids he goes get your asses back in that church what are you doing um and ray you much you're gonna get your mouth washed out with soap
He says, you got to catch me first, Randy, and he keeps running off because get your ass back into church. He starts beating the stick on the ground. um And ah and ah Sheriff Jeff is just like, I taught him everything he knows. Good boy. Good boy, brave. Because I don't remember your real name anymore. She just shakes his head at him just disappointingly. Yeah, man, ran I don't know. um Look, I'm not going to lie to you from the stories that I've been told when we were out. They said someone look a lot like you came and done burned down the brothel. No, I can't really believe that because I know that Ren was really fond of that place. But you don't look like the one that I remember. You don't got the big old tank on your back. Your jugs aren't as big as I remember. You're a little short. Yeah, anyway. Yeah, I'm a little. la Yeah, and I'm a little.
Yeah, OK, whatever. I don't really notice that kind of thing. I got me a girl waiting back in the sheriff's office anyway. Several actually. Not really into the robotics, the automatons, as it were. So I like that freak with the mustache up in the woods. So do you want me to like give you the four win one on all of this? Because like, you know, I could totally explain everything. Oh. You know, i i it has been a long day for me. If I'm being honest, I could use probably about 16 cups of coffee and a beer to wash it all down. So like, OK, you know, maybe what you could do is you could go help amputate some things over in the infirmary. You got you got like buzz sauce and stuff in there, right? No, but I have always wanted to do this. I was built for this.
he He got he just like slow blinks at you for a few minutes. He's like, hmm. All right. Well, fuck, you're hired. OK, go ahead. I don't care. you it So, yeah, he just points you down. He goes, all right, look, just follow that big old line right there, ma'am, because that's where they're all waiting. And people are hurt during the fire and the cleanup and then people who got hurt when we were removing stones from the mines. It's just going to be a long day for the doctors on duty today. Yeah, you don't have to worry about me, though, because like I'm just 16. So, you know, I didn't definitely burn anything down. Plus those were the other rins. So it's fine. They are out there kidnapping the other people. So you better go find them. Just I'm just I'm only one man. Just give me ah just give me like an hour to recuperate and then I'll figure out this whole kidnapping business.
You said you like coffee. Hop to it because my dad's in danger. Who's your dad again? Punkenstein. No, I ain't fucking going to hurry for that guy. He never heard it on my account. That dude's always trying to blow up some. Yeah, but don't you remember when he saved this town that one time? No. You don't remember. Oh, you weren't here then. It's fine. Don't worry about it. It's OK. I'm going to go help amputate people and turn them into robots. Bye. She takes off running. Jeff turns around and then like just like he has like a little vial of coffee he keeps in his back pocket and he just kind of like swirls it around and chases it real quick. And he's just like as a goddamn reason kids.
um you see So while you're running over to Potentially amputate people ah let's ah cut over to.

Cutter's Discovery of Vanta Black's Plot

ah How about we go over to maverick for a moment um so maverick last we saw you. You um were in the middle of a fight, I think, and I think you tried to knife a guy, but I don't remember if you actually hit the guy with you and I don't think you damaged him enough. I think you did not do a lot of damage. I think you. Yeah, I think you knifed his clothes. There's a couple of guys in Theo there and you're in a bit of a gunfight as you're trying to rescue Ishi. Ishi seems kind of out of it as you peaked under the um
under the under the blanket. I do believe that the cage got knocked over at some juncture and Theo was trying to go for it. um So right now you're in a bit you're in a bit of a scuffle it would seem. um So what would you like to do? and Could you describe the scene again since it's been a while? Of course. So you are currently off on top of like a yeah essentially a repurposed um like ah gallows, right? So they repurposed the gallows into a big old stage for um this the Thunderbird attraction here at Freedom Hollow. And um so
There was a big kind of blanket covering up the cage. You peeked underneath it, saw Ishii. While you were doing that, a couple of guys flanking Theo, the guy who was doing the show, have knives or have pistols wielded at you. And you are currently in a fight on top of this gallows, while Theo has dove underneath it to try to get Ishii where she fell off. At least I think I'm pretty certain she got knocked off during the scuffle when that guy was tackling you. I think at some point, yeah. Yeah, so Ishii is now in a cage somewhere underneath the gallows, while two guys two guys on top of the gallows are currently in a fight with you. Then I'd like to activate the dead eye, like in Red Dead Redemption. Activate dead eye? Okay, so how do you want dead eye to work? i i I look at both guys and then I try to shoot both of them.
So you're going to like just line your your reticle up on both people's heads. Yeah, it's kind of dead item. Exactly. OK, do you are you are you using your pistol? I'm using a revolver. You're going to use your revolver. Do you have any edges that allows you to make multiple shots on penalized with your with one gun? I have. The marksman skill, it says if I take a turn not moving, then I get like a bonus. ah So do you want to take a turn just not moving so you can line up your shots Red Dead style? I mean,
But then the other people have like an opportunity to attack me, right? That is very true. Yeah, because you're just lining up for shots. they'll have him I think you can still shoot as long as you don't move, like a move action, you can still shoot on your head. Well, I think his is that he has to take a turn to like a literal turn. I have it too. well My understanding of it is, if as long as you don't do any movement on the whole turn, you can still shoot because shoot is not a movement. It's like a whatever, you know, I feel like it just applies to a movement action. Right, so you can add a bonus, but if you take two shots, you'll still get the minus two, but you also add your bonus on top of that to see what the final penalty or bonus will be. So what so you get a plus one to athletics ah or shooting role if you don't move. um So you'd only have a minus one, then you'd you'd only have a minus one then to everything instead of a minus two.
Mm hmm. Or you can, do or you can ignore up to penalties. Not for a, not for a double shot, but for cold shots, either there cover range, scale or speed. That's pretty cool to remember. Yeah. That is very cool. But he's not doing a cold shot. he's just doing you you You said that I know you couldn't say you're going to do a cold shot. I want to call a shot. I did his head with my dead eye. but Well, a called shot also gives you penalties because depending on what you're shooting at, it gives you more. penties You got to wait the next turn to get that bonus. But right. So you could just take the I'm not moving penalty and then just try to blast those fools. So you would get a plus one. Therefore, overall, a minus one to both shots instead of minus two to both shots. All right. So a minus one to shoot both of these guys. So you're going to try to pop both of them at the same time. ah Go for it. Let's see. Let's see what happens. That's a seven.
A seven, so a six. And a three. And then a three, which is a two. So yeah, you hit one, guys. So go ahead and roll your damage for your revolver for the one. See what you do to him. um So 10. that's it what that's pretty That's pretty good there, my guy. ah Yeah, you shake that boy up real good. Actually, ah no, you wound that guy. So you kill that guy. right So do you want to shoot the guy that's next to you or do you want to shoot the guy that is farther, like maybe a few feet away towards where Teddy was?
Um, probably the guy that was like closer to me. Yeah. All right. So you just like whip your gun out. You try to aim at both, but he's kind of like in your way a little bit more. So you just blast right through him and he just kind of like leans up against you for a second and just falls over. And she tries to whisper something in your ear as he falls over, but it's kind of incoherent. Uh, but he looks almost shocked that you shot him as he drops to the ground and dies. I remember how she got knocked over. He tried to like punch me or like set me and he like rolled a critical ah fail. He ran a fail. Right. okay Yep. He knocked the cage over. ah But yeah, when you shoot him, he like because you've been a bounty hunter for a long time, you shot a lot of dude. Some guys look shocked for different reasons. Yeah. i This dude looks like I would say that you would know because you've been on this for so long that
um You were like, I'm really emphasizing this because it's new for you. This dude looks genuinely betrayed that you shot him. Like he looks like abs, like the moment the bullet pierces him and he falls over, he looks up at you like almost like sad that you shot him and then he dies. Um, probably didn't expect that. You see the other guy like that he shoots or that you shoot. He like looks and he goes, Tim, Dude, Maverick, what the fuck, man? And he just starts, like, just trying to unload on you. um So he's going to try to shoot you. he's just He looks genuinely upset at what you just did. um And, um like, just absolutely beside himself. um So he is going to try to shoot you. What was I saying again? If you mess with the bull, you get the horns or something like that.
Yeah, something like that. Yeah. I thought one of my favorite is if you mess with the best, you die with the rest. Yeah. want to Get around and discover. Yeah. All right. So he is going to try to shoot you. He rolls a three. I'm going to give him one of the only Benjamins I have and have him reroll that because he's angry. He rolls an eight, which does um Which does raise on what he needs to hit you. So he is going to roll a damage on his um on his c colt. And he's going to do a total of 10 damage to you, Maverick. It does not pierce my toughness. ah Yeah, I probably should have told you where he's shooting you, because your toughness is like pants, chest. So you have like two on the chest, two on the legs or whatever.
um So you probably should talk about that because like you have overall armor on your whole body But like you don't have like all of that on one spot You know I'm saying like you have some on your chest tell you that there's like Different spots right so like you have chest that gives you a plus so many you have legs that give you plus so many But if you shoot you in the chest you don't get all four you get just what's on your chest and Right. But for future reference, I will call out what he's shooting at. Just so that way, you know, don't need to do cold shots. Then it just kind of depends like cold shots and more so if they're trying to do like critical damage to a particular spot. So like a college shot would be like, oh, I'm going to try to shoot him right in the fucking eyeball. So it'd be a lot harder to hit that eyeball. But if he hits it, it'll be like critical damage. yeah um Or if you're trying to shoot a gun out of somebody's hand, that would be a cold shot. um A little bit harder, but like devastating if you hit it.
um But yeah, like I guess it just kind of depends because like you like if I shoot you like in the face, you don't have any armor on your face. um But that would be a call shot for sure. Absolutely. Mustache is made out of steel. My mustache is steel. But anyway, yeah, so he shoots and somehow ah Maverick ah even after getting winged, how do you have fucking 13 toughness? What do you have on? Jesus Christ. and in vigor A cap? You have a cap on that gives you two armor? A cap? What cap do you have on? menu what What hat are you wearing that gives you two armor on your head? What the fuck are you talking about? What are you wearing on your head that gives you two armor? A hat with metal plating. you're wearing you know You gave your hat to Cutter, first of all. Oh, I got two extra armor! Yeah!
You didn't notice his knight helmet on his head the whole time? I was going to say, are you telling me? Damn, man, your hat's pretty heavy. Are you telling me that you're a cowboy? I really should have checked your armor before we started this whole game. I was like, how do you got 13 toughness? Since the entire beginning. You're an old man cowboy. I was like, wait a minute. I never look at you guys as sheets enough to know why you never get hurt. But like Jesus Christ, two armor for your cowboy hat, Maverick? You better always get hurt. Two armor for a cowboy hat, sir. I didn't make this up. Oh, my God. We need to figure out how to justify that. So you just have a heavy ass cowboy hat that's hold this You know, I have two extra armor in my head. So I guess for right now, yes. So right now, Maverick, your toughness is at 11, which is still high enough to not get hurt from the shot. But you have 11 toughness right now because Cutter has your apparently steel hat.
but but ah That protects the top of your head. all time I'm wearing a leather duster that gives me one armor. I know. I was going to say, cutters makes way more sense. Somehow somehow Adrian, like Elder Scrolls Skyrim, fucking like finds a way to have all this extra juice. Even with Rin having robot parts, she only has 11 toughness. I was going to say, but that's why like in the game audience, you don't really need to know this. I'm not going to cut it out though. But yeah, like if you have like armor all over your body, like it's not like six on your whole body. It's just like whatever piece that gives you. So if you get shot in the legs, it's two armor on your legs, it's two armor on your chest, it's two armor on your head.
um But anyway, that's good to know that I didn't realize this whole time that Adrian's hat was a metal hat. That's hilarious. Mavericks like, you know, what I've been in this game for too long. I got a fucking I got it. I got it. I got a goddamn like Victorian night helmet inside of my hat. Yeah. I did not realize this whole time that you've had fucking two armor in your head. Oh my God. I know. I just read it. I was like, wait a minute. oh Wait a second. I really need to look at you guys. The character sheets more. um Oh my God. That's fucking hilarious. So yeah. So right now you have 11 toughness because cutter has your hat.
Also, somehow, bullshit alert. um I had seven toughness in my with my normal stuff. I put two armor hat on my guy. I have eight toughness now. What the what's what gives roll 20? I should have nine, goddamn it. You have to put it in the right place. You have to put it in the right place on there for that to work. It's on my close too. I don't know. Either way, go ahead. Do we have plus two you just just you have two armor on your head specifically if you get shot in the gut is i'm gonna do dick for you hey listen don't and don't detriment me i never had this let me at least get some bonuses for a little while i was gonna say cutters the squishiest of all of you i was like how the fuck's maverick this old man got so much on whole so all right so
What the fuck is I talking about? Oh yeah, so a guy tried to shoot you and apparently he misses somehow. um All right, so let's just draw cards real quick to see what happens to resolve this. um So Maverick, um you get a four, ah though I think you have the quick thing, right? So you get a king and that guy gets a 10, so you go first. And so I go first, so I shoot the guy that just shoot shot me. OK, are you going to move? Well, are you going to move to get into cover? um There's only one guy left that's like shooting me, so I don't really need to go into cover. OK, so you're just going to stay there and shoot again? Yeah. All right, go for it. There's still a if you're going to shoot once, that's a hit. Go ahead and roll your dermage to see how much you do to this feller.
Oh, 16, 16 dermage. That is more than plenty. You blast this dude and he dramatically grabs onto his chest and like just drops to the ground. It's just like he's profusely bleeding at this point all over his pants, all over the ground. And he just looks up. He's like, it was supposed to be blanks. And then he falls over dead. And like at this point, I don't really care about anything except for like getting easy and like getting this like evil wound. I like try to run after this theater next.
Well, I was going to say, because you've been doing that, this guy has been taking his own turns because he's not in combat with you guys. He's just trying to get his prize and leave. So as you're handling business, you're in this gunfight. Shit's going on. All you hear is just like the rattling of metal, like somewhere out in the crowd as people are kind of having their own little fist fights is the crowds crazy. You look beneath the gallows. That guy is gone. And so was the cage. Can you do a notice roll to notice where he went? yeah ah Yeah, if you're trying to like spot them, but it's going to be really tough because like there's people everywhere. I something so I'm maybe like to like see where I heard that from which direction. ah Sure. I'm going to say that it'll probably be at least a minus two because it's just so loud and crowded. yeah But you might be able to still spot them because you got some keen senses. So we'll see. Indeed.
All right, go ahead and do a notice. but six That's a six minus two. ah You catch a real brief glimpse as like often the crowd like heading back like further into the town um away from the sheriff's office towards the direction you already came from or away from the direction you came from, I should say. ah For a brief moment, you see the cage gets like raised above the crowd as like you spot like this dude just cannot get through with this cage pressed against him. So he raises it up for a brief moment to like try to squeeze through, and then you see it dip back down into the crowd. So you can spot maybe about 60, 70 feet out. This dude has made a little bit of an advance away from you.
yeah There's like some Pirates of the Caribbean shit. For real. What is? like just does like have a big fight Looking for a crown, seeing him going, run away. Yeah, he's like they dan did did that he he's like doing like a very much very silly run as like he's like running with this thing. It's a jar of dirt. and um What do you do? So i I try to jump off the stage and it's like, can I get, ah can I run around the crowd? sort of like i mean it's It's pretty packed in here. So like running around the crowd would slow you down significantly as well because you'd have to go like essentially on the outskirts of the town to run around the town. But you still have to fight through the crowd because there's people all around this thing just like yeah fighting because somebody bumped into somebody and threw a punch.
um That's up to you. I could tell the eagle to track him. If only I had an eagle to track my eagle. um But ah and it's probably better to, like, go straight where, like, saw him. You can always try to crowd surf. That's a Like at a concert. Yeah. yeah um I want to try that. Yeah, try to crowd surf. Yeah. um All right. So I'm going to have you roll. What should what should Maverick's crowd surf roll be?
um I'm going to have you roll. How about um just a general survival role just to this chaos and then ah ah Cass and Justin just for funsies like. Why don't you guys roll? um I don't know, just like some fight rolls like for the crowd just to kind of see what's happening in there like as Maverick is trying to crowd surf. So ma Maverick, what did you roll? Oh, my God, there's rolls galore. I don't mind, you have like 16 rolls that just showed up. You said roll some, I rolled four. Oh, okay. So Mavic, you rolled a five. Cutter rolled...
On 11, a three, a seven, a one, Rin rolled a two. So- Maverick is dead, ladies and gentlemen. so So I'm going to say that as Maverick is trying to crowd surf, go ahead and roll, cut her in, Rin, just roll one, just just a just a strength roll without the wild dice. That's a seven. And go ahead and roll one for Rin as well. Why don't you roll a high when it's about me?
Well, to be fair, none of these are hurting you because apparently you have fucking armor for days. So um so just I'm just trying to get a better idea of what the scene looks like is like, because it's not like they have their hands up like trying to help you get it across. yeah like So essentially, you're just like rolling over top of people and like hopping over their bodies and shit as they're throwing punches and stuff. like Maverick probably gets about maybe 20 feet into the crowd. He's like fucking like rolling over people's hands, jumping off his shoulders and shit. Then somebody throws a wild punch and just decks him in the knee by accident. like You don't take a shit ton of damage for that, but you just enough yeah did she just like fall over into the crowd. Then somebody else decks you in the back of their head, but like you know you you manage to like kind of like block it with your hand before you take the brunt of the blow. and Now you're kind of in the crowd. You crowd surfed about 20 feet in before like people just started getting a little too rambunctious and hating you as you got stuck in there. so Now you're in the crowd and someone's like, hey, that's the guy that tried to take the eagle.
And you're like, where? And they're just like, there's this chaos bedlam all throughout this crowd. What do you do? i'll Try to stay low and so that not everybody like sees me and try to like push through the crowd. All right. Roll a stealth roll and then ah Cass and Justin, why don't you guys both roll a notice roll um to see if it's a seven as a four for cutters roll. And Ren rolls a three, so we're just using the other side. So yeah, intermittently, ah you make it a few feet, you're kind of squeezing through, trying to stay low as fists are flying. Somebody just got pistol whipped like right below, or right above your head as you as you ducked. um Somebody drops to the ground, um like right at your feet as you're kind of making your way through the crowd.
um ah One person does spy you, but it's, um It's that drunk sheriff from before he made his way into the crowd because he didn't want to miss the bird show. And he just kind of gives you a link. And he points his finger to his lip. And then just like and then just like uppercuts a guy. So he's like, I won't tell if you don't. And it just starts like decking people on the ground. So yeah, you make your way through. Eventually, the the crowd is like so dense that you make your way out the other side. ah The rest of the town is almost deserted. There's a few like kind of like fruit stands and like tables that people have set up selling a bunch of merchandise and shit. um But you don't see any sign of the guy or your bird.
Um, it then I want to run where like the stable is. Well, like the horse are being like held. You could. Uh, what did you say, Cass? Did you just say tables? Yeah, there were tables. yeah it was just that's guys evil as that's how i guys That's how I always say it. You know, when I'm reading a book, I always look in the titles of contents to see where everything is located. When I watch Rasslyn, I like Tybals, Ladders, and Chireswatches.
That's how I've always said it, guys. The periodic table of elements. ba Yeah. You I mean, that's how I always say it, guys. um So, yes, you see tables. And of course, Maverick, you want to go towards the stables, which is able. both Yes. Right. So go ahead and roll another notice. You can find the stables. That's a 10. Well, that's a big old fat 10, my guy.
ah Yeah, you see, you hear kind of somewhere off in the distance as you make your way towards the the backside of town, you hear a guy, he's like, come on, come on, stupid. Just all right. Butter crust, push real hard. The door's not opening. Come on now. Butter crust, push. um And you see the guys like struggling to get like the the this the stifle door open to get his to get his horse out. What do you do? Um, that's the Feudor guy, right? Yeah, that's Theodore. Okay. Um, am I like still far behind him or? I'd say at this point, cause he's been struggling with the door. He's kind of like in his own little world. So I don't think he notices you yet. Then I like point my rifle at him and scream at him. Stop right there, ch criminal scum.
um Now, come on now. Now wait. No. yeah And then he just like climb over the stable door. I'm sorry, the stable door to, uh, to get to his horse. What do you do? i He's got like Ishi in one arm. I want to do our, uh, cold shot into his leg. a called shot to shoot him in the leg. um That'll be at a minus two to shoot his leg as he's trying to like whip it up over top of the, ah over top of the gate. But if you hit him, it's gonna, that's pretty much gonna be the end of his climbing days. Yeah. So you're gonna shut a crack on with your rifle. ten God damn, you know, the minus two, that's an eight. Yeah, you explode his me.
ah You explode his knee and he drops to the ground just like crying, writhing in pain, just like absolute just shrills. um And he's just like tears streaming down his face as he's just like blurting out. He goes, ah but ah ah, why was just using blanks, you idiot? And he's like rolling on the ground. he's like His whole accent just changes. He's just like writhing in pain on the ground. Is he on the outside of the door or is he already inside? He falls on the outside of the door. He doesn't get his other leg over in time and he just falls as you blast his knee. He's laying on the other side. Just just tears running on his face. I told you to stop. That's not what my character was supposed to do! ah You idiot! What's your character?
What are you talking about? Oh, my God. Oh, oh, my God. no Is it bad? Oh, God, is it bad? I am afraid to look at it. and It looks kind of bad. Oh, don't tell. oh and His face is like turning white like he's about to pass out. um Like he has never seen so much blood in his life. Were you hired at I forgot to we know and they once named by this point ah You technically didn't know that but ah but Bella did say the name Vanta black one time um You guys were like who the fuck is that but she did say Vanta black Okay, you don't know anything else beyond that, but that's the name she did say ah Where you hired by the woman that likes kidnapped my board and like all the other people and
Um, I'm going to need you to roll. Uh, is there a medicine role in this game? I forget medicine or healing. I yes healing. Um, I don't remember. with thereism You know what? Actually, let's call it a survival role um to see if you can keep him awake to talk to him because he is not looking good. Survival or healing either one um because he can. All right. Yeah, he is having a hard time staying awake um after getting his fucking me lasted another 10. God damn. Yeah. Like so what do you do? Describe to me how like you keep him conscious while he's like fading in and out.
um I guess I first try to like stop depleting with like some cloth and then like given like like light slaps so he like stays awake. So he just press on his wound and slap him a bunch. Yeah, lightly. He's just like, oh, like he kind of passes up for a few moments. You press on the wound with some cloth and then you slap him. He's like, oh, God, no I thought it was a nightmare. I need to stay awake, man. ah a Is it bad? Is it bad? Tell me it's not bad. Who arranged this whole thing? What are you talking about? it You know, Miss Black, she paid us a lot of money. Do you know where she is right now? Oh, she's in doll town. That's where headquarters is. That's where the stage is set. You idiot. Is it just one place? This is just one stop. Oh, it was supposed to be blanks, you fool.
Oh, why didn't you tell you to dance? Roll another roll, another survival role, but like he's bleeding so badly. It'll be at a minus four this time. He's like his you dude, you shattered his knee. six That's a six minus four. That's a two. Like he's just like, yeah, shi and his speech is getting all sorts of slurred. Like his like his knee is profusely like he barely has a leg left where you shot him. Um, And ah he's just like, what's this?
choose what ah And then he just like he fall he falls unconscious on the ground. Well, so much for that. um I want to like look if he is like a key for like a cage. ah Yeah, he got one. Yeah, he's got a little key on him. Then um would he should be on the other side of the door? ah now Yeah, she's on the same side. The c the the the cage is still laying there. She looks like she's not on the perch anymore. She looks like she's laying up against the cage. Then I want to like unlock the cage and like hold her in my arms.
You take her out and she feels so weird. Like she feels kind of heavier than you remember. um And she's not moving. um And you notice that this is not a live bird there. You see that there is like a little it's a taxidermized like Raven painted gold. And there's like a little talkie box that you've seen from Dr. Punkenstein before when he sent his Ravens and every it's just like kind of cracked at this point goes Brecker. record um as you take it out the cage. Damn it.
Damn it. ah All right, so while you think about that, let's go to Qatar up there in Winchesterville. Qatar, you're in Winchesterville. Yes, I'm here at the location. um I'm live. Yeah. What's the weather like over there, Cutter? ah yeah I mean, lots of rain. Tom, back to you. force um So like ah we go to Cutter and you were just met up with the Sam and Dean. They showed you their wagon full full of toys, I think. Yeah, they got their piss bombs. ah I think.
I think you borrowed some holy water from the glass of holy water. flask holy i got I got a cross ah chain necklace. Oh, yeah yeah, you got a little, yeah, a little cross necklace, a little um crucifix, so to speak. um And yes, he ran his hand all over my face and blessed me. All right. He did. That's right. He gave me the old holy sweaty palm. That's what he did. um So you were now the are you going to go out? yeah I don't know if you said you went out or not. And think yeah, i think I think we I think we were sort of walking towards the thing or I met him, whatever. But he also said he hopes my tea he hopes that my team wins. So he blessed me and my team. because Oh, yeah, he did bless your team. sort buck I think that gave you like another Benny or something, didn't it? I don't remember. I think so. I don't remember. I know that was looking at thinking about these bosom that gave you. pny
um So, ah yeah, so they you found out about the scare house. Turns out that apparently some spooky shit is going on at the scare house. And that ah that's where the demon is. That's been kidnapping people. And that's where you think Bathe might be. Yeah, that's good, boys. Let's do this. Let's find out what's going on around here. Yeah, um Sam. Let's go find his girlfriend. Yeah. Um, and so you guys make your way towards the scare house. Uh, what do you, what would you say? I know I gave like a brief description, but like, how would you say the scare house looks as you get closer to it in like a 1901, like steampunk world?
Um, it's probably like some old building that stopped getting used maybe like an old hotel or something to get used up there because they're all the way up in the ass and in nowhere and no one's stopping there. Um, and they just like put, I imagine it's real shitty. They like, whoever decided to do it, put like a sign up and study. Like they painted real shittily and they like, I don't know, I think I've read some green pain or something like scare S K A I R H O W S. Nice. um So yeah, you ah you see that. That's what you see. And then Dean turns to you and he goes, cutter, are you feeling brave? Brave as ever, man. I mean, you got to do what you got to do for your girl. Yeah, let's go do it. I got a girl back home, too. All right, man. way Hopefully you get back to her.
Oh, yeah, I'm going to get back to her. All right. And when I do, I'm going to say it's Dean. No, I thought it was. I guess that would be helpful. Well, we should know you're coming outside the door or something. Knock, knock. Hey, it's me, Dean. Unlock the door. That's smart. Yeah. When I go see my girl back home, I'm going to say I'm Dean. I mean, Sam. Yeah, I bet you will. All right. Let's get in this place. um So so do you go in first? Yeah, I'm going to go up to the door and give it a little push. As you push through, you see again, like, you know, I think it's more fun. How would you imagine, like, when you open this door? Like, what kind of shit do you see as you as you enter?
um ah They've got like like this, looks probably like a little main entry hallway to the building, but they've got like a bunch of barrels and like wooden planks and stuff blocking the house. There's like a little door off to the left. Now you have to go through and they they hung up like. I don't know what kind of old time you should with the hang up like some old ripped up like bedsheets. They hung up in the in the doorway. So there's little things hanging there. So you can't really see in that room yet. Yeah. On one of them, there's like red paint. This is beware the demon. But it's like very poorly spelled. And, you know, you being under the tutelage of Bathy, like you're getting a little bit better at reading it. So you kind of get what it says. The why you're dying. Then I'm either mom learning, slipping me or these people don't know how to spell right.
These people are dumb as a bag of rocks, right, Sam? Yeah, rocks. Right. lead Lead the way, Connor. Show us how you fight demons. All right. All right. um I'm going to have my I'm going to have my shotgun at the ready. um Oh, he got your shotty. Yes, I've got that. and I've got my revolver and my cutlass. My rifle is on my horse. I forgot you have a cutlass this whole time. custom What is saying? um So what do you what do you do? I'm going to go in there and I'm going to peek in. I'm going to kind of spread the little little curtain they made the ripped up curtain with my little shotgun and kind of look into the next room.
ah Cass, just because that way we don't have anybody have to go without talking for a long period of time. um He sees a woman dressed in something spooky. What does Cutter see when he pulls the the sheet around and look around the corner? ah
Put you on the spot. I'm still working on my sheet. You know, she's been working on a new character sheet in the background. What does kind of see when he pulls the the the curtains back to go into the next area? What is he? He sees a woman there dressed in something spooky. What does he see? um So he'll see just a woman standing there with a black dress and it's got a veil over her face that looks like it might be able to see through it, but it's like all black lacy. And she's just standing there with a bouquet of flowers at her waist, not staying anything, but everything is, everything is all black that she's in, including the flowers. Okay, kind of. That's what you see. What do you do? Hey, you, you real person. What do you do? Hey, what's your name, lady? Cass, is this person talk or do they stay silent? You can just hear them whispering. I, um,
I take my chalk out of my left hand, um I cock it in Sarah Connor style. Do you hear that lady? I'm gonna blow you away. Tell me your name right now. When you da you when you point gun at her and you and you you cock it and you say that and she sees like a shell fly out, she's like rips off the mask immediately and she's like, all right, i'm shit all right, shit. i'm I'm just, whoa. Get the hell out of here. She she like shere like like runs out, she's like fucking creep. And she leaves and goes out there out the back. All right, boys, one demon now, let's go. You want me to shoot her, Dean? Yeah, when we get back, we can take her out, and she looks suspicious when we're done. My fellow future legend, she's just a normal human being. She's dumb. Demons look like normal human beings all the time. I'm Dean.
I should have had her touch the front. It ain't no big deal. Yeah, she's probably fine. There's people up here being stupid. We got to get all the stupid people out of here and then we got to kill the demons. Let's go to the next room. Stupid people are the ones that the demons go after the most. Well, I mean, that's what we'll get them out of here. Come on, let's go. So like yeah you continue forward ah into the next room, in the next scary room, Adrian, what does what does Cutter and company see when they walk into the next scary room of the scare house? There's like a person with like a really big kind of lion mask. That's like all kinds of colorful. He said a colorful lion mask. Well, and he and the guy goes, there's ah there's ah like kind of a big buff guy like a like a rainbow lion mask. He goes, right around the lion. Please tell me, he goes, I'm a cat. I'm a big old kitty cat a around.
Or I stay. All right. He gets down on all fours and he like puts his ass up in the air and start shaking it. And you see like a tail just like filled with socks. It's just like kind of heavily scraping a granny goes. our got ah put I put joint up. My fellow, you see these two barrels looking down at you? Right. Yeah. like This is loaded with real actual shells. ah yeah Get that if you ain't touch it, touch my cross. You son of a bitch.
bring your Bring your cross closer, big guy. you know what I go over and I put a put a mask off his head. You pull the mask off his head and there's a guy under it that just has his face also painted like a cat. He has whiskers coming off from his nose and stuff. Oh, my God. I'm shaking my head. I'm going to screw my flask with the holy water. I flicked a little on his face. He goes, oh, now I'm all wet. And he rolls on his back and shows you his belly. He goes and starts kicking his legs up in the air. All right, feller. I grab him by the back of his shirt and I start dragging him out. Get out of this damn place.
Oh, I need the paycheck. Well, you get it later. I'm coming. I'm killing demons. Get out of here. I throw them to the door to the next first room. Do I shoot on Connor? No. Tell him he's going to get shot if he stays, though. I'm gonna shoot you if you stay. And then ah he runs off. um So sove you've you've completed two of the scary rooms and then you come up to a really big set of double doors ah inside this place. ah They look like they've definitely been fashioned for here. Like they weren't there originally.
Um, and, uh, and there's like a bunch of like upside down teas on it. Um, and a bunch of like really shoddily drawn, like flames painted all over the place and stuff like that. And there's like a couple of like barrels that have like fires in them that kind of increases the heat in the place. Uh, and it says, beware the demon on, a on the sign above. All right, fellas, we've been lucky so far. I feel like we ought to take care of this, but this next room looks pretty serious. Uh, Dean, why don't you, me and you get on each side of this door here. Uh, Sam, why don't you hide up behind that little barrel over there in the middle of the room, that, that, that lion. Careful. He was rubbing him against that. Don't touch, touch, touch too much. Um, so you want Sam to go in like through the main door where you guys flank the big doors? Uh, not well in the room we're already in. I wanted to like hide a little behind, like, uh, like looking into the, at the door before we open it.
Okay. So, uh, you guys get into position. What's the next move? Uh, my look at Dean. and I say on three, we'll push these doors open. All right. I'm Dean. I'm ready for anything. and and I ain't going to put my head through. Just see, we open. I just throw them up and see what happens first. All right. Yeah. Yeah. What's Sammy doing? He's hiding over there and he's going to keep a watch. Keep your head down. Sammy, just get anything comes out of that. But you know, if we need backup, shoot into there and help us. I want to pet the cat man. You'll get your chance, I'm sure. All right, Dean. One, two, three, push. All right. Go ahead and roll an athletics roll to see if you can bust in.
Bussing in five. That's a fiver. Let's see how Dean does. We'll do a we'll do a little roll for him as well. Let's see, get he got a two. He did not do so well on this side. So like you bust through your side of the door and his he's just like, I think mine's locked. Damn, I'm trapped out here forever. I won't be able to come with you, Carter. It's all you. Come on without me. well we can but what we wait well you So like your doors are like wide open next to his big door. But he's like trying so hard to push this open. Come on. Maybe it made it might be something I just took. Relax. Say and pick your head up or to bury your head. You see anything into that doorway? I'm i'm still like so I'm still like staying back behind. the like I see a little lady that looks like she's tied up. Tell me something. Look, at look that lady. She had beautiful blonde hair. Nice sturdy rack.
so I can't see the rack from here, Mr. Carter, but she's got beautiful long golden locks. Oh, that might be a bad thing, but I feel like you'd be able to see her. Anyway, as she's turned. She's turned away. I can only see her back. She has a nice back. That was her dance. i say that In there. Let that lady go. God damn it. Um, are you running in? As you know, I'm still I'm still like yelling into like the door. You're still like you say you push the door open, but like say a dean just like. So there's a there's a sexy back in there, you say it could be a could be could be a demon. Got to be careful. Well, she doesn't have a senior back. It's very beautiful. Let that lady go in there. You sort of a bitch. You hear like like a deep voice kind of bellows from inside the room, and it's just like, don't come any closer. She's mine now.
I don't like the sound of that. um hey Mr. Demonfeller, you ever hear of um Sloth? He's probably like one of the big daddies among your your your kind, your friends, your people. I do not have a daddy. He died in the war. well I mean, like a but he's he's pretty tough, though, Sloth. He's one of the seven deadly sins, right? He's one of the biggest boy. Anyway, I killed him, motherfucker, pissing me off, you demons, taking my girl. You want me next? I killed Sloth, one of the seven daily sins. You want to be just some random demon? I'll step on you like a piece of gum and we'll keep walking. Say more. um I don't want to say more. I want to try to intimidate you with my dice. well
ah Okay, roll ah roll intimidation. I'm going to roll Spirit for this person. Okay, I got a six. That's some good smack talk. Good smack talk. OK. It's beautiful. I call him a piece of gum. I mean, you call it gum. That's going to hurt. It does. ah But he he rolls a critical fail. And he says, um. I mean, technically, you're not allowed to threaten violence when you're in here. Oh, my God. You just I walk in around, walk in. I turn real quick into the door. ah sure I show I call my shotgun. You want to die, son of a bitch?
And you see there's a guy he's just wearing like one of those kind of like like a wooden mask that's painted to look like a demon and he has like a black like cloak over his body. um And you can see he's wearing chaps underneath it and he kind of has his hands up. He's like, whoa, whoa, it's all it's all part of the show, man. What are you doing? You can't just that's not you're not supposed to bring weapons in here. I don't care. I turned the lady around. Who's this lady? Let me see. ah You turn the lady around and it's just like some some woman like you've never seen her before. She's wearing a blonde wig. She is like as like she takes her wig off. She has like kind of like kind of more of like a pixie cut.
Um, like brown hair, um, little bit of freckles on her face. And she's like, you're really ruining a really a good gig here, sir. Like, what are you doing? I'm not, I'm not even looking at it. I'm like, I'm looking around for another door. I'm like, just so like, so you're looking for another door. Yeah. And as I'm like, you see, you feel and anybody bring a lady in here, got a blonde lady, a but pretty lady named Bathie. You seen anybody in here else? Oh yeah. Bathie. Yeah. She's, um, Well wait, you ain't trying to hurt her, are you? Wait, no way, I gotta tell you nothing. That's my girl, that's why I'm here, I'm trying to save her. Someone took her- You're pointing guns at everybody? I ain't gonna... You know, I don't know if we should tell you where this person is. I can't trust you, you ain't gonna point a gun at her too. Well, feller, I was told there's demons here, so I'm on edge. ah Someone took my girl from from a town and they brought her here. Well, obviously there's demons, that's the whole attraction. What are you doing?
find i Find my girl. She's been taken. but youre like but you're sick fan and Phantom Black.
Is that some sort of code name? What's Phantom Black? I don't know. I don't know how it's a name. Someone told me he's the person behind taking all my loved ones, my friends. Oh, are you talking about Ms. Black? Probably. Oh, no. Ms. Black, she financed all this. She paid us all to put on the show for you. For me. Yeah. She told you cutter was coming in here and you had to be all foolish. Well, I mean, she didn't give us a name, but she gave us a description. Well, either way, man, she took my, she's ain't what she's appearing to you. She took my, the love of my life from her fine establishment. She used to work at and brought her all across the countryside. Oh, well I got, I got some bad news for you then mister. What? That girl that's here. All right, fine. Hang on a second. and
And um shia she the lady gets up and a guy get up and they're like, we'll be right back. And they kind of walk through like this little kind of secret side door that's covered up by a bunch of sheets um and they come back out and you see a very familiar person that is not bathy, but is um someone that you recognize a kind of voluptuous, curvy woman that you guys brought back to the brothel. Pam, pick a record at you. Well, I I haven't gone by that in some time. Pam is fine. Sorry, that's like that's why I remember hearing the most from you. I don't really talk to you much. um I've gotten into acting now. How are you talking about what you was kidnapped? What are you doing?
Well, yeah, I mean, but I've kind of seen, you know, Vanta make some really good points about, you know, just what happened and what's going on. And, you know, she paid me a very sizable amount of money to come and play Bathe. Honestly, I was looking forward to maybe getting a kiss from you because from what Bathe says, you're quite the kisser cutter. We need to talk about that kind of stuff. There are people around me. Come on. now I mean, do you still want to do it anyway? I mean, like I i got the wig and everything. I mean, I'll put it back on. damon No, no. but kind So um I'm fine. I guess I leave you here. And if you're happy, well, just be careful, though. She might come back and kill you. I don't know this person's crazy. um But where the hell is Bathy at then? Oh, she's she's back at Dolltown where like the main stage is being set. I'm just like I just have a look at my face like the most like like overall all the bullshit like that. I fucking like like flat fucking mouth like I I sling the shotgun back on my back. All right, boys, I can be able to use your piss

Revelation of the Make-Believe Demon Fight

bottles today. Let's go.
Wait, are we not fighting a demon? No, it's all a bunch of bullshit. Um, and then, uh, you see Sam and Dean both pull out their weapons and they point them at you. Tell you boys doing sorry, Mr. Cutter. It's just kind of part of the gig. you done And then Dean's just like, yeah, sorry. Uh, you know, it's just part of the job. So, you know, not that the gig is up. We gotta, we gotta take you in. What do you mean? He was here to fight a demon. What are you talking about me for? What are you talking about? And I mean, and then like you see Pam kind of chimes in, she goes, I don't have, you I do you not understand theater cutter, like what this all is. This is, this is all just for fun. This is all to give you something to experience, you know, while the main stage gets set, but now it's over. Now you have to go see the big show.
OK, it is make believe. All right. I start to

Cutter's Escape Attempt and Confrontation with Sam and Dean

walk past. I start to walk through but towards those two guys and and in the effort of walking past or around them. And when you do that, ah one of them ah goes to swing the butt of his shotgun against the back of your head. but I go to duck. You clock it just in time. What do you do? You duck. Yeah. Roll me an agility roll. But I yeah i didn't take ah yeah yeah an and eight. Yeah, he goes to swing and you duck just at the right time. As you see, Sam tries to clock you with a shotgun ah with the butt of that. He goes, oh, dang, we're not supposed to shoot you. You got to offer cut him. OK, roll a fighting roll against my team. Oh, it's like that. Fucked Sam. These are the same socks. Roll your damage on Sam. How how do we do fish? I forget. ah Usually it should be whatever your it's usually like strength plus like a D4 or something like that or just strength. It just depends on if you have a fighting role or not or or ah ah if you have 50 cuffs is like a skill. I know. Otherwise, it's usually just like whatever your strength is. Strength five. So I get a five plus like two. Yeah. So you're yeah. Yeah. Go ahead and roll. Roll it again. Yeah. Because um
you would get cool you would get a ah bonus die. So that would be a one and a five. Actually, you know what? We'll take your 11 and your five instead for funsies. Wasn't the bonus usually a six? which it Was it rolls there for that? The bonus is usually a D6. Yeah. so That was a five and a two. I got first time. All right. Then we'll use that. Okay. I forgot about that. um So yeah, you ah you clock Sam and kind of knock him to the ground a bit. and He looks like real kind of shaken up. um As Dean goes, I'm Dean. Nobody hits Sammy but me. um And he tries to take, ah he's just gonna try to clock you. He's just gonna try to fight you. um So, as you remember hearing Sam say, they're not supposed to shoot you. um He rolls a five. Does that pass your parry?
No, I got a seven, baby. All right, he goes to swing at you and ah he beefs it like you dip around. What do you do? Quickdraw pistol. You gonna shoot him? No, I'm gonna be like. Back off, you son of a bitch, I'm gonna blow a hole straight through you. That's not fair. um Well, neither is any of this bullshit. I start backing away. We're supposed to take you in. You can't just you can't just go. I'm taking myself. It's quite all right. I don't need any help. I'm fine. oh No, no, no, no. We were we were paid. We were paid to take you in. I insist. I insist. I'm still bummed back towards the door. Yes. I glance back or once a moment, turn on tri or anything. Yeah, you glance back every now and then make sure you don't trip over anything as you back up towards like, I mean, you know, man's room now, am I? Yeah, you're roughly near the kitty cat man's room.
um And ah you see that like by this point, like Sam gets up and Dean gets up and they like they're both pointing guns at you and they both looked at like, oh, man. And they just both start sprinting at you to try to come and catch you. You can't shoot us both. And they just but start running at you. You come on both boys. I turn around. All right. ah Let's roll a um how about just athletics? We'll have an athletics off between you and the Winchester boys. OK.
and know they both failed They both rolled shit. what Well, Sam beefs it again. He rolls a two, immediately trips over the kitty cat, like the doorway of the kitty cat man um as you're sprinting. Dean is keeping, for the most part, pace with you, but you're probably maybe about 15 feet ahead of him. So you break you break into the next room where the lady in black was. ah Dean is close behind. You don't see Sam. Give me another athletics roll. Oh, right. Come on, baby. Fuck. They roll a five. So describe to me like how you fail as you get into the lady in Black's room. um I look back. I wish I was going to kick him. And I was like, I could trip or the kitty cat man's my mask, but I guess i he's not. there I mean, it might still be. You could say it's there. That's last's fine. I look back and I'm i'm like, I look forward again. um I'm crossing the room and look back again, make sure that Sam's not following me. And i I get to like that little curtain and I get all tangled up. yeah
You know, it's funny as I notice that when you say I look back, you're actually looking back because you sound different when you turn your head. So you get caught up in the sheet like as you're running and just like it's like a spider web has has captured you and then you just feel like like someone spears you like Dean hits you like a fucking truck um knocking you onto the ground. um I'm just going to roll it's just straight damage ah for him. This is probably about the same. I'm just going to roll his knife roll because probably about what his strength would be. oh um He does 14 damage to you. as steve Hold on. I didn't get a plus D4. He got a plus D4 to his strength, his his his fighting attack.
Yeah, but you well it's not a fighting attack. It's his damage because he's a big boy and he's spearing you because you crit failed. So, yeah, Dean does fucking like all six foot something of him just fucking spears your ass with all his muscle because your crit fail doing 14s of damage to you. I don't like that. Now you could you could roll a soak roll to soak up some of that damage if you want or you could take it. What do you have to sacrifice a Benjamin Benjamin? And then what do I roll? Just press the soap button on your sheet. It'll do where soak to do. So you didn't soak up much and he just spears you for um for ah for 14 damage.
Uh, or two, I don't know if we subtract the number or if we just do it every four, we take it off, but I expected a number because otherwise, so either way, twelves of damage. He spears you to the ground, taking the air out of you. How many, but how many damages is that to you? That's what two. minutes That's four above my toughness currently with metal. So yeah, so he shakes you and wounds you once as he just like you feel like a rib crack as he fucking just like just nails you on the ground and he now he's like mounting on top of you, like trying to prepare to punch you. What do you do? I'm gonna look at my status even anything I can help me out here Nobody escapes Dean What yeah, I didn't I'd still have my pistol out I'm gonna see him after the hat I'm gonna shoot I'm gonna shoot I'm gonna try and shoot into his body wherever he's at on top of me.
OK, he does. He is currently mounting you and like holding you down a bunch of you. So it's going to be a tough shot and you are wounded. So that ought to be minus one to your shot. um And he's on top, you know, close range. He's moving your around. So it's going to be a tough shot. So I'm going to say it'll be another minus two. So it'll be a minus three total to hit him with your gun. We got it there, baby. Wow. yeah that's a four minus three so that is uh it takes the minus ones already takes the minus one away already so it would be a two um
So ah yeah, you don't do that. um As you you try to shoot, the gun goes off. He goes, hey, I'm not allowed to shoot you. You're not allowed to shoot me. I'm Dean. And then you see that like Sam finally catches up to you. um And he grabs you by one arm. um And Dean grabs you by the other. And they just start like slugging you back and forth trying to like wear you out. Dean is just like laying his fist constantly into the into your ribs as as he picks you up. um I'll give you one more chance to try to escape before I say that they're just gonna like try to fully subdue you. What do you do? Can I attempt to unshake and then do a thing? Oh, yeah, I guess you should have unshaken before you tried to shoot, but I forgot about that. I felt like it if if it was fitting. Yeah, go ahead and roll to unshake. You fail. You you do not unshake, so all that all you can do is try to run.
yeah I guess trying by guys I should try and i try and break free to get out from underneath. All right, rollla roll a strength roll to see if you can do it while these guys have you. So it's going to be a contest from both of them on each side of you. Three. um So they're going to roll a strength, a four for one. and an eight for the other. So they just get you. And then like, as you go to run away, they just fucking like slam your ass up against the wall.

Bella's Arrival and Cutter's Unconsciousness

Kind of like, kind of you know, you're already shaking. What kind of action does it take to ah scream for help? That is a free action. You can just scream sheriff deputy help as you scream. ah The the cat man and the lady in black and the devil.
Um, come running in the demon come running in and they all just like press up against you to push you further up against the wall while Dean starts cracking his knuckles. Uh, and he goes, man, why are you doing as this? so Clearly I don't want this to be done to me. who What do you, but who cares what you be paid? You've been paid already. Guy, let me be. Damn. We're here to help. um And then cut her. You see a woman in like in like a very nice outfit wearing blue pants. and It looks kind of like a skirt. You recognize her immediately as Bella and she walks up as everybody else holds you against the wall. She presses her hand to your throat and all you see is her big metal fist and feel that coldness hitting you in the face as your lights go out and the world goes black. Phantom Black. Phantom Black.
well does it look good already
Does it look good already?