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A Life-Changing Fard

That's Our Q
22 Plays10 months ago

How do you prepare for the Chicken Uprising? What parts of your home tell the most about you on a dating app? What advice changed your life? Do you Fard on your face? Find out today! 

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Introduction and Friendship

But, Luca, it's OK. You can still talk. You can chime in if you want. And that's how she got her pants back on. What? Yeah. Sorry, Gabe. Hi, mom. Hi, dad. Sorry, Terry. Hey, good job. You remembered. I was really working on it. I froze when I did the solo episode. I was like, I just called them. Oh, the parents, because my brain couldn't let me summon it. But the moment after I was recording, I was like, it's Gabe and Terry. I'm fucking idiot. Damn it.
Anyway, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to everybody out there. Welcome to, that's our queue, or TOQ for short, where we take your queues, and we put like a bunch of them in like this little white and blue and slightly yellow bag, right? And it's sealed on both ends. And it's like real flat at first, because they're just tiny little queues, right? And then we chuck them in the microwave for like two minutes, and you just hear them go, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop.
And then you open that microwave door and you get a scalding hot, really hard to hold bag of burnt A's. And it's still delicious and you'll smother it in butter and everybody will have a good time. And for what that means, if you've never heard this show before, is we're going to take your questions from the Internet, from places like Reddit and Quora, and we're going to answer them as if you give a shit to ask us our opinions on them. My name is Adam, of course, and I am joined as always by Danny Guarantee, one of the best buddies I've ever had in the whole wide world. Hello, Danny.
Hello, Mr. Adam. I am honored. Thank you. You're also one of the bestest buddies I've ever had in the whole wide world. What are the chances of that? That's fucking wild as hell, man. I'm happy to be here, as always, and I'm ready for a nice big bowl of delicious buttery A. I knew it. So, so was your wife from what I hear. Oh, that's right. She's making popcorn. She made popcorn. That's where he got the intro from because
You know, he didn't come up with one beforehand. Hey, you know what? I worked better under pressure and through improvisation. So you did fine. This one was really good. You did great. You know what? And it caused me less anxiety if I don't think about it until I have to start thinking about it. So it's

Managing Anxiety and Spontaneity

worth it. I'll wait to look at it. There's no dread leading up to it. It's like, you know, when you know that you have to give a book report in front of the class, I always went first just to get the fuck out of the way. Oh, yeah, I'm the same way. I want to get done with it and be done.
Absolutely, so let's answer. Let's give some A's to some cues. What do you say? Yeah, give me some unpopped cues and let me pop that that shit all up in these days. Alright, so this one is apparently an older question from several years

Innovative Dating App Idea

ago. I don't remember putting it here, but.
Um, it is from Reddit user pukeeko p u k e k o. All the letters were spaced out. So it's like p underscore u underscore k. Anyway, it says a new dating app is launched. Instead of a photo of the person, it shows you a photo of their bedroom, car, kitchen, and shoes, how they have their tea and coffee, things like that. What photo would tell you the most about someone? And would you be interested to see? And
What photo would tell you the most about someone? And would you be most interested to see to choose a potential date? I don't think they were that right. But what photo would make you the most interested? And what photo would you want to pick out of all those to let you know? Wow, I really love that idea for a dating app. Yeah, that's kind of cool. So thanks pukiko. So Danny, of things like bedroom, car, kitchen, shoes, things like that, how they have their tea, coffee,
You know, what do you think would tell you the most about a person? And then follow up question, which photo would you want to see? Right. Maybe it's the same answer. I think the one that would tell me the most about them would be if I could get a photo of like some of their wardrobe. Is it all like workout clothes? Is it all, you know. Cartoon and anime t-shirts.
Is it all like, you know, super fuzzy sweatpants or jeans or like short shorts? That's a juicy or whatever. Mm hmm. I think that could give you a lot of ideas on what they're like. The one I would want to see the most would probably be either their entertainment area. Are they a video gamer and what video games and stuff do they have?
Or. Their fridge, like what kind of food do they like, you know? Are they a health nut or are they, you know, is it just filled with junk food, stuff like that? Interesting. And so what would you hope to see? You know, like what what do you think your wife's dating profile would look like if this were it? No, that's not what I would want to see. Yeah.
Get dunked on, though. I am. Space jam in your face. I mean, I think hers would probably. Look mostly just be her bed, just be her bed like she's like, Addis is plenty. Put it on the app. Just I just want to sleep. Let me just go to bed. But do you think like structurally

Social Media and Realism

speaking, I feel like
you would need to have a third party, like approve you of the app. Like there was an old show that used to come on in the early aughts where like three people signed up to be on like some secret dating show. But like the whole thing was like, Oh, they would show up at a random time in the week and kidnapped you and throw you in the van. Oh my God. That way, like you couldn't prepare your space. I forget what it was called, but then like the person who would show interest on one of them to date them, never seeing their face makes a judgment about them based on them examining like their room, their bathroom, like how they live.
So they would look into their garbage can and they would check out if their bed was made or if they have workout equipment, whatever. And I thought it was an interesting concept where they don't know what the person looks like.
But like, I feel almost like structurally someone would need to just show up at some point without you knowing to say, Hey, look, at some point in like the next two weeks, I'm going to show up and just take pictures of your bed or whatever. Like, because you're just going to try to make all that stuff look nice, right? People want to show like the best parts of themselves on social media. So, you know, like, yeah, you would not really sign up for the service and then they'll randomly just come and take pictures.
Right, like something like that. Like I don't know how that would work because who's just going to take a picture of their messy ass room, but like date me, you know, like most people are going to do that. I would because like I always say, you got to look for somebody that, you know, it's a lot easier if they like the real you. I would absolutely do that. I would take a picture as everything is just now and be like, if this if you're into this, we'll get along great and it'll be super easy.
If you're not, most people are going to do that for you. No, most people would not. Like if you look on Facebook or Instagram, most people are only showing the stuff they want you to see. Like, you know, like they're not showing like a messy bedroom or a dirty toilet or like all the McDonald's bags in the backseat of your car. You know, like most people, I mean, not to say that there aren't people doing that, but most people aren't showing that because they're not proud of it and they know it's gross. Right. No, trust me. I know I would be the odd one out there.
Yeah. So I think that for like authenticity, there would need to be like a third party to like, I agree. You know, otherwise it's not going to work. I don't think you would get enough. No. Yeah, you would get.
fake versions of everything. That's right. Like, when I look at women's dating profiles now, and I say women's only because I'm not looking at guys profiles, guys. So like, I'm not making an assumption about women, it's just that this is what I'm interested in. But like, I noticed that all these women's profiles, a lot of them are like, Oh, I love to travel and every single picture is of them traveling. So my brains like, does that all they do? Like, do they have no other hobbies? Like, how do they find the time to do this? It must be really expensive. But all I see is like, I was in Bali, or this is me and fucking I don't know,
Yeah, Jesus is hometown. I had that problem with Facebook back in the day and. I know I say this like every episode we bring up Facebook, but one of the reasons I left Facebook, there's a long list of them. I was going through a bad time in my life and. Even when you know that this isn't the case, it's so hard to stop yourself from looking at your friends profiles and being like, why is their lives so perfect when minds in the shitter?
Even when you know logically that they're only showing the good parts and that's all you probably show too. Right and your your profile looks just as happy go lucky as theirs. Even when you know that you can't stop those thoughts and i was like i have to stop i have to stop looking at other people's profiles because i'm only seeing the good and it's it's throwing off my.
Expectations of reality. Yeah, it is really difficult to separate yourself from that. Like it's kind of. Sorry, go ahead. No, I was going to say, my sister, like a few months ago, was lamenting the same thing because she has a very chaotic life, but she takes all these pictures of the kids doing things and her husband doing this and these trips they go on.
And she gets a lot of like, oh, you're a super mom. How do you manage all of those children and get all this done and you're full time, whatever. And then my sister Danielle is like, and it just stresses me out because they think I have this beautiful life. And I was like, well, why don't you put the chaos part on Facebook, too? They're only seeing the like the good parts, you know, once you put like, oh, my nephew, you know, shattered a bottle against a tree and cut his eye today, you know, like, you know, to be like, hey, there's chaos there, too. But you only show that everything's like.
moments, standing in the hospital. Right, right. You know, I was like, you know, but you're doing it on purpose. You only want to show the good stuff. So you can't be mad that they think you have this perfect life because it's all that you show people. It's the opposite effect of, you know, they always say, don't listen to the news too much anymore because it's all doomsday and it throws off your expectations of reality the other way. You know, you start thinking the world is much worse than it really is because that's all you're hearing about.
uh so it's the same thing you know just in the other direction so you just gotta be careful with that kind of stuff right and so like if we're talking about this dating app like i would really have a hard time trusting what i'm seeing unless i knew a third party was involved to take those pictures like they just gave your phone they just gave a camera to like
Dale from accounting was like, hey, Dale, you want to get out of the office for a bit? Yeah, go take pictures of Denise's back seat, you know, while she's not looking. Here's where she works. Yeah, Denise. And of course, if it's a boy, their uncle would call him DeNephew, of course. But. But yeah, so anyway, to answer the question for me, if this if it were legit, like if yeah, assuming all the pictures are legit, what would you want to see?
I number one, but the most out of I would want to see the backseat of the car, as I've mentioned it a few times, because I have just these horror horror memories, horrific memories of just people who just use their backseat as a trash can and then still want you to sit in it when they're like, oh, I'll drive. And then there's nowhere to sit. There's nowhere to put your feet. There's nowhere to put your ass without like moving around. And I'm like, oh, yeah, you could just move those around. Well, obviously I'm going to move them around. Frank, I don't want to sit on your old.
Krusty fucking McRib boxes. Why is your life like this? Because number one, again, I'm not the cleanest person, but I do like space. I have that wanderlust we talked about. I'm not the most organized person, but I like to keep things out of the way where the car is not a place to just throw your shit. But what it would tell me about somebody
Even if like I could probably get past it if like I could recognize like they do eat out a lot, you know, what does that say? Like if it's always in the backseat, that must mean that they're on the road a lot or maybe they work a lot and they don't have time to eat healthy. Perhaps they eat out a lot because they don't have a lot of time or energy when they get home. But usually if they're taking it home, the garbage doesn't end up in the car.
But if they're eating it while they're in the car and they're trucking it in the backseat, that would give me some inference as to like, what's their day to day like?

Clutter and Lifestyle Insights

Do they commute a lot? Do they drive a lot?
No. That's a good one. But do they have a busy schedule? Because it's not always just trash. A friend of mine, my best friend's girlfriend, a big reason why I ended up not wanting to date her and then introduce her to Justin because they were a little bit more similar. Because Justin's a little bit more of a colder person than I am. And he's a little bit quicker to be like, hey, this shit's gross. I don't want to deal with it. Or for me, I'm a little too polite at this point. We're still new to each other. I don't want to hurt your feelings.
But the first time I sat in her back seat when they were dating, like I saw just how bad it did get were like there was like a fucking ironing board that back there and like piles of clothes and garbage and like loose leaf papers and like musical instruments and shit. And I know it's because she was busy and she drove around all the time and she went from school to school teaching music classes and stuff. And but I recognize like she's just always is on the go doing something.
But I was feeling really claustrophobic because I'm like how like even sitting up front like you just see the like ironing board like why is that even in there? I used to make fun of her and say that like a bum is like camping in your car when you're not here. I was like I'm afraid I'm going to sit on him when I climb in the back and that sucks too because like it's not even like you can really judge them right because they're not just being messy like
I mean, they are needs to have if she needs to be right. Like like you said, she's just constantly going from school to school. She doesn't have time to go home and rearrange her car every time. So she just has to pack it all in there. Sure. Yeah. And I totally like because it's messy. It is. But.
It's like I can't even really blame you because it's you're not doing it because you're lazy. You're doing it because you have to. And that right. Right. Well, my thought comes from it's not laziness at the time, but like I also again, this person, I know her. I'm you know, lately she's more busy on weekends. But at the time she worked Monday through Friday was off on the weekends. And so I'm like, you know, you have time. It's just that you don't have the incentive to do it. And then it was like that all the way up until she got a brand new car.
Last year and then now it's like nothing can go in the back seat like it has to be a certain way like now it's like it's new i gotta treat it better but you know what she do overall don't be little forward or whatever it was it was just like trash the fucking thing. So like now she takes pride in the car and the show organize things more efficiently when she is packing her stuff.
And Justin has been much more on top of her about like, babe, we can't live like this. And like, and so when I would go into their house, I would see like very, I think I mentioned this on the podcast before, but there'd be like a trail of clothes, like specific girls where she would show up and just start stripping.
to get into her comfy clothes the moment she started walking in the door, and it would just be like that throughout the week until Justin put his foot down. It's like, we can't live like this. They'd be like, Adam, come sit on the couch and watch a movie. I'm like, where? Where am I going to sit? Do you want me to sit on the mountain of clothing? Yeah, and I think I've said to you, too, don't come over. Don't come in the house anymore, because like, yeah. Oh, yeah, you can tell me that. Definitely, we've had this conversation, too, where I'm just like, I'm having trouble
Getting to like. Oh, a big one was when we lived in the apartment before here. The way the bedroom was situated. The bed was against like the wall opposite the door, so you would come in and as you walk into the room, the bed would be on your right. And that side of the bed was Mel's side. My side was the other side of the bed.
And. The length of the bed didn't leave much room between, you know, the foot of the bed and the other wall. Sure. And we had a counter, like not a counter, a dresser there for all our clothes. So when laundry was getting done, she would just kind of dump them there because it was the closest and.
It wouldn't get folded and then it would pile up in that little crevice where I walked to get to my side of the bed and I was like, you need to put these somewhere else because I can't eat more than once. I almost fell because it's like I can't when I wake up in the in the morning and I'm barely able to keep my eyes open. I can't be like dexterity saving through all of this shit. Yeah. Luckily, it's not an issue anymore.
Yeah, but, you know, it's it's something that all couples kind of need to go through is growing pains and. But I would need to use that to other other people's versions of clutter and stuff. Yeah, I would need to see that if that was part of the of the deal, like when I look at dating profiles, like any time they're in their home and they're taking pictures like a selfie in the mirror or whatever, I'm like, what are their countertops look like? Oh, yeah, I always I always scrutinize like.
Or like what's on their mind? I'm like, yeah, what can I see in the back of the mirror? What's going on in the house? Again, like I know I'm not the most organized person or neat person. So like I don't be like, oh, they're so messy. But it's just like, you know, what is there like, you know, is there like, is it just trash everywhere or just like, oh, they have items. They don't know what my big one is. Is it food? You know, like I can understand like there are some days where
We have dinner kind of late or whatever you know, we got takeout or something and Maybe I accidentally left it that night and I'll clean it up. It's like first thing in the morning But is there like piles of old food just on the floor? Mm-hmm You know, can I see like bugs and stuff? That's the kind of stuff that would get me, you know if it's just like junk like tat all over the place It doesn't bother me as much
As long as I have room to walk around and like move. But yeah, food is my big one. Like I know don't don't. And I know my mom's going to be like, really? Because cans were my thing as a kid. You know, I drank a lot of soda and it was canned, so there would just be like five or six cans just sitting somewhere when I was younger.
Delicious food, man. I can't stand it. Like if I were to walk into the office and see like. Food that's like a day or two old, I'd be I'd just chuck it. That's disgusting. You got to be careful with that. Yeah. So that's what I would need to see. And the kitchen is another one. I would want to see the countertops. I would want to see. I want to see, you know, like the fridge included, like you said, but not so much to see what kind of food they eat, but to see like, again, it's a mess thing. And like I'm not a neat freak, but like I do have trouble with like
space being used up in a way that it doesn't like it's not productive in any way. It's just it's left there because I don't want to deal with it right now. Like and I know it hurts people's feelings like the girl I used to date used to get upset like when I'd walk into her house and like I'd have to walk a path to her couch. That's like it just like it gives me like this uncomfortable feeling. It's like like I feel really like I could I always told her it's like I'll help you. She's like oh yeah I got to clean that up. I'm like well let's do it. I'll do it now.
You know, and oh, I'll do it later in like two weeks later, I come back and it's the same thing, but there's more stuff there. I'm like, it just it hurts me because I'm like, it's just take action now. Just do the thing. Like I don't know what it is. It's preventing you from doing this thing. I'm telling you, I'll do it for you. It's a snowball, right? Because we actually had this problem in a like a microcosm of it. And it's my fault. This one was totally me. But we get hello fresh every week. Right. And it comes in a cardboard box.
And all winter, we'd get the box. I'd unpack it. We'd put the meat and all the stuff away. And we have a breezeway, like a little area kind of attached to the house that's half indoors, half outdoors. And I was like, oh, it's cold. I don't want to sit out there and break down the box. So I just threw the box in. And I was like, once spring rolls around and it warms up,
I'll just go out there with a knife and break down boxes. And I found myself the more boxes piled up out there, the less I wanted to do it. Right, right. It becomes like a mountain. And then one day we got. Our hello fresh and I, you know, I took all the stuff out and then I just broke down the box. It took me two extra seconds and.
I was like, I'm such a dumbass. This was two extra seconds. It was so easy to just do it now and it's done and it would never build up to that. There's still a pile in there and I've already spent like an hour or two sitting there breaking down boxes and there's still a whole thing. That's how I am with dishes. The moment I'm done with it, the moment I'm done with it, I'm watching. Yeah. I don't want to have to deal with a pile later. Cooking with the hell of fresh has been amazing for our dishes now because
Every night, you know, we cook, we do whatever we eat and then dishes right then and there. So we're doing the dishes like every day. And it's great. It's so much easier. I would go mad if there were dishes. Oh, my goodness. Oh, yeah, I just can't do it. Some people on the on the on the responses said that they would look for how they load the dishwasher.
Somebody responded and said this alone would weed out the psychopaths. I don't have a dishwasher, so I don't really know what that means. I do, but I guess I'm a psychopath because I don't even know what they're talking about. What would be bad about how you load the dishwasher? I don't know. I guess there's probably a method to it and people are very judgy about that. Oops. Somebody said their kitchen sink.
Um, no, that's a good one. Uh, somebody said, I want to see inside their fridge. Like you said, the fridge is full of stuff you use regularly. The freezer could be full of stuff you bought weeks ago in case you couldn't be bothered to cook at some point. You could be extremely health conscious and only cook fresh food and still have a freezer full of crap. All right. Somebody put fridge detective. I guess that's a thread somewhere. I love that. Um, let's see what else, what else? Um, let's see.
Somebody was talking about. They just want to see their windows, like, oh, I mean, I guess you can have some pretty shitty windows. I don't know. I guess. I don't know. I mean, he said their bookshelf. The bookshelf is a good one. I think it's going to go on. See what they're reading or if they do read or if it's like maybe like a movie rack or something. Somebody said which way the toilet paper roll is put on the roll. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Definitely go under collection.
Oh, yeah, I'm fine with either. Honestly, I don't really care. I'm just happy to have toilet. I'm just better go over. I'm happy to have toilet paper. I think just make sure you change it. I don't care what way you put it on, just if there's none left or if there's just like two pieces. Fucking change it. Oh, my God. When we first when we first moved in here, there's a closet right outside the bathroom and we were keeping the toilet paper in that closet. So. If I were taking a shitty
Hi. You're doing a shitty. I was doing me a shitty and we ran out of toilet paper. I'd have to do the penguin waddle at the door to get the one day I was like, you know what? Screw this. I just took the whole bag and plopped it right next to the bathroom right next to the toilet. This way you don't even have to get up. You just reach down with one hand, grab the new roll, bring it over and do a
A tactical reload of the toilet paper thing and you're done. That's crazy that you even had to do that. I used to get so pissed when I live with a family of seven and like just like who like it wasn't me. It wasn't me. It wasn't me. Like no one fesses up was like, well, somebody wiped their ass and decided that two pieces of paper left on it was plenty for the next person to use. Like having the whole bag, because I know a lot of people will like hide the bag under the sink or
You know, only have like one extra thing somewhere. Mm hmm. Guys, stop. It doesn't like fancy. Just fucking put the whole bag there. You can see at a glance. Oh, I'm running out of toilet paper. I better buy more. Or if you run out, it's literally within arm's reach. You could just grab and reload. Yep. I mean, ours. Our sink is right next to the toilet paper to the toilet. So like.
That's where like the whole pack, the whole pack is under there. And the moment it's out, I run downstairs when I'm done, put a whole another pack, another 12 pack randomly, that fucking thing. So I'm like, ain't no way I'm getting stranded. Because I said this, I think, on an Instagram video or one that I was thinking about making is that.
If I'm if I'm a guest in your house and ain't no TP and I don't know where to find it, I will heavily consider using your shower curtain, your rug or your dish towel. Now, I'll just come out. I'll just come out without pants on and do the dog worm dance and just slide my ass right across the rug, baby, right across the carpet. There you go. There you go. So anyway, yeah, I would want to look at their kitchen and their their the back of their car.
That's a good one. Those are good ones. All right. So next question. We have lesser questions. So after this one, we'll do the word of the day. This one is from Jenny 25. And they say this one. I'm pretty excited to do. They said there's a population of seven point five billion humans and nineteen billion chickens at any given time.

Hypothetical Chicken Rebellion

If there was a chicken rebellion, how would you prepare to fight off your two point seven chickens, give or take a few?
What do you think about that? How would you fight off two point chickens? Chickens are fucking nasty, man. I would. I would probably at the the first thing I would want to do is get the high ground. Hmm. I know they can kind of fly, but they're, you know, it's they're not going to be flying like any eagle or owl or something. You know, they're not going to be graceful.
So I think getting the high ground would probably be a good thing to do, especially cause their feet are what's the scary bit. Um, I feel like something that can outrange like maybe like, uh, I wouldn't go for a gun though. I feel like the problem is with that big a difference, right? Like they say, yeah, you have to deal with your 2.7 whatever it was. Yeah. That's assuming that every person on the world can take care of their 2.7.
You know, if somebody dies, if they lose, those chickens are going to go to somebody else, right? So you're probably going to have to deal with more than that. I would have, you know, a couple of guns or something in case of an emergency, but I wouldn't rely on it. You don't want to run out of ammo and be stuck without it. Maybe something like, you know, make us like some kind of spear tie like a knife on the end of a handle so you can keep a keep out of their range while it's just given a stab.
or the medieval thing of pouring hot grease over it. And then you've got food taken care of, too. So you can just kind of run down and grab some chicken fingers and then run back up and pour more hot grease. Hmm. Why not like, you know, channel your Legend of Zelda and just punt the chicken? Have you tried that in Legend of Zelda?
Yeah, you pick them up and you kick them. Right. And what happens? They fly. And then? And then they, you can do it again for fun. Okay. And when you do, when you hurt them enough, what happens? I don't know. I've only ever done it once or twice just to kind of, cause that was kind of like the meme, but I never finished the Legend of Zelda game in my life. So I don't really know. So in the Legend of Zelda games, if you attack the chickens too much,
They start yelling at you and chickens start flying out of nowhere and beat the ever living crap out of you. That's hilarious. Yes, that's exactly that's what happens. They are invincible and they just dive bomb you from out of nowhere and they will kill you. We'll see the game makes them invincible. So that's like that's cheating. But real life, they're not. They're not. But yeah, I mean, like a little bit of sweet chin music will make them run right the fuck off or like
You know, chickens or roosters are the ones really got to worry about a little bit more aggressive, but like they'll probably end up fighting each other more than they'd fight you. Chickens are stupid. You know, that's why we eat them because they're dumb. So I work with somebody that has chickens and I felt so bad for one of her chickens because it got. It's called water belly, and I don't know exactly what it is, but apparently it's
It will eventually kill the chicken, but it's not like something that'll kill them right away. But as part of kind of like the herd mentality of a chicken, they attack anybody that's sick. Any other chickens that are sick, so it doesn't slow them down. So she's like, well, I can't have the chicken with the other chickens because they attack her. They don't let her eat. So she went to the.
what she called the little hospital, it's her basement. And for like two weeks, she's like, yeah, the chicken just sits in the basement in a cage. And then I let it out like an hour a day after all the other chickens get to do their stuff. And I was like, oh, I feel so bad. It got sick and now it's just locked in a dungeon.
for 23 hours a day and it gets to come out one hour a day and it can't even be with the other chickens because they'll attack it. I'm like, oh, for like two weeks. It's so bad, but she's like, what do you do? It's a hermit. Yeah, I was like, I'd be so I'd be going insane if I were that chicken. Like, what can you do? She can't let it be with the other chickens.
Mm hmm. I mean, you know, them's the them's the ropes, man. Them's the ropes that happen. I mean, it just happens. I am. I actually am scrolling through the answers from that thread because I guess I kept this one and.
Somebody mentioned punting chickens, like one person said, I raise chickens, we keep a chicken stick right by the gate. It's a four foot wooden walking stick. And it's usually for the roosters. The hens aren't usually a problem. Usually you just use the stick to post the rooster poker rooster and keep him at a distance. But in a pinch, you can swing it and hit him with it. I usually just punch him if he gets too close. Roosters can be assholes. And one of the responses
say, ah, the rooster punt. I can feel the swing and feathery thwomp still. I grew up with an exceptionally stupid one. The standard routine would be to open the barn, punt, start a task, and then punt every 15 to 30 seconds, depending on how far he went or how many obstacles impeded his sprint back. Damn things seemed to enjoy the game and live for three years until a fox finally caught him. Rest in peace, Henry, the winged football.
just a beautiful story getting so good but the chicken putt man I'm telling you it's what you do just get the fuck out of here but that's a temporary solution like he said it's just gonna run back at you you know what I would do as I would just like I would
Get something that looks like seed because chickens just want to peck at stuff on the ground most of the time anyway. So like make them think they're getting food, maybe get a little bit of birdseed or chicken feed and then maybe throw in like, I don't know, like, uh, like some BB gun pellets or like some styrofoam crumbs or something and chuck it in there too. And then just let them take care of themselves. You know what I mean? Like, you know, just see if they just scoop that shit up. Maybe some give them some popcorn kernels that they can like choke on. Oh, you know what you do?
Every human at once, turn on your ACs, turn on your heaters, turn on your cars, generators. Let's just really get those greenhouse gases going and just microwave everything. If we're going down, we're taking you with us. Yeah. And then whenever.
Whenever we are discovered by some other ancient race from outer space, they will discover us and be like, Oh, Hey, they left us presents. Everyone on earth was chicken. This, this chicken was attacked by some kind of weird two legged animal with a stick. And they had to nuke their whole planet to get rid of them.
Yeah, they like they literally microwave their own planet just to take care of the chicken menace. Listeners, how would you take care of your two point seven chickens? You know, what would you do if you you know, if they were staging an uprising and they were coming after you, how would you handle it? Let us know. Fun and sellers network dot com slash contact us. Let us know. Danny, do you have a word of the day for us, my friend?
I do. And I'm going to have to drive real hard not to laugh during this one because. Oh, right. You said the majority of a 10 year old. I forgot you said that you were going to have to watch yourself. Is it rough? What is it? Did you already tell me what it was earlier? I did. I did. Oh, was it the F1? Yeah. Oh, yes. What is it? So the word of the day is fard. Fard? Like F-A-R-D? F-A-R-D. Fard. Like a fard focus?
Yes, like a fart focus like a fart. I'm sorry a fart Farkas a fart Farkas And it is a verb To apply cosmetics to the face Wait a minute. Oh My god, that's why I know this word.

Wordplay and Humor

Holy shit. Yes, I was sitting at my sister's house and they have like that the Amazon Alexa that like has the screen on it and sometimes like different like
images will cycle through, and one said, ask Alexa the word of the day. And so I did, and farred was on there. That's why I know that word because my little niece is obsessed with going to Alta and getting Alta stuff. And I was like, well, hey, do you farred after you come back from Alta? Do you farred on your face? And I remember making all those jokes, but I was like, when you said it earlier as a joke, I didn't know this was the word you were going to use, but I was like, man, I feel like I know farred, and I don't know why.
But yes, and now you understand why I can't keep the stream. Oh, yeah, I was telling the killer that she fards on her face after she goes to Ulta. That's hilarious. Come on, even like they're examples.
The beauty vlogger demonstrated how to fart effectively for a flawless makeup look at her latest tutorial. You know, I could also show you how to fart effectively. You know, I've only had to kind of fart when I had to apply when I had to fart. Do you fart eyeliner when I had to? Is it any cosmetic? I guess. Yeah, it's just a makeup fix to. So you just fart. So like, do you fart eyeliner or do you just say you're farting?
I would just say you're farting. Well, I had to use eyeliner to fart during a play once and it was terrifying. So somebody else had to do it. And I was like, man, it's so scary to have this little black pencil coming out my eyeball and you have to get on the inside and shit. I could imagine. So, hey, I imagine that farting is hard work. You know, I don't know if I've ever farted some hard farting.
Have you ever farted before? I don't think I've ever I don't think I've ever farted and I don't think I've ever had somebody fart on me. I've definitely had someone fart for me and I guess technically on me or to me. But you know, I have I've I've farted like a little bit like for like my.
my dance job. Sometimes you have to like look a little extra good or get like a blemish here or there or if you got like puffiness on your cheeks or something. But like I've never gone full on farting like I've never farted on my whole face just to like, you know, no, no. And you know, I can even spread of farting. And personally, I'm not a big fan of a lot of face makeup. So I don't like
People that far too much. Yeah, you got to keep the farting to a minimum because I'm more of a natural out kind of guy. Like Mel doesn't fart at all. She never farts. And, you know, that's fine with me. I. I don't. Like it when somebody like looks completely different after farting. Because I'm like, Yeah, it's.
That's not what you're going to look like all the time. And I appreciate it if you fart before going out to make yourself look extra pretty and stuff like that or, you know, whatever. That's fine. It's more the people that will do it all day, every day. And it's like. I don't know. At that point, you're like, I'm digging myself a hole here, but I prefer a more natural non-farter as well.
Sure. I mean, I think that was all just a joke to use. Fard and I'm starting to make you happy. If you like to fart to make yourself feel pretty, go for it. You know, but everybody has different things they're attracted to. Right. And that's OK. Yes. You know, I appreciate if you're a farter, please go for it.
There are different clothing styles that you can get that accents different parts of your body that you might like or like I think I'm an example for guys who may be lifting maybe buy shirts that are smaller so their muscles really bust through, you know, if it makes you feel good to accent something that you want to show off, you know, so the same thing with makeup, like I can appreciate if you're farting to like accent something that you already really like or maybe highlight like maybe your eyes, maybe this color, maybe you fart under your eyes to make it look like you know, your eyes really pop then or something, you know,
I can appreciate that, but you know, don't fart too much. You know what I mean? Because then it's just, it's, you know, first of all, it can cause all sorts of other stuff, then you have to cover it up more because you're, you know, covering up your follicles. It's not healthy. It's not healthy thing to do. Yeah, not all the time. Don't fart too much. And that goes for anybody, not just, not just women. Yeah. Yeah.
There needs to be a steady stream of farting. Gender does not matter when it comes to farting. Everybody farts. Everybody can fart. They just don't have to fart. Don't let the makeup companies profit off of you feeling like you have to fart on your face all the time. You know what I mean? A little dab will do you is what I like to say. A little fart will go a long way. Just a tiny fart in the morning.
Just one thing about the company with the word tiny fard. If you're running late, just squeeze out a quick fard and you're good. A tiny fard, yeah.
Okay. So there we go. Fard to apply makeup to the face is what it means again. Can you say it? It's to apply cosmetics to the face. It's a very cosmetics. Oh, so it's not even just makeup. It could be like just any cosmetic surgery cosmetics. Like what if a surgeon gave you like some, like farted on you or to you? Yeah, they're applying something to your face. Like if we get reconstructive surgery, you know,
It's cosmetic damage, or you can get cosmetics in your lips. That's cosmetic. Anything that involves the looks on the outside is cosmetics. Did I tell you the story of the other morning when I farted? With a D? You did some farting? Sure.
Did you fart or did you fart? It's a fart. Okay. So you farted. You farted. It's a fart story, but I was going to fart and start. Well, tell me about when he farted, not when he farted. I thought you just said you didn't fart before. So I was like, you're liar. I was used to get to cover fart. Oh, all right. Well, in this case, I guess I can make believe that you're saying fart. Yeah, absolutely. I woke up the other morning and it was, well, I want to say the other morning, but it was actually the middle of the night and
My stomach was kind of hurting, right? You know, I had that pressure. Pressure. And I had this really nice like 10 second long uninterrupted fart. It was beautiful. And those are the best. It's hard not to laugh when that's so great. It was so it felt so good. And just as I'm about to fall back asleep and I'm thinking to myself, like, oh, that's great. You know, Mel's sleeping. So like, you know, didn't even have to deal with that.
She just goes, what the fuck? How did she not bust out laughing? She was more like just. In awe, she was like, that was the longest.
if they're if they're squeaky and they're long it's like oh but that's the best part it was not squeaky it was like a legit fart but for 10 seconds it just sounded like somebody's very slowly opening a creaky door it was no it was like what you would picture like just a quick
But for 10 seconds long. Oh, it's like so much air. It's like that fart on Dexter's laboratory where he thought he was dying and then he was farting at his really big fart and breaking the TV because he never farted in his whole life before.
Yes, it was just like that. It was. Oh, my God. And she's just like, what the fuck? Guys, if you haven't seen that episode of Dexter's Lab, I don't know what it's called, but he thinks he's dying because his stomach keeps making all these noises and he's not hungry. And so he starts writing a word and he gives he gives Dee Dee like his lab because he thinks he's going to die.
And then he goes to tell his parents about his laboratory and that he's dying. And then he farts on the TV and breaks it. And it does like this really big cut of his through the wall and they do like a big super cut of like just the earth shattering.
I know it sounds stupid, but like in the context of the show, it's so good. Oh my goodness. Also watch Amelie du Fromage because that one. Oh my God. I think that one's called The Big Cheese. I think that episode is called The Big Cheese. Amelie du Fromage. So good. He gets like French stuck in his head. Like he's listening to like a tape recorder to learn French for a test or something. And then like it gets stuck on a loop and all he keeps repeating is like what cheese is.
It's she's omelette. It's she's omelette. Right. Technically, it's omelette au fromage, but they had to be omelette du fromage on the show. And that's all he can say. Like the girl's like, Oh, Dexter, you can speak French. He becomes like super suave because he knows French. And that's all he can say. People start chasing him and he's like, I'm a little fromage!
And I like like Dee Dee's torturing over there. That's all you can say. It's so good. That show is so great. I love that show. One more question, Danny. What do you think? Yes, please. Let's do all right.

Impactful Advice and Self-Perception

So this one is from Ocean Shark, and they ask, what is a piece of advice you receive that completely changed your perspective of life?
So again, what is a piece of advice you've received that completely changed your perspective of life? And I also, apparently I saved the link to this one so I could look at some of their responses. Advice that changed my whole perspective. Yeah, like just about life. I mean, it doesn't have to be your whole perspective. You can't think of one.
You know, I could, you know, if you can't think about right away, I could read you somewhere if you want to wait. No, no, I mean, I have a few. If you want to give me a couple of, you know, the biggest, the biggest one, you can only explain one of them. Well, the biggest one, the one that yeah, the one that I would want to do the most or talk about the most would be. Somebody I don't even remember who told it to me, but
somebody got it through my head that. And I've talked about it on here before. Within in context of insecurities. That. Your insecurities are no more obvious to other people than theirs are to you. Interesting, and that is what really kind of finally made it click in my head.
that like people have other things to worry about, right? Like if you walk into a room and- Oh yeah, I think you mentioned this a couple of episodes ago actually. Yeah, I did. For example, you walk into a room and you think you're super fat. And you know, because of insecurities, you're like, oh my God, you know, I walk into the room and everybody's looking at me. They're probably all whispering about how fat I am. They're probably all thinking like, oh my God, you know, what are they doing now? They're so fat.
When in reality. Right, if. Somebody walks past you, even if they are really fat. Oh, I look at them. Look away, it doesn't even like. Cross my mind, right, like. It's not like being overweight is rare, especially in America, and it's not like.
It's like this weird thing, right? Like so like I don't even I wouldn't even think about it. You know, I would just see a person and be like, OK, yeah, there's a person there. Just like you would with somebody else, right? Like you don't. Nobody actually thinks the way your insecurities make you think they are, if that makes sense.
People have other things to worry about. They're not worried about what your butt looks like in those jeans. They're not. Even if they do think that, they'll be like, oh wow, and that's it. They're not gonna sit there and go to their friends and be like, look at her butt, oh my god, look at that. Look at that guy's arms, they're so scrawny. They're not.
I can't say it will never happen because maybe they some people are just jerks and will do that. But it's not like the whole world is only going to see that about you. Right. Most people aren't thinking about it as much as you are thinking about. Yeah. And that is a hard thing to let go of. But the thing that makes your insecurities the most obvious is your. Attention to them. Right. Like if.
You constantly talk about how you hate your the way your nose looks and everything. You're drawing attention to it. You know, you're drawing attention to the thing you don't want people looking at. And yeah, it's hard. It's it's not an easy thing to do, but it's. You got to kind of drill it into your head that. That that concept that. Your insecurities are as obvious to other people as theirs are to you, which is not at all.
Yeah. And I got to tell you, as a friend to my life, as a friend to people who do stuff like that, I give them outs for that because like I've learned that if you there are certain, depending on the friend like that, you know how sometimes people will try to get like sympathy so they'll say something mean about themselves, you know, and it's not always like an attention thing exactly like, oh, I need it. But like, you know,
Like, oh, I'm not going to do that just because I'm stupid. Like, oh, no, you're not stupid. I'm like, I want to give you a chance to take that back or I'm going to start agreeing with you when you say it. Like, you know what? Take it back. Say something nice about yourself or I'm going to start agreeing with you when you call yourself stupid.
I don't want to do that because I'm stupid. Yeah, you are. You're fucking so dumb. Oh, my God. I'm so glad we could talk about it. But that's OK, because you won't remember because you're stupid. You're not going to even realize how dumb you are. God, yeah, you're leveling up, but you're going to forget like the moment you take a drink. You know, you're going to like start calling you goldfish.
Yeah, like, you know, so I won't harp on it, but I hate that approach, but you're right. You know, so like it's a way for me like, you know what, take it back. You know, I don't think that about you, but if you keep saying it, I want to bring it up. Yeah, it's tough, but it has changed my entire outlook. And once it clicks and you kind of realize it like. There are things I like about the way I look more than other ways, you know, or other things about me.
but I wouldn't say I really have an insecurity about anything anymore. I just, I am me. I just, this is me, take it or leave it. It doesn't need to be perfect. And that could come with age too, but, um, the thing about that though is like, I think something that can kind of run in tandem with what you're saying is, um, like on the kind of the not exactly the flip side, but unlike, uh, on the opposite end of that is like sometimes
there are insecurities that you might have that people, just like what you're saying, not everybody's thinking about it the way that you are, but at the same time, if they offend you, not knowing that you have that insecurity, you have to kind of take a step back and recognize that too. Cause people can't like, you know, sometimes it's not an outward thing that you're insecure about, or you could be like a, just a bombshell, you know, attractive person that you don't believe so. So if somebody,
I think I told a story once where I made you don't. Yeah. And that's true. Like you have to understand that people can't read your mind either. Like if somebody makes fun of your nose and you don't like the way your nose looks, it's not that they're trying to be mean.
It just so it was a coincidence that what they made fun of is the thing you don't like about yourself. Yeah, like I think I told the story on an episode once before where this bodybuilder guy I knew when I worked at the bank, like he worked in the tire and loop section of Walmart and he's a big Jack dude. And I was really emotionally stupid then. Like I didn't recognize what I was doing. But one day he was he always made jokes like, oh, got to keep lifting him. He liked to flip tires in his spare time. That was like his thing.
And like, I was like, yeah, he used to make jokes like, oh, if I don't keep flipping tires, I'm going to get fat. You know, and I would go, how Jake, you're being silly. And then one day.
He said like, oh man, I got to get home. I haven't got to flip my tires. And I was like, yeah, you're looking a little jiggly. And he just let out this gasp disk. I'll never forget it because at first it was hilarious to me because I'd never heard such a high pitched noise come from such a big boy. And he just looked, he just goes, and I laughed because I was like, oh my God, like I thought he was just being silly because like he's always joked about it. But then like I didn't see him for like two days. He wouldn't come up and talk to me on his breaks.
And then he comes up, red in the face, and he goes, dude, you really pissed me off the other day. I was like, me, oblivious to it. I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? He's like, you told me I was getting jiggly. I was like, have you seen what you look like? Obviously, I was kidding. But he was just like, I went home and like I lifted and flipped tires and I caught off work the next day. And he talked about all this stuff, how much that shook him that somebody said that to him. And I had no idea. I had no idea.
That's how would you you know right and I felt I was like oh my god dude like why didn't you fucking tell me that like I had no idea like obviously like you're a good looking dude like I
I had no clue that you felt that way about yourself. So obviously I never joked about it anymore, but like, but that's what I'm saying is like, I feel terrible. But like, and he went and punished himself essentially for a day because of this stupid comment they made thinking it was just us horsing around. But just like you were saying, a lot of people don't know those insecurities. Like you're thinking about it way more than everybody else is. So at the same time, if you don't want people to zero in on those things, like if something does come up, just know that like,
You know, most people are actually trying to hurt you, usually anyway. Right. And if they are trying to hurt you and they just happen to hit the right spot, even then. They it's coincidence, right? Like they don't just magically know what. You're insecure about and. It's hard, it is hard. I'm not saying like it's something you can just do overnight is just wake up and be like, I actually love myself now. No.
It's very hard to do. And I think that that advice that I got was kind of what made it click and let me start down that path. Absolutely. It was just the first step to what turned into a lifelong kind of. Mental exercise, I guess, to myself. Mm hmm. Yeah, that's a good one. So how about you, Adam? Have you heard any advice? You know what? I was so caught up in this discussion, I wasn't even thinking about it because like, you know, I have my own
stories on that kind of stuff. Honestly, like, I'm trying to think of something. I think the first thing that comes to mind is probably not the most important, but just the first thing just for sake of brevity that like I can think of. This isn't something that somebody taught me directly. It's more of something that I had to kind of experience and then like witness other people go through before I kind of started to recognize it.
is like, you know, I don't know if you noticed about me, Danny, but I really like helping people.
And you're such an asshole. I know. Shocker, you heard what I said about my my my fat bodybuilder and my my stupid friends. So obviously, my jiggly bodybuilder friend, you know, and I do want to put a quick asterisk there. Some people are intuitive and can infer that, but still that you shouldn't have to. You shouldn't have to infer that because sometimes you infer the wrong things about people.
So I can think so not all bodybuilders are insecure. They just like being bodybuilders. But some bodybuilders are insecure. So I don't want to generalize that. And my my sense of humor real quick. And if other people share my kind of sense of humor, this is a good practice to do that works really well. I like to pick on people. Right. Like if you're my friend, I will make fun of you. I fully expect you to make fun of me back.
It's just my sense of humor, you know, but I always when I meet new people and we start hitting it off, I always tell people, look, this is what I do. I make fun of people. You are.
Danny. Fully okay to make fun of me back. If I ever press a button that you don't like, just let me know and I will never touch that subject again. If you don't want me making fun of you, let me know. Danny, can I stop you right there? Yeah. I just had this odd realization that like now I'm a bit insecure about that I need to tell you.
I have realized that over the past few recordings that I have made mental notes of like the checkpoints of Danny that he must mention in every episode. And now I'm wondering what mine are because like we've had so many conversations that kind of circle around similar topics that we always bring the same stuff up that I'm like, oh my God, how many stories have I told that I've probably told like 16 times already? Well, if it helps.
I have not been keeping that checklist. Please do. If you think like, oh, Adam says this a lot, please write it down because I have three in my head that you do. But like, I guess I I've lived with that realization. Right. And that's why.
I'm constantly saying because I recognize that I've done this. So I'm always like, look, I've said it before. I know I said this in a lot of other episode and I know this is something like it's and I know that I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound like I'm like I'm constantly asking people, did I tell you this story? Like, dude, something I just do here. I do that to Mel every other day. I'm like, hey, Mel, this thing happened at work. Oh, I did tell you. OK.
I have that thing where like I notice when I go back and listen to previous episodes of things that like I'm so convinced that I said it already that like I can hear myself in the episode saying as I've probably said before or as I've said before because I'm so confident that I probably said it already. Yeah, absolutely. But I was just thinking like I recognize I know my own checklist.
Yeah, that's why I'm like, I know I've talked about this. I know. I think I've heard you say on multiple occasions, like, hey, listen, my love style is I pick on people and every time I meet someone new, I tell them, hey, this is what I do. And if you don't like it, please stop me. So I stopped doing it. And then I was like, all right, so there's that one. And then at the end of the episode, Danny is going to say it's a dream come true. Yeah. So we've got to hit that checkbox and then he's going to talk about it like, you know,
A Mel story. I always have a story about Mel. I think that's great, though. I love that you talk about your wife. You know, most people are just like, the wife got to get rid of her. And you're like, hey, I like my wife. I'm like, that's great. I do like my wife. That's great. I love that you like your wife. It's a good starting point for a relationship. We actually just got here's a new story. Have you ever farted on her?
Never had to fart on my wife. She never asked you to like touch like something that maybe she was too afraid to do. Oh, well, yeah, bugs and stuff. So it wasn't like farting, though, like, you know, with like makeup or like a Halloween costume. No. OK, just she wouldn't trust me to fart on her face. You know what? That's fair. I barely trust people to fart on mine. Yeah, I wouldn't. Anyway, what was your story? It was either Instagram or Facebook, I think she got an alert that
yesterday was the 14 year anniversary of us becoming friends, which would have happened the day after we met. So two days ago was the 14 year anniversary of the day we met. So that's cool. It is cool. Well, congratulations. Are you celebrating somehow? Nope. OK, I mean, we didn't even realize it till two days later, so.
That's true. I mean, you could plan something later. I was just curious. It's fine. It's OK. Yeah, I'm fine.
So yeah, what was I talking about? Oh yeah. So just to support other people, one must support themselves was what I was getting at originally before I got sidetracked by my little tangent. I was just going to do a quick fly by like asterisk and move on. But then like we got our nets crossed or nets caught up in each other. I was like, what was I talking about? Oh yeah. So my answer, my response to, um,
you know, what lesson that I learned, which is I've witnessed others.
crumble under always wanting to help other people. And I have been one of those people myself who would go out of my way. I still find myself doing it when like I'm damn near destitute or if I need to hold on to what money I have and I see somebody on Twitter says, oh, I'm doing a fundraiser to get surgery or my lights are going to go out at the end of the week. If I don't get money in my brain, it's like, send the money. And I fight with myself not to. And I've even tried to have people hire people so they don't think it's a donation to do some random job just so I can send them money.
I still struggle to not do that. And so, but like something that's really helping me lately is just like, like, I always have to bring myself back. I'm like, dude.
You've lived through this. You have friends and family who have lived through this. You cannot. And I truly believe this, that like at some point something has to give. You can support people up to a certain extent on a crumbling foundation, but eventually it's going to fall apart. And then more often than not, those people are going to be on their own foundation. And they may still be in the midst of saving themselves that they might not have the energy for you. And for somebody like me who is extra outgoing and an extrovert in general, it has hurt me many times. It took me a while to realize that
Not everybody is going to go through this amount of effort that I go through for them, for me. And so like it really is a struggle to kind of reconcile with that, especially like if the people you're helping are the ones that are still struggling, you just help them get back on their feet. And also some of those people will still be OK if you don't help them. And the way that I learned this lesson and I'll try to kind of wrap it up is like when I started realizing it, I probably run my mid 20s.
when I was broke all the time and I couldn't figure out why, even after I got a good full-time job. It's like, I just can't stay ahead and I don't understand why. Or I'm just emotionally drained after all this stuff. Or I craved more of my friends' attention every week because I just felt so drained. That was the only way I could make myself feel better. And I realized that by doing that, I was draining them in other ways because they're not as extroverted as I am. But they're giving me this charity time because Adam must really need some buddy time because he's really asking.
And I realized it was when people started to turn on me when they said, oh Adam, you only think about yourself. And that was when I started doing things for me instead of going out of my way for people who I thought I needed to continuously work to help. And some of them, not everybody was ungrateful mind you, but there were some that were that noticed right away when I wasn't the first one to heed the call for help.
And a lot of times it was the repeat, I don't want to say offenders, but the repeat askers, the ones that constantly needed, whether it was cash, a ride, you know, a two hour phone call, uh, you know, picked up from somewhere, uh, you know, like a reference for a job or something or whatever it may be that like, at the time it was just an inconvenience for me. I would still go out of my way to do it or to show up in court for something that I wasn't even there to witness, but they still want to be there. Like,
And just those kind of things. And I just got to the point where I'm like, all my time, all my money, all my energy is going to people who are not giving it back to me when I want something back. Or if I say, hey, I need a break. So I say, Adam, hey, can I do this? I'm like, nah, dog, I'm going out. My little brother, for instance, used to borrow a lot of money from me. And I say borrow, but he never paid it back. That's a whole other thing.

Self-Care and Boundaries

when I would say, no, man, I'm going out with Justin this weekend. We're going to Dave and Busters or something. He's like, oh, you got money to go to Dave and Busters, but you can't help me? I'm like, what the fuck? Wow. Okay. First of all, that's a whole other thing. But that was when it really clicked. I'm like, I'm doing something for me. I'm trying to have fun. I don't treat myself to do anything anymore. I'm falling apart. I'm crying a lot at night.
recently my girlfriend and I broke up and like I was having a lot of turmoil for that for years struggling with that insecurity of no one's ever gonna love me again and like no one ever want to talk to me about that you know and I started to find myself becoming bitter and like passive-aggressive and like I was like I don't want to be that guy I don't be angry at people for needing things but I'm just not the one that can give right now you know and I realize it through all of that turmoil that like man you got to start like
drawing boundaries and taking care of yourself. Boundaries are part of that is big time, you know, that I can help others if you are not in a good headspace. Right. It's why it will not work. It's why when, you know, you're on it, you know, I think I've used this metaphor before, but like when you're on a plane, they say that if you're a parent, put on your mask first and then help your kid because like if you're in the middle of passing out, if air pressure fucking drops, you ain't helping your kid. Sorry. You know, like you have to be able to breathe to help your child to be able to breathe.
Yeah. And so like that's where I am like a lot in my life lately is I'm very, I'm very strong on my boundaries and I'm very strong on trying to make sure that I am in much more, you know, better self care. So that way, like I can continue to do the thing that I want to do, which is to help other people. So that's fine. I'm glad that you brought up the plain analogy because when you said that, you know, the big advice you got was to help yourself before you put
you know, before you start helping others, which I completely agree with. I had the intrusive thought or like the intrusive daydream of you sitting at a plane watching like the intro thing. And they're like, you know, if you have somebody else put on them, put the mask on yourself before you put it on them and you having like this epiphany of like. Oh, my God, like that's how you got the advice. He's like, that's how I should live my life.
Yeah, I had to mute for a bit because I was laughing. So I mean, I didn't mean to think that like it was just an intrusive daydream of you having this like spiritual epiphany because of an inflight safety thing. No, I mean, kind of. I mean, I think about that sometimes. Actually, I remember like a family guy skit where like some random guy on a plane was like, no, put on your mask and then put it on the babies.
You know, it's just like a weird thing where they put fun out. But I'm like, you know, it's kind of true. It is very true. I always tell people, you know, you have to take care of yourself first. Right. Like you come first. Even if you want to help other people, you can't if you're and I wouldn't want your help if you're not in a like in a good spot yourself. Right. Because you're not going to give good advice. You're not going to be there for the other person. You got your own shit to worry about. And that's OK.
And I, you know, I've had that same realization because of somebody that kept asking me for stuff to the point where I was losing my mind. And I was like, I got to stop. I completely cut them out of my life for my own mental health. And I was like, that's what made that one dawn on me. Like, you know, I can't help you unless I'm I'm good. And yeah, I will. It's hard, but
There's nothing wrong with telling somebody that comes to you for help. Like, look, I'm not. I don't have the either. Yeah, I'm not doing great either. I don't have. I think I always said in the thing I don't have the bandwidth right now to help you. But as soon as I'm better, if you're still struggling, I will do what I can. Yeah. And in that case, sometimes I'm like, look, if you need someone just to hear you vent, like I can do that. But like, if you're looking for solutions at this point, like I'm a bit overwhelmed with trying to figure out your own thing, you know, like.
You know, and and there's there's a world where you can do both, like you can have self care and care for others. But like there has to be a balance where it can't be so overwhelmingly one sided that like. Because again, at least for me, sometimes like you start to resent those people and like they're not doing anything wrong, like you're giving them the time they're asking for, you know, and you can't always be mad that they won't give that time back to you or that maybe they don't look at they don't have the same
proactive mind as you may do. It reminds me of a little story between us. Before I went on, I'm on like an anxiety medication and before that I used to have not full blown panic attacks, but I would
kind of get fixated on something and it would, I would blow it out of proportion a little bit and kind of go crazy for like a little bit. And one time I actually did go to Adam and vent about stuff. I was like, Oh my God, we're, we're running out of money. Like, um, and we weren't, it was surely me just blowing it up. And I remember you were like,
right away, you were like, how much do you need? You know, I don't have much, but I'll send you what I can. I think I remember what you're talking about. And I was like, I said no, like we, you know, I was like, I can recognize what I'm doing. I know it. And I don't want to just like take advantage of you like that. But yeah, you were talking about how you used to give away money even when you couldn't. And even back then you were like,
Well, I'm actually hurting for money too, but I'll send you as much as I can and I was like Jesus man, I think I ended up using fun and seller network money and sending it to Belugas Kofi was at the same time I Know something like that. I know that was different. Oh, that was something different. I'm different. I don't remember. Yeah No, yeah, it was like it just the way I my payment time got and and bills came in and
just hit me extra hard. Like it was just bad. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As soon as I saw my bank account, it the anxiety took over and we just happened to be talking at like right after that happened. Mm hmm.
And I know I poke. I'm like, what's going on? How's this going? You all right? What's it? What's this? Yeah. What's going on? But you did like you say like you still fight with that. And that's exactly what you did. You were like, I know I don't have the bandwidth, but I will do whatever I can. I was like, dude, it is. It is so like your view. And it is a constant lesson where like I'm just like. You know, but but in that situation, too, I. You know, like you weren't like a perfect stranger and it wasn't like I didn't think that like
that wouldn't be reciprocated if I were ever in that situation. Like some people, you can look at somebody like they would do it for me, you know, but there are other people where I'm like, that person is like the people who I donate randomly to Twitter. That person is never going to talk to me again. Oh, absolutely not. You're on your own. Right. They don't care about me. No, I mean for me. No. Oh, yeah. You know, I run your own. Get out of here.
No, I believe it. You know, I'm I need to get your mom's information. She'll probably help me out. Tell him anything. Terry, help me. My parents want to meet you, by the way. I know he has an inheritance. Send me some. They want to meet you. I want to meet them, too. Yes. Well, we'll figure it out. I'll come out or we can meet somewhere. Let's go to Hershey. You guys want to have a day at Hershey together? Let's go to South Carolina, but we can try and spin something. They're in South Carolina. Well, I've never been to South Carolina. We can do we go there. We go on a trip.
There you go. Maybe I'm going down there for Mother's Day. Hey, Terry, can you buy my plane ticket or are they driving? No, no, we're flying. OK, can you buy my plane ticket too?
You know not that I can't afford a plane ticket But just it would really be nice to save the money and still have a plane ticket you get it Terry you get it Don't say you can't I know you can But no yeah, maybe so yeah, that'd be fun. I'd be down But yeah, it is a struggle like it's like I said It's you know you mentioned earlier like it's something you're always like working on and it is like it is so hard for me I have a I have a hero complex. I always have
And the moment I see someone who is in trouble, I'm like, where's my cape? My cape is in tatters on the wall. I'm like, there it is. Come here, you. It's time. It's like Batman's long Halloween. He just keeps going and going and going until he gets his back broken or until he puts everybody back in Arkham. It is hard. It is hard to turn that off.
Um, but like I said, but it is a perspective that I am now looking at. And so when I recognize like, when I have that moment where I have to fight myself, like now I have a little bit of ammunition and like, dude, look at, look at your bank account, look at your social situation, look at your emotional battery, look at your, you know, look at your current stressors. Like, is this going to ultimately make things harder for you or, you know, or is it just going to be like something you can just write off if, you know,
You do it. Always give. Yeah, always lend money, assuming you'll never get it back. Oh, yeah, almost always try and get it back. But I learned that from my brother a long time ago. Yeah. But that's all the questions that I have, Danny, if, you know, we had two less questions than we usually have, and we still went over an hour. Isn't that crazy? And that fucking crazy. I mean, we really at this point, it's almost like we don't even need the questions anymore. You could just.
throw the two of us in a chat room and we'll just bullshit for I'm just going to make I'm going to tell you what you want. Do you want that? I'm just going to trim it to two questions now, just two questions and the question and the question a word, a question. Yeah, maybe maybe that'll shorten it up a bit. I thought we'd get like a 45 minute up and here we are because neither one of us can shut the fuck up. You know, it's just too much fun to talk to you, man. I know. I agree with it. Likewise. But hey, guys, thanks for listening to the show. If you made it this far.

Fun Installers Network Updates and Gratitude

And, you know, hey, all the places, is where you can go find all the things, whether it's role players, the role players guild, the most recent episodes from their YouTube streams. If you want to check out three besties and a guesty and all the cool stuff they're doing over there, go check it out. We have exclusive episodes from role players on there. We put up some of our stuff from our pals over at newly named Gestelheim Productions for our buddy Sean over there.
And we got some new things coming down the pipe in a few months. So we'll keep you posted when things finally, you know, but just so you know, you may hear the words fun installers, Inc. coming up pretty soon. And that's not I.N.K., my friends. It's I.N.C. That's incorporated. So just so you know, we may be launching a business pretty fucking soon. So keep an eye on that. We're going public. Get your shares now while you can. Get your shares now, motherfuckers. Danny, thanks as always for hanging out. You want to say something to the people? Do you want to tell them it's a dream come true?
Yes, but I can't help it. My brain stuck on it now. Thank you all. I like doing this. Yes. Let's challenge ourselves to say something new, a synonym of what we want to meet, what we mean. It's always been a fantasy of mine. That's good. That's so good to do this, uh, to discuss matters with my friend.
Uh, and I'm happy that the reality has shown itself to be able to do that. Um, I'm sorry. I can't help it. I'm perseverating on it. I can't let it go. My brain stuck on it now. I just, my brain made like a weird little pathway and now I can't stop thinking about it.
Stop it. I'm so sorry. I'm so predictable. My gosh. You know, hey, I'm going to stop telling the same story. I'm going to try and come up with some news. I say the same thing at the end of every episode, too, man, like I suffer the quote. So like I don't have any room to talk. I just can't help it. That's why I'm like, I know I have some someone point out all the things I say all the time on here. It's like hit me with them. You know, I'm right at me. We were talking about like things we could do with the show. This is real quick, I promise.
We're talking about like funny things about the show that we could like make clips out of. And I had suggested making like a super cut of all the different times. Adam says, I don't have a thing prepared for today. You and anything. And we could absolutely make a super cut of me just telling the same story over and over or saying, I know I've said this before, but.
Yeah, or like it would just be like it like it'd be like I could put like a beat behind it or something. And all of a sudden you can make a song out of me saying something. I love that. It would start with me going, oh, I didn't think of a Q and A thing. And they need to go with you and auto tune going. It's a dream come true. Oh, I think I thought of something. It's a dream come true. I think I said this before. Oh, God, here we go. He's going to drop the number one diss track.
Thank you all for listening. I do appreciate it. If you want to hear me make silly voices, if you want to fill your ear holes with my lovely silly voices, search the Role Players Guild on YouTube. That's R-O-L-L, Players Guild.
Or you can find us on Twitter at the rpguild1. Or if you really want to find us easily and everything else that we have, check out I stole it from you. Take that. Perfect.
And as for me, you know, I tried this last time, but Danny just gave me a quote of my own to end the episode with. But I don't have a quote to end the episode with, although I do at least want to say, if you did make it this far, thank you so much. We really do appreciate it. And if you do take anything away from the episodes, it'd be nice to hear from you. We love to see when people write in, fun and so that we're dot com slash contact us.
Or if you want to come over and say hi to me on the Instagrams, that's pretty much the only social media I'm still mostly active on. I'm over there at Random Atom. That's A-T-O-M. So come and say hi. You'll see videos of me exporting my roommate's cats for the clicks.
Um, and sometimes random music that I make over there. Um, and you know, finally, before we start off, I just want to say, you know, I've been looking to do something like this for a long time. It really is a dream come true. And it just, it just means, it just means, it just means a lot to me. And I can't wait to visit my parents for Mother's Day in South Carolina.
Take that, Daniel. Take that. Kitty cat, cat, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat, cat. Kitty, kitty cat
Pizza, pizza, ice cream, ice cream. Choo choo trains. Pizza, pizza, ice cream, ice cream. Choo choo trains.
cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut
I whitty whitty whack whack whitty whack whack I minnie minnie mack mack I minnie mack mack Just lippy doop doop Pity pitty pat pat kitty cat cat Slitty slitty slack slack nitty gnat gnat I lippy doop doop Little little lat lat, little lat lat Shoop-a-doop-a-dap-dap, shoop-a-dap-dap
Gimme, gimme, nap, nap, shimmy, nap, nap Whitty, whitty, what, but leave it up, nap I'll leave it up, dip I'll leave it up, dip Gotta fall in so peace Fall in so peace Chickpeas in green Chickpeas in green Chickpeas in green
Pizza, pizza, ice cream, ice cream, pizza trees. I forgot to sing for a second. That's okay.
Woody, Woody, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what,