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You'll Be Bumfuzzled By This Episode

That's Our Q
13 Plays1 month ago

We get practically nothing done... sorry

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readyy Absolutely ready. Okay. Good morning. Good afternoon and good evening, ladies, gentlemen, non-binary folks. If universe is known and on unknown, welcome back to TOQ. Nope, that's not it. That's our queue or TOQ for short, where we take your cues and we make them, you know, start tracking their food. That way they can see how many calories they put into themselves and that way they can prepare for their workouts.
and recovery during their strength training. That way, after a few weeks of tracking their food and doing the right exercises, they look in the mirror and they realize that they shed all that Q and it's just a beautiful A in their reflection. And for those of you who don't know what that means, if you and for the uninitiated, all that means is we take questions from the internet, places like Reddit and Quora and other websites of that ilk, and we answer them as if anybody gives a fuck to hear our answers in the first place.
If I haven't said already, my name is Adam. I am one of the hosts of this realm and my co-host name is Danny guarantee Danny. I just noticed you changed your name is also my name almost on um role on the on then Castro. I wasn't paying attention to that until just now. Yeah, I did do that. Actually, I need to. Well, did you see what mine actually is?
Yeah, it's role players, but gg. Yeah, because we're the players, but gildio. Right. So anyway, how's how's how's Danny today? He's doing pretty good. It's a it's a lovely Friday. ah We were going to do the Ren fair this weekend, but it might rain. So we might push that back, which means I got a nice empty weekend. I think we're trying to set up a warframe night for a bunch of people. That might be fun.
That would be fun. I just got Justin to download that, but he's been like, Oh, I want to play it together, but I have to play a tutorial level. I was like, well, go fucking play the tutorial level real quick. The tutorial level. Actually, it's pretty long, but I just go do it and then I can play but anyway. It's what it should be fun. How about you, Mr. Adam? How are you doing? um My brain is mushy. I did a post work workout with a couple of the broskis at the gym and my Biceps are already hurting from working out before I worked on my triceps and my back today Which is something I never thought that I would even say out loud um I experienced all sorts of new machines I've never used before and I can already feel the fatigue and the pain starting to set in Hey, but that's good good on you. Yeah improving yourself Yeah, I'm trying to learn how to build muscle because apparently
ah Good news is I lost some weight recently. I've been trying to get back under 160 pounds because originally I was like a buck 35 for many years. When I was a dance instructor, I was a flat 133 for like a long fucking time. um And then, you know, I started putting out a little bit of muscle and I was still like around 140, but then the pandemic happened. People, hit what do they call it? The COVID 15 or whatever, the pen the lockdown 15. I don't know what they called it.
Um, and I gained about 10 to 15 pounds over the pandemic. And so like recently when I weighed myself like a month or two ago, I was like 162, which is like borderline, like overweight for like my weight and height. So.
I was like, all right, I'm going to try to change things up so I can lose some weight. And so I did do that, but like you wouldn't believe the diet I had, which is not a healthy diet, but somehow I still left lost weight because I had a calorie deficit, apparently. So like I didn't even know what my calorie requirements of are for the day, but I think a lot of it was working outside and working with the kids and running around in the hot sun all day, and then also just like not eating as much food throughout the day, even though it's unhealthy food. I went and did this like 3d body scan at the gym I'm working at. And like it told me like, Hey man, you're about a buck 53. And I was like, Holy fuck, I lost like almost 10 pounds from like when I started like paying attention to shit like a month or like in some change ago.
Right. So I was pretty exciting to find that like I lost weight, but I'm learning that as I'm working through my personal trainer training, that strength training is like the only real way to keep weight off and to like continue to keep your joints and your body strong as you get older, which we are. So.
I'm learning the value of strength training right now and it's like super important. So I'm trying to pay more attention to like lifting free weights and like using more weight equipment, which I've always kind of avoided because I want to just stay limber and fast, but I'm learning how to build lean muscle now. So it's kind of exciting to learn how that works. Um, it's a little out of my wheelhouse and my element, but it's been a real interesting journey, but my body hates me right now. My whole upper body is killing me right now. I'm so sore. Not surprised at all.
Anyway, I know that was a long, a long explanation, but that's how I'm doing is I am just so basically sore right now. My hands hurt, my biceps hurt, my back hurts. My biceps especially are so tender. And I found out that they hurt more on day two than after day one. I was like, well, that sucks. yes absolutely So like, even though the next morning I was tight, the day after that, the second day after the workout, my arms felt so fucking heavy. Like what is happening?
He said, Oh, Adam, your arms will recover quicker than everything else. Bullshit. Anyway, that's enough for that anyway. But yes, there was one day I used to work at ah this one place with a with ah person about my age who was very health and fitness oriented. And somehow she convinced me to go to the gym for a day with her before work. So I had to go to the gym at like five in the morning.
And I don't know how she like asked me every day and somehow got me to say yes. So I go to the gym with her and, you know, we're just doing normal workout stuff. And she had me doing a bunch of squats. Now I don't work out at all ever. I'm very lazy. I love squats. I get that. giat I will leave.
that Same reaction I get when I say those words inappropriately around zoomers after like, can you just stop? i will Good go away um So she had me doing a bunch of squats and she was a freaking taskmaster Let me tell you it was that like it's for your your own good, right? But she's sitting there like come on one more one more. You have to do one more. Okay, good now one more one more so that day I We get into work and I sit down. I'm i'm working. I'm like, wow, I'm really tired. And you know, oh yeah so at lunch I get up to go do something and I just, I had to catch myself on my desk. My legs just completely gave out. Yeah. For three days. I walked like I was drunk. I couldn't walk for three fricking days. I believe that. Honestly, goodness, I do.
Like, I mean, especially if you haven't done it before. And here's the thing is like, what you know, I've been a teacher of different varieties for a big chunk of my life. I've never, you know, I've worked in schools, I've worked as a as a dance teacher, I've worked as a job coach, I've worked as a tutor, like all sorts of things, right. And so When you do it for that long, you recognize that there are people who have really good intentions, but they're just not good teachers, right? like And that's not a knock against them, but not everybody is able to put into a simpler term and understand what other people need. They just know what they did, right?
so I hear that and I'm like, she put you through the wringer, not recognizing that you haven't done shit before and now she's giving you one of the hardest, but most beneficial exercises to be fair. It is a very beneficial, very important exercise that more people should be doing. But just to kind of, that's where you start. That is a bad yeah idea. I know. You know, like if your legs aren't ready for that, you need to be getting your legs ready for squats, or at least do like not as many. Because squats are intensive. They work your core, they work your ass, they work your almost your whole entire leg. yeah They work your back if you keep it in the right position. like And and you're your triceps get a good tone if you hold your hands in the right position while you squat. like It's a fucking baller move.
But like, if you've never done it before, man, about 20, 30 of those and like your upper thighs near your groin and everything are just like so tender that your body feels like a tree that's been mostly cut down to like right where it's about the fall. Right. I was describing the other day when I did a hundred of them at the gym, because I was like feeling it myself. I was like, man, I'm fucking killing this. These squats don't mean shit. My legs are the most powerful things on planet earth. And so I just kept going feeling like a million bucks, dude. I'm like, I can't believe I'm not sore yet.
Like three years ago, I'd have been crying after like 20 fucking squats. Then I woke up the next day and I felt like the top of my legs were just made of toothpicks. And I couldn't, like just like you said, I was like, I couldn't hold myself up. I was like, oh, fuck.
I forgot about that post nut clarity the next day. Jesus Christ. Also, real quick before we start. Oh yeah, we're like 10 minutes in. I know, whatever. It's okay. People don't come for the questions and answers. They come for the Adam Danny banter. The questions are here just for the banter anyway, right? Yeah, we're here for some answer mancy. Yeah, we're the answer mancers. Yes. um Did you ever hear of the Twinkie diet?
No, there was a nutritionist. I'm actually I'm looking at this story here, but I know nutritionist is right there. It's not a dietician. So no knocks against nutritionist guys, but there are some bad nutritionists. I know. Okay. It was a nutrition professor at Kansas State University. He wanted to prove that it doesn't matter as much what you eat, but just like the calories. So he went on a snack food diet consisting primarily of Twinkies.
Sounds fire terrible. you know here He moderated and kept track of his calories and he lost 27 pounds, ah lowered his BMI by 29 to just under 25, from 29 to 25.
Nice. so yeah Yeah, you want to be right around. Just like Twinkies and and chips, if you keep track of the calories and eat my new amounts. I mean, a calorie deficit is a calorie deficit, right? like I mean, calorie deficit is how you lose weight, but keeping it off is different, and that's why building some muscle. You don't have to get jacked, but building your muscle is important.
But, um, because in your muscle, your body learns how to like generate energy from different sources instead of it'll look for that fat more cause it's used to burning fat and you, you burn more fat while you're doing like certain moderate exercises and doing strength training. So like your body is more like, Oh, let's go after the fat first. Um, or at least sooner.
ah But yeah, I mean, you could, like I said, I haven't been eating the best and I've still been losing weight. But when it comes to building muscle, you apparently you have to eat more protein than I thought I needed to eat. So I've been like, I want to shit myself. Oh, yeah so yeah. You have to eat a lot. i There's one, I know, I'm gonna do this again. We're 11 minutes in, I know.
but Guys, this isn't going to be question and answer. we' No, we're literally just going to talk today. I lied at the beginning. It's just us hanging out. there's no Sorry, guys. False alarm. There's no questions. Don't worry about questions today. oh You got to worry about it. we were We were good friends when I was in high school. I was okay enough friends with um the star football player and his whole family were all jacked football sport people.
And we went to this barbecue and they were at it. And I remember I wanted to eat like two hamburgers, I think it was, or or like I had two hamburgers, but I wanted something else. And I remember my mom was there and she's like, no, Dan, you know, you have diabetes, you have to calm it, calm down with the food. You've you've already had a lot of carbs.
Meanwhile, I look over at them and each one of these kids has like five hamburgers on their plate. I remember but being like, who would the hell? They have like five each. and My parents are like, yeah, they work out. They have muscle. They need all of that food. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, that was I learned that just from like the, you know, crazy how much you need to eat in order to maintain like a lot of muscle. Yeah, and these two jack like 20 something year olds that also like got on the job with me or like, they're talking up a storm by like, Oh, no, no, I mean, like,
You need to have a calorie deficit, but you don't have at least like 25 to 3000 calories. If you want to get bigger because this and this and this, and I don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Cause I'm still learning all this shit. But again, like it's Greek to me because they don't know how to teach. They just know what they know. Right. So same thing. Like I went working out with the one guy and he's really cool, real cool dude came here over from, um, uh, Oh my God. Are not Armenian fuck what the hell is that country? Just only.
My God, I'm a bad friend. I already forgot. But from a Middle Eastern country, the country of which has fucking left my brain for some reason now. um But anyway, um he... ah He was like having me do like these heavy ass weights. He goes, no, no, no. I know that you think that this is what you can lift, but this is what you should lift. And I was doing these and he showed me like a really advanced like curling thing on a bench. And my fucking arms were screaming at like holding like he's 30 to 40 pound weights. And I'm like, dude, do you see my arms? I'm not a big dude. Why are you? And like about halfway he goes, well, there's no shame in going down on lower weights. I was like, then why did you start me on such a big one? I told you what I can lift.
so's So like, that's why my arms hurt even more now, because like, he was just trying to be like, and no, no, no, if I can do like 80, you can do 40. And I was like, bruh, that's, I've never done this workout in my life before. Like, just let me do like 15 pounds because you don't need 15. Then by the time I was done, and he's a super nice guy, but I just recognize it. Like, I needed to communicate with him better how I like to be taught and how he can communicate with me. Because when we first started, he was just like, here's like 80 pound weights, bro. Go. And I was like, like,
Again, I've never done this before. um Do you know how to calculate how much weight you should use? Uh, I don't know a calculation per se, but like a lot of the advice I get is like, like if it's, if it feels too easy, like if the weight doesn't feel that heavy in your hands, you need to feel some resistance from gravity. But if you don't feel that right away, like it's too easy and you're not going to get anything from it. So I don't know about the calculation. Here's what my doctor has told me. Cause obviously with diabetes, losing weight, including building muscle to lose weight is a big thing. Yep. Yeah. This is what he had told me.
do, you have to find your max weight first. So whatever the exercise is, you have to find out how much weight you can lift just once. Um, that is your max weight to burn fat or to like trim down. You want to do half that weight for a lot of reps to build muscle. You want to do 80% of that weight for less reps.
So there you go. Find out your max weight, whatever the maximum weight you can lift for one rep is. And then 80% of that in order to build muscle. Yeah. I think I found my sweet spot for like curling and stuff like that, like right around like between like 20 and 30, like just consistently, cause I can do other weights, but like I fatigue so fast that I can barely get a rep attend in for some of them. So like, right that i mean that's been like my sweet spot of like, ah yeah. Yeah.
Because that's why my arms are extra dead because I started off with weights I had no fucking business doing that with. And my arm was dying by the first set. And I was like, why am I doing such anyways on an advanced curling technique when I barely do curling? Like, why are we doing this? Bicep curls, I should say. And there's these advanced hanging ones. And I was like, why? But yeah, lefty especially. My left bicep hates me so much right now.
um But anyway, do you want to answer some questions, Danny? No, I'm good, actually. I'm fine. All right. Well, hey, listeners, you know what? i Have a good night, everyone. You know what? I think it's OK to just like have a little talk for a little while, you know? Yeah. How are how are you listeners? How's the weather? How are the listeners? Yeah. you know like How have you been? Yeah. Everybody asks, are you listening? But nobody ever asks, like how are you feeling?
Yeah. How are you doing? People always say like and subscribe and review the show, which you should, but I want to review your show. I want to review how you're doing. Yeah. The show of life. Yeah. Let us know. Um, and Danny, do you want to talk about what we talked about earlier about like some ideas that we have, um, to see if anybody listening like wants to chime in about that? Honestly,
I think we should hold off for now. Discuss it within our our group first and leave it a surprise. We have like a potential little game that we want to do with people. But we're just kind of trying to figure out what's viable and how we would put it together. I don't want to bring it up too early because I don't want to set unreasonable expectations. I also don't want to accidentally maybe slip something that I don't think we can maybe slip anything because we don't have anything built yet. We just have like one idea that we'll probably use, but but as far as what we're going to call it, maybe, but like everything else has been just conjecture. So we haven't really talked that much about it. We spent like 10 minutes talking about it before we started recording. Also, I don't want anybody listening who happens to have their own thing to be like, Oh, that's a good idea. Let me do that first.
Sure. um I know you. I'm seeing you. You don't want me to talk about the pin thing either? Because I do want to... Well, the pins, if if that's not related to the other thing, you could talk about the pins. No, it's not. No, it's not. And then you could do the pins. Yeah. So yeah, so this is like ah but the first time I'd be speaking about it more publicly. But you know I've been wanting to get fun installers to a place where you know I do want us to be financially viable. I do want us to like make some money so I can support the creators. Back when I was a little bit more financially ahead, like a couple years ago, a lot of the extra money that went into support like our favorite streamers and our favorite artists.
put money towards patreons and stuff was mostly just i mean you know not that i'm complaining but it was mostly just me funding it. Right and eventually launch the coffee and then several of our members such as danny and his wife started contributing to that that way like certain things i could go to this project came from other creators within the network right.
um But i kinda wanna go outside of that a little bit because i know like this money subscriptions are really interesting and fun but frankly i don't know if i have the energy in me to keep up with different words and stuff on a patreon and on a coffee you know as much as i like and i'd rather have somebody who knows that they're doing run it which leads me to i want to make money in another way that way i can pay people to Edit our episodes and to edit and to make the videos on role players guild look nice and really cool and fluid and take the work away from beluga and company to do that or i wanna be able to pay people to. Run certain parts of a social media that way we can create an even bigger following them we already have role players are still doing relatively well but you know i we haven't really trained our listeners over on role players to be that participative participate.
Do you participate that much? Participatory, that's it. um So you know it's kind of hard to pull people back from that. So what I'm hoping to do is create like a product line on our store. I'm trying to put a little bit more effort into doing that when I have a little bit more time now. And what I was talking about with Danny that I thought would be really cool, and he was had some really great feedback and some ideas of his own.
was I conceptualized the idea of like ah like a pin that people could collect. Kind of like those like mystery boxes. or but of those I just told us ah blind boxes where you buy these little figurines. and it's ah you know You don't know which one you're going to get, but a lot of people are really into buying them. and like trying to get all of them or or get certain ones. I wanted to do something kind of like that, but something that was more based in like a positive light. So because people do like those collectibles, but I thought it would be really cool.
Well, actually, Danny was the one that brought up this particular idea, but because I wanted to have a pin of sort that people could wear to show their fandom of something. Because a lot of times when I see people wearing like a 90s shirt with like rocket power on it or some shit like that, I'm like, holy fuck, rocket power. You're like, oh, hell yeah, dude. Right. So like.
But I also think it's cool because some things are a little bit more niche. Like before Rick and Morty really went mainstream, there was like a niche amount of people who really liked it. And I could see people, oh my God, Rick and Morty, you know, and like, um, I think that's really cool that like people share like that love of like something very specific. So.
I want to have like a pin that people could wear very proudly or a button of some sort where people could wear it on their jacket, on their shirt, something like that, that would signify like, I'm a fan of this thing, right? And Danny ah came up with the idea of it being a puzzle because I had said that a puzzle piece, because I had said I wanted to be something I gave like a positive message that would like influence connect ah Connections between communities or maybe people who might live in the real world that don't know like people three blocks down the road Like the same podcast they like or something, right? So I think it'd be kind of cool if they saw that pin it was a puzzle piece like Danny said and then like Danny we were talking about if I recall like seeing if the different puzzles could fit together in some way like the pin puzzle pieces are actual puzzle pieces right and they could collect them all and put the puzzle together and it says something and
Right. It could be a message. I was also thinking like on top of that, like other people could have that puzzle piece. And then maybe like, even if you just get one or or two or three of those pieces together, maybe you and your friends get some that fit. And that feels really cool to know that your friend has a piece of a puzzle that fits into yours. And then maybe it says a message when you put those together and that you guys can construct it to make the bigger message on the puzzle. Right. um It's like there's old school necklaces you can buy where like they're like a heart and one says like,
Part of like a sentence and then the other one says that you put together. It's like, oh, look at matching yeah like a friendship. Anything. Right. Where they're like two halves of a whole. Right. And like maybe nine pieces.
Yeah, exactly. Right. And it would be like you could you could maybe collect more or if you get the same one, you could give them to somebody else or maybe hold on to it if you have extras. You know, I just think it's really cool to have like something to look forward to to collect. Now, I don't know how to produce something like that yet. That's a little bit out of my wheelhouse. So if anybody listening knows how to do that, that'd be great. But I was also thinking maybe we could just crowdfund it because I think that'd be a really cool to have like this kind of chrome or really kind of vibrant colored a pin or button that you can wear that just like signifies like, Hey, this is like something I really care about. And I'm looking for community and I want to meet other people who love things that I love. Right. Because I think it's important that people learn how to connect in other ways outside of the computer, not just on the computer, but even, even if they're online, they could share pictures like, Oh, I got this pin.
Mine says blah, blah on it. What does yours say? And maybe somebody else chimes in on that social media post says, oh my God, I have the one that fits into that one. That's really cool. You know, I just think that's kind of a fun, you know, do you see what I'm trying to say, Danny? Does that make sense? I do. Yeah, yeah. I know what you mean. I think you, you've said it pretty succinctly. Yeah. I know. I've been talking, I've been talking for a hot, 23 minutes. I haven't answered a question because this it's, it's a really cool, Hey, you said you didn't want to answer questions. So I'm just, I assume. Oh, I thought you were being for real. So that's why. I thought you just want to have like. I don't care. Again, the questions. The questions are just there to help. Like I thought I thought you just wanted to have a talkie episode. So I was like, OK, fine. We won't answer any questions. That's fine.
Yeah, so the questions are just there for discussion anyway. um Yeah, I just kind of like how the sauce is made. we We yeah, we just answer the questions because we like to talk to each other. ah Not to toot our horns or anything, but I think we're kind of funny. So like we thought this would just be fun, you know, just to talk bullshit together for a while. And the questions are just there to facilitate that. So I hope you aren't like hear hardcore for the questions today. We could throw in one or two. I'm looking at one that I'm probably not going to use for future episodes. Hey, remember when you first started this and episodes were about this long? I was going to say, we should probably wrap it up right about now. hu
um but Anyway, before we move on, I honestly Christ thought you you were serious, that you just want to have a talk. episode so In all honesty, I don't care. We don't need questions as long as we have things to talk about. I really don't care. yeah I'm just here to talk to my buddy. Yeah, and I feel like it's a safe place because of how TOQ is formatted. People can be like, okay, I don't like this episode, and then move on and that's fine because there's 30, 40, 50 other fucking episodes. I don't remember how many we have, but like the thing to listen to that aren't remote. There's only a few that are kind of connected, but for the most part, they can be listened to out of order and it'll be fine. So, hey, listen, if you're listening 25 minutes into this without a question and you're not totally pissed off by it, that's fantastic. But if you're 25 minutes into this and you're totally pissed off about it, why the fuck are you still here?
but i'm I'm not going to be offended. Like you can go do something else. It's OK. And also, if you're that invested in the questions, maybe, you know, keep your eyes on the road. We know you're driving while you listen to this. Or if you're my mom working out or doing a walk. Yeah, you're working on a little walk. Yeah. Keep your eyes on the on the sidewalk. You don't want to run into that guy on the bike. Yeah.
Hi, Terry. How you doing? Hey, Gabe. I hope everything's doing well for you. um Hey, if you're listening, Terry, can I call you Terry? Can I call you Mrs. Guarantee? So um Mrs. G, I was just wondering. She was always Mrs. G, yeah. Mrs. G, I was just wondering if ah If you would like to chime in on that, so if you're listening and you've made it 25 minutes into this for some reason, first of all, thank you. And if I ever get to meet you, ah you know I would love to you know just like hang out on the porch and drink some iced tea or something and just shoot the breeze with you. But up to that point, before that, ah
Do you have any feedback on that deal? Do you think the idea of us trying to get like a communal pin like a community based like puzzle pins put together would be cool? Do you think that's neat? And if so, can we have like $10,000 to launch it? um
but i mean Or do you have any friends in like a business that could help us produce that or we just have like a small loan of a million dollars? I don't want to loan. I just want it to be a gift. Oh, i yeah, I don't want to have to pay it back. I'll pay it back in giggles and smiles and hugs. um We'll pay it back in positivity. pins You know what? I'll pay it back to if we do well with these pins, it will come back once it kicks off. People love things. They love to have things.
um ah to Talk to game i know it's a partnership thing ah you know just see if you guys are cool with it and hey anybody else is listening if your parents. Might want to invest in something very cool don't like him the full thing cuz i don't have a patent on it yet so that's like that's kinda dangerous part is like i don't know how to do that but like.
you know I don't want people taking our ideas. So like just keep it on the on the down low unless like you can trust that person. In which case, you know just say, hey, you got $10,000 you can invest in role players, or not on role players, but in fun installers. Just go to funinstallersnetwork.com and let us know. Or go to Ko-fi.com. Do you have $10,000 just lying around? Yeah, if you have $10,000 lying around that you can give us, just go to ko-fi.com slash fun installers and you know donate there. That'd be fantastic, actually. um That'd really mean a lot to me and everybody else in the network.
um But at that juncture, I might just use it to, you know, I'm going to invest it. I want to invest it. I want to invest it as opposed to, I was going to say just invest it into the creators, but let's face it, those bunch of goons, they're not going to know what to do with it. They're just going to take it and spend it on stupid shit. I would say we invest it in fund installers as a whole first, get that established, and then we can use fund installers as a vehicle to support small creators, whiches are mean which is our our you know our business plan. is Right. We still want entertainment to make money in order to help other small creators get a foothold. ah So if you like that idea, you know, there's a coffee Kofi. I hear people calling it coffee. It's Kofi. Say like, buy us a coffee. Right. The creators have corrected it that it's Kofi. It is Kofi. OK. Yeah, we do have a Kofi for that. You know, if that sounds like a worthy ah use of of some extra dollars, you know, it all goes to ah the fun installers.
uh, you know, the website or making these episodes and editing and all that, uh, production costs. Um, so yeah, I mean, if you want to donate that only leads to more episodes with better production or hopefully, uh, merge, you know, things we can do to kind of start making our own money so that we can start supporting ourselves and other small creators. Yeah. Very well said.
um Just in case, I think that's the first time in a long time we've actually told people what fun installers is for. um Yeah, I mean, on we we do this for a reason. We are trying to help other people. Yeah, so, you know, I know i know we're trying to kind of restructure things and figure out our traffic, but yeah, it would be nice to just do that and get something off the ground.
um But anyway, uh, how about a question before we wrap up? Yes, please. Because honest in all honesty, I know, but just bear with me. I'm sorry. ah Somebody on the server called us the answer answers.
And it's so it's it was like such a great name. And I was so excited to use it. And we broke it out this episode. And we haven't even answered a damn question yet. I know that's called irony, my friend. yeah It's tragic, though. It's tragic irony. Well, please let me answer, Nancy, at least once today. All right. All right. I got one for you. This is one that we have answered before in the past, what we as in me and Josh,
Josh and myself, Josh and I have answered this, uh, some time ago. And, uh, so I wanted to rehash it with Danny since Danny hasn't gotten the opportunity. And I frankly don't remember even what the fuck I said for this answer. So the question goes like this. Listen here, 30 minute listeners. You've made it to the question. You, you buckled down. You buckled down. You did your squats. You have earned your cake, my friends. And here it is.
um Alright, so this question is posted by Ari Pancake from Reddit and they say, why am I like this? And they go on to say, I think this belongs here, but sometimes I really just want to roll down my stairs super badly. I know I would get hurt. I know I'll cry my eyes out because I got hurt, but it doesn't stop the fact that I really want to roll down the stairs head first. So, and that's all they go on to say. So Danny Ari Pancake wants to know,
Why are they like that? Why do they want to roll headfirst downstairs? Um, even though they know they're going to get hurt. Right. Well, what's that thing called the call of the void? Is that what it's called? Where you're at the edge of some cliff building, whatever high place. And you just get like this feeling of like, I just want to jump. I just want to get like not, it's honestly not even any like, um,
ending thoughts or anything. You're not doing it because like, Oh my God, you know, life is terrible or or any of that stuff. It's literally just like, Oh, you just kind of get this feeling of like, I just want to go. Like I just want to do it just to do it that I think that's called the call of the void. And it's just a weird, like,
state of mind thing that happens. um So it sounds to me something like that, where you don't want to hurt yourself, you don't want to, ah you know,
ah commit suit and tie, as I like to call it. um But like, you end yeah. um But like, it's just that that kind of you get that that weird, almost adrenaline feeling of just like,
pushing the boundary of of your own free will and being like, I could just step off right now. I could just go. Um, but yeah, I think it's called called avoid. And I think that's what you have. Um, it's nothing wrong with you. I think it's something that everybody gets to a certain degree. I would not follow through big distinction there. Don't jump head first down the stairs, please.
Yes, this website I'm looking at called WBUR.org. I don't know what WBUR stands for, but I'm looking at it yeah because I looked up Call of the Void as you spoke it. And they say that there is a woman named April Smith. She's an associate professor of psychology at Miami University in Ohio, which is so weird. Miami University in Ohio. Very confusing.
um And she's even co-authored a ah study about it. um An urge to jump affirms the urge to live an empirical examination of the high place phenomenon. The high place phenomenon is what scientists call it. Her research found a few things. One, that about 50% of people have experienced aspects of the call of the void. And two, that it's the result of some kind of miscommunication in your brain.
It could be the case that when you're high up somewhere, your brain is basically sending an alarm signal. You know, be careful. And that would actually lead you to take a step back and notice your surroundings, she says. Then that more deliberative process kind of kicks in and you start to think, why did I just take a step back? I'm totally fine. There's no reason for me to be afraid. Oh, I must have wanted to jump.
Like a trick of the mind, a post hoc rationalization of a behavior, it's not anything to worry about, she says. Some thoughts are just chatter or static. They don't mean you're going to do something or not do something.
um There's more about it, like where for people who are a little bit more impulsive or people who might have suit and title acts, as you might say, or or thoughts. But she said, for the most part, that is something that people just experience because she surmises it's a mix up in the brain. it's It's an intrusive thought, but that's it. It's like a split second of like.
You just get this weird rush. I guess I get right. Well, I don't think it's necessarily an intrusive thought because intrusive thoughts are a little bit more long term and you're you live with it more. We're in that moment. It's not so much that it's technically an intrusive thought. It's an intrusive impulse to save yourself. And then your brain's like, why did I just save myself from something I wasn't going to do or or that I wasn't no danger. But in that moment, your brain goes, ah, no, wait, do I?
But in this case, the person who wants to throw themselves head first and maybe it's a little bit more than that. Maybe it's intrusive thoughts and the call of the void at the same time. They would say it's definitely intrusive thoughts because they said they do it a lot. Right. They think about just throwing themselves down the stairs. So you know what? You know, can I share with you an intrusive? I guess technically be an intrusive thought that I used to have. You can share almost anything with me.
When I was in my early twenties, um, I started first, something I used to do was like a subconscious thing was like, when I was anxious, I would punch my thigh, my quad. I'm sorry. And like, I never noticed that I was doing it until Justin would accuse my roommate at the time. Like pun he just like scream out of him. You punching yourself again, buddy.
Like, Oh, yep, yes I am. Um, and so I never really understood that. I thought I didn't know if it was like subconsciously, I hate myself or it was just like a weird way to like soothe myself when I was anxious, but I never noticed I was doing it. But I feel like that evolved into something else where I would be in totally normal conversations with a random person who is more than cordial and kind and, and, and, and lovely.
But then I just get these thoughts of like, what if I just sock this person right in the fucking nose, right? but and And this is true. And it used to terrify me because I'm like, I don't like hurting anybody. Why do I want to punch this person in the face? And like, I started like getting like these ideas of like, my brain would create these very lie, I say live scenarios because I was forming them as I was thinking about it. It wasn't like my brain had already thought of it. I was exploring it as my brain put it into my mouth as I spoke it as I, as I continued to ride that wave. And so my brain would, it would start off just like, what am I just punch this person? Right. For no reason.
They didn't do anything wrong. I don't hate them. I have no malicious intent towards them except all of a sudden I want to punch them in the face. And then my brain evolved into just to see what happens. What would change in my day? How would that affect my life? So then I started thinking like, now if I punch this person in the face, would they go down immediately or would they be like really strong and beat my ass or would they call 911? Would I end up in jail? And my brain would just go down this really weird rabbit hole of like these intrusive thoughts and, and,
guesses about what would happen next. And I think the curiosity of me bringing chaos into my life for no reason kept pulling me into like these word directions. Thankfully, I never acted upon any of those. right But like, but I never understood even to that day. And I don't know if that was more of a call of the void kind of thing to where I just kept thinking like, it wasn't a high place thing per se. But like that idea of just like, I just feel like doing this thing. I don't know why I want to do it. And I'm really that bored. I don't know. I think what you're describing is like the textbook definition of a intrusive thought. It's a thought any thought in your brain that you didn't want to have that just kind of
popped in there on its own. right um I've had that ah similarly to yours kind of with myself. And ah I thought about it when you said like, you just wanted to see how your day would change or how your life would change. yeah I have thought like, what if I just like had my arm removed or something, like ah something life changing and then this is not at all too belittle or or anything, anybody.
um, missing any appendage or anything. Absolutely not. But there is like that, that bit of morbid curiosity, I guess, that's like a part of me is like, man, I want to just like lose a leg just to see what it's like, but I want it back after. You know what I mean? Like I want to know what it's like to have a permanent change that ah affects your life that heavily.
Cause like I have diabetes. I had to change how I eat for that and everything. But for the most part, I don't have to do insulin. I just take pills and watch what I eat as far as changes to your life go. It's honestly pretty minuscule to me. Um, but yeah, what would it be like if like one day just something happened and it just, you had to lead a completely different life all of a sudden. And there is a small part of my brain that's like, I want to try that. But then the rest of my brain is like, shut the hell up.
Absolutely not. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's that's that kind of call of the void kind of like, your brain just kind of pushing its own limits on on free will and and kind of realizing that yeah, you can actually just do whatever you want. I could just grab a knife and start stabbing my arm off if I really wanted to. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Yeah, sometimes it is. It's scary, you know, so, um, you know, I think for this particular question, Oscar, the Ari pancake, it's like, you know, it could be like that call of the void. Maybe you have a morbid curiosity within you. Again, I've experienced something like a not like, I mean, I could, I could, I never said I want to jump down the stairs or something like that. And so it's been like, I wonder what would happen if I did, would I be okay? What would break?
You know like because like there's a part of my brain that is so in love with like this looney toon style life that even though i know that i'm not gonna turn into like a little pancake for a few seconds and then like or be an a accordion and stand up after a few seconds and be fine. Is the permits like what if i just did like a fucking front flip down the stairs and i was happy that's how i'm picturing the question being and.
AriPancake, I am sorry if I'm misinterpreting, but I think to me, it sounds like they're getting confused between that morbid curiosity of what would happen with I want to. You know what I mean? Like just because I'm having the thought of taking that step because of the call the void, it doesn't mean I want to. It just means my brain is like having that little misfire or that morbid curiosity.
And I think they're equating that with wanting to jump down the stairs. um Right. I think I'm wrong. I think. ari But yeah, they keep saying I want to. But it sounds to me more bit curiosity. Right. It's more of like a it's not necessarily a compulsion, but like a pull to, you know, your brain wants to explore it. It's definitely sounds more like a curiosity and more like a, you know, because he's not saying I want to jump because i I'll get hurt.
It's like I want to jump even though I shouldn't because I know I'll get hurt, but I can't help but feeling like I want to jump, right? And that's more of like, uh, again, like you said, a morbid curiosity. I just think that's something that I want to know what'll happen if I do it, you know?
You know, I get that sometimes where like, I'll be, you know, and we'll do something crazy. And then like, I feel like I'm teaching myself how to have Tourette's because instead of doing like a physical act, I'll just make a noise or say words or like a swear word, even though no one's in the room with me or maybe we were sitting in silence and I go, ah, fuck. And then if somebody hears me go, what? I'm like, nothing. Huh? You ever, you ever see a little kid do something that like hurts them? Um,
i but they're old enough to kind of know better. Like, you know, we'll just use the example of just jumping down the stairs, right? Like they're like me, I've done that eight to 10 years old. They're obviously old enough to know, but they just do it. And when you ask why they say that, I don't know, I bet you it's because kids don't have impulse control and it's just call the void. They get that. Like, I wonder what would happen, but they don't have the impulse control yet to say, no, that's stupid. Don't do that.
Yeah, i I mean, it might just be a simple something simple as just maybe not that this person is struggling, struggling with impulse control, because clearly they haven't done it. But, you know, maybe just like some residual effect of that, too. You know, it's always the the human brain is so fascinating. And I feel like this kind of stuff happens more to people who let their mind wander more, you know, the the thinkers rather than like, ah the more, the more artistic kind of people that let their brain wander and just kind of float and do its own thing. Not people that are more goal oriented and kind of keep a laser focus on something all the time. Yeah, because they're like, and I'm going to jump down headfirst from the stairs, I'm going to have a plan for exactly where my head's going to land. Right. You know, where I'm just like, how many times can I slip? Right. For me, I'm just like, I'm just going to like do a little corkscrew and then just see what happens. I feel confident I'll land somewhere that won't break me.
Um, but yeah, so there you go. Are you pancake? It just sounds like maybe you have like a morbid curiosity or maybe some impulse challenges or maybe you're just really bored and you're a very curious person. And if you do let your mind wander and you are a creative person, you know what, instead of you jumping down the stairs, why don't you construct some sort of lifestyle dummy that kind of looks like you and then chuck that down the stairs and see what happens to it. yeah Maybe that'll say, shape your curiosity. Also, this question is from,
the baby years of that's our cue. So, uh, I hope you never did jump down the stairs. I know this is an older question. So, yeah, maybe, maybe they've been standing there. yeah Maybe they've been standing there the entire time. And yeah, don't just don't do it. Maybe they're just like, Hey, I just can't, I can't, I can't leave. that You're not weird for thinking it, but just don't do it. You're fucking weird. No, you're not. Uh, whatever. yeah Um, there we go. yeah Everybody, you got a question and are you happy?
You're happy you came. We can even do a quick word of the day if you want. Like a real quick. I do have one. Do you really think we're going to make it a quick word of the day at 45 minutes into where our recording? Do you really think that we're going to do a quick one? Yeah, you're right. You think it'll be quick? You're right. It won't be. You think we're going to have a quick word of the day,
The word is. Bumfuzzle. You say bumfuzzle? Yeah. Bumfuzzle? Bumfuzzle. B-U-M-F-U-Z-Z-L-E. Bumfuzzle. Is it all one word or is it two words? Yeah, no, it's all one word. Oh, all right. You see now why I was like, I have to do it. All right, fine. Let me get my paper out so I can write it. Yeah, write down bumfuzzle.
bomb puzzle All right, fine. What's it mean? It's a verb, and it means to confuse or fluster. Didn't we already talk about this? I don't know. It's a bumfuzzle, brah. Didn't we already talk about bumfuzzle in a previous episode? Or are we talking about that off a camera? Because aren't we talking about how like Like befuddled or something. Fuck. What was it that we were saying that we found out that it's like two words, but no, no, I did it. Cause the last word before I was like. Slay fourth. What was it? Well, you did the two words.
Sally fourth you did Sally for Sally fourth. That's what it was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Sally for that episode yet. I took like just like a mental week Yeah,
yeah it's been a long week. So I'll get back on that once I get this one So I just gave myself a fuck all week. Role players was already edited a couple of episodes ahead. So I was like, okay, I don't got to do that. So I got a little lucky with, um, I say lucky, I guess I, uh, I was starting to get to the point where like, man, I could really use a day off. And just as I was thinking that my boss came up to me and was like, Hey, just so you know, because of the amount of people we have now, um, only one person can take off at a time and you have too many days.
for the rest of the year. And that's including, I'm taking a week off on my birthday week. She's like, even with that time off, you have too many vacation days still. So you need to use some. So I was like, okay. So I have to go into the office every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I took off this coming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. nice All right. Nobody else is off that week. I still haven't used the whole five days. I only use three.
But I only have to work Monday and Friday. Hey, good for you, my friend. So yeah, this this should be a good week. It's going to be a nice one. Yeah, it's also. um We're going to the movies on Tuesday and my parents are coming to visit. We're going to have dinner. Oh, dang, that's nice. So that's going to be fun. Are you going to go see Wolverine and Deadpool? Oh, we saw that already. We're going to go see Borderlands. Oh, why? Because I'm hoping it's so bad, it's good.
I mean, maybe I guess. I mean, you know what? I took a good point. I haven't seen it. So I can't really say I've heard it's awful. And I love bad movies. So I'm really hoping. I just hope it's bad in an entertaining way. Not bad in a way. Yeah, we fix exactly. like Like what? Like why would they think that this is worth putting out, especially with. Like the caliber of actors that they have, it's just that none of them seem to understand.
Like, but well, we'll see. I don't know. I don't know. Why would they cast Lilith is that person? I don't even remember. The dead pool was so funny. It was funny. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was it was it was a good ride, not as cameo as I would have liked it to be, but still had enough like fun references and just that opening sequence alone of him dancing to I believe it was. Is it insane? Who sings? Yeah, it was insane.
Dancing to in sync while he was slaying all those fools with um With the stingers pretty fun the stinger had me on the floor The stinger about the stinger scene. Yeah The stingers did you not see the stinger? I don't know what you're talking about. Well, we'll talk about it after we're done recording Okay, well, we're gonna talk about stingers. Apparently when we're done um You know what a stinger scene is, right?
It's like it's the scene after the credits. No, a stinger is like a style of like how like something can transition is a transition like you like do like a stinger effect for have something like come in off the screen to be on the screen. That's a what do you call? the So you mean like an end tag after the credits? You mean like the post credit scene also known as a stinger and tag or credit cookie?
I've never heard of that called Stinger. I just know Stinger is like an editing effect that you can do for like a so like a stinger transition. Because it's like. So everybody go to a theater and say, did you guys watch the Stinger thing? Like, what the fuck are you talking about? If you say, did you get a single person I know knows that it's called a Stinger. If you say, did you guys watch the post credit scene? Everybody understands that language, Danny. I'm just letting you know, buddy. That's what you call it. OK, every person I talk to calls it Stinger. Now, if you just say, maybe it's an interesting thing.
It might be like glizzies are in certain areas of like filly or some shit. If I asked anybody in my life who I talked to in person, the exact same question I asked you, did you see the stinger scene? Everybody would know what I meant. Well, it wouldn't be the stinger scene. It would be the stinger.
You said it was called a stinger. Either way, I could say that you see the stinger. Did you see the stinger? That means if we were talking about a movie and I said, did you see the stinger, they would know what I meant. See, but in context, I thought you meant there was a giant bee or that there was some sort of like character named Stinger or like a reference to the wrestler from days of yore. To be fair, it's a Deadpool movie, so any of those could have happened. I understand. Exactly. Which is why I was very confused. Any other movie that wouldn't have been the case I guess but if you use the colloquial language that everybody knows which is post credit scene I would have known exactly what you were talking. Yeah. Yeah, but that's boring
Is it or is it just what it is? just I guess it's a New Jersey thing. its just so It's like how we go to the car and we order a pie. ah guys say that the this What is New Jersey called again? The Garden State. Garden State, yeah. The Garden State needs to grow some better fucking words than everybody understands. Although I thought they wanted to change that.
to the to the um to the state next to Pennsylvania State. The tri-state area, the third of the tri-state area. Yeah, to we're not Philly State. To we're not New York State. if We're not New York. Yeah. We're only known because we're near New York State. Actually, you know, it's really cool. ah ah I might go and do with ah Beluga is Uh, they're doing an open casting for, um, people for happy Gilmore two in New Jersey. That movie doesn't need to happen. Just let it, it doesn't, but I might be in the background of it. God, why just, they just leave it be look, it's, I don't even care if the movie's good or bad or whatever. How often do you get the chance to be a background character in a movie all the time? People are casting background characters.
and extras all the time, every day. Look it up. There's tons, maybe where you are, but I live in New Jersey. No, you live in the fucking woods out in the middle of Bump fuck nowhere in New Jersey. That's different. You live out in the fucking woods where like all the deer live. Like, you know how hard it was for me to find your place the first time? Like, like where the fuck are all the houses? Like, where am I going? For everybody listening, the town I live in, uh,
or my, not even in the town, but like the whole zip code, everything is nine streets big. Yeah. It's just, i it's literally two cars and a bunch of like, um,
or two streets with a bunch of cross streets and that's it. I had to stop and ask a fucking rabbit for directions because I was lost. Like he I fucking had to pay him in carrots. Like I did not understand where I was going while I was talking to him. I was passed up by a moose and I was like, where is that guy going? I had no idea where I was out in the fucking middle of my life. All of my life, I lived 10 minutes from where I live now and I had no idea this town existed.
Exactly. We found out where the house, like where this house is located. And we looked at the town. They were like, what? Where the fuck is that? Yeah. So I love that you're just like, hmm, it's called a stinger. And I'm like, what the fucking woods? You live where the bees in the wasp live. Of course, you call it a stinger. They say, did Mrs. B tell you that before she dropped off your morning honey for your coffee or cereal? We call it over here a stinger.
Well, it's my favorite kind of way to talk about a post credit scene. Yeah. And you're like, oh, if only there were more movies filmed out this way. And like, first of all, Zach Braff made a Zach Braff made a whole movie about the Garden State. His most famous movie he's ever directed is called Garden State. Yes, I'm looking at it right now. There's plenty of opportunities. You just live out in the middle of of the fucking Pennsylvania out there. Well, guess what? This This casting call is only like a half hour away from where I live It's not in like Trenton, which is you know, like an hour and a half from me Mm-hmm, right. It's actually all I'm like trends and all I'm saying is you could likely find something More often than you think but you say how cuz I'm gonna get to meet Adam Sandler.
First of all, you're not going to get to meet Adam Sandler. And frankly, I don't know if I want to meet modern day Adam Sandler. Have you seen me? I may be the background character that like runs up to him and is like, oh my god, what's going on? And then he pushes me away and continues the scene. You're telling me that i need I'm to believe that you will go up to a stranger and just start talking to them? That you'll talk to a human?
But you won't be because you'll be a background character. And also, it's me. Right. I'm the most extroverted introvert people have ever met. Right. But yeah, it's not like you would do it. Yeah. But you were surprised that I talked to strangers in a bookstore and that's you're telling me that it's Adam Sandler. i I've seen his movies. I I know what he's like on a personal level. Me and him are friends. And that's not going to be dangerous for you at all.
That's how that works, right? I'm very happy for you to explore that about yourself and understand. It's always a good idea to meet your heroes. Yeah. I'm actually not even a huge Adam Sandler fan. I was going to say, I don't think I've even seen Happy Gilmore, but I have to be honest.
It's a good movie. Overall, it holds up like there's a few things that are kind of like, ah, but overall, I think it's a decent movie still. Although Billy Madison still holds up one of the funniest movies. I watched it last year with my former flame at the time or my girlfriend at the time. And it's still just it's still just as funny to me. I still have the one where he's like.
It goes back to the great rich or something. Oh, yeah, he has a rich his his father owns like the Madison estates and there's some like weaselly dude that wants to take it over because Billy's like just like this drunk alcoholic that doesn't like do anything with his life because his dad pays for everything. Then he finds out they never finished school properly because his dad paid his way through school because Billy Madison like sucked at school.
And so then he made a deal. He's like, all right, oh what if I go back to school and pass all these grades by myself, like for two weeks at a time? And if I do, then you'll give me the company instead of giving it it to somebody else. And then comedy ensues. There it is. Yeah. You know, you want to, you want a hot, uh, what's it called? Hot opinion, whatever it's called. It's called a hot take you garden state fool. You want to know how you're a hot opinion.
Jesus Christ, you want a hot opinion? You want to hear one of them their spicy opinions? I was going to say, did you grow that term out of your little garden state, too? Oh, my God. Y'all want a hot opinion on that stinger? I tell you what. Why don't you come over here, grab yourself a pie, a pizza pie? Please tell me your hot opinion.
I need it. I really like the movie Click. Ah, ah ah it's OK. I don't hate that movie. He wanted a remote that controls the universe. Yeah. I mean, and that wasn't one of his best movies, but I had memorable parts and it had Dave David Hasselhoff and a lot of people seem to hate that movie. I was like, it's got a nice message. And I i'm even with that nice message, I really want a remote that can just skip me through work.
I don't want to do that because like, what if you miss something? So it's like fast traveling in a video game and then you miss out on. But see that the thing is he was an idiot and was like, I want to skip all the way until I'm promoted or something like something big that could take months. I just want to skip the work day. Right. So like it's just, but you know, to like clock in to out is just a blur, which is fine with me because I just have, I have like a very stable job where I just show up and do the same thing every day. It's not like I have a job where a monkey wrench is thrown into things all the time. Right. A monkey's wrench. Yeah. There's no, there's no. Ape wrench. Right. Simeon wrench. Is that your hot, is that your hot opinion on what the name of the. That's my spicy opinion. Right. Of course it is.
opinion So anyway, we managed to talk for an hour and only answer one question and do bumfuzzle as our word of the day. pinon l caente I feel like this is either going to be our best episode of TOQ or our worst one.
Hey guys, just if you listened to this fucking stupid episode today, can you just like go to podchaser dot.com slash TOQ or that's our queue and just rate the hell, just give it a one star. Just tell us it was bad so that we know not to do it. Pick this particular episode, find it when it comes out and then just go to podchaser you can review individualized episodes and then just like review bomb it like write bad stuff about it uh put one star on it rate it if you hate it is what we say over on world players so just just rate it if you hate it this time okay um we had a great time talking and honestly for about 25 minutes of that conversation i forgot that we were still recording um
When Danny was talking about the movies and everything, my brain was just like, oh, yeah, we're out. We're just talking at this point. Yeah, we're just talking. I've honest to Christ, my brain told me because of how mushy it is right now that we stopped recording a while ago and then I already signed off. um So sorry about that. I was not very present because I was just listening to Danny's story. You didn't do anything bad, right? It's not like you thought we were off. So you were like, oh, man, I fucking hate this the audience. They all suck.
which I usually do after we're done recording. Yeah, Daniel usually say some shit. He hits the stop button. I'm usually like, man, fuck the listeners. Usually goes like, man, my fucking mom listens to this. What the frick?
What a what a what a just lovely believe those rubes. They think I love them. Yeah. Can you believe the fact that I got high and drove and they were like, what? We didn't know our kids smoke the ganja like all sorts of crazy. Oh, wait a bit. Wait a minute. I never got high and drove. No, no, no. but That's a pay. Hey, you said that off. You said that off off off recording.
You know i've gotten high and i've driven the car but i've never got high and driven i know i said that. but I've just you' done those two things together. I didn't say that you did. I said but you got high and that you drove much trouble. I didn't say you did them at the same time. you You assume that's what I was. Yeah, I'm right. I did because I like to make an ass out of me and you. I was going to say, you know what happens when you assume as you come up with a different fucking saying because you're in New Jersey. That's what happens.
You don't say you don't speak the same language as do you freak. Look, all I'm saying is somebody cut me off today. And of course they were from Pennsylvania. Of course they are because they are. Because you don't deserve the road. Wow. and then so that' That's more of a Kimmy thing. Kimmy was a shit like that. I don't fucking care.
um But anyway, let's wrap up this episode, shall we? um Can you even call it an episode? it's It was a spin off. No, it was an episode in a way that like you can have a psychotic episode. um god You know, it's not like fit for TV or even for broadcast, but it was an episode of something. Yeah, this is the one that just kind of the mega fans will know it's there.
Yeah, honestly. Yeah. I'm just going to forget this one. We did this until someone's like. Until I see my mom and she's like, what the hell were you on? And she'd be like, why the fuck did you release such a dumb episode the other day? You said, why are you guys asking me for ten thousand dollars? Well, we told you why we want the ten thousand dollars. We put a whole freaking business pitch in this one. Yeah. Listen here, are rich people who are listening. If you've if if you want to. You know, help us. ah do something sexy with money, invest.
um And yeah i'm not I'm not starting like an only dance. I didn't say to start an only dance. I just said something sexy with money. See, just like how you how you got high and you drove. Now you're just trying to make other new stuff.
Ah, ah, daddy guarantee. So anyway, let's move on and just wrap this up for fuck's sake. Anyway, Danny, do you have anything that you want to say to the audience before we leave? Thank you so much. If you're still here, I applaud you. Like, seriously, you deserve it. If you like hearing me talk, check out stories from odd folks. If you like hearing Beluga in all these episodes, she's the strong silent type. Check her out on role players guild. She streams D&D.
If you like us, tell us because I could use a good compliment from somebody that's not constantly complimenting me. It feels more authentic when it's from somebody else. You don't think my compliments are authentic? no you're No, no, no, no. That is not what I mean.
So first you get high to get a compliment from a stranger is always like a level above because, you know, you're you're my friend. It's of course you give me compliments because you're a nice person. Right. But a stranger has no ah need to give me that compliment. they They went more out of their way to do it in a way. um You know, this feels better when it's a compliment from a stranger than just your friend who always gives you compliments.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm used to your compliments and I'm taking them for granted. I was going to say, that sounds more like a you problem, not a me problem. Yes. Justify my existence, people, please. Yeah. Terry, compliment your son more. Apparently, he's really needy this time of year. Oh, just i here oh you think I'm bad now until October when my birthday hits. Yeah, exactly. It's already getting close. I'm getting to the age now where it just makes me depressed.
No, not me. I love getting older.
Turning 30 was rough. I'm excited to get a tube in my bum. Okay. Well, that's good. I'm happy for you for that. A camera in there too. To get all those tasty polyps that I don't know how to get to you on my own. I'm excited. Have you tried? at Tons of times. Oh, I shouldn't say tons, at least more than a dozen. Yeah.
Mm hmm. But not with like tools or anything. Just I want to see how how far I've I could venture to request myself. I do honestly want to start getting my. ah The prostate exam, though, I do want that. Yeah, I was in the family that we've had issues with that before. Listeners, go get your your your your stuff, Jackman.
ain't nothing wrong with it. Ain't nothing weird about it. Well, there might be something wrong with it. That's why you get it right. But there's nothing wrong with the the getting the procedure. Very safe, effective outpatient procedure. Just go get it done. It saves lives. Trust me, I'd rather you have a camera up your asshole now and catch whatever's going on.
then leave it go untreated until you go to the doctors because you can't even walk straight and you find out you have cancer. So just go fucking do it so you get the thing that you think will be the most uncomfortable out of the way now so you don't have to suffer the really uncomfortable and potentially deadly thing later. Go get your ass checked, okay? And who knows? You may even discover something about yourself that you like it. Right, but see, now you gotta scare all the people who are running away from their gayness away. Oh yeah, I know. I don't want listeners like that.
Um, you don't want people who are afraid of their own gain is we're trying to help now come out people that are openly like able to be gay. Gay is not gay is fine. But but I want people who are straight to also enjoy some anal stimulation. Sorry, Terry. um So um anyway, Danny, you are saying about something and then somehow we got on this episode is Will you just say thank you and then thank you. It's always been my dream. It's his dream come true to have a show where you guys listen. and He can talk and it's not him playing a tabletop role playing game. OK, this is a dream come true for him. So go ahead and follow him at go ahead and follow him at the Garden State sucks on Twitter. That is not my Twitter. But you know what? Go on there and tell them you love Danny guarantee and we'll see what happens.
I don't care. I'm sorry, New Jersey. I got no beef with you. I'm just channeling Kimmy today. I like how at the start your brain was mush, and now my brain is just mush. I caught a second wind. I didn't. You took it from me, you jerk. I did. I took your wind. So, ah yeah. And as for me, I've been at him. You guys have been awesome. And in the meantime, between our next episode, whatever the fuck that's going to be, take care of your mind. Take care of your heart. Most importantly, for the love of all things sacred in this universe, take care of each other. Take care of each other. That's right.