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A Clepsydra Half Full

That's Our Q
12 Plays25 days ago

Today, we talk about a glitch in the system and how to stop interrupting people

good that's my fault dan no it's you and all right yeah good morning good afternoon and good evening ladies gentlemen my non-binary folks who versus no ino rubber but that's not role players as theoke that's pretty cute oh man you as you can set it and you messed it up I know I was really trying to just power through it, but I was practicing for role players all this time I forgot that this is not that That's our queue, guys. I host a lot of shows. That's our queue, or TOQ for short, where we take your questions. Oh, shit, I didn't think of a thing. Oh, I got one. Where we take your questions and, you know, maybe we meet them on a dating app and that question happens to be married. But the two questions are really comfortable with the idea of the question, seeing you or me or Danny, and we hang out and eventually we get a whole lot of A's together.
and i'm in a lot a lot is not good anyway for those of you don't know that this means that any not take questions from the internet and answer them as if anybody gives a shit to hear what we have to say. My name is that if i already said that before and of course i mentioned danny hello daniel hello and if you're wondering what that a thing was about madam and i are married now.
Mm hmm. So congratulations, Mazel taught to us. Can I call Terry and Gabe mom and dad now? Absolutely. Sick. Give me ten thousand dollars. You only want me for my money.
No, I only want your parents. Yeah, that's true. I don't have any. I haven't met them yet, so I only have them as names and like a few. I don't really think they have ten thousand dollars to just throw around either, though. I bet. You know what, though? I am willing to bet that your mom would find some buried in the backyard if she'd be like that, Adam, fellas, just so so sweet that I would love to fund his dreams. And then, yeah, there we go. You think so?
I do. I think if she met me for a little while and your dad met me for a little while, either they would be really put off by me because I'm too much energy or they'd be like, wow, this guy's a breath of fresh damn air. He can have whatever he wants, you know, and I'm willing to roll the dice to see what happens.
Anyway, and they're going to be like, yes, of course we'll give you the money, of course. And as soon as you walk out the door, they'll turn to me man and go, you're not allowed to see him anymore. Or they'll text me separately and be like, we had to tell Danny, you couldn't see him anymore. But that's only so that way he can't see the transactions we have between. Right. oh Yeah, I'm. Yeah. And then they all clapped.
And scene. Anyway, Danny, are you ready to answer some questions today? i i'm So ready to answer some questions to today. So, so this is from, uh, one of the last sets of newer questions I've done. I've been very lazy on accruing new questions. Um, so I got to get back on that, but this is one of the last fresher groupings that I've created. So let's see how we do. This first one is from the random thoughts thread and is from user cheetah cheese cake, uh, or cheetah cheese cakey. Cause there's an extra E on the end there. Um, they say, is it weird to say, bless me when you sneeze?
Does anyone else do this? I kind of use it like I chew. Bless me in place of excuse me or pardon me. But I did the other day and my friend said it was weird lol. What do you say, Danny? It is a little weird. I can I can definitely see it happening. um It's kind of like a replacement to excuse me. Mm hmm. However, I also use bless me. But when I do it,
Uh, it's more of a, uh, witty, not witty, but like a, um, you know, if, if nobody said bless you and you want to be like that guy, I would be like, Oh man, bless me. Huh. Bless you, Dan. Oh, thank you, Dan. Yeah. You just kind of, you ham it up. You lean into it. Yeah. You know, really call attention to the fact that nobody said bless you and make them all feel like jerks.
But I can absolutely hear somebody go like ah two ah bless me. Huh? I think it would just, you know, take the place of excuse me. It's different. I wouldn't say it's so weird. It's something you have to stop. It's just quirky, not hurting anyone. Now let me posit this. If I may, what if they say bless me because they have those powers, you know,
What if they took a course online for blessing anomics, right? Or, you know, maybe they work in some sort of, um you know, shrine or chapel or something and they've picked up a thing or two. And so they vanquished the demon the moment expels from their nose or their mouth. Right. It's what what about that? I mean, good for them, first of all, if they can do that, good for them. But I do feel like that's a little bit How do I put it? um so It almost seems selfish. To bless yourself? to to Well, I guess if you're only doing it to yourself. But if you're blessing everybody else, like you if you're going to do that, you better be on top of the bless yous for everyone else. Because otherwise, you're just a jerk. like but you know Making sure your demons are always excised right away. But if anybody else is sneezing and you just kind of let it go, you're a jerk.
Um, right. You know, but, but, but also think about, I mean, and I agree with you, but I think, you know, they say in the past few years, especially during the pandemic era, ah ah the the focus was on self care. Right. And so self care is blessing your own demons for you. Bless others. It's like putting on your own oxygen mask before putting it on a child, you know? Yeah. No, I hear you. But at the same time, like, I dunno, do you want to be a goody two suit, goody two shoes angel?
Yes. You want to be a frickin bad ass devil. Well, why can't you be both? You can be like Constantine, who just like yanks the devil and just goes, bless it, fucking bless it and just like shoots it with a blessing bullet or something. I love, you know, like me. Hot take. I love that movie. Yeah. I don't know how other people know Constantine doesn't really shoot things. He cast spells, but you get the idea. um yeah i'm Well, in the movie, he shot things.
Yeah, in the in the in the Keanu Reeves. Yeah, that's what I mean. and I love that movie. Yeah, i've I'm familiar with it. I haven't seen it all the way through, but a friend of mine always talked about it. But I'm more familiar with Constantine, slash Constantine of the DC universe, which is technically the same character, at least based on the same character. But I don't know if the one Keanu played is supposed to be the same guy or just inspired from that. I don't I don't know if that's technically DC property or not. Mm hmm.
Is in the comic books is Constantine. He always says it's Constantine rhymes with wine. That's what he tells people. Maybe he's saying it's Constantine rhymes rhymes with ween. You don't know. Pretty funny if you did. Yeah. But anyway, it'd be like Constantine, like just like blasting the demon in the face after he makes sure that he is safe. Cause what's the point of trying to attack your demon? If it just going to crawl up my nose or mouth, you know, it's fair. Yeah.
No, I get it with the oxygen mask idea. yeah Yeah. Now, what if now what if now, Danny, listen, now what if I'm i'm listening. I got you. What if I'm tuned in the those who don't say bless you don't say it because they don't have that power.
And they don't say, God bless you, because it sounds like they're making a demand or just like putting like another, you know, one of those little tickets on God's desk of like, here's another one you have to do today, boss, before you can clock out. Here's your list of blesses.
Right. Like, you know what I mean? What are those things called where you have like those like very dangerous looking paperweight things with a large spike on it and you slap like your receipts down on it when they're paid? Yeah, yeah. I'm talking about or when they need paid. I can't remember which. Like a thing in restaurants they would like shove it on there when it's done.
Yeah, ah first of all, how is that still a thing? That's dangerous as fuck. That's like a lawn dart. But also like, yeah, like they just slap out like a boss is another one phrase like, oh, my God, I just want to go home to see my wives and see my wives in 10 years. Yeah. So, you know, I'm the father, the son and the Holy Ghost. I have three wives. Apparently, you're kind of Jewish. Yeah, I'm a little Jewish. um little You know, I got the father and the wives and the three kids.
Look, hot take, I agree. Jesus was 100% Jewish and I don't pray with anybody. So actually, it makes perfect sense. Absolutely. God is Jewish because Jesus is Jewish. That's right. I said it. Come at me, Christians. I don't care. um But anyway, the point is, is what if those people don't say bless you because they don't have the power and they don't want to burden God?
then you say bless me to yourself because you feel like they can't help you, you know? Yeah. No, I, I get what you mean. It, it makes sense. Um, the only real problem with all of that is
I don't know how much I believe in in saying bless you, actually blessing you from demons and stuff. Right. It's more of a colloquial. Yeah. You know, I say it because it's like the nice thing to do. And I believe it has something to do with the heart stopping to like bless you. So you don't die or something. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. yeah um Like the only time I feel like somebody really needs a blessing after sneezing to make sure that they're OK.
Is when you have a sneezing attack and you're driving and like, you can't keep your eyes open. I've been there and I hate that. Oh, you don't keep your eyes open him when you sneeze. I can't. Oh, interesting. I don't know if you're supposed to be able to, like, I don't think anything bad will happen.
No, no, not at all. Your body can't. It doesn't produce that much pressure that it would hurt me. But I mean, there's the rumor, yeah, that your eyes will pop out. But I don't. There's also the rumor that if you're holding a sneeze, you kill brain cells. Well, that one, maybe I had a best friend in grade school used to do that whenever he had the sneeze, he would plug his nose and just let it. I don't know. Go nowhere.
And this comes out your ass later. That's all it does. Oh, that's fine. Yeah, you sneeze. out Yeah, it's painful every time. I don't know why you did that. Holding it in. Yeah, he would he would physically like hold his nose closed like if he was going underwater so that when he sneezed, it just stopped there. And it looked painful. He did not wear goggles. He wore glasses. OK. You know, I had a question about Italians that I wanted to you know, ask you about. i It's kind of unrelated to everything. Yeah. So someone recently told me that you might have also said this to me way back when, and maybe um'm ah I don't remember, but I was told just like two days ago ah about this um custom. I guess that if you're born and raised in Italy, there's a custom in Italy that
Like if somebody were to offer you something, you're supposed to decline the at least one time before you accept it. Because if you don't, that's rude. And I was curious if you had ever heard of that before. No, i've I have no idea. Oh, I don't know much about Italian culture. I am just Italian blooded. Gotcha. I was just curious because, yeah, they said that they were first um first generation um American that came to Italy and they were telling me about like, Oh, you know, I'm used to like people not saying no and people want to help me with stuff. And I think it's probably because like I was raised in this town where like, you know, if somebody offered you something, you had to say no the first time. Cause if you said yes right away,
It was considered rude, even by the person offering it to you, which, you know, not to bash any cultures, but that would be like a culture shock for me. Like, like if someone said, like if someone said, hey, do you want a piece of this cake? And I go, absolutely. And they're like, fucking asshole. yeah ah Americans. I mean, I can totally imagine Americans. They're always a doing right. Exactly. What a prick. He's like, yeah, you know, of course he would say yes. Fucking fat ass. Yeah. Yeah. You'd have to be careful because you might hear a little like a fungal or two underneath their breath.
Yeah. Oh, fun. Gula, you you said. But no, yeah, I don't. I was just thinking about that because we were talking about something. What are we talking about? Sneezes and somehow sneezes. Maybe you think of bless you and bless you. Maybe you think of that in the Vatican. and Think of Italy is and stuff. And Italy made me think of that ah thing that that person shared with me.
um Anyway, you want to answer another question? I would love to. Yeah, let's do it. I think we explain we answered that one aptly. You know, I was um if I may tell you this, I was secretly playing a little game with myself and you throughout this conversation to see if I could make this very basic question of is it weird to say, bless me, last more than a couple of minutes.
Oh, and we made it last for like 10. Yeah. Do you really need a game for that? We have an entire show where all we do is dick around for what should be 20 minutes and make it into an hour and a half. That's true. Did you really need to experiment on that one? Yeah.
Yeah, yeah. oh it know I also just I also just typed to Justin because Justin and I are in like this new thing where he always talks about wanting to make more videos together. And I believe part of them does. But he just doesn't want to commit to doing it or getting together. But he wants to do there's like this guy PD that he likes to watch that we think is funny.
And PD does a lot of these ones where he talks to himself, but he's like so good at editing it and everything. There's like six of them in a video. It's very dry. Um, so just someone to kind of make similar style videos for fun. And so he's been just like typing, like a Google docs worth of like stupid shit that he wants to make videos for that. I feel like we'll probably never get to, but so I typed them one earlier about the grand Canyon, like a stupid idea I had about a grand Canyon skit. And just now I said, okay, I have an idea. Italians asked me to elaborate later when the show's over.
I was going to put, and cake. Italians. Italians and cake. Don't ask questions. Again, no offense to my Italian listeners, because I know we have a few out there. i It's just a joke. But I do think it's like as an American, like that was just like I just made that skit in my head where I'm just like, you want cake? Yeah. Thank you so much. Fucking dick. I've seen. yeah I have seen something similar with that. Or I read about something similar with that where somebody went to Japan. And the culture there is that if you own a shop or you are the shopkeeper,
Uh, when somebody buys something, you have to bow lower than the ah but lower than them lower than the customer. So this person obviously didn't know the culture as well. They're from another country, probably America. I don't remember. And they were talking about how they thought they, as the customer had to go lower. So they started going into like this bow off before they realized like, every time I bowed lower, the cashier would bow even lower.
So then the customer would bow lower and they'd just keep going. They were essentially just playing like reverse limbo at that point. Yeah, they're like- They were like, is that trying to bend over backwards or bending over forwards? They were like, we bowed to each other about five times, each lower than the last before I realized like, oh, I guess I have this backwards.
Just imagine a competitive American that just like lays on the floor and starts being a snake. He's like, beat this. Beat this. I'm going to bow lower than you. I'm like, I bet you this person thought that was hilarious. The shopkeeper was like, fuck this person. Stop making me go lower.
It's interesting, the colloquial things that you that you pick up in your social norms, you know, where it's very common for us to say, bless you, you know, where others might just be like, all right, that person sneezed or don't say yes on the first offering of cake. You know, I forget where it is, but somewhere a thumbs up is like a big insult to.
No, man, you know, but I was crazy because like I'm always stomach everybody. Yeah, I always shove my thumb up people's asses. I didn't say I was doing that, Danny. Oh, sorry. I just i thought i just I was reading between the lines. No, you were reading between the cheeks is what you were doing. Yes, I was. Sorry. I just I heard what I want to do ah here. I heard what I want to hear.
This question is from and but responsible cry six, six, nine, one, all a responsible cry. I like a good responsible cry. yeah Don't be irresponsible with your crying. They say, how do you avoid interrupting people during conversations? This one is for my yappers. Any tips? Well, you could be like our friend Adrian and just talk over people.
but yeah you Just talking about that earlier today But yeah, I mean the way I do it is if I happen to hear somebody else start talking um I will stop and let them go usually they'll also stop and then we do that awkward. No, you know you but um If that happens to me about two to three times in a row I will just say it without stopping and I will just go over everyone else because at that point I've been trying to two or three times and nobody noticed and was like, Hey, Dan, what are you trying to say? Um, if I'm in a conversation and somebody keeps getting talked over, I will usually be like, yeah, no, I know what you mean. So, so-and-so you, you were trying to say something too, ah you know, I'll steer the conversation to it. Um, yep.
But yeah, you just just start talking. And if somebody else starts going, you can either stop to be nice, keep going. you know If you think you were talking first, you could just keep going. Or if you keep getting stopped, just keep going and just go. You got to just commit.
Well, I want to make sure that I bring it back to they're asking about how do you avoid interrupting during conversations? Sorry, not how do you keep talking? um um Just so they're asking. They're asking like now I do think um'm I'm wondering if they're thinking like, oh, if we're having a one on one, how do I stop talking when somebody else is talking maybe? Or maybe they just have that problem with like when something pops into their head, like if you're talking to me and it makes me think of something, they just want to say it.
door I don't know. I wait, give it a second when the person stops talking, give it an extra second, make sure they're done, and then go. and if you know You'll mess it up sometimes. I mess it up all the time and start talking when they do again and I go, oh, sorry, go ahead, keep going. I'll you know i'll talk later.
um you know it's Nobody's going to be insulted if you accidentally start talking at the same time or if they do that's their issue. um Just stop, say sorry, go ahead and let them finish. That's all. it's Yeah, I think i think um something that ah something something worth mentioning for this is having the self-awareness that you're doing it is a good step because a lot of people don't recognize that
I'll oftentimes they're directing conversation back to them about them. Where as long as you're not trying to bogart the conversation in a way that's You know, like Danny said, like, Oh, I thought of this thing. You know, like I had this friend, longtime friend for, gosh, since like eighth, ninth grade, I can't remember. Uh, and he's kind of like a rival of mine and we always try to outdo each other and stuff. There's something I noticed as he kept getting older and I have some ideas from his childhood as to why he does this, but.
It was always, anytime he was sharing about anything or we were having a conversation, there was a lot of I and me in it, like not you or, and there was never any questions of like to take the conversation back to another person. So it's good to be aware of that because like he would just wait for his moment to talk about what he wanted to talk about or talk or to relate to himself. Cause he liked the attention of like, Oh, I am the subject. Cause that's what I know how to talk about.
You know and doesn't make him a bad person by any means but it is something to be aware of so. If you do find like danny said apologize but if you do find that you are interrupting and maybe you do start to go on like a little bit of a.
Tangential ride. Try to have the wherewithal to bring it back. I'm like, Oh, I need to ask a question back, you know, to give it, give it back to them. Cause if you've already kind of taken it over, you have to pass the ball back. So you can say, Oh, but you know what? I'll follow up on that in a second. So tell me more about what you were saying, or or how did you respond to that? You know, like throw the ball back to them and then like, it'll feel a little less egregious. Cause at least you're playing tennis and you're not just hogging the ball and running around with it.
And so yeah, once the ball is chucked back to them, then they can pick back up wherever it is that they left off. Or if they're really intrigued on what you're saying, then they'll just say, no, no, no, please continue my liege. I want to hear more of the things you were talking about. And then everything is fine. Yeah.
Wow, that is an amazing answer that is so well and cohesive. It's like no time had passed between the start and ending of that answer. That's great. You can't make those jokes without telling everybody because no one's going to know what you're talking about. See, I picked that up perfectly. I don't care about that. I could have edited. I don't care if they get it. It's still funny to you. You're doing terrible with the not interrupting thing. You know, I'm just trying to, you know.
I was sorry go ahead what was the point of even me trying to pick up where we left off I would have just told them hey Danny's internet fucked up now I forget where I was talking about you know what guys I was gonna make it a clean edit ah you wouldn't have had any idea that we had any sort of hiccup in production but That's right. And I fucked it. And Danny was all like, oh, I didn't break it. How do you know it's my fault, Adam? him I'm like, because your file isn't downloading on Zencaster. You're the one that's always having sound issues. And no one else I talked to tells me these things. And then he says five seconds later, yeah, my wife jumped into a Discord call with like 80 people. That probably taxed her internet really bad. I'm like, yeah, I know, Danny. I i didn't say 80. I said a lot. Which is like 80.
But anyway, I was just going to make that as I always said what I said. You heard what I said. I'm just going to keep it in here that we had a break in time for about five minutes while I had to figure out like god if I could recover the files that Danny's had that was corrupted. And then I got them. I had to go listen to him to figure out what we said last because Danny doesn't listen. He's not present in our conversations. He couldn't remember anything I was talking about. dude It was bad. I was like, what's the last thing you heard? He goes, um.
What were we talking about? What was the last question? I was like, man, I thought I was bad. I can't help it. I live in the moment. You live in the moment and then make no memories because you forget them the moment that you have them. But anyway, so yeah, I was just going to make it a clean edit. So you already heard my thoughts. That's how I feel. Throw the ball back if you do interrupt. That's the point of the conversation. Throw it back. Yes, I agree. I think that's a good way to do it.
yeah And you can usually tell if somebody wants to say something like that's true That's you know every time you take a breath if you see them kind of perk up like oh, it's my turn You can see like hey They want to say something like maybe take a break from your thing or when you finish up say hey, so what's up, right?
And something that you all may or may not know is this is an audio only show. When we record, we're also not on video because a lot of people will do video, but only post the audio. So we don't have that luxury. So there's a lot of times you'll probably hear me go to start, but then not realize Danny's still going. And so then like I stopped like just a moment ago, I can see it on our waves where I was going and, but then he kept going. I was like, ah, fuck, he's not done. Cause Danny sometimes we'll talk. I'll talk with full like machine gun sentences and Danny will talk with a little bit more pauses in between thoughts. And so I never know if he's done or not.
um Yeah you think with those pauses i'm thinking of what i'm gonna say next but no i'm just buffering yeah he's yeah yeah he's just waiting to load. um Yeah yeah so anyway so is no if you ever hear that with us a big part of that is like you can see as he just said.
like their facial expressions, maybe they'll lift their hand to say something, their mouth will start to open. They'll look at someone as if like excited to respond to something like you can see that where a lot of times like over the phone, it's especially harder if it's just audio because you do lose a lot of those cues to like you don't have body language anymore. So, but yeah, look for that too. If you do, but if you do see it, you can also recognize like if they're actually upset that you stomped on their thought, you know, because I'll just like get deflated.
but Can I tell you one of the dumbest things that I do as an introvert? I guess. so Everybody calls me the extroverted introvert because I am an introvert, but I've worked very hard to try and be outgoing. It's called an ambivert.
I do still have those introverted tendencies and I've recognized how stupid some of them are and and just crazy. One of which, I did this all through school and I would still do it to this day, I bet, is when the teacher turns around, if I have a question or some, I will raise my hand.
And then when they turn around and look at the class, I suddenly get self-conscious and lower my hand, like to like head level. And I'm like barely even holding it up. Then she'll turn back around and face away and I'll raise it all the way again. Cause I'm like, Oh, well I still have a question. And yeah, ah some you said, just made me think of that. And it's just, it's silly. The things we do. Yeah. You know, that's not really so much introverted introversion, is just how you recharge. That's just kind of just being an awkward human.
Good. Yeah. Now I feel better about myself. Thanks, Adam. um you Hey, I'm here to help. I was going to say. Introversion, I think people often conflate what extroversion and introversion means, you know, that's why I know very many outgoing introverts that are just like, and I would never call them extroverts because an extrovert is somebody who charges up by being around other people. Justin, my best friend, Justin is probably the closest thing to and an ambivert. I know in any other instance, he'll stay ahold up in his house, not doing anything all day and be perfectly content, happy as a clam. But.
but What he'll tell you, in his words, he says, when I get around Adam, I don't know what happens to me, but then like I'm all powered up when I'm in a group with Adam. you know Because then like he's a totally different guy. um He lets himself out. Damn. That's like your dream.
right so he'll tell me like he like I feed him to like let out his energies but it usually only happens when he's near me so I'm kind of like a conduit for for him but then you wouldn't know that he's this awkward shy dude because he just loses that but but again at the end of the day I think in those moments, he feels energized because like he's feeding off the crowd. He likes to perform. So that's why I'd say he's probably closest thing to an ambivert that I know. But he would still very much prefer to be alone in his house, maybe with a girl if he can get one. And that's it with his cats. I'm not saying he can't. I mean, like if he can get one to, you know. How's that buzz feel, Justin? I'm sorry about that.
But yeah, but yeah, you know, yeah um, ladies, he's single. He is single and Justin is a good dude. He just, and here's the thing, ladies, he. It's really tough to get to do stuff if you're not a woman, but if you're a woman that will probably let him touch your butt, he'll do anything you want him to do. Like if you, if I said, Hey, Justin, let's go on a road trip. He'll be like, nah, fuck it, man. That sounds like a lot of work. But if you're like his girl or dating him, you say, Hey, Justin, let's go on a road trip. Oh yeah. Pack my bags right now, sweetie. You know, like he's just like, he's definitely a, you know,
motivated by you know the intimacy of a woman more so than the friendship of his actual man friends. I'm going to take this as a question for today. yeah I've been talking about him a lot. yeah Dan, I have a friend that doesn't, I think you actually asked this the last episode. are like you You're like, how do I not be insulted by this? well here's Dan, what should I do about this? Well, here's what you do.
You find out what dating website he's on and you catfish the hell out of him, right? You be this girl, you say, hey, I want to go on like this really nice camping trip with you all weekend and all this. Oh, sure, girl. Yeah, no problem. And then you show up. Maybe wear a wig, you know, and just drag his ass off to that camping ground. You know, that is Not the worst idea that I would honest to Christ if I didn't need the dating apps anymore because I think you don't have one profile at a time because I know he's on hinge right now. So like I would totally just rework my hinge profile and then just like try to find him um and just ask like a friend of mine to let me use her pictures for a little bit um or just get one of those shitty little AI ones, I guess. And then, you know, just message him and just see if he says I.
I was absolutely expecting a no, Dan, absolutely the fuck not. So the fact that you even entertain the idea but is why you're like my best friend. All of my friends are around here would have been like, shut up, Dan. That's such a stupid idea. I was going to say, have you but you entertained it and I appreciate that beyond the words. And it's not just for entertainment value, Dan. I would do it.
but honey I know you would. I know you would. I bet you the girl I'm talking to now would probably help me catfish, my friend. I bet you I could get her to do it for me if she sees him on there. Just say, hey, look for a guy that looks like this. you good Oh, I might. I'm actually going to message her right now.
ah No, she's with her wife. I'll wait. Oh, wait. Damn it. I'll wait. um But I wait. Oh, when she's done with her wife, when she talks to me, just remind me to ask her, hey, you know, and yes, for anybody reading between the lines, I'm talking to a woman who is married. They're ethically non monogamous. Get off of me. um But like, but yeah, I'm totally going to be like, I was just like, gi like, wow, this doesn't sound good. Yeah. I was going to say, I'm not helping a woman sleep around on her wife. You know, they're both in on it. OK.
Um, but, uh, what was I talking about? But yeah, I'll totally ask her and say, Hey, look for a guy that looks like this. If you haven't already passed them up, you know, like, can you help me catfish my best friend? Oh my God. Oh, that's a documentary. That's like a little mini doc. So you need to film it and make ah like a mini doc. Cause I want to see how this goes. Yeah. It's gonna say how to catfish your best friends. duringring um How to, Oh my God. How, how to,
how to catfish your bed jack justin how did how did jack justin how did jacka adjustin yeah How did catfish your best friend? Catfish isn't where to find them.
Noodling for Justin. You know what? All you noodlers out there who know what noodling is. Listeners of the podcast, hit us with your best title for a documentary on catfishing your best friend named Justin.
Maybe the best one will turn into the title of the video when I make it. Justice for Justin. It wouldn't be justice. It would be injustice for Justin, for sure. Just justice this for Adam. It would be just in case it's a guy. Just just in case it's me.
um You know, it's just in. Yes. So his former girlfriend, whom I met on a dating website and then introduced them because I wasn't feeling it. And then they got together and moved in together for two years, was named Casey. So I gave them the celebrity name, Justin Casey, ah which is just their names together. But it sounds like Justin Case, right? um um Yeah. Anyway, you got a word of the day for us? You sure do. What is it? Give me a sec.
OK, I was going to say, yeah, it's got it. But pick a conversation. It's honest. Can I tell you? I love it. Can I tell you that this show for me, since you jumped on board, has become more of an extension of my original podcast shares a lot where I feel like it's mostly just a place for me to slip in parts of my personal life unabashedly like I used to do on shares a lot. But I have another person there to respond to the shit I say.
I mean, I'm fine with it. I don't care if this show gradually shifts to just talking about our lives. And like I told you this morning, I watched all of Skibbity Toilet the other day because I just had to know. I had to know. I had to look at the I had to know see what I was talking about. And it it's it's good. It's not great, but it's it's not terrible. And I'm like, i that annoys me.
It's adequate. It's cromulent at best. oh it it's It bothers me so much because there are there were parts where I was genuinely like, this is really cool. And then I remembered what I was watching and I i hated myself. You're watching like five second Vine videos. like Yeah, but it's it's nothing that I wouldn't watch before. like I've watched Red versus Blue. Those were only like two minutes long. What are you talking about? That like full on ethics. What?
Later on, but when they first started, weren't they only like a couple of minutes? I don't think so, Dan. I think you're I think you're a little mistaken. um Anyway, it was the same kind of energy as red versus blue. That was a very dumb show, too. What's the word of the day, Mr. Skibbity? Yeah, sorry. ah The day, the day, the year of the way, heard of the way. Oh, God, you got me all sorts of turned around is Clepsidra. Sounds like a drug.
Thank you. How do you say? Any ideas? It is a noun. It's a noun. It's a noun. So you you can have a clepsis draw. You can touch a clepsis draw, maybe. You could. So a noun is a person, place, or thing. So it could be a place. It could be a person. It could be a It could. Clepsis draw. I'm going to say clepsis draw is um It is a. ah It's a synonym for a pair of gloves, a clips, a draw.
OK, yeah, I don't know. It's not. but But I do like having you guess. I kind of like this. I'm like, yeah, I don't. I can't think of any. I would. Can I see how it's spelled so I can make another guess? Yes, I do. It is C L E P S Y D R S word. You're going to say that. because That's how I assumed it was spelled. And I still don't have any. address let's I don't know if it's k CLEP or if it's because there's sigh in there.
What does DRA usually mean? Clepsidra. Clepsidra is a sickness, it's an illness. Do you want me to give you a hand? Yeah. If you were to split this into its two base parts, it's kleps and hydra. That doesn't help me. um Okay. what What starts with kleps?
Well, it's why I picked gloves because I was thinking kleptomania is what I was thinking. Mm hmm. That's the right. That was how I came up with gloves was like, I mean, it starts with K later. It does. Yes, it's kleps as in. but yeah klepto Yeah, exactly. That's why I didn't think it was actually klepsa but or klepto because, yeah, it doesn't start with a K. Right. um It is actually. Oh, interesting. All right. Well, what is that? Hydra. Is water Hydra.
No, that's ah ah yeah there's no agent there. I know. Well, the C and like the K too, but so it's, it's, you steal water, a water stealer, a water thief. So it's, it's an ancient device for measuring time by using the regulated flow of water or mercury through a small aperture. How the fuck am I supposed to put this into the title of an episode? It's a Latinized form of the Greek. Clepsidra from Clepton to steal or conceal and Hydra meaning water.
ah well Ah, the the klepsedras steady drip of water provided a reliable method for tracking time in ancient civilizations. The ancient Greeks employed a klepsedra to time speeches during their legislative assemblies. It looks like you could have like we get um we get sidetracked for a klepsedras amount of time. Huh?
It's a timekeeping device, right? So you could say my, you know, my club's address says that we got sidetracked for an hour and 20 minutes. Like, you know what? My, my club's to draw is empty. I have no more time for you. Yeah. There you go. Uh-huh. Oh, you know what? You know what? I know what I'm going to call the episode. Good. I, I, I had faith. I'm going to call it a club to draw half full.
There you go. See, I knew you had a picture of it and it's got like a little dial on the side. And it's like this little box entrapment where there's like a funnel that water comes down and then trips into another little beaker looking thing that gets compressed by like a piston of some sort. Although it's a little bit more of a primitive looking one. They have different ones, but. Oh, yeah, I see it. It's almost like an hourglass of water. Yeah. But then there's other ones that look like this.
I'd say, look listeners, look it up. There's a couple of different interesting renditions of a clepsidra. um So, you know, enjoy that. Take a look at it. Learn something new today. You'll probably never use that word in the sense. Make the world cry, cry. Anyway, last question. You want to do another question before we go? Yeah, one more question. All right.
if you had no this one's from sarah who is large from ask redit large and in charge set If you had to name your child after a fictional character, who would it be and why? And I know you've already named your bird Link, but let's just say assume that it you had an actual human. No, no, it's fine. um So we've already done this. Oh, really? Yeah, Mel and I have discussed, like, if we have kids, what are their names going to be?
And being the nerds that we are, they are absolutely taken or derived from media. um If we have a girl, her name is going to be Winry Grace. What is it? ah Winry Grace. Winry? Yes, Winry. And anybody that knows anime will know that one. um But that's from an anime called Full Metal Alchemist. There's a girl named Winry. I don't remember who that is.
The, have you seen the show? Uh, some of it. I haven't like maybe, yeah, it's just blonde neighbor, the blonde girl neighbor. Winry. All right. What's your name? Um, and if we have a boy, his name is going to be, um, was it Kaylin? I think it was Kaylin. And that is derived from the books. Uh, the books I'm reading called the stormlight archives. The main character's name is Kaladin.
as we shortened it down to Kaylin. Interesting. So yeah, that's it. if If I had to pick, there you go. I already did. Oh, well, sorry. I don't have any long tangents for this one. ah So if you have top of your head, if you had to pick another one, just first thing you think of. Oh, God.
I do like the name Edward from the same show. Oh my God. Get off full metal picks up. I like full metal. alcohol ah me thanks something well something else I'd name my kid Astro boy. wait No, you wouldn't. Yeah. He'd be Astro boy. And that would be, that would be what we'd call him. And he'd be. I'd name my kid Astro Zeneca. Yeah. I think it's not a pill. It is. Yeah. God, I don't know, man. That's rough. Like this took us a long time to come up with.
Hmm. Let's see. Let's see. All right. How about to name my kid after something in a media? I mean, I do. I do like the name ah Constantine as well. Since we were talking about that before. Yeah, that's a good name. It is a great one. Constantine in my life. It is a cool name. I would not name him Constantine rhymes with wine. So because that's the British pronunciation. That's why. Yeah, it would be teen. Yeah. and The Americanization into rendition is Constantine.
Um, you know what I would, um, now this isn't necessarily after a fictional character per se, but there's a character named Ada Wong from the resident evil series. And when I was younger and like late high school, my first girlfriend and I would talk about kids just for fun. And I always told her that like between our two names, all we had to do is.
shave off a letter at the end of each of our names and we would have a boy and a girl name if we had kids. And so for mine, it was Ada, just take the M off and then we have Ada. Um, and for hers, her name was Andrea and we take the A off and it's Andre. Um, so like, I was like, you know, we're already set. That's easy. Like we can just do that. So like Ada isn't necessarily based off of a fictional character name, but now when I think of Ada, cause I know Ada Wong is the only Ada that I can think of in fiction. Um, so I do think of her a lot and she's hot.
Um, Oh my God. How did I miss this one? So I do have another one. Is it princess peach? Uh, it is not princess peach. Although is it Duke Nukem? Yeah. I'm going to teach him how to chew bubblegum and kick it out. Um, no, uh, mine other one that Mel would never ever let me do. And look, there's going to be a little bit of a joke here that a lot of the viewers aren't going to get.
I'm sorry, but I'm not giving this part out, ah would be Dante. um that From DMC? From DMC, right. But Mel will never, ever let me do that because it rhymes with my last name. Don't say it. Gotcha.
His last name is Dante. There you go, guys. His name is Danny Dante. My name is Danny Dante. Danny, change your screen name right now. His name would be Dante Dante. Change your screen name right now to Danny Dante. That's kind of cool, actually. I do like that, Danny Dante. Daniel Dante sounds a little bit more like professional, maybe like foreign advisor, Daniel Dante.
Yeah, my name is Daniel don't like Danny Dante. That's like that's like a like a kid superhero TV show when I'm that's when I'm there to party. Yeah, when I'm Danny Dante, I'm letting my hair down and my pants are coming off. Danny Dante's here at a party. What would be what would be Dan Dante? Dan Dante.
Dendante. That's when I'm like being suave. right My name is Dendante. If you're trying to be professional, you're Daniel Dente. If you're trying to party, it's Danny Dante. If you're trying to be like real Rico Suave, it's Dendante. That's like your James Bond. The name's Dente. That's how it was for me in real life though was if I wanted to be seen as just you know my normal every day, I would go by Dan.
If I wanted to be perceived as more professional, like I was going to an interview or something, it was Daniel. And if I was at like, and this is relatively recently, but if I wanted to do something more in the entertainment thing where I have a more lighthearted sounding name, it's Danny. Uh, most of my life I hated being called Danny. Interesting.
Yeah, it wasn't until I got a little older and made the name Danny guarantee that I was like, I'm ready. I'm ready because like I want to be silly online. It's kind of like what I like to do. I like to laugh and stuff. I was like, let me take the quote unquote silly sounding name. It's not really, but you know what I mean? Sure. The one that I always thought sounded it's more boyish.
Yeah, let me turn that one into my online persona, since that's the one I want to be like the fun, loving, happy, go lucky guy. It's disarming. It's approachable. Hey, man, don't you know, you have nothing to be scared of. I'm Danny. Right. I'm just Danny. Dan Dante is not here right now. You're talking to Danny. Dan Dante is gone. That's my father. Yeah, father not donete yeah um yeah that's a good name. Dante is a cool name. I've met a few of those in my day.
um I don't hate Virgil, either. I know a Virgil. It's a little too religious for me, though. I mean, Dante kind of is, too. But um but like for from like a different pants, from the coolest story. Yeah, the and the Inferno. um Yeah, the Inferno is like frickin. It's such a badass story. Kratos. No, I'm going to name my kid Mudkip. Mudkip? Yeah, Pokรฉmon. Mudkip. Your Pikachu.
Like my kid. Oh, who am I kidding? Mine would be Peplup. I love that thing. Yeah, that little penguin. Oh, my God, he's so cute. Yeah. Him and Rowlett are my two favorite. Yeah, I mean, there's a I can't I can't think of any characters. Oh, I got one. One last one. I just saw one.
Bender bending Rodriguez Morton. His first words were bite my shiny metal ass. Yeah, exactly. Um, yeah, that, that, that I think Bender would be a cool name. Bender's a bender bending Rodriguez. Can you roll your R's? God.
Oh yeah. i thought But can you say it in a sentence or I'm not saying just roll it as a thing, but and rodo riquez yeah but like without over accenting it, like how quick under ro do oh rodo ri like how quickly can you do it? Like that's like something I've been practicing.
but ari Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez.
okay the top of your skull oh you're crowned um true Either that or it's on the on the upper side where you can't touch. You can't touch the roof of your mouth unless you go in through your nose and touch it. and When we're on the upper side, we we close the car windows. What are you talking about? No. Huh?
you don't know that one oh never mind what the fuck are you talking about it's a joke it's a joke about being the bad neighborhood being the what mr mumble when you go to the up it's the it's a joke about it being the bad neighborhood you know when you get to the upper side oh you roll the car windows up what's i gotta do is rolling your arms No, because you were saying the upper side of your mouth. Oh, it was a stupid joke. Yeah, Danny, I'm sorry. You know, editor, can you please just cut all of this out? I know the editor is Adam and I know he's not going to do it and I'm going to look like. Hang on. Let me ask him. Hey, will you write out the stupid part that Danny said about something about upper rolling windows or some dick like that? Fuck no, let him stew in it.
All right. I talked to him. You know, I tried. You heard me. I tried. um This is see, this is the problem with trying to be more outgoing as a person is like sometimes it bites you in the eye. Sometimes you fall. You know, sometimes sometimes, you know, I tried skating a couple of years in a row and I fell on my ass a lot and realized skating wasn't for me. But, you know, the skating could be for you, Danny. Just keep trying. I'll be here to hold you up. OK. Actually, you know what? but You know, on that note,
I want to give props. I know you'll probably never hear this, but just in case somehow you do, the people that live across the street from me. I see you. I think it's it's a guy and it and his significant other. I see you teaching her how to roller skate down the street.
Fucking kudos. I love that. I love watching you guys go. I love seeing her get better over time. That is awesome. Thank you. That's all I wanted to say. Big shout outs. Big shout out. Teacher, significant other. How to skate. Mm hmm. You know, um, yeah, that's about the end of that, I think.
All right, bye. I'm going to go bury my head in the sand because of what just happened. Yeah. Hey, you know what? um Everybody hurts sometimes. and oh Oh, suddenly my social battery is just, oh, God, it's just gone. I feel you. Bless you. Bless me. God bless. Bless me. Can I tell you that when people say God bless? like I smile, but not because like not because I like God bless, but because of that earlier creator that I told you about named Petey, like he was just he makes these very dry videos. And when I just goes, God bless, like any time he's just trying to like sound excited, but he's like very flat. you got God bless. You know, I just I can't hear God bless without like, first of all, it like the southern mom thing. Right. And I'm just like, God bless or bless your heart.
um Yeah, oh bless your heart is a big one. Bless your heart is pretty much like, oh, wow, you're just so dumb. But you know we're going to try to be nice to you. oh well Bless your heart. Bless your little heart for thinking that you could tell a joke about rolling up windows or something. Bless your heart. That's sweet summer child. Oh, you sweet summer child. Bless your heart, Danny. That was such a good joke. Bless your heart for trying to be funny. Oh, thank you. Oh, thank you. Bless your heart. Oh, my gee will occurs. Yeah, so anyway, Danny, you want to tell everybody anything coming up that you want to talk about? I do.
um ah Well, I don't really have any announcements except ah keep listening to ah stories strange stories from odd folks because I know they have a big story coming out soon. I'm in. no ah So listen to that if you want to hear me do some voice acting, watch Beluga streaming now doing Uh, she just did a Stardew Valley stream. That was a lot of fun. She's doing that with our friend, Kimmy. a lot the g You may know her as, uh, butternut. Uh, wow. Butterscotch cookie butter. Butternut.
yeah Butterscotch cookie butter. Uh, she's also playing devil may cry. Uh, and I believe she's going to play the new Zelda game when it comes out. Uh, echoes of wisdom.
What? There's a new Zelda game coming out. Oh. This is big news. It is? I mean, it's a it's a little one. It's not like a main mainline one. Oh. All right. Yeah. ah But it looks pretty cool. And she's going to play it. Neat. She's playing Don't My Cry and all that other stuff. So check that out. That's Beluga358 on Twitch or YouTube, if you want to watch the VODs.
ah and Thank you all so very much for listening. That is the biggest and most important part here is you. This is a dream come true, as I'm sure Adam's waiting for me to say. No, I'm just going to edit it out. but Oh, you dick. But it's true. um It is absolutely a dream come true. I love doing this. I look forward to it all week. And the reason that we we do this every week besides hanging out with each other is to hang out with you.
And just have you know knowing that people actually listen to it. And Adam was showing me the data for the stream the other day. And I was like, oh, wow. it's like you know, small in comparison to some of the big stuff out there, but it's by far the most successful thing I've ever done online. So I'm like, Oh, this is so cool. Uh, and that's all thanks to you. And I really do appreciate it. Hey, listen, if you listen, just drop your favorite episode that you think is most compelling in like your favorite discord chat or maybe your favorite group chat and say, Hey, I want to get your opinion on my son's podcast. o Did I say my son's podcast? But I mean, it's like this cool podcast that I listened to. Um,
You know, just help us out. It'd be really nice to get some extra years in the vicinity of our. And mom, Terry, ah I wasn't talking your new child, Adam. Is ah very sorry that he callously skipped over all the things you've written about the show. ah First of all, I went back and checked all three emails. There's no question in there. There's no there's nothing in there. I don't know what happened.
I mom right in and tell us where you put the question. Where did you write a minute? You know what? If that doesn't work, you can email me your questions directly at contact the role players at gmail dot.com. Okay. Cause I don't have ah an email for T O Q that's contact the R O L L players at Gmail and I'll get it.
Um, and then I'll field it and then do it my damn self because apparently the website wasn't giving me your questions. But if you also are, I have Instagram, go on Instagram, find random Adam. That's random A T O M with an underscore in the middle and you know, give you the question there and I'll answer it. So what with Danny, of course. Um, yeah, so sorry about that. Don't know why we're not getting your questions. Um, cause I definitely would look, I have, I would have known by now. Huh?
Tsk tsk. Yeah. Stupid internet and it's dumb internet problems. Um, was there anything else you wanted to say, Danny? Sorry. I kind of cut you off. No, no, you're good. Um, I'm done. That's everything I got. All right. Should I get a little baby? Well, Hey there. Then in the meantime, uh, Oh, Hey, listen, actually I do want to pitch something. If you get this far, I've launched a new business on Fiverr right now until I can get more established elsewhere.
The link will be in the show notes if I remember to put it there. um But if you go to Fiverr dot.com, um there will be ah I teach personal training lessons. I'm a personal trainer and I am trying to do more virtual style lessons for people who might be scared to go to a gym or hire somebody because it might be too expensive or too awkward. So I've been practicing with other friends online trying to build some different workout routines and regimens and food trackers and everything.
um and I'm trying to get that off the ground and so the convenience of doing it online as i can be anywhere you can be anywhere and you don't need a whole lot of space to do it it's all body weight exercises the only piece of equipment aside from yourself and i ask you to bring to your sessions is a beach towel cuz i have some really cool workouts you can do for resistance training just for the beach towel so.
If it sounds like something you want to do, or if you know somebody who might want to get in on it, uh, the link to the, um, story will be in the show notes. But if you also search reloaded on, uh, Fiverr, cause it wouldn't let me change my name. That's R E L O D E N T.
Uh, you'll find me and, uh, you know, check it out. If you want to spend some time with me or if you want to do some sessions, I have three different brackets that you can look for to try that out. So I just, I knew I was trying to remember something I wanted to pitch now that I launched it officially. So, um, yeah, no, that was good. That was a good call. Yeah. So, and Danny helped me kind of construct the pricing and and the the format a little bit and beluga helped me.
And Adrian's been helping me and Sean's been helping me and Cass and Dixon have been giving me their input. It's been very helpful to get some feedback. And I think I'm ready to officially get it out there, but it takes a lot to kind of build it up. So I need to get some clients, get some reviews and oh, and speaking of reviews. Hey, Terry, if you haven't already, please go to podchaser.com slash that's our queue or just search. That's our queue under pod chaser and leave us a little review if you like it. And then I can correspond as done on there, huh?
She has done that. Has she? Why am I not getting? Hang on. She said she did anyway. as She said she rated it. You know what? I'm going to look right now before we even, this, I'm not, I'm not leaving this podcast until I see it. I'm going on her right. F and now I'm going to get to the bottom of this shit ah and I'm going to find it. That's our cue.
Oh, man, god maybe she reviewed it. Yeah, no, umm I'm waiting with baited breath. Hang on. Hang on. Let me let me go. I can't wait. You review the show or did you review? Did she write anything? Let's see. She said she wrote in twice and one time she reviewed or something like that. OK, let me see. I'm looking for the star rating. Yes, this is the show that I want to see reviews. Let's see. No reviews.
w tf WTF blank skis what's going on here? Ouch. Maybe she hang on. Let me refresh it. Let me refresh it. I'm gonna start going around Well, she didn't do it in the last two seconds Somebody put pickles. I do put emojis on my text. I don't know who r e p l t x g is but hey, thanks for the review my guy Smoses reviewed. Wait, what was it? r e p 1 t x g Yeah, that's my mom. That's your mom? Yeah. Terry's, I see it. It was 25 days ago. Terry, I'm so sorry. I forgot I had this until just like I started talking about it again.
You're the bestest. yeah i I love it. You're the one sweetest. You're the sweetest adoptive mom I've ever I've ever spoken to. You're the bestest. All right. So we have that two reviews and three people rated it with a star rating. So that's nice. But we need more. Tell your friends. Tell your lovers. Tell your secret lovers. Tell your secret family.
so yeah Tell the secret family. Tell the normal family and the secret family, but hopefully they don't listen at the same time. All right. Well, Terry, I at least got your review. I just, I realized what I did wrong. It's under a different, I need to change it because I have it as a sexuality podcast. I really should probably change what that is now. It says a weekly comedy, society, culture, health, education, history, and sexual. I guess we've talked about sexuality on the show, right?
We're doing a lot of things. um All right. Sorry, Terry. I apologize. But yeah, do be like Terry. Leave us a review on podchancer.com slash that's our queue. Okay. And you can review know individual episodes as well. Suddenly this review makes perfect sense too. Cause you said say danny to put pickles in the thing at the end of one of the episodes. And we were talking about my mom doing emojis.
Oh, that makes sense. I was wondering why you went dead there. for and I was like, why did you go silent for a minute? Um, but yes, that's it. Pickles. She likes emojis and pickles. We all did it. We did it. Awesome. Well, all right. That's it for now. made it That's it for now. We made it. Uh, so in the meantime, everybody take care of your mind, take care of your heart, and most importantly, take care of each other and just, you know, go out there and just fucking just, you know, I should have ended it early. I got nothing else to add. So see ya.