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Bad Habits Of An Ergatocracy image

Bad Habits Of An Ergatocracy

That's Our Q
21 Plays4 months ago

Today we talk with Nick about our bad habits, Ergatocracies, and stuff we shouldn't be afraid of anymore! 


Introduction to the Podcast

Well, it doesn't matter if I'm ready, because I think I have a Q and&A thing to say. um Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, ladies, gentlemen, non-binary folks. If the universe is known unknown, this is That's Our Q, or TRQ for short, where we...
Take your cues. Yep. Here we go. We take your cues. Usually it's in like a little squeezy bottle where they're in like a packet or something. And we pour it right into ah just a glass of water and we shake it up really, really good. And then we drink that sweet, delicious flavored A that everyone loves so much. And who doesn't love a good flavored A?

Meet the Hosts and Guest

And if you don't know what that means,
is we take questions from the internet, like places like Quora and Reddit, and we answer them as if anybody gave a shit to hear our opinion in the first place. And if you don't know already, my name is Adam and I'm joined today by Daniel the Guarantee. Hello, Danny. Hello, I am Daniel the Guarantee. You can call me Danny Guarantee for short, but no shorter than that, please. Thank you. How are you doing, Mr. Adam? I'm good. So you're saying I can't call you Dan Gare?
Oh, you're Dan T. Well, you can call me um Dan Garrett, the bear bear, Dan Garrett, the bear bear or Dan T, the BP. No, that doesn't make sense. Oh, anyway, I'm great. How are you doing? um that right anything good it's fine I'm fine. I'm always down to tell you how I'm feeling. But I'm also very excited because we have another guest today. We have another one. Who is it? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You introduce yourself guess where you sit. Well, naturally you would say, Hey, sorry. Hey, this is our friend, Nick. Say hi, Nick. There you go. What's happening party people. Uh, yeah, I'm Nick. My voice might sound familiar to people, although I have not been in any mainstream media of any sort for the last like month and a half. So, you know, that's what it is.
Yeah, he voiced ah Sonic the Hedgehog in the recent live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movies. We can't talk about that yet, Adam. shit doesn't know yeah We're not talking about the new ones. We're just talking about the older ones. The ones already out. We're not talking about how you're also replacing Keanu Reeves as Shadow of the Hedgehog. um and yet you know like I'm very sorry to Keanu. He has to make time for his race car driving.
I'm sorry, but I'd rather Keanu. It's nothing against you. I just I love that man.

Nick's Journey to Health Improvement

I mean like you too. Yeah, I would do things to have him touch me. You know what, that segues us into our first question, Nick.
um It's close enough. All right. So our first question is from the, uh, from someone named Western ad 50 77. And they ask, what are some bad habits that you dropped this year? Uh, Nick, you're our guest. Um, can you think of any bad habits that you stopped doing this year? Uh, well, uh, a few, uh, one not taking care of like my personal health, uh, drop that bad habit. We are taking care of personal health this year.
ah One of the things as I was telling my wonderful friends here before we started I am After what roughly 13 years of being a smoker I am almost to the point of being able to quit completely. Oh Yeah, that's a that's a pretty big personal thing to drop. I can't otherwise say You know, otherwise, I think that's like the biggest one. I don't think there's anything else other than like cleaning up my bad personal habits, like mental habits. I mean, anything works, you know, like, um, I do want to follow up on that though, Nick, just because you know, I am kind of working in a health field. You know, I recognize that a lot of people kind of use
like e-cigarettes or vaping to stop other things. Do you have plans to stop using the electronic cigarettes once you get done with the other stuff? Because I know you said you're kind of stop not using the nicotine juice or anything anymore, right? Yeah. so So my goal right now is to, by the end of the year, be done completely with electronic cigarettes. Oh, really? So you're just trying to get on. Oh, yeah. I'm you done. That's awesome. By the end of the year, I don't want to have to vapor anything.
Good for you, man. that's cool That's, that's, that's huge. Um, you know, I used to work in a, uh, a, uh, uh, what are you, I don't really know what they call that particular location, but essentially it was just like a recovery clinic, so to speak. It was like a drop in place where people who were homeless or who were addicted to stuff could drop by and either get safe use kits or to get help. And, you know, I know a lot of people who are struggling with like, you know, hard drug addiction.
who are now trying to stay clean, they would use like, they could they they said, if I don't have my vape, I'll do other harder shit. So I was kind of curious, like I've never, you know, i I've seen a lot of people say, I don't smoke, I vape. So I was kind of curious if it was like a similar thing where like you try to graduate from cigarettes to vaping and then try to quit. Or is it like, if I don't, but if I don't vape, I'm going to smoke. So I was curious if that was like your experience or if you're just like, fuck it all. ah So for me personally, like I was a,
two and a half, almost three-pack-a-day cigarette smoker up until August of last year.
so You got into like electronic stuff? Well, so i'd had like for years, like I've had people tell me about it and whatnot. I tried like i tried like ah electronic cigarettes, like the fuses, the gas station ones.
I bought a few like of the mod things before, like the electronic mods, like some of the like reusable ones. and I just never had very good success with any of it.
and you know like when like I think part of like what helped me go to the electronic cigarette side of things was like when we found out we were having CJ And like just the, just the fact of like, I don't want to have that, like be able to affect him in any sort of way. Uh, which was like a big thing for me. Um, cause the last, cause the last time like I tried to quit smoking was right around when Leela was born, which would have been 2016 or no, 2017, but that didn't last more than like two days. Uh,
gotcha but I realize like you know like secondhand smoke stuff like that it's not just being around when like you're smoking it's the what lingers on your clothes and your hands definitely know your mouth your hair I mean like there have been there have been clothes that I found that I haven't worn in like a long time and like it'll be like o That can go straight to the washer because I'm going to get sick if I put this on my body because it smells terrible. Oh yeah, dude. like i used to spend so When I was a kid, I spent so much time at my uncle's house and they everyone in that house smoked. and I never realized when I came home just how much I stank. and My parents didn't tell me this for years until like I was 17.
And I used to wear this really cool leather jacket down there. And they'd be like, Adam, we can't like just let this hang in your room. It fucking reeks. Cause we'd just wash your clothes and we wouldn't say anything, but this leather jacket can't just go in the wash with everything else. You can't just put it back in your closet. And I was like, um what are you talking about?
And then like they kept it somewhere else for a little while. I got all cleaned and everything, and then they put it back in my room, and I'm like, do you fucking smell what you smell like? I was like, holy shit. I was like, and that's me just being around it. That's not even me smoking it. I'm like, oh my god, I reek. Holy shit. that's that like A good example of that is like my grandmother. right She still smokes. Anytime she comes around, it is like I look at my wife like after we get home, and I'm like, is that what you had to fucking deal with?
Cause if that is, I'm sorry, like that's terrible. Yeah. I mean, you sometimes you just don't, if you're around it all the time, you don't really notice it, you know? Yeah. You can nose you go nose blind

Danny's Mental Health Strategies

to it. It's the same thing with like smoking, like smoking weed or like, you know, anything like that. Even like people who drink alcohol chronically, like, right? Like when you sweat, like when you sweat after like drinking or days on and use your sweat smells like booze. Right. So it's like, you know, like it's just stuff like that. It's like I like just the smell of certain things now is enough to just be like. That's going to yeah make me vomit. Thank you. we're We're happy for you, man. That's really cool that you're that you're trying to kick that completely, especially for for a good reason. I'm glad that, you know, your child, your newborn that you guys were working so hard to have.
It was a good motivator for you to be like, all right, let's try this one more time. You know, um and yeah then I wish you the best of luck with that. Keep on keeping on. That's awesome. Now, Danny, Danny, what is a bad habit or some bad habits that you have dropped this year or at least that you're attempting to drop as as yeah is on his own journey? Yeah. Well, the big one was actually pretty much the same as what Nick just said. ah And that's you smoke. No, not that one.
uh, just kind of taking care of myself better. You know, I started drinking more water. We we went over this the whole last episode, right? Oh, yeah, i suppose we did we did cover some of that. Yeah. So I started doing a lot of that this year. But a big mental one for me was um and my my workplace has been doing a lot of
very like soulless corporate style things lately and really crushing the spirit of the workplace. And um it used to annoy me like I used to it used to ruin my entire week, just knowing I had to go there. So I've been trying not to let it bother me as much.
And it's working, you know like really putting it into perspective. like Is it really so bad that like they used to have affirmations on the wall, but now they don't? Or that they made all of our Windows or all of our computer backgrounds the same, and it's like their corporate message?
um you know A lot of like dystopian kind of stuff. but um So i've been I've been really working on not letting things like that bother me.
And ah you know it's one of those things where you have to force yourself to be happy and fake it till you make it. But it is starting to work. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to. So yeah, I would say that that's a bad habit I'm trying currently to kick this year.
What are you doing? What is something that you would say you're able to focus on to aid in that? Like what is like a you know, what does that process look like more recently as you ah one of the big things was I started listening to music more at work um because one of the big stressors for me was we had new people sitting next to us at my department and the people that they moved next to me do not shut up when I'm trying to work.
Um, so rather than being all annoyed about it and just sitting there, you know, huffing and puffing about it, I was like, no, no, let me just. Put on some, you know, video game music with no words or anything. So it doesn't make take my concentration away from my work, but it drowns out everything else. And it adds color to the day. You know, it adds a little bit of life back into the day. Um, my job.
It's no secret that we have downtime but at my job. It's one of those things where you work until the work is done. And if that's earlier than the end of the day, just look busy. Uh, so I started bringing, you know, a book to work, uh, something that I could read on the few minutes I have off and that helps too, you know, a little escapism in the middle of the day.

The Power of Music for Focus and Relaxation

Oh yeah. So, you know, I'm just trying to do things to kind of take my mind away from the gray walls and the fluorescent lights for a little bit. And it it's been working wonders for my mental health in and out of work, because it it was starting to bleed into my home life. And that's when I was like, this is enough. I don't want this place dragging me down out of work. Have you tried? No, go ahead. No, go ahead.
I was gonna say like so ah for music wise like are you using like are you using like any lo-fi playlist or is it just like video game music with ah like no lyrics to it because if you're open to it I have a really good playlist of lo-fi stuff that I use for work too for that exact reason because I need like a little bit of like background drone or something to keep my mind like Yeah, in line. I mean, I'll try if you want to like post on Discord or something like I usually listen to like the narrow to modest soundtrack is really good. um And for those lening that haven't tried this, I'm telling you whether you play video games or not. If you're trying to focus on something and want music to listen to, video game music is specially designed
to be like catchy enough to be noticeable, but not so attention grabby that it takes your mind off whatever you're doing. Because you're they don't want to drag you out of the game, but they want to make sure that it keeps you in the game. So it's actually the perfect music to listen to while you're doing something else. It's made to fit in that little Goldilocks zone. Halo, ah the Halo theme song from one and two, perfect examples. Oh, that's a good one, yep.
Or it just goes, Oh, exactly. It's just a copy stricken. tea yeah it's the It's the Gregorian chanting with the nice like ah bongos and everything underneath. It's just.
ah as a good che Oh, Danny, I just want to let you know, I actually wasn't trying to sing just as I started talking. Someone put ice down my pants. Sorry. Oh, oh yeah. they'll Oh, yeah no. like ah I can't repeat it now. because yeah oh yeah Let me put it back down there. There goes. oh Sorry about that, guys. Sometimes I have to like sometimes I will Sometimes I'll sit in my office at work y'all and I'll just do that at the walls because my work office has very nice acoustics and so I'll just I'll just sit there and do that at the all because I have a little bit of the same problem you have at work Danny is like
when there's work, there's work, but when there's nothing, like I'm just sitting in my office waiting for paint to dry. Basically, and you know you know what? At least you have an office. I can't do that. Cause I'm in a cubicle. Oh, it'll be the life of the office. They'll be like, Oh hell yeah. And they'll all start doing it with you. Yeah. I start doing all the 50 and 60 year old women that work around. They're going to be like, Oh, that's Halo. Do a Phantom of the opera that I could,
Or just like the Mario Brothers theme, you know, like if you have 50 year olds around you, they probably know at least know that. Actually, that's another thing I've done this year, right? I did that one song with you, Adam. That was the first time I ever sang. That's true. I forgot that you did that when when Beluga went out of town, right? Yeah. So house to yourself just to shout into a microphone. There you go. You got my only singing voice recorded. Enjoy that. That's that's a bad habit.
No, no, no. I mean, like, that's another thing I'm doing this year, just because we were talking about singing. No, it's not a bad habit. It's a good habit doing things getting out of my comfort zone. And ask you guys a different question for a second. Yeah. And that's the point of the show. Has it been apparent at all that I've been doing Russian deadlifts while I'm talking to you? Nope. They do sound a little out of breath now that I'm listening for it, though. It's because I'm unlike my fourth rep or my fourth set, like I'm starting to get tired.
Yeah. Yeah. I could tell you a little out of breath now. I just wanted to see, you know, one of the bad habits. I thought of it as I was, as we were talking and I was like, you know, one of my bad habits is I've been sitting so much more lately because I kind of gotten just used to doing everything on my computer when I'm not working or when I'm off or anything or all of my friends are on my computer. So like, and I don't have a laptop that can play games. So everything I do is like in this chair. And so I was like,
You know what I could do when everybody else is talking because I can still like work out while I'm listening. like It's not like I have another screen up. I just have a weight in my hand. So like I've been like just pumping iron while we're talking. I love that. I've been while we're talking. I've been i've been finding those lo-fi playlists for Danny and sending him links while we're talking. Honestly, yeah. So those lo-fi, someone just um Uh, this gal I met on hinge was actually telling me about it, uh, that she also listens to, uh, lo-fi music like, and she sometimes plays it in her practice because it's not her practice, but while she's practicing, cause she's a psychologist. Um, so she was saying like, sometimes I just play this to kind of like, just keep everything calm and it kind of helps me relax and helps me sleep. I was like, you know, I really should check out this lo-fi shit. I used to listen to binaural beats a little bit, but you're kind of similar.
Yeah, so I'm putting some links for you as well. Some of these are really nice. Like I like a good variety mix of them, right? Like if that makes any sense, cause there's some that are more tailored for like video games, right? There's some that is like, it's ah an entire, it's like four hours of nineties, like hit nineties, like, like a heart shaped box, like Nirvana, like it's stuff like that, but there's no words.
they've just taken the the beat or like the like that and they make it into like a lo-fi song. And it is so like just relaxing. One of the um one of the reasons I listened specifically to, you okay? Yeah, no, lo-fi makes me, lo-fi just. I thought that was Adam growling into the mic.
No, that was me growling about lo-fi. I'm sorry. um I get a little excited. All right. No, it's it's all good. no I was lying. I was doing a Romanian deadlift, guys, not Russian. Sorry, Russians. Sorry. Wrong one. I didn't know there was a difference. One of the reasons I personally listen to the near automata soundtrack is that it does have vocal tracks, but all the songs are in gibberish. ah And you'd be surprised like how nice it is to actually be able to hear voices.
But because you can't understand the words, you don't focus on them and it becomes just another inch ah instrument. And yeah, man, I just it's also just a good way to like take yourself back to a better time. Oh, I agree. You know, i I absolutely love like there are definitely like some of those where it's just, you know, it's very nice to just have that on in the background, especially like when I'm doing like printer cleanings and stuff.
It's just, it's nice to have that little bit of stuff or I'll put on a podcast. It just depends on my mood for the day. That's fair. I haven't listened to a podcast in a long time. It's called role players. Uh, you should go check that one out when you're done listening to this one. Yeah. Uh, Danny was, you've been on it once. Danny, you should listen to it. You were there. I've been there a few times here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You played a, you played a,
Like a horny Woodland elf in the Phony Express at one point, I think. Yeah, a few times I played him. Yeah. It was a good old Jeb. Absolutely. yeah Jeb. Yeah, that was his name. Jeb was like, I know what it is. it's Eric. Nope, that's not it. Jeb. There it is. Eric. Eric. Eric. Oh, no, I didn't want to make it. His name is Eric. Eric. That's so funny. Yeah, it's like he's like he's like some sort of like DJ but like He's got like he's got like Jay rocks personality from trailer park boys like Eric Eric Eric. No, I'm saying Yep. Oh, hey Eric. I'm sorry. You're saying it wrong. It's It's actually Eric but it's just like er ih, but it's like a hard emphasis on age like Eric Yeah Anybody listening character idea take it
Yeah, so do you want to do word of the day first or do you want to do next portion first? Daniel, what do you want to do? Oh, you're leaving it up to me. Yeah, your co-hosts to figure out. Let's do word of the day. Let's do word of the day so I can focus more on next thing. All right. Let me write it down whenever you're not coming. Let me get it ready. Don't don't be mendacious about it. OK, comrade, are you ready? Yeah, comrade. Are you ready, comrade?
yeah con it chi this word of the day is acracy I don't know how to say it with a Russian accent.

Exploring Ergotocracy

Is that some kind of government?
Maybe. Yes, it is. It is a noun. Please spell ergotocracy. You got them doing it. Ergotocracy is spelled E R G A T O C R A C Y. Ergotocracy.
see Ergotocracy. I'm trying to think. Have I seen aside from ergonomics? a i ergonomic doesn't ergonomic usually mean like but ergonomics if i right ergonomics was a fake word made up to just mean like it's like efficiency it's what's comfortable or made with the customer in mind Right. Well, exactly. Yes, that is true. Like, yeah, comfort is something that I do remember about it. But I don't know why. But the word efficiency is also like part like my brain remembers like, oh, this is the most efficient way for this to be the thing. um I don't know. is it Is that are those two things related? Or would you say it was ergot, ergot, ergotocracy? Yeah, I mean, I'm sure it just is. I'm sure that the word ergonomics comes from the same root.
It sounds like it would. Well, Nick, did you want to give it a guess? Do you have any ideas what ergotocracy is? I'm going to say it's some sort of like a governmental body based upon like ergonomics or like the ergonomics of a. Oh, what's the word I'm looking for? Shit, I know what I'm looking for. Words hard. Why? um
I'm going to guess that it's like, that it's like made like, since it's like, uh, comfort and efficiency, maybe it's just like a government for the working class, you know, like to make the working class the most comfortable. Okay.
Something like I like what Adam says. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, you know, typically like, oh, this is an ergonomic chair for your office or this is a, I don't know, ergonomic keyboard. I can only think of ergonomics in regards to like chairs and electronics. Well, you know what? I do feel like I'm like a controller. like it's a right Exactly. for Like stuff like that. But yes, you actually pretty much hit the nail on the head. Yeah, I see ergonomic. Yeah, it's not a government for the workers. It's a government by the workers. So it is a government made up of the working class. Yes. A government under an ergotocracy decisions are made by the collective workforce and critics of the ergotocracy claimed it would lead to inefficient with inefficiency and chaos without proper leadership. Run by the workforce.
Yes, that's fascinating. Does it say any countries or any places that like have that as a as a governmental body or is it like a conceptual? Maybe it's like one of those conceptual things like socialism where they're like, you know, and and and in theory, it seems like it works, but in practice, it probably doesn't. You know, Urga, what was it? You're right. It's a talker see that has an Urga on it. Urga Urga Urga.
Yeah. Um, well, while Danny's looking that up, uh, I need to come up with how I'm going to use ergotocracy in our fucking title this week. How the fuck am I going to do that?
I'm going to ergo your talker. See later. um and so Nicholas as you may or may not know can I call you Nicholas? um Yeah, so Nick when we do this show you may have listened to the episodes before Typically when we have a guest on the show we have them do like a little mini spotlight if you will where they pick maybe a subject into they're curious about that they're proficient with ah maybe a hobby some sort of Passion that they would like to have a discussion about whether it's teaching us and the audience something or just opening up something for discussion
So having said that i know we had a little bit of a preliminary talk about that but since we are here let's hear definitively what is it that you would like to talk about.

Friendship and Mental Health

ah I would like to talk about the ah benefits of. ah Having a good core friendship group.
and the effects that has on your mental health. And just mental health in kind of general, but using that as like a lead in for for mental health. You said, I think earlier you were talking about how you said you had some resources that you were looking at, like or like some sources of some sort that you were taking that from. Yes. Did you want to go into that a little bit? Like what you what you have in front of you? Yeah, so I have a couple of them. One of them is from ah the American Psychological Association.
and APA it says the science of why friendship keeps us healthy. um It's like you know American culture prioritizes romance but like the science of like like psychological sciences exploring the human need for like just ah friendships aka platonic relationships and the specific ways like they can bolster like ah health and one of the the like one of the one of the um Like the big takeaways I got from this one was like, you know, it's a like research done like not just here in America, but this is worldwide shows that like, you know, having good social connections leads to a healthy, more satisfying life. Uh, but it also helps you, uh, concrete, like you have concrete help in times of need. You have reduced stress and anxiety. Um,
in the fact of like you have people that surround you that care for and accept you, know you, which having ah people around you like that will reduce, it it definitely helps to reduce anxiety and stress. um And this kind of topic is very important to me as somebody who is neurodivergent in the ADHD spectrum with ah severe anxiety depression issues. It's one of those where I notice, even for myself, as a cause and effect thing, like when I shut myself off from the outside world, I do get a little more testy, a little more tense. I'm not quite as like relaxed with things. you know it it it It definitely is
one of the biggest, most like key proponents, I think to having like a good, like just a good, like a good healthy lifestyle, right? You surround yourself with, with people that, you know, have good morals, good standing with, you know, with your values, right? Really, I think it boils down to at the end of the day, like we are,
Social creatures, right? We are, we as humans are very social. We're like fairies, man. Yeah, exactly. No, that is a great way to put it. You know, it's, uh, you know, like, um, like one of the other things, hold on, I was, I was reading through it again. Um, it's also like people who are, uh, like, who have, uh, less quality, like friendships.
or other relationships, including romantic partnerships, have like increased risk for like heart attack, stroke, and premature death right versus like people who have ah good concrete relationships from platonic to romantic. Right. and I think that's a good focus. like A good like asterisk right there is good friendships.
Like just because you're around people doesn't help necessarily mean you're right. Healthy. Exactly. Doesn't necessarily mean it's better. Um, although although I would say there's probably still some vicarious benefits of just having people around. Like you said, less anxiety, things like that.
um But like, you know, like the more long term benefits, you know, the better health benefits is like you're in a healthy relationship, healthy friendships, people who actually give a shit that will check in with you, that will hear your problems and know that they can also rely upon you. You know, I think that's important. Danny, what do you you know, we haven't heard from you on this subject yet. Like what are your thoughts on what Nick shared so far? I mean, it makes perfect sense to me, right? Like it and I think it's something that You hear a lot about you know the lonely generation. the It's easier than ever to connect with people, but we're also the most isolated we've ever been. And um right at the start, I think, Nick, you hit it right on the head when you were like, you know if I isolate myself, I get more testy. ah You start like, um he's a testy.
you know you know I didn't laugh the first time Nick said it. Oh, I see. You're giving special treatment to the guest. I see how it is. But it's true. I said it again. Annoyed more easily. How's that better? There you go. Better. He gets more ornery. I get. or Yeah, you get ornery and like you you start to like. Think worse of the world as a whole when you don't have anything to remind you.
you know, that there's good out there too. Um, so I could very easily see like having like actual friendships, people you talk to and see whether it's on a computer screen or in real life, just something to get that interpersonal connection makes a huge difference. I mean, just myself, I noticed a huge difference in myself from before I met all of you and I had three, maybe four really close friends.
And now where I'm at like 10, you know, I've got no shortage of people to talk to games to play with people and all these other great things. And it's, it's great to have somebody to vent to have somebody to vent to me, you know, have somebody to trust with a secret or tell me a secret, any of that stuff.
Um, yeah. So like you said, people are ferrets or something like that. And I mean, ferrets are extremely similar. Yeah. They really are. We are similar in that regard. Even ferrets are always seen in like cuddle puddles when they have friends is like, that's just like what they do. Even if you think yourself the most introverted person in the world, I think everybody could do with a little social interaction. I don't think it's good for anyone to completely isolate themselves. And this is coming from somebody who likes to be like alone. Right. It's, you know, you just got to at some point say like, all right, I need to talk to somebody just not about anything just to talk. Yeah, no, hands down. Hands down. I agree with that all the way.
Yeah. So, um, uh, can I, could I, uh, just, you said something earlier that made me want to just touch on a subject just real fast. I'm hopefully this doesn't turn into a full blown like encyclopedic talk or anything. You know where you are. I know it's a risk. Um, but I just want to, I just want to kind of, uh, really just like nailed down once and for all what an introvert and what an extrovert is.
Okay? ah Because i think I think these words are becoming like... Like, if you just break them down to, like, what their core components are, it's just all about how you recharge as a person, right? You can be Mr. Social, Mrs. Social, whomever Social, with all these people in the world. That doesn't mean that, like, oh, I'm feeling more extroverted. That doesn't mean anything, because it's not empowering you, because you're going to go home and want to die when you're done. You need to read a book. You need to take a bath. You need to you light a candle, listen to music, whatever it is that makes you or escape into a video game for six hours.
um you know um And I say that knowing the company that I'm in. so um ah so like You know, Danny, when he's done socializing, we'll just play, you know, remnant two for like forever or, or seven days to die or he'll go play outward or something. Um, whatever else is new fixation, you know, for me, I'm sad when it's over. Like I, I mean, I'm not depressed, but like, I, the part of me, like I'm energized and I'm happy on the way home. I'm feeling good. But once like all the adrenaline wears off, I'm just like, Oh man,
It's over. You know, where other people are like, Oh man, it's over. Thank God. You know, so like, I just want to say like, just because the word that most people are looking for is outgoing.
or reserved. Those are the words that people often inadvertently replace with introverted, extroverted. So just for those of you out there listening, you can be the most social person on earth and still not be an extrovert, right? You're just, you know, some of the biggest actors in the world that you think had the biggest charisma and that are like Mr. and Mrs. Popular go home. You're like, Oh my God, I don't want to be at this event anymore. I just want to read a book or I just want to lay and stare at my ceiling. like So I'll get off my soapbox now. I just want everyone to know the only difference, the ah fundamental difference between extraversion and introversion is how you make yourself feel more re-energized when you're done, you know, or like when you're feeling depleted, what makes you feel good. In my case, being around people that I care about connecting with them. It's not just being in a room full of people. like That's an extraversion thing I want to correct. I don't, if I'm in a room with a hundred people and I'm not having a conversation, I'm miserable.
I'm absolutely miserable. I hate it. um But if I'm having an an intimate conversation with somebody or if I'm getting to know someone, even if it's a quick encounter like, oh, hey, how's your day? I like your shoes. Where'd you get it? That's really cool. If I learn something about you, man, that's like candy for my brain, right? Like it's wonderful, right? So I just want to all the ah people also think that just because there's an extrovert in the room doesn't mean we're having a good time if we're just sitting there. We're miserable, right? So just don't think that we're happy all the time, right?
A lot of people do. They're like, oh, you're extroverted. We don't need to pay attention to you. I actually did a whole shares a lot episode about how you should take care of your extroverts, because a lot of people think that we're just fine and we're not. You guys are fine being off in your own little worlds for like hours on end without talking to anybody. But I'm suffocating over here. All right. All right. coffee so shot um I'm sorry. My turn. OK. I hope you didn't want this to be quick.
Uh, I mean, I knew the moment I started talking, it wasn't going to be quick, but I was talking fast because I was hoping I would do it quickly. Um, so I disagree on the spirit of your argument.
but you can be um that Yeah, no, ah it's a friendly disagreement. Hold on. Let me go get some popcorn real quick. I wasn't ready for this. Hold on. Let me hold on. I need to get the popcorn. Let me get my blankets tucked around me. Hold on. Hold on. While yes, I think that right. Well, I think that you were right by the letter of the law that yes, an extrovert and introvert. The only difference is technically how you recharge after or during, you know, interaction.
I feel like the reason it gets mixed up with being outgoing or reserved so much is because introverts tend to not want to interact with people because for them that takes energy whereas for an extrovert that you probably wouldn't even think twice about going out to talk to somebody because for you It's the same as me staying home. you know that that If I don't even think about staying home, it's just what I do. um So I think it it is fair to say why like fair to say it it gets confused for a reason. I think there is definitely
probably a correlation. I don't know for sure. I didn't look it up. So definitely a correlation, but not necessarily causation. I think it could be a little causation, not totally, but it's not, it's but but that's not just why, right? Well, not, not 100%. Being an introvert doesn't mean that you hate interaction. It just means that it exhausts you quicker, right? Which would mean that you stay away from it more because to people tend to stay away from things that make them tired, right? That's why ah so many people can't,
get their recommended exercise, looking at you, me. um you know things like like Things that make you exhausted um or exasperated, things are you're going to naturally avoid. um I don't know. Just throwing that out there, that that's my view on it. um Here's your soapbox, sir. I'm done. ah You got mud on it.
Yeah, well, that's what you get for not letting me stand on it at the start. Nick, before we move on to our last question, do you want to chime in on the extrovert introvert? Do you want the soapbox? I am the soapbox. There you go. I don't know that I really have anything different than what y'all said. I just know that like for myself, like I kind of feel the same way as Danny, right? Like I'm very much the same way. Like staying at home,
I like staying at home is very much easier, right? Like I don't have to think about staying at home. I plan, like when we go anywhere, I like to have a, maybe not like a action by action plan of what we're doing, but I like to have somewhat of a plan of what I'm doing before we leave. And if like, say I'm planning something in a different way and it happens,
a totally different way than the way I imagined it happening, that there alone can cause me to immediately just turn around and go home. Like that instant instant game, like done. There is no going like it fucks me up so bad that it's like I'm I'm going to go sit down and I'm taking a break because if I don't, I am not going to have a good time. Have you ever thought of trying to come up with backup plans like you know, hey, we'll try to do this, but if it doesn't work, we'll try to do this. I do. And that's, that's one of the things that like I'm working on currently with all the other re piecing together of things, which again, is not a bad thing. It's just, it's getting easier day by day. I'm not having quite as much, you know, trouble with like, you know, I've actually been getting out and doing like yard work, stuff like that, stuff that I never would have, like,
just consciously like chosen to do before, right? Like stuff like that. And I think part of it is because I'm like, I am shifting from more of an introversion to more extraversion. Whereas before, like I definitely was very much like, I'd rather just stay inside, not go anywhere. Like I'm done.
Now it's just kind of Adam wincing when you said that last. allow me Allow me to adjust your language. I could feel him wincing at that end. none i want either one of you and None of what either one of you have said has disputed what I said. Not a single comment has disputed what I said. You think? I wasn't trying to dispute. No, I know. But Danny's ever like, oh, suck it, Adam. He's saying what he's agreeing with me. I'm like, no, no, no. he He's just saying that he's like you and that like I would rather stay home. But that doesn't mean that means that he prefers to recharge that way. The only difference is is like if you have a conversation with somebody for an hour, how do you feel afterwards? Do you feel good or do you feel tired?
That's the only difference in what introversion and extroversion is. Do you feel tired or do you feel happy? Do you feel good? Right. Toasted. Toasted. I'm going. I'm i'm out. Exactly. That's what makes you an introvert. I know. I can't wait to go play Remnant 2 or maybe Outward. maybe It's the other things that you're talking about when you're when you're saying that you want that you are being more extroverted. What you are doing is being more outgoing. Which which could help train your brain to become more of like and what they call an amber vert which is where like depending on the situation one could recharge more socially depending on who they are interacting with right so like.
If you have a really deep close friendship with somebody, you may not feel exhausted interacting with them. You look forward to seeing them like like the whole best friend. I haven't seen my best friend in a long time. If that doesn't exhaust you, then you are partially an ambivert because there are moments in which that social interaction builds you up instead of takes you apart.
right So that's what I'm saying is like you're more outgoing, thus you could become more extroverted, but you are not technically going and becoming more extroverted. There's the possibility of that happening though, because of what you are attempting to do. So suck it, Danny. yeah I'm the extrovert expert here. Agree to disagree.
so I'm going to stay in Switzerland over here. i mean i Look, I can't take your last argument seriously because you never took the soapbox back from Nick. Fuck, I didn't take it from Nick. No, you were just standing on the ground like a pleb. I split it underneath him while you weren't looking, Dan. He lifted him up and kicked it under. I was wondering why I could see over that fence for a second. um Anyway, I got one more question for us if you all want to answer it together. Yes, please.
All right this one is it you know i decide to pick some that were more based around us is in a conversation then like advice or anything cuz i think some of these are fun conversation starters so this is another one from someone called lurking five ever.

Childhood Fears and Nostalgia

Oh it's like forever but five ever that's right i like that so what's something you were terrified of as a child but now realize isn't very dangerous at all.
One more time. What's something that you were terrified of as a child but now realize isn't very dangerous at all? Nick, we go to you. Or Danny, do you want to start? We started with Nick last time. Nick, do you want to start? What? I was going to say, so can I start this with something that still terrifies me as an adult that I know should not terrify me as an adult? Okay. So you know it's not dangerous, but you're still scared of it. Yes. Okay. Yes. Go on.
Y'all are gonna laugh at me for this, but it is like I don't it like I hate clowns Clowns terrify the absolute fuck out of me. I Did there's no harm in them I know that they they cannot hurt me I know this for a fact they terrify me so bad because as a kid I I don't know what it was, but something about the fact of seeing somebody with face paint on that isn't there necessary, like necessarily their actual face, right? Like the combination of all of that. And then knowing that like they go home, it just, I don't, I i can't, I don't do, this so I don't do clowns. I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you, Nick. Um, I went to a birthday party once and there was a clown.
And the entire party was just me watching all of the kids run crying from the clown and the life leaving this poor person's eyes as they tried to be a clown. To a bunch of screaming kids that would do nothing but run away from them. And that's great. It was so funny. That's great. Oh, my God. But I understand the fear of clowns. Yeah, that's like a I don't know either.
But I will say one that I was afraid of as a kid and have gotten over since was like the fear of the water. Right. Like I was like I did not like the ocean or like swimming in general up until I was probably like eight or nine. Hmm. I mean, well, that can be. Yeah. But it was like just the the Shallow in you know what I mean? Like just like even like touching my feet to the water Terrifying I get that okay Danny what is something that you were afraid of as a child that you not realize is in dangerous at all? Yeah, don't worry neck mine is equally as dumb if no more so um the movie Nightmare Before Christmas. Oh What I only just saw that movie for the first time last year I
That is my top 10, like top two movies. Love Nightmare Before Christmas. I've seen bits and pieces of it many times because I went to high school and had girlfriends and they all loved that movie. um And every time, even in high school, I would zone it out because ah just the the vibe of the movie would make me uneasy. And then Oogie Boogie would show up and I'd be like, no, I'm done. No.
I would mentally check out. he I would just go hes arguably the best character in that. ah ah So again, I know obviously it's not going to hurt me. It's a movie. um But yeah, I last year, I think it was. I watched it for the first time. I was like, yeah, it's not bad. It's not a bad movie.
It's an amazing movie. It just always gave me the heebie jeebies. I just I love horror movies, too. That's the weirdest thing. Like I've been going to see horror movies ever since my dad and I watched The Ring in the Basement. And I had to leave halfway there because I was scared.
um But for some reason, that movie just always I don't know. I don't know. I could play it in Kingdom Hearts one. I could play through the the world. No problem. Kingdom Hearts two, I think, do also had it.
I played through it, no problem. But the movie itself, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it. Hmm. You know, can I just say that movie's OK? You know, it's it's I feel like much like the movie Hocus Pocus. And I know what time of year it is at this recording. But I feel like much like Hocus Pocus that those movies have just been nostalgia makes them seem like they're way better than they are. And yeah, like culturally,
um Nightmare Before Christmas especially like really launched a lot of stuff like but it was a great musical numbers and everything boogie boogie being the best one by far um in my opinion but um yeah I'm just like you know it has a cool vibe and it looks good and it is a masterpiece in its own right I suppose because of how much work and love went into it but just like ah as a whole like the second whole second half of the movie I barely even remember Like and I saw that movie just a couple of years ago, like it's OK. Like it's it's like Hocus Pocus. I also just saw that for the first time like two years ago. And I was like, this is what everybody like beats off to when it's this time of year. This movie like it was OK. But like, my God, I wasn't that good. like say like So I will admit that I watched Nightmare Before Christmas a minimum of three times a year, a minimum of three times a year. Yeah, I'm good. Fascinating.
ba Ah, Hocus Pocus. I do watch i once during Halloween season. I've never seen it. It's okay. If you're an adult and you haven't seen Hocus Pocus and you watch it, like that's how you know it's the nostalgia goggles. Because when you watch it as an adult, you're like, okay, like I can see it's kind of a cute movie, I suppose. But like but then like I immediately forgot most of it after I watched it. I was like, I don't like You know, it's because, you know, you watch it as a kid. It's like how when I hear the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme, I go, oh boy, you know, but that that music still slaps. It's still such a good thing, you know, but like to show itself, honestly, so I know I've seen that cartoon dozens of times. I can maybe remember two episodes of it, you know, and I remember the Foot Clan were robots back then. So like, you know, like
It's just your your brain tells you something was much bigger than it was. But you know, there's only certain parts of you actually remember. So I'm thinking like hocus pocus, like, I don't get it. Sarah Jessica Parker was hot in it, I guess, but she didn't really have any lines until she sang. ah You know, yeah.
and We had a cat named Binks after the cat and right there's a talking cat and he used to be a boy or some shit and Then there was like some guy who looks like zombie zombie Edward Scissorhands or something I don't remember his name really like jerks off to him. Whatever um really yeah and i was like I Don't get it. He barely played a role in this movie. Why does everybody love him so much? He's barely even there.
um comedic but like whatever did you just just did you just expel i heard that i don't know what happened i'm sorry Why are you making me have to add it more, Nick? I'm just going to leave it in now so that people can hear it. yeah Hi. hey Before we start the recording, we just ask that you please you know mute if you're going to do it. Listen. Listen. Listen. it just It was one of those, like, just it happened. No, and I know. Especially when you're laughing, sometimes they just go off. It's fine. I've been accidentally pumping iron this whole time. It's actually plastic. It's such an accident.
um But anyway, ah yeah, I don't get it. um You guys wanna know something that used to scare me as a kid? Ooh, tell us. Responsibility. No, not at all. you fine I was afraid of, uh, my sister got this Barney, this talking, wasn't mine or was it hers? I can't remember somebody in my household, but I was a small boy, got like a talking Barney doll thing. Like it was like, but not the side, a little bit bigger than like what the one is they used to have in the show before he would turn into a big dinosaur when they would imagine him as such. And like.
he would just talk like, you know, you shake them, you touch them. He's like a tickle me on mo. You push the button and he goes, I love you or whatever. But like um my sister used to just like the, where my room was, um, you'd have to pass to my room to go downstairs. And so there were like two sets of bedrooms that went back almost like little hallways. And my room was like the big room that was connected to all the other rooms. And so,
People always had to walk through my bedroom because it wasn't supposed to be a bedroom, but they made it into one because we were poor and had a lot of kids living there. And so they would walk through my room to go out. And my sister would just leave shit in my room. Everybody would, but she was especially bad when I'd go to school and stuff. She would just leave fucking toys everywhere.
And this goddamn Barney doll would just talk in the middle of the night. He'd just be like, like, let's use our imagination or stupid shit like that. I'm just like, you shouldn't be talking. No one's touching you. Like, and there was no on button or anything. And he was only supposed to talk if you moved him or if you like, you pick them up, you squeeze them or something. But he would just talk throughout the night. And he used to get me like really upset because he would just like, and I'd be in a dead sleep and he'd be like, hi, kids. I'm like, ah, fuck. And I was just like, wake up and he'd be laying on my floor. I'm like, where the fuck? Oh, God, that's terrifying. No, that's I used to throw that little son bitch down the stairs, which was adjacent to my bed. And then I throw him down there. And I think my parents would get pissed finding a toy in the stairs and they' just throw it back up into my room. It wasn't my toy. But because I was in like this fucking junk room, they just threw the fucking thing back upstairs, you know, when when they found it.
And so one dark stormy night, I threw that son of a bitch out my window yeah and just set let him out in the rain all night. I was like, yeah, fuck you, Barney. You know, you're not the real Barney. He would never try to scare me like this. And, uh, then my parents found it and they were just livid. They were like, this is like your sister's toy. We don't know how it got out here. You're not supposed to take these toys outside. We all got in trouble for it. And they dried them off and that son of a bitch still kept talking.
and Oh, no. And I was like, except now he's like, I love you. Yeah. And just actually the battery died and we never fixed it. But I just had to tolerate. Like I started hiding it in my sister's rooms. Like when she'd get a new toy, I'd get her to like be have a new obsession or something or say, Sarah, what a once you come play the Super Nintendo, because my room was the only room that had a TV in it. So but like, you know, come play Super Nintendo. And while she's doing that, I'm fucking hiding that thing like Like under her bed, like under a bunch of blankets and stuff. That way she never saw it. We found it months later. Battery died. Never talked again. I could finally sleep at night. um But, you know, as an adult, I'm just like, you know, maybe there was a hiccup in the system or something, or maybe the internal battery was left on and he just kept talking. But like that took me years, even as I got older, like I never want to see a Barney toy in my life and ever. Yeah, just like they're all cursed. Furbies for me.
furrbbe are awesome So I had a Furby when I was younger and lost it right at some point Years and years later like a decade later. I find the thing and You know, it's dead obviously so I decided to change the batteries and much like my joke um It I don't want to say sprang to life it gasped for life and was just like oh I was like, nope, batteries are coming back out right in the trash. Nope. Throw that thing into the flames of Mordor. Be gone with Val.
Damn. Yeah, the first one I picked up after a few months, I think it was at my cousin's place. And she's like, I don't even know if it still works. It's been sitting on my dresser. and And I just went and picked it up. It's like, oh, fuck, I haven't seen one of these in forever. And then welcome. It goes, it goes.
ah I love you when I was like, I barely know you for me. And like, you know, and I was just the end of that because I didn't want to get into a long term relationship with a bird. No, I understand. It's for a commitment issues. It looks like a beak, right? Yeah, I would say it was a bird. It's like a furry bird. ferre versus she word It's probably what dodo birds looked like before they died out. You know, they're like just so furry dumb birds. It's a chicken. You think furries or furbies or chickens?
It's a devil chicken. That's what I think. Devil chicken. We should do like a poll on this episode. What kind of animal is a Furby? Is it a chicken? Is it a devil chicken? Is it a dodo bird? Is it something else entirely? um So any other things that you anything else you guys want to bring up that was scary as a kid, but now you don't think is dangerous anymore? Now, those were those were it.
It was it was probably the movie. It was probably like part of the reason why I hate clowns. Because I'm I'm pretty. I probably caught bits of that at like five or six when I should not have been seeing any of that shit. I can see Tim Curry. So like I never found him scary. Like I just I knew instantly seeing it that I was like, that's Tim Curry under that but makeup. Like I just I couldn't I didn't know scar him. I didn't know who Tim Curry was at five or six.
Right. I mean, I guess that makes. Seriously, you didn't know who Tim Curry was at five. Well, like I was like, oh, that's the guy from up at Treasure Island. You know, when I saw that, I was like, oh, that's the that's ah who do you play? Long John, right? Captain. orr Yeah. wal on So knowing him from muffin treasure Island would certainly take the teeth out of that movie.

Film and Show Recommendations

Yeah. I was like, that's Long John from up at Treasure Island. yeah He's not scary. He's hilarious. um Even when he was a bad guy in that movie, it wasn't scary, really. He sang about how Jimmy, Jim, Jim, Jim, whatever his name was, should hang out with him, or whatever. Amazing. And now I watch Rocky Horror Picture Show every couple months.
See, now that movie should be viewed several times. That movie is a great Halloween movie. That movie is fantastic. And I have seen it much more recently, and I saw it back when I was in high school, and it's still a fucking banger of a show. It's ridiculous. It's stupid at times. It's absolutely off the wall on purpose. The plot is just there enough to give you a musical, and that's really all you need to know. And you see a little bit of boobage from Columbia when they jump into the pool.
And so you get a little bit of everything that you could possible and meatloafs in their r.i.p. And they ate them afterwards. They ate meatloaf, which is hilarious. Spoilers. I never saw it. Oh, my God. You need to watch it.
You hear what I'm saying though, Danny? They eat meatloaf. Yeah, no, I heard of you. Thanks for the spoilers. You eat meatloaf like the food and he calls himself meatloaf. That's not his name in the movie, but you know it's meatloaf and then they eat them and they eat meatloaf. Jesus Christ. They eat them real good.
Do it's oh man now that is one I say you should i'm I'm not gonna try to blow it up to the point We're like, oh Adam really built this up and it's not oh it's okay But like that one at least to me from childhood like my teenager like I think I saw it like ninth grade was the first time I saw it staying up late one night on like um stars or HBO or something um But like Anytime I've watched it, from teenager to now, I've been like, man, what a good fucking movie. It's so stupid, but so fun. I'd never bored when I watch it. And that's how you know it's good. I'm never bored. Anyway, sorry. That's a great movie, though. I love it. Fantastic. So good. You know what else is good? Little Shop of Horrors. Also, fantastic. Also, banger. I did Little Shop of Horrors.
production thing in high school. But I was lighting and stuff. I did all the lighting and stuff because I was not a front of house person. Gotcha. Well, you know, production is important. um You know, yeah, we had that, too. And it's just a fun show. do Are you familiar, Danny? Are you familiar with Little Shop of Horrors? A little bit. That's exactly the same plan. Yes. Audrey, we do see more.
You can do it. If you're looking for a turn your brain off stupid action movie. Mel and I like to watch Violent Night every year for Christmas. Oh, is that the one with Goldberg in it? ah It's got the guy from Stranger Things and ah dar David Harvard, right? Am I thinking a different movie?
You know, violent night is a newer one, right, Danny? Yeah. That's what I'm thinking of. It's on. Oh, right. Never mind. It's got the dude from it's got the dude from um Stranger Things, the cop. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. David Harbour. I'm looking at it now. I'm trying to think of the one with Goldberg in it. Yeah, it's my it's a very stupid movie and it's great. yeah The one that Goldberg is on and every year. Yeah, see that's what that one is. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. Violent Night was good. um I haven't seen it, though. It's such a great like, just shut your brain off and let the stupid action happen kind of. Now, is it an action movie or is it a horror movie? I would say it's. Yeah, it's kind of both. It's kind of like ah Home Alone, but a lot more is it visceral.
It's comedy, but in the way it's like like a dark comedy. Yeah. Yeah. I hear dark comedy, holiday comedy, one person army action to be basically watching this guy dressed up as Santa kill a bunch of people that are breaking into a house. Like he's protecting the home from people.
You know, that reminds me of a show I found on Netflix a long time ago. I can't think of the guy's name, but he played opposite of he was in a special victims unit opposite of. Mariska Hargitik is a Hargitai. I can't mark. Oh, God, I know exactly what I'm talking about. The the guy who played her for however many years. Yes, he's in a nice tea.
ah And it's this show about this guy who's hallucinating an imaginary friend. It's kind of like a flying purple unicorn looking guy. like Oh, fuck yes. I cannot think oh my god right now. Happy. Happy. Yes. What a fucking show that is. It is so heart wrenching, hilarious and ridiculous at the same time. And he plays such a good job of being in this role of like this Troubled ex-cop who has like alcoholism going on and he's he's hallucinating this imaginary friend who like helps them learn like oh Well, it's his daughter's imaginary friend who comes to find him and say hey your daughter's in trouble and he goes after this guy dressed up like Santa Claus who's Kidnapping children and man what a fucking ride that show is holy shit
If you want just for Maloney, that's it.

Nick's Future Focus on Family

How can I forget? He was in scrubs, too. He played like an obnoxious doctor opposite Dr. Cox one episode. So funny. He's a great actor. um But that show happy. Oh, my goodness. What a show. It's brutal.
ah But also funny and heart-wrenching when it needs to be and man what a if if There's ever a show that makes you think wow this weird CGI floating unicorn creature in this live-action show and you feel sad for it They make you feel sad for those things a few quite a few times. And you're like, I am like upset over this thing, this imaginary creature. Over this stupid fucking dude. It's like it's incredible. And Christopher Maloney just does such a good job in this movie. And oh, my gosh. And there's I won't spoil anything, but it's ridiculous over the top. And if you like violent night, Danny, you might like happy because that shit was insane. OK. OK.
There you go. I see the link Danny. it's so Thank you. It's incredible. But anyway, sorry, that's a little bit of a de detour we took there. um That's for you listeners, if you if you want to have some recommendations for the week.
um All right. Well, anyway, hey, Nick, before we wrap up, is there anything you would like to say to the audience or, uh, any place that you, do you want them to come find you? Any productions that you're in? I know you kind of took a break for a little while to kind of re center yourself, but so anything that you want to say, any places you do want to send them while we have you here. Uh, as of right now, I'm not working on anything, uh, that I can, uh, I can really say much about.
I am. say Do you want to say anything just to people in general about whatever you want? I am going to be in the background helping to. Helping our friend WPC Coco. ah Start a show for his campaign. I will not be doing this. Yes, I will not be doing any sort of talking of any kind. I'm just helping him get everything off the ground and kind of just giving him a little bit of a help with getting everything set up and whatnot and just kind of pulling them in the right ways. You're like the production guy when you were doing Little Shop of ours. Yeah, you know, it's just I am at the point that I'm at now. I think this is probably going to be the last time that a lot of people will hear my voice in a public setting such as this.
Uh, I am, I, I, part of the journey that I've gotten to, uh, thus far with a lot of things since I've taken my break is that, uh, I just need to take some time and enjoy my almost one year old, enjoy the kids that I have already. He's almost one already? Yeah, he'll be one time in January.
He'll be one in January. Yeah, January 15th, he'll be one. Dang, dude. Holy crap, right? I cannot believe that's been almost, it's been like what, nine, 10 months already? Holy fuck. Yeah, exactly. You're telling me, bro. That's ridiculous. Wow, wow, wow. So, but you know, like I realized that this takes a lot of time. And unfortunately, my time is very limited when I'm not uh, helping, you know, my wife and, and trying to do the better thing of being a better, more present husband. And, uh, you know, this is not something that like, you know, like one of the things that I don't know that I've told anybody is that like Jess was like, just did not, just did not make me take a step back. Like when I told her that I was.
stepping back from everything. Like she was like, why, like, why would you do that? And that's like, because I don't like, I am, I can't keep doing everything. I'm drowning myself right now. I'm trying to do too many things. And with the way ah my neurodivergency works, it is very easy for me to, um, place more weight on things.
that do not need more weight. Right. If that makes any sense. Yeah. Yeah. Your priorities kind of get out of whack. Right. And it's easy once you find something that like satiates the.
You know, the need for constant change, like you and I had, I think a private conversation about this where, especially if you have some really severe ADHD coupled with so many other things that you're challenge that you're challenged with. They're like, you know, like a TV show, binge watching a TV show, playing a video game for X amount of hours at a time, satiates a lot of like those chemical needs that your brain has when an ADHD happens. Cause a lot of flashing, a lot of colors.
A lot of element changes, a lot of, you know, your hands are constantly moving, doing something. It's a fidget. So like, it's easy to lose yourself in that, like, or whatever it is. Like some people like build all day, they'll be in the garage for like 12 hours, you know? So like, yeah, like, so sometimes your brain goes, this is more important. Let's keep doing this thing because dopamine release, you know? Exactly. So, uh, you know, this is just, uh,
It's one of those things where I enjoy, I enjoyed the time I had, but I am, it's a different stage for myself. And I just need to be more present and more aware of my surroundings. i mean That's good. Like my guiding principle with all this stuff is that you have to take care of real life first.
Then comes all of the online stuff, gaming, podcasts, whatever. But real life has to come first. So I mean, good on you. This is this is good. This is big. Yeah. I mean, and that's a very mature decision. So, you know, we're glad that we were.
You know, I think I speak for Danny and myself or, you know, we're happy that you were able to come and do this with us. At least like I know is you're kind of, you've been pairing back a lot, preparing to, you know, not so much preparing to, you've already been much more actively engaged as you've told us. Um, you know, and I know that was a big decision for you to be more present in your family. So.
You know, we're happy to have you here. We're happy you're able to like make a little bit of time to do this because it's just, you know, as you said, could be one of the last times you get to do it for a while. But, you know, it just, you know, as they say, it's not goodbye. It's just, we'll see you later, yeah you know, we'll be, yeah we'll be here when you're ready to come back and you know, you're always welcome. and You know, I'm not leaving the servers or anything. I'm still around. I'm just not going to be in like ah the public eye as much as I was.
you know, and I was perfectly okay with me. but I kind of like being ah a background character a little bit, you know, and people do prefer it. I mean, I get that we have cameramen and women. That's why we have editors. That's why we have, you know, producers that aren't also in the shows. Like sometimes people find that that is their nation. That's where they want to hang out. um You know, so hopefully it's a good experience for you nonetheless while you work on everything else. um Yeah. but Yeah.
ah But yeah, thanks for thanks for sharing that with everybody because you know, it's not really something it's on us to be able to share So I'm glad that you were comfortable to speak to it a little bit um Yeah, no that this is also to address like why like, you know three besties and a guest ease is no longer called three besties and a guesty like There's a reason that I haven't been there since September no August Like the ending of August, you know, like that like this is the reason is because i hate I've not been taking care of myself and I've not been taking care of my family the way that I need to be. I've been doing stuff and I was getting by, but I wasn't doing what I should. That's that's big for ah for you. Like that's ah that's a big decision. I'm proud of you, man. and That's big. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Well, there's a thing to do to give up something you like to, you know, it's ah attack because you found that fault and that's, I'm not, you know, throwing shade or anything at you. That's, I'm proud of you. That's, that's a big step. That's big shade is it unless yeah unless you're overheated and I'm throwing you some shade. Yeah. No, no, yeah it's a, it's a sacrifice too, in a way, because, you know, it's just like, but it's not like, uh, it's not a sacrifice and like,
the traditional sense, right? It is like a sacrifice in the way of like, these are all things that I want to do, but what is more important, right? And and like unfortunately, not unfortunately, like this was the bottom of the tier list when I wrote everything out. Podcasting was not,
in the top four things that I needed to be doing at present. No, and that makes sense. I mean, this is something we do for fun, right? We're not doing this for our livelihood. This isn't where our income is coming from. Maybe one day if we're lucky, but like it's not right now. So I think you did a good job as much as I had to say it. You did a good job placing it, you know, at the bottom. Like it's good to take a step back and re-prioritize everything once in a while.
Oh, yeah, for sure. You know, nobody, none of us hold it against you. The the only the only line that I had was like, you can't just up and disappear. And that's why I tracked your your ass down and was like, get back here. I was like, how dare you try to run away from me? um No, and I appreciate you hunting me down ah because it did it did like, you know, it was just, you know, I did that.
I did the thing also on the mental health thing before we wrap up anything, uh, on the mental health thing, uh, pro tip for all of you beautiful motherfuckers out here. All right. Take this from me from the bottom of my heart. When you get mentally overstimulated to the point that everything is just white noise and fuzzy, don't disappear. Okay.
Don't leave servers without telling people what is going on. Again, mental health is important. The people that you surround yourself with, it's important. Remember that you always have people around. Even when shit seems dark, even when shit seems dire, there's always somebody there. Whether you realize it or not, reach out to somebody. Talk to people. Don't just disappear, okay?
Yeah, don't ignore your texts. Don't ignore your emails. Don't don't leave your servers. Don't you know shut your phone off. Don't go somewhere and just disappear. At least let somebody know where you're going. Yes. Do the right thing. Don't just disappear. all right that is ah That is the one thing that I will say I did not handle good. right And I have reached out to the people that needed apologies. And I have set those. Even though it's not something like The apologies are more for the fact of boring people, not for what I did. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and that's the thing too is like, you know, don't, you know, there's nothing that's ever been an hour and run like, Oh, fucking Nick, what a douche. You know, I just went like, Hey, you know, I just don't, don't disappear. Like if you need to take some time away, then just tell me that, but don't just disappear. Cause I'm just like, I don't know what's going on. Is he okay? What's going on? We have no contact with you. You know, we can't talk to your family.
You know, as long as I know like, you're Hey, you know what? I'm prioritizing this. This is what I need right now. My mental space is kind of in a whack. Like we're, you know, I just need to focus on this right now. Like nobody in their right mind, at least that's connected to fun installers would ever say that's stupid. Stick around. You know, like no one's going to tell you that fun installers is more important than what you need right now in your life.
um If they do you tell me and I'll kick him in the face and then kick him out of the server because they'll be here, you know You know by now and one should know better But you know, it's just it's one of those things where even when You know Everything is dark. Don't forget. There's always people around and don't just leave the people in the dark Yeah, and that's all I have to say on that. That's my Ted talking of us for joining. I Yeah, some of us know from experience that you will be leaving people behind that will miss you. Like you may not think of it at the time. But it's true. But trust me, you will. There will be people that will miss you and will wish that you had stuck around. Like me. Amen to that. Yes, like you.
like me. All right, Danny, what do you want to say to her? I mean, I know you just kind of started something, but anything else you'd like to say to anybody else about your role players guild art?

Gaming and Self-Care Promotions

What is it? The RPG, RP Guild one or the hang on. Hang on. Hang on. See, just as much as you give me shit for not having a Q&A thing at the beginning of the episode, you got it right here. It's right here. Ma'am.
Uh, thank you all for listening. Shut up. Thank you. let Um, really appreciate you all, you know, listening to the show and, um, it's a dream come true. I know, I know it's a dream come true. It really is. And I appreciate each and every one of you for listening. I know I say it every week, but I will not forget. You will not forget. Adam sure as hell will not forget. Um, now if you are looking for the role players guild,
ah That is my wife's run D and&D, TTRPG-ish stuff. ah We're actually restarting our old campaign. Woo! Starting this Thursday, I believe.
I'll have to find out for streaming on YouTube or Twitch. I don't know right now. But if you want to find us on Twitter, it's on the RPGuild1. There you go. The RPGuild1. So I was right. It is the RPGuild1.
Yeah, and if it's YouTube or Twitch, either one, it's going to be under ah the Role Players Guild. That's R-O-L-L, Players Guild. ah So yeah, go there if you like D and&D and stuff, if you want to hear me make silly voices, if you want to meet the missus, or if you want to check her out, she's also on Twitch on Beluga358. She just recently beat Devil May Cry, which was a big stepping stone for her and we're all very proud. And I believe next up, she's doing a new user
or like making a new account on Warframe to test out the new user experience. So if you've been interested in that game and you want to see how it starts, check it out. Check out their channel. I that's it for me. You know, you could just have your damn wife come on here and answer questions, but she's being a real fruit about it. Actually, we have a plan for that.
I started to come on here because she's like, I want to talk about the stuff. And I was like, you don't have any opinions, on anything else, Beluga? Really? Really? She doesn't. She doesn't. Come here so I can flick you in the net. I don't I don't think you understand how much this girl eats, breeds and so ah dreams of D and&D.
That woman has no other opinions on anything else in life where you say, oh, let's go to dinner here. And she says, whatever you say, Danny, I have no opinion. Yes. Every frickin day. Hey, honey. You want for lunch? I don't know. Whatever then initiative. Exactly. Someone who has all those tummy issues doesn't have any any preference on what they should be eating. Right. No, not at all. Because she I know what she would get at every single place. You have opinions on talking to humans. You know, what's that? Probably. Yes. But she probably doesn't want to do it.
I'm just exactly. It's not that she has no other opinion. She just doesn't want to buy in. That's right. I'm calling you out, Beluga. You're not going to listen to this anyway. Like she's not going to hear this. Yeah. i Listen, if you if you guys already know Beluga's handle, you just heard it. The R.P. Guild won on Twitter. Send her a message or just at her and say, oh, yeah, I want to go to go to Q and answer more than just D and&D questions because Adam's going to want to fucking like destroy Earth if he has to talk about D and&D for an hour. So, you know,
Just go on there and just answer maybe just nerd questions. She plays video games. We can do video games too. We can figure it out. Get that woman on this show. Ask her anything about Devil May Cry 1. She's a master at it now. I asked her, what is Dante's brother's name? Virgil? Yep, Virgil. I knew that. Nick knows that. I don't want to know if they knew that. Anyway, um What was I going to say? That's it. We're going to be leaving now. I'm not happy, no. Adios, bon suite. As I was going to say, so everybody, please take care of your mind, take care of your heart. Most importantly, take care of each other.
And as Danny and I said last time that I think we should end every episode on from henceforth. Remember what you we said last time, Danny? Take care of yourself. No, not that. Damn it. I mean, that I mean that too. But we said something else is very important that if you don't do this, you'll die. Never don't get where it. is Don't get a stroke.
No, I mean, we talked about strokes too, but that's no, is if you don't do this, we don't want you to stroke. If you, this is a thing you should do because we are made up of a certain type of element that we should keep replenishing. Stay hydrated. Stay hydrated. Drink all the water. There you go. Nailed it. First try. All right, guys, on three. we're gonna on one tooth I'm going to say one, two, three, then we'll all say stay hydrated, OK? You guys ready? OK. All right. All right. Three. No, I'm sorry. One, two, three. Stay hydrated. If you suck.