Elevenses At A Strip Club (W/Caitlyn) image

Elevenses At A Strip Club (W/Caitlyn)

That's Our Q
20 Plays2 months ago

Today we are joined by Caitlyn as we discuss what we dislike on a burger, some relationship discourse about NOT going to a strip club, and what trivial things just tick us right off! Also, we learned Elevenses!

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OK, here we go. Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, ladies, gentlemen, non-binary folks. If universe is known and unknown, this is role players. Nope, this isn't. This is that's our cue. Close enough for sure. Although I do have a show called role players. Go check that out. That's R-O-L-L players since I set up by accident by being stupid. That's what I get for making my show intros to identical. um Anyway, TOQ for short. TOQ is where we take your cues and we strike them together over leaves and twigs and other brush that we find in the woods and we strike them real hard together until they erupt in a beautiful fiery A that'll keep everybody nice and toasty, especially in the winter times or when you are stranded somewhere. And what that means, in case you don't know,
is We go and take questions from the internet places like reddit and Quora and we give our opinions on them as if anybody cared to hear it um My name is Adam if I already haven't said so myself I don't think I usually say it during the intro, but I always am unsure Anyway, my name is Adam and as always I am joined by my good buddy Danny guarantee Danny say hello to the people. Hello my friends and family of people I know and don't know but love all the same um Is it bad if my first thought when you gave your little Q to a speech was, you know, I haven't had a poop in a while that left me with a burning a, um, no, that's not bad. I think that's normal. And I'm actually quite worried because they ate that spicy pork a minute ago. I really like hot sauce. So like, it's not an uncommon occurrence, but it's, I'm wondering where all the hot sauce went anyway. Uh, that's neither here nor there, uh, but a little bit of everywhere.
And we should have a guest today. Hello, guest. Hello. What's your name? My name is kaitlin Caitlin. Caitlin, where are you from, Caitlin? I you don't have to say. Can you give us your exact address, please? I'm in the Satan's butthole known as Arizona. Oh, so you have the burning. I see. Yeah. If you want to know what it's like to live on the sun vacation in Arizona this summer. The burning A is Arizona. A for Arizona. Arizona. Yeah. That's what I was thinking too. Yes. Fun facts. You can actually ah kill brain cells by being in our heat.
I believe my whole heart. I don't know the exact temperature. I don't know the exact temperature, but I actually did read this that if you are outside and in a certain level of heat, it actually your brain cells start to start to die. Yeah, it's probably some sort of side effect from heat stroke or heat exhaustion, I imagine. yeah Yeah, I know. I mean, I don't have many left to give, but like. I don't know. It feels kind of good when they die. Yeah, I mean, it's like one hundred and fifteen these days. So do with that. Yes, it's a lot, dude. Luckily, it's dry heat because if that were 115 plus humidity, Jesus. But yeah, that would be I mean, it's that's already hot. That's already been disgusting here because it keeps like getting all rainy and gross and hot. Yep. It's supposed to be like our monsoon season. And I think we've only had like one rainy day so far. And we have had like a pathetic monsoon season for like the last few days or the last few years.
That's crazy. And like, I remember when our, during our monsoon season, we would have like crazy flash floods. Like to the point where we would go, we would drive into this dip and it would, and the, the level of water would be so high that it was trying to get like in the car through the door, through like the spaces, the doors. That's insanity. I can't even like imagine it. Oh my God. I miss it. I want it.
Well, Caitlin, thanks for coming on. ah Would you be interested in giving some A's to some cues with us? Of course. Otherwise, why are you here? I was hoping you'd say yes. If you said no, I'd be like, well, we said no i would be got the wrong idea about what we're doing today. All right, everybody. Thank you for joining us. This has been a dream come true for me. I'm just bringing that feminine perspective. And we appreciate it. There's a whole lot of talks around here. Yeah, we have a lot of balls here. So, you know, we we need ah mostly from Danny's side, but um we need we need more perspective like that. I'm three quarters of them. Wait, well that's true.
I'm just a quarter, so think about that. All right, so um this first question is from Deplorable Kurt, which is one of my favorite, like it's a name that I would expect right out of like a FromSoft game. and Oh, this is Deplorable Kurt. That's his new friend. I love it. It's so good. um What is one thing that you do not ah like on your burger? Asks the floorable Kurt. So I thought this might be a fun one just to kind of open up a discussion. Everybody has opinions on food. Caitlin, what is something that you just do not want or like on your burger? I don't know. I'm really picky. So that's a lot of things. But I guess to one thing that I would probably cry if it was on my burger is mushrooms.
Oh, good answer. oh Interesting. Yeah, no, I could agree with that. Yeah, my my brother, he loves his mushrooms on his burger. But like, there was a point when I was younger where I actually like would like mushrooms on pizza, like if they were cut up really small. But now it's just like, can't get past the rubbery texture or the sliminess. Like, no, no, thank you. Mm hmm. Awesome. I'm right there with you. They are interesting, or if they're not prepared in a certain way, it definitely is. Texturally, they are very acquired. They're almost like grapes. You have to like pop them. Yeah. boom I love grapes. They're like little eyeballs for your mouth. Oh, I love grapes. Yeah. I don't like other things having the consistency of grapes. So Caitlin, your number your number one is no mushrooms. No mushrooms. Interesting. What is your second place of just absolutely keeping away from my hamburger?
Oh, OK, this is going to sound weird because I love garlic, but I hate onions. OK, it's interesting that that is an actual that is a very interesting answer. Now, ah yeah how is it any way that they are prepared or just onions in general? Because I have a way that I like onions on a burger or that if there are the other way, I'm like, fuck, well this is going to suck. See, I like onion rings, but I just don't like onions on my burger. Because a lot of the times they're almost fresh, so you get that like crunchy. Then you get like that really like oniony flavor. I can't think of what it was. No. It's almost sour. I was thinking the same thing. Onions have a strong flavor. so like thatty you yeah you feel it you know there's onion in there you know uh my roommate was just talking to me about onions because he is kind of a guy who likes to fixate well my newest roommate my room my original roomie's boyfriend his name is mark and mark gets real fixated on just like how certain things function and so he found himself watching a youtube video about like what make makes onions stink and apparently
The finer you cut an onion, the more of the onion taste you will get because I guess when my when when the flesh of the onion on the inside is exposed to air and when certain cells die when you cut it, it makes like a sulfuric mix within whatever the flavor profile is within the onion. And that's what releases that smell or makes your eyes water or makes ah something taste extra fresh. So the thinner cut The thinner, the kind of the onion, the more powerful the taste of the onion will be. Um, so like, I thought that was quite an interesting little thing. Like cells, the cell structure dies as you cut it and that creates a chemical reaction with the air. And I guess like a sulfur release that creates that taste and smell quite interesting stuff. Yeah.
I wouldn't watch a YouTube video about it, but it's fun if a friend wants to share. I was always wondering why whenever I had to mince an onion for dinner, I would always like, it would start out easy enough, right? But then by the time I was done, my eyes are all red and puffy and I'm i like drowning in my own tears. Right. And it's because the the more of the cut, the more of that sulfur makes you release. Every time you cut it, you release more of that that that breakdown. And that is very interesting as the cells die. Humans cry.
um Yeah, take that. um All right. ah you be ah Danny, what is what is something that you do not want on your hamburger? Oh, man. Mushrooms is a great answer. um So to to give a different answer to that, um, I will eat this if it's on my burger, but I will almost never order it on my burger. And that is tomato. I love ketchup. I do not like tomato. And before you go, Oh, but you know, to me, ketchup is just to me. No, it's not. No, there's so many things I added to ketchup. It is not tomato anymore.
And like it's the same thing with red. So I like to also like it's also covered in sugar. Like it's filled with sugar, that ketchup bottle. um And same thing with tomato sauce. There's so many other things in there that like make it palatable for me, but just raw tomato. No, I'll have it if it's like if they mess up my order and put it on my burger, I'll pick it off or maybe I'll just eat it and just not even think about it. But it's not for me. Tomatoes are a weird one because like for me, they're a textural thing too. Like I've been trying to learn to relike tomatoes because as a kid, I ate them. And as like a 20 something, I was like, these things are awful. Why would I want them on anything? But I'm trying. But but they're so good for you that I'm like, I've got to work them back into my diet somehow. No, no good. they're they're What's considered a super food because they have so many nutrients within them that you can obtain.
that I was like, I have to not I have to put these in fucking somewhere. How can I make tomatoes good? They can super go away. um And that's not just for burgers. I'm not going to have cherry tomatoes in my salads. Never, ever um that I will not, you know, just eat your tomatoes are another one that I'm that was where I've been trying to start is to eat them. But it's like a big pop of tomato flavor that maybe it's not the best place for me to start. I keep telling myself, oh, they're just tomato grapes. I know what grapes. I love grapes, but it's not the same. You know, it's a good place to start is ketchup.
i I do like ketchup, but, you know, it's not I need to get like that non sugared ketchup. So it's really just squished tomatoes in there. I actually learned how to make homemade tomato soup. Oh, homemade tomato soup. Yeah. How do that? It's like a fire roasted. How do you make homemade tomato soup? I don't know. How do you do that? I mean, well, okay, so the the recipe that I found it's like a fire it was like a fire roasted tomato soup. um And so basically, what yeah I did is, you know, I dice up the tomatoes, and I
I never know these words. I love to cook, but I never know like the terms. But like I simmer it in like simmered it and I think it was like chicken stock and cream and all this other like good stuff. And I simmered the tomatoes until they got soft and smishy. And then I poured everything into like a blender or like ah ah like a food processor. And so it got all blended up and then you put it back in the the pot or the pan or whatever you're cooking it with. And then you heat it up and then everything gets like, so then that way that the tomatoes, they absorbs the flavor from like the spices and the cream and everything. And then it gets really blended and really, it was really yummy. I'm gonna have to make that again. That sounds really good. That sounds like. It sounds like work that i well now I do have a bit of a problem with your recipe and the way you gave it to us.
I didn't have to go through a half hour reading about your life. And the one time your great grandmother showed you this recipe while she yeah like i confidence child I get all my recipes off a tick tock because they will just go right into it. They're not going to give me some weird story. that But that's part of the experience. I grew these tomatoes six years ago with my great grandmother who escaped. Yeah. When she died, I used her as the fur fertilizer. Well, yes, this is part of every batch. This is literally grandmas to me. I made it just the way she did with grandmother's ashes. Yes.
great Grandma used to dip her fingers in the soup and so now I do dip her finger in the soup. That's okay. Finger looking good just pulls up like an old complicated finger. Then you then you just suck that sauce right off of grandma's corpse finger. Mmm. Yummy. Delicious. Is it sauce or is it all blood? No.
She puts her blood and sweat in every batch, you know. So do I. so And so do I. Thanks, Grandma, for crying into this file before you went. Thank you. Can I tell you the thing that ah ah my least favorite thing on my burger is a bit of a rant. So I don't know if I should release it all out because I think I've ranted about them before. You have to get it out. I think I have. So I'm going to try to condense it, though. I will say before I say the thing I hate the most. um There is something that I struggle with on most sandwiches and burgers where like.
I struggle to understand how other people do it. It's like anything that's kind of like a loose topping on a burger. Like when you see like it's burger, cheese, and then the bun like floats up about six inches. Cause it's like a bunch of extra veggies that just make the blunt cut the bunch. Just kind of like sit at the top, like a hat. And like, and I often think like, how, how are we eating this? How are we putting this in our mouth? Or if you bite into it, you pull half of it. You pull half of it off of the burger when you bite into it. It's not breaks right away. You know, it's like when you bite into like cheese, like a cheese pizza and and like the cheese just comes off the fucking pizza and then skulls your face.
You know what I'm saying? So, like, anyway, that's one thing I struggle with is, like, loose foods that aren't, like, kind of glued down by some other condiment to keep them there. I don't know how that works. But my least favorite thing? Pickles. Devil penises. That's what they are. I don't understand. Is it all pickles or is that just hamburger pickles? Every pickle on planet Earth can go straight to hell.
um Every pickle on planet Earth can fucking burn. go back to the fucking sulfuric acid hells can from which it spawned. um I hate them. I don't understand why people pickle anything. It's fucking disgusting. And pickles in particular, those little kind of cut ones that they put on burgers, especially at dick models. you know the restaurant with the clown you know you bite into it and it doesn't it doesn't break in your mouth it pulls right out it gets stuck in your teeth and it's like hey look I'm a pickle you can't bite through me I'm indestructible and I just I just don't get it and I used to feed him to my brother and my girlfriend at the time many moons ago when McDonald's would fuck up my order and put dickles on them and I just I don't think they're good dickles are bad dickleball is fine pickleball is where you play
Pickleballs we play pickleball with like some extra special rules, but dickles pickles devil dicks hate them I don't understand why people eat them cucumbers are stupid. They're only good for your eyeballs are making water Cucumber water I guess and that's it um Anyway, there's more I would say on it But I just think pickles are one of the worst things that we've ever created as humans in life And I don't understand the appeal. And I wish have you ever had the pickles at at Firehouse Subs because I swear they put like some crack in those pickles or something. No, if I got pickles from Firehouse Subs, I would just fucking, you know, like make a ritual of destroying them in front of the person that gave it to me.
And like, hey, watch as watch as I start a grease fire to baptize these things in flame, because you decided to make me try one of your dickles at your restaurant. Don't want them. Don't care to. I don't want to eat devil wieners. Sorry. They're awful. Anyway, I don't like those. I got a jar of pickles with like ghost pepper in them. Oh, it's so good. Just I love me a spicy pickle. That brine taste, the texture just made me hungry. So I found this pickle, I think it's like a company that does pickles and it's in Texas. I wanted to go because I sorry, but I do love pickles. Yeah. They had like garlic pickles and like all these different kind of pickles. And then they had like pickle merchandise.
And I'm like, okay, I'm not one of those weirdos who likes pickled milkshakes, whatever the a weird crap they come out with. I don't like that. But I do love like a pure pickle, like it's just a nice kosher dill pickle spear, or even like the big ones that they have like at the deli. Those are good. Yeah, I I wish I could like them. Whenever I wish I could run fair in in New York, we get the giant like this is a meal. This will take you 10 minutes to eat pickle. Oh, it's so good. Oh, yeah. Well, pickle hurt you, man. Well, do to you? There's no there's just no.
There's no rent. There's no version of a pickle that's like not shitty. I just don't. It's the brine. Pickle you. It's the brine. It's just like it's just gross texture. It's nearly indestructible. And it's just it's just in the taste is like Blech. Our time I tried made of cardboard. What is this indestructible pickle? Compare it to everything else that they're topped with. Not talking about the wooden pickle. yeah Everything that they are, everything that they go with that people eat them with, especially on a burger, it's just, it's the hardest thing on the fucking sandwich. Like it's not soft like the bun or the burger.
or the cheese, it's just it it's it's too much. It's just it just feels like when you bite into it, it just slides out the burger, just like I was saying with other things. So even if I like the taste, the consistency is Garbo and I hate it. And I wish it would die a slow, miserable death of whatever that might be in my tummy. And you tell me and you know what? Everybody else in my life likes pickles, but me. So I just if I get them accidentally on a burger, it's like a waiter fucks up or something like whatever. I just like give them to whoever else is next to me if they want it. I don't really care. So I'm not offended that they exist. I just want them to exist around me. i's go say It sounds like you're offended. They exist when you say you want them all to die. I blow painful death. I do, but only when I have to think about them.
You know, I see you like about the burger as well. Yeah, I can't have pickles on my burgers. Keep them pure. Pickles are such and go on a burger. Well, there we go. At least we can all agree that maybe you don't put pickles on. Yeah, like I can agree with your reasoning for the burger. All right. Good. All right. Well, hey, we' look at that. We got we got somewhere. All right. You guys want to answer another question? Yeah. Yeah. That went so well. All right. This one is from Am I the asshole thread? And ah it is from if he KK throw it away. I think it's supposed to be if if you know, you know, throw away. I think you're already the asshole. I don't even hear the story. Yeah. Now, this one is good this one is from the strip clubs a conversation. And it's a bit of a it's a bit of a read. So bear with me here. So they say last night I, a 30 year old male,
went out with some friends without my partner, a 31 year old female. We went to a dive bar for a couple hours and then one friend who's leaving town for a bit wanted to go to a strip club. I politely declined and told them to have fun, but I'm heading home. My partner asked why I was home so soon. It was 11 30 PM when I'm typically back when the bar closes, uh, when I'm out with my group, I explained, and then she got quiet. She asked me why I hang out with people like that. And I responded that they're fun. And although I may not understand the appeal of strip clubs, I don't see an issue with anyone who does what they like doing as their business. And if I'm not about it, I don't have to partake. She then screams at me. You see nothing wrong with that when you have a girl at home.
I calmly reply back, nope, why you acted like I went. I just told you I came back because I didn't want to go. And then I went to bed. I feel like I did nothing wrong, but she called me an asshole and has been standoffish all morning. So the question stands, am I the asshole? That's too long. Didn't read version came back early ah from a night out because the mates want to go to a strip club after the bar. And I'm not a fan. Partner is upset. And I think it's okay to partner is upset that I think it's okay to hang out with people who like strip clubs. I told her it's not an issue when I went to bed. So.
what Where are we at with that? and we We all caught up on how what happened? and I goes guy goes strip club or guy goes out with two bar Friends say let's go see nudes. He says not dog. I'm gonna go home. They said alright cool He goes home girl goes why you hang out people go strip clubs? and He said cuz I like them They're fun. She gets mad. He goes to bed. They disagree So Caitlin, earlier you said the female perspective. this would be I picked this one specifically when I knew you were coming because I was like, this would be good to have a girl's perspective on this. So what do you think about that?
Oh, see, i when he first talked about that they wanted him to go strip club, I thought it was going to go differently. I honestly, even if he had gone to the strip strip club, I wouldn't care. So I'm like dissecting this in my brain, right? So he didn't go, first of all. And I think it's cool that his friends like didn't give him shit about it, because you know a lot of guys are going to be like, oh, you're whipped. Oh, blah, blah, blah. It didn't sound like this is the case. It sounds like they were understanding and cool about it. wait And I understand where the partner was coming from that, you know, she, if that's, cause I want to say like, okay, her feelings are valid, but it's like, you're telling him not to be friends with guys just because they want to go to strip clubs. Like, why are you controlling what other people do when it affects you? Like it takes nothing away from you.
It's like, the obviously you have a partner who doesn't want to go to strip clubs. So or are you worried that is somehow his friends are going to like brainwash him into being somebody that wants to go to strip clubs? Like what is the the deal with that? it Yeah. No, I see where you're coming from. Absolutely. So it was like though the main thing that she that she should have focused on was the fact that she, you know, she as since she seems like she's somebody who doesn't want her partner to go to strip clubs. She doesn't want her partner to be somebody who wants to go to strip clubs. Like she just should just focus on the fact that she's lucky to have found someone who doesn't want to go to strip clubs, who kind of shares her feelings about strip clubs. Like that should be what she focuses on.
Yeah, for sure. I agree with you. And I also think like. I think that it's very interesting because, yeah, I really thought when I read this, I was like, he kind of I feel like he checked all the right boxes. Like, I mean, there are some like you said, there are some partners are like, yeah, man, go to sh strip club. I don't give a fuck. um You know, um but ah but I mean, but in but in her case. She's like, you need to agree with me that your friends are gross because they go to strip clubs. I'm like, you know, and I think it's kind of creates a weird precedent in a relationship or a friendship where you only hang out with people who agree with everything you think and say. And I'm like, that's kind of.
That's kind of boring. It's not exciting. like You should be able to have your differences. so I feel like she had like issues with the friends before this. like She was just looking for... Maybe. I got that. I got that too. But the other thing is like it's kind of insulting to like the OP that his girlfriend would think that he was someone who could be. who could be manipulated by his friends or could be like convinced by his friends to do something out of character. Like, you like, do you think that little of him that he thought easily influenced that he can't make up his own mind? Like, that just seems so insulting to me. And it very well could be if she is toxic. I don't know if she is, but certainly a yellow flag in this situation based on what we know that like she very well could be like
the controlling one in that situation where she's like, you, I'm the one that tells you what to do. Yeah. Don't hang out. I don't know though. Maybe she just got her own insecurities, but the fact that he didn't even go, I'm like, I'm really trying to, I'm really having a hard time and less like I come up with my own extra details. Like maybe she didn't like the friends to begin with, but I'm really struggling to come up with any sort of, um, like I'm really, I'm having a hard time seeing why she would be this upset. Like there has to be something else going on. Right. I, I think. Uh, sorry. Um, Caitlin, I understand you wanting to say that her opinion is still valid and all that. I'm going to take that a step further. Uh, no, um she's allowed to think. I try to see it from both sides,
um but the more I think about it, the more I'm like, what is this girl's deal? Exactly. I'm like, the the guy did everything right. Right. Like if I were in his position. I probably wouldn't have gone either. But if my friends wanted me to, I'd probably call my wife and be like, hey, is are you OK with this if we were to go do this? um But he didn't even like go that far. He just said, no, I you know, not my thing. And she jumped down his throat for it. And the part that makes me say that what she's doing, like she's the asshole in this story to me, 100 percent, not because of what she thinks you're allowed to
Because to me, it sounds like she thinks very little of people that work there or people that go there. um And you're allowed to think that, you know, go ahead, I guess. But as soon as you start trying to push your morals on somebody else and get mad at them for not even doing anything, but because they hung out with somebody who, no, once you start pushing your morals out like that, you're losing me. Um, and to get mad at him over something so stupid as something his friends are doing, that's not hurting anyone. I, they never say that the friends have a, like a girl waiting at home for them or anything. So I'm going to go off the assumption that they're single. Go ahead. i ah she She is
I guess she pushed a button with me because, oh, man, I don't like people that look down on others for stupid things like this. And I don't like people that push their morals on others. It's honestly giving like the same energy as like being mad at your partner because one of their friends cheated and like being mad at your partner, thinking your partner is going to cheat. Yeah, exactly. It is like he didn't even do anything bad. You cheated on me in a dream, so I'm mad at you. Oh, yeah. I feel like he's so confused. Like high school bullshit is what it is. Yeah. It feels like pedantic high school bullshit. Yeah. i Yeah. Again, there's got to be some extra. Yeah. There's got to be something else going on with her or maybe it's like Caitlin said some history that maybe she doesn't like. I don't know. But like clearly something isn't being fulfilled. And we only know the details that the OP gave us. But just based on what OP gave us,
Yeah, she's the asshole. And this is the way you think of is either she got cheated on in the past by somebody who went to a strip club, or ah she's just one of those people that are like, you know, sex workers are worse than scum kind of people. um Even if she had cheated on though, he didn't go. like That's but the most important part of the story is he didn't go. like right but he's She's so mad at him for being around people that would go. like Do you really think that little of
People just working, you know, regardless of what they're doing. You're like, they are so disgusting that, you know, I might get infected by you being infected by your friends who got infected by going there. like Right. And if as you do make a good point that it certainly seems like there could be a potential of, yeah, maybe she's maybe the strip clubs make her uncomfortable. Maybe I don't you know, like. There was a discussion I think we had recently about like how some people look down on like fast food workers and coffee shop workers. And it's like, if they weren't there, who would serve you this food that you want? Who would serve you this coffee that you want? Like the work they do is important because you clearly crave it that you're fucking spending extra money on it to get it door dash to your house.
And it's not like it's unheard of for people to find like sex work disgusting, you know, or people that would go to a strip club disgusting. So like that, that's what I can see it being that or some prior history that she's taking out on him. Either way, keep it to yourself. Right. Yeah, it's not OK to punish somebody because of an insecurity you have, especially when they did all of the right things, except agree with you on because again, most guys like, hey, babe, I went to the club. as opposed, you know, or called them ahead of time and said, Hey, can I go to the club? Like Danny said, but in which case he says, nah, he might even, even though it's not for him, like he said, or he might already know that maybe that might make you uncomfortable. So he was like, no, I'm just not going to go. Cause he's trying to do right by you could be both. If you, been sorry, go ahead.
I just can say if he goes to if if he doesn't go because he doesn't like it and he actually doesn't go because he doesn't make sounds comfortable. Those are green flags, in my opinion. Right. If you break away all of the ah parts of this story to like, it's just most basic thing. She's mad at him for having friends. Who like something that she doesn't like. Yeah. She, she's mad at him because he has friends. That's it. I like, it's so controlling and so like, Oh no, sorry. No. So Caitlin, you, you agree that like, if with the details we were given that the guy seems to be in the clear.
Yes, I agree. I agree with Danny that it's it's very controlling. It's like she wants ah she wants to make the choices for him. She wants to control who he's friends with and and what he thinks and what he believes. And it's just it's crazy. Yeah. It's very it's very much does give the vibes of just like I had a bad dream and now I'm mad at you for this thing that you didn't actually do. I'm mad at you. I'm mad at you because you didn't go to the place that I don't want you to go to. It's like, it's like, hey, ah Joey cheated on his girlfriend. You wouldn't cheat on me or would you cheat on me like you did, didn't you?
Yeah, yeah, exactly. And it's like, I know there's like that saying that like character comes from the company you keep, but it's bullshit. I mean, you guys, yeah like you can disagree with what people like to do or what people think, like, and that's like, that goes to opposites attract. Opposites attract in relationships and opposites attract in friendships. work And I think it's good to keep, um you know, and this has has been something that for me, I had to like kind of take stock of like, you know, not to get too out of like pocket, but like.
When I first started really paying attention to politics and and like social societal changes and certain laws that were being changed and stuff, I really took a good hard look at like posts when I still had Facebook from people who I grew up with my whole life and people that I love and that I still love. you know But I was like, boy, I'm really kind of the outlier here that in like what side of the political aisle I would be sitting on. you know and and And there's a lot of people who would say, well, I can't be friends with those people because they disagree with blah and blah. And I can understand how those things could create those divergences in your and your friendships.
but I've always kind of valued that like, Hey, you know what? There are some things that we will just never agree on, but that doesn't mean that we can't still care about each other and love each other. And so I think when it comes to the company that you keep, I mean, as long as they're like gang bangers or fucking drug dealers, and they're not like some sort of like, high-end criminals or wanted by the FBI. if they're if the great right if the greatest sin If the greatest sin that they have is that they like to go look at titties at a bar, no you know like if that's the worst thing that they have done, you know unless they beat you in Smash Brothers when they came over for game night one day, like like I just don't understand.
There has to be some history like, why do you not like his friends? What else do they got going on that you don't like that you're using this as the crush? Just as a girl, if the biggest red flag in my partner is that he wants to look at titties, like, we're good, we're good. This is a nasty relationship. You look at them titties, man. It'd be different if he said he was straight and you find he's going and looking at wieners. Then you're like, okay, hey, like, do you want to talk about something? Do you need to come out to somebody? Yeah. Like, if you're a girl and he wants to- I mean, we can reevaluate our relationship. We can both look at the wieners, you know? Right. You know, we'll both go look at wieners. That's fine. I think I've said this before, but one of the things that really made me know that Mel was the perfect person to ask to marry me is
If I think a girl is hot, I can point to the girl and, you know, and go to my wife and be like, I think that girl's hot. And the only time my wife would get mad at me for that is if she disagreed. Yeah. I love it. du Like, Oh, are you fucking serious? Take your wedding ring back. You, yeah yeah you, yeah guys better die that you, slob you like that. o Yeah. i thought i knew you yeah How are we ever going to find our third when I see that's what you're looking for? You're going to have to alternate. Yeah, that's it. I'm taking the writer off. Three some Thursday. Sounds fun. Yeah, I like that.
TD Tuesday, Wiener Wednesday, threesome Thursday, foursome Friday, foursome Friday. Monday and Monday, just boring old regular two-prick in Monday. And on Sunday, we rest. Replaced those fluids. Yes, we praised that we praise Raptor Jesus for all the strength he gave us for all of that stuff throughout the rest of the week. And then we start again on Tuesday. um was so I think we thoroughly answered that question, right? Yeah. OK. Also, don't listen to these prudes, drug dealers, gang bangers, whatever else to be your friend. Go go ahead. yeah I'm just saying there would be more if you're like, that guy's wanted by the CIA. Then, OK, maybe I'll hide you. I won't. Yeah, I won't. I'm sorry. I mean, I'm not going to be friends with a drug dealer if they're not going to give me a discount.
What am I getting out of this? Right. yeah q We at T.A.Q. did not endorse being a drug dealer. Thank you. but no Notice he said we don't endorse not doing drugs. Just don't be the dealer. ah Look, you can do whatever drugs you want as long as you're in the safety of someone who can revive you if you're coding. right Like you do you just don't sell it to people who don't need it. Don't try to make a buck off other people. Because if you if you need it, go for it. Have fun. Just do it safely and away from children. um That's all I care about. You need to know legally that we do not condone drugs of any kind. We do not condone drugs. Except we. We. You mean we condone drugs except we.
this Um, but anyway, uh, Caitlin, that would be the time ordinarily before we do the word of the day where our guest tells us something. It could be about you. Could be about something you like. Could be a hobby. Could be a TV show. Could be just a random fact that only lasts about 10 seconds. Giggity. And then we move on. So, uh, whatever you want to talk about, Caitlin, the floor is yours. Is there anything that you would like to share with the audience and us? Uh, yes, I am very into house of the dragon right now. And it is like a prequel series to Game of Thrones. Oh, I didn't know that was a prequel. Yeah. i Just miss a book or something that sounds familiar. Oh, I think I don't know if they just wrote. I think it's been out for a while. If I'm thinking something else, never mind.
I know I'm trash who doesn't read the books, I just watch the shows. Oh my God, I'm right there with you. I haven't read the books or watched the movies or the shows. They started out as the same family, the Targaryens. It's basically how um the Targaryen bloodline started. but ish oh yeah Anyway, the saga ish started. And so basically what it is is um there The king's daughter, she was um supposed to be the heir to the throne when the king died. But the king was, I forget what he was sick with, but he was sick with something that made him delirious. And he was telling his wife about- None of those spoilers, right? Yeah. It's basically the plot of this of the show. Okay.
is basically the king was telling his wife about the the this this story. And because the the character in the story would have the same nu name as her son, Basically she thought that her son, um what that he he had changed his mind and that his son was supposed to take the throne. So um the daughter, she married she went to another kingdom and um she was away when the the king died. And so basically the son usurped the throne. And so now basically this entire season is a battle over who's gonna ultimately take the throne.
And so it's, yeah, it's a lot of dragons, which I love dragons. And it's a lot of like back and forth family drama, which I live for. And I'm very much team black, which is Renira, because she is the true heir and we all know it. I should check out that show. I loved Game of Thrones. It's so good. And the thing is, I never really got into the Game of Thrones. Everyone's like, oh, Game of Thrones is so awesome. I came to watch it. And I'm like, yeah, by the time I decided I was interested in it, it was like 10 seasons in. And I just got time for that. We watched it years later when it was all out. We just sat down and really, like we we just barreled through the whole thing. We played.
Find the water bottle and find the Starbucks cup. Super great games.
And so I got into House of the Dragon in the first season. So I'm like, okay, yay. I'm getting in this on the ground floor. And I don't know, I don't know why, how it's different from Game of Thrones, but it's just got me like hooked. Like I watch that every Sunday. Sunday is for House of the Dragon. Thursday is for the boys. How is the season of The Boys? I love it. I haven't started it yet. but I love it. i love it it's It's crazy and it's insane. I'm not going to give you any spoilers because like you have to go into it raw because I swear every every week has some sort of shock value. and But it's so good. And like I think next week is the season finale already.
Oh, perfect. Good. We were waiting for the whole thing so we could just binge it. Yeah. Yep. So next week is the season finale. So definitely binge watch that because it is so good. Okay. Awesome. Oh, I can't wait for that. Huh. Well, I'm here to be missing out on a lot of that. so i you Hey, you know what? That's great. I'm glad I'm happy for you both that you like those kinds of things. It's fun to nerd out about stupid shit like this. yeah Absolutely. Absolutely. it's good for So House of the Dragon. That what was a book they just released. And that was like. I feel like I heard that like they just released, not just just, but like within the past year, I think they released a new book. Which I thought was also. Or they are. I know that because I helped the girl get it. I helped the girl get it off the shelf at the library or at um at a bookstore once. Is it like fire and ice something or?
Yeah, the Song of Fire and Ice. Is that it? Mm hmm. The Targaryen Dynasty, the House of the Dragon. Yeah, I don't know. I don't fucking know, man. um yeah Is this like, you um is it a is it an original work? The the series or is it also based off of the book or a book? It's based off of the book. OK, I wasn't sure if it was like a spinoff or whatever we want. The original was the book series. I think this show and these books are being written at the same time. Gotcha. Well, I know. I don't know. I'm going to have to Google that because like because I know because I've seen on tick tock. The thing is, like I said, I'm obsessed with House of the Dragon. So that's all my for me pages is like House of the Dragon and people are like,
Oh, everybody loves Renira, but book Renira is so much worse. s Like, you know what? I don't read about book Renira. I watch show Renira and that's who my loyalty is pledged to. So stop it. I don't read. I do read, but who's got time in this economy, man?
Um. Right. I get all of that. That is all things I. Yeah, like I can tell you definitely know everything that's going on right now. I am. You know, um I was just like, yeah, I'm glad someone said it. Yeah. Fucking. Targaryens or whatever. you Yeah, man. Dragons. They're cool. You know, the agrarians, the ones that do the farming there. Yeah. Alanis agrarian. Right. yeah Yeah. That's the one. Banister Clark dragons. That's all you need to know is dragons. It's John Bean in this for more than five minutes. Notice before his time. That poor guy. Okay. It's before it's before all the time of all the how all the ah Game of Thrones characters is before that. Okay. If there's one actor I feel bad for it's John Bean.
Sean Bean chooses his role. All he does is die in everything. Mm hmm. That's like his thing. He likes it, though. I'm. Danny, why don't you hit us with a word of the day, my guy? I'd love to. So ah this word apparently means something, but I like to think it means getting your 11th helping a food. ah The word of the day is 11 this. 11 11s and it looks and sounds like 11s ease. Like it's the word 11 with SES at the end. That is exactly how you spell it. Yes, 11s. It's like how fucking it's like how Gollum counts. I love it. This is pretty good. Thank you. And it is a noun. And it is a mid morning break for refreshments.
Elevenses is a thank you word of the day. ah Thank you, dictionary dot com. ah So you you would go and have elevenses like a late morning snack or yes, ah like go like a free life is actually what it's named after is oh um have you would have it at like 11 o'clock. Second breakfast is elevenses. I take my break at eleven. I might have to call it. I'm about I'm going to go on my elevenses now. Elevens. It's a noun where you would say like I'm going to have elevenses or I'm getting ready for elevenses. I'm going to go out and do elevenses right now. How is your elevenses? I'm going to go do an elevenses. I'm going to go do an elevenses.
The way you say it makes it sound like it's an alliance. Yeah, I'm just gonna want to have an 11s with me. i i'll be right back I'm gonna, I'm gonna go out for a little bit. I'm gonna go do an 11s. Do you want to form an 11s?
but I've gathered you here today for 11s.
Yeah, my favorite game is Marvel Ultimate 11s. This 11s is broken. I pledge 11s to the flag. um That's a great word. I'm is that like an old English or something like that is. does it ah Let's see. First recording of eleven eighteen forty through sixty five and chiefly in British English usage. It was a dialect of 11s, meaning an 11 o'clock meal. Uh, doubly pluralized form of 11. It's a double plural of 11. Yep. Makes, uh, perhaps as an ellipsis of 11 hours, 11 o'clock. 11s is, I could see that being like an old British, like, all right, Gov. Now I'm going to go out and do me an 11s. Yeah. I still think I can't, I can't unhear Gollum.
Every time you say that, I can't I can't on here. 11th is 11th. Now, you said that we could have 11 says they're nuts. I have tried for so long to be able to do that voice and I cannot do it. It's mostly just me doing stitch. It's not a good golem. It's most. No, but I can't do that. I can't do that voice. couch like ah Not without sounding like I'm um drowning. ah sub i'll also ah yeah well see the thing is okay and
for goop
I'll give you I'll give you a good I'll give you a good lesson right now that you can practice and you're a voice actor. Please do so. Start with no words, just practice making like pretend like you're a frog on helium and you just try to do like that, like from the back of your throat. Right. Like it's like youre it's like you're saying, me like, this and like MMM like, but like do that, but then like try to force it farther back down your throat. Right. Try this good ASMR. Not quite.
Oh, like that way you go like. o So like you learn to manipulate that part of your vocal cords to make it go higher pitched to make a different sound. Oh, yeah. Well, I'm just still dying over the shove it to the back of your throat. yeah I genuinely trying to do the voice. And I didn't even hear that bit. Oh, damn it. You shove your elevens of the sources. all i hear action All I hear is the fly from when we used to play gang. I don't know what to tell you, dog. I'm just trying to help you out. No, you're good. It's fine. i Look, not everybody can do every voice. And I think I have a nice bag of tricks. If I can't do a certain voice, I'll live. It's also how in time jail, if you ever listen to those episodes, I just manipulate that to make Marion's voice. Marion, the time snail, I just use my stitch voice and change it a little bit. There you go. there's Marion's voice.
So there you go. Y'all got another question you want to in yet before we wrap up? Yes, please do it. This one is an answer that I think everybody will already know my answer to. um So also ah funny enough, and I did not do this on purpose. I just looked at the username. The username is Elegant Pickle 8179. I don't know how the fuck I missed that. Now I'm envisioning a pickle and a top hat and a monocle. and Yeah, like Mr. Peanut, but it's it's his cousin, Mr. Pickle. A hundred eight thousand one hundred and seventy ninth one, apparently. um That's a classic. I cannot believe that I did not notice this. um But anyway, the question is from Elliot Pickle, eighty one seventy nine. They ask what trivial things really wind you up?
Um, so I'm curious, Caitlin, what are some just small, trivial things that your brain just like lights on fire about that? You're like, Ooh, I hate that. Children. also Okay. Physically. yes i No, I just, uh, I, I have, and it's probably going to be stupid and everyone's all like, Oh, well they're just kids. They don't know better. But I cannot stand when kids. Like they run. They run around places that they shouldn't run. They should run around restaurants. They run around stores. And I want to I want them to learn a lesson and I want to be the person that teaches them that lesson. Oh, so wait a minute. Hold on a second. Huh? So you like pickles. You hate kids.
You want to triple and you don't are okay with your with your significant other going to the strip club. I know I'm a dream pick, right? Are you single?
Yeah. But no, I don't I don't hate kids. I don't want kids, but I don't hate kids. I just and I have to like I feel like I have to reprogram my brain because I want to get mad at the kids. But it's like, no, it's not the kids. It's the parents that are raising these kids. And I have to stop and I have to force myself. But at the same time, it's like somebody has to teach them. You don't want it. It's not going to be the parents. So I'm going to trip you. I don't do it, but I want to. It's like my and intrusive thoughts just are burning to win on that one. No, i've I've been there. I fully understand where you're coming from. Trust me, gravity and inertia will teach them eventually. It catches up to all of us. um Oh.
Yeah, I think I. So that's your little thing. Yeah. That's your little thing. That's the first thing that came to mind. Oh, oh, let me think of a little thing. I'm trying to think of a OK. That's my sheet popping off my bed. Is that that's that's stupid, right? Oh, I hate that, too. Yeah, that's a good way. I guess I toss and turn in my sleep and I don't realize I'm doing it. And the thing is, I'm a little person, and and my my my spine is fused, so my body don't move like it did. So it's just so much effort to have to pull everything off the bed and ah just this pull the sheet off, just so you have just enough excess to get it back on the corner of the bed, just for it to pull off the corner of the bed within a few days, and I just want to burn the whole thing.
it It just makes me see red because it's like this is why I don't fold my clothes because I know I'm just going to wear them and they're just going to end up in a dirty pile again. I don't like repetition. You know, I had something similar that I was comparing that to where I was. um trying to put like these trash cans, this like weirdly shaped or trash bag into a fucking circular, a big ass circular trash can. And like it felt like trying to put on a fucking fitted sheets. I'd get like two sides of the bag on the goddamn can. And then the rest of it's getting like ripped off the other side. And I felt like such a child trying to fucking put a garbage bag into a goddamn can. Like why are not all bags circular? Are they not just circular fucking bags big enough to go in the freaking garbage can, you know?
Yeah, I don't understand it. um Danny, what is so what is a trivial thing that upsets you, that makes you riled up? A lot of people are probably going to agree with my pick right away and be like, well, of course, that makes perfect sense. But it's not going to be for the reason you're thinking. Doing the bills. And it's not even because like, oh, you know, it's the bills I'm just giving money away. You know, it's not even that it there's just something about having to like waste my free time sitting there opening a
I don't know like 50 letters 40 of which are gonna be spam just to see that you know I paid I pay these bills then I have to go in we have like a budget sheet that I have to go fill out do all the math and all this other stuff and it's just it's so boring when I could be like playing a video game or watching TV or doing anything else Um, like stupid adult response. i'm yeah ah But like, you know, if, if I have to, like, I guess it's because I have to go out of my way to do it. Right. Like if I want to keep things a little tidy, when I leave a room, I'll take any dishes with me or, um, you know, any trash, I'll just bring it with me and I can do it on the way. But with the bills, it's like, okay, I have to like actually actively stop what I'm doing to go over and.
you know, deal with this now. um And it's not even fear of what's in the stack, right? We're all, <unk>re we're fine on all of our bills, um barely, but we're fine. ah So it's not, I'm looking through it dreading a, you know, a collection notice or anything. it's It's just like, I don't know, I guess it's just pulling me out. It's actually another one answering the phone. I hate, answering the phone. Oh, I love and a getting not't even answer the phone because I know most times can be credit. I actually had, I actually had a really cool conversation with my mom about this because, uh, it's a, I guess just a generational thing or, you know, just how I am, but she found it rude to text as opposed to call. I find it rude to call as opposed to text.
And my mom's argument was that a text is very impersonal, a call is much more personal, and that's fair, I see that. My argument is when it's a text, I pick up my phone, takes two seconds to answer, I put my phone back down, and I look at it again after some amount of time. I'm not one to just sit there and stare at the phone and text. Whereas with a phone call, I have to stop everything I'm doing to concentrate on the phone call, Then I have to try and remember what the hell I was doing before the phone call. Uh, I, so I guess it's really just anything that like, I have to go out of my way and pause my life to do. Um, right. I was going to say, it sounds less about like that.
Because it's not really rude for a phone call to happen because they don't know what you're doing. Right. I'm not saying that it sounds to be rude, but like. Right. It sounds more to me like just like what you said. You're like, I don't want to be interrupted with this thing I want to do. So any responsibilities I have. If somebody knew how I felt about it and called me, I would consider that rude. Oh, I'd call you. Why would I? I don't care if I if I'm calling you, bro, you better pick up. Oh, that's so. Yeah, that's absolutely. I'm going to leave you so many voicemails. I'm going to fill up your inbox. See, like I get that, though, with the the phone calls, though, like, I don't know if it's my social anxiety or I don't know, maybe I'm I'm just slightly neurodivergent or whatever. But like I I can only be invested in phone calls for so long.
Like you want you want to be like, hey, you would call me and be like, hey, you want to go to the store? I'll pick you up in five. OK, call me. Cool. You could still text me. But like if you want to sit there and have like an hour long conversation about everything that you want to catch me up on or anything that pops in your head at a certain point, I'm going to be like, I don't want to talk to you anymore. I don't know how to do this politely. I was going to say, I know exactly how you feel. Well, I think that like, that's the thing too is like, I do think that phone calls are becoming a bit of an art because, or a lost art, so to speak, because I do find that there are a lot of people who just don't know. I think it could be social anxiety could be just because we're so, well, here's the thing. You know what? Before I go on to that, let me just say about the phone call thing that if we're going to live in a text based world,
then people need to get better at typing and texting with good grammar and functionality. Because, look, if you're going to tell me that you don't want to be on a fucking phone, then I better be able to read every fucking text you send me. Because if you keep using your and your wrong and they're there, they're wrong and you don't use commas and you just send 50 goddamn texts in a row and instead of sending one bulk one where I can get your whole thought there, then you are not good at texting e and you will get a phone call just for me to tell you that you suck at texting. You know what? Not every text needs an emoji added to it, too. If I send you a text and say, I'm on my way, don't you dare hit a reply to it and then put a fucking thumbs up or something on it. I hate that. It's not social media. Just say, okay, like a normal person, because I'm just getting my own text message back with a thumbs up next to it, and it's stupid. So if you're not going to be on a goddamn phone call, don't treat your fucking text messages like goddamn fucking Facebook. I hate it.
And my mom used like voice to text and like I had to like decipher what she was reading and she would finally beat me down to the point. I'm like, just, just call me and tell me it's cool. like like Let's get this done because I don't even know if this is English coming out of your text right now. My parents and I have different phones. I have an Android and they have iPhones. So I guess the iPhone has that functionality where you can like attach an emoji to a message. Yes. um My phone doesn't have that. So I will send them a message, you know, saying like, Oh, sounds like you guys are doing something cool tonight. And my mom will add a heart emoji to it on her end. What I get is a new text message from her saying,
love your message po and then my message yes that's what i get terry stop it you don't need to do that i know listen terry gabe listen guys look i know it's fun to put shapes on things i get it okay but maybe go use some cookie cutters and like get some dough and have some fun doing that All the people out there that feel the need to treat their text messages like social media. Just stop, okay? or i and i you I don't care. It doesn't bother me. Don't listen to him.
no I I do care because I hope that you and I will share a text someday, Terry. And if we do, I don't want you doing that to me. Just know that it causes me severe pain every time somebody makes me read my own messages with a fucking picture next to it. OK, I hate it. He's about to listen to the taken speech. I will find you, Terry. I hunt you down. My mom actually is Danny's dad. Yeah, Gabe and Terry are my parents, by the way. Mom, Terry and Terry gave her his parents. By the way, my mom actually took this a step further. and She got this thing ah for her phone, I guess, where you can make yourself into the emoji. So I get like a so instead of just like a normal little thumbs up or whatever, if she does send it, she sends like this customized picture of her giving a thumbs up cartoon style emoji.
yeah you check that's all the up pick mode If you just send that and it's not me having to read my own text, I don't care. Even if you text me a thumbs up, as much as I hate that, it's like texting the letter K. Like I hate that, but I would rather get that than have to read my own message with a tiny little thumb next to it. If you want to send me ah just a picture of you being like, yeah, dog, I got you. And it's you giving me the finger or a thumbs up. Cool. That's fun. I like that. I'm okay with that, right? I just don't want to have to read my own shit again. I'm not texting myself. I talk to myself every day. I'm my favorite person to talk to. I get that. I don't need to get my own text messages back, though, because I'm not going to respond to my own text. Just know, Mom, that that's how he feels. I don't care. You could go out and love my message. I love that you love my messages, Mom. I love you so much. He's lying. He tells me behind the scenes that he hates it. I absolutely don't do that.
He doesn't know how to fucking tell you at all. He doesn't know how to do it. I'll call you, though. If you want to talk on the phone, Terry, I bet you're old school. You can call me anytime. I'll talk. I'll talk on the phone. And I'm also OK with saying, hey, all right. Well, I'm kind of done talking. So I guess I'll talk to you later. That's how I end most of my calls. I'm like, well, I got nothing more to say. Let's tend to hang up. All right, cool. Love you. mike Yeah. I mean, you know, this episode's been very cool, but I'm actually just kind of done. So I'll, uh, I'll see you guys later. Honestly, that's the best way to do it. So if you do have social anxiety and your social battery is depleting from a phone call, there's nothing wrong with saying.
All right. Well, you know, I kind of want to just stop doing this for a little bit. And if you're if you're friends with somebody who understands you, they're like, all right, cool. Got you. And then that's it. No one gets offended. Like they're just, you know, so just to like really hammer home that I also have this issue, Caitlin, with, you know, the anxiety and stuff about. Oh, I don't know. Two hours ago, Adam and I were playing a video game together and i dinner had arrived. And for about, I don't know, three or four minutes, Adam was going on this tirade about something. And I was like, every time he'd stop, I'd like start to, to say, I have to go. And he'd go on again. I'm like, okay.
Well, to be fair, you were reacting to the story, so I thought you were still listening. and i had And I had said earlier, I said, do you need to get going to get your food? And he said, no, man, I just ordered it. It'll be a while. And it was like 10 minutes later. Then you were like, oh, I got to go my get there quickly. So I wasn't expecting it to be there in 10 minutes. You were just putting in the order 10 minutes prior. So also you can just say, hey, can we pick this up later? I want to get my food or just or just text me in the group chat and say, hey, motherfucker, my food's here. Bitch about this later. And I'm like, OK, cool. I'm fine with that. Next time I'm just going to scream over you. Shut up. You can just try to like I try to give like the subtle verbal signals like. Mm hmm. Yeah.
That's crazy. I'm like, if you aren't getting my subtle signals, I'm just dying to die. That what I did to him. Okay, let's go on and I'm just like, damn, that's crazy. so yeah listen hu ah Listen, let me tell you as an extrovert and somebody who actually understands socializing. That is what you think you're doing is not a subtle signal. It's not a signal at all. It is a mislead, if anything else. It's like a universal subtle signal. oh music yeah like um it is the to It's the It's the tone. People think that men and women men are different species, but it's really introverts and extroverts. that are I was going to say, if you go, uh-huh, yeah, that's interesting. That's a good way to practice what is known as active listening. Yeah, but you see how you have that inflection of your voice. I'm talking more like,
Mm hmm. No, no, no, no. OK, then make then make your make your and if you have to sit in social limbo and suffer, that's your fault because you're doing, quote unquote, subtle cues instead of just saying, hey, can we stop for now? I got someone did that same thing to me. I would be like, OK, they don't want to talk to me right now or they're done with this conversation. You also have social anxiety. If I did that to you and then you just bowed out and shut down, I would be left baffled. like why did she leave and you're like well he said uh-huh meet so that means he hates me and doesn't want to talk to you anymore but maybe i just have emotional and social maturity ain't nothing mature about you thinking a subtle cue a subtle cue is going uh-huh yeah that's not subtle it's not a cue do you hear the inflection in your voice though there's a difference between how you're saying it and how i'm saying
but No, because look, here's the thing about being social and social anxiety. Y'all just need to grow a pair for a second and just speak what you actually feel. Just grow a fucking pair and be like, all right, look, I'm going to have to stop you there. I got to go. Right. There's nothing and because trust trust me when I tell you this and I believe this so wholeheartedly. that most people also want to get out of the conversation but they're nervous talkers so they keep talking because they're afraid of the silence so if you interrupt them and say hey look i actually have to go inside they're going oh thank god and they want to go to you'll be a superhero if you just speak up and you say i'ma let you finish dog but first i can
And it's like sometimes you have to do that though. Like my brother, he'll talk on for hours about like you know the games that you guys like the the the recordings that you guys do or whatever. whatever And he's so excited about it. And I love that he's so excited, but I have no problem with with the fact that he's excited about it. But he'll go on forever. And I'll be like, m yeah, that that that's cool. Wow. and just But if I don't placate him, then there's that long silence where I can just feel that he's waiting for a reaction from me. If I don't give him some sort of reaction, some sort of validation, he's going to feel bad. And I don't want him to feel bad. So I'm like, oh, wow. And I just keep going in that pattern. And I don't know how to get up.
Right, but do you see what I mean? like you're doing a There was not a whole lot of inflection difference from what you said was a subtle cue. he needs He doesn't need a subtle cue. He needs slapped in the face to kind of bring him back to reality. And I have learned that about your brother. I have grown to really love Sean and understand how his little neurodivergent brain works. And I have had to interrupt him many a time when we're doing a recording and say, Sean, I got to bring him back to Earth, buddy. We're doing a recording. Oh, yeah, sorry. And then he's fine. He's OK. He's excited. But he's also a human being. And he's just happy because someone understands him enough to bring him back down to Earth.
Caitlin, I love that story you just told about Sean because I am the exact same way as him. When I get really into a video game, I will just start spilling it out to Mel. And I can tell within like 20 seconds of me talking about it that she is so over it, but she does play Kate May. And I can see it happening. Like I go i know it's happening. Like shut it down because i I don't want him to feel like he has to shut it down. Like I don't want to give him the wrong response and then next time he wants to open up and be excited about something, he doesn't because he thinks that I'm not interested. Like I want to be interested. I want to show you. And as somebody who's there, I appreciate you because, oh my God, it would kill me if she was just like, damn, I don't care. Because I want to tell somebody, right? It would all be stuck in there. And I'd be like, Oh, and I'm not and I know from personal experience that I'm that anxious overthinker. So if someone says, you know, that that's cool that you like that, but I'm just not really into this conversation, then I'm just going to be like, oh, OK. And then I'm going to shut down because I'm like, and then that's going to make me feel bad. So I don't want to do that to someone else because I know what that feels like. And that's a shitty feeling. I'm sorry if we're not allowed to swearing on you.
No, dude, i you husband swear I don't care. um no So but that's kind of what I'm getting at is like, I think if it's someone who you who you know and you trust and who you love and they know that about you, like, ah Again, i um I don't mean to poke fun at you, but like when you say those subtle cues, it's like sometimes you have to be a you have to be a bus, not like a scalpel. like Sometimes you just need to bust through the wall like a Kool-Aid man instead of trying to be cerebral about it. like There's nothing wrong with that. And I can really assure you, as long as you're sincere and you're gentle and you're genuine, just I've been a people person my entire life, man. I've had to do this with so many people.
And I got probably like a 99.99% like success rate with this shit. Um, and I only give myself a tiny margin of error cause I just have a bad memory. So I don't know if I've missed one, but like. I can promise you that if you were sincere and you say, look, man, brother, like, let's use Sean as an example, because we all love Sean. We all know Sean. Sean, you're probably going to listen to this, buddy. And we love him be and you, We do. We love you very much. And you'll probably you can all tell your sister how often I've probably had to say, all right, Sean, hey, man, look, I love that you want to tell me about this, but we've got to get back on track. no And then you just say, OK, sorry.
Right. And I think that's great. I even gave Sean his own little corner and the in the and the server where he can just put all of his ramblings in one big place. I love that so much. It's this little chaos corner that he can just drop all his crazy stuff in there. And I love that for him. And I love that. I love when he gets happy and excited because otherwise, because there's also times where he gets really dark and depressed and that scares me because like as someone in the same bug line that also suffers from the dark and depressive stuff like I get scared of what he he does if he gets too dark and so I'd rather him be like really manic and happy and excited like I prefer that
No, I don't have to worry about him. There are plenty of things in this world that suck. Like absolutely suck. There are plenty of reasons to be depressed. So you take every opportunity you can to be excited about something and you be excited about it no matter what anybody says. Absolutely. And that's not just for Sean, that's for everyone. Don't let everybody else yucky or yum. But I do think as far as like time restraints or time constraints and and just Also, your own social battery. I've really had to learn for myself, especially over the pandemic, when like I was really struggling to not see people. And like I really had to learn that some people just don't have the same social battery I have. And it took me a lot of time to recognize that. um So like now I'm just like, i'll so I'll stop. It's not that I'm insecure, it just that I'm trying to be more aware. And I'm like, hey, and i've and a lot of my close friends in real life will tell me, like
Hey man, look, I'm kind of tapped out for today. I don't know if I can handle an Adam day. And know so then ah that's, that's good for me to know. I don't take offense to that. I'm actually happy that they tell me cause I'm like, Oh, thank God. I don't want to cause then I'm going to feel guilty. If I find out like they share with me six months later, Hey, remember when you came over on that idle Friday and you were really excited to go to. Purgatory and I was kind of tired but I went anyway because I know you were excited. I'm like, yeah, and I really appreciate you doing that. That was so fun. I'm like, man, I was like so fucking dead that day. I just want to sleep, but I knew I wanted to be there for you. In the meanwhile, then I'm like clashed with, oh, that was really a nice thing they did for me. And also, ah, fuck, I wore them out more with my stupid big boy extra energy. like and So like, I trust me when I tell you the people who love you and those who love us, it's okay to have those conversations and say, look,
I want to hear all about this. I know you're excited about it. So let's kind of get at least a bullet points out. So maybe we could talk more about it later, but just like, you know, my social battery is at about like a 20% right now. So like, I'm going to give you five of it. Okay. Let's roll. You know, like, I think that's okay to set those boundaries. And I think frankly, it lets people understand like, it's like when you're talking in real life and like somebody has their hand on the door and they're trying to leave and people aren't picking up on the, I want to leave, but you're still talking to me thing. I don't know if you guys have experienced i hate that. Well, like you got your hand on the door, but nobody will stop talking to you. I have learned to just say, all right, y'all peace. And then I open the door and I leave like that word. It was a word of the day we had that did that. Pigeon, maybe it was pigeon toed. Pigeon toed is. Yeah, that's different. No, no, no, no, no, no. Pigeon. So it's a pigeon buttonhole. Buttonhole. Yes. Thank you. Buttonhole was when you feel trapped in a conversation. The whole frickin time we've been talking about. Buttonhole is the word. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. So anyway, with the word we have done before, and that is to ah basically arrest somebody by talking to them like they want to leave. You won't let them go. Yeah. So just trust me when I tell you, like I was just somebody who's like just has been working his whole life to just master like socializing in general. Like most people are so appreciative if you let them know how you feel and that you still love them despite like like wanting to say that thing to them. and And as somebody who I have had to learn that myself, like I prefer if someone stops me and says, dude, dude, just you are a lot today. And I just need a minute and I'm like, hey, cool, shoot, take a minute. I'll be here. If that's the case, Adam, I love you. That's it. I just i love you, man. I love you, too buddy. I'm happy that we're friends and that we get to do stuff together. but so I had a great time with you today. Yeah, same, dude.
um because I get excited to talk and to people and see people I care about. ah So, you know, I'm right there with you. But anyway, um but yeah, that's actually very sweet, though, Caitlin. I see that in you when I have heard you guys in conversation through like group chats and stuff. I have heard that. Yeah, I love that approach things. And I think that's a very that's a beautiful thing. It's a very sweet. Yeah, yeah I think that's fantastic. um ah So I'll make my trivial thing quick. Danny, did we do yours? Yours was Bill's. Yeah. my Mine started this whole thing. Yeah. ah So I've already talked about this ad nauseam. So I'm just going to just riff off a couple that just to remind everybody on a regular basis that these are still things I care about.
Number one, shopping carts. Put them back. and Always. Forever. Number two, turn signals. Fucking use them when you're driving. Always. Every time you turn the wheel, turn the fuckers on. um Number three, change the toilet paper roll if you have roommates especially or if you live with family. Yes, Sean. Yeah, Sean. There's no excuse not to. One of my roommates is notorious for not only will he either leave the toilet paper roll empty
But lately, he throws it away, so he knows it's empty, and he'll throw it away and not put a new one on there. So it's just an empty rack with no toilet paper on it. And I've thought about doing a spiteful act a few times, but then I'm just like, ah, fuck, i don't I'm not gonna be that mad about it. I'll just replace it my damn self. But then I talk to him, and he still does it. Eventually, I'll kick him in the ass, but right now, I'm like, whatever, I'll just deal with it. Or I'm just gonna start wiping my ass on his stuff. Like, I'm just gonna leave one of his socks in the bathroom with shit all over it. And then he'll be like, Adam, what the hell is this? I'm like, I don't know. Maybe there was no toilet paper in the bathroom, bro. um But anyways, those are my big three. Turn signals. Shopping carts.
toilet paper, just do the right thing. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort. They're self-governing tests, right? Like it's just there's no real big ramifications for not doing them. So it's a good test of your own character if you do or don't do them. Right. And you can say you forget, but you wiped your ass. You saw the paper when you grabbed it. You've got to pay attention, homes. And if you got memory issues, look at the toilet paper before you put your ass on the toilet and then grab a roll before you sit down. That way, you know, it's time to replace that that boy. yeah well Here's a little life pro tip for everybody that we've done at the house. um Because we used to have we have like a ah little closet right outside the bathroom, and we were putting our toilet paper in there. So you know every time you ran out, you had to like go out and get it.
And then I said, no, fuck this. And I just took the whole bag of toilet paper and just put it literally. It's right next to the toilet. It is right there. um You could, without even getting up, change the toilet paper. See, ours is like that, though, and they still don't. That's just what I'm saying is like it's a terrible test. It is, as I'm saying, like all of the work is done for you, except for the final step of just. putting it on the roll like on the rack like that's what I'm saying is like it says a lot about your character and how much you give a shit if you're like just like well somebody else will do it right like that's not like that's why those bother me so much is they're trivial but like to me they build to bigger things and like
like the shopping cart thing people will have a thousand and one excuses for why they don't put them back but i don't buy any of them unless you're being chased by a bear or an axe murderer there's no reason oh well i have kids well you got your kids into the fucking store didn't you like people know arc right next to the shopping cart return and still can't put it back how Right. Or they'll exhaust more energy putting it up on the curb than putting it in the corral. That's like a row over like, you know, like park farther away, get some extra steps in, walk that shit back. Like there's no reason other than laziness or somebody else will do it or they'll say, oh, well, I don't do that because that means that somebody else will be out of a job because people have to come and get it. Most people, most I say most because there are some exceptions. Most stores don't have a dedicated cart guy anymore. It's just part of their other job that they do. Yeah.
Right. Like usually it's a secondary job of something else that you have to do as someone who did that shitty job. I can tell you, right? go out in summer It was in the summer it was a hundred degree. We don't want to return carts. We don't want to gather those carts. Like it's you're there. Let's do it. What takes you five seconds takes us like 20 minutes because we have to do a hundred of them. right exactly and so I think people think like they trick themselves into being lazy by saying oh well I'm doing a good service because that lets them have a job to do right it's like when you just make a big-ass mess in the store and you don't tell anybody and somebody has to find the fucking mess that you made like just go do the right thing and tell somebody what happened so somebody nobody has to
walk around it or fuck around with glass or slip on anything like just own up to what you did or people who wrecked the bathroom i'm sorry that must be embarrassing for you but it's just as shitty for someone to have to walk in there and see that you just blew up the bathroom instead of saying hey i really fucked it up in there or leave a sticky note at least like a bathroom shitty you know like just like consider like if you wouldn't want that to happen to you don't do it to other people like it's just It's a weird way that our society works where people can do the inflicting of the inconveniences, but will bitch up a whole heartstorm when it happens to them. like My dad was a big not user of turn signals, but I can't tell you how many times I heard that man complain that people ahead of him don't use them because he doesn't know when they're turning or why they're slowing down. I'm like, oh, interesting.
Interesting. Why is it weird how that works? It's just like if you ah get annoyed when people don't do it for you, don't do it to other people. like The world doesn't revolve around you. right If I left you with no toilet paper in the bathroom, you'd be pretty upset. The world revolved around you. Oh my gosh. That that open would open like a whole new door of of small things that drive me. thats like Right. Yeah, I was going to say, trust me, I'm sure we could take make a whole episode about that. Oh, for sure. you know Absolutely. First World Problems and pet peeves. This is crazy. People that use their phones in movie theaters or talk in movie theaters. Oh, my God. Yes. Or listen to music with the with their phone on speaker. Yes. I don't want to listen to your shitty music. For real. Or people that get on the phone at the gym and they have full on conversations while they're walking next to you on the treadmill. Like, what do are you here for?
Oh, my God. like people People who have their phone on speaker when they're at the store and I can hear both sides of the conversation. And when I chime in, I get in trouble and they think I'm being rude. And I was like, you have them on speaker. We can all hear it. I assume we're all allowed to chime in on you. But my mom said that, so I can't I can't speak to that because my mom did that when I'm at work. So stop it. There is one person at my job. ah We love you and we miss you for whatever reason. We'll go to the bathroom and be on the phone in the toilet. And I'm just like, look, man, I'm not going to be quiet for you. Like I'm in the bathroom. If shit's about to go down, it's going to go down. And if they hear it in the background and you have to explain why you suddenly hear a flush. Sorry. Like is this a group shit or what's going on? Yeah. Why are we on the phone on the toilet? Can you maybe play battleships? Can you not just be like, Hey man, I got to go like drop a log real quick. You mind waiting for a bit?
Yeah, I'm sorry. The expense reports late. I was busy printing it. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm sure we could do a whole episode on that kind of thing. But my God. Yeah. my Yeah. but I mean, also things you guys brought up. Bills. Yeah, that's not fun. Really? just What was yours, Caitlin? I already forgot pickles what was that good pickles. I love pickles. No, it was the sheet popping off the corner. And it was kids running around. yeah existing this Kids just existed.
and like course What's what's what? like some Jerry Seinfeld shit like, what's the deal with kids? Why do they exist? How are they made? I really don't know. Something about birds and bees. And then the government wants us to have more of them. Why? I'm getting my tubes tied. this I don't know where they are. it's all out good i got no I don't need anything, just scoop it on out. I'm donating my balls to science.
Oh my goodness. And then just go whoop. All right, gang. So let's review what we talked about today, shall we? um We talked about what we like on our burgers, right? We, we talked about what we hate on our burgers. Exactly. Sorry. We, we talked about, you know, an instance in which you decline going to a strip club, but still get berated for having friends who go to strip clubs. We had a lovely discussion about that. We talked about the word 11 Z's, which is a fantastic word. Um, and how it is a mid-morning snack between 11 and 12 o'clock essentially pre-lunch. Um, really mid-morning.
It's not how we left in the morning. It's more like late morning, I guess, but I i would say like maybe like nine, 10 o'clock is. Yeah. Um, but tensies doesn't sound as good as a little not 90s 90s 90s is pretty good. That's like a German word. It's like German golem. He's a Pokemon as well, I guess. Um, and then also we talked about ah trivial things that wind us up, such as bedsheets, children, bills and shopping cart, not put her backers.
um I feel like, oh, and of course we discussed the House of the Dragon ah for Caitlin Spotlight and Game of Thrones and all that cool stuff and things. I didn't understand the boys and the boys, boys. Great show. So we got through a lot today in the past hour and a half. um So ah so we're going to wrap up the show. But before we do, Caitlin, is there anything that you would like to say to the audience or to us before we start saying our goodbyes? Just so know you know, July is Disability Awareness Month. Is it? It is. Oh, good to know.
I did not know that. I didn't. i you do Or if I did know that, I forgot. Although, to be fair, my all of my jobs that I've had in the past few years are all like disability awareness jobs, so I feel like my brain's always on for that. But that's good to know. That's really great. um Are there any um are you aware of at the top of your head, like any um any places that they can go to like get more information on different disabilities or like who they can support or anything? Like, do you have anything outside your head you think of? um I unfortunately don't. and which I wish I did. i just I knew that it was Disability Awareness Month and as somebody with dis disabilities, say I thought that was pretty neat that there's a whole month to make people aware of it, um especially as someone who has you know dealt with a lot of like
you know, kind of misjudgment on things. it It's kind of neat that there's an awareness to to bring to people's attention that, you know, that some disabilities aren't obvious. Some disabilities are invisible. You can't see it from looking at a person. And so I guess if I would put out something helpful out there is just to be aware of the fact that, you know, some people have disabilities that you can't see, some people have. intellectual disabilities, emotional disabilities. um Like, you know, I have part of my spine fuse. I can walk, but it's very painful for me to walk. So yeah, sometimes I have to use, you know, an electric cart when I go to the store. And it's not obvious to know that unless I should pull up my shirt and show you my scar, which I don't feel like doing every time. So it's like if you if you can't understand and you can't be nice, then just mind your own business.
and Very true. Not everybody not everybody experiences the world in the same way and that everybody perceives it or comprehends it in the same way. um And there's a lesson that I'm always having to relearn pretty much every fucking day. Well, yeah, well, thank you for sharing that. I think it's really important. And as somebody who works in that line and that field, you know, I i always appreciate that people are willing to talk about it and to share about it. So um so it's always good for me to have those reminders and to be educated as well. um Danny, what would you like to say to our audience and to us? Well, first of all, Caitlin, I want to say thank you again for joining us. We had a great time with you today. um Another banger of an episode down. Yeah.
Um, and thank you all for listening. Um, look, I'll keep it short and sweet this time. I promise dream come true. All thanks to you. You know, the drill. Um, just a quick reminder. Uh, my wife, should take your levin says that's right. Have, have 11s is take care of yourself. Um, just a quick reminder. My wife's, um, started streaming. If you want to watch her play some video games, I might even be in one or two of them. Uh, she just tried Elden Ring for the first and a half time. She played it for like an hour and a half once before. Um, we also played Remnant 2 together. Uh, if you want to check that out, she is on YouTube and Twitch as Beluga358. Uh, she's also starting up the TTRPG channel again, the Role Players Guild, R-O-L-L, Players Guild. Um,
If you want to hear more of my voice, I have started reading ah stories, short stories for the strange stories from odd folks at um Team Cuddles. My last one that I just did was if you see these tracks run. ah So give that a listen if you want. and I think that's about it. I had a lot this time. Jeez. Not that I'm upset, but you're like, I'm going to keep it short, guys. and Let me get out my tablet and this is none of the whole, you know, thanking the audience ah because I knew I had ah a list this time. I was going to say, hopeful I hope I hope I haven't scarred you on poking fun at you about that. No, not at all. I just I knew I had a lot because Mel's starting up her stuff and I want to give it a call out. Oh, also check out my friend Goopy Jello.
Uh, on YouTube, just do it. He's funny. Gooby Jello. I like that name. Poopy Goopy. Goopy Jello. It ain't Jello. So that's a podcast, right? No, that, that one's YouTube videos. and No, no, no, no, no. Uh, Lee's thing. Lee's thing is a podcast. It's a podcast. I'm sorry. It's a, the story I read is a podcast. You can find it on Spotify. We are working to add that to the Fun and Sellers website pretty soon. Yeah. um So hopefully that'll get added relatively next couple of days or so. By the time you hear this, hopefully it'll be there. But if not, I will have the links of it all in the show notes. And I believe. Don't quote me on this one, but I believe it is. ah They don't just write all the stories. I believe that it's a collection that they take.
They write some, they collect them and from people that submit them and then, you know, send them out to us to read them. So if you have a story you want somebody to read. You know, you could check that out. um You can ask for me personally if you want. I'll read your story. I don't care. Do it. You can ask me, but I'm not going to. I'll do it in my best Adam impression. There you go. Go for it. Yeah. His best Adam impression doing a golem impression. So it'll be. ah Perfect, see, there you go. um ah So anyway. um
Hey, thank you everybody for listening. Caitlin, it was a pleasure having you here. Thank you so much for coming and making time. I'm glad we finally got our schedules, um, to, to cross in a way that was fitting for us. Um, and Hey, you guys know the drill. Go to fun and sellers.com slash contact us. If you wish to send us in questions or if you want to just tell us how we're doing, you can also go there. We have video game articles out there that we wrote. There's a couple of articles about video game characters that Cass and I think are hot. Um, so you can go read those. Uh, we have ah other podcast partners up there as well. You can listen to guess we'll have productions. You can listen to role players.
role players guilds, YouTube channels on there as well. Um, so it's a one stop shop. We're trying to make it for everybody who's in the network to just have their stuff there for you to go and enjoy all that lovely content. Um, and they'll take it to all the respective places, link trees, Spotify links, all that good stuff. So go there and check it out. Cause you know, we're getting a lot of hits on there. We're glad people are using it. Uh, and finally, before you go, if you wouldn't mind, uh, we've gotten several more reviews since I asked last. So I want to ask again, cause people might not remember if you make it this far into the episode. Please go to wherever it is that you listen to your podcast and just give us a rating. Justin and I like to say on role players, rate it if you hate it. You know, whatever emotion that we invoke, give it that amount of stars. I don't care if you give us one or five or two. Doesn't matter. All ratings are good at the end of the day, frankly. So go ahead and let us know how we're doing. And lastly, if you go to a website called podchaser.com, every podcaster should be using this because it's a great resource, not only to find new podcasts,
but to rate podcast episodes individually. So if you wouldn't mind, go to podchaser dot.com slash role players and slash TOQ. Those are both our main shows. Go on there and fucking leave a review, man. You can even type little things up and say, yo, this podcast rules, as opposed to just writing any sort of um star rating. And you can rate individual episodes. So if there's an episode that we put out that you thought was really shitty, let us know. That way, I know not to do episodes like that anymore. Or if there's an episode that you thought was really good go and review that one individual and say hey do more like this because this kicked ass that way I know to go and check it. You know what podchaser.com. Better yet go to podchaser dot.com for this episode and ah leave a review and say ah bubble wrap. This way we know you watch to the end. Or say pickles are just devil's dickles.
Pickles are the devil's tickles. But other than that, I just want to get that spiel in because I'm trying to get more reviews because like I haven't asked in a little while. So Caitlin, that includes you. That includes you and subscribe. Yeah, please go to leave us a review. It would be it would mean a lot to us. um And as always, in the meantime, from the very bottom from the very bottom of my heart, hopefully to yours, please take care of your mind. Please take care of your heart. And most importantly, for the love of all things sacred, please. Take care of each other goodbye everybody
The fire raining down, fire raining down And it's lighting up the ground, it's lighting up the ground It doesn't matter what a weapon I choose I got the hell liar, hell liar blues We got the fire spinning round, fire spinning round And no solace to be found, no solace to be found It doesn't matter what direction I choose, I got the hell mire, hell mire blues.
Striving now to fill democracy's shore I didn't know it, this inferno's insane A soul on fire burning liberty's flame
Fire rainin' down, fire rainin' down And it's lightin' up the ground, it's lightin' up the ground It doesn't matter what a weapon I choose I got the hellfire, hellfire blues We got the fire spinnin' round, fire spinnin' round And no solace to be found, no solace to be found It doesn't matter what direction I choose, I got the hell mire, hell mire blues.