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Drag'ee McNobody (Ft Sean)

That's Our Q
21 Plays9 months ago

What's your favorite non-swear word insult? What has the worst fan base? And what skill have you developed to open new opportunities? Also... Weird Power Rangers Shit! Today on TOQ!   ---

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Introduction and Humor

Christ, hang on, I had a thingy I was going to say. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, ladies, gentlemen, non-binary folks of universes, none and unknown. This is, that's our queue, or TOQ for sure, where, okay, come on, Adam, you had this, Sean said something to inspire you earlier, where they take your queues, there's five of them, and they're robot animals, and they, we put them with teenagers with attitude, and then they clink together to make a giant,
fighting a robot that educates people with a big sword that kills things from electrical currents from the sky. And what that means, in case you don't know, is we take your answers from places like Quora and Reddit and other places of that sort from across the interwebs.
And we answer them as if anybody cared to hear our opinion. My name is Adam, as always, I'm joined by my best buddy Danny guarantee. Greetings, Daniel. How are you? I'm doing great. How are you doing, Mr. Adam? I'm good. My ass is a little sweaty. I'm not gonna lie. It's a bit hot. But other than that, I'm good. That's informative. Thank you. I appreciate that. I was busy thinking about Mighty Morphin Power A's.
I don't know why you would think that. I was just talking about answering questions. Yeah, I don't know. I'm sorry. I need to get into the question answering mood. Maybe today's guest will be able to help. We can fucking see. Hey, Sean, I know you're about to talk and I started talking. I apologize. Sean, say hi. Hey, it sounds like we need to just get to some attitudes with attitude.
Do you say adjectives with attitude? Yeah, I was trying to think of something. I was trying to think a little something with the fun and the first thing that that felt that came to mind. No, no, that's perfect. I love it. That's hilarious. Good attitude. OK, you guys want to answer some cues with me today? Let's let's do that thing. OK, so now this first question,
could be a little polarizing, so much so that I kept the

Worst Fan Base Debate

link. I guess past Adam thought this would be a fun one. And I kept the link to have other people's answers in it. So Danny, Sean, what has the worst fan base? And this question is asked by ZAA G kicks, Zag kicks. And there's no other context. It's literally what has the worst fan base.
Danny, I'm very eager to hear what you think. I'm sure Sean has a couple of pretty strong opinions. So I'm going to leave him second. Danny, what has the worst fan base? The first thing I thought of would have to be League of Legends, because that's the obvious answer. Anybody who's even got like a tertiary interest in video games knows that that the League of Legends group of people is
one of the most toxic things in the world. I've heard I've heard some things. But if I had to go with, you know, something else, let's say, so I'm not just taking the easy answer. I mean, it doesn't have to be video games, but I mean, that is a good good one to, you know, that I think most people who are in the industry or hobby would agree. Well, yeah, the problem is 90 percent of my life is revolved around video games. That's true. It's probably going to be video game related.
So so what do you and then we'll see what Sean has to say. When you think of worst, like worst fan base, what what is in your your purview of like just traits that means somebody is the worst or that like they're a bad fan or that they have a bad base? What makes it worse? The big one would be trying to push it on other people, being disingenuous about it.

Tech Bros and Musk Worship

I'm actually thinking
Uh, the NFT tech bro is a pretty awful fan base. The, um, Musk worshipers are, are pretty, pretty bad to me. Hey, that made it on the list of that I have in front of me. It did. It did. It's like the fourth one down. It's a fricking cult, man. And it's.
It's so cringy and bad. And the fact that they think, well, not them personally, but like any of these groups that kind of fit this stereotype. It's when they think they're better than everybody else who isn't a fan. Mm hmm. All right, dude. So you like or or you like a car that doesn't make you a better person than anyone else.
Right. And sometimes there's so much, I'm better than you. I mean, it is, but like the, the negative way to look at it is the worst way to look at it is you're worse than me. Like you're beneath, you're beneath me, like saying, I'm better than you. Like you're nothing to me because you don't agree with this thing. I like, you know, your main accusation to people that don't want to join your group is you just don't get it. I don't like your group. Yeah.
It's very attacking. It's like, OK, it's not for everybody here. It's OK. You're like, it's very exclusionary and I want to deal with that. So you're going with Elon Musk and League of Legends as your top two. Yeah, those would probably be my top two. Very good answer. I mean, solid entries. Sean, my friend, what do you think has the worst fan base? I am.

Misinterpreting Characters & Toxic Perceptions

I too. Ironically, I'm actually fans of these these, but I know.
Um, Richard Morty and hell of a boss slash, um, has been hotel. I don't know that second one. Did you say has been hotel? Yeah. It's made by the same people who do hell of a boss, but it's on Amazon. It's like the one falling, uh, the, uh, princess of hell trying to, um, redeem centers. Oh, so tell me.
Go ahead, Danny. I know both of these, but I've never seen any of them. Or I guess I know all three of these, but I've never seen any of them. So what was your first one again, Sean? Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty, OK. So you're a fan, but you think they have the worst fan base. Yeah, because. Why do you say that? Because with Rick and Morty, there's there's the fans that get the premise that like Rick is just. A very broken person. And then there's the absolute
dumbasses who think that Rick is always right. It's literally like what Danny was saying with those things. The people who unironically are focused on the fact that he's really smart and ignoring the fact that he's really miserable and suicidal at times.
because he has to be the smartest person in the room to deal with the fact that the one time he said, no, no, I'm not supposed to say, because, well, spoilers here for, is one of the things they reveal is that he actually, the family he's been living with is actually the family of the Rick that killed his family.
Mm hmm. Because I've heard there's some time me why me multiversal shit? Yeah, because basically he he's got the worst Rick went to him and said, let's look what's going on. All these other ricks. Hey, I'll give you dimensional travel. He said, No, I just want to be in my family. And then when he came, he went out to get ice cream came back, he blew up that the guy blew up his house. And he spent all this time trying to find him to the point that he
ran into the like the daughter and stuff in this guy's world. And he just moved. He pretended to be him and move in with him just because he was just still tired. And it's like, right. So. So not that not to derail you, but like so just I want to make sure that I get not. Also, I don't want to spoil a whole lot in case people are going to finish Rick and Morty. But so what you're so what you're saying is you think like these people that
just don't get it. Like they're, they're, they're looking at like the broken part of Rick is like, Oh, those are his strengths. That makes him cool. That's what like, they think that all these toxic traits are good qualities to have. Yeah. Because Rick does not seem, and I like your perspective. He's a broken person. Cause I mean, aren't we all in some way, but he does a lot of shit like in the name of like these insecurities too.

Alpha Male and Incel Culture

I've followed it, but I know enough about it that like, you know, he,
He's ingenuitive. He's creative. He's deadly. But like a lot of it comes at the cost of other people's lives or dignity or morality. You know, he's probably ruined a few worlds in his day. That show completely lost me with the whole like, like I was interested at first. And then when I saw how the fan base reacted to the whole sesh sesh one sauce thing. Exactly. I was done. I was like, I'm never going to watch this show, probably.
Yeah, for no other reason than these people. So yeah, the Rick and Morty, that was a good call. That was a really good call. Rick and Morty. Yeah, for sure. That's a good one. Yeah, I.
I don't know. I can see that, though, like I do. I do look at that like sometimes I'm just like, I don't know if people like used to use the word unironically. And sometimes it's hard for me to see, like, do they know, like, do people see that, like, this is not something that you want to aspire to be or like or at least that, like, you know, there's a better way to be like this person without being this person. Well, that's the whole thing with like the alpha male mentality, too, is how do you look at, you know,
and be like, oh, yeah, that's that's how I want to act. I want to drink, you know, a whole gender of people like their trash. Danny, number one answer on this thread. Andrew Tate. Yeah, Mr. Tater Tada. One answer is follows actually by the follow second by the Indian cricket team, which I don't know anything about it, but that was the second one. That's a good answer, I guess. This is actually the second time I brought up tater tots. Oh, yeah. And I think about it.
Well, because I forget there was one question you asked that just sounded a little like alpha boy in cell ish. And I was like, what in the entertain is this? Well, I just truth be told about in cellular talk is when I first started constructing the questions for the show, one of the questions I found and this was before I really understood what an insult was.
I saw somebody say, you know, I'm X years old. I can't remember. I'm X years old. I live with my parents and I just need to. How do I explain that I'm just an incel and it's not my fault that I don't work or that I don't pay rent or that I don't or that I have anger issues. And again, I felt sympathetic and I still do like I do. I think it's like a weird alpha. Well, it's not really alpha, but like some sort of parallel running energy that people might have that
It's like alpha resentment in some sort of way. I think it's like a brain disease. I think that if they knew how to feel compassion and knew how to show compassion, they would see that this is not the way they should be. But they just have nothing but everybody else who also feels that anger around them to just fuel that. I mean, in cells in alpha male, quote unquote, alpha male mentalities kind of run in a similar path, I think.
And so I think I think it's almost comical, but I hate to laugh, but like because it's dangerous. But I do feel bad because I think a lot of them are just like, I don't know how to feel affection or I've never understood affection. So this is the only way that I can get it now is to be a tool, you know, to do it. Yeah. So I actually spent a lot of time with the incel community and went down a lot of that rabbit hole, not as an incel, but
I don't know. It just fascinated me how these people were. And I talked to a lot of them on Reddit and stuff years and years ago, back when that subreddit was even still around. And I just tried to understand what was going on. And the best way I could think about it is in seldom and kind of the alpha male mentality are two sides of the same coin, whereas one is
cockiness, right? You're, you're the alpha, you are the strongest it is. I don't even want to say cocky, but it's all like bravado. Yeah. Whereas mentality is the opposite side where you have no self esteem and you think you're garbage and no girl wants to be with you. But it's like, it's their fault so far removed.
from each other that it kind of wraps around and they treat women the same. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yes. People stay in their own little echo chamber. And that can be said for a lot of things. We're just like it's better if I just surround myself by people who think the same way I do. It makes me feel better to know that I'm miserable and they're miserable with me. And then we can figure out whose fault it really is because it's not mine. You know, and that's why it's actually like the worst thing you could do. Yeah. And that is such a struggle for me because I do
Like I've always had this issue where like I could sit across, you know, on the other side of the glass at a prison of a guy who murdered half a country or something and still feel bad that he's in jail. Because like, I'm like, what broke in your brain that made you decide to do this awful thing? And so I can't help but have like my sympathy meter click on when shit like that happens. Like, I'm like, what happened? Like, how did you get here? How can I show you that?
this can be better. But sometimes, but for my own personal boundaries, like, I mean, not everybody's ready to listen to you. And this is easier for them. And the easy thing is what most people are always going to do because convenience is key. But I can't help but still feel for people who, again, I don't I don't support that. But my brain always thinks like, what happened? How can I get you out of that funk to stop feeling these awful things that you feel you can see the humanity in somebody and
you know, 99% of the time, I'm guessing, of course, there is humanity there, right? Like most of the time, people aren't genuinely 100% evil. There are those people. But there are also people that do something because in their eyes, it's right. Or like you said, there's, you know, they're, they're broken in some way, mentally, or emotionally, or any of that, you know,
There's a million reasons, and I think being able to see the humanity in somebody until they prove otherwise to you is a good thing.
Mm hmm. Yeah, sorry about that, Sean. I don't know. What are you going to say? Well, I can tell you 100 percent. That's true. And I can tell you why, because someone who was that way is sitting in a room right now. I mean, like I know I like everyone knows me after I got out of stupid bullshit, but
Let's put it this way. The first thing related to this question is this, the first roleplay group I was in, and I'm still technically in it, it's a text RP, but. Yeah, I think you mentioned it a couple of times.
Yeah, I was, it was the first, it's a thing that you guys talked about, make you feel good. Like people, I got, I spent a lot, like I spent like probably the first 15 years with little and old friends of my life.
And this is the first group I, I hanged out with and as I thought my ideas were cool and then I started earlier where they were always fun. And then I got to my head, like there's this, this, this is the next group. I tried to, I am, this is my public admission.
I tried to take over the roleplay group twice when the GM was visiting their girlfriend in Canada because I had an idea or I was just butting heads with people because I got to the point where I was like, I had confidence and then I got overconfidence. And it's taken a while for me to get backed off of that.
This is that it took time and it took like you guys seeing him adding his stuff like this GM still talks to me and still is a close friend who I asked for advice on all daily. He's like he's basically the equivalent of Wilson from home improvement at this point. That's great. He had to talk to you over the fence. You never see below his nose.
So so so you yeah, I think you and I touched on that a while back. I don't think we ever like dove too deep into that. But I do remember you saying that there was a time where like you were a lot more negative and a lot more kind of like brash with like certain people. Yeah, but we never really dove too far into that. I think I think maybe we just weren't close enough to talk about it at the time. But yeah, but yeah, thanks for telling us that like so how did you what do you think started
getting you out of that headspace of like that negativity and that bravado and that kind of like that ferocity you were feeling like what brought you away from feeling that way? Basically what Danny said like just having having people having person like let like this person let me vent on things. He called me out when I was doing stupid stuff like I there was fear where like he'd introduce something in a chat and I was like, oh, I want to do my take on that. And he's like,
But then he stood it out and it's just like when all those things were kind of clicked over, it took a while, but it clicked over time, like, you know, like.
Some of the people in that group don't talk to me and that's, that's fine. But, um, I, I still still, other people still want to talk to me, even though we still butt heads and it just kind of, it just kind of got clicked. Like I had to click that, like it was a safe space. I know. I know certain people think that's a stupid thing to say, but sometimes that is an accurate term to go for that is an accurate term at some points, or I'm not, I'm not agreeing with those people either. But you mean, you mean, you mean in regards to people having a safe space to just be shitty.
Or do you mean a safe space to air out why you feel that way? I was a safe space. It was a safe space where I could just be myself. The self, the good version of yourself or like the the the me self, the one that isn't the one that's like. Gotcha. Doing the alpha dog. Oh, yeah, there's nothing wrong with that, like calling that a safe space. That's exactly. That's what that is. Yeah. Yeah.
I thought she meant like it was a safe space for people to just be like, yeah, like all these awful opinions and women suck and all this other shit. Oh, no, no. I just, I just mean like, that's one of the, like, I know those people, like there's a people complaining when people say they need a safe space. You know what? Sometimes you need a safe space because otherwise you're going to have your walls up and you're going to just be, you're going to be looking for, you're going to be looking for daggers in a room full of cake. Hmm.
I like that. That's a good expression. Yeah. I just made it up. That's pretty good. You're going to be looking for daggers in a room full of cake. Okay. Yeah. It's like an assassin's birthday party.
Yeah, you never want the assumption to start shooting at their birthday party because then that's your point in the cops. Yeah, well, thanks for talking to us about that, by the way. Like, you know, I would never really dove too deep into that, like I said, so it's good to kind of get that perspective. And I think I've always kind of known that, but I never really knew how to.
Like, Hey, Sean, how's your day? By the way, tell me about this awful time in your life. I'm glad we had the opportunity to kind of go over that a little bit.

Marvel Fan Frustrations

Thank you for sharing. I, you know, I, we don't aren't as close as, uh, you and Adam are. So like, I didn't know any of this about you. It's very interesting. I learned. I will tell you this, Danny, as far as I'm concerned, you and me are close as Adam's friend, just from me listening to this podcast and just getting to know you through it.
Oh, thank you. I gladly accept the friendship in return. Oh, yeah, man. But before we go on to the next question, just so you know, I have some opinions. I'm not going to go through them all. But I will say that I'm not going to talk about anything super recent, but at the time when
This was at the height of its popularity. Marvel movie fans were the worst. I couldn't say anything negative. I remember the first time as I was able to have a conversation about how I didn't like a Marvel movie after the latest Doctor Strange movie, and I liked it.
But I remember leaving at being like, that was kind of a weird fucking and it wasn't a whole lot of multiversal jump. Like it was kind of a weird movie. And finally, the other people are like, oh, yeah, I was kind of I was like, oh, we can say bad things about Marvel movies now, because I remember when first of all, I resent that they re-released.
end game twice into theaters so they could beat Avatar. I was like, you lost. Take second place. There's nothing wrong with Silver. But they re-released it theatrically so they could beat Avatar and be the number one movie. I didn't know that. They did. And I was so angry that like Feige and all the rest of the Marvel nerds couldn't just like be OK with like, hey, on your first run, you know, if Avatar didn't re-release, you know, to get to its number one spot, it just did well on its own the first run.
And like, I was just like, what fucking turds that you guys just had to have that. And then like, and I remember like, oh, Endgame is the perfect movie. And I remember watching it and the fan service was there. And overall, I thought it was a good movie, but I remember just coming out of it and being like, none of that time travel shit made sense. The Black Widow thing was horse cock. That fucking woman shot at the end while it looked cool was definitely just like, oh, and here's girls for like two seconds. There was a lot of stuff in that movie that I thought was just total turd.
And I was like, and Hulk didn't do fucking anything except for Snap the Gauntlet. I was like, and he just had like this whole transition that they just yada yada off screen.
I was like, this movie is not the perfect movie. It does not deserve to be the number one movie. And again, Avatar stood on its own. It didn't need a series of movies over 10 years to put it on the pedestal. Fucking Endgame needed everything that came before it to be what it was. And I couldn't say shit. I got like hate stuff on Reddit. I got hate mail on Twitter. I got fucking like messages. My friends were pissy if I ever had anything bad to say about those movies. I'm like, oh, my fucking God, like how awful can you be?
And I remember the peak of it for me was when I never watched any of the series that came out on Disney Plus or anything, because I'm not giving Disney any more of my money. But like when Falcon and the Winter Soldier came out some years ago, and I guess that was like a mean Captain America, like a new guy who was taking over to be like, and he was kind of a dickhead, like his whole role was that he was supposed to be a bad dude and he was trying to replace Captain America.
He got death threats on Twitter and in his DMs and everywhere else because of his portrayal. The character that he played, these people could not separate the movie or the TV show and the movies from reality. So that way they're just like there was they although they could enough to find the actor who played him. So they knew it was an actor and it wasn't really Captain America or fake Captain America. And they threatened his life. He got thousands of death threats.
for his portrayal of the character that he was hired to play. It reminds me of The Last of Us 2 thing. Who was it? Laura Bailey? Yeah. Oh, that was so, so disappointing to hear about. Like, for those who don't know, Laura Bailey's a voice actress and she was in a video game called The Last of Us 2. And in it, her character kills somebody that the fanbase really loved.
And that's it. She's just a voice actor. She was just the voice behind the character. She didn't write it. She didn't animate it. She didn't do any of that. She just read the script and people went ballistic sending her death threats and all this because how dare she kill this character? Like she somehow had anything to do with it. Oh, it's right. Like there's your worst fan base. Video gamers. Video gamers are in general. You know what? Like the way you are the worst.
Well, the ones that were like whatever your fandom is, it's your personality or like like if that's like all you have to stand on is like, oh, this is my personality and I have no other traits that I can talk about. Like I understand, especially in the autism community, that can happen. But like the people who take it beyond that where it's just like.
Like, again, they can separate. It's a cognitive dissonance of some sort. It has to be because they can separate that. That's an actor or an actress. We know that that they there's a human being behind that character playing it. So we know that that's not the character. But because you help to make that happen by portraying the character, that makes you guilty by association. And thus we're going to direct our rage at you. Yeah. You know, and that's why I'm going to say I'm going to change my answer to just gamers as all because unfortunately, much to my dismay,
death threats and doxing of people in like that do video game things is not new or even weird anymore. Any game that comes out, if somebody doesn't like something about it,
They will send death threats to the developers. They, you know, like, oh, my God, this game has microtransactions. I'm going to come to the office and shoot it up because you guys have microtrans. Like, come on. You bomb just to like make, you know, just to make things worse for them because they don't like it. Like people if people committed like a fraction of the energy that they do to spreading hate on the Internet to anything else productive, the world would be a much shinier place. It's absolutely phenomenal.
Yeah, Sean, you know, the really messed up part about it, too, is that is that that character you mentioned that is that is a that an actual character that was back in the comics back in the day. And he was actually a nicer person than he was in the comics. Right. Like there's a deviation a lot of times for sure.
Oh, no, I mean, like he was he was basically a conservative redneck Captain America when he first started out. Wait, so were people mad because he made the character nicer or were they mad because they just didn't like what the character did?
You know what? I don't care. My understanding is they're mad because of what he had the character did. But the thing is, the thing that strikes me about that is that he was actually a nicer character and actually, I mean, not the shit on original US agent. I mean, he had his parents murdered in front of him while being Captain America. So but he was it was.
Because the whole thing about him in the comics was that they were basically Steve Rogers was, I'm going to be honest, it was basically Steve Rogers or the liberal and the government said, we need a conservative Captain America. So they convinced him to quit. That sounds all right, sure. Reminds me of the boys.
But yeah, I just think it's funny that you're complaining about that. But he was in the comics, he was so much worse, including at one point when he was going after the people who murdered his parents. He killed someone by shoving an assault rifle through their head. I think I saw an image like that from from from the Google Senpai once.
Um, maybe that's why they were mad. They didn't like that. He was tamed down there. I don't know. But either way, despite again, it's media, it's fake. It didn't really happen. Okay. You don't go attack the people, you know, you can voice, Hey, I didn't like that. You can say, Oh, I'm not a fan of this story arc. I'm not going to watch her. I'm not going to read anymore.
Fine, right but going beyond that to attack somebody personally because you have rage That's a you problem and you need to talk to

Favorite Non-swear Insults

your therapist. And if you don't have one go fucking get one. Yeah Nobody say anyway disagree about things or not like something. That's fine. I hate I hate that group think mentality or it's like, okay You don't like the thing I like or you there's a thing that happened that I don't like
Anyway, you know what? We talked about it long enough. Let's go on to the next question, shall we? Yes. This one is by someone named Irish Bonetone, which is kind of a fun name. And there is what's your favorite non swear word insult? And they said, I've been calling a lot of people Dorkus and Goofus, but I would like to broaden my vocabulary. So Sean, do you have any you can think of off the top of the dome like non swear word insults you can give to people?
Maybe I do. And it's something I actually need to get back in practice because it's something I know I got reminded of recently listening to early episodes. You're going to dice jail.
Dice jail. Good old dice jail. Speaking of Laura Bailey, she has a dice jail. So you so instead of calling them something, you would just say you're going to go to dice jail or go to dice jail like it's kind of like instead of hell. Yeah, or actually, I may I may have a second one.
All right, we'll come back to you, Danny. What do you got? No swear word insults. I have one that. I came up with and one that I heard somewhere and I don't remember where, but I think it was a standup comedian. And for some reason, it really clicked with me. He called somebody a 10 piece Chicken McNobody. And for whatever reason, no one just fell in love with it. And I don't know why.
Chicken Mc10 piece. Chicken McNobody. McNobody. I like that. That's fun. It's a little wordy. I wish I could remember where I heard it, but for whatever reason, my mind was like, oh, yes, that one. I love that. I love that. I love that. What was it? What's the one that you that you that you made that one that Mel and I use playfully is calling each other a butt bugger. So I think I've heard that before from you. Yep. You're such a butt bugger.
And actually, I just remembered a great one. My friend and I in high school came up with an insult where we would call somebody a dim. D-I-M-P. I have no idea if that's actually a thing or not, but we would call people a dim. And a dim was somebody, follow me here, it was somebody who didn't know that a dim was someone who didn't know what a dim was.
So it's kind of like an inception kind of insult. Yes. It's like the game. If you think about it, you lose. Right. Once you know what a dimp is, you are no longer one. You can't be a dimp because you know now. Right. It's like a club. You guys are not everybody listening, not damps of that. That's fun. Did you know that pimp means player in the management profession, by the way? I did not.
I didn't. Yeah, that's it's an acronym. Thank you for that. One that I've been using lately because I used to work with small children and I, you know, when I'm around my nieces and nephews because her their parents swear a lot. So I just kind of swear openly in front of them. But I'm trying to like curb that. So when I started working with children, I was like, I got to call them like dingus came out for a little while. But I was like, I can't be calling these kids dinguses because someone's going to think of being a dick. So like eventually it was sausage.
So like, I've been like, oh yeah, sausage, what are you doing? Like, get back here, you little sausage. Like, so like, and I still use it. I call the animals and everything that too. Like, they're being little, little buttholes. I'm like, ah, you little sausage. What are you doing? Are you a silly sausage? I used to be a camp counselor. I used to call my kids little cretins.
Little Cretans. Yeah, that's a good one. Or a little goblin is another one I'll use like a little goblin. So like it helps me get like some sort of like extra air out if I'm getting frustrated or if I do want to be silly, like it's like a pet name. I can use it and most people won't even bat an eye at it because like, oh, just calling them a sausage. The superior your sausages.
You know, but that's probably my most recent one is sausage. I use that one a lot. It's a good one. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking sausage. But when I'm, you know, but you can't you can't say that one. I can't. I can't now. I mean, I can actually. They encourage swearing. We're at my new job. But everybody swears in meetings all the time. Like I'm home when I go see my clients in the jail. I'm like, hey, motherfucker, how you doing? That sounds amazing.
I'm like, I don't have to have like this, these formal meetings anymore. I'm just like, hey, I'll try that at my job and see if I can change the culture. I'm sure it just takes one person, takes one man, one cisgendered white man to make. What's up, nuggets? How are you all doing? Yeah. What's up? You ten piece chicken McFuck nuggets. That's my favorite one. If I can curse is fuck nugget. I just I love that one.
Turd is another one I like, I like turd. Turds are always classic. It's just classic. Yeah, Sean? I just thought of one and it's actually one I've called Adam while listening to this show. Oh, good. Son of a biscuit. You call me a son of a biscuit? He is a son of a biscuit, Sean, you're right. You think that I have bread in my veins? I use it for like when someone's leading up to something and I know what's coming, I don't know what it is.
But it's going to make me groan and the punch line is going to make me groan. It's like a crazy joke. It's a good joke, but I just know it's going to hurt on the way out. Yeah, I hear that. That's like a personality. I do it on purpose.
I was at a training on Tuesday and I was busting out Gen Z slang just to see who would react to it. Like when we were on a break during class. And so I just thought I was like, is this thing busted or what? And then like, I got so many like, oh, this place is lit. Yo, I was learning about mid and the gas, which I guess means good as shit.
I didn't know that. I was learning about, oh, you only use bussing when you're talking about food. And I was like, since fucking when? What? Is that how busses were? I didn't know that. So I was just like, I was like, oh, man, no captain. Am I right? And like, I got so many people. Actually, I made a lot more friends that day when I started just saying stupid shit. They're like, all right, this guy makes me cringe, but I'm going to keep listening to him talk. Exactly. I was a real son of a biscuit that day, Sean. Yeah. Little definition of son of a biscuit.
It's just a picture of Adam next to the word of the day, by the way. Yeah, like, yeah, I just it's a picture of me with my thumbs up being like, my mom's a bun. My dad's a stick of butter. Yeah, you know what? I say that we probably covered that. Yeah. Yeah. Why don't we go into? Well, Sean, you said you had did you want to do a word of the day or did you want to talk about your Power Rangers trivia?
Let's go to the Power Rangers trivia. There's not enough Power Rangers and Henshin and Tokusato talk on this show. All right. All right. All right. Give us a little give us a summary of what your fun fact from Sean is.

Power Rangers Trivia

So I don't know how many kids pick realize this isn't today and up until actually the most recent season. But Power Rangers was actually made by using footage from a Japanese show.
And some of the, at least the very first Power Rangers, the show it was taken from, it is so much different. A lot of them are so much different. Like, uh, let's put it this late. Power Rangers, the original Power Rangers, like the original suits, including the Green Ranger, came from a show called Keo Ryu Sente Zayu Ranger.
Where 17, 170 million years ago, five ancient human tribes, protection of the guardian beast, coexisted with the dinosaurs. Oh shit. Wow. That's way different. Yeah. And basically this ended when the witch Bandera, which we know as Rita, started a war on the dinosaurs because of the death of her son.
And she basically decided the only way she could avenge her son's death is to sell her soul to die Satan. Whoa. Yeah. This took a turn. Like I knew it was based off of something else and they used stock footage from that. But like I didn't know that there was such a radical different fucking story. I didn't know any of this. This also caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Rita Rose also killed the dinosaurs. Yeah. And then the Zora, what we know of the Zora is the guardian beast sealed Bandera and her minions on another planet before going to hibernation. And you know, like in the original Power Rangers, they always had that scene where they showed the two astronauts taking the thing off. Right. And like Rita comes out of the hole. Yeah, that's that's actually from the show because that's two astronauts in 1992.
Um, pulled that out and released her. And basically what happened is that five of the ancient tribe people were being held in suspended animation and they were brought back to life to fight, fight her. And they were each a member of one of the ancient human tribes. And here's, here's the really messed up crazy thing. Uh, the mega sword, it was their God. Who's God?
The tribe people, God, the tribe people, God, God. Yeah, because the guardian beasts were like these mystical things. Oh, man, that's that's wild. I wonder if that's a big jump from Angel Grove, right? Yeah. God, that's crazy. I never knew any of this. A little piece of trivia I do know is that, like,
Like the yellow ranger doesn't have a skirt like the pink ranger does, because that's a guy in there in the original and not a girl. So like that's why if you look at the yellow range in the pink range, you're only ones wearing a skirt like on the outfit. The funny thing is he wasn't just a guy. It was a guy named boy, a guy named boy. Yeah, that's so confusing when he becomes an adult.
Hmm. When do you become? When do you become guy, guy? I didn't realize Kratos was his father. Roto. Yeah, boy. Roto. Come here, boy. Yeah. Awesome. And the thing is, the power of the Super Sente, they got a lot more adult because it was more like it was for kids, but, you know, like different cultures and stuff like. Sure.
There's some crazy stuff like in space was actually a series. If I remember correctly, it was a series about video games. But instead we got the Power Rangers meeting the Ninja Turtles.
Which I thought was great. I don't care what anybody says. I loved it. The only thing I regretted was that they didn't get to meet the original Rangers and they had to wait to meet them in space. But that's still fine. I was happy to see them interact. And now there's comic books and everything else where they team up. And I just got to see a movie a few years ago where Batman and Ninja Turtles get together. So crossovers are happening all the time now. So it's okay. All I remember of Power Rangers was I watched the
the movie way too many times, the one with Ivanoo's.
Oh, wow. That's that's an oldie. Damn. Yeah. Yeah. I watched that one. That was my childhood for a while. There was a lot of production shit on that. Did you know that originally they didn't have their visors, but then they had to go back and do some reshoots and reedits because like the test audiences like that's fucking stupid. Why would they not have their visors? Because they wanted to like the actors faces to be in it more. And there was something else with the production. I can't remember why. But like the visors on the Power Rangers, they were just they were just not there. So you could just see right into the helmets and see the actors on the inside.
And everybody's like, no, no, no, that's stupid. That's dumb. Get to get to get that out of here. All I remember is Ivan, who's hawking a giant loogie that turned into minions. And I was like, man, I wish I could do that. Oh, man. What a power to have. I love that. You can talk in the loogie. Yeah. So what were you going to say? I was going to say it is actually one of the Ivan news is actually one of the original American creations for Power Rangers, too. Yeah, I believe it. I believe it.
But nobody beats, what was it, Lord Zed, Lord Zed and Rita. I used to love how they would just fucking like like argue with each other and shit like this is just turning into like an episode of Jerry Springer like when he showed up and then it was like fighting with each other all the time. I have one that I have one last quick fact related to that actually, Adam, that I think will blow your mind. All right. My mind is ready to be blown. I don't know. I mean, a repulsa canatically in the Power Rangers timeline actually becomes
the Zordon for the magic team. The magic team? Yeah, I can't remember what it's powering. There's so many incarnations. I can't remember the name of it, but there's one that's like a magic team. That one's kind of crazy too, because they become their Zords.
Yeah. So I know that there's been dozens of iterations since I stopped watching. I stopped what I jumped back in a little bit when power engines in space came on. But I fell off for a while when like they put like a little boy in there for like. He was a Blue Ranger and he grew like 12 inches taller when he when he more. And like that was kind of weird. And I was like, I don't want to watch this anymore. It's weird.
They put them on there because like they're all teenage or they were older, but they were portraying teenagers. They're like, we need more little boys because a lot of boys like this show and they need to see themselves. So they put some like really smart kid that was like, oh, I'm in high school now because I'm a genius. And then like they gave him a Blue Ranger suit. But when he would transform, it would show him get taller, like in his suit. So that way, like the cuts of somebody in the blue, they would still hear his voice is like a little boy, but he was like as tall as everybody else. It was really weird. I was like, I don't like this anymore. I'm not watching as stupid. That's so.
The White Ranger in the Super Sente was that, but also 500 years old. Yeah. Sean, I'm sure you could go on for ages on this stuff, buddy, but we've got to move on.
Yeah, we do have to keep on track. That's what I'm here for, is to herd the cats. Yeah, this is not the first time he's had to do that to me. Yeah, especially when Kimmy's on. I'm like, Kimmy, Kimmy, if you're listening, you better watch your ass. Kimmy's too busy. I mean, I would know.
So I know fucking jerks didn't invite me. All right. You guys got one more question in yet? Oh, no, I'm sorry, Danny. We got to do your word of the day. I apologize, sir. Oh, no, it's quite all right. What's our word of the day, my dude? So let me hear it one more time, because this one's fancy. Oh, is this got more syllables in it? No, it has a thing over the eight. Like I don't remember what it's called. An umlaut, an accent, umlaut. Over the.
Yeah, I know. What is it? Draw J. Anybody know what a draw J is? I'll know it if you spell it. All right. I'm not going to add the accent when I type it, because I don't know how to do that, but it's D. R. A. G. Fancy E. E fancy. It sounds familiar.
I want to tell Adrian. That's what I want to tell Adrian. That's like what all the Ooh La Oohs using A's are like just fancy O's. It's a fancy E. I don't know why that tickles me so much. Fancy E. Oh, it's D.R.A.G.E.E. I wrote a fucking J. D.R.A.G. Fancy E. Yeah. Fancy E.E.
Drage, I'm going to guess at that means, is it a verb? It is a noun. Oh, a drage is like, you know, when a dragon gets like their hair done, they get a little drage. Oh, OK. You know, that's what I thought was a type of dog, a bijon drage, but not too. Sounds like it's a clothing cabinet. It sounds like a guy that Rocky fought in one of the movies.
All right. OK. Any other guesses? Now, what's it mean? It is a sugar coated nut or candy. Sugar coated nut or candy. Yes. I literally was about to say that an M&M is a drage. I guess it's like a specific type. Let me like just straight up sugar, like caramelized sugar. Oh.
Uh, here, use it in a sentence. Yeah. The pastry chef carefully arranged the drages on top of the cake to add a touch of elegance and sweetness guests at the wedding reception, delighted in the crunchy texture and sugary coating of the almond drages. So I guess it's like specifically.
some kind of sweet or nut that has like powdered sugar on it or something. Would you like to come try my cake? It's covered in the drages with the fancy E. What is a drage? He just picked a word and he's like, all right, all right. Got to fact check this. How do you think I do these words of the day? Yeah, it's literally just like.
I assume it's just like caramelized shit on like a nut. Pretty much. Like chocolate covered nuts and stuff seem to be. In this picture, so maybe that's a dragee. It's about like draggy, if anybody cares. It looks like draggy with a fancy. That's why I thought it wasn't first. He is the fancy. The first he's a fancy. The second he just is very resentful of that one gets all the attention. Yeah. Well, that one's got the full hair.
It's got the whole cool hair. You know, I got that same look from my brother and sisters when, you know, I spiked my hair up in ninth grade and I was really cool all of a sudden. And everybody's like, oh, Adam's real edgy and he fucking doesn't take shit like I was jealous. Adam's got the fancy. Well, he doesn't take it because he doesn't like to. I hate taking shit. Moving on. So this next question. I got one more question. You guys want one more question? Yes. Yeah.
This one is from mountain creme 5796 or mountain cream if you, because it doesn't have a fancy E over it. So it's probably mountain creme. Sean, we'll start with you. What is a skill that you've developed that has opened up new opportunities for you? Or if you need me to come back to you, let me know. It's a, it's a hard hitting question. What is a skill that you have developed that has opened up new opportunities for you? The ability to make a joke without even knowing I'm going to make a joke.
What opportunities has that opened up for you? Well, I'm on here, aren't I? Whoa, they fucking got me. That's not really a prerequisite, but you're right. That's, that's, I didn't know that's what we wanted you on the show. No, I mean, it's, it's gotten me, I've, I've, I, I, like I said earlier, like,
I spent a long time where I didn't really have a lot of friends. Now I got like 15 bajillion friends. I have people that ask me to be on their show and just hang out or just hang out or come up with stuff and just I have more friends. I have all the friends that I wanted to have as a kid. Right on.
Well, that's good. So how do you think do you have any inclination as to like, as you said, make it because it's interesting because you said you do it without knowing you're doing like, how do you think that that started to develop or do you think you've always kind of had that but you haven't tapped into it before? I just I started to watch either knowing what make people laugh. Sometimes it's not it's sometimes it's not quite a joke. It's just something that sounds funny and it's just
A lot of observation, a lot of TV, too much TV, too much manga, too much comic books. I have enough comic books I could literally bury a human being and no one will find it.
Don't you know, like, don't check under this is the unsuspecting pile of talk later. Yeah. So so you've kind of just kind of developed this innate ability through just constant consumption of different sorts of media. I mean, that is valid. I mean, that that happens a lot where like you just don't realize the kind of mentality, personality quirks and such you pick up just from the media you consume, you know.
And also doesn't help that I, it doesn't hurt that I have ADD and I've learned to use consuming media to treat it instead of any medication cause medication. Oh, they put me on Ritalin. Oh, that was like, uh, it's like being a prisoner inside your own head. I mean, I know it works for some people, but. So you know what? You don't take Ritalin, you just take, uh,
all of the fun facts and trivia about Power Rangers, and you suffuse that instead. You diffuse it with Power Rangers trivia instead of Ritalin, and it seems to work just as well. Yeah, Ritalin. That's nice. So. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. For sure. So being able, you know, well, you know, before we go to Danny, just just to kind of reiterate, like,
I really appreciate that you are cool to talk about that and to kind of you know because you're not the first person I've spoken to who ultimately that is something that was something that they wanted or something that they didn't know how to have like I have like my own flesh and blood like my own family.
You know, my own brother has had that struggle growing up, you know, and sometimes when you're in a relationship with somebody, somebody that you're close with, that you spend a lot of time with, sometimes you don't want to see those things because you think like, Oh, that's just my brother. He's being a little wine ass. You know what I mean? But like some, but I've recognized through people like yourself who, you know, I don't like, I have a good relationship with, but I didn't, I don't have like that
predisposition to think like, oh, that's just him. You know, like when you have those familiar relationships, you tend to treat them differently sometimes and you do other people. And you know, and it's definitely a weakness I have that like when you share that, I'm like, you know what, that's literally what he was doing. Like he didn't have a lot of friends and he was just doing X and Y because he didn't have anybody to talk to. You know, meanwhile, I got friends all the fucking time and like, you know, when he's probably hated my ass when we were kids, like fuck at him, you know, like for, you know, hanging out with people and I'm just not doing anything.
You know, so I appreciate that you're cool to talk about that kind of stuff and share with the listeners, too, because maybe somebody out there relates to that kind of thing still, you know, or maybe at least in a similar way, maybe not in friends, but like maybe wanting to be funny or actually one of the questions I almost picked from from another selection of questions I had was like, how can I make myself like, how can I learn to be funnier? You know, and I thought about bringing that one up, but. But yeah, thanks for telling us about that, though. I really do appreciate that. Welcome. Yeah, it's really cool.
Um, Dan, Danny, Daniel guarantee. What is the skill that you've developed that has opened up new opportunities for you, my friend? The two biggest ones for me would probably be, um, teaching myself the ins and outs of Microsoft Excel in terms of like my last couple of jobs, all used it. It always, uh, it's always getting brought up whenever I do like,
an interview or something that would get brought up that, oh, you know, Excel. And I'd say, yeah, you know, I can do like VLOOKUPs and Punnett Squares or not Punnett Squares. I'm really bad in a thousand here. But, you know, and it always seems to help in interviews and stuff.
And the other one for more on personal reasons would definitely have to be voice acting. And I mean, that has become I do more of that now than when I was actively trying to do it. Earlier in my life, you know, between the three besties and all their projects, us, when we have a game night
I even consider this, you know, even though I'm not acting so much, I'm still using my voice and talking into a mic and all that. It's the same kind of idea. And I actually just. I'm working on a voice acting thing for somebody in the server right now, so that's opened up a lot of opportunities for me, maybe not monetarily, but that's fine. It's a lot of fun and something I really love doing, and I'm glad I get to do it.
I know. Mm hmm. How about you, Adam? How about me? How about you? Oh, good. That's a good question.

Adapting During the Pandemic

I mean, I wish I could tell you that my socials, I mean, social skills are always developing because they have to because everybody responds to the same stuff all the time. But like, I don't really think about that as much because it's a little bit easier for me. But I'd say like, as far as like a skill that like I had to like really
focus on to get better at. I'm still learning how to edit audio, but I've gone way farther than I ever have before. I've learned how to put music on Spotify and I'm learning how to mix music and lyrics and vocals and everything better. Now, I don't know if it's opened up more opportunities in the way that people think opportunities would be like, oh, there's more stuff coming down the pipe. But it's another opportunity for me to have another hobby that I didn't know that I'd be able to have before.
I'd say practically, though, as far as like an emotional skill was when the pandemic shutdown happened. As many were, I was devastated. But for the reasons of as an extroverted person, like I know people realize that they needed more socializing than they thought they did when it happened. But a lot of people also really excelled at that time because they're like, oh, I don't have to leave my house. And it really was just like, oh, I can't go get groceries or I can't go to my favorite club.
But it was never like, oh, I, you know, no one was missing going to work for those who had to be, I shouldn't say that, but a lot of people like, oh, cool. Two months off. Um, but like, for me, I, like, I, I really struggled and I didn't know how to connect to people online. It's why I started a content network that ultimately didn't do well the first time around, but it's why I tried again, because I learned through that first one, what works and what doesn't work. Um, it was because like, I knew I needed that to succeed or to, to survive because.
I was struggling so hard, like I was having mental breakdowns, like I was crying a lot, like I was shaking, like I didn't know how to connect to people and enough that felt rewarding to me and felt like it energized me enough as a person. And I think people think that extroverts just have it easy. But when you don't have that, it's not that loud person because there's plenty of loud introverts that you would never know or introverts.
But recharging through emotional connection, through physical touch, through being around people and feeling their energy is a very real thing that I do. And I wish I could explain it to people, but when you see me looking like I've been drinking eight cups of coffee, it's because I'm just drinking the energy of the room. And like, when I don't have that, like I was in a room by myself. I didn't have anybody interact with for a really long time.
I didn't have family to talk to you. I didn't have friends I could come over and that I was roommates with at the time. I was alone and I really had a hard time. And so I was like, Adam, you've got to funnel this negative feeling into something because there's other people out there that are looking for something. You're looking for something. And so the skill I developed was like just to learn how to adapt to, can I create like my own hybrid
energizing, if that makes sense. So like, it was a little selfish in a way because I was like, I'm going to make a thing that people are going to want to be a part of. And we're going to do a lot of fun stuff. And it's going to be fun for them. And thus it's going to be fun for me. So like, so I built a network and I learned how to do that. And thus fun installers network exists because I tried the cares a lot network years ago.
and learned how to do streaming and charitable work and volunteer work online and just trying to learn how to be an online person. And I learned how to use Discord, which was a program I hated before. So just learning how to do that, I think, opened up a lot of opportunities because I would have never met you guys. I really wouldn't have. I had no interest in learning this world before the world broke. Like I just didn't because I never needed to.
And as much as I hate to give fucking COVID-19 and the shutdowns any credit, because a lot of awful things happened, learning how to adapt in such a terrorizing time was a skill that I didn't know I needed to have until it happened. So that opened up a lot of opportunities for me, was just learning how to adapt in an online world when I didn't have to before.
Um, so my hand was forced, um, as many were when the world broke. Um, so, but that was my journey. Uh, and that was how I got to meet all you wonderful people and learn how to make podcasts. Cause I had no interest in making a podcast before the world broke. Actually started shares a lot. I started shares a lot as my first audio diary coping mechanism, which led me into wanting to reach out to other people. Like that's how it started with shares a lot, the podcast, which is still up.
It's got like three stars on Spotify. It's just me talking to myself most of the time. But that's what got started, which shares a lot is the reason that I'm here talking to you guys. You know, so and I'm happy to know both of you so that you guys are the opportunities that I didn't know that I wanted until I got you. And you're gonna make me cry here, Adam. Yeah, you get used to that.
Congrats. You're just as bad as Eric. Yeah, you know, I'm just a little son of a biscuit. That was a great answer. I know that was a bit winded, but yeah, that was that was something I really had to work like I had to make a concerted effort to do. You wouldn't want to work.
Same, man, I can't imagine not knowing you guys now. Like, it's so weird to think that, like, it's only been a couple of years since we've really started talking. And like, I didn't know Jack. I honest to Christ, don't even remember how I met you, Sean. I don't remember at all. I just know that, like, you've always been there. It's weird because I already. Sorry, John. No, I'm I'm trying to struggle to remember now, too. I cannot remember how we connected at all. Like, I think I met you through
Fucking. Oh, God, I cannot remember. I had to be during the time to the monster week extended universe. It had to be. That was really when I started branching to people. But I cannot for the life of me remember how you got into it. I think Ray introduced us. It's possible. It's very possible because there was somebody else who you are affiliated with onyx that knew you, I think, as well. Maybe I can't remember. But like, yeah, there was a person who knew a person who knew a person. And somehow you ended up there and.
Um, you know, in the months of the week extended universe really started us off, I think. Um, what were you going to say, Danny? Uh, I was just gonna say, I don't, it's, it's like weird. Cause like already looking back at my life, I'm like, I don't know how I got what I did all day. Right. Cause you guys are all such like a big part of my life now. Um, constantly on.
Discord, even if I'm not saying anything, I'm still reading what everybody says or reacting to stuff if I only have like a minute or two. It's like, what the heck did I do before this? It is weird. It is. It's odd. Like, I don't even remember how you and I met. I really don't. It had to be through your wife, but I don't remember. We we met because the geriatric squad for Monster of the Week.
Oh, fuck. Yeah, that's right. The little one or because you you knew Mel and she wanted to run that. So you ran it for us. And then we stopped talking completely. And then. Oh, and then you. We were watching a stream or something of you and you brought up a Super Mario frustration.
Oh, right. We talked about that. And I was the only one that recognized it. And that was it. And then we just started talking and we were instant best friends. Yeah, I don't remember how that came up. But. Yeah, that Super Mario frustration, we've probably talked about the podcast before, but that was definitely. That was definitely the.
the impetus that really was like, Oh, Hey, let's do want to go do karate in the garage. Yeah. It was, it was literally, I heard that and I was like, hang on a second. Was that, you're like the only person I know that's ever made that reference.
I used to quote that to my buddy, Jared, when I worked at GameStop, like all the time, like that was like our thing. That and family guy quotes. That's how we talk to each other. And so like when I was like, oh, my God, somebody else who knows that. Oh, shit. I know. Fuck you. Yes. Yes. So it is interesting to think, like, you know, Sean, you and I have been I mean, it's probably been a couple of years now.
Danny, we we're going on what, like a year and a half ish. We just came around the year where we met like relatively recently. Yeah. Yeah. Like a month or two ago. So like we're coming up a year like the anniversary not that long ago. Right. And that was when we when we met. So we were talking like several months before that, before we like met up. I'd say about a year and a half. Sounds right.
Yeah, that's crazy. That's absolutely crazy. But yeah, I mean, it's interesting how like when you when crunch time comes in, you have to adapt, you know, either, you know, you buckle under pressure, or like you find a way to power through it. And, you know, I think we've all kind of found that like, you know, as you said, Sean, you found community Danny, you found community I found community.
You know, I think that's pretty. I thrived when the world was shut down. I'm sure I was the opposite of you. Like I said, I knew there's many people out there that were like, hooray. I don't need to talk to anybody anymore. Hello. Yeah, gosh, sometimes I wish I could turn that like some part of my brain on that can do that, but it doesn't. Like Sean, did you did you? How did you handle when the world shut down?
I have the date. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Cause our first conversation was me giving you, send you a link to, to, to Dungeons and pop. And I used, I think you sent me a link back to fund installers. Fuck. I don't remember. I don't remember that at all. It was January. It was January. It was on discord January 4th, 2022. Really? Damn. That's crazy.
So yeah, about two-ish years. Yeah. Two and some years. Two days later, I was like, I'm going to introduce you to Eric. I'm like, Hey, Adam got another potential player for magic initiative.
Oh, yeah, man, the months of the week, I knew it was the extended universe. I knew that had to be what opened it up. It had to be it because role players was kind of on on rock, like a peek behind the curtain. Role players was uncertain at that time because two people were having some life changes and they had to leave. So it was just me and Justin. And then Justin had something going on where he wasn't sure if you want to continue the podcast anymore because something was going on with him.
And so I was like, well, what am I going to do? This is like my baby. Like I like what the fuck do I do? Like Justin and I were supposed to be like creative partners. And so just to keep role players alive, I started the extended universe of monsters a week because we were just we were playing a season of it most recently on the main show. And it was familiar enough to the audience, but new for everybody else that maybe only new Dungeons and Dragons that I was able to form this thing. And like that kept us alive for like months and then
I brought Justin in as like a, he's like, oh, I've always wanted to play a dummy. And I was like, well, you can play a dummy. Sure. Just come in for like a one-off and see if you like it. And then he got re-hooked back on playing it like as a player and like, and then I was like, Hey man, what if we did Cowboys? Because if we play Cowboys, I'll stick around longer. And so then we launched phony express. And then like now we're heading into like the season three of phony express and like, you know, it's absolutely crazy. Like I had to adapt to keep that shit alive.
I think you're right, Adam. I think it was on Twitter. I'm remembering this now. I think it was more about beacons. Yeah, because this because this is like literally like not even a month before I showed up with Kobe.
Yeah, honestly, I was putting out beacons like crazy and you're like, hey, friends, I want. That's how I met Kimi. Kimi responded to a Twitter post and I reached out to her via DMS. I was like, hey, if you want to like come and do some shit, like we can do some shit. You know, Kimi was just like a throw. I just fucking threw something out in the dark and like she responded to it. And you probably did too. That's how I met Sarah. Sarah actually reached out to me through Aubrey or Audrey before it shut down.
crazy how that all works. But the some of the people in our audience

Finding Community in Isolation

don't know that. But just if you're listening, just know that like, sometimes like, you're not going to know how you're going to meet people who you want in your life forever. Sometimes it's going to seem like everything's getting dark. Everything's getting black, like nothing's working out. Everything you try is falling apart.
I promise, man, that's just how you get tested. Your metal gets tested, your conscience gets tested, you want to go to darker parts of your brain that you don't fucking have to, man. I promise you, there's people out there that are thinking just like you, they'll want the same things that you want, and it can be really frustrating to find them.
But man, like when you do, like you'll be so happy that you didn't give up. You'll be so happy that you kept looking. You'll be so happy that you kept trudging through, you know, because eventually that mud is going to dry up. You're going to find dry land and you're going to find people that are going to invite you to the sexy pool party to clean yourself off. It's going to be great. You're going to love it. You're going to turn on the sprinklers and everybody's going to be wearing wet t-shirts, all genders included. So it's going to be fine. But having said that, that's about that's about all I have for the show.
Great way to end it. Thank you, Adam. Thanks. Well, Sean, before we wrap up, firstly, thank you again.
for coming on and answering questions with us and talking to us about things in your past and sharing your Power Rangers knowledge. You know, go ahead and tell everybody if they want to hear some more of the goofy shit that you like to talk about and the fun stories you want to tell, like, you know, go and tell them where they can find you. I'm on Twitter as too toasted. I don't post as much for that. But our I'm also you've got actually heard folks have actually heard you talk about it or
And it's not a network where it gets production team, uh, just one productions before. Yeah. I think I mispronounced it there. I think I called it Gesselheim. No, that's actually right. It actually is Gesselheim. I alternate. Is it gift or is it Jeff? Who knows? Gesselheim or is it Gesselheim? It both work. Yeah. It's a production team and a series of podcasts around pulp culture and just wanting to play with everyone unless you're an asshole.
Yeah, and they're on our website, too. We have a playlist from them on Fun and Solvers Network. I actually need to get a new link for that, because those all got moved to a new fee. Penis. Yeah, you send it to Cass. Send it to Cass. Yes. Yeah. We have like five different feeds, because people complain about this. Cool. That's OK. That's all right. So you're on you're on the Twitters at Two Toasted. Does Dungeons or Geselheim have like a?
Yeah, it's a guess. Oh, I'm G. E. S. T. E. L.

Low-Pressure Atmosphere and Plugs

I'm questioning. I am. Don't worry. We'll put it in the show notes, John. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Fuck this. This is probably aside from shares a lot. This is like my least pressure show on anything. And it's pretty pretty low bar. Don't even worry about it. Danny, be low key. Danny, what do you want to tell everybody? Is this a dream come true?
No, of course not. Oh, oh, wow. So, yeah, OK, fine. This is a dream come true. And I thank you all, you know, the the spiel, the adiada. I still appreciate it so much. And if you want to hear more of me making silly voices and doing silly things, you can find me on the role players guild on YouTube at. The role players guild spelled R.O.L.L.
Or you can find us on Twitter at the rpguild1. Or if you really want to make it easy for yourself, just look at We got a whole thing for us there. Yeah, all of their latest streams are up, maybe. We are. I believe we are going on a small hiatus, but you can check out our past stuff, you know, get all caught up so that when we restart, you're there and ready.

Voice Acting and Impressions

Yeah, or just go back and
You don't listen to all the episodes of T.O.Q. again, but this time take notes, you know, take notes of every time he does a funny voice and then let us know what timestamps are that he does them. So we'll make a real for him based off the times he does. You want to do one now real quick? You want to do a quick Patrick Warburton for the folks? Oh, yeah, you know, everybody loves it when I break up the Warburton. But, you know, there are other voices I could do. It's not like I can only do the Warburton, but
You have to pay extra for those. That's right. You got to check out my only fans. I always have to do my only one voice I can do when I can only do it one way. Let's hear it. What is it? Go ahead. Oh, wow. Was that your Peter Griffin? Yes. It was great. I love it. It was like a Peter Griffin's a goat.
I honestly, I was like, I couldn't tell if it was Peter Griffin or Spongebob. Oh my god. It killed me. My chest hurts. Oh my god. I was like, well, I didn't know what to expect. I was like, Sean does a voice in the UK. Yeah, right. I do other voices. That's just the one I can say that sounds like someone.
Spongebob, Griffin pants, Peter Spongebob, Peter Spongepants, I don't know. All right. But yeah, Danny, was anything else you wanted to add to that, my friend? No, just thank you for listening and thank you, Sean, for jumping on and thank you for sharing everything. I know Adam already thanked you twice, but I also appreciate it. I know it takes a lot of guts to talk about yourself, especially the darker moments. So I really appreciate it. Thank you for having me.
You know, I don't have one.

Future Projects and Sign Off

That's one quick thing to add. If anyone if anyone's missing, Adam running Monster of the Week are just so high in productions, Fictional Heroism season two begins with a time jail. Oh, nice. Oh, yeah, I forgot I did that. I was still due to do another one. I have to look at the calendar because I'm a jerk and I get lost. Actually, I got to poke people. It's only only Mib responded so far. All right, cool. Well, good. Then I feel less guilty about it, but I'll do the other one. But yeah.
And if, uh, and as for me, again, all of our stuff, some fun as large dot com, I'm always going to say, cause that's where you should go to look, man. If you want to go on there, the only other place that I'll direct you to if you want to see, or in here more of me, just specifically cause all the rest of the people that I work with, maybe you don't think are as cool as me. You can go to at random Adam on Instagram. That's random. And ATOM.
You'll see me. I'm there. I'm doing stuff. Although I changed my profile pic a bit in case people from the jail I work at might look me up on their social media, but I'm still on there. You'll see me. You'll see me there with my roommates, cats and dogs and me making music about things. So go and check it out if you want to have some fun.
But outside of that, thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for being here. Thank you for listening. I hope that you, as always, are taking care of your mind, taking care of your heart and taking care of each other. It's tough out there. And as we always say at the end of every episode, ready, guys, all at the same time. Three, two, one. It's more than that. No, try it again. Three, two, one. It's more than time. Oh, damn. Seek and challenge everywhere that I go.
I didn't know I was here
Got the fire raining down, fire raining down And it's lighting up the ground, it's lighting up the ground It doesn't matter what a weapon I choose I got the hell liar, hell liar blues We got the fire spinning round, fire spinning round And no solace to be found, no solace to be found
It doesn't matter what direction I choose, I got the hell mire, hell mire blues, yeah.
democracy show I didn't know what this inferno's insane A soul on fire burning liberty's flame
Fire raining down, fire raining down And it's lighting up the ground, it's lighting up the ground It doesn't matter what a weapon I choose I got the hell fire, hell fire blues We got the fire spinning round, fire spinning round And no solace to be found, no solace to be found
It doesn't matter what direction I choose, I got the Hellmayer, Hellmayer blues, yeah!