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Atom is a Zetetic A$$hole

That's Our Q
23 Plays9 months ago

Atom's villain origin story begins
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Humorous Introduction

Oh, man. I was getting ready to talk and I think there's a piece of cayenne pepper in the back of my throat when I was eating a little bit ago. Well, you already hit play, so we're keeping that in. Give me a second. Oh.
Well, let me just take a little drink. Good morning. Good evening. Good morning. Good afternoon and good evening, ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to That's Our Cue. I am Danny Guaranty delivering to you the intro this time because my co-host, Adam, is busy choking on cayenne pepper. You can hear him dying in the background. It's fine. Don't worry about him. I made it worse by drinking water, I think. Oh, that's a mistake. Yeah. Where we take your cues, we choke on them and then vomit them up as A's.
That's probably the fastest one I've ever done. Disgusting.

Podcast Concept: Q&A Format

I love it. Thank you. And if you don't know what that means, it's where we take your questions from the internet from places like Reddit and Quora and other places like that. And we answer them as if anybody cared to hear our opinions. As you heard, that's Danny. I'm Adam. And we're the hosts of That's Our Q or TOQ for short. Anyway, here we are.
I love Diane Pepper though. I love Diane Pepper. Hang on, just say a quick joke to the audience while I mute myself and do one final cough. Go. Crap. There was this one tree and he was very lonely, so he decided he needed to branch out, make Leaf his old home behind. But it was hard because he was rooted to his place.
Everybody thought he was kind of mean, but really, his bark was worse than his bite. There we go. Is that good? Perfect. I think he used to cry a lot, too, because he was kind of sappy. Yeah, I'm going to give myself hiccups. I feel like hiccup coming on. Anyway, question number one, let's just get into it, shall we? Yeah, let's do it. Are you OK to talk? You good? Yeah, we'll find out as this as we go. I don't know. And to figure it out. So this one is from user A N T I T R and Antiter Antit.

Tape Shoes: How Many Layers?

Antitter, I don't know. Anteater. You know, it could be anteater like a funny way to say anteater. Yeah. Anyway, Anteater spell says tape shoes. How many layers of tape on my feet are considered shoes? So when like if you keep wrapping your foot and take your feet and tape, how much tape do you need to be considered that now you are wearing shoes? I would say.
Oh, hang on. I'm kind of measuring it out in my head. I would say about 10 at the least. 10 layers of tape. Yeah. Well, it needs to have like actual width to it to be a shoe, otherwise it's a sock. In my opinion, like I don't think you could just wrap it one time and say I have a shoe on. Right. I think like you need to have some width, right? Like especially the bottom needs to be like a little bit thicker so that
Rocks and stuff don't hurt your feet. I would say like maybe not ten all over but ten at the bottom at the very least Yeah, you know for what? Divines a shoe, you know, like what is it that?
Mm hmm. Like according to Google, it's Merriam Webster dot com says an outer covering for the human foot, typically having a thick or stiff sole with an attached heel and an upper part of a lighter material such as leather. So. This unit outer layer that covers your foot needs a thick sole with a heel that is attached.
and some sort of other so technically the tape could just be like a high heel like it doesn't have to cover your entire foot it just needs to cover the most of the bottom of your foot in your toes so like technically as long as you have everything covered I think
That's a shoe, right? I guess. Yeah. I mean, it's all attached. Like, you know, kind of wrap around the top. You don't even need to cover the toes, right? You could just do open toe. That's true. You're right. You could just do like two passes on the top of your foot, a bunch on the bottom. And there you go. Sandals. Right. Now we're talking athletic wear, you know, or leisurely wear. It just kind of depends, you know, but like, you know,
I love these kind of questions, Danny, because it makes me think like, what is like, there are so many words and items that if somebody had to say, what is that? Like, without pointing to it, you'd be like, how do I describe what this is to somebody? What is like shoe? It's just like a stock you put on your foot, like a hard sock, you know, but nobody ever asked how is she right? Exactly. How is she doing? How she doing? How she doing?
You do it. I mean, yeah, but you might be right, like 10 layers. I guess it depends on the kind of tape is as well. It did say you need that, you know, that thick bottom to seize, of course. That's true. That's true. It did say that, like, according to Google Sempai, as Adrian likes to call it, you need to have at least at least that thick bottom. You know what I'm saying? Hmm. Hmm.
something to think about, something to contemplate. There you go, guys. You know, it's an easy one. Look at that. We didn't even like fly off the rails for an half hour on that one. Oh, you know, I have a couple that we might. All right. I mean, yeah, I think we answered that question. If you have any thoughts on that, get at me at Random Adam on Instagram or RPG or was it RP Guild one on Twitter and be like, hey, or fun to start a network dot com.
And let us know what the fuck is a shoe? What do you call a shoe? How much tape do you need before it's a shoe? Yeah, I want to know. Oh, my next question.

Polite Ways to Say 'Shut Up'

This one is from is a core question from somebody named used pack. And they say, well, I think it's supposed to be a question, but they say how to politely tell someone to shut the fuck up or fuck off. So what is a nice way, a polite way to tell somebody that they just need to fuck off or shut the fuck up, Danny?
Well, when I'm at work. It's. I'm sorry, but I actually just got like this really important thing in, so I need to focus on that or. You know. Hey, can we talk about this later and then just never bring it up again? Can you please write this to me in an email so I have paper, you know, so I have like a trail, even if that doesn't matter?
You know it the best way to do it is to try and find a way to say it where it's like. You can still tell me, but in a way that I can easily ignore like an email, right? Like they still feel like they told you what they needed to say, and you can just hit read on that email and be done with it. I love the idea of like.
non-work conversations where you just say they're like, you know, like someone just sitting there and they're telling you about how they like trains or they want to tell you their political opinions or, you know, maybe they're just like being really obnoxious and you're just like, you know, just send it to me in an email. Okay.
I think that's such a great conversation ender. That's a good disruptor, where someone's just like, oh, and this is my summary of all eight Saw movies. And you're like, let me just talk to you again. That's awesome, man. Hey, send me that in an email so I can check it out. Send me that in an email, OK? I want to be able to remember it later. So send it to me in an email so I could go back to it.
I love send me an email. Please help me remember that and not forget it ever, because I want to include it into my lexicon of just like disruptors to get people to like. All right, let me stop right there. Just put it in email. OK. All right. So here's

Chores and Morning Frustrations

story time. And I promise this is a new one. I really hope this is a new one. I promise. And then it goes. So the message is to hope. Hi, mom and dad. My mom when I was still living at home, Terry. Yeah.
She used to have this nasty habit of waking me up in the morning and telling me what I needed to do that day, which is fine. Like, you know, my chores for the day. The problem was I had sleepy brain, right? So I would just forget immediately what she said and go right back to sleep and then I'd be out. Um, so I kept trying to tell her like, please just text it to me.
Just texted to me so that I could wake up, see it, ignore it, go back to sleep, and later I could check. Just reminded me of that. Did you tell her not to put a period at the end of any of the sentences so they don't seem standoffish? No, no, not until we actually brought that up recently. Back then, it was just whatever. Yeah, I don't know.
I don't think a text will do it for me. A text isn't going to wake me up. I mean, are you are you saying text to me so I read it when I wake up? Well, yeah, it's it's so that when I'm actually awake later, I can look at it instead of telling it to me when I'm like half asleep and then I just forget it. You know, because the excuse for the email is like, oh, so I can check it later if I need to. I actually had to use that one here.
Yeah, that makes sense. Some people are more visual learners to our visual memory errors. Remember memoirs? Yeah. I work when I have a visible list to look at, too, and be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's done. That's done. I work better when I don't have to think about scheduling. If someone says, Adam, this is where you have to be. I'm like, cool. When that day comes, make sure I'm there because I am not going to remember.
I probably have like 16 calendars out right now that I'm supposed to be doing collabs for with other people and I haven't filled it out yet. I'm just going to hopefully remember to go look at it eventually and see where everybody else is and then just fill in a spot that I think works. I filled in. So there you go. Yeah, I know I have enough right now. I'm looking right at it. Uh, I'm looking at it right now and it says you are, are free tomorrow at, uh,
Well, one p.m. like the end of the day. Well, hey, this is one p.m. That's not the end of the day. No, no, till the end of the day. Oh, OK. Sorry, guys, don't listen to that anyway. So, yeah, it's hard to politely tell someone to shut the fuck up or fuck off.

Ending Conversations Politely

I like the idea of just saying, I think it's funny, just like, hey, we'll just send that to me in an email. But now I'm trying to think of like, what situations are you in that you think you need to politely tell someone to fuck off like?
Or are they being obnoxious and you know, they're being egregious and you just don't want to stoop to that level. So you're still just like, okay, this guy's being a tool. You know, um, it would basically be anytime, uh, somebody is buttonholing you, you know, could be. Yeah, that's a good point. That that's when I would be like, you know,
I've really got to like get back to work or, you know, send that to me in an email so I can check it later. So I have reference later. Yeah, I'm in the real world, you know, I will. Just be like, dude, that's awesome. Look, I'm really sorry, but I, you know, I really got to go. And then you can always you can always do the old Midwestern knee slap like that's how you let people know that you want to get.
Yep. Just slap your knees and like, well, that's it for me. Most people, most people, I can't stress enough. Most people will recognize that and be like, Oh, okay. Like sometimes people are just talking because, well, I can't say that there was times where I've had my hand literally on the door, getting ready to leave. And before I know it, like I'm sitting down because I was standing at the door holding the knob for like 15 minutes. I'm like, well, clearly they have a lot they still want to talk to me about. So sit back down.
You know, my shoes are on my coats on, you know, my gloves are on and get ready to go. Like, you know what? They must still have a lot to say. Yeah. I have a friend that came over the other day and we have that problem where we'll talk for like hours and then be like, oh my God, it's like 10 o'clock. You know, you got to, you got to go. I have worked

Childhood Games and Jokes

tomorrow. Next thing we know it's 11 30. We're still talking and Mel will be like, you guys know how late it is. Yep.
Yeah, and that's, that's a little different, I guess, where you're not telling someone to fuck off, but like, but but something that that has worked for me in the past, a couple things, one of them is a little bit more aggressive, but it's for when like, you're really strapped for time, and you don't have time for pleasantries, you just put your hand on your shoulder and say, Hey, that's great, but I have to stop you. Right. And then like, just like some people just need, like,
You know, they need the flow of electricity to be stopped for a second. So that way they can power down or they need like some sort of physical cue. And so you just put your hand on your shoulder. Hey, that's awesome. But I have to stop you real quick. And then like then you severed.
like that thought process for a second and he say look and then that's when you say look I really have to go can we pick this up later most people are actually like oh because they're keeping the conversation going because they think they have to most of the time the moment you cut that ribbon and you say look I really have to like internally like oh thank god I didn't know what else to keep talking about
You know, that's true. You know, sometimes people are just rambling because they feel like they're supposed to. They don't want it to be an awkward silence. Yeah. Right there. And again, I get it. Silence is hard, especially as somebody who edits an audio podcast. I recognize how like uncomfortable like five to 10 seconds of silence is when there's supposed to be a conversation going on. And there's nothing else to feed like your sensory input. Like there's no video for you to look at reactions or anything like that. It's just
people in a silence and it's just, it can be very maddening. And I still get that way even when they're, I do have those visual cues. I'm like, should we be talking? Did someone be talking? I know what you mean. It can get very.
Uncomfortable. Yeah, I don't even I knew you were going to do what you're going to try to do. You ruined it. I knew what you're going to do. I could hear you grinning all the way over here. Yeah, it was just you were to a matter of fact. You don't typically agree with me quite like that unless I'm talking about something very serious. So I knew you were queuing up your teen yourself up to do something silly. You know, a little bit of this, you know, you sound like me. No.
Um, but yeah, so something that has worked for me a couple of times is again, hand on the shoulder, you know, Hey, that's great. Or Hey, I'm so sorry. Like you have to be very, you know, what sort of look you have to like, don't drag and shout at them, but you have to be authoritative because you need to like, be heard. Hey, I'm sorry. I gotta stop you.
Boom, then just say go. Or when they start, you know, they're talking to you or whatever, just scream at the top of your lungs, assert your dominance, take command of the situation and the conversation, scream. And while they're staring at you mouth agape, you just say, I'm sorry, but I really just don't care. And then leave. Yeah. Or you say, you guys remember two girls, one cup?
And then just see like, if that kind of disrupts the flow. But what if it doesn't? That's the scary part. It's right. But that, but that, but that gives you an opportunity. We're like, you guys discuss while I step out, you know, like, or, or, hey, we'll talk about that next time, you know, but I got to get going. And then like, you've disrupted the flow in a unique way and you get to leave. Hey, do you remember two girls, one cup real quick? What? Yeah, we're going to talk next time, but I got to go.
Yeah, I'll go there. Don't do that. Do you remember meet spin dot com? Don't go there either. You remember Penn Island dot com? I got Adrian. He didn't actually go, but I got him with Lou. I got him. I got him with Penn Island. Don't look up blue waffle either. Don't look up blue waffle. But I typed it. I was like, go to Penn Island. What's so special about Penn Island? And I typed it and it still took him a second to get it. And I was like, oh, real good. He goes, oh, yeah.
And now we call like when dudes touch each other's wieners, we call it sharing pencils. That's what I call it anyway. I had to teach my coworkers what an ID 10 T error is. I did. Oh, man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So when you write it out, for those who don't know, when you write it out, it looks like the word idiot. So whenever you're it's an I.T. joke and whenever you're dealing with, you know, an idiot,
Uh, and they're like, Oh, I don't know why this isn't working. You're like, Hmm, it sounds like it could be like an ID 10 T error. And I pulled that one on a coworker and they were like, everybody got all scared. Like, what is that? I'm like, Oh yeah, I should probably explain. It's always as good as a, as a dick for a dick for, you don't remember that. I don't know that long. Really? Yeah.
It's like up dog, but but but you I see like something like, oh, what's a dick for? And you go, ha ha. You dummy. Or or I spell pig backwards and say funny. You remember that one? Mm hmm. G.I.P. funny. What was the last one? Oh, I cup. I see you be the classic one. Yeah. Uh huh. We got to bring those back.
Big four or up dog still is great. You know, it's always fun or so hard. It's so hard because it's like so old now, but only once in my entire life did I actually get somebody with the, you know, oh, where's that thing? Oh, it's under there. Underwear. Oh, I love under. Yeah. I only ever got that to work once, but it was it was magic. Yeah. Dick for sixth grade was like the big thing. Everybody was. I had never heard of contest. That was not.
One of them. They were big in the staring contest. Dick for and gosh, it was another one. It wasn't until middle school that the little circle game started. But there was another game in sixth grade that everybody's really obsessed with. But yeah, staring contest and dick for was like the big thing. Like, I don't know why you know what it takes for. But I was also in like South Park was kind of like getting a lot of prominence and people were also like,
saying things like sweet. And, you know, all the other things that I said. Good times. I started to fall off like the that kind of trend with the giving the OK symbol, like the. Right. The circle game means you lost or something. Well, the game. Yeah. Well, there's the game where if you think about the game, you lose the game. But then the circle game was like you put it on your leg or something and somebody looks at it, you punch them.
Oh, is that what you're talking about? I guess. Yeah, well, yeah, you would just like put your you do the OK symbol, but like on your leg. Yes, I think it was supposed to be like a pervy thing. I think it's supposed to signify like.
like a stain or something, you know, like a sexy stain. And then let somebody looks at it, you punch them. That was like the whole thing is like you just come up with creative ways to get someone to look at that circle. So, oh, man, like, oh, I dropped my pencil. Can you grab it? And then they look down, there's your finger. There's your OK, somebody about punch them. I think the dumbest game my my one friend and I ever played was at lunch, we would play Bloody Knuckles. Oh, do we play? Yeah.
So it works for a quarter for me. Oh, dude, we used to go hard with that quarter. And one time we ran out of knuckles and my friends like. Well, we want to keep playing, but I have an idea and he put his head up against the table. Oh, God, why? Because he's a dummy. Oh, my goodness. I like without making a noise, I like leaned over the table as far as I could. So I was as close to his head as I could be.
And I slid that quarter right up against his head. My goodness. He like fell backwards. He's like, ah, okay, no, not that. Knock, knock. Who's there? It's the consequences of your actions. I could have told you that. Yeah. I see. I was never successful at playing bloody knuckles with a quarter, but what we used to do was we'd play it with a deck of cards and like,
What you would do is you would essentially split the deck and you'd play like a game of war and then like whoever like say I flip the 10 and you flip the six, we would subtract it and then I would take my cut of the cards and then like like slap them against your knuckles like on the edge like that many times. One, two, three, four and hurt like hell.
Really? You're not hitting the knuckles. You're scratching with like the edge of the cards like that, you know, trying to give yourself. Oh, you're doing it like like a knife, not like a slap. Kind of like a knife where like you're you're swiping downwards trying to aim with the edge of the card. Right. Like the sharpest part of the deck across your opponent's knuckles. So it was really suck if it was if it was like I like a king versus like a three or some shit because you'd get a lot of hits.
Oh, that kind of sounds like fun, actually. It hurts so bad. But anyway, I don't advise that, though. Don't do that, guys. Don't do those. You're getting older. You're getting older. You're getting more brittle. You don't need any more scars. So I got plenty on my hands as it is. Just got a new one today from the cat. Oh, good. And a new one on my arm from the dog, because he needs his nails cut. And that's my fault, because I got him start jumping around like a fool.
Um, anyway, so yeah, how to politely tell someone to fuck off time that, that send it an email, disrupt the flow by putting your hand on them and say, Hey, let's talk about that later. Um, or you could just go with the classic, like, nope, gotta go. And then just walk away or walk away without saying anything or just tap on your tap on your tap on your watch and I'm walking away for the classic. I'm listening to music, you know, just keep the headphones in and ignore them.
Or just turn on your Spotify playlist, whatever you use, and then just crank up like, what does the Fox say? You know, or tiptoe through the tulips. What the fuck's that guy's name? He has so many fun songs. Very high pitched singing British man. I don't know. Lulu something. Hang on. Tip. I have to look this up before we move on. No, that's like a clothing thing. No.
Tiny Tim, his name is Tiny Tim, and he sings so many fun, delightful songs, one of which is Tiptoe to the Tulips. I promise you will not, or maybe you will regret it because that's why I'm bringing it up. It is delightfully charming, but if you are not expecting it, it is like, oh my God, what am I listening to? Crank that. People are like, what the fuck? And he goes, sorry, I just wanna let you know I gotta go and then leave. There you go. Tiny Tim, look him up. I wish I could think of all the other fun songs I really like that he sang, but...
They're just now I'm going to have to look the song up. It's just he sings like he's very like it's crazy. I don't even know how to describe him. You just had to listen to him. It's very funny, though. But, yeah. Danny, do you have a word of the day for us by chance? Of course I do. Oh, hey, let me go. I want to learn these word of the day brought to you by dictionary dot com because I don't want to get in trouble with that. You'll be learning.
Today's word is zitetic.

Exploring the Word 'Zetetic'

Let me make sure I'm. Yeah, zitetic. Z. E. T. E. T. I. C. Zitetic. It's an adjective that tick is zitetic, and it means proceeding by inquiry or investigation. You say proceeding or preceding proceeding.
proceeding by inquiry or investigation. And you use it in a sentence. I sure can. You're the country of origin. I can't do that. Oh, actually, yes, I can. It's a new Latin word, zeteticus, from the Greek, zeteticos, inclined to investigate or inquire. Interesting. So in a sentence,
The detectives Zetetic mindset led her to question the suspect from every angle possible. Through their Zetetic exploration of the problem, they were able to propose innovative solutions that others had not considered. Interesting. Are there any synonyms listed? Zetetic.
No, let's see. There's got to be some synonym of the day. A questioner, a skeptic. Cynic, that doesn't sound like what you're saying. A different word, Alton Heather. Yeah, no, I mean, it doesn't show. Are there different zetetics? Well, zetetic as a noun. I mean, different. You're really having a zetetic attitude towards this.
Uh, I suppose I am. Yeah. Because I'm so trying so hard to find a, a synonym. Yeah. You're really like, you know, you're, you're trying to investigate this word. It's a very zitetic attitude you got there. I'm quite fascinated actually that the noun zitetic means something different than. Oh, sorry. It's a very zitetic kind of attitude you have right there.
I already forgot what it means. What does it mean again? To proceed by inquiry or investigation. So when you're looking up something, you know, when you're, when you're getting curious about something, you have a Zetetic mindset for it. Hmm. Interesting. I'll take your word for it. I'm fascinated that doesn't have some synonyms on it. It is very upsetting.
Um, the TEDx, the tech, I always I'm asking because I need to use it in a sentence for our titles. I'm trying to put all of our words of the days into the titles now. Uh, oh, I like that. Uh, let's say, um, um, um, but maybe I won't because I already kind of settled on how she doing because the TEDx doesn't really work in that anywhere. No, no, no, it does. Um. And let's say make it like a romance novel. He's a technically asking how she doing.
Literally, I was just about to say he's a technically asked how she was doing. Yeah. There you go. I figured it out. Easy. All right. So Zitetic, everyone, there's a Z word you can play in your Scrabble or on your what's the other one? Scrabble and Boggle. Wortle. Where I never wordled. But if I recall, isn't wordle just like the TV show lingo, but like on an app? Oh, I know. I don't know this TV show lingo.
Oh, it's where I developed my crush on Shandy Finnessy. Oh, she's so... My crush was Amanda Bynes when I was young. I mean, well, I mean, yeah, she was... Oh, no, I can't say that. It was the Pink Ranger. I fell in love with that crowd. I couldn't help it. Anyway, moving on. You want to know another question? Yeah, sure.
All right, this one is from administrative bites, number 35. And they say, I really have no idea why I can't maintain my friendships or gain new ones.

Maintaining Friendships

I'll just headbutt my microphone. I'm 23. In my younger days, I had lots of friends as I as it was no punctuation. That's really hard to read. I'm trying to get I'm 23. In my in my younger days, I had lots of friends as I grew. I think they're supposed to be a comma there or period as they grew older. I lost my friends literally all but one.
Thing is, I know everyone will have their own separate life due to due to work, but man, there's no punctuation anywhere. But I still have no clue why I'm the black sheep in every friend group. It's starting to be depressing, comparing what once was versus what is. Oh, there's a period. Nice. There's no capitalization anywhere. No, the period was. Maybe this is your problem. Oh, my God. Knowing I have no control over what's happening. That's not a sentence.
Um, my question here is how does one, uh, this is so hard for my brain to process ripping this poor person, a new one. Oh, I'm so sorry. Administrative bite, but how can you be so administrative and not like have good sentence structures hurting my eyes to read this.
have no control over what's happening. My question here is how does one know the problems they have? I really do want to start fixing them. I've been wondering for a while. Please help. Thank you. Okay. So essentially they had friends when they were a kid. Now they're in their early twenties. They don't think they have friends except for one. They feel like they're the black sheep. And listen, I don't believe that you are an administrative bite at all. Now that I'm looking at it, I just, I just, I'm really just,
more angry that your name is administrative bite and administrative typically to me thinks of somebody who writes, maintains, organizes, has good proper sentence structure. It's very frustrating. Um, I guess we could rule you out as being one of their friends. I will be a friend to most people, but it doesn't mean I still won't ride this person for fucking like, okay, quick tangent. Okay. Yeah. I feel very strongly.
I dislike the idea that as long as you understand the message, it's efficient. People can communicate through fucking emojis if they want, but I don't want to have to text my brain to do that. Back in the day when we didn't have full-on keyboards and we had to type everything with just a thumb on a flip phone, abbreviating U and R to the letters U and the letter R was efficient. But if you're on a computer, now you have a smartphone that has a full-on fucking keyboard on it,
You know at least what a period is and what a capital letter is. Start there. I find it so abhorrent that we live in a world that primarily communicates via text message now and grammar has not gotten better. It's gotten worse and it doesn't make sense to me just logistically. How is it that with all the practice we have at typing that we are not better at it right now? I can answer that one for you because I bet you I know the answer to mine.
I bet you I know the answer to that. What is it? The people that I mean, this is only from my perspective, but the people that are the worst with that kind of thing, putting just the letter you just the letter R, you know, and all that other crap. They're the people that text all the time, right? And you would think, well, with more practice, they should be better at it, or if they're doing it all the time, they should be better at it.
But what they've done is they've come up with a shitty shorthand. You know, like they do it so much that they don't have time to spell it out. Because even though it's only like point five of a second, they text so much that that would add up to a whole bunch. So subconsciously, they're like, I'll shorten it.
Sure, but my issue isn't even just with the shortening of the words. It's just sentence structure goes out the window. I'm not saying you need to know how to use a semicolon, although it does help. I'm just saying like use a semicolon, you know, like I'm just saying that if you. OK, so like.
I'm back in the dating scene, right? And I'm on the apps as much as I hate them and still I've been experimenting with just like Expanding my reach to like 250 miles out just to kind of see if maybe my life just to see if because you know Statistically it feels weird to think that the only people that I would ever meet that could be my potential forever lover is in Western Pennsylvania You know, it's just weird to me to think that like, you know My roommate met his boyfriend in a car cruise and he's from Cleveland
You know, like, who am I to say that my potential lover isn't like Sweden or something? So like, you know, not that they're 250 miles away, but like, you know, the apps, one of the apps lets you just type in anywhere in the world. So I'm just like, hey, I'm looking at people in Slovakia right now. But anyway, I digest. But what I'm saying is, like, if I'm looking at like somebody who I think like, oh, hey, there's a lot of things we have in common.
The moment I notice if like, especially the word your Y O U apostrophe R E is using correctly with the Y O U R, I immediately just get turned off and like, nope, not doing, nope, I can't just, I won't, I can't do it. But he has no problem using the word digest instead of digress.
See, but that's a play on the word. It's not because I don't know what the word digress means. Good color. You know, but I digest is just a funny way to say it. I'm not lying. I do digest. But anyway, I digress again. But to get back to the question at hand here, I have strong feelings about you don't have to have perfect grammar, but just like it's not hard to know the difference between your and your, you know, it's a contraction.
There, there, and there, I get can be a little confusing, but just like, but that one's like, the Y-O-U-R is just like my peeve, I can't, I just, it wounds me too heavily. Just remember, you use apostrophe RE if it's, if you could use the two words, you are. Right, just think about it. If you're saying, you are a dick, but then like, if somebody types, you're an ass, and they just type in Y-O-U-R, an ass, I'm like, my an ass, what does that mean? My, my an ass, my an ass what?
Like, that's how I'm reading that is my an ass. And I go, you know what I mean? Like, no, I didn't. I don't know what you mean. That's why I'm asking. What do you mean? I will admit sometimes if I've either been like on Discord a while on my phone or something, or if like I'm rushing to get the message out because I'm in the middle of something, video games, cough, I will write your without the apostrophe, but still spelled right.
Sure, I'm sure you still demonstrate that you know it like, you know, like, yeah, you know it. I do that sometimes where I just don't capitalize things on my phone because I hate typing on my now the capital one and the period. I don't understand because. If you just double tap space, it auto adds a period and auto capitalizes the next word.
Yeah, if I'm on my keyboard, absolutely. And like, like if it's the beginning of a sentence, I mean, I'll capitalize, but like some proper nouns, I just won't just because like I'm like, oh, yeah, proper nouns. I've I've not done that. Yeah. Like people need to know where the sentence begins and where it ends. So I'm just like, oh, my God. Yeah. Anyway, the phones without periods and caps. I don't understand. Yeah. Administrative bite. Look, here's the thing.
I think, again, I don't have as much. I don't have enough context from this to know for sure if what you're asking is what's actually happening. But let's just say it is. Let's say that you're the black sheep. Let's say that everything that you're assuming is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You are just for whatever reason, people don't want to be your friend.
News flash. Once you get into your 20s and as you progress further into your 20s and approach your 30s, that will continue to happen because people have, even though we're in a world where you can connect with anybody almost all the time anywhere, it's so easy for people to also just neglect that. And it's okay. That's their prerogative to do so. Just remember that relationships are a two-way street.
If you're the one that's constantly trying and they ain't responding, whatever, but also you're 23 fucking years old. Okay. Like a lot of your friends, I don't know if you still live in the same town or whatever, but a lot happens between like when you turn a teenager and he reached college years, chances are it's likely not you that if it is you just like.
You know, you said you have that one friend left? Ask that friend. Hey, am I a pain? Hey, is there something wrong with me? Hey, do you notice that we don't hang out with these people anymore? Do you ever feel this way? You have at least the one that you're talking about. I can only assume because you've only told us that there's just the one. But that's your go-to. Ask that person.
Or, you know, and I hate to give you some tough love here, administrative bite, but you made me read to that hellish paragraph. So I need to do this to you. You have been nothing but tough to them. Yeah, you know, and sometimes I just need to because like. Look.
I am not a fan of the woe is me attitude, okay? But I also want to make sure this person knows that I am taking their questions sincerely. So I'm assuming, let's assume that everything that they're saying is correct. You're the black sheep, right? You still have a friend you can ask. You have to ask that friend. The harsh part that I was going to say was, or you have access to email, you have access to text, you have access to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, probably a thousand ways you can look up these people.
and ask them hey would you like to hang out i miss you or hey how could don't open with like hey what the fuck we be friends and now we're not over there because then i remember like oh yeah this person sucks. You know but it could just be like maybe they think you don't wanna hang out with them.
Everything about that, everything, maybe you got resting bitchy personality or something like maybe, maybe, maybe you don't recognize that you have an off-putting energy. Maybe you're not purposefully doing anything at all to upset people, but some people have RBF, you know, but they're the kindest people on earth, but someone looking at like, Oh, better give them a wide berth. They're probably going to punch me in the head, you know?
So, I mean, the best thing to do is communicate, dog. Just reach out. And before you do that, really look at your sentences. Really look at your structure. Make sure there's at least a period at the end of every thought before you move on to a new one. You know, capitalize where the sentence should start, at least start there. You don't gotta be perfect, but start there. Because if you're not gonna phone call, and let's face it, you're 23, you're not gonna call anybody. You're just not. So, unless you're gonna FaceTime them, which I doubt,
You got to make sure your grammar is good because otherwise I'm like, oh, I don't want to hang out with Terry with with a why not Terry with an eye who is Danny's mom because he fucking types like garbage. Anyway, Danny, you want to help this person? Yeah, I do now in more ways than one. I want to give them a hug after that. Jeez. Oh, my God.
All right. Sorry. It's OK. It's OK. Administrative. Was it administrative bite? Administrative bite. Thirty five. I don't care about the thirty five administrative bite. Listen, listen, he's done. Mean old Adam is gone. He's going to go sit over there away from us. We're going to have a nice little chat real crazy. We're going to quiet, quiet you. We're going to have a nice little chat being you.
OK, because I think very differently from him. First of all, I think you are a very nice person and I'm sorry that this is happening to you. But in all honesty. I don't think. Anything weird is happening here. The exact same thing happened to me at your age.
You know, a lot of people like to think, oh, well, when I was younger, it was so much easier to make friends, right? I had so many friends in school. Well, yeah, you were forced to be in the same place as a bunch of people your age. Of course, it was easy to make friends, right? But once you all graduate, especially like from college to the quote unquote real world, you know,
People start moving away. People get married, have kids, have their own lives they have to deal with. And absolutely, your friendships are going to. Fall off community, communication wise, right? I still have I set up a Facebook.
group message with a bunch of my high school friends. That is the only contact we have with each other at this point. And we talk to each other maybe, I don't know, twice a year. We're all still friends, but we don't really talk to each other anymore. We all just kind of have our own lives. And it's normal. You guys are not forced to be around each other anymore.
And it makes sense that you're going to start to drift. Now, that doesn't mean you're going to be lonely forever. I've come across a whole bunch of new friends that live closer to me or are more online and in the same kind of interests as me. So I think your best bet for meeting new friends, at least for online, just
You know, discord is a great one. Go join a discord and something you're passionate about. If you like video games, look for your favorite game. See if it has like a discord where people just talk about it and just go ham, you know, you'll meet people on there. You can start talking. And that's how Adam and I know each other. We met on discord.
We did a D&D type session, Monster of the Week. And I typed properly with. Shut up. You get over there in the corner. Periods. You get away from my baby. Get away from my sweet baby. Get out of here. They're distraught enough without you. It's OK. That's why they all left. That's why they all left. They're going to leave again, too.
I'm going to hit you with this chair. Don't listen. He's a mean jerk. He'll all of a sudden he is such a jerk face. He's made of tape. He's a heel made of tape. Yeah. I'm a fucking double shoe heel made entirely of scotch tape from from Terry's desk. But in all honesty, seriously, I what's happening to you is not weird. Everybody goes through it as they enter new stages of their lives.
people separate, you know, and you can do what I did, set up a group message to kind of keep in contact. Some of my friends moved all the way to the other side of the country. Some of them, you know, still live pretty close by, but we have our own lives and don't see each other much. I actually just recently started reconnecting with one of my high school friends purely because my wife and his wife hit it off. Um,
And his wife is into voice acting, so we started talking. And then I started talking to my old friend again. So you never know. And now they might move to another country. So that would really suck. But what I'm getting at is what happened to you. You're not really a black sheep. It's just as you go into the next stage of life, people drift apart. But that doesn't mean you won't find new friends. Like I said, try looking online in spaces that you
are passionate about video games, sports, whatever it may be, you will find like minded people, you will make friends there. If it's video games, great, you can play online games with them. If it's sports, you can, you know, watch the game separately, but together and talk about it as it's going on. There are definitely things you can do. Maybe take some grammar classes and meet some people there out of here. Well, I'm trying to keep getting back in. I locked the door.
Yeah, you know, take some classes. Education is a great way to meet people. I hate you. It's true, though. It is. I know that you're saying it. Your childhood friends. Guess what? Their childhood friends that you probably did what with went to school, met in class. Adults do the same thing when they go to college. Take a grammar class. Really focus on that grammar class. Take all the extra credit courses that you can. You'll increase your chances of meeting new people, you know.
You left the window open.
Maybe get a study group where you learn proper, you know, sentence structure. You know, I'm just saying it couldn't hurt, right? You're learning and you're spending time with new people, right, Danny? I'm not agreeing with you out of principle here. Anyway, I think we helped the administrative bite, right? I think one of us did.
administrative fight right into the show. I'll be your goddamn friend. Jesus Christ. I'll be after this. You deserve a friend. I'll be your friend too. It doesn't mean I want to ask you when you spell it. Like again, it's fine if you're not good at spelling. I just want to make sure that anybody listeners out there, it's fine if you're not a good speller. I'm just saying, but everybody who is a native English speaker knows there's punctuation at the end of the sentence and there's a capital at the beginning.
everybody can accomplish that we can all agree on that right oh my god i would absolutely love it if they wrote in and we're like yeah sorry i don't i barely speak english look if they said they're guatemo i will apologize on my hands and knees that's fine i will never let you live that down if that's okay that's okay but they didn't include haste most people say sorry my english isn't good because i'm from blah blah blah
This person seems to have a grasp on the English language as a subject, just not as like a practice in writing it. You know, that's all. Let's let's move on to the next question before you're going to drive this poor person the journey. Guys, imagine if I were actually if I leaned into the darkness that resides in me in a regular. Yeah. What what happened to you? What's with the devil horn suddenly? I just want to try it out. I just want to see how it would feel, you know.
It's getting it out there. It feels better in here. You know, I don't know. I mean, you say that, but we had like one person from whatever country it was a couple episodes ago. You never know who will hear the new Guinea. Listen, if they they haven't written in yet. So, you know.
You know, unless that listener from Papua New Guinea writes in and says, hey, I'm administrative bite, you know, whatever. No, I'm done. I shouldn't bite. I couldn't hear this. Oh, I really hope they do someday. Oh, my God. That would be delightful. Holy shit. Like 10 years later. Hey, yeah, it's just I just found this and you guys were talking about me. They just like show up like at my house and they're just like, hey,
I've been administrative bite 35. I'm like, I happen to remember you from Western Pennsylvania. Yeah. You know, like, you know, I went door to door knocking forever trying to find you. You son of a bitch. Look for any Adam I could find. Yeah. And then I found one on Instagram called random Adam and he's again sounded just like you. I chased it. Anyway, one more question, shall we? This one is from neurotic nurse already. Oh, I like that name. Hmm.

Is Driving Naked Legal?

Is it legal to drive naked as long as you don't get out of the car? Assuming that you either have clothes on when you enter the car or you're entering through a garage where nobody sees you. Um, see, there's no period there, but there's just a period. Then what about drive-throughs are told these where people can see that you're naked inside the car. So there are different scenarios in which you'd be in your car nude. They're asking, is it legal? Again, we're not legal advisors. We're not lawyers, but you know,
But what's your take on that, Danny? Well, I'm trying to reach back into my years in criminal justice. It depends on whether or not the inside of your car is considered a private space, I believe. Like if. Oh, boy, this is rough.
Like having sex in the back of your car, technically, I don't think is illegal. Because it's a quote unquote private space, there's an expectation of privacy when you're in your car. Now, obviously, it shouldn't be as high as your house. But there is the expectation that nobody's going to come and look in the windows, right? That being said,
I think just driving from A to B naked would be okay. You might get pulled over by a cop just because it's suspicious and you only need reasonable suspicion to pull somebody over, I believe. Apparently safety laws prevent you from driving without a shirt on in New Jersey. I could see that for safety reason. Yeah, apparently it's lewd conduct.
Yeah, see, I would say it's definitely crosses into illegal if like they were saying going through a toll or something where there is the expectation that somebody is going to be looking in your car or you're going to be lowering your window and inviting somebody to look inside. I would say that's definitely becomes indecent exposure and sexual. So yeah. But if you're showing from A to B.
I guess in New Jersey it would be because of the shirt law, but I don't know if there would be a law specifically saying you can't do it naked. Like, could I drive from A to B in New Jersey with just a shirt on?
I can't imagine in any weather wanting to sit my bare ass on any kind of car seat for an extended period of time. Oh, absolutely not. The swamp as would be all, especially if you have leather, especially if you, you know, like you don't want to ruin your suede if you have suede seats, cloth seats. If you do have that swamp as you're going to stay in that shit. Like I can't think of a situation in which you would want to do that.
Mm hmm. Unless you're going to put down like a few blankets and towels to protect your seats. But in which case, what's the point? Like, why are you even doing that then? You know, I can see it like if you were like leaving the beach. Maybe you, you know, you hit the showers, take your draws off and then quickly run to the car like midnight beach swimming. Oh, I guess. You know, I do that when I go to the bathroom, like I'll get naked in my room.
And then since the bathrooms across the hall, they get a bit of a thrill that if I can just bolt over there before someone sees me, you know, I just have like my clothes I'm going to change into in my towel. Like I just run like real quick, like a ninja, do like a flip into the bathroom. And like then every time I get there and I shut the room like, oh, and then I think, oh, shit, I forgot to grab, I don't know, a shirt. Then I got to do it again. I got to do like submission impossible shit and dart back to my room, grab a shirt again. You know, so I do stuff like that. But yeah, I don't know, man.
I feel actually I did. I did a little bit of Google and while you were talking there, Danny, and I found this website called honest policy dot com. Learn auto insurance, driving naked legality. Very interesting thread. Oddly specific. In the beginning, they say is driving naked illegal and they say there's different states that have different laws. Like in Arizona, it's illegal to expose your nether regions front and back to another person in public.
You know, they say Colorado, it's more situational. You can't have sex in public, fondle yourself or anything else, or expose yourself when it's likely to be offensive. But it doesn't say anything about your car. So you could be in your car as long as someone else sees it. But then right underneath it, they have best practices for driving naked.
And this is an insurance company, I think. Sorry. That's an insurance company I want. Number one, check the nudity laws in your state. Before you set off on a naked road trip, get familiar with the nudity laws. As a starting point, check the state by state summary at H.G. That's So we can go there and check your laws. Number two, this is my favorite one.
Fill up first. Plan ahead by filling up on gas and packing snacks. You don't want to be stuck roadside with an empty tank, nor do you want to pop into a gas station and drive through with no clothes on. That's fair.
Drive conservatively. This should be obvious, but do your best to avoid traffic violations while naked. If you get pulled over and the officer asks you to step outside the car, you could be cited for indecent exposure. That's excellent advice. Absolutely excellent. That cop could be a real dickhead and be like, step out the car knowing full well that you are nude. Step out the car, sir. Step out the car, man. Now you get this. Yep. If they're really thinking like, oh, this problem, I get this person. Um,
Have a cover up within arm's reach, you know, like a towel or your shirt or whatever, if you need to. Don't put the top down. That should be obvious. Manage the seat material. Neither cloth or leather seats are ideal for new drivers. Cloth will absorb sweat and leather and can get hot on your cloth, can absorb sweat and leather can get hot on your seat. They should have had a comma there because they put absorb sweat and leather. So my brain read it as cloth can absorb sweat and leather, which is a weird sentence, but that's how.
Oxford comma baby you gotta pay attention and get hot on your skin to avoid any irritation or staining of your seats bring a folded cotton towel to sit on see where sunscreen is number eight which great advice yeah yeah excellent advice and wear shoes according to the zebra there whatever the fuck the zebra is they must be another website there are no state laws that prohibit you from driving without shoes
But driving with a fitted shoe can be a worthwhile safety precaution, especially if you choose to leave the rest of your body uncovered. A shoe makes for an even and solid contact with your brake and gas pedals. This should prevent a slip that keeps you from breaking quickly. So there you go. You know, you keep your shoes on at least that way that rubber can grip the pedals and keep you nice and safe and snug as a bug in a rug with no clothes on, you know,
There you go, Neurotic Nurse. That's the insurance you want to get, is HD. Oh, yeah. Neurotic Nurse, I don't care what your gender is. That's a hot name. I just want you to know that. That's a hot name. So, you know, whatever. You rock that, Neurotic Nurse. You sassy administrative bite you. You are in a mood today.
I don't know, man, like sometimes I sometimes I have like these negative emotion. I mean, I'm a human. I get like negative emotions. I feel bad sometimes. And I spend a lot of time trying to look on the bright side of life, you know, but.
Sometimes there is just a darkness swirling in me and it needs to come out in a sarcastic way. And this seems like an innocent enough way on somebody who's probably not going to hear this. I can't tell you how many times I have to stop myself from spreading sarcastically as somebody who I want to be a dick to because they're being a dick and I don't. So sometimes I just need to let it out in like little bites just to like expel it in like a straight away. Yeah, a little with administrative bites, 35 of them. Sometimes I just need to like.
you know, exhale these evil little phantoms that reside inside of me. You ever just have that where like you know that there is like a much
Like in your brain, there was like a seedy neighborhood that like you have to like try to make sure you improve and keep happy because like if you get too angry, like they get violent and they want to they want to fucking go.

Dealing with Inner Darkness

You know, you ever have that like this darkness that resides within you? Yeah, absolutely. And I learned a good outlet for it. And honestly, it's probably it's what I blame for my taste in music.
Well, I can't whack off on that. You're talking about something else. No, no. Oh. But like I listen to a lot of. You know, heavier metal like. Iron. You could blame. Honestly, you could blame the original Devil May Cry video game because that's what introduced me to kind of the grungier metal. And then from there, you know, like disturbed is a very popular one.
I'm disturbed. You're my fave. All my finger death punch. I told you just recently I found Shine Down. Oh, yeah. I gave them a better chance that they absolutely deserved. But like, yeah, they're they're angrier songs, right? And yeah, sometimes if I'm like just in that kind of mood and I have to drive somewhere, whether that be to work or to home,
I will just blast that shit and just let it envelop me and just be evil for a bit, you know? Um, and I know this sounds edgy as fuck, but yeah. And then that usually gets it out. And then by the time I'm at work, I'm just like, good morning, everyone. How is you today? Yeah.
It's good. I mean, the thing is for me is I had a pretty good physical outlet today. I was doing a lot of walking, playing some disc golf. I got a hell of a workout and I came home like exhausted. But, you know, just sometimes to let the inner edgelord out. Yeah. And I have it. And it always surprises people. But it's just like, look, it's not all sunshine and rainbows in here all the time. You know, like why is somebody else allowed to be a penis? But when I feel like being a little cocky, everybody's like, oh,
My word, how dare he have emotions? You know, like, oh my goodness. So I'm not apologizing. I'm not sorry. Fine. I'm a little sorry. Okay. I don't like people nothing, but like I need to get it out. All right. I'm a little sorry. He's very sorry.
I'm not very sorry, let's be clear, okay? I don't know administrative bite enough to know if they're a good person. He's very sorry, he'll tell you later. He'll message, private message you later and be like, hey man, I'm sorry for this episode. I don't know what came over me. Hey, you know, what if administrative bite like, I don't know, goes up to people's strollers and punches their babies, huh? We don't know anything about this person. We don't know them.
They could be a real butt wipe. There can be reasons they don't have their grammar very hard for somebody we don't know. Exactly. So, you know, I'm giving them advice, but also giving them the other side of it because they punished my brain with that awful paragraph. And so, you know, how do I know they're not a baby punching poor grammatical person? You know, like, I don't know.
They probably text that baby saying, you're in trouble. And they just spell it Y-O-U-R in trouble. And it's like, my in trouble? Pow. I don't know them. I hope beyond hope that you never have to text my mother-in-law because she, for whatever reason, will just send you gibberish because I guess she doesn't realize that
And I guess she doesn't realize that people live on the outside of her brain, so she'll have a thought. And then, you know, half the thought is in her head and the other half she puts into the message. So you get it. And it's just like a jumbled mess about something. And more often than not, if she texts me or Mel, we have to ask her what she's talking about. Yeah, I don't know.
Uh, yeah, I mean, I've been there. I've been there. Oh, man. Well, I'm sorry, administrative. I'm sorry that you for some reason have become like public enemy number one for Adam on this particular

Writing Quality of Listener Questions

episode. Hey, I'm not hating on them. You know, I'm sure that they're fine as a person. I love you. You know, but I don't accept you and your grammar.
You know what I mean? They I don't know them again. I don't know if they're a baby puncher or not, but I do know that there are sentences hurt my brain. I accept you for who I know you to be. If you do turn out to punch babies in your spare time, we'll have to revisit this friendship. What does the tetic mean again? Proceeding by inquiry or investigation.
So, you know, maybe I need to have a synthetic mentality to investigate if you do or do not punch babies, you know, before I can feel sorry about, you know, that. But see, but that brings me back to my point, guys and gals and non binary folks out there. Look, we live in an age of text.
It matters. It matters a lot. You should try. It is your first, again, the people who were born here, raised here, it is your primary language, okay? Like, you gotta try a little bit. You gotta try.
It just it matters. It matters a lot whether you're typing up like a cover letter for, you know, a job, you know, if you want to be taken seriously on an online forum. I mean, there are so many trolls on the Internet and you go on there, type it like that. You know, many people are probably going to razz that when they read it just because it was such a chore to, you know, I'm doing it on a podcast, you know.
I'm just saying, you know, it's hard. Danny just type. You can be so silly sometimes and he just spelled it all sorts of weird stuff. And that's OK. It's a cute thing. You know what? The funny thing is I could edit all of this out, but I'm going to leave it in because this is just it's how I feel, guys. It's how I feel. Danny, how are you? You live your truth. I'm fine.
Do would you at least agree that that presentation matters? You know, I'm just going to screenshot. I'm going to drag me into this. All right. I'm going to screenshot a street administrative bytes message and send it to me. And if I'm going to read it, I'm going to sight read it. I'm going to sight read it and we'll see how much it messes me up. All right. Just go ahead and try to read it straight up. Maybe I'm just having a bad brain. Let me say.
Although you have heard me read it already. That trust me, that doesn't matter. Let me move it to this monitor. Sorry, guys, I hate to belabor this, but like I just want to make sure that maybe maybe just my brain is structured differently. I don't know. It could be.
I really have no idea why I can't maintain my friendships or gain new ones. I'm 23. In my younger days, I had lots of friends. As I grew older, I lost all my friends. Literally all but one. Thing is, I know everyone will have their own separate life due to work, but I still have no clue why I'm the black sheep and every friend group. It's starting to be depressing comparing what once was versus what is, knowing I have no control over what's happening.
My question here is how does one know the problems they have? I really do want to start fixing them. I've been wondering for a while. Please help. Thank you. Tada. Well, there you go, guys. Clearly, my brain is broken. Or maybe Danny's brain can read poor grammar to be fair, to be fair. I do a lot of sight read voice acting like, you know, I do voice acting on the side.
Uh, for other people in our discord server and stuff. And, and to be fair, site read, like I don't. And, and to be fair, you were coming into this with a challenge to read it as opposed to reading it. Like I picked this question like months ago and haven't looked at it since. And I, in your defense, uh, you could probably hear it, but somewhere around the second line, I did stumble a bit.
It's OK, guys. Look, I'm just going to change. I'm just going to write this whole episode is like Adam is a heel today. There's not there's not going to be like any clever title. It's just going to be Adam was a real asswipe in this episode. Adam embraced his dark side. It's an axle today. I'm feeling salty. I don't know why. I just need to get it out.

Podcast Dynamics and Banter

Just going to say Adam is an asswipe today. But not even like.
Not even like double layered or anything. You know, he's like single ply ass wipe. Yeah. Yeah. Terry Gabe, I promise I'm typically a kind person, you know, just sometimes, you know, if I meet you. But I do have that sardonic side of me. Sometimes it comes out and I just like I get angry.
And just once I get stuck on it, my brain just gets stuck on this roller coaster and I just have to keep riding it until finally it slows down. But sometimes a guy is asleep at the controls and doesn't realize he has to slow it down when we pass. So I got to go for another fucking loop until the guy wakes up and tells me I can slow down. So do I have ADHD?
potentially, but I'm not diagnosed. So I don't know. But here I am, guys. This is me. You know, I have a dark side and I have to let it out. And this podcast has to be my safe space, too. So here it is. I'm just telling you, this is the problem I have. It's OK. We all love you for you. Some people don't. They get real judgy, Danny. They go like, oh, Adam, you've changed. I'm like, no, I just haven't let you see some of this. That's all. I have it very much. Thank you.
I have trauma and baggage. I judge you all the time. I embrace it. I embrace it positively. Fucking bring it beyond time. Terry, you want to come on the show right in front of sellers? I'm not going to stop. I'm going to be a heel for all future episodes until Danny's mom comes on the podcast and talks to me. Be warned, listeners, I'm about to ram
I know. Terry, you're Gabe. It's got to be one or both if they're feeling froggy. Don't. I don't want to hear that language with my parents. I wasn't talking about that. Doesn't matter. That's where my brain lives. And now I know I'm judging you anyway. Hey, if you made it this far into the episode, I'm sorry.
Yes, we are sorry. This shouldn't have gone on for another 20 minutes. That's my fault. You can stop listening 20 minutes ago if you want. Yeah, just figure that out. 20 minutes back. Yeah, figure that out. You don't have to tell me I was an asshole, guys. But if you want to, write in. You know, maybe bad press will sell the show better. Adam, I'm going to be a heel in this show until Terry and Gabe come on.
So anyway, thank you so much for listening. If you made it this far, we really do appreciate it. Danny, would you like to say anything to the people before we before we wrap up? Yeah, I really just have one thing I want to say. I'm really sorry, administrative, but I don't get over it. They're probably an actor. They're probably an actor, a baby punching actor. They're not even upset about it.
Now you're just spreading rumors. I can't. I got to turn this off. I got to turn this off. Yeah. You need to calm down. Maybe like take a cold bath or something. You started that. You redirected my attention back to it. I was over it.
Oh, please. The second you asked me if I wanted to say anything, you started laughing. You knew what I was going to say. I was laughing because I thought you were going to say like something like, I'm really sorry that Adam's an asshole or something. Well, that too. I'm sorry for my co-host. I, you know, I've tried my best to raise him right. But apparently I messed up along the way. I'm not angry at him. I'm just disappointed.
It's because Beluga's not around enough. She used to be around all the time. I knew her before I knew you, and now she doesn't even want to hang out no more. Mom's not around. You're lying mouth if you're trying to suggest that Beluga's a good influence. I'd say she's a good influence, but having both parents matters, Andy.

Finding a Mom for a Son

Beluga's not around anymore. You get to have Terry and Gabe. I just get you. I want mom too. We'll find you a mom.
We'll find you a mom. We'll find you one, I promise, son. Okay, well anyway, is that what you wanted to say?

Podcast Reflections and Gratitude

Do you want to tell him it's a dream come true? Yeah, this...
I guess this episode too is also a dream come true nightmare a little bit. Despite everything, I have a great time doing this and that's all thanks to all of you listening and we really do appreciate it. I say it at the end of every episode because it is true for every episode and I don't want
I don't want us to forget it just as much as I want to make sure to remind you that we do appreciate it. We don't want to forget that either. You know, it's very easy to kind of get into that mindset where it's like, oh, I'm great. You know, no, we are just two idiots just kind of.
Bullshitting on the internet. It's people like you that listen to us for some reason that make this special. And I truly appreciate it. I'm sure Adam does too, but he's feeling very spicy today. Hey, I still feel appreciation.

Appreciation Monster

Of course I do. I'm not a fucking, I'm not a monster. You know, if I were, I'd be the appreciation monster and cookie monster. And I would hang out on Sesame street and I would tell him how much I appreciate that he sort of shares his cookie with me.
He doesn't. He would never. He shares cookie all the time. Just like he does. Yeah, absolutely. That's what I get for judging. Cookie watch is a good guy. He's not a baby puncher like administrative bite. Oh my God.
Anyway, everybody, thank you so much for listening.

Social Media and Project Plugs

Go to fun as always that If you want to leave us a message, you can find all of the role players Guild projects on there and their latest YouTube streams on there. Was it RP Guild one on Twitter? If you want to go out and say hi to Danny and beluga, you can find me on Instagram at random. Adam, that's just random at om. I'm on there. You'll know it's me when you see me.
Check out. Oh, go ahead. Sorry. Yeah, go ahead. Check out what? Check out the role players guild on YouTube. That's where we stream at role players guild. The role players guild spelled R-O-L-L. Well, I wasn't a part of it, but Beluga and some of our friends just did a Avatar The Last Airbender themed TTRPG episode. So you can go and check that thought out.
It's all on the website. Yeah. All on the website. It'll take you there. All the good stuff. Go to fun and solar's Just click on the link tree that we have there. It'll take you there too. You're probably watching this on a screen anyway. I'm depressed that I haven't thought it to do that sooner. Those link trees.

Encouraging Positivity

Anyway, um, the final quote of the day also comes from, from me. Oh no.
And it goes, I'm sorry, administrative bite 35. Just kidding. No one is inoculated to a bad day and everything you know and complete disarray. Your mouth is full of venom and belly full of flames. You walk into a room and you start taking names and you once don't hurt the body.
Enjoy the ride. We don't need your negativity. Take your frustration and put it in your butt. Live interference in reality. Take your division and put it in your butt. We don't need your negative energy. Take your resentment and put it in your butt. Open your mind from that captivity. Take your anxiety and put it in your butt.
Your heart is full of anger and it's planning to stay. You're immolation and today is the day. Ununderwhelming denizens will fill your decay with fury and your souls are gonna hear what you say when you... Hey! What? Don't hush the fire! Hey!
Enjoy the ride! We don't need your negative sympathy Take your frustration and put it in your butt Live it to win, it's in reality Take your definition and put it in your butt We don't need your negative energy Take your resentment and put it in your butt Open your mind from that captivity Take your anxiety and put it in your butt