Everything you can find me there personally. ah Yeah, if you want me on your show if you need a voice for anything you let me know On my link tree, there's a way to just email me directly so you can do that Yeah, if you send me the link tree, we'll drop it in the show notes when that when the show goes up. Absolutely. I will do that. um absolutely Awesome. Awesome Well, thank you Is there anything else you would like to say to the audience beyond that? You know just any words of wisdom or parting things that you feel, you know at this moment Um, if you, you know, have the means to do what you want to do as a hobby, uh, without disrupting your real life, you should definitely try it and take that leap. Uh, because, you know, it's going to be fun, whether it pans out or not, you're going to have a really good time and you're going to make memories forever. And you should do that with your friends or with new people, because, you know, those memories are fucking awesome and you should do that. Uh, I want to thank, you know, Adam and Danny here for having me on the show.