A Colorful Dingle (Feat. Cap) image

A Colorful Dingle (Feat. Cap)

That's Our Q
23 Plays3 months ago

Today, Cap (of Shrimp and Crits) joins us to discuss smells we associate with our childhood, how to get work-from-home jobs, and we figure out why people have strong likes/dislikes for certain colors. Oh and we finally learn what a Dingle is. 

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fucking had to clear my throat just as it hits it one perfect yeah no that's recorded ah Jesus tap dance incredible bags anyways good morning good afternoon and good evening ladies gentlemen not binary folks of universes known and not unknown this is that's our cue or to cue for short okay come on Adam this is your showtime where we take your cues and Ooh, I got it. Where we take your cues and we put them in like a beautiful yellow and blue can that's got nice font and cool letters and just a wonderful lemon smell that comes out of it. And we sell it to people that look just like me. And when they crack that bad boy open, they drink it. And that aroma of sweet, sweet A comes out into their noses. They pound back that delicious fucking LaCroix. Lee Moncello is my favorite. Anyway, what that means, if you've never heard the show before,
as We take your questions from the internet like places like reddit and Quora and other websites You probably haven't heard of before and we answer them as if anybody gives a shit about our opinions ah Joining me today as always is my best buddy Danny Daniel guarantee for short say hi Danny. I Used to like will cry. I haven't drank that in a while. Oh, hi everybody. I was gonna guarantee for sure or you can call me Danny G for long and Um, Danny G for a long, I like me Danny G for long. Oh, man, I'm coming up. I'm Danny G furlough. Getting so many good nicknames today. That's a good name for like, I've got a garden only fans now. I've got like three porn names. Don't you mean an only dance? Oh, oh. And I believe, and Adam, them correct me if I'm wrong, but we actually have one other person to introduce today.
Yeah, probably the cream of the crop rises to the top. We got our good buddy Cap here. Hello Cap. Hey there, I have to say lemon cello is the best LaCroix flavor and you were absolutely correct in that. um Yeah, great. I love that. I feel good in this room because of that factoid. Hi, my name is Cap. ah He, him. I am a podcaster. I am on the show Shrimp and Crits and you can find me on a lot of other podcasts as well. But yeah, I'm Cap. I'm excited to be here with you, Adam and Danny.
Yeah, very excited to have you. I'm so happy that you love limoncello. I mean, I'll drink a LaCroix if it's in front of me, but like the only ones I'll actually buy with my own money are the limoncello ones. the All right. Each plum, I will say. I don't like a summer delight. So LaCroix is all good and well. ah the cap How do you feel about bacon? Bacon. I'm so glad you when you asked me. yes I. um I have a lot of opinions about bacon, mostly because I don't eat meat. um I think it smells great. So I will give it that. I have had it in the past. I haven't not. It's been like 15 years. I haven't eaten meat, but I remember and it was good.
Okay. You know what? I have not eaten meat at all. It's a fair enough reason to not eat bacon. I have fake bacon in my fridge right now, though, and it is delicious. I'm going to take that as bacon. Yes, I'm into it. The idea of it, I'm all about it. We can be friends. Sorry, Adam. Oh, Danny, we're friends, and you don't like my opinion on bacon, so let's not open up this can of bacon right now, okay? I like that you waited until we were recording to make sure we were friends. That's good. Of course. Yeah, I have to. It's recorded. He literally just met. So I need I'm keeping this for evidence in case you change your answer later. That's so fair. Yeah. You guys want to answer some questions? It's a some cues. I'm ready to ask some cues. I could win some cues all day. I could go for a nice look to you right now. Oh, cool. I like you. Oh, that's good. There you go. Once I release big Rick energy, I'm going to release like use next because that's awesome.
um Okay, so and cap if you want to invest in big Rick energy, I tell you all about it after the show that we're gonna wait I used to do is invest and then get to other people to invest you told me to bring my checkbook So I do have that Good. Oh, good. You're a good rule follower. I appreciate that. um All right. So this first question is from Reddit user down writes on happiness. um And I thought this was kind of a fun, open ended question for us to start with. And they say, what is the smell that you associate with your childhood? um So, ah Cap, you're our guest. Is there a smell that you think of that ah that you think that really takes you back to sometime when you were a kid or in your teen years?
I appreciate you choosing me first, so I have very little time to think of a good, funny answer. Oh, do you want me to come back to you? No, no, I like it. I'm giving myself time by explaining how you didn't give me any time. It's all smart. Absolutely. One that isn't funny is honeysuckles. I currently live in the South and was raised in the South and grew up next to a lot of honeysuckles. And those little bad boys, we definitely used to eat them, which I don't think you were supposed to do. But that smell, unbelievable. What is a honeysuckle? I know the word, but I don't know what it is. Yeah, I don't know. Is it a flower? We're both Northwestern. Oh, that's so fun. Northeastern, rather. Northeastern over here. This honey ah honeysuckle is like, um, it's a little flower. It grows on like a bush and it smells like, it smells like honey, hence the name, I suppose. But you can pull out this little stamen and there's a little drop at the end and all, all the kids used to gather around and eat the honeysuckle stems.
Oh, it sounds so creepy when you doesn think about it. But does it like taste like honey, too? Is it? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It's just like one little teardrop of honey deliciousness at the end when you pull it out. Google honey suckles. Interesting. See, I thought it was a I thought it was a flower, but then you said you used to eat them. And I was like, yeah, eat. You know, I mean, there's edible flowers. Oh, yeah. There it out. I'm never eating a dandelion puff. No, now I don't want to. I mean, I don't eat meat. What else is there? It's good for sharing. You just blow that thing. And then like every all your friends in the media area can eat like little seeds from it. I sit there with mouths wide open. and Yeah, it's a game. you You blow on it and then everybody tries to catch it in their mouth. I think that was a Creed song with mouths wide open.
What was the question? Yeah, smells. I answered one. Your turn. You smell that use. Danny, what's the smell? you as now I'm done with this. We'll swing back the cap so you can come up with something funny to say. You don't have to have a funny answer, but if you want one, ah so know ah Danny, what's the smell that you associate with your childhood, my friend? ah So my favorite smell that I would associate with my childhood, in fact, I actually got to very recently ah was my mom's homemade chili. It was. Something that her sister had taught her to make I believe it was and then it was like in grade school They had come up with this recipe for a project and it's super simple super easy to make ah But for it's just it's so good and it was my favorite thing my mom ever made at home and I recently couple you know a month or two ago went to visit them in South Carolina and My mom asked me. Well, what do you guys want while you're down here? And I said, there's two things I need and
I need Publix spicy fried chicken because that shit is banging and I need and I would love it if you would make for me a pot of your chili. And it was just like mommy used to make it. And it was so good. And it brought me right back to my childhood from the moment I could smell it all the way till I ate my second bowl and then another bowl in the morning. So good. I do love a good chili though, man. I mean, so good. I love that. Did you say it was like a sweet, a sweet chili? It is a.
Oh, it's kind of got a kick, too. It's like a spicy or chili, I would say. Oh, OK. It has no beans in it. So it's a little different than most chilies. It's got i've had some like that. Yeah. You know, a whole bunch of cumin, black pepper, ah ah elbow noodles, ground me. Don't share. I don't Yeah, it's like behind a paywall on Patreon or something. Yeah. If you want to see Danny's mom's ah recipe for chili, go to Ko-fi.com. That was like 90% of the ingredients I just listed there. It's so easy. If you want the last 10%. If you want the last ingredient, you'll never guess what it was. I would never have guessed elbow noodles in a chili. That's that's wild. Like elbow macaroni. You got it.
They got it from the back of a box. I mean, it sounds great. They made it for a project and in like grade school and then it was just so good. They kept it. I think I've had something like hamburger helper has something kind like that. Yeah, it's almost like hamburger helper, but like homemade and much better. and I'm glad I ate before we got all this. That would be devastating. Me too. Are you a chili fan? like yeah Are there like any good vegetarian chilies? Oh, yeah. I mean, beans for days. Fake meat's good now. When I started this whole thing, fake meat was not good, but now it's in every grocery store. This has gotten better. I've had a few Beyond Burgers that are are a possible burgers. Oh, it's it's nothing compared to what they used to be. I used to work at a ballpark, and we had veggie burgers when they first came out.
And you had to steam them and the smell that would come out of the steamer. Cause they were made out of like mashed up mushrooms or something. They were spongy and the smell was disgusting. You had to, you had to steam them in a steamer and then you had to throw them on the grill to hard to like sear them a bit to set. They would stay together and they would just. yeah and but That's disgusting. I will say and I'll preface this by saying I don't give a shit about sports Do I can I curse nobody's cursed? can i curse fuck okay greating curs you ever curs i don't give a shit about sports But Turner Field used to have these like handmade Vegetarian kill bosses and they were outstanding and they got rid of them probably around the same time Yeah
yeah The hell, man. Oh, but they were delicious and I miss them dearly. Speaking of good smells. but executive kobasa That is one. I just thought of how this isn't necessarily my answer from my childhood, but I realize this is a word that I learned from my childhood was that the spelling of it and the pronunciation of it, how you said it is exactly how it should be. But I have such a hard time. If someone said, hey, Adam, what is that food called? I would call it Kibasi. Kibasi. Oh, yeah, I used to call it kibasi as a kid. cause That's what I grew up knowing it as. Yeah. So even though I know better now, I've seen it smelled. I've heard it spoken the way it's supposed to be spoken. And yet my brain, I really have to like retrain my tongue to say kobasa and not kibasi. If you were to ask me what that food is, I will say kielbasa.
If I'm talking to you, I will say, like, hey, what do you want for dinner tonight? Some kibasi? Like, it has to be like the only thing I'm thinking about for me to say it right. On the same like I have to really like direct my brain to say kill. So my brain is just like, that's not that word. That can't. It's like a cognitive dissonance that I cannot explain. That's funny. I thought that was a Jersey thing. You're close enough. No, it was just like out in the woods of Western P.A. That's just like what they called it. I was like, that's what is. Oh, have you guys ever heard of ants being called piss ants? I know them all the word piss ant. Yeah. So you know, you've never oh, you've never like saw ants in some of like, oh, those are piss ants. No. Oh, no.
Is this the dingleberry thing all over again? Oh, what's the dingleberry thing? I don't know what we talked about with the dingleberry. I can't even remember. There's probably one meaning for that, right? So apparently, dingleberries are a real thing. Yes. And I didn't know that, but wait I always thought that they were the balls, right? Because I was younger. And get it Yeah. Somebody got hit in the nuts and I heard somebody go, ooh, right in the dingleberries. That's really funny to say when somebody gets kicked anywhere, I think. Yeah. So I had no idea. And then I what was the other one? I thought it was like a hemorrhoid. You thought it was a hemorrhoid. Yeah. And I explained to him. Right. Yeah. I mean, sure. Actually, again. Oh, was it was just that didn't come all the way. it's It's like a poop stuck to your butt. It's yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know that. I had no idea. But yeah. And then.
I was not saying ants was just piss ants. Adam said that it's funny because dingle isn't a real word, but it is foreshadowing. Apparently dingle is a word, because I used to fight that things don't dingle, they dangle, they should be called dangleberries, not dingleberries. Yes, but apparently it is a real word, and that's some foreshadowing for the word of the day for you. All right, fuck us. Is that right? We're going to learn what dingle means today. We are learning what dingle means today. I was like, refraining from looking it up, because you were so passionate about me waiting to hear what it meant. Well, because I looked it up, I was like, oh, it's a word. There you go. There's a word of the day. Oh, I'm on the edge of my fucking seat. Yeah, don't don't answer my berries, you slut. But all right. So my answer for that is tea berry. Do you guys know what tea berry is? No, hopefully nothing like a dingleberry. You know what? That's a fair point. At least I transitioned. At least it's what I was told a tea berry was. I don't know if I'm right or not, but there used to be like these really big
Like when I was a kid, I was in the woods like all day. Like if when I went to my uncle's house, like you didn't see me for almost the entire day, I could have been eaten by a bear and no one would know. um And I just wore sandals and just ran in the woods all day, climbed trees, fucking and I would take like the best sticks I could find or like I found a rod up there one time. I don't know what it was from, but that was like my Donatello staff for years and like. I would like make like these missions with my brother and my cousins where we would see these big stocky but like hollow plants. They probably grew at their biggest maybe like the size of a fourth grader if they really got healthy and like grew in the right spot but usually they were maybe like
three feet high. And it felt really good to just smash them with like a stick or something because because they felt they broke so easily. ah It just felt like you're a goddamn samurai just ripping these things up with a stick. And like as a kid, there was nothing funner to me than running up in the woods like je chip gp chip and fucking just knocking these things down. And they would release like this sweet scent that like anybody down below off the hill where I was climbing knew what I was doing, because when I got back down, you could smell it just permeating the air. My uncle's were like, oh, I smell the tea berries today. Is it good or bad? You know what? it's I mean, I don't want to say it was a bad. I mean, it was just is. Yeah, it was just like when you notice like a fresh linen smell from like Febreze or something. it It was pleasant enough, but like very strong.
But like I could like I couldn't tell you what it smells like to save my life. I don't even know if what I'm describing is called tea berries. That's just what I was told that they're called. um But like I can like in my brain still smell that just like the moment that my cool ass like samurai skills cuts one of these things down. I could just smell it like the viscera of this plant filling my nose. And you know, now that I'm thinking about it, it's a good, I'm but happy I didn't turn out to be a serial killer or anything because I'm realizing what this sounds like as I say it. It's like you go to the fantastical D and&D world and I'm here for it.
Yeah, I actually have one that's just as bad. Don't worry. Well, I mean, I'm not saying that like I thought of it. I didn't think of it anything other than just like, oh, these are like the foot clan or something. And like when I grew up watching Ninja Turtles, like they didn't make them as real ninjas. They were robots like. So I'm just thinking I'm cutting up like robot ninjas like as I'm fighting, you know. So I don't know. It was just I don't know why, but like, that's the first thing I thought I was just like, you could just smell the tea berries like over the over the hill. I'm just like, Oh, what a what a smell. I wish I could describe the scent of murder. The scent of me murdering plants that were just trying to live. Shit. Sorry, guys. So forget about something. thing It might as well be plants. that's Yeah, I wasn't an environmentalist back then like I am now. So I'm trying to make up for a lot of years of plant murder.
I mean, I'm I'm getting them for you, man. You're getting for me. I got you. Oh, yeah. Take that snap peas. I'll tell you. Yeah. send me yeah yeah adam Adam gives his regards as he pulls out a four snap. Did you did you think of a funny thing to say yet, Cap, or should I move on? ah No, not really. I did think of and another nostalgic one, which is like newly opened trading cards. That's not our comic book. That's a good fucking smell. What what kind of cards were you opening? I had a slight Yu-Gi-Oh phase when I was growing up, and then, you know, obviously Pokemon cards. um But i I am sitting next to a closet full of a lot of comic books, so it's it's I think that smell is mixed in there.
all the smelly and freshly opened Pokemon cards. That's a good one. That's such a good one. Comic books do kind of have that like, especially if you take it like out of that kind of like that sleeve and it's been in there for a little bit. It's got a real stench. It does. It's not offensive, but it's but it's noticeable. You're like, oh, yeah, that's that needs to air out. you But it's nice. Maybe it's the ink or something. Maybe the ink in the paper making some. yeah I don't know. It's just steaming in that bag. What's your go to? What's your longest, like maybe biggest series that you have or that you've read? Oh, I.
I'm a pretty big Spider-Man fan. I've fallen off in recent years as I've gotten busy being an adult, but I do have like, I got a bunch of Spider-Man tattoos on my leg. I got a lot of Spider-Man books. Awesome. What is it about, sp if last follow-up question for now, but what is it about Spider-Man that you are attracted to? This is a mini spotlight, a mini, mini spotlight. What is it about Spider-Man that like grabbed you that made you want to keep looking into it and reading it? His webs, Adam, duh. Yeah, his webs wrapped me up. um I am...
Let's say my parents are from the North. My mom is from Queens and my dad is from New Jersey. Um, ah present there's a bit of romanticizing, I think growing up, uh, thinking about not growing up in New York. Cause I grew up in Atlanta. Um, that was definitely a little bit of it. Um, I wasn't raised Jewish, but I am Jewish, just not religiously. And Peter Parker is very Jewish coded and
i you know yes you will yourself in the yeah yeah it's a you know I relate to the character a lot. I like i like characters that are selfless in that way. um I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, and that character is the exact same way. We'll always do what it takes to save everybody they can. Super into that. um Plus, like Spider-Man suits and powers are cool. You know, it's true it's funny. He was always one of my kids. So he he's very quippy. He's not like brooding like Batman until real shit happens. But yeah, he's quick witted. I like that. I do like that there's been instances where like he's training Miles Morales or some money is like, you know, a big part of the game of being Spider-Man is the quips. You got to have the quips. Yeah, super important. Yeah, I mean, that's a big part of Spider-Man, who he is. You got to quit. It's also hard not to enjoy it when the movies are fire. These Into the Spider-Verse movies are so good. like oh my god very What was the one where they brought back all the same rainy Spider-Man? The third Tom Holland movie. That was so good. That was No Way Home or something like that, I think. Yeah, that's it.
um um sorry I'm not even a comic book person, and that movie had me- It's hard not to. I've never known out about that, yeah. and another advice i read me Another side smell, petrichor. I love the good smell of petrichor. There you go. Speaking of Dr. Who. Is petrichor a Dr. Who word? Yeah. like Everybody started putting it on their tumblers after, it was like 2012 or something, when they talked about it on Dr. Who, when everybody was super into it. Oh, really? That's funny.
It was like one of the secret words that like unlocked a memory or something in someone's head. I don't know. Oh, cool. but Yeah. It's a great word. It's a great word. It is um not a word of the day or something. I think that was one of our words of the day, actually. Yeah. Yeah. But I already knew what it was like. I know that sounds so familiar. Great word. um Speaking of words, there's more words in our next question. You guys might answer another one. I love words. do it I love words and good things. Especially when they end in a question mark. yeah
Now, this one is from somebody who actually needs some help with something. So we're out of the sort of open-ended input and more of like, let's help somebody here. So they say, Professor Yellowbelly is their name. and And they say, I don't understand is the title of their paragraph. And they say, so how do people find actual work from home jobs? I try to find Apple customer support job listings, neither come up with fake scam listings. Or I go through the Apple site and customer support representative is not a position anywhere to be found, nor anything like it, but phrased differently. How the fuck does anyone get these jobs? I can't find a single company that has a genuine, legitimate work from home opportunity for customer support agents. I'm getting quite frustrated. Cap, how do we help this person? How do they, they really seem to be fixated on Apple, but they're looking for customer support rep jobs. You got any advice for this person, Professor Yellowbelly?
Do you have ah ah perhaps a year when this question was posted? Was it 10 hours ago? 10 hours ago? Oh, was it really? um yeah it and I mean, it was 10 hours when I scanned it and put it into my file, but this is probably like I probably acquired this one two months ago. OK, so it's it's post pandemic. It's a lot easier to get a stay at home job now. um How would I help? I don't know. If you if you know, please tell me. I mean, I'm trying out here. I'm trying to be a podcast or make some money from home. That's the goal. um How do you get one? I don't know. Do you guys have experience in this? And he works from home sometimes. I do have a hybrid job. That is so exciting. My wife also works 100 percent from home. Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Yeah. ah She just got really lucky, like the
The place that, well, the big thing was that her company at the time, uh, was a German company. So I mean, the the standards are very different than America. Uh, so when the pandemic happened, they just kind of sold the building or like, if you can work from home, work from home. Um, she has since been laid off from that job and got another job and still works 100% from home. See, so there's got to be a secret. My partner also works from home and I I don't know the secret now. My again, mine was the same way I worked from home ah exclusively for two years, I think, after the pandemic ended and then they decided to be butts and bring us back. But. And I'm trying to find it somewhere in my old phone pictures, I had taken a screenshot
of two websites that were exclusively work from home job finding sites. I don't know if they're still around. I never visited them because I actually do like my job. um I'm trying so hard to find them. So how about ah like Alex jobs? I think flex jobs was one that I remember. Uh, was like a real big advertised one for a long time. I think it was pre pandemic. They were kind of trying to feel it out, but I think they kind of caught more stride when shut down happen. Uh, but I do remember flex jobs popped up a lot in my feed over the course of like that, like probably first year and a half. Cause I agree with the, with the poster, like, or with the person asking the question I've tried going on indeed. And it's all sales jobs or.
Poorly. Hidden. Lying and it's sales jobs, you know what I mean? Like they'll they'll name it like, oh, a tech associate. But the tech you're dealing with is whatever the customer asks you to take care of. Well, gee. Yeah, flex jobs is one I can while you're looking for that, I can give you a couple of things that I've done and maybe Cap, you might be interested in this, too. I don't know if you've heard of this or not. um But I did quite a bit of work over the pandemic through, have you guys guys ever heard of Upwork? I have, but I don't know what it is. yeah I've heard of it before.
So, hey, Upwork, fucking sponsor us, because you're welcome for what I'm about to do here. Yeah, Upwork. So Upwork, I discovered, again, looking for work from home jobs, like unemployment was kind of starting to run out and I was trying to supplement whatever savings I could pack back in before that ran out. And I had to figure out what I was going to do for work because my job got totally appended and never fully recovered after the pandemic. um So Upwork is a website that um Essentially, you um you find
You know what? Let me put it like this. Think of it like a job board where like you go up there and say like you're walking past like a cork board and there's just like a cork board that says, hey, you want ah voice acting jobs? Hey, you want voice over jobs? Hey, you want data entry jobs? Hey, you want um I don't fucking know um translation jobs, book reading jobs. So like you would go on there and you fill out like what kind of work you're looking for. And they have like a bracket of like what kind of work they have. And it's all gig work. It's all like contract work, but like you can apply to as many as you want and you get what's called like, um,
ah They have a word for it. They're called they're like Bitcoin, not Bitcoin. That sounds stupid. It's like Bitcoin. They're called bids, I think you get like a certain amount of amount of bids. And so like you can put in bids to kind of have your app, your bid seen sooner. So you get so many per month. But if you keep getting rewarded back on jobs and getting paid for your jobs, you get more bids sooner so you can stay active as long as you're getting hired to do more jobs. And so, for instance, something that I did was there was a guy who was trying to make an um an AI translator and he was trying to fine tune the different sounds that it would make. So he made all of these very weird sentences, probably like 500 of them that really don't make sense in any context, but he was doing it because he wanted your your voice to make different inflections, mouth sounds, things like that. And so he asked for 500 recordings of all like 500 sentences recorded on their own separate tracks.
And so I would do them in like bulk at a time, like 25 a day and then send them out. And then when I was done, I think I made like 300 bucks off of that. um And like there's jobs like that. Or there's ones where you can put a bit in to do a voiceover for a company who's a small YouTube startup and wants to start focusing on the YouTube videos. So you have to watch videos and narrate over top of it the script that they give you. um Some of them are just like, hey, here's a bunch of scut work that I don't want to do. I need all this data entry put in and have the grammar checked. And you just do that.
Um, and so yeah, there's a ton of like contract work you can do on there and the website takes a small cut of it, uh, for like doing it. So it might be like, Hey, we pay you $500 by the time the website takes his cut, you get like, I don't know, like 390 or something like that. But that's how I kind of survived over the pandemic on it. So he was doing work through Upwork. I did a lot of voiceover work and a little bit of data entry. Um, and it was really cool and I would highly recommend it. It was a really cool experience and I still go back to it every once in a while. Um, so if you're looking for voice acting work, voiceover work, data entry work, but I mean, it's not like a nine to five, but it's still money. You know, no, no, that I've got a pencil on my hand. What's that website? Yeah. um With gusto, like over a year.
Well, I apologize. I just didn't. I feel like I did share this in our server. I'm almost positive I did ah several times, actually. terrible um But it's called Upwork, U-P-W-O-R-K work Upwork. So, yeah, you just go on there, you make a little profile. um And then, ah yeah, there's tons of shit on there. There's some that they need. and And for the voice acting voiceover ones, they'll put like a little description that'll say something like, Oh, looking for a male between 20 and 38 years old or looking for female of German, whatever. Like they'll have different kind of voice styles they're looking for to fit the narrative that they're trying to do. um There was another website that I cannot remember the name of right now, but I think you can find it through.
um much as I hate to plug Amazon because I fucking hate them. um They do have a a function where you they have like a book section where you can apply to be a narrator for books and I did a couple of those like readings as well um where they'll pay you even if they like they'll choose you and like maybe two other contestants to your participants to um record the lines of a book for them. And then ultimately they'll make the decision on whose they go with. Mine wasn't chosen, but they'll still pay you to do it. Upwork. No, this isn't upwork. I can't for the life of me. But if you go on Amazon, you just type in like Amazon book narration or something. Oh, is this CSX? It might be CSX. Is that what I'm thinking? That's the one that I know of. That's all. um
Maybe it is reading. It's been a really long time since I've done it on my my teacher showed me. It might be CSX. I can't remember. But anyway, or ASX, it might be ASX or a CX. I think it's a C. It's a CX. It's a CX. Yeah, it's Amazon something something. Yes, it's a CX. That's what it's called a CX dot com. And you can go in there and send like your own recorded. uh auditions to and you can make your own little uh bio there too so like you essentially make your own real and then that way people who maybe maybe you didn't know to search for that job but they'll search you as well because you can have people contact you and say hey i listened to your reel would you mind reading an excerpt of my book for me as an audition
Um, so that's another great way to do it. And you can get a lot of consistent work if you start to build a portfolio there. Um, so, but if you're really into voice acting and really into that kind of thing, I would highly recommend those because, and again, if you're not in a voice acting, like this person said customer service work, but like you can do a lot of data entry and and stuff like that on there as well. There's tons of shit that I haven't even scratched the surface of on Upwork. So Upwork and ACX, those are my recommendations. It's not nine to five work, but it is work. OK, I found I found the thing. Oh, so the time. Oh, I the two I found. And again, I have not been to these websites at all, but I did see them. Rat Race Rebellion dot com. And we work remotely dot com. Rat Race Rebellion name. Oh, I'm sure that that's a good one. and That's fucking incredible. What a great name.
I'm into it. So there you go. Try those jobs. Apparently, they're all work from home as far as I know. Oh, yeah, paid studies are a big one, too. um ah Yeah, that's yeah, there's a lot of customer service work from there. And if you're ever unsure and here's the thing, too, like. If you're ever unsure about these kind of things, you can go to the Better Business Bureau website, BBB, and just put the name of the company right in there, put the listing, and there's a way to search to see if anybody's had any illegitimate misdoings with the company going by the name that you have.
Um, so I have used that several times because some work just really is too good to be true. Um, they have to like, Hey, we'll pay you $30 for data entry for per hour. You're like, no, you're fucking not. Also life pro tip. If you are looking for a fully remote job, do not look in your state or any adjacent States. Because if you do they'll try to get you to go in, they'll they'll be like, Oh, we're, we're instituting return to work. You know, and and you're technically close enough to go. But if you apply to a job across the country, it's too bad, too sad. Now that could backfire. They could just get rid of you. But it also means you have no choice. You have to work fully remote. So yeah it's a way to force their hand on that one.
That's very cool. Yeah. My last suggestion for that is another one. Again, I would do it, but I'm just I don't like working from home. I'm a people person. I'm an extrovert. I like to be where people are. I'm like Ariel from the Little Mermaid. I want to be we're doing that right now. um But um another one that I saw that I had a few opportunities for at least here in Pennsylvania, where I live, there's something called a career link. I don't know if other states have career link or something like career link. But essentially it is the state's funded version of helping people find work, especially if they are on unemployment and they want to help them get off of unemployment. So like CareerLink, essentially job coaching in general, almost all of that work you do from a computer, you you can either be on site or you can be on your computer. Thousands upon thousands of people every day get hired at places like that to just work from home and do like career focused help for anybody who's trying to find work.
all All your stuff is done on the phone and on the internet. um So job coaching. Job coaching is another big one. if you don't If you can't find customer service work that you trust, job coaching is almost always a legit place to go. Or kind of like Adam said before, maybe make something. you know ah or not Not make something, but like if you could find a service you could do from your computer and charge money for, there's always the chance that it grows big enough to you know and ah be able to do it full-time from home. You know, it won't happen overnight. You'll still need to keep your job for now. But if you could make educational videos about something important, you know. um Anything like that that you can do online and sell. I want to watch a video of Cap teaching me how to eat a honeysuckle. That sounds really dirty. Cap, would you be willing, if I paid you to make a video to teach me how to eat a honeysuckle?
If I pay you double, will you make it like super sexualized for him? I only do videos one way. I was going to say, listen to how he's saying it. All right. Listen to how he's saying it. I was going to pay you double, but if you'll do it anyway, I'll pay you triple. You were saying. In relation to everything you just said, very exciting stuff. I already have a a slew of myself reading, uh, public domain stories behind a paywall. So I, this is a thing I already do. So if I could get somebody like the terrible overlord Jeff Bezos to pay me to do it. Yeah. I mean, probably. Yeah. I mean, I would, I would love to read some books that weren't written, you know,
80 to 100 years ago. yeah Something a little more modern. 50 and 100, I suppose, for public domain, but yeah. Serious question though. Would you be okay doing um sexualized novels? ah you know i i have been the The voice that I read these stories in is my um season one character's voice, which was um rather popular and a lot of things that I say in that voice can't be construed as arousing. and i is a serious That is a serious question because it will make ah your audio book career much easier to like take off if you're able to do erotica because a lot of people can't.
Interesting. Yeah, I've truly never thought about it, but it I mean, oh, yeah, that's true because that's a paycheck. I remember when they were talking about Baldur's Gate three and how like they were talking about the sexualization and like, you know, they had to have people like really and like to do like all the sex sounds and stuff like that. Oh, interesting. They had to have people like specialized to do that because not a lot of people had a lot of ah confidence or experience doing that like as an actor or an actress. And so they had people come in either coach or they had to read up on it or have professionals just come in and make the sex noises for them. So like being able to read in that kind of capacity and to really stay in that mode is I mean, it sounds like it's a hard job if they had to have professional actors still have someone come in and do it.
So yeah to do it like believably and not in like a jokey way It's got to be so hard. That's why they have coordinators and movies and stuff, you know, yeah, you can't make it sound campy Yeah, I mean, although to be fair, it depends on what you're going for. My natural sounds are ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. It just sounds like I'm getting ready to rap. You know what I mean? So I just think that they just wouldn't take me seriously if I were doing it, even though I know. um but there It has unintentional consequences, made me a much better reader, having to read a bunch of stories and out loud to a microphone. Oh, absolutely. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah.
I love that kind of stuff. So, um yeah, hopefully, I mean, that's my advice to go back to Professor Yellowbelly's question. You know, it's wild that a professor can't find a job in this economy. I get it. man I know. um Maybe change her name. I don't know. Maybe they won't take you seriously because I think it's a fake name. You know, I know that we've got to be brave, Dr. Yellowbelly. Yeah, be professor brave. Yeah, obviously. um All right. So um why don't we transition to ah the cap section of the show, cap.
The spotlight is yours every episode for those who might be listening to the TOQ for the first time. Typically what we do when we have a guest on the show is we like to make a little segment just for them where they can talk about whatever it is it may be, whether it's a fun fact, whether it's something about themselves, something they're passionate about, or if they just want to shoot the breeze on whatever subject comes to their brain. So having said that cap, I tried to buy you a little bit more time to think about it. Um, where are you feeling, man? What do you want to talk about? It's your time, but you know, I want to share it. I want to like, I want to talk to y'all. I want to get to know you. i Well, don't worry. We'll still talk. You just topic. We'll all come in. How you can ask questions if you'd prefer a very, I mean, I don't want to turn this into an interview by any means, but I mean, i we've we've only just met. This is the first time we've talked to each other. And I am vehemently passionate about what we're doing right now.
OK, how long have you all been podcasting? Oh, you want to ask us how we are. Oh, you mean you're vehemently passionate about podcasting. Excuse me. He's around here. you Like, I mean, is this what? how what What is and what is testing to you? Well, why don't we go around and do that? I think this yeah and that's actually that's fun. I like that. Cap, can you start us off and then we'll, and we'll follow you. Okay. Sure. Yeah. Um, I, I think I'm relatively new to this. I think it's been just over four years now since we started. Um, i
Ooh, shaking in my boots the first day I got in front of a microphone. I've never been a performer by any means and to have to go make something for somebody. i've My whole life I've wanted to make some sort of art that was like cool and people would consume in some way. And it took until I was 30 to find it, which is fine and happens often. But oh my God, have I fallen in love with this. I, More than anyone else, I have three co-hosts, now six co-hosts, but started with three. um Out of most of them, I would say I move around a lot and go to other shows like I'm doing right now and meet people and do shows with people from all around the world. And like, that's just so cool. I've gotten to meet so many cool people and talk about so many cool things and play so many cool characters. So yeah.
I'm Cap and I like to podcast. That was a great answer.
You know, if I can add like a. a comment off of something that you said that yeah is like, for me, I struggle like the network that I have, well I don't want to say I have launched that I work with others like that. You launched it. It it wouldn't even work if I do it under that. but I wouldn't have been able to have been able to do it by myself, though. um But like. It is the closest to networking online that I've been able to do because like as I mentioned before, like I'm a very outgoing extroverted person. I thrive in social situations. Learning how to navigate that online even after all these years later has still been a bit of a struggle for me. Like I still don't always understand how algorithms work. I don't understand how people's comfort levels are like online. I don't know what
they are looking for. And I have struggled because I would love to be in the same position that you're in their cap or like I I mean, the network I have built was because I brought people into my fold, not because they went into theirs. um You know, so I had to magnetize them to me because I didn't know how to find them to go into theirs. And so then when I did find people who were in shows and podcasts and streams, I've been able to be guests because I brought them into my fold. But I do admire that skill. Like I do. I do wish I were better at like I don't want to be present online. I want to figure out how to have a presence online. You have to really commit to it. My heart's not in it because there isn't a person directly in front of me. That's hard. It is difficult in that way. I did not have any personal social medias going into podcasting. I did when I was a teenager.
deleted everything because I had stopped caring very early. my Like Mind Say and Myspace. Yeah, I'm not anti-social media by any means. I just did not give a shit. like right That's not what I was trying to do. I didn't know what I was trying to do. But now I i i control our social media for the show. like Obviously, other people have passwords and can do things. But I am putting out content and stuff. I have help behind the scenes and all that. but you know I'm the one talking to people typically. So after two and a half years, maybe of doing that, I made a Twitter for myself. But it's, you know, it's not my personal Twitter. I don't have a personal Twitter. It's my cap brand. Right. Right. It's not chilly. i'm a I'm a real person, mind you. But, you know,
I promote shows and do things on there. I'm not really cutting into my personal life in there. I'll talk about TV and movies that I watch and things like that, but right I'm not spending my personal life on a social media, but I do want to build my personal brand of ah being a voice actor, podcaster, host, et cetera. It's a horrible line. You have to have it. you know and like i put 99 percent more work into the podcast, the shows, social medias than my own. But it trickles down a little bit. Yeah, it is definitely a it's a skill. Danny, what are your thoughts on that podcasting? Getting i'd love to hear it. ah So.
I mean, I'll just break down the whole thing because my story is not super long. So ever since I was a kid, whenever I watched like a TV show or whatever and and somebody gave a particularly funny line or a cartoon character or whatever. I would always try to mimic it. It was just something I did ever since I was a kid. Me too, yep. And um my friend and I were playing a Dragon Ball Z game and I don't know how well everybody knows that show. Was it Budokai Tenshiichi? Yes.
I'm aware of it as a concept. I can i can follow along. no One of the characters, his name is Vegeta, had a very distinctive voice. And I just did what I do. I tried to say something like he did. And my friend was like, wow, that was actually pretty good. A couple of years later, we find out that the guys that did um the Dragon Ball Z um fan dubbing, Team Four Star, were doing another project and looking for somebody to voice Vegeta. This was my first voice acting experience.
I went to my friend who does sound stuff, asked him if he could help me out, and I was just screaming and yelling in my Vegeta voice in his closet. And then he mastered it. He did all the sound stuff to it, and we sent it in. And I didn't get the part, but to this day, um When they announced it, they said, like, as far as for Fujita, there was one person that had a perfect voice for it, but it sounded like it was straining his voice. And to this day, my friend thinks he was talking about me. But that's kind of what made me realize, like, hey, I actually enjoy doing this. I had a blast doing that. You still got a little bit in you.
Oh yeah. Okay. Snap me off a little. Can we get, you want a little Vegeta? I mean, it's not bit of if you don't do it like every episode. and Yeah. No, no, no, that's fine. I haven't done it in a long time, but I am the great saying Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans. I mean, there you go. That's, that's my new ringtone. I have no idea how good that was off the cuff like that, but when he mastered it, it sounded great. Um, that was powerful. Danny, I love you, but I'm not going to put that much work into mastering that for this episode. I don't blame you. I have way too many things. that um but You know what? I'll clip it and then I'll work on it later and make it sound better. You're in luck because I don't really know what Vegeta sounds like. So now Vegeta sounds like that to me. So after this is done, after this is done, look up. I think this is more the classic one. So look up like the beginning episodes and let me know.
No, no, I want to know you were Vegeta now for me. Well, that's fine he' my favorite her character in the show. I'm fine with that. um So eventually I started actually trying voice acting. I applied for a bunch of roles on behind the voice actors when they did they had like their own little ah free thing where you could post projects and have people voice them. And I got so many different parts and unfortunately not a single one on the throw. So I did it for years and I got easily like 60 or more percent of my of ah parts that I applied for and I had nothing to show for it. ah So. I started winding down, I wasn't doing it as much.
And my wife starts a D and&D streaming channel and we were called the Role Players Guild, spelled R-O-L-L. And she's like, oh, hey, there's another group called the Role Players, R-O-L-L. So they start talking. Just Role Players, not the Guild. Sorry, another. So she starts talking to Adam and we do some stuff. And finally I start talking to Adam because he made a Super Mario Frustrations reference that nobody understood but me. Probably stand for my head. Yeah. Keep going. I'll look it up. The guy who's it's a guy who pretends to be Christopher Walken and plays really hard levels of Super Mario Bros. Yeah. And he just pissed off. It's very entertaining. So through Adam's network, the fun installers, I since met our friend Kimmy that you were talking about earlier, and she does um audio dramas. So I started doing those.
and they um I started doing, you know, just random voice acting things for people. And then one day Adam came to me and said, hey, I used to do this show called That's Our Q. Do you want a guest on it? So I did. And I was just I think it was just me and you, right, Adam? Yeah, it was. Yeah. um Because there used to be a co-host and they had left. So it was just Adam. He did it with me. This was the first time me and him had really sat down and talked. And then again, nothing for a while. doing now cap Yeah. And then finally, therefore um, Oh my God, it couldn't, it wasn't even a year ago. I don't think Adam came to me and was like, Hey, so I stopped doing that's our cue, but the episode views keep going up. People are still looking at it. Uh, so I'm thinking of restarting it. How would you like to be the co-host?
And I said absolutely. fricking lotely Like, this is something I've always wanted to do is just talk into a mic and just be silly and dumb. ah and So here I am. Yeah. So you got like four years. I got, I don't know, half to three quarters of a year under my belt now. Of podcasting. We're all very new at this. But I mean, yeah. Yeah. It's. I started around the same time you did Cap. like i The pandemic forced me into trying to find something that would allow me to survive socially because I couldn't do it in real life. Absolutely. um And so I was one of the people that really struggled. like Other people were like, yay, I don't got to go anywhere. Yay, I don't got to go to work. And I was like,
I was struggling. Like I just couldn't. It was hard to look at the world around me and recognize that there are so many people that were unhappy, but only because they couldn't go to their favorite store, not because they were missing people or like, you know, or maybe they were discouraged from having like Thanksgiving or something. And I get how that was difficult. So that was how I could relate to them. And they were like, Hey, now you're missing like that social thing you miss because I miss it every day. Um, and it's hard to explain to people who aren't an extrovert just how much being around people and and getting to know them and understanding the means to me. um And um because it really is like food. and It really does power me in a way that I can't describe. And um so I'll keep it short, because I've told the story a bunch of times before. But like, essentially, I was just like, I'm just gonna, you know, one thing I remembered when I played D and&D from many years ago,
um over multiple years was something my friends and I still reminisce about to this day. And like, every time we talk about like, man, we should have recorded that. Fuck, why didn't we have a microphone or something, or a tape recorder or a boom box with a recording feature on it? Like, why didn't we do something to record some of these funny things, these awesome things that happened to us? And so like, I was trying to find something to do. I connected with my best friend and was like, hey, do you want to try this thing? And he goes, well, we can't just do it with the two of us. So we reconnect with a couple of old friends I had or old friend who had an old friend and started a podcast that way called Role Players many moons ago, like early 2020. Before that, I started ah ah a show called Shares A Lot, which is just me talking into the microphone by myself because I needed a journaling device to make me feeling like I was talking to somebody.
um So my first goal was to have a podcast that I started on January 1st and made it to January 1st of the following year. And that was how I got started was just, I need something to keep me sane. I need something that I can just talk into and maybe other people out there might hear it. Maybe people will find it. Maybe they won't. And maybe they'll be like, oh, hey, I feel the way this guy feels. And so I just started talking about any subject that like I thought would be fun to educate people on. Social sciences popped up a lot. I did a few like diary episodes. but It was just me talking about how I was feeling. um And I started talking about like other subjects like stuttering and where that comes from and like fun facts about sex, which was really popular. you know And then eventually, like it just felt too lonely to do on my own. So I was like, I kind of want to do
more role-playing and so Justin and I kind of formed role players and the whole goal of it, it wasn't to make money, it wasn't to be famous. It was just so I could record memories with people that I love and friends that I make along the way that I can go back and listen to and be like, man, that was fun. Man, I had a good time. I'm so happy I got to meet them or I'm so glad they had a good time. I'm so glad they they love the story that I made for them. you know And i still I still go back. I'm probably my podcast biggest fan. I go back and listen to them all the time. Because I'm just so delighted to like, there's so many people I would would have never met had I not started this whole fucking network. And I'm so grateful. And like, yeah, that's why I do it is because I want to record memories with people that I can go back and listen to like that was I'm so glad we got to do that. That was fun. I'm glad I got to meet that person.
um ah you I feel that a lot I've been in one D and&D group for 10 years and another for like five years a different separate D and&D group and yeah I mean how many times in all those years has something so cool and cinematic happened or people were so in character and you just want to record it so yeah I and I would not be I would not be a podcaster at all, let alone one that's able to you know go on other people's shows and things without my original four team. um Ian, our GM is...
He makes the music for the show. He's a musician. He was for many years before we started the show. So he can, you know, do all the audio stuff. He makes all the music and that music absolutely fucking slaps and helps so much on an actual play when you want to create tension in the scene or make something yeah way cooler than, you know, let's, let's collab sometime, buddy. I make music for our show too. as he Yeah, i if I had any musical talent I would, Ian certainly yeah could help you there. um like I did a sci-fi arc where I was the GM recently and he made it so atmospheric with just like, that we don't use sound effects too much, but he did a little bit for the sci-fi to make it sound spacey and it it was so cool. So just for everybody listening, um your podcast, because I don't think we actually covered it, what exactly
Is it like is it a D and&D kind of role playing audio drama? um Oh, yeah. So let me get into it. We are shrimp and crits. That's crits with the sea. um Not to be mistaken for the delicious food. um We are an actual play podcast. What that means is we play a tabletop game and one of us is the GM, the game master overseeing everything. And the other three are players, uh, and having characters in that world. We have a completed first season called Sherman crits, Gullah Kautica, which is a, uh, fictional Florida town. Uh, we're playing a game called monster of the week by Michael Sands. love really It is.
Probably my favorite tabletop game. I have played it more than any game ever. It's incredible and so easy to play. um really is i mean recently first had the oh wow that's fantastic I recently got to play a great British bake-off style monster make-off game with Michael Sands on Twitch. That was a lot of fun. Oh, is that with Sarah? It was Sarah, yeah. Yeah, Sarah's cool people. She's awesome. Yeah, so that was ah you know a dream come true to play with the the guy who made the game. That was really cool. oh that's um Our first season's about 70 episodes. I think it lands around like 68 or something. like um That's all done. It's a great fucking story. It's incredible. Music's amazing. We start off scared, little babies, and then you know a few years like few years later, we're like in these characters.
voices are good. everything It's a high quality podcast. I'm going to toot my own horn here. It's pretty damn good. We did a few mini arcs after that. We played Absurdia by Quinn Majeski. We played um Starhold. i Mmm, the author is in my head go to starhold dot.com. It's free. It's amazing. It's a sci-fi powered by the apocalypse game um And now we are playing season 2 which is a few episodes deep episode 4 comes out on Monday. We're playing iron sworn ah Which is a power for the apocalypse game. Yeah, it's really fun. It's a fantasy campaign which I know a lot of people are into fantasy as opposed to modern-day and actual plays. It's stellar. It's Ian made his own fantasy world and it's super cool. ah The music, it's we call it ah fantasy through a folk lens, so it's a very folk music influenced. There's pretty much a song every episode, not by me by any means, but by Ian.
um it's hard Yeah, we put our heart and soul into the show and it's it's really fucking good You should definitely go listen to it if you like narrative Podcasts like that. It's not scripted, you know, it's all improv Except for obviously the keeper of the game who knows what's gonna happen in the universe, but Hey, that's funny because I never know what's going to happen and I'm the GM most of the time. Yeah, you know it takes some turns. That's for sure. You can never account. I also, I shout out ah shouted out Ian now in the bank, Ryan and Katie, my co-host on the show who play characters with me. yeah They are incredible in every single way and I love playing with them.
Shout out. out yeah Thank you guys for the funny work you do. Yeah. you know I greatly appreciate what you two do here giving actual advice. I make jokes and you know fantasy dramatic moments. I mean, advice is a strong word.
You've already given me advice this episode. So we've had some good. ah we We do have a couple of good discussions. Usually it's pretty that's kind of that is something I do like about T.O.Q., which is why it was hard for me to let it go was like when Josh and I first started it, ah it was very much more of a. you know He's a big history buff, and like every episode, he was like ah instead of like a spotlight, I was just like, hey, tell me something about history. And I learned so much from that. And but a lot of the questions we had too, some of them are really silly about like why you should wash your ass. And other ones were like, hey, like you know like my partner like said this to me, and I don't know how to resolve this problem. And like sometimes it sparks a discussion, and Danny and I have had plenty of those, where
We don't know what's going to go down like a deep hole of like sentimentality and philosophical discussion. But yeah, sometimes you just don't know what kind of conversation you're going to have until you start having it, you know, and the questions are really good facilitators of discussion, which is why I picked the ones that I pick. um You know, because I'm just like, you know what, I don't know where this conversation is going to go, but it's definitely going to get the ball rolling, you know, and like, Sometimes I saw like a conversation needs to like, get it going. And I've learned to master this in social atmospheres all the time. Like, instead of sitting around like, Oh, no one knows what to talk about. I can pick a couple of subjects that at least get the ball rolling. You're telling me you're the same as you are now in real life. Yes. That is incredible. That is a superpower. eye We went to King of Prussia mall once and we were in line at the book with another person.
And it was the first time we met in person. And we were in line at the bookstore. And I'm talking to just our friends or whatever. And we look over and there's Adam talking to this um woman behind us in line, finding out that she painted a mural not too far away. And then after we're all leaving, he's like, all right, you guys have a good drive home and everything. I'm going to go check out this mural. And he just looked at the mural, talks to her more at the mural or something. ah Like good for you. I love spotting something that like what started the conversation was like there was a got her husband, I assume with them with her, was holding a massive stack of like these fucking books. And I was like, I was like, you must be an avid reader. Those books look so fancy. How much are those? I i said something like that.
And then like that conversation led to him like talking about like his house. And now he has like a whole bookshelf and all these other things. He goes, oh, and my wife painted the whole room. So it looks really cool. And I was like, oh, you're a painter. Oh, yeah. And then that's what I learned. like She painted a mural like in Philadelphia somewhere. And I was like, what the fuck? That's like, don't be shit. It's so weird to see him work. I wanted an introvert. It's so weird to see him work. I would have had the exact same conversation in my head ah from all of them while I was walking away from having the conversation at all. Absolutely. It would have played out just like that.
That was like one of the funniest things because like I don't realize I forget that there are people in my life who are so used to it. So like I forgot that none of them had said I had met him, his wife and ah now his wife's best friend, Kimmy, who learned who met each other through the ah the network like all the first time that day in person. And so like I forgot they hadn't really seen that yet. So like I don't think anything of it, but they're like, you you you can just do this all the time. You can just talk to people like you're allowed to do that. We were all like in amazement. Wow. Yeah, I'm impressed. I'm not trying to brag. This is about you, Cap. I'm sorry. No, I mean, saying about you. You've got me in my comfort zone. I could talk all day in front of a microphone. Right. And this is kind of why we this is probably the show i've we've gotten the most guests on is because like it's very chill. It's just like, hey, come on. Yeah, we've had so many guests talk about how they were nervous beforehand and then after like
10 minutes or so, it all melts away because it's all very just a bunch of idiots sitting around a fire talking and kind of atmosphere. Talk about something that's changed over the years of doing this. I whoo i would need the whole day you know to calm down about getting on a show with people I've never met before, but geez. it's It's like the here now it's a very cool transformation that you can literally go back and listen to yourself and how much different you got through the first few episodes of my show. I am I can hear my vocal cords shaking because of how nervous I am. Yeah.
It's really cool. I'm really happy that you had that experience to like, you know, be able to grow from that and and probably be able to educate a bunch of other people on how to get it started. I mean, yeah, that's something we like to do is go, you know, teach people how to play these games as well. There's a show called The Crit Show, which is super popular and a lot of shows in our sphere credit them for teaching us how to play Monster of the Week. So like, that's something we also wanted to pass down and monster the week so easy to play i mean oh yeah for really go try it if you haven't played it to anyone listening um time jail is how we introduce people to monster the week is just exactly we've never played it come in make a character it takes five minutes let's get going yeah a geriatric squad for the win yes we really want to we
facilitate and push our listeners to start games of their own and stuff. and Even podcasts have been started by people who started by listening to our show, which is cool. We have a pretty close or pretty close in proximity to our definitely our patrons. We have a private discord and stuff for patrons, but all listeners in general, I'm a mod on um an actual play discord or like a bunch of shows congregate. i I am very in the community of these actual play podcasts. So It's it's really cool seeing new shows spring up from that. It's it's it's a very rewarding experience. I bet. That sounds so cool. That's what Funsellers is. How many shows have spawned and collabs have spawned from that? It's so cool. It's such a good feeling for people to be able to do their art. Like, it's great. Absolutely. um Yeah. ah So before I get too distracted because I could talk about this all day, Danny, you owe me a definition of the word dingle.
Are you sure you're ready to learn what a dingle is? Yes, not that i I want to keep having this conversation, but I've had to wait several at least a week to learn what this word means. So, Danny, what is our word? I think you're ready. I'm ready for that. Let's go. A dingle is a deep, narrow cleft between hills or a shady Dell. That's exactly right. That's perfect. So I guess maybe it could be a dingleberry if you call it shallow cleft. Yeah. It's that what the definition is. But the very first example sentence is the result is that dingle now faces a 23 count federal indictment. And I i think that mean that's a mistake and that somebody's last name was dingle and they just kind of copied and pasted the sentence.
Oh, is that supposed to be like a Mount weasel? So someone doesn't copy the that baby. That's incredible. ah Is a cleft in a hill or a dell, you said? It is a deep, narrow cleft between hills. A shady dell. Oh, it's a deep, narrow cleft. So it's deep, but it's not very wide. I see. It's a shallow, go narrow cleft. A shallow gorge or a kind of like a butt crack. Kind of like a butt crass. I guess that's where it comes from. You know what? We'll have to learn the origins of dingleberries next time. Dingle. Interesting. Okay. There you go. Dingle is a real word. How about that? The more you know. The more you know. Gentlemen, I have one more question. You got one more in you? Yes, please.
Yes, I can do this all day. Let's let it's you know what? You can come back any time you like cap if you want to keep you've got my number now. but I do get all the G's. All right. So, ah yeah, Danny, I kind of did a little bit of overstepping on that. I know that's and and an effort for Danny to get out of his comfort zone. I elected him and he elected himself unanimously to be the one to reach out for guests. I don't care who reaches out. oh You know, I don't mind doing it and I don't mind being the one that Once, you know, the ball gets rolling, I'll coordinate. ah But no, don't don't worry about it. I asked for it. Yeah, it's probably on Twitter. You know, the only reason I had to bother you is because like, you know, as apologies. I didn't know cap before this and i didn't neither. Yeah. But you you at least found their their account and I was like looking around on Discord. I'm like, I have no idea who this is. I don't know if I'm looking at the right person.
Adam, can you just introduce us? Social anxiety. um All right. So this question is from Books Cats Vi Queen. Cool name. I love it. And they ask, why do we like or dislike different colors? I don't care how much for yellow nor pink shades. Others will love them. Why do we like some colors, but not others? I guess I'm wondering if there is a scientific explanation. Um, wow. yeah Do you have a response for that or do you need time to think about it? Well, no, I think I have a response that I think it's interesting that I get this with.
I get this with clothes that I wear. Like I don't, there's certain colors I don't like on me. Everybody has skin tones and skin pigments and undertones that, you know, some colors I don't like on me, but I've never thought about it as like, I see a color painted on a wall and dislike it greatly. That's really never occurred to me. Interesting. So you both have colors that you just dislike. I have one. Oh, okay so ka before we discuss that, you're saying that you only have those strong opinions if it's something you're wearing and it's a color. Yeah. Or like I don't want to drive, I guess. OK, so there's I wouldn't drive a red car, but I don't dislike the color red. So it's if if it's like in a personal affectation, yeah right you don't you have a preference. But if it's something just like outward in the world, that's like, oh, hey, an apple. Yeah, it's red. I'm not opposed to any colors, I don't think.
and Okay, not even like that one shade of pink that just really hurts your eyes that really loud one Yeah, I guess I can't fault the cover I Don't harbor anger I guess if I came home and my whole house was painted that color I would probably dislike it in that moment. But again, that's related to me personally Right. So interesting. I'm blown away by this as a concept. Yeah. I mean that's fun to think about I hadn't really thought about how I You know, like, like, oh, I like that on you, but I don't like that on me. huh Or I like that for you, but I don't like that for me. And that would like the Zoomer say, I love that for you. You know, like, you know, so. i Cap, am I allowed to ask your age? ah Sure, I was very curious about your ages this whole time. I'm pretty sure I try not to think about it. I think I'm turning 33 next week.
33. Okay. So you started, because you said something like you started, you found something in your, when you were 30. So I was like, Oh, did you start podcasting at 30? Cause if he was kept podcasting at 30 and he's been doing it for four years, I guess you were 24. So yeah, I mean, it was around 30. I was like 28 when we had the idea 29 when we started and then have been podcasting. Gotcha. Gotcha. Um, boy, he's going to be blown away when he finds out we're like 15. Um, hook going to say wow he's such a, like a little baby. It's so cute. I don't know. I was 33. Please, I mean, let me um I'm 34. Oh, come on. I know they knew first. Wow. Okay. I'll be 36 in July.
You wouldn't know it by looking at me, but yeah. I'm one of the old people of the group. Kimmy's got me beat by a few years, so take that, Kimmy. I like to tell people that um You know, my birthday's in October, right? So I like to tell people, okay, just so you know, this is an election year. I turned 35 in October, one month before I, like that joke you know, before voting. Nice. Um, but yeah, colors, guys, colors. Yeah. So, um, so you said, a Cap, that you have certain colors that you wouldn't want to see on you or on a personal item of yours, but you don't have any grievance towards colors out in the world. Like like that, that shade of green doesn't bother you. That no no that color doesn't bother you. Okay. I haven't liked the book. Like my house is a grayable gray. Like I didn't like the boring colors. Oh, that's great. It's a nice neutral it wast felt neutral.
Yeah, it's a good neutral. I like a good gray. I actually. tom What about you, Danny? Do you have any like? Well, first of all, you can answer the question of do you have colors that like maybe don't agree with you or that you don't agree with? But also per ah books, cats, Vikings question. Why do you think? Oh, I guess we didn't get that from you, Cap. So I have to circle back to you as well. But Danny, why do you think we don't like or do like colors, different colors? OK. ah Well, I can tell you my answer is absolutely. I hate purple. all are but Really? Yes. And I have no idea. I don't know what it's called. In fact, I don't even know if it's really a thing, although I'm looking at it right now on Reddit and a lot of people are saying that they have it, too. But I struggle very hard with identifying the color purple. OK. And me, it always like it's not out of the ordinary for me to look at stuff and be like,
Oh, this is such a cool blue thing. And people will give me a look and be like, that's clearly purple. i Like this, you know, like I really like this dark red thing. Dan, that's purple. um For whatever reason, my eyes just don't agree with purple. um So I always hated purple. ah Did you hate it because it was frustrating that you couldn't parse it? Do that why you hated it or just when I was a kid and we were like learning colors, I have vivid memories of, you know, going down the list of colors. And every time I got to purple, I'd be like, oh, it's red and then darker red and then blue and blue. And the teachers would just be like, what the hell's wrong with you? Interesting. Like it was such a problem for me as a child.
That's like not knowing you had ADHD when you were a kid and then finding out later, oh, hey, that answers a lot of questions about why I struggle. Actually, I just had a small epiphany about that as well. Like yesterday. Well, you have like purple ADHD. No, no. But ah remember the last time we recorded, I drank a coffee right before we started at eight o'clock at night and you were like, are you nuts? I slept like a baby that night. And I recently found out that you ADHD or ADD or any of that, coffee is less effective. yeah So I don't know if I have it. i had Well, I probably do because I had it as a kid.
And then they were like, oh, you've grown out of it or whatever. You don't need to take meds for it anymore. Well, that could be. I mean, like Ritalin and such like has, you know, if you take it when you don't need it, it speeds you up instead of slowing you down. So like that makes sense. Or like if you take something that's kind of an accelerant for your mind and your brain is already accelerated, it might kind of have a counter effect. um So that was very interesting to learn because, yeah, I mean, I used to drink way too much soda. ah to the point where I would get heart palpitations, and that made me stop drinking it. But I was like, how is it that I can drink enough caffeine that my heart is going nuts, but I could also go take a nap? And look, we'll imbalance somewhere. um So honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if I still had something going on. of
I don't think let's go to a neurologist to but and see if we can get a buddy up. I am so scared to have people look at my brain. They won't look at your brain. They'll just have you take some tests. um But to circle all the way back to the question. Why don't people like colors or do they like certain colors? I think people ah not liking certain colors is more of a. A culturally learned thing. Um, I don't think there's any like outside of something like my experience where you have an actual physical reason to dislike a color or like, you know, I don't think there's any like reason to just dislike a color outside of.
Yellow is known as the annoying, loud color. Pink is the girl's color. Red is the angry color. You know, I feel like it all depends on what people associate to those colors and how they feel about that concept. Various two points. Yeah, I could see that for sure. Absolutely. and you know There's always the scientific method of you know trauma, if we remember Daredevil, Kingpin staring at the the white wall painting because it reminded him of the wall in his you know family's house growing up. there's you know there's There's trauma related to colors, I'm sure. That could make you dislike it psychologically.
Yeah, or even motivational factors like, you know, like, you know, you might associate, you know, maybe your dad always wore a black suit and a blue tie when he went to work. And when he came home, you're happy to see your dad. You might associate that color combo with a good memory like, oh, that makes me feel good. There is also that science ah behind how color affects people's. um Emotions, right, like wasn't that prison that they painted like all in like light blues and pinks because they're calming. And they said, like, stay away from red. It makes you um not not angry, but it it heightens emotions. Yeah, I actually funny you said that. I don't know if you guys ever watched the show Scrubs, which is my favorite show. I love it. So there was an episode ah that the. um
They were associating like different colors with different moods where like the janitor gets a blue outfit so he feels beautiful in it but like nobody's afraid of him anymore because they's they're relaxed around him. At the same time like Ted gets like a bright orange tie and Kelso gives it to him because he knows it makes people aggressive. He's like orange is a color that makes people aggressive. So then they would just like punch him out of nowhere like in the arm like ja he's like why does everybody keep hitting me? Um, but and there is science to that, I guess, where like some colors like, and and again, everyone could be cultural too. I don't know if it's a universal rule, but I know at least in America, a lot of colors will invoke different, um, feelings. Right. Um, so that very well could be lights, you know, the green means go. We all know that from kids. Green means go red means stop. Right. Or if you're a video gamer, red barrel means explode, you know, you know, um yeah look red, forget what red barrel means fire. I forget what game I was playing, but.
ah Melanie, my wife, who does not play video games as much as I do, was sitting there like, you know what I always hated? I hate that in video games, your health bar is green, but health potions are red. And that changed my life. yeah It makes sense. I could see that. I could see that. Although but when I used to play D and&D, my health potions were like a bluish green. They weren't red. They didn't make sense. Yeah, just like it just makes sense that that's what it looks like. It's like a teal, calming, relaxing color, like a Baja blast or something.
um But, uh, to circle back around a cap, we didn't hear your full input on that. I forgot to get back to your opinion. Uh, what are your thoughts on like, why we dislike, I mean, and I know you chimed in a little bit there, but like, do you have any further thoughts on that about why we might dislike or like a color? I now i think, yeah you know, the three of us combined nailed it on the head there. There's, there's so many factors that can go into it culturally, psychologically, you know, it's. There's so many reasons we can not like a thing. I like the clothes one too. That was a good call. Oh yeah. You won't catch me in red or brown. He won't catch me in red or brown. It just doesn't work for me. I don't know why. Give me those blues. Give me a green. Yeah. I look damn good in pink shirt. I've been to old.
You know, it's a little too close to read for me. I have a few pink things, but like I just read makes me look flush. So, you know, it's just not nice. It's not a good look. See, interesting. the color How about me? What? You didn't answer the question yet. I kind of chimed in on on what color do you not like? Yeah, I don't know if I had like. Right. I mean, there are certain colors that I don't I won't wear, but like it's usually ah but when it comes to pants. Like sure I have a hard time feeling comfortable with my own, well, pants, I guess. Um, if, if I wear pants that are anything other than like blue, brown, black, or gray, like, or khaki or something like that, like, like I just, or I don't know. I just like.
Like I know a guy who will wear like a red pair of jeans or, you know, pants are very limited in their coloring mostly or like or like, you know, like those kind of I hate to say this, but like they're kind of like I always think of hipsters when I see them, but they're like plaid pants to like, they yeah look like, you know, thing kind of their plaid, their green striped, whatever. And I think I get how that fits for that person and to get up, they make it with. But I don't think I could wear that like I don't. And it's not that I don't think a color looks like all that color makes me look this or that color makes me look that my brain just has a hard time reconciling it. It's what's what I was wear that with. You are so far removed from that's like the kind of person that would wear that.
yeah I get that and don't have the mentality and like as somebody who was a dance instructor like a ballroom dance instructor for almost 10 years like I had to learn how to like hair colors like I had to learn the color wheel and what colors look better together because people look to you for like when you're in that position they look to you for style advice and so like you kind of have to know that a little bit So I just learned that pants can be neutral. So like I can wear that with a lot of different styles up top. So I'd have like different colored vests and different two-tone vests and like different bolo ties and colors that match like the shirt that I wore underneath it. And now even to this day, I still match my socks to whatever color shirt I wear. So like,
So like there are things that like I haven't made it to let go of, but like I've ingrained so much of like neutral pants work with almost any shirt, any top. So like I can I can just go nuts with whatever my upper layer is and not feel like I walk out into public and feel like someone might be like, oh, style, fashion alert, you know, like, because it's just so it's in my brain, you know. I really experimented a lot throughout high school and after high school of pretty much I went through every different fashion type from the 90s to early 2000s and a little bit beyond. So I got that all out of my system and now I just dress like a podcaster, which is sweatpants. I wear scrumptious to work, so it's like I'm wearing pretty much pajamas all day and then I come home and I put gym shorts on. I'm so jealous.
It's a very comfortable lifestyle. wish I wear sweats every chance I get. i'm like If where I'm going out to dinner is not a jacket, I'm wearing sweats. I guess I'm also in like ah you know a committed long-term relationship and stuff. and i You don't have to try anymore. If I'm going out alone or something, you know if you're going out on a date or something, I'll put effort in. I'm not a monster. But you know if I'm going to pick up burgers, um I'm a monster. If I go a date with my wife, I'm in sweats. But that's how she probably prefers you. No, she hates it. That's how she knows you. She hates the sweats and she hates the long hair.
See, for me, for me, I go ah the I don't wear I'm wearing shorts right now just because I like fucking like had to rush back from like a pickleball game that I scheduled. Sure. So like I'm wearing like, but i but I don't wear workout shorts when I go do that. I wear jean shorts because I want to just wear jeans. I wore cargo pants for a big chunk of my 20s and I finally grew out of that and i started wearing jeans again. But like thought so much though. They do. I love it. It's a problem. I found a reason just to hold stuff because I had so many pockets. And now instead I just take a jacket everywhere I go. And that is like my purse essentially. got he's a hu mis
I'm a fanny pack, uh, user daily. Yeah. I love that. We're a good little pack pack. Um, but yeah, I guess, I guess for me, like, uh, you know, I'm so used to just, I've finally been training myself to wear jeans the past few years and like, I'll ripples in them and just keep wearing them. Cause it's just like, yeah at least they breathe when it's hot now, but like, I will never, I don't wear sweats. I find them, I know this is going to be unpopular just the way I feel about bacon, but I find sweats to be incredibly uncomfortable. interesting I know I don't like the feeling of them they make me feel vulnerable I don't feel protected wearing them jeans make me feel like I'm wearing leg armor at least I don't know why but yeah I don't
I thought about buying like a red pair of jeans the other day at Tarjay just because I want to try to get out of my comfort zone. But immediately I was like, I don't know what fucking shirt I would wear with these. Like, why would I have red jeans? Nice blue. Yeah, if it's if it's not like a loud red, if it's something a little more muted, that's that's got fall written all over it. You can wear some, you know, some earth tones with that up top. Ironically enough, I am wearing jeans and a Shirt that I could go out in right now because there's a hot podcaster tip straight out of the oven um if you dress Like it's your job You trick your brain into being a professional Podcaster if you wear like, you know clothes that you would you could work in, you know I'm wearing a nice pair of black jeans to trick my brain into not being too comfortable and to Be professional, you know, I've i've heard that
a lot for like chores and stuff. and yeah I don't care if that's true or not, I will never do it. It took me a long time. ah Now, i when I guest on a podcast, I guarantee I will be wearing real pants. That goes to anyone listening. I actually just realized I'm wearing a Dragon Ball Z shirt. I love that. how's the thing What was the thing that you said earlier about ah you're funnier when you're invisible? Exactly. There it is. The genes are for me, not for you. but Yeah, the genes are for me. Absolutely, absolutely. Adam, before we move on, can you give me a huge favor? Yeah, man, what's up? All right, cool. So ah first of all, I want to start this with, hi, mom. Second of all, hi mom I'm hoping, Adam, that you can ah settle a debate my mom and I had a while back that she probably doesn't even remember.
But I like to joke around with sometimes. Oh, no, I forgot your mom's name. Your dad's name is Gabe. Mom's name. Oh, no. Barb. Is it Barb? It is. No, Barb. Janice, Janet, Janice are so far from each other. Wow. yeaha And they're both equally far from the truth. Martha. What is it rhyme with? Why did you say that name? Yeah, thank you. Fuck. Oh, my God. I'm such a bad friend. I forgot her name. Oh, man. What's your name? What's it? I mean, I have no idea what your letter. Let me get a letter. All right. It starts with a T. T Terry Terry. It's Terry. I knew the moment I heard it. It's Terry. Fuck Adam. Come on, hi Terry. ah Terry. and gay I'm so sorry, Terry. I have like a thing with my brain. I have a lot of traumatic brain injuries. I forget stuff. I'm sorry. But I remembered it when he gave me to the letter. So I'm hoping you could settle a debate because you said you had to study the color color wheel and what colors go together and the color. Let's go. OK.
I was wearing dark brown cargo shorts and I put on a kind of darkish gray shirt and my mom sent me back into the room to change because it didn't match. My wife and I both think it was fine. Was it just a blank shirt? Yeah. Yes, I think it was. So tell me, tell me again, brown pants, brown pants, cargo shorts. Right. Sure. Yeah, it was like, well, it was like brown cargo, like. Just past the knee shorts, you know, like the longer. Yeah. um Cargo shorts, brown, dark brown cargo shorts and a kind of middle of the road gray shirt. Shoes, what shoes? Black sneakers. I mean, there's a problem with ankle socks.
Those are all technically neutral colors, though. Yeah. So like they can they go together. Like there's nothing flashy about it. Typically, like I would have something that pops on there, even if it's just like a jacket or something. Right. Like a jacket or a vest or like a proteinly little dull. But would you say they match? Like I could go out. like Where are you going? Right. That's true, too. where We were just going out like, yeah, doing nothing. It wasn't like we were going anywhere fancy. Well, then who cares? You're asking you're asking a black, brown. I'm sorry. See, my brain is already. Black speakers, black brown hands and a gray shirt. Right. Yeah, black. Yeah. Gray and brown absolutely go together. I've rocked that many times. Thank you. OK, that's all I needed. But don I mean, is that very it is very what I would call muted. yeah Well, I'm a very boring person. There's not a lot going on ah there, but yeah.
So you rock it. Oh, absolutely. I was banging. There's a lot of rules to the color wheel. I'll slap it here in our chat in case you want to look at it. But essentially the standard, if you just look at the regular complimentary color wheel, you would want to look at the color wheel and you want to pick things that are either that are on the opposite side of the color wheel. Right. So red goes with blue, purple goes with green. Magenta goes with kind of like that, kind of close to chartreuse in green. Blue goes with yellow. What the hell is a charcutte? Chartreuse is like a yellowish greenish kind of blend.
um Okay, that's that lime color right there ah Not quite lime, but it's more of like a it's hard to explain. It's a very loud looking color It's not a very it's not a very attractive color. But anyway, so So you would want to pick things on the opposite side of the color. That's not a color wheel I know I've been doing a lot of branding recently, and if you'll see that we followed the rules, the orange and the blue. Yes, it's all it's all we've been doing the work. Oh, absolutely. Really great out there. Look at the shipping for it's like a chance recently. Here's a here's a completely out of the blue example. Listen, I'm trying to make this, you know, personal opinion to me to get the name out there. If you look at your players logo.
You know, it's a random logo. You're not biased at all. You always want to have a pop of color. If you want to. If you want to have something that's really kind of like that will accent a new a neutral muted look, just pickle a real quick thing that's like a pop of color that could be a necklace, could be a tie, could be a vest, even just a neat fucking belt. You know, like that is about white hair. I'm making great progress on that. Yeah, I would do it. Go for it. Yeah. White hair. OK, great. I mean, I'm not doing it on purpose, but I'm doing it. I love it. So I've been trying to stress myself out for years trying to get some gray hair. I got married. There you go. There you go. Well, why don't we round out the episode? We've been going for a hot minute, but our conversations tend to take off, especially if we have a guest camp. Firstly, it's been delightful to get to know you and talk to you. You have a wonderful energy.
i you know I actually, if I can confess, like I've heard about you through other friends through our network who talk like they like your show or they like you as a person. and you know I was kind of proud, honestly, to like try to reach out to you sooner, so I was glad that you were the one that was looking for people to guest with. because I was feeling too proud to do that because I was like these well it wasn't so much pride I guess it was part pride part like me trying to justify not doing it which was like they got their own thing going on I don't want to seem like I'm trying to just like ride in and be like yo fuckers look at us now you know because like everybody talked really big about you and I was like you're kind of a celebrity around some people that I know
And I was like, I don't want to go chasing that. I just want it to be organic. And that's the kind of cross paths when it's time to do it. You know what I'm saying? So I'm really happy that we did um because you are absolutely a treasure of a person to talk to you. You have a really nice energy, a very warm personality. I really enjoy that about you. It's been a real treat to get to know you. Thanks for coming and doing this on a very short notice, honestly. I really do appreciate it. That is just so incredibly sincere of you. Wow. If I wasn't wearing jeans right now, I'd be bawling. I tell you. If I wasn't wearing jeans. You know what? I'm taking them off. Take it off. That's the problem with sweat. I'm going to cry when we're off the recording, don't you worry. Wow. No, I appreciate that so much. That's the hardest thing. We have sent over the years a lot of
DMS to people who we were terrified to talk to and a lot of them didn't respond to us I'll be honest with you, but some of them did and it like I know that feeling it's an incredible feeling I Cannot believe in my heart of hearts But I'm gonna try to in this moment believe that someone could see me the way you just described and that is so cool And I am like super honored ah i I love doing this. i I am not a professional podcaster. No, I don't make a living wage from it. It's something i I do for fun. I want to do it as a career. but
you know i I love these kind of things. I love talking on shows and sharing my passion for it with people. And you two are like so easy to talk to. I've done a lot of guest spots, and this is so organic and natural. And like you two are so charming and charismatic. I am very happy to have done this. Yeah, I know that was a bit of a hectic put together and it wasn't originally what I reached out to you for, which I'd still like to do when we get that schedule. But ah but, you know, I just thought this is such like a actually one of our listeners and messaged me and said, hey, you know what? Because I said, oh, hey, you know what? It finally happened. Cap and I cross paths and we're going to do a time gel episode together. And the one guy was like, oh, I love Cappy. So cool. And he was like, hey, you know what? Why don't you get him back on to get him on T.O.Q. since you're reviving the show? And I was like,
Oh, no, there's an idea. I guess I could do that. There's an organic. ah Yeah, excuse. Yeah. So I was like, yeah, I guess I fucking could because, like, you know, I already saw your post on Twitter and I was like, you know what? Why the fuck not? I haven't like networked in a while outside of our actual network. And I was like, you know what? Let's just fucking roll the dice and see what happened. Well, I'm really glad they said that because, yeah, it was an absolute blast having you on. You are. an amazing person. you know You were super fun to talk to. you you know You talk about how easy we were to talk to and then the energy, but you were right there with us the whole time. You were very easy to talk to. so but we you know You were a great guest, definitely one of the best in my opinion.
Yes, suck it, Kimmy. She was the first one. she was depressed I still love you, though, Kimmy. You're the best. But ah but, yeah, so thank you for doing this. I know that it's a lot. ah So, ah you know, it was a lot to ask. And here it is. um So, yeah, you know, once show one more time, you know, as you would like to do at the end of the show, like drop where people find you, tell it you know the show and all that stuff. We'll also put it in the show notes. But if you want to say anything now to the audience, ah to us about yourself, about where we can find you, now is your time. Go for it. I will make it quick for you, as I have already made a lot of references to my show in this time that you've given me. But we are just generating a lot of content right now, and I'm pretty excited about it. We have our main show, Shrimp and Crits Dania, second season. It is not connected to the first season at all. It's a fantasy campaign.
that is focused through a lens of folk music. It's really fucking cool. We make all our own music. Characters are awesome. It's funny. We're a comedy show above all else, but you know we respect the rules of the games that we play. um We have a live show on Twitch, Shrimp and Crits Live. ah We have a Monster of the Week show that is biweekly there, where we play Monster of the Week, ah working for an organization called Wahoo. which is a monster hunting organization that works out of a you know perfectly legal to use on our show breakfast, 24 hour restaurant.
um It's a lot of fun. I got the other weeks. We play video games on the Twitch. It's also a great time. We're very active on Discord. You can find us on there. You can find us on every social media platform and every pod catcher at Shrimp and crits. Blue Sky at Shrimp and crits dot com. We're getting good at TikTok. It's not like us talking to the camera. We just like post a bunch of cool shit. So check that out. You know, we're everywhere. You can find us if you like. You have a little funny people. I do. Yeah, Linktree. How you spell Linktree, I'm sure you all know ah dot com slash shrimp and crits. My personal one is Oh, it's cap. Oh, it's cap because just cap is taken if you can imagine it. So I am. Oh, it's cap on Twitter. Blue Sky, Twitch.
Everything you can find me there personally. ah Yeah, if you want me on your show if you need a voice for anything you let me know On my link tree, there's a way to just email me directly so you can do that Yeah, if you send me the link tree, we'll drop it in the show notes when that when the show goes up. Absolutely. I will do that. um absolutely Awesome. Awesome Well, thank you Is there anything else you would like to say to the audience beyond that? You know just any words of wisdom or parting things that you feel, you know at this moment Um, if you, you know, have the means to do what you want to do as a hobby, uh, without disrupting your real life, you should definitely try it and take that leap. Uh, because, you know, it's going to be fun, whether it pans out or not, you're going to have a really good time and you're going to make memories forever. And you should do that with your friends or with new people, because, you know, those memories are fucking awesome and you should do that. Uh, I want to thank, you know, Adam and Danny here for having me on the show.
And for all of you listening to the show, it means a lot to me that you would spend an hour and 20 minutes or something with ah me and my new friends here. So that means a lot. Thank you. Would you would you say it's like a dream come true? Shut up. I haven't had many dreams, um and this has been a lot more fun than most of them. So, yeah. Oh, wow. Cool. Beat me too. i Deeply troubled. i I honestly don't dream that much. and They're not terrible. No, Danny. Danny often lately when he does his outro says that it's a dream come true. And one day I picked on him about it. And now it's just like a thing. You dick, how dare you do that?
Not only how dare you do that to cap it. How do you take that moment from me? I was gonna do that. I'm so sorry But to you I was gonna do it the cap was good to you. I know you are All right, Danny What words would you like to say to cap myself and or the audience? What do you got? Thank you all so much for listening uh as we were just joking about you know in all sincerity this is a dream come true for me it's something i've always wanted to do uh as you know i told him my story before i've always wanted to just kind of entertain people with my voice
And I finally get to do that in like a ah super cool, chill way that I get to meet all these cool new people like Cap and all of our other guests. And it's all because, you know, you guys listen and you actually enjoy it, which it blows me away every time. And I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. um And I will leave you with this um conundrum. Mm hmm. Why is there a D in fridge, but not in refrigerator? Thank you. Yeah, it's like parking the drive by driving the parkway kind of thing. Mm hmm. You know, um and yeah, so just to kind of bring it all back around system.
go over everything we talked about today. We talked about smells that we associated with our childhood. We talked about like how you can find work from home opportunities and you know some contract work, which you know hopefully you guys will pursue, um you know because it's a fun way to make some extra scratch to fun things that you like. And we also talked about why we like and dislike different colors and scientific explanations for that and cultural explanations for that and just what colors might look good on us. ah And you know as everybody said it's always a delight to do this show for those of you who decide to come back and listen Because it facilitates a reason for me and Danny to get together ah Because we're star-crossed lovers from across states state lines And we met at King of Prussia last year for the first time I had our first embrace that I captured on or that I had Kimmy capture on camera for us so we can memorialize that moment um You smell just like I thought you would
That's exactly what we said to each other. um and you know it's just As I mentioned earlier, starting something like this was something that I never thought that I would do. and As a creative person who has no direction in life on where to go, I have all the energy, but I never know where to fire it. And in this little arena that we have constructed, it allows me to fire it in all the right places to hopefully bring some positive energy to your world and to those who wish to guess with us such as Cap and of course my buddy Danny. So thank you for helping to give us reasons to keep coming back to do this. And thank you for giving us reasons to keep answering all of your crazy questions from the internet. And if you want to give us any questions you want us to answer, please go to funinstallersnetwork.com.
slash contacts. There's a little box there. You can either leave us a voicemail or a text message and let us know what you want to know. And then we'll answer the question on the show in a future episode. Or if you just want to make a comment about something that you heard that you want to add to the discussion, you can do that as well. But a seller's network.com slash contact us. And having said that, I hope that all of you who are listening and who are present with me at this very moment will take care of your mind. I hope that you take care of your heart. And most importantly, for the love of all things sacred on this planet, please take care of each other. Good night. Good night. Goodbye.
No one is inoculated to a bad day And everything you know and complete disarray Your mouth is full of venom and belly full of flames You walk into a room and you start taking names and you... Hey! What? Don't hurt the body! Hey! Enjoy the ride. We don't need your negativity. Take your frustration and put it in your butt. Live in your witness in reality. Take your division and put it in your butt. We don't need your negative energy. Take your resentment and put it in your butt. Open your mind from that captivity. Take your anxiety and put it in your butt.
Your heart is full of anger and it's planning to stay Your demolition amendment today is the day Ununderwhelming denizens will fill your decay with fury and your souls are gonna hear what you say when you... Hey! What? Don't hush the fire! Hey! Enjoy the ride. We don't need genetic activity. Take your frustration and put it in your butt. Live it to win this in reality. Take care of your vision and put it in your butt. We don't need genetic activity. Take your resentment and put it in your butt. Open your mind from that captivity. Take your anxiety and put it in your butt.
Thank you.