Uh, cause I did do a little bit of pre, uh, pre search on this one because I didn't know if you and I would fully know the answer and I was curious. Um, uh, but a lot of it, uh, came from like, uh, what's the word I'm looking for? Um, like, uh, uh, uh, we're like, there's like a, um, consistency across language, right? So like, because the English especially borrows from so many different languages, um, that, like, for instance, oh, here it is. I have it up here. Actually, I I cross reference this with an answer that somebody in the thread came up with. And it turns out it's pretty legit, is that they would say like words that come from Latin via French, such as plum, P L U M B, or in their original spelling, P L O M B E.