Eyesome Words And Where To Find Them image

Eyesome Words And Where To Find Them

That's Our Q
20 Plays3 months ago

Why do words have silent letters? What kinda jobs can you do that sound interesting or boring when sharing with friends? ...There's another question we answered and I can't remember it right now. But Also...we learned a word called "Eyesome" so that's neat! 

Send us a question!

woops. uploaded the wrong image for a sec. This isn't Phony Express. * i fixed it**

You know what? I didn't have a thing as you were saying that, but I thought of one that is going to be just fine, actually. But anyway, good morning, good afternoon and good evening to all of our friends out there in universes, no, no, no. And this is that's our queue or T.O.Q. for short. It's if this is your first time listening. Hey, this show essentially is where a queue and another queue meet across state lines and a place called King of Prussia Mall. They meet for the first time and and they're so excited that somebody films it and they have a warm little embrace and they talk about how good they smell to each other. And then in that wonderful embrace, a beautiful little A is born.
Uh, and we split custody of it on every other weekend. And what that means, if you've never heard the show before, as we take questions from the internet, like places, usually Reddit and Quora and a few other places, and we give them answers as if anybody gives a shit to hear our opinions on anything. Uh, and again, my name is Adam and as always, I'm joined by my good buddy, Danny guarantee. Hello, my friend. How are you?
it What was that? No, it's just that your Q and A thing today. It was. It just it seems so familiar to me. There was just something about it that was. It was like something out of a movie. Yeah, I know. I mean, it couldn't have been because I literally just thought of it. Nothing like that has ever happened on the history of the planet. And I'm going to never pitch it. No, I'm going to pitch it. Specifically, the King of Prussia Mall, too. That was crazy. It's just I heard good things about it, ah you know, and I just thought that would be like, a you know, because the Monroeville Mall got like
Don of the Dead way back when so I figured can you pressure malls do for like a cool movie to be shot there? You know that would be pretty neat. I'd be down for that. Yeah um Also, I'm very good. How are you my good sir? I'm okay. um I got a burp coming up though I know it's on the way so no you need me to pack your back No, I'm just gonna squeeze myself like a tickle my Elmo and hope that something comes out um Preferably in the correct end um Anyway, you would, like would you like to answer some cues today, am my friend? I've been looking forward to this. I have that itch came back. You know, I'm like breaking out from not answering any cues lately.
Yeah, well, here's one. Here's a couple that are fresh off the the assembly line. ah Some of these these were posted today or late last night. This is just how ah recent these ones. I just want to have something to kind of revive things a little bit because I was getting a little low. I was getting to the dregs of my questions. I curated a couple of years ago. um So anyway, this question is from Happy Heidi V is the name and they say. What is a good, easy, white lie I can pretend is my job? And they have in parentheses that they work from home. And they said, I don't want my friends, families or neighbors to know what I do for work, but I also don't want to be unfriendly with them. So it needs to be something easy to talk about or so boring that they wouldn't want to talk about it. So whatever reason, happy Heidi V here says they don't want to talk about
their job, but they don't want to be rude. So they need to come up with some good lies, or at least a good lie to tell people of what their job actually is. Maybe their current job is disinteresting ah because they work from home. I don't know. So what is a good white lie, Danny, that heidi happy Heidi V can tell people when they say, eh, so what do you do for work? Okay. All right. I got this. I got two answers for you that um are both true to to life for me. I know two people with jobs that work from home that cannot talk about what they do. One of them works for the military and has a security clearance and literally cannot tell anybody what they do. ha ha And I don't know you know exactly what their job is or what it's called. So that one you'd have to come up with some stuff on your own. um But the other one.
ah The position is called a a CTA. And I clinical trial assistant. Oh, interesting. And their job all from home. Is to basically just ah do all the paperwork for these trials, right? So the paperwork gets filled out by all the people and it gets emailed to the CTA who then has to file it away or do whatever with it.
And because you're working with people's medical records, you're not really allowed to talk about what you do outside of just this is what I do. It's a very straightforward job. It's it's really just um archiving, basically, or getting things filled out that need to be filled out or keeping records up to date. But you can't really go into specifics because it's people's medical records. So there's a good one for you. Yeah, I got to tell you, if it weren't you, if it wasn't you, reading that off or saying that out loud, I would, ah you know, I was already getting bored listening to it. So like, yeah, it's it's a rough that's what you want. It's just memorize that, like ah Heidi. It's just like just drone on about it. It's like, oh, you know, it's a lot of it's a lot of, you know, be very Ben Stein with it, you know, or just say it's accounting. That's what I do because I I work with numbers and money. I just say it's accounting and I can immediately see people's eyes glaze over.
Now here's one that you can do ah if on the other hand you want to be able to talk about it. But like you still want to have a little white lie that's fun is you tell them that you play test video games from home town that you do that. Tell them they're like, you know, or like you do you get paid to do trials, you know, and then ah then look into it and then actually do it. Whoa. Now you're doing it and you're making extra money on the side. Do you know how many people a month or how much money a month you can make just like trying something that somebody wants you to try? Like they'll send you a disk in the mail and they're like, hey,
Fucking. Test this this out on your computer, and if it doesn't blow your computer up, we'll give you a $10 gift card or like you can go on to certain websites where they'll say, hey, we need someone to play this level a bunch of times and see if any bugs happen across like two or three hours. You could just say that you do gigs, you do testing gigs and then just learn about it. And then like now you're an expert in it and then you refer people, then you get referral codes and then you get actual products that you test. And before you know it, this little white lie that you're making up is now what your actual fucking job is. You can quit whatever your actual boring ass nine to five or is. um That's my advice is lie and then learn so much about that lie that it becomes your reality. So, yeah, that's what that's what I think. like Danny, what do you do for work?
I just do accounting. Easy. Look at that. Ask me what I do for work. Ask me what I do for work. What about you, Adam? What do you do for work? I do like all sorts of trial stuff. I do a lot of gigs. ah So like, you know, just typical gig work. People send me products to test and I test it and they pay me pretty much it. Oh, well, like drug trials. Oh, no, not drug trials. Usually like they'll be like a video game. They won't test it or an app. They want me to try or a website. They want me to try to find bugs in and just click on different buttons, stuff like that. And then they pay me. Wow, that's cool. Name 10 products you've helped. Well, let's see. I've tested out fun installers network dot com. I've tested out fun installers network, worked the app. I've tested out fun installers network, the play place where you go and you play in like a trampoline park there.
um I've tested out the Danny guarantee butt slap ah mechanism where like you can touch butts from far away. um I've tested out the yeah the baby beluga ah baby buggy ah where, you know, you just push it around and then make sure babies don't fall out of it. They send you free babies to use and then you just have to ship them back when you're done. um Same thing for a puppy carrier carrier. Same thing. They ship you puppies. You just ship them back when you're done. um let's see how many is s seven think that was like seven yeah
Yes, see what else ah you know zen castor what we're recording on now, right, you know tested zen castor I also test out their Automation program and I test out their partnership program to make sure that all the partnerships that they connect their creators to are legitimate So there's ten right there. Well, that's an amazing job you do and I can't believe what a fulfilling life that must be I fully believe that you do all of those things because you listed them out like that and And then everybody freezes like Malcolm in the middle style. And I look over at the camera and I go, little does he know my life is in the gutter and I'm horribly depressed and pause. Yeah, life's pretty good, Danny. Everything is looking up for your boy. Then we all got up and clapped.
um But yeah, there you go. Happy Heidi V. very um You know, I hope that helps. Say you do accounting, medical billing, medical records or that you just test products for a living. And they're like little girls that are 11, 12 years old that get paid to show other people's products and their millionaires and I'm not. So we can all live with that depressing realization. I hate that so much. Anyway, one other question. Yes, please. Let's get away from that train of thought. So this one I thought was kind of a fun um exercise in like. ah I don't know.
I don't want to call it self-deprecation, but in humility, perhaps. um So this question is from odd pickle four four nine one. ah And their question is, what's hard about dating you? Oh, Danny, what is hard about dating you or being in a marriage with with you since you're married? I'm very annoying. and But in what way? what But yeah, not not in like an actual like. um Not like a naggy kind of way or like I don't help her on the house kind of way. um More like a goofy um puppy kind of way. you know If Mel and I are, let's say, just like laying in bed at the end of the night and um she's going to sleep right. We're both just laying there. Sometimes I'll just turn to her with my eyes wide open and start breathing kind of like
Yeah. Or ah sometimes I will just lay my head down on her um and my head alone weighs about half as much as she does. ah You know, just kind of stuff like that, or I'll just, you know, be annoying until she tells me to leave her alone. Does she tell you that you're annoying? All the time. Why are you so annoying? What's probably like that right there? That sounds legit. So what what is the most like if you had to rank like the tippity choppas thing that just like will probably get her to go from I'm OK to why are you so annoying in record time? Looking at her with a shit eating grin.
Even if I do that every time, I'm about to start being really annoying. ah And she knows it. So she'll take one look at me looking at her with a shit eating her and be like, don't come on. it's So so you just go like you you just like start to turn into like a little goblin and then she yeah. recognizes it That's pretty funny, actually. I could I could see you just like you're both sitting there on your computers or something. and You just like look over and you start to cheese and she's like, oh, fuck. Yeah, that's exactly like we'll be watching TV and I'll just pause it out of nowhere. And she'll look at me to see what's up and I'll just be giving her the sheeting grin. She's like, no, i'll turn the show back on. And then I'll just like flop my body onto her lap or something just to be annoying. Is she more annoyed because it's interrupting a thing that she's doing or because she just genuinely doesn't like whatever attention you're giving her that also gives you that attention? Because it sounds like right now you're you're very playful.
No, she doesn't care about that. She cares more about the fact that um my heavy body is now like engulfing her. So you just drape yourself on her like a blanket and she's like pretty much a dead weight on her. Or like. um If she's ever leaning on her hand, you know, like with her elbow on something and she's leaning on her hand. I will just smack her arm out from under her head and make her head drop.
Something I learned from my dad. Thank you, dad. I was going to say, thanks, Gabe. um Also, hi, Terry. How are you doing? um so ah So do you feel comfortable to say something that you think she does that can annoy you or let's not say it's annoying, but what's something that makes that maybe maybe in the early stages was like a challenge of dating her? like Because the question is what's hard about dating you, not why are you annoying? No, no, I know what you mean.
Don't worry. She doesn't listen to this podcast. You won't know. No. There you go. That's what it is. She doesn't support. She doesn't listen to the podcast. Terry Gabe, don't tell him. Don't tell him. OK. When we first started dating, the the hardest part probably was her sweet tooth. We always had um at least like five Kit Kats at the house. She's better now. But we always had like five Kit Kats at the apartment. um
she and ah she
Her sweet tooth is only um is is is only like superseded by her laziness back then. So it was like, I really want a KitKat and go get me KitKats from the corner store. Come on, Dan. I'll be like, why don't you get them yourself? I'm fine. So then I'd end up getting them. And then I have diabetes, right? Now I'm in the house with a bunch of cats all the time. And I'm like, ah, oh, I'd be dead. I'd be dead. Yeah. I would be using all my insulin way too fast. Like I said, she's.
Better now. She doesn't do that so much anymore. But when we first when we were early dating. Hmm. Yeah. Man, ah kudos to you with the diabetes thing, because if I had type two diabetes type one also seems like it sucks pretty hard. But if I had any diabetes, I would probably die. Well, not going to be still not on insulin. Either one or two things would happen for me, though. um Either one, I would be in the best shape of my life because finally I would be forced to stop eating like shit. um Or two, I would just like go completely downhill in record time and then just like turn into like a fucking blob of a person and die like a promise. you You wouldn't be in the best shape of your life because diabetes fucks with your ability to burn fat.
Right. I used to be thin as a rail. Right. Well, that's the thing, though, is either I know how my brain works, either I would be highly motivated to eat better and to always be active because I don't want that to happen. Like right now, my metabolism is still good enough that even though I'm slightly overweight per whatever the BMI is, um I still feel good. I can still move as fast as I've ever wanted to move. I'm still really flexible. so like And I'm always moving. Every job I ever get, I'm always on the move. So like I don't have to worry about that right now. But if I started to develop some sort of disorder or disease like diabetes,
And my I just couldn't help it no matter like with the lifestyle I have, I would either get so motivated that I get fucking shredded trying to like say, fuck you, diabetes. You can't take me. Or I just like, huh, I guess it's the way I'm going. Just eat hamburgers and bags of chocolate until I shit myself. I guess I guess I'll just. I know, I know that's what I would do. It's a coin toss. There's no middle ground. It's rough. You know, it was rough at the start. Now I don't even really think about it. And I'm what I got it at like 15. So I'm what off 19 years in and still not on insulin. So I think I'm doing something right. hey yeah He's going to say you must be. That's really good, man. Yeah. And say you found some sort of way to to balance it all out. But wolf. I would be that's one of my biggest fears is because diabetes runs very heavily on my mom's side of the family.
And even though, again, I don't eat the best all the time, but I'd say compared to everyone else in my family, I am definitely the healthiest of the bunch. But I just feel like even though my brother will eat Mountain Dew and Doritos every day for the rest of his life, every meal, I'll be the one that gets diabetes for some reason. Because like it just feels like it's coming for me. I think the worst part of it is knowing that this was my fault. This was 100% my fault. um My parents always told me to stop drinking so much soda. I used to drink, like,
four cans of Coke a day. Oh, man, it was it was my go to. I almost never drank water. I would just drink Coke. Oh, well, that you need. it It was not good. Yeah, that's my that's my least favorite excuse. ah Well, not that, but like so what made me think about that was like you said you never drink water. Like I have a friend. I haven't seen them in a couple of years, but when we hung out more frequently, At one point, he started to gain a lot of like ah a rapid amount of weight in a very fast amount of time. And ah his name was Frank. And he was never like a small dude, but like, you know, but he was just getting big or bigger and bigger. And they developed sleep apnea at some point and all these other things were going on. I was like, dude, what the fuck is going on with you? And he goes, my doctor tells me I need to drink more water. Apparently, I'm not drinking enough to like get out like certain or toxins, not impurities and things like that.
you know, and they're building up in different ways. And I'm rapidly gaining weight because like my diet and I was like, well, that makes sense. You barely move and you eat a lot. Like, yeah, that's how gaining weight works, Frank. And he's like, well, I'm not drinking more water. And I was like, why? That's like the easiest part of like what your, your doctor's not asking you to go to the gym. They're not asking you to radically change your diet. They're saying, Hey, why don't you drink some water with all that pop that you're drinking, pal? And he's like, but there's no flavor. And I was like, Frank, There are a thousand ways to flavor your water in these days. I don't want to fucking hear it. Even with that, people say it doesn't have a flavor and I was the same way. I used to water does have a flavor. I used to hate water. But yeah, it's one of those things that it's like kind of like coffee where you hate the flavor at first. And then as you push through, you actually start to like it. oh Yeah. And for any people with diabetes out there, anyone, ah the number one thing I did that helped me
Like I said, I never got to the point I needed insulin, but that doesn't mean I was always great, right? um Right. There's a blood test you could do to see kind of where your average blood sugar was. It's called the A1C blood test. And 6.0 or lower is normal person. Six to seven. You have diabetes, you need to watch what you're doing. Seven to eight. You really got to like start working on lowering that eight to nine. This is your last chance or you're being put on insulin nine or higher insulin, at least as I understand it. um And at my worst, my A1C was eight point eight and my doctor wanted to put me on insulin. And once you go on insulin, there is no coming off of it. um So I asked for one more chance to lower it.
And then the pandemic happened and I didn't go to the doctor for two years. um But it turned out I was one of the lucky people that did better at home all the time than when I was in the office. So my A1C dropped from 8.8 to I think it was like 6.2 just above totally normal. um And that's what my last A1C was. And the biggest thing I did was increase the amount of water I drank from one to two cups a day to two to three liters a day. um What I did was I got some the two liter Diet Cokes. You know, I had some of those that I hadn't thrown out yet, so I just kept them and I fill them with water. I have two of them. I fill them with water and just leave them in the fridge, swap them out as I drank them and
I, after about a week of drinking more water, I noticed immediate improvement. Um, my numbers would drop back down to normal after eating twice as fast as they did before, if not faster. It was the biggest thing I've ever done. So drink more water. It really big tech cannot stress enough. Drink more water. Yeah, it's crazy. And and to add to that, I think I've already said this on the show before, but like they'll say, oh, drink Gatorade and Gatorade is good for hydrating. But the big difference is is when you go after those drinks that like are claiming to hydrate you, usually those sports drinks are for when you are actively working to replenish or prevent yourself from losing hydration while working or working out or playing sports, something that is going to exert you. Right.
So like if you're just drinking Gatorade after Gatorade, because like, well, I got to stay hydrated. That'll work to some degree, but unless you're getting the ones that don't have as much sodium, which even the sugarless ones have sodium in them. Or like, if you look at the difference between like the sugar free ones and the ones with sugar next to each other, like the opaqueness is fucking crazy. All of that is sugar in there. If you don't see any light passing through the bottle, it's because there's just like, like what, like 81 grams of fucking sugar in that bottle. It's crazy. um It's a lot. It is a lot. And if you're pounding those every day, you're not really contributing to a good healthy
system because all that sugar because it's still going to backfire on you, right? Because you're not washing it out of your system, you're adding it too quickly. And so rapid in, in gestation of sugar will also gain weight through drinking, not just through eating because that what that sugar has to be stored somewhere. um another Another thing that that's helped me a lot is just learning what's what's a good free meal that you could have or free snack, right? And there are downsides to almost everything, but if my blood sugar is high and we're looking at ordering out, I'll get a grilled chicken Caesar salad. There's no carbs in that at all. Um, so that's something I can have for free and I can just keep, you know, keep going. Let my blood sugar drop. If my last meal was really bad.
Well, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You can tell the restaurant, hey, I have diabetes and I'm avoiding carbs and they give it to you for free. It's a free you meal. That's right. Man, the diabetes freebie. Exactly. It's it's actually a blessing. I have freebies, really freebies. um Another snack that I do. Don't judge me. i And I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, I do still do this, but I don't do it as often anymore because of the salt. Crack. ah I'll just crack open a can of olives and just pop olives. I love olives. Yeah. Yeah. I love olives. Black olives. So I can. And again, carb free, but like a lot of salt. So I have to be careful with that. Yeah. No shit. That's the first thing I thought of, like biting into what I was like. yeah All that. So.
Jesus, criminy peanuts. Salted peanuts are really good. They have no carbs. You know what I found recently that has peanut butter out of a spoon is a good. one Oh, yeah. absolutely Absolutely. Like sunflower peanut butter is no carbs in that either. It's all protein. You know, a nice healthy snack that like I've been trying to like train myself to like more that has kind of yielded some good results is like I don't remember who the company is. It might be planners for all I know, but they make um cashews um that are like blueberry pomegranate flavored. There's like a light dusting on them. um And they're just flavored enough. Like they're like a little bit blue.
And I'm like, hey, I don't mind eating these because they don't taste like shit. And so like whenever I feel like snacking, I'll just grab like three or four of those because it takes me a while to even eat them. And so like because I just don't want I don't want to miss the blueberry pomegranate flavor. And so like I just eat one at a time and it takes me like three minutes because I'm like really trying to get all of it in my mouth. um Yeah, that's been pretty all right. That's pretty good. Can you send me that? Yeah, I'll send you a picture when I'm done. It's really, sounds really good. And they are because I don't like I think I don't know if I said this on the show before, but I have a hard time and I don't know how to say this without sounding perverse, but like I have a hard time eating nuts like yeah like it's like a textural thing. My mouth in my um
my gag reflex kind of kicks in and it feels like I'm chewing on something that I shouldn't be chewing on. So like the texture of it like tricks my brain to think I'm eating like like bark or something. And so I chew it very gingerly. And so it just takes me a long time to finish chewing it because like And then and then putting it down to like washing it down. I usually have to take a drink to finish it because like my brain's like, no, don't swallow that. It's it's toxic. It's it's wood. It's bark. It's nails like don't. And it's been like that my whole life. I've like so I just avoided eating them. That's why I like I just eat like one at a time now. Yeah, I don't know what that is. I don't know what it's called. I don't know why my brain does that. but Oh, it's called ARFID. It's called ARFID. ARFID? Yeah, AFRID or ARFID.
I've never heard that word in my life. is i Look it up later. It's an accident. Oh, is it a fucking ridiculous something, something? Food food avoidance, something or other. Our food avoidance. avoidance Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder is a fairly new eating disorder. Children with RFID are extremely selective eaters, and sometimes it'll interest eating food. They may eat a limited variety of preferred foods, which can lead to poor growth and poor nutrition. I don't know, and um that might be something similar because I have avoided them, but like it's just because like my mouth and my brain, just like it's not like I look at like ah like a can of nuts and go, ooh, that's gross, that's yucky, I don't want it. It's just that the moment it's in my mouth, it's ah almost like a reflex happens. where like
My brain goes, this is a bad thing. You're going to choke on it. You don't like the texture. And I don't know. it so I don't know. It might be close to our food, though. It's definitely not an issue I ever had. I just I eat nuts, no problem. So weird. um Actually, one of the things I got that was really good is dark chocolate covered almonds. I do love this dark chocolate, which has lower carbs. It's just kind of lightly on an almond. So I'll just grab two or three three and just pop them. Oh, it's it. It hits the sweet tooth without being like super bad. Right. That's literally why I got the pomegranate ones for the cashews, because I was like, all right, this is going to make me feel like I'm eating something sweet, but it's mostly just protein that will keep me like feeling full um because, yeah, that's why I used to keep dark chocolate covered raisins in the house. But I'll fuck up that whole entire container in like two days. It's not healthy for me at all. And I'll shit weird for the week. Oh, absolutely you will.
Anyway, shall we move on to. Yeah, after that slight tangent. Yeah, to the to the to the word of the D. The word of the day. Yeah. What is the word of the D to D? Today's word of the day is isome. Isome. Isome. Like if you hurt your knees after but basketball practice, you isome. Yes, it's the opposite of eyesore. Oh, really? I some. Yes. Like it's literally spelled like the word I and then some put together. Yeah. Why? Yes. So why? So me. Interesting. I some. It's like awesome, but for your eyes. Oh, it is kind of like awesome for it. So what does I some mean? It means it's an adjective and it means pleasant to look at. Really? What a You have an eyesome face.
Thanks. I like to think so. ah is Is that really a word? Did you just make that up? No, it's my word of the day for today. How is this not a more commonly used word on dictionary dot com word of the day? It's not sponsored, but don't sue us for using your words. I some. I some. What? We need to work. We this needs to be. Like at the forefront of every conversation for the next like six weeks, we everybody we talk to needs to hear us say this word. And then when they say, did you just say I some instead of awesome? You're like, yeah, because it's really nice to look at. Yeah, that's right. This new spreadsheet you sent me these expense reports. They're isome. Look at all the colors you did. Look, there's like all this pretty red over here. i Is that a new hoodie? It looks isome. It looks isome.
and What's wrong with you? Why are you saying awesome or weird? You look so. So is it like a physical object or is it like. I mean, because I'm guessing awesome could technically because of the colloquial way it's used could interchange or could be swapped here like oh like if I said oh you look awesome in that hoodie could I say you look isome in that hoodie and still be yeah correct or is isome used a certain way. No it it would be just like that it's just an adjective so like. Instead of saying, i love and instead of saying you look pretty, it would be you look eyesome. All right, guys, I need you all to join me. Whoever's listening wield this word like the the the the blade of whatever deity you worship.
Get out there, wield this word, awesome. Because you know what? Awesome is overused. I love the word awesome, but biblically, it means something way different than I should just be like, oh, that's cool, right? Awesome usually means like something radical and big and mighty. But we use it to be like, oh, that's cool. Right, something that causes awe, right? Like the awesome might of Zeus. um But, eyesome is really what a lot of us mean, because we might say something's awesome, like, oh, awesome, my favorite sports team is on. But, like, eyesome works for so many ways that awesome is usually used in, like, oh, that looks eyesome, or I just saw the new movie trailer for Deadpool and ah Wolverine, it looks eyesome. You know, like, it looks really cool visually, right? I don't know, I feel like this is a word that
We need to remember this one, Danny. I like pleasant, pleasant to look at. It makes me think of like pretty, you know, something that's very pretty would be very eyesome. The opposite of an eyesore.
Yeah. So there you go. Throw that in your vocabulary book and shut it. Yeah, I like it. ice I eyesome. That's cool. Ah, well, that was an awesome description of ISOM. Thank you. Thank you. Is there a word for when there is a word that you like how it looks when it's written? You know what I mean? um Like you ever just like look at a word and be like, that just like is just visually and aesthetically pleasing. It's ISOM looking like it's an ISOM looking word.
Could something be isome looking or is it just isome, you know? Like you say, oh, that's an isome hoodie or. You look isome in that hoodie. You know, I would say I would say it's an isome hoodie or you look isome. Gotcha. Or you have an isome look about you. Yeah, that's that's great. I love it. um but Yeah, you know, there's just some words you look at it and you're like, that's just a it's of just a visually pleasing looking word. um Yeah. Anyway, that's just kind of where my my mind goes. Or like when the when you hear certain words spoken together that you hadn't really heard before, and like it kind of tickles the part of your brain where you're like, like my my mouth always says like, Oh, that's a good band name. The lately has been like, Oh, that tickled my brain in a pleasant way.
um So I was looking this up and there is I can't find any kind of word that you would use specifically for a word that looks visually appealing. huh But I did find some people that made lists of visually appealing words. Oh, fun. And oh, my God, you're right. There are some words you just look at it and you're like, that's just that's exactly how that works. You know, ah one of them we did on on that's our cue. Oh, fuck, what was it? Was it dingle? It wasn't dingle. Unfortunately, it was mellifluous. That one, I think I said when you brought that word up that I liked how it felt on my tongue when I said yeah because these are all serendipity, luminous, ethereal, effervescent. Oh, good word. Oh, yes. Ephemeral. I love that. It's a great cascade.
aor yes
Ooh, resplendent. There are some words that are just so good. You know what I'm noticing as you say those is they look they are nicely spelled words, but they also have like a sound and a mouth feel that just feels good. I think all of those things coincide to just make those are just some damn good words. And these are the words that roll off the tongue. Right resplendent, mellifluous, cascade well was the other one that you just did. This one, too. Petrichor. Didn't we do petrichor? Yeah, petrichor. Yeah, we did petrichor. That's also on here. I'm trying to think of that one. Susie, I think, was one. Oh, um, Susie and in Susie and. Um, although Susie and apparently is also a word, it means the opposite of whatever in Susie, it means. And I've already forgotten what it's something Dr. Susan. It doesn't mean like a reverent or something. I think that's how I remember. I don't remember. I i was on the old computer.
And I'm going to look it up before you move on, because that's going to bother me. There's something about the word ephemeral. Showing the casual lack of concern or indifference. Unworried, untroubled, nonchalant, insouciant. Yes. Aloof. Aloof. Which is like another great word. Aloof is a great one. Moot. I like moot a lot. Moot is a great word. I learned that word in seventh. No. When did I have Mr. P? That was eighth? No. No, I was in the high school then. So ninth grade is nope. Fuck. When did I have Mr. P? It was an English class and we had had a teacher named Mr. P and he always made vocabulary so fun because every time he read out the word, we had to write it so that like we'd get like a little bit of visual memory.
and just like I did with isome. Some words he would just like spin into like a sentence that didn't make it made sense. But was it for the word? It wasn't like I remember the word moot. And I don't remember the sentence he made up, but he also said macabre and macabre really stuck out because I'll never forget he spelled it, which is also just a weirdly spelled word for how we pronounce it. And he goes, but he goes, I ate my corn and threw away macabre. Oh my God. like I was just like me and my buddy, Ian, who sat next to each other. We'd always look at each other and cackle every time he he had a banger like that little zinger. And we were like, as we're his two biggest fans and it was vocabulary time. Like nobody paid attention more than me and Ian because we knew we were going to get some zingers for vocab time. You know what? I could actually tell you the exact moment I learned what moot was.
um I was playing a game on my phone way back in the day when the iPhone was new. And it was a visual. It was a strategy game, but yeah, it had like, quote unquote, cut scenes. And then the character said ah the the two of them were arguing and they were like, this argument is moot. And I'm like, what the frick is a moot? Isn't that like what they put around the King's Castle to keep out? I was like, What the hell is a move? Are you making this up? But not a lot. It's a great word. It is a. Yeah, man, we got to go over that list some more. I love just a good spelled word. Also, I'll save this list, too. It's so good. I love it. Cascade. I got two. I got.
15, probably about 30 words here that are really nice. Hey listeners, if you want, let us know. Either get at us on social medias or on fun and sellers, network.com at the contact us page. Let us know what kind of words you think just sound good or look good. Like feel good to say. Yeah. What feels good on your mouth? You know, let's, let's get that good mouth feel. Yeah. Like before we move on to the last question, there's one word that like to this day I just cannot reconcile in my brain. And it is the word laugh.
um L-A-U-G-H. In no language should that spell the word laugh. It should not be pronounced laugh. It does not make sense considering how the rest of every other word that has that works, except for words like cough, which is also just a really weird one. Like why does like a G-H all of a sudden make a an F sound or why does why does laugh get pronounced like laugh. But if you put or laughter, even laughter and slaughter are the ones that really get me. Laughter is the word slaughter without the S. You put the S on that. It's not laughter anymore. It's slaughter. And I don't understand why the fuck all that works. It's so stupid. I mean, I mean, just look at it. There's laughter.
There's actually typing all these actual same fucking spelling, but with an S on the end or on the beginning, and it doesn't make sense to me. I should be softer or that should be pronounced a lotter, because if you put a D there and took out the L, it would be daughter, not dafter. And it doesn't make sense. All right. All right. I have a question for you, Adam. What? Are there any words you just cannot say? And I can't say. Yeah, for whatever reason, your mouth just cannot do it. I can't think of one for me, but I had a friend that could not say burglar.
she Burglar. Yeah. Every time she tried, she would say burglar. So I sat down with her one day and I was like, burg, burglar, burglar. She just couldn't do it. I don't. Hmm. I don't know if there's one that I can't say but like in certain situations like it could be like a tongue twister maybe. I'm trying to think of a common one that like like I like the word irreverent but if I had to say it next to a bunch of other R words I probably wouldn't do a good job. um You know I guess it just depends on the words that like preface it that would make it a hard word but
I like words a lot. So typically, I'll try pretty hard like, like I'm studying for my CPT exam. And I recently learned the word diastolic and systolic high pressure. Yeah, so I was like, Oh, hey, you know, I know what those words mean now. But they're fun to say. But I see a lot of like other really big words that like I have to learn. And so I'm just like, Oh, well, you know, I'm not going to be able to rest until I know I can say those properly. But if I had to say them in a full on sentence next to each other, I'd probably fucking like diastolic, diastolic, systolic, like that's hard to do that back to back. It's harder when you're reading bigger words like that, too. Yeah, because like you want to read it phonetically, like for that split second. Yeah, like you realize what the word is.
Like if you were to say the word special silver and silver to like back to back quickly. That can be hard because your tongue has to make that L sound, S sound and a V sound back to back to back like that. And that's a lot of like direction for your mouth to move and your tongue to change. So like special silver can be a little awkward. Yeah, that is hard. I'm saying like because your tongue is busy doing some other L sound and you're really enunciating the L and special. Like if you really pay attention, like this is where like a lot of voice acting or like people who do a lot of voice manipulation learn this.
is like they have to pay attention to what their jaw is doing, where their tongue is at, how far up it's lifted towards the roof of their mouth. yeah um And so like special, your tongue, that's a what's ah what I like to call a full L. There's probably a word for it, but that's what I call it as a full L. like Silver, if I'm the way that my accent is, is I don't go silver. It's just silver. I almost barely pronounced the L, but it's still in there. And so my tongue gets tricked to do like a big backflip and then do like a baby flip at the end to do silver afterwards. It's hard. But if I just say silver by itself, I'll definitely pronounce to Elmore. So it's kind of fun to listen to how people say shit. You know what I mean? So I'll get stuck on stuff like that.
Um, but most words, uh, if I'm just saying them like an isolation, I'm usually fine. Um, it's just a context with it. Um. Very good. Very good. All right. Why don't you hit me with that last cue? Yeah. One more. Get back on track for one last last second. Absolutely. Uh, okay. So this last question is from the explain it like I'm five thread, which we haven't used for a little while. And this is from somebody. It's called Whitty Show 80 30. And I actually do have the thread up about this one because um I found it to be quite interesting and funny enough. And I did not plan this. This relates so hard to what we were just talking about.
Um, okay. It says explain like I'm five. What is the reason that we have silent letters in words for words such as knife and crumb. They could easily spelled as knife without decay and crumb without the B on the end. Right. So that's the question that they ask is why, why do we have these silent letters in our language and our words? Like what are they for? Do you have any idea? I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess, it has to do with just the evolution of language like. You know, English, a lot of a lot of English words come from Latin, ah which phonetically is just different. So maybe you would pronounce the K of knife in Latin and it just never dropped off um or whatever language the word knife comes from.
It could also be a dialect difference. I know that's why we have things like ah cow and beef. um Like why why there's a different name for the animal and the meat is because of different hierarchies way back and in European days. um Way back in those European days, you know. um Way back now, yeah, old Europe. Yeah. um
I would guess.
that That would be my guess is that it's it's holdovers from the evolution of the English language from another language. Well, yeah, that um that is a big part of it is that like the like. For instance, like you almost hit it right on the head, like German and Dutch have like that kind of K sound, so usually they would actually say the K. It wasn't like a silent thing. It was like I think it was like um Like, ah like kind of kind of something like that. So like, it wasn't like, give me the knife. It was like, ah give me the NIF. It was like, give me the knif. So like sometimes when you're being funny and I do this a lot when like I'm like, give me that kniffy over there. Like that's actually that's actually closer to how it was probably originally spoken yeah from where we took it. um But one that I found to be quite interesting.
Uh, cause I did do a little bit of pre, uh, pre search on this one because I didn't know if you and I would fully know the answer and I was curious. Um, uh, but a lot of it, uh, came from like, uh, what's the word I'm looking for? Um, like, uh, uh, uh, we're like, there's like a, um, consistency across language, right? So like, because the English especially borrows from so many different languages, um, that, like, for instance, oh, here it is. I have it up here. Actually, I I cross reference this with an answer that somebody in the thread came up with. And it turns out it's pretty legit, is that they would say like words that come from Latin via French, such as plum, P L U M B, or in their original spelling, P L O M B E.
ah and bomb or B O M B E. Like when we took those and then we found like other words that sounded like them, sometimes they would add the B to the end just so that way it looked consistent across the language but based on other spellings that we took. So bomb, we just shave the E off in French. Plumb. We shaved the E off and put a U in there from French. And then though as we kept getting to other places, like they were like, oh, hey, you know what? It looks weird if we have the word dumb, D-U-M. So like you know when plumb or um we're talking plumb is in like plumbing, not the food plumb.
Um, or like bomb. They're like, well, just slap a B on the end of that bad boy. That way, that way it looks the same. Um, so like crumb and thumb and stuff like that. It's just, it was just an addition. So there's consistency across the language. Isn't that fucking crazy? Some are just like, but but then we have laughter and slaughter and daughter and not after. And I'm like, well, where the fuck did that go? but know to this That's just people that, that came up with the words wanting to make them visually, um, isome. Yeah, you know what? It's like a good isome written language. um But then they skipped shit like daughter and laughter and after and just it just really irritates me that. People say, oh, learn English, you should learn English. I'm like the people that fucking live here can't even learn it. It's so hard, ah so hard. I can't learn another language if my life depended on it. I have tried.
But even with my absolute failures and learning any other language, I can tell without a shadow of a doubt, English is the hardest one. We have so many stupid. yeah Like unneeded rules. Like sometimes I before E, except after C, sometimes the E is silent. Sometimes, you know, like you said, laughter and daughter, why do they sound so different? Why do we have five different words? And and it's not always I before e except after see sometimes that's not the case. And so like that's the neighbor in the way. and And it's just like, you know, it's just it just it is a very confusing language. And those are coupled together. Yeah, you're right. It is. It's just duct taped in places and they're like, I know that'll do it'll do for a language. And you have to remember that um Europeans back in the day were known for
aggressive expansion. Colonizing nicely. Yeah, so they would colonize these places, right? And then they would bring ye olde English to places with other languages and instead of. The um the native people. going one for one off old English because they can't, you know, you're going to have accents and stuff that they would actually merge. Right. That's why you have different dialects, different accents ah for all different kinds of English. But that's also probably why English has so many disparate rules is because they're all from different places that um Europeans settled way back in the day.
You know, they we've got just like America has a little bit of everyone in it. We have a little bit of every language in in English. um
Yeah, that's. Yeah, it's just like. Yeah, it's like it's like puzzles. It's like puzzles that are just kind of gluing different pieces in there, like, yeah, that looks close enough to whatever scenery that's supposed to be. Yeah, but um It's kind of interesting how we kind of got on a similar subject because like, yeah, as we were working towards it, I forgot that I just put that question on like maybe 20 minutes before we hit record. And then I was like, oh, fuck, I forgot we were talking about that today. And so like, as we were doing it, I was like, all right, let's see what the third question is i like. You know what? I'm going to save some of the thoughts I have because I was going to talk about the bee thing. And I was like, hey, you know what? We're going to be talking about it here in about two seconds anyway. So oh good actually, you know what I found really interesting about language a couple of years ago?
Was that I started watching more YouTube stuff just because normal TV is disgusting at this point. um And a lot of people on tv on YouTube and stuff are European, right? So I've been exposed to a lot of European dialects. And it's kind of crazy because when you're learning different languages, you have to kind of rewire your brain to think in that language. um in terms of sentence structure or words and how they mean different things. And it's very interesting to see that with Europe, ah with Europe, because we speak the same language word wise, right? Like I can understand what you're saying, but there is a different phrase, like different phrasing um mechanics and different words for different things. And it's kind of like,
a way to see that that change between languages in a way that I can still understand the other language because it is still English, but it's a different a completely different dialect of English. Right. And a lot of it is also socially influenced. So like there's a lot of just societal structure that like influences, you know, like. I was going to say 50 years ago, but it's not 2000 year 2000 anymore. So like 75 years ago, the word mad simply meant crazy. You know, but somewhere along the way through like social structure and just like the way that people use words or even misunderstood words because a lot of times that's how they get a different origin or a new meaning is just a misunderstanding of what it means. Hell, that's how America got its name. To be honest, we were supposed to be called the United States of Vespucci, but they really fucked that up. Whoops. But um
But like so, yeah, mad used to mean crazy and now it can mean crazy or it means just angry. um So that's why one of the questions you asked, like, why do we have so many words for things? A lot of times it's just socially that just made more sense, I guess. I mean, if you and that's still happening today, right? yeah we Yeah. Our generation, we had sick or bad. Yeah. Bad used to mean good. Sick used to mean awesome. You know, like, oh, man, that's bad. Like, that's good. Like words that typically have negative connotations. Yeah. Now there are positive. Yeah. Like Michael Jackson, who's bad? being Yeah. Or like sick. Sick was a big one for me. Like, oh, yeah, that's sick. And I remember, you know, older generations being like, what do you what does that mean? I'm like, oh, it means it's good.
Mm hmm. And now, you know, I'm like that with kids these days. What the hell is there is? Oh, it means charisma. I mean, OK, I just learned what gap is. I'm just happy that they know what the word charisma means, or at least have some idea of how it's used. I don't think they know what means more than just, you know, trying to hit on people. But hey, they're at least on the right track. I keep hearing something about a skibbity toilet. And I'm like, I know it's a video. It's not a thing. I don't want to see it. Don't even bother. It's just like a very poorly animated head in the toilet that's doing scatting. And it doesn't make any sense. And if you ask any Gen Z or they don't even know what it means.
Gosh, they don't even know what it means. They just say it because people are saying it because I keep hearing that one coming up and I'm like, I know it's a video of a head in the toilet, but that's it. And I haven't looked any more into it than that. I only know that because one of the little dudes I used to work with at the um at the autism clinic ah was like really big anyway. And he's like, Mr. Adam, we have to watch the toilet. Mr. Adams, give it a toilet. and I was like, I don't know what this is. And he'd get like really pissed off at me. And I'm like, well, show it to me. And he goes, no, you should know what it is. So I had to look it up on my own phone because he wouldn't do it. And so that's how I learned what's going to throw it was. and It's literally that there's nothing else to it. I don't understand why it's popular. um Fantastic. It's just it's fucking wild.
Oh, but this was us with Pokemon. I know it. Probably like I feel like mom and dad. I know you're watching. ah I get it. I get it. I understand with the Pokemon. I get it. Although I don't want to before we wrap up, I don't want to say that like I'm angry about it because like there are words that I know that every generation comes up with that just eventually just die. Right. There are so many like Shakespearean words and like the old English words that like I think we should bring back. And there's, you know, like isome. We have this wonderful word and that's the first time I've ever even heard of it.
Um, you know, so like, I'm sure that, you know, the history books will add Riz to it. The dictionary will add Riz to it as like a slang. Oh yeah, absolutely. You know, I like that. I think fire kind of stuck around socially, but a lot of the words that we come up with, most of those are just going to fall by the wayside, especially because of how fast internet culture is now. Words will spread very quickly. And then before you know it, nobody was saying anymore unless it's like, ah oh, you still say skip any toilet. OK. OK. It's going to be cool up until we start using it. And then it's all right. And I made it lame.
that's that's how like That's how I get in ah and on the on the nerves of like younger kids that like I work with. I'm like, you guys heard of the Skibbity's toilets? and like Well, that's why they used to do Pokemans. Yeah, it's so funny. Just to piss us off. Yeah. The Pokemans. And so like yeah I put the S at the end too. What are these Skibbity's toilets everyone's talking about? Where do I get one of the Skibbity's toilets? And they're like, it's Skibbity toilet, Adam. You know it's Skibbity toilet, Adam. I was like, no. I mean, that's one Skibbity toilet, but there's two Skibbity's toilets. right It's like attorneys to two toilets. Is it a skippity toilets? It's like attorneys general. That's why I say skippies toilet. but It's like Eureka's castle. If anybody's old enough to remember Eureka's castle. um But I mean, and it's it's hard to remember because even I fall for that trap of like kids these days, they're coming up all these stupid words. I don't understand any of it anymore. And it's all sounds so dumb. But you have to remember that this is just normal like
ah Languages evolve young people come up with slang older people get left behind and it sucks But this is exactly how your parents felt is how you feel and this is how they're gonna feel in 20 30 years Oh, it's already happening a lot of zoomers are hating Jen alpha slang. Yeah, like yall I mean so I mean hey welcome to it just so what i'm saying is it's happening so fast probably far quicker than it you ordinarily would and But like this because Internet culture moves so fast and a lot of people are adapting their terms from like stupid shit that Internet streamers on Twitch say that like a lot of it is just influenced by that. It's not even influenced by like really social structure. It's just whatever one popular guy on the Internet says. Did you I forget if I told you about this, but did you hear that they were thinking of making um a new person like first person, second person, third person. They wanted to make a fourth person.
That is talking to chat. I have there isn't a chat because I have a heard of that. Yeah. um And I don't again. But that's what I'm talking about is it's all streamer influence. That's why people are saying it. Chat this chat that like it just doesn't make sense in any other context. Like if someone says it will and it might die. But apparently younger people are saying that like before they do something stupid, like some thing. They'll see a chat. show just Check this out. Even if they're not streaming or anything, it's just and I hate to do that. And that is one thing of the making it a fourth person. It does not deserve it. There's no literary use for it. You're not going to be able to turn it up in a school paper and say, I'm writing mine in fourth person that my entire essay is written in fourth person story mode.
And it's like, chat, should I chat? Should I go raise up this girl? It just doesn't work. You can't write in fourth person for a very long time. It's like one quick quit. And that's it. If it's going to stick around, it's like a colloquial joke. That's fine. But yeah, literally, it doesn't make sense. There's no way it'll be sustainable. um But hey, you know what? Good for them. But that really, that pretty much puts a pin in my point, is that most people are adapting their new terms, Gen Alpha are adapting them from whatever a popular streamer says. so And because people say that a lot, like, that's just what they say. They're very influential, but like, influenceable, but like, you know, in like a few years, they won't even be saying anymore. I'm just glad partners died. I hated that one. You know what one I'm bringing back is dope. Dope is fine.
You know, whenever, whenever something could happen, somebody would be like, yeah, that's poggers. I'm like, oh, I like dope though, even though I felt bad because I always use it around people who are on dope and I don't realize it until afterwards. I'm like, oh man, that's dope. And they go, no, this is dope. And I'm like, ah, you got me. Yeah, you got me. ah You got me. I laughed, he laughed, the dope laughed. The dope laughed, we all laughed, yeah. it's ah Also, it's a great band if you're into like kind of harder rock kind of like grungy metal. It's pretty good. I love it.
but um Yeah, it's a band called Dope and they're good, but you have to really like like harder stuff. It's not like growly metal, but they have this great song that starts off with a little girl saying, Daddy, when I grow up, I want to be a tapas dancer so I can make a lots of cash. um and it's it's And then they just go hard on this crazy message, just like, I don't want to ruin it, but it's a great song. It sounds like it's like, whoa, what's the song promoting? And then through like all of their like hard stuff, you're just like, OK, like they're trying to make them send a message here, you know. So like you wouldn't know it because sometimes like they're just they go so hard. Then they have another song that's just called that just just like pretty much just a big fucking heavy metal encouraging song about going for your dreams. And like you wouldn't know it at first, but then like you hear them just being like,
Oh, fuck, I can't remember what the song's called now, like my brain is slipping it. But Mel and I just got into Electric Callboy. They are very good. Am I thinking of Static X? Because I do love dope. But Static X might be another one. um That might be what I'm thinking. They all have they both have similar sounds. What's the song? What it was it? What were you talking about? Electric Callboy. I'll have to send you some of their stuff. It's i yeah it's kind of it's silly, like really heavy metal. I love it. I love that. It's interesting. It's really good stuff. What it's called. What is it again? I'll look it up. in Electric Callboy Callboy.
ah The song that we the song that we were introduced to was ah We Got the Moves. Is it like a cover of We Got the? Oh, no, that's We Got the Grooves. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah, no, no, it's not. Although they did do um Every time we touch, they did a cover of that. I love my Cascada. Is it called Cascada? Cascada. I can't remember. Cascada. Oh, good. though Yeah. there's a good attack it Oh, take your best shot is what the song is called, by the way. It's just like this fucking heavy song about just like going for yours. It's so good. I'll have to look that up. I want to hear that. I love it. Dope is awesome. They're great.
um ah ahll Of course they have a song called die motherfucker die, which is just a great one for when you're angry Well, that's funny cuz I used to listen to burn motherfucker burn it's i die mother the fuck die by the fuckcker die um Anyway, let's stop talking about that. Let's wrap up this episode. What are we talking about today, Danny? We talked about a good way, a good easy white lie to tell people that you do for work in case you don't want to talk about your job or you can't talk about your job. We talked about what's hard about dating you. you know Do you really think about what your own introspection is and what your own quirks are and and maybe what might make you a little tough to date or to be around sometimes?
and then We talked about what the reason was that we have silent letters and words. And of course, we learned isome, which is just a spectacular word that people should be using more. um And it sounds like a good session to me. I agree. Danny, do you have anything you want to say to the nice people out there? No, I'm good. Sure. All right. Well, I'll go. You know what? I'll let you go second because I go second usually. So well you know what, let's change it up a little bit. Okay. Um, I like it. So Hey, Hey guys, firstly, uh, if you made it this far, thanks for listening. We always appreciate it. Of course you can go to fun of solids, network.com. If you want to send us a message or, you know what, read some articles. We're going to try to reboot that pretty soon. So we did a lot of ah video game articles about games we like.
Uh, we were going to start, uh, Cass and I did a couple of entries about like video game characters that we we would want to date. Um, I forget who she picked, but I think lightning from final fantasy 13 was mine. Um, and, uh, so if you want to go read about that, those were a lot of fun. Good pick. Um, I love, I don't care what anybody says. I love final fantasy 13. It was a little different, but I liked it. um and i love that whole it got kind of crazy as the sequels went on but i don't care i still think it's great um but uh but yeah if you want to go check that out please do and you know i just wanted to say you know this has just been a dream come true for me uh you know i look forward to doing this every week with danny and just like i always told my parents when i grew up i want to be a
famous besture And ah you know, it just really means a lot to me. So to my mom, Terry, and my dad Gabe, just thank you all so much for bringing me up to be just a wonderful human being um and just a lovable person to talk to. And you know, just someone who really likes to just pursue passions and make people smile. So thank you all for that. And Danny, um what do you have to say to people? Yeah, thanks so much for listening. If you want to send us a question, either in voice or in chat, ah check us out at thefuninstallersnetwork.com and you can leave us a message for our friend Cass who will who will give it to us. Or you could just tell us how good or bad we're doing.
um Thank you so much for listening again. We hope that the A's of your cues was to your liking. um I don't know, whatever the hell else Adam would say at this point. The A's of your cues.