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A Croc of Petrichor image

A Croc of Petrichor

That's Our Q
21 Plays10 months ago

What do you wear to an aquarium interview? Should the dog test be allowed to field potential lovers? Would you rather restart at birth with your current knowledge? We discuss this and Petrichor on today's episode!

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Introduction to 'That's Our Cue'

And you know this would be the point where you would get used to me saying something like oh no Danny I forgot to think of a thing and As a matter of fact I did but I'm not gonna panic about it this time I'm so surprised by that. I really thought for once you were gonna have one
You know, I don't, uh, because, you know, it's the cards on the table. Uh, first of all, hello everybody. We've been troubleshooting a microphone issue.

Purpose and Tone of the Podcast

Uh, so my brain has been a hundred percent committed to doing that. So good morning, good afternoon and good evening to all of you out there. This is, that's our cue, our TOQ for short, where we take your cues and we troubleshoot them by doing Googles on the internet and unplugging them and plugging them back in until eventually
They work like the good little A's that they're supposed to be doing, so we can record this lovely podcast. My name is Adam, and for those of you who don't know what any of that means, we take your questions from Reddit and other forum sites such as that, and we answer them as if anybody cared about our opinions.

Ramen Love and Aquarium Interview Attire

As I mentioned, my name is Adam, and I'm here with my good buddy Danny Guarantee. Hello, Daniel. Hello, Mr. Adam. How are you today? Actually, I'm pretty good. I got a belly full of ramen and a heart full of joy to be with you, my friend.
Oh, not like my heart just skipped a beat, just hearing that about having ramen because I can get you. I mean, oh, don't I love ramen. I lived off that shit in college.
I'm talking like Japanese ramen, like giant fucking bowl cooked in an authentic Japanese restaurant. Ever since I watched D'Argo, I've been wanting to try that. Oh, it's so good, dude. It looks so good. Yeah, it's awesome. If you ever come visit me in Pennsylvania town, maybe we'll go to a place I like to go. Well, if you're going to make me.
You know, you guys have never come to visit me on my turf yet. You know, I just, you know, we can talk about that another time. Dan's in trouble. That was about what you want to do, Mr. Homeowner. But no, so we're here to answer some questions. You want to just jump into it and do the thing?
I'd love to. Yeah, let's just get right into it. All right. Well, yeah, you know, just throw it in. It's been a little while since we've gotten to really dive in. So I know I got my question brain going. It's rusty. Yeah. So this one, I have a question from someone who apparently I did not save the user name.
I don't remember why I don't have user names on two of these questions. Oh, how did I had them? I just did these yesterday. How did I fuck that up so badly? This one is from Reddit user one. And they ask, what do you wear to an interview at an aquarium?
and they want to say, I got an interview to be a paid intern at an alligator exhibit and aquarium. I'd be doing the aquarium and cleaning duties.

Interview Dressing Tips

So not a formal office job type of thing. I don't think I should dress too formal because of this, but I don't know a good middle ground. Any help? So Danny, let's help this person. Please forgive me if you ever hear this episode. I apparently cut off your username. What do they wear to an aquarium interview?
Um, I know they said that They're looking for a middle ground, but I think personally the better way to go Uh try and find like a t-shirt with some kind of funny alligator pun On it, you know something alligator related Uh, or if you're feeling really ballsy and you want something kind of dressy that's not super dressy commit to the bit
and dress up as the late and great Steve Irwin. Oh, oh, you know what? To add on top of that, even though this is an alligator exhibit, go in with Crocs on your feet. Mm hmm. You know, just like really just play it off like, hey, I got with the Crocs. You're like, you're working with the Gators and you're like, ah, maybe I'll see you later. Alligator. Yeah, that's what they'll say to me where like you you stick little pieces of paper on the Crocs to give them teeth and everything.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like crocodiles. Put that shit in sport mode. Mm hmm. Fun fact, I've never put a pair of crocs on my feet in my life. Sam, I respect myself too much. Yeah, I said it. Yeah, I try. I was I almost went there, but I was going to like, you know what? People seem to really like them. They seem to be really comfortable, but I can't. And they're so customizable. I see so many bright, colorful ones with logos and spray paints and all sorts of goofy shit. But I just cannot.
Like, I understand they're practically just slippers that you wear out into the world. But just my brain is just like, I don't know if I could feel like I can truly function as an adult. I'll just know. Proxer for people who don't care that they're not for. Yeah, they're just not my style. Yeah. And so if anybody wants to invent adult Velcro shoes or just any kind of laceless shoes, please for men, because I know a lot of
women's shoes, like they have like the ankle high boots with zippers. Yeah, dude, come on. I need some male shoes that have like a zipper or Velcro or something that's better. I mean, there are some slip ons you can get that kind of go on like hard slippers that you can go out in the world with. But I would love you know what I want. I want I want to have an old school Velcro based shoe that it has the old school light up mechanic where I knew you were going to say light up shoes.
Do you know why because i wanted one as an adult for so long in the only way that i can get em is if i get those ones that you just change the different lights like the lit up the whole time you have to charge your shoes and i will not live in a world where i'm charging my shoes i acquiesced a bit and got a god damn smart watch and i hate myself every day i put it on but i will not i will not plug in my shoes it's not happening.
Will not plug into my shoes. I would rather die. I'd rather have a pair of light up kicks that will die after like two months and then I'll be sad about it and then forget. Then like I don't even know what those were made of. Were there actually bulbs in there? What was the light up? How did those? Yeah, it must have been like little bulbs in there and then a pressure pad. Maybe I assume there was just like a bunch of like fireflies in there that like could have been until they died.
And every time you took a step, you whacked them on the head and made them light up. Yeah, I also used to have a shirt. I make shirts to have buttons on them that like make the noises like I used to have when I wore to school that when you push it, it would go take me to your leader. It died very quickly in the washer. But at the time, it was one of the coolest things I ever had in my life. Award for school picture day. When when Mel and I were getting married, I kept telling her I wanted to wear a bow tie that when you press a button, it would spins.
And. I kept telling her, I'm like, come on, I really want to have this, you know, and then when we kiss, I'll spin it. Mm hmm. She she said no. She put the. Good job that real quick. Maybe you can do like a reenactment of it when you renew your vows and do it there. There you go. I something tells me she'll say no. Come on. But all right, let's get back to helping this person read it. User number one. OK, so.
Here's here's some sincere advice, although I do like the idea, frankly, and I'm not lying, that maybe you do just kind of go in there and just kind of cheese it up. You're like, hey, I'm here to work with the Gators. You know, like it is a cleaning job. So you'd probably you know what I mean? Like, I don't know if you've ever seen stepbrothers, but like they both show up in like fucking like black and white suits to for like a janitorial job. They're like, why the fuck did you?
You know the like are you dressed up in a suit to for an interview to clean toilets you know i don't think that you could ever be super overdressed bed. I'm there so here's a piece of advice that i learned recently is that it is okay just to ask.
Like if you have a big interview coming up or maybe you don't think of it as a big interview, but like, I think all interviews are big because it's an opportunity to learn something and present yourself. But I recently just finished an interview, a virtual interview, which I haven't done a lot of. And I was very confused as like, how do you dress on a virtual interview? Like, do I still put on a nice suit? Like, you know, what do I.
So I emailed the lady back and I was like,

Interview Preparation Advice

this was very recent. I'm talking like two days ago. And I was like, hey, I just feel a little bit awkward to ask this, but you know, if it's okay, you know, what, what expectations do you have for dress? Because I, you know, I don't want to overdress, especially if it's going to be a zoom call. And actually she was spotted and was like, dude, just wear whatever you're wearing. Like we usually wear sweatpants to work. I was like, what? Oh yeah, man. Like for a zoom anything.
The dress code is only the top half.
Right. But she said don't wear it. But she was like, you know, just like something comfortable as long as like, you know, whatever you think you would wear to like go to the store. She's like, just, you know, wear that. Like we're usually pretty casual. And then another interview when I asked, they told me the same thing. Just I went to a physical interview and it was a workout job, like a physical job. And they said, you know, it's a physical fitness job. Don't come up in a suit. Just like we're like active gear in case we want to put you on the floor. So I was like, OK, I can I can just wear like
a pair of sweatpants or like a pair of gym shorts to an interview taking that like one step further my father in law has long said like i will never wear a tie to a job interview because if it's the kind of job that expects me to wear a tie i don't want it so i don't know how well that would go nowadays but i always you know that there's another way of looking at it too where it's like
You know, if you don't want a job where you have to get super dressed up, never go to an interview super dressed up and it'll weed itself out. Right. I have definitely noticed like I think since. Covid began and Zoom calls and like online calls became more prominent. I do think that there has been like this new era of like
Like let's just get, most people are a lot more awkward. And so they're like, I don't care what you're wearing as long as you're not showing up in like a spaghetti stained t-shirt and ripped jeans or something. You know, like, you know, I mean, I think as long as you gotten a lot more casual, like right tattoos are now much more widely accepted than they used to be. Although they still have to be nice and presentable tattoos,

Social Advice and 'Trial by Dog'

you know,
But it used to be if you had any tattoos at all that would show even a little bit, you were just tossed out with the trash. Nowadays, though, I work with a whole bunch of people with ankle tattoos, arm tattoos that you can kind of see poking out of the shirts and stuff.
Yeah, it used to be like I remember my first dishwashing job, like a dishwashing job in the back where hardly anybody sees you. And this one girl constantly kept having to wear like longer sleeves to cover up her tattoos or like if she had a nose piercing, she'd have to take it out just to like come into work. And I always thought like that's so weird, especially because like we're not up front like we're in the back.
Nobody can see me. What does it matter? Why do you care like it's not going to affect how they do their job? You know, so yeah, so I think it's like you said it's so much more casual so, you know, honestly a pair of khakis or a nice pair of plants and like
If you really are too awkward to ask, like a very basic pair of dress shoes, like a brown pair of shoes, some khakis and like a polo shirt. If you're a guy, that's more than plenty most of the time. Yeah, you know, I said to as a golf shirt, like a nice just a nice collared shirt.
Yeah, no, I'm not sure about women's dresses because but like from what I've seen when I was like in the same room as others, usually it's kind of similar just like a simple pair. I've seen a lot of those pinstripe pants. Those are pretty popular, I think. And then usually just like a real relaxed looking vest. I've seen a lot of gals where it's like a casual vest over top of like a nice blouse or something. But like it's not anything over the top. Like they're not showing up in like a power suit.
You know, especially I tend to try and give advice on the girl have. I'm sorry, lady. Yeah, that's OK. I'm only going off of what I've seen and then working in the dance business, like the different kind of outfits I've seen for different events and stuff. You know, but I've never dressed in women's clothing yet for an interview. And if you're nervous about asking the interviewer. You know, it's an aquarium. It's a place where you'll run into workers.
Ask one. Hey, what did you wear to your interview? You know, I'm I'm here for an interview. I don't know what the dress code should be. If I were asked that at work, I'd say, oh, yeah, here's how I showed up and that'd be the end of it. Yeah. If you if you want to go again, this is just for guys, but I know that there are female equivalents.
What I have been doing lately has been like at least for the top half is instead of wearing like a button up shirt or a tie or anything, I have like a really relaxed casual blazer that I have probably three or four that I cycle through like a gray one. I got a navy one, a black one.
Uh, I think I have two black ones in there. I need a brown one, but, um, but like, and I just like slapped that over like a shirt, like a polo shirt that I think it looks good on. And then like, that's it. Like it's, it's like, it says like, Hey, I own a sport coat or a blazer, but like, but like, but I'm too cool to put on a dress shirt and a tie.
So like it kind of it kind of has like that kind of chill like it's a power move because you show up, you're like, look, I'm rocking this and I look really fucking good, but I can drop this sport coat in a second and we can go play some disc golf in the yard, you know. So that's kind of that's where I'm at. I have I have a little bonus interview tip for people here, too. And this is something I did in my last interview for the job I currently have.
And I've been told since by the person that interviewed me that it was great. Um, I was always under the assumption that, you know, you, you need to do your research on the company you're applying to, right? They're going to ask you, so what do you know about the company? And they expect you to have at least some kind of answer. I always assumed they wanted you to act as if you already knew this information, like you actually, um,
Just you know, like you just know this, right? So I would always try to memorize one or two facts about the company that seemed pretty good. But this last time I said, you know, I'm going to try something different. And I actually went online, I looked up all this info and I took notes. I had like three pages of facts about the company. So when they asked me that at the interview, I said, oh, I'm actually I'm really glad you asked. I did some research and I started reading off the stuff and she stopped me halfway through and was like,
I've never seen somebody come more prepared for that question. So don't be afraid to actually write down the notes for that question and actually have pages of notes for what do you know of the company? It shows that you did the research, that you actually went in and cared enough to look and didn't just look up two or three things and try to memorize them. So there you go. I look up the two or three things. Well, that's what I used to do, but this apparently worked so much better.
Yeah. Well, the thing is for me is how I usually do it is I sling it back. Like if they're in the middle of a thought, they'd be like, Oh yeah. You know, like the company that I'm starting with pretty soon, um, they said, Oh, you know, actually we only opened up pretty recently. And so I was like, yeah, October of last year. Right. And they go, yeah, that's right. So like, you know, if you can kind of like hit, hit like the quick thing was if like, Oh yeah, you guys started, it kind of makes people feel like, Oh yeah. Okay. Like somebody who's kind of in, they get it a little bit.
And then for me, I'm a very inquisitive person. So if you do show up with a list of things, which I think is fine to do because you want to show up like with questions, you're interviewing them just as much as they're interviewing you.
But like, you know, for me, I'm very much like the inquisitive one instead of hitting them with the facts. I'm like, so tell me why it is that you do things this way. Like what's your, my big question is like, what's your culture when it comes to self care and checking in with your team? Because that's very important to me. I need to know that my team gives a crap about me. If I'm having a rough, like this job is going to be really emotionally taxing. Do you guys have a support system for that? Now I went and asked that at a fucking, well, not exactly that at an interview, at an aquarium job, but I still would be like, Oh, Hey, you know,
Yeah, don't be afraid to interview them back a little bit. This is your chance to find out about the company a little bit. And one big thing that I learned that made a big difference in my nerves for an interview. They already think you're the right person for the job.

Improving Communication and Socializing

That's why you have an interview. The interview is to test your personality and see if you would fit in with everyone else or like just how friendly and nice you are.
It's not to drill you on what you know and where you've been before. They already did that with your resume. So. Just go in with the expectation that they just want to meet you. They want to get to know who they might be hiring, you know, and it makes a lot more sense when you look at it that way. And then just show up and be like, hey, so how about that new Fallout series? Am I right, guys? And they're like, oh, my God. Yeah, I could be playing Fallout three right now.
Anyway, to sum up the question, you know, come in with some questions, do a little bit of research on the job. And as far as what you're wearing, again, there you can't go wrong with like a decent pair of dress shoes, whatever your nicest pair of pants is. And like if you're a male, a polo shirt.
you know, if their aquarium has a gift shop with a polo shirt, that. Yes. Honestly, I agree. 100%. If you can slip in there and get you an actual shirt, be like, look, I invested in this job already by buying this shirt. You know, like I've already supported the company. You support me back. I bet you that would score you such bonus points. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Especially if you walk in with the tag still on.
And they're like, did you just get that like you damn right? I did. And look up, look up alligator facts, because, you know, even if you're not super interested in alligators, they're looking for somebody who is. So just like we said, look up facts about the company, look up facts about alligators so you can project that you really love alligators and want to work with them. Your passion alligator. Alligator. I barely know a gator.
Anyway, let's move on to the next question. Shall we? We've been talking for 15 minutes on this. Let's move on. It's been a while. We have a lot to catch up on. It's true. That is so true. You know, I again, just as a reminder, I also cut off the name on this one. I don't know how I did that.
I don't know what the F I did that I was in like a tired like slump and just apparently I didn't get this is Reddit user number two. Are they ask what the hell does it mean to put yourself out there with three question marks at the end? And they say I've heard this over and over again with regards to dating, job searching and anything in between.
but I don't know what it means. And when I ask, all I get are vague answers. They'll say, I don't know, just do it, which is superbly unhelpful. So please tell me, what does it mean to put yourself out there? So Danny, if I were to tell you, hey man, why don't you just go put yourself out there? Like what does that mean to you? Uh, the simplest, most straightforward answer I could give for that would be leaving your comfort zone.
uh whether that means talking to people that and you're not usually super social you're putting yourself out there you're you're putting yourself where uh you don't feel comfortable where other people can see you you know that that kind of stressful environment that's the out there um you are
expanding yourself. You're expanding your horizons. You're putting yourself out into an area you are not in, whether that be communication or getting a new job. You got to put yourself out there. You got to get yourself known to all these companies.

Personal Growth and Expanding Horizons

Get your resume out there. So yeah, I would say it's leaving your comfort zone. It's
getting yourself somewhere you don't feel comfortable being, not necessarily physically, but mentally, emotionally, maybe physically. Yeah, that would be the best way I could think to describe it. I think especially like,
If it, as you were saying, like it's specific to what you want. Like a lot of people saying, Oh, I don't meet any new friends, but then they never leave their house. So like, you know, like I don't have anybody to hang out with in real life.
Well, if again, if you don't go out place where there are people again, it is hard to meet people, especially in an age where everybody's so awkward and obsessed with their phones. But this is just an example of like you have a zero percent chance of meeting anybody new if you don't invite people over or if you don't like if it's a friend that doesn't that has a friend you're going to meet or if you don't go someplace where there are people. So, yeah, like you said, the out there is in a place that either you're unfamiliar with or that you don't
Really, you know, if you're comfortable with yet, you know, you can't. It's like the lottery. You can't win if you don't play. But you also lose if you play sometimes at the lottery. So it's hard to say you might lose. But that's OK. You're allowed to lose. You're allowed to lose. You only have to win once. That's a big thing that I see with a lot of like online relationship stuff is like, oh, she said, no, I'm giving up. It's like, no, no. Keep not with the same person. They said, no, they're done.
But like keep trying to find that person because you you can fail an infinite number of times. You only need to find the right person once, hopefully. Yeah, so it just really depends on what you are looking for and what your goals are. So and it helps if you can find something. To go to that you are passionate about, because you'll find other people passionate about that thing. Hey, you can talk to this cute girl about that thing you're both there for.
And hit it off. Yeah. Or, you know, like oftentimes when I hear put yourself out there, it's usually like part of the example in the text is something social, you know, like, oh, come on, man, you got to put yourself out there, you know, go to the party, go to the.
I don't know, go to the game, whatever it is, you got to put yourself out. Like sometimes it's literally just go out into the world. I just go go places and do the thing. Put yourself in the world. Put your, you know, put put you out into other people's lives. Yeah. Pick a their point to it and go there. That's out there. But the only place you can't go is here. You have to go there.
Right. Can't go here. Don't go here. Put yourself out here. You have to put yourself out there. Yeah. Out over there or over there, but not over here. Further. Further. Yeah. A little more. Wherever you think there is, go about like 30 feet past that. Go long. That's. Go long. Perfect.
Yeah, you know, and I like this question because like it might be weird to ask it straight up, like to put yourself out there. But some people might ask that differently as like something more akin to like, how do I put myself out there? Like, or how do I usually it's more specific? Like, how do I go meet people? How do I talk to guys or girls? How do I, you know, I mean, it's a good question because nobody ever does really bring up. Like, what does that actually mean?
Right. Or how to do it like they're saying, what does it mean

Embracing Interests in Social Settings

to put yourself out there? But it's just as accurate to say, how do you put yourself out there? What? I mean, how am I going to do it if I don't know what it is? And if I do know what it is, usually the following question is, what do I do? How do I get there? You don't think people don't. That seems to have gotten lost, is that communication is like any other skill.
And I learned this firsthand. I used to be a lot less communicative. I used to be a lot more shut in than I am now. And I put myself out there. I said, you know what, I'm going to just start talking to people. And I used to hide like, Oh, I love video games. I love anime. I love this, that, and the other thing, all these nerd things. And I used to pretend to hide, you know, I used to hide all that or like,
miserably try to pretend I like sports of any kind to talk to people and One day I said, you know what screw it. I'm gonna talk about the things that interest me and Over time it got easier and easier, you know, even if I'm talking to people at work, you know, they're all Older women and stuff that don't give her its ass about video games or know anything about them. I
I can still talk about it on a very basic level, right? And we can have a conversation about it to the point where one of my coworkers even came up to me and was like, hey, my nephew's birthday is coming up and they really like to play D&D. What should I get them? And we spent like an hour looking up stuff that would be cool to get a D&D person.
Mm-hmm, and it does get easier. So put yourself out there just start talking to people and be yourself I know it's cliche, but it's cliche for a reason Be yourself if it doesn't work out with somebody that's for the best Because you two don't mesh then if you find somebody that likes you for you that's the best because it's easy then you're not pretending to be something you're not and
Yeah. And if it has nothing to do with any of those things, sometimes it's just as literal as just sharing yourself. That's all it is. Just like Danny was doing, you know, whatever your goal is, that's it. Just to keep it simple. Pick a goal. Whatever that goal is. Go get closer to doing that thing. You know, like that's it. Get out of your talking to somebody little by little and expand your horizons just a little bit each day.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Put yourself out there. Danny, do you have a word of the day for us? Of course I do. Like is it come here without a word of the day?
Yeah. So just so you guys all know, if you haven't listened, I went through what I believe and Danny believes is the list so far on the previous episode. So if you're listening, if you're just starting to listen here and you want to catch up on all the words of the days and what they mean, there's an episode that happened right before this one that has all of our new words on it. So get ready to add this one to the list. Yeah, sorry. I was sick last week, so I wasn't able to do this, but I'm back and I'm better than ever with a word called
Petrichor. Oh, I've heard this word. Have you now? Oh, God, Petrichor. Oh, my God. I feel like it's used about nature or something. Uh, Petrichor. Fuck. I've heard it in like a like a like an old timey Shakespearean thing, I think.
Doesn't it mean something has to do with like it's it's like my brain keeps thinking like do or something like it's like a coding or something. It's something you are very close. You are very close. What does it mean? So it's a distinctive scent usually described as an earthy, pleasant, sweet scent.
The kind produced by rainfall or on very dry ground. Yes. That's what I was. Yes. Rainfall smell. That's why I was thinking of do. I was thinking of rain like wetness. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Petrichor. I knew I've heard that word before. It is a noun.
So you would something you would smell petrichor, like it is. It is that smell. So like like strawberry smell petrichor smells. The desert landscape was quickly transformed as petrichor filled the air after a long awaited rainstorm. That's such a good word. It sounds so good. It sounds it's it's I think it sounds kind of like
It sounds like two things, either it's like an old Greek like hero, like the stories of petrichor or it's like or it's kind of like it's like an injection that you get for like like struggling with struggling with socialization. Try petrichor. It'll give you the mood that you need to socialize all day, every day. Now, I was thinking it sounds kind of like
a fantasy like poison that would petrify somebody. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, like, oh, there's petrichor on her dagger and I'm turning the stone. Right. Or petrichor is like a it's like a it's it's like a basilisk meets like a like a cyclops like, oh, beware of the petrichor. Yeah. You know, like, unfortunately, it's nothing that cool. It is, in fact, just the scent of grass fart. So, you know,
What is that you're wearing? Oh, it's ode de grass fart. Ode de grass, yes. So can you read the definition one more time? I can. It is a noun. A distinctive scent, usually described as earthy, pleasant or sweet, produced by rainfall on very dry ground. Pleasant or sweet, but it is specific to rainfall.
It's that smell you get in the summer after it rains. I love a good petrichor. That's got to be a collogony somewhere. It's got to be. As the storm passed, leaving behind puddles and damp earth, the sweet petrichor lingered like a fond memory. Could you also say smell of petrichor? The smell of petrichor filled the air? The sweet petrichor. Just the petrichor.
Hmm. So you would replace the word smell. With petrichor. Like it like. Oh, so you wouldn't say it smells. I smell petrichor. Well, you you could. Yeah, you could say that. Smells like. Because then you're using smell as a verb and not now, but it would replace like all I love. Um.
Like, hey, look, there's petrichorps. I don't know. Look, hey, petrichorps. How you doing? Like if something like if you say, oh, it smells like strawberries in here, does strawberries, the word strawberries become a noun still or does it become an adjective because it smells like strawberries? You know what I mean? Like a strawberry. So if it smells like petrichorps. Right. Or the subject of the sentence would be the air.
Yeah. Hey, hey, you know, I haven't studied grammar in a long time, so he's listening. You know, help us out here. But petrichor has participle. What is that? It's a beautiful. It's where you leave your participles in the past. You don't talk about them now. I mean, from the sounds of these sentences, you would not say you smell the petrichor. It's just the petrichor like. You know what? That scent is petrichor. So like you would say, I smelled the grass.
So I guess you would say smell. I don't know. Look, next time it rains, you can go sweet petrichor and your friends will look at you like you're weird.

Debating 'Trial by Dog' in Relationships

Yeah, I'm very it's very interesting. The smell of rain, essentially, it's got the word ichor in it or ichor, you know, which is like a very interesting word. Apparently petra meaning stone. So either. Well, that's where that's where petrichor comes from.
Isn't that, I don't know. That's record the blending of my two favorite words. Ask me a different question. Let's get out of this. You know, my favorite words, Ecore and Peter. Peter record. Oh, Peter. Oh my God. All right. Next question. Shall we? Yes, please get me out of here. All right. So I actually have.
some conflicting feelings about this next question. And I think you're a good person to ask this because you have a bird. And I feel like maybe you might have similar feelings. I might be totally wrong about this. But this question is posted by Lord Ronan two days ago, actually. So pretty recent questions by Lord. And they said,
Well, actually, it wasn't really a question. I think they meant for it to be a question, but they wrote it as a statement. They put it should be socially acceptable to use trial by dog in order to test a boyfriend or a girlfriend. What do you think about that? Trial. So trial by dog, as in like you just let your dog go to them and see if their dog likes them.
I mean, I've seen a lot of people, especially on like dating apps or like through Instagram, be like, if my dog doesn't like you, then it's not going to work out. Yeah, you know, I actually. Kind of like that idea in the fact that. I mean, a dog is is it's like having a child, right? Like if you have a new boyfriend, girlfriend and the dog does not like them. It leads to a serious problem in the relationship, either the
other person has to go or the animal has to go. And there is a right answer, but I'm not going to tell you what it is. You monster. Yeah, the pets got to go, obviously. Oh, oh, spoken like a true bacon hater. I don't hate it. I just like sausage better. But yeah, I actually I like that idea a lot. Oh, gosh, not me. Because it means a lot if.
Your pet likes the other person. It's the same as like if I had a child and I was still in the dating pool, I wouldn't want my significant other to be somebody my child doesn't like. Because it would just cause unnecessary friction. Yeah, I mean.
I where I come from, because I'm on the other side of this, I don't I think it's total anus of an idea. But like, I've been trying to understand it. But like, I know a lot of people put a lot of stock in their, their relationships with their pets, they put a lot of
Like there, a lot of people's pets become their personality. So like I've seen that, um, you know, not to say that everybody does, but a lot of people are just like, my baby goes with me everywhere. And I'm just like, Oh my God, then I don't want to be a part of that relationship. I mean, you're talking to somebody who just got a commissioned painting of their.
bird. Yeah, but your bird doesn't go with you to the movies. Your bird doesn't go with you to like comic cons. It's like you're not taking it everywhere you go because you just can't stand being five seconds away from your bird. One of my dreams is to have a baby duck that thinks I'm its mother, so it will go with me everywhere and just be my little companion. Sure. I'd love that.
Yeah, you know, and that sounds fun, but like in a relationship, like I think it depends, like, like just much like with children, children, I think are a little bit more of a serious thing because, you know, their government, uh, mandated that you have to take care of them and get them checkups. You know, all those things that like the government is also a crime, right?
It is, but I mean, like, if your dog dies and you just bury him in the backyard, no one's going to give you any chaff about it. It dies and you bury them in the backyard. Eventually someone's going to give you chaff about that. Where's your kid? You know, like, so like, so my point is, is that like, as far as like relationships concern you, I could see the kid thing, like of the kids, it's really uncomfortable around you, like multiple times, multiple visits. There's no relaxation. Like, okay, what's going on here? Like dogs, I think,
Dogs are simple. I think a lot of people think they put that magic on animals. Like, oh, they can sense this. They can sense that. Like, no, maybe they just have heightened sense of smell and they might smell like, you know, the ganja on you. You smoked like two weeks ago or something and they're like, oh, God, like babies are very sensitive that way, too. Like.
If you have a certain perfume or cologne on and you hold your baby and they start randomly crying, it's because they're very hypersensitive to smells. You know, does that mean that your baby hates you? No, it just means they don't like your smell. You know, so like I think is I think the only way that I can acquiesce to me in the middle for something like this is if like.
it's multiple visits in different arenas, different places, like, you know, maybe at the dog park, and then maybe, you know, in a quieter place, or maybe in your house, or maybe, I don't know, I think it's like, I don't want to sound like I'm saying like, Oh, yeah, yeah, I agree with this, because dogs can sense a person's intentions and stuff. I don't know about that. But
I'm looking at it purely from like a utilitarian standpoint, like. If they don't get along, it will be an issue, it just will at some point you can push it back or if they eventually move in and the dog still alive, it's going to be a bridge you have to cross. And that's for me, unless I really like that other person. I probably wouldn't even think it's worth that trouble, you know, if I really loved my dog.
But and I and I will say it matters infinitely more the other way around. How does the person deal with the dog? Right. If somebody were if I were still dating and somebody came over and treated my bird badly. I'd kick their ass right out the door and never. Oh, yeah, for sure. For sure. I'm 100 percent on board with that. Like if you are intent, like whether it's a child or a fur baby, whatever, you know, like
If the dog growls like them and they smack it, get them the hell out of there. Right. You know, or again, if that's their immediate response, like, you know, like, but at the same time, too, like when I go to my sister's house, for instance, they have an ass load of animals. And the one dog that they call Charlie, she just doesn't like when people come in. And the only time she isn't violent towards people being in the home is if one of the masters are sitting next to her.

Pets, Reactions, and Personal Boundaries

So like anytime that I try to get in the living room charge and try to bite me and I just fucking flex like I'm like go ahead bite me please give me an excuse to punch a dog in the face you know but like but I would you know but if a dog bites me you best fucking believe I'm gonna bite him back.
Sorry. Are you are you just going to make Tyson right for the year? No, I'm going to bite them on the nose. That way they feel it for a longer, you know, like because like I'm going to have to get that probably stitched. That's going to cost me thousands of dollars to get that repaired if it was like a really bad, you know. But that's how I feel if I'm defending myself against a creature that's trying to do me some terrible harm. But like at the dog, just like kind of giving you a little growl, just go back and like, well, OK, bud. OK. OK. I mean, relax.
Yeah, obviously, it's different if you're in self defense or if you're just being a dick. Right. But if like if your first way that you greet a dog is just be an absolute menace, like if you give that dog reason to continuously hate you.
You know, like, yeah, whatever. Like, I don't know that dog story. Like, you know, when I met my roommate's dog, I found out that, like, he adopted him from someone who was giving him away and the owner that had him before was a dark haired white guy that abused him for a really long time. So my roommate was afraid to introduce me to him at first because I'm a dark haired white guy.
You know, and like, you know, so I had to really get close to the cage or the little fence he has and like we would sit next to each other for a while and just get him used to me. I'd feed him treats to the fence and everything like that way. Like he recognized like, oh, hey, this guy's OK. You know, but if you show up just right away, be like, oh, this is mine. I'm a man on top of the food chain. Fuck you. You know, like there are people that do that. It's like, OK, yeah. There's a reason your dog doesn't like this person. Like, you know,
Yeah, if there's a reason, obviously your dog doesn't like them, but but it's like, like I said, I'm looking at it. I'm looking at it more just like utilitarian. Like, is it worth it if you start dating somebody and every time they're around your dog, they don't get along for whatever reason, unless you can figure out what that reason is and fix it.
I'd have to really, really like that that person to sure and that and that does happen just to avoid the headache. Yeah, that would know I wouldn't do the dog test as like my dog is special and can.
sense if you're good or evil like okay yeah i definitely think you're right there has to be like if you're going to do quote unquote like i just don't like the idea of trial by dog because most people mean it literally i was like oh hi here's my dog and like oh if it's not if it's not the same way that people when they're dating think like oh if there's not a spark on the first date there must be there's nothing there
The first time you meet my dog and he's not already licking your face and sleeping in your lap? For me, I get nervous to meet girls who are really attached to their dogs because I fear that they will want me to have the same relationship with their dogs that they have.
But i don't want a dog sleeping in my lap i don't want a dog licking my face like i don't want a dog trying to like sit at the table while i'm eating and staring at me while i'm eating like i just don't like that you know it doesn't mean i hate dogs i don't like pets i love animals you know but i have boundaries and i don't want your pet to cross i love. One of the things i tell people all the time that i love most about having a bird is that.
You know, we can play all day, fly all over the place and all this stuff. But birds like to be in their cage. So he spends a lot of time just in the cage with the doors open. And, you know, if we're busy or, you know, we're doing something in the cage, close it, he's got plenty of toys in there. It's not like locking a dog in in a cage where they're just sitting there with a stuffed animal. You know, it's his home. He's got so much stuff in it.
And obviously that really only works for little for little birds. And I don't know if. Dogs can like sense your intentions or whatever, but I do know that dogs and cats. Can absolutely sense if you're allergic to them, because every time I go over somebody's house with a dog or a cat, they come right up to me and don't leave me alone. And makes me sneeze all day. They always come to me. Yeah, they know they're like this guy.
He's avoiding me, so I'm going to try even harder. Yeah, let me wipe all that dander off on you. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I mean, I am very much like, you know.
I respect that you love the shit out of your animal, but I don't need to love the shit out of your animal. And if that's the expectation that you have, then yeah, we probably aren't going to be together because you are projecting what you want me to be to this person. Like, I don't want to be your dog dad. Yeah, I know.
Like I would I would I would help take care of it. I will make sure it's fed all the things that you need for it. But like I don't want it sleeping in my bag. I don't want to know if somebody comes over and they play with link and they have a good time. And sorry, that's my bird. Yes. And you know, they play with each other and it helps link learn to be around people more. But if somebody comes over and just doesn't even acknowledge him, I don't that's fine, too. I don't care. And I think that's how it should be. Like it's your dog, not mine.
Right. Exactly. Like if that relationship or something, but I'm not going to let him lick all over me. I'm not. I'm the same as you. I have personal boundaries and no take really offense to that, though. Like you don't want to do. Oh, he's just trying to give you a kiss. I can't, but I don't want to kiss your dog. Even when I say I'm allergic, I've had people. Like, you know, the dog will jump on me and I will put my hands up and say get off or down or whatever.
Not because I'm afraid, but because if I touch it and then, you know, touch my eyes, my eye is going to swell closed. Yeah. And I don't want to have to go wash my hands every 10 minutes because I touch the dog again and people get upset like, oh, just give him his pets. He just wants pets. I'm allergic to dogs. Yeah, like that's the thing where it's like.
You see a dog bag at the table or something. Oh, he's so hungry. I was like, look at how fat that dog is. He's fine. Like, you know, like I know you see him through a different lens and that's okay. I am delighted. Like my roommate loves his dog. He loves his cats. And you know what? I've grown attached to all of the animals as well. I have a good time with them. I even exploit several of them for my own Instagram clicks.
You know, but like you monitor. Yeah, I know. I just got the one cat to squeak on camera the other day and I got like a thousand views in like 15 minutes. But like. But my point is, is that just like, but that's the relationship you guys have, like if you want to snuggle it the whole time, like I'll go wrestle with the dog in the backyard sometimes, like I could do that, like get him some exercise. Like, you know, I don't want him laying on me. I don't want him licking my face, all the other stuff. It's different when it's your pet, like, right.
You know, you you know your pet. Like its family, you know, its personality because they they absolutely have personalities and they absolutely have. Oh, for sure. Quirks and stuff like everybody else and you know them all and you've grown together, but. Me and your dog have not to me, it is just the same as any other dog. And that, yeah, that's something you have to keep in mind as a as a pet owner, is that yeah.

Restart Life or Gain Future Knowledge?

People aren't going to love your pet as same as babies. And you know what it is? It's the same thing as people that post nonstop pictures of their babies all online thinking like anyone else gives a crap or like in the old days where like they would just like pull out like just like a whole sleeve filled with family photos like look at my kids. Look at my kids. I don't. Yeah, like that one guy from Family Guy. Look at my family. Look at my family. I do not care.
I don't. That was one of the things that drove me off Facebook was all my cousins got to that age and started having kids. And it was just nonstop pictures of kids. And I was like, pictures of their food or their breakfast, not those. No, thank God. Yeah.
But no, I don't mean to sound like I'm crapping on it or anything. Like I really have gotten a lot of different perspectives, you know. And I grew up as a child with so many, so many animals. It's why my sister has so many now because like she's in control and she can treat them better than our parents ever did when we were growing up.
She has like a whole mission about it. And I think it's great. And that's great for them. You know, do I love when I go open my sister's front door, and then every single tiny dog that lives in there starts yelping at the top of their lungs? No, I hate it. I hate it so much. But then they're like, Oh, hey, it's Uncle Adam, let's hang out with this guy for a bit. And then it's fine. Except for Charlie, because she's an asshole. You know, but like,
But whatever taken away from you, absolutely not. But I'm saying if you're going to do trial by dog or trial by whatever pet, you have to create different environments and situations for that person to have a chance. Because a lot of people love their animals so much that they expect this.
quick fire like, oh, right away if the dog didn't smile at you, if the dog didn't try to lick you or didn't wag its tail when it saw you, that must mean that there's something wrong with you. And I'm sorry, your dog ain't psychic. It's just not how it works, you know? But like, and if they do sense, if they do sense some kind of weird presence, they might just notice that maybe they're scared. Like, I have been viciously attacked by a great Dane when I was like 15 years old, maybe a little younger.
And I have the scars on my face to prove it. And I don't like when dogs are near my face now. I still I'm still trying to get used to it with Marco downstairs. You know, but like it is hard and I get nervous when dogs get close to my face. And some people might notice that and the dog may notice that like, oh, this dude's like on edge. So I need to be on edge. That doesn't make me a bad dude. It means I have trauma. And even if you don't like it could be just
As my personal experience, because I'm allergic again, I never had cats or dogs growing up. I've barely ever been around them because every time I am, it's an issue. Uh, I'm just not used to them. I'm not used to having an animal almost as big as me jump on me. I love that. Or they'll go down and like, you know, start going nuts with the dog. I'm usually like, Oh, hi, hi. I don't know what to do here.
Yeah, I mean, it's like with birds, like I'm my niece has a bunch of birds. She always wants to put them on my shoulder and I get very uncomfortable. She loves it. She is the bird queen. And I'm so happy for that little girl. She is just fearless when it comes to chickens, you know, other roosters, ducks, like these different birds, parakeets, like budgies that she has. She'll walk in and she'll have like seven birds on her shoulders and she's just like the queen.
but like she go here I'll go ahead on me rainbow wants to see you I'm like I don't want rainbow on my shoulder though like I don't I don't want that and probably a part of it is because I'm not used to birds just like you're not used to cats and dogs you know like if I were to go there I'd probably be like oh my god yes please anna you would love it she would be so happy that someone else wants to be like the like royalty amongst birds
I want to be a Disney Princess now please. She would put every single one of them on you. I would take all of them. But my brain's like, I don't want birds to shit on my shoulder, so I don't want it on me right now. You get used to it. A little warm water melts the shit right off.
Exactly. Yeah, but you see like that's your world and I'm happy you have it Danny, but I'm not used to it. No, I understand. It takes getting used to getting shit on all the time. Yeah. You know, the world does it enough as it is. I don't want to risk it for a bird as well. Oh, he got excited. He likes you. He shit on you. Like, that's great. But do I shit on him back because I like him. You know, what do I do? I mean, the whole thing about having a bird shit on you being good luck is bullshit. I'm telling you right now. It's bird shit. It's it's absolute nonsense. I've been shit on birds all of my life.
And every time I play D&D, my roles are no higher than a five. So. Yeah. You know, and, you know, just to wrap up this this thought, you know, perhaps perhaps if I come in with the smell of petrichor upon me and your dog is like, oh, I don't like the smell of rain. Then I don't like petrichor. Then, you know, that's not my for.
Yeah. Oh, the petrichor. And you sent from Giorgio Armani. Indeed. All right. I got one more question for us, Danny. All righty. Hit me. OK. This one's a little bit of a hypothetical. And this is from J Meister with a three instead of the E at the end on the early J Meister, although they spelled Meister wrong and they spelled it M I E S and this is Meister. But Meister, the E E before I in German, not I before E.
So anyway, would you rather restart with all of your current knowledge at birth or receive all of your future knowledge up until the point you would die? Mm. Restart with what you already know, but go back to being a baby. Or rather, I guess it would go back to being a baby in the time that you were born, so you wouldn't write to a baby in 2024. I think you'd go back to 1980, whatever. Go back. OK.
I think so. Would you rather restart with all of your current knowledge at birth? So I think it means you would go back to the day you were born, not be turned into a baby. Right. Yes, I would rather go back to being. I'd rather go back. Yes. What would you do with that knowledge? Like, how do you think like that would change your trajectory a lot? Oh, yeah, absolutely. There are certain things I would absolutely make sure stay the same, right? I would still work where I did where I met Mel.
And I'd still try and act like I did back then and all that.

De-aging vs. Future Foresight

Hopefully that all goes right. The big thing. There's two big reasons why I would want to. One. I want to be a kid again. I want to have no responsibilities. I want to have a second shot at school and take it more seriously. And the big one would be. The only real regret I have in life is.
Um, giving up on science, my science degree and switching to criminal justice. And it just wasn't as good a fit for me, but I got intimidated by chemistry. Um, I would love to go back and redo that and stick with science and see where that takes my life. Interesting. Um, or pursue voice acting from the get go and just go all in on that.
So, yeah, I'd rather go back and give it another shot, not because I don't like my life, but because I think I could tweak a few things to make it even better. Yeah, I think that's a good that's a good approach to that. Like I would feel awkward because like I would still feel like an adult in a kid's body because like I have all of this knowledge. Right. So baby geniuses. So like.
could I guess I'd be fine with playing with kids because I already do that. But like it would feel weird because like you couldn't I couldn't you know like when you're a kid you get your first little crush you know and you got the little puppy love thing like oh look they're cute they're playing house like I like I would have to really change my brain couldn't let me do that even though in the context of me being a child again it would be fine but like it would just feel weird to
do some of the play that you could do as a kid because I would still feel like my adult self is in that body. You know what I mean? Or like I would feel I would feel like
Or if I'm in school, like, obviously all this stuff is easy. I can write my name. I can pass all these tests with flying colors. Like, you know, spelling, I was always, I was always good at spelling as it were, but like, would it be like, Oh, Adam's gifted. And then they would force me into a gifted program or something. Cause they think I'm smart. We're like, I'm actually not. I'm just, I'm just a time traveler. So like.
You know, like there would be parts of me that would just be like, do I have to watch how I approach this? Because tell people, right? Like I could say, hey, mom, like as soon as I'm able to talk again, I'm a time traveler, you know. Yeah, I've done this all before. Here's proof and rattle off, you know, a bunch of shit that no little kid would ever know. Right. You could exploit that. You could just be like, oh, hey, I'm a fortune teller. Ask me. All right. Now, you know. For curiosity's sake.
And because I I think the question was meant this way, you become a baby right in this year. I if it were to take it, because now now it's a hard choice. You don't get to redo things. Now it's just. You basically just age this second and become a rather restart with all of your current knowledge at birth.
or receive. I mean, either way, honestly, I think there's too much temptation to change. Like I would want to seek out people that I know that I want to be friends with. I'm an impatient person. But the thing is, I would have to wait 18 years before I could even try to alter that path. Like I have no freedom. I would be a 35 year old man trapped in a child's body with no agency to do the things I want because my parents would be in control of everything that I do.
Um, you know, there's no guarantee that depending on if I do say, Hey ma, hey, Paul, guess what? I know things, you know, I'm a time traveler from 2024. Like, okay, son, whatever. You could try to get emancipated.
It's true, but I have to wait for, imagine being a baby, like it says from birth. So you were born into this world knowing all these things and you can't do a damn thing about it. You still have to shit yourself. You still have to have somebody change you. You still have to have somebody feed you. You know, like if you were breastfed, that's going to be awkward because now you know things.
You know what I mean? Like, that's a lot of weight to put on yourself as an infant and a toddler. Like, that's just a lot. Like, imagine coming out the gate right away and saying, like, pesceti, like, hello, mother, may I please have the spaghetti and I'd like some black pepper? Because that's how I like my spaghetti. And they're like, what? What the fuck? Like, why? Since when do you eat black pepper? You've never had it in your life. How do you know you like it? You know?
I would like to go to a ramen bar in Pittsburgh. What do you mean it's not open yet? Yes. You know, like it would just be so difficult to not do that. For me, I personally would pick the other one. You would want all of your future knowledge. Yes, I would want like. I imagine how much time that would save. Yeah, of all the things that you already know, you still have to wait, right? Like. No, I would have it already. Well, you would have it, but say like.
you get all this knowledge and you're like, Oh my God, I get it. It takes like 10 years for fun installers to become like this huge conglomerate thing. And, and you know, we all get to just live doing what we love. You have to live with that now in the next 10 years of just like, Oh, that's true. But at least I could set a clock to be like, you know what?
I don't know what my path looks like, but I know that I know these things. The only part of that question that's a little bit uncertain is like, if it's everything that I'll ever know up to the point that I'll die, will I know that I'm going to die? Because everybody knows that they're dead. Like, nobody knows that they're about to die or that they've been killed. You know what I mean? Like, unless like, unless it's a point where like I'm on a deathbed and I know I'm about to go, but if I'm going to get by a bus or a plane is going to fall on top of me, like usually it might be a situation where I don't know what's happening. So I would just know when the
There's also the question of free will versus fate. If it's everything you know and you happen to take a different way to work one day, does all of your knowledge now change to where life would lead you then? Right, well that's what I was gonna say was the gray area that I'm uncertain about is like,
If I know all of these things, has that already predetermined the path that I need to take, or has it already encountered like whatever path I take, does my knowledge shift based on that decision? You know, like is it in flux based on the decisions that I make? Like if I say, like, you know, I've been in the music making a lot. So if I go, Oh, man, I'm really into this software, I'm going to get really good at making beats and making tunes. And then all of a sudden, I'm like,
Oh, hey, I know how to do this in like 30 seconds now because I'm really good at it. Like if that passion stuck through the future, that would kind of let me know like, oh, hey, this is the path I need to stay on because like I'm rocking this shit now. So I must stick with it. Right. So if I deviate from that path, I'll lose that knowledge. Like if it's in flux, and that would really be an interesting way to live your life. You know, you see what I'm saying? Does that make sense? I do. Yeah.
So like if it were that, like if it's in flux and any decision I make will affect like, you know, if I'm like, all right, well, I don't need to do this program anymore. I'm already good at it. And then like I decided to go fuck off and play video games all my life. And then I sit back down on the computer and all of a sudden I'm not good at that program anymore. Then I'm like, oh, fuck, I've changed something. Right. Because now you didn't practice it. Right. So like now I don't have that knowledge anymore.
So then like I just get to use that knowledge now that I already learn and just like advance what I would have done years from now.

Memory, Identity, and Knowledge Impact

I'm just going to do it now. But what? Because I already know I'm going to be good at it. You still have to practice it. Otherwise you lose the knowledge because you never practiced it. Right. I would just have been the point. You still have to do it.
I think that would be a very fascinating way to live.
Right. Well, I think as long as I keep pursuing, I mean, you're always learning. Like there's nothing to say that I'm going to master. Again, let's use a music program, for instance. There's nothing to say I'm going to master the ins and outs of it, but it might be encouraging for me to stick with it. Like if I sit down, if I say, oh, you know what, like, you know, I don't know if I told you this, but I'm considering pursuing being a personal trainer.
Um, and so if I like start reading up on the material and then like, I don't get that knowledge right away, then I'm like, boy, this must not have been for me because this ain't sticking. You know, I guess that's true. You could, you could say you could skip things that, you know, didn't work out. Right. Like you would get a, you would get a ping almost immediately. Like, Oh, Hey, like I'm not.
you know, if I go to open my textbooks for personal training and like, I already know the material, then I must've stuck with it like in the future, you know? So this is a good path for me. I must've thought this was worth my time. Yeah. You know, now, like if, if I meet a woman, if I meet a woman and then like, I know next to nothing about her after I sit down with her, I'm like, well, this must not be working out, but let's not waste your time. See ya. Would it change your answer at all if, if it was my way where it's like,
You just, you de-age just right now. You just go back to being a baby. I don't know why I would want that. So I need to hear why you think that would be better. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't want that. OK, I don't know that at all. No, I would not want that. Like your wife would have to take care of you until you're old enough for her to, you know, you know, to make out with again. Yeah, no, I wouldn't want that.
That would be so weird. That would be a good case for the future one. But I would like to see where my life could have gone. How do you think that would affect your wife or your parents? Like if like do you think that like this was like this is a decision that you make, right? Where you're like, hey, just so you guys know,
Like I have to make a decision in like 30 minutes that this genie is going to snap their fingers. And if I say yes, I'm going to like time is going to turn backwards. I'm going to relive my life. But with everything I know, are you guys cool with that? Because I might not be the same guy here in 30 years. You know, that's fair. Like what they know, like they wouldn't know because they would turn back your clock.
I don't think they would know. Yeah. But that's a risk. Like for me, tampering with there are some of the decisions you could make. Like I would tell myself not to go but go to college because it didn't work out for me. You know, like I have debt for no reason and no degree show for it. You know, but that's a long time to wait to tell that version of myself to do it. If I could pinpoint a different part to go back to, maybe. But birth. God, no. That's fair. And I do want to address what I know is
a big unspoken difference would be me and you have very different upbringings. That's true. Which would absolutely affect our decisions as well. I had a fairly easy childhood. There were things that I didn't like about it, but for the most part, I loved my childhood. And for me, it wouldn't be, oh God, I have to go back and deal with it all again.
for the most part it would be, oh shit, yeah, I get to do it all again. And that would probably make a huge difference. Yeah, that's a good point for anybody else considering the hypothetical. That is a good point. But would you,
When you were able to like here's the thing, though, too, is like if you I don't know how baby anatomy works exactly because like I know that like certain language thresholds can't be passed until the brain develops a certain way. But this is. If you would go back to birth and you're in the world and you're just a little infant guy in your mom's arms in the hospital. Technically.
Like, even though you don't have teeth, so you would sound a little different because you don't got any chompers in there. But technically, if you have all your brain is developed enough that you have that language structure in your brain already. So you could technically probably just start talking after you get all cleaned up, you know, like, doc, clean me, I'm covered in crap. You're like, what do you like?
Yeah, I'm saying like I I don't know aside from the teeth thing I don't see why a baby if they have the knowledge of how to talk because you have that already Like why wouldn't you be able to just start talking as a baby? You know me? Yeah, well Yeah, I don't know so you feel like dad go hold me over the shitter I don't want someone to change my diaper just hold me over the shitter I could do this I
Like, damn, I gotta go. It's coming. It's coming. It would definitely be interesting. I mean, like, you would change the world because, like, if, like, if you're just coming out of the womb, like, I gotta tell you, I would react right away to that. Oh, yeah, absolutely. I would not be able to pretend to be a baby about it. The doctor would drop my ass. Like, that's an act you have to keep up if you don't want to offset the world because the moment you come out talking,
Your life has changed forever. There's no saying that you could maybe go back to that place where you met Mel, you know, like you could be fucking the government's experiment. Like, what are you? Are you an alien, baby? How are you talking? You know what I mean? Like they might take you away from your parents just to study you. Now, now here's a real existential one for you. Let's assume that your brain does deage like everything else, right? Like the pathways
will just be there as your brain develops. They're all, you know, it's developing with those pathways already there. Right. So when you're born, you are, in fact, just a baby. You don't know what's going on around you. And as you age. You just things unlock, learn. Yeah, they just unlock over time, right? You have to reach like that your two year old birthday before like you're like, oh, hey, I like anime. Like, would you still be you?
It's kind of the same as like somebody gets amnesia and the memories start to come back to them. It's like it feels like a different person. It's like, would you still even be you? Or would you be someone else now in your body kind of?
I feel like it would be like one of those kind of reincarnation slash deja vu kind of things where like because I've had times where like I'm almost sure I had a memory that I probably didn't have or like you see something you need to get that hit a deja vu and you're like I do that before because I'm like, well, did I agree to have a genie

Hypotheticals on Personal Transformation

make me a baby? Am I am I living a different reality right now? Is that like what am I? Is there cross over right now that have had amnesia and they're like,
Thinking back on them, you know, once their memories come back, it's like, I can't believe I used to be like this. Like you're not the same person you were back then. Because now those memories are once removed, right? Like it's almost like you're seeing somebody else's memories. Sure, I think in that case, you would still be you, but you would be the you that left your adult life to be a child again. You wouldn't be the kid you.
because I don't know. I think I would be a kid. I think it would be a totally different person. I would be a new kid version of me that just has this information now. Right. Exactly. You wouldn't be the same kid you that you were. It would be almost impossible to be the same. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't be the same kid, but I wouldn't be me either. I would be a whole new version of me that has this info and is like,
Where is this coming from? Why am I like? Why do I just suddenly know shit? So you're saying that it would be more about the information, less about the memories. Like you would know stuff, but you wouldn't have memories of why you would be it would be like people when they get reincarnated. Right. Like technically you're that you're the same person, but you don't remember your past lives. Right. But you can get like a glimpse of it, let's say. But if it's once removed.
It would be I feel like it would be kind of like that where. The me that is me sitting here right now is gone. And it's a whole new me. That is getting like these once removed memories of a past life. Yeah, so yeah, it would I would need to know specificity because it would be because and the difference would be you no longer experienced it. You're getting memories of things you did not experience. And I think that's what would cause that kind of
imposter syndrome once removed feeling that makes it so it's not like me anymore in terms of a metaphysical sense. Yeah, deep. I think I think for me, I think my interpret my interpretation is still.
Because like even if it's just information and not memory like information can be anything. Information can be I know that Danny wants to be a voice actor. So like I'm I'm a three year old being like some guy named Danny wants to be a voice actor. I know that much. You know, that's all that memory is, though, is just information.
Exactly. So if you use that, then everything I've ever learned, including memories, are information. So it says you have everything, all of your current knowledge. So if my memories count as information, such as making this episode of the podcast with you right now,
And i go back and maybe i'm at the age where like i can start to talk or i can already can talk and i'm just wowing everybody and i say baby add on baby add on what's happened with the future and i go i know that danny guarantee what to be a voice actor like i'm gonna find this danny guarantee who is that you know like. I don't know it's just like that still information like that still memory if memory is information that i know all of these things so.
I would already know I'm going to meet Mel at this job. I would already know. Right. You know that, but you haven't experienced it. And I have another way of looking at it. OK, and this is because this is where I'm getting my my idea of. There is a thought experiment, basically, of what if we invented teleportation, right? And.
The way it works is that a computer scans you down to the subatomic level, basically disintegrates you and then reconstitutes you somewhere else. What

Thought Experiments: Teleportation and Consciousness

happens to you? The you that is you, not your body, your soul, your consciousness, does it move to the new body?
Does it just are you dead? And now there's a brand new you that has no idea. It's not the same you living now. Well, how could that be that they don't know it's not the same you if you know that that's how teleportation works? We don't know. But if you did, if that's if they said, hey, this is how teleportation works, Adam, we're going to like essentially disintegrate your body and prove you to another version of your body over there. Like I would know that when I wake back up, like.
So I would know that that's what happened to me. So my body would be gone, but I would still be here. But would it be you? So if I were to make a perfect clone of you, literally the exact same, what would happen to your consciousness? Well, if you're saying that only one can be active at a time, it doesn't matter. Well,
But what would happen with the clone? Would you share a consciousness or would the clone just never wake up because the consciousness isn't in it? Or would it be a second you that is the exact same and has all of your memories and thinks it is
the U that was always existing, but it is not U. That would be a crisis for that version of me because in that sense, when duplication and transmogrification are different or transportation are different, what's not transportation? What's we're looking for? Transfer. Transferal is different than duplication.
so like if i have to file if i have a file on my computer and i click right click copy and i make another one like ones the original and one to copy right or if i just take that file and i put it into a folder versus even on my desktop it's still the same file i just moved it so like. What you're at what you're saying is two different things if there's a duplicate of yours saying is two different things what i would be saying would be more akin to.
copying the file and putting it where it would go and then deleting the original. Well, no, no, you're just integrating the original you and making a perfect copy somewhere else. No, no, no, I agree. So in your original assessment, yes. But in the one you were just talking about, you were saying like, oh, what if there was a duplicate version of you that was awake at the same time as you? That's different than if you if there is like a sleeping version of me and then I'm laying in a pod next to it and then like
You plug my brain into that one's brain, and then you just shoot all the electrical pulses from one into the other. I've just been transferred into a new place. I'm still me. That's just a husk now. That's a different question. Absolutely, that's still me. But you're saying going from one body to another at the same... I'm just saying, what if right now I just cloned you and it wakes up on its own?
Right, well that's different versus your original question, which was like, if you could teleport by disintegrating your body and putting your consciousness in another body, is that still you? I never said move your consciousness. I said. Yes, you did. Your body, no, I said.
teleportation works by a computer scans you at the subatomic level, destroys your original body and remakes it somewhere else. What happens to you and your consciousness? Because that body is the exact same, all the same neural pathways, and it's going to have all of your memories as if it were you, but to you as your consciousness travel to that new body.
Yes, because within your brain, if the brain is constructed the exact same way. Right. Yeah, absolutely. It's just a dead body. Your consciousness, the consciousness that is Adam sitting right here right now in this moment in time is made by that brain that is dead, is destroyed. It was it's gone. There is now an exact copy of it.
in this new body. I consider that more of a reconstruction because you're breaking me down to the subatomic level and remaking it in a different place. If it's the exact same thing, then yeah, it's still the same consciousness. It's just in a different location, different body. So you would say your consciousness would move to there.
Yes, because consciousness is just just a different wiring and electrical impulses that your brain is making. Like it's not like it's a theoretical thing that lives in your body. It's in your brain. Right. But what I'm trying to say is.
I'm sorry. Sorry listeners. I think we've really, we've really gone down like a really cool here. I think this is going to be great. We're going to get our listeners really thinking. Yeah, they're going to be like, no, we're turning this off. These guys can't agree on shit. Um, it, I guess the closest way to say it would be the soul, right? Like the, the you that is you, um, the soul is in the brain too, man. But if I copied it, right? Obviously,
See, I guess this is where we disagree. Like, yes, there would be an exact duplicate of my consciousness coming from this second me now, right? Because all the wiring is the exact same. Yeah, but that is a different consciousness. It's a exact copy of mine, but it is not me. It is not the me that I see looking through my eyes right now.
I would agree with you if you are both existing at the same time, only only on like a small scale of. Your consciousness is now existing in two different places, but from that point, because one has just been born at that point, if you're both existing at the same time, the second one, if I were to be completely obliterated and then remade somewhere else, you think my theory of consciousness would just kind of latch on to it and go over there?
I don't, there's no ethereal consciousness. If your brain is reconstructed the same way it was before you got blown up, the only thing I would feel bad about it is do you remember getting blown up? That's the only part of your mind that you're not gonna have. Right, but that's not you. That's a different, that is the clone of you now.
You died when you got blown when you got obliterated the only way I disagree with you and here's why the only reason I think that it is still you is Well, let me finish what I was saying about the clothes because I think this will hopefully this will make sense about it So like if I'm existing in the same place like I'm in my computer chair right next to me spawns
Adam, too. Right. And we both have all the same memories, all the same things as I am experiencing this podcast. He is experiencing this podcast. Right. What he does from that moment on.
will now change who that person is. If he decides, this is dumb, I'm going to go do something else while Adam's on the computer, I'm going to go get my workout on at the gym because Adam's paying a monthly fee and not using it, I'm going to go use it. Now we are becoming two different people that exist on the same plane.
But like, but in the moment where he is freshly born, like we're, it's just, it's literally me. Like both of those are me. It just depends on what happens after that moment. But you're not looking at it on an individual level. No, no, no. So I am. And here's what I was going to get to is if when that one next to me is formed,
And then my body just for some reason just disintegrates. That's still me over there. That's still 100% me, right? Like I don't see that as like I'm dead. That's a new version of Adam. That's still Adam in every single way. If everything's built the exact same way that it was, I don't see that as someone new. OK, so let me ask you this. Say teleportation was invented.
How do you think you would like it would be to experience it? Do you think you would just walk into like a pod, close your eyes, feel weird and then you open your eyes and you're somewhere else? I would kind of hope it's more like how near automata does it where like they just have like bodies everywhere and they just transfer across like a network into that one. You know, you remember that how they do it. And you it's funny you bring that up because that is literally the whole point of the game is to
is about my way of thinking about it. Well, there's a lot of endings, a lot of there's a lot of endings and a lot of questions about what that means. And it's supposed to make you think about that. But it's not meant to say, look, here's the answer. And if you think otherwise, you're wrong. It's a way to make you think of it. My way of thinking about it and what I think would happen, right, is you would step into that teleporter. You would.
close your eyes, you'd start to feel weird, and then it's just gone. You're gone. You died. The you that is you right now, this consciousness that you live life through is gone. There is an exact copy that is not your consciousness. It is not me at the most basic soul level. It

Philosophical Debates and Disagreements

is a perfect copy of me that thinks it's me. And it's right, because it's a perfect copy.
my experience would just be gone because the me that is me is gone. And a new copy is there that believes it is me correctly, but I wouldn't experience it because it's its own thing. It's its own version of me. I would no longer experience what it experiences. I would be dead. I don't look at it that way, man. I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree. We're going to agree to disagree. I mean, that's
You know, that's how, um, what's it, what's it called works, right? It's all theories and stuff. So, uh, philosophy, that's how philosophy works, right? That's what I just said. Sorry. Yeah. I was trying so hard to think of it. I wasn't listening to what you say. I was like, is he trying to say philosophy? Cause I just said philosophy. Um, but you know, and I, I love talking philosophy and that's why I was able to do it for the past.
30 minutes. Yeah. I love talking about stuff like this, but yeah. Sorry, everyone, for the super long episode. Hey, if you made, you know.
You know, I put in fewer questions because I thought these these would go shorter. But here we are. Yeah, about that. All right. Note to self, maybe maybe once every few episodes, philosophy, philosophical questions or, you know what, listeners, you tell us chime in. Go to Do you want to hear some more? Enjoy hearing us debate philosophy because I will do that all day or day.
Yeah. And I have I have a very intense feeling in all of my consciousness. This is that probably more people agree with you, but I don't think my brain can allow me to believe anything other than what I believe. And you know what? I love that. Like talking philosophy is so boring if everybody agrees. It's only fun if somebody thinks differently because then you probe at it. Right. Like I'm not. I do not judge you for the way you're thinking.
I am not even really trying to convince you I'm right. I'm just trying to help you understand my way of looking at it and understand your way of looking at it because that's the fun part. Yeah. And here I am. I think everything you said was wrong. I wish you would come over to my way of thinking. I'm right about everything I said, you know, and that's the fun part of politics.
Yeah, that's exactly right. The war on Ukraine next week. So, but anyway, to answer your question, Jamie stir what I'd rather read. Danny says that he would assume the original question. The original question was, would you rather restart with all your current knowledge until you die? I am so sorry.
So Danny would be reborn. I would I would take all of my knowledge to like essentially from the future so I could use it as a as a dowsing rod to find my way through life to make better decisions with my time. Precious time I may or may not have left on this road. But anyway, hey, guys, thanks for listening. I hope that you enjoyed that that riveting discussion. Putting up with us. Yeah.
Uh, tell us what you would think, you know, you can leave us a letter on final slash contact us. Go ahead and tell us, would you rather restart at birth with all of your current knowledge and memories, or would you like to have all of your future knowledge up until the point you perish? What would you wear to an interview in an aquarium? Yeah. That's also a very valid or just to an interview in general. Like what do you rock to the average interview? You have any interview life pro tips you want to share?
Yeah, definitely. Please let us know. I feel like if anything, we're going to get letters about the dog thing. I feel like people have real strong feelings about the dog test. And before we

Personal Preferences and Food Discussion

wrap up, I just want to nip it in the bud right now for that question.
Again, people heard Adam say, oh, I like sausage over bacon. They hear he hates bacon. I think I've equated this when I talked about bacon and sausage. I prefer people over dogs. That doesn't mean I hate dogs. Okay. It doesn't mean I hate pets. I love animals. I just love people more. That's all. So just before you all start calling me a dog hater, I don't hate dogs. I don't care if you hate dogs or not. It's the bacon that bothers me.
If they put that put that on a fucking T-shirt, I don't care if they don't make it. I don't like it. I don't understand. Anyway, I've come to terms with it because it means more bacon for me. So exactly. You know, if I get bacon on my sandwich, I just give it to someone else. If someone puts a pickle on my burger, I give it to someone else. I'm a, you know, a people pleaser. Whatever. I'm fine with it. You can have the burger and I'll just nosh on the bread. As long as I got ketchup to dip my buns in, I'm fine.
I'm okay. I'm a very simple guy. Apparently I don't need much. Ladies. Cheap date here. Seriously. If you said, Hey Adam, can you share your burger? And you meant like, can I have the burger? And I was just allowed to have the buns. I would just get all my favorite sauces and jellies and then just make it like a little fucking. Like a fondue kind of situation, like a little charcuterie dip board and just go to town.

Podcast Promotion and Other Content

Yeah, so anyway, If you want to find some more shenanigans that Danny and I get up to through our other respective shows, such as role players or the role players guild, among other fun shows that we have on there through the Gestelheim productions for our friend Sean, three besties and a guestie that we've both been a part of. And what else am I thinking? What else? What else? What else? What else is on there? That's our cue, of course, if you want to find some more stuff there. If you like role players, there's a couple exclusive episodes that are only on the website.
You know, I'm a very easy guy. I can get along with most people in most situations, guys.
One of them is where we're all playing dogs. So for you dog lovers out there, if you want to hear an exclusive dog episode where we're all playing puppies, go and check it out. It's on the listen page on the website. And Danny, hit them with all the other things you like to talk about. I can't find the sticky note that had the role players Guild info on it.
I will remember one. You can find us on YouTube at YouTube dot com slash role players guild or you can follow us on Twitter at the at R.P. Guild one. I think that's it. That's it. He killed one and he can find all other latest stuff on the website as well. One stop shop, baby. That's what it's there for. That's right. You can hear me make silly voices and stuff. And yeah, look at it.
Yeah, just just go go to fun and Just do that. It's easier. It's all in one place. Everything is literally there, guys. There you go. Not Just go there. Everything you could possibly want. There's a link tree probably. I personally have gone through a lot of work to make sure it's all there. I've done nothing. It's OK. That's fine. That's why I'm coming in. And big changes coming to fun and slowers in the coming months. So keep an eye out for that.

Gratitude and Heartfelt Sign-off

Danny, before we go, do you want to say anything else to the people before we go?
Maybe something about this being a dream come true and all the other stuff. Yeah, I mean, I've said it once, I'll say it a million times. This really is a dream come true for me. I love just doing this and just BSing with my friend, getting to talk about things and getting to probe his mind. You know, and then when we have guests, I get to probe their minds and it's this is the kind of stuff I live for. I love seeing other people's views. I love trying to figure them out and see things through other people's eyes.
So this is really a dream come true for me. I love what I do here. And it's all thanks to you who are listening, because, you know, it wouldn't be a really great show if nobody ever heard it. So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really do appreciate you and everything you do, even if it is just listening. That is more than enough for me. Yeah, I concur with the simple boys.
And at this point, ordinarily, I would just end with somebody else's quote. But I kind of got tired of doing that because, like, you know, this is our show. And as much as I love getting other people's quotes and perspectives, I think it's just nice to sign off a little bit more organically. So all I'll say is what I like to say at the end of my other podcast, which is, hey, everybody, please, if you if you made it this far, thanks for listening.
And as always, from the deepest confines of me and Danny combined, please take care of your mind, take care of your hearts, and most importantly, for the love of everything sacred, take care of each other. I love you. And I have a quote. So this quote actually comes from somebody named Adam. So it's actually perfect. The quote is, I got to take a shitty. There you go. Adam.
2024. That wasn't me, was it? Yes. What did I say that? The first episode where we were coasting. I did? We were talking about the word shitty, but using it as a verb. And that was like, you're just like, Oh, I love it. I got to take a shitty.
I don't remember that. I don't remember that. Oh, you know what? Maybe that maybe that was in my other clone that had that consciousness. So maybe I do. That's the problem. That's the problem. Don't clone yourself, kids. Peace out. It's going to be good. So want to be good, baby. But it's going to be good. It's going to be good.
He's hard to be good, so hard to be good, baby I say in facts, he's great to be good There's nothing harder in his life, yeah Staving off the hunger, giving in to anger There's nothing better in his life, yeah
Doin' your best and fun Doin' your best and bein' your best, yeah Be good to yourself, be good to your friends, baby Love it all on yourself Love it all on yourself Be good to yourself, be good to your friends, yeah
from the beginning and be good to the end. Be good as you can, be good as you should, baby. This is how to be good, so hard to be good. Be good as you can, be good as you should, baby. This is how to be good.
But it's gonna be good. There's nothing harder in this life, yeah. From the beginning, it's leaving home the hunger given to him.
There's nothing better in this life, yeah Great to the end than doing your best, ever Doing your best and being your best, yeah There's nothing harder in this life, yeah From the beginning, staving off the hunger, giving in to anger There's nothing better in this life, yeah Great to the end than doing your best, ever Doing your best and being your best, yeah
It's all gonna be good. It's so good to be good. Yeah, you get it. It's all gonna be good, but it's gonna be good. You're nice, okay?