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Sally Forth Into Your 30s!!

That's Our Q
15 Plays1 month ago

Today, we discuss our most painful procedures, if it's incest to bang somebody who was your surrogate, and why people who are younger think that 30 is old? We also learn 2 new vocabulary words since Danny took over the questioning! Answermancy boys!

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Fucked with all you dick. Yeah, you started recording want a sorry like for it i said do you want to talk about an asshole that well. Yeah, you know what somebody have some Let's say my wife said Yeah, let's have some pre recording banter, but while we're recording so really it's recording banter, but great show banter. I love it. Yeah, so some jerk yelled at ah beluga for um She was watching somebody stream and she also streams. So she said, oh, you know, it's about time for my stream, so I'm going to head off. Good luck with yours. Goodbye. And they got really upset with her because apparently it's super rude to say anything about streaming on your own ah in somebody else's chat, which.
I don't know. That's the first we had seen. Yeah, I haven't heard of anything like that. I've watched numerous streams, especially over the pandemic when we were helping. Like when I was preparing to learn how to do it and when I watched others to kind of get some tips, I saw tons of people who were like friends who stream. They're like, hey, get ready for mine. I just want to swing and let you know that I'm checking you out. I'm supporting you and I have you guys on. You know, I'm creeping in the background just to support you. And it's like, oh, hey, that's really great. Good luck on your stream. Like nobody's ever been mad that they have a friend who also does streaming. Well, to be fair, Beluga doesn't know this person that they had just met on rides, and this was their first stream that Beluga was checking out. So he's a foot in court. He is. And I actually was trying very hard not to say that before. You can say cunt on the show. I don't care. Yeah, I know you don't care. I mean, in the discord, I didn't want to say because I don't know if people you can say cunt in there. I don't care. I know you don't care. There are other people there, though.
That's true. No, I don't know. Some people have a big sensitivity with that word. So they do. And I'm really just trying to get people over it was being a right cunt. So yeah, not fun. But yeah, after yelling at Beluga on there, they then went on to make posts on their social media about it and bring it up again. Like, God, I'm very proud of Beluga for just stepping away and just on following them and just leaving.
and not you know going into the drama and stuff? yeah yeah i think i think Yeah, I was saying this in our chat. As as the listeners who listen, because you're listeners that listen to the show, that's obviously how this works, um as I like to be redundant sometimes. But as the listeners probably know, or if they don't know, we have our own little server of creators. like A lot of people are in a lot of like Discord servers, or essentially just like big group chats that you can get into.
and so but i'm very specific i only like hang out in three because hanging out in 100 discords you don't use just too much for me but anyway you know i you know i sometimes i forget ah this sounds like i'm complimenting myself but i promise that i'm not but like I forget like how different it is outside of our own little pools sometimes because like we have a really cool community of people that are always so fucking happy that other people are doing things that like I forget that like if you reach out into another community or like a similar community but it's not exactly this one that you know you don't know what you're going to get and so in this case this sounds like hypersensitive dickweed that's like
You're going to take my viewers if you say that you also scream, you know, it's probably like some 14 year old ass hat or some shit or some like 35 year old man child that's never been told no before, you know, but like I don't blame Beluga for not knowing that like we.
How, I don't think that's a rule. I've never heard that in my life. So I looked it up and apparently the consensus is, it is kind of rude. But like we joined or we've, you know, streamed with a bunch of TTRPG channels and all of them and us included would say, hey, you know, we're streaming this day. Oh, you know, and the streamer would be like, oh, that's awesome. What are you guys streaming? What, you know, pathfinder or dnd5e, what day? Everybody check them out. That's awesome. Then we join your server where everybody does that as well.
And then suddenly this person decides to have an epic meltdown over. Oh, my God, you're going to go stream, but that might take a viewer or two from my right. away yeah And that's the thing is like regardless of what, quote unquote, role, I mean, obviously we've had different experiences where that role is nowhere to be seen. So I think it just depends on what community you're in.
You know, because like you said, we've done that dozens of times across different channels and no one has ever said, oh, fuck you for saying that you're also a creator. You know, like I don't see how that's rude at all. I think it'd be different if you just start. What I hate is people who show up, drop links in for their shit or whatever, and then don't say anything and leave. Right. Like i don't if you're actually like in my chat.
And you don't mind me doing that in your chat, you know, and you're talking and stuff and you go like, hey, I have to go. I'm doing a stream. No. Right. It's not like you're dropping an ad. You're just saying, oh, I got to go. I have something I'm doing. And but it had. Beluga said, oh, hey, I got to go. I have a doctor's appointment. You would be like, oh, fuck you for mentioning doctor's appointments. You know what I mean? It's not like they're they're acting like following channels on Twitch is a zero sum game and it's not. You can. You can have like the ones. Yeah.
And that's exactly it that's i was gonna say the same thing danny is like in the creator space especially in the streaming space people seem to think like oh if you go follow that person you're also following me i have to compete now where it's like you know that some people watch like five six streams at once and they they jump between channels to chat to see what's going on like i don't know any one person except maybe me when i did watch dreams that only had one open at a time.
A lot of people would just turn down the volumes on all these other channels that way they can keep them going and jump between them whenever they want they do that so often that there is a service online that is free where you can put in a website of the link of every single stream you wanna watch and you can have a split screen we can just jump between just on that one box alone in chat. like mean Yeah i'll show you what is when we're done like ah we we use it all the time to support a lot of people all at once especially if we we're doing like partner streams and stuff.
But anyway, how about that? Yeah, like that is so common that I think it's easy to get caught up into like the idea of like, oh, if you want to follow someone else, that must mean that I'm not good enough. And that's a them problem. That's not an us problem. That a whole mentioning your streams, like I said, and unless you're dropping your links and stuff and saying, got to go, here's my link stream. Come over here, leave this guy's channel. Bye. I don't think that's rude. And the streaming community just needs to get over that shit because that's stupid. It's absolutely dumb. So dumb.
That's dumb, so yeah, that's a that's a them problem, not a beluga problem, not an us problem. You know, we at Fun and Cellars Network, we are creator-supporting creators, and fuck you if you aren't. If you're a creator that just wants to steal from other people and shame other people for trying to make a go at their passion, then we don't fucking and want to associate with you, and you can fucking go sit on a sharp, rusty pole or something until you learn your lesson there, Chief, or Cheetah. Cheek in. Sassy finger snap.
Yeah, so yeah, exactly. It has already been a barot. Anyway, Danny, that's your wife. So I'll let you finish out your thoughts on that before we get into the show, because you want to do the intro. I just wanted to to kind of vent about that, because that bothered me a lot. that some but Hey, you know what? This is that's our cue. And if you also have cues like can I just complain? Absolutely. That's what we're here for.
who So hey you know what listeners if you want if you got something that you want one of us to read a rant about that you feel even if it's not a question go to fun and sellers network dot com slash contact us or you can find us on whatever our respective social medias are and say hey and it just type up a big ass rant and say can you read this on the air and we will fucking read.
We will. Well, we need to do the ranch. Dirty phantic between me and Adam. That's fine. I'll read it. Yeah. but Even if it's one that I wrote and put it somewhere and you found it. Go for it. I will. do I will read it and treasure it forever. Anyway, it's not that hard to be nice, people. Come on. It's really don't be a dick. That's the number one rule of our fucking the whole thing is don't be really so hard to say. Awesome. Take care. Bye. Exactly. You didn't have to go and do anything else. That was stupid. Yeah, that was that's a them problem. Not a not a you guys problem.
Anyway, you would do want to do the intro? Yes. Give me one second. Find your center. OK.
Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and everybody inside, outside, and all around the gender binary. My name is Danny Guarantee, and this is That's Our Q, or TOQ for short, where we are going to take a nice, lovely newborn Q. We're going to take it and drive it all the way to Hollywood to the set of Happy Days, give it to our good friend, the Fonzie, and he's going to turn it into an A. How long did it take you to come up with that?
Oh, just a second. Actually, it really nice. I that's all I know. I'll be honest. But also big surprise, surprise to everybody here, including Adam, who didn't know until just the second that I'm taking over this episode and we'll be asking the questions. That's right. I did some homework. Oh, man, I have questions up in front of me. OK, yeah. Let me get rid of it. So now that you know all that, Adam, how you feeling, huh?
My roommate wants to come in, a surprise guest. Yeah, Paul, come on in. Get in here, Paul. Paul gave me a tiny burger. Hey, we're recording. That's our cue. You want to say hi? Oh, you're recording. Yeah, you want to say hi? I'm leaving. All right, Paul just brought me in. No, that's not hi. That's not hi. That's not hi burger. I love it. That's delicious. Thank you. Paul just brought me in this tiny little squishy five guys burgers and fries burger.
Wait, like like a squish toy, like a little stress thing. Yeah, it's awesome. Oh, that's adorable. That's fucking dope as hell. I he knows he hates hates five guys because he works there, but it will. I say he works there. He like runs. He's like a corporate trainer there. He don't flip the burgers. He teaches people how to run the business and flip the burgers and they have like a whole system, man. You should look up like they're fucking how they Do things. Oh, I believe it. They need like they and got to get those burgers out quick. Yeah, you gotta like you gotta like.
They have they have like contests and stuff like you can make the perfect fry. They're really big on the perfect fry there and like how to stack cheese. And then they have like full on competitions in Las Vegas and stuff like my people who do it. And then they win like cash prizes and shit. They take their they take their food prep very, very seriously. And they'll throw out like a whole batch of fries when they're done. That's the only part that I don't like is that they throw it all away once they're done showing them how to make a perfect. But about give it to the. home Yeah.
I don't like their fries that much. They're too salty for my liking, but into starchy. But then Paul will just say that means they didn't make the fries right. I'm like, yeah, you're probably right. I love I love too salty and I love their burgers, though. Their burgers are like barred. And I'm probably one of the best I've had anywhere. This isn't a free plug for five guys. I'm just saying what I like. Anyway, Danny, thank you, Paul. Appreciate it.
um and Anyway, what were you saying? How you feeling? I was saying hi. Oh, were you really? I'm sorry. Like, literally, he kept that he kept rap rap rapping on the door and I was like, you know what? I'm just going to call him seriously. It's fine. I I ended with how you feeling, Adam, and you went, hey, Paul. I've been trying to get Paul to come and do an episode of anything with me, but he won't. But I live with a man named Paul and his boyfriend, Mark. um And we'll just have to type Paul up and put him on.
They're both car enthusiasts. Yeah. One day I'd like to get them on to answer some questions. I told them we could. Anyway, how am I? I'm fantastic. How are you? I'm doing great. I almost said, how are you? Like you didn't just answer the question. We're 12 minutes in. Look, we started with a rant, all right? We did. We started with a rant. We did. We did. I was just looking at the clock and I was like, boy, we've gotten nowhere.
Or have we gotten everywhere? I think the real questions are the answers we made along the way. That is nothing to do with what you said, but it's Q&A. All right, so you said that you prepared some questions this time around. I have questions. And I'll send them to you later, because I know you're keeping a running thing. Well, not only that, but it helps me write in the subscription of the subscription, Jesus Christ, the description of the show what the questions are for SEO purposes. Ah, OK. Well, I'll send them to you after.
All right. You hear that, people? I pay attention to SEO. I'm trying here. Look at you. I'm doing metadata behind the scenes. Producing is hard work, guys. That's why I just do voice acting. Yeah. So just so people know, I'm not. dream Right. I'm not just editing, which is also it's whole a whole other can of worms, especially when I'm editing three shows and other people's when they say, Adam, I felt any and I'm not complaining. So if you're listening, I'm not complaining. Just say, oh, Adam, I fell behind. It really helped editing. Then I edit mine and I edit theirs. ah You know, so I'm doing all that and I still have to produce and still have to research the metadata trying to get our stuff discovered and then try to make sure it all redirects back to our website and make sure that stays above certain many hundred hits per week, which it is, which is good. Um, you know, so it's just, there's a lot of work on behind the scenes to the point where when I want to start making merchandise for the show, my brain is too cooked to do anything I thought of throughout the week.
Yeah, ill be I might have to hire somebody to do it that much behind the scenes. I sure i am, Danny. And some of it doesn't do a goddamn thing. And I'm still trying anyway, hoping that eventually something will click. But before anybody here goes, oh, Danny, why aren't you helping out? And I don't know how to do any of this stuff. And this is what I don't either. I'm just learning. This is what we agreed to. I'm going to make Danny start working on merch for us. I could maybe do that.
Yeah, we're going to revamp the whole entire store on Fun and Sellers Network dot com and just like start adding like different shows on their shirt. Got to take a shitty. All right. I take a shitty. There you go. Perfect. All right. So, Danny, we're 15 minutes in. What's your question? Ready for a question? Yeah. All right. Adam, what is the most painful procedure, ailment, virus or disease you have ever experienced asked by CNDN girl on ask Reddit Canadian girl? Yeah. Is it maybe Canadian girl?
Could be. I don't know. But yeah, what's the most painful procedure, ailment, virus or disease you have ever experienced? Well, first things first, COVID was not fun. I've only had it once and I was not enjoying myself at all. ah That wasn't the worst one though, but that in most recent memory, that was like Like i and I don't think, i there are a lot of times where I thought I had a fever but then when I finally had an actual
fever, I was like, oh, I would know if I had it now. Sometimes you fill your head and you're like, oh, you're a little warm. But I was straight up like it was that kind of fever where like your body's hot on the outside, but on the inside you feel like you're freezing. Like the the shakes and then I had these, the the worst part of it wasn't even just like the shivering sucked. I was under like 17 blankets and I couldn't get to go away because my body was hot, but I felt cold. And then But what hurt the most was like I kept getting these awful awful body aches like just in the the most I would be fine for a little bit and then all of a sudden it just felt like somebody took their knuckle and just like fucking rammed it somewhere in my back and I was like, oh Like I would let an audible just like oh Oh my God, like out of nowhere because like my body just said, Oh, Hey, you haven't hurt in a while. Here's this. Um, so that sucked. That really, really sucked. And I almost shipped my pants before I knew I had it. I was out with a girl, my little friend with benefits nurse at the time. And she was like, Oh, Hey, Adam, let's stop at the dance studio. Cause I want to dance. And I was like, okay, yeah, of course we can go to the dance studio.
I have a key so i let us in and then right as we're getting a pull it like i wasn't gonna but then right as we're approaching the road to go there i just felt my body go hey you're about to shit yourself and we had just gotta go get curry at one of my favorite type places and i thought that the curry was just upset my stomach that was really spicy. And lo and behold the spices i felt in my face was actually covered finally setting in while i was in there and i didn't know that so like.
So then when I went there and we went to the studio and then like I had a photo finish in the bathroom, I almost didn't make it. And then I was fine for a few hours. And then we went and did a little fun naked thing that we did together. And that was still a little weird. You're like, Oh man, your face is really warm down there. I'm like, I'm sorry. I think it might just because of the curry. I don't know. And then like,
By the time I got home, I said like, oh, hey, you know, Melissa, my fucking and my body's like starting to hurt. Like you're a nurse. Like what's what's wrong with me? And she's like, you know what? I was wondering if you were having a fever earlier. Do you feel cold the moment she asked me that question? Oh, God, I'm freezing. um And then that's how that happened. So that whole thing was just the shit from start to finish. It started with a shit.
I started out with a shit. How did it end? It was only a shit. It was only a shit. My some miracle. Did you somehow not give her COVID?
Yes. Yeah. She is a nurse and like she, I don't know if she just has like a radically strong immune system. I was honestly shocked that I, that I did it because we had spent the entire time together and it wasn't until I started talking about like just, you know, she mentioned my face was real. She's like, man, your face is really warm. Or she touched my cheeks like, are you okay? But like, I was totally fine. I was running around, I was dancing, I was doing all the things I usually do. And I was just like, you know, I think I'm just having a reaction to that curry. I think it might've been bad because I almost shit my pants.
And she goes, OK, I mean, that might be it. You know, like sometimes we can do that. But then like, yeah, like as I was just like, God, my body hurts. I felt like a zombie, like Frankenstein's monster. I can't really move. And she's like, OK, that's not food related. What's going on with you? And then she ran my temperature and she's like, oh, buddy, she's like, you need to get out of the blankets and get off your feet. And I was like, ah, fuck.
um And then within like minutes of her saying that like a witch casting a spell my body was like you're in pain now um It was crazy I could not believe it um But anyway, that was probably one of the most worst ones one of the worst ones in recent memory I had pneumonia when I was in fourth grade or yeah fourth grade which put me bedridden for two weeks. That was really really bad Procedure wise though getting my septum repaired, like that whole process leading up to it was like, was tough. Would you break your nose?
No, I mean, I I have a theory about when my septum got truly deviated, but my sister also has one. So I don't know if I always had it and it just got worse over the years. But I started to develop a lot of chronic like nasal issues. And I trace it back to when I was doing like a pie, a pie in my face thing to raise charity at my old job. And i was it's not worth it to take pies in the face because my skin was so bad afterwards. It's getting sticky shit done on my face all day. But like.
And also people's gross ass hands touching shit that they're putting in your face. But i did we raise a lot of money, so like I don't regret it. But like this one like probably nine year old little bastard just thought he was being funny and he just filled the fucking pan up with whipped cream and whatever he wanted. We did like extra toppings so you could be funny and get creative. And so he did his thing and then just decked me. Just decked me in the face.
And I saw red running down my nose. Thankfully, it was just strawberry syrup. But I thought he broke my nose because like my note i I'll never forget how bad that felt, where like my eyes immediately started crying. like my nose was like just I just thought for sure it has blood coming out of my nose. um And the mom didn't do dick. where like When I was like, dude, bro, you hit me too hard, he like he decked me.
And i remember it was right around that time probably like a month later like i was developing all these issues and eventually i found out like i had a deviated septum and it took me years before i could afford to get it done. um But the process leading up to that was crazy like that i tell you that story about that lady who put a giant hook in my face no i feel like i remember that.
Dude, I know I've been talking a lot, so I'm hoping that you have quite a story when I'm done. I do. Yeah, so I apologize. I know I'm talking quick. Do you want me to wait? I can tell that, because I already told my COVID thing. it You want to go and then I'll tell you mine? Sure. Yeah, go ahead. now I'll pick back up. That's my teaser for afterwards, is I had a hook in my face. I'm going to give a quick ah trigger warning, ah because mine is gross. And it sounds like yours is also going to be kind of boring. What is it that they need to watch out for?
It's um body, like if you well especially if you don't like needles. That's a good point. Needles, gotcha. needles So much yeah this has happened to me twice now. And this is also the story of the only time I ever ah fainted, as far as I know. I got a hang now on one of my big toes. And while it was healing, the skin started to heal over the toenail.
So I had to go to the doctor for it. I went to like a podiatrist for it. And he's like, yeah, that can happen. Sometimes the skin can't find the other half of the wound because it's behind the nail. So it just keeps growing. ah He's like, really, the only fix for it is to cut your nail down to the root, pull out the part that the skin is growing over, cut off all that extra skin and put acid in the root in order to keep it from growing back. Believe it or not, that was the easy part. Nice. The worst part and the part I fainted at and the most painful thing I've ever had to go through as far as I can remember.
The doctor pulls out a needle that is probably half a foot long and bendy, like really bendy. and I'm immediately freaking out, my dad is with me. And he told me later, he was like, i was I'm really hoping you weren't looking. But he takes the needle and he puts it in my big toe and he pumps a little anesthetic into the toe and you could see it swell up. Then he pushes the needle in further, pumps a bit more, in further, pumps more, and you could see my toe getting bigger and bigger and it hurts like all hell. And then finally,
the needle comes out the other side of my toe and shoots some of the antiseptic. And I fainted only for like a couple seconds. I only feel like a couple seconds, but I will. You know, I woke back up and he ah this doctor, I got to say that he was great. Like after this bit, he's like, OK, so I'm just going to go over what we're doing really quick, ah just so you know. Right. I'm going to. Right. I'm going to like take your nail and you might feel a little pressure. It's going to feel something like this and he'll wiggle my toe.
oh And then you're gonna you know i'm gonna cut it and you might hear something like a snap you know it's gonna sound a little bit like and Then you know the the anyway i'm done um But yeah that that bit hurt so Bad and my dad was like i was really hoping you didn't see when the nail the needle came out the other side and i was like i did and i Um, yeah, I had to get that done twice once on each of my big toes. ah That sucked a lot. You know, I heard a lot. I find firstly that I mean, that kind of thing. I've never been scared of needles. I've always been the one as a kid. I grew up with ah four other siblings and I've always been the one, even though I had two older sibs to be like, yeah, I'll get my shot first. Okay. We'd all go together to get vaccinations or immunizations or whatever. And like.
My brother and sister, and my other little brother and sister were just like dying every time. And I'm just like, I just jam it in there, I guess. I mean, like a normal needle I have no problem with. Right. Like I have diabetes. I have to get blood drawn. Sure. That makes sense. Six months or so to the point where, like, you know, they'll ask me what arm I just say dealer's choice. And I already know when to when to make a fist and when to let go. Right.
um ah you know I have to prick my finger to test my blood sugar. I have no problem with needles. you know I should test my blood more. When the needle is half a foot or like a foot long and bends.
That was it's different. It's very different. That would have been quite fascinating for me actually to see. um I will say something that I've I find the human response system to be so ah so fascinating because like our just adaptability throughout all living sentient things is like.
Your body can only take so much pain before your brain says, I'm turning you off so you can't think of this or feel this anymore. Yeah. Like that is so fascinating to me that at some point you reach a threshold or a fear threshold, a pain or fear threshold. Everybody goes, nope, and just puts the power button. I would rather. off Now, you have to remember, like, most of our instincts come from, like, when we lived in the wild and everything. Right. Your brain is literally at the point where it's like, this is so painful and so much. I'm going to risk putting us in more danger by just taking away your consciousness right or like, oh, we're about to be eaten and it's going to hurt more if we're awake for it. So we're yeah we're just going to, you know, we're brain fair.
You know, yeah, so there is a lot of like innate responses that our body has that are built in from like when we were running around in the woods or in caves. So like it's very fascinating to me that like you have a needle pierced to your toe and your brain goes, nope, let's turn off for a few minutes just to do a reboot, a soft reboot. Let's yeah go. And it so I need to clarify, it didn't just go right through my toe. The reason it was bendy was because he actually went like in one side and then up towards the edge of my toe and then twisted it so it went around on the inside of my toe and then came out the other end. Gotcha. Yeah. Yeah. Like it went it followed my toe. It didn't like just go i'd be pretty. That'd be pretty cool. It was very painful.
Yeah, I bet. Yeah, that's just is such a sensitive area, too. Yeah. ah Like the toes, especially around the toenail or fingernail. Like, man, it's just like one of the most graphic things I've ever seen is when someone got like a toenail ripped off or a fingernail ripped off. And you're like, that's going to take a while. That's going to be so sensitive. Oh, my God.
Um, I almost feel like I shouldn't share the rest of my story because it's just, we're just going to be grossing people out for another 10 minutes. So, you know, that's fair. Well, we'll save it for another episode. We'll just say that a hook about half the size of my forearm and length disappeared into my ear at one point. And the same thing with a camera that was about half the size of my forearm disappeared up into my nose. And I thought that we're going to look at my brain. Um, septum.
It was all in well, the the camera part was ah so they could take a better look. And then they showed it to me and my then girlfriend on a monitor. So my girlfriend, as hot as that must have been for her, got to see inside my nose all the way back down into the caves.
um But the ear thing was like, I was already there. I was at this ENT and she goes, hey, well, we're here. Let's take a look at your ears. And then she tried to clean up the ears and was like, yo, dog, you got built up stuff to like push back in there from like years and years of compact ah wax. And so the only way they can get it out was like a giant fucking hook.
and because she said they turned into boulders down there and then she pulled out and this is the pain it felt like there were 10 000 bandages that have been on the inside of my eardrums for 10 years and then somebody ripped them all off at the same time and it hurt so bad when she pulled these fucking rocks out of like the stickiness like these these little raisin wax rocks out of the deep confines of my ear the recesses of my ear She pulled on it with this hook, this thing that disappeared into the side of my head. It was crazy. I was like, ain't no way that's fitting in there. She goes, oh, she goes, oh, it'll fit. Don't worry. And I was like, no, that is no way you that is going in my ears. She goes, no, no, no, it will. Then she had me lay on my side so that she get it in there. And I saw as her hand got closer and closer to my face as this giant hook disappeared into my head. And I was like, what the fuck?
god And it felt like when she did the first one, I was like, she goes, all right, just one more. And I was like, we have to do that again. She's like, yeah, you have two years. And I was like, oh, my God. Well, I'm sorry. What was this for? What was in your ear?
but she was just cleaning them out because like a lot of people use like I stopped using q-tips after this because she said when you use q-tips over time it compacts right like these rocks deeper into your ear canal and what it does is it creates blockage so you actually will develop hearing loss because more things are getting covered and honestly and this is true When she did remove those, I actually had to sit down for a little bit. I felt like Superman discovering his powers on Earth for the first time, because like I heard echoes on the wall of my voice that I didn't hear when I walked in. And I was like, has it always been like that? And she goes, you're still getting used to like sound waves that are hitting different parts of your ears that were covered up before. And she's like, you know it's normal to get a headache. It's normal to feel dizzy. Just like sit down for a little bit. They didn't use water?
She tried, she said it was too compacted. She's like, god and she says, while you're here, just let me, I'm just gonna take it out for you. And I was like, yeah, okay, whatever. And then I saw what she was doing and I was like, well, I already said, yeah, so let's see what this is like. And then just being a glutton for knowledge and punishment, I was like, all right, let's see what this is like. And then it was bad. That was- I've had my ears clogged a lot. I have like a ah dip in one of my ears that make it like really easy.
And they they just do the water. I've never had it so bad that they were like, we need to have you gone to an ENT or just like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I've had it where apparently she was like, hey, man, like it's really compacted down there. I'm just going to get a hook and dig it out. And I'm like, wow oh, yeah, OK, doc, whatever you say. Oh, hook ah and then she pulls out like the bottom of it has like a little like like grab that would grab or hope that she could hold on to.
It's kinda looks like the end of like a hanger and then the other end is the business end of a hanger and it's really really long and sturdy and then she goes alright and i was like that's gonna fit in my head ain't no way that's fit in my ear that's huge she has all you know you'd be surprised what could fit in your ears and then as i and i wanted to giggle about it but by that point she had a hook halfway in my brain.
Um, dude, it hurt. right It hurt. But I honestly, that changed my world. I rinse my ears out. We're like, if you just let your ears go without rinsing them out for a while, eventually, like they'll just push wax out themselves and clean themselves. Cause they get, apparently it gets really, really hot in your ears. Um, and you're just supposed to use like a cloth or something to collect what's getting pushed closer to the outside of your ear. But, um, so yeah, because I have my life, worst pain of my life. I believe it.
Because I have this dip in my ear. um I can't get back there, like even if I wanted to. ah um But I guess that's a good thing because I never pushed it all back. It does clog all the time, but like usually some hydrogen. You get like that pressure wash. Yeah, I get the. Yeah, wash but yeah, yeah.
Usually, the hydrogen peroxide is enough. But if it's not, I do the pressure wash. You know, I go there and get a pressure wash. And yeah, you can buy those from like, like stores now and then just like they're in a can and you can pressure your wash your own. It does feel weird. I was like, I don't know if I want to do that. Don't do it a lot. I got addicted to happen to me.
No, I got addicted to doing it where like I was just like every time I did it more kept coming out. So I would do it more in like rapid suggestions out the day and I made myself dizzy. Yeah. Like if you just do it once on each side and let go, like you'd be surprised what you get out of there. Every time I. Every time I get my ears washed out like that, I have to like sit for a bit because I get vertigo. Oh, yeah, yeah it's a lot of pressure on the brain. So like just withstand your equilibrium is back there, too.
Yeah, right. Like your you station tubes and everything. Yeah, it's it's a lot of just ah just pressure. All right. How about we go with something ah a little bit more thought provoking for our second question? You know, to really liven things up a little bit. ah Sure. or So that this is more of a philosophy question for you. Would it count? ah Sorry. So this is a shameful throwaway 972 on Reddit, uh, no stupid questions. Wants to know, would it be incest if a man has sex with the woman who birthed him via surrogacy? If a man has sex with a woman who was his surrogate mother. No, no, no, why would that be incest?
um because tech well well i guess i guess I guess it depends on like if if everything was taken from a different mom, different dad, put in this person because she could actually handle that process.
then no, because like you're not technically related. Yeah, they birthed you, but like that might be a little awkward to talk about, but like you're not related in any way. But if it's like, okay, we planted dad's you know specimen in this woman because mom couldn't produce any eggs at all or any healthy eggs, then yes, then that is 50% that person that you are being born from, then yes, that would be incest to me.
Well, yeah, I guess it depends on how they are considered a surrogate mom. I would say this was my birth mom. Right. But surrogacy can be different things. Like if it's just like, hey, I need you to carry the baby and we're making it with your seed because so and so is infertile or whatever, like technically that would still be, you know, people do it all the time and give up the kids or they grow attached to the child and then don't want to give it up. You know,
um So, but there's a lot of ways to do that now. Like you can get both parents specimens put in you and you carry it because sometimes it's more so not because mom can't carry a baby, but because she just doesn't want to and they'll pay somebody else to carry the baby yeah for them. Like, you know, understandably, I wouldn't want to carry a baby around on me for now and once. So there's different reasons people do it. um And so people sign up and make a pretty good living doing that. So you would say that Biologically, it is not incest. And I think we can both agree on that. But what do you think about like societal incest? Like, you know, people still say it's gross if stepdad and stepdaughter do it. I could still see the argument that society wise, we would consider that incest.
No, I just consider that problematic. but it's not technically I'm just going by the definition of incest, which is like two related beings doing things to make more things that are like them. That is incest.
Now, you could say something could be incestuous, which kind of implies like it's it's it's like it's akin to incest where like, hey, you have a step kid or I and I hate step kids. I think that's just like it makes it so hard for people to foster or to date people who have kids because of this whole fucking grotesque, like a kink that people have with that. But like and I hate it and I will kink shame. Shame on you. It is a weird porn thing.
shame on you. I don't care. I will shame you. Fuck you. I used to say I don't kink shame, but I do. I can't shame you shamers and kink years. Um, but anyway, um, what was I saying? What was I talking about? Oh yeah. So like it's incestuous per chance, but I wouldn't say it's incest. Okay. I don't know where I stand. Like I agree biologically. Obviously it's not incest.
But like I said, like societal wise, I guess I just have that that mentality of like anything to do with the family unit I would put under incest. Like if ah in if the worst of case scenario, if Beluga's one of my parents died and one of Beluga's parents died and the Remainers got married,
I honestly don't know what the hell I would do because I would absolutely consider Beluga my sister at that point. She would be your she would be your wife and sister in law. Yeah. Would she be? Yeah. Yeah. Step sister wife, which sounds right now. a Thing to me. Well, in in that respect, like that's not but that's the difference is like that's not something. and And that's the thing is like sometimes you will do that that. There is history of like, hey, I'm this age, I'm this age we met or like maybe you're a grown ass adults and you weren't like
you know even privy to the other person's parents and you know you're dating or something and then you you know you know there are stranger things have happened where like you end up like oh hey we're going on a date and like oh hey you know what my dad's seeing someone and then it turns out like it's your your mom and then it's like what does that make us and like if they get married yeah that would imply like the implication would be you would be step siblings or something but in that case it's not like you planned it that way, you know what I mean? And that's the thing, it's like, sometimes that's just, that will happen. Brothers and sisters, step brothers, step sisters will meet, step siblings will meet, whatever. And then be like, oh hey, there is an attraction here, could just be problematic. And that really depends on the nature of like, you know, if you're 13, 14 years old, maybe don't let your children date.
you know But like if they go off to college and do their own thing, then they reunite and they're like, hey, you're like I don't know. That's up to your family to discuss at that point. Yeah. Who am I to get in way a way that's more of a personal thing at that point? like Right. I know there's a show that.
somebody on the Discord is talking about the Umbrella Academy that we watch. I love Umbrella Academy and they're all siblings, step siblings. And in it, there is two step siblings that kind of on and off again eat with each other. And I'm like, right? Luther always alice always gets me. I'm like, I don't, I don't know, man. I don't know how I feel about it. Clearly they are not related. um Right. But in that sense too, like, Oh man.
But the the the quote unquote dad who adopts all these kids from around the world doesn't raise them to be siblings. He raises them as like militaristic heroes. So like they don't have like family this family that it's just like, you know, you guys are born to be bred to be heroes, you know, and he's very militaristic about it. So there's not a whole lot of the whole family vibe. It's more so like I live in a place with someone who I think is attractive, you know, um But but yeah, I mean, like i that's it's all situational. So like if you if you if you're belugas and you're one of your parents both got together, technically, yeah, I guess that would make that. But like, you know, you didn't design it that way. You know, know I didn't. But you weren't like, oh, that's my steps. as It's also not something I can not think yeah from then on, like.
Sure. I would I would be able to just be like, I just won't think of her as my stepsister. Like, no, it will absolutely change how I look at things. I feel like a dirty, dirty guy. Did you ever see Joe Dirt? Oh, my God. Years and years ago, there's that move there's that one point I think it's Jamie Presley who plays the character I can't remember. But there's a point where like Joe Dirt meets a girl and they start like fooling around and then like at some juncture he finds out that she's his sister or they think that he's she's his sister and then like they're kind of talking it out and he's like, man, I was really into it. And then she goes, well, what it help if I, if I still, and then they find out they're not related. And then it kind of kills Joe Dirts, Joe Dirts boner. And then so she goes, well, what a help if I still said that I was your sister? And then she goes, I am your sister. I am your sister. And then, like, the people who were interviewing him were like, oh, God, Joe. And he goes, nah, I'm just fucking with you. I just want to see how you guys feel. But that's how.
That would be me. I'd be straight up like teasing if I found out that like my wife was like now became like my step-person, my step-sibling. I'd be like, hey, C.S. And she'd be like, fuck you, bro. I'm getting a divorce. Yeah, that would be me if that were me that was dating you. No, sorry to say that for the note. Yeah. And honestly, yeah, that is again, I don't. The shaming thing earlier is just that like I don't like that people like I don't like the idea. Again, I don't want to get in the way of love. Sometimes that happens and that's just the way it is. And technically there's no incest there. It depends on how you were bonded in the first place. Like if you grew up seeing each other as loving siblings, that's my sister, that's my brother, that's my cousin, you know, and then.
You just say, hey, I'm going to pursue that. That is incestuous to me. However, if like, you know, some people meet like, at that like when they're about to be adults or like they're 16, 17 and like they barely even know each other and like they might develop that attraction. Like that's different because you never thought of that person as like your sibling to begin with. So like.
You know what I mean? Like, I think it's the thought that goes into it. Like, oh, I'm about to, you know, do this with my relative versus, you know, I'm torn because I like this person, but technically we're related now. Like, there might be that conflict of like, what will people think versus like, oh, I'm getting turned on because this is my step something. You know what I mean? Right. Like, again, and the reason I shame it for the kink thing is because like it I don't think people realize how damaging that is for families who where that does happen and it kind of gets like that stink on it or again in the foster system or why like certain parents will be denied even though they're perfectly capable money you know is good mental capabilities are fine.
they all have all the right things. Like I worked in that system and a lot of good parents sometimes don't get picked because of those implications. And so like, Oh, well they want to adopt, they want to maybe foster, I don't know, like a teen girl because she's been moved from home to home. She can't find anywhere to go. She needs to find stability or she'll never get back on her feet. She or her mental health is all over the place. And some families like, Hey, we can take her in. We have an extra bedroom.
Our background checks are good, the family's good, we did the whole case study interview. Everything checks out and they say, oh, well, you have a teen boy there. You know, and like even on a teen boy might have no fucking interest in his person. He just went to sit in his room and played video games all day. This girl could be lesbian for all we fucking know. But like.
they're like oh well we can't do risk that because this could happen i'm like so this perfectly good home this girl could go into to be safe and protected now she can't because of the stupid implication cuz there's like this whole community that's like that's hot. You know and i'm just like that's not like for so it's personal to me because i've had to see that you know i've had to see kids not get placed in really good homes because of that potential that tiny little potential of like, Oh, what if they fall for each other? And again, it's a foster child. They're not adopting this person. You know what I mean? And that's on the parents to keep an eye on that. But like,
It's just, that that's why that's so personal to me, ah is because it sets a bad implication. Or like a single dad, and he says, hey, I can take kids between, like you know I don't know, three and 15. That's how you do it when you foster. You can say, look, here's my comfort of like who I can take care of. I don't want infants. But if you have like toddlers and up, and they got good money, he he got a background check, maybe he's a teacher, worked with kids already, all that good stuff checks out. They're going to say, oh, well we can't put girls with him because,
And I'm like, I understand why that might be nerve wracking to you, but we did the research on the guy, right? He's fine, but like this person can't get a home because of this dirty implication the internet has created or one or two bad eggs in society decided I'm going to take advantage of this.
you know and so like now people are screwed same thing with young boys like ah ah boys are typically the hardest to put in homes for those reasons um and like you know they'll often age out of the foster system because of it and so it's just it sucks you know so that's why i'm just like the whole step thing like i have like there are rules there's they gotta be very clearly defined for me because like You know, it fucks too many people up. So when I see half of porn websites or just step videos, I'm like, fuck you, fuck you. I wonder how that how did that even get so popular? It's so weird to me because people are into like the what do they call it? The taboo stuff, right? And that's probably one of the most taboo things right now.
Like oh it's forbidden fruit and you know none of the people in the videos are actually step siblings but like the implication is like you see like oh my step sister walked in wearing a skirt or step uncle arrives for this i'm just like i just hate because yeah i don't think of that stuff and then even if in the moment that might make them turned on.
Right in society they talk about that and that creates like this stigma that makes it hard for people to function in a way that otherwise shouldn't be frowned upon. So like and again the situation is different if you grew up thinking that person is your relative this whole time then you're like I want to bang my relative then yeah there's probably some implications there you should probably get checked out but it's different if you met and you have no you've never grew up with that and you're just like hey we just happen to be put together our parents got together and like Fucking this is where we're at. Like, that's different. You know, like I can see how that could be tricky to navigate. Gotcha. Can I? um Can I throw up a part, a small part B that I came up with? Yeah. And then maybe a way for my rainbow. Also, I have a word of the day. Oh, you i know, I took the word today today since you and I got it from a different source, too.
So what how do we feel about the mom in this, or or the the surrogate mom, who has who's having sex with somebody they gave birth to, even though they're not related? I mean, there I don't know. Do you have an opinion on that? I'm basically the same as as the step thing. i'm like It just feels wrong to me. but like I know with the incest, I know what you mean that like technically it is not incest, but it feels like it to me. This does to me too. It's it feels like since you gave birth to them. In a way, they are your child, even if they're not genetically yours. And it just feels wrong to me and I'm not. Saying it is, I'm not shaming anybody if this has somehow happened, I am not shaming you. ah This is just my personal opinion has no bearing on you whatsoever.
Right. I don't know. It just feels like edipissy to me, even though they're not. Well, I mean, so not that I'm advocating for it, but, you know, like I said, you can find affection in a lot of different ways and not every situation is so surreptitious or vile, you know, where like, you know, like I said, some people who are surrogates grow attached and then have a hard time giving. They get postpartum depression for different reasons.
um Where they're like hey, I just carried this child and that feels weird to give it away and some people have to sue to get kid Or they'll try to sue to get the kid back because they grew so attached to it, but they signed a contract um but other times people would just be a surrogate because they just want to be a surrogate because they'll make some people will pay thousands of dollars to get that done and so like They're like hey. Yeah, you want to drop 10k in my lap. I'll carry your a baby for nine fucking months Okay, you know and then when they're done. They're done. It's like people who can have like a a hook up at a party and then never think about that person again. you know like There's that mentality of like, I'm just doing this thing, this is my job, and when it's over with, I'm going to go back, get my body in good shape, then go back and do what I'm doing and maybe surrogate again when I'm ready. you know so In that case,
you know You may have zero attachment to that kid. Some people want to stay attached to the family and say, hey, let me know how the baby's doing. Maybe I can come visit. Some people befriend the surrogate. And sometimes the surrogate's like, I'm done. You don't have to talk to me. That's cool. I just wanted the money. Thanks. you know And so if they meet that person down the road somewhere, you know maybe someone's into older women, right which is very normal. A lot of people are. And they reconnect somewhere down the road and they have a little tryst or something. Maybe they don't know.
right and Maybe they don't know and then they find out later and they're like they do. Right. But it's right. It's the assumption and situation. You don't know. You you don't know. Right. There can't be anything wrong. If you don't know, it's an accident. But.
Right now, it's the implication of like, oh, I'm seeking this person out because I know I was once I once came out of it and now I want to go home. You know what I mean? like ah You know, so that I want to go. Yes. So in that case, it's probably a kink you're seeking out and that person might be like, I, you know, lets just do it.
oh my you know And if that's their kink, that's their kink. you know It's like Stiffler's mom from American Pie. You know, she was like, I like my wine aged 18 years, you know, and she was just waiting for Finch to turn 18. Is it a little creepy? Absolutely. But they're also both consenting adults at this point. And while I think it's weird, they don't think it's weird. Like, you know what? Go bang Stiffler's mom, I guess. You know, that's as long as you guys are both consenting and no one is being taken advantage of. Go for it. Did I ever tell you that I was propositioned to be a sperm donor once?
Oh, yeah. No, you didn't. That's interesting. So I got plenty to spare. This was in high school and there was this one girl I was friends with who was a lesbian straight up. There was no if ands or dads about it. Everybody knew she was a lesbian. And one day she came up to me and she asked me if I would have sex with her. And I'm like,
I mean, hey terry she, will yeah, I know. I mom i was like, and no, you're lesbian. you're I know you're not into me and I'm, you know, I don't see you that way. What is, where is this coming from? And she's like, Oh, well me and my girlfriend, we want to have a baby and we think you're, you know, a good enough looking guy. We want your jeans. I was like, okay, well look, oh we're in high school.
I'm like, maybe if when we're 20, I think we were like 17 or 18 at the time. I'm like, maybe when you're 20, if you and your girlfriend are still together, ask me again. But I, you know, I don't feel comfortable doing this at such a young age. Also, I'm going to want to sign something that says I do not have to pay child support, but I do want to be able to at least meet the kid.
You know, I don't care if they know I'm the the sperm donor or not. I wanna be able to meet them, but I do not wanna have to take any responsibilities or pay child support. ah And by the time we were 20, they had long broken up. So I was like, okay. Boy, yeah, I was gonna say, dodge the bullet there. Yeah. But it was just so wild that I got asked that, just, will you have sex with me? ah What?
yeah I'll just give you some of my genes. Are you sure you want the diabetic kids genes? Yeah.
yeah that's um oh It's a slippery slope. That's a slippery slope. You know some people aren't thinking straight They think that's how they need to like progressive relationship and like I do fear not to get on my high horse I'm gonna get off it here and I want to get to my word of the day but I do fear that people are trying to move their relationships faster because People have phones sooner. They see things quicker. They have a lot more input faster and so I do think adults young adults and teens alike like I think just everyone feels like they need to move quicker and so like
People move in faster. They get married faster. They want to make kids faster. They they start dropping the L word much quicker in their relationships. You know, and I do think that like that is something to keep an eye on because I do fear that people think they have to like lock it in now. It's kind of like back in like boomer days or like the greatest generation days were like People are like, hey, I don't know if there's a whole lot of people in this town. We're gonna just try to stay together and I'll stay together for like 60 years. So in a way, maybe it'll work. But they also didn't have all that extra input of like all these options all around the world. they were The world was a much smaller place then. So like, I do worry that it's something similar, but with so much more reach, I think people have so much more input that they're like, yeah, let's hurry up and do this because I can't justify being single. People think that you're less of a person when you're not in a relationship.
And like, I think people try to rush that shit and I think it's going to set up some disaster. People are, you know, I don't know. That's just my fear is that people don't value themselves enough that they have to get value from other people, you know? No, I completely understand where you're coming from. That's I think there's a huge um not to go too far off tangent, but I think there is a huge self-confidence issue bubbling under the surface. That's, you know, we're starting to see kind of breaking out.
And, uh, it, it could be partly because, you know, uh, with social media, you're only ever seeing the best of everybody else's lives, you know, so it makes it feel like you're failing. I actually watched a very interesting psychological video the other day about, um, the mentality. and Now this is based in America, so ah it could be different where you are, uh, people in other countries.
But there's a big push in America to equate social status and money to how good of a person you are, or are like not good as in you're nice, but good as in like just a better person. um And that can lead to a lot of feelings of inadequacy because you constantly think to yourself, I could be doing better.
and how that can seriously mess up somebody's self-esteem. I believe it. I could absolutely see that in the world, like that that kind of push to make people intrinsically put together wealth and job status as their social status. And I think that's something we as a country, world, whatever, need to get away from before people can start to kind of get their mental health back in order, if that makes sense.
It's basically designed to make you your own worst enemy and make it so you never feel like you're good enough. Yeah, sometimes it do be like that. They used to just say that about magazines, like, oh, you don't have to look like the guys and girls on the cover.
And now it's like, you don't, you know, but now there are pieces of people in your personal life and like, you don't have to have what they have. Yeah. Everybody's a little crazy. I've told people many times that like, I don't want all the money. I just want enough to be comfortable, live a nice, comfortable life with some leftover to help me on a rainy day. Or, you know, if, um, I want to go to buy your buddy Adam some five guys, or if I want to buy my buddy Adam some five guys, I have the money to do that. And I've had people look at me like,
What's wrong with you? What do you mean you don't want all the money? Like, more money is more good. I'm like, no. Moderation and everything. That includes money. Like, I don't need millions of dollars. I will take it if it's offered to me and I never have to work again. Absolutely. But I'm not going to bust my ass and waste 90% of my life chasing the million dollar dream just to be on my deathbed and go, man, those last 10 years sure were good.
Absolutely not. I live my life to bring myself as much happiness as I can in the days I have to live it. Yeah. That's the end of that because that is a long ass tangent.
It sure is. Adam, why don't you give us a word of the day? I have two words of the day because I really wanted to shatter all the rules today. Aren't we just a fucking overachiever? ah Yeah. ah So this one, I'm using vocabulary dot.com to get my words. You monster.
Yeah, so you know take that to the bank and cash it. um So I have two words because I found both, and I thought they were both delightful, so um I'm going to do it. So the first one is Sally Fourth. So it's S-A-L-L-Y, like the name s Sally, and then space, and then fourth, F-O-R-T-H, Sally Fourth.
um And sally there's a whole old English kind of thing where like Sally in particular was like a militaristic term to like move forward onto something or to or or to like rush forward towards something. But to Sally forth as a verb means it's kind of like what you would say when you want to set out on an adventure or to set out to do something like, all right, let's Sally forth men or let Sally forth under the ship or let's Sally forth to the store.
You know, and so it's kind of like a verb to mean like a sudden, energetic way to do something like a way to like excitedly set out to do something. um You know, ah or ah or in short, to embark or to get going. So like, you know, let Sally forth, then, you know, or let Sally forth to ah to the, you know, to the car, whatever. um So, yeah, so Sally forth, I thought that was pretty fun.
I like it. I had heard that word before. I was like, pretty sure that means to like to go somewhere. Like, yeah, I had never heard it before. And I thought that it was really delightful.
Yes. But here's one I have heard that I still think is just a fun word. And yeah it's the word of the day from August 8th, 2024. So recording this right now on August 9th, 2024. It's VIM. Have you heard of VIM? Oh, like you're full of VIM and vigor. Exactly. VIM. Yeah. You know what VIM means? Isn't it like you're it's like your stamina, your your your energy levels, right? Like if you're full of VIM, you're you're awake and and alert.
How's that i close? I mean, that's pretty close. Yeah. As a VIM is kind of like. Yeah, VIM is kind of like the concept of like ah energy and enthusiasm. Like you've got a lot of VIM like, you know, you're full. You're you're you're ready to go. You're very I would describe myself as someone who has a lot of VIM. I would. um You would describe me or no. You. Yes. Me. No. You know me. Yes. Yeah.
Beluga, definitely no. You're probably no. You're probably like there in Viggy. Yeah, she would be V. You'd be Vi. I'd be them. Yeah, she'd be like the starter Pokemon and I'd be the max evolution and you'd be the middle. I'm right in the middle, child. Yeah, she'd be Charmander. You'd be Charizard. You'd be you'd be Charmeleon. I'd be Charizard.
um um or Squirtle or or in this case, cause because she and I prefer, I was about to say, she and I prefer the water types. So she'd be Squirtle, you'd be Wartortle, I'd be Blastoise. I prefer them too, so I'm good with that. Yeah, same disease. They are the best Pokemon, hands down. I don't care if what anybody says. um I mean, they're no Eevee, but whatever. Eevee is the worst. That's for the furries. Let the let the furries have Eevee, okay? No, maybe I'm a furry. Oh, third word of the day, schism.
yonder voracious meteor disabuse impermeable glockenspiel whoa glockenspiel what the fuck does that mean glockenspiel is a percussion instrument comprised of metal bars that are struck with a hammer the glockenspiel is common in german music the glockenspiel probably means like the the hammer throngs or some shit Um, you know what I like about dictionary or like vocabulary dot.com is is I'm scrolling through these words. Is there words that I'll probably actually use? Like, like glockenspiel, like glockenspiel, uh, convalescence, I think is a ah very pretty word. Um, sartorial, um, threnody. Now that's a word I've never heard of. Threnody.
dysidiridium we can't let you do word to the day anymore conundrum that's a great word counter-terrorism fuddled i love fuddled oh to be like befuddled Fuddled. You're disoriented or confused. Yeah. Wait. So like and be fuddled. I guess it's be fuddled is like I am fuddled. I am. Well, I don't know. Let me see. Fuddled definition. Disoriented. It's an adjective. Yeah. I don't know if like like I know by anesthesia after getting you with some teeth out. um
ah I mean, let's you know what? Let's do one more thing. Fuddled versus befuddled. I think befuddled. Is it more is it like ah was it? um
Yeah, I think that and flammable means right. Exactly. But befuddles is just more of a common, more modern way to say it. But fuddled is the original, apparently. Well, that is that just fantastic. Let's click random word mime.
Gross, humongous, days. Mine's are gross. Remove, quaternary, abrasion, portray, challenge. you I got to stop. I got to go. You are not allowed to do it anymore. hey Danny, I love words so much. I noticed. All right. all How about how about right one or two more questions? So ah vi and Vim and Saliforth,
Um, so to have them to be energetic and, and, and, uh, very, was this what I say? Energetic and enthusiastic. And then Sally forth is pretty much to say to embark on something. Let Sally forth. It's a verb. So they follow them. Yes.
yes All right. Yeah. How about one more question? We've been going for a while. All right. Here. This is a short question, but could definitely lead to some interesting story. Uh, this is on ask Reddit by doc type HTML and they want to know what is a smell you will never forget.
Can we talk about this with Alex? Who do we talk about smells with? I don't know. We talk about smells with somebody. I have a a backup question. No, it wasn't Alex. It was somebody who's talking about marigolds. Who was one of our recent guests? It was like a ah flower they were remembering or something. Was that Dax? Maybe. No. They all bleed together. have What is the smell? That but but that wasn't the question. it was like that The original question for that one was like, what's the smell that you associate with like a good memory or something? oh This one is, what is the smell that you'll never forget? Yeah, this can be a bad memory.
Uh, a smell that i'll actually you're right. We did answer something like this. And I think I have the same answer as I did. I can't remember to whom we asked this. It was pretty recent, like in like a month or two. Yeah, it might have been. um Was it was it John's sister? Who was caitlyn nowll was caitlyn no was it? No, it wasn't. We didn't ask this question with her.
I can't remember who that was now, it showed me crazy. We did, it was a male, it was a guy. Hey, if you know who it was, write into the show and tell us who it was. Who the fuck did we talk to about smells? Damn. Sheet!
Cause it was something about, cause I talked about elderberry as a kid and how that smell was really potent. And we'd go like smack elderberries with like, uh, like holes and stuff. And the smell would permeate throughout the town and everything. I honestly Christ don't remember who that was that we talked to. rights i talked doesn but My mom's chili.
Yeah, was man, was that was that that? Which is still my answer. So maybe I should. Oh, no. that We talked to it with um ah Cap. It was Cap. Cap was the one that we talked to. Yeah, that's who it was. Cap. was I think Cap was the one that brought up marigolds, I think, um because we found that we could eat them. Right. You can eat parts of it.
Yeah. All right. All right. We got it. We figured it out. We can answer that question. No, no, it's fine. Mulligan. We answered that one already. It's fine. Do over. I have a backup. It's fine. OK. All right. ah So what was your name? Doc type HTML. Go watch that other episode. Anyway. Listen to it. where It's not on video. Also on Reddit. No stupid questions. Jukebox of love. They want to know.
Why did people in their 30s look so old when I was little? But now that I'm 30, I feel like I, along with my classmates and friends, still look fairly young. Why? I'm sorry. That's OK. How come when you're little, a 30-year-old looks really old, but when you're 30, you still consider yourself looking pretty young? I mean, because 30 is such a big nut. I mean, again, it's a societal thing, just like the step thing, right? like Little kids at a young age, no, 18 means I'm an adult, right? They know that. A lot of kids are like, well, when you turn eight, you know, how many parents say, when you're 18, you can do whatever you want, but while you're under my roof, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? um Like they know that. They know they can join the eight, or they talk about drinking as they get a little bit older and like, oh, they know that's 21, even though some may not wait that long. So I do think that like, even people not like the kids I work with,
for my day job are all like between like 17 and 19 years old. And they still think that 30 is old, right? Because like I've had so many friends who had a 30 life crisis because that's such a big deal. But then once you settle in and you realize, oh, it's just 30 people live to like 90 fucking years old now. Like, you know, like back in like Victorian days, getting to 30 was like a miracle. Hell, even like early, like even when medicine was starting to advance a bit, like, you know, like in the wild west and shit, like getting the 30 was crazy. You know, most people were like out getting big boy jobs and running ranches at like 14 years old because that was like adulthood at the time. Like, cause like you don't have much more life to live. Either you're going to get shot, catch cholera and die, you know, dysentery. is very You cut yourself on a rusty nail. You're screwed. You're screwed unless they cut it off. And even then that might not save you.
Um, you know, so anyway, I think, I think when you're 30, like some people, I disagree with that kid or whoever that is. Some people don't take 30 that well at all. Some people don't take 30 well. Well, no, it's not about whether they take it well, but it's like, how come I consider myself not looking super old, even though when I was young, I thought a 30 year old looked really old. Because as you get older, you recognize The other steps up, like for me, I recognize that there are people who are my age and younger who look way older than they are for various health reasons, genetics or whatever, right? Some people go bald at like 22. Some people smoke or do drugs and when they're younger and it just rapidly ages them. they're Or they tan too much and their skin gets real leathery and like fucking gross.
Like there's a lot of reasons that people can look older than what they are. So, you know, I think I think it just depends on your perspective. But for me, I'm just like, I look pretty fucking good for 36. I'm awesome. I mean, I think I look pretty sexy for, you know, I'm just like, you know, now look at some. You look pretty sexy for 36. Thank you. You know, and I look at I look at some actors like look at Ryan Reynolds. That dude's probably pushing like what is mid to late 40s and like he looks incredible.
You know, and I know a lot of that is makeup, but still, he takes care of himself. He's active. He's always going around doing things like he looks good for 40 something. Hugh Jackman's in his fifties. Looks incredible. You know, and I'm only saying that because I just saw them in Deadpool and Wolverine. I know they were in makeup, so they don't look as good in the face, but still, they look good, huh? We're seeing it on Tuesday. So don't don't talk about it.
I don't know why everybody says that. There's nothing to spoil in that movie except a couple of cameos. There's no strong story in any Deadpool ever. Just spoil that there are cameos. Of course there are. It's a Deadpool movie. It's a Ryan Reynolds flick. Everything he's in in the past decade is on cameos. I also don't really care about spoilers all that much.
I was gonna say, there are no spoilers for ah for Deadpool. that like There's no hard story in it at all. shock ah doeslike movie with it's just ah It's just a good romp of just silly quips and fun fights with Wolverine. That's pretty much it. um But it's a good time. It's a good movie.
But anyway, that's my opinion. It's like I think it just depends on your perspective. But people as you get older, you look at other people who are of different ages and you start there. I for at least for me, my experience was I look at myself internally. There are some health things I need to get back on track. But for the most part, I'm not in the best shape of my life that I was in. I'm like my mid to late 20s because I was dancing more at the studio. But like. Overall, like.
I've avoided diabetes so far. I've avoided any sort of crippling illness. I haven't gotten any debilitating injuries. um My eyes are still good. My eyes are still perfect. I could still pass a 2020. When I had shingles in my eyes, I still passed with a 2020 vision test. I just had to like have more time to see it because my one eyeball that was infected was blurry and I still passed it in the dark.
um So like i'm happy about that even the doctor was like dude you're like thirty five and your fucking eyeballs are awesome i was like hell yeah um you know so like i think that i i i mean i'm not taking care of myself the best way that i can but like i'm doing better than like when i so like some of the kids i work with look way worse than me and they're like eighteen nineteen years old and i'm like hey i'm doing something kind i gotta be doing something okay You know, so for me, I'm like, hey, I look good for 30s, but some people I look out like, oh, God. And I'm like, I'm like, God, you're 30, 30 going on 70 was going to say I was going to guess you're about to retire. Jesus Christ. You know, like, so I think it just depends on your perspective of what old is what you experience. And some people, you know, well, once they pass 30, they'll be like, oh, I'm on the third anniversary of my 29th birthday because that's how they cope with being not in their 20s anymore. So.
I think it just depends on however you were raised to appreciate age and understand age. But, you know, but when you're a kid, everybody who's over like 15 is old. Sixth anniversary of turning twenty nine. There you go. Perfect. See out in there for me, it's my seventh anniversary of turning twenty nine. No, I'm about to be thirty five. So, yeah, and I just turned thirty six. and Yeah. And your birthday again, October.
October, the whole month over. Yep. Dang. You lucky. October 19. Oh shit. Cass's wedding is somewhere around then. It's the week after. Yeah. Am I going to be able to get to Vegas? I got to figure that out. Can I afford that? Are you really? I have an RSVP yet. Whoops. We're going. I know Kimmy's going. I need my man. How am I going to do that? It's good. So expensive. Fuck.
ah All right, anyway, we can talk about that later. Yeah, I still have the invitation. I've let's not talk about that in front of the answer. I've left it on my desk this whole time. Jesus, man, I guess this middle name is interesting. I got to ask her how to say that. I just looked at what her middle name is anyway.
last So, yeah, to throw my hat into the ring here, of I might have any now that Adam might be. Are you done? You good?
I might have ADHD, I don't know for sure. I might. Why don't you go take a breather, you know, go go off, read that wedding invite for a second. I'll answer the question here. Oh, here's the thing I'm supposed to send out. I was hoping I'd get a girlfriend by then so I could check I'm coming with a person, you know, but I don't know that yet. Can I bring two gay gentlemen as my dates? Yeah, I don't care. Go ahead. It's not my wedding. Sick. Cass, Danny said I could bring two gay guns to your wedding.
um So why do people in their 30s look old when I was young but now they don't? ah So this actually goes along with the whole feeling of time moves faster the older you get you know you start and we're just getting to that age where the years are starting to like slip by like i'm like oh you know this thing happened three four years ago now it's been six well to be fair we survived the pandemic right during that transition so like that really distorted time for a lot of people that's fair but uh there is actually a scientific phenomena for that where
you know used to You think back as a kid and you're like, oh man, summer vacation felt like it was a whole year in itself, right? Now it feels like an entire actual year is just a couple months long. That's an actual scientific phenomenon because, and they think it's because when you were young, say you were 10,
A full year was one-tenth of your entire life, right? So you would consider that like, oh my God, in all of the time I've been on Earth, a year is 10% of that. Well, now I'm 34. A year is one-thirty-fourth of my life. It's a lot smaller of the whole chunk, so it seems to go by a lot quicker.
um But in more in tune with your question, I think it's it's just that as you get older, ideally, your idea of what looks like certain, age or what certain ages look like, ages with you. um And that's why, say, when,
Beluga and I, we went to somewhere we used to work when we were 16 to 18 years old, and a lot of 16 to 18 year olds work there. I remember, you know, I worked there and I thought some of the the managers who were maybe 20,
looked older, you know, they they looked like adults. ah Whereas I still felt like a kid or I was attracted to the girl at the next register who was also 16 to 18 years old. Nowadays I go there and they all, all of them just look like babies, every single one of them. I, they look like they're 12 to me now. And what a 16 to 18 year old looks like hasn't really changed all that much, arguably, but what I see as those ages has, that is now very young to me and it looks very young. um Whereas somebody in their 30s now looks more like me, looks more like what I'm looking for in a person, you know, that your idea of what's young kind of ages with you.
if that makes sense. Adam, you can come back now. 100%. I muted myself because I just ripped like a really loud fart and I was just spraying air conditioner, not air conditioner, but like air spray and like what Febreze I had left in the bottle because I was dying over here.
so So so I didn't want to I didn't want to spray to pick up on the on the um not my ah You're gonna make me turn into the couch again i know you go Also, screw you I know it was get you that told Kim me i don't know why you're dying not Yeah bull I know it was you I But I'm sorry, I was just like, oh my God, I need to check to make sure that I don't have a shitty. Oh my God. But I agree with you. ah It's the perception the perception. Like, how did you say it? Like, your perception of what's young ages with you, right? a So, like, I do agree with you. I think, like, you know, when I was 25, I wouldn't have looked at somebody in, like, their, you know, who was, like, 21. I'm like, oh, you just a baby.
But you know now i'm thirty six i'm working with all these you know these like late teens early twenty somethings. and I'm just like in the shit they're talking about i'm like my god that i hope i never sounded like that man the stuff these guys think is serious the way they talk about themselves into each other. The way they just really lean into like this whole like oh i'm not in a relationship i may he be cheating and all other stuff i'm like what are you talking about you barely out of high school at the fuck.
Oh, I thought I'd go right over here in this corner. I'm like, I don't understand what you're doing. But anyway, but like I i think of the stuff they're talking about and I realized like to them again, I've always said what's a mountain to me might be a mojo to someone else and vice versa. So I'm like to them, a lot of these problems are really big, you know, when they're probably not and they don't realize, you know, the power that they have like a lot of those kids I'm working with or that I just worked with.
are gonna vote for Donald Goddamn Trump this election because somebody told them to, because they don't they can't be bothered to have an opinion of their own, and whoever their parents tell them to vote for, that's who they're gonna vote for because they'd rather watch people do their hair on TikTok. Or if somebody that they watched do their hair on TikTok says, oh, by the way, you know as I show you how to put on my wig, I'm voting for this person and you should too, and that's literally the influencer coming out, and they do that. I'm just like, I wish y'all would be a little bit more critical when you're thinking, But you're not right now. Apparently, that's not where your brain is. you know But to me, I'm like, wow, they're still really young. But like if I were 25, 24, 23 even, I don't know what I'd have been like. But also, I didn't grow up in an age where I had a fucking cell phone and a smartphone in school. you know we got like We got our first computers in my school, at like I think eighth grade. um you know So like you know I don't know what I would be like. I can't say that. I don't know. I haven't had access to those things before.
I was watching Space Ghost Coast to Coast clips in the computer lab in my school. Oh, dude, I love that show. You know, so like that's what I was doing. I wasn't, you know, there wasn't really influencers just yet. There were like silly videos like brass and Beretta and all them college humor and shit was doing stuff later. But like, you know, there was no influencers just playing fancy pants adventure.
Right, or, uh, uh, uh, uh, or robot unicorn attack, uh, swim. Oh, it's so good.
But anyway, yeah, I guess it's all a perception of like how you grew up, when you grew up, what you had access to and just like, you know, because some people, like I said, some people are so in denial in their 30s that they'll still try to align themselves. Like, you know, the stuff you see on TV where people would try to like change their look and like talk like the young people, people actually do that though. And some get away with it because they learn it. They learn the lingo.
they Learn what everybody's into and i try to assimilate because it makes them feel younger because people are nervous about getting older i'm crazy about getting older and eventually if i make it to the point where some with your finger in my poop shoot i'm crazy about the idea but you know i'm hoping that when i finally do you get my oil check someone goes hey looks good up here pal you know like so.
But I mean, I get it. So I'm trying to keep myself in better shape. So by the time I reach 50, 60, if I don't croak before then, like I can still do stuff. And I don't feel confined to like, oh, I don't have mobility. i'm not you know I see 50, 60-year-olds crushing it at the gym every day. And I'm like, all right, you can do it. I can totes fucking do that. That's fair. So I guess it just depends on, you know you're like you said, you met a very apt way to put it, Danny. like Your perception ages with you.
Or changes with you. as you age i think is opposite Yeah, I think I was ah a very very astute. I probably just wasted three minutes explaining something. You've already said oh succinctly way more than that, but it's. Yeah, that's that's my curse. It was one. We were at an hour 14 when you started. No, shut the fuck up. Guys, I'm sorry. I'm not going to end it, though.
I'm not going to edit it. Look, I'm just giving you guys a voice to have talking while you drive. Yeah. Or what you would know what you're doing with this. And that's fine. We don't care. like Yeah. Nobody, including myself, listens to a podcast and it just sits there and listens and does nothing else. No podcasts are definitely like, the oh, this is my companion while I do things.
You know, like and so we find out if that's all you use us for. I don't know. you Not at all going to be used because of it. I'm mostly doing this just to be us around with my friend. You know, if nobody listened to this, I'd probably still do it. But, you know, it is a dream come true that you listen. Yeah. You know, Danny, can I say something on the air that has been bothering me about our friendship? too Oh, yeah. and like Can I air out? Can I air out? Yeah, please. Let's air out the dirty laundry.
We're already like about an hour and a half in, so I figure we might as well just really lean into it. Yeah. um It's an extra a long episode. It's an extra chunky episode. yeah No, that's fine. You know, this ah this show used to be like 22 minutes long. Yeah. Well, I remember how impressed you were when I guested and you were like, man, most episodes are like a half hour on the long end. Ours was 50 something minutes. Yeah. Yeah. we There's definitely been a climb, but I'm fine with it.
But can I just say, you know again, I apologize for doing this on the air, but we're already here. And I feel like if I don't say it now, I'm just going to not go say it at all. Speak your mind. you know Guys, for the listeners, Danny approached me some time ago and said, hey, Adam, I'm going to get this game called Elden Ring for my PC. And I've already played it before and everything. But there's this mod that you can download that lets you do seamless co-op, where essentially,
For those of you who don't know what the game is, you can only play with your friends like at certain junctures where you can like bring them into your game for a very short amount of time to help you. And then they have to go back and play their own game for a little while until you get to a new place where you can do that. Where this mod allows you to play the whole entire game. Think like when you play the old school Mario Brothers where you had to take turns as Mario and then Luigi. Think of them on the screen at the same time the whole time, like the newer games.
right where this is like that where you can be in the same world playing this whole game together experiencing a world together on like the it wasn't meant to be experience this way is delightful and fun. Right and danny and i were doing that for a little while we even brought adrian into the fold for a little bit and then danny just goes back to play this game is already played like seventeen thousand hours of.
Um, and every time I try to message him, Hey, you want to do stuff? He never sees my messages. I stopped messaging him because he just so into this other game called outward, which is a fun game. It's an interesting game that I also wouldn't mind playing. But I fear that the moment I got into playing that game, that's when Danny be like, I'm going to go play something different. Um, and so like, you know, and I've been really enjoying that when we did it, Danny and I got some extra time together. Cause really the reason I keep doing TOQ.
is because it's when I finally get some Danny time, right? And so it hurts my heart a little, Danny, that we don't get to hang more when I know you do have free time because I see you're playing outward a lot. You're kind of like perseverated on this game again. And that's OK. I'm not mad at you for that because I recognize it's something that you really love and I love that you love that.
But i would I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that I do feel a little abandoned because we started this really great adventure together. And then now I'm just kind of doing it solo fucking around like just to have my give my hand something to do thinking, man, I wish Danny was here. And then, you know, I have felt dejected and stopped.
Messaging you because that message you and then you wouldn't see my message for days or even answer it because you're just playing a different game and i was like he has time he just doesn't want to spend it with me and i even tried the whole like and i don't actually think that that's just me being funny but like. But i did look at it and i think like you know.
I try to recognize that I can be exhausting and that people are introverted, and don't always want to do stuff with people. So I'd only message you like once every couple of days like, Oh, Hey, how do you feel? And I, and you've been good about saying, Hey, I'm kind of burnt today. I just want to do my own thing. So I respect that, you know, so I just kind of started spacing out how often I would message you to hang out. And then like, when like nothing would happen, I did feel, I did feel a little abandoned, Danny. I'm not going to lie.
Um, so, you know, not to say that you have to make a lot of time for your boy, but you know, I was a little sad that like, I went through and I've been updating this game and everything. Cause I really want to spend some more time with you doing it. And then I'm like, you know, it doesn't have to be Elden ring. It can be something else, but you know, I just miss having more time with you, especially since because of the financial thing, I couldn't come see you last weekend. You know, and so I'm just like, I just, I mean, I could use some more Danny time outside of producing a wonderful show like TOQ, you know? You know what? I completely understand. um Real quick, everybody take notes. This is how you communicate in a relationship.
um So now I will share my side. Please do. Yes, I would love to know what's going on. um I am very sorry you feel that way. I really am. um I actually was going to ask you if you wanted to play tomorrow earlier today, but then I remembered I have something going on tomorrow.
But I could probably play Sunday and I have actually thought to myself Like when I see you're on Elden Ring, I will be like I Mean I should message him but he's in the middle of the game. He didn't message me So I'm guessing he's just playing on his own and wants to play on his own. I should have known better knowing how you are um Yeah, it's never an inconvenience to say yeah i had a ah you're always down to do that. Yeah, I'm like, I'm straight up a people person. I literally just use it as like a way to ride a horse around and keep my hands busy while like psych plays on my other screen. I also I think I've said this to you before, or I've, you know, kind of shared this before, but it's always been an issue with me that I don't reach out to people. I just never do.
um And I am very sorry. I miss your messages. I do genuinely just I get into the game or ah When I'm at work, I have my phone often I have my phone on do not disturb and then I forget to turn it off ah So I just never hear it go off. It happens to melt. too It happens to everybody I'm in I'm not ignoring you. I promise I just I genuinely don't see it. I don't hear it. I Or I assume if I hear it on my computer, it's just the server.
um I will try and be better about that. I do want to play more Elden Ring with you and Adrian. But I do want more of my Adam time, like I said today. I miss my dude, you know, i want when I checked to make sure we were recording tonight, I was like, man, I miss my dude. I had to talk to you in like two weeks. I was like, I need my Adam. I was going to I was going to message you after you said that originally because I was kind of in like a haze. I just came home from like working outside and I was really tired. So I was like in in the middle of like napping phase where like I was trying to recharge. And then like when I saw your message i was and you were like, oh, I miss my dude. I was going to be like, why don't you play on record?
I absolutely would love to play more Elden Ring with you. And please, please never feel bad about messaging me.
I'm very bad with reaching out. Well, you were saying like you you're doing it less. Don't do it. I just I just you know, I just did it less because like it's not that I feel bad for doing it. It's just that like I was like, you know what? I'm just going to just space it out more because maybe that's just the time that you need because like I was messing to you regularly and I wasn't getting anything. So I was like, all right. Oh, maybe like he just doesn't check his phone that much. There's not so much that I feel bad for doing it. I was just trying to strategically just do it less to see if that was a better way to communicate.
It's not. I'm not. I'm not ignoring you. I'm not i was like, should I just text his phone directly? Not on disk. You should have. Yes. um I won't. I would never just ignore anybody. ah I have no problem saying like, hey, I'm just looking for some space. I want some alone time. Like you said, when you've asked me, I will say like, hey, I'm burnt. I really just feel like playing outward. I have no problem doing that. So.
You know, never think I'm ignoring you or I'm trying to find space by just ignoring you. If I don't see your message, you could sit there and go, Dan, Dan, Dan, answer, answer. If I hear it go off a million times, I'm going to be like, OK, something's happening. um And I'm sorry you have to do that. That's not fair to you. But I also know how I am. I don't reach out ever. And I very easy easily forget to take my phone off, do you not disturb.
Um, I will try and be better about that. I've tried many times to be better about that, but yes, I will be glad. I would be glad any day almost to play Elden ring with you. Perfect. I want more time and I think Adrian wanted to play more, um, seven days to die as well.
Oh, I mean, I wouldn't mind that, too. But every time I download the damn game, then people get tired of it in like a week. And I'm like, well, that's just based on my fucking like I just redownloaded see if these for Justin to play. And then like I haven't heard from him in a week. And every time I uninstall it, that's when he wants to play. And it's like an 80 fucking thousand gigabyte game. I'm like, come on, bro I know we can talk about that other time.
But um anyway you know what i just wanted to do a practice and like you said hey let's practice communication you said that thing before we texted and i was like you know what i want to use this opportunity to. To discuss openly how these things can work out you know on the air and hopefully maybe somebody listening if they made it an hour and thirty minutes into our podcast are like hey you know what.
Maybe maybe we can maybe I can talk to this person that I'm upset with or that I might be like misunderstood from or something. And I'm glad you brought it up. I really am like I'm glad we were able to work it out. And now I know that something's wrong and how to fix it. Yeah, you know, because like I because I think some discussions are better to have via voice than like on a text because it could be easy to kind of read it the way yeah it's not meant to be read, you know.
Or to whether it be like, oh, he's really mad, or oh, he's just kidding, or he's just poking fun. Should I take this seriously? Where I think hearing the tone, hearing the expression, actually having a discussion makes it a little bit easier. So you know I do think that like a lot of miscommunication comes from text that is a little bit harder to have when you're actually having a conversation. That's fair. Yeah, absolutely. So I just thought, you know what? We're actually vocally talking. Let's do this.
Anyway, that's that's what I got, man. Thanks. Thanks for the discussion, you know, and let's let's let's let's try to find some more hang time. It'd be nice, you know, as as life gets crazier and moves faster, as you say, you know, it's easy to like blink and like, oh, it's been two years, you know. So, you know, I've been trying to hold on to friendships I have. I very easily get lost in my own life, like, you know, constantly thinking about what I need to do and and what I want to do. And Yeah, I'm a very big single player game player. So like when I think I want to play a video game, my first thought is single player. um Which, you know, not to make excuses, but that is part of the reason why I never reach out to people is like, I'm not a big multiplayer game person. ah Right. and But I do enjoy it and I want to do it more so. I i will take this as a sign that if I ever see you on Elden Ring,
I will ask you, you know, and I'm free. I will ask you if you want to join. Yeah, I'm literally just riding around with that guy we made for Adrian. Like I've just been I'm getting my ass kicked. It's a different play style that I'm used to, but like it's still fun to try something new. But I want to go get my anchor guy and bring him back out with Rovaline or whatever and, you know, start crushing some shit. Rovaline.
Yeah. But anyway, everybody. If you want to see that, we'll start streaming it or something. Yeah. If you want us to stream or maybe do some short videos or something. Do you want to watch two videos play Elden Ring? I'm sure that's nowhere not else on YouTube. but yeah Yeah, sure. um But anyway, Danny, tell everybody what you need to say, man. Hey, everybody, I got something I need to say.
Thank you all so much for listening, especially ah for this huge chonker of an episode. We we really appreciate it. and I know I said I'd give it to you even if nobody listened, but that let's be real, that was just bullshit I was telling for Adam. you know it's It's really about you guys. ah Without you, I would never do this, I promise.
uh because without you guys there is no show and this show doing this with my friend is a dream come true i say it every week and i will continue to no matter what you say um if you want to see beluga do some stuff she streams on twitch beluga 358 uh if you want to hear me do some stuff ah Check out Three Besties and a Guestie.
Check out, oh my God, what's it called? A Strange Stories from Odd Folks. Thank you, Strange Stories from Odd Folks, where ah I did a ah few readings for them. So you could check those out. I actually have a new project from them that we're working on now. So keep on the lookout for that.
um And if you want to ask us anything or check out anything else that the fun installers or us are doing, check out funinstallersnetwork.com. And soon you may even see some merch there, so that would be pretty cool. and working out I mean, there's merch there if you want to support us, but like it's limited while we work on some new stuff. But there there is merch up there. You can go check it out. we got got these cool s like A lot of it is TTRPG based. I'm not going to lie. We don't have a lot of TOQ stuff up there yet.
But you know if you're listening to this show you might be somebody listen to our other stuff so there's more kind of silly stickers and stuff we have related to different characters that we have and. And things like that but i'm trying to revamp the whole store we found i finally was able to log into it so i can start working on it again the whole issue with that cast and i fixed it. um So i can finally get in there next to start trying to get cracking on some stuff but.
um But yeah if you want to support the network if you're a listener ah you know or if there's more that you would like to see please let us know. We see that you're out there listening so it be nice to get the interaction even if you're just a friend a friend of the show or another creator. We'd love to at least get some ideas you know bring us out there we'd love to get some sport and we also have a kofi kofi dot com slash fun and stars.
if you want to support the network there. um And oh, just as a fun little fact, I'm looking at the current times of our episodes on, that's our queue on ah on on our server.
It looks like the longest episode I just had, it was like around a minute or one hour and 51 minutes. It was when we were talking. It was just actually, it was just me and you. Usually our guest episodes are the longest. It was just me and you episode. It's called, it was the episode called Cavill about fly bullets where we learned the word Cavill. And it was just my caption was featuring Adam and Danny just being bros.
um And so that is our longest episode at an hour and 51 minutes. You know what? Actually, right in. How do you feel about the episode length? Would you prefer longer episodes where we can just ramble on for a while and you know, you can listen for hours on end or would you prefer shorter episodes that you can kind of listen to a bit more? but Let us know.
This one's probably going to be in the top five because a lot of the other longer ones were already like an hour 40 an hour 23 to like an hour 35. The other longest one is an hour 44 where we had Calico on.
um And then everything else is usually between like an hour 15 and an hour 30 ish. So this will probably be in the top five by the time that I'm done editing it. Absolutely. ah Which is very, very little. ah Oh, and good news for those of you who likes Josh's voice. Josh did agree to come back on the show at some juncture. I don't know when, um but it'll be quite interesting to have Josh and Danny on the show at the same time with me.
uh because like they were both different hosts of different eras so it'll be interesting to kind of get them on together um so i am working on that josh said he'd be more than happy to come back for like a guest or two episodes he says he does like doing it he just didn't have the brain capacity to do it all the time so it'd be nice to get him on once in a while just to hear his more kind of dry perspective on things and maybe get some more history lessons along the way because you know i do know that the history lessons were pretty big for a lot of people are you saying that my perspectives are wet Yeah, your perspective, your perspectives are pretty moist. Yeah. Um, and Josh has also has just a very dry, Josh is very dry sense of humor. He's very, he's very like, he'll go for like 20 minutes without talking and then just like say something that's just like, I don't know where, but he's also a history buff. So like, we'd always get like a history lesson in the middle of the episode and stuff. Maybe we could do like a history thing instead of the word of the day for those ones.
Yeah, we could. I'm sure he's got a lot. We learned about German Sherman tanks and all this other stuff before we learned about like where the phrase the whole nine yards comes from, where they would fire a whole nine yards of fucking bullets at something crap. Yeah, that's where that comes from. And so they say, give them the whole nine yards as you're saying, unload, unload everything that you have on them. um Yeah. So in the old school machine guns and Gatling guns, it was nine yards and big old bullets.
Um, and that's, oh, like the nine yards of, of um, magazine, like, yeah. Like, it's just like that long chain of bullets. Yeah, I get you. Oh yeah. And that was, they would, when they, you, I don't remember if it was like in certain vehicles, if it was planes, but essentially when the order was given to give them the whole nine yards, it was just fire on them till you got nothing left. Gotcha. Um, and that's where the whole nine yards comes from. Huh? Um, yeah. So that I learned that from my good buddy, Josh.
Anyway, he'll probably be coming on sometime in the near future just to keep an ear out for that as well. um Anything else you got to say, Danny, before we wrap this sucker up? Nope. Thank you all very much for listening. Appreciate you all. All right. Indubitably. So in the meantime, take care of your mind, take care of your heart, and most importantly, for the love of all things holy in this chaotic universe in which we live, please ef man take care of each other and take care of Danny.
Let me tell you something, friends. If you're having a bad day, I got just a story that'll make you feel a little bit better about yourself. It goes like this. I am a stuck in a vending machine. Yeah. This is such a bummer. I just wanted some candy. So I reach with my handy. I am a stuck in a vending machine. Yeah. This is such a bummer I just wanted some candy And now I'll be stuck here all summer
Come on, please don't laugh, though. I didn't have any money, and I really had a hankering for some Rolos, okay? My arm is stuck in a vending machine. Yeah, this is very strange. I just wanted something yummy inside my rumbling tummy. My arm is stuck in a vending machine. Yeah, this is very strange. I just wanted something yummy, and now I'm ready for change.
You know, so by the way, in case it hasn't been clear, I could really use some help. Call 911, SOS, maybe put up some smoke signals. I'm a stuck in a vending machine. Come on. Yeah. This is such a bone. I can't swallow its own candy. So I reach with my handy. I'm a stuck in a vending machine. Oh man. Yeah. This is very strange I just wanted something yummy And now I'm ready for change No one's coming for me