A Foudroyant Testicle Trauma image

A Foudroyant Testicle Trauma

That's Our Q
21 Plays3 months ago

Should you talk to that stranger in your class? Can you have kids if you got nut-punched twice as a pre-teen? What would you change about humanity to improve it? Is the word "Foudroyant" French? Find out today!
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Actually, hey, you know what? Why don't you do the intro since you already came up with a thing to say? Well, you actually want me to use that and you're putting me on the spot for the intro. Yeah, go for it. I think it's nice. OK, well. um and Good morning, afternoon and evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and everything up, down and up all around. We are here today ah to bring you some. Questions and answers. Today, we are going to take your cues. We're going to give them a call a little after midnight, maybe around two in the morning. Bring them over for about a half hour, show them a good time, and then leave them to take the walk of shame home. I am Danny Guarantee, joined by my effervescent co-host, Adam. How you doing, Adam?
Oh, you know me just living the dream with my boy Danny guarantee. What? Yeah. How did you feel about that intro? I thought I did a bang up job but Also, it was all off the cuff. So hey that's for the listeners to so work they do a good job. Let us know. Yeah. Yeah. So we're just going to jump right into it. um We're just going to get some questions out. We're trying to squeeze one in between like a little bit of a time restraint today.
Um, so we're just going to try to get through them. So if it sounds like we're trying real hard, that's what we're doing, but who knows the conversation might take a left turn and we'll see. So anyway, those go hop right, hop right into the first question. This one is posted by it's portequa um portuqua okay import Um, and they say, when I got, when I was 12, I got punched in the testicles twice in two minutes, as hard as the kid could. Can I still have kids?
Danny, I mean, I'm assuming this was a little while ago. It sounds like this was years ago. Mm hmm. I mean, I have follow up questions, right? Like probably. ah Are they sore? Do they hurt? Are they still there? Are they black and blue? Like if like. that area started like turning black or something and hurting, then no, probably not. Right. Yeah. If they're still in a condition where they look like they're a little not healthy, you're probably. Yeah. But, you know, probably best to go donate because your sperm are going to come out bent. You know, nothing worse than a bent sperm. Yeah, they're going to come out with shaped like boomerangs and just try to fly back into you once you let them out. So ah like you got to be careful.
ah Hate that. That reminds me of that fish. That's the one that the one that swims in your in your peace stream. Yeah. I hate that, man. That was the worst episode of House I ever saw. Mm hmm. But yeah, I mean, if your balls are feeling fine and not tender more than normal. I don't see why not. Like if it's been a long enough time. ah Let's ah Danny. I did a quick look up and I found a list of testicular injuries that we can go over. Number one, contusion, swelling, bleeding or bruising resulting from damage to the blood vessels in the testicles. That is likely what happened to this person. Yes. um There's also test testicular torsion when the scrotum causes a somatic cord inside the testicle to become twisted, leading to tissue death. Yeah, you can die from that.
from torture or fracture, a tear in the testicular covering. ah This is one I've never heard of called Degloving, which just to name itself sounds awful. Let me guess. when It's when it opens up and and they drop out when the scrotum skin is torn away from the testicles. Sorry, Terry, for this conversation hate that dislocation and injury in which the testicle is forced out of position and detaching when the testicle has been detached. So, hey, it sounds like you only have maybe one, potentially two of those things when you were younger. um As long as you don't have blood in the urine, difficulty peeing, a constant fever, nausea or a lot of swelling, you're probably OK to ah have kids. So there you go. I mean, ah look you could try and do a test run, you know, go open up certain web pages, go in your bedroom with some, you know, lotion and a tissue and see if the machines work.
Yeah, they say on this site that I'm looking at, it says you can't always anticipate a test, a testicular injury, but safety precautions can help. Another thing you can do is ensure an injury doesn't impact your fertility is to consider freezing your sperm. So there you go. You can do it with a mail-in kit. Apparently there's a website called Legacy that you can use to get a mail-in kit and then you send it back and they preserve it for you little guys. So there you go. You maybe make a little but ah a reserve supply. so You stopped after the word ensure for a second there, and I thought for like, ah for some reason, my brain was like, is he talking about ensuring your balls like getting an insurance? You mean you don't have that? Well, I can't say that I have testicular insurance now. Oh, well, I just really need to consider it. Yeah.
I mean, too, but I wanted to use the cup for other stuff. So like it I had one called the one that says no people messes on it that I was using for a little while. But then ironically, you know, I didn't want to make a people mess in the cup. So I get to give it. But anyway, I digest. There's. your and Yeah. Any any other thoughts on can you have kids? Can this person have kids getting punched in the schools twice? Probably, yes, you can still have kids if you're not noticing any issues. I mean, worst case, go to a doctor if you can't do a dry run. And hey, if ah this is the last thing I'll say about it, if you're concerned about other things, there's a wonderful song that Tom Green, if you remember who he is, made a song way back in the 90s about how to take care of your testes so you don't get cancer. So go look look up that song and it'll change your life. Yeah. Also, the Bum Bum song that has nothing to do with testicles, but still a funny song.
um Anyway, next question. Posted by batslayer2448. i Yeah, that's pretty cool name. And they say, and this is on the Reddit ask men. oh im mad They say there's a girl in my class who I think kept looking over at me a couple of times. I don't know if she does or doesn't like me, but we haven't really gotten to talk yet. ah Our class got assigned seats yesterday and now we sit next to each other. If we get to talk a little tomorrow, should I ask to sit with her at lunch or would that be too soon? So this sounds like somebody who's probably in high school
or middle school who's maybe developing a little crushy crush. And they're like, hey, this girl looks at me sometimes, but like we don't talk. Should I make a move or not? We sit next to each other. Right. I ask you to a lunch date. So what you do is. um
You you make one of those little notes like, do you like me? But just says smash or pass. Yeah. And you just kind of like nonchalantly put that on our desk. Uh, no, but in all seriousness, yeah, I think asking her to lunch to sit with her at lunch or something is perfect, you know, or, uh, if you ever see her sitting alone at lunch or whatever, just walk over, ask if you can join her. If she minds, um, go for my, my, uh,
Instinct is to always go for the friendship first or not instinct. My ah my go to go for the friendship and see where it goes from there. Don't go in trying to. Get her to go on a date that could be coming off a little too strong, just. Go try and make a new friend at first and see where it goes. um But yeah, I think I think asking her if she wants to eat lunch together is a great. Great thing to do, or if you get like a group project and you want to be partners. also good. Yeah, you know, maybe maybe just and if you're if you're not sure, there's always little buddy things that they do like all the person next to you will grade your paper or something, you know, they always used to do that or give it to the person to your left or to your right. And then you just pass it over. And then maybe be on your test, when like your friend is looking at your answers to see if you did a good job, maybe you write under
Maybe it's an ab bc question ABC ABCD. You put a little E underneath one of the questions and you circle it and it says, girl, you fucking cute. You want to go get some tater tots at lunch? And then like she's like, oh, this guy. And then she write back, no, you frickin nerd. Oh, she'd be like, oh, hell yeah. Who does tater tots? Yeah. So I was actually going to say grade her paper and then put like a for S B for movies.
A for S, B for boobies, C C then boobies. I'm not saying that one. D for these nuts. D for these nuts. Oh, man, I heard a really good. These nuts joke earlier today, and I wanted to use it on one of my shows. and I forgot what it was. Oh, no. I know what it was. I know what it was. It was like a D and&D thing. And the one guy was like, oh, great sage. What does this mean? And he goes, this is not knowledge for me to know. Only the mind goblin knows. And then they they're like, the adventures like what the fuck's a mind goblin? He goes mind goblin. Oh.
You know what? I hate that. I still love that shit, but it's so know I love those. I love them. It's like those old school gotchas or psych, you know, no good. And go um the goblin one is just it's a classic man. The mind. ah Sorry. Every time one of us brings up the Pokemon slugma, there's always slugman nuts. Like my nuts. um Coughing, coughing on these nuts on these nuts. But anyway, if oddly enough, it's funnier when a girl does it. I don't know why. So like if if but if a girl's like saying shit like that, it's like 10 times funnier to me. Hey, ladies, now you know the quick way and that I'm sorry. Listen, yeah, if you if you want to if you want to hit on me, trick me with a deez nuts joke. Hit on these nuts. Yeah. And then like.
Like, hey Adam, you want some ice cream? Sure, ice cream when you eat these nuts.
ah fuck it um I'll ask to marry you on the spot probably. um With like an onion ring or something. um cream But anyway, yeah, you know, if you want to ask your friend out, yeah, go for it, but also just Prepare yourself for either answer. Go in confident, but don't be a dick if it doesn't go the way you want it to go. Because right now you're just basing it off of, oh, that girl looked at me a couple of times, which like, if you don't have anything else to go on, she'd be looking at you for a myriad of reasons. to and What I would say is, I don't always say to take the safe route, but in this case, if you're just like, oh, that girl looked at me a few times, that's like, you know,
I know a lot of guys aren't used to getting a lot of of the right kind of attention. So like it's easy. I don't want you to set a precedent like a girl looked at me. That must mean she wants me kind of thing. So just be careful with that. Right. Like maybe just try to hang out more. Maybe initiate some kind of conversation because she might totally suck if you don't even know who she is. And you're going to ask her on a unlike a little lunch date. We don't even know. She's like your type. You could talk to her and she might be like, oh, my God, he's nuts. And you'll be like, oh I fucking hate her or i love like, yeah, I love her. You know why she's Irish, but yeah, let's do it. is She he thought that was an Irish. I have no idea what that was supposed to be. It was the worst cockney accent I could come up with. Oh, um yeah, it was. Yeah, it's Irish. That's it. Irish. You were gobbling these nuts. Oh, nuts, Mike. All right.
Anyway, uh, yeah, I just want to, I don't, I hate to be like a downer on that, but it's very important to me because my brain immediately thought, Oh, a girl looked at him. That must mean, you know, cause there's a lot of in cells out there and a lot of like insecure, quote unquote alpha males that'll do the same thing. Oh, well, she was practically asking for it the way she looked at me from over there. Is that ah eye contact means they want me, right? Or. you know, they were that outfit, that must mean they want me to say something, right? You know, so I thought that I'm saying that you're doing this bat slayer 2448. But I'm just saying that, like, be careful of like getting into that realm of a girl might have showed me a little bit of attention, that must mean I have to act on that. Like, you can act on it in a lesser aggressive way, because you don't even know this person, right? You just
They looked at you once, so you don't necessarily have to ask them out. Maybe just like ask them to hang out, talk to them, maybe see if they want to sit together or maybe shoot the breeze between like tests or lessons or something in the hallway like, oh, hey, we sit next to each other. Are you struggling with class? I don't know what people what kids talk about in school now. Like, did you see a lady, the latest just give any toilet? Yeah. Yeah. but Have you been pushing out your geot for the Rizzler, you know? I been writing fully agree with Adam. I'm going to cut him off so he stops that. ah No cap, Boston. I think.
You're so right. I. Yeah, God, I agree with the sentiment, not what he's saying, um but he's absolutely right. And that was a good call, Adam, to bring that up because, yeah, she it it sucks. that it's, you know, it sucks if she says no, and it hurts, but she doesn't owe you a date. She doesn't owe you friendship or anything. And it's a very slippery slope to think that oh, well, you know, I went out of my way to ask you out and you couldn't even say yes, like, she doesn't have to it's, you know, the it's up to her, both people have to want to do it.
um So just yeah be be ready for that you might get rejected but if you do you're just back to where you were you're not going to be anywhere so often you are now. right and If you keep going, just be mindful that if you press the issue too much, you could be like the other guy who said when he was 12, he got punched in the testicles twice in two minutes as hard as that person could. And that could be you if you push it too hard. So if you don't want your testicles punched twice or even once, because I got to tell you, once is plenty. Once is twice is already too many. Three is right out. I mean, um no means no. Just if she says no, I'm not interested. OK, I'm sorry.
Thank you. Bye. that I would even say don't push it. Just. No means no. She's asked to hang out with me. Any of that. That's what I would do. Just that. Just talk. Just say, hey, you go for the friendship project. It doesn't want to. If she's not open to being friends, then that's it. You just OK. No problem. No hard feelings. She might be a butt sucker. She might suck. But and, you know, you also need to make sure that you're doing your homework because like do maybe she will say yes. And she turns out to be crazy. Right. And you didn't know that because you didn't do your homework ahead of time.
So like don't get jumping into relationships is overrated. Adults do it way too much as it is. Don't set that precedent. It's cool if you feel those feelings and all that other good stuff. But just at the end of the day, friendship is great, man, because you're going to find as you get older or you might be somebody listening right now that's already in this kind of position where like the friend group gets smaller and smaller because life takes everybody in different directions. like You know, like friends are great to have because at least you can hang out with the person for a while. And if you do have feels and they catch feels great, then it's more organic than just trying to force it. Cause somebody looked at me once or twice in class, they might've just liked your shoes. They might've liked your hair.
Maybe they just maybe they're like, oh, man, this dude has like a piece of shit on his face. And I don't know if I should tell you even think you're cute. That doesn't mean they want to go out with you. Right. I think people are cute all the time. It doesn't mean I want to date them. Yeah, I think you're cute, Adam. But I do want to do so. Well, that's true. But, you know, i I feel like we need to schedule another another hangout spot soon. Yeah. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Let's go. to Let's go to Buffalo Wild Wings where Kimmy works. OK. And then we're going there tomorrow. I could probably make that. Can you wait? No, we're going to. What's it called? Too many games this weekend. I don't know what that means up there. It sounds like there's convention for video games. Oh, and I'm not allowed to go. OK, cool. Thanks for inviting me. All right. Actually, a different friend invited us.
Well, fuck that. We can share friends. OK, I shared my friends with you. And now you guys have another friend. But I'm going to be welcome to to join in. I don't care. When are you going? What time will it be? It's five hours from tomorrow. what We're doing a party tomorrow and then we're heading down and staying the night in the hotel and then we're doing TMZ and Sunday. Oh, yeah. You know what? I don't want to stay in a hotel. I'll sleep in there.
That's a whole thing. know no correct No, thank you. I stole a towel from a hotel once when I was like in my early 20s, and I'm concerned that they're going to know it was me if no matter what hotel I go to. So I don't I can't take that risk. um Anyway, you don't answer one more question. I know. Wait, you have to do the word of the day still. Yeah. Do you want word of the day? Yeah, man, let's do that. All right. Really good on time today. Yeah. Uh huh. OK, today's word of the day. ah Is going to write it down. There we go. It's Nuffalopagus food, drawing and food, drawing. And that is an interesting looking word. F.U.D.R.O.Y.A.N.T. This word does not have like the good mouth feel and that that nice symmetry to it. No, it doesn't. It looks more like a hydrant toilet.
Yeah. Uh, so let's see food drawings is an adjective. Uh-huh. And it is a sudden and overwhelming effect. So it is sudden and overwhelming. It is stunning and dazzling. So. A sudden and other example sentences. Yeah. Uh, the food drawings storm lit up the whole sky. ah The opera began with a food joint overture setting the stage for the emotional and powerful performance that followed. So like it's, you know, the food joint. Fresh of thunder scared everybody in the middle of the night. So it's it's it's sudden and overwhelming, you said. Right, yes. Yeah, like a sudden and overwhelming in effect. So just something that happens suddenly and.
And like, you know, goes hard and fast. Let's see. I'm looking up some synonyms, but like spectacular thunderous, impressive, awe inspiring, striking food, joy, and interesting. Interesting. Well, I think I know what our episode title is going to be. Oh, well, I have two ideas, either a food joint punch to the testicles or food joint testicle trauma, which I think is where I'm leaning right now. Well, I do like food joint testicle drama. You know, just kind of has a flow to it. It's like, is that because of a question or is that a TV show? I would watch that. Yeah. Food right. I like it.
I got to tell you, I'm really enjoying it's like the new trend. of Well, I guess it's not new anymore. We've been doing this for a little while, but ah adding the vocabulary word into the titles is like, yeah, absolutely. I love it. Yeah. For my own memory, too. It jogs what we talked about. Like when I look at it, I'm like, oh, yeah, that was a for drawing episode when we were talking about punch and testicles. Oh, yeah. I remember that. Oh, well, I'm happy that that works for you. ah that It's all a blur for me. I get that, but I also edit it so I get to hear it more. You know, that's fair. We even have people like that. We know comment on these episodes and they'll answer the question. They'll be like, oh, I really like Danny's answer. You know, I agree with Danny like or Adam, you know, this, that and the other thing. And I'm like, I'm glad you agree with me. I have no idea what you're talking. Yeah, I have. I sometimes I'm like, hey, can you give me some context? Because I don't know what they're talking about. What question is this in reference to?
but Yeah, we do a lot of these. um But if for joint testicle trauma, I think will be the time. That is a very good one. Well, let's don't count your chickens before they get punched twice in 12 minutes in two minutes. We still have another question. That's true. I got one more left. This one is from the random thoughts thread from silver. What the fuck? That's a silver miss though silver. I think it's supposed to be silver mist honey nine, but I think they missed an H or a T somewhere. So I'm just going to pronounce it as a spelled silver Miss Tony nine. um
Maybe it's like Miss Sony Smithsonian, but it's pronounced differently. I don't know um if you could change one thing about most people, what would it be? And then they have like just a slight little it says in the context of behavior. So if you could change one thing about the majority of humans, what would it be, Danny? How do you feel about that one? Do I get into it? I think the best thing to to do would be to add a lot more empathy to other people or a lot more critical thinking skills to people.
I feel like both of those are in very short supply. Critical thinking in particular, or empathy more? Both. I think the world would be a better place with more empathy. I would go with empathy. and think I think we're very segmented as a world right now and nobody really thinks about anybody else, at least where we are. um Yeah. I think the world would be a much better place if people just had an easier time remembering that, you know, this story about a bombing and and a mass murder is about other people just like you that live life just like you. They were the mass, you know, they were the main character of their own lives just like you are. Um, and hopefully that would get rid of this whole like NPC trend shit thing too. That would be a great bonus. Yeah.
Yeah, I agree with that. ah I don't know if you know if you know who Brennan Lee Mulligan is, but in I think it was an episode game changer or was it make some noise? I can't remember. But somehow, like through like one of the skits, he said, like, if compassion could be gamified, the world would be a better place. So it was like, you know, like if somebody had an app or like if you kept doing nice things and showing kindness about people and he scored points or got rewards, he thought the world would be a better place. like because people need an instance incentive it seems to show compassion in some way, shape or form. Absolutely. said If there was an app that tracked your kindness and rewarded you for it, he thinks that the world would be a better place. I think that's 100% true. I mean, just imagine if like, instead of magazines coming out with like, here's the 12 richest people and how they say you should spend your money. Imagine if these magazines came out, we're like, here's the 12 people that helped
The most other people today or are you know last month and here's their story about why they did it Even just that changing what people look at In their day today will change how they see the world, you know um Constantly concentrating everything we have around us on money For obvious reasons not nobody really has much of it anymore, but um It creates this very Screw you, I got mine mentality of like everybody's out for themselves. And I think if we just replaced. A lot of this media stuff with good stories rather than fear mongering and stuff, I think it would make a huge change. Yeah, yeah, I agree. You want to know what I would change? Mm. Crocs. I would change people wearing crocs.
Just get rid of them. Just get rid of them. I agree with that. I think I mean, I get that for. Yeah. I have so many things about that that, you know, I. Although I do think crocs are ugly, I get that people think they're comfortable, but my god, they're distracting when I see someone who's dressed in a really nice outfit. Doesn't matter your gender. Just like, oh, hey, they look like they dressed to the nines. And then there's like a, like a bright ass pair of like grotesque, like chartreuse colored crocs. I'm like, what the fuck? I think it wouldn't be so bad if they were like just black or gray or something. Yeah. but Yeah. They're all like neon pink and bright orange and
Oh, all these colors that like just it's all you can look at. And I'm like, if if you can make those work with your outfits better, maybe. But I think that's why I resent them so much is because they're just such a distraction from like. You know, I was a, I taught dance for almost a decade. I learned to appreciate color combos and outfits and people who put time into it and like different ways that you can piece together clothes. So like when I see someone who's like got a really well put together out for it, I'm like, wow, they did a really good job on the, Oh my God. Well, look at the, what the fuck are those shoes? yeah like
My brain just can't, but I can't appreciate anything else. And like I know at the end of the day, it's not about what I can appreciate and that they're comfortable. But I'm just saying it's, they're so distracting. Like if I'm talking to somebody wearing them, I can't concentrate. it's And you know what? It's not just the colors for me. It's the, and this, I don't know anything about Crocs. They could be really well made for all I know. They look cheap as hell. Like they do. They look like it's just cheap plastic bent over a sole with holes in it. Yeah, it crushes my soul every time I see them. um But no, that's not really what I would change about most people, but it is something I notice every day. um Oh, no, I'm changing my answer. Empathy, compassion. Like I do think about that on a regular basis. I always say like it's not hard to be nice. It's not hard to not be a dick, but yet people make it out to be like.
yeah like Like everybody wants to be the main character in the story. And I get that you're the main character in your own story, but everybody wants the attention to be on them. Everybody wants to get something for nothing a lot of the time. And so I think it is hard for them to, because of how social media works and how quickly it moves that people lose track of that sometimes. But I would say that something that I wish people would do. outside of all of that, which is all very important. If that was the one that we had to select, I'd say for sure people should give a shit more because what the way I introduce the people is say, I say, hi, I'm Adam. I actually give a shit about what what about you and when I ask questions. But the thing that I would change really that I've been noticing that's been really frustrating for me is I wish everybody would just slow down. Oh, yes. With how they react, with how they how quickly they want something with
When they drive, people are so impatient. I almost got hit yesterday because I was at like. um I was at a turn. Like I was next to a gas station that has like, you can take a left or right. It comes to a T on the road. There's a gas station on the right. And I was taking my right, but somebody wanted to beat me to take that right. So they cut through the gas station parking lot and then almost fucking clipped me had I not seen them doing it. Cause I was taking my right at the gas station and they wanted to go ahead of me, but I didn't know that, but I, I just clocked them at the last minute and they almost fucking hit me on my way to work.
And i was like what was the point of that and i i followed them almost the whole way to my destination before they made a turn and i was like you didn't really get that much farther ahead of me, no i mean i can't even do anything. it's not like You made it and and then what the reason i bring this up danny is because, They, in that moment, were like, my car can't sit still. I always need my car to be moving. My wheels always have to be moving. Most people don't even do a full stop at stop signs. like It's just like, in cars, people always have to be moving. and like ah And again, I get it. You see me dance in the middle of the mall. I get like, physically, if you're jittering, you need to move. That's very different than like constantly trying to get from A to B.
Right. And it's just like everybody feels like if I don't get there two seconds faster, like another thing I have what since we're already talking about driving, I think I might have said this on the show before is when people are driving up towards a red light and they see one lane is slightly shorter than the other one. If it's a two lane road, they'll jump really quickly over into that lane so they can be one car ahead. I'm like, that's not really doing that much for you. Like you're not getting that much farther. It's just it' some sort of weird serotonin going like 10 over the speed, like 10 over the speed. Everyone else is going on the highway. And then like 20 minutes later, I run into them at a light like you didn't write anything.
Literally, the thing I always say when I when I witness people driving like that is I'm like, Oh, hey, like, I can't help but say it out loud. If I'm so happy, they can't hear me because I'd probably get shot at a lot. But the moment I see them, I'm like, Oh, hey, look at how much farther you got. Yeah, right. Like, i wow, you're going ahead of me. Like if they are riding my ass and then they'll cut out to like go somewhere else and then I catch up to them, I will wave. I will make direct eye contact with them or I will try to get their attention if they're in front of me and I will wave. because most people are awkward and they won't look at me. um But like because I'm just like, you need to feel some sort of discomfort because you drove like an asshole and put us all in danger because you need to get two feet farther ahead than what you were. And the same thing with everything else, like wanting things. like i I know Amazon two-day shipping is so convenient, but people are just constantly buying when they don't need it. And if there's any sort of delay in that two-day, they're up there in our riot. Or if you go to a restaurant and they're out of something, people are just so impatient. They're quick to say something mean. They're quick to jump to conclusions when they see something on social media. Or if they overhear, oh, so-and-so said this about you. Instead of asking questions, they're quick to take action. Just everybody's cylinders are always firing um just every second of every day. And they just don't take a breath to just like slow down. Like you said, maybe you do more critical thinking. like
Think about the situation, ask questions like people are just so quick to react as opposed to like be proactive. You know what I mean? I think I think a lot of it is that people. I don't know how to put it really, but like I get the feeling that a lot of people don't think they're going to die someday, if that makes sense, because like. I'm like, I know I have this one life, this is it, right, at least in my beliefs, my thinking, this is what you get. I'm not going to waste it you know stressing out about getting the most done. I'm going to make enough money that I'm comfortable and I'm going to just enjoy myself. I'm going to do whatever makes me happy because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter when you're lying six feet under.
None of it does not none of it matters that you were a car length ahead of me that you got to you know that place two seconds faster than me ah that you got a promotion and now you have more money than you could ever spend none of it matters you're gonna die just like i am you're gonna be six feet under just like i am or in a crematorium doesn't matter. And i'm like i'm just gonna do whatever makes me happy as long as you're not hurting yourself for someone else. Just do what makes you happy. Take a minute. Take a breath. Um, absolutely. I was going to say, it's funny. You said like you want people to slow down because, uh, I recently had like a little get together. One of my high school friends, um, had moved to California and she had just come back. So I got what little of the group I could from high school together and, uh,
we had like a little welcome home party. And when I asked her why she decided to move back, she actually said, oh, I couldn't stand and so in in California. Nobody had any work ethic. Everybody was so slow and just like go with the flow. And I just looked at Mel and I'm like, that sounds amazing. i want You want to go to California? What do you mean? That sounds awesome. why do you yeah Yeah, she was just like that. She's like, I want to be doing things. I want to be going. And everybody was so slow at work. That sounds amazing. Yeah, I would love that. Yeah, I don't want to go Russian.
No, yeah. And I think that's probably it for me because I know it's hard for me to slow down my brain sometimes because of just like how, you know, how it's wired. And I get that that's probably how a lot of people are. But like, it's just too easy to be mean. It's too easy to say the bad things. It's too easy to be reactive. And I'm trying to be more like, if I catch my own self doing it, like, I try to like I have to say it out loud like Adam is not worth it. Adam is not worth it. Let's figure this out. Like I have to like be have make an outward voice to talk myself out of it. And I'm just like, am I really that mad or I just or do I just want to be mad? You know, and you know, I actually not that I'm trying to make a shameless plug, but like a couple of years ago,
When I started putting music up on Spotify and everywhere else, like I made a song that I think I probably personally listened to in my car at least once or twice throughout the week. And literally it's how I feel. And it's called I'm tired of being angry. And so like. That's how I'm at where I'm at right now is I'm tired of being mad all the time. I'm tired of being anxious about everything that's going on. I'm tired of reacting to everything because that's just what like fuels people these days. It's like I'm just tired of and I'm tired of seeing that everywhere else. And like I'm trying to be a force of like like disruption in that flow of discomfort, discontent and negativity. And a lot of people are right to feel it, but they they aim it at the wrong people.
Yeah, I mean, I totally agree. Like governmentally, socially, economically, like just people just are looking for someone to be mad at where, like, for example, I was discussing today, like the people of Russia because somebody made a comment about like Putin and how Russia wants this and Russia wants that. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Russia doesn't want anything. The people of Russia hate what is going on right now. And you can go onto their social medias and see that for all the ones that Putin hasn't had blocked or put in jail yet. But like those people, they don't want anything. So don't be mad at Russians. Be mad at that one particular fucker who's making it all happen. You know, like you need to think more. You can't just like think, oh, well, Russia is bad. North Korea is bad. It's the people who are in charge of it that is bad. Our own our own leaders.
be mad at what they're doing don't be mad at those who are just voting for the lesser of two shitty turds you know what i mean so like again like you said critical thinking analytical thinking slowing down to do that taking a breath between instances i think it's something that we can all practice more like am i being reactive right now like doing needs to be is it worth my anger is it worth my energy is it worth my rage you know. Am i sending it at the right person or at the right entity. I think um i think ah one thing that doesn't get enough flak for this ah mindset of always being there or always being on it, ah I talked about it before. i I hate cell phones. I hate being reachable at any second of the day, because now that expectation is you always have to be there because somebody could call you at any time. you know A lot of jobs now want you to be on call at all times.
Uh, and I, yeah, it's, I think the world was a much nicer place when, you know, cause I was there for the beginning of it, believe it or not. Uh, when phones were on walls, you know, and if you were out, you got to it later, you know, that, that it helped reinforce that attitude of like taking your time, you know, like if you called somebody, there was no expectation of them to pick up right away.
Oh, yeah, it was. ohs just Oh, I'll leave a message and they'll call me back whenever they can. Mm hmm. Good times. Nowadays, though, if I don't pick up my cell phone when people call, I get another call, then a text asking me if I'm there, then another text asking me to call them as soon as I can. I'm like, right now that I was going to say that that is the danger zone that I was talking about, too, is like. It's immediate gratification. Like I need that now. I want something from you, the attention, information, whatever that may be. You are not responding because I want it. That must mean there's an issue or you're mad at me or I need to react to this thing because I'm not getting what I want. Like it's very me, me, me, I focused. And it gets to a point where it's not self care. It's being self centered. And I think, I think cell phones don't get enough flak for fostering that kind of thinking.
having a computer in your pocket that can do whatever you want at any time, um being able to reach anybody, or having that um just that like subconscious understanding that people are reachable at any time. And there's pluses to that, of course. But yeah, I think i think cell phones don't get enough flack for the kind of Yeah, constantly. Everything needs to happen. Instantly kind of mentality that we've gotten. Well, you know, if they want your attention, not bad. You text them back and you say in a movie and you put a period at the end of that sentence to let them know you are serious. Well, that's why I'm so fucking period in there. I've been yelled at a few times by people, mostly in high school.
ah From all kinds of, you know, men and women and boys and girls and all of them. ah asking me if I hated them or if I just don't care like because people will text me and I won't text them back for hours. And it, or I won't text them to begin with and it's not them. It's not anybody. I don't reach out. That's just how I am. I'm in my own little world. I'm just trying to, you know, keep my own life together. Um,
And like i said i hate having a phone my phone is almost always on do not disturb and silent because i don't want to deal with it. I will look at it every once in a while when i remember it exists catch up on whatever i have to do put it down and forget it exists for another couple hours. If i'm expecting something yeah i'll go out of my way to keep the phone on or whatever but. No, I'm not. No. Yeah. Aren't you? It's my phone. and I hate it. Yeah. And I know I feel that I feel that. So I mean, I think I think generally, just to kind of summarize, as I think you and I collectively wish people would
Slow down, be more critical and not critical, but more critical thinking, more analytical thinking and to recognize that compassion is something that they should be showing, not restricting. Yeah. Because I think a lot of I think people do feel compassion. I do think that. But I think that they are less likely to show it unless others are also being active in showing it. There's a lot of people that protest for the for for things and to try to raise awareness, but I also think it's more often motivated by I hate for the opposition than it is to do the right thing. And I think just some day-to-day situations too, not just the things that are on a grand stage. I wish people would just be like, ah Hey, you know what? I witnessed that person stealing while I wouldn't steal. Maybe they're stealing because they're having a hard time. may I mean, they're stealing for some reason. They might not have that much money. You know, maybe I'll leave them alone.
Like, hey, or the guys that I get mad at that are like trying to fucking haul ass to work and cut me off as mad as I am. Like, you know what? They must really need to get to work. They must be fucking running late. Like, I try so hard to like create these own scenarios in my head so I don't walk around being angry about something that I cannot control. You know, I, uh, yeah, no, and I know exactly. I mean, I had something, but I can't remember what it was. Yeah. It'll, it'll come to you the moment we stopped recording. I know it will. Uh, it just, as I was speaking it, it just went goodbye. It fluttered out like, uh, like a, like a, like a, in a food joint expression of, and in a food joint display of dazzling stupidity. It just kind of, out of my head.
So shall we so ah let's let's recap what we talked about so far. So we talked about if you can still have kids, if you suffer testicular trauma twice in a row within two minutes in your childhood days, we've discussed like, hey, you know, if you have somebody in school or whatever that's maybe looking at you and you want to try to talk to him, we gave a little bit of our opinion about like how one should approach that situation. And finally, we learned that we talked about like how things maybe we wish people would do differently and change behaviorally. And of course, we learned the fantastic new new word foodroiant, which looks very French now that I'm looking at it in writing, um like food royal. And, you know, again, that means something that's dazzling or sudden or flashy, or, you know, amazing. Oh, um sorry to cut in real quick.
But they do have, like, facts about the words. And French is from France. It's from French food. Wow. I don't know why I said that like a like a real food to strike with lightning derivative of food. Right. Lightning. Oh, you know what? That does kind of look familiar because I did take French for a couple of years. Maybe I was thinking of light or lightning or something that does look familiar. that You said that food. But I knew it because there are a lot of words that are stuffed in places that are letters that are stuffed in places that don't need to be there. And a lot of those as A N T sounds are almost never ant. It's all. And I was like, it's the only thing I could think of was before yeah that. yeahroo Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like you pronounce it with your throat, not with your tongue, really. food do hoy Yeah. football and
But anyway, Danny, you have anything you want to say to the people before we shove off? Yes, so that you can't steal it. This is my dream. Do you understand and my dream, Adam? of Yes, I thank you all for letting me live it. I respect and love each and every one of you. So there. It's my dream, damn it. um But yeah, it really is, and I love that I can do this, and that's all because of you guys, and I will never let you forget it, because I don't ever want to forget it. um So thank you. We really appreciate it. um That's it for me. I don't have anything going on right now. You don't have anything going on? um ah I'll see you at too many games. Anybody going there? You won't know it's me, but I'll see you there maybe.
Um. You know, nothing going on in the role players guild. No, we're on hiatus right now. Anything going on, you know, just like any voice projects you're working on that you want to share with the people since I actually have been doing some, but I. I'm going to be really bad, maybe you know what it is, ah but we do have a team member that posts short stories and I've started Narrating for them. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, shit. But I don't know what the project is called. I don't know. It's right here. Damn it. Hang on. I'll find it. It is. It's Lee's thing you're talking about, right? Yes. Ah, penis. What was the project called city? Is that it? Mothball City?
Dude, it's driving me crazy. I cannot for the life of me remember right now. What do you call it? Strange stories from the old folk from the odd. That's it. Yes. Yes. That's it. So listen to that on Spotify. But I have to try to find the listing. um The moment I stop looking for it is when I'll find it. Yeah. Strange stories from odd folks spelled F O L X. Yes. Yes. that is Yeah, I'm trying to find it right now, but it just can that one you can hear some actual voice acting. Yes, yes, I found it. Yes, yes, yes. I would try to keep this so I can use it for a link in the show notes. I don't know if it's the episode that you recorded, but at least you'll have the the shows so that way you can. I did ah that special smile. And I also have another three that I just recorded.
So, you know, those will be coming out. I give Lee a free plug ah plug because Lee is also promoting fun and sellers on their channel. So, you know, go check out Lee's stuff ah with, um ah you know, strange stories from odd folks. Go check it out. Support Lee. Tell them that we sent you so they know that we're plugging them. Yeah. All right. Anyways. Yeah. Listen to Danny on there. And as always, if you want to send us any questions, go to fun and sellers dot com slash contact us. I'll read some of our video game articles over there if you like that sort of thing. ah And um I did a great article about ah the Little Nightmares series, which I really love and I'm very excited for the third one to come out.
Um, so if you want to go check that out, I'm still learning how to format the website and everything. Uh, but if you have any suggestions for things where you want to see us write about video game related right now, it's called atomic lipstick chef. We'll probably change that or maybe not. I don't know. I forgot to ask Cass if she's okay with changing it, but, um, she thought that was going to be a podcast name at some point and then we never used it. And I think she just wanted to have it somewhere. Um, so I don't know. It doesn't really mean anything, but. It was just like something at Cass and I wanted to put together that meant something. Atomic comes from me, lipstick chef comes from her. That's kind of how we go over it. Fantastic. Yep. Don't know. You'd have to ask her about it. You know, send her a letter and say, Hey, what the fuck is atomic lipstick chef? And until our Adam asked, and instead of me texting her, just send her a letter on the website and say, Hey, Adam doesn't know what that means. Can you remind us?
And then let us know. But anyway, in the meantime, please. Yes, I got one more thing. I was going to say, don't you dare interrupt the last tag. So you better know that was hard. No, this is big. This is a big one. We have. A listener that answered a question. Oh, yeah, yeah, right. Shit. Uh, yeah. So friend of the show and guest Dixon has answered one of our questions. I believe this one was about finding a ah subtle way to lie about your job working from home. Yes. ah he He suggested that they use the word entrepreneur. They are an entrepreneur walking, working hard to bring their services to the masses, ah primarily on an online platform. It tells them nothing about what the job actually is, but it gives people the illusion of what you're doing.
Right. So for follow up, because the question last week was like, Hey, what's a white lie? I can tell people about like my job because they don't want to talk about my real job. Online entrepreneur, quick and easy. And if you hear any questions and you want to share your answers with us and have us read them out, let us know, you know, give us an answer and we'll, uh, we'll read it out. Let people know what everyone else thinks. Yeah. And maybe we'll make a segment out of it if we get enough of them. Um, yes, please. yeah Thank you. Thank you, Dixon, for your input. Um, anything else, Daniel? I am done. Close us out. All right.
We're almost under the hour mark. I was like, Oh boy, we're going to make it. What? No, and yeah I know. So in the meantime, ladies, gentlemen, non-binary folks, please take care of your mind, take care of your heart, and most importantly, take care of each other. And we'll see you next time for some more testicle punching goodness.
I took a hammer to its head Bring up the seasoning, baby And toss it on my thighs Got no other reasoning, baby I just wanna genderize on my meat and my meat I tenderize on my meat
I took a hammer to his head Bring out the camera, baby We got to get them views And I zoom on the hammer,
You know what? I gotta tenderize on my pizza. You know what? I gotta tenderize on my pizza. You know what? I gotta tenderize on my pizza. You know what? I gotta tenderize on my pizza.