Ulotrichous: Ah Ah Ah  image

Ulotrichous: Ah Ah Ah

That's Our Q
16 Plays1 month ago

Why don't we like vegetables? How do you get funnier? What phrase do you say a lot? How the hell am I supposed to work the word "Ulotrichous" into the title when most websites don't even recognize it as a word! Damn it, Danny!

Say hi!

Oh, God, I wasn't ready. Danny, knock, knock. Who's there? It's your turn to do the intro. Go. Oh, hey, everybody. Hello, ladies and gentlemen and and boys and girls and people of all shapes, sizes and creeds of ah ah differing every I forget how the intro goes. My mind, you can say whatever I want. but It's your intro. youre Welcome to That's Our Cue, where we take your cues. We stick them in a blender with a little bit of, you know, we throw in some, less some fruits, some good fruits, maybe throw in like a nice bit of milk, you know, get some milkshake going in, oh, some ice cream if we're feeling kind of frisky. And then we make a nice, delicious, frosted A out of it that we slurp right up.
Good stuff. ah I am here today with ah my partner in crime, the love of my life, the light of my world. Adam, how are you doing, Adam? um I am just so elated to hear that you work so well under pressure. There you go. I couldn't tell you what I just said, but there you go. um Yeah. how do you How do you feel about that? Scared. um ah Pretty good, actually. If I told you before we started recording that you're going to do the intro, do you think you would have done better or worse? Worse. I was actually going to bring that up. Well, we were just talking about in Discord, you know, with the whole group about how we handle panic and ah like stress and stuff. And I've noticed in my life, if something happens right then that needs to be dealt with immediately.
and I don't have time to think about it, I will just jump into action. you know If um something goes wrong in the house or something, or when I was on vacation, the one guy fainted, I'd just jump into it. But if it's something that's slow burning, like I'm nervous about something that's gonna happen in a couple hours, I have to go or do something, that kills me. That's when the panic sets in. If I don't have time to think, I'm usually pretty good. Gotcha. Yeah. So I got to learn to just stop thinking in general. Yeah. Be like most of America. Don't use your brain. Oh my God. Oh, take that America. choose Yeah. I use that twice in a row. What are you going to do about it?
I don't know that it's going to be a week or two before they hear this. They're going to hear one episode than the other if they if they listen. Yeah, probably. Yeah, they binge listen. probably I mean, you should binge listen. Listen, you know. Yeah. Come on. yeah Listen, American. We binge here like. Yeah, go back to episode one, listen from the beginning and then realize that Danny's voice changes a little bit ah from I went through puberty. Yeah, he went. He called me a little late, but better late than never. And he changed his name. um So are you ready to cue some A's and A's and cues? That depends. Are you doing the questions? Are you about to go like, hey, Danny, find some questions?
No, I already have them in front of me. and That'd be funny though. and That would give me a problem because then I'd think while I'm looking for questions. fair Yeah. I'm just hearing you stuttering. I'm ready. All right. This one is, uh, on from user varsity reviews. Uh, and they ask, why don't I like vegetables? And they say, lettuce, broccoli, greens, beans, and pretty much all green veggies. I just can't stand. It doesn't align with my taste buds. I have to force them down, but stuff like beetroots, carrots, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cauliflower.
I love. I tend to just snack on carrot sticks before my classes. Fruits have always been my go to for healthy products and most green veggies I just can't eat. Is there something wrong with me or is this normal? I would say you. I would start off by saying it's completely normal to. I mean, you're basically saying I have favorite foods and I don't have favorite foods, but I don't think I don't think there's anybody alive that likes, like that will just eat lettuce, you know, ah there are people that can tolerate just eating lettuce straight up. Biling anybody actually likes it. um And if you think otherwise, you're wrong, I'm sorry, it's just objective fact. um But I have always believed, barring a few exceptions, that there is an inverse correlation between foods that are good for your body and foods that are good for your soul.
Right. So the better something is for your soul, the worse it is for your body. And then the inverse is also true. Uh, with again, a ah few exceptions. Um, but no, I am right there with you. I have such a hard time. I think it's because I've noticed in your list that the things that you were naming as like the things you like more tend to be the sugary or like fruits. Um, Things like that, carrots have a lot of like um sugars in them. So they they tend to be sweeter, have a more full flavor. ah Whereas things like lettuce and whatnot just tend to be more, I don't even want to say bitter, but like just bland. They're good fillers for other things, but they're not great on their own kind of stuff. And I think a big part of that, honestly, is is
um the way food is is made in the world. like There's a lot of added sugars to everything to make it all sweeter and taste better. And that really throws off your taste buds. It really, really does. um So it could even be something to do with that. It could be that you really don't like the taste of greens because there's you know it's not piled on with sugar like everything else is. um But I only just recently got into asparagus and things like that. Like I still don't like leafy greens all that much. So I get you. I understand. I don't think there's anything wrong with you. How about you, Adam? What do you think? You know, I haven't eaten much in the green vegetables myself. I'm not a big fan of broccoli, especially not because I don't like how it tastes, but because I just find it very rough like.
so And less like it's cooked in a very certain way where it's like softened by like some sort of oil or something. It's just not for me, but if it's like diced up in something, then it's fine. So like for, for me, I've had to find different ways to eat it outside of it's like organic form to like my go-to, if you want to get to the benefits of vegetables without having to like actually eat eat them is put them in a fucking smoothie. You know, like, um, that's how I have started to develop at least the taste for certain vegetables that otherwise I wouldn't eat on like, but I wouldn't just buy a broccoli and then use it. um I would throw most of it away. I know I would, but I have put broccoli and lettuce and not lettuce, but like, like leafy greens and stuff in a smoothie with all the other shit that I want to eat, like peanut butter and
strawberries and bananas and blueberries and just chuck some of that shit in there too because it doesn't taste a ton different but it does change the color and then like you'll get the benefits of that of that vegetable without having to eat it as it is. So that's how I've always done it because I realized that I haven't been eating as nutritionally as I could a few years ago and so I bought myself a blender and everything that I don't think I want to eat in its regular form goes in the fucking blender. Yeah that's not a bad idea. And so, you know, not everything will probably work, but there's probably a way to make most things into a smoothie. um Like, I don't know if I'd put carrots in a blender, but like, you know, but you can make carrot juice, you can make carrot smoothies. I used to money has them all the time. I used to do the same thing with a juicer. I used to make veggie juices, I guess you'd call it. Yeah. How does juicer how does a juicer work? Does it just like it's basically a blender on steroids like it it just completely
and And then it has like a filter to catch all the rind and stuff. So only the liquid juice comes out. I should get me one of those. It was okay. I mean, it was good. Uh, unfortunately at the time I was taking a medicine that really screwed with your stomach and I couldn't do the two at the same time. Um, so I kind of fell off of it. And even to this day, I feel like I'll get sick if I drink it. So. But it it worked pretty well for what it was. It took me like five minutes to just chuck stuff in. And then, yeah. Yeah, no, I I love that kind of thing. I mean, there's different ways to prepare different foods. And I'm not saying everybody should be making you know smoothies all the time, because, you know, like extra sugary contents, especially to make a lot of fruit smoothies, like you have to be careful of that, too. You know, like a lot of sugar or a lot of fruits are high in sugar, even when you don't add anything else to them.
But as far as vegetables are concerned, most of them are pretty good the way they are. A lot of them are just comprised of water, which is why I thought if I just chuck them in a blender, it's mostly just water that's going to be used to make the the the smoothie more liquid for me to drink. So like it's less milk I have to add if I'm adding in a bunch of wet, leafy fucking water filled greens anyway. So when it breaks down into its basic components, you know, what as it gets like diced up into a bunch of tiny little liquid pieces, like, you know, that's the best way to do it because like most fruits and vegetables are just comprised ah hugely of water first and then whatever else their little components are next. Uh, word to the wise, uh, learn from my mistakes. If you're going to smoothie or juice or whatever, uh, different veggies.
make sure you understand what you can and cannot put in there. Garlic is a no-go, don't do that. I added a clove of garlic one time just to like, you know, I was like, oh, some garlic, you know, just whatever threw it in with everything else. Apparently, that burns the crap out of your stomach and I couldn't even go to work that day. I couldn't even stand up that day. I thought garlic is very good for you. It is, but not raw. I don't think you're supposed to eat raw garlic. Well, you can. You just shouldn't eat a lot of it. Yeah, um I had the lesson I had the juice of a whole like, well, not a clove, but ah a bulb. Right. Like, I think it depends on what you're using it with. But immediately, like the second I swallowed it, I could feel. Something happening in my stomach and it was not good. Yeah, I should get some more of that. It's been a while. Days ago. Am I am I dying? Yeah. Oh, we put garlic in everything here.
yeah it's very good garlic powder garlic salt yeah garlic and onion are the two like no matter what it's in it only elevates the dish i agree uh okay well there you go that's yeah why don't you like vegetables though to answer your question varsity reviews Maybe you just haven't found a form in which to eat it that's enjoyable yet. You know, when I, when I first got my air fryer, I ate far more carrots because carrots as they are, are too tough for me. I don't like care to just like snap through a fucking carrot stick. That's not fun. Like I don't care. I never finish it. But what I would do is cut up carrots in like smaller form, put them in the air fryer, and make like little carrot chips. And then I ate carrots all the fucking time.
You know, you can put little oils on them. You could put different kinds of spices on them. and Then you got little carrot chips. that I would also throw like sliced potatoes in there, like really thin ones and make my myself little potato chips in my air fryer. i used to um We used to take all kinds of different veggies. Didn't even matter what the veggies were. yeah Throw them on a pan, a little bit of oil on top, garlic powder in the oven. Delicious. and are Sorry, garli power garlic powder, salt and pepper. Garlic power. um yeah
Garlic is a great way to to add some flavor to veggies. Yeah. So that's why you don't like vegetables. You just haven't found a way, or at least green vegetables for for your list. um You just haven't found a way to eat them in a way that you find them enjoyable yet. But there's a lot of ways to eat things, man. You just have to find ah the form that makes the most sense for you. My way is smoothies. Although I have recently allowed for lettuce to be on my tacos, and I don't hate it as much as I used to. So like I said, I think I'm getting used to that taste of like some certain greens. um But I can have lettuce if it's like hidden in other things, like a taco or a burger. yeah I could do lettuce unless they like some places will give you like half the frickin head of lettuce. and I'm like, no right way broccoli can go straight to hell.
I love broccoli, broccoli in that in baked broccoli with the oil, salt, pepper and garlic. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. So good. You can go straight to hell with the. And go straight to my table, devil dicks. No, that are always it. Just give it to me. Oh, Bill Raisin for life. Oh, sorry, that was a different episode. roger Yeah, talk about bringing up the old guys. guys we we We batch record sometimes. and they'll deal with it No, no. It's a week later. He just we're not even saying we don't have to maintain any sort of illusion.
No, we don't. It's all right. So this next question is a bit of an ironic one um because the user's name is I'm so sad. Eleven fifty five. Oh. And they say, is there a way to get funnier? I tried my best to be funny, but I often just can't think of anything funny to say. Is there a way to get funnier? Like, is there a comedy exercise I could do or tutorial I could watch or is there just nothing I could do about it? I'm so sad. 11 55. You've come to the right place because this is the funniest podcast on the Internet. Only there was anything funny about us. Yeah. Go ahead, Danny. Tell this person how do they get funnier. That's a great question. I mean, I usually just shotgun things to the wall until eventually something sticks. ah ah A lot of puns that make people roll their eyes because that is funny to me.
Um, but I mean, the biggest thing is you just gotta, it is something you can study, right? Like you can figure out what about, uh, really good jokes you've heard or look up, whatever. What about them is so funny. Like it's all about. you could subvert expectations. That's one way to be funny. You can be goofy. I look man, I'm 34 and I act like a fricking goofball. All right. I, my philosophy is to grow old, never grow up. And I don't even care anymore. If people see me and go like, wow, he's so immature. We just spent, we talked about how we batch record these. We just spent the last hour talking about washing our assholes.
All right. Don't be a regret. Nothing. Exactly. Don't be afraid to just be silly, you know, just be a goofball if you're trying. The problem with being funny is that if you try to be funny, it's very easy to come off as trying too hard, you know, and it ruins it. um it's It's really kind of like a flow state, I guess. you know Some of the best jokes I've ever told, I literally didn't even mean to say. I just like will say it under my breath. um What was it? ah Thanksgiving last year,
um my in-laws family were talking about dogwood trees. And under my breath, not meant for anyone to hear. I wasn't even thinking about it. I just go, How can you tell it's a dogwood tree by its bark? And one of my friends happened to hear that and it killed him. And half of it was the delivery because he's like, you just kind of said it to yourself. It was just like you you sadly told the joke. And and that ah like dichotomy is is what was so funny about it.
So, you know, you I feel like I'm not even making sense anymore. I'm just rambling at this point. Half of the joke is the punchline. The other half is the delivery. You can work on either or both. ah But yes, it is definitely a skill you can learn. It is definitely something you can like try and figure out what about a situation is funny, and it is something that gets easier as you do it and like you you start to spot different openings. um As long as you can take jokes to yourself, self-depreciating humor is always a good way to go for me too. ah But I don't care if people make fun of me at all.
um Yeah, I'm going to stop now because otherwise I'm going to talk for then another. I was going to say, now you sound like you're nervously talking, trying to find more substance because it sounds like it sounds like you're nervous about what you said wasn't good enough of an answer. or something It's like, well, the problem is, it's like as I talk, another idea pops into my head. you So i yeah that idea and then another one happens and I'm like, can I can I tell you an observation that I make just from sitting here on a recording, please? Like as somebody who edits a lot of audio content, a big chunk of like what I'm doing when I'm not talking, not that I'm not paying attention or being present, but like I'm trying to multitask. So like.
while you're talking to kind of keep myself engaged with something. As I look at whoever else I'm recording with, I look at the wave on Zencaster as it's moving down the track. And you can kind of tell when someone's losing steam and how small like their track, like their little waves get. So like, there's the parts where you're really excited about what you're talking about. And then you're like, okay, maybe this isn't as good as I thought it was. And then you're kind of down here a little bit. You're not really talking as powerfully anymore.
And then you come back up here and you thought of something new that's more exciting to talk about. like i know I see it in your tracks when um when you're listening to your talk, I watch your track shrink. And all I can think of as an editor is like, well, got to boost that when I get to this part of the track later because Danny lost steam. and a
which He's like, I'm definitely louder than you, but that's normal on any occasion. Oh, that's amazing. When I look at your track, I'm like, well, gotta boost that. He's not going to come. all So I can hear myself doing that too. Yeah. Yeah. And so when I see your tracker just like up, Danny's losing steam. I can see the, I can see the waves start to shrink cause he's talking. You could tell I, I, the problem is like, as I'm rambling, I give myself another idea and then I jump. I'm like, Oh yeah, but you could also. say that Right. Like you, you want to jump to that next thing so bad that you need to find a way to launch off of this next thing. And it just kind of fizzles out instead. Yep.
Yeah, you know, I'll tell you this. I will teach you how to be funny if you teach me how to give a coherent thought. There you go. Yeah. um Yeah, I don't mean it's not like I'm picking on you about that, but it's something that I don't go as somebody who's been doing this for several years now. Like it just that's where my head goes. I literally just came out of this going. I don't care if people pick on me. It's fine. Yeah. i Um, but it's just something I meant to, I meant to tell you earlier as like, this is a perfect moment for me to point this out. Um, but yeah, you take the mic. Let me, let me see. Yeah.
No, I mean, I think you're right. I do. I do think that like being able to laugh at yourself is so important. um You know, I like to think of myself as a silly guy. I can call myself funny and I can sound arrogant, but I like to think I'm a funny. I always tell anybody who tells me that they think I'm funny or that they like my energy or or they or they say, oh, of course, Adam thought that his own joke was funny. I usually say, hey, I'm the funniest person I know. Like I am my own biggest fan with how stupid, like how I can make myself laugh that as much as I want to bring joy to everybody else, like sometimes my humor is selfish because like, just like how you said, Danny, when you're cracking that joke to yourself, that's me all the time. My freaking brain moves way too fast that my mouth has to spit some of it out. And I'll say that same kind of shit, like a similar story to what you said about like the, the, the, the dogwood thing. Um,
I was on a trip back home with some other dance instructors, and I was still an instructor many years ago, back from a conference we had in Maryland. And the guy up front, who I despise, but in that moment, we're all kind of getting along through listening to different music. We played the song by Pitbull called, I Know You Want Me. And that's when he goes, I know you want me. You know I want you. I know you want me, and no I know I want you." And then he goes, one, two, three, four, uno, estos, tres, cuatro. And um when the second chorus came on, I'm just singing to myself in the background going, I sing in English. I sing in Spanish. I sing in English. I sing in Spanish. And I didn't know anybody could hear me. But then like both the driver, whose name was David, and then my franchisee named was Sarah sitting up front as well. And they're like, what do you say back there? Are you saying English in Spanish? And like that was like the joke for like,
The whole ride up was like, everybody thought that was so fucking funny. And I was just doing it because I was entertaining myself. But like we quoted that forever. Every time that song came on, anytime Pitbull started singing, that was like what we started thinking about. And it was just a fun way to laugh. And so. If you want to think about like how to get funnier, like observational humor is probably the easiest thing to go to. like Something that's harmless. You're not really making fun of anybody per se. Sure, I've spoken fun at Pitbull switching between English and Spanish, but if I could speak two languages fluently, I absolutely fucking lute would.
Um, you know, but like observational stuff, just to poke a little fun at something lighthearted is like just an easy way to do it. It gets everybody kind of cracking up. Like I saw that nice, longer sign. I think I mentioned in a previous episode and it still cracks me up just thinking about it. Um, you know, observational humor, I think, uh, just like don't lean so much into it that you're making somebody else feel shitty, but like, you know. Yeah. Observational humor and focus on things that you think are funny. Like, Oh yeah. It, I don't make jokes most of the time for other people, right? Like that's what I mean when I say like, you can't try too hard. Don't, don't worry about other people. Cause otherwise it's it's stilted. It's not going to flow naturally. It's really something you need to work on in yourself. Like just what's funny to you. You know, if a situation would make you laugh instead of just doing it in your head.
say whatever it is that made it funny to you out loud. It could be low or whatever, but, cause people, you know, most people will find the same things funny. It's not like, uh, everybody's sense of humor is so different that they won't find anything you think funny is funny. Uh, so yeah, start with yourself. What do you find funny? What makes it funny to you? And then just start being able to like working on projecting that. but Tell jokes that are funny to you first and foremost. Yeah, I will say that like. Doing like. This is going to sound a bit nerdy, but like doing something like a tabletop role playing game, I think has helped a lot of people in my life out, especially since we started recording them, like improv in general, I think. I mean, it's not for everybody and it is hard, um but it is a great way to kind of practice like keeping your wit sharp, um you know, um
Like, or a good exercise that I find is like, think about who makes you laugh. Like whether it's ah a personal friend, a family member, a comedian, like a maybe a movie star that like you really like to go see their movies. Like Danny said, what is it about that? That makes you laugh. Why does it, why does that make you you know giggle? ah what kind of humor do you like? Because you have to figure out what your humor style is. Some people like dark humor. Some people like dry humor. Some people like dick and fart jokes. Some people have childlike you know humor like we do. you know um you know like What makes you giggle first? you know And then like build off of that. But a good exercise, I really think, is like if there's someone in your life that you think is funny, like spend more time with them. Think about why do what why is why does my best friend so funny? Why do I laugh at what they say?
You know, actually, Danny, if you wouldn't mind participating in a little exercise. Oh, God. no Not like aerobic exercise. You don't have to get up. Oh, thank God. Yeah, yeah. i was ah But like if you wouldn't mind doing a little bit of like ah a practice in ah what's what I'm looking for, like some sort of like not so much an improv sesh, but like sharing like you and I are the only two here. Let me ask you, do you think that I am funny? No. Why don't you think I'm funny? I knew you were going to say no. I knew exactly what you were going to say at the moment when I asked the question. That's why I hesitated to ask it in the first place. I was like, what way can I ask it? Yes, of course I think you're funny. My cheeks hurt every time we stopped recording. But I guess the question I should have asked instead of a closed-ended question is, what do you think
How would you, again, this isn't me trying to like get my ego inflated. Like I think it's good to kind of explore these kinds of conversations that maybe helped a listener who might also be thinking of these things. So like, I'm not saying that I'm the funniest person that you know, but since we're able to talk and communicate, what is something about me, my personality, or how I present something that you find is funny. And then I'll do the same thing for you. A big part of it is that we have the same sense of humor. Like you were saying, we both have potty humor. We both you know love talking about shit and piss and all this other crap. um Nice wangers and stuff.
Nice one. Right? That was the sign? I think it was a nice one. It was pretty close. It was nice walkers, but nice walkers is even funnier. Close enough. But I think a big part of it is that we've watched similar things. Like I said, when we first met, what really got us talking was Adam made a Super Mario frustrations joke. And I was the only one around who got it. And I think that's a big thing because we can quote that to each other. And it's not even us that's being funny at that point. It's the video. Right. But because we're pointing to it, we're the one that gets the credit. ah Right. Yeah, it's similar styles of comedy. It's also comedic timing. Your comedic timing is usually pretty good. You're fast on your feet. You're able to come up with these silly answers pretty quickly.
Um, and I would say just the, the easiness of it for you, right? Like it comes very naturally to you. There's a good flow to it. Um, when I say something silly, you're willing to laugh at yourself and me, uh, like with no issue. and And that's a big thing. You gotta be able to take a little heat and dish a little heat. I think. uh to really make good jokes with your friends so yeah i think that's the kind of stuff that makes you so funny you know it's it's mostly the fast on the feet and the the similar uh comedic ideas i can't think much yeah that's okay are you okay your brain dude i don't know what the hell's happening to me today my brain is just
Haywired I think is a is it a long day today? You have to realize like when we do this, it's a Friday night, right? So, you know coming off of a whole workweek Sure, um even though I had a half day today. That was really for I was gonna say yeah, you you had some more recoup time Did you take a nap today? I took two you took two naps? maybe you need a third one before bedtime Yeah maybe to the four by time um But yeah, I mean, and just to kind of throw it back to you, like I think um something that ah that I find to be quite, you know, and then listeners like this is, I think, a good exercise to do with people is to first of all, we should just tell people like, hey, what we like about them anyway, or hey, this is why I think you're funny. This is why I think you're a good confidant. This is why, you know, this is what I like about how you operate as a human. I think more people should do stuff like this. But um
But like i think like for me like to observe different humor that you have is yeah we do have a very similar. um Way that like you know things don't make a struggle you know i have high rock humor that i think is funny i love waiting stuff but also just a real. Gritty you know. but whole humor is still, I hate that it tickles me the way it does, but I don't think it's ever going to stop. I'm a child and like, I recognize that. So I don't know if I've ever said this to you, but like, similar to my comment earlier, like when I watch your waves, like on, on Zen caster, when they move and like how you talk, like something that's very, I don't know if you ever thought about this when you talk to somebody remotely, or if you talk to somebody on the phone um or, you know, in any instance in which you can't see their face.
You can kind of tell what someone's facial expression is based on what they're saying and how they're talking. And something that like I always imagine, Danny, when you are really into something and you're excited and you're giggling about the stupid shit and stuff like that, like you're funny because I can tell like you're so into it because my brain can imagine like a warm feeling coming off of you. And I just know you have a big shit eating grin on your face. oh Yeah, absolutely. I do right now, too. Like I can feel it through like the airwaves, like when you have a big old shit eating grin on your face and like, like, and I can just see it. Like you're just like, you're like a little laughing goblin. And I think that's so funny that like, like highly ah sorry, go ahead.
No, all I was going to say was like, that's what makes me like think I like I sometimes I'll laugh at the fact that I laughed at something like me laughing at something makes me laugh. And so sometimes it's the same thing with you. Were you laughing at something that you truly think is funny? I can't help but laugh, too, because you're so into what the fuck you're talking about. Like that now I'm laughing because like you're laughing at something stupid. And now I've caught the contagion because I'm like, well, that is pretty funny. And the fact that he's laughing so hard on it makes it extra funny to me. That's the thing. Laughter really is contagious. Like it is. That's why the laugh on TV shows laugh. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But what were you going to say? It's what you brought up is actually something I learned in
my voice acting classes. They were like, you know, if your character is supposed to be happy in this moment, you have to smile because the way you say words, the way you speak and enunciate changes when you're smiling. It changes the shape of your mouth and you can pick that up. Uh, people will pick that up subconsciously. Same thing. right They're sad. You have to actually make a sad face. And that's why if you ever watch voice actors do their thing, They're hamming it up. They're straight up acting. Like they're not just speaking into a mic with a straight face, feigning different emotions. They're getting into it for a reason. um Right. I think that's like people forget the acting part of voice acting. They just think of voices. Right. Exactly. And Mel makes fun of me all the time because I always get into a part whenever I have to do it. Right. So if I were playing like
The little cuddling guy, like right now I'm sitting here rubbing my hands together as if I'm actually a little evil cuddling.
because it really makes a huge difference. Uh, sorry, that has nothing to do with anything, but fuck out all I've done is ramble so far. So let's do it some more. I was going to say, you're just like, you're just like, Hey, look, my brain is, I relate to that so hard though. Like once you get on like a, like a little train, it's so hard to get off it without jumping onto another train. It's going in a different or a similar direction depending on the subject. I don't know what, I don't know what it is. I like, I get to a certain point when I'm sleepy and Mel gets it too. And we call it the loopy phase where just everything is funny. You're almost acting high and drunk because you're just like that kind of tired. or Justin and I used to call that giggle 30. Yeah. And, uh, it was giggle 30 dude for the first time ever. I got to that point at work.
Oh, nice. Yeah, it was not good. I was like, I need to go get some coffee immediately. I cannot be like this at work because I will start making stupid, inappropriate, childish jokes. I can't do this. You know what one I've been kind of getting back into is when someone says something and you just say, no, you are like right back at it they'll or like or like they'll say like, hey, like, can you go? I don't know. Yeah, this is a stupid example, but like, hey, can you go paint the fence? I'm like, you're a paint the fence. Just like your offense. We in this household, we love the the you are thing, but to nice stuff like, oh, Dan, you look really good today. You look really good today. Yeah, no, you take that. Yeah. So that's our our go to is like the no you, but to something nice.
Yeah, that's always a good time. um Not to dwell too much on this question, but I do think it's a fun one because like, you know, I think about it i think about ah like when I read this question, like maybe it's just my experience in sales and teaching. I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but like or over analyzing it, but Oftentimes you try to understand like what is the impetus of this question? What are they really asking? Like not to say that they're not asking how do I get funnier, but what is it that makes them want to be funnier? What have they seen? What have they experienced?
has something bad happened recently or are they jealous of something or have they been in a situation where they think humor is how they get into the crowd better at parties or gatherings it could be a lot of things like what what is the motivator the motivating factor behind how do i get funnier right like That's where my brain goes when I read some of these questions. And so I think it's such a fun conversation because like there's a lot to explore there if you want, if you really want it to. So like for me, you know, not to get waxed too much poetic, but for me, I could.
I'm like 80 to 90 percent certain that a big part of my humor comes from living a fucking life filled with tragedy like I can tell you be on a shadow of a doubt that the only way that I know I have been able to get through a lot of what I have been through is because I have to be able to laugh at it at some point like Tragedy happens wait X amount of years until you've healed laugh about it later, you know I I don't know if I've told the stories of the white tennis shoes on this on this Show before I might have might have been an episode of shares a lot. I don't think so
I won't go through it, but essentially the long and short of it is my mom had like 8,000 pairs of white shoes. And she'd always say she'd be the last one to get ready even though she would be complaining that we should all be ready to go by like, we have to be out the door by one. And then it'd be like 1255. She's not showered. She's not dressed. It's all of our fault somehow and she can't find her white shoes and so she make us go try to find her white shoes and we can scram when mom's pissed off get the white shoes and we bring a pair of white shoes not those white shoes my other fucking white shoes and she would just like chuck them at the walls and shit like that like real violent stuff for a woman who is clearly psychotic and like.
At the time with any time mom said i can't find my white shoes we are just one alert just fucking tried to preemptively find every white pair of shoes we could just in case that was a day where mom needed white shoes and she was running behind for some reason because she's a lazy ass watching. Fucking people's court or whatever instead of getting up and actually getting ready to go and so. My sister and I, to this day, will still find a way in the most inappropriate times, Easter dinner or something, trying to work white shoes in. Where's my white shoes, Adam? Where's my white shoes at? And like we'll still laugh, because that's the only way that we can get past it, because it's so ridiculous of ah of a concept.
like that we would be scared at the idea of white shoes but in those moments those were terrifying days but like now i'm just like i look back and i'm like of all the stupid shit that's ever happened to us that was probably one of the dumbest traumatic things we've ever had to live through and we have to laugh at it and it just makes life easier when i'm not saying you should laugh at every bad thing that happens to you or other people but like Diffusing with humor is one way that I know that I've developed my funny bone, right? But some people do it because they want to make it into a living. And so they channel it off as stories. They they remember everything that's ever happened to them. Every story that happened, every car ride they go on, every camping trip they go to, every like silly TV show or commercial that they see, they write that shit in the notebook because they want to turn that into a joke. They want to make that into some topical humor.
right so There's different ways to hone your skills. you know like there's There's more than one way to stuff a turkey, as they say. so like you know like You just kind of have to find like what your motivating factor is. so That's why I kind of brought up, like what is it that makes this person want to get funnier? Why do you want that? like Try to figure that out. like What is it that makes you want to be funnier? and Then like go from there because everybody develops their humor in different ways and for different reasons. And I love that that's how you view these questions, that like you know you try and pick it apart and see like what's the deeper meaning. And I think that's what makes us such a good team for this show, um because we absolutely complement each other. And while you're looking at a question and playing chess in your head,
I'm looking at the question and just kind of playing with the checkers pieces, not even playing checkers. Yeah. you You're just like, look, I can spin this one. It's like, oh, this guy wants to be funnier. Just be funnier. But there's nothing wrong with taking that at face value because that's how most people, you know, you read a sign on the side of the road. I do actually like that we look at the question differently. You get a little bit of it complements each other. You know, you get the two different sides of that coin. Right. I think it's good to have those different perspectives because like there's different ways to analyze something. Let's take it at face value first and then, you know, see if we can explore that further just to kind of see what other conversations can come from it. You know, yeah also salesman is like the most natural job for I could ever think of for you. I never thought of that. But yeah, when you said you learned it in sales, I was like that. Yeah, that just fits so perfectly.
Yeah, I mean, a lot of it is like you diffuse, you know, I'm a very empathetic person. And so sometimes you joke to help people relax. Sometimes you joke to get someone to smile because you can tell that they are just for whatever reason, uncomfortable with the process, uncomfortable with interaction, you know, like. uh you know like remember our famous story at the at at barnes and noble or not barnes and noble but that that that book and records place you know like the first thing i said that at one couple because i want to talk to him i was like man you must read a lot of books those look heavy as hell and he's like got like 50 books in his fucking hands i was like you know and they're like oh yeah and then we talk about something else later has nothing to do with the books
You know, but like in that moment, we're all standing there. The cash register is taking a little while because one of the registers are down. I'm noticing people are getting uncomfortable. That dude stand there with a big stack of books. He seems fine, but I'm just trying to lighten the mood because everybody's kind of grumpy. I'm like, Hey stranger, let's talk about that big old fat stack of books you got in your hands. You know, the rest of us are staring at you like you grew a second head. Yeah. I remember, you know, and I think a lot of the people in the, in the, I almost said in the audience, but I'm not, But in the line with us, we're kind of like tickled. Then when we got up to the line, like they cashiers were still grinning about stupid shit we were talking about. so like you know and And getting extra bags or whatever in memberships and whatnot. but um
But anyway, yeah, there's different ways to analyze a question. So, you know, I just hope that, you know, Dana, I'm glad you said that, but I just want to make sure people know, like, it's okay to not do that. Don't be like me and look for some meaning behind everything that you see. Yeah. Um, cause sometimes what's on the surface is just what you need and that's it. But in this case, I just like to theorize. Oh, also learn how to make silly voices. It can really bump up your your humor to the next level. You know, it's always fun to be like, oh, well, actually, you know this, but if it could be like, oh, actually, you know, this one time, was so you know, the voice itself can be the joke.
ah So do that too. All right. i Yeah, that's perfect. I do that all the time. I have like an old voice. I have an old Scottish woman voice. I do sometimes just at random without even knowing I'm doing it until someone told me I did it. You know, but people notice they say, oh, Adam, you're fucking hilarious. I'm like, I know. But what do you think is funny about me? A lot of people to tell a joke is actually being able to tell a story in an entertaining way. Oh, yeah, definitely. Sound effects also help, you know, like I'm driving down the road. I'm hitting pop. I hit like 16 potholes like as I'm driving, you know, like that that guy guy gives it more fucking oomph right there. You know, you know, like just be that person that can just like analyze every single thing that happens. And you're like, and then the fucking wind blew and then my cargo was going. People love that kind of stuff. We're all children on the inside. We love sound effects and goofy shit.
um Danny, do you want to hit us with a yurt of the way? I'd love to hit you with a yurt of the word. I hope I never forget you're out of the way. ah First, we'll put that on a shirt. You were talking about merch before. Just making sure that says yurt of the word of the way. And if you know, you know, if you know, you know. Yeah. All right. Let me I need to hit the little speaker for this one. eight Hit that speaker, you dirty boy. Hmm. Hold on. That's one last time. OK. OK. Long word. A little bit. What is the lot trick us? I think I said it right. It sounds like a Pokemon. You like this? Here. I was thinking about like this, like you looked at the debate, would you say? Oh, of course.
Yeah, I can see that. Eulottricus. Eulottricus. No, just Eulottricus. Eulottricus, okay. U-L-O, U-L-O-T-R-I-C-H-O-U-S. Eulottricus. I'm sorry. U-L-O-T-R-I-C-H-O-U-S? Yup. Eulatricus, Eulatricus, Eulatricus, get out of here. Eulatricus, Eulatricus, you silly. Ooh, this guy is such a latricus. So what is it? It's an adjective. It is an adjective. It sounds like one. Yeah, ah it's having wooly or crispy, curly hair. Wooly or crispy hair.
Crispy curly hair. Yeah, like that really kind of like strong like a sheep super. Yeah, but I think it's more for people like having really tight curls, you know, like the kind of girl I would kill for those eulatric is curls. Yeah. ah The stylish specialized in eulatric is hair, knowing the best techniques to manage and style tight curls. Oh, there you go. ah Oh, my. Oh, sorry. Oh, my. What thick curly and eulottric is hair you have cascading down your shoulders? Eulottric is eulottric really having a very curly hair. I see. Interesting. Interesting. Yeah. So would this be would would you replace the word curly with eulottricus so that you're not redundant in saying eulottric is curly hair? Yes, it looks like it is the name of that hair type.
So if you have very tight, uh, very tight curls and very like thick hair, you have eulatricus hair. I see. Yes. The tortoise and the eulatricus hair. Yeah. Got it. That one's going to be a tough one to make and do a, into a title. Um, eulatricus more like eulastricus. Eulatricus. Yep. Yeah, there you go.
Right. Yeah, of course. ah All right. All right. So we you logic is let me ponder on that one. I'll come up with something. Yeah, come up with. Oh, how about does it have to be here specifically or is it just curly in general? Like you logic is fries. It's here. At least everything about this says hair. Damn, let's say, cause I could something about, uh, it comes from the Greek, uotricos which means curly haired. Okay. Interesting. So what if it was like, uh, you lot your kiss vegetables yeah and where to find them? I don't, we will keep workshopping. We'll workshop that one. yeah All right.
You know, I think that Danny's thinking of me when he picks the word of the day. He's like, you know what? I know Adam puts these in the titles now. You know, I don't. I look for really long, confusing to say words, but I might start doing that. How can I pick a word that's just such a pain in the ass for him? You're so you're so insouciant when you're picking your words. I am. Well, you know, I need you to make a. ah I forget. and like that something like ah You any word. No, I had one in mind is the problem. It's the one that's like, it fits well. It's the right one. It's like the first word we did. If it fits well, it's the right one. like no Well, that's what it means. It means something that fits well.
like um It was the first word of the day we did. And then I was like, oh my gosh. I thought it was Sussarus. I thought Sussarus was our first one. But that's not the word I'm thinking of. No, that's the one you just said. Yeah, I just realized that when we have any freaking word guests, I haven't put our words in all of them all the time. Oh, was it Velt Schmerz? No, that wasn't it. No, that's not Velt. Was it Janik? No, that wasn't. No. Commodious? No. Risible? No. Cavill? No, not anything. Malefluis? No. Petrichor? No. Fard?
Yeah, that now is the tech will worship a a bullion words still on my phone? Did we really do this many freaking words? Is it? i love I'm confused.
Oh, my God. to gone through almost There's a few that I didn't put in the title, so I don't have them all in front of me. Cromulant. Oh, my God. Oh, Cromulant. I don't think I put that in any episode title. I think that was before I started thinking of doing that. Oh, God. Yes. Before I find a word that's impossibly ah like impossible for you to find a Cromulant sentence for. There it is. I nailed it. Just cut all of that before this. I was going to say, um Uh, cromulant is just another word for adequate. Yes. So I was very confused by you're like, Oh, it's the right thing. Because I couldn't even think of the word adequate. It was one of those brain farts that like really reach deep in there and like, I see take an entire section of your mind and just farted out your ears. I see. What does hard mean again? You remember fard? Uh, hold on. I have, I have them all saved.
A religious obligation or duty, can that can't be it, right? I don't think so. Now that's to paint the face. I think you fart someone's face with cosmetics. Yes, that was it. Fart on your face. Do not fart on my face, please. say hey hey hey Hey, wife of mine, can I fart on your face? Um, I don't care what people say. I'm not into it. You don't listen to the show. I don't care. She does. Um, all right. You want to do one more question? We kind of went on a bit of a tangent there. Big fucking shocker. You know what? I'm honestly, I'm happy we did because the last episode went rather smoothly and then we can't have that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We need a Eulatricus episode.
It doesn't work. It's not hair. Just give me a question. Jesus. All right. I'm going to pull my Eulatricus hair out. All right. This one is from the random thoughts thread on Reddit and it's from Detroit dog. Oh, zero. Um, and they say, what is a phrase that you say a lot? And they say, they go on to say, I say, quote unquote, dodge the bull a lot when someone leaves a relationship, situationship, friendship, et cetera, because of something that is bad or negative. What do you say? So can you think of a word or a phrase? Well, they said phrase. Let's go with phrase that you find that you say frequently. Hmm. That's a good one. Um, can I phone a friend? Like you mean your wife? Yeah.
I mean, sure. She wants to hear the wife's voice for a little bit. If she wants it to be on the show, that's really up to her. I know if she's comfortable with having a voice recorded, you go. um What is a phrase that I say a lot? um I mean, I can think of words I say a lot. I say dude a lot. um I do say that I am spectacular quite a bit, like when um Like exchanging pleasantries, whether it's with strangers or with friends. Hey, how are you doing today? Oh, I'm good. How are you, Adam? I am spectacular. Thank you for asking. Or if they ask me first, hi, Adam, how are you? I'm spectacular. Please tell me how you are doing. So I've been trying to work in like more like three, $4 words into places where I'd otherwise just say good or great or something. Um,
So I have been saying like, I'm spectacular quite a bit more than probably usual. I probably even talked about this and like, that's our cue before or on like shares a lot a long time ago. I'm sure I have. Um, fuck what is another phrase that I say a lot. Um, you know, this is really something that would be good to have like friends tell you like, what is, oh, you know what cast tells me so that I say, I knew it a lot too. Like. Which I've been a little bit more aware of. I don't know if I say it as much as she says I do, but maybe I do. But I've kind of turned it into a running joke now because like. That's like what she pointed out, so I do say I knew it quite a bit, like whether it's like a jokingly or not, if someone says a fact or something stupid that they did, I'll go be like, I knew it. I fucking knew it. I knew it here. We haven't forgotten. We're racking our brain.
I know you're still there. I'm just stalling while. Yeah, I know you are. i'm I'm trying to help you because you're floundering. Floundering? I was telling you about what Cass says. I was explaining. You were clearly floundering. I was watching your waveforms. I was going to say, look at how huge they are. um But I was saying, like Cass pointed out that, like, apparently, When we first started playing a phony express and then like further on into other conversations, she noticed that I say I knew it a lot. And that's like what she associates is my catchphrase. I i wasn't really aware of it. Does she pointed it out? But like, no, I try to listen for it when I'm editing and stuff. Oh, you know, I do a lot. She says it as an homage. It's not a phrase or even a word, but it's the only thing I can come up with right now and you're going to take it or leave it.
But when somebody does something quote unquote sexy, like makes a dirty joke or something. Uh huh. I like to. um You do the per. I do the per, but I do it as a question. I go. I haven't heard you do that, but I'm not saying you don't, but I have heard. I do a one with i do it all the time. I have heard the one without the question mark at the end. Yeah, I do. I do the normal per two. But if like somebody makes like a dirty joke, that's like sexy, not sexy. I will. I'll do like the. I'm not trying to think you've probably seen me put it in discord because I do it there, too. I'll put our question mark. No, I don't. i'm I'm not saying you don't. I just say I haven't read enough attention to me.
No, I don't because, you know, I wasn't expecting you to see. See now. So now you're like, whoa, wow. I don't really. Jeez. You know, really caught me off guard. um You know, we're talking on a previous ah episode about. um I know. No, we weren't. Who was I talking to about that? Oh, we were on a video. We were on a call with Adrian. when I was saying like how if someone says like a mean thing about themselves in response to something I say, I'll just agree. Yeah. So that was me doing that just now to see if you'd react to it. I did. You caught me hook line. You sure did, my guy. I'm really trying to think what where you do. Realizing now that um we have no actual personality and 90 percent of what we say is just recycled from things. Yeah.
Yeah. um um Yeah, because you do the per thing a lot. I've been noticing it more lately, not as a question, but like I feel like anytime someone makes remotely an innuendo, that's I feel like it's almost like a Pavlovian thing where you just can't help, but just it just slips out of your mouth. You're like, yeah, I do love doing it. I do love doing the per. Yeah, I have noticed it more in more of our recent calls that. Is that a problem? Should I stop purring? No, I'm not complaining. It's just that like I'm glad you brought it up because I was like, you know, I thought it was me. I thought I was crazy thinking like he does it all the time. But if you're at least bringing up the question one, I'm like, OK, so he does know he's doing it. um That's really funny. um but Yeah, because I too have noticed the per thing a lot. No, it doesn't bother me at all. You know, it's just like a
you know, one of those things that you're like, am I going crazy? Has this been happening more frequently or, you know, or am I just noticing something that otherwise I wouldn't, you know, actually, I think I got one. I say, ah yeah, right. A lot, but not as a, you know, dismissive like, yeah, right. But more as like, I'm agreeing. I'll say like, yeah, right. Like if if you would tell me something, Oh, my God. Yeah, I do that, too. Oh, I heard. yeah I heard about what you say. She said, Yeah, no. I do that. Or I go like, Yeah, no. Yeah, no, no, no, yeah no. Yeah. I do that a lot. Oh, yeah. No, yeah. Apparently, that's like a New Jersey thing.
um So, you know, yeah, no, no, no, no. You know, New Zealand has something like that, but I forget what it means. But Delta, they'll do ah a zooal who I still haven't gotten on the show yet. What the fuck is all. Oh, my um fucking. They'll say like, yeah, no. And I still don't exactly know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I know that that's like a Kiwi. So I could tell you as somebody who does something very similar. ah The answer is just yes. It is both a good and a bad thing. It all depends on the question and how you say it. A non-committal statement, a way to continue dialogue without adding any substance to a conversation. A way to sort of agree but not really agree with somebody. Yeah, nah. Yep, that is exactly what it is.
Interesting. Yeah. Sweet Ass was one of my favorites I learned from Kiwi when I first met my buddy as Wolf way back when. Sweet Ass. Sweet Ass. I don't use it, but it's still one of my favorites. Huh? That was my nickname in high school. Sweet Ass. Oh, I thought you were saying ass. Nope. Sweet Ass. They just say A.S. Sweet Ass. Oh, well, it's like an expression of excitement for something like they're like, oh, man, we're going to go see Deadpool. Oh, sweet ass. Huh? Sweet as what? Candy? They leave it open for your own interpretation. That's what's smart about it, is they don't have to finish it. Don't have to work in the conversation. Your brain finishes it. So you might say sweet as strawberry jam, and I may say sweet as an oatmeal raisin cookie.
Adam, have we not discussed this enough? If you leave it open to me, umm gonna my mind is gonna go on a 30-minute tirade on itself, going like, sweet as candy? All my favorite candy is crunch bar. You know what makes a really good crunch bar? Yeah, what makes really good crunch bar is this bar down the street and they sell fish. What's my favorite fish? One fish, two you fish, red fish, blue fish. Have I seen a blue fish for that matter? If I've been to the ocean recently. Yeah. you know they just And that's a lot of water. I should probably take more baths. It would help. my I should probably take more baths. Yeah. Wash. I should probably more that ah wash my ass out with soap. Full circle.
Full circle from another episode. But there we go. do you Is there anything that you notice, I say, um you know on as we talk more? I do hear fabulous a lot. Do I say fabulous? Yeah. Damn, I don't even notice that. It's not really a phrase, but like when something like. Good. Fantastic. Cause I say fantastic a lot. You do say fantastic, but like if something good, if we're talking about something good, you'll be like, Oh, that's fabulous. That's good. I don't hear that at all. I have to pay attention to that. That's funny. I'm pretty sure you say fabulous. I know. i say Fantastic.
I do say fantastic. I've probably said fabulous. I've been trying to add more multi-syllabic expressive words into my vocabulary lately, so that makes sense. Along with spectacular, fabulous, fantastic, phantasmagorical, exquisite, delightful. A lot of, oh, you you like to open a lot of things with so. So Danny, so Mel, so this, so that. Mm, interesting. I don't know if I'm aware of that either. Fun. Is there any phrases? When we're recording, i see, phrases are tough, man. Phrases are tough. Hmm.
ah I used to copy Justin and say mother, father, sister, brother, but it didn't feel the same because I was copying him. But when he would try to stifle his swear, he'd be like, mother, father, sister, brother. and I say mother trucker a lot. Hmm. Um, I say, I say, I think I noticed that I've been saying what's crapping in more to see if people notice. I say it i've not like a newer, like a newer environment. So I'll say, Hey guys, what's crapping in? Um, and see if anybody's will say, did you say crapping? I mean, the thing is I do have like,
catchphrases that I am aware I'm saying a lot. Like when I say, oh, you know, I always say grow old, don't grow up or grow up, don't grow old or whatever it is. I can't even say it though. Oh, my brain today. You know, as I always say, grow something. Grow old, don't grow up. But like I say, lifes the garden dig I don't want to say that one because like I'm aware I'm saying that. I'm trying to think if there's like any phrases I say that I don't even realize. I guess it would it'd be easier for you to answer because you listen to these constantly. Oh, when we're done, I go take a nap. When you done this shit you know what I notice is sometimes when you're when you're laughing, you'll laugh backwards.
depending on what you're laughing at when something's really funny. Well, you know backwards. It won't be. It'll be more of a modern ah the count from Sesame Street. So it won't be like ha ha ha. Like right there. Yeah. Yeah. So it's not always ah but yeah a lot of your last to start with. Aha not ha ha.
Like that. see ah yeah
she cant stop Now that you're aware of it. Now that you're now that you're aware of it, you're going to laugh at it all the time. Oh, no. Oh, no. Right. So like like, you know, and eventually eventually you'll put the ages back in there like you just did, but it almost always starts with and
you and' ah And then it goes into actual after which you can start. So I don't know if that counts as a phrase, but like I do notice that, like, I can never tell if that's a real laugh or it's the beginning of what could be a harder belly laugh if I get you in the right place. So if it sounds like the ones I was just doing, those are deep down belly. No, I know. Which I'm i'm wondering if that. are like a precursor to like ah belly lass if I could really push that button a little harder. so like
You know, but like I can tell that like your head just went backwards and you get it's like you're screaming at the sun or trying to cough something back up in space. I do like I lean back all the time because I'm laughing so hard in this. I can tell. Part of it is just, you know, the reflex of when you laugh, you want to throw your head back. But it's also in the back of my mind going, I know I'm about to get really loud and laugh really loudly. Let me get away from the mic. So it's not deafening for everyone. So you're like, hit the blueprint in the hole. excuse
Oh, you booked you. I do. I do notice that. So it's not really a common phrase, I guess. Thanks for that. Great. Now I need to go work on my laugh. I mean, I'm wondering if Belle has ever noticed that you do that. I don't know. I'm going to have to ask her later or like have her listen to this section. You go, you know, babe, dear lover, you know, do I do I laugh like like a really fast laughing count?
So like, oh god yeah, so like it's not H A H A H A, it's A H A H A H.
Fantastic. You know, I'm owning it. I love that. ah You know, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that, you know, since we're talking about what we're observing about each other, ah you know, that's definitely one that, you know, I honestly editing so many episodes of things over the past four years, there's a laugh that I hate that I do that I have been very aware of that I just cannot stop. It happens involuntarily and I hate it. Like, which one I laugh through, like, kind of like a slurry, like, i think i really funny. wow
And I hate it because I'm like trying to talk through a laughter and like it's just I hate how it sounds and I just cannot stop it. And every time I hear myself laughing that hard or through my words on a recording, I'm like, ah, fuck out of me. Did it again. You did it again. You did it Adam. Yeah, I wish I just went. I don't. yeah
stop I feel like every time that I do that, I trigger, you know, and then I laugh at myself, too. But that's what see that brings it all the way back around to that conversation that we had earlier about like what I what makes me laugh about you is that when there's something that you think is funny, you laugh extra at it for the fact that you're laughing at it. And that makes it even funnier. I've been told a lot of times in my life, like, wow, Dan, the joke you said wasn't that great, but that your reaction to yourself is what was super funny. I'm like, you know what? I don't care. I got everybody smiling and laughing. And that's all I care about. That's all that matters. um You know, so, you know, I hope that was enlightening. Oh, yeah. Great. Thanks for that new self-conscious unlock.
new self-conscious that, oh man, did I just do, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, damn.
I'm sorry, Daniel. I hope that I don't care. It's fine. Yeah, I'm sorry. No, um you're good, buddy. You're good. But anyway, let's discuss what we talked about today, shall we? ah We've talked about why somebody doesn't like vegetables and how to get over it. We talked about how we can get funnier and different reasons why one could want to be funnier and what motivates that. And we learned about a word called eulatricus, meaning to be, ah or is it eulatricus? Do you pronounce the U or do you make the word eulatricus? Hang on, let me let me tickle the speaker button again.
Yeah, it's it eulatricus eulatricus. OK, so we got eulatricus, which means like wooly curly hair. And we learned about each other about what phrases we say a lot. And hey, listeners, what phrases do you say a lot? go ahead and send us a message. You can either message me on Instagram at random Adam and say, hey Adam, heard the latest episode. This is something I say all the time. Or you can go to funsellers.com slash contact us and send us a message there and say, hey y'all, this is fucking letters, words and phrases I say all the time. Yeah, why don't you do some work for once instead of just listening to us spill our guts about things we say all the time. Why don't you come in and tell us what you say all the time. How about that? Do some work.
Yeah. I don't know where that came from. And if you think it's funny, maybe send us a little. That way we know that you think that. we
I love it. It's so funny. ah i'm like I'm like a little brain ninja. I'm like a little cerebral assassin. I just plant that little nugget in your brain and then I can just activate it whenever I want. ah Okay. Anyway, Danny, what would you like to say to our listeners before we wrap up this episode and finally get to rest for the evening? ah right Oh, God. Fudge. Hang on a second. Give me a sec.
I'm still recovering from from the front, from your from your vampire laughs. Everything. Just all of this. Remember how I said I'm going to leave this and my face is going to be hurting? Well, there you go. Yeah, you know, if I ain't if I leave in my friends and cohorts after a conversation with their cheeks hurting a little bit, I didn't do a good enough job. Boy, oh, boy. Okay. I'm good. We're good now. I'm super serious now. Too serious now. Yes, quite. Okay. Yes, of course. Thank you all so very much for listening. We really do appreciate you more than you know. I see you typing. You're going to put in ah, ah, ah, ah. I know you. yeah
I hate you so much. I was trying to get it out before you noticed, but then when you said that, was like a fuck cut down damn I was I was trying so hard. I forgot you could see that I was typing over there. I knew exactly what you were. Damn it. I forgot you could see that. Oh, my God. um Anyway, you were saying it before I was so rudely interrupted. We really do appreciate you guys listening to us. We really, really do. This is a dream come true for me, and I'm sure Adam too, even if he doesn't say it because he's kind of stingy with his feelings. Me? Have you met me? Dude's like a brick wall. I'm telling you. I was going to say stone fucking cold. Yeah. He's just got those dead glassy eyes. Really unnerving. That's just my blue blockers. That's all it is.
um But we really do appreciate it. You know, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys listening um and we will never forget that and Yeah, we love you ah We hope you guys find us half as silly as we find us I'm gonna reiterate that you are not supposed to you know, we're we're only pretending people give a crap about what we think so You don't actually have to give a crap. It's fine Yeah, but if you listen to us for about an hour and 13, 14 minutes, I mean, you must like something that we're doing. Look, if you hear the end of this episode, if you hear the end of the episode and you really want to help us for free, go review the show if you already haven't. And if you have, go to podchaser dot.com slash that's our queue and leave a review there too, because that helps put us in front of more people who go there to find new podcasts.
Yeah, so make another account on both of those places and review us again. Yeah, rate it if you hate it or scrub it if you love it. I don't have one for loving yet, but like, you know. rated if you hate it just sounds funnier, but you know, if we evoked any sort of emotion or thought in you today, please go and review the show. It's a free way to support the show. If you want, if you can't contribute to the Kofi.com slash fund and sellers or to, you know, any merchandise we might have coming down the pipe, that is an excellent way to support the show for free. Um, it's just given a couple of stars. You can give it one for all I care. It still puts us in the ranking somewhere.
um You know, stars are stars, man. Don't let them, you know, like when Rebecca Black put out that excellent song about Friday, which I will defend to the death, by the way. Fantastic song. um it was very You know, me and call one of the most hated videos on the Internet got tons of dislikes. But guess what? It kept getting referred to other people because it has so many reviews. It's not about how many gold stars you get. It's just the fact that gold stars were given. So just make sure you go and do that. OK, it would help us out a lot. Write it ironically or not. Either way, it would really help us out. And Adam got to give himself a little plug last time, so I'm going to take this one. ah If you like hearing my voice and you want to hear more of me instead of Adam, um I do read audiobooks or short stories. um So check out ah Strange Stories from Odd Folks. Mm hmm. He's typing in separate messages.
um where i might the last but very The last thing I read was, if you see these tracks, run. by Strange Stories from Odd Folks. Check that out wherever you get your podcasts. I am blocking this screen. It's Folks with an X, F-O-L-X. Yes. If you want to meet and see and hear Mrs. Danny, check out Beluga358 on Twitch. She's been streaming recently. Sometimes we stream Remnant 2 together. She's been streaming games that she has not really played before. I believe she was in the middle of
Devil May Cry 1 recently. So that's been a lot of fun. If you want to come in here and say hi. um That's all folks. ah Yeah. So ah if you like things and you like us and you like things with us, listen to all those things that we just said about us. um And in the meantime, in a chaotic world that in which we live, please, for the love of all things sacred, take care of your mind, take care of your heart, take care of each other. And if you happen to look at the newest at rendition of the periodic table of elements, you'll see the element of surprise, which is A-H, and that spells, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
No one is inoculated to a bad day And everything you know and complete disarray Your mouth is full of venom and belly full of flames You walk into a room and you start taking names and you... Hey! What? Don't hush the fuck! Hey! Enjoy the ride. We don't need your negativity. Take your frustration and put it in your butt. Live into witness in reality. Take your division and put it in your butt. We don't need your negative energy. Take your resentment and put it in your butt. Hoping your mind from that captivity. Take your anxiety and put it in your butt.
Your heart is full of anger and it's planning to stay Your immolation and today is the day Ununderwhelming denizens will fill your decay with fury And your souls are gonna hear what you say when you... Hey! What? Don't hush the by! Hey! Enjoy the ride. We don't need genetic activity. Take your frustration and put it in your butt. Live in to win this in reality. Take your definition and put it in your butt. We don't need geneticative energy. Take your resentment and put it in your butt. Open your mind from that captivity. Take your anxiety and put it in your butt.