Re-Gift The Crunch In A Kafkaesque Way image

Re-Gift The Crunch In A Kafkaesque Way

That's Our Q
16 Plays12 days ago

Today we ask how to ask your partner how to explore things sexually, what weird qualities we find attractive in people, and how do you best preserve toast!

Oh, you know what? I didn't have an opener. I just thought of this. I didn't have an open prepared. But now after what we just talked about, not just talked about, but talked about before that one, that comment, I know what it's going to be. Wait, know but the poop comment or the the other yes, the poop comment. So check this one out. OK, yeah. So good morning, good afternoon and good evening, ladies, gentlemen, not binary folks. If universities don't know.
Welcome back to That's Our Q or TOQ for short where we take your cues and we take a nice big eight ounce glass of water and we drink it and then we eat those delicious little cues because we want to suck up as many nutrients as we possibly can and then we excrete out some nice big fat juicy A's to marvel at before we ultimately send them to the water treatment plant. And for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, we just take questions from places like Reddit and Quora and we answer them as if anybody gives a shit to hear our opinion in the first place.
If I haven't already mentioned it, my name is Adam and I am joined today by my buddy, Daniel, the guarantee. Hello, Danny. Hello, Adam. Oh, I got to show you later. I took a great picture of this. a Oh, you did. Is it a little bit away? Well, mine mine was in track and field because it was very runny.
Um, oh ah yeah, buddy. ah ah no but Do you you want to answer some questions, pal? Oh, ah all right. I'll take that as anything to get away from that. All right. Now I wanted to, I have a surprise. I talked to you about one of the questions that I chose, but yeah we have a couple of actual callers.
who I have recorded voice messages from on the questions that they sent. So I was curious if you would like to hear one of those. Hell, yes, I would love to. Now, you're going to have to listen closely because some of the volumes are, I'm going to turn this one up a little bit. Hello, fellas. Ready? Hello, fellas. It's 911, not your emergency from Reddit. My question for you is, what's the best way to preserve toast?
Let's say I was too busy to eat in the morning, but I made toast. How do I prevent it from losing its crunch? Thank you for your advice, gentlemen. As always, you're the best. Goodbye. Well, thank you, 911, for your emergency for your question. What a great question. Thank you so much for doing a voice question, too. That's amazing.
Yeah. Thank you for sending it in. You can send more of those at our fund and sellers network.com. Uh, or you could just message me on Instagram at random Adam. If you want to send me some voice messages, but yeah, that one was from a legitimate listener yeah from a question that they had on Reddit. Their screen name is 911, not your emergency. And they spelled it, you know, exactly correct, which is nice. And I just, you know, their question in case you didn't hear it was what's the best way to preserve toast?
if they make it and then they can't eat it or they have to run and it's just sitting there. That is a good question. Uh, my first instinct is to take like a little bit of, um, like a small plastic bag, like, uh, you know, like a Ziploc throw it in there and press it so that there's no air. Cause you want to keep the moisture out, right? That's what's going to make it all soggy and gross. Um, right. oh That would be my first thought.
Just put in a plastic bag, put in a plastic bag and then maybe put it in the fridge. Hmm. Maybe not the fridge, the fridge rate, the toast. I'll be honest, if I were making toast and I couldn't eat it, I'd throw it out and make new toast. But what if you don't want to waste it? Oh, man. and You know, I think bread grows on trees. No, I think it's not like pumpkins. It doesn't grow on trees.
It's true. But I thought it was like apples where it grew out of the ground. ah I mean, no, it's not quite like that. It's it's similar, though. um I always thought apples were the Earth's acne. No, apples are the apples are the Earth's um apples. That's why they're called that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. my god That's where they get their names, apples. And then we shorten the name over time to make it more sellable.
Man, I feel I want so done and you only ever find it in there. It's I. It makes perfect sense because you only have like apple in the eye. Oh, right. There are apples of your eye, apples of the earth. But you know what I would like is I love apples of Uranus.
I don't think you would. Oh, well, anyway, so how do you preserve toast, Danny? So you're just saying put in a plastic bag. I guess you'd put in a plastic bag, maybe put it in like um something insulated like I don't think it's not going to be warm, no matter really what you do. But I think the big thing is trying to keep moisture away from it. ah So a plastic bag, you maybe put it in something insulated like a like an all day lunchbox kind of thing. Throw it in a room that has a dehumidifier if you have one.
But what if you just what if you put it back in the toaster and then you turn the toaster upside down because you got to clean it out anyway, you know, but turn the toaster upside down and in that way it'll it'll just be hanging out with those hot little the sexy little ah coils that heat up. Right. And then that way it'll be. And as I do, don't you fucking get on crunchy or we will, you know, ah yeah oh, turn the toaster upside down. Now you got all those crumbs that are just going to spell out.
But that's toaster leavings. You can use that for like, you know, breadcrumbs. Instead of buying breadcrumbs, you have them in your toaster already. Yeah, but they're toaster leavings that have been cooked like 200 times because I never clean out my toaster. Right. But then you have breadcrumbs, you know, like when you want that crunch for a dessert or for like a casserole. I think I taste the crunch first. Huh? I'm pretty sure it's just charcoal at that point. Well, think about this.
Our bread, now the bread crumbs, the toaster leavens that are in the toaster. Would you say Danny, that they are crunchy? I would. So if we leave your toast in the toaster, then it'll be crunchy. I think they're crunchy because they're burnt though. I don't think they want burnt toast, but I think you have an idea there. I think you should take the toast.
heat up a yeah ah frying pan and just kind of throw it on there to reheat it, kind of re-crunch the sides of it. you know Maybe then you throw on some butter and let it really sit in well while it's cooking, just to kind of eat it up a little bit, re-crunchify it. Sure. Yeah, yeah.
What if, okay, here's a logical and then an even more logical answer. Number one, just put it back in the air fryer. You don't preserve the crunch. You just re-crunch it, right? It's going to be a little crunchy on the crust part, but throw it in the air fryer for like a minute. It'll re-crunch and it'll be just as good, if not better.
But or the even more logical answer is you take your toaster leavens, you put a little butter, apple butter, your condiment of choice, you smear it all over that piece of toast when you want it back. Right. And then you dump your toaster leavens on it and it'll stick to the whatever you slathered your toast with or your half bread with.
and that'll give it crunch from the toaster. Then you're reusing or using what you didn't get, you know, that's the bread that you paid for that you didn't get to eat. That's stuck in the bottom of that toaster. Now you're getting to finally eat it and you're going to use it to preserve the crunch or re yeah know gift. You'll give the gift of crunch back to gift the crunch. Yeah. regif
That's that's a good like so that's a good like serial Logan slogan like we give the crunch.
ah re gift
yeah We need to put that on a T-shirt or something with no context. No context whatsoever. Maybe just like an upside down cereal box. Just like an upside. Yeah. Cereal box with an upside down toaster on it. And it's just we give the crunch.
You know what? I didn't realize how funny that stuff. You ever have that moment where you don't realize how funny something is that you said, but then somebody else says that it, you're like, Oh wow, that's hilarious. Yes. You know, Justin does that to me all the time where I think I say so like I'm cracking a joke or maybe I'll slip up and say something that I'll giggle about it, but then he'll say it. And for some reason it's like 12 times funnier. I've had a lot of moments where I guess I said something very dumb who and people, you know, Bell or whoever would just look at me and be like,
Repeat what you said right back to me and i'm like wow. Did I really say that? Oh my god Oh, man, I just have ones where I never know if I'm laughing because somebody else said it or if I'm realizing just how fucking funny I am in that moment. We're like, I don't know if that makes me more arrogant than like the thing you said that I said, hilarious. hell You know, I think I'm hilarious. I absolutely I'm my biggest fan when it comes to comedy. yeah Nobody makes me laugh as much as I make me laugh. But I think it's enhanced when somebody else says it because it's just weird to hear it in somebody else's context. But like, I'm like, hu ah think I that's
Or Justin will sometimes be like, Adam, you said that. I'm like, oh, fuck, it's hilarious. You know, I'm thinking he's just the funniest dude on earth. And he's like, dude, you're laughing at your own joke. Like, that's even better. Next time you you tell him like, hey, man, you're a lot funnier when you're me. Yeah, you're a lot funnier when you quote me. Do it some more. Do that. I'm hilarious. Stop talking about your own shit.
Dude, re-gift the crunches. Say, like, I know I said it, but you saying it is hilarious. I was just so blown away. Well, because you only half said it, right? You started to say it and went somewhere else. And I was like, was he going to say re-gift the crunch?
just Oh, my gosh. ah Guys, I'm sorry. That's just hilarious. Oh, my goodness. We need to do something with that. I don't know what, but we need to do something with that. We'll put it on one of the puzzle pieces. Yeah. and If nothing else, that's going to be part of the title of this episode whenever you do the the year of the way. You know, OK. OK, I'm trying to think of like the word I have today. OK. And how that could work. I'll figure it out. I'll put the.
ah I'll find a way to add crunch to it, because that's what this is all about. We're trying to add crunch to everybody's life. you know Everything should have a little bit of crunch unless it's pudding or applesauce. Otherwise, let it have some crunch.
um Oh, right. Or jello. I don't want your stuff floating around on my job. I want the jello goodness just wiggling down my throat. OK, open my jello. Let me see what else don't I want crunching. I don't want fruit in my yogurt. I know that's not really kind of crunches more like a squish. I don't want fruit in there either. Just fruit flavor it and let it the fuck alone. I don't want to find that weird shit in the bottom of the fuck. I don't. I don't want your crunch in any meat. You don't want crunch in your meat. No. Well, what if it's like. like
like in the meat, right? Like if I'm okay, I was going to say, like, if you like a burger with like, uh, celery lettuce on it, you know, a nice crisp piece of lettuce with some crunch. Oh yeah. Okay. Uh, but if I'm leaving it to like, if I'm, if I'm going for like a meatloaf, right. And I take a bite and I hear not as good. You know what? Meatloaf is one of those foods that I always tell myself I really want, but I have,
Ever since I've been, you know, if I probably said this a hundred times already. I can't remember if I mentioned it on the show, but like a few years ago, I started cutting back on like my sodium intake because I had a scare. Like I found on like an old med express sheet when I visited there for something and unrelated. When I was looking at that little printout they give you, I saw that I was borderline hypertensive and they didn't bring it up when they took my blood pressure. I just read it and just happened to notice it. And so I was like, ah, fuck. And so I.
Find ways to de-stress, but I realize a big part of it is like how much salt I was eating from like soups I liked for lunch and stuff. So anyway, I found out that it's easy to consume a lot of sodium and sugar with your drinks and with your soup. So I severely cut back on it. But now I'm very aware of it. When I go to a restaurant, I'm like, you know what? I haven't had fucking meatloaf in forever. And then I'll get some meatloaf. And I'm like, my God, that's a lot of salt in there. Holy shit. That's a lot of salt in this.
And I love meatloaf and I love the texture, I love the look, I love the taste, but the salt is getting in the way of it. So I gotta find like a low salt recipe because I miss meatloaf so much, especially with like a little batch of taters, mashed potatoes. um But the salt's really ruining it now that like, you don't realize like how sensitive you become to it when you cut out a big chunk of it. Like yeah I taste it in my Gatorade, even if I get like zero sugar Gatorade, there's like 8% of your sugar in it or your sodium still in it and I um i taste it. I'm aware of it when I drink it now.
Hey, mom, Terry. Hey, listen up. Hey, Terry. Sorry. Hey, mom. Hey. Uh, can you, when you hear this episode, cause I know you will, you'll probably be working out or walking and yeah trying really hard not to laugh in public like always. And then you'll text me and be like, Oh my God, you've episodes. Yeah. I know. I know. We're hilarious. so Anyway.
Write your questions in. Can you um you know find leave a comment on this episode and give Adam your your meatloaf recipe because I know you also stay away from salt. so Oh, fuck yeah, Terry. You have a lot more experience in cooking. So if you could just you know hit my boy up with your recipe, that'd be swell. Thanks, you're a doll. Anyway. ah Yeah, that would be great. I can't wait to get that text.
I would be just fan fantastic. Better yet. You know what? I plan on coming over there sometime in the near future. Can you just like swing up the jersey one day and just make it? That'd be fun. Oh, there you go. That would be that would be fantastic. Um, yeah. Anyway, we were talking about anyway. So, yeah, so close. What was it? What was it talking about? Oh, burgers. You said something about buy burgers. OK, that's all. No, I didn't want crunch in my meatloaf.
ah ah You know what? well Listen to TOQ. We're going to put the crunch in your meatloaf. We're going to re-gift the crunch. We're going to re-gift the crunch in your meatloaf. I don't know why that tickles me so much. I don't know why I put that grosser than the poop episode.
Oh, man. I'm sorry, guys. um You want another question, Danny? Yes, please. Yes. Take my mind off of crunchy meatloaf. Now we talked but we discussed this one. So Terry, since you're listening, this one is about you know things that happen in the bedroom, but not about your son directly. So you don't have to listen if you want to fast forward about 15 minutes. But also, it's it's just general talking about the act of consensual physical activity.
I mean, I don't think she hasn't already heard on the show. It's true. I bet Terry has stories. Terry, do you want to do like a like a side up with me and you? Well, secret episode we can put behind the paywall on our coffee. No. Hey, audience, if you want me to record a secret episode with Terry that we can put on our coffee, let us know that idea. No. It won't be a sexy episode. I i know i don't want to ask stories about Terry's life.
Um, you know me, I love learning about people. You saw me at the store. Um, we'll talk about that too. Yeah. Um, anyway, so this question is from, um, any treacle, I don't know what this word means 5, 3, 4, 3. And this was from 14 hours ago from when I got this question. So this is pretty fresh.
Um, and so they ask, how do I ask my boyfriend to explore different things sexually? Now they go on to say, how can I ask my BF of five years to spice things up? We have great sex, but I feel like I am into a lot of other things and I want to explore them with him.
I'm worried though that he will think I am unsatisfied, which is not the truth. We have great chemistry and he can really make me scream, but I want a little bit more. We've experimented with some toys, but that's about it. I'm 26 and he's 26. Any advice? So typically, you know, and I picked this question because while, you know, sex can be a bit of an uncomfortable subject for some people, I think that's why I picked it.
because it can be an uncomfortable subject even if things are going great with you and your partner or if you you know maybe this person can't feel they can talk to their friends about these things which because it's an awkward subject so they've turned to the internet right so i think that this is like a a valid question that people might be like hey i don't wanna hurt my partner's feelings if i want to try new things you know so.
Danny, like I know you and I don't, and we haven't played the field a ton, but you know, typically we like to stay with the same person, you know, and if you had ever had to have this kind of talks or maybe you have someone in your life who maybe has talked about this or hell, maybe you've seen it in a sitcom for all you know.
You know, we are both, I think modern men who are comfortable with approaching certain subjects and and do but having modern conversations that I think are important without feeling emasculated if somebody were to bring it up. So what is your input on this? Like, do you have any, any thoughts on, on how one can approach this subject? Not just for this particular person, but for anybody who might be in that situation. Honestly, I think, um, the biggest thing is it's one of those things where you just got to sit down and do it. Like, I don't think there's a quote unquote,
right way to do it. I also I think your fear that your boyfriend will find you ah we will find themselves lacking in your question. I feel like that's I don't think that's honestly all that true. Like. If my wife came up to me and was like, hey, do you want to you know try something new? You want to like, you know, try going a new adventure or or like try something new?
My thought would not be that I'm you know not good enough or um ah blanking, but you get the idea. my My thought wouldn't be that I'm not up to snuff. it's You wouldn't feel inadequate. Yeah, thank you. I wouldn't feel inadequate. I would just feel like, yeah, you know what? Let's give it a shot. Or no, I really don't think I'm into that. like It's one of those things, it kind of ah feels like, um almost like buying condoms, like you always expect. ah the The cashier is going to be like, oh, hey, everybody, look, he's buying condoms. When really you're the 100th person that day that came by and bought condoms, they're going to look at it, they're going to scan it and they're going to throw it in the back. It's kind of like that, like it feels so awkward, but it's really not that big a deal. um I don't think you're
milking it. I don't think you're you know making a mountain out of a mole hill because I fully understand why you would feel so awkward. And ah it speaks a lot that you're so worried that you're going to hurt their feelings. ah It shows that you really do care and that's good. But I honestly don't think, unless they have some kind of insecurity already in themselves about it,
I don't think they would feel inadequate based on just the question of, hey, I want to try something new. I want to you know try this new toy, try this new game, try this new role play, whatever it is. um Yeah, I think the best way to handle it is just to sit down and and ask. And you can even tell them, like hey, this is not in any way mean you're inadequate. I love the sex we're having. But I just want to try something new just to see if I like it. There's nothing wrong with that.
Yeah. I mean, another way you could approach it too, um well, at least in tandem with that is just bring it up. Instead of making it into like a whole to do, you could just say, Hey, how do you feel about whips? You know, and then if he starts to chuckle, be like, well, no, I'm serious. Like if I like brought a whip in, like, would you freak out? You know, and then just kind of see where it is because then it's less about, you know, you're just like, you know, if it's more of like a, if you think of it's more like an idea, like, you know,
I don't know. I was driving past, um, I was driving past neighbor Marge the other day and she and her husband were driving on top of each other in the driveway and he had the biggest direction I've ever seen. So I was actually wondering, you know, you know, we maybe we could start with some matchbox cars and work our way up to that. How do you feel? You know, and then, you know, kind of just open it with just like a, Hey, how do you feel about handcuffs? Or conversely, what I think you could do, you know,
In the middle of doing it, pull a chainsaw out from under the bed and just start it up and see how he reacts. Put on then freddie or the Jason mask. Yeah. And then he's like, well, what are you doing, babe? Then you put that down and you go, actually, I just want to try handcuffs. I just want to see how to react. Now this doesn't seem so bad now that you've seen the chainsaw. Oh, yeah. that's That's a good selling strategy, right? you You kind of hit them with the big crazy deal or the big crazy expensive thing. And then you say, no, no, but here's like a good deal because in comparison, it looks really good. I think that's a great idea.
Yeah. You know, be like, Oh, Hey, I'm just kidding. Or you find out that he's into the chainsaw thing. He goes, Oh man, I've never been like more excited to go. Oh, okay. I wasn't planning on using this, but you just showed me what to do pal. i'm You know, yeah that way I can try my thing and you can try your things. Oh, he's wanted to be a lumberjack. Yeah.
You know, um, but I do think if you just bring it up, like if if you have something in mind, I mean, if you just say, Hey, I want to try some new things in the bedroom. Although it depends on your partner. Like, you know, maybe they're insecure. Maybe they're not insecure. Maybe, you know, they're just like, uh, you know, they wouldn't have thought those things until you bring it up. Yeah. Um,
You know, sometimes just gotta, to you know, just, just put some feelers out or maybe just like put on a, put on a nice X rated video before you guys get freaky. Like that has like some of that stuff in it. And then you point out and be like, what do you think about that? Or just look at his reaction. Like if someone's tied up, if that's what you're thinking and just look at his reaction, if he's like, Oh, or if he doesn't like have like a bad reaction at all, you're like, okay, he's not like a, he's not upset by what we know we're looking at. And who knows? Maybe he'll bring it up to you. Like, Hey, buddy, feel if I like tied you up.
You might be like, fuck yeah, like he's the one that brought it up. Now I'm in the clear. I could talk about all I want. Oh, OK, I guess we could try that deer. You know, the people still call each other deer, by the way. i I think we're too irreverent as a generation for that.
Oh, yeah. Like I sometimes I'll put deer before a nickname like, oh, dear Daniel, you know, or my dearest friend. Yeah. you know But I'll never say like, oh, hey, dear, what's up, dear? How you doing, dear? Because then I just see like a deer flashing in front of me each time. I don't like I don't say deer either. I say, hey, baby. Hey, love. Oh, I hear you say, hey, baby sometimes, but it sounds ironic. It doesn't hearar it sounds. Do you really say baby? It sounds so weird. What? Yeah. I don't mean you. I mean, just Earth, like in general.
You know, the general you. um But real quick, before we we leave this question, yeah um clearly, and obviously all of this should go without saying, but this is all advice if you are looking to do anything except be a dom. If the thing you wanted to try is dominating, it don't matter what he thinks. That's right. Just knock on the fuck out.
Yeah, just you know walk in there with the whip already. And when he says, what are you doing? You just whip him across the face. Tell him to get his ass in that bed and take them pants off. That's right. And then, you know, or to order or to get on all fours and grays in the yard. Then tell him you're going to make a man out of them.
Yeah. And then and then and then make him eat meatloaf in front of you. Crunchy meatloaf that you remind soage re-gift the crunch to his ass. That's what you're going to do. Oh, God is drinking.
it Re-gift the crunch. I hope I never forget. Re-gift the crunch. Oh, God. All right. ah Anyway, Danny, do you want to go over to the the word of the day now? Sure. Hang on. We're making some great time, by the way. ah Yeah, we're actually doing pretty good today. Yeah. It hasn't been an hour yet. If we keep it under 45 minutes, we'll be fucking champions. um All right. Well, this might take a minute because it's definitely not in English. You're not reading an English word? ah I mean, it's probably English, but it's definitely not like an English based word. Ah.
Uh huh. Are you listening to it now so you can hear how it's how's pronounced? Yeah. Oh, I see. OK, it's Kafkaesque. I'm sorry. Kafkaesque Kafkaesque. Yeah. Please spell the word. I would love to. It is K. A. F. K. A. E. S. Q. U. E. Kafkaesque.
It's esque usually implies like it is like something like oh, that's very tiger esque of you. You know, so Kafka esque like that's all one word. But is does it mean to be like something like Kafka is like the main word and ask is to like emulate it in some way because I don't know what the fuck Kafka. means Well, this it is an adjective. What's that? It sounds like one. Yeah, like an ad it is an adjective. So it does, you know, make sense for that. OK, what's it mean?
It is marked by a senseless disorienting, often menacing complexity. So something needlessly and maliciously complicated. Something needlessly complicated. Yeah. ah Some examples? Or maliciously as well? Well, I mean, it says often menacing complexity.
this The first sentence is about a movie. or the first sentences about a movie And the second Kafka S plot. Yes. The movies Kafka S plot with its dark surreal twists, overwhelming sense of dread left the audience unsettled. ah Kafka means by itself. The other one is the endless bureaucracy and confusing paperwork at the government office truly felt Kafka S. Kafka is formed from Kafka friends.
yeah and
ah helicopter apparently Kafka is a Czech surname which is a spelling of old Kafka ah okay that doesn't really help Kafka it's a noun the Australian novelist and short story writer born in Prague having a nightmarishly complex, bizarre or logical quality. So yeah, so Kafka Kafka is like the word itself is just like it. That's like the root of everything is like so esque is just like the word to tie it to me like it's like something. Yeah, like it sounds like oh, it's Kafka. It's Kafka. as It's it's using the esque, the original way. Make it into an adjective. Oh, well, that's kind of like, you know, wolf esque.
Right. But obviously you're just throwing esque on the end. This is actually using esque the way it was meant to be. I've always just put like a hyphen like, oh, that's very Danny esque of you. You know, or it's just like saying Danny like, you know, because you're just throwing it on the end.
Right. As opposed to being actually part of the word where this is part of the word. Right. I've only ever heard it in that way. Anytime I hear the word ask, I just think of it. It's like a hyphenated version of like and just saying it's like something. Oh, that's very Adam like of you. It's very Adam ask of you. Yeah. You know, just say regift the crunch.
<unk> just
How very regift the crunch ask of you. Yeah. Yeah. So how can I make that into a title? um Let's see. Re gift we-gift the crunch in a Kafka-esque way. oh It's going to be one of the longest titles I've ever had on this show. Re-gift the crunch has to be in there so I can find it later. It has to be in there. A Kafka-esque guide to re-gifting the crunch.
yeah okay
It's so stupid. It's so dumb. I know. This is stupid. and What we do is dumb sometimes, but I don't care. Sometimes?
I've listened back on some of these and I'm just like, oh, my God. This is a good ah life is too short not to be stupid. so You know, if we if we had if we had more people that like worked on our social media marketing because I don't have the patience for it, we might be doing even better on this show. You know, maybe I'll put some money towards that one of these days and just like really just flood the airways with it.
Oh, that reminds me. Um, so my parents, was your mom going to give us $10,000? Well, my parents did visit and we went out to dinner and my mom sat me down and she's like, Dan, just so you know, I will not give you 10,000. Oh man. He got me excited. I was like, what are you talking about?
carrie know It's an investment. i went We're going to double that money in two days. What about $10,000? Terry. I'll take $10,000 and you know when we make it back, I'll pay it back to you with interest. It'll be a business loan. $10,000. Think about that's don true it. Don't you want to invest in the future? Yeah, that's 10 100s. Whatever that math is. $1,000, sir. That's $1,100. That's what I said. um It's a 10 with two zeros after it's $1,100.
Um, cause, cause think about like us, 800, 900, 1,100, nobody bats an eye when you say 1,100. And if I said 1,100, that's weird all of a sudden. That's, that's inappropriate. I should be allowed to say 1,100 and you know what I'm talking about. I feel like I've heard people say 1,100 before. Or 2,000. Or like 1,000, they'd say like 1,005.
I feel like a hundred. If we said it like that, kids math would be so much easier because they'd be like, hey, kids, how many hundreds is four thousand? They're like, OK, how about how many hundreds is forty hundred? Oh, it's 40. Got it. You know, it's easy. No, no. Forget them. Make it hard. Make it hard for them. I make it so hard that we give the first day. We give the crunch of math. Give the crunch of math. You're putting numbers in there.
or letters and numbers. You put numbers in math. I put numbers in math. I only want alphabet in my math. it's um All right. So I have one more question and this one as is a caller in as well, but you can have to listen closely ah to it. So, so here you go. Different person. It's totally different person. This is from, I do have the name here. It's from Efficient Catch 7803, I think. um So let's listen to what they have to say. Are you ready?
Hey guys, first time caller, long time listener. I go by the handle EfficientCatch7803 on Reddit. And my question for you is, what's a weird thing that you find attractive in people? Just curious. Anyway, love the show guys. Also shout out to Terry. We love you Terry.
Thank you so much EfficientCatch. Thanks so much EfficientCatch. Thanks for hitting on my mom. It wasn't it on your mom who shouted out your mom. He was shouting out your mom. Sorry, shout out my mom. Oh, my goodness. Get your mind out of the gutter, you weirdo. Sexy voice, though. I'm sorry. It was just the tone. You want me to play it again? No, no. Later, though, after we're done. All right. So Efficient Catch asked, what is a weird thing that you find attractive in people? Hmm. So, you know, you are notorious for loving people and loving
humanity in general, you know, uh, you're a big social guy. You love people. So what's, you know, what, what's something that you think is maybe obscure or a little awkward or weird that you might think that if someone said, Oh, Hey, I find this attractive. then're like That's a weird dude. That doesn't really have to be something people would socially find weird, but you know, right right maybe something that you think is a weird thing that maybe not, maybe isn't weird to me. I don't know.
That's a good question. I'm not going to need a minute. If you have an answer ready, ah you might need to go first on this one. I might need a minute to think about this one. OK, let me see. um ah Something I find I can see my definition of what's weird to find attractive is probably. You know, to me, it's not weird, um but I know something that people have told me that they think is weird. And, you know, generally it's that.
I like people more than dogs, but that's not really a trait. Um, but something i I find attractive in people that maybe, um, others might find a little odd or weird is, uh, I like, I think it's attractive when somebody is, you know, I don't know if they're talking about sexually or romantically, but like, I think just something I think is cool that people do is when like, uh,
They're like they become the pro in a situation. You know, like I think it's really cool. Like I get really excited when like I'm in the room with somebody and they're like, oh, yeah, I know exactly how this works. um I know what I'm doing. I know how to explain it.
and they're excited to tell you about it. They're not just being like, oh yeah, it's quiet, it's this. They're not being like the pompous guy in the room or the pompous person in the room. They're just saying like, oh no, this is how this works and I got it and this has to actually, I'll take care of it. You know, like that whiz in the room that's just like, I got it. You know, even if I don't understand it.
Huh? Not like pompous about it. They're just right. No, they're not like being mean. They're like, Oh, you should know this. Um, and to add onto that, I think even if it's not like a skill that is needed, I think it's really cool. If I just pop like a quick question off, like, what does that mean? Or I don't really, you know, cause a lot of people will say the word, right. Or you get it or yeah. You know, as if like, they're looking for confirmation from you to continue the conversation. But sometimes I'll stop and say, actually, no, I don't, I don't know what you mean.
Um, or no, I don't understand that. Can you explain this further? And then, and then instead of somebody like, you know, cause somebody go, oh but like Oh, why don't you know that? Or how could you not know that? They're just like, Oh, okay. So it's like this. And they're just immediately like, excited to tell you, or to catch you up to speed on that thing that you don't get, as opposed to being offended that you don't understand the knowledge that they have. Right.
Cause I could have just easily not in my head and was like, yeah, yeah, of course. And then just looked it up later. But instead I'm like, actually, no, I don't, I don't know what that means. And most people are actually kind of excited to tell you, I found, and I think that's super cool. Um, I don't know if that's weird exactly, but I don't think people probably think about that as much, but those little kind of wholesome moments within a conversation where someone goes, all right, that has to be put on hold. Cause I need to tell you about this because you asked. Um, I think that's super fun. That's like super attractive to me, I think.
I think that's a good one. Actually, while you were talking about that, I thought of one and it's actually the other side of yours. um Oh, this mostly has to do with like video games because it it's just the biggest thing that it happens with. um But my wife is not much of a gamer, right? She's only just recently started playing video games.
Oh, really? I don't know. I don't think I knew that she she played like The Sims and some other like those super like, you know, casual games. um But she was never really like a gamer, right? So ah she recently started streaming again. And one of the things she wants to do is play games that she never played that were good and.
um Or playing games with me that, you know, um I've been playing for a long time and I love it. um When I can play a game with somebody new and explain everything to them and show them like, here's the things I learned and watch them go like, whoa, you know, like that's really cool. How did you do that? And then getting to show them how I did that. and Um, ah this goes for real life too. Um, I'm just a lot less skilled at things in real life. Uh, so it happens a lot less frequently, but like when you, when I was making you an Excel sheet and you were like, Oh, how'd you do that? I felt I really, you know, a lot of pride then. Um, so I think that's one, I love people that are willing to learn and showing excitement in learning something that I know how to do already. I love sharing that. I see. So you, you like.
The the a trait that you find attractive as people is when they're inquisitive about things you like. Yeah, basically your that you're not describing. I see on your end, which I guess explains why we get along so well. Yeah, I mean, because, you know, I as much as I know, I'm a talker and like I'm very aware of how much I can go. Like when I have that opportunity to, um you know,
learn more about how somebody else operates or or whatever. You know, i I do find joy in that. So, um you know, I do make that. I mean, it could be it could be part of why we get along aside from our our love of Super Mario frustration. You even said when I guessed it on the show but originally.
You could hear how like how much I perked up when it was time for me to explain how like blood types worked and stuff. Yeah. Because I do. I love explaining things ah to people because I like I think about things in a very dumbed down way. And I don't mean that to say like I'm dumb or the people I'm explaining it to are dumb, but I hate using jargon that is unnecessary. It's Kafka to me. Gotcha. I like it. um So I like to, you know, learn something, but then kind of break it down to just the very basic layman's version. Um, which is why when I was explaining blood types, I was like, Oh, it's just, you know, it's two different types of proteins. It's simple, right? Like they're much more complicated ways to put it, but I like to think of things in an easier way. And I like to share that because it's easily understandable for other people. And usually when I explain things to people.
ah Because of that I can see the light bulb moment and I always love that Yeah, no, I I feel the same way about that as someone who has been a teacher of some sort for quite a few years it's like I took a lot of great a great pride in at the dance studio by being able to you know, as movement got more complex, people were very scared of it. And I used to just sometimes you see like a new fancy, what they call like a silver or a gold move. And it's so long and it takes forever to complete. It's like four phrases of music before it's over. And you're like, I don't even know half of what that was because it all just looks like one big blob of a move. But if I take that move and the reverse engineer it, I'm like, okay, every single one of these is made of like,
You know, a piece of something you learned like in what we called like your bronze movement. I was like, if I can show you the stuff that you guys do every day when you dance at a party or in your sessions and show you how that relates to that, it's just done in a fancier way. Then they're like, Oh shit. That's what that is. It's so cool to see like that. Like you said that aha moment with like, Oh my God, that's what that is. Cause I get that too, where I'm like, all right, I got it. It's such like a, okay, now I can explain it in terms.
you know, on how to do this without somebody having to get their mind blown. Like I can teach somebody basic salsa now by using the beat of we the opening beat of We Will Rock You by Queen, you know, because like, even though that's not ultimately what it should sound like, that is the movement and I can get people to move it based on that boom, boom, clap, boom, boom, clap. And now they can do it and they'll never forget it. um you know So i I'm 100% on board with what you're saying. I love being able to take something that's super um you know complicated and and and Kafkaesque, if you will, and making it Adamesque or Dannyesque. Yeah, i think I think I would say I'm very attracted to um ah like a natural inquisitiveness. you know i like I like it when people are are curious about things.
yeah No wonder do you like me so much. I'm curious all the time. I know. You're always asking me shit. yeah it's ah Hey man, you're giving me so much love. How was your day? Oh my God. Yeah. You're like, you know, you've given me so much love over the past couple of years and I'm just trying to re-gift the crunch, you know? Oh man. Thank you so much. Yeah. You are re-gifting the crunch back to me, which is a little mean.
I'm dumping my toes ras all over you. I recognize that crunch. That's my toaster leavings. Yeah. You know, it's a reciprocal, you know, sometimes people think re gifting is mean, but I think if you're, you know, it's like, it's, it's like when you give somebody mouth to mouth CPR, if you will, um, you know, you're re gifting the air that you were using.
you know, that you were just going to exhale anyway into somebody else's face hole to give them life. You know, and I think that's a beautiful thing that we learned that we can do, you know, and the way you said that. So Danny, I'm just trying to put my hole on your hole to regift the crunch, my toaster hole onto your toaster hole to regift the crunch of toaster leavens to you. And I think that's a beautiful thing. I don't.
Just the sentence. I don't like that sentence at all. What? No, just the hole on the hole to give the crunch. That's how CPR works, Danny. You can't give TPR to somebody without putting your hole on theirs. But you don't have to make a tight seal. You don't give him a crunch. You give him the crunch of life.
you ah You know, when you are crunch of life, you know, when you do a CPR, yeah, the crunch of life, when you do CPR, you have to follow ABC airways, breathing, crunch. And if you don't do all three crunching, always be crunching. And and if but if you're not crunching, you don't, you know, you ain't living. So you got to re-gift the crunch of life. Um, you know,
in a Kafka-esque way. Oh, God. I miss this. Jesus. Anyway, Danny, do you want to thank anybody before we wrap up the episode? Absolutely. I'd love to thank each and every person that is morbidly curious enough to get to the end of this episode. And we answered questions today. We did answer some questions. A bit of a hiatus. We answered a bunch of questions.
Um, but you know, um, look, we skipped a week, uh, you know, like that actually yeah two weeks. Yes, you're right. You know, life happens. I had some medical things going on. I still do. And I just needed like a mental health break. It happens. I'm not going to apologize for it. He got a little bit too much crunch. I had too much. I need to balance my crunch and that's why I'm re gifting some of it to Danny. Yeah. So I'll give you some smooth to go with the crunch.
Oh, yeah, like some peanut butter on a on a on a on a on a face hole. Oh, God, my dad likes crunchy. I'll never understand that. I like crunchy peanut butter, too. Oh, no, smooth. Give me that silky smooth peanut butter. Anyway, yes, I want to thank each and every person listening. You know, again, it's been a little while. So just in case all of you forgot,
This is like a dream come true for me. And it's all thanks to you guys listening. you know I'm just one of two idiots in front of a microphone talking about stupid crap, ah which is amazing. And the fact that people actually listen to it is mind blowing to me. And I love each and every one of you for it. ah So thank you very much. Yes.
And hey, you know, we are in the process. Your turn now. ah Transferring everything to a new web host. So I don't know if one of the sellers network. Huh? What? What did you say? I said, now it's your turn. Now you do the thing. Oh, yeah. So I was just saying. um I.
We are in the process of transferring everything to a different fun, a different web host. Um, that's cheaper, but also has like a lot more, uh, utility that what we're looking to do to kind of repolish our website. Cass was working on it for a while, but she went back to work. So I'm trying to get back on it. So I don't know if fun as far as network.com is still working. Um, but either way, uh, if you have questions that you want to submit, um,
Right now, you can send them to funinstallers at gmail dot.com. You can just send them there. I'm pretty sure that's what it is. um I haven't gone out of that one for a little while, but I'm just gonna look at it real quick. Yeah, funinstallers at gmail dot.com. Just email me there if you want me to get your questions. um Or if you're on Instagram or social media, you can follow me on at random, atom, that's random, underscore, A-T-O-M. I just put a bunch of weird shit on there. Sometimes workout videos, sometimes videos of my roommate's cats.
ah Sometimes me just bitching about stuff that I think people should be more aware of. um But if you have questions on there, just message me or just comment on one of my videos and just put, hey, this is for TOQ. I got a question I want you to answer and I will forward it to the appropriate place so we can do it on a future episode. And if you want to send some voice recordings, if the website is still working, go to funandsellers.com slash contact us. If it's still working, hey, use it. Send us a voicemail on there.
um because something got fucked up. Terry said she sent us some questions, but I still haven't seen them anywhere. Um, so I don't know if there was a goof there or not, yeah but in the meantime, that' a voice question, uh, give us your silliest voice. I want to hear silly voices and whoever gives us the silliest voice. Uh, we will shout that out and you can feel good about it. And you can re gift the crunch to your friends of your voice. Yeah. So, uh, anything else you want to add, Daniel, son?
No, no, just some cheese. Add some cheese. Add some cheese. Add some cheese. All right, whenever you re-gift the crunch to your friends, add some cheese to their mouth holes. And until next time, but that's right. Everybody needs a little cheese on their crunch. But in the meantime, from Danny and myself, from the bottom of our hearts, take care of your mind, take care of your hearts, and most importantly, for the love of all things sacred and holy in this universe, please take care of each other. Bye-bye. Enjoy your crunch.