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Divine Feminine Embodiment with Kalie Kaimann: Bad Bitch, Sex Witch image

Divine Feminine Embodiment with Kalie Kaimann: Bad Bitch, Sex Witch

Awaken Bake
209 Plays1 year ago

Do you have a deep connection to your sexual energy? Manifest with masturbation? Do your nipples get hard when you think about potions and spells? You may be a sex probably are a sex witch. Lucky for you Kalie Kaimann is back in the studio with Dani and Kels to teach us all just how powerful we really are and some pretty sexy ways to cultivate that power. 

After you listen please head over to our Instagram @awakenbakepodcast and let us now how hot and bothered this episode got you!

And please be sure to check out Kalie on Instagram @kaliekaimann and be sure to keep a look out for her holiday album coming out on Black Friday "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas". Available on all streaming platforms!

This also was also heavily inspired by Mama Gena (@mamagena) check her out for more info on all things pussy and Sophie Saint Thomas (@thebowiecat) sex, weed, and witch expert!


Introduction and Purpose

Welcome to Awake and Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual, pot, I'm sorry, podcast from three girls, one joint, and a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the wise Wiz Khalifa, let's roll something and get the day started. What up sluts?

Guest Introduction: Kaylee Kiman

Hello, everybody, and welcome to another divine installation of the Divine Feminine Embodiment Series with our special guest, Kaylee Kiman. You know her, you love her, and you have been waiting for her to be back, and we are so fucking excited to be talking with her. Thank you, Kaylee, for honoring us with your wisdom.
Thank you so much for having me.

Magic and Sexual Liberation Discussion

Of course. And today, Kately, Dani and I are having a magical, horny talk about witches, sex magic, sexual liberation, all that stuff. So get your vibrators, get your weed, and settle in.
So to start off, we're just going to have Kaylee kind of take the reins because while I do consider myself a witch, I just recently got a book about witchcraft. It's my first one. So I'm like, I'm just a baby witch. You know what I mean? I'm still learning. I'm more like that. I'm definitely an alien, definitely a star seed, but which I'm still getting like comfortable with and learning about where I fit in in that community.

Understanding the Witch Identity

So Kaylee, could you explain to us like what is a witch?
Absolutely. First, I just want to say, I want to celebrate us for even talking about this right now. Okay, period. Snaps for us. I don't know about you guys, but for me a little bit recently, this actually surprised me that this came up, but a little bit of my witch wound has been activated before conversation, which is
You know, all those years ago, women were literally burned alive and killed or like being in their power. So like the thought of talking about this openly, like there's a little bit of that in all of our DNA that still is there.
There's a little bit of that in there, and I'm just really proud of us for being courageous and celebrating this and talking about it. I'm glad you brought that up, honestly, because I was kind of thinking the

Catholic Upbringing vs. Witchcraft Exploration

same thing. Like, oh my gosh, the three of us all grew up Catholic school white girls. Kelsey wasn't Catholic school, but she was Catholic. I mean, you did the classes, you did everything. I was confirmed. She was confirmed. That's more than me, bitch.
Um, but so it's just it's I think it's funny. And like you said, yeah, like really brave of us to like be talking about that. But that's why I was also so excited. I was like, this is so dope. But like, I don't know. Well, first of all, Kelsey's in Ohio right now. So we're kind of all three of us Ohio girls. Look at us started off baby Catholics and are now witches. Just talking about which and what's so funny to me when I think about those times are like so interesting is like, I wonder what
things they did that got them caught. You know what I mean? It probably wasn't anything crazy to today's standards. Isn't that wild? The things that would get you burned at the stake were things that I probably do on a daily basis. Look at a crystal and be like, oh, what a pretty rock. I bet it can make me love deeper, burned. Yeah. Like dancing in nature. Right.
Connecting to animals or being a healer or using medicinal plants like all of these things were considered witchcraft What it's just being with the elements right and has so much benefit Like how crazy is that that like and yet they didn't think like shooting each other and stabbing each other like oh those people are fine Jeez, yeah, it's crazy. So which is basically someone who's connected to the elements and
Yeah, I would say like, to me, which is someone who is wise and honors the cycles of nature and is connected to Mother Earth and to all of the elements and really, I mean, it can be anything you want it to be, but in its most basic form, I think that's what it means to me. I think that's so funny because like,

Diverse Witch Identities

I always, from what my understanding was, a witch was a Wiccan. I didn't realize how many different dialects of being a witch there are or how many different options. It's not a little box. It's not just flying on broomsticks. It's so much deeper.
Like your definition is so much more broad than I think so many people would put. I am way more like beautiful and peaceful. You know what I mean? Right? And very like healing. It's not like so a witch is someone who's going to hex a bitch and ruin your life. Like, no. No, like the truth is right. They're just people who are connected. I mean, we might hex a bitch, but only if they deserve it.
Yeah, depending on the day. As long as you're not in the satanic temple. Well, actually, I didn't believe in hexes.

Defining a Sex Witch

Yeah. Okay. So the satanic temple, they can't harm other people. Like they don't believe in like causing harm to others. So correct. Okay. Okay. Word. My fault. Okay. So, but we wanted to talk today about what it means like to be a sex witch and kind of work with sex magic and just what that kind of all encompasses. So then what would you describe as a sex witch?
Mm, so juicy, I love it. A sex witch to me is someone who is very deeply connected to their sacral chakra energy and uses that as their primary source of power to create magic in the world. And if you're unfamiliar, there are seven main chakra centers of the body, main energy centers and
The sacral chakra is the second chakra from the bottom and it's right below your navel. And every chakra has its own texture, its own energy. And the sacral chakra is all about creation and passion and sensuality, sexuality.
creativity. So a sex witch is someone who is deeply connected to this energy and uses that energy to create magic in the world. I'm so glad you explained that.

Chakras and Pleasure in Human Existence

Not only the chakras but also right like that the sacral sacral chakra is the one that which is typical sex which is typically like connect to because I think a lot of people kind of skip the bottom chakras like they want to head right to like you know like the throat the crown the third eye and like
They think that, I think it's kind of a common misconception. I know when I first started learning about it, I was like, oh yeah, these are the elite ones. These are what I want to be. I want to be seeing the future and all this stuff. But there is just as much power in your grounding and in your sacral and your root as there is in your crown. They're all so important in such different ways. Absolutely. Yeah, the root chakra and the sacral, the bottom two, and even solar plexus, I think, as well.
they're more in the body, the ones that are more connected to us as earthlings. And sometimes in the spiritual community, we
don't think the body is important. That's what I was like. I don't know why for some reason when I first started my journey, I thought like my lower chakras were like, okay, well, these are just earthly matters. These are just like, yeah, like I'm trying to get to like, yeah, my upper chakras, like what Kelsey was saying, but you're right. They're still so important because we're here having an earth experience. If we were just simply the spiritual matter, we wouldn't be here having an earth experience.
Oh, yeah, our souls. I mean, I believe this. I believe our souls chose this human experience to have. As we get to feel the pleasure and the ecstasy and the pain and the heartbreak, like we get to feel all of it. That's all about the body. I love it.

Kaylee's Personal Journey

I love the body. And I love loving my body. And I feel like we were talking yesterday when we were organizing this episode about like, right, it's that sexual energy that kind of
is what does this that comes from your sacred chakra, which is also your womb. It's that area of that create... I think of that as the most creative energy in the world. I think this probably is deeply connected to the fact that I've had a baby. I'm like, okay, so that thing created a whole human. Now I'm fully on board with Sex Witch. That is
Yes. No. Yep. You can totally tap into that power. Even before we had this conversation, I'm like, yeah, no. Your sacral chakra can't be fucked with. That thing, that's wild. Totally. It's quite amazing. How did your sex witch journey start? How did you discover this? Are you the only one that you know of? Did you find a sex witch? Then you were like, oh, this is cool.
Yeah, so I felt my power, like the essence of my magic before I knew the term witch or sex, or even identified with that language. It was just like an experience of my own frequency that I felt. So from a very young age, I
I was like a very sexual, sensual, very curious little child. I think that's very natural too. I feel like people always condemn that and it's like that makes no sense. Sexuality is a part of every single human. And at that age, it's not necessarily sexual, if that makes sense. It's more just about feeling. This is a different feeling.
I think that like, right, I think a lot of times we kind of discourage children from feeling that. And then I think that kind of leads to like, shame. Sex is like a scare. Right. Exactly. What's the last thing? Yeah, exactly. Like domino effects. So you weren't just a sexy little kid running around. No, no, no, no, you were not a sexy kid. I thought I was. A little five year olds were like, damn, that Kaylee girl.
Something about the way she says her ABCs just gets me. Oh, hilarious. But yeah, I think I was just really curious about sensation. Like, I started to feel pleasure in my body, like very, very young, and started to realize like, oh, when I
do this thing, it feels really good and it kind of awakened parts of my body. Then I started to step into more of my sensual playful energy, pretty young, maybe like 11, 12.
started to realize that when I was in my pleasure, like in this frequency, it became really magnetic to other people. Like almost like a scary amount. Yeah. And like I started to like notice that and kind of play with it. Like I would notice it specifically
this is kind of wild but with like my teachers like some male teachers I would kind of like put my sensual energy like focus out onto them just to see what would happen and like it was like these were grown-ass men and like nothing ever happened obviously but I could tell energetically they were just like so drawn to me. And that's how Kaylee Kaiman graduated high school.
She's smart too. Yeah, but mostly it was just flirting with the men to get by. She's resourceful. Exactly. But yeah, I started to kind of play with it in that way. And, you know, not just with those people, but you know, with strangers and like just energetically testing the waters.
And then I remember having a conversation with my mom about this. And she actually brought it up. How old were you when she brought it up? How old was I? Maybe like 12? Period. Oh, OK. So pretty young. Yeah, pretty young. For your mom to be having a conversation about sex witching with you. Well, she would never use this term. Oh, really? OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is something that I
A term that resonates with me now that I'm in this place. But at the time my mom told me, she's like, listen, there is an energy that the

Inclusivity in Witchcraft

women in our family have. It's just something that we carry. Your grandma had it. I have it. You know, you're stepping into it. You know, I'm sure your sister will as well. But she kind of explained to me, basically, it doesn't matter.
how I look, how old I am. Like she said this to me, I could, when I turn on that, that energy, I could get any man that I want. Like so confidently. And like she, we've talked about this today as I'm an adult and like still feels that way. Like sometimes when she doesn't even mean to turn it on, like it's on. It's just so dope. And I've come to realize that
This energy is, I feel like it's divine feminine magnetism and it's something that the women in my family are just hyper attuned to and are able to wield very well.
I do think it's something that is available within everyone. Um, but you know, in this life we all have our own unique gifts. And I think that in, for the women in my family, this is one of ours. Really fucking cool. Also, I think it's cool that like you have a family lineage of it. You know what I mean? Right. Yes. It's so dope. And I kind of think it's cool that you have this lineage of the energy and yet you wouldn't, you wouldn't all call it the same thing.
that you've all kind of made it your own thing. It's very specific to each of you, yet it's a handed down thing from each. I like that you also were talking about the women in your family, because I actually have a question about this. Can anybody be a witch? We were talking about our sacred chakra, kind of our womb space. Can men and people who don't have uteruses and don't menstruate and stuff, can they tap into that energy the same way?
I think that they can, yes, they can tap into it for sure. You know, even people of all genders can connect to divine feminine energy. And that's what I, that term really resonates with the feeling of this energy, the sex, which power, the energy feels to me like divine feminine magnetism. And yes, men, people of all genders,
can tap into this frequency and it doesn't necessarily have to be through another person. If they don't physically have a womb, everybody in this earth has come from a womb. It's a part of all of us.
our earth is a mother. So we can connect to her energy and feel the power of that. Oh, good. I love that. I also was, so I bought a couple, I bought three actually Sophie St. Thomas books about witchcraft. And so in the sex witch book

The Witch Wound and Generational Trauma

that I was reading, she actually explains that any gender, all sexual orientations, everything like that can absolutely
be a witch if that's what they want to call themselves some people are more comfortable calling themselves a warlock but she said like it's kind of all the same it's just harnessing and embracing your power which is something that as witches has been like shamed upon us and policed for out like centuries and like when it comes to being a witch you're already being condemned for believing that
you have power and that you can harness your own power and that you can be different and unique and like, kind of move to the beat of your own drum, so to speak. So if you were to like limit that to certain people, it takes away the whole essence and freedom of the craft. Okay, according to the book. No, but I like that because I I think like that all spirituality is accessible to everyone no matter what like if you can't
if you can't afford things, if you'd live somewhere where there's certain things, like resources aren't available, like I think we all have the same ability to connect. But it's another thing that I feel like it's kind of a misconception in the spiritual world sometimes of like, who can be what or like people put themselves into boxes, maybe more so than just like,
what other people are, but like, you know, so if there's anyone out there who maybe doesn't have uterus or something, you can be a witch still. We can all be witches. And you can call yourself whatever you want. Yes. Exactly. Exactly. I think like everybody can tap into this frequency and use it in the most empowered way. I will say though, I think that women specifically carry the witch wound that we spoke of earlier.
Um, like just, I think because, I mean, it's not exclusive to women, but I think a little bit more so because women were the ones that were burned and killed and cast out from society for wielding this power. And we're also have been the wisdom keepers over time. Yeah. So it's.
I think that that is a shadow that we carry with us as women in our bodies, in our wombs.

Daily Practices: Yoni Steaming and Herbs

But that being said,
things that people carry, we all carry. Yeah, because we're all one. But that makes perfect sense though. And we know the way that generational trauma works anyway and lives on within the body and within generations and generations. It's literally the same thing. Being burned at the stake has to be dramatic, I would imagine.
Or watching your mom be burned at the stage. Like, exactly. I just have to think. Or just some random lady. Like, having people burn at a stake is tremendous. I just think the act of gruesome murder might traumatize someone. Yeah. Probably, just so you got it. Yeah, a touch. But in a more uplifting sense, you know, we're empowered witches now. What does a typical practice look like for you, Kaylee?
So I basically find, I find ways to connect to my pleasure and my aliveness every day. And this looks different for me every day, but my basic through line is finding ways to honor my body, honor my pleasure, honor my desires, and make myself feel good. And one of the, some of my favorite ways that I do that.
I love Yoni steaming. It's one of my favorite practices. And for those who don't know, Yoni is the Sanskrit word for like divine portal. So it's another term for, you know, pussy or your room space. And
yoni steaming has so many benefits. You know, physically, it's good for wetness and, you know, just like overall skin health of your yoni area and then energetically. I personally, I make my own herbs for the yoni steam. So I personally pick which herbs are going to serve my yoni best and
When I steam it, it clears the energy of my Yoni space. Um, because you know, when we're with different partners, like we carry their energy and also it just feels amazing. It feels so nice. It's like, it's like a warm hug or like, like a little steam. I love it. Yeah.
It's so good. And it's just like a little gift to myself. I'm like, okay, I can take 20 or 30 minutes out of my day to give this gift to my yoni because I treasure her and I value her. Yeah. What are some of your favorite herbs to use? And like, what do they do? Like, if you could just get like two or three off top of your head. Just for clarification, you're not putting the herbs in your yoni, right? No, no, no. Glad you asked that. Yeah. Just a sage bundle shoved up there.
Look out there. No, don't do that. So I have a Yoni steaming seat that I purchased from a company that's like electric. But it's what it is, basically, is you pour some water into it and then you turn it on and it boils the water and creates steam through a seat. And I sit on a seat that has a hole in it. It kind of looks like a little... Camone? Yeah. Yeah.
Um, so I sit over top of the steam that comes up and I make a little teabag of herbs to put in the bottom water. Okay. So yeah, it's like the herbs are coming through with that makes much more sense. Yes. And, um, I'm glad you said that, but my favorite, so I, I do look kind of like the same bundle every day. So I do, I use dried dried dried floss.
Calendula, which is very good for your skin. And I use rose petals, which smell heavenly and are good for self-love. I use lavender, also smells amazing and is very relaxing. I use peppermint, which like awakens and elivens the spirit of the yoni and is very energizing. I was going to say that must tingle.
A little bit. This is so good. And then the last one I use is Rosemary. I just started adding that in. Just to regulate my menstrual cycle. It can signal your body basically that it's safe to have a menstrual cycle and it's also clearing energetically. It's an amazing point as well. I didn't know that. Okay, Rosemary. We love her. I have another steaming question. Do you do it in the beginning of the day or at the end of the day?
I do it in the beginning of the day with my morning meditation. Okay. That sounds like the ultimate meditation. Yep. Yep. Truly, it's the best. Oh my gosh. Mind clear, pussy wet. That's awesome. Ready to start my day. That rhymes. I am a rapper. Okay, cool. So Yoni steaming. That's pretty cool. Do you have any other practices or is that like pretty much your go to?
Um, that's like my, that's a go to for a nurturing energy practice. Um, other ways I love twerking and dancing.
Yeah, I have to be. I'm glad you brought that up because I do that all the time. And then the amount of nasty ass people that comment back and they're like, you're just doing that for attention, not because you're trying to heal, duh, duh, duh. I'm like, I'm sorry that you hate yourself. It's all men. It's always men that are like a nation. Yeah. Right. I'm like, you need to twerk more than anyone. It's true. Yeah. Jesus. It's so healing. So healing.

Self-Pleasure as a Practice

Shaking in general, I'm sure you guys know this, but in the wild when a gazelle is being chased by a lion or something and it gets away, you'll see after that very traumatic experience, it'll just shake its whole body really profusely for a few minutes and then be done. I didn't know this until I had her, but after giving birth, humans shake.
You shake a lot. I didn't know any of this. I love that Caitlin said, I'm sure you guys know this. First of all, I don't know shit about the wild. And I've never had a baby, so I'm like, aw, damn. Yeah, I thought I was having a seizure for a second because I was sitting there just shaking. And they were like, yeah, I know this happens because it's a rush of hormones. You just had a traumatic experience. You're like, I survived, I hope. Yeah, it's very weird, uncontrollable. That's wild. But that makes sense.
Yeah, it's just a release of energy. You get shit flowing, and instead of keeping it in and holding it in and letting it fester, you just shake it off. It feels really good, actually. So I do that, and then I also have a self-pleasure practice that I do every day. Oh, yes. Tell us. So again, it's something that looks different. The flavor changes.
It's like a sex magic practice, like a pleasure, self-pleasure, masturbation practice. I started doing this every day to tell myself that my pleasure is worthy of taking time and space for, because this was something that I was looking for in other partners. Like I really wanted my partner to,
take 30 plus minutes to arouse me before penetration. I deeply desired that connection. But then I realized I wasn't giving that to myself. So I started doing that for myself every day, taking 20 or 30 minutes to essentially touch my body or sometimes I give myself a little massage and
Sometimes I grab crystals and place them on my chakras as I lay down and just connect myself to turn on and make myself feel good with self pleasure. I fucking love that. I think that's cool too because when I first started my spiritual journey, I remember hearing, and to be fair, I think I heard this mostly from men.

Celibacy and Sexual Energy

So that also could have been my mistake. Why was I only like following men in the beginning of my journey?
Um, but I heard like a lot of men saying like, Oh, you shouldn't like, you should become energetically like celibate. Like you shouldn't self pleasure. You shouldn't like whatever, because then you can use that energy for other things. Like you can like harness it in other ways, but I've always really not vibed with that. Like I was always like, I don't know. Maybe y'all just have a problem, but like, it's not a problem for me. It's, it's an enjoyment for me.
Yeah, every person is different. Yeah, but I think it's cool too that it's like, you know, maybe one person, perhaps it benefits them or maybe a group of people, it really benefits them to remain like sexually celibate, even from themselves, like even from self pleasure. If that's, and I know that's what like a lot of like,
monks do as well. And that's kind of more where I had started. My spiritual journey was like learning about Buddhism. But I that was always one thing where I was like, I don't know. It's it triggered a little bit of the Catholic guilt in me to feel like I wasn't allowed to like experience pleasure or touch myself. So I love that you made a promise to like do that every day. I'm like, OK, period. Like it's not bad.
It makes life yummier, too. Oh, I bet. Absolutely. When I think, too, we don't talk enough about like sex magic is healing in a lot of ways.

Healing with Sex Magic

Yeah. Yes. It's like I feel like people look at it as like it's this like kind of scary thing or it's this like naughty kind of thing. And there can be that aspect to it if for fun, like.
But I feel like it's also like a very like wholesome, like sex doesn't need to be naughty, you know? Yeah. And the negative naughty connotation, not the spicy connotation. Right. And the shameful body. It doesn't have to. But, you know, once you release the shame around it, you know, sometimes that still comes up because we all have that cultural conditioning. But the bliss
that you feel after a state of peak pleasure or orgasm is like the purest and most beautiful connected to god goddess energy I think that there is. So like of course it's healing like when you give yourself that energy
Like, it just, it calms you, it releases energy from your system, it lets you feel good, there's nothing wrong with feeling good. It's not really anything. Amen, holy shit. There is nothing wrong with feeling good. Yes. I was gonna say, I mean, yes, I agree that some people, like right, obviously there's people who are asexual and stuff and like just don't enjoy physical pleasure, but I've always thought of like the celibacy thing as a way
or at least the ways it's been taught to me now knowing where I am, I'm like, oh, so they were just trying to get people to not realize their own power. Like, I like think of it as that, like that, like that, it's, they didn't, people didn't want us to do it because they didn't want us to know that we have that magic, that we could then heal ourselves, that we could then manifest with that. We can do all of these crazy things just with our yonies. Like, it's wild what can be attained by allowing that energy to flow.
Yes. The way that celibacy has been used, it's been used as a weapon for exactly what you're saying.

Intentional Celibacy and Manifestation

I do think that there are instances where it serves a purpose. I don't love the term celibacy just because of the way it's been used in other ways. Like for me personally, I am in a self-love
phase of my journey and I am not engaging sexually with any other partners at this time. Very intentionally, not because I don't think I should or I don't deserve it. No, it's purely because I want to cultivate self-love and be a fully self-sourced woman in my own pleasure before I seek it with others.
At this time in my life, like celibacy in air quotes is serving me when it's not in a negative way. And I think it's all relative, like however you use it, if it's for your highest good, it, you know, doesn't necessarily have to be a shameful thing. I hella agree, honestly. Yeah. And not to be like TMI, but so when you're self-pleasuring, do you use any tools or toys?
I personally, I've been on a journey, but I would say I'm like an 80-20, like no vibrator, no tools at all. Most of the time I just use my own hands, but 20% of the time, like I'll lean on a vibrator or like, I'll call in a vibrator for instance. I am a vibrator girly.
I am too. I even like a vibrator when I'm having sex. Like I just love that stimulation. Yeah.
It's great. So let's talk about masturbating and manifesting a little bit. We've talked about this specifically on the podcast. Like so many times we have whole episodes dedicated to this. So our audience basically knows what it is. They know like about it. They know there's, you know, personal ways you can do it. They know exactly how I do it because I've given so many details in the past episodes. But I wanted to talk about is there like Kaylee, is there an example of a success story from your
masturbation manifestation that you would like to tell us about anything that you've received that you masturbated on? Absolutely. I think there's probably more things than I am even cognizant of, but some honorable mentions would be the apartment that I'm living in right now. Amazing. Yeah, right.
I remember being in, so I live in New York City now. Which is the most expensive city in our country, right? I think so. It's neither one or two. Yeah. I was going to say, I know San Francisco was up there for a while. Oh, it's San Francisco and then New York City. I think, yeah. But y'all are tied. Yeah. It's expensive as well. So I lived in New York in 2020 and then I moved back home to Cincinnati where I'm from.
manifesting a way to get back to New York, an apartment that would be like a dream and something that would be within my budget. And so specifically I was calling in an apartment in New York City that had plenty of space for less than a thousand a month, which sounds crazy. Yes.
Right. But every day, I did my self pleasure practice. I felt what it would feel like to be in that space. I got all my senses online of it would feel like this. It would smell like this. I would see this every day and this is what I'd be paying and I got it.
That's fucking dope. I love that you're living in the place that you masturbated on. Right. Yeah. I feel even more insane to masturbate in there now. Cause you're like, I made you created that world. I had not thought of it like that before, but I will extra magical now. Well, we know what Kaylee's doing after this. What have you ever, Kelsey, like, do you want to do an example of anything that you've successfully manifested through masturbation? Oh, hell yeah.
Um, I would say my baby. Um, and I don't know that it was completely masturbation though. Cause I will say it does take sex to make a baby. Yeah. So I would say there was definitely some partnered sex going on. Um, but I think, uh, Phoebe was definitely like my first like all encompassed. And I didn't even know it at the time really like sex magic.
spell that I did and I created and I cultivated and I think it's because like I started with healing through sex because I had had a miscarriage and that really like messed with my connection to the womb to all like really to my connection with all parts of me. I had to like go back to the basics.
And that's what I did and I literally started, Cole and I talked about it and we stopped having sex for a little bit because I was not enjoying it and I was doing it because I was like, oh my God, we have to have a baby. We have to make another one. We have to do this. And then I was like, okay, you know what? Actually, I think I need to not be touched. And so we did that for a while and then I slowly,
reintroduce myself to myself. And I started that by like, just taking a shower and kind of like you were saying, Kaylee, like, just feeling like my arms and like other sensual spots, like, you know, like your inner thought, like genuinely just being like, okay, I like this, I don't like this, I like this. And then through that, like, as I feel like as I healed, my, my intuition would allow me to slowly like,
think more about having a baby again. And it slowly came back into something that I wanted. And then I realized, I was thinking about it yesterday after we had our conversation, I was thinking more about this. And I do feel that I would, I don't know if this is TMI, but
once Cole and I had reconnected and like, once we would have sex, like when he was about to come, I would like kind of like think like, okay, like, not necessarily this is going to be my baby, but like, I would just like honor what that was and the potential of it, I guess is how I'd want to say it. Like I would more I was more like, okay, so I am receiving this, we are feeling our love. And things can happen from this if they're ready and like, you know, just gave up in the trust. And then
eventually I had my little girl. That's beautiful. Stop guys. She is beautiful. Yeah, that story was too. All right, Danny, tell us.
Okay, so basically my job and life right now, I sexually manifested. When we were living in Oakland, I just was not happy there. No offense to Oakland, you're really beautiful. It wasn't you, it was just our Isaiah's job and the schedule we had and the apartment we had, it just wasn't going. It wasn't working.
I remember as soon as there was this opportunity for him to get a different job here in San Luis Obispo. We looked it up immediately and I started visualizing cuz I looked it up and I was like, my God, this place looks like heaven. And then Google called it the happiest place in America. So then I started masturbating on Isaiah getting accepted into the job, which I, okay.
He also played a role in that. He's a fucking nuclear engineer, so I got to give him his props. He's brilliant. His resume helped. Yeah, he definitely did some of the elbow grease as well, whatever the fuck I'm trying to say. I'm fried. I was mastering on that for so long, and I specifically wanted him to get this job, and I wanted us to get this specific apartment we're in. Now, mind you, I might have some regrets about the apartment now that I'm in it.
But that's OK. I still got what I wanted. And it's still it's still exactly what I like. It worked out perfectly. It's it's great for right now. It's great for temporary. But the biggest thing is I manifested my job with it. So I wanted him to get accepted to this job so that I also could get a job at Megan's Organic Market, which is the dispensary. It's female owned and it's a it's like a woman owned and also like queer.
um like hyper queer um type of establishment it's really fucking cool and it's exactly what i wanted we're incredibly ethical we're a green company certified green so we don't carry any type of like disposable vapes or anything like that we don't do any nicotine products we only do like really nice flour we don't carry any type of artificial flavoring or anything like that
So like our shit's like the nicest that you can really get. And it's like quality, like super healing, super medicinal. And it's also like the first dispensary I've ever really been to where they're super fucking big. And I think Kelsey, cause I don't really know your experience Kaylee, but I know Kelsey, we've been to so many dispensaries across the country together and pretty much all of them are set up really shitty where it's like really cold, you walk in, everything's like,
sealed shut like nailed behind a glass like there's hella security like you walk in you have to like wait in line don't talk can't pee don't get out of line and then you like go up to the counter and there's just like a list of like hundreds of words that make no sense to you no pictures to go with it everyone's in a bad mood and they're like making you feel bad for buying drugs like
Like, whereas where I work, they're like, okay, if you're going to work here, you need to become like a cannabis specialist so you can educate people and like get, you have to do trainings to be certified with like other companies. We don't have to, but it's like encouraged. Um, and like I wanted the opportunity to do that.
Yeah, I really I had been telling Kelsey since we started Awaken Big that I would really like to become like more of a cannabis expert where I always I was telling you for years bitch. I just want to be able to know about like terpenes because everybody makes me feel so stupid for not knowing about terpenes and I just want to be able to talk about cannabis with people. True story and true story. Now I know about terpenes and I'm like why was I tripping? Why was I tripping over terps?
Um, but so I'm really proud of the job that I have and I'm really proud of like my performance at the job that I have and how quickly I've like grown in my knowledge with cannabis because I kind of went into it like not knowing shit. Like I thought I knew stuff and then I started working there and I was like, Oh, I didn't know anything. And what I thought I knew was wrong.
I used to go places and be like, we don't want anything that's like under 30% THC. Yeah, we're dumb. We are just dumb. We don't know what we're saying. Nope. We didn't know then we barely know now. Thank God you've taught me now so I can stop embarrassing myself. Literally.
Um, so yeah, I'm really proud about that. And then I joke and say that I cured my husband's cancer. But when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, I pretty much every single day was masturbating and setting spells that he would be that he would get.
his surgery and that would be it done it would be a low like they would do the biopsy and realize it's it's not super strong it hasn't spread it hasn't you know like it's not going to type thing yeah that's what happened and he's been good since then i do also credit that to his incredible health um as a human he's a very healthy guy but you know also i'm giving myself some credit because i was
like on that shit. Oh, I feel like you need to give yourself a lot of credit because you doing that allowed the energy to remain in that positive space. Like, even though his body did it a lot, you really did a lot. I'm sure like you not. Well, you were there for it, Kelsey. You were there for like the all of that too. Like I did aside from that little slip where you had to take me to the hospital. I did try to be very positive the whole time.
Honestly, I'm shocked that we only had to go once because yeah, your husband had fucking cancer.

Caregiving and Spiritual Support

I feel like a lot of people. Then he got diagnosed and then he started chemo the next month and I was just like, okay. I was unemployed. You kept your shit together. You were there for him. You were his rock.
Again, Danny, we don't think of you as necessarily a caregiver. You took care of him after a surgery. And I think that a lot of him being able to heal was you taking care of the energy while he just had to focus on the physical. Well, that makes sense. Pussy magic. Thank you, bitch. Exactly.
Um, that's fucking awesome. Also, I guys were powerful. I want to point out Kelsey had a really good point the other day. We were talking about how like when she's ovulating versus when she's bleeding, like how the vibes of manifestation with masturbating are different.

Cycles, Energy, and Manifestation

Well, and I think it's because like our connections different when at during different times of the month for those of us who menstruate and who go through those experiences and those hormonal changes, I think, um,
It definitely makes sense that that like just like with the moons, you know a full moon is when you're gonna manifest it's when you're gonna Be very grateful for all the things that you have and like that's the same time as like ovulation or I'm not lined up necessarily But I mean the same part of the cycle as like ovulation and manifestation, right? And so like your body is releasing an egg along with like the surge of power from your womb. That's like, okay I am ready to
create, like I'm ready to hold a baby if that's what we're going to do. And so like that rush of energy has got to be like, it's, I mean, you'd be stupid to say that it's not part of it. Um, and then when you're menstruating, just like with a new moon, you know, it's a great time to, um, you're connected in the way, uh, where it's great to release anything that's holding you back, any negative energy and things like that. It's a good time to focus on that. Um, and I was again thinking about it after our conversation.
And I wonder if, for people who don't have a menstrual cycle, I wonder if, because typically that means that your hormonal cycle is 24 hours long as opposed to a month long, I wonder if maybe it's more time of day where you have a better connection. And I, again, that's speculation, I'm not saying, but I would think that that'd be an interesting thing to look into more about if maybe for you the morning you feel better about releasing energy and then maybe in the evening is when you're feeling more manifesting and stuff like that.
Also, I think, correct me if I'm wrong, but I, cause I actually don't know much about the sun, but the masculine energy goes with the sun and the sun rises and, well, obviously the moon comes out. No, it doesn't actually, no, it doesn't. So this makes sense. The sun looks the same every day. It wakes up, it goes to sleep. It still looks like the sun every day. You know what I mean? Right. Right. Different throughout the month. Like, so that would make sense. Like that they probably follow like that time of day, like,
Right. So I was like, Oh wait, but the moon still comes out every, every day, but he looks different. She looks different. Sorry, man. Um, so yeah, no, I just, that's like kind of my like theory about, like, I think those of you who are witches, warlocks who don't have a menstrual cycle, I kind of think it's might be more of a daily cycle. So I would suggest like, try feeling like feeling around with different times of day and see like what feels best for you.
And then let me know if I'm right, because I love being right. Yeah, let her know if she's right, please. That would make her fucking life. We need, no, because if a man is listening or any masculine being is listening to Awake and Bake right now, first of all, thank you. We understand that we often don't cater to you. Four percent now. We have four percent male. Oh my God. And we love all four percent of you. Exactly. So for those four percent, you have a task. Go masturbate and then tell me what time of day you liked it the most.
Well, I think what you're saying makes sense because from what I understand, hormonally as well, men get the same amount of hormones every single day. They get testosterone every day. That's their daily cycle.
for women, our hormones cycle. So in each, in the four different phases that we have, we get a certain, we get different amount of hormones. Right, right. And hormones fuel the energy that we have as well. So like physically, that's how that ties in, which makes total sense. Completely. And I think of hormone, like from all of my schooling, hormones are one of those things that I just never like
understood kind of like a bacteria you get it like it's a living thing a hormone is such a little piece of magic like if you've never done research into it like these little tiny like juices that your body excretes are like they do everything for everything runs on hormones it's crazy it's not just a sexual like there's literally hormones for every part of your body I'm learning that right now yeah
Nice. Yeah, they're like little magic beads. I did want to touch on the difference between using like sex magic solo versus with a partner.

Sex Magic: Solo vs. Partnered

So I, like I said, I recently got a couple books. No, I need something a couple, it's three. I got three. A few. So Sophie St. Thomas books and in the Sex Witch book. I just wanted to share this with you guys because I thought it was so interesting. And for all of our Sex Witch listeners or people who are interested, I found this to be like really funny as well. So if you are having sex with someone and say like,
Oh, I just realized too in the notes, you guys, I put solo versus partner and I put the notes like switched. So the solo has the partner notes and the partner has the solo notes. So that's hilarious. So y'all know if you're having sex with a partner and they are like essentially a muggle, right? They don't believe in magic. They think you're crazy for being a witch, but they think you're hot. So like y'all are about to fuck. It's okay. Don't tell them that you're doing sex magic on them. And here's why.
Your energy is like what's hella important when you're casting any type of spell, right? When you're setting any type of intention, your energy matters so much. If you tell them and they don't believe it or they want to sabotage it, their energy can fuck up the spell just because it can block it a little bit. It's not going to be as strong, especially because if you're being penetrated as well, like those energies are absolutely meshing. Like there's no way for them not to. So just be careful with muggles, okay? Don't tell them.
if you're going to set a spell, but if you're going to have sex with another witch, y'all better be setting spells and using your magic together. That would be insane. Okay. Obviously consent is key, but yes, the book did say the easiest and typically most effective way and best for energy protection is to do it solo. Okay. That's just my take them. But have you ever had sex with another witch, Kaylee?

Profound Sexual Experiences

Hmm. Yes, I have. And it was really magical.
I, it's funny because at the time, I don't think that either one of us would have used the term witch on ourselves. This was years ago, before we really stepped into our powerfully. Yeah, so we, the experience was really amazing. We
The part that was witchy wasn't even like the sex part necessarily, but the two of us were, I'll just get real with y'all, give y'all a little bit of the details. So we were both, you know, totally naked, fully vulnerable in our bodies and just sat cross-legged, like across from one another and
put our hands on each other's like each chakra point and breathed into each chakra together and I gazed and just like felt the magic between us with like our breath and our attention and we went through all the chakras all the way up the body and then we made love and it was like epic. That sounds fucking epic.
Yeah, it was amazing. And it's it's funny because we're both Reiki healers now. And like, we talked about that story. We're like, we were giving each other Reiki and like doing magic before we knew what we were doing. Cool, though. That's so fucking dope. Are you guys close?
Yes, we are. So, you guys should just do it again and now like really set some intention to it. Well, when you're done with your celibacy. Right. Yes. Then I want to see what can be created. Kelsey's like, I want a front row seat. I'm like, yeah, sign me up. This sounds amazing. For educational purposes. I swear, I don't want to watch. Okay. I do. I do. It kind of reminds me a little bit of like tantric sex. Yes.
I know Kelsey loves tantric sex. I do. I'm a big fan. I just think it's a very, like, it again was very important for me on my healing journey after our miscarriage and like, especially our journey as partners, sexual partners, because like sex is great. We all love sex. Like not all. Hey, some of you might not. And that's totally fine. Those of us who are here talking right now, we all love sex and like, it is an incredible feeling, feeling that pleasure. But I think a lot of times.
we get caught up in the physical part of it. And so like, I think tantric is such a beautiful way to connect on a level that isn't penetrating. It's not, it's not like invasive.

Slow and Intentional Sex Practices

You're still your own, fully your own, but you're just kind of, it's like a, like a handshake. You're just like slightly allowing someone in, but not inside. And I've just found it to be like a very healing thing, process for me. And like, it's been very good to have a relationship
to use it to cultivate a deeper intimacy than just a physical intimacy or like, you know, your day to day, it's an emotional moment of like deep, deep love. And I think that the only time I felt as connected
as I have through tantric sex has been when I've had sex on acid with him. And that was like, I literally watched our bodies become one and like the cosmos and like it was insane. I highly recommend if you like psychedelics to get, even if it's masturbation, I'm going to throw this in there. Feel pleasure while enjoying yourself on a nice trip because things feel crazy. Period.
I feel like kind of similarly to like tantric sex, but not, not exactly the same, but like my husband and I have done this thing where like, so full disclosure, not sexy. I have endometriosis and it hurts and it makes sex really painful. So for like a really long time, we can only do, not a really long time, but for like longer than I was happy with, we can only do doggy. And that wasn't flying for me because sometimes I want some affection. Damn, like,
Right? And not just a slap on the ass. Right, right. And so we were focused on just going really slow and not worrying about doing this move or looking at this angle. You know what I mean? I wasn't trying to worry about that. We were more just like, OK, we're going to go slow. Like we say in cannabis, start low, go slow. And we were just focused on breathing a lot. And then through doing that and going very slow and
Isaiah would kind of just be able to kind of tune into my body and like what would feel good next and what wouldn't because sometimes when we don't do that you know he'll put it in and dude's got a big old dick it hurts I have enemy juices everything hurts and so like sometimes he'll like make a move and it really fucking hurts not not in like the fun like oh it's deep like it's like take it out
uh i just found that sometimes when we weren't being super intentional with him like the breath work and going very slow and not being focused so much on like throwing it back or how does this angle look but focused more on like how does it genuinely feel first of all feels better for both of us i i remember asking like oh but does that is that like annoying for you and he was like not at all not at all it's absolutely fine it's great no worries
um good partner and obviously like guys if you have endometriosis see a doctor get it fixed right um but i'm just saying there you don't have to not fuck like you can find ways to still have pleasure and if you have a partner who is willing to like try that with you and go slow with you and be understanding of like your needs and your physical bodies like boundaries i just think that's also like a really we i wouldn't call it like
tantric or anything like that in Isaiah. I would say Isaiah is more Buddhist. He tries to live like the Buddha. He studies Buddhism, but he loves that I'm a sex witch. He is always like, and he'll say before we have sex, he'll be like, are you casting a spell? I'm like, not right now.
He's not a muggle though, so it's okay to tell him speak into he's he's an alien as fuck like he comes I won't get too far into it, but um, he's andromed in and he's a mate. He's awesome He's an Aquarius like me. We're aliens for sure. Yeah
So definitely yeah, it's just it's very cool how like we could be very in tune with each other through like, it starts off pretty much I feel like as breath work, like, yeah, like once it's once you're penetrating, like, then you're just really focused on like, breathing with each other. And then you can kind of feel like and move with each other and move in ways that like will complement each other. And I think that's so important that he's willing to be Yeah, like
Careful and like intentional with this because I feel like a lot of guys I shouldn't say that a lot of people again get caught up in like strictly the physical or like or they think that you have to like Yeah, exactly like more times than not like there's a time and place for that but like if we're talking about like pleasure pleasure like That's not gonna do it for me
I had my old roommate, his room was above mine, and he brought a girl home one night. And when I say it was literally like, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah. And all I could think, I was laying under them and I was just like, this poor girl. And I know he thinks he's killing it, but no. Oh, my favorite story is when Kelsey's other roommate went to Amsterdam.
Oh God, same guy, same guy. Oh, this poor sweet, I hope you don't listen to this. I don't think you do. But this poor sweet masculine man went to Amsterdam and
it's legal their prostitution. And so he had a night with one of the sex workers who that she was incredible at her job, because he came home and he told me that he gave her the best night of her life. And I was like, Oh, sweet boy, you sweet, sweet boy. She's just really good at what she does. She's literally a professional.
She is literally a professional. And you think you rock the world. And it's not that hard to pretend like you're enjoying, like I think we've all had to have experiences where it's like, okay, I gotta just turn it on. And especially for someone like that, like your old roommate who is so unaware of like female pleasure.
Or his partner's pleasure, so egotistical. You could literally just be reacting to pain and they're like, yeah, they don't see a difference between pain and

Men's Misunderstandings of Women's Pleasure

pleasure. You could be like, ow, ow, ow, ow, uh, uh. And they're just like, oh, I'm beating the pussy up. And you're like- Literally, I think that was probably exactly his, but I just remember him telling me that and I was like, don't tell people this. Yeah, don't repeat this story.
He was like, no, no, I remember when you first told me I was crying like tears streaming down my face because like you said that he kept saying like, um, no, like you should, you should have heard her in there. Like she, she's never had dick like that before or whatever. And we were both just like, she is a professional. This is her job. Like, of course she's good at it.
Uh, poor Hey, I hope that boy heals. Sweetheart misdirected. Um, yeah, that's okay. I'm obsessed

Daily Pleasure and Personal Exploration

with us. I feel like this was such like a fun conversation about like sexual magic and witchcraft and pleasure and healing.
I kind of want to just leave our audience with like how I just a few tips on how they could connect with their pleasure or tips to help cultivate a safe space for their own exploration if they so choose to like dig deeper into this. Yes. Well, this energy, this, you know, everything that we're talking about, it exists within all of us and pleasure is our birthright for it's for all of us.
It's not just exclusive to a certain body type or certain, you know, type of person. It's, it's for all of us if we want it. And if this is totally new to you and something that you've never really thought about connecting to, you can start by taking a time to feel pleasure in your every day and
before you go instantly to like, I want to masturbate to like attract whatever. See if you can slow down and enjoy things throughout your day. Like when was the last time that you took a moment to smell a flower and feel the pleasure of that sweet scent or
the last time you really savored something delicious or felt the warmth of the sun on your skin. Like there are so many ways that aren't necessarily sexual that you can let pleasure into your body. And it seems small, but doing that throughout the day signals to your body and to the universe. You know what? I'm actually,
I'm worthy of feeling good. It's good to feel good. I deserve to feel pleasure and enjoy this life. And when you start to make that a habit, it changes the way that you walk in life. It makes it more enjoyable and it also opens you up to receiving goodness so that when you move into a pleasure practice or sex magic, you're already online.
I've been feeling good all day. I'm ready to take it. Dude, that's actually so helpful. And I'm I am working later today. And at first I was kind of like, I don't really feel like it. Like, oh, I wish I could just like do the podcast all day and not have to like go in me earlier. It's my dream job. I love it. And I'm like, I don't want to go in.
Um, but like, that's just because I'm being a little, I'm not ovulating. I'm about to start my period. Um, and so I'm just feeling a little like, but as soon as you were saying like, just take the time to enjoy like your day. I was like, okay, period. I'm about to go to work and like, first of all, I'm about to go to work and start playing with my sex magic and being like, who can I get good tips from? Who can I really help though? Who can I really like serve today? Oh, I love that.
The tips I were gonna give are a little more straightforward. My brain is like, okay, you want a tip number one? Like, I love what you had to say, Kaylee. And then on a more just like, I don't know for anyone who's like, sorry, I need one, two, three, four, five, start low, go slow. Like I said, that applies. I feel like Kaylee worded it really well, like with just like starting out, like enjoying your day, focusing on pleasure, cultivating pleasure within yourself and like starting there.
obviously only go as far as you're comfortable with and then also I would practice embracing your own sexuality and being very comfortable with your sexuality and like how you are and who you are sexually. When you are very disconnected from yourself sexually, it can throw off
This whole process, first of all, it's going to like just throw it off. You really need to be confident and comfortable with your body, with your womb space, with the way that you attract others and also the way that you see yourself. Because when we have confidence issues, it's going to really affect like what we attract. We're not going to be able to attract like everything for our highest good if we don't see ourselves worthy of that. You know what I mean?
And then lastly, I have a couple resources.

Resources for Witchcraft and Sex Magic

Sophie St. Thomas, I feel like I've talked about her and basically sucked her metaphorical dick this whole episode. But I bought three books sex witch, weed witch and glamor witch. Super good. And I started following her on Instagram.
and watching a bunch of her YouTube interviews. And I just highly recommend, super informative. She lays out everything in a way that you can really understand, especially, and it's not overwhelming. And most importantly, I wanted to say this as well. They're queer friendly, and she focuses on that really heavily. That is something right out the gate. She says this book is for LGBTQIA plus community and more. This is absolutely a safe space.
Also, Luna Saranova or Luna the Glam Witch on Instagram, but YouTube is Luna Saranova, is actually how I found out about Sophie St. Thomas and how I found out about being able to be a weed witch or a sex witch or anything like that. So I would highly recommend you check out Luna the Glam Witch or Luna Saranova on YouTube. And of course, Kaylee Kiman. Kaylee, do you want to plug anything before we end? Like, do you want to shout out anything that you're working on? Give them your socials, etc.
Yes, absolutely. So in the name of the divine feminine, I am a multidimensional being with many, many different talents.

Kaylee's Christmas Album Promotion

I wear many hats, not just the witch hat. So I am on Instagram, just my first and last name, Kaylee Kiman. And I have been working, I'm a singer, I'm a performer.
I work in musical theater and I made a Christmas album this year and my first single Santa Claus is Coming to Town is out now on all streaming platforms, Apple Music and Spotify and beyond.
The full album drops on Black Friday, and it's called Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I am so excited for this. I have literally sent the single to every person I know. My mom wants to do a duet with Kaylee. My husband's crushing on her talking about how she's got pipes. I am obsessed. Kaylee, if you ever want to be a third for us, we're clearly very open to this. Oh my God. You thought you'd never ask.
Also, I just want to point out I'm a fucking Grinch. I am Scrooge as fuck. I just don't like Christmas music. I don't hate Christmas or anything like that, but the music I just can't vibe with. I've played Kaylee's song at this point probably seven times because I just fucking love your voice. I love the way that you sing it. I love the riffs you do in it. It's just, you just are so beautiful and your presentation and delivery of it. It's fantastic. So even if you're a Scrooge like me, you're still going to fucking like it.
It's not even that you're a Scrooge. A lot of Christmas music sucks. Yeah. And also it's not my style of music. And so it's just not anything I would ever choose to listen to. So because I don't like it, I'm like, how could anyone else? Thanks for saying that. Thank you for the love you guys. Oh my God. You're incredible.
We're your biggest fans, literally. Biggest fans. Again, I'm obsessed. The invitation is there. How many times do I have to say this? I love you dearly, Kaylee, but not me. I'm monogamous. We're not doing that. I love you deeply, but I'm a jealous girl.
I respect it. Except oh my god before we end this though I was telling my one of my best friends Emily Glott we were on FaceTime last night and I was like venting about my situation that I had been going through like prior.
And I was like, but it's okay, because we're recording an episode tomorrow with Kaylee, and that's going to be so much fun. And Emily went to high school with Kaylee, for those who don't know.

Audience Reactions to Kaylee's Impact

And they weren't in the same grade even, or in the same friend group, but Emily has always been her biggest fan. And Emily was like, oh my god, please call me as soon as you're done so you can recite exactly what happened so I can feel like I was there. I was like, girl, just listen to the episode. I know she won't. I love her dearly, but I know she won't.
I was like, yes, I'll call you, bitch. It was so funny. She was like, I always think about, like, swiping up on her story and calling her beautiful. And then I get scared. And I'm like, girl, I get it. I get it. What? No. Oh, my gosh. She's the one. I love her. And so does our audience. Honestly, you guys were excited as fuck to get Kaylee back. So we should be back again. Oh, my gosh.
have so many more episodes planned to come. So don't even worry about that. Please go leave us a comment or like message us on Instagram if you listen to this episode and let us know what you think you guys have been super good at doing that more recently. And it's so helpful. It really helps us number one, know that like we're delivering what you want to hear. And then number two, you guys have also been like, Hey, can you talk about this as well. And we love the suggestions.
Yes, which is why we had Kaylee come on to talk about sex witchery cuz we had so many people like I could listen to Kaylee talk about everything like I love her voice. I love everything she said. My gosh, her vibe was so great. We had a couple people say that your voice through their phone like gave them chills and relax them throughout the episode you were on last time. We're big fans. We can't suck your tit enough basically. Nope.
I love that. There's not enough Kayleigh Kaiman in the world. I need more. No, literally. I love you guys. Thank you. We love you. Thank you for being here. Thank you so much for having me in your beautiful space and thank you to all of your beautiful listeners. This has been wonderful. Love you guys. All righty, guys. Well, we will see you soon. And as always, stay high. Bye. Bye.