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De End of Delulu image

De End of Delulu

Awaken Bake
85 Plays1 year ago

Kels here and ready for my Regina George moment. We are not retiring "delulu" we are stabbing it in the face and running it over with our car then leaving it in the desert. Stop trying to make dell happen, it's never going to happen. 


Introduction to 'Awake and Bake'

Welcome to Awake and Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual pot, I'm sorry, podcast from one girl, one joint and a journey to awaken what is inside all of us.

Embracing Kindness and Joy

In the words of the wise was Khalifa. Let's roll something and get the day started.
What's up guys? Hello, happy days. I hope you are living in kindness and peace and I hope you are speaking out for those who need it, speaking up for those who need it. I hope you are living in alignment and if not, I hope that this episode, this podcast, my voice helps bring just a little bit
a little bit of joy to your day, especially in the days that we're living today.

Kindness vs. 'Violence'

I feel like we just need to focus on the joy and the kindness as we've said before, so make sure that as you're living your day, we are focusing mostly on our kindness, our gratitude, and our love, but then also sometimes we have to choose our violence. This is an episode about me choosing
My violence. Not really, but I am ready to end something.

What is 'Dalulu'?

This is, this is a moment I have been waiting for. I have been waiting for since I heard this word. This word that we are going to be done with after this episode. I no longer want to see it. I no longer want to hear it. I don't want, it is done. It is over. This word is my, this is my Regina George moment, okay? This is my fetch. This is my, it's not going to happen. Stop trying to make it happen. Ladies and gentlemen,
This is the end of Dalulu. I can't take it anymore. I have hated it from the beginning. I, mmm, mmm, mmm. We're choosing kindness. We're choosing kindness. Okay. So here's, here's, here's what we're going to talk about with Dalulu. Dalulu is that cute little slang term for delusion. Now,
Delusion is a belief or altered reality that is persistently held despite evidence or agreement to the contrary. Generally, we're talking mental illness in regards to the word delusion.
Hallucinations are types of delusions. There's delusions of grandeur, which is kind of like what I feel like Dulu is, is like these delusions of grandeur.

Romanticizing Life and Manifestation

So I love romanticizing. I romanticize my life every day. I live a very slow, beautiful life filled with tiny, tiny joys that just make it all feel like one giant ball of joy.
um I am incredibly grateful for the mindset that I have that I've been able to do this I love dreaming big sometimes I just sit in my chair and think about all the amazing things that Awakened Big is going to do and like picture Danny and I in our chairs on our set interviewing our talk show guests Megan Thee Stallion, Queen Irby you know like these are the people that we're going to be talking to friends with these are who we're vibing with
I romanticized the fuck out of being pregnant before I was pregnant. I sat there and I thought about what it'll feel like. I lived as if I thought about how I'll eat. I thought about how I'll feel. I thought about what I'm going to want to buy. I thought about what I'm going to be anxious about, how I'm going to combat anxiety, things like that.
I love romanticizing my wardrobe. I have been working really hard on kind of finding my sense of style as this new me, this new mom me who still is sexy and feminine but I need to be able to wipe up spit up at all times and I'm probably going to get pooped on. So like
hey we gotta work with it. So like I shop at Walmart sometimes and things like that and I buy clothes that are cute but maybe they're cute like more so if you like close one eye and then squint the other and turn your head to the side.
but in my head I am strutting around my home just looking unfucking believable and like sure I think sometimes I'm probably wearing clothes that like society would like I don't know maybe say are like too small or like I don't know I let my like roles hang out like I just I I live in romance I live in what I think people who use delulu aspire or are wanting I'm not saying people aspire to live to me like you know what I'm saying um but I think that I think I think
romanticization romanticization romanticizing your life is a beautiful tool for manifesting for I mean honestly just like mindset like just just the way that you should think is like a positive way I think of the basics of romanticizing your life is just looking at your life in a positive way and then there's like right those extremes of it there's the visualization there's writing down there's living as if there's ways to tap into this
Thank you.

The Pitfalls of 'Dalulu'

Delulu is delusion. That's the word that is short for, like I said before, an altered reality. The universe is very
Particular the universe is listening. So we're saying we're Dalulu we're saying we're crazy and maybe guys maybe I'm a stickler for this but this is like I hate when people like I don't know call children crazy like No, because They don't understand what they can't decipher crazy from crazy being ha ha crazy funny and like crazy like crazy bad and
and it's kind of like the universe can't decipher um delulu as like haha cute like delulu or create a delulu delusional bad so like when we're saying these things like i'm say i wanted to be president okay right like say like that's my dream like i've always wanted to be president of the united states the delulu way of achieving that is saying i am president stepping into the old office no you can't you can't fucking do that
okay that's not that's not you're gonna get taken down by the FBI the CIA or whatever like that's just never ever gonna work okay and that's like what I think I'm I'm seeing and I get like I do get the humor and the delulu don't get me wrong like cute it's funny but it's actually not I just hate the word I truly just just hate the word it sounds so stupid I feel like it sounds very childish and not in like the inner child way like
You said I think it I think it just makes us sound Ignorant I really think Dalulu Sounds ignorant. It sounds like you want to skip the work when I hear someone say like I'm Dalulu I'm this it makes me just really be like, okay, so you don't want to do the time You don't want to enjoy your journey. You don't want you're not here to do it You're here for the end result and I just find it very like off-putting to me when people don't
honor the journey, honor that part, or when people try to make it seem like it's not, like there isn't a journey to these things. And so like, it just like it just grates on me. And maybe I'm like a stickler again for grammar and like word usage. But I kind of think the universe is too. And like, I don't know, I could tell
I think, I think honestly when it changed for me is probably when I was trying

Personal Experiences and Expectations

to get pregnant. I think that was probably the biggest change for me and my, maybe that's why I'm like a little sour about it. But like when I was manifesting getting pregnant after my miscarriage, it was a very, it's a very
sensitive thing to do manifesting and it's a very personal and it's very intimate and it's it isn't asking for something it is releasing your wants and I think that's the other thing is it's not it's not about wanting it it's about knowing that it's yours and so I think I think the delulu where it loses me is
It reminded me of trying to get pregnant and I think it's things like that because I can say as much as I want.
I am pregnant, but I can't just become pregnant, you know? Like, it is something that I truly had. There is no control. There is no nothing. There is no, like, so I think then hearing the lulu and like that idea, I like took it very personally to that specific experience of like, I hate this. Like, I can't, you can't like delusion a baby.
you can't just delusion a job like I just feel like the word delusion is a or I'm sorry not the word delusion the word delulu is like an insult to spiritual journeys. I think using delulu as a as a way of saying you've achieved something is just kind of a cop out. I just think it sounds lazy.
Does that mean, am I, I just feel like it's dangerous. I feel like you lose sight of goals. Like when you just say you are something or you have something like that, it's just reckless kind of. And I think it kind of makes you, it makes me feel too big for myself. That makes sense. Like when I try to, when I think of in that, that grandeur of a mentality, that, um, invincible that
I can't for whatever reason gregarious is the only word and that that's just because I just learned that word today and it means like social so that's not the word I'm looking for um but you just it just basically I think I think I think your goal is to quantum leap and what you're doing is
Ignoring. I think you're kind of setting yourself up for disappointment when you go for the Dalulu method. When we try and tap into the Dalulu. I think we just kind of are setting ourselves up for
being disappointed. I think it's kind of putting too big an expectation if that's what I think that's what it means. I think I think that's what I'm getting at with like the too big for yourself. And then I also feel like it kind of traps us in a box. Like I feel like if it's like anything like I don't I don't really believe in labels really or things like that. And so I feel like a lot of times when I'm used to see or when I'm using what I'm seeing the delulu trend things stuff like that. It's like they're very
boxed in things. Um, and so we don't want to box ourselves in. Um, and I, I just, I think people claim Dalulu to give up, to just be done, to say like, okay, I did it. Like I've been trying to do this and I just want to be done. So I'm Dalulu. Ha ha. I'm a ballerina. Um, and you gotta go, you gotta dance for years to be a ballerina. We can't just be a ballerina. Okay. It's work.
It's just cringe for me. It's giving I don't need to do the work and it drives me crazy. We need to do the work. I just saw someone being very guru-esque, someone that I have followed for a while and have kind of seen them begin recently this journey.
And while it's amazing to share your journey, I'm not trying to, I think this person, what I saw was them not share their journey, them go from, oh, I'm going to have a journey to then look at me, I know everything, I can give you all your answers and like follow me for that. And I just like it really like triggered this thing in me of like, guys, it's not, okay, it's not about being delusional, it's not about being crazy.

Enjoying Life's Journey

about being wild I mean like oh my god I'm just this I just have this hahaha oh my god it's awesome I just my life's amazing no it's it's a slow romanticization romanticization why is it what romanticization okay fuck it slowly romanticizing and knowing that your desires are coming to you and trusting the universe that it is going to send everything that you need your way and just knowing that every step you take every piece of
Every- every move you make. Every step you take. Every move I make. It's a song and I can't- shit, I just lost it. I'll be watching you. Okay, whatever. Everything you're doing is important. Every single little piece, every- every- every brick that you lay is just as important as the entire house that you're building. Okay? So,
Don't delulu yourself out of that experience. Don't- don't delusion yourself into the end when you didn't even get to enjoy the entire story. Take your time with life. Enjoy it. Don't be delulu. Don't- fuck off, delulu. Okay, it's done. Now I never want to see it again. It's over. RIP. We won't miss you. Fetch. You're not fetch. Delulu, fuck you.
But you guys, y'all stay high. Bye.