EP 05 - How your words create worlds: the creative power behind your words, and how to use them to build a life you love w/Odree Martin image

EP 05 - How your words create worlds: the creative power behind your words, and how to use them to build a life you love w/Odree Martin

S1 E5 · The Modern-Day Healer
42 Plays2 months ago

Welcome to this week’s episode of the Modern Day Healer podcast! In today’s episode, we welcome Odree Martin, a spiritual and self-integration mentor who stumbled upon language as a major pathway to spiritual awakening and embodiment after realizing her young daughter is (thus far) non-verbal. She believes that modern-day healers who can use their voices must do so with intention and responsibility to heal themselves and the world around them.

Discover profound insights on harnessing the creative power of your voice through practices like journaling, reframing negative self-talk, and receiving feedback with vulnerability. Odree emphasizes that as you build a heart-centered business, you must learn to wield your words as a modern-day healer - with empathy, curiosity, and a deep reverence for the oneness that unites us all. Whether you're just starting your entrepreneurial path or you’re an established leader, this episode will inspire you to embrace authentic communication as the gateway to living your truth.

Prepare to be uplifted, challenged, and forever impacted by Odree’s wisdom on using conscious language to create the world you wish to see.

Connect with Dana HERE and Odree HERE and tell them what you loved most about this episode and what resonated deeply.

You can also connect with Odree via email at [email protected].

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Welcome, welcome, welcome to the modern day healer podcast. I'm Dana Hayes, your host. And today I have the amazing, the incredibly brilliant Audrey Martin. She is a spiritual and self integration mentor who helps people on the path of spirituality learn how to become and be the knowledge. You know, there's, there's a difference between knowledge and embodiment. And I think that a lot of modern day healers have come to the point where they want so badly to feel that integration between what they know to be true, and what they knew know to be true for themselves. And so Audrey helped them follow either that spark of awakening, or they've already had their awakening
And she teaches them how to heal and how to integrate that awakening or that idea of an awakening so that they're able to create the world that they know ultimately they have the choice and the freedom to do. And we're going to get into the specifics of this with Audrey, but she talks a lot about communication and what it means to use your words, to use your voice.
And so we're gonna get into that, but first I want Audrey to introduce herself. Audrey, hello, welcome to the show. Thank you for being here. I would love for you to introduce yourself and share with everybody your story, how you came to this path and how you were initiated into it.
Thank you so much, Dana. I appreciate to be here today. It's a very special day. By the way, it's the Lion Gate Portal. The 888 door is opening for us. Hence, every word we're going to pronounce today is going to have a lot of power of creation. So I love it. I would like to open the conversation by stating that the ability to speak and communicate is a privilege.
And this is how I will tell my story. When you reach out to someone, when you engage in communication, you open a bilateral channel and create a multi-layer portal through which energy is exchanged, through which intelligence is transmitted, through which emotions are ignited. And bringing this to consciousness is life-changing and so enriching. And it's really changed my life.
The story that led me to become utterly interested in communication and communicational intelligence is the difference of my daughter. She's three and a half years old and she does not speak one word yet.
When she was 18 months old, she was flagged by a nurse who noticed she did not have the precursors of communication, like imitation, eye contact, joint attention, facial expressions, initiation and use of gestures.
And from then, we have been in touch with speech language therapists and special care educators. And I've deep dived into the science of communication and language stimulation. And this journey is like a pilgrimage ah through the unknown with my daughter. And we believe and we move forward knowing we're going to go somewhere together, knowing there is more for us.
So communication is a world in itself and while we take it for granted there are many people on this planet who are or feel limited in their ability to speak and communicate to different extents. Hence to be able to show up here on a podcast that will be released publicly and to speak in a language that is not my mother tongue today.
It's a huge achieve achievement and I'm celebrating this today. It's very important for me. And for me, for my daughter, and for all of us who are taking care of her words. I love it. Thank you so much for being here. And also, you know, something that I kind of touched on with you beforehand is the fact that you are not speaking your mother tongue. You're not speaking your native language. So what is your native language and how does that How does that affect your your ability to communicate with people who do not speak that mother tongue or does it? This is a great question. So my but mother tongue is French. And lately I came to the realization that each language holds its own codes. So the way I speak in French is different than the way I speak in English. And so the way I think in French is different than the way I think in English.
And so the way I channel in French is different than the way I channel in English. So I believe ah that the ability to speak more than one language is really another privilege. It's an advantage and it's interesting because we hear a lot of people saying like one business, one language and I really decided to offer everything in both languages because I believe that and whatever I offer in one language is going to nurture the other offer in the other language.
And it is so enriching because we can see um we can see the difference just in the way we build sentences in one language or the other. And the way we would use the poetry over words as well, like the image we create are not the same in French and English. Wow. Okay. And, you know, I think for most of the listeners right now, they're creating conscious businesses. They're creating businesses where Not only are they bringing their awakenings and their integrated experiences of such into their businesses to share with the world, but they're also allowing their own businesses to help illuminate aspects of themselves that need to be worked on. You know, I'm talking shadow work. And so it's really interesting that we're having this conversation because I think as
people dive deeper into the idea that what I'm doing is a conscious creation. I now have to take responsibility for all that are affected by the words that I choose and the way that I communicate my message and the fact that you have two different groups of people, essentially, that you're able to affect with your thoughts is a huge undertaking and a huge responsibility that cannot be underestimated. So what do you, what do you have to say about that? First of all, this is true. So the responsibility might be larger.
What is interesting though is ah as you are were talking, I realized that even on both of my social media pages, the one in French and the one in English, I don't even even write the same post, so I don't translate my post. So that's even more interesting, I believe, because it depicts the fact that in French, some of the things are going to sound more important to me or more urgent to talk about as compared to in English, I'm going to maybe be inspired by something else. And I think it's um ah very interesting because we see how
conversations are so nurturing and from a language to another the inspiration is going to be different but it's also going to be complementary. So I think there's like each language is so rich and even if English has been the one chosen to be an international language this is why I decided I choose to learn English in my late 20s and this is why you can hear a ah little accent here.
I'm still very proud to be able to speak English because this is what is going to allow me to reach out further in the world and speak with more people. Yeah, okay. I love that. And I love the fact that you don't translate. And if somebody does translate, that's absolutely fine, of course. of course But i I do think that there is such a responsibility that you're taking when you're holding both languages like that and you're communicating to both at different times with different messages based off of, like you said, the richness of the symbol the symbols behind the the languages. And so talking about taking responsibility, you know, the way that I think about it is really that as we speak, you can literally create worlds
with the words that you choose. Somebody could literally hear just a ah handful of words from their past. You're too loud. You're too much. And those few words can actually change the trajectory of their life. So taking full responsibility for the words that we choose in and not just the words that we speak, but the words that we think.
And understanding that the words that we're thinking become the thoughts, those thoughts then become the emotions, those emotions become behaviors, those behaviors then produce real tangible results in the world and they create or they destroy. Have you found this to be true in your work?
Absolutely, absolutely. um It's a very important topic because most of the people speak and most of the people communicate. And now with technologies, the communication is happening very fast. And sometimes we are more prompt to answer a message or we might be more in a hurry to answer a message. And sometimes we can see that, we can feel that.
And in our society where we believe sometimes that we have to reply to something within 24 hours or we are under pressure to do it, and There's a lack of refinement in the way we answer or maybe a lack of like connecting to the essence of what is important to be communicated. And there are lots of things we can put away in the way we communicate, like for instance, justifications, ah critic, like overly explaining something, like trying to connect the dots for someone else.
um editing the message again and again and again. And at the end, it's kind of wobbly and we don't really know what it's talking about anymore. So there's a lot of those mechanism that we might have acquired because of fears of because of self-doubt or other circumstances, and that can really transform the message. And sometimes it doesn't really feel like what we want to see anymore. Yeah.
i I mean, I've been there this is an act putting speaking of of being there back when I was, I mean, geez, all throughout my youth and then into my twenties, especially in college, but into my twenties as well. Until I had my awakening, to be honest with you, until May 1st, that's 2019, I used language um as a weapon.
I used it as something to take people hostage and to try to find a sense of worthiness and validation through instead of using it as the the thread that genuinely ties all of us together, ah becoming more conscious and recognizing that we're one and that when I speak something, it doesn't just affect me, it affects many, many people. And so back in the day, I used to, I used to really pride myself. This is embarrassing. I used to really pride myself on the fact that, you know, somebody could come to me and say, Hey, Dana, so-and-so did this. What should I say back?
something i you know mean they don't like, what should I say back? And I would write the most vile, like, I mean, I definitely did some, only one time I can think of, but internet bullying, and I i did it when I was really young, middle school, right when the computers were like a big thing and I was so angry, but I could write the most airtight Um, messages that the meanest people, even if they were super mean, they could not say anything back to me. There was nothing they could say because I went so deep. I cut so deep and I went so hard, but I was so articulate and I was so good at getting my message across and really invoking a feeling through those words. And I destroyed, you know, I destroyed people's confidence. I destroyed my own by doing so. Right.
And then when I have my awakening and then going through all the self reflection and doing all the meditation, I realized that now I use my ability to articulate and my ability to write and my ability to speak to create, to help people to make an impact on the world world. And in fact, um, I was laying in bed last night and I was just thinking to myself about,
the power of prayer and how many people don't have a ah grasp ah good graph on what prayer really is. And what it really is, is just thinking the words that your higher self would think, saying the words that your higher self would say. And that's really it, and putting those healing that that healing essence, that healing energy into the world, using the communication that you have at your disposal as a human being in the way that you do. And so like you say, it is such a privilege and it really, really is. And so I just want to put it out there that like, you know, in these businesses, we have this ability to do so. So.
Absolutely. And what I grasp from your story is like, indeed, communication can be a weapon and it can also be a medicine. And as modern day healers, we want to use our words or communication as a medicine. And also when you mentioned it affects everybody. So it affects everybody, including yourself. And the thing is the words that we use reflect what lives in us.
It's really an echo of our inner conversations. So sometimes it's hard to accept, but when we go towards those trends of using words as a weapon, sometimes we might feel very angry, very sad. and We might fear something, like there are several types of emotions that can trigger that, but It's important to remember, as you mentioned, like embracing oneness, like there's the separation of illusion. And when we go towards those negative conversations, oftentimes there's the illusion of separation. Yeah. And I think that's a huge aspect of becoming conscious and creating these conscious businesses and creating these conscious lifestyles. isn Because at the end of the day, I think ultimately, people in general are very afraid of becoming conscious.
because you then are forced to begin at the very least to drop the illusion of the separation. And you're forced to see the reality that is we are one. And when you do something, when you say something, when you communicate something, you affect the whole. And you have to start actually taking responsibility for that. And it's very, it's not only difficult, but it's um it can feel very heavy.
Because you can see, you know, just like I'm talking about weaponizing words and and what I've done in the past, you have to learn how to have grace, how to have mercy, how to forgive. And it's a lot. It can feel like a lot. Do you, I mean, have you, do you feel that as well?
Absolutely. And um last week I underwent a situation and my first reaction was to have a lot of anger. And the inner talk I had the whole week was pretty negative. And I came to the realization that it has been a while that I hadn't feel like this in't felt like this.
And it really took all my energy. really like it was I was totally destabilized and I lost my my yeah the view of the big picture. I lost the view of the big picture. I was in emotional turmoil.
And my inner talking was very negative. And this is when I kind of went back to this conversation with myself, like, who are you helping right now? you know you're You're facing a challenge. Who are you helping with this negative conversation right now? And I had to have this talk with myself to become more responsible about it.
you know rather than just standing in anger and having this those negative conversations that unfortunately are going in circles because they don't lead anywhere. And it's very ah energy consuming to be in that state of mind. you know And the the thing is, I kind of remembered, we we have in our conversations and we constantly talk to ourselves.
It's just it's so automatic that sometimes we forget about it or we don't even realize it anymore. It's like we lose awareness of it and it's a day-to-day practice to become more aware of our inner talking. it's It's very very important because as you said whatever is inside is going to echo outside of ourselves and it's going to affect the whole including ourselves so everything we threw outside of ourselves is going to come back like a boomerang.
It's like the the inner talking reflects also the state of our perceptions, our beliefs, our thoughts, our expectations, and our overall imagination. And most of the time, we're not even aware of our mental conversations because They're so automatic and like some of them are virtual and can be supportive, but others can be very rampant and invasive. And it occupies a lot of space in our spirit. So this is when it becomes energy consuming. It will be detrimental for ourselves to not be aware of what's going on because awareness is the first step of course, towards breaking the cycle of those circular negative inner conversations.
um And when we become more intentional with the direction and nature of our inner conversations, no matter the actual circumstances and conditions, when we're facing a challenge, for instance, we can create new perceptions and influence the reality we live in. So this is when it becomes more like a medicine or a power tool. Yes. And I feel that on the deepest level, because for me, I know that my inner talk, I had no idea. I mean, people that are on the spiritual path most likely, I have to assume, are very mindful. Becoming mindful of that inner talk, I had not seen the patterns of my thoughts before the awakening. I did not know that I even had an inner thought life. I did not know that and I didn't know how sick it was. And the sickness was really coming from my past perspective of life, which comes from my past experience of life. And
um I really had to do a lot of work to unravel the past experience of life that I had, but also um forgiving every single circumstance that still held that negative charge for me from the past. And when I say that I i did a very specific practice um with these negative thoughts, I did it in the past, I did it seven over 700 times, but then ah now at this point it's been over a thousand. And that has been the most life changing practice for me because it's not only allowed me to catch my negative thinking right when it starts, but it allows me to dismantle it immediately. And what happens is, is like you were saying, you know, um, that inner talk, it becomes very energy consuming and have you, and do you feel like when it
starts consuming that much energy, it actually picks up. It actually picks up speed and momentum and becomes more difficult to get out of. Exactly. So what you mentioned that now you're practicing awareness of your inner talking. So as soon as it comes up,
you're faster to realize what's there and you're faster to dismantle it. So hence, you're limiting the momentum of it. And you can also alchemize it into another type of inner talking. You can transform it. And this is where you become more powerful with your inner talking. So it's always awareness at first, you know? But after that is like, how do you become the master of inner conversations? And it's really with practice.
Practice, practice, and it's also with experience. OK, so sometimes we experiment something that we never experienced before. It's a new challenge. It's a new situation. It's with new people. And we can be cut off guard. And this is when sometimes it's going to be a little bit more difficult to and become aware and dismantle it. But we're able to do it. It just really requires us to take a step back and listen. And this is the part also that can become difficult in today's society.
is that we're very busy. and third There's communication coming from all ways, all the pathways, cell phone, computer, um family, friends, like their clients. Communication is coming from all the pathways and we can easily be distracted and forget to listen.
because there's a lot of communication coming from outside ourselves. And I think listening is really the first solution into became becoming more aware and even spending some time in silence can be helpful. And what I mean, silence is really without audio, without video, no music, nothing at all, just really in complete silence to become more aware of what's the conversation inside of ourselves.
And the the art of catching the conversation pieces that we have and are no longer serving us towards our greatest development and potential is very, very important because this is going to be um the way to become more conscious of what are the keys and what are the locks of our spiritual growth. I really, I feel it like I said so deeply because this is my experience, especially with the negative self-talk and being able to catch that in real time and seeing, especially with very, very difficult situations, like you said, the ones that catch you off guard because, okay, so for example, I have a seven-year-old and he
is probably one of my biggest triggers because he's very noisy. He's got a lot of energy and he doesn't always listen. And he he pushes those buttons inside of me that are triggers. I mean, they really are. I don't have control. So it's like, oh my gosh, the fear of not having control just takes over. And then all of a sudden the self-talk and the talk coming out of my mouth are negative. And that has been, Roman, my son, has been one of the most essential tools through my own personal development, I will tell you like for my own healing journey, because he's allowed me to ah ah minute to minute, especially during the summer when he's home from school, minute to minute, look at the way that I'm thinking, because it's so easy for me to get all up in my own business and and want to control the day and to say, this is what I'm doing today. And you
need to just do whatever I say. And the second that doesn't go my way, looking at the fact that I'm getting upset about it and going where is this coming from? Who's talking right now? Who's talking? And Not only that though, that's a, that's a day to day situation. There have been situations. I had one that is really personal and I can't share the details about here, but it came up a few months ago and it caught me off guard and it was very powerful and it had the power to destroy a family. And, um, I saw the negative.
self-talk coming up. And it wasn't just about myself. It's not like I'm just telling myself, you don't know how to handle this. You blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm talking about other people to myself. I'm telling, I'm judging, I'm making assumptions. I'm deciding what people are thinking. I am taking it upon myself to create a reality based off of the thoughts that I'm thinking, which are built off of words. And so I had to stop myself over.
and over and over again and go who is saying this right now and I can tell you that I know who's saying it very quickly because it's so easy. It's like ego is totally afraid. It's this finite thing that is going to die when the body dies. So it's so afraid. And it's the one that's creating these fear, fear based thoughts, this negativity, my soul doesn't care. My soul doesn't even know what negativity is. So my soul is not the one speaking right now. So if I can clarify that for myself very quickly and go, okay, what is the fear here?
All right. What are the fears here? I should say. Um, and then recognize, okay. Okay. All right. This is not me. This is my ego. This is my body. This is like, this is the finite part of myself that, you know, in reality, okay. It doesn't hold a lot of clout here. So I've got to start seeing it for what it really is and following the words of my soul instead and and unraveling the truth.
about the situation, not Dana's truth, not ego's truth, the universal truth about it, which is I don't know what these people are actually thinking. They couldn't have done better.
if they tried because if they if they could have, they would have. i I know for me, if I could have done better in this situation, I would have. um There are so many things that my ego is telling me that I've got to deconstruct in those moments and allow my higher self to really take over and to run the show. And I might be sitting there in fear the whole time, but as long as I don't take action on those thoughts that are coming in from ego and I'm able to um really understand and differentiate, differentiate between the words of my soul and the words of my ego. I can make better decisions. And and at the end of the day, hopefully end up with a more beautiful creation.
then was there before the negative, quote unquote, circumstance, which by the way, that that circumstance did end up being pretty powerful and amazing in the most positive way for everyone involved because of that. But I will tell you real real quick, Audrey, I could have, I had the ability right there to make different decisions that would have destroyed things forever for the rest of this lifetime.
I love your example because I would like to bring Neville Goddard who was saying something like, our reality equals our mental conversations and our individual worlds are self revelations of our own inner speech. And we create life about us as we create it within ourselves.
So it's seeing the power that we have um in not interpreting, in not creating conversations that never happened, and in not assuming for others or even for ourselves.
And just really like coming back to that present moment and listening to what's happening first and becoming aware and then changing the the thoughts and then changing the actions and then changing the course of things. But it's really awareness first. And sometimes we skip that step literally because being an emotional turmoil will make you be more impulsive. But the thing is, when you want to create something to your advantage, you'd rather be in a positive emotion that match matches creativity. you know So you'd rather do the the first step of awareness and calming down, like breathing, being right here, right there, and remember that there's always a solution.
Yes. And I think for a lot of people and, and you know, I say a lot of people, I don't know. Maybe it was just me, but but really no you never know. Um, the react, the reactivity, the quick reactions to negative things, the impulsivity, the being impulsive about how I react and what I'm going to say to you is such a defense mechanism. And it's something that truly, if you're in that right now where you're like, okay,
I would love to do that. I would love, yes, I'm going to become more mindful and and aware of the thoughts that I'm thinking, especially when things that don't go my way happen. And you then get into the situation and you find yourself reacting still. And it's it's such a quick like, it's such a quick mode of operation that is stemming from your past experience of life, right? It's like just what you know to do.
ah some have some grace for yourself and for this journey because what's going to happen, what happened for me anyway, is that I had to really recognize that um I wasn't going to be able to always catch that first negative thought. But what I could do is always, always, always change the trajectory of my thinking um at some point. You know what I mean? Like there's never ah there's never a time where it's not like where you've gone too far. You can always, if you have that self-awareness piece and you see it for what it is, there have been literal times where I'm in a fight with my husband and I've taken it pretty far. I'm like, okay, this is good.
What are we doing? What are you doing? Why are you still doing this? And it's so obvious that I just want to be right. I'm I'm catching some kind of heightened um dopamine hit from my own anger, right? I'm like getting something from this. And it's like, okay, so you see it. Now you have a decision to make you get to and my my seven year old does this to me all the time. He'll just start laughing. And I'm like,
laugh at me. And then I'm like, Oh, my God, this is just is it's laughable. So you have the if you have that self awareness piece, and you don't catch it right in the beginning, right from the start, and you're still trying to control the situation, and you're still trying to make outcomes come out in your favor, whatever you think is right or wrong or whatever it is, just give yourself the grace of having the reaction But allow yourself to give into the true self-reflection and into the self-awareness, even if you have already taken it too far, quote unquote, and and laugh at yourself. It's not that serious. Like, it's it's not. It just isn't. And you still have the ability to create a beautiful um moment in time, even if you've already kind of done a little destruction.
It is never too late for pivoting. And especially as you've been practicing and practicing and practicing, it becomes easier even when you're really far along in the process. So really it's never too late. um And also we say that laughing is the ah shortest distance between two people. So it's really like a mechanism. It's it's a good way of and disarming a conversation. It's a really very good way when you're able to laugh for real with your heart.
I love that. I love it because you know, it's really interesting is I did this as a, a little experiment, a couple, it was like a month ago and it was probably two months ago. So I'm not going to lie. I was in a little bit of a weird headspace and I could just feel a little bit of the negativity rising. Like it was, you know, where the momentum was building a little bit. Um, and luckily, luckily I have so many tools, my tool belt that I use.
that I was able to completely get out of that mindset very quickly, especially after this moment that I'm going to share with you. But I was being affected by other people's responses to me on the internet. So people, you know, especially if you're putting yourself out there, people are going to usually say so something.
that you don't like at some point, okay? And I had this one guy, had to and I don't, honestly, I generally just don't respond because I don't care. It does not affect me. That's how I know, right? That's how I know that I am not being spiritually fit.
or that i am um I am allowing my ego to really run my life right now. And that's who's talking for the most part. That's how I know which part of me is in control most is how i'm how much I am affected by other people and my perception of what they're doing wrong. So this guy said, I posted a picture and I had this I had this caption and this guy said, too, too coachy. That was the only comment he wrote. And I was just kind of funny actually yeah it was like, it was totally fine. But I was in that, i so right there, it's like, okay, ooh, I got a little, I had a little zing there. And I was like, oh, I don't like that. And for the first time in five years, and I mean that, I responded.
And that's, and I knew it. I was like, Oh, Dan, I would do it. Ding, ding, ding. Like you should not respond. What, why are you responding? Why are you. the shit firsting your momentum Yes, you've got what to do. So anyway, I responded and I said to judgy. And then we got into a little argument and it wasn't really, and it was more of a, just a little tit for tat, but it wasn't anything crazy. It didn't go deep. And actually the guy.
He wasn't, he wasn't going below the belt. Like he really wasn't. So I was like, okay, this is kind of interesting. And then I just had the wherewithal for a moment. I was like, you know, you need to lighten up for sure. And I laugh in the comments and I said something like, I don't even know, like, Oh, you got me there. Like, you know, I just, I just completely dissipated the whole thing. I just dissolved it. And he, I, he didn't say anything. He like,
laughed at my comment. And I was like, Hmm, did he really laugh at that? Or was that sarcastic? But we dropped it. So that was cool. i I posted another thing like the next day, and he wrote, and he goes much better with like a laffy face or like a winky face or something like that. And I was like, it was so dissolved. It was so fine. The energy had been like, completely like I said, dissolved between the two of us.
And it was because of the the the humor that finally got brought to it. And it just went away. It was fine. And then I did some work on myself, by the way, and I i haven't felt like that. Sometimes we we're looking for those sensations within the conversation, you know, it's it's like,
it's not a real trigger even it's just like we're looking for this push and pull and tensions and stuff like that but it's okay if at some point we get to dissolve it and we can talk about it with a sense of humor at the end you know because we're human we're here to experiment so sometimes we're also experimenting and we need to take risk we need to take risk sometimes so sometimes it's conscious sometimes it's um unconscious but either way Like at the end, what's important is what have you learned from this? Like, what was the lesson? it exactly Exactly. And that was the lesson. And I feel it's very interesting because I feel that our voice is really part of our alignment. It's like a key to our alignment, our voice and our words. So I feel that we can find our alignment as we ground and root into reality with like a sovereign, sacral knowing.
a leading focus on self-creation, a blissful heart, a possible voice, a clean eye, and an open crown. And I feel that the story you just told us about really um gather all those elements. Well, thank you. If we think about it.
Having the clean eye, like this vision that is very clean allows you to be able to speak without the interpretation, without the assumption, without the critic, without the judgment, without the over explanation to make sure that you're well understood. It allows you to see and speak from a throat that you can see with a clean eye so something that is very very clear and this will affect our speech for sure because what we see is a little bit of a
version of our own perception, and it's going to transfuse into our voice. But when we have this practice of being the sacred witness and use like this clean, clean eye to be able to look at reality and take the time to be aware of what's really going on, it's helpful.
It's always going to be our truth, our reality, because we are here with a human body, so we feel, we see, we hear, we have sensations, but We have emotions mostly, but despite this human envelope, we're still able to um make it more clear, you know, remove all the layers that are unnecessary. Yeah, exactly. It's about zooming out and seeing things as much as you possibly can without that lens.
of interpretation without that fear of being misunderstood, right? Because that is what you're you're creating that perception for yourself and it might not even be actually what other people are thinking, feeling, seeing themselves. And my mentor had said this before, and I think it is so brilliant, you know that it's your perception because somebody else could have the exact same experience and not react in the same way at all, like not have any of the same emotions and be totally unaffected. Exactly. And it's being aware that we have filters at times, and it's just being playful with it, you know,
So truth is truth, but we're human beings. So I mean, there's going to be a perception. And I mean, sometimes we can be playful with it. We can have several perceptions. We can change perceptions. We can listen or be receptive to other people's perceptions. Like there's there's a whole game over there. And I think it's interesting to take all this into consideration when we have conversations, because it's going to affect the direction on the course of the conversation.
Yes, and that also comes down to um the idea of not just being tolerant, but having true empathy for other people. How often do I see, especially on social media, somebody trying to portray an air of tolerance?
where they're in a conversation with somebody that they are opposing, that they don't agree with. And there's so much self-righteousness coming through the communication. There's such a lack of true listening and trying to empathize with the other side. There is no communication. There is two are two people talking to themselves and creating more of a risk and more of a barrier between the two. And again, it affects the whole because than other people are are looking at this and are siding and and whatever. And it's like the separation is just becoming, the the illusion of separation is becoming heavier and heavier. And I have a really good example of this um in um my social on my Instagram a couple of years ago. um I had when
Okay, so abortion in America is a huge topic. And regardless of my opinion on it, I did put my opinion out there. And I had somebody who had a completely had opposing opinion, of course, ah write a comment, and it was another woman. And I got I got a little like, oh, you know, for a second, because I was like, how could you think that way? But then I was like, you know, like,
let me hear this lady out. And I luckily have that ability to see my thoughts and to see who's saying them. And I was like, okay, I need to shut my ego up for a second and listen and listen, not just be tolerant, not just to to act like I'm superior enough to where I can let you say your piece, but I'm still gonna have the last word. It was really, truly like a moment where I let her tell her story,
And I will tell you that I learned something from it and I actually left the conversation not feeling so one sided. And I really had a different perspective of why maybe some people would have this view as opposed to mine. And it gave me a whole new understanding of the world. And she and I really bonded over it. And I have children right now because it was really honestly a magical moment where again, it was like that communication allowed us to be in our oneness regardless of opinions and differences in experiences.
It's a reminder that communication can be a medicine because out of a conflict, you can create a friendship if you have proper communication. I wish everyone could do that because it would give the world, like you said, it's medicine. It would heal the world if everyone could just listen, truly listen without bringing in your own interpretations from your own past. It's like, just listen to the other person. They have, they have a past as well. Everyone does.
And if we could just do that, it would just be such a beautiful experience that we would all have goosebumps right now. And we would all be like about to cry because and we would know that we are one and you feel it. And that's like, I think for me.
The pinnacle of this whole conversation is this feeling right now that I'm having. It's like, Oh yeah. Okay. There it is right there. That is gratitude. That's joy. That's truth. It's pure love. It is pure love. It's like, Oh my God, I love other people so much regardless of their opinions. And the fact that I get to, I have the privilege of using my communication in order to invoke this feeling and to really, really understand, at least for this moment,
my place in this world and what I'm here to do. a It's the embrace of love and knowing that curiosity will lead us to greater intelligence. Do you have any practices that you do or that you teach that you would like to share? I work a lot with journaling.
ah So the writing part of the words. And journaling is interesting because it's a way to prepave the path to whatever emotional state or spiritual state you want to be in. um So it's like creating your own story and there they are of course different um written process that we can use.
But i I think that a daily journaling practice, even if it's one minute, one sentence, one word, is always helpful because you really become the author of your own story. And just the metaphor of it is important. Because as you take your pen and your book, you become the author. And it's interesting too, because as you try to write something,
there's going to be a moment of silence. And it's most likely that you're going to become more aware of your inner talking at that moment, too. So very simple, there are many, many written process. So when I work with a client, I will target one that is useful, ah based on the conversation we had and based on what we have identified to be a challenge at that point. Okay, so you'll basically create the prompts based off of what they're experiencing in that moment? Exactly. um Another thing that is interesting, we were talking about developing mastery of our inner talking. So I think that is very simple that everybody can do is, for instance, you notice that you have a negative conversation with yourself. And the the next thing you do is, okay, so I don't want that. It's negative.
So what do I want instead? So that really is the first step and it's so easy and everybody can do it. I love that. I have to jump in. I'm sorry. I have to tell you that this is something I teach too. It's like, okay, you are focusing on the lack. You're focusing on what you don't want, right? When you have those negative thoughts, what do you want? Literally just, good so if Roman's annoying me and I'm like, I don't want him to not listen to me. I want, what do I want?
I want him to listen to me. Why? I want him to have a great time right now. I want him to have a great experience. I want us to be friends. I want us to get along. I want us to have a great car ride, you know, whatever it is. Exactly. I want to deepen my connection with my child, you know, something very yeah obvious. But when you catch yourself into the conversation, either with yourself or with someone, like when your image imagination is playing in your head, you can easily um Stop yourself by saying, okay, I don't want that. What do I want instead? And then you totally change the tone of your own conversation within. So that's that's an easy one. Just give me the warm and fuzzy. I love it so much because it works. Another thing that that I like to tell people too is um this one this one is interesting too. So a part of communication is how you receive communication.
And something that is interesting is how do you receive compliments? So for instance, if someone tells you something positive about you, how do you react to that? How do you respond? How do you receive it? And just having awareness of this can bring a lot of information about how we can achieve greater mastery over inner conversations. Very simple.
Very simple and here's something that I want to mention with any of these practices. First of all, they are practices and it's called practice for a reason because it really is about the progress, not the perfection. And so if you're doing these practices at home, listeners, i the the thing I want you to really look out for is when, so for example, you're receiving compliments and let's just say that in that moment, you either just have not practiced enough vulnerability or whatever it is, and you don't receive it the way that you wish you could have in that moment. Now, it's about really catching yourself and making sure that you don't go into that negative self-talk of, oh, I can't ever do this, like, I'm not vulnerable enough, I wish I was. Okay, this is exactly what we're talking about, right? And then using that moment even to then do the next practice, to say, okay,
This is what I don't want. What do you want? Why do you want it, right? And build it, creating a life based off of the positive, the affirmative. The affirmative is creative. The negative is lack, it's not even real, um but it is destructive.
Exactly. And it's interesting because it's really about, so if you notice that the way you receive a compliment, for instance, does not match the person you want to be or does not match um the energy you want to embody or the knowledge you want to embody, then what's next? And this is when the spiritual integration mentor becomes useful. Because it's First of all, it's about seeing yourself and developing practices that promote um your ability to see yourself. And then is how do we alchemize whatever is there that you don't want anymore or is no longer of service to the version of yourself you want to achieve? Because actually we already are the version, excuse me, I will see it again.
So actually, we already are the best version of ourselves. It's just to what extent do we allow ourselves to be this version of ourselves? Right. It's how how much can we get out of the way to really just be her, be him? ah Exactly. And then another thing that I find interesting for people to work with clients is how do you receive complaints?
And this is an interesting one too because as you become more visible or as you make more offers, as you have more clients, you're more exposed or you're more likely to receive complaints once in a while. And how do we respond to that?
What are the emotions? What are the words that come up inside ourselves when we read a complaint or hear a complaint? And how do we tend to respond to that? And this is an art like this is that could be another podcast, personally. So this is an art to transform and alchemize a complaint into something that um can make someone happy or can resolve a conflict. Because as we said, communication is medicine. So we can really use that to transform the emotion of the other person who is complaining.
or make it something useful for the person. you know If we cannot make the person happy, how can we make their complaints useful so they can learn something or they can evolve from this complaint? So it's very interesting to be aware also, this is another practice. um How do we feel about it? How do we respond? What are the as emotions coming up? This is why it's great to have a spiritual and self integration mentor because you see things in a certain way, right? You have your own perspective and it's, like yeah I would say it's impossible. I wouldn't say it's difficult. It's impossible to see the, it's impossible to see what you can't see without a different perspective. It's it's impossible to fix
a mind using the mind that created the issues in the first place, if that if that makes sense. um And so having somebody else to be able to come in and truly see your blind spots and say, well, here's a different way to see this is essential. If I didn't have a spiritual mentor the entire time, I went through that healing process and did those first 700 um exercises where I was perceiving things differently, I would have i would have
still use my own way of thinking about life to maybe justify some of the reasons why I felt the way I felt. or And it would have kept me boxed in. It would have kept me closed in. And it would have not allowed me to grow, really, and not to the extent that you can grow when you have somebody else who's been through it and knows how to knows what they're looking for.
and it's a professional at it. you know That's really, I think what it takes to have true growth is not seeing it as something that you should take on all on your own, but really allowing yourself to let somebody come in, give you a different perspective so that you're able to take that and learn from it and grow and and see things that you truly, I know that everyone here is super smart and really analytical for the most part,
um but you cannot see everything about yourself. And I'm saying that with the utmost love and affection, but you do not know everything. And nobody knows actually. So that's the beauty of it.
Because there's an affinity of perceptions. So there's no way with our human eyes that we can see all of the scenarios or all of the perceptions. And this is totally normal. And this is why we are here to help each other and support each other. Yes, I feel that too. I feel the exact thing. I was just telling somebody the the other day, I feel like our actual, the entire purpose of human existence can be encapsulated in that we are here to help each other learn how to become conscious. language That's it to see the reality of truth. um Audrey, I'm going to wrap it up here. I want to say thank you so, so, so, so much for this conversation. And I feel like I need to have you back. Can you tell the listeners where they can find you, the best place to find you? And if you have any offers you want to talk about, please feel free to share.
Okay, so right now, if you are curious to work with me, um my email is the easiest way to reach out. So it's Audrey, O-D-R-double-E at AudreyMartin dot.com.
Also I have a Facebook page which is basically Audrey Martin, so O-D-R-double-E Martin. I will be on Instagram soon, it's to come, and I will have a website soon as well. So right now my main offer is a mastermind called Harmony.
which is a small group mastermind of maximum six people and this is the mastermind in which we have the conversations that allow us to embody all the spiritual knowledge that we have gathered up to now and we also with those conversations and target written process of journaling that is kind of um going to help us integrate ah between the sessions to be able to put into practice all the knowledge that we want to embody and all the knowledge that we believe in.
in Okay, that sounds amazing. So if anybody is interested in Harmony, it's going on now. And it sounds like there's limited spots available, so you better jump on board. um And I will have a link in the show notes as well. So thank you again, Audrey. It was an amazing day, an amazing conversation. I loved it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.