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EP 23: Building the momentum to sell out live events, fill up group programs and easily sell 5-figure coaching packages  image

EP 23: Building the momentum to sell out live events, fill up group programs and easily sell 5-figure coaching packages

S1 E23 · The Modern-Day Healer
21 Plays1 month ago

This episode is a BTS look at how I  built the momentum it took to finally experience my first year of sold-out live events,  a HIGHLY successful launch of my first paid group offer, all while selling five-figure 1:1 spots and being a new mom again 🎉

My key takeaway from 2024 is to focus on your X-factor and let go of the rest.

Stop trying to be an expert in any field and instead focus on becoming a master of your own individuality -

watch how much more fresh, real, raw, messy, authentic, and COMPELLING your work becomes to those who want to be fully self expressed as well.

Show up as your true self, no matter what, and that quality of living WILL manifest itself in the quantitative, material form (money, clients...) as a natural bi-product.

I hope this episode helps you to embrace 2025 as your best year yet!!! 

All my love,


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Introduction to the Modern Day Healer Podcast

Hello and welcome to the Modern Day Healer podcast. I'm your host, Dana Hayes, and I am so excited to share with you the stories, the trials, the tribulations, and most importantly, the triumphs of my own as well as many other successful modern day healers.

Roles and Impact of Modern-Day Healers

We've gone all in to pursue our passion to make an impact in the world by helping humans heal from the and anyone else who feels a calling to help others heal. grow and share their light. You could be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a writer, a speaker, a podcast host. You might be a workshop producer, a course creator. You're most likely an entrepreneur and can't shake the desire to make your calling your career because you know how much impact you could make if you went all in and had the opportunity to share your story with the world. That is a modern day

Building a Community Around Healing

healer. I'm a podcast host, a co-author of an amazing book about the journey of sobriety, a wife, a mom of two young children, and the creator of the spiritual lifestyle brand, Living in Power. I am Dana and I am a modern day healer. I am so glad you're here. Let's get started.
Okay, we are live. Yay. Okay. If you are listening on the podcast right now, welcome. If you are in my um modern day healer community watching this live right now, welcome. If you are in Instagram watching live, welcome. This is actually technically the first Q and A call that I'm doing in the modern day healer community on Facebook. So if you're not in there, please get

Business Growth Through Focus

in there. The link is in my bio. You can join. It's for free, obviously.
And basically I'm just answering burning questions about how to build a business from scratch your freaking way. Um, feathers of mermaid. Hi, welcome. I'm so excited you're here. Oh girl, I got to message you back. Um, I'll do it after the live. Okay. So today the question that I had was how have I built momentum this past year behind myself and my business, the modern day healer.
And what was the inflection point that like got the momentum building and sold out multiple live events this year for me? um I booked out my entire first group program, my signature group program, Soul Shine, which was so exciting. And um I had been signing people up for my five figure one-on-one container. So this year has been a year of momentous growth and celebrations and it's also the year that I gave birth to AJ, to my my second son. And so it's kind of funny because I remember thinking to myself a very long time ago, if I have another kid, oh how is this

Evolving Time Management Strategies

going to be impacted? How is my business going to be impacted? How is this all going to work?
And I actually thought it would um impact it negatively, but what's so amazing is I think that actually was the inflection point. It was having a child and have being forced to 10X all of my focus time, to 10X everything that I was doing and to like actually look at what, take an inventory of what was working, what wasn't, what I wanted to be focusing on most and to leave the rest behind because I literally did not have the time. So this year, 2024 has really been pivotal in me understanding and using time in a completely different way and no longer wasting it or killing it, right? Or avoiding and really using it as a tool, as an ally instead of an alibi. So that has been one of the main things that I've learned. I am going to take my earphones out though for this, which is really sad. My blue Yeti mic broke on me. I did this already today. I already did this live and it didn't work.
So there was no sound for the first one. And then now I'm using my Jabras and they just died. Oh my God. So I got to take them out. Hold on. Everyone bear with me here. This is crazy. Okay. Yeah. So yes, it has been a very, very exciting, exciting year. And it's been a year of actual liberation from the confines of, oh my God, I don't have enough time. How am I going to get all of this done and really allowing myself the spaciousness in different ways. And I'll talk about this in a second. I had to create that spaciousness within myself to be able to show up and do all of the things while being all of the things and also holding space for all of the people. And I think until 2024, I really just wasn't ready for that quite yet. And I had to learn how to, again, use my time in a completely different way.

Mastering Individuality Over Expertise

So, um, first of all, I, I had to, I had to really look at how I was using my time at night. Um, because a lot of times I would sit down and I would just start watching TV and eat. And like, I'm just being really honest right now, but that was something that I did constantly and it was killing my time.
And then when it would kill my time, it would create anxiety for me in the next day because then I felt like I was running on empty and like I was running behind and I had to get super honest with myself about what I was doing to myself. And then I also had to get super honest with myself about what I really desired, about what I wanted. And a long, long time ago, I realized after going through the whole journey of healing that I went on and having that moment of clarity,
where I was relieved of the obsession to drink alcohol, knowing that there's a bigger entity than me at play, I had to really um look at how I was running my business. And at that time, that was years ago. So this was like the beginning of the momentum phase.
of the phase where I started doing things differently and I started build this momentum and slowly roll this ball up a hill and now I feel like it's finally coming down and it's building and gathering speed and people are starting to like jump onto the ball with me which is really fun but I had to look at where I was, well how I was trying to build my business and what I was trying to do that I realize now is that I was trying to be an expert in one thing instead of becoming a master of my own individuality. I was trying to become an expert in a field where there was already an expert and I was trying to sell a methodology and I was trying to find these systems and what I know about myself now is that I can become very addicted to systems and to methods
I have been a very, very addictive personality period, but these methods and these these structures become the thing for me. And not anymore though, because when I had my awakening, it's when I realized what all of those things were for to begin with. They were there for me to use them as tools to channel this higher part of myself and to express it out into the world, using my business as the portal to do so.
And so I had to start looking at where I was really trying to be the expert in a field where like there's already experts now I'm learning that I'm emulating other people. I am trying to be a mini me of other people who are finding success and I'm trying to reverse engineer what they have created success from. What I didn't realize then is the reason that that worked for them is because they were using their own mastery of their own individuality and they were allowing flow and life to come through them and to produce these creations that we now see as their expert success.
I had to learn how to let go of that, how to get out of that phase of my business where I'm constantly looking to find a method, to find a thing, to find something to teach, to show you that I know what I'm doing because it was proving energy. It was me trying to over explain myself and complicate everything.
And in that, I was really losing myself. And that is what you guys were looking for. That's what my people, my people who align with me and pay me, that's what they were looking for. They wanted me to express myself. They wanted me to become a master at my own self-expression, at my own individuality, right? And not try to become an expert in a field where somebody is already taking that seat and taking that spot.
And so I had to stop doing that because I found myself over explaining, over analyzing, over complicating everything. And I was, I was in this proving energy and I was attracting people who needed me to prove to them that I was worthy of their business. That was the biggest inflection point I think for me over the past few years is when I realized what I was actually doing. what I was actually building from the energy in which I was coming from. And so the work for me now always comes back to me getting back to the place of excitement, that vibration that I had the day that I realized that this could be a possibility, that this kind of a business, this kind of freedom, this kind of love, excitement, enthusiasm for all of my life could be a possibility, this limitlessness,
was a true possibility. The work is me getting myself back to that frequency, becoming that frequency that I first experienced when I had that revelation years and years and years ago. That is the work. And so when I had the revelation, the newest revelation, which was still years old, that I'm becoming an expert, I'm trying to become an expert and not a master, and I began to master my own life That is when I started actually experiencing that frequency, right? That frequency of the initial revelation that this is what I wanted. And so I started letting myself live in that, not just when I was doing my business, but in my real life too, right? So my relationship, for example, with my husband is so much different than it used to be.
He is my soulmate. we've already We've always, always known this was possible for us. We've always known it, but we didn't exactly know the path to get there. I had to let go of all of the methods. I had to let go of all the intellectual knowledge. I had to let go of every bit of control I had on the outside world, the people in it and everything that I was trying to do to manufacture some sense of ease and security and manufacture some sense of success. I had to let all of it go. and risk everything just knowing that my higher self would take care of the rest that I was here for a bigger purpose than to become an expert. I was here to master my own multi-dimensional nature as an individual right experiencing
this thing

Trusting Your Higher Self and Taking Risks

we call life. It's crazy. And so my desire, my desire as a person is to be an entrepreneur. I have this seed of desire. It is deeply rooted in my DNA. I can feel it. I know it. It just is what it is. And I let myself go on that path.
and for a really long time. I played by everybody else's rules and that's where that whole I need to become an expert. I need to do this because you see other people doing that. You see other people finding success in certain things. So you're like, I need to do what they're doing. And that is the opposite of what they did to get to their success. And so the whole idea here for me and my business has been,
Oh my God, when I had the revelation that there is something bigger and everything comes from that. And my only job here is to trust and to rely on that and to show up even when there is a lack of evidence that this is going to work. That's what I did to build this momentum. I did that over and over and over again with so much persistence. Even when people told me this isn't working, you need to figure something else out.
I knew that me figuring anything out was actually going to be the detriment of everything and not just of myself, but of my business as well. Because when I try to figure things out, I make a mess, right? My brain is this unbelievably powerful tool, but I have learned how to use it to channel how to contact, connect with something bigger than myself and to use that to then Then that channels through me. I articulate it to you, which comes out as my own self expression. This is my individuality. This is me mastering my individual nature as a human being, as a soul, right? You're watching it happen in real time.
This is the job that I have taken. This is the job that if you're watching this and you're like, oh my God, yes, I agree. This is the job that we have taken as individuals having this experience of life, right? This is what we have said yes to. This is the soul contract and it's to release the fear of what everyone else thinks about you being different.

Personal Growth Through Life Experiences

You have to release the fear of being ostracized by the group.
right because you are actually allowing yourself to be who you came here to be and that makes other people very nervous because society has created this this false sense of security where if you stay with the herd you will find a false sense of security because everyone else is doing the same thing and they're finding false security in that the most security I have ever felt in my entire life has always come from me trusting and relying, not just believing, not just saying, yes, I know there's something bigger. It's me taking spiritual action every single day to clear myself out and to connect with that higher thing and then to use it in my business.
and to channel these messages to other people that you can do the same thing. And that is the simplicity of the whole entire experiment, right? We overcomplicate it by saying, I need this, I need that. I need certifications. I need to have a method. I need to position myself in a certain way. No, you don't. Actually, it's so simple. The only thing that you need to do is show up and be yourself.
Be fully self-expressed. Master your individuality. That's what we're here to do. That's what we're here to exemplify for other people. And here's the other mind blow that I've had is that I am not even here to be a leader. I am not even here to lead you. I am here to be an example. I'm going to say that again. I am not here to lead you. I am here to be an example of what is possible.
If you were to possibly take that same leap that I have taken, that leap of faith in yourself, in that part of yourself, that is that higher entity.
and to trust and rely on it fully knowing that yes, there's a possibility that this might not work out, but there's an even bigger possibility if you go all the way in that it will. And that's the only way that we're going to find out if it's going to work out is if we go all the way in and give it our all and give it the best that we have. And so this past year has been the year where I gave a natural birth to my son, Adrian, like I said. And let me tell you like first and foremost, that was not planned. I did not mean to give natural birth, but I did. And it was one of the best experiences of my entire life. I'm so grateful for it. It's like one of those things that I had on my bucket list. I was like, I really wish I could experience that, but I'm not gonna like opt in. I'm gonna still ask for the epidural. And what happened was somebody else actually
two of the anesthesiologists that were on the in the hospital got caught up with emergencies and they were not available. And I remember my nurse walking in when I was supposed to be getting that epidural and I am in the middle of these contractions. And she just looked at the other nurse and went, and I knew it. I knew it. I said, I'm not getting that epidural, am I? And I i i didn't freak out. I just immediately started praying. And I was like, please help me, please help me. And I grabbed on to that bed frame And it took me less than three pushes and I pushed that baby out. And it was the most surreal, terrifying, crazy, guttural moment of my entire life.

Teaching Moments from Personal Life

My sister was actually there and I didn't know it. She brought candies for me to suck on during my, I was in labor. Like I, my first child, I had him so quick too. I had three pushes, he was out. So I went into labor. My sister went and got me candy. By the time she got back, apparently, She was just giving it to the nurse that was in charge and she was saying, hey, don't even tell my sister I'm here. I'm just going to drop these off. Yeah, it was crazy. I'm just going to drop these off and don't tell her I even did. But the second she did that, she could hear me screaming.
she was like oh my god is that Dana and I was I mean every push was the most guttural scream I have ever done in my life and my poor husband was standing in front of me so I'm like gripping this bed frame he's standing with his back on the wall watching me asking the doctor if i'm gonna die like he didn't know that we are capable of this that we are capable of this that we are fucking capable of this that we can do that without dying and it was so surreal so i had this baby and for two weeks straight i was on the most high oxytocin experience of my entire life, the creativity, the life flow energy, everything that I had ever wanted to feel came together in one cocktail and in one moment. And I had it for two weeks straight. Like I was just high on oxytocin for two weeks straight, creativity, everything. And I literally in that time finished a 30 page three thesis paper for my masters in higher consciousness studies with the Holmes Institute. And I did not graduate. They actually shut the Institute institute down.
But my point is, is I pumped out a 30 page thesis paper when my son was born in that first two week period. And I 10X everything I did in my business. I had these revelations. They were insane. But I will tell you right now, this all came because I have practiced. I have learned and I live by the idea of trusting and relying in a higher power in every single experience of life at all times. Because what it does is it propels you into the next phase of evolution. It allows you to get to that next place that you cannot conceive of for yourself, right? You're living in uncertainty because you're surrendering to this thing and you're literally saying,
I don't know, but I'm going to trust you in every moment. Even when it feels bad, I'm going to take a backseat, not do anything until I am given instructions, until I am told what to do here. And then I act. So like in that moment when the nurse told me that I was going to be giving a natural birth, I didn't fight it, right? I could have been like, what? Like, are you fucking kidding me? I need that epidural. Nope. Like it's time to pray.
It's time to pray. It's time to actually connect with that higher part of yourself that you are inextricably tied to. And then in that moment you experience this new level of faith, this new level of consciousness, right? That you take with you into the next thing. So then I was able to finish that thesis and then I was able to look at my business from a completely different standpoint. And it was like, what am I doing here? What am I doing? Let's take an inventory. What am I working on that does not need to be worked on? Why am I trying to do so many things at once? Why am I trying to be so many things at once? I don't want half of this stuff. What I really want are high end, high ticket, high belief, one-on-one clients. I want to book that out. I also want to you want to sell out my signature program, Soul Shine.

Vulnerability in Personal and Professional Life

I had never even sold it at that point because I kept distracting myself.
I kept getting in my own way. I kept looking for things outside of myself and new programs and ideas and whatever my mind could come up with in order to give myself this false sense of ease and security when in reality, the only thing that can give that to me is my higher power, my higher self and my higher path. So now it's time to take action all the time, no matter what. It doesn't matter what that looks like. So I started incorporating my real life. This was another inflection point.
that built so much momentum behind what I have created this year in 2024 that is absolutely carrying me into 2025. And I cannot wait to see what the end of 2025 looks like. Okay. But when I started incorporating my real life into everything that I did, right? I no longer compartmentalize anything. And this is me kind of tying it back to when I started talking about my husband and our relationship, right? Nothing is compartmentalized. Everything fits, right?
i I'd speak to a lot of people on the Modern Day Healer podcast about they bring up the idea of duality all the time. This is something I don't agree with. Yes, I do believe that the human experience there is a lot of duality. I get it. I get what we're saying here.
However, let's flip the script on that and let's live from a place of non-duality, of looking at it as if everything is spiritual. This is just a spectrum, right? Good, bad, it's all spiritual. It's all here for our benefit. So when something bad happens, it's an opportunity for you to use the the perception in which you view life. I view life through spirituality. Maybe you do too. I have clients that view life through the lens of love, right? They have these rose colored glasses on.
I have clients that view life through the lens of nature, through the laws of nature. I always say that she has like her frames are twigs, right? And she sees life through that lens. And so what you're doing is you're taking every single bad and good thing and you're seeing them through these lenses that only you can see the world through. This is you mastering your own individuality. This is you becoming a master at your multidimensional nature as a human being and expressing yourself fully for the world to see.
And so what you do is you take these hard times or these good times, you put them through your perception. you You put them through the filter of the lens in which you see the world. And for me, it's spirituality. And you use that lens and you say, how am I going to approach the situation? How am I going to handle this? How am I going to go through and not around? Right. People get to watch you on that journey. It's so vulnerable. You're living in your vulnerability edge. People are going, okay, I get this. Like I i get this.
and I want to be a part of it and I don't need you to prove anything, you can actually show up, right? Like in your kitchen with crap on the counter, with your baby pulling your hair. I have so many reels of that. There's so much engagement around that. It's engaging because people are seeing the real you. They're seeing the human part of you, which is a part of the whole. It's all spiritual, right? You don't have to have this lens of duality all of the time to say,
Well, you know, in order to have the good, we have to experience the bad. Not necessarily. No, you do not. That's not a prereq, right? So for me, it's seeing everything as a whole. And so when I got more vulnerable with myself and showing up online and also at the same time, I'm working on my vulnerability with my husband and with my relationships in life and in every aspect of everything, right? I'm using my spiritual lens to look at the bad times, the hard times and work on them through that lens. And then I'm looking at the beautiful things and having so much gratitude through that lens. And I'm also showing up and showing you these things for the most part. And so my husband and I have this relationship now where I was so afraid to even let him give me a hug. And I mean this, like I really genuinely would like, I would get like prickly. I'm like a prickly pear. And I would always say, I just don't like, I don't like affection. I just don't like to be touched.
I just don't want to be. I just feel very like, oh, I've got to push that away, push that away. And I knew in my heart that that was not true. I knew in my heart that that was not who I was and that I did want love and I did want affection, right? And so if I want love, I i want affection. I want to receive in my relationship.
That's how when I start working on that, whether I start working on it in that part of my life or I start working on receiving money in my business or receiving clients, it doesn't matter. It's all reciprocated. It's all reciprocal energy. It's the same stuff, right? It's all the same. This is just a an experience of life and it's all whole. It's part

Integrating Life and Work for Authenticity

of the whole. so I did start with my relationship with my husband and I started practicing. I started practicing praying when I would feel that fear of being touched, when I would feel that fear of being vulnerable with him and letting him in, when I would feel the fear of allowing that amount of time that it takes to give somebody else true love and attention and focus, right? I've got so many things to do. I've got kids, I've got dinner to make, I care about so many things.
I had to stop and pause when I would feel that fear rise in me and I would have to look at it and ask my higher power for help. I don't know how this works. I don't really care how this works to be totally honest with you. It's interesting, but it's not necessary, but I use it. I use this power in my business and in my personal life and it's become this beautiful thing that I don't have to explain to you because you're here listening to me and you get it. I know you do.
I know you do because you're here listening to it, right? And on some level if you're still here listening to it, you get it. And so for us, it's like using your real life to live in your vulnerability edge to find out who you really are through the lens of whatever however you see life living life through that lens and working on different aspects sure and then watching how that affects other aspects because it's all one and the same so as my relationship with my husband
grew and blossomed and now it's like the exact passionate relationship that we were wanting to begin with and it was for a little bit right when we first got together was like holy shit this is amazing this is crazy we are soul and then now it's actually the passion is at a different level like i tell them i'm like this is why people cheat this is what they're looking for this hotness this kind of like holy shit like i can't wait to be with you you are my person i'm obsessed with you like i just you know and we have
little kids so to me there's no excuse i no longer use time as an alibi right i use it as my ally and and that's been true for me in every single area of my life this year and so that's all i've worked on is really allowing myself to receive and to be vulnerable and to live in this kind of a reality which allows me to express myself more because that is my true self that is my true nature and the more i reflect that back to you and i show up and i'd stop resisting stop resisting the the fear of losing time
right because for a lot of us i know this because i have so many clients that say this they don't want to interfere with their real life what is your real life this is all real life okay so if you're telling me that you don't want to hit record when you're with your family because you feel like it's taking too much time out of your day even though you know in that moment that's when the energy is the hypest and the highest and it's you're you've got a lesson to teach somebody and it would literally take you three minutes to do it when in reality like if you were to go take
time to go get in your head and to create a post from that place it would take you probably an hour an hour away from your family right this is where the reality comes into play it's like if you could release all of the minutia all the b s focus on only what you are on your individual experience of life and then in those moments when you're with your family show up raw vulnerable like be here be here in the now whatever you've got going on if you've got dishes you've got kids you've got you've got
a mess behind you people want to see that because it's real right and so if you do that it's like it takes no time at all you lean into that resistance you stop resisting that fear that comes up that oh my god i am no longer present i won't have time i don't have time to do this yes you do use time as your ally not your alibi right it's just a difference in usage of time and i will tell you also that like when i decided to start incorporating my real life into all of this
my family got on board more they were like this is kind of fun like i want to be in this my son would like start getting into the videos and people like started talking to him and interacting with him and then they get more comfortable with doing the same thing so that's the point is you become a mirror right for other people to see the possibilities of whatever it is that you teach through the lens in which you teach it i teach business love business this is my passion this is what i love to do right but i have a lens of life that is spiritual that's how i teach it that's what makes me unique that's making me a master of my own individuality what makes you unique
right and then on top of that i've got my kids i've got my husband and all of this comes together and this one evolutionary pot because i get to work on whatever i choose or whatever comes my way and i get to use the lens of spirituality to work on it and to evolve and to grow and that evolutionary process is what you are coming on the ride with me to do right like you're on that ride of evolution with me through the process and that is the business like that's actually what creates the business that is the lifeblood of it so like
again this is so what i'm trying to say right there is your evolution is your x factor you as a human being with your family with your kids with your dog with your your whatever you've got going on with your mess this is your evolutionary process this is the stuff that you get to take people on this is the journey you get to take people on this is what you get to create from you take this raw material of life and you create this unbelievable masterpiece that is completely different than what anybody else could because nobody else is you
and we hear this all the time we're like do it like nobody else could you know people are coming to you because it's you and not somebody else but what's the reality of that the reality is is you actually do have a life full of experiences that you get to use that very specific lens in which you see everything and you get to use that to handle problems and you get to have gratitude for solutions and you get to then tell people about that in your business and you get to use your business platform as a space as a blank canvas
to then throw all of these beautiful experiences onto it and it becomes your masterpiece it becomes that artwork that other people are like okay like i would pay big money for that because i want to do the same thing i want to do that i want to do it like you right and for me it's like i don't have rules i don't anymore and i don't have methods i don't have any of that stuff there are structures that i use that are very simple very barebo but they're there just to keep me focused and to keep that energy flowing in a way that feels really good for me and it might be completely different for you
and so this is the point is really again you are becoming a master of your own individuality and letting go of the need to be an expert of one method it's not necessary and in fact it becomes an addiction and then it becomes this rigidity that doesn't allow you to expand beyond what that method is and then you have to compete you have to compete with the person that's already the expert in that field why why do that to yourself release yourself from the confines

Attracting Clients Through Personal Evolution

of that kind of version of success ah the expert success when you could leap right over that and go right into mastery become a master of your own multi-dimensionality and your own nature and then show other people how they can do the same and guess what who wouldn't want that we are that right we are these multidimensional beings so when people see you expressing that they automatically relate and go oh my god that's what i want for myself
because it's what i am thank you so much audrey so are you um i feel so passionate about this though and i feel like that you ask this question audrey like what is the inflection point what was the inflection point of all this momentum that was built up over twenty twenty four and that really was it when i stopped trying to be an expert and i began to become a master at my own individuality and let go of the fear of what other people think about me and the fear of um
my god the fear of not having control over all of the outcomes and did it anyway right that is mindblowing most people are so afraid to do it anyway and to say what they really think anyway even if there's no evidence that it's going to work and it's so crazy because when it does start working that's when people start going up just like i can't leave this alone there is something different here and the difference is is that it's the most natural state in the entire world right and it's what everybody wants
so with that i'm gonna leave you guys i'm all jacked up i am like so grateful for the people that stopped by today and joined me live and that we're here and if you're still listening and you're in the podcast right now thank you for being here thank you for listening some of that was definitely channeled and that again is a testament to the trust and the reliance on something bigger not just believing not just saying i know there's something bigger out there it's actually taking spiritual action every single day
to say i surrender what is your will for me following that no matter what and doing the next right thing based off of that you cannot go wrong that's where you build faith that's where you build confidence conviction clarity that's where all of these things come from but when we you know but i still have something else to say because i have clients that come to me and say things like i feel like i i ah i have these methods i have these tools and yet i'm still missing a link here there's something inside of me that is stopping me from saying the things from going all in from talking to people and giving them advice
or from like showing up in my full self-expression and what i want to say is like let go of the methods the methods are tools i do still have methods but i don't they're not the thing the only thing and this comes back to the simplicity piece that i was talking about before the only thing that you need to know how to do as a coach is bring people back to their true selves that's it it can be that easy it is that easy but you have to know how to do that for yourself
you have to know how to bring yourself back too your real self and that is this unique lens in which you are going to view life that's essentially what the result of that lens always is going to be you're going to see life you're going to filter out the unnecessary and you're gonna zone and honed back in to your truth you're going to bring yourself back to that every single time and that's what you're doing for other people
and you're going to be able to do it naturally because when you know how to do it for yourself you're going to have an energetic transmission to give to other people and that is the only thing you actually need in order to make this a success that's it because you get to let go of all the pressure you get to let go of the idea that you need to play god you get to let go of the idea that you need to get anybody results because you cannot get anybody results none of us can right we can't even heal other people we're here
not to be leaders we're here to be examples of what is possible for other people so when you actually connect with that higher place within yourself you become like you become lightness and you actually show that and you reflect it back to the world that's what allows somebody else to see that they can do it for themselves two and that's where it has to come from it has to come from them we do not get people results we aren't even here to lead we are here to be examples of what is possible for somebody else

Coaching Clients to Discover True Potential

we're already whole they are already whole it's your job it is your job to stay as inspiredd to believe in yourself to remember what you are to constantly let go of the rest come back to your truth and do the same for others allow people to see that emulated in you let go of being an expert in any one field become a master at your own individuality show up in that and then let other people experience it
show up let them see you let yourself be heard say what's on your mind do that you will but build momentum true momentum that cannot be stopped because it's not you anymore it's your consciousness that has taken over bright and it's going to go where it's goingnna go
okay that being said he i have an invitation for everybody that is here right now because i am so full of spaciousness souline is coming to an end this is our eighth week next week is the last week souline was and is my signature group program getting clear from the inside out doing what we were just talking about where you are clarifying yourself from the inside out you're clearing yourself of all the negativity the resentment the fears all the shame the things that hold you back
from your truth right so that you can connect with that higher part of yourself and find the clarity in your path your x- factorctor what it is about you your individuality your individual expression that makes you so unique that people can't look away and they want to work with you and they want to because they feel the value of that deepest self-ex expressionion okay that is coming to an end we are starting that again in february if you want to be on the wait list for the eight weekek program that starts in february february soul let me know you can dm me or i will put a link into the show notes on my podcast
and also i have two one on one spots yearlong one on one spot they are meant for the person who knows that you're going to make it happen maybe you you could have a little little lack of self-belief possibly just a little seed of it that's fine that's fine but you know that you know that you know that you are the person if it's not you then who right that's going to make this happen because you have that seed of desire you have that persistence you are not going to stop you're like a dog with a freaking bone you're going to make this work
right you're going to do anything you have to do you're going to sacrifice the vices you're going to sacrifice all of the things that hold you back you're gonna sacrifice the crutches the things that keep your vibrancy and your frequency down and you are going to do everything in your power to get yourself back in alignment with the vibrancy and the frequency of that first moment when you had a revelation and you realized this path was for you that is what we work on and then there is structure involved of course
we learn what to focus on and what to let go of and how to make this happen faster right you were always talking about leaps and bounds and quantum leaps and and collapsing time that this is what this is about working with somebody who has been where you've been who wants to help you get to where you want to be right but in the way that feels best for you not in the way that feels best for me but in the way that feels best for you you are going to express yourself on a level that you have never expressed yourself before it is gonna be scary
but it's gonna be the best scary there is and all the fear of what other people think about you and the fears of possibly not making it and but all the all the negative possibilities they are going to become background noise just a little whir in the background and you are going to show up and you're gonna take action from a place of alignment and it's going to work you're going to build this momentum just like i have and you're goingnna sell out your programs and you're going to show up in this multidimensional nature you're gonna stop trying to be an expert anywhere if you are and you are going to master your multi-dimensional nature and you're gonna show up in that and other people are gonna see it
and they are going to want to join you because it is the road to the highest destiny that we can all experience as human beings that's what we're here for so if that sounds exciting to you please dm me or you can go to the link in my bio and you can check out the application there and if you want to jump on a call with me of course we can do that i am more than happy to support you through this process and i will tell you i totally understand the process i invest in myself at high level constantly and i will never not be without a mentor again

Invitation to Join Programs for Growth

ever again because i am more worried about what will happen if i don't have one on my side then what will happen if i invest in myself and fail i tend to go all in these days so i highly urge you to do the same because that's the only way we can find out if it's going to actually work is by stopping the hedging of the but on ourselves and going all in and seeing if it's going to effing work which it will because you have that seed of desire it's like the oak tree in the acorn that's what you're meant to do that's what you're here to be
that's what you're here to become so if you're feeling called please check out the link of my bio for the application you can dm me or i will put another um link in the show notes on the podcast and you can click it there and you can check things out and of course we can hop on a free call of no problem um okay we can continue that conversation in d the dms thank you so much for being here i love you guys audrey thank you feathers of mermaid i forget your name i got it i'll look at it in a little bit but thank you for being here i will message you soon
and i love you guys so much everybody in the group and love you you for being here i will talk to you soon by