EP 12: Live streams and dream clients: Visibility in the coaching world w/ Elaina Ray image

EP 12: Live streams and dream clients: Visibility in the coaching world w/ Elaina Ray

S1 E12 · The Modern-Day Healer
18 Plays14 days ago

Hey there, beautiful souls!

In today’s 2023 vault episode I had the most incredible conversation with the amazing Elaina Ray, and I'm literally buzzing with excitement to share it with you.

Elaina is not just a business coach – she's a force of nature who's been there, done that, and helps others create the life and business of their dreams.

In the episode, Elaina takes us on her journey from corporate America to spiritual seeker in India, and how she built her coaching business from the ground up.

We dive deep into what it really takes to build a successful coaching business. Elaina doesn't sugarcoat it, but she also shows us that it's totally possible with the right mindset and strategies.

She talks about things like why you shouldn't stress about your Instagram bio, and how to really connect with your clients in a way that makes them feel seen and understood.

I know so many of you are on your own healing and entrepreneurial journeys, and this episode is going to light a fire under you.

Elaina's energy is contagious, and her insights are game-changing. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in the game for a while, you're going to find something in this conversation that speaks directly to your soul.

So grab your favorite drink, find a cozy spot, and let's dive in. I promise you, it's going to leave you feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to take on the world.

Let’s go!!!

Join Elaina Ray and me as we explore the topic of using your voice to declare what you really want, allowing yourself to become open enough to receive, and not getting caught in old worthiness validation loops amid your journey home to your authentic self.

You know there’s more waiting out there for you.

All you need is a path, and this episode is a gorgeous place to start (if I do say so myself)!

See you inside.

🖤 Dana

Connect with Dana HERE and Elaina HERE and tell them what you loved most about this episode and what resonated deeply.

Check out Elaina's books, plus tons of free, binge-worthy content by clicking here!

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Hello and welcome to the Modern Day Healer podcast. I'm your host, Dana Hayes, and I am so excited to share with you the stories, the trials, the tribulations, and most importantly, the triumphs of my own as well as many other successful modern day healers.
We've gone all in to pursue our passion, to make an impact in the world by helping humans heal from the past and find true empowerment in their lives
She is me and anyone else who feels a calling to help others heal, grow and share their light. You could be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a writer, a speaker, a podcast host. You might be a workshop producer, a course creator.
You're most likely an entrepreneur and can't shake the desire to make your calling your career because you know how much impact you could make if you went all in and had the opportunity to share your story with the world. That is a modern day healer.
I am a podcast host, a co-author of an amazing book about the journey of sobriety, a wife, a mom of two young children, and the creator of the spiritual lifestyle brand, Living in Power. I am Dana and I am a modern day healer. I am so glad you're here. Let's get started.
Elena Ray, thank you so much for being on the Living in Power podcast. I am honored and privileged to have you here. Aw, thanks so much for having me. Yay! Okay, so for those of you who don't know, Elena is actually one of my past business coaches. She is amazing. And if I, okay, so the one superpower I feel like you always had was you were always so clear and concise with strategy. Like you are a business strategist through and through. And I think the first thing that I really want to ask you is, have you always been um you always been so strategic and able to like see the structure before you you do the thing? I would say that it's to some degree, it is a natural gift. So we all have things that just come really natural to us.
And at the same time, like I've been doing, I've been online since 2011, when I started my blog, I've been working with people as a coach since 2015. And I've been running my masterminds like the one that you were in for four years now. So there's also pattern recognition. There's also like, when we do this and when we're focused and we work with the same kind of people in the same kind of niche.
we develop this really honed skill in general. And I'm sure everyone listening to this in their zone of genius has that thing. So I think it is a repetition allows those like, you know, I can, as you've seen in the mastermind, it's like within five minutes of anyone sitting down in the chair, it can be like, and this is the message or this is the thing that needs to shift. But it's because I've seen hundreds of people in that seat.
Okay, that's a really good point to make. So many people see you where you are right now and it's so easy to compare, right? And to be like, oh my God, this girl has traveled the world. How old are you, 33? Yeah. She's only 33. She's traveled the world. She's lived in Bali for years. She's built her dream home. She's written a book, a best-selling book, isn't it?
yep Yep. Okay. but your own Super successful. Math reminds other businesses is creating all this other stuff. Um, and none of it's like a side hustle. It's all like legit businesses where your heart has gone into it, but it's like how it's so easy to see where you are now, but it's really difficult for, I think, especially as you know, like a new coach, somebody who's just coming onto the scene has like this, this transformation they want to offer. They've gone through the healing, but.
They're watching people like you and they're going, okay, but is it possible for me? Like, where did you start? What is, what happened before? And I think you mentioned a lot of awesome things leading up to where you are now. It's not like this all happened overnight or did it, you know, like what is the story? How, what what's the truth behind this? Yeah. So my business was birthed as.
a blog, really. And this is like how old school I am. Someone called me an OG the other day of the coaching industry and I was like, Oh, I'm really flattered. I guess we're getting up there. But I started as a blog. I was in corporate. I worked at IBM in New York city for two years. And then I quit because I got this really awesome dream job, which I had wanted to live overseas and, you know, yeah, basically live the lifestyle that I live now for a really long time. And Corporate was not gonna lead me there. So anyway, I quit. I got this amazing job. It sent me to Nigeria and all over Africa and Mongolia and all over Asia for years. And so while I was in that job, I was writing just from my heart about the experiences that I was having and the risks that I took to be able to be there. Like I had to walk away from partner track at a management consulting firm. I had to pack up an apartment in New York City. I had to move all my stuff to West Africa and
So I started, that was what I started writing about was courage and what it took me mentally to put myself in that position. Cause a lot of other people in corporate wanted to have international stations. They wanted to be speaking other languages in their job. Like I was, they wanted, you know, that jet setting lifestyle. And I was like, y'all can have it. And here's how. So that's what I was teaching. And not just, there was no business model behind it. It was just, I don't know why I feel compelled to share this.
And I built visibility that way and I built trust and people started following my journey. And then the spontaneous part of my coaching business started where people started reaching out and they're like, can you help me find a job like that? And I was like, huh. So I was doing it for free. I would get on the calls with people and I would literally just like give them resume tips and help them figure out how to get these cool jobs. And then I realized, wait a minute, I can make money from this.
So I put up a little office hours page on my blog charged 80 bucks, I think for an hour and I would do consults. And suddenly I was like, huh, I'm earning like the first, you know, tens of dollars doing something for myself. I started freelance writing for fortune magazine and business insider and some really big outlets. Cause I've always considered myself more of a writer than anything else. And I got featured on those platforms, which got more visibility to my blog, which kind of like brought more attention. to what I was doing. And then I got fired from my job in 2015. It was a different job. I had moved into a similar position at Uber. This is in my book. But I got fired because I freaking my soul sabotaged it. I was just done. I was so done working for someone else. I was so done. Other people telling me what country I was going to go live in. I was just
done. I was, it was very big bro culture in Uber. I didn't fit into that. I didn't drink alcohol at that point. I'm starting to go through a spiritual awakening. I just did not fit in and spirit like broke all of that. So then I really entered entrepreneurship. Sorry, that wasn't 2015. That was 2017.
So I entered into it by force like I had no choice but to start to scale up those little sessions from my blog and try to figure out a better monetization strategy and I had to start freelance writing and getting other jobs online that would just help me hustle and piece things together.
And then just like fast forward, I went on a long spiritual journey during that time. Like a lot of my clients, a lot of your listeners probably, where it was, you know, go to India and live in the ashram and study yoga and figure out what is my purpose and how am I going to function in the world when I'm not attached to a paycheck? And do I have any value to bring? And, and you know, am I just someone who's reviewing resumes? I don't know what, how I'm supposed to turn this into a business. I never knew anyone who ran their own business.
And my healing journey really helped me answer all those questions. And then I hired a coach. I used all my last money to pay for someone who was doing what I wanted to do. My first coach was Kate Scutter, who I think is also going to be on this show. Met Kate in Bali. Yeah, the story kind of goes there. That's a lot. But I wanted to tell that really early backstory, because I don't think that gets shared enough.
Yeah, no, I'm really glad you did because I feel like, like I said, people can just go just two years back and go, okay, well you've always been successful. And it's like, but have you always been successful? No, it's hard. It's hard for, I mean, you know, somebody comes in, they're comparing, they're just doing that whole comparison game. They're breaking themselves down. And it's difficult, especially with having such a multi-passionate, multi-dimensional nature.
right and And the people that I feel like ah both of us draw in are always, they are so aware of their multi-dimensionality. And it's super difficult for them to to be able to hone in on what it is that their value is in this world. So is there a piece of advice that you could or would give to somebody who is in that spot where they're like, I have all these different you know, places, avenues that I could go, all these different people I could work with. But like, where would you tell somebody to start? Oh, so many things. I'll just rattle off a few things that come to mind. Number one is, I think a lot of people in their early on in business get really overwhelmed by trying to get the essence of all their components of who they are into words and then try to get it into an Instagram bio.
And it's like, guys, you're missing the freaking point. None of that matters. You will never be able to express who you are in an Instagram bio. Stop trying to state the obvious. So I'll give an example. Like I got caught up for so long. I mean, Kate, bless her heart in her first six months of business coaching. Like I did not really move the needle at all because I was so, I was like, am I a self mastery coach? Am I a career coach? Am I a purpose coach? Am I a spiritual purpose coach? Am I a spiritual career coach?
I drove her and me nuts and it was it was just ridiculous. But what I realized is like, I didn't need to put the word spiritual anywhere in my work because the essence of who I am as a person is going to come through as soon as people start seeing my teachings. And I don't need to get lost in making myself special or unique. We don't need to be unique to be in the marketplace. We need to be clear.
of like who we're serving, what we do, and we need to be understood. So the most important thing is not to call yourself, you know, a priestess shaman, embodiment, you know, excavator of the cosmos, because you haven't heard that before and it sounds really special, but to say, you know, life coach, because people who are hiring for that are going to be able to see it. And it's, it's kind of a tough pill to swallow, actually, like what I had to learn in my business is My business is a personal brand, but it doesn't need to say everything about me. And it's not about me. A business is about serving others. And so often a new business owner is still caught up in like figuring out their identity so much that the business lacks clear service and and clear messaging around that. So the prompt I would offer is like, don't make it about you, make it about the client and what you can do and what problem you can solve for them.
And how do you say everything in their words to make it like so that they see themselves in you? And then you kind of move your ego aside and trust that all the other parts of you like get to be there and they'll come through. like I still talk about all my travels, but I don't need to you know say all the time that I'm a globe trotter and I live abroad and I'm like you know a location independent business coach, stuff like that. like No, it just comes through because I live life the way that I do.
so that I'll end that little rant there. I loved it. And I, so the whole, when you're starting as a coach and you're still trying to find your identity, especially if there's still a lot of healing work to do. I mean, that's what I've found with my clients. It's like, there's still a lot of healing work to do. How do I say this nicely? There's all different little gaps, right? That we're always fulfilling for people and possibly that person is is down here still and needs to work their way up.
How long in your time of working with clients do you feel like when somebody's in that realm of like really truly trying to figure out their identity, maybe they don't have a ton of feeling to do, but they they're still like really homing in on who they are as a coach, right? As an entrepreneur, how long on average would you say that it takes to go from that point when you're not totally clear, actually you might not be clear at all,
You're feeling like you've got all of this passion and it could just go absolutely anywhere. It could be for anybody, right? How long does it take to go from that point to clarifying the value that you're bringing in terms of, you know, in relation to how somebody else is saying it and then creating a viable business from that place on average? Are they working with me? Because if they're working with me, that can be done in a couple of weeks. but And truly, I mean, here's the thing, like that process can take five years. It took me a few years to do that process. I had so many failed launches of, you know, courses that I thought, Oh my God, I'm going to make this $97 course. It's going to be so genius. I was downloading it on my yoga mat. I launched it. It took months to film it. Nobody bought it. And then I did all a bunch of other stuff that nobody bought because I didn't know what the hell I was doing in business. But once I got help.
Then the thing it moved very quickly when there's someone to show me like oh here's a market research process, you can validate your offer and here's like the three questions to ask yourself to get clear on your niche that when I asked people like in five minutes, we know what their niches like. that's when you don't do this stuff alone, because it can take a really long time.
right And you can start hiding behind the the justification that like you've got to figure this out. You've got to figure that out. It's like if you would work with somebody, just like you know me working with you, I totally agree with you. It's like, you could tell me something in about, I don't know, you could explain it in two minutes, something that I've been thinking about for two years. right And it's like, oh, I should have done this a long time ago.
And that's why these containers are so effing valuable and why they are so expensive if you want to look at it that way. But really it's it's a steal when the return on investment is absolutely limitless. It's like having a six or seven figure business that you can run on your own the way that you want every single year, year after year. And on average, you're investing maybe between 10 and 30K to work with an expert coach, right? The math, it's obvious.
But um yeah, I mean, in terms of like time wasters and things that get in your way, I was just making a ah slide on this for my Time Rich program, but like website, graphic design, thinking about anything instead of just doing and testing and getting feedback and then actioning based on the feedback, editing your Instagram bio, anything that's not front end, getting out on the internet with your video running and teaching and sharing and telling people how you can serve them and enrolling them into an offer, doing market research or speaking about client testimonials or your own success story. Those are the things that move the needle. That's where the focus needs to be with the new coaches, like the very early on people you were talking about. What I see is people like spending weeks and weeks and months, you know, downloading an offer and then trying to get it to look like, what are the fonts going to be? and What is the branding going to be? And then.
And then when they finally bring it out to the world, it doesn't sell. Not because the offer's not good, because none of the groundwork was properly set for it. It wasn't actually validated. The messaging is probably a bit off and they don't have a way to launch that's a proven formula. right And so all this time was spent on things that just didn't get them where they could have been by that time had they focused on what I call the needle movers. Yeah. You always talked about futzing around on the back. I always laughed.
I was like, that isn't exactly what it is. And I feel like that, for me at least, when I futz around on the back end, I think that time was really a ah low confidence. um I feel like that was a time where there was a lot of lack of confidence.
and flexing around on the back end. I feel like that was a time where I had a lack of confidence. And therefore what I'm doing when I am flexing around on the back end is procrastinating, but putting a pretty label on it and saying that I'm working when really I'm just busying myself um to stay away from the camera. Do you feel the camera, do you feel like going on camera is essential to being successful online? Yeah, a hundred percent. I,
You know, and there's layers to this. There's like a range of how big you can go in this area. But I was just going to tell the story of like the first time I went on ah a live stream where my coach was like, okay, you know, we've got to start warming up your audience and you talking about the thing that you're going to be selling about before you start selling it. So people start to see you as someone who's, you know, topical around this and who has something to offer. And the, the starting to position oneself as an expert just speeds up infinitely when you,
Get on a live stream and start teaching because that automatically the energy of anyone watching you is there your student and you become the teacher like you've just positioned yourself as an authority by default just by the way that that's set up. And I would just write like it was I mean the first ones are so embarrassing i'm sure people who go on my Facebook and find really old ones from 2017 probably 2018.
I would just talk about yoga and meditation. I had just come back from India and learned all these things about Tantra and I was just sharing whatever. And then I would sell my offer, which was just private coaching on the end of it. And I was so scared to do it. It took me weeks to work up the courage to actually start doing it. But then before I knew it, like I couldn't not go live. It was so much fun. I was ah really enjoying teaching and sharing and even To this day, I have so many systems in my business. I have so much team, like my team launches for me. Like I don't have to create any content, but I still continue to do so because I like overflow and I get so lit up and I love doing it. But, um, you know, I'd say a lot of my most successful clients, they really get over that fear by working together and they start to take up more space online. It through video, through facing the camera, as you were saying,
And then start to fall in love with that process so it too it feels really organic. And then their followings explode and their offers sell out and they're doing all the other things, but that's really a huge gateway is choosing that level of visibility. And the layer that I was talking about that's like a little bit further down is sometimes I'll talk about this thing called celebrity factor. Like when my clients who I actually just had a diamond client who reached out who he was selling like between five and 15K offers and now he has an 85K offer.
It just like exploded onto like the mastery level of his work. And like you can start getting into those premium levels of pricing and praise working with celebrities and like super high level people. When you decide to have that celebrity factor yourself, like when you show more of yourself to the internet, including your quirks and like people fall, you let people fall in love with you.
Then they don't want to work with just anyone who can perform the same kind of task that you can or solve the same problem. They are like, whatever it costs, however long it is, like I don't care what the logistics are of this thing, like I have to work with this person. And it becomes a no brainer investment because you leaned into that like celebrity essence. And not everyone has to go to those levels in their coaching business, but the ones that do, then they really see what's possible at that level of visibility.
Yeah, I love that. And I feel like, you know, as you're going live and you're doing those things and tell me if I'm wrong, but you're kind of hitting on the the point that when you go live and you put yourself in the position, you could be doing the the celebrity factor or you could just be putting yourself in the position of becoming, you know, you're being the person.
you're being the person that it takes to do the thing, right? To run the business, to be successful. And so I feel like for me, at least, this was my experience, when i when I started going live, first of all, it was absolutely nauseating at first, like completely terrifying. And I started going live like six years ago, but I was still drinking, that was before I got sober. And I,
I would do it drunk. I mean, I would just be wasted. It was so bad. I actually deleted all of those videos. you You wouldn't maybe know. I was like a master at disguising it, but I was. i couldn't I couldn't handle it. I couldn't face it. And then I healed. I went on my healing journey and of course I continue to heal, but um I had this self-discovery, right? And then I had this realization that, ah you know, business is not just about the strategy, right? It's about becoming. It's about becoming, just like your book is called Becoming Self Made. I mean, I think that was very, very strategically titled, right? But it's true. It's like you are becoming the person that does the thing that has the results. So don't you feel like, and
And when you're going live and you're, you're telling yourself, I'm going to do this, it's because you are allowing yourself to align. Right. Like with who you truly are or who you really feel that you could become. Yeah. And I think what, what comes up when you say that is also this idea of a little bit of like, who does she think she is? Like the people that wind up scrolling and then seeing you getting on and the people who are seeing me just, you know, this person who had just put her, well got fired from her corporate job and moved to Bali and really had no business talking about any of the stuff she was talking about, but I was getting on there and doing it anyway. And then selling and charging money for it. People like, I think there is that at the same time they're like, who does she think she is? And then and at another level, they're like, I want to be that kind of person. And so they're even more drawn in to your world when you show up with a little bit of that audacity that inspires other people. They're like, I want to take up more space.
All right, maybe this person, not only with what they actually problem solve around and what they coach on, but just their, I want to get in the room with someone who's doing life this way. So you've got like conscious transmissions and unconscious transmissions that people hire you for. And this is feeding into both categories. Yes. And also it's like, don't worry. Don't worry about what other people think because either way it's going to work in your benefit. Yeah.
So many people are so, I mean, I think, you know, through my my healing process, I realized that I have four core fears. And it's number one, the fear of what other people think about me, the fear of not being good enough, the fear of not having control, and the fear of not getting what I want. And the fear of what other people think about me all day long, I could i could i could say that that wasn't true. and i You know, my defense mechanisms would come out and I would procrastinate, but I wouldn't say it was because I was afraid of what you thought about me. And I wasn't showing up because I was afraid of what you thought about me. I was, I was just too busy. You know, I was just too busy doing this or whatever the hell that was. But ultimately I really think that if people could, especially new coaches, if they could just fully see
how the fear of what other people think about them is holding them back, making them hide behind what they're calling a ah brand, right? Doing all the branding first, never putting their face anywhere, having a ton of quotes on their Instagram account and and never fully expressing who they really are with their face. You know, like go out there with your body and like get in front of the camera and say something, right? But if you would fully um recognize that fear and and work through that you know quickly, come on, and do it by doing the thing, get in front of the camera and face the fear. It really has this effect of like, okay, first of all, what I was kind of afraid and I was kind of letting that hold me back. But then like you said, it becomes fun. You are expressing yourself, right? and And don't you feel like that gets a little addictive? Yeah, 100%.
I'm so addicted. I mean, even I've always said this, like I run a business that whether I made $0 or millions of dollars and I've made both of those amounts doing exactly the same thing, I would keep doing exactly the same thing because it's just who I am. I can't not share my wisdom. I can't not share the things that are going on in my life. I can't not teach. I can't not express. And the beautiful thing about this industry is you can literally get paid $0 or millions of dollars to do exactly the same thing. And it's your choice. So true. What's the difference, Alina? What I say to people is like, I mean, look at anyone who's like, quote unquote, who made it, who you look up to on Instagram. And the only thing between you and them is that like, we just didn't stop. Like I've had launches where no one bought
I've had free trainings that, you know, four people came on for a free thing. Like I couldn't even get people to come to free things. And then people have the the audacity to complain to me when they don't like, Oh, they got a hundred signups. Like I would, I would pitch to four and you know, two of them would buy and that's why we're here today. That's really it. It is like the people who don't make it go on spirals where something doesn't work out the first time.
They don't get instant validation when they start posting. They're not getting all the comments and likes. They launch something and no one buys. And then they're like, well, it's just not meant to be, or it's not working. And I don't, you know, it's just, and they go into story and they create lots of meaning around it. What I did, when I teach my clients to do is like, we're running a business. And so when we don't get our launch results, we need to look at why did that occur and solve that problem and launch it again better.
If you're offered in a cell, it's probably not validated. Get back in your market research, revalidate it, make better content, and do it again. So when you make millions, it's just because you do it again, and you do it again, and you do it a little bit better each time. And even like I'll have in recent times things that don't sell. So what do we do? I'll repackage it. I'll call it something else. I'll put a different spin on it. I'll send it out the next week, and then people will buy it.
like and Always like testing experiment. Let's see. Let's not take it personal. Let's know that the things work like I believe very much in strategy. I don't believe in just, you know, feeling a certain way and getting results in your business. I believe in doing things from a certain feeling also helps to amplify the results of those actions, of course. And I teach a lot of energetics, but the strategies work. If you follow the strategies, it's not if You're going to have a successful business. It's when you just can't stop, you can't get in your own way and you can't expect it to come out perfect on the first 10 tries. And also what I like to tell people is like, if you're in the first three to five years of your business, you're still at the beginning. Like the first month is not the beginning of your business. The first years are the the beginning of your business and to continuously reinvest in your business during that time.
continuously be getting in bigger rooms, continuously be having mentorship, continuously be adding on that team member before you feel ready, continuously like improve your skillset, continuously express he yourself on bigger platforms. That's that's the way forward. It's very simple. It really is. Well, before we go on this call, I was just like, what do I think when I think of Elena? I think of strategies, structure, and simplification. Love that. Yeah.
It is it's so simple, but you know i I do think that, especially the newer coaches because they're coming in from such a different mindset they've been inundated for so long with traditional business structure, and when I say traditional I also mean like.
brick and mortar like you're, a you know that if a store opens they don't make money tomorrow like they could go out of business in a month. I mean it's just that easy. And we're not working with infinite timelines when we've got something like that it's a totally different ballgame. So when you get into coaching and you're doing it from your heart and your soul and you're like,
This is my passion. This is my purpose. This is like everything and I'm going to go all in. It's a completely different mindset and it's a completely different timeline. So I really like the fact that you just said that. Yeah. Timeline is one of the biggest thing. Biggest things I coach my clients around is the things that will get in their way is coming up with a very fixed period of time on which very specific things need to happen and very specific monetary outcomes need to occur.
And that's the biggest mindfuck of all, like that's not going to get you accelerating in your business. The people who've done the best who do have, you know, the quantum leaps and the crazy accelerations. Those were the people who came into my space and they were like, I am going to do this for the rest of my life. I'm going to be a teacher. I'm going to be a public figure. I'm going to be an author. I'm going to be an expert. I'm going to be coaching, sharing, like on stages, whatever that looks like forever.
And so it doesn't matter how long it takes me to get these pieces right. I want to get them right. And I'm here to learn and they're humble and they come in and they're like, great. Like, let's just see how this goes and experiment and get feedback. And you know what? They collapse time.
because they're not putting some kind of false story. That means they're not good enough if they don't see X number in their bank account by X date, or they're not trying to compete with so-and-so on Instagram. They're just looking at themselves and what they're here to create in their own way, in their own time. Yeah. I love the fact that you just mentioned humility again, because like you said in the beginning, this comes into play so many times. And I think, I think for me personally when I first started. And like I said, it was six to seven years ago now. um I had zero humility. I thought it was all about me. And I thought that everybody that was going to come to me was going to be just like me and say things the way I say them. And while I do believe that like my ideal clients are similar to me, I no longer believe that they say everything the way that I say it.
And I also don't believe that, well, I learned this a long time ago. The more I know, the more I realize I don't know anything and truly recognizing that. And I think that the hardest people for me that I actually, I cannot work with um are people who come in thinking that they already know what they need, right? And they're not there to take the whole thing in, the whole experience, the whole coaching experience.
because they're it's still so about them. And so would you say that as a new coach coming in, one of the biggest um factors to to be coachable is to be like have some humility coming in? 100%. I'm even thinking of like the people who've been multi-millionaires who've hired me to look at their business strategy. They're multi-millionaires because they came in. And at the time, even that these people hired me, they were making more money than I was. But they were humble. they're like She's got a few systems here that I can really like learn a few things and implemented my business and like 10X what I'm doing. And they were so open to receive and so coachable and the kind of people were like really ready to self reflect and take self responsibility and look at stuff and they wouldn't get defensive or they wouldn't be like, well, I've been doing it this way and it's been working out just fine. So I think at all levels,
And that's something like I continuously practice. I've launched two other businesses and two other industries since I started coaching. I love a real estate business, and I'm starting a product e-com business. And I've had mentorship in both of those areas. And I continue to have support from people who know what they're talking about in those areas. And I don't come in being like, well, I'm a multimillionaire in coaching, so this must just be like coaching. And I'm going to like be you know successful right out of the gates. like Oh no, this is a different a different ball game. This is exciting. And the reason I'm doing it is not because I need more revenue streams, but because I want to learn about myself as a business owner. I want to learn about myself as a person. I want to learn about the world. I want to learn about different ways that other people do things. And it's fun. It's fun to figure it out. It's fun to be in the not knowing. It's fun to be a student. It's fun to experiment and fail. And yeah so I think that that really never goes away.
where it shouldn't, I think it's benefited you very much. So we, I'm going to switch gears a little bit here and something that you touched on a little bit, but I, I'd like for you to speak on it because I feel like it's a, it's a spot where people are getting really, really caught up. um And it is that whole.
energy versus strategy? um What comes first? Is it, is it, and maybe I'm wrong here even saying this, but is it, is it quantity versus quality? Is that even relevant in that, um you know, under that topic? Like are we, okay. So to back up and to make an example, when you're creating content, for example,
Are you thinking I'm just going to be super consistent and no matter what, you know, not no matter what, I know you're very strategic, but are you being consistent more than anything? Or are you coming from a place of energetic alignment more than anything? Or is it just a complete blend? And you've got that all figured out. Like, what would you say to that?
Yeah, this is great. but This is a great topic because I think, and I'll just riff on this one piece before I answer that question is I see a lot of you know people hiring energy focused coaches for business at you know higher rates than ever before, literally like in higher numbers and at higher investments. And what I think is, and then you know I honestly get those people in my room after they worked with some of these people because they still don't know what they're doing.
And they got a whole bunch of like inspiration and they got really raw rod and they felt very, like they felt a certain way temporarily over a period of time, but it didn't actually result in anything substantial. And what I think is misleading about the way certain people are positioning themselves around that is they don't realize like these energy coaches have amazing structures in their business. They had, they're really strategic.
The way they do premium sales is very intentional. The way they have a sales funnel set up is very smart. They just don't teach those things or emphasize that, Hey, here's how I'm getting the results. They're, they're speaking about, well, it's like about being the person and like calling it in the attraction based things, which, and I consistently coach my clients around those things too. We have to look at the come from places of our actions. So writing content.
I'll definitely coach my clients to get into a certain and space and hard space and to, you know, feel and then produce what is, you know, they're going to follow the things that I've been teaching them around messaging and content development. And certainly when you have channels set up in your business, the way that me and my clients do, then when you do practices like magic and manifestation and you amplify your alignment and you do those things too.
Then the channels widen, but the channels exist. Like those very specific ways that people can come in and pay you have to be in existence first. And then the energy kind of supports all of it to stay really fluid. I'm more on the side of, you know, in regards to your first question, I'm more on the side of like, be really consistent and don't be run by your emotions. What I see in the spiritual space online is too much like,
You have to feel inspired and feel embodied and feel all these things all the time in order to attract money or clients or to create content or programs or channel things. Like, no, actually I've made a lot of money when I haven't felt that great. I finished my book in the middle of the worst heartbreak I've ever had. And I launched it to bestseller status in the first months of being single after, you know, two and a half years. There was a lot of.
real human things that I go through on a regular basis, but my business is set up with such a consistent machinery that it lets me, the person have all those experiences, but it not impact the business. But you know, that original question is like, be consistent. Don't worry about being perfect. Don't worry about like feeling a certain way all the time. It is far, that's like making it about you when your business is about serving others and solving problems. So consistently get online.
or create a system where your business is online and you don't have to be as the person, which is what I teach and what I have. But show up for your audience, show up for your clients, show up for others consistently. And sometimes, you know, you'll feel a little bit more sparkly and aligned than other times. But what I found is the content pretty much we'll do its job and you've got the strategy there. My book, there were periods of times writing my book where I felt like on cloud nine and it was all coming through and it was amazing. And it was like the most aligned energetic magnet I've ever been. And then there were times where I was sitting there pacing and hating it and just crunchy AF and I couldn't write and I would sit and I would like bang it out and I would feel like, ah but I was determined to cross the finish line with the book. And the funny thing is when you read it,
you couldn't possibly tell what sections of the book where I felt what. It's all incredible and it's executed and it's done and it's a best seller. And that's the best thing of all is it got into people's hands who needed to read it. And I got through the highs and lows of doing it. And so I think that's like there needs to be more bandwidth in these kinds of spiritual entrepreneurs to manage your, but to manage your ups and downs. Sometimes you're going to feel great. Sometimes you're not going to feel so great, but can you continue on this path. And that will be the difference between zero and the millions. And this is like, I mean, for sure if people are gonna like hate parts of this. It's like, great. That's okay. And you know, I just to wrap this up, I and think that what you just said is so on point, of course, just my opinion. And it's not just because you're my past coach, I really genuinely
wholeheartedly agree and think very similarly in terms of, listen, if you are waiting to execute, there are strategies out there, like the ones that you teach and sell, right? If you're waiting for any reason to execute and and it's just emotional, and we're just making it about ourselves, then we cannot possibly get to the end goal, which is making an impact, getting the book in the hands, you know, getting the the product out there to actually create the transformations. That's what we're here to do at the end of the day. And so if we don't have the strategies to back that energy up, then what are we really doing here? Right. um And so I'm going to end it there. And Elena, if you could tell all of our listeners where they can find you and
what you're launching right now. um And by the way, this should be launched end of May, but you know if if you know what you'll be doing then, and please, by all means. thanks dina Well, you guys can find me on Instagram at hey Elaina Ray. And if you loved this episode, just DM me. Like I love hearing from listeners of any of the shows that I do and just say like, hey, I got this takeaway or like I love to rant about blah, blah, blah. So I'd love to meet you.
And I have a free training that historically has made people literally thousands of thousands. I've had people get 10,000 builder clients from this training. It's called sought after. It's a three part series. You can get it at Elayna Ray.com slash sought after. And it's all about the messaging that's going to help you really communicate the value of what you do in a way that people are going to start to take an interest in buying from you regularly. So that's an amazing launch pad into my work. And then.
signature offers that sell. For those of you who are new coaches and you want like the strategy roadmap, that's my course. It's self-study. And it's what I do with my live clients just laid out in a formula where you can take yourself through developing an offer, clarifying your niche, generating leads, validating the offers, making sales. And then you're off and running on a really good trajectory from there. Awesome.
Sweet. Thank you so much, Elena, for all of your time. I appreciate you so, so much. And we'll talk to you soon. Thanks, Dana.