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EP 20: How to escape the time-for-money paradigm & induce the high level of personal belief it takes to make it your reality image

EP 20: How to escape the time-for-money paradigm & induce the high level of personal belief it takes to make it your reality

S1 E20 · The Modern-Day Healer
27 Plays3 months ago

I’d much rather be playing with my kids or spending quality time with my husband than working around the clock to make ends meet. 

But what does it REALLY take to escape the time-for-money paradigm?

What does it REALLY take: 

🍭 To do work that feels more like your art,
🍭 To do it only a few hours a week (NEVER cutting into family time),
🍭 To make enough money to support your family, and
🍭 To be present and 100% capable of ENJOYING it all?

I’m going to break it all down in detail during this episode. If your goal is to start a soul-led business that fills your cup and allows you to pour into others, never sacrificing your well-being to do so, this is going to be an awesome live for you. Let’s dive in!!

I can’t wait for you to listen - and don’t forget to let me know what you think! Find our contact info below! 👇

Receive free, customized support to escape the time for money trap in your own business to generate a profit and impact with SO much more ease. Click here to book your free Spiritual Business Strategy call with Dana now 🥰

Connect with Dana HERE and tell her what you loved most about this episode and what resonated deeply.

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Introduction to Modern Day Healer

Hello and welcome to the Modern Day Healer podcast. I'm your host, Dana Hayes, and I am so excited to share with you the stories, the trials, the tribulations, and most importantly, the triumphs of my own as well as many other successful modern day healers.
We've gone all in to pursue our passion to make an impact in the world by helping humans heal from the and anyone else who feels a calling to help others heal. grow and share their light. You could be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a writer, a speaker, a podcast host. You might be a workshop producer, a course creator. You're most likely an entrepreneur and can't shake the desire to make your calling your career because you know how much impact you could make if you went all in and had the opportunity to share your story with the

Dana's Journey and Growth

world. That is a modern day healer.
I'm a podcast host, a co-author of an amazing book about the journey of sobriety, a wife, a mom of two young children, and the creator of the spiritual lifestyle brand, Living in Power. I am Dana and I am a modern day healer. I am so glad you're here. Let's get started.
Hey guys, let's try this again. I am Dana Hayes, if you don't know me, and I run a podcast called The Modern Day Healer. I also run a business called The Modern Day Healer. It was living in power to begin with, but things have changed and I've gotten to know myself, my clients.

Balancing Business and Personal Life

I've really gotten dialed in on what I'm doing, who I'm speaking to, and what this is all about for me more. And the Modern Day Healer just felt like such an amazing fit for an overarching brand and for the messaging and everything. So, um, today I am going to be hopefully creating an episode for the Modern Day Healer that will be published. Um, and so I'm really hoping that this episode gives you a
as much value as any other episode in the Modern Day Healer would, um but here on Facebook first. So I'm really excited to share it with you. And I really, I want to say that I have worked really hard for the past decade to build a business that I am proud of.
And when I say proud, I mean, I am proud of who I've become in the process.

Aligning Beliefs with Actions

I am proud of the relationships that I have because of it. I am proud of the marriage that I've not just resurrected, but I mean the passion that we have for each other is more than when we first met and we are soulmates. So that's saying a lot because Dom bought a ring four months into knowing me. Okay. I'm proud of how present I get to be with my children because of the fact that I have stuck to
my desire to liberate myself from non-serving beliefs that could have kept me from getting to the place that I'm at in my business and in my life. And that is a place of full freedom, of liberation.
and I think the easiest way to explain that liberated mindset in a tangible way is to look at it as an escape from the time for money paradigm that most people find themselves in when it comes to business, when it comes to work, when it comes to a career. Because I know for myself that I started in that place because we're That's what we're indoctrinated into um as people, right? I mean, the Industrial Revolution definitely gave birth to the time for money paradox, or I'm sorry, the time for money trade-off, but it's our job
to know that if we are going to show up every day saying, I desire freedom, I desire liberation, I desire wealth from the inside out. I want to live my life. I want to be present for those I love. I want to do work that feels like art. I want to do work that lights my soul on fire. But then we go into business and we start doing our business and we eventually veer from our desires, right?

Value-Based Business Model

Now we're acting from a place of misalignment. It's really imperative. It's so essential to look at whether or not your beliefs and your desires are matching the actions that you're taking.
Meaning, it's like, okay, so you say you want liberation, you want freedom, but then you go into your business and you start looking at your schedule and you start booking people in, in your head. And you're like, if I book myself out as if I'm a therapist, right? Let's, let's get it this way. If I book myself out as if I'm a therapist, I could handle, man, I could handle like five clients a day. I could charge them a hundred bucks an hour. And then I could make $500 a day, five days a week, do the math. Okay. And there's my cap.
And immediately it's like, oh wait, that's not really what I want. That's not really what I want. And yet we avoid that voice. We avoid that truth. And we go, but okay, I don't really want that, but I've got to start somewhere. So I will start by booking people in.
for that $100 a pop. And then before you know it, you've got people signing up. And then all of a sudden, before you know it, you are stuck. You're stuck trading your time for money. And I know that some people listening might be like, oh my God, you know, I'd give anything to be making any money. And I totally get that. I can appreciate that because I've been there. But what I want to say to that is that
When you get to that point and you are making money, but it's a time for money trade-off, it is very hard to escape it because no longer do you have time or freedom to create, to be expressive, to get into a mode of operation where you're feeling so expansive in your life that the infinite well of ideas, inspirations, and possibilities Those are no longer available, right? Because we are trading our time for money on the front end and it's like, oh my God, now I'm, I'm feeling like I'm running behind. I'm running, running, running, and I'm never getting ahead. My head is never above water and you're spending so much time and you're like, why is this not coming together? Right. And I know for me, like this is, I, I started by
spending all of my time trying to get people results. I spent all of my time trying to hustle, really. I was always trying to market myself. I was always working with people. I was always charging too little for the value that I was putting out there into the world. But my thought was I have to start somewhere. And where I'm going to start is in this place of I'm going to get these people results and then I'm going to reverse engineer whatever method it is that comes to me naturally through this process of getting these people results. And then that will be my ah proprietary method that I will then charge people a lot of money for in the future. And guess what? That did not work because I was spending my time trying to, number one, get people results.
We don't get people results. I just want to put that out there right now. Like I can't get you results. You get yourself results and therefore that means I need to work with people. Like if I want somebody to receive results and get results, I have to be aware enough of the person that I am calling in to know whether or not they are capable of taking full responsibility over the results that they get for themselves, right? And so really what people are paying you for and what people began to pay me for
is no longer are they paying me or you for your time. They are paying you for the value that you are exchanging.
to them

Integrating Personal Growth into Business

for their money. It's an energetic exchange. And it frees you from that constant running, feeling like you're behind the eight ball. You have a million tasks to take care of. You have marketing to do. You've got things to do, right? You've got places to be. You've got results to get for people. It's like, no. OK, first thing we do is we recognize we get results for no one. They get results for themselves.
we release ourselves from that thought, right? And we're going to get more into the belief process. um but escaping old, non-serving beliefs in a second. But I do want to harp on that for a second because I know for me when I was getting people results, when I was the one doing it, I never actually did. And also it became such a codependent relationship between me and this person that I would never even be excited to go get coffee with, right? Like this person was somebody and this happened multiple, multiple times when I first started my business.
Um, but this person was so reliant on me to get them results. And that's the place that they were coming from that it was a constant downward spiral. They brought me down. I brought them down. It was frustrating. It was hard and.
In reality, it was futile. It was never going to work because what was happening was there was a codependency on the other one, right? This person is dependent on me for their success and I'm dependent on them for my success. There's a codependency going on when you are getting people results.
They need to be able to get results for themselves. That means that you have to believe in yourself enough in order to call in somebody on a higher level of consciousness, somebody who is ready and willing to take more responsibility for their actions, their behaviors, and the results that they get for themselves in their lives.
And that takes a shift in your own belief system, right? But that's a big piece. This is a huge piece. It's an essential piece of escaping that time for money trade off. And building a business that you are like, oh my God, I'm so excited to be here. The pressure is off.
I feel like time, I'm just in flow, right? And it's not just when you're in your business. It's not just when you're sitting here doing lives or you're marketing yourself or you're um you're in your programs, right? You're teaching a group. You're doing your one-on-one calls. You are in flow at that time, but you're also in flow in the rest of your life. And so your life experiences the hard things that you walk yourself through.
and plus all of the beautiful things that happen, all of these things work together to give you, they become the lifeblood of your business, right? They become the heartbeat of your business. It's like becoming success conscious. So every tough thing that life throws at you becomes an opportunity for you to live life through the lens of however you, like this X factor that you bring. And we're gonna get into that. so This is like your unique light, right? This is how you stand out from other people. But when life throws things at you, you get to actually use these opportunities to live life through that lens, which is your personal brand, which is your marketing message and then becomes your offers and then permeates out throughout everything that you do. It's your energetic signature, right? It's your X factor. So
I used to think that I needed to do more in order to have more. I need to work morning, noon and night to figure things out so I could get myself results and thus my clients results. I had to prove that I could do it on my own because then I would have a proprietary method that everyone would want to buy.
I sacrificed my time, my peace of mind, my relationships, social gatherings, healthy eating, even um my marriage.
all along believing that the more I sacrifice these things now, the more results I get and the more successful I'd be in the future. I really believed that if I sacrificed my time with my person, my time in my relationships, my time at social gatherings, my own healthy eating, if I sacrifice all of these things now, I would get to where I wanted to be and then I would be successful.
And then I would be able to enjoy all of those things, which is hilarious because I think we both know that the paradox here is that when I got happy and I became fulfilled in myself and got to know my real self, that is when the success happened. And that is when, you know,
That's when all of the all the peace came back. That's when it was like, oh my God, okay, so all I really needed to do was get happy first and then the money and the success will follow, right? It's about living a quality of life in order to let the quantitative follow. It's wealth from the inside out. Wealth doesn't just mean money. Wealth actually doesn't mean money. Wealth means abundance.
right? And so when people use this term wealth, yes, money is the material, um the material form, one material form of wealth, but it comes, that quantity comes as the quality of your wealth of life builds. And so I had to get happy before um before I became successful. And so sacrificing all of this time with my partner, with my kids, everything, it got me nowhere except in to a lot of inner turmoil because all of a sudden I'm like blaming all of the external circumstances around me, the people, the places. Everything is to blame for my lack of success. I need more time. I just need more time. If you would just give me more time.
So I spent my time and energy on so many things that didn't matter and I got I got nowhere that I would consider successful at this point. I was not happy. I was definitely not rich. I was not sober. I was not fulfilled in any way, and I was absolutely misaligned. And so I think for me, my definition of success at this point in my life has changed so dramatically because success to me back then, it really did mean money. And I would tell myself over and over, like, no, it doesn't just mean money. Success to me means impact. Success to me means happiness. But on some level, I don't think I believed that I needed those things or could even accomplish those things. And I thought that the money, I think I really believe that that money would bring those other things, would bring the happiness, would bring the um the joy of my life that I was lacking.

Belief in Higher Self and True Purpose

So, and the fulfillment as well, I really, I think I genuinely thought that the money was going to fulfill me. And so it was extremely frustrating because I had these desires, you know, but none of them were manifesting. And I was spending all this time, right? Like I'm ruining relationships. I'm ruining my marriage. I am a mess. I'm like overeating. I'm ah wasted a lot. I am numbing myself. I'm smoking cigarettes. I'm doing literally everything I can to numb the pain of the misalignment and of the experience of not having what it was that I wanted.
And so what I've learned is that to achieve the specific type of success that I'm after, which is the one where I am liberated, right? Why do we start these businesses to begin with? It is to liberate ourselves. It is to feel freedom, to be able to live life, to express ourselves, to express ourselves at the highest level. But the only way to do that is by releasing the pressure, right? By turning the valve and and like,
letting yourself feel those things and be that person and become her first. so And also it means escaping that time for money trade-off. It's a paradigm that has been
instilled in us for so long that we don't even I think a lot of times we don't even recognize what it is that we really want and that what we really want is to escape it and to be free from that and I think like you know I work with clients who in the beginning don't even really know what questions to ask and it's because they're still unsure and uncertain of what it is that they want and I think What they come to find most often is that they are looking for the freedom to express themselves fully without the fear of what other people are going to think about them for sure. And then second and probably number one is they're looking to.
have the time to be present with their families, their friends, and their kids, and to make work not feel like work, and to make enough money to do all of that and to experience the wealth of life um without sacrificing any of the things that matter to them. I know that's what I believe success is. That is how I define a successful business.
So what needed to happen in order for me to make that shift from time for money to value for money, right? It sounds so cliche, okay? But it's cliche for a reason because it's true. I needed to actually believe in myself.
But what part of myself did I need to start believing in? Because I had no lack of belief in my brain. I had no lack of belief in this finite self. I had no lack of belief in this person Dana, but I had no belief in the infinite self, the big S self, the, the part of myself that is inextricably tied to something bigger. I had no belief in that and I wanted it, but I didn't have it. And I didn't realize at that point that I lacked faith. I lacked faith in myself.
in something bigger, technically you lack faith in yourself because you are a part of that thing. You are a part of that bigger thing. You are a part of the whole. Let that sink in for a second. You are a part of the whole, so if you lack faith in something bigger, you lack faith in yourself. But when you believe in something bigger and you actually take action to follow that bigger thing,
and to show yourself like to find evidence that it's worth believing in you find evidence that it's worth believing in yourself because you are that thing right okay so why is that imperative like where does it where does it come from why is that belief in self imperative i just told you where it comes from but um it's It's not only okay if not only the most successful and fulfilling path, but also in terms of a job or work, it is the easiest path, is following that higher self, is following that high belief in yourself, in your true self, in your big S self. This is the easiest thing
This is the easiest way for you to liberate yourself because number one, like believing in your true self is liberating. Like that's, that is the point of it. Um, cause it liberates you from the bondage of little s self because it gives you something to believe and it gives you a path to follow. And it starts to give you this new way of thinking, this new way of life that is literally infinitely more um abundant than the finite limited perspective and the limited uh experience of life that your mind that your little s self could ever possibly conceive of or give to you so the results that you're going to get from following this higher thing are infinite right you're tapping into this is how you tap into your infinite potential like people are always talking about how do you reach your highest potential what is your highest potential
Right, there's a huge gap between your mind and your soul, your mind is finite, it is extremely it's limited to your past experience of life which is how many years, how many years as a human, right, that's very finite that's very small, and there are only so many outcomes that you could conceive of.
When you're building this business there's only so many outcomes that could possibly take place because you're looking at these outcomes and you're going okay how do I reverse engineer this.
business in order to get to this outcome that I'm conceiving of. It's like no-no. The easier way to reach this actual no-cap, limitless, boundless place in your business is by following the limitless, boundless, infinite place within yourself, right?
Doesn't that make sense? It's so funny though, because we sit there and we go, I've got to be logical. I've got to be logical. I've got to do this smart, right? But that's actually the issue. The more logical that you are, the more that you follow that finite part of yourself, the the harder it's going to be because you are pigeonholing yourself into this very, very small place where the possibilities for these outcomes are just So, so limited.

Developing a Unique Personal Brand

Okay, so what happens when we actually follow that higher self? When we go, okay, I'm going to choose to believe in this and to follow her instead.
This is where you literally find yourself, right? You start connecting with her. You start going, oh my God, this is who I really am. Beyond the personality, right? Like these are the real truths about myself. This is crazy. I'm learning so much. I'm becoming the person. I'm becoming the match. How do you do that, right? You're always following the higher thing. you're You're always living your life through the lens of spirituality, of living this higher
from this higher perspective. You're always living your life through that lens. And then what happens is you end up either quickly, like all at once or over time learning who you are. And this becomes your X factor. This is what becomes your brand. This is what becomes the overarching message of everything that you're doing. This is the thing that makes you unique and makes you stand out amongst all of the millions. There are millions of people out there who are trying to get other people's attention in mass marketing. You are going to stand out because you're going to say something different because you're going to be yourself and people are so not used to that, that that is actually enough to disrupt the market.
Okay so this is why it's easier because what most people are doing is they're competing with each other they're all trying to use an info driven way of marketing to the masses they're all saying the same thing.
They're regurgitating information. What you're going to do is you're going to connect with your higher self. You're going to prioritize that and you're going to follow that because not only is that where the higher belief system is, but that's where the higher message is because that's who you really are. And then what's going to happen is you're going to show up in your marketing and people are going to go, I don't even, I don't even really know what this girl is saying right now, but I want to be a part of it.
because there's something going on here that I'm attracted to and it's because it's the frequency of truth. it is it It is the highest frequency. People are so attracted to it naturally because that's what they are on the inside as well. So you're reflecting the possibilities of life back to people just by connecting with your higher self and learning more about her and becoming her and shifting your your perspective of life from one of mind and body to one of soul, right? And as you do that, you start to live in your truth more.
and you begin to take on a different vibration, a different frequency. And then it's like you live your life through that that context and it gives your whole life context for your business, right? So your experience of life, then it's like, oh my God, okay, this is a story to, this is a time where I get to make a decision, right? How I'm going to handle the situation, I'm gonna handle it through the lens of spirituality, because that's my brand, because that's what I stand behind, because that is my that is what changed my entire life. That's my core ethos. That's like my value system. That's everything to me. That is my business, right? That's my X factor. That's what makes me unique, is that that shift in perspective from one of mind to one of soul. So everything I do in my life then,
is done through that lens. And so like, for example, if me and Dom get into an argument, I have to take a beat and go, how would I handle this?
if I was shifting my perspective from one of mine to soul and I have to do that. I have to. So if I don't, that's where misalignment comes in. That's where self-doubt comes in. And that's where people trip up in their businesses because they're like,
I'm a healer, but I just can't seem to put into practice the things that I teach. It's like, okay, so we've got to get into the core belief system here. What do you believe in? Do you believe in something bigger? If you believe in something bigger, you believe in yourself. Now, it's like take action from that aligned place in your real life and bring that into your business. That is how you build a business based off of spirituality and off of this liberated right mindset where there is no cap. Because again, why did you get in this business to begin with? It was not to pigeonhole yourself. It was to show your multidimensionality.
It was to allow yourself to express your multi-passionate nature. You're a soul. You're an infinite soul, right? You're not just this finite human being. You have so much to offer. And when somebody gets into that hole, I'm going to compete with the mass marketing. I'm going to say what everybody else is saying because that's what I think I'm supposed to do. Therefore, I'm going to start marketing my message. I mean, I'm going to start marketing my method as opposed to myself.
right As opposed to the experiences, the outcomes, the beautiful things that come from that method, that's when you get into competition with mass marketing. And if you can tell me, I love saying this, if you can tell me 10 marketing messages that you heard yesterday from ads, you are an exception to the rule because there are so many at this point that we have lost count and The brain can't keep up. That means that you have to have enough reach. That means you have to reach enough people with enough frequency paying millions of dollars in ads to make an impression on people that competes with mass marketing. Do you understand that?
So what I'm telling you right now is golden.

Leveraging Uniqueness and Higher Consciousness for Success

If you can connect with that higher part of yourself, you're going to find the X factor. You are going to no longer compete, but collaborate with those who are riding on the same level of consciousness. You are going to call in people that are on that higher level of consciousness.
they are going to see the value of what it is that you do, right? And no longer do you need to trade your time for money. You will be trading your value for money because you will be able to charge more for it because it is extremely, extremely worthy of that and valuable. And here's why, because you are living your life through the lens of that higher perspective from that higher self the real part of you, the real you. This is the you, this is the them, this is the everybody that every human being wishes to experience before they die because it's why we're here. This is like, this is, oh man, this is just core stuff.
Right? This is why we're here. So when you operate from a higher level of consciousness and allow yourself to do that business from that place and believe in the highest part of yourself and to actually follow what it is that you want as opposed to what you think people need and You speak from that place. You articulate from that place. You show up from that place. People feel something different. They, again, might not even know what you're talking about, but you're going to learn how to tell stories and you're going to give context to what you're talking about so that it's sticky for them and they can understand. But other than that, it's like, okay, this is how we escape the time for money.
paradigm. This is how we do it. We follow our higher selves. We stand out by doing that. We learn what our x factor is. And our X factor, your X factor is you. It's your higher expression. It's whatever makes you unique. Like for me, for example, like I'm not just a spiritual entrepreneur. I have a podcast. I have kids. I have a husband. I'm sober. um There's so many nuances to who I am and I bring it all into my business. This is another thing. This is why it's easier because I don't have to cut out time from my real life
to do stuff like this. Like, I wanted to do this. I wanted to get on here today. I didn't have it written down like, whoop, at 7.30, I've got to go live and been sick to it. No, I just, I've had this on my mind all day. And I was like, man, I really want to go in depth on this subject. I really want to talk to my people and tell them what I'm thinking because it's me expressing myself. And in fact, a lot of times I can feel myself throughout the day if I if i have something that I'm really excited about that. I want to share I can feel myself getting agitated because I'm not expressing it and I need to so this is an outlet like your business becomes an outlet for higher expression becomes a spiritual path in itself because Everything is spiritual right and so your business cannot be compartmentalized That's the whole point okay, so oh man, there's so much more to this and I
I want to tell you, but honestly, I'm going to leave it for the next episode or I'm going to leave it for another live because there is so much more. And the way I'm going to leave this is if you are like, okay, I get it. I get it. I understand how to escape yeah the time for money paradigm and I want to get into the value for money exchange.
I want to learn how to believe in myself. I am ready to learn how to like actually execute these things and take the spiritual action necessary to connect with that higher part of myself. And then I'm right also ready to learn you know what strategies to implement in order to receive that next level wealth in my business, that also lends itself to the wealth that I feel, the quality of life that I experience as well, right? Like it all goes hand in hand. If you want to learn these things,
You can DM me, or you can go to the link in my bio and you can book a free spiritual business strategy call with me. I am booking them now for free right now until December 10th. And on that call, I'm going to lay out the most effective, mind-blowing, mind-blowingly simple,
method strategy for you to execute in order to get to where you want to be, where you're present with your family, where you're no longer hustling, where you're no longer running behind the eight ball going, where is my time going? I want you to remember why you started this business. Why? Why did you do it? It was to liberate yourself. It was to not It did not work for somebody else, it was to be able to express yourself to create something, a legacy, something that is bigger than you. Right. If you want that if you really want that getting caught in the time for money trap is going to
create a very unhealthy pressure that is going to stifle your growth and cap you immediately and cut you right off at the legs. You don't want that. You don't need that. You want freedom. You want liberation. I know that. That's why you started this. And you want that for other people as well.

Invitation for Business Strategy Call

That's where your impact comes in. Because when you're free to create, when you're free to be yourself, when you're free to make as much money as you genuinely want to,
Things get easy. They get fun. And the more fun and the more easy that they get, the more money that you make, the more impact you that you make. It's all reciprocal. It all is cyclical. It all works together. It's all spiritual, right?
That's it. So I'm going to leave it right there. And I think I am going to publish this on the podcast. So if you've listened here, thank you very much. If you're listening to this on iTunes or Spotify right now, um thank you so much for listening. And I will put a link to the free spiritual business strategy call in the show notes.
And I will also link how you can get in touch with me there as well. And I will see you guys next time. This was super fun. Have a great night.