EP 06 - Secrets of manifestation and magnetism I wish I’d known before I started my online business w/ Autumn Richardson image

EP 06 - Secrets of manifestation and magnetism I wish I’d known before I started my online business w/ Autumn Richardson

S1 E6 · The Modern-Day Healer
25 Plays1 month ago

In today’s episode Autumn Brianne Richardson, a top 1% podcaster and leading voice in the manifestation and spiritual community, joins Dana to discuss the power of magnetism, embodying the divine, and the magic of the journey. They explore how to move beyond limiting beliefs, alchemize emotions, and tap into the quantum field to manifest dreams beyond what the mind can conceive. Autumn shares her "Magic Woman Method" for reclaiming personal power and living an extraordinary life. This conversation is a masterclass in spiritual entrepreneurship, revealing how to let go of control, trust the process, and allow the universe to deliver the unexpected.

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Hello and welcome to the Modern Day Healer podcast. I'm your host, Dana Hayes, and I am so excited to share with you the stories, the trials, the tribulations, and most importantly, the triumphs of my own as well as many other successful modern day healers.
We've gone all in to pursue our passion, to make an impact in the world by helping humans heal from the past and find true empowerment in their lives
She is me and anyone else who feels a calling to help others heal, grow, and share their light. You could be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a writer, a speaker, a podcast host. You might be a workshop producer, a course creator. You're most likely an entrepreneur and can't shake the desire to make your calling your career because you know how much impact you could make if you went all in and had the opportunity to share your story with the world. That is a modern day healer. I'm a podcast host, a co-author of an amazing book about the journey of sobriety, a wife, a mom of two young children, and the creator of the spiritual lifestyle brand, Living in Power. I am Dana and I am a modern day healer. I am so glad you're here. Let's get started.
Welcome, welcome, welcome to today's guest. We have autumn Brianne Richardson. She is but a bad ass. Okay. I met this girl in a um amazing mastermind that we're in. It's called the vortex and it's with Shoshana Raven. And this woman has inspired me beyond belief. So I'm so excited that she's here, but even more than that, she is a life loving quantum cow girl.
Host of the magic woman podcast and leading voice in the manifestation and spiritual community known for her transformative work with women who are ready to lead extraordinary lives. And you guys, she is in the top 1% of all podcasts. So I highly recommend you go find her and listen to her magic woman podcast. She has a background that includes overcoming personal trauma and thriving as a six figure manifestation coach her journey.
as a testament to the power of inner work, spiritual growth, making your own rules and embodying what we know to be true about quantum physics. And oh my gosh, do we talk about embodying on this podcast? She has helped thousands own their power, unlock their inner magic woman and manifest their dream lives using her magic woman method, which I cannot wait to learn more about, that blends science, spirituality, and personal empowerment. Yay. Welcome to the show, Autumn. So happy to have you here. Yay. Thank you so much for having me. Wow. like So honored, and so grateful. I can't wait to dive in deeper with you. I love you, your magic. I feel like there's so much overlap in what you and I teach and just where we like to resonate and hang out. So I'm excited to dive deeper with you.
Me too. And for those who don't know me or Autumn, um we are in this mastermind together and it is so incredible. And a couple of weeks ago, um Autumn and I were in a three hour session sharing um what we know to be true about business life. Just some, we had to share something really valuable and Autumn was sharing and she just lit this fire inside of me that I have been waiting to be ignited. um And she really honestly helped birth this podcast because I have been toying with the idea of having a podcast for so long. And it's such a testament though to the idea of like being patient and really believing and trusting, um trusting and relying in something bigger than yourself and allowing that
that higher part of yourself to show itself through other people. And so I had been t toying with this podcast for a long time and it wasn't called the modern day healer. It was called um the living in power podcast because I thought I would just name it based off of my own brand. You know, I was being really logical about the whole thing and I would have these like little ideas or what I thought were big ideas come in um and I would interview people and I had a couple episodes here and there, but I never actually published the podcast because it never really felt right. And it never felt like the right time until honestly, I just looked at Autumn and heard what she was saying. And I couldn't even tell you what she said. And again, this goes back to the trust and reliance and something bigger and allowing it to guide me. I'll just speak from my personal experience. um
instead of trying to always guide and coach it. And so in this moment, I think I basically saw God in autumn and I was like, Oh my God. And I had a vision right after that call. And I knew it came from that moment in time of inspiration and inspiration, by the way, means in spirit. And that's exactly what that moment was for me. And it just lit this fire like, Oh my God, it's called the modern day healer.
And I'm going to interview all of these amazing modern day healers, people who have gone all in on their on their dreams of building a business based off of their spiritual empowerment, basically. um So I am so beyond thrilled to have you here, Autumn, because you are such an inspiration and such a magnet. And actually, that's what you're talking about with magnetism, which I thought was so incredibly interesting. So I just I have so many things I want to get into with you today. um And I think that actually might be a fun first angle is going towards that magnetism route, because you said something so insanely inspiring, which was
If you are going to magnetize people, you are not only going to be attracting them, but you're also going to be repulsing them, like actually making them go, ew, oh my God. And I have found that in my own business and my own success until the day that I decided I was allowed to be a little bit polarizing, right? Um, until that day, everything was kind of vanilla. And I don't think I was speaking my truth.
And then all of a sudden I was just like, you know what, F this, I am going to speak my truth. I'm going to say what I think. And I'm going to say what has happened to me based off of my own experience without worrying that somebody's going to have an argument or come back to it because it's mine. It's my experience. And when I did that, it was like the floodgates.
opens in all the ways with clients, with real ideas, with real inspiration. And now things have physically come to life and it's beyond what I could have ever created just using my mind alone. So please speak to this magnetism idea. And maybe before that, take us back and like tell us the story of Autumn Breanne Richardson. Like how did you get here? How did you learn about magnetism? Like what is this?
Thank you so much, Dana. It's so awesome to see when me just being in my magic, really that reflection so received and inspires you to be in your magic in like that deeper way. And this is something I talk about so much with my women is like, how many of you are here in my spaces because I talk about my successes. I talk about what's working for me and like all the hands raised, you know? And I feel like sometimes we're afraid to shine our light so big. And that really plays into the,
magnetism piece And it also ties into Marianne Williamson's quote that I just like reference every day of my life. Our greatest fear is not that we're not equipped, but that we're powerful beyond measure. When we shine our light so bright, yes, there will be that like natural repulsion and people won't, some people will be offended or aren't ready for it, but pet other people will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame as they say, just, I need some of this or you've inspired me to be me as well. So that's just always such a great reflection to receive. So thank you.
And wow, so I grew up, I'm gonna take you to the back. I grew up with like a very, I'm from an oilfield town in West Texas. And my parents were different. You know, my dad had like a Buddha tattoo on his leg and he was a part of the Rosicrucian for a while and just like a mystic, you know, into different spiritualities. We watched The Secret when I was really young, when I was like 10, that's my first memory of I knew magic was real. you know when we We saw the secret. and My dad actually got me my first life coach when I was pursuing my modeling career when I was 15.
and Yeah, so I was pursuing this modeling career. I ended up developing an eating disorder from this place because I had to completely manipulate my body. And if you saw pictures of me, Dana, you would not recognize me. Like I was just a completely different woman. I had completely transformed my body. It was insane, but I ended up moving to New York when I was 18.
pursuing this modeling career, you know, working in my life coach, I totally manifested this. When I got to New York, I broke out full body hives had my like intuitive awakening. This isn't for me moved back to Texas. I'm like, what next? But I started this YouTube channel.
ah to vlog about my glamorous life in New York and my modeling career that never happened. And when I got back to Texas, I started making videos about eating disorder of recovery and self-love and body image. And naturally from that place, I started getting women wanting to work with me. So I started my first business as a coach, helping women love themselves and love their bodies and heal from eating disorder.
And the business has evolved as I've evolved, as personal brands do, you know, Autumn Brienne has kind of been like at the the forefront of my brand. But I ended up moving to Hawaii a year later, I was 20, or a couple, two years later, I guess, because I was 20.
um Heartbreak, love, expansion, dreams come true, everything in between deep existential crisis when COVID happened, because my parents were also crazy, are also crazy conspiracy theorists, of course. So it was just like, oh, all of it at once, what is real, what is true, what is right. And this is what also made me connect to you and your story, Dana, when you were sharing it in the mastermind we're part of is that deep existentialism because I have completely been there and I think that the magical moon method will really resonate with you and just some of these deeper aspects of my work but basically I did decide what do I believe in like what is true for me because I was lost in the cosmic sauce just like fucking off my existential rocker I can't even put it into words it was really intense like what is true what is real um but finally I kind of came to this conclusion of
It's all God. It's all God, like deep into quantum physics, ah getting in what I would call the womb of the great cosmic mother or going into the quantum field. God's mom's mom's mom's mom, like that's a great cosmic mother to me, where everything is born from. If it's all divinity, then it's all divinity. What would happen if I actually acted like that, embodied that? Was that not compartmentalized? Well, yeah, that's true maybe in this place, but when it comes to business or when it comes to war or things that are really unjust and wrong, like how do we embody it there? So there's lots of nuance to this conversation, but
that's really the place I invite magic women to be in and what has anchored me. It's kind of ironically, or maybe even paradoxically given me a sense of like, okay, peace, comfort, like it is all divinity. So I can show up and I have a little bit of like parameter to my beliefs, but also through it, it's transformed what manifestation is to me and how we manifest and what it means to actually manifest And we play with the laws of the universe. And there's so much in between, but that's, yeah, that's the journey. And it was also so so perfectly done. So perfectly orchestrated. then Really grateful for my parents. You know, my dad giving me my first life coach when I was super young and just introducing me to this world. Like it was very meant to be. I love that. Okay. That is so cool. And it's so cool that you have such supportive parents because I feel like
Most people do not come to this place that you and I have found ourselves um from a place of inspiration, but more from a place of desperation. And it sounds like, you know, of course we can have both. um But it's it's it's kind of one of those things where I aspire to be that parent to my kids who is showing them the secret, you know, and giving them the magic without them having to go find it um through some uh, some huge crisis early on in their twenties or early thirties. Like I had to, although of course, if that happens, then it would most likely be the best thing that it could be. Because like you said, and this is how I feel. And this is my experience is that it's either God is either everything or nothing at all. And that's how I have to live my life. Because if I start questioning every little thing, then I start to try to control every little thing.
And when I try to control anything, it falls apart and it does not produce anything creative. It doesn't produce anything, but insanity really. And that is the, the place in, you know, that I never want to end up in my life ever again. And in fact, the opposite of that living in true sanity and full alignment with my higher self, with my higher power has allowed me to.
like produce to really actually create and instead of disrupt. And, um, and it hasn't just been my business, you know, it's been in my relationship with my husband, it's been in my relationship with my family members. Everything has healed and people have healed around me just through osmosis. So I, for one, am a huge proponent of everything is God. Um, and for the listeners, if you, if you have a different word you want to use, use it.
This is all about your conception of this, not ours. um And so if the word doesn't work for you, don't let it limit you and your experience of this podcast today. Like really allow yourself to just change whatever needs to be changed as far as the verbiage goes because it's just a symbol for for what we're talking about. And it's it's honestly, it's just all energy. I mean, at the end of, in my opinion, you know? Yeah, I'll use the words, God, Goddess, Source, Divinity, Energy, Interchangeably. Like, it's all the same to me. Same, me too, that's exact. And I constantly find myself doing that too, especially when I'm online and I'm speaking to different groups of people, I'll be like, God, Source, Universe, whatever you wanna call it, like, love.
ah So I would love to ask you, because you you mentioned this just now, you're talking about manifesting and you have this this unique experience with learning how to manifest. And because we're sitting here talking about business and wanting to, you know, desires, right? The desire to have this modern day healer business going from, you know, taking your soul's calling and making it a real career. I mean, that's what the people want. At the end of the day,
It's like, okay, so how do we take that desire and manifest it? Do you want to speak on that for just a second? Absolutely. yeah so but cooler so First of all, we have to understand that we're always manifesting, period. Manifestation is a natural byproduct of existing. Things are coming into manifest form. Manifestation means to come into form. Things are continually coming into form around us. so It's not a matter of manifesting or not. It's a matter of getting really good at manifesting what you actually want.
And not just like as a consequence. So the way that I teach it is kind of in two different parts and ties into the magic woman method and we'll get there in a moment but what I would love every woman to to really know and feel and realize is that we don't get every We don't get what we want from life. We don't get what we need from life. We don't get what's possible from life. We get who we are from life. And one of the laws that I work with, it's a Hermetic law that's found in the Kabbalah, like ah Jewish mysticism, is the law of correspondence, as above so below, as within so without.
So something I like to say a lot to my to my ladies is like, if you're funny enough, you'll get a laugh out of the grumpiest person on their worst day yeah because that's how natural law works. Like you get what you are from life. You get what you are. Like the rudest person will be nice to you if that's who you are and what you are demanding energetically. Everything is so nuanced in that way. You get what you are from life. It just has to work by natural law. It has to work that way.
Also, a little water magic geek out for a moment. On a molecular level, every one of our cells in our body, and think about like your eyes have thousands if not millions of cells, your skin cells, your ivory organ, all the different cells that make them up, are coated with thousands of water molecules.
So that makes us molecularly 99.9999999% water, just like on a molecular level. And as above so below, if our body truly is mostly water, the external experience of this reality is mostly water, meaning mostly emotional. So a huge part of manifestation.
and how I teach it is in two different parts. One, getting really good at alchemizing emotion, having this emotional mastery, being able to but feel whatever needs to be felt fully, not bypassing it, but taking it through. I teach what I call the process of connection, where you feel the emotion fully.
you tell the truth about the emotion. This is all God, me, this emotion, this person that triggered the emotion, every part of the situation, this is all divinity, this is all source, and I call my power back to me. So that's step three. You feel the power coming back to you. It's not separate from you. It's not not you, it's perfect. And ah ultimately, it's probably the perfect trigger that was meant to happen for you to get to feel this feeling where you'd given power away. So it's all about calling power back. And so that's like step one is being able to just feel our emotions and process them and not create story about them, not attach them to an identity, but just actually have this emotional maturity piece. And then the second part of manifestation is being able to conjure emotion.
And this is all, like most of mainstream manifestation is about this, conjuring emotion. If you want abundance, feel abundant now. If you want abundance, feel abundant now. And it's like, yeah, that is honestly, that is the key. But if you haven't mastered that first part, it's not going to matter. Like you're going to try to feel abundant and you're not going to. Cause you have to first feel fully and lean in and be able to process and alchemize and like come into your power. And then you conjure emotion and you get really good at conjuring emotion.
So I kind of break it down in those two pieces. So for me, something I did a lot, especially with business, was tie everything to my worth. So even before it was business, it was like, man, if he liked me, I felt worthy. If he didn't, I didn't feel worthy. And then as I got into business, it was like, when I make money, I feel worthy. When I don't make money, I don't feel worthy. When that client says, yes, I feel worthy. When they don't, I don't feel worthy.
So I had to become what I call the unconditional woman, and she's kind of like a subpersonality of the magic woman, where I can feel worthy unconditionally. I can feel whole and loved and everything else good, abundant, whatever, unconditionally. And from that place, if something triggers me, ooh, it's opportunity, I get to take my power back. If something doesn't go my way. Ah, yay. This was, it's like a finding a jewel, a gem, a treasure, a piece of a treasure chest on a hunt for what you desire. This was the next step that had to happen for me to get what I want. So yeah, it's like a different kind of view, I think on manifestation, but also that conjuring piece is important. We do need to know how to conjure emotion and hold a frequency.
and take powerful action in the direction of where we want to go. But it's almost, I would say, impossible to actually do that consistently if you haven't first like realized that everything's divinity, treated it that way, called your power back multiple, multiple times, and begin to, what I call, hack the hologram. So it's like and beyond even manifesting. We're hacking the hologram. We're seeing past the matrix. We're creating a different layer of matrix.
I'm just sitting here going, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yes, yes, yes, aha, yep, I agree, because this is my experience too. And just, it's amazing how, again, okay, here's another example of how everything is God. It doesn't matter what language you use or how you describe your own sequence for getting to the same place, right? It's like, I have my own,
version of exactly what you just said, and it literally hits the nail on the head on every little piece of the puzzle so um when we're talking about like manifesting quote unquote what I actually want. I think for me it was like, okay.
and figuring out what I actually want is like the first thing I have to do, but how do I do that? Well, first I have to actually know who I am and who I am is not this little S self. It's not this, it's not Dana. It's the highest part of myself. So how do I get in touch with her? Oh, I need to, un I need to clear out all of the negative emotions that are blocking me from connecting with her.
And so over 1000 times, I mean probably 1500 at this point, I have done this same practice over and over and it's very similar to what you just explained.
And I call it the unbothered method, but it's alchemizing emotions. And it's literally taking back my power from the past and not changing my path, but changing my perspective of it and seeing the truth of the situation instead of creating um a narrative from my own very finite point of view as this human being and allowing myself to really connect then after I've cleared myself, allowing myself to connect with my true self again, and in that,
I get to learn more about myself. I get to love myself more because I'm creating a relationship not only with um my higher power, but my higher power is me, right? So I'm now connecting and creating a relationship with me. And when I do that, I get to know what I actually want. And guess what? Sometimes it's very different from what I thought I wanted because what I thought I wanted seven years ago, if I really am honest with myself, it's what society told me I wanted. And on some level, some of it is still true and comes and is following me into this part of my life. However, I see it very, very differently. And I see it um as being like, for example, money or clients or any of the stuff that we just mentioned. Like you said, it's not, I don't have my worth attached to it anymore. It's not about that. I am actually here. I'm present. I'm able to enjoy life with or without the outcome going the way that
I quote unquote want it to. And like you also said, it's like, and when I find something that triggers me, it's like not always super exciting. I'm not always like, yay, but at the very, very least I am, I know I have to look at it. And once I do, a lot of times it unlocks this crazy new part of myself that I would have never met had I not looked at it. So then it is exciting. And it's like, Oh my God, this is, this is actual magic.
Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's one of those kind of like shadowy sides of the manifestation world is there's always another manifestation. As they say, like as soon as you have the golden needle, you'll want the golden thread and then you want to weave a tapestry and then you want to sell a tapestry and then you want to, you know, like it's just there're always, always, always more.
and the journey. And that's why I love Abraham Hicks, you know, and even like Alan Watts and just all these mystics, all these modern day healers talk about, enjoy the journey, be present, enjoy the journey, just be present. And the way I see it, I'm like, this is the, what more could divinity, God source spirit, this all powerful, everything being that is, and it maybe isn't even aware it is because it's just so omnipresent, powerful, want,
than to it to experience itself as powerless and then powerful and somewhere in between and wanting something and not having it yet and then getting it. Like this is pinnacle expression of existence.
and Enjoy it. Enjoy it. The more you can enjoy the wholeness, which is like both, you know, all sides of the spectrum, contrast included, that's when I feel like things get really, really magical. And it's one of those things also that's so much easier said than done, which is why I always try to kind of demystify.
the process of manifestation. It's like, yeah, it can be super easy. It can be. And it can be super fun. And it can be all these things. But when you're in the midst of like a heightened emotion, or you are triggered, or something didn't go your way, and you really thought it it would, or whatever it is live transition, how do we like remember to zoom out in that moment, like, this is all me, you know,
It's, it's so simple, but we're so immersed in these characters in this movie. And that's like the best part because the cake when it tasted sweet and the heartbreak wouldn't be so complex. And, you know, wouldn't be just like the beautiful existence it is. So it's like that, that dance and that balance, that nuance, which is why we get to have conversations like these and have, be in masterminds and, you know, have our mentors and listen to podcast episodes and everything else to remember, to remember, to remember, but ultimately,
I like the tantric approach, which is immerse myself fully rather than separate myself from. I'm here for life. I want to live. Daz, will you explain that just a little bit more, that tantric approach?
Yeah, so that's ah funny, because in our mastermind movie, we're like existential tantricas. That's the name of our group. And it's totally fits into this episode, but it's an Eastern philosophy. A lot of it is about, ah like, is very masculine, I feel. A lot of Eastern philosophy, like Buddhism, that really separate yourself from reality, like, ah detach yourself.
Don't go, don't dive into those pleasures. Like don't let your ego drive you. It's very detached from existing. Go, like transcend, move away, go towards source and away from existing. But the Tantrica approach, the Tantric approach is more, this is, this is God. God is the ego. God is the drama. God is the sex. I'm going to dive into it. I'm going to lean into it.
And both have their shadow, of course, you know, nothing is perfect. But to me, that embodiment of everything is divinity is so tantric at nature, whether it be this argument, the drama, I always say divinity loves the drama, the job the drama, the drum drum.
Divinity loves the drama. like it loves the as we you know I'm a huge fantasy book reader myself, so you know the the heroine and her journey into her deepest power and her romantic love along the way, usually they st start off as enemies and end up as lovers. ands That is what human existence is and it's not wrong, right? So this is the tantric approach approach is like, it's not wrong. This is actually what God desired. It's what God wanted. This is what divinity lives for. Let's dive into it. Let's live with this awareness and this, you know, this is me. This is all one and we do our al alchemy and we play in this way, but it's not separating divinity from life or God from the devil. Like what if it's one, right? Both sides of the same different sides of the same coin.
wholeness, immersive, play, live fully. great and be Truth. truth. You just reminded me, I don't know if you've ever seen the reality of truth, but it's a um documentary on Gaia on the Gaia app. It's so good. And essentially, these it's a documentary about ayahuasca. But It's better than that. it It goes so deep into one person's experience of it at the end. like It's like the last thing you see. But um essentially, my my takeaway that I want to bring to you right now from that movie, go see it, go watch it, you have to see it, is that the the guy who was producing the whole thing had, like at the end, he did his ayahuasca, he had the trip, and he basically
I think he asked um Mother Nature and Ayahuasca, like why is there evil in the world or something like that? Like that was his big question going into the Ayahuasca trip. And she like zoomed him all the way out into the depths of the universe, like out, out, out. And he could see the whole universe.
And essentially like he had this physical representation of positive and negative forces. And that it all just was a totally, it was just completely balanced. It was just a pure balance. And he was like, oh my God. And then also he was like, and in that moment I realized that God was a woman. yes Love that. Of course, the womb of the great husband. That's how I see it. Hello. right So actually, because we're talking about this, um you know, we're and talking about enjoying the journey. And i i I kind of love this, this path that this conversation has naturally taken because
I cannot tell you how many clients in the past I've had say to me, especially in the beginning of working together, it's like, I just wish I could enjoy the journey more. Like I wish I had more joy for it. I really do, but I don't because for XYZ reasons. And to me, it's like, we started this conversation talking about the possibility of being mad magnetic, right? And being a force to be reckoned with in your business and attracting clients and attracting money and attracting love or whatever it is, and attracting healing. So I kind of want to switch this um this conversation up and speak to the idea of magnetism through the lens of how we can like bring that joy for the journey into our experience of life and then through that
I feel like that is where the genuine magnetism comes from because you are living as your highest self, as your real self. Yeah, I fully agree. And that's what I teach in the magic woman method. So the magic woman method is five steps. It's step one, get in the womb of the great cosmic mother. So get your ass in the quantum field. Remember who you are. Connect to divinity through your own body. Like who's earth's mother? Where did earth come from? Who birthed earth?
You're from Earth. Our bodies will return to Earth. Our bodies came out of a woman's body that was made from Earth. We eat food that turns into our body. We drink water that turns into our body. We are not separate from this Earth. And Earth was born from a body, the cosmic body, the woman, the great cosmic mother. you know We have atoms like oxygen and hydrogen that create our body. Our 14 billion plus years old, we know they're probably infinity years old,
there's There's so much magic. And step one is just connect to that. We didn't have to live on a planet that's this beautiful. We didn't have to be alive and like humans are so beautiful. It's crazy. Like this didn't have to happen, but it did. Get in the womb of the great cosmic mother. Two, when you're in the womb of the great cosmic mother, you everything exists, right? Good to bad, right to wrong. Everything you want, everything you don't want. It's just all there. it's It's oneness, it's wholeness. And you can choose anything. So choose to be the magic woman.
get in the Women's Great Cosmic Mother step two, choose your magic woman identity. Choose to be the woman that sees that everything's happening for you, that can see divinity in everyone and everything she looks at, that drinks her morning coffee like it's God, who doesn't let anything outside of her have her power, including toxins and all the bad things on planet earth that everyone's so afraid of and has to eat beef liver and all these things to be good and right. Like, no, she doesn't play that game.
She's just like, this is all divinity. Plastic is God. you know It's like that level of embodied quantum physics. And then step three is, and anytime you forget that, anytime anything triggers you, you apply the process of connection.
or you go through Dana's unbothered method, right? Just whatever it is that's gonna bring you back to your power. The other step is to take inspired action as the magic woman. So so step three is you get you choose to be the magic woman, then you take action as the magic woman would. You go for what you want. You do what you wanna do. If you could do anything in this world, what would that be? You do that. And then any resistance along the way, anything that makes you feel powerless, you apply the process of connection or you do the unbothered method.
And then step five, when you forget, or the process connection doesn't feel like it's working, or you just like don't even remember to do that because you're so in it, you return to step one and you get back in the womb, the great cosmic mother. And it's that simple, that easy. Because when you are the magic woman, what happens? Because we get what we want from life. And when we're in our deepest power, living immersed in life, doing what we want to do, writing our own rules, I love the word magic with the word the word authority.
ITY, the Latin STEM, means the reality of. So being the authority is the reality of being the author. you're writing your life story. What you decide to say about any moment is true. Sometimes I'll talk with clients and they're telling me about what's happening, what's happening in their life, what it means, what it is. And I'm like, that's, if you want to tell it that way, you can, but like, here's another way we could tell it. And like, what are five other ways we could tell it? And all of them have equal truth, you know? And it's just like, who are you going to be? Let's choose the magic woman story. So when you become the magic woman and you're living that way,
what you what comes into your life is so much better than what you would have even imagined it to be. like One of my clients right now, she's singing at concerts, like it at music festivals. And she's like, it's so crazy because this wasn't even on my vision board because it's a dream so big I wouldn't have dared to dream it. But she just became a match to that kind of opportunity. And She didn't try to do that. y'all like She was just laying naked by the river, quit her job, moved into the forest, being her most magical self, enjoying her life. She was teaching pottery for like $10 an hour. you know None of it made sense. The next thing you know,
She's like going on vacations all the time. and for Women in the group were like, Sam, do you work? Like, she doesn't have like an online business really. We're like, how are you doing this? She's like, it just keeps coming my way. You know, like the opportunities are flowing. I'm doing the things. And it's like, the better your life gets, the better your life gets. And sometimes we try to figure it out so hard. Or like when we have these mediums, like you and I have a business, I get, this is like one of my biggest energetic bottlenecks is I get like,
but It needs to come from clients. This is the avenue in which I have created for myself to get what I want through my business. And I have to but like zoom out. My clients aren't my source. My business is not my source. Source is my source. God is my source. I don't know where it's going to come from. My job is to enjoy my life, to be so immersed, to be present.
and then let it be better than I could have expected. Maybe it'll come from my business, maybe it won't. Who knows what the opportunities will pour in from. a really great example I have, and this was what I was sharing about my podcast is one of my, my assistant, I have an assistant who mainly she just, she does a couple of small things for me, one of them being fine potential guests for my podcast. And she reached out to people I would not have reached out to like my, like Carolyn Elliott, like Jill Winterstein of Spirit Daughter who has 2 million followers on Instagram. And both of them, I just interviewed Jill last week. Like it was,
I know, so crazy. I'm like, I didn't even realize, you know, she's one of the leading voices in the spiritual community, really. And I, I wouldn't have asked for that, but because I'm the magic woman, and because I wasn't involved in it, putting my weird energy all up in it, it came into manifest. Oh my God. I had a really similar experience. I would never, there's so many, but like right now I am, and you might've seen this in the vortex, but I'm running many,
Many retreats constantly, they're all sold out. And it's the weirdest thing because I have never in my whole entire existence ever thought to myself, hey Dana, you should really try to start running cacao ceremonies, facilitating cacao ceremonies and sound baths. I don't know how to do it. It literally fell into my lap. And because I just allowed it to flow through me, I genuinely believed that it's it's successful because I got out of the way and just allowed myself to be the vessel. And going back to the whole magnetism idea, it's like, yes, and when you do all of this, and when you when you don't make the thing your higher power, when you don't make the business your higher power, when you don't make the plan coming to fruition, your higher power,
And you make your higher power your higher power. That is when you become a magnet and you gain access to more than you could have ever conceived of in your own little mind. Because your your mind is just playing off of whatever you've experienced in the past. And you don't have a lot to go from. But there are billions of people in this world. There are billions of pasts.
And that means that yours is very, very tiny. It's very small, often and fragile and limited. And if you can go beyond that, then you have the capability. That's where the potentiality is, right? That's where the limitlessness is. But until you're willing to let go of the outcomes and let go of the need to control every effing thing around you, like talking about the toxins, for example, I have sat with people who I have mad respect for, who I'm like, this is a great healer, like this person is amazing. However, you bitching and complaining about how the diaper industry has gone down is bringing you down, right? And how all the toxins and all the soaps involved, like I get it, I genuinely do, but it doesn't bother me because I don't allow it to, right? And that's, again, it goes back to that unbothered thing because I,
If I let things, if I let the physical reality or, or a better way to say it, if I let the things that I don't want in this world to bother me, which like you said, you know, they're God. If I let those things bother me, I am literally just blocking myself. I am just stopping the flow. And I, what am I doing now? Now I'm just going to try to force and push and pull and and control things, external circumstances to get what I quote unquote want, when in reality, that's not what I really want. I'm telling myself I want that, but I'm not even in touch with the part of myself that knows what I want. So in order to get to that place, it really is a matter of like letting go of control, trusting and relying in your higher power, whatever it's called, not making other things your higher power. And by the way, the way to know if you are is whatever you are thinking about most,
that is your higher power. Like whatever you are putting putting most of your energy into, that has become your new higher power. So for me, I have to be very, very diligent and um consistent with my own integrity as a healer, meaning I need to, on a daily basis, be doing the inner work, clearing myself out, using the tools that I have in order to stay clear and connected and make sure that my higher power is my higher power so that I can become the magnet to all the things that I didn't even know I wanted.
I love that. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And it's one of those things too, to me, where if we're really going to embody what we know will to be true on a scientific level, like quantum physics has proven. I love Dr. Joseph Spence's work so much. Yeah, I just sourced some, you know, like, thank you for doing the science that I can like pull from in my work. But in the book Becoming Supernatural, he has a whole chapter about People who visualize themselves lifting weights and they're visualizing it so much, like it's them doing it and they're feeling their body and they're so in the visualization, but it's just happening in their mind, but they're doing it fully in their mind. And then the people who really lift weights and they both had the same results. The people who actually lifted the weights and the people who just saw themselves and visualize themselves lifting the weights. That tells you so much about the power of the mind.
That tells you so much about what we believe to be true. And I love, that's another word magic, believing, be living. You know what you really believe based on what you really be living.
You can think you believe it, but if you're not be living it, you don't believe it. And so with like the toxins and all of those things, although there is truth there and we can completely convince ourselves there's truth there the same way you can convince yourself veganism is the best diet based on hundreds and thousands of case studies. And you can convince yourself carnivores is the best diet based on hundreds and thousands of case studies. And you can convince yourself this strategy works and this method works. And all these people have results doing all these different things. So there's truth to everything.
But if we really see everything as divinity and we're really embodied in that knowing, then the outside of you condition, whether it be toxins or mold or whatever it is, the government, like whatever it is, it only has as much power as you, as you want to give it as an extension of divinity, as also equally powerful extension of God as that said thing, whatever it is. And this is where it's like this radical, radical honesty with ourselves, and this radical,
knowing and and like I love that visual. You gave two of that guy zooming out and everything being balanced. Because that's us. like That's us too. like We have the the best of the best. and the My grandma used to say, every person has the best of the best and the worst of the worst in them. and Just who are they being in any given moment? like it's not Nothing is that this way or that way. It's just all all of it.
the toxins, everything on planet earth, there's this duality and the magic woman can just hold both and take powerful action in the direction of where she wants to go. So you can play those games, the like toxin games and the, this is why I'm not powerful game. i I think divinity has no bias on whichever game you want to play. Like it's all fun. Divinity gets to be a different version of itself everywhere you go, you know, like You do you boo, like I'm not here to deprive of anyone of any flavor of life. But if you want that, like that freedom, um the next level version of what your reality can be, you get to get really good at holding a lot. Like your capacity gets to be really big. I completely agree with everything. And it's like, I i remember being so rigid. Everything was black and white to me. I'm an addict, right? So I have this like,
I have this very fun brain that tells me that everything is black and white and that there is no gray area. And that's what I had to um use that unbothered method a thousand times over to really rewire that way of looking at things. And I genuinely do not see things that way anymore. However, I do remember being so rigid and and really like Clenching my fists and um holding on really tight to a lot of beliefs. Like, I mean, I think it was probably 10 plus years ago that I started my first blog and it was all about veganism and how it is the only way. And I was angry, you know, it was not born of like inspiration. It was born of resentment towards other people for being so stupid. And that is not an open place to come from. And I, i
just know, looking back, how stunted my growth was. And, you know, you're talking about not taking um the the flavor of life from anybody, whatever, regardless of what flavor it is. And I totally agree with that. And I think that it's, it's like you said, it's all about what do you want? Do you want, well, comes down to that age old, do you want to be right? Or do you want to be happy thing?
Right. And I genuinely don't want to be right. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I'll get in a fight with my husband and I'll be like, I am not, I am just going to be like this for a second. Cause I, I would rather be right. I would rather, I know myself sometimes I would rather be right than happy, but it passes really quickly because I know at the end of the day, what I genuinely want because I know myself, I know my true self at this point. Um, but that rigidity, that rigidity of like having these,
these choke holds on um different things in life is what for me really kept me blocked from everything else. And when I say everything else, I mean like the full potentiality of the universe. And that's so sad because there's so much and there's so much good and so much fun and so much lightheartedness. You don't have to try to control everything in order to feel safe. It just really for me came down to having this propensity to trust and rely on something bigger, do the real work that it takes to connect to it. to Like you said, embody and walk as that person, right? To really become the embodiment of it, not just using a bunch of words, not just gaining more self knowledge, but actually asking for help and humbling myself and going, I can't i don't want to do this all alone anymore.
And not just asking help from other people, but but from that higher source, using it then to lead the way. And that has opened the world to me and to anybody else that is in my world. Like I know for a fact that it has affected people very positively and it's not just my clients. Like it's all good.
Absolutely. And that's what I would say is a result of the way the hologram works. You get what you are from life. And when you change things around you change, your partner will be different. like things It doesn't make sense to our logical mind who's created what Earth is and what life is and how things work. And oh, they're just a narcissist and all these different things and things and places and stories and blah, blah, blah.
But it really is us. It really is us. It's divinity. Divinity is one thing. It's just been able to fractalize into all these different shapes and forms and pretend to be all this stuff. But everything on earth, I think this is like the best example I have. Nothing on earth is alien, whether it be the color of bright ass orange I'm seeing out my window on this car or my microphone or the plastic.
my hair, my eye colors, my jewelry, you, you're bathing suit. Like all of this is common from earth. This is all earth and time like alchemized versions of herself, but none of this is alien to earth. It's the same thing with divinity. Like this is all earth came from source, right? Like this is all divinity just in different flavors, different variations, but it's not, none of it's alien to you.
And to really walk that way, I mean, who would you be? And how how does that apply to business? That's why I love working with women in business too. Cause I'm like, girl, this is your hologram, babe. Like, yes, like the strategy have a simple strategy, but, and I've learned this with my eight and seven figure entrepreneur mentors. They're like, yeah, you know, 20% strategy, 80% energy as everything is, you know, even the strategies energy ultimately. I totally, it's so funny. Cause I didn't want to.
I didn't want to accept that for a really long time. The fact that it's 20% strategy and 80% energy. And so when I found myself being so fully immersed in the strategy, that looking back, that was me, my little S self, like forcing, pushing, pulling. Most of that wasn't strategy. And you kind of touched on this earlier. And I think it was Samani who I've already interviewed who said, all the strategies work.
like its it's not a It's not a matter of like, does it work or not? They all work. But what it comes down to is allowing yourself to be true to you, like walking as your most authentic true self. That doesn't mean coming out and telling the world all of your angry stuff and and feeling fine about it. Like that's not what I mean. I think sometimes people get very confused about what being a true, you know your true self is or what that looks like. And for me, it really is like, it's your highest self. Would your highest self do this? Would your highest self think this? And it starts, for me, it starts with a thought. and But it really is going after that, that highest self and walking from that place. And then
becoming that person that does the thing and then watching it all manifest itself as, as that. And so when you are walking as your highest self, you are essentially opening yourself to the strategy that's going to work for you because this is your calling, right? So you know that this path is yours and you've been called to it for a reason. So definitely follow it and then open yourself to the strategy that works best for you and To be honest with you, the strategy that works best for me is definitely energetic because it allows me to just free flow and to trust and rely and do all the things that I know to be, um, that have worked so well in all other aspects of my life and have created beautiful outcomes. So I just trust and rely that in that highest part of myself in my business and allow it to run my business.
however that sounds, and that's energy, right? I'm allowing energy to run my business, and it does. So, right? Right, exactly. And even ultimately, a little existential here, but anything that appears to be solid, we know it's made of tiny vibrating particles that aren't actually in form, only when we observe them do they appear to be form, but in reality, it's just energy. So like, it's 100% energy.
like ultimately the strategy is just energy worked into a different form like the car versus the cop it's all divinity you know and it's that yeah and I think that can be that's something that actually tripped me up for a while almost like the question you brought into our group of like if it's all energy, it's all God. And like, what do you can choose? You know, what is, how do I believe in something enough to see it come into manifest? Like, this is going to be the route to get me there. And I think that brings us back to this is why it's so important to love your life and just be so immersed in your life and in the present moment, and and exciting and let yourself fall in love with the character that you are a story.
and live a real really great story and do things that are really fun and trust the intuition and the inspiration when it comes through and you'll know in the moment when it comes through because it'll come through so clear and so loud there'll be no other choice but to follow it and that's that level of like I guess flow state for lack of better words or just being so in your body so in your life that a lot of people feel too anxious or blah blah blah like to ever ever ever ever really get to feel for a minute but it's so clear and from that place and that's what's hugely game-changing for me is being able to access that deep love for existing in just this moment in this life and wherever you are whatever is in front of you getting to be there fully
and you'll feel so good about it you'll be so inspired whatever action comes through you'll know what to do you'll do it and then you'll move on to that next inspiring thing when you come back around check your emails they signed up but you weren't choking it out. you You weren't trying to like make it happen or push it. I think that's where we get really tripped up with the, it should work. It should work. Like I'm happy. I'm positive. I'm, but keep checking it, keep checking it. And there's an incongruence. Like, no, live your fucking life, live your best life. Be your most magical self. Let this, let the strategy work behind the scenes. Cause it will, cause this is your hologram, baby.
And not like you're hacking it. Yes. And that again, and I'll leave it at this point here, it's like wrapping it up. That is the whole point. This is the epitome of being magnetic to clients to whatever it is that you truly want. It's allowing the outcome to be what it's going to be, but having true trust.
and reliance in that higher part of yourself and allowing it to do its job and getting out of the way. That's the clearing out phase. And then that's the connection phase. Get out of the way and let yourself connect and let it flow through you. And I promise you and Autumn promises you, based off of experience, true life experience, that the the results are going to be so, so so much bigger and so much better than your mind could have ever conjured on its own, period point blank, like that's the truth. Thank you so much for being here, Autumn. This was such a good talk and I know that everyone got so much value out of it. Will you tell everyone where they can go to find you to learn more about you and if you have any offers on the table right now?
Yeah, so a couple of different places. Instagram's a really good place to hang out and just get to binge my content, get to know me a bit more. I'm Autumn Brienne on Instagram. My podcast is the Magic Woman podcast. You'll find it streamable everywhere. Magic with a CK at the end. And right now I have a couple of things going on. I have the Magic Woman Retreat coming up this October in North Carolina. If you're feeling that spontaneous desire to come play, it's going to be epic. We have this incredible house. We have a private waterfall. It's kind of insane. I'm really excited about it. Other than that, I have a free quiz. It's your magnetic manifestation style. It's so fun. It's like an old-school magazine quiz where you're like A, B, or C. It's just super fun. I'll give that link to you and put in the show notes for everyone.
definitely play with it. There's three different types, Enchantress, Seductress, and something else that I cannot think of. I'm an Enchantress personally. So, um, gosh, what is it? I can't remember. Y'all have to go extra incentive to go find out. And thank you so much, Dana, for having me. This has been a blast. I love chatting with you. Oh my God, of course. And I will, I'll link all that in the show notes and thank you again. I can't wait to talk to you again.