EP 08 - Giving into your sexual bliss and increasing your capacity to receive w/ Nikki Ananda image

EP 08 - Giving into your sexual bliss and increasing your capacity to receive w/ Nikki Ananda

S1 E8 · The Modern-Day Healer
55 Plays1 month ago

What if there was a way to feel so ridiculously confident in your abilities to go out there and help others heal that you could finally make the decision to stop tip toeing around and start WORKING your magic today?

I’m talking using your God-given gift to share the experiences of Truth you have to offer (in whatever way lights you up)  to help thousands thrive and RECEIVE money for your service in exchange.

And lots of it. More of it. More than you’ve ever received before…

In today’s raw and delectable episode, I interview Nikki Ananda, a beautiful, embodied example of what happens when you put your spiritual healing practices where your mouth is, HA! The topics we cover today are highly flavored with sex, vulnerability, and the concept of becoming a “receiver” (literally and figuratively) in your life and business.

The magic of this conversation is the discovery that all healing runs parallel to itself at some point. So no matter where you begin, as long as you take action and make it a priority to build your spiritual perception muscle (we give highly detailed advice for what practices you can employ for yourself in the episode if you haven’t got any yet!) the capacity to hold more of the richness of life (ahem, hello passion, money and love!) in any form WILL come to you…it’s just a matter of time.

Click here to connect with Dana, or click here to connect with Nikki to let us know what resonated deeply with you from today’s episode. We would love to hear from you!!

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Hello and welcome to the Modern Day Healer podcast. I'm your host, Dana Hayes, and I am so excited to share with you the stories, the trials, the tribulations, and most importantly, the triumphs of my own as well as many other successful modern day healers.
We've gone all in to pursue our passion, to make an impact in the world by helping humans heal from the past and find true empowerment in their lives
She is me and anyone else who feels a calling to help others heal, grow, and share their light. You could be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a writer, a speaker, a podcast host. You might be a workshop producer, a course creator. You're most likely an entrepreneur and can't shake the desire to make your calling your career because you know how much impact you could make if you went all in and had the opportunity to share your story with the world. That is a modern day healer. I'm a podcast host, a co-author of an amazing book about the journey of sobriety, a wife, a mom of two young children, and the creator of the spiritual lifestyle brand, Living in Power. I am Dana and I am a modern day healer. I am so glad you're here. Let's get started.
Welcome, welcome, welcome to the modern day healer podcast. I am your host Dana Hayes, and today I have with me the beautiful, the deep Nikki Ananda. She is a mentor for entrepreneurial women on the sacred feminine embodiment path and This woman when I tell you she has a story worth telling. um I mean that's that puts it very very lightly. Nikki I'm so excited to have you here you of anybody are a modern day healer.
Um, I, I don't want to waste any time. I want you to share with us your story of empowerment. How did you start? Where, where did this take you? How did you get to become the mentor that you are today? Please share with us. Okay. So I have a lot of stories.
So I don't want to see what what wants to come through, because there's so many different angles that we can really see our life moving through. And I think one of the things that that I thought was unique about me, or I feel is unique about me when I was young, um was I was very, very alive. So because of that aliveness, as we know on like this awakening and embodiment path, like with the more alive we are, the more magic we draw in, the more attraction comes in, the more stories we have,
So even in elementary school, I remember like looking at my peers and being like, they don't have the stories I have. There was something there. There was something there. But with that, it really did. like you know um ah my My stories really started at my conception point. And I want to just respect my biological mother and all things and not get into the details of that. But like even my conception story was like,
Not that, not not in love, we'll just say it was not in love. So that really set my body up for this blueprint of ah struggle, of struggle, of distrust, of a lack of safety and things that were happening when I was in utero and I was adopted right after I was born, 17 days after, but my biological mother never never touched my body. So these wounds of like abandonment and the lack of safety, the lack of being held, like those were blueprint programs that I this body has not known without this body, not my soul, but this body came in with those programs. So there was something about this that gave me like a wild edge. And I was always on like this quest for liberation, which like could look like rebellion, it could look like acting out, whatever it was, but it was just freedom, like it was just wanting to be expressed wanting to be free.
And through my journey because of certain coatings that were in my body because of my quote unquote rebellious spirit, I ended up putting myself in like not great situations. And I do believe that we are the creators of our reality. And I think we can, um there's a little bit of nuance when we talk about this, but I take full responsibility for everything that happened to me in this life, including um Certain assault experiences. Yeah, I personally take all responsibility for every experience that has happened in my life, even when I was a child, even when I didn't, quote unquote, know better. I can see that my body, my vibration, my templates were the attraction point for specific experiences.
And with that, like with that empowerment lens, like that's really the only way we can alchemize the gold. like That's the only way we can collect back the places that we've leaked out our power, leaked out our energy, and it is kind of like this Jedi mind trick, right? Because it's not absolute truth. There's so many different ways we can perceive our stories, and it really is about being the story makers and the energetics behind that. It's not a mental game. It's an energetic game.
So yeah, there there were these specific blueprints and sequences of traumas. But you know we have these core wounds. And essentially, life just gives us these experiences of repeating and amplifying, repeating and amplifying these signature wounds that we carry until we finally like look at it and do the work to, um whether it's transmute or alchemize, do the work to heal it heal it ultimately. um So yeah, so without getting into like so much of the details, I can say like the four main pillars of alchemical work or healing work. It it started with the mind.
and then it became the body, and then it became sexuality, and then it became money. So these are like the four pillars of liberation. And then I say like the four pillars of of my personal development, like the the pillars of, um you know, the structures that held me, the systems that held me and supported me through were yoga, plant medicine, sacred sexuality, and entrepreneurship. So they kind of go hand in hand and they're also like all all infused within each other.
I was super young when my spiritual awakening started like super, super young. I was still in high school. But even at 13, I think a lot of us I'm sure your audience can relate to this. Like I was so young knowing like I don't want to be here. Like this is not my planet. What am I doing here?
How do I get off? And when I was younger, um before I even had a spiritual awakening, i was just I just had longing. I had longing for more. I had longing for, there was this pain, there was this ache, and and I have so much to say about like what that actually represented in the mythos of Sophia and Sophia being reunited with like the Christos, the Logos, the God consciousness. like I understand on on a totally different level now what that longing was. But at that point, it was just this desire to feel a greater connection to something because I knew there was something there and I knew I was disconnected from it. And I think the intensity of how I embodied that is directly reflective of my birth experience from my conception and that not being not being conceived in love.
And union is something i'm I'm deeply passionate about, sacred union and divine union, of course, our traumas are our gifts. um But yeah, like coming from that that place of longing and then having these awakening when I was like 17 years old, senior year in high school, but it didn't come in embodied. Like I was not embodied. I was so dissociated from my body. I had so much trauma in my body. and My body was not a safe place to be in. So it was all this like mental shit, like just literally just knowing.
literally just like universal truths and God consciousness coming into my brain. And what I didn't know them because I didn't care about embodiment, I was trying to ascend off the planet. like That's what I thought this whole game was. Let's ascend and leave the planet. Right. ah um Finally,
I had an awakening many years later. These awakenings were coming in for probably like five years, um like 2006 to 2012. And in December of 2012, which was like this massive energetic portal for the planet anyways, I had an awakening that literally put me in a mental hospital.
literally blew out my circuits, literally blew it out. And the way that I described this at this point, because like what I definitely want to talk about is from going from like struggle to good and then good to bliss and then more bliss and then more bliss. And it's all nervous system work. like That's what it is. So what happened at that point was, um and I had all these guides and you know beings. I don't know how woo your audience gets, but I was very connected to guides. We'll just say guides that were like, you're killing your body. You're not eating, you're not sleeping, you're trying to quote unquote, to send off this planet and the work is to be embodied. And I had this whole big, massive, life changing pivotal. um And I would say a walk in experience at that point.
After that, I went straight into my yoga teacher training and that's when I actually learned my body as a temple. And I saw it and I felt that it wasn't just this heady like, oh, my body is a temple. It's like, whoa, like my body is an actual temple to house my soul. And that's when I really started getting into feminine embodiment and the Venusian path and understanding it's not just ascension, it's the ascension and dissension and the cycling of energy like throughout the body.
And when we look at the nervous system work, um the way that I see it is like our nervous system is just circulating currents of electricity through the body, this light energy. And the light energy is just God energy. It's God, not just. It is God energy. It's God consciousness. So our work is really in deepening in our embodiment, deepening in our capacity for nervous system regulation so we can expand God consciousness throughout the body and actually be God walking embodied.
Yeah, so i could I could go on and on and on. like I got into plant medicine shortly after that. um I was always doing psychedelics, but like going to Peru and worked with working with ayahuasca for five years, and that really started to undo the trauma in my DNA and in my cells. And from there, um a massive sexual awakening that got me on the sacred sexuality path and studying with different um practitioners and womb healers and really going deep into that and finding finding my calling and my purpose in that work.
um And yeah, like all all of these pillars though, you know it really was, it was was the yoga, it was the plant medicines, it was the sacred sexuality that got me from that that suffering into freedom, into liberation. And I thought I was there, I thought I i made it. And then it was actually Ayahuasca that was like, when are you gonna start your business?
Like when are you gonna start to make money from this? And then that whole other piece of financial liberation and being fully sovereign, being sovereign walking on this planet, self-governing with the money currents coming in became that that final pillar. And once that was landed, once money was safe, my body was safe, my sexuality was safe, and my mind was safe, once those four things landed, that was the end of struggle, the end of suffering. And then it just became this game of how do I hold even more joy? How do I hold even more bliss? And that's the current, that is the struggle, quote unquote, is how much bliss can I hold in my embodiment now? Yeah.
yeah I love it. It's like um i I had this book for so long, The Big Leap. I'm sure so many people have read it, but it's got this, you know, the concept is the upper limit problem. And I just, it just hit me like, oh man, that's exactly what that is. That's the problem. That's the big problem. And when you first start, it's so low. I mean, for everyone, it's different, obviously. But for me, it was really, really, really low. I had no capacity to hold any joy. I didn't know how to do that. And I think it's really interesting the way that you have explained all this, because for me, living a parallel existence, but as a completely different human in a different lifestyle, um you know it's it's so interesting because the paths are
completely parallel, but we've done different things. We call things, we use different words in some ways. um and And the end result though is a greater capacity to hold more joy, to hold more bliss, to hold more love, to hold more of the good stuff. And I just have to tell you that I think it's so interesting that you mentioned the pillars that you've created based around your own life experience um because they 100% align and match up with it. I actually wrote down basically those pillars for our our episode today, like as a rough
um and sir Yeah, like that's a wireframe for what we could talk about. And i it's crazy because it really did go from headiness, being in the mind, always thinking, brainstorming, how do I get out of this? How do I, like you said, how do I ascend? How do I escape really? And not realizing everything is spiritual, right?
everything is God, including this body, including everything. And so getting out of that, going into the body then, but that's because I did all of the work, like you said, taking full responsibility, full accountability for the way I felt about outside circumstances and and the world around me, and basically changing my entire perception of the past,
Then, recently, like in the past year I want to say well I okay so past two years but past year it's been explosive, which is so weird okay so the sexuality part. It's so crazy because You know, I had, I have no excuses. Like this is, um I have a baby. I have a seven month old. And the way that I know that this is real, like this path is so genuinely real and anything that's happened that
yeah Kept me from holding more love, from being more sexual, from from all of these things. It's all me. It was all in my head. It was all excuses. And I know that because I have the biggest excuse in the world right now to be within myself again, to to withhold, to retract. And that's a baby, okay? I have a baby. I could easily be like, Dom, I can't. like i don't but I have found myself in this past year being so open, so vulnerable, so playful. And it's just the practice of that has gotten more and more. I mean, we talk about it every day. Last night we were going to bed talking about how it's just crazy, the difference between six years ago and today, just with that one piece with the sexuality, but it all started somewhere. And then
Now I'm watching the money flow as well. So I think it is so interesting that you said it like that because I too, I feel the same. Yeah, i you know I always say my root my root of my work is sacred sexuality and feminine embodiment. So even like offering mentorship for entrepreneurial women on the sacred feminine embodiment path, because to me, everything comes down to sexuality. Because sex is creation, like that energetic flow, that making love, it's God making love, it's us breathing.
exhaling, we're making love with the moment in every single thing. Everything is sex and sex, the point of sex is procreation, it's for creation. So it really is as we start to learn and it doesn't matter, you know, when we start to crack these codes, because we're all programmed with different life experiences, different traumas, some people don't even have quote unquote traumas, you know, it doesn't matter what it is, whatever gifts,
Like we're all coded with these experiences. And when we start to learn the gift, the key, the coding that's in the one experience, we transpose it to all areas of life. So it doesn't have to start with mastering sex. Like when we can start, like some people master business and money before they can master the embodiment and the sexuality, but it all transposes over. It's all the same thing. So these currents, like the receivership, the allowance of being penetrated, especially for women entrepreneurs that are doing business in the feminine energetic way, it is about receivership. And it is like, I see no separation, like everything, it's the whole, it's the whole woman, and it's the relationships, it's the business, it's the embodiment, it's the sexuality, all of it, it's it's motherhood. Every part of this as we evolve our identity, every other facet is going to evolve if we allow it.
if we allow it. And it's all sexual energy. It's just how much can we allow ourselves to expand? And with sex, like I think this is I could talk energetics all day long about this, but like sex is like ego death after ego death after ego death. When we allow ourselves to totally give in to the energy and not try to control it. And this is life. Like when we can surrender into the currents of life without trying to control it and just know this is an orgasmic experience. And so many of us, especially in the Western world, I don't believe there's a single person that doesn't have sexual trauma because we live in a culture that's sexually traumatized. It's in the air that we breathe. So it's releasing the shame, it's releasing the trauma, that the physical traumas. And if it wasn't our physical trauma, our ancestors' physical traumas like,
All of this work that's in our cells, in our body, in our fascia, in the tissue, it's not meant to necessarily be this orgasmic, blissful, beautiful, joyful, happy experience. It's the deep, it's the raw, it's like getting into the discomfort and and that's the orgasm. It's like how much can you surrender into the discomfort knowing that but like more receivership is on the other side and everything moves in that direction. It's all sexual energy. It's all sexual energy.
And I have never thought of it like that. And I've never heard it said like that. And it makes so much sense because, you know, like you're saying the, the more willing and able and vulnerable I am. And the more I'm able to receive in that way, you know, it is, it's so, it's it just translates right over into everything else. And I was going to, you know, lead this, I knew that you would take it away and you would take it to this point better than I ever could. And I'm so glad I let you, but I was going to start this podcast by saying that everything is intertwined and that
It all overlaps and the timeline is different for everybody. um But it really has been this path for me where i I never even really meant to work on my sexuality, to be quite honest with you. It just kind of happened.
And then it happened, and that happened, and then it happened again, and then it happened again, and then it happened twice that day, and then it kept happening. And then it's so, it's just, it's so mind blowing that that energy is, um oh, it's so electric. It it is it compounds on itself so quickly too. That's been my experience anyway, where it's like, have you have you felt like once you really start practicing it, I mean, maybe you don't need to consciously practice it for some people, I don't know, but for me, I had to actually consciously practice it. Once I got going, I was like, you know what, okay, I'm going to recognize when I'm shutting myself down and I'm just going to say yes. And so I started practicing it, practicing it,
And then it started to compound on itself and then it became like honestly automatic and the energy that has been building has created it's created so much momentum inside of me that it gets me excited to do things like this to um to see my kid after school, like any, any little thing in my life has been affected. And then, you know, we're talking about receivership. So business naturally money. I have found it so much easier to receive strike payment after strike payment after strike payment and go, oh, that feels so good. Not, oh, did I, um did I make sure that I, i mean and that's what I used to do. Retract, retract, retract. Yeah.
Yeah, and i I could go so far down a conspiratorial hole with all of this. But I won't. um But it really is like, all right, so I i believe, ah here's my radical belief around entrepreneurship. I believe that there are a bunch of us souls that incarnated at this time.
to have liberation of mind, body, sex, and money, ah most of us women, and that we're doing this through a way that as our soul becomes more alive and conscious and aware of itself, the more the things that we desire come to us. like That's the link. The more I am me, the more money I make. The more I am me, the more free I am because it just is this way.
And there's a contract that we signed up to learn this like the soul initiation path through entrepreneurship. It's the entrepreneurship that's allowing us to become more of us. And if we didn't necessarily choose this path because entrepreneurship is obviously not for the faint of heart.
um like ah the ways that we would be learning ourselves because it money is you know ah money is power of course money is love of course money is freedom of course but money is like force energy i think that's what it is so as like we've been in a program society that has really twisted our perspective of sex we're either um making it sinful and coming from this puritanical perspective especially in america because we're built well we were colonized or the land was colonized by puritans So we have this Puritan, sinful outlook of sex, but at the same time, we're written with the exploitation of porn culture that's insidious woven, insidiously woven through every piece of media that we consume. So either way, it's like this dark taboo or it's the sinful things we've never been actually restored in our erotic innocence. Like that's the work is coming home to erotic innocence, restoring that purity. And when we do that, we're infinite.
Like that's our power and it is just about the nervous system work because that, like you were saying, it compounds because your nervous system is now in the practice of holding more and more sexual energy. It has to be a practice. And I would say that, um you know, like any of this, any of this, like yoga is not something that we just do.
It's still a conscious practice. It's still beginners mind all all of these facets, right? It's like the yoga of hopefully if you're going into plant medicines, either the plants using you or you're in communion with the plant. Same thing with sexuality. It's like, are you like getting caught in these pornographic programs? Or are you actually conscious and breathing into the full experience without your ego being involved?
And that's the scary part because it is like, um, you know, French le petit morte, right? Like orgasm, the little death because it is like in order to withhold. So my experience with sex was, um, well, the first part of my life, um, I was totally empowered in my sexual energy. I lost my virginity. So young, I was curious, but I was so alive, like really, really young. Like it made sense, but I was also immature. So I was like promiscuous as all hell.
exploring my sexual power until I got into situations that weren't so great. And then the dark energies like really started to come in my body, which took me on a whole sexual healing path of conscious celibacy for 15 months, um deep sacred spot massage work. I have a program called the intimacy template reset program that goes deep into the different somatic practices to actually clear the body from these sexual imprints and restore that erotic innocence. So after all that was like,
you know, we'll say healed, quote unquote, on the healing path. Still, my relationship with sexuality was, well, how do I exit this space of what I think I should be doing during sex and allow myself to just be present during sex and not dissociate and not lose my breath, not hold my, not try to rush an orgasm, not be like, hurry up and finish, not fake an orgasm, whatever it is. How do I ride the currents of energy? And when you start to learn that, like, again, it's nervous system work, your body has to literally trained. And it's not just the nervous system. It's the endocrine system because there's hormones that get released during sex. We have dopamine, serotonin, endocannabinoids, oxytocin, and it creates all of this cocktail that puts us in an altered state. And if our system isn't ready for that, it can blow us out. It can blow us out. And the same thing with money. If our system isn't ready for this influx of money, like people who win the lottery and burn it in a year, we won't be able to hold it. So it's all all the same energetics.
But it has to be this conscious practice, because if it's not conscious, then we're in this autopilot mode. So even people that think they don't need to practice conscious sexuality, I would really examine that because there could be an autopilot robotic, like, primal animal, which is fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But what if there is a deepening? What if there is an expansion that we're up or ceiling limiting ourselves from actually tapping into ah what's possible with our erotic energy?
a Yeah, and you know, that's a great point to make. The the practice piece for me is essential. So and like I said, I started not even realizing that sexuality was something that I um could like practice and it's not even so much sex. it It was more the receivership, like you said, like allowing myself to be vulnerable and raw and real and just to be there and to be present with my husband who is my soulmate and to just let him in.
And, but then it turned into a practice and to me recognizing when I was shutting down, like I said. That being said, I work i worked with a lot of very new coaches, like very, very new. And a lot of our listeners are either do not have a business yet or are in those beginning stages where they're still really on their healing journey and are building that confidence to work with other people as they as they grow within themselves. And so,
I would like to just for a second talk about how important it really is to stay true to your practices and they don't have to be these crazy two hour sessions a day. And for me, it has always been meditation and prayer.
And then that then translated into like moment to moment stuff in my life, you know, and that's what I'm talking about where the practice comes in. So, okay, I meditated, I prayed um for as long as I could in the morning and I have, I have a very small child and I have a seven year old. So I know how hard it can be to get these things in, but I prioritize, right? It is priority because if I don't, everything else lacks. Everything else falls apart in my life. And so I found that, okay, I sit down, I meditate, I pray, I make sure I do it. Maybe I don't feel anything. That's not really the point. It's the practice, right? So then I find myself, okay, the the day goes on and then my husband's home and now I'm just bringing it back to sexuality because that's easy.
um But I find that I'm shutting down. I'm going, oh, I'm not really sure if I want to do this right now. And then it's like a quick, why? And then it's a quick, it's a quick. Okay. In the beginning, it was a quick, okay, God, like, help me, help me out here. Help me out here. Just come in and like, help me, help me, help me. help me And then.
I would just take the action and do the thing. And that was the beginning. Those were the beginning phases. Now it's automatic, like I said. I don't really need to pray right before I go into it or a half an hour before I go into it. But I needed those practices on a daily basis to get me to the point that I'm at today. If I did not do them, I would not be where I am.
Yeah. Yeah. It's just, it's going to the gym. And I think this is, there's like a nuance or there's just something about this that people take for granted or people don't want to be the reality, but it's a reality. It's a muscle. And when you go to the gym and we start lifting weights and we start with the five pound weights and we're sore every single day for two weeks. And then after the two weeks, suddenly we're not sore. And then we feel excited about picking up the 10 pound weights. And that's like, you know, these are our practices and then we get to the 25 pound weights. But the thing is, is if we stop going to the gym, we lose the muscle. Like it's just that simple. And some days we go to the gym and we're tired and it feels a lot more exhausting. And some days we're on like cloud nine and it seems really easy. It's like we just go to the gym. We just show up to the mat, whatever it is. But the time it takes for us to drop into certain states and like if the weights are, we'll just say frequency. It's like we do our meditation say to be in flow state or to feel safe or connected to God. And at first like we sit for 15 minutes and maybe some days we're connected and maybe some days we're not.
But through time, all of a sudden that 15 minute practice, we start to see the patterns. And then we start to create the shortcuts, these like neuro pathways. And then it's not a 15 minute practice anymore. It's just a dial in a tune in. But if we don't keep tuning in on the regular, even though it doesn't take 15 minutes, and it takes one minute, as long as we're tuning in that one minute a day, like those muscles are being flexed, like those muscles are being worked. But when we put down the practice,
Then we go back and we want to go into that one minute tune in and it may or may not be there. It's like we'll start with the 15 minutes again and build the muscle, but we have to maintain the muscle once it but onces it's built. once it's built and The maintenance is easy like or easier. The maintenance takes much less energy or focus.
which is why we can have so many practices and allow them to rotate. But if we stop maintaining, we lose the muscle. So people get bla cocky by the time it's the maintenance phase, and then they stop practicing, and then they lose the muscle, and then there goes their confidence and their self-esteem, and then their sense of, who am I? like All of this stuff starts coming back in when it's just as simple as keep practicing, keep maintaining, keep lifting the weight. Maybe you don't have to do it every single day, but make sure you do it four days a week. Yes.
and i think You know, where I always tell people to start is like you said, picking up those five pound weights. I literally tell them, I started with meditating five minutes a day. Like that's all I could do. That's all I could handle. And I told myself just like many of my clients and the listeners tell themselves, I can't meditate. Like I can't meditate, I can't. But eventually you realize it's not about whether you can or you can't, you definitely can. You just take the action, you practice it. It's a practice.
Yeah. And I love like one of my my favorite things to reiterate to myself and everyone in my world all of the time is it's the energy of who we're being when we are doing that matters most. Like it's always the frequency behind the action and that's ritual. So when we are aware of who we are being while we go into a practice, that's the energy we're going to get out. So if we're going into a practice skeptical, we're probably going to have results that reinforce the beliefs that we should be skeptical.
For coming a negative, we're going to get results. It's just a ripple effect. Whatever we ripple out, especially when we take action ripples back. So if there is like these stories of like, I don't even know how to meditate, I can't meditate. It's just replacing that story of, well, what if I can?
or what if this was my best meditation practice ever like coming in like both of us were kind of run down today coming on to this episode and all I kept saying was what if this is the best podcast I've ever been on to get my energy in the zone instead of being like oh I'm sick it's gonna be terrible it's just like Well, what if like what if this is actually helping me stay in my heart? What if this is actually serving to have this incredible conversation with Dana today? Like, like what if and then that's the frequency that comes alive. So bringing that to the practice instead of like, Oh, yes, today's wasn't good. Or what if I never taught yesterday's because it was so good. Like it's really just cleaning up the energy behind me like
Well, what if today, what if today's the best, the best practice I've had? What if I enjoy it more than I've ever enjoyed it? What if I have a breakthrough? What would a breakthrough look like without getting too heady and just keeping that, that quest on the field? Yes. And cleaning it up. Like I love that you just said, just cleaning up that energy. I always think of it as starting each day. And then of course each minute, if you need to, I can move it clean slate. I mean, sometimes it really is minute to minute to be in, you know, very honest, but.
that's That's where the practices come in. How do you clean it up? How do you clean it up? You've got to have a practice. And so because we're talking about this, would you, is there a practice that you would recommend like a daily practice? And like I said, the people who are listening tend to be newer. So if you could recommend something like that, they could start small and build upon, that would be helpful.
her her Yeah. So ah since we're on the theme of of sexuality, do you have a good mix of men and women or is it mostly women? It's mostly women. Okay.
Yeah, I would say a great practice. And this is like, one of my clients texted me this morning, like, this is so triggering. I'm like, I know that's why we do it. I'm just breathing into the yoni, like just just bringing that awareness there. So so many of us are living up in the head. And then if we're on this path, and we know that, like, we're healers, and we want to be doing the healing work, then we've dropped into the heart a bit. So then it's like, okay, so from the head where we've all been conditioned to live,
Now we're in the heart, which is really that meditative sphere. It's like, how do we drop even lower into the body? So having this practice of being like one, of course, with meditation, it's not about like not thinking, it's about not being identified with the thoughts. So being in that observation of the thoughts, then coming down to the heart field and being aware of all the feelings, whether it's anxiety, nervousness, especially if there's a story of, am I doing it right? There's going to be that flicker of nervousness, which is also excitement. It's the same frequency with a different polarity.
So coming down from that heart space and actually being aware of like the Perennium and the Yoni, like the sacred root that we have and feeling connected to the earth and allowing the breath to just really anchor in and bringing in that light, bringing in that consciousness like through the third eye, through the throat, through the heart, like all the way down, the womb, the Yoni,
and just bringing conscious awareness there with curiosity. And asking, you know, like the root is all about, I mean, that's where money is root, because it's safety, it's provision, it's tribe, it's procreation, it's like literally how we create more is like through sex. So it's tuning in and just in building this relationship, because everything is relationships, everything is relationships and being in communion.
So starting to cultivate this relationship with the root of your body because I think a lot of us when we start the healing path, it's very much of the heart before it becomes of the body or it's more of the mind ah before it becomes of the body and bringing in this root piece, the sexuality piece. There's so much there that just wants to be expressed, wants to be felt, wants to be seen. And it's not that, you know, healing and fixing aren't the same thing. It's just giving it space to express. And if there's fear that comes up with that, be with the fear. If there's excitement that comes up with that, be with the excitement. If there's shame that comes up with that, be with that shame. But ultimately, the intention is to start to build a relationship with your sexual center, with your root, with your yoni and how that dialogue begin, begin to express.
Oh my gosh, I feel so proud of myself right now because I just naturally did these things, but that's that's the beauty of healing. Healing is healing is healing is healing. And I, so ah you took me back to, ah like I said, like six years ago, I literally could not feel my own, like I was not connected.
I was never turned on. I you literally would say like, I think I might be asexual. And I always blamed it on my past trauma from my youth. I started having sex at like 13 years old. And yep.
and i yeah I did it with people that I did not love. And and that didn't treat me very nicely. And i would um I really blamed it on that for a long time until I started my healing journey and took full responsibility, as we said, for my own behaviors and my own actions and reactions, especially to other people and um to the circumstances that happened in my life. And and then slowly but surely over, like I said, the past, it's been more than two years because I started, I will i will forever remember the day that I started really genuinely trying to feel myself again.
You know, I remember that moment so distinctly because I think Roman, my seven year old was maybe three. And we lived in our old house. And I told my husband, I was like, just,
Give me a minute. I need to do something here. I've got to find a meditation or something to connect me. I just don't feel anything. So just hold on. And it took me, it was like a two hour meditation and um it took me to this app called Inscape, which is no longer a thing, which is so sad because I loved it so much, but it it did exactly what you just took us through and connected me. It connected my heart to my to to my root chakra.
And I felt finally like a glimmer of of like energy building between the two. And that was enough for me to, of course I did that meditation a few more times, but it was enough for me to go, oh, like there's some hope there, number one. Number two, now I kind of know what to look for. Okay, that's a feeling that I haven't felt in a really long time.
And then it put me on this path of attuning myself to that feeling. I finally was able to allow myself to feel turned on and to then become vulnerable enough to let somebody else be there with me in that. And I think that translates directly into the ability to receive and to feel those really joyful feelings, those really, really heightened,
good, good feelings. And I had to really practice allowing myself to go there and to do that. Because, you know, like we were talking about in the beginning of the episode, I live a very different lifestyle than you. I have kids, I have a husband, and a lot of the people I work with have a very similar life circumstance. So, you know, we've made very similar life choices.
And it's so easy to make excuses and to say, I can't find the time. I don't have the time. i I don't have enough energy. Well, to me, it's like I have so much more energy and so much more excitement in my life and enthusiasm for everything because I have now prioritized that. and because it's become such a part of my daily life. And then again, like I said, it translates into the money, into the receiving, and into the creativity and the excitement around the the abundance that's to come.
yeah Yeah, I always I love the saying like we all have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyonce. Right? Like this is a real thing. It's just energetic capacity. Spitting out our drink. I love this. But it's true. It's like it is like there's certain things like we know time is not linear. Like we have scientific evidence. This is an inarguable fact.
And it really is, it's like our relationship with space and time, we control that, we control that perception. It's like being in school in a 45 minute class and staring at the clock from minute one, that class can feel like 20 days long, right? Like never ending versus being at a music festival and watching our favorite set, like, you know, that flies by, whatever it is, whatever it is, it's like our perception of time is controlled by our consciousness. And these practices that we have shaped and bend what our energy, our vitality, our life for our life force presence is giving and invested in throughout the day. So when we do things, like i like I always talk about non-judgment. Non-judgment and non-attachment are two of my most important spiritual principles that I live by. So non-judgment, there's no good or bad.
and there's no right or wrong. But having good judgment, there's a way to be non-judgmental and have good judgment, which is knowing what works for you and what doesn't work for you. It doesn't make it bad overall or bad for you forever. It's just in this moment.
One of the things I had this mentor when I was 16, this woman, she was a psychic medium, and she was someone to talk to about all the spiritual things when nobody else was around. And one of the things she said, and I i say this in every single class that I have, and it's and it hits, it's dramatic, but it's true, is there's no good or bad, but there's um there's polarity and duality and all things. So we have live, L-I-V-E,
So like to live, to generate life force energy. So to engage in things that enliven us, that give us vitality, that give us that radiance, like that's on the path of being more alive. That's on the path of awakening and healing. Then live, L-I-V-E.
backwards is EVIL, evil, what takes away life force energy. So it's not that evil is bad or wrong. Evil is just something that takes life force energy away from us. It's not bad or wrong, but it's going to deplete our energy. So whether it's addiction, certain foods, and everything in moderation, because there is no good, bad, right, or wrong, like it really is just being aware in this moment, this practice that I'm doing, and even with practices,
When practices become mundane, they can take our life force energy away. It's our work, our devotion to be in devotional discipline to keep the practices alive and not just this thing that we check a box on. Because if we're doing the box checks, that's going to kill our life force energy. It's not going to feed us.
So live L-I-V-E. What is giving us more energy? Where are we investing that? And that's going to completely transform our experience of space and time. And then when we notice EVIL, what's taking our life force energy? What are we investing? What are we engaged in in the daily that's depleting us? And we start to eliminate those factors.
Then all of a sudden, all the excuses we have, we don't have anymore. We have the time, we have the space, we have the motivation, our compass is aligned and heading in the right direction, the right direction, quote unquote, the direction we desire. but There's only one right direction. no
I love that. That's true empowerment. i mean The word is overused, but it's the truth. It's living in true power, in your power. Your power is your soul. Spirituality is everything. God is everything or nothing at all. you know and i mean That's the way I live my life.
That's the way that I'm teaching my son to live his life. um Our seven year old, not the seven month old because he would not understand yet, but you know, it's really taking on full, full, full responsibility for your perception of life and knowing at some point what is detracting from that spiritual perception. And for me, it's really been this whole journey of shifting my perception from one of fear-based mind, that finite mind that's going to die with my body, to be honest with you, my brain. I mean, it's my brain.
um and and moving it over and switching it over, and this is the work that you're talking about in my words, um switching it over and shifting it to that spiritual perception and having that spiritual perception of life. And so every single day, I have to set myself up to ride in that spiritual perception. And I feel like so many people ask me,
How do you know the difference between intuition and your mind? And to me at this point, it's genuinely easy because I've surrendered so many times. Surrender, surrender, surrender. Like just, I've paused. I mean, I've taken literal years off from doing the things I quote unquote want to do because I think they're they're like what I genuinely desire, right? But I come to find out they were more mind-made things, more things to distract me from what my soul desires. And i it could be a long process for somebody to figure that out and to really start untangling you know what the the truth is from the false or you know spiritual reality from physical existence. And
I think a lot of that is giving yourself grace right and understanding that you've got to have compassion for yourself as you're going down this road because none of us will ever completely have it figured out. I mean, most of us won't. And that's just the because we're human. you know We're having this human experience and that's a beautiful thing. and you know you've alluded to it many times, not taking that for granted and trying to ascend and shoot out of it. like That's not the point, right? So we're here to have this human experience and to take all of these moments that have been really, really hard because we're still intertwined with that physical part and taking that and using it and
allowing ourselves to um use it as an opportunity to see, okay, this is another time where I get to make a choice. I have a choice to make. I get to either continue to live in my mind and to go that route, which of course will strengthen that muscle, right? And keep you there. Or I can do the practices to get myself out of that.
and to untangle, untangle, untangle, and don't let those shoelaces come back together, oops, okay, and get them tangled again. No, the that's why we have the practices. And like you said, it's all about putting yourself in the space of presence, you know, of the openness, the open-mindedness to let yourself really feel the existence of what it is you really are inside.
Yeah, so as you're speaking, um a couple of things come to mind and it's like the saying that um like the longest journey is from the mind to the heart, right? Like, or the head to the heart. That's like the longest journey. And I think where we get so sneaky and especially for those of us on the healing path is we have these traumas and the ways that we protect ourselves from our traumas is by not feeling them. And the only way to be awake and alive and on the healing path is to feel.
like to be living through the heart is to feel so when we stop feeling and it's subconscious it's not consciously okay i'm gonna stop feeling right now it's like especially when these traumas come in when we're younger and these traumas too it's like ah you know, bring it into the sexuality because we have similar sexual stories. It's like, um you know, ongoing, like I have this program, the intimacy template reset program, that is a ah huge somatic reset, but we have to maintain it, right. So I'm still going through releasing
Like the energies of pete past partners, like it's still an ongoing thing. Like when that love isn't there, like that's a whole, like you're not receiving love in those moments. And these things really do affect the template that we're operating from. And we don't have to be perfect. It's not about perfection. It's just about surrendering into the flow of the direction of healing. And to do that, we have to be willing to feel the things. And the things are scary, like the things bring up fear, but they're not actually threats. And that's what we have to remember is like, you know, that was the biggest part, especially with the money work, you know, I had such deep
ancestral and personal poverty and scarcity imprints that like the way that that left my body was waking up at three zero in the morning in sweats and panic attacks because that was the only way my subconscious could get through to me was that like that hour of the night because it was so hardened and calcified. So in the moment it's like when we're doing this path when we're on this when we're on the journey and we're coming into our practices it's not that it's to feel good all the time and eventually you will But on that trajectory, it is just about allowing yourself to feel all of it unapologetically without making it mean anything. It's just moving through the body because it is the stories that we're telling ourselves and you like the the ego deaths that we have to go through the stories that have to die in order for the new stories to be reclaimed and proclaimed and declared. It's a journey. It's ego death for a reason, but it's it all comes down to the feeling.
just allowing ourselves to feel not identifying with the things that feel bad, but really continuing to commit to the things that feel good, that feel alive. I love that so much. And I feel like it's going to be so helpful for so many people to hear because like you said, feeling it all is going to allow, this is my experience and I have watched other people walk through this with me as clients. And so I feel pretty good about saying that if you do these things, you could probably expect a pretty similar result. But for those who are starting a business and who are feeling that lack of confidence in themselves because they feel that they're not far long enough um on their journey of healing to help others in the way that they want to or to show up in the way that they want to.
I feel like you saying to feel it all, well, I think that's just the most simplistic path in to experiencing your truth. Because what it's going to do is when you just allow yourself to surrender and to feel it all, you're creating an experience of truth. And when you have that experience, that is literally all you need.
to share with other people and to spread the light that you then just received. You just received it. You got it. The truth is the light, right? So if you will just let yourself feel it all, just feel it all. You're going to have the experiences, the results for yourself that you can then pass on to other people in the most genuine and authentic and heartfelt way and That's it. It's that simple. As you're speaking, my whole body is lit up. I'm in full bumps, full chills. Like that is truth. And that's truth. And that's what we're here to give to each other is truth. I have it too. Look at my chills.
but so cool It's so cool because this is what it's all about. I mean, it really is. This is it. but What more? and does that that simple Here we go. Okay. I mean, i'm I'm seriously, I'm going to end it here. And the podcast is The truth. I mean, I think that's all this is about.
And I think people overcomplicate it. I know I did. I really overcomplicated it. And I didn't understand what was true from false, why things were so confusing all the time, why I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. All of those things come together so naturally when you are just feeling the things, having the experience of surrender, and then the results that come from that are the truth. And then you have that. You have that.
intangible yet um completely indestructible gift to give to the rest of the world in whatever way you want. Like that's where creativity comes in. Yeah. The art of business, the art of life.
And that is, it's like, you can say it in so many different ways. And I think that's what we're all doing, right? We're like, each have our own unique flavor as to how we're expressing this truth. And we're all doing it via the path of entrepreneurship. Because like you said, that's been our path of ah initiation. And truly, if I didn't have entrepreneurship, I never ever would have even probably toyed with the healing path because I wouldn't have cared enough. There wouldn't have been any reason for me to. I wanted to make money.
Damn it, I wanted to make money. And i I wanted to feel on some heart level that I wasn't just being greedy. I was like, man, I really wish I could feel like I wanted to help people. I used to really come from that place of like, heady, I'm going to show you, I'm going to prove to you that I can do this so that you can do it too. And we're going to make all this money. And I knew in my heart that I needed to be leading from a place of service. And so I kind of like made that my message. This is a long time ago, but
I remember feeling so inauthentic and feeling so yucky about the whole process and what I was doing until I finally realized like, oh, okay, healing is definitely the path. And I've had other people on this podcast that have been like, I didn't even know what spirituality was. I didn't either until I did. And then everything clicked, everything made sense. And it was so simple yet so like, intertwined and like, wow, so complicated also. And now we're here and come to find out it's really just like this one thing. It's this one thing and it's just truth and speaking the truth and expressing it however it feels good to you. oh I would love, I'm going to invite myself back on your podcast. um just yes Yes, please.
Because I think there's a profound conversation to be had about this because you and I came from opposite directions. So you came from entrepreneur to spirituality. I came from spirituality to entrepreneur and the struggles, like ah the challenges, the obstacles. I'm so curious to find the overlap because we came in at this meeting point from the opposite directions. I just think that's a conversation that would like blow the internet up.
I love it. Ooh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. I'm definitely all in. I still have chills. I'm going to have to go shave after this. yeah and Oh my God, Nikki. Okay. So a yes, you're definitely invited back. I would love that so much. I know the people listening would love that so much. And as we're like, just, there's nothing else to say right now. and There's nothing except Do you, how can the people that are listening get in touch with you? How can they find you? And I will link all of this into the show notes, but and ah are there any offers that you have right now that you would love to share that they've got?
Yeah, amazing. Thank you. So Nikki Ananda is my handle on all of the things. And by all the things, I mean Facebook and Instagram because to me that's all of the things. That's all there is. but So you can find me on Facebook. You can find me on Instagram at Nikki Ananda. I have a free Facebook group called the Diamondlight Temple.
And not every woman in it is an entrepreneur, but every woman is is on the spiritual path. And what I'm doing with this group now is it's not like an open discussion group. I keep the energetics of the group really clean and it's going to evolve through time, which is fine. um But right now there's a bunch of free content in there. I have a three module program that's like six hours on conscious menstruation and cyclical alchemy that every woman just needs, period.
I have an introduction, a two-hour introduction introduction to healing through the feminine wounds, which is the mother wound, the sister wound, the witch wound, and the father wound. I have um ah codes of the rose awakening through the codes of the rose, which is really like an intro to the sacred sexuality, the heart, the womb, and the yoni. Yeah, so there's a ton of free content in the Diamondlight Temple. The Money Wounds program, I definitely highly recommend for any entrepreneur on the path, especially people getting started that want to be able to alchemize and be empowered with money. So what I'm doing in the group now, aside from all of the abundance of free classes, oh, I just did a class on becoming ageless too, that like i just I'm so of ah ah obsessed with obsessed with. Women are obsessed with this class, so it's all about beauty and light work and like, yeah, it's so good. All of that's inside the Facebook group as is. But every month I have um a Q and&A call, so anyone who's in the group can show up live. And then for people who want to go deeper into this space, I have a membership called Priestess.
So you get all the replays for the Q and&A calls and then we do a training every month that's specifically for the priestess members. So last month we did a class on embodied energetics so it's not just like this heady class on energetics but it's actually getting into the embodiment and feeling like What does expansion versus contraction feel like in the body? And and that's like a very basic simple one, but really it's a full body attunement. So we start to speak the language of God in the universe and it's not just this heady thing that we're throwing around with. So the priestess membership, you get all the Q and&A call replays and you get this bonus class a month. And this is really where I want women to start coming in and it's building this community for spiritual women on the sacred feminine embodiment path. We talk money, we talk business, of course, but we talk sexuality and sacred feminine embodiment.
it's all of the good stuff. So that's all inside of the diamond light temple. That's where you can find me on Facebook, find me on Instagram, send me a message, especially after this podcast. We love hearing from you. Like that's always the best is hearing feedback. And like I said, I invited myself back on the podcast. So whatever you want us to talk about would be, it would be great to hear.
hey Yeah, well, we'll see you soon. um Perfect. I will link all of that in the show notes. And um if you guys loved this episode, please, please go to the homepage and write a review and tell us what you thought of it and give us a five star review because it will just help so many other modern day healers find the podcast and listen to this I mean, I feel like it's life changing and it's transformational. um It's not just information, right? It's truth. And so you cannot like, it's just invaluable. Like you can't put a price tag on this kind of um the emotion that comes through. We're all being exposed to something so much deeper than just topics. So if you loved it, please leave a review and we would appreciate that so much.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you again, Nikki. I'll have you back soon. Thank you, Dana.