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Today on These Guys Got Juice, the guys are taking the Terrifier Challenge! They're reviewing Damien Leone's newest entry into the Terrifier series with Terrifier 3.

And guess what? This is the guys first time watching a Terrifier movie! Could they handle it, or did they run out of the theater terrrified?! Listen and find out!

Next Review: Smile 2

I'm Doug Damport. I'm Nick Ewers. And we're these guys got juice. And we saw Terrifier 3. Comedy is okay, but clown is more difficult. That sounded like fucking Yoda. that was I thought it was Yoda. I was like, what is this from? Yoda from Attack of Clones?
No, ah there is there's this random video that goes viral every so often. I don't even remember the original context. It's like Hillary Clinton and her ah daughter talking to some French clown who you can barely understand. His voice is super gravelly. and And he was talking about women in comedy, I think, was the topic. But and he was like, comedy.
he What does he say? Comedy is okay, but clown? Clown is more difficult. And you can tell neither of them understands what he's saying, and you just see Hillary Clinton's not like, yeah. Like, she just agrees with him. Like, you don't know what he just said. Oh, man. That was good. Yeah, I had no idea what was happening there. I was like, let's not art the clown. He's not much of a talker. He has so many memorable quotes. You don't remember?
or? ah Yeah, i that that was my favorite actually. he there was When he sees the one girl in the shower and he Yeah, that was a good quote. it it's That was a good line delivery. Yeah, he really kills all his lines. It's actually a fucking really good performance. Yeah, it is. he a mime Does he have a history of being a mime? I know he's Art the Clown, but we both kind of both agreed that he's more like mime-like throughout this movie.
Do mimes also paint their faces, right? They do. Yeah. Yeah. So he's yeah, he is a mime then like the like he's called Art the Clown. But that's because in the Rob Zombie ah show and practical jokers, they handcuff Q to a mime one point. and Yeah, his face was all painted and everything. That's like the most recent recollection of a mime.
The main thing that makes him clown like is that he has won the big shoes, but then also the accessories like the the horn or whatever, because I don't think Martin has big shoes. I didn't really pay. He has like big clown shoes. Yeah, he's got a clock on that. You really mainly see them. It's ah there's a shot of him walking into a subway car and you see like his feet first and spoilers.
He does get on a subway car in this one. A couple times, I think. I don't yeah because i don't know what would be spoilers for us because one, I mean, should we we say we're we're outsiders to this franchise. we do yeah this is ours soon Yeah, this is our exposure to Terrifier. We were too terrified to watch the first two. We set it on mic.
um During our substance review, I think both of us were like, yeah, we believe they're that hardcore and we don't want to subject ourselves to them. But we had the idea of why not for the podcast? Do we want to take the Terrifier Challenge? And I mean, honestly, a movie that's going to be this big, I think from what I read before I came over.
it's tracking to be number one this weekend yeah i you know i think we talked about that before we got to the theater and i was like yeah i don't really know maybe the apprentice could do numbers but in with the election coming up who knows but being at the theater i was like Yeah, Terrifier, I think, is at that point where it could potentially, like, ah yeah, dominate a weekend. So, I mean, good for this movie, though. When was the last time in unrated movies? Because this is an arc, because it doesnt it just doesn't have a rating because of how gnarly it is.
Like, when's last time an unrated movie was number one? so And what's the difference between an unrated movie at the theaters and an NC-17 movie? Because I was wondering, I was like, is like one sex scene getting this movie? and Well, therere is spoilers, there is like kind of a sex scene. But like yeah ah what would get this to an NC-17? Because there were a lot of little kids in the theater, and an NC-17 means those little kids can't come in.
I thought about that, too. So I was like, unrated movies, you can bring kids if there's an adult with them or something. Is that how that works? or i And I figured I thought for some like. Maybe someone would have to be over the age of 21 or is it? I don't know what it would be like, what the rules for unrated are. But there were a lot of little kids in this movie, like a lot.
I was surprised I didn't probably at least like 20 I would say 20 little kids would you say is that like a good amount? I wasn't doing one family had like seven kids with them. Yeah, it there was a full ass family and then there were were more multiple I mean and there was like varying ages like some of them were definitely more teens but they were like little kids Yeah. And they seemed perfectly fine throughout. I mean, i one at one point we thought they were leaving like that parade of like seven or whatever. But then they came back. Yeah. And it was like, yeah thank God they didn't miss the ending of Terrifier 3, these little kids. They made it for the climax, the bloody, gory climax. So I'm not like.
that act. I'm barely on TikTok at all. So I don't know like what trends over there or what's big. But from people have told me, I think art, there's like non, go because my understanding is this pretty heavily censored and moderated like site in terms of the content. But like, there's just scenes of art being goofy and doing like clowning around that that are like go viral on TikTok. I think there's like a ah clip I've seen shared on like Twitter where he's like in a I think probably like a Halloween store and he keeps, he's like trying on sunglasses and making goofy faces at the people in the store. And so I think, I think just clips like that of art, just art around, but not the murder, you know, like our, like make the rounds and get popular. And then that's where this is coming from. Maybe. I don't know.
And so I don't know if the parents like covered the kids eyes during like some of the gory scenes or if they covered their own eyes or what the deal was because we were like closer to the screen than we usually are. We were like, I think four rows from the very front. Right. um And should a kid, should a little kid under 13 maybe or whatever be seeing like genital mutilation?
Like, cause like for me, I would be like, oh, it makes perfect sense that teenagers would want to see this. And like, that's the kind of thing when you're like that age that you're like, you're trying to push the boundaries of like, I'm fucking grown up. I'm going to watch the nastiest shit ever. Uh, so like when I saw the teens there, I was like, this, that that tracks. That makes sense. This is a movie you would sneak into like, yeah, this is a good, like the shock value. This is a very good like teenager movie. And then you can brag to your friends like,
Bro, I fuckin' watched Terrified. Yeah, I saw Terrified. I was Terrified. I got Terrified. And I watched, I didn't look away. And you started describing the fucked up stuff, and you're like, no way, no way that's in that. No way, bro. And you're like, yeah, yeah it was. And I saw it.
Yeah, it's basically like the Saw, I would say, of like this new generation. I feel like Saw was the hardcore thing to see. Like I went to the theater and I saw Saw and I ate popcorn and like yeah was a man about it. That was the reputation of Saw, but when I finally got around to watching those, I was like, honestly, these are like far too goofy to be that disturbing ah for for me. and and And I'm saying this as someone who's like,
mostly a of a fan of the Saw movies after I i binged him. I'm like, i'm I'm having like a good time. But I'm like, these are like basically anime level melodramas that have that have ridiculous violence. But I'm never like, oh, I can't look at that. You know, like that it's like too hard to watch during the Saw movies.
Yes. ah It's so over the top, that especially by where it is now. Like, I guess maybe James Wanwan starts more. But even that's ridiculous. I'm too busy thinking like, wait, how does this contraption work? What is the what are the mechanics? Would this make sense? And then I'm like, what would I do? What choices would I make? My mind is like busy during a Saw movie. So I'm not really like, oh, the gore, you know, i'm too busy there's a lot happening in a a Saw horror sequence. Right. And I'm too busy thinking of the the moral hypocrisy of John Kramer of like, because he's always like, I never kill anybody. I just give him a choice or something. I was like, you rigged this game that they couldn't win it. It was like, like, that seems like murder. ah three is stone You can't trust a man named Kramer. Wow. You just can't. That's you wise words. Oh, my Siri is going off.
series talking to you yeah just started talking she's a fan of Kramer like outside of science she's a fan of everything that I'm blanking on his real personal life yeah yeah everything he' done and yeah so yeah we're we're outsiders to the Terrifier universe um i got to say so doug knows this I was like kind of like worried ah going into this movie. I didn't think I was going to walk out or throw up, but I was like, is this going to be like so is this goingnna have images and like scenes that I'm not going to like forget and that are going to like haunt me and everything?
I wouldn't say that I am always gonna remember art and Vicky they're very memorable very like cool and like gross like awesome horror characters so I'm gonna remember them but this movie like didn't really like traumatize me in any way, but I have to say, it's been a very long time since I've like been genuinely like scared like in a horror movie where I'm like, oh god, like what's gonna happen next? Maybe since Evil Dead 2013.
And to the degree where I'm like be almost begging the movie and art and I guess the screen, I'm just I'm just like, please don't do like, don't do what I think you're about to do. Yeah. And they keep ramping it up. And it's just like I'm sitting there in my head. I'm like, are these people dead already while this is happening? I hope for their sake, they're dead and they're not still experiencing the face of a victim. And they're like, oh, they're alive still.
Yeah, there's one character in particular. I'm like, how is he still alive? His eyes moving and he's making noises. Just from the blood loss. he should Oh, no, no. I know the one you're thinking about when his one. ah Yeah, I guess I guess that's all. sport I mean, we should probably do it soon, but let's just talk about our our feelings and everything about it real quick. Yeah. that People like kind of know because like, I don't know it. This movie was like genuinely. Yeah, I would sit there and like almost like in a ball like with my hands in front of my face like come on you don't just don't stop like please like for the sake of these characters like yeah don't do this to them because I'm i'm like actually in v i
I thought going in the like, okay, these will be as nasty and gross as the reputation is. But I wasn't worried because I was like, well, I think that disturbs me most are like, are like more emotional and psychological things. So if I'm not if I don't really, because I don't know, I don't know any of these characters, I'm probably not going to be these don't seem like movies where they want you to care about. I i assume these movies from the reputation were it was just be a series of gnarly kills, new cast of of people getting like brutally maimed and tortured and killed for 90 minutes or however long. I mean i think the other ones were shorter. This one was was two hours. I i actually didn't know that before we went yeah i didn't know that either i was sitting there like damn this one this feels like pretty long and there were some like dialogue scenes that maybe could have um been cut down i can't like fully say i there were some dialogue scenes i just like zoned out a little bit but even though i am saying like maybe they could have cut down on those scenes
A little bit. I didn't mind living in them. I like the vibe of it all I'd like the look of it just even though again there were like A dialogue scenes where I may have like zoned out. I just like staring at the screen just looking at the image It was a bit. It's a very good-looking movie in my oh, it's it's well shot well directed uh in in Well, and i I want to phrase this carefully because I don't want people to think that I'm like talking down on a certain kind of horror movie, but the way they shot it, especially in certain scenes, I'm like, oh, this is classier than I thought in terms of like the filmmaking choices being made of like we do see a bunch of gnarly gore and he will show us things like straight on as as arts killing the fuck out of these people. But there are some times where there's like restraint in terms of like we're actually it's
more disturbing to not show us this. Yeah, like the very first kill. That was like pretty upsetting. It's like just the sound design and someone's reaction to it. and And it's really, really disturbing. Yeah, I would say that and the last kill that you also don't see at the very beginning are to are both more upsetting than the kills that you see in the intro of this movie.
Yes, I would, I would agree with that. Yeah. Like he, it, it, it feels like, yeah, extremely fine tune of like, he's, he will show us straight on a bunch of gnarly stuff, but like, yeah, there's also like, yeah it's very,
a fine-tuned deployment of like knowing what things will impact us most. like it definitely It just felt like I was in very capable hands. like I do like when movie when I feel like movies or shows where I'm like, okay, I'm kind of being fucked with here by the director or like the choices he's making that he's he's he's but he's doing this personally to me to mess with me. But like when it's done by someone who knows what they're doing, I really enjoy that experience.
And I kind of felt like that with like, that like the, I, and again, just speaking to just this movie, uh, cause I haven't seen the other ones. that like It's kind of like self-aware of its reputation and like kind of playing with those expectations a little bit.
I would agree. I think that is why he's the director is able to kind of like tease out some kills or like leave things off. he I think trying to like build that dread you're expecting because it's like, oh, I'm not seeing this kill. It must be fucking like.
terrible like whatever is happening in that room must be awful, just but then you're like sitting there like well What is he gonna show me then right? No, it's like and you're just waiting for it You're like because eventually you know at least at the beginning of the movie eventually you know You're gonna see something horrific in every scene to whenever you just no matter what characters are on screen you're just like it's not gonna go good for somebody or everybody and And like this is a movie that does like beat up its main character pretty badly yeah in like ways where I'm like I'm surprised like you're you know some ways are more like ah debilitating or whatever than others you know some kind of like
injury should make her more incapable of doing certain things. well Well, we'll talk about that because I think there maybe is an explanation baked in to explain some of that. But yeah, I don't know. Yeah, possibly. a little I think I know what you're talking about as an explanation. We'll get into it. But yeah.
You know, that aside, it is kind of surprising, though, how much they put the main characters through and who, I mean, without spoilers, this movie makes choices that I didn't know were actual choices until I was reading other reviews with what it does with some characters that were in previous movies. Okay. I was going to ask of like how much you looked up or because I kind of just, I thought it'd be interesting to have the perspective of like, I only know this movie and what I've seen other people say about it. There is one thing about one character that I just like, I gotta know what her deal is. So I looked, I looked up one character. So I didn't look up much. There was just one review where it was like.
Man, can't believe they did this with this character. And I was like, okay, so that must have been a reoccurring character that they felt was disrespected in some way. Okay. but i maybe Maybe that's the character I look at. I mean, we'll talk about it. I've also heard people say like this movie is like missing something.
I really don't know what that is. So I don't have a frame of reference. Like if that's a Terrifier fan being like every Terrifier movie before had this and the three doesn't have it. I wouldn't know what that is because I haven't seen those ones. Yeah, but this one delivered for me. And yeah, it was yeah, it was very surprising like one because I didn't know that that's what the like the tone the way it's shot it it just has this weird like pretty dreamlike feel in a lot of parts. There's like parts where I'm like, OK, this is a nightmare scene, right? Like they're going to wait. We're going to cut to she's going to wake up in bed. but Then we keep going. I'm like, oh, this is happening. Yeah. Yeah. I am.
This is a movie i I think I'm going to rewatch um every now and then. This is my new Christmas classic. I'm surprised. This movie feels I say this a lot, but it it feels ah special having movies like this in the world.
ah a modern horror movie with iconography that keeps ramping itself up within its own movie, right but also seems interested in taking this franchise to new places with each entry. Again, I haven't seen the first two, but it seems like this is, you know, different from what came before. And it seems like the next one is going to go to an even more different, further out there place. and
I can really appreciate that. And this, This and Smile, which I think we're doing Smile 2 next week, um This and Smile are two movies that I'm really happy to have in the world for both of the same reasons. um Everything I just said about Terrifier, I agree with about Smile, except Smile feels it's a contemporary horror movie, I would say.
And yeah it's kind of in a different genre of movie of this like spreading type of like paranormal spreading of something. Well, where is the Terrifier is like 70s, I guess 80s. But I could see some some 70s movies that would figure in there, but I get what you're saying. And for me, the main distinction is, even though I really like Smile and I'm looking forward to two, the main distinction between those is that that like, yeah, the director of those movies, like this is his idea that like it came from a short he made for and then he made the feature length version of Smile.
it's still now a property of a studio. Paramount, I believe, owned Smile. They will probably keep making Smile movies because the studio owns it. For Terrifier, it's owned by Damien Leone or Leon, however you say the director's name. He has complete control over what he's doing with this. He is making sequels to them, but it seems not out of some you know studio or monetary obligations. just like he has i He's enjoying it, the know the fans are enjoying it, and he has ideas of where he could take this. like that That's what I feel like is ah like like kind of more exciting about this franchise. yeah
and i guess like What makes me happy about these two existing at the same time is hopefully it lets the studios know or kind of like shows them like, let's stop with the Halloweens and like the Michael Myers. You can create new iconic imagery. Yeah. You don't have to keep you, because like that's the trap of Halloween that we've talked about so many times of like,
they could have definitely gone the path of it became an anthology and you just did different stuff with it. Or even within even if you kept it in the Michael Myers continuity, you could still do new things with that. But then every time it inches towards that, it's either like the fans or someone's against that and they're like, okay, no, we're just gonna have our basic Michael Myers does a Halloween. you know yeah And like it's like, no, you don't have to keep doing that.
Yeah, do do something different, which that's why I'm glad, like I said, these two are running at the same time. Hopefully, Smile 2 makes a good amount of money and it just shows the studios, yeah, let's not pay attention to these Halloween movies. like do we I know they're doing The Exorcist, but do we need to do The Exorcist again? like that's Let's focus on these new things and build new horror iconography up.
No, I agree with that sentiment. The main defense I'll put for the next Exorcist is that it's Mike Flanagan. Yeah, Mike Flanagan. I'm just curious of like what that is. ah and i mean he would only He wouldn't be in that spot if they didn't have like a flop of an Exorcist. it just you know they They just opened the fucking bag already and they're doing it now, trying to course correct, but it didn't need to happen.
No, I mean, none of those movies need to happen. Yeah, I don't know if Exorcist Believer really made a whole lot of money, but yeah. I don't that it did, even by horror movie standards where it's like almost all of them are guaranteed to make a profit that one might not have. Yeah. Should we hop into? Well, so you would recommend Terrifier 3. to people if you can handle the gore if you're yeah if you know uh i don't even know a comparison point for this but yeah if you're someone who gore your horror movies that you're super squeamish if like mutilation torture stuff and you're just like i'm not going to be able to handle that
maybe don't or read some I know some people like like reading even though it spoils the thing they like read ah like on IMDB I know they can give you the descriptions of the violent acts in the movie if you go to like the rating and you can get like a more detailed thing of like this happens here at this time. it It spoils the movie, but like for some people that gives them the cover, like, okay, I think I can handle that because I read the, like it, if you're curious and you're not sure if you can handle it, I guess like go ahead and and and check that out. But like otherwise I recommend this. Yeah.
Yeah, I would recommend it too. And, you know, I've heard like some people watching horror movies in daylight, maybe that helps. So, you know, whatever, whatever that helps you out. Yeah. Yeah. You know, but if you're whatever you got to do to enjoy this movie, it's worth watching. Art, the clown, I think is worth just seeing. He's a really funny character. he's I was i I went in and I told you I was going in so skeptical of art. I was like,
This fucking guy. You were one over very fast. like Five minutes into the movie, you're like, fucking, he rules, yeah. I was like, art for president? I'll vote right now. Well, so you and I, were I think, were the only two laughing during this movie, too. I've heard like people going, ugh, ah, in a couple of parts, but I think ah we were actively, because art's funny, man. I mean, we'll talk about specific parts, but like he...
uh falls into that liminal space of like he is scary and terrifying but also you're you enjoy watching him because you're just like man he's put on a good show yeah you love when he's on screen but you're terrified at the same time you're like everyone here is in danger and is probably going to die in a horrible way But man, I got to watch it because he's going to make it entertaining. He's going to have ah some good bits in here. Yeah, his he's a bit heavy and in all the right ways. Yeah. ah So, yeah, go go see it. I mean, I I think if if you're not sure if you can handle it, just go see it. you I think you can. I don't know. Yeah, you can probably handle it. I.
Didn't walk out with any Worries that I I didn't This movie is not gonna haunt me in a bad way. It's I mean you barf directly on me, but that wasn't because of the movie I was just so excited. I was so excited and I was very ill I It was kind of like Eric Andre Barf. Whenever he throws up in sketches, it's like, that's just because that character was excited. I drank a gallon of milk beforehand. That was a bad choice. the Milk was a bad choice. And then it just, it didn't work out well. Yeah, but that wasn't because of Terrifier, so go see it. Yeah, it was unrelated. Unrelated puking. Should we give the spoilers? Yeah, let's do it.
We're back. Wow. That spoiler bumper, it was like kind of synthy and like, uh, I don't know. It was just like, had this, this exciting but nostalgic vibe that I really appreciated. You felt terrified by it. I felt, I felt titillated.
Nice. Are people sick of the ter saying terrified in this episode yet? Do you think a half hour in? I stopped counting how many times we we said it because I'm like, I'm probably going to keep doing it, so whatever. drinking you Take shot every time we say it to or don't do that if we've done it a lot. Maybe that's a bad idea. If you're driving, take a shot while we every time we say terrified. Pull over. Don't do that. Please don't do that. We're kidding. we're yeah we're that Ashrix, that was a joke. Don't do that. Don't endorse that. um I also don't endorse Art the Clown. as As much as I said, I'm a fan of of him as a character and like the performance. i think he's I think he's a bad guy. Yeah, morally, he's not good. yeah I would put him on the side of evil, maybe, potentially. I think he would be on the naughty list. Like in Megalopolis, Adam Driver, was acute his character was accused of ah being evil a couple times, but art, I would say those accusations are true.
I think there's a fair amount of it. Like we're just going off the third one. So we don't have all the content. maybe What if there's a whole backstory that makes art sympathetic? He had to be doing that. Yeah, he's actually innocent. This is like a John Wick type of these are all bad people. Art. Yeah, they all killed his dog. Well, says it's just this terrifying. They like killed and raped his dog and then mutilated it or something. And then that's why he has to do that to them.
Yeah, luckily no sexual assault in this movie. i as much as i was like when we did get the the one instance of actually no there were two in subjectical mutilation ah one of them we see straight on but i was glad that there was no assault or raping because and just also speak authoritatively like I know that doesn't feel right for these movies no but but yeah not here not these movies not not my Terrifier yeah I mean they would have to give Terrifier back to the fans yeah and something like that yeah give it back to the fans
give art back to the fans. um Bring it back to its roots. Call it All Hallows Eve. Call it The Ninth Circle. So yeah, I like that you caught that reference. And then i yeah I wonder if that's like in all of the movies and I'm not special at all for being like, oh, the book, that's from like the short film. Yeah. But yeah, that was pretty cool. I want to see that short too. I would check that out.
i've maybe I'm okay so from what I've I didn't like do research after watching but I kind of just like was just paying more attention to what people were saying about the movies and then I just asked a friend who was in into them of like how this one is compared to other ones so the first one Sounds like is more straightforward and like he's just brutally murdering people It doesn't have like the the fantasy or like supernatural elements. This is all Hallows' Eve or is this terrifying? This is Terrifier one because apparently all Hallows' Eve does have lore or supernatural things of some kind present
Yeah, because even in the short film I want to say art is like a demon they said says in the description. I want to say I can look it up actually the ninth circle a woman is abducted by a sinister stranger on Halloween for a fate worse than death. Okay, so I'm wrong. And then, uh,
All Hallows' Eve is about two children and a babysitter watching a VHS tape of three tales of terror, all linked together by a murderous clown. So that's art. so okay um Yeah, so there's not like full art storylines happening yet until Terrifier 2, it sounds like It sounds like two is big time when like a lot of the stuff being referenced in this one, like ah the the main, you know, our our protagonist and final girl in this, she she used from Terrifier 2, but I think also like this mythical sword and stuff, all that was established in the last one.
Okay, um yeah, I figured the mythical sword there was like something but behind that but luckily It's simple enough to where it's like we sort of beheaded him for some reason it doesn't fully kill him, but it killed Vicky I want to say yeah made her dissolve her into goop google ah turn into you have to feed her the sword no, I think it the reason it didn't work was maybe because she wasn't killed the last time or something because like there was some note that she had from her brother that she was invoking like it says you have to kill the girl or something so they maybe be knew of Vicky already ah from their experiences in the last one maybe but what I did look up you know like I was saying I wanted to kind of just have the
perspective of I've kind of just absorbed things and then seen only this one I did look up what Vicky's deal was because I just like hey good I had no on I did not know who that that there I was like art has a girlfriend and wow she looks fucked up what was that what's up with that yeah and The my impression at first was she used to be human, I guess, because she like talks, looks at herself in the mirror and is like, I used to be beautiful or something along those lines. So she's the girl in the first terrifier.
which girl in the i think final girl the final girl and i don't i i think the last two ones art dies at the end of both of them uh terrify one and two one and two so she maybe kills art like she was one of his one would be victims but at some point does she get her face mangled in that one too i don't know if it happens in one or in two But like it happens in one of the previous ones. And then at some point she gets po possessed because it sounds like she was a normal human woman. And so she still has like memories or like desires from when she was human. That's at least what the mirror scene like showed me. that that It's not like pure just like. I wasn't an evil dead kind of thing. like I thought a lot about evil dead during this of of I mean. Talk about evil dead on the podcast a lot, too.
It's one of our most referenced movies. We compare a lot of movies to Evil Dead. i mean i was like It's very Evil Dead. I mean, it's a pretty influential series. like guys You're talking about the bike riders. Well, you know, they bike riders to have that scene where Tom Hardy chopped off his arm and then he would like replace it with a chainsaw and he was like, groovy. Exactly. He replaced it with a motorcycle, actually. Um, I think, yeah, I mean, this is, there's a lot of like 80s horror, like references, anesthetic in it, but I would be very surprised if Evil Dead wasn't one of those influences. Uh, just, just in like the behavior, because I didn't know about the demonic stuff, just the way there's like a playful,
like sadisticness to not just art, but also Vicky and that they're, they're having fun fucking with these people that they're killing, which is like the demons and evil dead are, they're having fun, you know, like they're, they're, they're, they're, it's not just that they're going to kill and possess you. It's like,
they're getting creative with it like art is like looking for new ideas like that liquid nitrogen he tests it out and is like this will be good to use on a person i can't wait yeah it's set up payoff he's like it's like i have an idea for a bit with this work Did he get the liquid nitrogen from like the guys, the workers in the house that they'd killed? like Did he have that and then he got that or did he just find it? it was It was in the house or they brought it in one or the other, but he got it from somewhere in the house, I'm pretty sure. But ah yeah, because then he like freezes the rat and like smashes it and puts it there by the other rats and he's like,
so satisfied with himself in that moment but then when he encounters like the Santa Claus character ah for a second I kind of bought I was like. Is art genuinely like a fan of Santa like he may be I bought it like is this character does he is he actually in enthused by ah Santa you know it.
I don't know. No, I believe I had that same thought to also shout out the Clint Howard cameo and in that and that scene. He's just a guy at the bar. ah But.
I, and I may be still, he might be a fan of Santa Claus still. Like I don't, I don't know that him killing and torturing that Santa negates his ah fandom. Like he might. He gave him, like, I mean, Santa was maybe the nicest person to him at the bar, but he gave him the worst treatment out of everybody. Like that guy suffered the most. Oh, his death was fucking awful. Cause everyone else just got shot. It was pretty quick.
Yeah, and the one guy I mean, he got it in the neck and bled out, but that's that's significantly easier than what Santa got. but um No, but I mean like the iconography and i idea of Santa that he maybe is a fan of. like in that like He knows that, quote, quote, that's not the real Santa. I don't know, maybe magic's real in this universe. Maybe there is a real Santa Claus that exists somewhere. But he's fine with torturing and brutally killing this guy, because he's like, hey, he's not the real Santa. But he likes the idea of Santa Claus. I was wondering if he thought that he actually became Santa. Or he's like, I did it. I killed, I got to do it. He did the Santa Claus. Yeah, exactly. He saw that movie.
He was like, I could do that. Yeah, maybe. ah I mean, we haven't seen the other terrifiers. That could be a plot thread that we just we just see the story arc that got seen do its completion. Yeah, this is actually paying off everything that was set up in the previous ones. Yeah, ah he I mean, because he he leans into that's one of the fun, more fun parts about him is that he like fully commits to these bits where he's like um he's not just going to take the beard in the costume. He's going to go to the store and like pretend to be a mall Santa. And he had real gifts. There was toys in the bag. But and in regard to like the sinister nature behind it though like there's a bit that he does when he's like about to torture this Santa and he's like wait let let me tell you my name and then he does that let me hear it you know he even mouths it looks like he mouths like let me hear it you know and it's like
is like a hand motion like, OK, come on, do your thing so I can kill you. He's he's having fun with them. Yeah. My favorite facial motions are thing. He makes some good faces during the ah the bathroom kill at the shower, kill it at at the the the frat party. But then he also early on, he has a great one when it's like that cold open and he kills the the family at at Christmas and the wife wakes up to to like her husband being butchered next to her, ah which was very disturbing and effective, like that whole sequence. but But he like when she screams and sees it, he like
I forget, does he point to her the axe? He points to her, then he like points to the axe, like, hey, you're next! Like, I'm coming! It's just, the way he like communicates, you know, I'm doing communicates and air quotes. It's like miming. It is miming, yeah. Art the mime. Stop mis-identifying him.
it's it's so enjoyable though it's what makes that humor that levity that he brings when like you said he's like communicating with people when he's communicating like and bits or thoughts or feelings or whatever it may be it's like It brings an appropriate levity to these moments. It might be too unbearable if there wasn't any lightness or fun to it. Like if it was just people being tortured and brutally murdered. And frankly, he wouldn't be an interest as interesting ah of like a horror villain. And right if he was just dispassionately like killing people, ah you know, you're like.
Well, he, there's no like formally stated motive for what he's doing, but he's having a great time. So I understand that. yeah There's something to like, I dunno, kind of, there's a personality to latch onto with art. Oh, a hundred percent. That's there. That wouldn't be there if he wasn't bringing this levity, you know, if he was just dead serious the whole time, which maybe there's a good version of that, but I don't think it works in the way that this works.
And he like react. It's not just that he has one mode and he's fucking around and having good time. Like he kind of reacts to the individual victims and in scenarios in in ways that are pretty fun. Like before we even got to that shower kill when he's just listening to the brother, ah ah ah the brother's roommate and and like the girlfriend talk, the one with the the podcast who was like, he's like the most notorious serial killer since Jack the Ripper. And then he makes some like, like, I like that he's like flat. Oh, he goes like, like that. Like, oh, stop it. Like, like hand gesture. Like that he's like Bugs Bunny kind of. he he's He's a murderous Bugs Bunny. Yeah. Yeah. It'd be like if all the violence committed in those Looney Tunes are cartoons happen to like a real body and there was like court like it like that's basically what he is. Yeah, he's like a Looney Tune. That's that. that that That's perfect encapsulation of like his deal.
Yeah, he's pretty great. And then, too, doesn't he get offended where when she says she wouldn't fuck art or something? He makes a face where he's like ah he frowns and he's maybe like like disappointed or like. And I like that they start making out in that room and you can see him in the background like creepily with these like I think he's wearing sunglasses or something just like watching them and they don't know he get him. He just comes off of a bus with the sun or the the van that he's driving around and he just has them.
And then he puts them on her after brutally murdering her. He treats her really bad. And it meant he gives her. but So he gives her like his classic like look, I'm calling it classic, because I assume that like crazy where he like is stretching his face upward, but looking at you from like the bottom of his like eye. You know what I mean? Yeah, that that's his thing. Like he he has lots of faces, but that's the one he's like he does. and he gives it to her almost in a way this was my read of kind of like you're a fan of this like this is what you're here for yeah and i really did kind of enjoy i maybe i'm wrong but he's a character you can he has a personality but you can also project on to him a little bit 100
He's nice. I like this character being around Damien Lyon. I hope that's your actual name, sir. But ah good job with creating this character. I don't know if you had him figured out this way from the very beginning, but you've got him to a good place.
Yeah, like I want to see more of him. I want to see more of and I ah we've just been talking about art and how fun he is. I think our heroine or our final girl, like I think she's a pretty solid ah i in terms of like i I'm compelled by the performance, but then the the the character herself, even without the context of like, I feel like they give you enough of like, you know,
the things that happened in two without like, so yeah I mean, you do, there are little flashbacks, I assume that that those were scenes from from the last one. I, the main thing I didn't have context for was like the dad stuff, because I was like, Oh, how much of this was already in the last one? I assume the dad was in the last one to some degree or something. Yeah, probably. I hope It seems like, ah well, yeah, because there's flashbacks to like, I think it's our main character, or maybe somebody else in this like hero costume that the dad created for his daughter. So I think like something with that was in the first movie.
And so, um, I'm sure I would understand like the psych, why actually watching the p second one would give full context and clarity is the idea that like the magic sword exists because the dad wrote it in his comic. Like was, is the dad or is the dad just cognizant of it in some way. And he reflects that in his drawings, like is, is, is, Is his dad, but is the is her dad basically like some prophet in the comics or like showing the thing that, you know, is part of this like, because it seems like she's like some prophesied hero or something that like, that this was, i you know, almost like it was destined to happen in some way.
that's pretty cool i i didn't take the time to really think about like what all of this was just because i was having fun with it i do plan on eventually watching the terrifier movies but if there is this like myth type of thing happening or like, I mean, that's pretty cool. I'm excited to see it. I'm really excited to see where this movie goes, especially like, so. It ends in a very compelling way of like, Oh my God, where are they going with this? It does. And so we were talking to, you had just mentioned like the main character being likable and everything.
I wouldn't have been surprised if they killed her in this movie, but I was really rooting for her harder than I've rooted for a horror like hero in a long time. I was like it because it was so upsetting everything that was happening to her and her family that I was just like.
please she needs to get out of it. And then and then would when when the with the little cousin, I was like, ah yeah, please, she's got to save her. Like, come on. like we She deserves a W, you know? Yeah. And her brother, the he dies off screen. That's the character that I saw in the review that I think the brother was pretty important in the last movie.
And yeah, they kill him off screen. I think that's the beef the way they reference you had the brother or like when she's seeing her dead friend from I presume the last movie and was like it was all your stupid brother's fault. Like he probably it sounds like he played a more active role in in the things that happen. And like when she was referring to like you used to believe all this about like the demon lore. So maybe he was like actively researching this stuff or was like, you know, like in Into the Lord pretty like, you know, like he was probably the exposition source in the last one, but maybe he was also just like actively like.
pushing everyone to this because he was researching. I don't know. I don't actually I'm i'm making guesses there with that. But I with with just this movie, I liked all the off screen deaths that they did, I thought were the right choices. And like they were more shocking because we didn't see them and they had an impact. It's not like it's not like the brothers dying didn't matter because clear it's very it's upsetting and it like is is ah know crushing to her. They're trying to convince you it's one character and and it's a different one. And I knew it was the brother right away. I was like, that's probably the brother, because there was like a fake out with his not a fake out, but you hear a voice like his voice on the phone, but it's kind of clear that it's not his voice. Either Vicki or art, we're doing some demon mimicking because we know. Yeah, because art one, art doesn't talk. But then we also hear her doing a different voice at like ah
I'm forgetting the main a character's name now when... um The main girl? Yeah. Uh, Sienna, when, when like basically in the final act, when she comes downstairs and she thinks that it's her now, if i cause they buy the way they address these family members, the, that husband and wife that she's staying with, that's her aunt and uncle because the brother kept calling her auntie, whatever. So that's Sienna's aunt and uncle too, that she's staying with.
Did she have to kill her own parents? Is that what the deal was? i Her parents are dead. I think that that's what happened. and like did Maybe they were all captured in two or something. and I'm interested. It worries me because I'm like, man, are one and two yeah way more extreme? But I'm like watching them at home. I think I can definitely handle them, but I'm really Kind of interested to know what the deal is. because I want to know this lore. I want to at the very least watch too because I know that's when and like all the mythological stuff is like pretty much like established and double down on like this is what this franchise is doing.
Uh, so I, I want to see that and get that. And I feel like that will give me the context for the dad and the rest of the family. Uh, but anyway, back to my point, like when she comes down, she thinks she hears her uncle and aunt talking about her of like, yeah, you were right. She was, she, she's losing it. And, or, you know, maybe we got to take her to the hospital or something. And then it turns like being like really nasty comments about her. I forgot specifically what it was. It was something, something really not nice about Sienna. That's Vicky. That was Vicky imitating the voices because at that point her aunt's already captured and tied up. And then as we learn, the uncle's just fucking mutilated like he's dead as fuck. yeah He's like like a trophy on the wall and like his head's on top of the Christmas tree like a star.
is like it it was so disturbing and that was the scene where I in in the non-spoiler talk where I was like when it first happened and she turns the corner sees Vicky and Art there i'm like well this is a dream she's having the nightmare about Art And I wasn't because I didn't know the rules of this like supernatural stuff was like, Oh, well, maybe art, it's kind of like Freddy Cougar that even if this is a dream, she he's like haunting her through her dream and fucking with her there. So she's not really safe anywhere. But then after she gets knocked out, and then back to I was like, Oh, we're not in a dream. This is like happening.
Yeah, a dream within a dream. It's knocked out. It's like, wait, you got knocked out in her dream. This is layers to this. Yeah, no, it that is very upsetting. And then fucking what happens to the ant where she gets like ah the glass tube like hammered into her fucking throat, the buildings like pus or like saliva or whatever. There's some kind of white liquid.
uh that was the main kill that i was like starting to look away like there are a couple parts towards the end where i was still watching the movie it's not like i was like i can't watch this but i was kind of like oh please no yeah i looked away when they started heating up the tube to get the rats in there and that at that point i was like I hope she's dead already and not living through this because I knew they were going to slit her throat. And I looked away for that because I didn't want to see all the rats coming out. But I was like. I hope this character is dead. I kept thinking that through a lot of like those when art just keeps going with the mutilation. I just was like, I hope they're dead already somehow when he's putting his chainsaw into that roommate's asshole in the shower. We cut to him and he's like reacting like he's still conscious and I'm like, how? It's awful, dude. It's so ah yeah. The main one where I'm like, how are you still alive was the Santa who gets frozen. Yeah. Like his when his face is getting smashed and you still see the one I'm moving and he's like you kind of screaming make noises. Yeah. And and it's like, how? How are you alive? Really upsetting. And yeah, they just keep ramping up and getting worse and worse, because starting with the shower scene, that's when I started to look away. Well, that was nice a little bit. And then more and more, everything started getting harder and harder to watch. The final confrontation was more action packed than horror. So it was like kind of fun. And it was a nice release. We got a fucking sword versus chainsaw battle that I thought was really cool. Like i that shit was rad.
This movie did a great job of making a chainsaw fucking terrifying though. It feels so more dangerous than in pretty much even the actual, and I say this as someone like the original Tex Chainsaw Massacre. It's one of my favorite movies, but there's not a lot of chainsaw in that movie. the base Contrary to popular belief or cultural memory of it and and ah like the way that pretty much anything in Art's hand just feels dangerous. But like the way that he's just like, there's something, it's not just that he's sadistic and enjoying all this like, maiming and torture, it's that like,
It's so haphazard, the way that he's like, there's like not precision to it, to like the way that he's like carving up the- He's kind of cutting your arm and then maybe he'll take off a hole. Like he does want to take layers off, e a little bit but he's being like sloppy with it. Yeah, it's, and when you're just cornered in the shower and he's just flailing this thing at you, yeah haphazardly it's,
It's terrifying and yet he has a look of enjoyment on his face. It's not even like he doesn't care that much if he's like, kills you. It's like he just wants to see your terror a little bit. It's more effective than Pennywise in that way, man, because he's more successful. He has a more successful kill ratio than Pennywise and he still gets the six satisfaction from it.
He's so much scarier than Pennywise. I was just thinking about how not scary those ah recent it like the first one as a movie, I think is decently chapter ones decently made. But yeah but it and it has a it has a vibe in an atmosphere, but I wouldn't say that it's like super scary. And Pennywise has good moments in that first it's like one. It's like a fun performance. Yeah, I'm not like scared of him. Like I like the one where one of the kids is like ah screaming and then Pennywise it's near then and Pennywise imitates like crying.
And then he goes like a terrifying face. After that, that's my favorite Pennywise moment where I was like, I would be terrified in this moment and they did a good job portraying that on screen, just the terror that these kids are feeling in this moment. but um And then chapter two, there's like none of nothing scary. Nothing at all. um but It's like negative, it goes in the negative direction of like, I'm actually, yeah, like I'm not scared of anything now.
but I don't find clowns scary usually. um This might be the most scared I've been ah at like a clown being on screen. That wasn't like real life footage of a person actually in clown makeup that was like you know security cam footage of something like terrifying you know there's like a clown documentary out there of some like oh yeah i think i remember hearing and like the real life footage of someone dressed up as a clown machine i'm like well that's scary you know but yeah a clown
And they're like demon clowns usually like Pennywise is like a alien demon clown whatever crafting entity yeah yeah like space or something and then but it's like. So that makes it you know not work for me even more but art demon clown art for some reason he works I think it's the performance in the makeup I think. It's the performance, the way it's shot, the makeup, all that contributes to how effective it is. He looks good in a Santa suit, man. He looks he pulls it off. He pulls it off. I want to see him in the Santa suit exclusively. I think i think the one of the scarier Santa suit moments is when Sienna sees him in the mall and he has the face, even under the mask that he has on, you can like kind of feel the faces that he's making at her.
And you're like, God damn, that's fucking you. Like, it cuts back to her. Like, she's like fucking crying and like, you know, basically about to have like some kind of PTSD episode. And you're like, yeah, it'd be terrifying to see that. And the fact that he actually was there. Like, I liked that it wasn't. There was the aspect of like,
her family picks her up from, ah you know, like a hospital or mental institution at at the beginning. And there's that whole concern, like they're concerned about her. And some people don't even, even her brothers not believing her at first of like, no, he's back. ah And, but, but I liked that the movie for, as far as the audience goes, it's not making us question of like, is she really seeing him? I was like, no, he's there. And then he fucking blew up the mall.
look yeah he goes and gives presents to kids yeah they let him do that a little longer than they should've let him do that they keep cutting back to that one elf who's like just too scared to do anything like like is He just tells the security guard to like, hey, that's not our Santa. But then when when one of the moms is like, like, what the fuck's going on? He's like, yeah, I don't know, man. I'm just fucking scared. Like he he just does nothing to stop it. And but then it is weird, though, that art, he is ah a known figure in this world, but a lot of people don't seem to recognize him or like recognize, like,
That could be a psycho in art makeup, art the clown makeup. Like you would think at least he's like always bloodied whenever he comes into a place. I feel like if if you see someone dressed up as the Joker, I feel like you have like at the mall in everyday life, I feel like you have a little bit of a concern. You're like, OK, that guy's a.
like either really likes the Joker or you know that there's not a there's a bad moment associated with someone dressed up as the Joker you know what I mean yeah and so it kind of like ruins that I feel like someone in art makeup people would be like you can't do this in public like it would be addressed as a brought up as a concern or a problem and wouldn't he like I mean, I'm not like a mortician or someone who's around dead bodies. But my understanding is that dead bodies really smell and then like dried blood, I think, also is supposed to like smell pretty rancid and not good. I assume this is a guy who doesn't shower, you know, like like ah not even based on like the creepy killer vibes. Like how is he getting this far into places like like homeless people are thrown out of businesses so fast in the real world that like
the smelly bloody guy comes waltzing in and no one's like like doing a thing about it. He's also so wearing a Santa suit that he peed on. it's He smells like piss and blood. Yeah. He wasn't wearing it when he peed on it, but he it still has his pee on it. He peed on it. Yeah, which I assume doesn't smell good.
His pee probably smells worse. He's like an undead demon clown. So like i I was almost expecting that one part where the shot before the shower kill, when you see him using the urinal, I was like, are we going to cut to seeing a pool of it? And it's like blood or black. or like that he like What does he pee? like you know Because I'm like, he's undead, so he doesn't need to eat, right? like like i'm i'm like Not that I care about ah super hard, the mechanic but there were moments where I was thinking of, like Yeah, when he so he doesn't eat, right? you know like He doesn't have to. He does eat, though, because his severed head is eating a person at the very beginning. He's eating flesh, yeah. Yeah, so maybe he does need sustenance. I don't know what happened when he got decapitated, but my impression was Vicky carried off his head somewhere and maybe needed to keep the head nourished and it had to grow in some way.
there's some some head There's some kind of resurrection ritual or process that needed to happen or something. Yeah, because we walk in, we first meet Art's head and Vicky in like an insane asylum with Chris Jericho there. and The head is eating a body. Does the body of Art kill Chris Jericho? it Like rips apart his face or something? Yes. Yeah. Shout out to Chris Jericho.
There were some fun cameos. There was that, I mentioned Clint Howard. After the mall bombing happens, and it's on ah TV, the guy being interviewed is a makeup effects guy, a horror movie ah makeup guy, Tom Savini. I think he worked on- That's cool. I think he worked on a couple of Romero movies. He was, and as an actor, he was in ah From Dust Till Dawn. Did Tom Savini do the Pennywise makeup for the Stephen King miniseries?
Oh, for the 80s one, he might have because that would have been like that was basically like his heyday of when he was doing stuff. ah i I think you might be right about that. Yeah.
Yeah, so he is a clown association. Shout out to Tom Savini. That's a cool cameo, yeah. Yeah. ah I should rewind. I haven't seen from Dusty Donnell. I know he's done more. I've heard his name associated with a lot of Iconic. Maybe not a lot. I've heard his name associated with Iconic. He's just part of the horror, like, ecosphere, like, in my mind. Like, that even if I haven't seen a ton of things that he's, like, been in or done the makeup for, it's just, like, I know that he's, like,
fully embedded in that world. He was also in Planet Terror. That makes sense. I mean, you'd already worked with rod Rodriguez at that point. um Let's see, what do you think they do makeup on? ah Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Day of the Dead, Maniac, ah Friday the 13th. Yeah, Friday the 13th. The Burning, the Prowler.
Yeah, so he's basically horror movie royalty, you know, just like all the different things he's touched or been a part of. He's worked with Toby Hooper a good amount, Argento.
Yeah, Rodriguez, Romero, or yeah, he got to start with me Romero. It seems like um with Dawn of the Dead, I think. Yeah, I was just like skimming through. I don't remember seeing Dawn. Maybe that was there. He definitely did day. And then I think he did land. Maybe it was. Yeah, but yeah, he did two of the Romero land or Dawn or and of the dead movies. um Yeah, shout out to him.
Yeah, it was a cool cameo. um And also just that moment was like leading up to like, yes, he did Dawn of the Dead, too. Oh, he did. yeah Yeah. So he gave he's giving and when he's doing the Santa stuff and no one's talking him, he has real presence that he is giving the kids. There's like dolls and stuff and they're like all excited and taking them. But then the one kid who's fucking unwrapping the the package It's like, you know, it's not going to be good. But I thought I was like, oh, it's just some limbs or something from a previous fix. Something you cut off that's going to be grotesque and like it's going to fucking like traumatize this child. It was like, no, it's a fucking bomb. Yeah.
It just fucking blows up and then you see the guts from the people who were like decimated from the bomb. Yeah, it's pretty upsetting. It was a nice change of pace though. or The explosion caught me off guard. i didn't note I don't know if the bomb made you jump. I did catch you jump in a few times during this movie though. I think the bomb got me in...
I feel like there was another time where it was like, I knew something was going to happen. But even then when it happened, I still maybe it was when like those contractors or those workmen come into the the so arts house and like you see both of them simultaneously. One's approaching Vicky, the other one's approaching Art. And I think when Art finally like.
unfroze because he was like a like a in frozen the statue stasis mode I guess for like a few months and then when he finally moved again I was like ah yeah even though I knew it was like it it is so funny like the guy's just like poking him and like hey oh you there like snap why are you doing this dude and it also questions the idea of like okay so art is known in this world and And the guy, the guy we just talking about it and the guy says, this isn't real, which to me is like, he can't believe the art, the clown, this notorious killer would be here right now in this chair, in this house. And so.
If you have this, on like, I can't, but what the fuck? Why is he here? What is this? And you're going to go up to him and start like fucking poking him and snapping in his face. What do you think is going to happen? Yeah, it was kind of ridiculous. No one does what they should be doing in every moment. No one gets out.
what like Jordan Peele said get out that's what I would be doing every moment anytime art is nearby the only one taking it seriously is Sienna and then initially no one's believing they're like you're fucking crazy saying yeah or even the pot when the we see that that that uh that girl's podcast and her like co-host I guess is saying like well how do we she's connected to all the victims how do we know that she didn't kill them or something I was like I haven't seen the second movie but I was like ah nothing here has led me to believe that like what why would you not believe this killer clown who is known to the public did those murders like
I mean, I guess it's the whole thing of like his body was gone shortly afterwards, so you couldn't like tie him physically in that moment to him, but it's like- And the cop that could potentially like clear things up, he ends up getting killed, so. Right, it's really her, just her word that like, but- Yeah, either her or- Her brother. The killer clown whose body was never discovered.
Right. So I mean, I I'm OK. I mean, maybe how do people people have seen art, the clown? Like, how is his image around? Because there's someone who's dressed up as art and he's like excited when he sees the real one. He's like, oh, fucking awesome costume man. Like yeah he wants a picture of it. And it seems like art is recognized when he walks into a place like by when someone's going to kill him or when he's going to kill someone and he enters the room, people recognize there's danger afoot you know like this guy isn't good so it's like i don't know maybe you just have to be in like there's a niche corner of serial killer dumb you have to be interested like if you're you you're a freak like that girl with the podcast who's like into
Like I definitely feel like there's been a lot of things recently where I think that like people who are too into true crime stuff I would I would say Joker too also falls under this that they're like kind of turning the camera back on he's like what's going on with that like why why are you so into these killers and stuff like do you like this more than Joker follow you do Yes, i I would say I do, but I mean, don't. It's more entertainment against each other. I don't know. There is a there is a song in this battle of the clowns. You know, I wonder, is Terrifier going to outperform Folly Ado?
I think it already is on ah because it was already underperforming its opening weekend. Yeah, and there's going to be a massive, massive drop off from even that first weekend. And Terrifier is like the only good and like new thing out like known hollow horror movie this October. I mean, Smile 2 is that's pretty known, pretty well known was did well. Yeah, the substance.
It's still in theaters, but it's got a not very decreased yeah like the number of theaters it's in is like dwindling as it gets closer to I think it's going to be on movie, you know, it's not a real like crowd pleaser in the way like Terrifier is, I would say.
Like this is probably one of the most full theaters we've had recently, right? Yeah. And it might've just been the location we went to a theater we haven't been to in a while. A lot of the, theater the one theater we go to for convenience is like a dead theater. Then like maybe for some kids movies, you might have a crowd there, but otherwise it's like not a lot of people are going there.
I wouldn't want to see a movie like Terrifier at that shitty Marcus though. It feels like it would probably, marcus it horror movies there usually bring like the worst of the worst to the movies. I mean, like I saw Don't Breathe there and there were fucking people screaming at each other over whose seat was whose and like security had to come in. Same thing. I saw the Soderbergh movie Unsane, two people screaming at each other in the front row.
first like 20 30 minutes of the movie it like fucking ruined the movie for me I couldn't like focus the whole time they were yelling and then I would like was kind of lost and it went on for a long time so yeah I would not do horror and no'm I'm kind of just done in general with with that Marcus Not to say that we had the best audience in ours, those two girls who were next on the other side of me, they were on their phone for most of the movie. And then they left. So I was like, did they sneak in? And they were just kind of hanging out here. People kept like moving to different seats. It looked like they were moving to other parts of the theater to talk to friends they were separated from. It was like really weird. The people who were sitting next to you, they sat in the very front
at first and then they came back by me yeah they like walk by and they're like were these our seats and i'm like oh maybe they didn't want to sit in between two people but it's like you're in a movie theater get the fuck over it and then i could um learn to sit next to a stranger people stop being rude They opened TikTok at one point and I heard the sound from it. I saw them taking pictures or recording videos, too. I think it was them because there was a flood. We've said this so many times. It's like, why did you pay to go see a movie if you're not going to watch it? Like, I just I don't I just.
and they're expensive Movies are expensive nowadays, too. The most expensive they've ever been. like it its like you like You really just have that much disposable money that you're like you're you're basically just paying for a hangout. Just go to a coffee shop if you're just trying to go somewhere and chill. In California, sometimes the tickets would get close to $20 each. Our tickets yesterday, $16 each. That's how much those people paid to like not watch this movie, $32 total.
like you could use your Use your phone at home and spend zero dollars. like I don't know. yeah like I really don't get it. Go to a restaurant and have like a meal or something. Socialize. Live life. yeah Get off your phone. You could go to a comedy show and see. like i For $45, that was my share how much I had to pay for myself to get a VIP booth at at a comedy show. One of the best experiences of my life.
a little bit more than this this movie just use your time use your money better don't make everybody else's experience worse because you don't know how to behave i don't know what's wrong with people like it's why did you come here like you just so you could tell people you saw terrify or three when you didn't see it because you weren't watching it like Yeah, what are you accomplishing? it's like i don't and I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying to really maximize like my time and like what I'm doing in my day. I'm trying to be productive and like right the create or like just do something good every day. and it's like These are people who don't know how to value their own time and don't know how to respect the people around them. I don't and don't understand it.
It's it's definitely gotten worse in recent years and it almost like I don't want to be fatalist because like I want people to have some common sense, but it almost feels like it's a lost battle that like people are just going to be on their phone in theaters and like taking recording the screen. I would never tell somebody to stop it unless if it was getting like ridiculous. Like when ah I was seeing long legs and that person took a phone call right behind me, if that happened next to me,
I would probably say something like the that, you know, but my move now is I don't want to say something because that feels like too risky and I don't want to like escalate to a thing. I just glare at the I like will shoot glares in their direction. ah Like when we had I think that's when we saw people hate being stared at.
No, I'm not staring, I'm doing a quick glare and then I'm looking back at the movie. I thought you were just staring at them, or glaring at them the whole time until they stop. I look at them, I shoot them a death stare, and then I look back at the movie. And hopefully the look is conveying, really? What's wrong with you? Think about your action.
let Just bring a ball peen hammer and every time someone's on their phone. I'm not even gonna give it a hard hit I'm gonna give it a little dink and just crack their screen ah you're about to say you're going a fucking breakth through hey and you're gonna do some art shit like Use your phone I break your hand No, I'm just going to not even make their phone unusable. Just you got to get a new screen now. That's your fucking it pay. Twenty five dollars to your shitty phone to T-Mobile. And there's there's there's consequences now. Yeah. well well Well, speaking of art breaking hands, should we talk about the the ending? Because we like I brought up the the lead up to it where I was like, oh, this is a nightmare that Sienna's having. But then we go to like, oh, no, no, no.
ah They're actually there. The brother and and uncle have already been killed and like now they're hostage. and This is like the worst case scenario, the worst thing that could possibly ever happen to Sienna after what I can imagine. It seems like she lost a good chunk of her family already in the last movie, but now she's got to watch the rest of them be taken away from her.
that might have been where it seems like she lost more important family members in the last movie so maybe that was harder to deal with you know she's like oh my aunt no at least it's not my mom again you know you're kind of just used to it after like you've already had a greater loss this might have been a softer blow you know if she had lost the little cousin's name was it was G something not Gloria was it I do find it funny too that the like niece or whatever who falls down, she's like, I will find you. In my mind, I would be like, she's dead. There's no finding her.
It was like, I'm going to hell? Like, is that the plan? Gabby, I think, is the little cousin or whatever who she has to, you know, because of course there's the fake out where it wasn't her in the rat cage. It was the brothers, you know, part of the brothers head in there. But then- Despite all his rage, he was still just a rat in a cage. Damn, that would have been a good needle drop. Or they should have done it at the credits. Like, the world is a vampire.
who spot on my ring.
ah Art would love to smash some pumpkins. By pumpkins, I mean like people's heads. But yeah, the lead up to we saw her. Well, we did not. We don't actually see her dig up the sword. We see her say to the brother of like, do like the brothers like, do you know where it is? And she's like,
Yeah, it's buried wherever that they were. I I did kind of zone out partially during that exposition scene she has with her brother, but I did pick up on the she knows where this this mythical ah yeah art slaying sword is is buried and that, you know, when she comes back with this gift wrap present, her hands are dirty. So we're like, OK, so she dug it up. She's got the sword and it's like hid behind the tree. The lead up to it is it's it's like it's it's funny that we know it's coming and like they're like Vicky and Art are not like they got the world in their palm. They're not worried about nothing like them. Letting her open her gift is like it's just another way for them to fuck with these people like before killing them. but To me, to me, that was like them drawing this out. Yeah. Of like an especially are the evil dead thing. Yeah, no, exactly. Like they're they're like basically feasting on this suffering and they want to savor it. So like
the when art breaks her hands and then it was like, yeah, open your gift. And yeah, it's the it's the. So I love your gift. Edward, no hands. Get inside of Edward Scissorhands. Anyway, that's our podcast, folks. our Last episode ever. Tell a friend. Yeah. Your whole back catalog they can check out. Yeah.
No, but that was good. um Yeah, the sword review, you know, it's not a reveal because we know it's coming, but I love everything about the buildup of that. And like Gabby's like, do you like the present? She's like, best gift ever. Fucking slice. Does she slice art in the crotch first? Like she does two swings at art initially before throwing it. Yeah, she pulls it out and it's like despite all my rage.
start slashing them to smashing pumpkins so we do see you know after the whole falling through the portal to hell stuff her hands are healing but is that the sword healing her I yeah I don't think so her hands were still fucked up when she was like holding on to the sword and fighting with it and everything but after the blade that she because she was holding onto the sharp end of the blade trying to get her sister up squeezing harder and harder blood work was coming out and it sliced open her hands but yeah that they but they that were from the blade like it's like the cuts healed I don't know it's like it looked like her part Wolverine and Deadpool I think and I wasn't sure like a Marvel movie is it the magic of the sword that heals her or is she because of her chosen one status that I was picking up on that there's like you know she's like destined for this to fight this evil is that like the Basically like she she she kind of can't be killed either I think it has to do with the character that her dad Created and like because again there were like flashes of her in the suit that I think were from like the last movie looked like there was a Confrontation with art where she was wearing the suit. So I think there is this whole like mythology tied to
her being this character and whatever, you know, maybe the sword is for this character. I think the sword is part of it. and And again, like, yeah, I am interested to see the second one. Is it it is the idea that like, is it some kind of ah in the mouth of madness esque thing where what the dad drew is like become real now or something like and then that? That's why that they have this sword. Yeah. Did the dad create art?
That I'm also curious about that. What where did he because my based on like just getting from this, it's like, OK, he was independent. Art was an alive, crazy serial killer at some point, like just just a deranged human who killed people. And then he died and then was resurrected by a demon. Like, I don't think all the evil things he did were worse. but It's basically like the demon basically enabled him to keep doing it.
I and really want to watch these other two and see what this is about. I'm on board with all of this. I'm down to see where all of this shit goes, man. I might even watch all Howls if that's if there's like important art lore in there. I might need to know. yeah I might have to watch it. You might watch the Ninth Circle. I think that's what it's called. But if it's on YouTube, it's only like 11 minutes long. So why not? Why not indeed? and when a Listener, ask yourself, why not? Yeah, why why not, Listener? ah I really, really enjoyed this movie and talking about it more. it only create like i will Not only will I rewatch this, but and now when i when I came out of it last night, i was I was positive, but I wasn't to the the degree of like, do I want able but want to watch those other ones? Maybe I won't even hear. I was still doubting myself if I could handle the the previous two.
But now talking through this and like thinking about it, I'm like, I do want to see. i mean i knowm like I'm basically all in at this point. and was reluctant i'm Everything I'm reluctant to, I always eventually come to with open arms at a certain point. It happened with Fast and the Furious. It's happening with Art the Clown. Next, I'm going to get you fully into k Cronenberg. You're going to watch Crash and it's going to be your favorite. movie Why Crash, man? Because you in your mind, I think you think that's the most disturbing of of his movies. ah No, I'm looking at I've been really looking at Rabbit.
Oh, okay. I haven't seen that one. I haven't seen, there's a lot of Cronenberg blind spots I got. It's been on sale on Voodoo, like for this whole month so far. I've been, oh, and I think it's on Shutter maybe, or it sounds, it's streaming somewhere as well, but I'm, uh, Rabbit is the Cronenberg I'm looking at. Try and see what that zombie one is about. Especially after watching Re-Animator, I'm like, different takes on zombies. Let's check it out.
Yeah, i and I need to see it. I need to you see brand animator and 4k right there. I bought that arrow. I'm excited to see if there's any bonus features or anything on there.
You're a bonus features. Like I don't even buy as much physical media, but I just know that there's not as much anymore. Like as a comment, it just has not just bonus feet, like a good healthy set of bonus features, but DVD menus in and of themselves was like an art form for, for, for depending on the movie. You're like, wow, this is like a well-designed or like clever DVD menu. I think we might have talked about it on one of our Spy Kids commentaries, but yeah, I was talking about Lion King 1.5. Good DVD menu. There were games on there. You could play Shrek 2. There were games. I had a good one. so One I remember fondly was the Zoolander one, where it's like narrated by Zoolander in character and he's like,
Welcome to the world of DVD. And he's like talking you through the different options on the menu. He's like play that starts the movie. And I know what you're thinking. It's a movie, not a play. Why is it? Why does it start playing? It's like in the olden times, plays were movies. He's just like really dumb the most in the most dumb way possible talking through the menu. It it really it fits the tone of the movie.
I like that. i So we have to do this. We're obligated to do this now. um How does this tie into the MCU? Or is there a cinematic universe here? This is everybody's favorite segment. Is there a cinematic universe here?
um I mean, the day there was a second art, the clown on the train. I thought at the very beginning, I was like, yeah, exactly. I was like, multiverse movie. um we The multiverse is in everything. I'm not ruling it out. There could be a multiverse anywhere. We're in a multiverse right now. You're in a multiverse. You're you listening to this. You're not even in the same reality as us. If you try and track us, you somehow find us in the real world. You're like, Doug, Nick, we're a big fan, a big fan of the podcast. I'm like, what podcast?
Cause in that reality, the tuck and dicks don't even have a podcast there. yeah
And our names are kinda, he's nug and I'm dick. And everyone has like three eyes or something. I don't know. There's some weird shit going on in that reality. So this could very well be a multiverse movie. There could be a multiverse. The dad's a comic book artist. I mean, we don't know. I mean, we see, you know. We see comic books in Logan. Logan is now a part of the MCU. By Transit of Properties.
terrifier is part of the mcu there are comic books in terrifier comic books within movies only exist in the mcu now right because i think there's comics in blade trinity blade trinity spoilers for dead pool versus wolverine or whatever it's called
Blade's a part of the MCU now. Right. So so if if there's comics in your movie, you're part of the MCU. That's that's the formula. There's comics in this. So that is our link. Terrifier is a part of them. So you can't wait to see him in Secret Wars. What if. and Right. So I called him Terrifier. I heard the clown is in them. See, it's fun to call characters by the name of the movie, like calling Tom Cruise Vincent Clatterall. What if we only call them by the actor?
Uh, I can't wait to see Ryan Reynolds. Congratulations. Uh, David Howard Thornton, Thornton. And as far as I know, we're in MCU now. He's played art in all, like not just the Terrifier movies, but all house. Like he's been art this whole time. So David Leon is directing Captain Marvel three and after this. So I watch that. It makes sense. It's they're fully bringing it on. Ryan Reynolds will be in the next Terrifier. I think they announced.
Like when she, Sienna's probably going to go to hell to get her cousin or whatever, and then Deadpool will be there and he'll be like, as he should be Deadpool should be in hell.
That's justice. and And here's the thing. He knows he's in hell in a movie and he and he's going to look at the camera and he's like, isn't this ironic? And he's going to like make a vga like like shit even grin. Yeah. And he's like, that's pretty crazy that I'm here, right? Yeah, the devil doesn't even like him. The devil's like, give him the fuck out of here. Yeah, send him to heaven.
Anyway. I'm so interested of where this movie goes. What if they go to heaven? What if she fell to heaven? Well, that could be like she goes to hell and she's the cousins not there. They're like twist. She's in heaven. And then she has to go to heaven and fight angels to get her like little cousin back or something. And then she kills God or something at the end or something. That'd be cool. What if God's afraid of art?
He should be. Art scary. Just like you said in like, Legion, someone's a God's afraid of someone. Oh, oh preach preacher preacher. Yeah. Yeah. There's this power called Genesis and the preacher has and God's like, I'm getting the fuck out of here, not dealing with that.
I think I think I think for good reason ah God should be afraid of art. It doesn't seem like you can like some so horror franchises especially the ones that like go on forever I could see how someone could be like it's kind of tiring that this this a villain is like invincible and this is just like never it You someone could feel like like for like the Friday the 13th and like basically Jason being unkillable. Does that take away? Like why isn't God doing something about Jason? I mean, hopefully the next movie addresses that. Yeah. ah the day the thirteenth Friday the Friday the 13th, 12 or 11 or whatever. But in this, it's almost like part of the lore in the appeal of this like weird world and vibe that like
Art's like unkillable, but it's like, Sienna's maybe also, in ah is that like some kind of like cosmic counterbalance to art? Like that because she's like prophesized to defeat that evil that she like exists as like this, this, this like to balance the scales or something. And so far, if Sienna is bae, then art must also be bae then, right?
so rate is five stars just killing it man it's not even a late record you're killing you're killing something yeah you're who's worse art or nicks i'm a mic killer
You can find me on letterbox. Some good reviews over there. ah Real mature stuff happening. I mean, um we're we're being silly, but the this but movie's a little silly because art is. so like Art has me in a mood, you know.
Yeah, I I I'm I'm won over by him. I'm won over by the whole thing. I I'm I'm eating crow. You know, I was like, yeah, it's just some dumb gore fest franchise. Well, now it's my dumb gore fest. Doug was like, I don't want to watch another entry in the MCU. I'm over it. But yeah I'm done. I mean, unless art's in it now, now that I'm an art guy, I'll watch the MCU movies. I'm going to look up online. Is art in this one? Yeah. When is this Disney Plus show happening?
Uh, next year. ah Okay. And I, and I think, um, I was trying to think what director would be funny as to say, like someone really prestigious.
yeah He's got to make his money back. That's his penance for Megalopolis. It is back to for hire gigs for a decade. Art should have been a Megalopolis. This move is way better than Megalopolis. Art should have thought Julius Caesar. and good Caesar Romero. Caesar Romero as Julius Caesar in the Joker makeup with a chainsaw versus art with a chainsaw.
We're tying together this whole month of movies we've reviewed. The multiverse, you can connect anything. that's That's the beauty of the multiverse. We are really connecting these two. We're on a roll with this. Art did 9-11. Let's see if we can connect that.
I mean, he does commit an act of terrorism in this movie, so... He does. Not out of character. Not out of character. I don't know where he was that day, so it's just like the multiverse thing. It's on the table. Are these... These don't take place in the 90s. When it says present day, it was saying, like, our present day. They reference, like, the 90s, I think, at one point. Is that, like, when the killings started? Like, I don't know when the first movie takes place. Is the first movie 90s or something? I don't know.
Or was he killing before the first movie? And that that's what they're referring to about the 90s stuff. Yeah, because it seems like he has been active for somewhat of a time. You know, like, ah you know, maybe he takes breaks off in between getting killed in between movies, but then he comes back and starts up again. So so maybe the 90s stuff was like his initial run or something.
Um, I, hopefully we find out when we, I assume we're both going to be watching The Terrifiers this month. Damien, uh, Leon has a movie that I'm curious to check out. It's on Tubi, if anyone's looking to stream it anywhere, but it's Frankenstein versus The Mummy. He did in 2015. Is it a short or is it a full movie?
It's a feature film almost two hours long. Oh, I got to fucking see that. ah It's got a pretty low rating on letterbox. Okay. Only 13 people rated at five stars and 155 rated at two. So not a lot of people have seen it. um I Kind of want to see what it looks like. I don't love the cover. um I was hoping like if he could have like art like makeup design for these two characters, maybe it would and maybe they don't look like the cover. Who knows? But kind of want to check it out. I want to see what it I'm just curious about. Is it a gore fest? Right. Let's you know. And what if art fought Frankenstein? Think about it. Just think about it.
I can't think anymore, I broke my brain. Any movie you're watching, just be like, what what was what if art was here? like what What kind of fucking hijinks would he be getting into right now? Start editing art into videos like Forrest Gump style. Think about historical moments, be like, what if art was here? And just put them in it, shaking like Obama's hand or something. Obama, he's getting like the Medal of Freedom or whatever that award is. yeah you know, the Wonder Woman style, you know, they do it in Transformers 5, you know. Oh, like they were there in World War II or the Middle Ages or something. Yeah, put art throughout human history. Yeah, don't don't limit it to like modern or recent history. You can like put them like, you know, way back with like, you know, you're showing like the crucifixion of Jesus or something. He's there because maybe he was. We don't know. Maybe he was Pontius Pilate. Yeah. Mm hmm.
possibly possible or Mary Magdalene. He could have been either one of them. Very well. Rewrite history listeners. Let's see it happen. Do the Lord's work. You want to do final thoughts on Terrifier three? ah Yeah, I mean, my favorite have a favorite kill was my favorite kill. I mean,
I don't know if I have a favorite kill. they are and like It's like, by what major metric am I deciding favorite is like most creative? author yeah like Or like, I enjoyed this. I'm glad I saw this. Turned you on the most.
I just think the opening cold open was such a brilliant and effective like mood tone setter because it's like it's tense. It's horrifying. It feels like Christmas. It feels like Christmas. But then you also it very effectively, you know, just establishes who this guy is and like his whole vibe because I'm like immediately won over by like, OK, he's funny. Like he is really murdering this family. But like, ah God damn it, he's got he's got some juice. Art's got juice. Yeah.
It is a very like slower paced, like drawn out sequence. So that might be my favorite. That was also like before I realized I was going to be able to tolerate this movie. So I was like maybe at my most like anxiety driven because you haven't seen any kills. And all you know is that this family's do like it's just it's just the slow build up to it where you're like, oh, my God, there's what's going to happen to them?
but yeah ah Yeah, I don't know if I have a favorite kill per se. I found Vicky and Art very memorable though. i'm gonna Their images are going to be burned into my mind forever. I'm glad these movies exist. um did you yeah did you So the intro was also your favorite moment?
I mean, I like the whole thing, but the intro, yeah, is is is maybe going to like to me, that's like just a classic all timer horror opening. You know, like I would I would have to look at a list of like, what are my favorite horror movie openings? But I, i you know, I I think I'm going to remember that forever. And like, yeah, I really like that opening. But yeah, the whole movie is great. So yeah, I'm going to remember this experience for a long time. There was something nice, too, about We're seeing a movie that we said we were never gonna see and we're like doing it together putting ourselves through this the Terrifier challenge together we're at a theater we don't normally go to and it's a horror movie that's packed with
a mostly respectful audience, you know? like There was an energy to the room, but no one was like distracting us fully from the movie aside from the people that were like directly next to you, I would say. But they didn't ruin the experience. I could hear maybe people behind me like like doing little whispers, but it wasn't it wasn't disastrous. it was just I was annoyed by those people who walked next to me. but yeah We sat in a part of the theater in a section we don't normally sit. a lot of people were walking past us, I feel like that created like a high energy. And it it added to this experience. It felt like I was back in, again, 2013, seeing the Evil Dead remake from Fede Alvarez, or not quite as terrifying as back with my first theatrical horror experience.
ah ah Not quite as terrifying as the first times I'd seen a horror movie in theaters. Like I saw 28 weeks later when I was in seventh grade, that was my very first horror movie in theaters I snuck into. Then Rob Zombie's Halloween was the next one, I think like a year later, or maybe it was that same year. Um, but it's like, I wasn't quite as terrified, but I, uh,
it was close you know it was it it brought me it's been a while since i was the because i hadn't seen the other ones and because i kind of didn't know what to expect other than the reputation of like these things are fucking crazy and gnarly that i was i was scared i was terrified you're not necessarily scared of the content itself you're scared of the the movie, the movie has a reputation and you're yeah you're walking in and you're you're kind of afraid of that. The movie is like art itself. that it's like It carries this weight and like reputation with it. You're like, damn.
this is This is going to be scary, isn't it? This movie is a success. I know like it seems like the Terrifier fans have like a slight disappointment that's there. Someone said it feels like someone something's missing, someone that I follow in letterbox. I've i've been seeing mostly positive from from the fans and then also people who hadn't, like us, weren't, or you know like I know some people who didn't like the first one, liked two a lot better, and then they're like three, love. So I've i've i've been seeing a lot of positivity for this one. There's a ah writer for, um I think he still works for Slash Film. His name is Chris Evangelista. He's a big horror guy. Oh yeah. Loves The Terrifiers. And like in his review, he said they had a special place in his heart, but I didn't get to read his full review. It's pretty long, but I'm, especially after talking about it now, I'm really interested to like,
Read his full opinion on this but he rated at two and a half stars and I was very um Surprised by that but um, ah yeah, I know what his objections are But then I also don't know the context of like from the previous to what he wanted in. Yeah out of context. This is a success I mean I would I gave it a four out of five on letterboxed. Um, that sounds right Yeah, which is pretty much where I'm at. I think It's something I would rewatch. I don't know if it would ever get to that five out of five. I don't know what would get it there. um But ah maybe a couple more rewatches, I would find like a love for it. And that is quite possible. But right now, like four out of five, I think very solid. Maybe watching the other ones will make me like appreciate this one more. Maybe. Yeah, i because I think there is at least if I have more clarity or context understanding for certain things with the characters, then that might make
Moments like hit harder or something. Yeah, like I could see if I had the full context with the father stuff some of those flashbacks She's having with the with the dad and when she was a girl I was like, oh if I had the full context would I be tearing up at this right now? Yeah, you know like like this this would probably be like really emotional there's a good chance cuz movies get me pretty easily nowadays like Most of my top ten if it's not horror. It's a movie I've cried during or it's Furiosa right um but uh Damien Leone, Damien Leone, whatever, Ray Liotta, whatever. I don't know. I don't know why I said Ray Leone. I was trying to think of names that, what did you say? Which one? Sergio Leone, the ceo Spaghetti Western director. I don't know why Ray Liotta came to my head when I was trying to think of names that sound like kind of Ryan. leota leon I don't know. There was something there. Leone, leota but, uh, Damien Leone.
Shout out to you and the work you've done. I, again, still have to watch the other two movies, but you created a character, you made something here. You did something that you should be proud of if these art movies are all you do with your filmmaking career. You've still left a mark, you know? You've done something that feels important to the genre.
Right. Yeah. Like how like actual new iconography that's like actually taken a hold of the culture. And you did that. Bravo to you. Yeah. You did the dream you. You did. What very few people have been able to accomplish, like not since the days of Toby Hooper and John Carpenter, you know, That's pretty much what you know, like I'm not even saying like in terms of like the actual ah quality level or any I'm not I'm not trying to make them face off in that way. But in terms of like you created a new iconic like slasher villain like and like you did it. And it's it's a hit today. It's not something where years later people are coming to it. They're like, oh, we didn't appreciate now. It's like, no, art he has fans. I mean, that's that's why those kids were there, presumably he's because art has fans.
Feel good about yourself today, Damien. You'd pat yourself on the back. It's fucking cool. Also, come on the podcast if you want to. Like, well, let's do let's let's talk. We'll watch the other ones and you can we can talk about it. I don't know. Yeah. Or, you know, review a movie if you want to review just another. Yeah. What other horror are you into? What's your thing? You know, because I've I've heard that, like, even though these movies are super gory, that he's pretty squeamish. IRL. And so I'm like, I mean,
that Do what you're afraid of. Yeah, you know, it's probably kind of therapeutic or cathartic to like confront your fears in such a like visceral way, you know, and then to like show that like, that's maybe that's a part of the the secret sauce of why this resonates. I mean, like, because it's it's it's striking a chord with a lot of people and I'm now, you know, I'm a fan.
There's a lot of like parallels people draw between horror and comedy. And one thing I heard, it was actually at the You're Monster screening in Chicago, the guy who played the monster, the titular monster. He was talking about, um for comedy, he was saying, um don't write something that you think other people would write would find funny. Write something that you think you would find funny, right most likely other people would find it funny too. And I feel like that's this, like,
how we get like these good and effective horror movies are these people pulling them from things that they're afraid of as opposed to like trying to write and create for an audience, you know.
Yeah, no, exactly. Like the first audience member you should be trying to appeal to is yourself. Like I've, ah I've, you know, we always make jokes about giving things back to the fans, but like a a lot of like popular culture things now are pretty creatively snag, stagnant, I think because it's a bankrupt. Bank bankrupt. I was trying to be more more generous for someone, but some of them are just bankrupt in terms of like there is no impetus for continuing to do so many of those things other than like they're figuring out different ways to pander to the fans to get them like in to buy the tickets and go to the movie. And this is like something where it's like, no, there's the this is being made because there's like an actual desire to there's a spark here. There's something to latch on to. And like that should be
applauded so yeah shouts up There's not very few movies you can say that about. It's like this in Craven the Hunter, maybe, you know. well That's true. Yeah, feels like there's a lot of ah behind that movie. Craven's like kind of.
I only saw that because I saw a Craven trailer um not before this movie, but before Saturday night. I was like, they played a lot of like, not a lot, like two Sony Marvel trailers. I was like, what the fuck? Oh, and then I was like, oh, this is a Columbia picture. That's why there's these oh Sony Marvel trailers playing before the Saturday night movie. I was like, what is this? Why am I seeing Craven and Venom before this comedy?
It's shout out craven. Uh, yeah, it might be a masterpiece. We're gonna figure it out. We're gonna fucking cover it. Yeah. I mean, yeah, that's all I got. I got on terrifying. We're pretty terrified. Yeah. Well, I don't know who's keeping count of how many times we've said it, but yeah, we were terrified.
I hope you guys enjoyed it too. Write in about your thoughts. yeah yeah yeah What do you think about the the franchise as a whole? What do you think about this one compared to all the other ones?
Oh, and i I listed on the description for the last episode on on Transformers 1, but we have a new email that we set up just for like the the mail. This is just direct line, just for you guys to contact us. And we'll put it in the notes for this one, but it's gotpulp at gojuiceyourself.info.
that that so that that That's our direct customer line. like if you want to like ah Whether it's just ah you know just, you want to say something about the podcast or a movie you think we should cover or something, just just hit us up on there. Hell yeah. Go for it. um You got any other plugs?
Uh, you can follow the show at, at guys got juice. And then there's my Twitter at Doug or not underscore two. Uh, I'm like on and off using letterbox. I got to catch up on the things I've most recently been, been logging. Like that, that, that's kind of why I fall off, go periods where I fall off. I'm like, I just watched too many things and now I'll never catch up. And, and but Oh no.
yeah I'm just drowning in movies. ah But yeah, if I check out The Dug or Not, that's my letterbox. So you got any plugs? Um, you can follow us on Instagram at these guys got juice pod. Um, you know, if you're in the mood for, you know, something really hot and racy or you're feeling really horned up and you don't want to feel that way anymore, go to my letterbox and or read some of my reviews. It'll take you out of that mood. Really kind of level you out. Um, yeah, it's pretty nice over there.
ah And yeah, I'll rate us five stars. Yeah, we will read ah it on air like in. Yeah, we just love getting that feedback. Yeah. Five star review. Drop it. Tell us whatever, you know, say anything. We'll read it as long as it's not horrible, I guess. Yeah. um And I'm Nick Ewers. I'm Doug Davenport. And we're these guys got juice. Have a good night.