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Today on These Guys Got Juice, the guys are reviewing the latest Clint Eastwood movie, Juror #2! Starring Nicholas Hoult!


Introduction and 'Juror Number Two' Discussion

I'm Doug Damport. I'm Nick Ewers. And we're These Guys Got Juice. And we saw juror number two. I'll see you in hell, William Money. Yeah. And oh, wait, are we not doing Unforgiven? Oh, no. Ah, shit. Spoilers for Unforgiven.
I mean, it's like 30 years old at this point. Came out in 93, I think. I want to say it came out the year I was born. 92. I was born 92, damn. I'm one year older than I was. So it won Best Picture the year I was born then? Oh, right. It did win Best Picture, right? Yes. Okay. Yeah. It won a few Best Pictures supporting actor. I mean, Clint's stuff does get nominated pretty regularly, which I did just see. I don't know if they're going to give it a wider release.

Clint Eastwood's Films and Release Strategy

It's only playing in 50 theaters in North America, in the whole fucking continent. There's only 50 theaters playing it.
And so, ah I mean, we could we could talk about our journey to go to the one theater in our state that was playing it. we So is this, would you, is it touring right now? Cause I was seeing like well some people posting about Inora and saying that like Inora is touring, not like fully like a road show thing, but they're showing it in some places that it won't be playing there anymore, but then it'll be playing in other places.
And I heard, like, they there's a comedy that just came out. I was listening to it. um It's this guy Stavros. He's a comedian. They're doing that with ah his movie. And um are they doing that with your number two? No, because that it would imply that it's going to move to other locations or be maybe more available to some place. It's just these 50 theaters. And that's it.
capacity on all of these times and we'll make our money back guaranteed. I don't know because other other countries are having more regular I saw something about in France it's opening to like you know ah but a larger amount like a What a bigger movie, the amount of screens a bigger movie would have. They're getting it there and I'm like, why is France doing that but not us? this is This is the country of Clint Eastwood and we're not putting him on. Yeah, exactly. We own him. He's um making the French movies.
Yeah, France. You know, we didn't watch Red- Well, that's French Canadian. Damn it. Same difference. We didn't watch Red Rooms and Claim Your Actors. Yeah. I mean, we will when we put them in Marvel movies, but that's- Yeah, but that'll happen when it happens. Give it time. It's gonna happen.

Awards Speculation and Adaptation Debate

Yeah, Clint Eastwood, we own them till death. Yeah, it's- Especially Warner Brothers, too. They're used theirs.
Yeah, it's it's weird because he's made them a lot of money and stuff. So I don't know what if it's just Zazloff being being a prick or what I did see that they are maybe this will result in them doing a wider release ah that they have said that they are going to actually do some kind of awards push for it because originally it was like they're just shitting it out and they weren't going to even like campaign for it or anything. But now maybe because there has been some positive buzz that they're going to be like, I guess we'll put some money into that. have They said what categories? Um, I don't think they said specifically categories yet, but I could, I could see actor Nicholas Holt. Is this an adaptation?
No, ah from what I know, this guy has no other film credits ah credits, but he writes plays and like musicals, Jonathan A. Abrams, which kind of makes, this does feel like a play in some parts. So like that actually makes a lot of sense when I saw that that this guy writes plays. I was like, okay.
That checks out. Yeah. A play a book or a real life event. That's kind of what I think going into like Clint Eastwood. I'm like, it's probably like based on something usually. And I mean, that could be wrong. I really actually don't know like what he, if most of his filmography is original ideas or adaptations.

Eastwood's Late Career and Emotional Engagement

I think for this late period and I'm not the extra I actually this is it's made me more interested to go through Clint stuff I'm most tempted to to go since I love gimmicks I'm gonna go backwards I'll go in backwards order so whatever the last one before this I think is cry macho and I'll just keep going that way ah but I think this era this late period is
adaptations, whether it was like true events or a sub script someone else wrote, but he did used to write his own stuff because I think Unforgiven was just, you know, like an original idea. He I mean, obviously had been in lots of Westerns. And I think that was just his idea of like, Oh, I want to do something like a little darker and a little more like morally complex than like a regular Western. Yeah. um Have you seen Richard Jewell? I know I haven't, but I need to. I fucking love that movie, man. Out of all the like modern Clint Eastwood movies that I've seen, Richard Jewell's probably up there. It's such like a compelling story. You feel so many emotions. like You care for the characters on screen. and
Fucking Sam Rockwell. I was about to say he's my dude and I and I like Paul Walter Hauser. Yeah, he I mean, he's the star of it. So he really gets the opportunity to shine. um Kathy Bates, I think is his mom. Oh, OK. Yeah. He gets good cast for his stuff. I John Ham is in it. I highly recommend Richard Jewell. It sounds like my shit.
Yeah, like ah watch it tonight. I might, I've seen Richard Jewell. I just, I don't even know if it's on my all time favorite movie list, but I think um it should be on there. Cause I've seen it a lot and every time I feel the same emotions, like. Oh, man, it's it's a really compelling story. It's like top notch like it's top tier when it comes to like this is based on true events type of movie. And I feel like just from my experience of Clint stuff, even though, like I said, it is limited, especially this this era, he is good at getting you emotionally engaged in what's like happening to these characters of like that you're like,
it's either some injustice or something unfair that they're going through or it's just the scenario that's like very compelling like in well i don't I don't know how much we want to say and not suppose because I know you didn't know anything going in I know it and it was that seems like so higher deal way no I feel like I kind of wish I went in that way because I i feel like I know too much just from being terminally online that like Because even if I hadn't seen the trailer, which does tell you that premise, like it gives away everything, it gives not everything, but that but that the first like 10 minutes, it it tells you that twist or whatever. I was like watching and I was like, because it's so weird to accidentally like being blind to these movies. And I actually wasn't aware of this movie's existence until like a couple of days before you had mentioned reviewing it. And it's like,
It was just so weird because halfway, when I asked you if you knew what was happening, I just had the realization. I was like, this can't be in the trailer, right? Like, how could you like, end? No, it is. They, yeah, I, I, yeah, I kind of wish I didn't know that, um,
Yeah, I mean, they could just advertise it as, like, new Clint Eastwood. It's a legal thriller. yeah Here's who's in it. I had a series of thoughts and I'll tell you them in spoilers, but I was just like, wait a minute. I was like, what? It's, it's really, uh, it was a nice, uh, a nice little treat. Cause I thought this, yeah. Well, I won't say anymore, but.
Yeah, I mean, okay. Yeah. So let's just go for I quite enjoyed this movie. I i don't remember if it was on mic or in a commentary or something, but I'm pretty in the pocket for for legal thrillers, legal dramas, especially good courtroom drama.
Uh, and this one delivered for me and had engaging ah care. Well, the, the lead character, his journey and what he's dealing with is very compelling. I've seen some like criticisms of like that, the supporting characters are kind of maybe two dimensional or like more stock characters. And I don't even necessarily disagree with that, but I'm like, they don't really need to be.
super for me at least I feel like it works for the movie that like some of the characters like the other jurors are are just like this is the thing I represent and this is my point of view and I was like I don't really need more than that from from those characters I'm the guy that gives the audience a laugh every now and then right you know it that's what I'm in the room for it and This is what I represent about the legal system. Yeah, I mean, the movie's called Jurr No. 2, and we're getting a lot out of that title and the idea of Jurr No. 2. It's like the movie's really delivering on that, but go on. What were you saying? No, I was just agreeing that like he's the focal point. So he's the one that I... the movie needs to be diving into, and I think they do a good job of of of doing that. And yeah, I will get into specifics of that in in spoilers, but I really had a good time. But but even even with what I said about like supporting characters maybe not being the most fleshed out, or like the the cast is great. like It's got a really strong ensemble. it's There's people that you

Moral Ambiguity and Character Analysis

are compelled to see on the screen and that that
and that really helps everything move along and yeah I'm just like tiptoeing around every anything but ah specific but I definitely recommend if you can find it playing somewhere near you go go see it ah it's it's a good time and take take your parents or take your grandparents there was like some grandma outside our theater that was like really excitedly talking about the movie afterwards, like almost like it was a real case. like I don't even know if the people she was talking to, it was like a younger couple. She was just talking to herself, yeah facing a wall.
I was like, oh no, do you need help? I don't even know if the people she was talking to were like with her. It may have just been other people talking about the movie. and like I mean, that's to me, that's a good movie that's like encouraging like spirited debate or discussion. I'm like, yeah, I mean, that's, yeah there and there are things to talk about in in from like, not just like what happens in the story, but like what the movie is saying, because it does delve into some like big,
ah morally like fuzzy things and it doesn't I think even though at times like I've seen a lot of people say that like oh this is very classical filmmaking in terms of like this feels like an older movie and I definitely do feel like that if you put this in black and white and take out the references to modern day like cell phones or whatever like this could be something in like the 40s or 50s but a lot of those movies would be like super moralizing in terms of like they want to make sure you feel a certain way about certain things and while there are definitely moments where characters will like be very like, this is the theme of the movie I'm talking about right now. But I feel like it does to its credit does let you just sit with like, it's like, I don't know, how do you feel about this, you know, like, like characters will make decisions or do things that are like, well, I don't know how I
I don't know if I agree with this or what he's doing, but the movie's just letting you sit with that. It's not even fully condemning or endorsing certain things. In my view of it, it's kind of just being like, this is the scenario and this is what he did. What do you think? Yeah, I echo a lot of what Doug said right there.
um I enjoyed this movie a good amount. i um Going in kind of blind, ah it was it was pretty nice seeing a a lot of the cast that popped up in this movie. J.K. Simmons is in it. Toni Collett, I had no idea about her showing up, but um yeah ah for stutherlin yeah. I um enjoyed the movie. um If you get a chance, go see it.
It feels like this should be playing wider, I don't know, but we already spoke on that. Wanna happen to spoilers? Yeah, let's do it.
And so are we back or back? Yeah, we're back. We're back. We're back. yeah And I also just handed Nick a dollar and I handed the audience. I gave you guys a dollar. So we all this is confidential. You guys can't say shit.
You can't show anyone this recording if you go to the cops that's against the law and then I can sue you I don't know. I don't know how it works if you breach our confidentiality, but it'll be bad. Just don't do it. Yeah so at the the beginning of this movie basically Nicholas Holt when he's we're gonna I'm just gonna like dive right into it when he's sitting there in the courtroom and And they're going over like the events of this argument and everything that happened with this couple. And he starts having um these flashes to him at the bar. At first I'm sitting there and I'm like, OK, what's happening here? And at first I was like,
I don't know why I had the random thought like is he putting himself in this scenario? Kind of like if you imagine you're hearing a story like being told that you like place yourself there. I'm like, are we just seeing the visualization of him imagining these events? Kind of like ah what's a movie that does that? A decision to leave does that a lot where he's like, people are detailing something and then they're like imagining themselves there in the thing.
Yeah. And so I thought like something like that was happening and I was like, that would be pretty cool. I don't know like if that's what's going on, but I'm following it. And then, uh, when it's revealed that like he was there and had something to do with this and it was just this full realization, like, wait.
Are they talking about me? Was this something that I did? And yeah I was just like, what a, a movie. I was like, I thought this was just going to be a regular like courtroom drama. So it was, it was really nice having that, that twist cause I really.
Honestly, I thought we were going to be seeing something that was like very self-serious, very serious courtroom drama, but because I didn't read the description either. And I thought it was just going to be but like juror number two is torn with this decision, you know, yeah like, and I thought it was just kind of 12 angry men thing where it's like, yeah, he So I don't know. There's some kind of conflict about he doesn't know which way to go in his decision. Could this guy have done it? Could he not? He's, you know, b split vote. And then I was so relieved that it wasn't that. And it was actually like something a bit more like wacky or like hijinksy than I expected it to be. Yeah, there are some good hijinks in this. I think I think there is. I that that's a good call in that.
Feels like the most fun I've seen Clint East would have in this like, modern and ah era, at least from the movies I've seen, because I don't remember um the Mule being super, like, funny. Richard Jewell has light-hearted moments and so does like,
Sully, but those are about like Serious subject matters, but and this is I mean, this is this is a woman died, you know, this is serious But but they moments where I'm like this could go into like hitman like territory almost. Yeah um Richard Linklater movie Oh, yeah. Yeah. You you said to hit me. That's the the actual name of that movie. I thought of the the Fincher movie ah killer. Oh, the killer. The killer. Because that movie is pretty funny, too. Yeah. ah But I was thinking, yeah, something along those ends. I'm like, we could like this could get a bit like a wackier if it one. I mean, he does have moments like that, i'd like the moment when
Like when he drops the papers and he's like, like really playing it up. So the really funny, so the bailiff like sees, and even the way he picks them up, like, like face forward. So like right towards the bailiff's face. And then fucking the one lady in the room was like, we saw you drop the papers. or She was.
She was probably the funniest juror, maybe. I don't know. There was there was also that one guy along here, dude. He was in before he was in Halloween 2018. He was one of the granddaughters friends. You're right. ah But but I isn't the first line from him when they're all like doing their initial like tally of like, let's see where we're at, guilty, not guilty. And he's just like, oh, yeah, sure, guilty is good for me. Yeah.
He's just like zoned out. He's like, oh, yeah, guilty. That's good. Yeah, cool. Whatever. Yeah. It was a delightful group of people in that room, too. And I don't know. I what was it you said about them like they were underdeveloped? Not you said, but you said other people were saying they were kind of stock or two dimensional care. I disagree. I felt like they all had like You know, it didn't delve too deep into them, but they were all memorable. We could probably sit here and recall every character, even if we don't know them by name. They were memorable, and even if the movie didn't show it, I could imagine a whole thing from their perspective, just like what's going on in their life. Yeah, you could kind of imagine like what? Yeah, where they would live, what their home life would look like, maybe what they do for work, you know, it. You got a good amount of them and the actors seem to really embody them, too. Yeah, two dimensional is an accurate way. I get maybe broad character in terms of like how they're like their characteristics are like not subtle or something. But like that's to me also not a.
ah a detractor. like I would agree with that. they're They're not subtle. That's something I would agree with with these characters. But that kind of is what adds to the humor. And ah for some reason, i I didn't expect it in a Clint Eastwood movie. I didn't expect like but broad um characters in this. You know, i it almost looks like with caricatures or something. Yeah.
like bordering on that for certain certain characters but then in a way it almost in the be because these these are like larger than life some of them and that they're they will just speak out loud their point of view or like what they represent thematically It almost in a way puts more pressure on Nicholas Holt in certain scenes, specifically with the Cedric Yarbor character, ah who I thought was, I've never seen him in a dramatic role before, because I'm thinking like, I know him from Reno 911. He has the probably the most memorable line of Black Dynamite, where he's like, but Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community.
uh yeah i've only just known him as like a really funny dependable like comedic character actor but in this and there are funny moments with with his character in in this but like he gets some very like meaty dramatic stuff like he has like a little monologue he gives about his backstory too and stuff and like he's in a way is almost the I mean, if we think about it in traditional, like, protagonist, antagonist way, if Nicholas Hold is, you know, we' we're, quote unquote, rooting for him to to get away with it, then start Cedric Garbo is probably the one who's directly giving him the most shit and getting, he's the largest immediate obstacle of, like, if his goal is to end Key for Southern,
you know, lays it out for him in terms of like, you don't want to miss trial, because then they're just gonna this is too high profile, they're just gonna like, try it again, or they're then they're gonna keep looking for who the real guy who did it is. So you need to have a verdict, guilty or not guilty one way or the other. And Cedric Garbo is consistently like, I am not changing my vote. Like I am going to be he's guilty. I'm i'm not voting any other way than this.
Yeah. And a lot of his stance too is like, if he's not guilty for this, he's guilty for something because of like his affiliation. He has a specific like tattoo. like he Yeah. He had some gang pass or the fact that he was like, mate. I mean, we do see.
And I and part of me wish that maybe the movie leaned more into this, but we do still get it of like we start to see events kind of play out and depicted different ways, depending on who's telling it, because we we get when Tony Collette is laying out what happened that night, how she describes and she's the prosecutor. So it's going to be putting this defendant in the worst light possible. And then he how he describes it, he's then putting himself in the most sympathetic light possible. I was like, oh, we're kind of doing like a last duel. Or I forget that that the the famous Kurosawa movie that last duels kind of Rashomon Rashomon. Yeah. ah that that That if we were going to do something like that and we don't really do a ton more of like, re we do go back to that bar through flashbacks. But i I never took any of that to be subjective when we're going because when we're going back from Nicholas Holt's point of view,
At least for me, I was just taking that stuff at face value and not like questioning. Like when he says that he bought the drink and then didn't drink it, I was like, okay, that's what happened then. Like I wasn't, yeah I didn't, I didn't really see any reason. Other people, I get why other people would doubt that who weren't there, but like I, for me, the viewer, I'm like, I i believe what he's telling me

Perspective, Bias, and Performance Highlights

right here. This is what you showed me the events. He guy, he looked at the drink, he did not drink. And then he got in the car.
Yeah, I agree. Now, do you think the movie wants you to think that or everybody is going to walk away thinking that since we do get um a little bit of different perspective when other characters are telling their version of the fight? So as it do you think it might be? Because I do think everything Nicholas Holt, like this is like the real version of events, whatever we're seeing through his eyes.
But do you think there's a chance it could be saying like, well, everybody else has it kind of wrong. So maybe what we're seeing from him is a little bit wrong, too. Well, the movie does deal a lot with like biases and perspective and like how we want to remember things. So like there could there could be an element of that. I just yeah, it just never even occurred to me when watching those scenes that like that wasn't What what happened it didn't occur to me now till you mentioned like it might be anything other than that so i was just like okay well maybe is there something going on there and a rewatch would it change but i don't think for me it would change it seem like it was pretty straightforward like nicolas holds is a reliable narrator that we can follow.
Yeah, and it almost makes. He's not a liar. We don't really I don't because we don't really see him lying to people throughout the movie, do we? Even when he's trying to like, you know, turn the investigation in certain ways, like not looking at the hit and run and stuff that like he's not really like making stuff up or lying to do it. Like he's he's a pretty well, if I call him a moral person like he but but he's he's he is a solid trying to do the right thing.
got like I think it's kind of important that before we get to that, you know for you it was revealed that like he's responsible for this, that like his life is pretty plain and boring from what we see. there's like He's just a regular guy, he's got a pregnant wife. I mean, we do learn more context, it's kind of more complicated there. Regular old American guy, as we all know of Nicholas Holt, which I did really like his American accent, like what he was doing in this movie. It felt very like,
real to life. And I was trying to remember, like, is that the accent he always does when he's playing an American? I couldn't remember. But I was like, it felt more believable than a lot of other American accents I've heard um from other British actors. It's more believable than ah Benedict Cumberbatch. He's the one I always go to. Just like, Hello, I am Dr. Strange, American man. Yeah.
Not quite sure. Is he a little Canadian? Hello, Peter Parker. Just like overconfidence over macho. Like Nicholas, it sounded like a person, like an actual guy you would know. And especially when he's like, because we see him in some very vulnerable, compromised, emotional states. Like I always bought it and I do like that, like, even though some people might think it's like, oh, this is kind of ridiculous that this guy is clearly like breaking down, crying in the courtroom that someone would think that's suspicious. If someone does like it's suspicious, such a garbage comes up to him multiple times like, hey, what's going on with you? But like, he's like, yeah, I saw you throwing up earlier. Yeah. And then later at the end, he's like, you haven't been fine this entire time. Like something's going on with you. Uh, but I like that how visibly he's like being torn up. I think, I think he gives a ah terrific performance. Like if, uh,
I enjoyed him a lot. yeah like if Like we said earlier at the top, if if they are pushing for a award something for award season, like i I wouldn't be mad if he walked away with a a best actor nom. like like i think i think he's really so and and It's important for this role and performance to be good because you need to be invested in Well I guess some people watch things in different ways because like when I'm watching something about someone who did something bad or is trying to get away with something I usually do root for you know like I'm watching Breaking Bad I'm not rooting for Hank you know i'm I'm rooting for Walt to get away with the crimes and stuff. You might not be rooting for like the active at all like oh I would love to see like somebody get away but it's more so like
You want to see the process of how they're going to get out of it. Can he pull this off? Yeah. What would someone be able what would the events like what would someone need to do and put in place in order to get out of this situation or get ahead or something? It's just it's compelling and it's interesting. And yeah and it's compelling in a way that like the movie could have taken ah a way of like because of one version of this movie is like he realizes that he's at fault and then he's trying so hard to like make maybe it's the opposite where the jury is like not kind of not sure and he's like trying to convince him like no this is the guy this guy is so guilty but he's trying to like be like introduce this el element of reasonable doubt be like
We don't know. There's all these things that there's holes in in terms of the prosecution, even though that could be bad for him, you know, so that he like kind of wants to do the right thing, but without directly implicating himself. Like he's walking this line of like, he's like, I, I'm moral to a degree. Like, you know, like he won't turn himself in, but he's not just going to throw this guy who is at least innocent of this crime under the bus, at least initially.
And what really does kind of help you, help tie it all together and get you on Nicholas Holt's side even more is not only this guy who's and kind of antagonistic, um the guy who's like a juror juror when they're um in the room trying to vote, ah what's the actor's name? Cedric yarberedric Yarborough. Yarborough. But ah Tony Collette too is like a great antagonist for this role. Oh, sure.
I don't know about you, but at a certain point, I started getting on Tony Collette's side when they were like, did you even interrogate any other suspect? And then you see her later on, she's going through and she's interrogating people. And in that moment, I was like, kind of on Tony Collette's side. I'm like, you know, I want to see Nicholas Holt get away, but now she's doing things the right way. Right. You're like you're like happy that she's not just ah a traditional like only in it for themselves politician who's like because like that other the the defense lawyers continually calling her out of like, well, this is good for you politically to like get this win in your belt and like
there's there's more at stake here than just this guy's freedom and and like she easily could have just been that like just like not even thinking about actual people but then to her credit she's like well I don't know this feels off and then starts looking into it.
yeah and I just love Toni Collette so much. and She gives a lot of good faces, good reactions in this. When you mentioned this movie getting any kind of awards attention, I didn't say it right away because I didn't know if it would be a ridiculous thing to say. and Because I don't know if this is like an awards performance, but i mean my mind immediately went to Toni Collette. Supporting actress? I would be game for that. Yeah, I really liked her in this movie because that the whole first half, I'm like, God, she just... Sucks, you know, it's like she's the big lawyer to this like smaller guy and lawyer who's more a bit more like Likeable and welcoming and it's like, you know, this guy's innocent that she's against and it's like
I but then the more she becomes. You know a villain of Nicholas whole the more I like her and the more I'm like. Do I want her to get Nicholas hold now do I wanna see cuz at first I'm like I wanna see him. Peace together and figure out how to get out of this and how to make it work and then at a certain point I'm like wait.
Do I now want to see her connect the dots and nail? Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, no, which is the more compelling like character? It's making me like this movie more because it is. There's like some moral complexity here in terms of like, it's not just.
a straightforward of like this is who I'm rooting for black and white thing like it really does muddy the waters about like who's side you're on from from scene to scene kind of because like yeah like you said initially they really prime you to not like Tony anytime someone's chewing her out like JK Simmons you're like yeah tell her she got it wrong And I do wanna talk about his character, because he is probably one of the chunk that he's in. I do really like his character. I had no idea he was in this movie. It was such a nice treat. I was like, good for J.K. Simmons, just popping up, doing a supporting role. He's not even in the last half hour, basically, or even more than that. It's like the first half of the movie. Yeah, and it's good for him. He didn't need to do that.
But it's cool that he he when he added this little bit of life and like you know a warm presence to this movie just he's a nice familiar face that lets you know you're in good hands and it was just nice to see him pop up.
Well, yeah, it was nice to see him popping up in clearly. He's filled with actors like that. It's like nice to see them here.

Accents, Moral Dilemmas, and Justice Critique

You know, I'm glad they're here with me. Even for like the smallest roles. Yeah. Yeah. It was nice for her to see him pop up and actually care, even though this is clearly just his paycheck role. His clear passion project this month is red one. Exactly. That's what his heart's really in.
Santa's gonna be the new Joker, basically. ah were um Santa roles are gonna start winning Oscars now. That's chilling thought. ah there's something There's something kind of chilling about Santa. Yeah, almost like chilling is the North Pole.
Oh, another character actor that's ah one of the jurors. I really like Leslie Bibb, who's like the four man or four woman. Yeah. She she's just long been just like that girl showing up and stuff. She was also I mean, I don't know if I'd call this a legal drama because the movie is kind of ridiculous, but she's in a law abiding citizen. She was pretty memorable in that. She was like Jamie Foxx is like like number two, I guess. Jerry butts. Yeah. Jerry butts versus Jamie Foxx.
Get him in an Eastwood. That would be good. That would be good. Um, I also almost expected, um, I don't know why, since but since it was a Clint Eastwood movie, I almost expected everyone to just be allowed to have their own accents. e I was just like, whenever I saw someone on screen before they popped up, I'm like, what are they going to sound like? Tony Collette was the biggest surprise because I'm like, Oh, she's fully doing like a different accent. She was like Southern. Yeah, man. She can do anything.
She was like, hey, this is of how to wait. How do Australians say I get all the shrimp? That's not a knife. This is a knife.
oh But yeah, the the whole the whole cast is is really solid. and And then like you said, like it really plays with your perception of like, I mean, we know that this guy didn't who's on trial didn't do it.
But you do start at least me start playing with the I mean, obviously, if this was to happen in real life, it it would be bad. But the morality from Nicholas Holt's point of view of like, well, how bad is it if he were to sell this guy down the river? Because like you they owe list all the reasons like he's got the gang ties. He was made maybe probably abusive in the past. He seems like not a great guy. So it's like, well, better him than me or something that you're kind of like You're kind of playing along with the math that Nicholas Holt is is is doing where you're like, oh, I don't know. Holt's got a kid on the way. He can't go to the jail.
Yeah, I was kind of playing along with that too. I'm like, it, it would be so much easier if he didn't have a vote in it, but he could just sit there and be like, Hey, every, another guy in here would just be voting guilty. So I'm just going to let the legal system play out as the legal system would and just boom, be done with it. Pretend like this never happened.
you know but he can't let it go that easily and like the movie itself ah almost seems to be wanting to ruminate on because we haven't even touched on uh the the whole thing of him being a ah recovering alcoholic but the whole idea that he brings up to the other jurors of like redemption is possible people can change like there's he's trying to specifically let's add your garb or this character tell him like OK, yeah, he was in a gang, but that doesn't mean he's bad now. Like people can become better in in in change and stuff. And like the movie, I think once you want you to like, yeah, wrestle with that idea. like Have you ever seen Dr. Sleep? Yeah. Go watch that right now if you have it. Yeah, people can change.
you know he doesn't relate it to himself, a different alcoholic. I did really like ah the portrayal of like his alcohol. is it Well, for one side, I want to be that guy and like touch on this, but the the meeting space they were in was like super realistic, like him and Kiefer Sutherland, the little brief little moment we see of that. But I do really like too, because he has like priors, I think, because of his- DUIs and stuff. Yeah. so he's like Yeah, because of these, no one's going to believe you. Like you're coming to the table like way late on this. So it's not like they could like do any kind of a test to see if you were sober or not. And if this was an actual accident. Yeah. They're not going to believe that you weren't drinking. Yeah. They're just gonna be like, he has a history you've been drinking. So they're like 30 years to life is like what you're going to be doing. I was like, that's so much worse than I thought it was going to be. It's like, but God, that sucks. But it's like, you know, that is kind of the, well, it's the punishment for something he didn't know that he did though. Right. Cause at first I was like, well, it's the punishment for like.
Pretending like he didn't do it, but he wasn't even doing that but in the eyes of the law it's gonna seem that way it's almost like Pointing out that the law there's I don't think the movies doing this but like that all Humanities were moved and they're taking all of that out of consideration. They're just like on paper Here's what happened. We don't care about Circumstances or like any humanity I think some of that's in in the movie because to Clint Eastwood's credit, you know I'm not going to get into a whole thing. There's but plenty of people have made discussions about like his personal politics. I think it's interesting when if someone, ah like if their politics maybe start to clash with the subject matter of the movie,
because he's, at least from what we know, leans more conservative. But he seems to be kind of wrestling with or interrogating the justice system that we're supposed to, you know, buy into and think is ah is like on on the up and up and that, you know, justice is served and like they get the right guy always. But he's, you know, being like, well, that's not really how it works. And I think that that's like an interesting conflict within just the movie itself. But then how that's explored through these characters because I keep coming back to like the moral nuance here they could have easily just had it be when we see the the night of what happened that whenever he hit whatever he hit he's like oh fuck fuck and then he speeds off and keeps going he gets out and looks around he like well he's one's expecting the damage on on his car but then he's like looking oh I mean it's really dark and raining so he when he looks over the bridge he just sees
darkness. He doesn't see a body down there. And that's so you wonder you're like, Yeah, he thought he hit a deer like he didn't see anything. Yeah. God, what shitty circumstances. And then it's so frustrating to which I do like the old man who was there.
the the witness, who's like, who only, you know, the cops showed him the picture of the witness or of the the guy they arrest him. Like, this is him, right? And he was like, yeah, sure. But then I love like i did good, right. I did good. Well, yes, he does that. And specifically, yeah, when Tony Collette comes to see him, he has you could even tell on the the look on his face when he's like, it was him. Right. Like, like, like, like that he Yeah, it's like every character in this movie on some levels dealing with their own like moral dilemma, like that he he thinks that that was the right thing for him to just go along with what the cops wanted him to say. But now he's having doubts. Tony Collette's having this this doubt of like, oh, my God, am I sending this innocent man down the river? And in like, yeah, on a whole other level, I like that his wife
be because becomes involved and finds out about it like after Tony Collette comes to the house and like that seems really good between them. He's so bad at like lying to her though. He immediately is folding like that he can't even look at her in the face and when when she's like yeah that's the route you took right? And he's just like looking down immediately tearing up. but I'm sorry.
That's what he did. Shat himself. She had to change his diaper.
But no, I was i dude like, dude. And then her part of me was like, OK, I don't think she believes him, but she's just like, OK, you didn't like tell me you did it, so we're just going to move on then. I think in her mind, she is kind of willing to like.
She's um in a way almost encouraging him to sell this lie because especially at the end when when they're going wrapping everything up and he's like, I sold the car. She's like, good. Like she's like, we need to move past this kind of like, but let's just like get we got a baby. We need to like just put this in the rear view. Pregnant woman, they're always the real villains, the real monsters.
I'm just kidding, listeners. We love our pregnant women. Well, that sounds like a problematic in a different way. Yeah, I know. I just can number one.
We're in Ruby is five stars. Tell us if you're pregnant. Is that worse? I don't know. It's getting worse. It's getting worse, okay. We'll just move on. Other good parts. So they're having a baby.
I like that grave digger, the guy who's like, what does he say? It looks like the storm's past. We both laughed at the delivery of that. It was like- Is that kind of a Stephen King novel or something? The movie is like really- Cause like- The end of the mist or something. Yeah, but it's like- the way things are wrapping up because I almost was like is this a dream sequence or something towards the end because like things were like a little too clean uh I mean there's still a lot of messiness in terms of like how he feels about everything that how it went down but I was like the fact that we didn't even see the final vote and then get everyone then turning back to the voting guilty. I was like, this is this feels off. And then then the graveyard be like, oh, Storm's Pass, like really hammering that home of like that feel. OK, well, this isn't the end. Like something's off here. He was like cleaning a knife and he was like, the Storm's Pass, ain't it? He has like an iPad. Yeah.
I was trying to think of another quote. ah fuck That old lady in the jury had a lot of, I'm blanking on specific things she said, but like her line deliveries were really funny. I'm blanking on what specifically she said though, but yeah, I don't know. There's some good moments with her. All the jury pretty much gets some time to shine. Clint Eastwood should have had himself playing his character from Gran Torino as a part of the jury, just to liven it up a little bit, you know? I haven't seen the- We could talk about how he got shot and survived. Yeah, and how that colors his biases to whether he thinks the guy is guilty or not.
in the I haven't seen the mule but when I looked up the mule I saw pictures of him in court I think so it's been a while and I've only seen it once I gotta give that a rewatch I watch the mule yeah keep forgetting Bradley Cooper's not in that one right no it's American sniper and I'm thinking thinking of war dogs I think you're thinking of The Hangover, part three. The Hangover, yeah, that's another desert-y type of movie. Yeah. Bradley Cooper's in. I do think I was genuinely mixing up War Dogs and The Mule, though. It's like, doesn't Bradley Cooper kind of like pop into this thing a little bit? They're pretty similar. Driving in the car with him. It's like, no, I think that was Miles Teller in Jonah Hill. Clint Eastwood should have been in War Dogs. He should have directed it, honestly.
Clint Eastwood probably should have directed all Todd Phillips movies. Yeah. Like Joker two. yeah And I say this as a Joker two defender, but if Clint directed it oh way better. I do. I agree with that. I do want to say or I do feel like we have to discuss. What would you do? If you were juror number two?
And I have his same circumstances. Like I got a very pregnant wife and yeah I have these priors and stuff. Everything's the same.
Do you kind of just let the legal system just be like, Hey, they, he would be guilty if I wasn't here. I mean, it's, yeah, it's either him or me because- Also, what freak circumstances? I just dodged jury duty like two weeks ago. and i had It was one like in Chicago and you had to call a phone number the day before to figure out if you had to go. And I didn't get called for it, but I was like, damn, dodged a bullet. Could have had a juror number two situation on my hands. Found out a crime that you didn't weren't even aware you committed. So we're like, fuck.
hey yeah Glad I dodged that, so I won't have to face this for a little while since I just got a jury duty thing. But you might have one coming up, so you might have to face this. Shit.
Yeah, I do like that. Just the whole set up of of it that. It's just freak circumstances. It almost reminds me of of like how we've talked about this before, of like kind of the general consensus of of like screaming storytelling.

Fate, Coincidence, and Moral Choices

A coincidence that gets the character out of of of trouble is bad, but a coincidence that gets them into trouble is good. And like I always think about that in terms like Coen Brothers movies. I like so much of it is based on like Whether when sometimes the movies themselves are like bring up the thing of like was this just barely the worst luck ever or fate like where you faded to be fucked in this way or something and and like it almost feels like like that kind of thing of like he he just couldn't escape this he was brought back to it you know like it.
I mean, it was dumb. Like, I'm not saying it was fate, but I'm saying you know it has that feeling. Yeah, it was insane that he was one of the jurors on that. Yeah, like, what are the fucking odds? Yeah. um I also really like that. What what would you do, though?
i am I mean, I don't want to be in jail with my fucking... I don't want to be in jail, period, but I... Pull the class move. This is what I might do. um Pull the classy move of let him go to jail then right before I die.
go to like a documentary crew and be like, hey, let me tell you the real shit that happened. HBO, I have a story for you. Just be that dick. The guy everybody hates at the end of it, be like, wait, so he wasted away in jail? you know And then his life is ruined. He goes out and, you know, actually murders someone because he doesn't know how to behave in the new AI driven society that we've got going on, you know. Yeah. So it's just it's all a mess from there.
I would probably find some way to get myself removed from the jury because I would, I i just feel guilty for stuff. Maybe it's just being raised Catholic like shit shit that I didn't even do wrong. I feel guilty about. So like I, s you know, selling an innocent man down the river would.
I don't know if I could live with that, even though I really, really would have wanted to do a- Could you live with jail though? yeah so saying I'm not going to jail. like that That's like not an option. so yeah we're People like us, we're not built for that. That guy has tattoos, he can handle jail. forty at tuesday the yeah find and protect him He's probably already been to jail. right They know him there. like welcome back buddy Yeah. they They're like, here's your cell. We got a cot ready for you. We already know your favorite like shit. It's already, if he gets lucky, they send him to the chair cause this is America. It's not French, Canada. but i don' he's back on the table. Yeah. Uh, home territory. Yeah. and Yeah. I'm not turning myself in, but I, I would, I think try and get myself just let go from like and the moment when JK Simmons is dismissed and they're caught with like investigating. I would try and find some way of like, uh, yeah, I was helping him investigate the thing. You gotta let me go. I don't know.
But then I would then be just be like an anxious mess worried that they would fuck. Are they going to like define me now? Like, like, yeah, I don't know. Yeah. So what would happen because JK Simmons, they're basically just like, okay, you were a law enforcement officer, like get out of here, slap on the wrist. What would happen to Nicholas Holt if he was like, no, I was also involved with JK Simmons stuff. Would he be facing, he would be held in contempt or he would be facing some kind of legal trouble? I think it's up to the discretion of the judge. Honestly.
probably not as bad you know take that legal trouble as your punishment oh yeah yeah no exactly like take take the lesser L like it's not gonna be good but you're not gonna get 30 to life yeah and be like you know ah I'll count this as my o ah Like this is karma. Okay, I'll take that. Yeah, this is my you know, the level of jail time I deserved it's kind of like, you know The heaven or hell argument like but they're a good person. They don't believe in God. Do they deserve to go to hell? They need to burn forever through Yeah, you're right. That's what God says so it must happen
it's That's loving God, what he's decreed. ah No, I really like the scene at the, not the very end, but when after the trial, like the sentencing. You're funny. Sorry.
ah No, but I really like when at he goes to the sentencing because he's like, I need to see this through. And I think definitely think like they know like like we said, they never he never says out loud to his wife. But like the way his wife is reacting in her eyes and that like she kind of understands the deal and like why he's saying like, I need to see the sentencing and see it through. She's like, OK, just get this out of your system. Just go.
and go go see it. ah But it's kind of, yeah, the fucking asshole, dude, it's kind of sadistic. I know this for nothing, too, because that's kind of what really puts her on to him, because then you see, you know, almost I am imagined a flashback montage where she was like, wait, the car and then this and that. Wait, him, you know, there was a statue of him outside that house. I wouldn't do. Yeah. What did that mean? I did like that.
Because there's pictures like right behind her. She just like turns her head. like hu He looks familiar. Yeah. Uh, no, but I will end that scene with them outside of the courthouse. Just like, dude, all of this horse shit you just did making the trial go on longer.

Narrative Critique and Emotional Resolution

All this shit you pulled, you know, you get your wife in it. She's crying. Now your pregnant wife is crying. That's not good, you know, to do. You're like stressing everybody out. You're stressing yourself out.
Yeah, this is and good for the baby. When you just show up at the fucking courtroom, make yourself more suspicious, ultimately to be like you're undoing, like but right fucking ass, all of that for nothing. Cause if he had showed up, so she wouldn't have even thought to Google, right? Like, is that when she looks up? Yeah. She was like, she really like, cause I think that's the moment she like ah locks in like, what's this guy's deal?
Yeah. And and then at the conversation they have outside the corals afterwards, he's pretty much confessing to it. She Googles like Annie, blah, blah, blah, his husband. Right. And then a picture of him pops up. I don't know if that'll happen for everybody. But yeah, it's. I mean, if you're famous, maybe. But ah it says Nicholas Holt. He's an actor. Oh, interesting. ah But but the conversation that he's like talking around and he's like using hypothetical. Like he's saying he pretending that he's talking about the the guy on trial but but he's basically confessing to her that this was him and but then kind of making his case for why he should not go to jail like dude what did you watch heat and you think this is how you do it like this is my diner conversation Yeah, what what are you doing here? Like an asshole, you know, he's really just digging himself a hole there ah It's like it's a good it's a great scene though like it is but no it's like Character what or like it's again. It's nothing I'm mad at but it's one of those where I'm like
Dude, you suck, man. He's in the clear, yeah and he does- You're good. Like, you... I don't know if it's hubris, but you're hoisted by your own petard. You're like... You're something, man. You're... You're an asshole.
Yeah. All of this for nothing. She's just going to investigate you and he's probably going to get caught and go to jail. that's I mean, that's my takeaway from the end. I mean, she's showing up. She doesn't have a bunch of squad cars there with the handcuffs, but like she's not letting this go. Yeah. And all they really needed was a different excuse for how the car got damaged. Yeah. Yeah.
They really should have, well, I guess that'd be more suspicious in a way, but instead of selling the car, just like completely destroy it. Like to go to one of those like industrial crush, one of those crushers you put Michael Myers in and just like fucking like get that thing erased from existence.
bury it like in hell or high water. Yeah, exactly. You know, just be like, we're having an in ground pool. And then you're like, fuck, I accidentally back the truck up into the pool. Well, let's just just cement over it, yeah um you know. Yeah. John Wayne Gacy, this this car.
ah yeah he could have done a few things differently but clearly I mean I don't know it seems like there's really part of him that wanted to get caught like that like cuz why do any of that why yeah he's just real sick son of a bitch why why not just editing this whole movie I mean here because the whole time getting everyone to convince to do the not guilty vote and then to be like i guilty. yeah he was like Yeah, I just I really get my socks off by just making jury just making court cases the last you find out that this is a pattern like he's like a serial killer goes around
doing these crimes on the hope that he'll be on the jury for it and that someone else will be charged with it. And then he tries to not point the evidence towards the innocent guy, but then also do that at the same time. He's like the joker of jurors. He's like the joker of the courtroom. Can you imagine if the joker? I think a court jester.
Oh, that's good. Why wasn't Joker too called a court jester? What if Joker was in a courtroom? That's fucked up. Can't believe they've never done that. That is really, they didn't even make a court jester joke in the movie. Yeah. I'm calling- Missed opportunity. And Ted Phillips calls himself a comedian. Does he? I don't know. I'm saying he does. Right here.
but You heard it here, folks. Come at me, Warner Brothers. Come at me, Todd Phillips. What if Warner Brothers didn't come at it? This gets taken in into litigation. Cease and desist. They play this podcast. They're like, as you can hear. And then someone in the jury at that trial has a flashback that they were here during the recording. What? You're like, wait a minute. I said that. Or what if it's me? I'm in in the jury.
I'm like, wait, I said that on the podcast, not Doug. Keith or Solon's telling you, Nick, you can't come forward that you said that on the pod. It's not going to be good for you. Then I just drag out this court case forever. You're sitting there on the stand somehow not recognizing me.
I did think because they they keep having these ah flashbacks to like when he turned around that night and drove past. I was like, is he going to recognize Nicholas Holt? Be like, you are. I kept thinking someone from the bar was going to be like like the waitress or someone there was to be like.
Were you at that bar? Yeah, that guy looks familiar. I thought so, too. Well, there's other moments where someone who could identify him. I think it maybe was the waitress is like looking around or no, it's the it's the guy who like is identified him through the rain that night, the old guy. And he's like, is the guy who you saw in the courtroom today? And because what like Ben's over, like he dropped something. Yeah, he dropped the sobriety coin. he like My lucky coin.
It's weird too because he was like, whoops a daisy and then pitched it up. Yeah. It makes a slide whistle sound effect when he drops it. It was weird too. He fully stood up and bent over to pick it up. He made a real show of it. It was like more noticeable. Like you saw his ass showing, like his ass cramp. Right in that old lady's face.
Yeah, it was a very inappropriate. And then the old man recognized him from the, but like, what if he bent over that night and he's like, wait a minute, I'd recognize that axe crack anywhere from miles away in the rain. He's like, ha it's such a specific ass crack. Yeah. God damn it. um What would you do? Oh, I told you what I would do. You would sell him out?
I would ah come back years later. Oh, yeah, yeah. Documentary thing. Yeah, yeah. The worst thing you could do. The biggest dick ever. No, I wouldn't do that. I would probably I don't know, just let the if I had all his circumstances that honestly, I would find a way out of the trial. That's what I'm saying. Like, get the fuck out of the trial. Like, get get yourself dismissed from that jury. ace Yeah, I just have no involvement with it at all.
um It's almost worse that he's like voting on it too. It's so weird. It's sick. It's fucked up. Yeah, this fucking serial killer fandom has really gotten out of hand.
And now they're jurors. I do feel like this movie deserves a sequel. About his trial. We're halfway through. His mutant gene kicks in. And he starts like growing hair and like, like yeah, morphing into beasts. And then Tony Collette's mutant gene also kicks in. And she's the magneto of this universe.
Lady Magneto? It's time. No. It's time for Lady Magneto. I could, I could take a lady version of a lot of other X-Men villains. How about a lady? Even though Mr. is part of his name or what's, what's, what's the vampire looking guy? Mr. Sinister or something? You keep it Mr. though? Yeah. Yeah. Mr. Sinister. Is that, is that really his name? I'm blanking on it. You'd be opposed to a Tony Collette Magneto?
I'm not actually opposed to it. I just wanted to be indignant about something. ah Yeah, who cares? Did Tony Collette magneto? Let's do it. What do they got to lose? If it's not fast bender, make it Tony Collette. It is crazy that they- Let me close the Michael fast bender of Australia. i've I've been saying it for years. A lot of people have been saying that. Since the sixth sense, I've been saying it.
It is crazy. They knocked it out of the park with both magnetos and that really does said they, they did there. They are a little screwed for yeah might as well be Tony Collette. Why not? why You gotta say. Yeah. Yeah. That's what you gotta do. But it's the same backstory. Like she was in the Holocaust and survived it. But she's also still Australian. Yeah. Oh, no there's Australian Jews. It's a multiverse, dude. Multiverse. then Yeah. You can literally explain anything with the multiverse. Yeah. You know, have Deadpool come and be like, crikey, this is weird. And then he walks out and everyone everyone cheers and claps. They're like, this is art. And then. the Oscar goes to Deadpool and Wolverine, well, okay, I just forgot, this is Deadpool and Wolverine here. They probably shouldn't put this in for award contention, because it's like, you're gonna beat Ryan Reynolds and in yeah Jackman's performances? Good luck. This is going to win best adapted screenplay, Deadpool and Wolverine, because they're gonna be like, how could they pull that? There was a strike.
Remember that was the story. How are they going to do it with two strikes? And it's like, well, they did it guys. it Well, it was specifically that like, you went there for nothing when there was the strike, they like one of the stipulations because I think the previous writer strike, there was some loophole where like, you could improvise without a script because they're like whatever that's not but now they they had changed the rules were like no that's writing you can't just like improv just because you don't have writers so people like Ryan Reynolds can't improv either what the fuck are they gonna do yeah they're like oh my god they won't be able to pick this back up and just shoot it they act like
They're shooting like high art or something. And it's like, I think they finished shooting that movie a week before it came out. I think they were shooting it. the All the trailers had them in that one forest from the opening. So like I think I think the movie was.
I think being shot as we were watching it. it was treated with the weight of like the pandemic shutting down mission impossible almost people were like how are they going to pull it off so guys like this movie's fucking shit out in a lab like real people aren't making this Real quick, you mentioned Mission Impossible. Tom Cruise could have been there somewhere. Uh, Jerry number two. Yeah. her Number two. You can be in the sequel. je Is a hard word for me to say. Yeah. But so Chris could be in wear somewhere. This one or the sequel because he was in the firm. He was in a few good men. I feel like was there a third legal thing he was in?
Um, can we count all the mission and possibles as legal things as quote unquote legal things? No, but in a dead reckoning, he disguises himself as a lawyer. ah He pretends to be Haley Atwell's lawyer in in Italy. And he's just like, oh, wait, Bonjourno. Is that what they say? Bonjourno's friend in France. I believe they walk in the room and they're like, mama mia pizza pizza.
Oh, it's just so nice to see you. it' something like It was weird that Tom did that accent, but I think it worked. Yeah. They all play Nintendo. They all make pizzas.
And they have french fries. Shout out to our Italian listeners if you're still out there. Yeah. Thanks for bearing with us. And, uh, thank you guys for pizza. Really love it. yeah And Adam Driver, who I assume is Italian after, uh, you know, that car movie, Ferrari, he's Italian, right? It's weird to think that we probably do pizza better than Italians too. Like the Chicago style pizza is probably better. If I ate, yeah, if I ate Italian pizza, I'd just like spit it out.
You know what's so annoying when people not from Chicago are like, well, Chicago pizza, it's just like a, like they're thinking that deep dish is like the only pizza we eat. It's like we have really, really good thing. The deep dish is like.
At least for me, that's like a special occasion. I never, I don't like deep dish. I like it occasionally. I'm like a rare person who doesn't like deep dish. Man, it's so annoying when people come to Chicago and they're like, I just want deep dish. I'm like, I wouldn't even fucking piss on a deep dish right now. Whoa, it shuts fire. You know, it's like, there's better, it's weird though, because Chicago does just all foods better. Yeah. It's not just the pizza. No, we we are the food capital.
um yeah of the world, I will say confidently. ah Chicago has the best food in the multiverse. Yeah. California is, I can't say this about all California. The weird thing about California, they can do chain restaurants really well. You go there and it's like all their McDonald's and their chick-fil-a's and all that. You're getting like perfect food from there. But like, you know, different parts of California, um Arizona and I've been to ah a good chunk of the country. I won't get into it, but nobody does it like Chicago. It's weird. Nobody does food like Chicago. if i tall I think I did tally it up. I've been to like somewhere between 18 or 19 states.
and Yeah, that's more than me. i Food sucks in most of them. No offense to people outside of Illinois, but i you just don't know that it's better in Chicago yet. Yeah, yeah they're they're not intentionally fucking it up. They just don't know what the right way tastes like. Dude, a California pizza is fucking garbage, dude. That's what everyone says. that it's like Awful. There was like a full pepper on there. It's like half a sausage. I was like, guys, like do you do realize you chop up the ingredients before you put it on the pizza, right? Like what are you doing here? It's not even heated all the way. It's like, yeah. Yeah. Why is your c crust just like, why is everything covered in flour? You're supposed to cook it. You put it in the oven. You know, it's somehow soft and hard as a rock at the same time. It's ridiculous.
Yeah. it You get your, get your shit together in California. Yeah. Too liberal over there, man.
I don't even know what I meant by that. No, I, I. Juror number two, it'll be on Netflix in about a month. No, I'm kidding. Netflix probably will buy this or or HBO. Wouldn't it just go to HBO because of ah of the Warner brothers. Yeah. Watch on HBO max.
Um, yeah, but if you can get your grandparents or parents to see it, i I want to see, you know, like I'm interested to watch this with my parents and see what they think of it because I think they would enjoy it.
Yeah, this move, this year has been really good for, uh, movie recommendations for coworkers and parents, especially. This is going to go on the movie recommendation list for people juror number two and be like, Hey, don't be sleeping on that new Eastwood Clint. He's still got it. Clinty baby. Yeah, yeah, no, it's like down the and which is again, why it's so bad not to continually harp on this, but it's like Clint movies like perform. Well, like that the it's just like straight down the middle, middle America, but also people who like highbrow art, lowbrow. Everyone can come out of this, please. Like, I don't think.
I mean, sure, their tastes are different. There might be some people whose this is not their thing, but like, I don't think anyone's going to come out of this offended, you know, and be like, what the fuck was that? Did cry macho do poorly at the box office?
Was that a covid? I was wondering because it was like 2021 or something. Was it? I couldn't remember if it was covid or right after covid or if it went straight to streaming. It might have been one because it was when Warner brought HBO was doing that the same day. And so I actually think that might have done because some of those I mean, like Dune did OK. I mean, obviously would have done better if it wasn't for covid, but like,
But a lot of those movies, they did day and date, like, did not. And I could see an Eastwood movie killing at home compared to the theaters just because, like, older people probably not wanting to leave home. Like, I don't even have to get on the shuttle from the retirement home. I'm just like, throw it on here. Yeah, exactly. Damn, there was a serious lack of the elderly in our theater. Too many youths. There was, oh, I'm, like, that one old lady outside. But, yeah, yeah, it, it,
I'm really, really hoping he gets that wider. Clint isn't for this new generation, this TikTok generation. He should be on TikTok. Marty's on TikTok. Let's get Clint on TikTok. Yeah, TikTok, letterboxed.
Yeah, all of them. I think Marty did make a letterbox or something. I don't think he, he he has a letterbox. I think it's probably someone managing it, but it's like his thoughts and like lists and stuff like he creates that fake carpenter letterbox so account showed up. And then later that day.
Carpenter posted on, I think it was like Twitter, he's like, what's letterbox?
for him It makes me wonder if like, did his daughter or some younger relative or someone be like, Dan, they're saying online, and you have a letterbox or something. He's like, what the hell is that? Oh man, letterbox at Nicholas Ears. I'm the Doug or not on there.
like And you want to talk about our experience ah going to the theater and everything or at least like what we did after the movie? Oh, yeah. I mean, I really like that that AMC and I want to go see more things there, but like yeah there's nothing coming out next weekend.
um They're actually there's a ah foreign film. I forgot the name of it already. I'll tell you about it. ah We can talk about if we want to like cover it or not, but I might just make a trip out there just to and do it again. But it's go play Godzilla without me, you son of a bitch.
What do you mean? Oh, you're making up some foreign film. Yeah. I read between the lines. Who else is from a foreign country? Godzilla. I'll look it up. It's ah also happy birthday Godzilla. Happy Birthday Godzilla. It's the 70th birthday. He's still looking good. The movie is called Meanwhile on Earth from Jeremy Chaplin. He did this movie called I Lost My Body back in 2019. It's an animated feature. um Sorry, what's the name of this one? Meanwhile on Meanwhile on Earth.
Oh, so that's the only new one playing at that's like exclusive to the AMC River East, but that also might hit streaming super quick. So I was like, I don't know if it's worth the trip, but ah i'm aside from that, it's the heretic and we can see the heretic out here. Yeah. Well, we can find some other excuse to make it, uh, excursion out there. Cause yeah, yeah be Christmas movies at the music box.
Yeah, that's true. um the Yeah, it's it's a nice theater. They had a good time at the movie itself, but then the the the level below is like a whole level dedicated to, it's like a combination arcade bowling alley. I guess they're a national chain. i When I think of Lucky Strike, mainly because I just watch a lot of old TV or even radio when my parents have it on they'll have like the original commercials be like lucky strike cigarettes and I think that might also be the brand the Ghostbusters for smoking back when they let the Ghostbusters smoke guy give Ghostbusters back to the fans Yeah, yeah cigarettes. That's immediately what I think of when I hear the phrase lucky strike, too. They they so they should just have it should be the cigarette company owns a bowling alley slash arcade and you like get them with your game. Like I was expecting to walk and see like kids smoking. Yeah. Like that would have been cool okay while they're playing VR. It was it was nice. You know, I failed at the crane game a couple of times.
Yeah, there weren't enough enticing prizes to keep me going back to them. I think I could have won an Iron Man if I wanted to. It seemed easy enough. But yeah, it would be pretty nice to make a day of it or get a little group together and see a movie, play the arcade, go bowling or something. I mean, birthday's coming up. We could just use that as an excuse. Yeah, I was thinking about it. Yeah.
And there was a whole back area that we didn't, I don't know if you have to reserve that area or pay to get in. Did you see there was like that pool room or something? I did. That would be honestly pool and bowling. If we just did pool bowling and exclusively VR and sounds like a great night to me. Yeah. yeah And then we threw in a movie. The movie is the cheapest out of all of them.
I was kind of thinking too because for my birthday like I usually go out to eat with my parents and I was thinking Korean barbecue maybe so I was like I wonder if there's a Korean barbecue place nearby that like I can do the dinner with parents and then do the movie and everything with like friends afterwards. i There's Korean barbecue places all over the city so there's got to be one in that neighborhood. Yes I'm wondering of making a little birthday thing about it too. Also guys, we're probably going to have some special episodes coming out this month. ah And in February, both mine and Doug's birthday months, we're going to probably be doing some special movie apps of movies that we both love.
Or maybe movies I hate for my birth. I haven't decided what February is going to be. Maybe it's going to be the worst. Or if you pick only like movies that people think are bad that like you love.

Bonus Content: VR Games and Humorous Moments

I was like thinking about, I mean, we could do it every birthday month. We can mix up. We just all get three to, we both get three to four picks and it could be just anything for any reason.
Yeah. Freddie got fingered. Uh, what's another disliked movie? You're just going to subject me to like shit. I wouldn't watch otherwise. for you up I mean, I would watch it for the podcast if we were, I've just heard weird things about it. I mean, oh, it's, it's like we already got fingered gummo kids, all the ones you've been avoiding. Serbian film, human centipede three might as well finish the trilogy off, Nick.
That's yeah, I have only seen the first two I i go go back at some point. Yeah. um Yeah, I don't even think you kind of like alluded to it. We did Godzilla VR when we were out there. That was really fun. yeah I mean, besides the lack of ability to like, you know, i I don't own my own VR headset. The only time I've really fucked with is at friends places. It seems usually you can have some customization of like how you like how tight the straps and how it fits on your head. I didn't really see a way to do that with these. So you kind of just had to play with it until you figured out how to get it to stay on but your head. So for a guy with a weird big head like mine, I had to do a couple adjustments. Sometimes mid level, I'd have to like reshift it because it was like falling down. But yeah it was weird for me. I couldn't get it to stay. Then at a certain point, it just felt like it like
fit perfectly and I didn't have an issue. Did you keep your glasses on too? No, I took them off. Okay. I took mine off too, but then I put them on, like, you know, there's the part where you sit down and then there's like the little console, basically like a dashboard, almost like from a car. And I put them there not even thinking about like, oh, this thing moves like a roller coaster. So it just like got flown off at one point. I felt something hit my leg and I was like,
I don't know what that could have been. And then thankfully, when the game finished, they were there on the floor. No one stepped off. but That would have been funny. So just like they were fucking like Ron. I mean, I need to get new glasses anyway, but that would have really sucked. Yeah, that would have been awful. Fucking I didn't know it was an.
Maybe it was just like being in the VR and having the visual of taking like dips and stuff but it felt like we were like actually taking a pretty like far like lean forward when it was making those dips for like the helicopter or whatever that we were in it.
it was pretty crazy like you know it really emulated like it felt like we were on a roller coaster but then also it's a light gun game and and it's it's it's fun like yeah i want to go back and like play play through the it easily trumped all the other ah especially shooter games we play I mean like like I did say I did enjoy the unique gimmick of the halo control like it looks like the classic halo assault rifle but instead of like shooting off the screen like how you reload in something like time crisis you like kind of like cock it or like there's like a like a pump basically like like they would be on like a pump shotgun that you use to reload oh that was cool but the game itself I was like
I should have played this and then Godzilla, like we should have done the other shooters and then Godzilla. Yeah, Godzilla is the headliner. It set the bar too high. yeah I mean, Jurassic Park wasn't horrible, but it also was funny afterwards, saw the thing up on the the box. It was like, use your tranquilizer gun.
the to stop the dinosaur like did they just have to put this disclaimer here or something like so they don't think we're shooting at fictional animals or something you're like the like mauling down these these guys there should have been someone off-screen like good thing you put them to sleep now we'll get them back to their cages yeah That would've been better, honestly. I would've believed it more. So really, come on, arcade people, sell me on it. Just get Jeff Goldblum to do it. He'll do any- He'll do anything. Honestly, I would also consider playing, um, that giant, like, Galaga game that's there.
Or was it Space Invaders? or I think it was a you could do yeah the option of a few different games. i I would want to fuck with that. I love Dig Dug, but that didn't seem like it was an option. Dig Dug is fucking challenging. Dig Dug is hard. yeah The basketball one, it looked like an NBA jam, but then the closer I inspected, I was like, is this like a more realistic bet? Because I'm not interested in sports games that are trying to be like real or simulations. I'm like, you better. You better let the ball light on fire and then let me dunk and like destroy the rim and like travel inhuman distances in the air. I want to extend my arm like Michael Jordan in space jam. Yeah, um all yeah like that's if if the basketball game doesn't let me do that. I'm not really that interested. um It is nice to know that they are putting in a juror number two game at this arcade.
And it's like you just sit there and you kind of just have to sit with the you like the weight of your moral dilemma and be like, fuck, I have a baby on. Like it keeps showing you Zoey Deutsch and she's very pregnant. Like the screen moves over to, her it's like it it's also VR like Godzilla. So the it'll move around a lot. So you look at, you see the innocent guy in the in the courtroom and then it moves over and then you see Zoey Deutsch. She's like, I'm so pregnant.
Yeah, they couldn't tell what movie they should put the arcade game. They were like, Venom three or juror number two. And they were like, juror number two makes more sense as a game. So I think they made the right call. Me too. And I can't wait to play it. We'll review it on the pod.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad it's VR too. Wasn't there like, didn't the Simpsons have like a, my dinner with Andre arcade game joke? I think there was so. It was like a, like an arcade game for a movie. It was like only dialogue. Yeah.
Or was it like Bart wanted to get a new game and Marge was like, you have games here. And one of them was like something really boring like that or something really obscure. I think they've done both versions of that joke. Yeah. Cause they definitely done of what you're talking about. And then, yeah, he wants some kind of like death, crunch, chasm thing, like a violent game. And then, yeah, he has the really boring one. Mm-hmm.
That's a Christmas classic. That Simpsons episode. Oh, by the way, op and one, I think. Yeah, you are right. But I just want to remind people, I mean, I guess we're already in the spoiler section, so I should have said this at top. Joy number two is a Halloween movie. Canonically, they say Happy Halloween. They do. Yeah, so that's just I just want to put that out there. It's a Halloween movie.
Also a Batman movie. He's in it. when Well, he may be a potential Batman, isn't it? that That's going to be the real sequel when you think Nicholas Holt's going to jail and then you turn and look around. He's just gone. yeah Exactly. um Should we start wrapping up or? Yeah, um um I mean, I just I just had a good time just the experience overall of the movie. And yeah, I love the movie. So I don't know.
Yeah, it's a solid movie. Not really much to complain about. i I don't know. If you don't like courtroom dramas, maybe. If you don't like movies with subversions, I guess you wouldn't like it. If you don't like movies with funny moments and characters that you enjoy, you might not like it.
thinks that are in good movies. You're like, yeah, if you don't like good movies, I guess you might not like this. I mean, I hope- Joker wasn't in it. Todd Phillips didn't have anything to do with it. That's a win in my book for this courtroom movie. Those are minuses for me, but- For this Warner Brothers courtroom movie. Lady Gaga was in it, so that was good. She was. And her songs were better.
Yeah, they actually let her sing this time. Yeah. A lot of people keep saying that, like, Clint Swan song, you know, like, oh, this is how he's closing out. I mean, he is 94. I'm not saying this is a bad movie to be his last movie, but he's saying that. No, it's just why are people saying that? It's like, do you want him to die? They're like, they're like, they're like, of course, they will be dying soon, as we all know.
They're like grabbing a pillow smothering with like, Clint, who will no longer be with us soon. They're like, Clint, you're sick. You need to rest. yeah Take one nap.
okay That's Zazloff daring that. Yeah. So I don't know where that's coming from. I don't think he said that. I hope he keeps going. I mean, this would be perfectly fine. Like, I think sometimes people too put too much weight in like, what is a filmmaker's last film? Hint, hint, one filmmaker in particular thinks about that too much. But I i i'm usually know what you plan on it being. Right.
But again, I hope he just keeps making them. you know like i'm and i I really enjoyed this. I want to go back through his other stuff. I want to just keep seeing him do his thing. like he he he He's a good filmmaker.
He's probably got a movie that's his last movie that's made already. And he's like, when I die, I put this out. That's a decent client. I don't know. But, um, yeah, 94. He makes a movie a year every other year. He could have like two, three movies left.
You know, coming out. You probably know why we were talking about this wrapped another movie. They're going to announce it like this variety or deadline. This would be like, oh, yeah, Clint's other movie coming out this week also. Yeah, it's starring everybody. Adam Driver's in it.
Ooh, wait, they have not worked together. I know, I was thinking about that. I was like, Adam Driver needs to work with you. He's worked with like every all tour, so. Adam Driver, pull Clint Eastwood out of retirement.
It's like, I'm not retired.
Hey, I'm trying to eat here. Yeah. And what if, what if they worked together and it's just bad and it's like, is Adam Driver, the one who's ruining these movies? Megalopolis would have been great if it wasn't for, no, I don't blame him for anything. Yeah. 65 Megalopolis and now this? Yeah. People are really blaming him for 65. Yeah. His performance. So bad.
I didn't see it. No, I don't know. I barely remember that movie. I watch it on my phone. That seems like the place to see it. This deserves it. Yeah. I don't know. It seems like the kind of thing he has to do to keep the lights. I mean, so he can do the things where he gets other directors passion projects made.
Mm-hmm. This is how we got megalopolis to the screens. So it was actually a bad thing. Okay. so Yeah. Well, you can't win them all. He didn't he didn't know. How you how could i could you know? Yeah. I mean, I totally get why the actors themselves would be so not to start a whole megalopolis thing, but like reading about all about like Coppola's whole live theater obsession and like how he films stuff now. I'd be like, that sounds fun for an actor to do like to do, to do it in that way and have it to be that collaborative. of like I could see how an actor could really get something out of it, but then to- Is it as fun though as having a 94-year-old man sit there and go like, whenever you're ready?
Yeah, no, it would not be as good as that. Or, yeah, he says, like, whenever you're ready or go ahead now or something. Because, yeah, he doesn't say action because I guess on sets on Westerns, I would startle the horses or something. And then they get two takes and he's like, got it.
If I was a studio, I would be kissing this guy's ass. His movies make money. They come in under budget on time. Like, come on, just give him. i heard He gets him done early. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, he's not like going over to like, oh, man, we need another two weeks for this. He's like, no, I just I finished it yesterday. Here it is. Yeah. that Sometimes they get awards attention. I don't know. Maybe this will get awards attention. We'll see. Yeah.
I dig it though. Good movie. Yeah. Good movie. And we'll have a sequel about who that baby grows up to be because the post credits didn't reveal this, but I have a feeling might be someone in the DC universe. Yeah. I have a feeling.
James Gunn, i I know you know, so you're not gonna say, but like, I'm winking at you right now. I see what you're doing. You're seeding your universe and other movies that are quote, quote, unrelated. And it's like, oh, okay, who's that baby? It's it's Dick Grayson. I like that. I like that theory. Yeah.
It'll work. I mean, by the time Brave and the Bulge comes out, that kid will be old enough because it takes place in like 2021 or whatever. So he'll he'll be old enough to possibly be Robin age. Oh, wait, I forgot the Robin and that one's going to be Damien, Wayne, like his son or something. Well, they'll probably will be a digress than herself.
They're going to cross over the the the omen movies and in Batman. There should be a Batman horror movie. Eventually. Get on it, Matt Reeves. Put Clayface in part two. Just do it. Do it, you coward. He's in the Batman cartoon that you produced this year. Just do that, but live action. Just do it. Just do it. Just do it. Just do it. That's also my advice to Nicholas Holt. Just do it.

Promotion and New Podcast Announcement

Oh, you want to get in your plugs?
Yeah, you can follow the show's Twitter at guys got juice. My personal Twitter at Doug or not underscore two. um We just launched our our Patreon. ah So check that out. These guys got juice.
We got some exciting stuff there so far. There's a the Batman ah commentary. There's some gameplay of us playing ah the new horror game, Crowded Followed. ah There's also a watch-along commentary for like an episode with the Penguin. There's just gonna be a lot of variety, a lot of stuff there. And it's a really good value. like The first week is free. like we're We're just fucking giving away this stuff ah but for to you. and but Even then, after the first week, it's only like 250 a month. That's crazy. The amount of value you're going to be like, there's going to be like several episodes of stuff of a month. and And then we're going to have like our own private discord. You'll have access to that. Like you you're getting this. The value of this is ridiculous.
We're gonna be really going outside of the box too with some of these things coming up with ideas as we go. Maybe just drop shit just for the sake of it, you know? Having this Patreon will probably give me and Doug more incentive to do solo episodes. Like, you know, I just saw the Robert Zemeckis movie here that might record some thoughts on that and just drop it on the Patreon. Why not, you know? We'll probably just do stuff like that just for the hell of it. Yeah, just you guys experiment. with it yeah yeah so so check us out there it's like I said first first week's free I mean if for some reason you don't like that you could cancel but like I think I think it's worth gonna be worth sticking around so check it out hell yeah and uh you can follow us on instagram at these guys got juice pod um did you have your letterbox or anything you want to plug too oh I that was when we were jokingly bring up letterbox but yeah my letterbox is the dug or not yeah
Hell yeah. You can follow me on Letterboxd at Nicholas Ewers. In about like a week and a week and a half sometime soon, me and my friend Mercedes are going to be launching our podcast, Children of the Gore, with our psycho episode. That's going to be the first one. I can't wait to hear that.
Yeah, the that one's a little rougher. We were still figuring out the format. Do you remember how rough our, you know, quote, quote, first episode was? So, yeah. i don't I'm going to pitch maybe dropping Psycho and Misery the same day because Misery is where we really kind of lock it got it figured out a bit more. Yes. That's kind of what we did. weren't Then we do like our our Planet of the Apes. We recorded that first.
But, but then we dropped that at the same time as Halloween or something. Yeah. Halloween. and Apes came out the day, the same day or like the day after Halloween. So it was like, yeah. So we're going to be probably doing something like that. Cause psycho, we go over like the whole plot of psycho and that's just not the format of the podcast. It's a bit more conversational. Um, yeah. And we have.
Uh, I'm possibly going to pitch maybe rerecording the psycho episode. Cause I think, you know, we, we got a good flow going, but you guys will hear it. You guys will hear what you're going to hear. We'll have it all figured out by then, but a week and a half children of the gore. We're going to be dropping sometime soon. Um, we're getting everything figured out and, uh, yeah, go give us a follow over there. And I'm Nick Ewers. I'm Doug Damport. And we're these guys got juice. Have a good night.
When the truth is found to be lies And