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Halloween Ends

These Guys Got Juice
53 Plays2 months ago


Today on These Guys Got Juice, the guys are bringing you another classic commentary with Halloween Ends!

In this episode, the guys really try to figure this trilogy out, and it's a conversation you won't want to miss! Do the guys agree that this movie has juice? Listen/Watch and find out!


Fantastical Music and Humor

What if one song could cure the people? What if one song could end all evil? Imagine if a fish could play guitar and also sing it with sound bizarre like this. My name is Mr. Fish. These guys' thoughts have granted my wish. That may have just changed the course of time. I swear my mind blows my mind. Incredible.
So I see you got my text.

Incredible Thoughts and Musical Humor

I didn't know if you would get it or like, cause I knew you were like basically on your way. I didn't see it till I got here. And then as as soon as I read it, I was like, wait, I know where this is from. And then, yeah, I was.
It's like, is this incredible thoughts? Yeah. Did you plan to sing that immediately after you knew that? Or did that just come to you right now? It came to me ah when I went to the bathroom beforehand. This was the last minute. and Nice. Hell yeah. That caught me off

Michael Bolton's Comedic Ventures

guard. That made me a little happy. I mean, it would have been better if I could have, I really got to get my, my Bolton like, like singing impersonation down. I can't really do his voice.
I know it's really odd and specific. It's... Jack Sparrow! I can maybe do this just him saying one word. yeah what if ones ah What if one dog could kill the people? it's Yeah, I don't know. hes and I like that he does comedy stuff kind of regularly now. like Are you sure he knew he was in a comedy or doing a comedy thing when he did that song? He's done a couple other Lonely Island songs. Okay. And then he was also in some like Tim Robinson.
but I don't it was longer than a sketch. It was like, oh, no, no, like it was one of the lonely I am guys directed it and it was like a Michael Bolton, ah like ah Valentine's Day special, but it was like a like a spoof special. And then Tim Robinson came on as like some like ah like weird chef or something. And for one of the sketches in it.
I don't think I've even seen the whole thing. I've just seen the Tim Robinson part, but I just think it's funny that every so often he's like, yeah, I'm just going to do a comedy thing. Nice. Shout out to Tim Robinson. Come on the pod.

Reimagining Michael in Halloween

What if Tim Robinson was in a Halloween movie? He should be playing Michael. yeah I mean,
I think there should be a new, to I know we've we've, this is maybe being a dead horse since we've talked about the franchise so many times. I mean, that's like where we started on was, was Halloween, but it's like, okay, now I've shifted back. Cause before I was team, let's just get away from Michael. I feel like that we've, we've tapped that. Well, it's like, okay, if we're going to do Michael again, we need a radically new take yeah and and the take should be it's Tim Robinson.
Whatever he wants to do, that's just what it is. Yeah, maybe he won't even wear

Eric Andre's On-Screen vs. Off-Screen Persona

a mask. so It might just be him walking around. Honestly, that's what I was thinking, just him in the jumpsuit. Mm-hmm. Did you just see him outside your, wi that's it's like the same kind of shots where he's like stalking and you look out and it's just him in a jumpsuit and he's just like looking crazy at you. Like, it's pretty good. I wonder what that guy's like in real life. I do wonder.
I can imagine him more as like a regular energy person off camera more than I can. There's, there's people like Eric Andre where I'm like, what is your normal look like? You know, cause like, like his whole character is always being on. I mean, I know Tim Robinson, care like they all like yell a lot, but he at least like starts it like a somewhat, sometimes he'll start as like a somewhat calm person and then lose it. So I like, I can kind of imagine what regular Tim Robinson looks like.
Mm-hmm. I'd imagine Eric Andre is just pretty energetic most of the time. I don't know. I've heard him on, like, podcasts and stuff like that, though, and he he's on it. He's funny. He's pretty quick, but um he doesn't sound like an absolute, like, maniac at least. He's not going like, wow! Yeah, he's jump like, he's not puking constantly, and his desk's not exploding, you know?
that'd be funny in an audio only medium where you just hear the puke or like the punching and sound effects of like the desk breaking i couldn't do the puke sound i i couldn't um yeah That was very realistic, very realistic puke sound. Just in time too for Halloween.

Halloween Humor and Traditions

This is going to be dropping on Halloween. Yeah. So the best holiday ever. Yeah. We're going to be making a lot of puking and farting sounds in the microphone, probably just to get in the Halloween spirit. That's what people do on Halloween, right? I think i think so. Puke and fart a lot.
That's why the it was founded. Why are there not other holidays that have a horror franchise specifically? Like, I guess Black Christmas exists, but I wouldn't call... I mean, is that a franchise or is that a movie they've made three times, you know? Like, that's not... Is Thanksgiving going to be a franchise? I don't know, and I still haven't seen it. Didn't

Eli Roth and Grindhouse Films

like it that much.
ah I think I've said this, I don't know if I've said it on mic, but I've never seen an Eli Roth movie. I've only seen him as an actor, not like anything he's directed. Probably for the best. I saw the Thanksgiving segment in Grindhouse back when it was a fake trailer, ah which was funny because I thought all the fake trailers in Grindhouse were funny. and And most of them have become real movies now, which is funny because Machete got me into a real movie. ah There was some other one besides Thanksgiving that became a real movie. The only one that hasn't been made a real movie is the Edgar Wright one. I think it was just called Don't. like The trailer was like, do you think of going into the basement? Don't.
he He'll do it eventually. he should I love Edgar Wright. I forgot what I was going to say. Edgar Wright's Halloween. Hell yeah. um Yeah, Eli Roth. I haven't seen um any Eli Roth movie that I like really, really like or enjoy. but Acting, yeah, he's, you know, in some pretty good movies. I mean, Gloria's Bastards really tips the scale. Yeah, it does.

The Matrix Casting What-Ifs

And he's got a really good part. He's got a super memorable scene in line. Yeah, a scene that was a character that was going to be Adam Sandler. I mean, a lot of it's fun to think about like diverging past of like, oh, what would this movie have been?
A lot of times we do end up with like the right, like you hear about anyone else they tried to cast in The Matrix before Keanu and it was like Will Smith or like I think even Sandra Bullock, they just wanted a star. Like if male, female, they were they were just going to write around that. But that none of those sound good, like good options.
Yeah, Sandra Bullock, she strikes me not as someone who would be in The Matrix, but like someone who would have more of like a bird box, you know, a box with birds in it. And it's more like her speed in the world. Oh, were they just watching? Were the producers watching? They're like, OK, call Sandy. She won't do it. Fuck. Oh, Keanu's in this. Yeah.
What's he up to? Yeah, I'd say. And if Keanu said no, they would have gone to Dennis Hopper, I guess, and just like going down the line at speed. Exactly. um Should we tell the folks what we're doing? No. Because they can't... i I'd say nothing. Johnny Tight Lips. Damn it, that would have been a good Halloween costume, Johnny Tight Lips. But you wouldn't tell people who you are. Who am I? I'm Doug Davenport.
no if youre If you were Johnny Tightlips, you wouldn't tell people who you were dressed as. I'm Cooper Trapp from the hit movie Trapp. No, I'm saying if you were dressed as Johnny Tightlips and going as him, you wouldn't tell people who you were because you were Tightlips. Yeah, it'd be I ain't saying nothing. Yeah. Go suck a lemon. Exactly. That would be your answer when people would be like, what are you dressed as? And you'd be like, I ain't saying nothing. Yeah, right now Doug's dressed as ah the dad from Trapp.
Cooper Trapp himself. From our famous Trapp episode, if you haven't listened to that one. It's world famous. More famous. A lot of people just heard the episode and then when I tell them there's a movie that they, we were review of like, I didn't even know there was a movie. I just like, I heard of the the podcast. Yeah, exactly. Our Trapp episode did better at the box office than Joker Folly adieu. Yeah. shop yeah Fucking that's already on demand. It was not in theaters for a month and like three weeks, right? Like that's that's insane. Good for them. Todd Phillips, you did it. Did you see, speaking of Quentin Tarantino, his praise of folly ado, he said like Todd Phillips is the Joker and he was like,
like applauding him for it being such a problem. He's like, it's a big middle finger F you to Hollywood and DC fan. And it's like, he's like, I loved it. It was just a big fuck you.
I think it's dumb. Yeah. It's stupid. Two movie he made, a five-two

Quentin Tarantino's Take on Joker

movie he made. It's like, yeah, dude, you want to have your cake and eat it too. Like you want to be Mr. Cool Guy, but still make a billion dollars. It's a funny bit to make um um a beloved, awarded movie and then be like,
Yeah, but we we agree that that sucked, right? Yeah. You want to be Mr. Serious, like big director and people like took you seriously, you know, you had people on your side and then you do it. It's like, what are you doing, dude? I think that's the most annoying thing about him is that how desperate and I say this is a folly to do.
Defenders that he he his need to like be taken seriously now like really I feel like camp because like it it it hurts what he's even trying to do in that movie that he could if he just like stayed on task instead of having to be like what Would be like a really fucked up serious thing to happen right now. Yeah with Joker got raped. That'd be so fucked up Yeah, the more I think about Todd Phillips, the more I'm just, like, irritated with him and Folly Ado.
So anyway, Todd Phillips is going to be rebooting Halloween.

Evolving the Halloween Franchise

yeah We're going to talk about a movie. Nobody was ever mad about a movie. Everyone was super chill about and loved. Halloween ends. What if David Gordon Green did a folly? It was like a provocation of like, oh, oh, you think you like Halloween? Although people people didn't like Halloween kills, so it can be Like that it's dunking on fans of that. This is an example of something where I'm just like, I have no idea what David Gordon Green was like trying to go for. The first Halloween movie, you know, by at the beginning of it, by the end of it, I'm like, OK, I get it. I get what you were going for. It seems like you satisfied the need of like a lot of people. People enjoyed it.
I don't know. Like once we're in Halloween kills, I'm like, I don't know what he's going for anymore with this kills. I mean, ends is more interesting and seems like it is more conscious in what it's doing. But it's like, I still don't know like what he was going for in the long run, like. I would be interested to see interviews of, or what he says about about this movie specifically, but I have a read in an idea of like what he, well, at least for a good chunk of it, uh, I, the end kind of loses me and we'll see how I feel about the ending now on, on revisiting it. But of the Halloween movies that I've seen, I have this ranked as like the highest sequel besides the Rob zombies too, which is like my second favorite Halloween, but ends as three.
I remember, um this is going to be weird for a Halloween movie, but I remember ah really being sucked out of the movie the moment Michael enters it. That's that's one of the things this movie I think struggles with is that it's trying to like I like I wanted to be doing different things and the movie seems to be wanting to do different things. But then it's also because it's part of this trilogy and it was like, yeah, it's called Halloween ends. So like the ah it is marking as this like epic conclusion, like, Laurie, Michael, finally, the showdown leaf we've all been waiting for. It's like, have we? I don't know. wasnt Was I waiting for this?
ah showdown Yeah, and it's a pretty, from what I remember, shitty showdown. um But I guess we'll see now. like That's my least favorite part of the movie is is is that fight specifically and all that. i'm like i didn't I was into the other stuff you were doing. like I would have rather the like actual climax be Have that like be the focal point and yeah, it feels like that they almost got scared Midway through and like fuck we got to have just her fight Michael because that's like we've we've we've done too much stuff That's gonna alienate people. We got to like do the thing now
Leaving them and the sewers together, I remember just being like, this feels so odd. Oh, it's odd. And the movie doesn't even like what it's doing here. But again, I don't have the bet. I just remember more so the feeling of watching this movie. I'm kind of interested to see, because I didn't hate it, but I just remember being like, what the fuck was David Gordon Green doing at first? feels like he just like had no like sight of what he wanted to do with the trilogy by the end of it. Oh I think the whole because I think it's very plain or uh obvious that they did not know ahead of time it was just after the success of Halloween 2018 that they were like okay it's a trilogy like right they didn't pitch this or go in
with a trilogy plan and then it's kills especially is very adverse. Fuck,

Analyzing Halloween's Themes and Characters

I don't know. We're just going to keep it's the the same night. He's still killing people. I don't know. And then what makes all of that makes the exorcist thing just way more baffling. It's like that one. Why did you? Yeah. Why did you take this on? And it's like.
Do you, I was watching, I'm like, do you not like horror movies? Like that's what I thought watching The Exorcist. I'm like, it it's so like bad and dumb. It feels almost like intentionally bad and dumb. I was just like, maybe he's just a bad horror filmmaker. um I really don't know. Cause you haven't seen Exorcist, Believer, right? No, I haven't. Three times.
I've i I've talked about that I won't talk about it again. though I kind of yeah, I don't know that I ever want to see it but I'm probably gonna hate it. It's like such a nothing movie. It's like it It pales in comparison to Exorcist and Exorcist three. It's yeah like, God, it's it's. ah Alien Romula shines next to fucking Exorcist. belief Oh, wow, that bad. Yeah, it is. You want to hop into Halloween and I'll set up kills. All right, folks. Happy Halloween. You're right. If I didn't say it already, we're going to get the movie all set up and get ready for the countdown.
All right. You want to do the honors? Yeah, sure. All right. One, two, three play. It did like a reverse. I had said doing three, two, one. I was like, I counted up. It took it like buffered for a second. Yeah. So we're going to be a second off from the countdown. Apple TV usually doesn't do that, but Today, it was some kind of really the Halloween prank on us. Oh, yeah, there's a radio DJ in this, right? I did forget about that element. um He's opening the movie.
Yeah, like that we're establishing him at the titles. Um, I really, the actual opening that we're about to see, I remember loving. So, uh, like it was not, I didn't know what, where it was going, what this, cause like, like I said, the, all the previews were just like, finally Michael versus Laurie and ah all the court, none of the Corey stuff was in any of the like advertisements.
which is kind of bold it it may like it's It's either bold or it's like the studio being like, what the fuck is this? And we have to just show the five minutes of the Michael stuff because I'm this Corey kid who they're not going to care about that. Like, do the studios not read the script? And I mean, um can't they just be like, hey, David, it's not working. We're going to hire somebody else if like they don't like it? Because I mean, do we know how Universal feels about these movies?
I know they're not happy about The Exorcist. They like dropped that. But the previous ones, I mean, 2018 did really well. Kills made, did it make money? I remember it being this weird like hybrid, like it was on Peacock, but then also in theaters, right? I think it, I'd guess that it probably made money. um Horror being in theaters. I was about to say horrors don't have to do a lot to make the become profitable. Yeah.
Here he is, Corey Cunningham himself. First, I thought the guy on the piano was Christian Bale and the fighter. yeah
ah So she's like a a flapper. Yeah. She's like a flapper from the twenties, but who's the dad's like just a train engineer or conductor? Like, uh, yeah, choo choo. One of those is his catchphrase. Yeah. Just lazily says choo choo.
oh This this kid sucks ah not Not not is I'm i'm not gonna like shit on it I'm just saying like as a carrot like did I if I had to babysit as a kid human the actor sucks Yeah as a person yeah I've I've seen some of the social media posts. He's not he's kind of a bad person no all right
They get started really young these days. Uh, no, but just like the idea of having to babysit this kid is already a horror movie. I'm like, well, I guess we haven't seen how actually bad he's, he's, he's just being a normal kid in front of his parents. But once the parents are gone, he's like being pretty not great to Corey.
I want to point something out, and this isn't just horror movies, but I've been noticing it in a lot of horror movies. And I haven't seen many houses like this, but is it just easy to design a house or a set, or does it just look really good for the staircase to be right in front of the front door?
I feel like they either worked really hard to find ah whatever they did. Such a common thing. Like whether whether this was almost never seen a house like that. Right. But that's why i'm so I'm like either they had to look to find one or they reverse engineered and like just made a set. i This this is just straight down the camera.
him saying it's Halloween, we're going to have a a great night. The movie doing that while I was like, okay, I am in good, good hands. They're watching the thing. Yeah. And carpenters, the thing. It was just for the original Halloween. They're watching the thing from another world. It's all come from the Rob Zombie one. They were watching yeah the thing from another world too. I think everyone in the world of that movie of the first Rob Zombie one is multiple TVs are showing the thing for like someone he cuts to someone like in a town away or something and like they got a thing from like wow everyone's watching that all right I kind of wish we were watching the thing just seeing that scene uh that's crazy it's like one of the best scenes you just start doing a commentary on the movie they're watching there oh this kid said the movie's stupid
Yeah, that's okay. He said the thing sucks. He called Corey ugly. I'm I'm not on this kid's side. He called him duck lips. I didn't appreciate that as a big lipped person.
um Says you suck as a babysitter, but he's not doing I don't know that he's I mean, yeah, he's showing the kid an R rated movie, but that's as a long advocate of kids should watch fucked up stuff. I'm like, that's fine.
Cory seems kind of dumb. Oh, I think yeah he's just walking around the kitchen. Like he looked like he'd never seen a kitchen before. Oh, what's this? Yeah. Oh, the water machine is just a sink milk. You can preserve that. You don't have to just like throw it out. and hope Yeah, this looks brown. It must be bad. It's gone bad.
Knocked over a lamp. Oh, and this kid's like already setting up some fucking prank he wants to do on Cory. Uh, because we have the the the the line the mom says of like, he's been a little... I think this is supposed to be...
pretty soon after, ah kill like the town's still on edge about Michael Myers because you know yeah like like he like he's he's he he's in the wind, like he just disappeared. For some reason I thought this took place like way before Halloween kills and there was a bigger time jump, but it's um that's a pretty small time jump, right? Yeah, and there's a larger time jump after this, yeah which is like a year or maybe a couple of years we go ahead. but Uh, yeah. So, so the mom said that the, the kids having like nightmares, he's scared about Michael. Uh, so watching this initially, I'm like, Oh, is that the cold open? Michael's going to kill this fucking kid, like the, and kill him and like eats the kid. He thought he was a dog. ah He was wearing the mask. yeah He is the werewolf man. He's like, Oh dog. It was Michael's bad. He made a mistake. He didn't mean it.
Come on, can a guy yeah not make one mistake? He's not a cannibal. Oh, is there a knife missing? Is that what that shot's showing us? Yeah. This kid sucks. Yeah, he does.
um So yeah, what I was asking the staircase, I guess this isn't in front of the front door. but they still They still need it to be by the front door because of what's going to happen. Do you think that just is like easier to design as a set? And that's why you see it in every movie or it just looks better on screen. I'm like.
Well, this movie specifically, it has a purpose. Yeah. Yeah. It makes sense. But for other horror movies where they do it, maybe is it just i mean an an easy ease thing or yeah, maybe what you said, it's easier to shoot it's like that. It makes sense for The Simpsons because it's like animation and, you know, the you don't have a lot of room to work with. Yeah.
So Corey has the knife now. He saw it on the stairs and picked it up. And now this, yeah, this kid's just fucking with him. Oh, and he's going to lock them in. I, yeah, that that's the chain of events here. Uh, this kid's name is Jeremy. What an asshole.
I've never met one good person named Jeremy. that's Probably a solicitor named Jeremy. Yeah, I have a good friend named Jeremy. Jeremy Strong, also, sorry, Jeremy. and I know you you're a fan of the pod. Jeremy Renner, he like saved somebody from a monstrous snowplow. It was like a Stephen King novel.
Yeah, he did do that. I forgot about that.
Oh man. And like how long has it been within the context of the movie since the parents left? I guess there was a bit of a ah jump because they were like partway through the thing. Like they're coming back early though, right? Like this is like that was not planned for them to be here now. Oh man.
Yeah, this is just knowing what's about them. ah a man oh oh that was very such a hard hit oh man do you think that's an instant death uh fall from that height if it doesn't snap your neck that like heart of a hit to the head it has to I mean they act like he murdered him though it was an accident yeah I mean yes they're going to be upset but like the town ostracizes him and shit right I mean you have Michael Myers out there like focus on that you know well I think that's part of the idea though is that like
Michael's gone and they don't know what the deal is with that. So they want to direct this like this anger and this this all these these emotions towards something more concrete. And like here's this guy who, yeah, it was clearly an accident, but they can still direct all their their anger and frustration at him. Why aren't they focusing on the crime in Chicago?
Oh, Haddonfield is in Illinois, right? Yeah. Yeah. What is Lori Lightfoot doing about Michael Myers? yeah Well, not nothing anymore because Brandon Johnson's ah the mayor, but Lori was mayor when doing about Michael Myers. Well, when this movie came out was Lightfoot. That's what I even lived in Illinois in a while. that That's what I was just saying. She was the mayor when this came out. Damn. Wasn't doing her job.
Well, yeah, it's a lot of politicians just have nothing to say about what they're going to do about Michael Myers. And it's like, OK, cowards. Yeah, and exactly. That's what happened to when you put a lived hard enough.
Oh, David Gordon Green directed this. Interesting. Oh wow. DGG. Nice. Thought this was a Rob Zombie movie. Yeah. Damn, the school from the first one. Oh yeah. This is a flashback. No, is it? Yeah. Yeah. I was like, it looked just like the movie. So yeah.
Oh, right I forgot she's reading a book. That's fucking horseshit. That's so stupid. I remember the end of this movie now. It sucks. The fucking last shot or whatever. I don't like the little book. And I don't like. Look, guys, I love that one for giving the actresses name. ah Jamie Lee, Jamie Lee Curtis. Great actress Lindsay Lohan.
The sequel coming up there is there is a sequel um they're gonna swap again o this and Be trapped or no, it's not parent. It's a freaky Friday sequel. Mm-hmm It's gonna be Friday I don't think Laurie's that interesting of a character. And that's like always been my thing with Halloween is like, why do we keep going back to her? The most interesting thing you probably could have done is the 2018 thing of like, make her this like paranoid survivalist. But we okay, we got that. And then
You should just kill her. I don't know. Like, you like, is what else do you she should have probably died like, if this was a whole trip, I was planning out the trilogy. I Laurie has to die in one of these, maybe like two or maybe at the end of the first one or something. And then the next, you know, the the daughter and granddaughter become the focus. And the granddaughter is a character in this one probably has the most screen time out of the the the trilogy and in this one, but yeah she's not like the main, main character. And I think that that's, ah and then Laurie's daughter was killed at the end of kills. um
who's that actress, I really like Judy. Yeah, they just kill off Judy Greer. Yeah, she can she dies at the end of kills, which is a waste because that's what I'm saying. Like recap video. I meant to do that before we watch this. The next generation should be the focus and not Laurie, because I just and i had a flashback to the bear season two because of the how she was rolling them. Just her cooking in the kitchen.
Okay, I still gotta watch the bear. Damn Judy Greer. She's got an interesting book. Oh, I've never read Judy Greer's book. the Laurie's book sounds like horseshit. What she's narrating right here, if I picked up a book, if I was at Barnes and Noble, I was like, oh, this is a book about the survivor of Michael Myers. What's this? is the A fourth grader write this? This sounds like really dumb.
How bad that book is written makes me wonder if David Gordon Green and Danny McBride are bad writers. Either. Are they bad writers or were they doing it, you know, because the fact that they are like sometimes comedy people that almost like art because this like.
It's it's like a child wrote it. Like, so so and I'm like. Watch the Exorcist three. And again, take just take in that dialogue, man, how good it is. And you'll just be like, this is poop. Poopy Jamie Lee Curtis. Does she does she have an editor? Maybe she improv'd it all. She's just like, throw me in the sound booth and I'll improv all this video. She fucking is riffing. She's like Ryan Reynolds.
I have a theory on these legacy sequels and bringing these characters back years later. maybe just don't do it Maybe just most people aren't that interesting when they get old. And they never have like an interesting take. I feel like the film casts uh was it jeff who was like they always are a deadbeat parent there's always like some a strange and i get like for drama's sake you wanted there to be some kind of arc so you can do like the reconciliation or something but is that always the starting point we have to do
Just, you know, what would be a good legacy sequel character? This guy, this isn't a legacy sequel character, but you could play him as one fucking Tommy Lee Jones character in No Country for Old Men. The, you know, the guy, he just isn't cut out for it anymore. And he's one step behind, you know, like take your hero, bring him back in this legacy character sequel. and Maybe he's just not equipped and, you know, for this anymore.
You know what I mean? Oh, so you're basically talking about ah the 2022 Texas Chainsaw Massacre, where where where Sally comes back and she just gets thrown into the garbage because she sucks. One for one for that. No, but like, you know what I mean? Same idea! like well Tommy Lee Jones is like there's way more to that character, but i'm I'm give I just like that idea in that in that movie No, I like the idea of being like yeah, we don't give a shit about this at all They and they like try and build her up like she's Jamie Lee Curtis in in this like of that She's been like obsessed with leather face and she's like he's back and then she just like doesn't do anything
but You know what i mean about tommy lee jones like his characters lived like an entire life as yeah a sheriff and we're seeing him at the point where he's like. I'm not cut out for this anymore i'm just not caught up and i'm like you know it.
In his own story this is his legacy sequel right here is like him not being cut out for the job anymore and it's like that looks different from what. Is original movie was like twenty years ago and i'm like i don't know put these characters in a different place like the last jedi.
Yeah, no, I agree with with that sentiment. um We're seeing this scrapyard that he works at. I missed if they clarified what the specific time jump, if it's a year or two years since since that that that cold open. Cory works at a scrapyard and there'll be more parallels to to make this case. But my my big thing for this movie is that like, okay, instead of just redoing the thing that John Carpenter did in the first Halloween. This movie is taking another Carpenter movie and it's Christine. Like Corey's arc is very similar to the teenager in Christine. and And also that movie is about evil transferring of like how someone can like kind of be infected or corrupted by this evil. So like, like the car makes Chris ah ah the car makes my blanket on the
the dude in Christine, ah like the car makes him evil, Michael's evil transfers to Cory. I like Christine. Yeah, it's really good. There's, I don't think they do a flaming car in this or something gets lit on fire at the junkyard some point, but they don't do a one for one of the Christine visual. And I was, I kind of wanted them to commit more on that front. I was like, okay, if we're doing Christine, just like,
drive There should be a car in motion that's on fire. Let's let's just do that. I like the look of this movie. It looks kind of grimy a little bit. I like, I don't know. It looks nice.
Kind of looks like Rob Zombie's movie a little bit. A little bit. And there is some overlap of just tonally ah chun A good chunk of the opening of this movie is just everyone just fucking shitting on Cory. Kind of like how...
Halloween before anyone even gets killed. Like it's just Michael's life is awful. Everyone's just like picking on him, the his life, home life fucking sucks. And the, this is at the same level of that kind of griminess here is these are like, are these are high schoolers bullying him? He's a full on adult and he's getting bullied by teenagers.
Ah, that's upsetting, but that is a thing I'm pretty sure that happens in real life. Oh, absolutely. And is the idea that like, I think the leader of this, this, this group is like, his dad's like rich or something. Like he's, he's, he kind of is acting like he wields power within the town. He's a psycho babysitter.
I think how they're bullying him and they're like, hey, buy his beer. And then he calls him a pedophile. It's like, okay, if your goal is to get an adult to buy you alcohol. why are they They're like antagonizing him. He hurts himself on the glass, and then the guy gets mad and shoves him. like they This is like the most ass-backwards like situation. They should have gotten him to buy them booze, and then they're like, fuck you, Cory. They wait till they get what they want, and then they like open a can on him or something. They go to the cops and be like, he bought us beer.
And then he tried to fuck my friend over here. Oh, man. God. It's like the second thing recently. Smile 2 had glass in the foot. It says glass in the hand. Glass in the hand is... is puts me on edge, but it, at least, uh, blast in the foot is just so much more uncomfortable for, for some reason. I like Lori's suggestions immediately. Like let's fucking slash their tires. Uh, yeah, that's a, that's a costly revenge. I mean, I don't know if, if they had a expensive, no, they, they are, but i'm I'm just trying to workshop or think of a better way
to use Laurie in this narrative because the focal point should be Corey and is for a good chunk of the movie. But then if you then want to circle back to Lori at the end, you need to build up more of her connection to Corey, I think, besides that little interaction. Like that could have been the start of her being involved in Corey's life of just like looking after him or being kind of like, oh, he's the social pariah kind of, I know what that's like. And like, there's a bond there. Whereas my understanding from what I remember,
after that interaction they have she becomes pretty antagonistic to him ah gotta to say i feel like her interactions with cory though were like I don't know. The the movie lost a little bit of air when she walked into the ah that scene, I think. Yeah, I feel like it's better without her. Oh, no, i I agree that it is. But I'm saying of the stuff with her in this, if making her like actual have some like
connection, real connection are important in the Corey storyline would make her inclusion better. Like if if we're gonna do this movie and still have, like I still contend like she should have died in the last movie or even the the first one in this trilogy and we should, it should just be like Judy Greer and her daughter.
I agree, yeah. um I do kind of like, corey's Corey's a thing with, with the granddaughter, like a lot of stuff at the very end, it kind of just gets dropped from what I remember. I mean, again, I'm very interested to see how the the end lands for me. Cause that's all of my least favorite stuff, but like how their relationship develops. I just like in movies where there's like, I mean, Corey's not literally
um a monster or werewolf but like in those kind of there's like a tragic doomed romance angle to a lot of horror movies especially monster movies where it's like someone's falling in love with someone who they can never be with because they're like you know like a murderous monster they turn into a thing and like there's just like the doom of of that relationship you're like oh I wish she could save them but it'll never work there is some of that energy here with with their relationship because he's once he starts killing people they don't know it's him immediately and then the scenes with her you're like either she could save him or it almost seems like some the movie could have gone in a direction where she joins him and that could have been interesting too I had a feeling they might do that when I was watching this. Like, I don't know why I thought she was going to join him. They kind of just said it. I mean, maybe there was a draft where that's what happened. This movie feels like there could have been a bunch of different drafts where like different things led to different places. Because actually that now that I'm playing that through, if we do some of the stuff that happens at the end, like,
when she comes home and sees Corey dead and like initially she does run away because she blames Laurie, but then that then becomes like now Laurie versus her granddaughter. Like that would be a way more interesting conflict than like she has to fight Michael again of like now her granddaughter is like coming to kill her or something. I don't know.
Or I mean, Cory kills Michael, absorbs Michael's evil powers, and then the final showdown is Cory and Laurie. I don't know. Or Cory versus Laurie and the Granddaughters on Cory's side, and then Laurie has to take on both of them. Talking all of this through makes it sound like they're out, was ending it after the 2018 movie.
Well, the ending to that movie does not set up any sequel any like further ah like I because because of the the the sequels hadn't been announced. I was like, oh, I guess that does work as a cap to like, you know, like shirts is in its own continuity and not a part of the other sequels. But like, OK, this this is like closing the book on on Laurie V. V. Michael. And they're like, no, he survived. There's there's still more. It's like, OK. And it's like, yeah, that's the showdown. But then it's like, you're just going to do the showdown again. And it's not as good. Yeah, it seems like they kind of blew their shot. They like blew past their conclusion. One of them needed to die in the first one, Michael or Lori or both that. OK, they both die in the first one. And then we could do the Corey stuff in the sequel.
Like then then we introduced, cause then, cause then you go into the second one, like, I don't even know what this is going to be about. The main, the leads of this whole franchise have been gone. And then we introduced like this next generation storyline. And then we show Corey's evolution to becoming the new, you know, he's the shape now he's, he's the new boogeyman. And even if they keep Michael in it, I mean, yeah, they're almost, their sounds almost like,
it would be better to have, like, Laurie burn in the house with Michael, then you decide to keep Michael alive for the sequel. And then I feel like in the sequel is when you introduce Corey, you peel off Michael, in the and then the third one yes is just these two. Yeah, that sounds like a good trilogy. And it's like, you know, you're one by one, you're burning off the old Halloween, and then the third one, yeah, Halloween. It's fully its own story.
Yeah, it's own serial killer thing that's kind of like spun off from the Michael thing. And it's like Michael's gone in the second one. And the Corey is the new Michael now. Yeah. and Maybe not even necessarily like make the point of Corey is the new Michael. No, I'm not even saying there's like always something or somebody, you know, there.
It's just after Cory there will be something else or maybe before Cory there was somebody you know in between Michael and court you know it you can make a bet you can make the point better if if this was the point that they were trying to make but I don't even at what point do they come to I want to do Cory.
Like, are they doing Halloween kills knowing what Halloween ends is going to be? No, because nothing in kill sets this up. Like there's I mean. Yeah, none of this is like seated in the previous movie, so like, yeah, all the corey stuff should have happened then. I mean, I still think the like.
The idea and and how they present the transference of evil is pretty compelling In in this movie. It's just it doesn't get followed through in a way that satisfied me because they kind of do just drop it to then just go back to Laurie v. Michael, but there is a lot of cool stuff with the I mean, we'll we'll see because I I really really do like this this like yeah, like Michael's evil just like going to Cory well also like Um, this whole Michael being a wounded animal thing feels like it would make more sense if Lori wasn't alive. And like, you know, Michael almost having like a lost sense of purpose because it's like, I mean, would it be that hard for Michael to recover after two years and go after this old woman and like kill her?
well the thing is like she's dead and he's like a wounded animal it's almost like more poetic it's like oh he doesn't know what to do with himself without his lorry he has no a joker without batman he has no purpose and that would kind of fit with like in the scenes where Cory and Michael are kind of like tag teaming these kills, you kind of see Michael regaining a pep in his step, almost like this is like healing him to like be back in like, oh, he has purpose again. So like that wouldn't that make more sense if Laurie was gone and he was initially just like directionless. And then now he's like Cory is now giving him this like reinvigorating him.
But even that part of Michael like loses me. I'm like, I feel like if you're getting to that point in the story, you just got to lose Michael and just have it be Corey. You know, the Michael stuff just gets so ridiculous. Also this like Lori stuff. Like, does this matter what we're watching? It's about cancel culture. Cause that's the movies really about no, but it literally the sweet romance that we've all been waiting for over the course of this whole trilogy. When are these two going to get together?
I like him. I don't give a shit. Nope. I hope he never works in this industry again. I kidding i just don't.
maybe there's a way to do that idea but that the whole thing that they just did in that scene of like the townspeople blame Laurie for Michael and that's now been distorted to the point where that woman was like you've tempted him and like got them all crazed up and that's why he killed those people like where is that coming from you know like like I'm There could be some version of that idea where you have the town has like, you know, like she is this pariah and they've somehow blame him, but that's not, hasn't been set up or like seated at all. It's just, just feels like out of nowhere. Yeah.
You know what they should do? If they're gonna have these two old people have a romance, just have a really, like, sad old person sex scene in this movie or something. It's like Saturn grosser than- Or Anomalisa or something. it's It's sadder and longer than the one in X, where you see old ass Pearl in, I forgot her husband's name, Henry or something. but Have you seen Anomalisa?
oh yeah i love that movie there's that really uh nice sexy it was really nice uh i do like we we caught a glimpse of i think he said or says he's supposed to be a scarecrow And that that's what Corey's costume is. But I like that then when he starts killing, he's not he's not putting on like a William Shatner mask. He's wearing that that scarecrow mask because I'm like, OK, you're like making him his own thing. And that made me hyped up of like, yes, now Corey's going to be the.
the new Boogie Man, but he has his own distinct look and style and stuff. I thought you were gonna say he like was gonna swap it for a Cowardly Lion Mask or something when he ah starts killing. He just changes the... He goes through the Wizard of Oz characters. Right. Or Tin Man. that's That's just his motif. is He's all like Wizard of Oz named.
I like that she's just a cat, you know? You never see people dressed as just a cat anymore for Halloween. I'm just kidding. yeah Well, they couldn't get the rights to Catwoman, so they had to just say she's ah a sexy cat. yeah can And they couldn't get the rights to the scarecrow for Wizard of Oz, so they just had to say he's a scarecrow. Yeah.
The hell yeah, dude, this is the music kids dance to. This is what all the kids are listening to at their parties in Illinois. Yeah. A hundred percent. I don't know. I think, I think them bonding is, is cute. And then I feel this gets interrupted or ends on a sour note. I think because like one of the parents of that kid shows up here or something and is like, Oh.
you or something, the whole, there's a vibe shift. Just the way this shot is interesting to like him on the floor and then her hand. I mean, is he convicted of a crime?
Was it manslaughter? Like it, don't they allude to some community service? He had to, he had. He like not sensing he did his time and justice. It it wasn't a long sentence. again I see the parents like being upset about it, but it's like, it was an accident. It's not like he's a fucking horrible person.
No, I know the logic doesn't really track, but again, like, yeah, you would... That's not a criticism of a movie. I like the idea of like a person who would be like kind of mishandling this whole situation. No, no one else they can blame or get mad at. Right. You know, like, well, obviously I think the later the husband's like, yeah, we got to, I mean, statistically marriages don't last after the death of a child. So like they can't blame each other anymore. So now that the only person that they can be mad at is Corey.
And again, him being persecuted and like, uh, you know, just being hated by the town just really adds to that like monster movie feel like they're, you know, they're getting their pitchforks for him. He's Frankenstein or Frankenstein's monster rather. Yeah. Close to this time or at some point.
around here in the movie theater, I had the realization like, Oh yeah, I'm watching a fucking movie that Michael Myers is in. Like this is in the Halloween franchise. Cause, um, how I mean, cause I was locked in, but it, it feels like the movie and maybe it'll change cause we haven't gotten to Michael yet, but it felt like the movie stops functioning, um, as tightly once Michael's introduced.
Um, maybe I don't know. We'll see. I like some of that stuff. Uh, cause I, I just, I just want it to go in a different direction by the end. Like Michael, Michael should be dying before Corey. That's the, the, the ending, the ending of this movie should not be centered around Michael or, or, or Lori, him, him and dying before the climax is like,
What if Michael just never showed up in this movie? He just, he disappeared in Halloween Kills and then no one ever saw Michael again. I mean, that would be pretty scary in like that kind of realistic too. And in line with the whole thing with the first movie of like, cause like, I feel like really after the original, you have to then decide in whatever sequels or remakes or fall offs of like, is Michael supernatural or not? The first one can get away with it because you're just in this this short timeframe and that ending works in the sense of like,
Well, Loomis did shoot him six times, and but now suddenly he got up and is gone. But real life, there are like weird flukes like that where people survive stuff they shouldn't. And it just adds to this mystique of like, oh, he is the boogeyman. He could be anywhere. And they're showing like those different just locations around town. And like, is he here? Is he here? And like him disappearing at the end of the last movie would kind of have of like, where is Michael? You know, like he, he's everywhere. He's nowhere. Or I'm like trying to imagine like, if all of this plays a bit more interesting or more powerful, if like, we're all sure Michael is dead and it just, I don't know. It just definitive that like, this is what's happening to this kid that he is like, they're making him the new Mike. I don't know. It.
I think the best use if if he's not going to be dead from the start, it should be like you can still have like this kind of pro semi protege tag team thing with Michael and Corey, but it should maybe be the opposite of Michael becomes reinvigorated. And as Corey like like the evil goes into him, Michael gets weaker and like, like you know, one even kills him. Like maybe he just like dies after like it's fully passed to Corey.
Is it almost more demented if Corey finds Michael in that state and kills Michael immediately? yeah that would in that If there's no team up or friendship, if he just fucking, yeah, he kills Michael in this weak state and then become the evil transfer thing happens? And that would make it more clear of like what is is happening in terms of like, oh, Michael's gone, so the evil has to go into someone, now it's Corey.
It would make it a more direct. Is this Michael's like saving him now or is a homeless homeless person that drags him? And then Michael killed Michael's just in the sewers like he's kind of like almost like how you see androids and movies just like sleep standing up like they're powered down. I think that's how Corey finds him in the sewer. Nice. Yeah, I don't know either.
Him, him, him killing Michael immediately would work. i I do, I do like some of the scenes we get from, from, from the team up stuff. Uh, cause it's just like so sloppy on both of their parts. Cause like Corey doesn't have the experience killing and then Michael's just, I don't know, he's rusty or something. Cause he's powering back online. So it's like not clean and it's, it's, it's, it's like chaotic and sloppy.
What did she blow up in the microwave? Was it like some kind of pumpkin thing? I feel like there's some kind of running gag that's supposed to be so hilarious that, like, ah Laurie just can't cook or something.
um So now he's in the sewers. He's going to meet the ninja turtles, I think. They should show up. They really should. I think it said a Paramount had some association with them and didn't Paramount do Ninja Turtles or was that someone else? No, they, cause yeah, Paramount owns Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon owns Turtles now. Um, so it would have to be some kind of Paramount universal crossover.
Yeah, I don't know why, but I i saw Paramount's name in the opening credits. Oh. Even though I didn't, I don't think I saw their production company logo. Well, it's because it's in a sewer and they have sewers copied, trademarked like the turtles. So they're like, you gotta involve us if you're in a sewer. and So we are seeing Michael, he's holding Corey by the throat. And so. Within almost kissing distance.
some cobwebs in between them. They're having a moment, a real gaze that they're sharing. I kind of like this, that he looks in Cory's eyes. Looks like a sad puppy. I read that as sadness. Sadness on Michael's behalf? Yeah, on Michael's face I read that as. I just read it as some recognition of something in Cory, of like, I see you, brother. Of like, you got something that's in me and you or something.
Except Cory's misunderstood. Michael just fucking murdered his family for no reason. Well, he can't really see the nuance. He can just see like, you're carrying some darkness, brother. We're the same. That would have been a funny dynamic. Michael's a criminal. If Michael talked and he was like, Cory, you and me, simpatico, we're like the same guy. And Cory keeps pushing. Same backstory. Same backstory. Cory keeps pushing back, he's like, you killed your sister when you were a child. I accidentally killed a kid. He's like, you killed your sister and if we're going off of the multiverse, you also killed your sister's boyfriend and your step-dad. And your step-father, yeah. In a horrific, increasingly horrific ways as you went through them killing them.
Okay. I forgot about this weird homeless guy who said, is this Corey's first kill killing this guy? Yeah. Yes. But then the guy said, I'm Michael Myers. I he's not done with you. You fuck or something. So it's like he knew Michael was in.
Cause he's the also the homeless guy who, who dragged Corey when he was on con so that he intentionally bring him to my, I'm saying is, is this homeless guy the architect of this whole movie? The homeless guy was Michael Myers the whole time.
Like, well, that that that isn't interesting because of like, I mean, he could be the guy that we saw in the 2018 version that we got the glimpse of the back of his head of just like this guy's been in the sewers for a couple of years, not grooming. And that's how. Yeah, like, I don't know that old white guy, you know, that could be interesting.
Let's ask David Gordon Green. So, yeah, ah at this point, all of Corey's kills have been ah accidents or like not. I mean, he's. I mean, yeah, that's still an accidental death, killing the homeless guy, because the guy was attacking him. then It felt like he took some pleasure in it a little bit. Oh, I i think you'm like self-defense turned into, you know, a little bit of he's my punching bag now. No, I think 100 percent. That's like all this like.
Oh, this is my outlet for this aggression now. Yeah, exactly. Stab, stab, stab. I'm done. I'm Michael now. I'm Michael Morey. Look at me. I'm the Michael now. That's a good one. I like that.
That should have been this movie. I made an, uh, I'm the captain now joke at work. And, uh, did anyone get it? I was just dead silence. And then I was, I asked, I was like, have you seen Captain Phillips? I almost said Dr. Phillips. I was like, have you seen Captain Phillips? And then my coworker said, yes. So I was like, that's the most memorable thing from the movie. I was like, I must just not be funny to like this person. I think you're pretty funny.
There's like one specific person at work doesn't laugh at my jokes and I'm like, oh, they think I'm certifiably insane, probably.
What a fucking. She's like, what's with the people standing outside of windows staring at me like it's say anything. He should have had a boombox. Yeah.
And at this point, did that get you? It didn't like scare me, but I, that laughter was, was genuinely spontaneous. I'm like, it's a funny jump scare that like, um, it almost like was intentionally played for a comedic beat of him just popping out and be like, Hey. I think so, yeah. um Honestly, he looked kind of like a looks kind of like a cutie pie without his glasses on. It's like the, you know, hot nerdy girl thing that they usually do in movies. Right. Man, this just fucking grinds to a halt anytime Laurie is on screen.
And I'm still trying to problem solve of like, how do we make her work or more interesting? Like we, we've inherited this movie kill kills in the previous previous two have already happened. So we can't just be like Lori died in in a previous one. How do we salvage Lori in this?
Yes. So how do we make it work with her being in it? Right. And this still being Corey's story, which is what the fill in the hospital bed.
um She never left. Just two years later, still there. That'd be a funny bit. But it's for something different, though. A health reason. COVID. Oh, damn. I mean, COVID happened while they were making these movies. There was a time jump, you know. Yeah, and in the real world. Michael wears a mask. He was ahead of the curve, actually. He was.
I mean, if she was in the hospital, then you could have a dark scene where someone goes and takes her off life support. Maybe the granddaughter and that's her turn towards the darkness. Yeah, like that she kills, kills her grandmother. But then for that version of it, I would still want Judy Greer alive. So there's still like a good strode Yeah, I know it sucks. She's not in this. It don't waste you. This is just not just David Gordon Green or these movies, Hollywood in general. Don't waste Judy Greer. If you got Judy Greer in your movie. Yeah, first this then Ant-Man Quantum Mania.
What's next? The Jurassic World franchise? Oh, wait. oh Already happened. I forgot she was in that until you mentioned that she's only in the first one, right? The first Jurassic World? Yeah, I think so. She's the mom of those kids. Those kids also never seen again, which I'm fine with. I didn't like those kids, so I didn't care that they weren't back. But I was just like, oh, I guess it's not coming up again that Judy Greer is Bryce Dallas Howard's sister. Yeah.
They're like, well, they dropped the kids in the first Jurassic Park, so we should just drop the kids and all everyone tied to them in this one, right? Right. Bryce Howard is still in there. Well, she's the Jeff Goldblum, so that's why she carries over. And do you do see the kids at the beginning of the Lost World. Oh, right. Yeah, that is true.
And then I think the son, that actor plays one of the members of Motley Crue in The Dirt. So I like to believe that the little boy from Jurassic Park grew up to become a member of Motley Crue.
hey i like I like that read. Okay, this, see this Lori stuff. This is Cory's mom. So all she's seen from Cory is she saw that that that kind of weird thing of him standing out her window, but all she knows is that, you know, this kid who the town's turned against and head he's got ah had a bad run ah is now hanging out with her granddaughter. And then she immediately goes to Cory's mom. And like, that's that's kind of psycho a little bit of like,
to what is the idea of like, he better stay away from my granddaughter. Like if if she's going to immediately be that antagonistic to him when ah previously the whole their first meeting is her blending him a hand of like, hey, I'm not like everyone else in this town. I understand it sucks to be a pariah where it's like she needs a legitimate reason to be i guess psych I am like everyone else in this town. Actually, I hate you more than everyone. Double cross. Jokes on you. So gullible, Cory. Fell through the oldest trick in the... She like tries to give him a hand. She's like, psych!
really ah Cory's crying. Hot diggity. No one says that. David Gordon Green, youre you got paid to write this?
Um, I feel like this actor is a guy I've seen and stuff, just a character actor that's around. Yeah. This whole trilogy has this weird vibe of like, and I'm not against this in principle, if they could have like calibrated it or harness it better, but like some of these characters feel like they're from.
one of the Danny McBride HBO shows, which David Gordon Green has worked on a lot and done a direct to a lot of episodes of, which is like not inherently bad, but- But if you're going to do it, then just fucking bring Will Ferrell and his character into this, then. He's coming down character. Just straight up bring those characters for like, Juan Goggins from Vice Principal shows up. ah I mean, actually, that sounds pretty good. Not that I say that, but But yeah, there's there's like a ah like a ah really good funny, like a version that straddles that line of being like, it's a funny, weird character, but tonally you're still making this work within a Halloween movie. And I feel like they never really get, cause there's a lot of that in Kills from what I remember of like these weird comedic beats we're spending a lot of time with random weird towns people. Yeah, like the whole group of people that were in that car and like,
What, are they on like the hunt for Michael? And we're following them for a while, if I remember correctly. And then they all just get murdered in like comedic ways. ah At that point I was like, what the fuck am am I watching? I was like, this took like a big tonal shift from like the first ah David Gordon Green day. Right, because like i'm like while I'm watching that, I'm like, am I supposed to be rooting against Haddonfield? Because all these people are so dumb that it's like,
I should just be delighted that Michael's killing them, I guess. It is crazy how drastic, like, in tone those two movies are. I mean, just movie to movie, because this isn't the same tone as Kill, even though we just pointed out- It's almost serious than Halloween Kills.
Yeah, I mean, there's still glimpses of like like that weird guy who just ah came to kind of hit on her in in in the in the diner. But like not to the degree that kills has it kills is all those characters. Yeah.
It was kind of a cute nose bite she did there. ah show They're both kind of turning into like badasses almost, you know, it's like they got slightly cooler when he killed somebody. Is there an example of that? I mean, I guess Christine. Yeah, I because in my mind, there's no way that David Gore Green wasn't intentionally trying. Yeah, it's Christine.
because that's exactly what happens when Arnie, that's the guy's name. Call Halloween Christine instead of Halloween ends. There should be so be like a bunch of Christine legacy sequels. Just do that for all of Carpenter's movies. Like turn them into long running franchises. You just beat into the ground. We should be on the fog 20. Are there fog sequels? I think they remade it.
in the 2000s when they, you know, remade other classic horror movies are like, I guess we'll do this one too. I feel like no one talks about the fog remake. If that was a remake of a fog, right? Uh, I have no idea. I've never seen it. Um, the mist that's a prequel to the fog. Yeah, it should be the same universe. Uh, there was a 2005 remake that has a 3.7 on IMDb wolf.
So it's good, then. Critics don't know what they're talking about. Critics put out the hit on the fog. Yeah, they're all on the Disney payola and, you know, just also Disney pay us if you're paying people. We'll give Deadpool and Wolverine a good review. Yeah, I can't wait for. Thunderbolts. Thunderbolts or.
Brave new world. one Wonder Man. i'm I'm so excited for the new Disney Plus lineup. Really some new trailer like showing off how many like next year, every month, there's going to be a new Disney Plus thing. and I was like, didn't you guys just say you need to hit hit the brakes on that? like I feel like Feige said recently where he was like, we maybe need to jump the gun on the Disney Plus stuff. i mean We maybe need to slow it down to focus on like telling quality stories.
And so they were just like, nevermind. Yeah, also, why is What If so bad? Is nobody paying attention to what they're doing over there on the What If show? It's really weird. um Wonder Man, that's not a part of the MCU? No, it is.
I saw a 15 second clip and it looked like it was an actor auditioning to play the role of somebody named Wonder Man. But Ben Kingsley is the actor who was hired in universe to play the Mandarin. He's playing that same guy, Trevor Slattery.
Because I didn't see a full trailer. It was just a 15 second clip and I was like, what is going on here? I know nothing about Wonder Man hasn't been introduced. And to introduce them in this meta way is weird because it's like in universe in the is there a Wonder Man comic book?
Yeah, is Wonder Man a fictional superhero that they've created in the MCU and then he accidentally becomes a real life superhero? is that I love the actor. Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm i'm all on board for for stuff with Yaya. I saw that and I was like, can you man sequel?
Yeah, I just wanted to be in good stuff like I feel like MCU like burns through good actors. So and it's like, wow, you could really save this person for someone meaningful. And this is not me to I know nothing about Wonder Man. Maybe he's like the coolest character ever. I'm not saying anything about the character itself. I'm just mean like,
the way they use use these these guys. and will see This is the Marvel project that's... This seems ridiculous. this This was a Marvel project that has excited me the most out of any of the shit. Wonder Man? yeah well Just because I don't know what it is. Yeah, it looks so different.
Okay, so- I don't like Corey holding him back, and I don't know, like, are you digging this? You like this? A little bit, but- What's your appreciation for this scene? I feel like that's more beneficial than me just ragging on it. It's kind of sexual, but they should then- You know, I get what you're saying there completely. They should lean into that, though, and make them really get- Like, Corey and Michael are so fucking gay. Michael's pants should be off.
He just has a boner. I mean, they share that long gaze when they first meet and now he's holding a guy while he's basically like visually it looks like he's penetrating Corey, you know, but with a knife. I know. that I didn't. It seems so awkward and weird and I don't feel like that was intentional.
I think there is an intentional awkwardness to all the the scenes of them, because like when they start killing together, it's very sloppy and awkward. And I think it's just like like I had said before, he doesn't know what he's doing with this is all new for him. And for Michael, Michael's just he's out of step. So but most felt like an offensive use of the Halloween theme.
He's like, what ah this feels like a parody of a Halloween. Well, they really should have been emphasizing that like something there's something ritualistic. SNL could have done that. Like, you know, I don't think it's that Josh Brolin guest starring playing the Corey Roll. Fucking. What's it? um Keenan or Cal? Keenan's the one on SNL. Keenan. um He's not on SNL anymore, though, right? He left.
No, he's he's been there longer than anyone else. Oh, I just watched. It was actually Josh Brolin's thing. And I don't know. It was Shane Gillis. I don't remember him. um But that was a while ago. um I mean, maybe maybe he just takes episodes off because he's been there. So I don't I don't know. I just know he's in the latest season. and He's been there for longer than than anyone else.
But the thing that that could have pushed that that last sewer encounter over the edge is that there should have been some overt. And I'm not saying this isn't already kind of in that that there's like.
overtly making this clear that that this was like a ritualistic thing that is furthering this transference that's going on because as it's shown like Cory's just so passive there like he's holding the guy he wants this guy dead but it's it's yeah there's i I get what you're saying that it's I think some of the awkwardness is intentional but I think they could have done something better with that Um, she's with her fucking psycho stare. She could be Michael Myers.
There was something hot about those crazy eyes she had though. Really? Yeah. It was like, I'd let her murder me in my sleep. I'd take that risk. What do you think about, uh, Lori's granddaughter? Lori's granddaughter.
who we all know the name of. It's our favorite character in the Halloween franchise. How old is she playing in this movie? I'd like to know that before I answer the question. At least 18. At least 18.
I think she was in high school in the previous ones, but she's older now, so. Allison, that's her, i of which I of course knew because i I love Allison. i kind of liked her more I feel like Jamie Lee Curtis actually says Allison 500 times in these movies. I like her more and I actually don't remember her at all in Halloween Kills, but I like her more in the first one. i think um Just cuz I'd like to relationship with Judy Greer and like both of her parents. Why this movie should be Judy Greer in her. I liked her friends who got but I mean it was like they appropriately like got killed off. No, no, but it was it was ah he had there a fun dynamic and that was that that was like a good version of the legacy sequel of like
Oh, she's the next generation Laurie Strode. She plays better with like more of those people. But I get get it. You can't really do that in this movie because things are a bit more broken. Right. She's lost everybody. But then again, I feel like she would play like better and like her behavior would make more sense if Laurie was dead. Yeah.
Laurie should be dead, Judy Greer should still be alive, and it should be them like coping with the fallout of all that. Because also her father died in one of them. I forget which one Michael kills the dad was it if it was kills her. The first one. The first one. So yeah, the dad's still dead. There's enough there to have this like mood of like, this is a broken family. Yeah, have the conflict between be between Judy Greer and her nut. Because isn't there a conflict between the granddaughter or Allison and Laurie Strode? I mean, kind of, but then they drop it really quick. Like, there should be more of that, like, like because there would be between Judy Greer and, you know, and just let's just get Laurie out of here. Yeah, it makes more sense if Judy Greer is upset about Corey than Laurie would be hyperprotective of like,
Her husband died, her mom's dead, and then she's starting to get more paranoid like Lori was or something. And and like so she's just like anyone that Alison's spending time with. She's like, who's that? What are you doing? It's like they started dropping the ball from go. And then by the time they got to the ending, it's like.
You got you should have gotten some of the shit off the board earlier and kept like one character at least I think I think kills just really fucks this as it as a trailer like that Like as much as I like things in this as a movie the whole trilogy as a whole It doesn't work or flow because of kill like kills fucks fucks the whole thing. It does. Yeah I do remember kills getting more hate than this but I think people might not have just people might have just not seen this because of kills. Yeah I think that sounds right because I do know plenty of people who saw this and like hated it. I just remember kills getting such a vicious reaction.
I remember liking this sequence, if this is what, so, so I think this is going to be the first Corey Michael tag team kill. And it's very sloppy, but in a way that's like kind of like chaotic intense that I like, but they're specifically going to be a shot of Corey with his little scarecrow mask, where you kind of see his eyes, like, like there's something training, like it does a good job of visually showing his transformation of like, this is,
because all these other kill, I mean, yes, he did bring that guy to the source specifically for Michael to kill him, but he didn't do the actual like stabbing in in that. So like, like this, this is him going to a place with the intention to kill someone and then doing it. So in in the act of doing that, there's like, you know, he's, he's changed by it.
Based off of what we've discussed, I'm kind of starting to think. I like this that she comes in yeah and the husband's already being stabbed. That's scarier than anything with Michael on screen so far. The imagery of that, of that kill in in the, in the fact that, uh, on the window like that, like a fucking child.

Michael Myers' Character and Studio Influences

Yeah. Uh,
That, I, yeah, I've just really liked that. That that image was, was, was very and unsettling. And the fact that he was using, like, it was like a wine and corkscrew, right? That he was like stabbing into his neck or something. And Michael's in there. Not as scary.
Okay. There's something here that I don't like. I think they have him do the head tilt or something. And it's like, Guys, do we have to do that out of everyone? That's how it feels, Michael, being here. It's like we've done this. We just saw two movies of this and it's like we're seeing him just choke somebody right now. Like this is what you're doing with Michael. He's going to stab her to the wall. We've seen this like four times.
Well, this is supposed to be how Michael got his groove back. That's what the movie should have been called. How Michael got his groove. Yeah, that's way better than Halloween ends. I think it's the point across. I feel like people are less mad about the movie if it's called that. He's going to do his fucking. Yeah, it's so stupid. That is bad.
I don't like that. Yeah. So based off of what we've like talked about, it feels like this reeks of maybe studio interference. It sounds like there's better, like.
Like, is there a draft or cut of this originally where it was like 100% Corey? yeah and and And then the studio was like, no, Michael, we need Michael. Not even just i'm saying the whole trilogy feels like studio interference at this point. Now, ah like, is this a failure in execution and not concept?
Well, and failure is a strong word. i I don't even know if I'd call it a failure because I mean, if we did a whole Halloween marathon, we might end up enjoying this more than a good chunk of them. I don't really know. It's been a i haven't marathon, the Halloween movies in a long time. But I mean, yeah, there's there's like a ah handful of see of sequels, like the original sequels that I haven't seen or really only seen edited.
chunks of on like AMC or something but like this ranks pretty high up in my Halloween listing just by virtue of like yeah there's a lot of bad Halloween movies like they all play well for me for one reason or another just because of like I don't know I think just growing up within like loving just seeing the Michael kills But I haven't gotten to sit down and watch the whole series on like, I'm going to analyze this on a quality level on a story level and really pay attention to what's happening in these things. Yeah. I mean, I don't know, just stuff like this. There's a lot visually, emotionally and thematically going on here that I feel like we don't get in like.
of most of the sequels that i've seen for halloween seeing that w though i wish this were taking place on top of a wiener schnitzel that would have been good uh west coast place that i miss corry fall what if he fell and died that would be pretty funny just like the kid he killed and then she gets his evil she teams up with michael That's another thing that his death is so underwhelming. Like, from what I remember, he just struggles with Laurie for a bit and then gets stabbed. And it's like, oh, OK, that's really taking him off the board. OK. Yeah. ah Why would people just go out and like, antagon like, he just was like, you're Corey Cunningham, you ugly motherfucker.
Oh, and this is like all the, the, the anti Lori town. So they said he teased a man with brain damage and he snapped, which, I mean, I kind of get what they're doing in terms of like how the truth over time just gets like the story. It's like a game of telephone that's like, no one's going to remember what actually really happened this much later.
but I've never cared to look at Halloween from that point of view though. Like, how would Haddonfield look at Laurie 20 years later? I don't think it's supposed to be logically that, like, I don't, I don't, I don't, no one's ever viewed Halloween that way. It's just, it's just, it's just not, I don't care to see them do it, you know?
I'm into Haddonfield being in a logical lynch mob in like a Springfield and the Simpsons kind of way where they just get very easy for them to get riled up over anything. With Laurie yelling at them yeah the whole time.
And then it's like, I don't know, would Laurie
Like the whole town knows who she is. It's I don't know. Wait, why is Corey's mom throwing him out? What's happening here? Oh, that was weird. Kiss him on the lips. Yeah.

Serial Killer Tropes and Corey's Actions

which, you know, it's so trope is all this time. Serial killers have some weird mother thing. I mean, did cycle start that or that was psycho, like just making that definitively the, the, the, yeah. It's counting down. Did cycle make what definitively?
That like serial killers are going to have some weird thing with their mom, like want to fuck their mom or want to be their mom or something. Um. Or was psycho getting that? Cause maybe there's, there's probably been a lot of real serial killers that had mother issues. yeah So the maybe drawing from that. In a real life trope that they were getting from.
OK, I always thought something was off about this scene where he's like sleeping at the house where the kid died because like the fan, the fan, the parents moved out of it and it's like abandoned. So he's he's sleeping there and then Laurie's waiting and like taunting him and stuff. Yeah, she's saying what evil coming in and invading a tribe. But seems kind of racist a little bit, I think.
Later, he like brings up that she came here and she doesn't like, because like, maybe she's just denying or lying that she wasn't, but there's something that's like, is that, was that in his mind? Like was Lori not actually there? And like, she's like some like visualization of his own self loathing and guilt over like what he's done.
Um, but I, and, and I don't, you know, I don't need a definitive answer on that, but, but I'm just like thinking through, like, if that's what this is supposed to be, or an i idea, like a lot of things in this movie, I would want it followed through more. If that's the concept of like, let's have him seeing not just Lori, maybe other people he's imagining conversations that didn't happen.
Or, or we make it ambiguous, like over, cause here it just happens this one time. And I, at least from what I remember, there's not other scenes that even have this vibe or maybe open to that read. So like there should, it's weird to just do it the one time, like maybe have other scenes where we're like, is this really happening? Yeah. I'm trying to.
Pay attention now, if it seems like this would be in his head or not, what would be the signs? I mean, her being in shadows with light behind her. I mean, I feel like could be some kind of visual indicator. She was speaking overly philosophically. It's like, and it's like, I've heard your writing. You're not that smart. You're very on the nose, actually.
Um. And the fact that I can look at her while he's talking either. Yeah. And I feel like later, like she doesn't act like this conversation happens. Oh, she's not there. She's gone. Yeah. So that was in his head, right?
unless she Batman'd. Yeah, I don't think she Batman'd out of there. So I think that was probably in his head. So but why only do that for one scene? We should have maybe there's like a conversation with his mom that we're we like, not sure of, like, that can be way more interesting if she were dead. Hmm. You know, yeah. Maybe he starts seeing the kid he killed, the kids like taunting him or something.
like what was the point of that I don't know I mean just to show that he's losing it and has this delusion of Laurie really not wanting them to be together because I mean yeah I think that is supposed to further the him be Laurie grudge but then also Like just to have someone speak aloud the film's themes because she did talk about evil transmitting or being like a virus. we Like, like, okay, I'm watching. I see it happening in the movie. I don't know if I needed someone to say that or she was like, have you seen it follows? I like Jesus.
OK, so why did he go after Michael? He's just feeling insecure and he's like, I'm going to go bully this guy, go push him around, fucking rassle him. This is what I'm saying. The movie needs more homo eroticism because like this should be OK, he's on top of him, but two boys paling around and just having a rassle. Yeah, they should. Like, what what was the point? Why did he go in there and just? Oh, he wanted the mask.
So like I forgot that that's a whole thing. He doesn't get the mask back until the end. like I hate the way he just sat up. like and They're doing like, you know how he does that in the first movie? He sits up like they just did. It just that's just how this dude sits up. Yeah. All his all the behaviors we just see one weird moment. That's just how he always sits up. I mean, that that's like all franchises do that with like how they call back to stuff you're like okay this it was iconic in the original because it was just like an unusual thing but now you're just making it like oh that's just what they do yeah it's it's weird it feels like a parody of itself um the better way to call back to that is we should have had quarry okay so like
There's some scenes that are going to happen. Whatever. There's a showdown and she's that Laurie stabs Corey. We think he's dead. Corey should sit up later. Like that should be like the final shot of the movie where he sits back up. Theme starts playing go to credits of like the evil still alive.
So I do like that. what a So he just wanted Michael's mask. He went in there and it's like, I'm going to take Michael's mask because he's going to go after Laurie. He was insecure in his own branding. No, he's going to fuck with those kids that were bullying him first. Laurie.
ends up happening after that for some ah reason. I like that. He's insecure with his own branding because at first I was just like, yeah, him going in there and doing that to Michael, feel it reeked of insecurity. like Yeah. because that he hes still even with he's found a new way to assert himself with this, he still doesn't really have a handler control on it. So he's just being like, No, I'm i'm Michael now. I was gonna have a dick move to do to Michael too. But also it's like, that's why isn't it almost
More, I don't know. I feel like I would like a more. He killed Michael. If he killed Michael from the get go in like a place of insecurity. Why just take the mask and leave him other than that the movie needs Michael to be alive so he can fight Laurie at the end. But like there's no. But if he like killed Michael and like ah it would have made him feel like a bully, you know, and I feel like there would have been something better about that. Because like it's it's clearly parallel. Like, oh, he's been bullied. Now he's doing it to Michael. yeah but Plus, it's like, yeah, I don't know. Is Michael a wounded animal or is he not? You know, it's like. Yeah, because they kind of do go back and come back for the final battle strong enough.

Critiquing Film Pacing and Corey's Arc

they that's They don't commit to the like the Cory killing with Cory is rejuvenating thing really because like he kills with Cory that one scene where he goes after the doctor and the girlfriend you're like oh Michael's got his groove back but then immediately like no you can you can still wrestle him to the ground and like that's what there should have been a consistent Either you do the consistent progression where he gets stronger, or more interestingly, he keeps fading and getting weaker. as like it It's like, oh, it's it's going it's in Cory now. and like And then maybe Cory doesn't even have to literally kill him. Like I said, Michael just drops dead because like the evil was the thing animating him at that point. like Whoever the human that he was has long been dead. And once the evil's gone, there's his body's not moving.
Wouldn't it be funny or two if Michael were a zombie, like in Rob Zombie's Halloween too? Yeah, I love that that's in in that. Because like the and all these other movies want to still have the like, I don't know, is he? and It's like you can't do that for 20 movies. You kind of have to. They should have had him get decapitated at the end of two, and then he has to find his head at. Like Terrifier. Exactly like Terrifier two and three. Yeah. Spoilers.
Even though I haven't seen Terrifier 2, judging by the beginning of Terrifier 3, I think I can predict how Terrifier 2 kind of ends. Based on the little flashbacks we see of her holding a sword, I'm like, okay, I think I can fill in the gaps here. What if we're completely wrong? The sword has nothing to do with us. Everything that led to the beginning of Terrifier 3 happened off screen. It really comes out of nowhere.
Oh, the, uh, his stepfather ah who owns the junkyard is, is here. There have been very few kills in this. Well, I guess the last one was called Halloween kills. That's why yeah they did it all in this. yeah I mean, I like this stuff that now he's like, he's more fully. We're going to see the hit. He's more fully invigorated that like, yeah, I'm Michael now I'm going to like,
you know, kill my oppressors. ah i Yeah, it just sucks that we don't get much more of this. Like he's going to kill a few more, like a couple more people.
And then fucking more, he's going to take him off the board. So it's like they're pretty visually uninteresting kill so far, aside from the little boy who died. But that was more just like upsetting. The little boy wasn't like entertaining. the The little boy, the girlfriend walking on him with with the doctor was disturbing.
ah Oh. Well, you fucked that up, guy. You had one job. you know like It was like right in the center of the head. ah I feel like there is some kind of cool or disturbing thing he does to one of these these bullies. um Something more disturbing than when he wrestled Michael. Yeah, I think a car gets a little a car has to get lit on fire. We're in a junkyard like Christine. That's what I'm saying. Like does he pull ah the Batman and drive a car through an explosion? No, I feel like it's just a stationary. Oh, I like that gas welding. This guy's fucking mouth. That's that's cool. Upsetting. He didn't even bring it to a full ah like neutral flame. I wonder if that would have been. Oh.
And if, if he's already at the strength where he can one curb stomp, smash a skull, Michael should be dead. The evil should be fully in Corey. Michael's the new thing now. Yeah, it doesn't make sense that Michael's still alive. It's just for the showdown and it's bad storytelling. And I remember getting annoyed that it's like,
It literally, Michael just comes and takes the mask back and it's like, okay, we're doing this now. It's like, no, I wanted to wanted this to be about Cory. He's gonna kill his mom. That had to happen. We don't see that one. We don't see that one for some reason. It was the Lord's work. Michael ain't afraid to do the Lord's work, just like John Legend and Django Unchained.
but Oh, I remember this DJ kill being pretty brutal.
It's like I get from a character standpoint that he he wants like he needs to be the Michael now in him taking the mask. I just think visually we should have stuck stuck with the scarecrow mask. He should he should be more confident, Corey. You're like, OK, like let's look start start your own thing. Exactly. Don't be a cover band.
Yeah. It's almost like Cory looked at the script. He's like, oh, I'm in a Halloween movie. i I need to be wearing doing some Halloween stuff. The message should be forget the past, let it die. Yes.
he He should be playing the John Legend song I just referenced. i think yeah And he should be dressed as a song from a different movie soundtrack. He's like John Legend for Halloween. I ain't afraid to do the Lord's work. Okay, I think his bottom of skull gets fucking obliterated. Yeah. Oh, and he cuts off the tongue.
Yeah, that was kind of cool. um He just puts it on the record. You little stinker. Uh-oh. And if we didn't...
you know, we're about to get to my least favorite stuff because once Corey's taken out, but like, we should have seen this progression of of these kills where he's like starting to do like Michael-esque bits. Like the tongue on the the record is good, but like we we don't follow up with with more of like, he should have been- He should have tilted his head. Morning did it. He's like, huh.
I like the facial expression he made when you're... I'm sure the listener is like the facial expression too. ah Just picture yeah those at home who've ever seen a clip of Tucker Carlson, the way he tilts his head and looks like a confused dog. like That's kind of what I did.
Why does her phone not say grandma instead of Lori? Is that supposed to speak? Wow. The family, the family's so strained that she calls her grandmother by. I feel like that was for the audience. ah you so say or you gravedaughter It It should have been Lori parentheses grandma.
That was a studio note. They're like, characters aren't going to know who this character's grandma is. grandmas They're not going to know it's Laurie Strode. Three movies in, we really don't know how these people are related. Yeah. but ah It said her full name, Laurie Strode.
Yeah. And so it's about to go off, off, off the rails soon. Who got her pregnant? what What if Corey got at Alyssa pregnant? No, who got Laurie pregnant? Oh, to have Judy Greer. I feel like they're like, it was just some guy that she knew from high school. But then I was trying to remember, are we were we supposed to interpret that? She didn't have sex in high school. That's why Michael didn't. No, I'm saying it's like a guy she had met in high school, but after later is when the impregnation happened. ah But
maybe I'm misremembering it was like, were we supposed to interpret that she kind of just said that and the real father was maybe that share. I don't think that's the case though. That i would make the, that dynamic and the sheriff more interesting. If he was like, there was like this estrangement and like, he never really got close to his own family, even though they lived in the same town and like,
Maybe she was, I mean, I don't know a movie needs to go. I was be like, maybe he knocked her up when she was like, you know, not really 18 yet or something, but something. And that's why they kept it a secret. And I don't know.
It would have been something. I'm just trying to think of ways to make her more interesting and her stuff have some some something. Instead, doesn't he like recommend apples to her or something and then they fall in love at the end? Yeah. Doesn't he keep recommending like a fruit to her or something? and Then she makes out here and by this.
We know peach and that's that's how you pick up women recommending fruit to them I just hang out in the grocery store and I'm waiting for them to like be near the fruit or vegetable aisle and I'm like Hey You need to know, get this for, have you heard of apples? They're good. It's like, you know, you want to get avocados when there okay more brown than green. There's a meme that's like, it's an old guy who's like, call an amp. I need an ambulance. And then the next part is like, but not for me. And then he pulls it to him pulling a gun on the, on the guy.
who's like by him. And I feel like this, this scene is the movie version. She called 911. She's like, I'd like to report a suicide, but this is a fake out. I think even though she's really acting like she's about to shoot herself and it's more to like, she's going to now shoot at Corey or something. Like she somehow knows he's in, she has some spider sense for evil. I don't know. Yeah. Why is she actually crying? Like like she has to really sell it for Corey.
It's for the audience. No, she knows Cory's watching and really needs to buy that the suicide is is... Did she shoot the pumpkin? Maybe. I don't know. Cory's dead? No, they're gonna like have a tussle and then... A tussle? Or is this really how he dies that quickly? I'm gonna be more pissed than I remember being. Like, let's have a little bit of a fight at least.
and And again, they really needed to like build up her having beef with him more than... I mean, yeah, he's here to kill her, but like she has more than just self-defense anger for him of like, oh, you fucking you're trash. ah Why would she unload her gun to to like prove a point? It's a bad point. And now she's saying, come at me. Is this like some kind of...
Uh, Dragon Ball Z thing where you they put on the weighted clothing. So it's like harder for them to fight. That's why she emptied the gun. She was like, I don't even need a fucking gun. yeah I'm trying to think of another example. I feel like something like that's happened before.
OK, and this is why there had to be other drafts or versions of the movie, because he hears he worked on Allison's car and it has a shitty muffler or something. So he heard her driving up and him laughing at that is like he's like almost like. He like framing it to like make her. Look yep guilty, but they don't. Allison comes in, sees her with a knife, thinks she killed Corey.
And then runs off, but then it's like a resolved immediate. It doesn't become a thing where she's like mad at Lori. Why did she, why did she even touch the knife? She was like, wow, that's a bad wound. I better take this out. So 12 inches of knife into his throat. And then she was like, I can fix this. was the knife She's like, I better patch them up real quick before Alison gets home.
She's like, I should get my fingerprints on the knife. Yeah, for sure. But you know what I mean? Why would it be structured like he knows Allison's about to come in, takes his own life to frame Laurie, unless that's going to lead to like nothing happens because of that. And it's like there had to have been a draft where.
It's like Allison either goes fully Darkseid or just, you know, she just hates her grandmother now. Where does it go from here? Michael shows up, takes the mask, and then they fucking- It looks like the movie's over. This should be the ending. Corey was kind of the focus of the movie. No. la I would say Laurie is a supporting character in this movie.
This was actually, what if she then really killed herself? She calls 911 again. She was like, I was just kidding that last time, but this one is for, last time I just did it to fuck with some guy. yeah But now I'm really killing myself.
did wait Did she actually call 911 in that stage 911 or that stage suicide? that we should have cut to the operator on the other line. And the opposite is like, ma'am, is this real? Are you just trying to fuck with a killer in your house? So Michael's in the house now. He's just here. So we just do this now. Oh, Corey's alive. I don't think he would be alive right now. I don't think he's grabbing Michael right now. I think he's dead.
There could be something interesting. Corey would be dead right now. He put a whole fucking knife into his neck. Look, it's the movies getting in his own. I got my evil back. Yeah, it's getting in its own way. Yeah, because it's like if there was some kind of there may be if we fucking have to do this bullshit and the evils back.
In Michael, he's fully rejuvenated. There's like an interesting or better version of that scene where he has to like get it, retrieve it from Corey. But like, it's just bullshit. Like as it I don't know, I'm, I'm. Yeah. This Michael showdown comes completely out of nowhere. He's at zero like involvement and the main events of the story.
Okay, so now she hears that Lori called in a suicide and now she's lo worried about Lori again. I think she comes in like assist with the Michael kill or something. And it's like, that's the, that's what you're doing with the, there's something actually there, you know, there's some juice there emotionally. Like she's falling for this guy and then she walks in, she thinks her grandmother killed him. yeah And that now she's immediately like, Oh no, Lori's in trouble.
It feels like the moment she left the house and Laurie sat down on the ground, the studio was like, okay, next page, throw everything out and here's what you're gonna do.
Michael walks on screen. yeah He has his mask back. And it's just a rewrite city from there. Because then it's like, all right, the daughter has to come back now. It makes no sense. They're not mad anymore. You're right. I didn't think about that. She just goes back and forth. It's like... That feels like a rewrite.
It reminds me of the end of Batman versus Superman, uh, where Lois throws the, the like kryptonite spear into the water and then she has to go back again, yeah we know yeah spend a lot of time of her going underwater to get this fucking thing that she threw away. Like, fuck, we actually need that for the plot.
I think that's, it I mean, that's obviously not a studio thing because Snyder got to do whatever he wanted with, with, with those. I think that's like some kind of like, uh, King author reference. Cause he's, he said multiple times that that's like the nights of the round table or, uh, there's, there's some eighties movie about Arthurian legend that he's like, says he's referencing a lot in Batman V Superman. and I'm like, all right, that good for you, man.
Michael seems pretty knowledgeable about garbage disposals for someone who's been in an insane asylum and under a bridge for the better part of his entire life. Well, what we didn't see in those two years when he was in the sewers, he actually had a phone that ended up in the sewers. And he was kind of just scrolling. He was just like watching YouTube, TikTok. Because he knew. He was like, that switches for the disposal. And he just he knew right away, you know.
I just feel like for someone who's only lived in the outside world in a house for maybe eight years of their life, and most of those they were a toddler or a baby, maybe they might not know how the dangerous parts of the kitchen operate.
Right, because there's a lot of stuff, it you know, stemming from the first movie where you're like, mentally, Michael is kind of like a kid, right? Because that's like when he killed a sister, when he was institutionalized. And like, that's the whole head. I mean, there's different interpretations of the head tilt, but that that's a moment where you you can kind of go like, does he even understand what he's doing right now? Like, is is it is it like with a child's eyes? is Is that how he's viewing this? I mean,
Did Rob zombie kind of get it right? In Halloween too to parentheses two 2009. Yes, he did. Like does he have like the best, um most interesting take on Michael outside of the carpenter? Yeah, I think so.
ah Yeah, it's more interesting than him being a part of a witch cult.
um having sex with his niece. I forgot that's part of I've pitched a bunch more more interesting ways that this movie could go. This I'm gonna throw curveball. What if you know, because we've said like, what if when that homeless guy said I am Michael Myers, he was right. But the idea of Michael as someone else. What if in the intervening two years,
He like cleaned himself up. He like is clean shaven and he's just like hiding in plain sight. He's just like a regular guy going to, he has like a job somewhere, like some kind of, yeah you know, easy to, to get hired for manual labor or something. And then something about the Corey starting to kill again, like, like he's like a sleeper agent that gets reactivated or something where it's like, Oh, fuck, there's, there's evil happening or something back.
what if That's how all killers operated The moment another killer starts up again. They're like I'm back. Okay, so she just slipped Michael's throat This was a very uninteresting fight. I would i have to say and he's still It's it's it's kind of lethargic in I don't like that. He's just back to being supernatural now well, that's what they fucking didn't kills were like they couldn't I square the circle of, and now she has a death wish and wants to be killed, but oh, now we're fucking, okay, fuck off. Yeah, they're pulling a real Venom 3 here. I heard that the when they show all the moments that Eddie and Venom went through, like most of them are from Venom 3. Yeah, yeah. It's not even in other movies. It's like wow. The first one, yeah. remember Remember all these good times? Tell us how Tom Hardy looks better in the first Venom movie.
Yeah. Oh, wow. Two generations teaming up. i like Thank God fucking Judy Greer's out of the picture so they can do this together.
Yeah, it's much better that it's this way. What if they had the ending to that that moment right there? The Ghostbusters ending and Judy Greer is there, too. Well, that that would that would be incredible. They should have done that. But I was just thinking. Or I should have said Dragon Ball Z. The father said the father said Kamehameha. But there's a shot where it looks like she's almost generally taking his hand after she like slits his wrist and is like they should have done the real father, Michael. She's. No, that's good. Michael's the father. Yeah, she puts the birth or the pregnancy test in his hand. It was always you, Michael. Pregnancy test from like the 80s. No, but the way she's holding his hand when he dies is like, what if it was the heat ending? Yeah. Yeah. Spoilers for heat. Or what if she says, what happened? You used to be beautiful.
we've We've come up with like 20 different better endings for this movie. He needs a catchphrase. ah like Happy Halloween. Trick or treat. Bitch. She's just like Freddie now. She says bitch at the end. I was trying to think of more. Okay. Even though this ending Sucks in his dumb. There is something that's that's stupidly entertaining about what they're about to do, because they're about to have a Michael is dead parade.

Reflecting on Halloween's Impact and Legacy

Why did they introduce this cowboy hat cop in the first movie? ah Because his hat is fucking sick. He's got nothing. there He has a hat. Did you see the hat? Now, is what they're about to do legal? well they
That there should have been more tension of that because you cut in trouble for this. You cut to the share for whoever. And he's like, that's not how we do this. never a Funeral procession. yeah This is an organized crime that's happening right now. They're about to just like Al Capone level body disposal. They're displaying and parading and about to group de destroy and mutilate a body.
Who's this kid? Is that the kid from the first one? I don't remember what he looks like. Oh, 2018. I was about to say like from the 70s. The Benjamin Button kid, you don't remember? The old man from the first one. That would be interesting. Like that's the confirmed supernatural element is that there's like a Benjamin Button situation happening. Isn't Halloween 3 also something that happened in this or did they just have the masks and Halloween kills?
That was just a reference to that. to They had the mask from three. Man, that's what we should have done the season of the witch commentary, even though like this was a very like on topic focused, like investigate, like we like tackled this movie. I feel like our Halloween commentaries are really good in terms of like how and because like Rob Zombie's Halloween too, we're talking about like the themes and like the visual language of the film and stuff and like, um,
I wonder if we can get a commentary for every Halloween movie and have them all be a banger. Focused, banger, like we're we're locked into the movie. Or if like after season of the witch, we just are fully like checked out of Halloween. Well, that's the thing. Well resurrection, we get back on board.
Because that this one at least has interesting things to talk about. Or do the other sequels fall off a cliff once they like kind of don't have much going on? I feel like we probably turn against H2O more than most people would in a marathon setting. Now, they should have crushed his body. And then we cut back to the house. Cory sits up and then do do do do do do do do. And then I don't need to see her finishing her book.
Yeah, it should have just cut to her winning an award for the book. Pule, it's her prize-winning author. She gets the presidential like medal of free early. She's like... It cuts to she has a wall of awards behind her. She has a whole book series.
And I kind of don't like the whole, like, yes, Corey became a psychopath, psy psycho killer, Kesca say, but like, but the way that Allison is just, she should be more conflicted about the, even if she now knows that her, her grandmother didn't.
Just like murder him in cold blood there should be some kind of kind of like yes He killed all these guys But I was falling for him like I and like felt sorry for this guy like he was a person He was a real person that I had a connection with and the way that she was just like you were right about Cory like yeah fuck that guy I feel like I Laurie could still be implicable in the death of Cory, and there should be a trial that happens. Folly Ado, there should be a whole sequel that's- Laurie Folly Ado. It's also musical. ah when When I walk out, can you introduce me as Halloween?
yeah I didn't know what I was going to say. I love you about saying Introduce Who's Laurie, but you saying Introduce Who's Halloween was like the icing on the cake. Oh, of course we need to close the book on this. What does he say? He's like, you want to go get some apricot? You like apricots? Isn't it something? I think it's oh, vegetables. Damn it. It wasn't even fruit. I was so off. Fuck. It's a vegetable. And this is how this trilogy ends, I think, is with Terry Blossoms.
There needs to be something. If this is like the end of the trilogy, we're closing the book on this whole saga. And on cherry block, as we all know, but from John Carpenter's original cherry blossom, the opening shot of the film, ah as we remember. And there's a cover of cherry bomb. It's cherry blossom. And it plays.
This is our last shot, no. What's our, but what's the final shot? The story doesn't know how to win the end. What's our, ironically. Halloween ends and that's why it ends plural. Cause they're like, we keep ending. It keeps the Michael mask. That wasn't a bad final shot, but it was like kind of odd. I feel like it's more powerful than like the mask sitting there on the table.
The imagery is cool, but I almost feel like it flows better just cutting the Halloween ends with them sitting there on the porch instead of those shots of the empty house. Yeah, I think I agree, even though I i still don't like that ending, but in terms of like, if that's what they're doing, it flows better. It's almost like sadder kind of, but like, I don't know, just two old people, like, yeah yes, we can finally relax now. Yeah.
I don't know, man. And they're fucking rip just lifting from Rob Zombie yet again with Don't Fear the Reaper, a staple of Rob Zombie's Halloween. It's like he's just sticking the middle finger to Rob Zombie. I forgot that that's in the Rob Zombie version, too.
There were other parallels that we pointed out. um um how David Gordon Green stole from Rob Zombie. We got your back, Mr. Zombie. It might have been in the other ah parts of the trilogy. Maybe there was other parallels to to the zombie. So why didn't Rob Zombie get a trilogy? No, I'm kidding.
I'm sorry. What even do you do as the sequel to two? Cause like that movie is Halloween ended in Rob Zombie's Halloween too. That should have been the the final chat. Like we did it. Everything there is to say about Lori and Michael. Uh, so what are your thoughts now with it ending? I,
Hmm. And what were your thoughts? The stuff I like, I still really like, but I'm almost like more mad at the ending for just like tossing that away. But it does feel more apparent in the ways that we were clocking of like, Oh, this is rewrite city here. Right. Because like some of that stuff just like doesn't even like Alyssa going ah Allison or whatever going back and forth of like, yeah sure. Her leaving.
ah the you walking in on the crime scene and then suddenly just being like, oh, Laurie's in danger. I have to go back. It just becomes a different movie in the last like 10 minutes or 15 minutes that it didn't need to be. And I don't think anyone was happy about what it became.
Because I feel like it's it's almost like a rise. of Obviously this is nowhere on the level of bad advice of Skywalker, but similarly to rise a Skywalker trying to alleviate people who were but heard about the last Jedi and then pissing off everyone. I feel like.
They're not winning back over the people who were against what they were doing here or didn't like kills by ending it this way, right? There weren't people, someone who was like, we really were losing with that Corey stuff, but he really brought it back. I'm glad we saw Michael's body put into an industrial crusher.
yeah it almost again it almost feels like more offensive ending it that way then i don't know it it's it just seems like they're like yeah and we know you want this you fucking pigs here you go you want your slop yeah and it we're gonna end it so yeah we'll shred him there you go you fucking happy yeah he's he's dead he's dead forever look great yeah go we're just two stars on letterbox yes always get out of here This is the father. I said, is this follow your dude? This is David Gordon greens. Follow your dude. He was trying. He was fucking with us. What it should have done after like he was fucking with, I feel like a vision wasn't achieved and maybe he also might not be the best at executing horror, but I feel like the 2018.
It was competent. It's a very good horror movie. Like, it's got really good sequences. So I just don't know what really, like, went off the rails. Like, where it all started to go wrong. To read or see about behind the scenes, what the deal was. This is still my favorite of this trilogy. ah Like, I i think there's it's just the most interesting. And I, yeah, I really, really love the Chor- Justice for Corey Cunningham. they They did my boy dirty. They got him. Fucking got him. They got him. Yeah. They killed him in a way that could have been better. Yeah.
That's why they we we see the procession with Michael's body. They put him in the crusher. And then Corey sits up because it's like the evil has to have some something to inhabit. So it's like, oh, Michael's but gone. Going back to Corey. Corey's like reanimated now. Oh, yeah. I.
I don't hate the movie. Like a lot of people seem to, I'm just, my mind is boggled by it. It's one of those things where it's an object I don't understand. And I'm probably just going to look at this, the trilogy as a whole, even though like the first one competent is a very good word choice. It's very competently made movie, especially like, I mean by Halloween standards, it's like a solid movie.
And it would in it's it's legacy of would have been so much stronger if it that had just been a one off thing of like, oh, OK, you're like giving this kind of epilogue to the original movie all these years later and then now it's over. Yeah. And and but.
Then they're like, two more, please. Yeah. ah Halloween kills and Halloween ends are just going to be these two objects that I'm just. At least right now, it feels like I'm just never going to fully understand or be able to wrap my head around. I honestly, if I knew more of David Gordon's green, David Gordon green and Danny McBride's intentions behind all of this.
I feel like I might be able to like sit down and have like more of an appreciation just being like, okay, this is what they were going for instead of seeing able ah just ah instead of being able to sit here and just going like contemplating or like wondering like, are they just not good at what they're doing here? I mean, but I'm only thinking then the last 10 minutes, I like what they're doing for like,
I'm including Halloween kills in this too. I'm doing like the last two movies. yeah I'm just speaking of ends as as a singular unit. like i I really, really like a lot of what What I feel like that they're going for with with the Chris, all the Christine stuff and like the transfers of evil is good. It's just really annoying when they just drop that. So like, yeah, most of the movie I really, really like. It's like, it's the Exorcist three problem. It's like.
It's not as interesting when it's being a Halloween movie, at least like a traditional Halloween movie. um I don't know. I have an appreciation for it. I think Halloween as a whole, I'm just always going to just look at with some type of like reverence. ah I'll be able
It's a part of a series that means a lot to me, so I don't think I could ever like hate it. or like yeah I just can't ah can't see that. you know I don't understand that like level of fandom where you're like, I fucking hate

Exploring Halloween's Thematic Future

this. like Halloween Kills the is like more offensive of a Halloween movie, I'd say.
um But there's almost certainly worse Halloween. Yeah, I'm sure I would have to do every, I'd really like to do a rewatch to really figure out which ones I like and don't like instead of lumping it all together is like, I love Halloween. You know, I love the Michael Myers pictures either set on Mike or off that at some point we are going to like get around to all.
Yeah, it's a task. I'm, it might not be that bad though. Cause I'm sure as you get later into them, they're probably like 70 or 80 minutes long and you could like fly through them pretty fast. Like 60 minutes. It's not that short. That'd be funny if it's just like an hour. It would honestly be easier to consume them as commentaries too than watching them and doing reviews. So, I mean, maybe we plan for that at some point. Maybe since we started out as Halloween, maybe we do. I wonder if we could do a Halloween a month until we hit like, or like, I was going to say a Halloween a month until we hit our year, but I think that's too many Halloween movies. I don't think we have enough movies to get to a year. Yeah, I don't think so.
I don't know. We'll have to do some math on that. It's too late for me to crunch numbers. Yeah. If we did that, I mean, maybe we would cut out the other two Gordon Green movies. Yeah. I mean, we kind of did say off mic that it was like this was the most interesting one of the trilogy to talk about. So that's why we were just going to do this one.
Yeah, Halloween kills, I feel like, would have been us complaining more the whole time. and Like, why? Why is he doing this? Why is any of this happening? Yeah, the the first Halloween, I probably would have just spent that time taking, like, a trip down men memory lane, but then I would have to check and see if I talked about that the first Halloween in the Legacy sequel episode, because then it's like, well, I wouldn't want to just repeat everything I said there, so I don't know.
I think we did talk about it. Cause I know it wasn't in your top five, so we would have only talked about it if it was in my top five. I'm not too sure though. I don't remember if it was your top five. I just remember you bringing it up a little bit. And then, yeah, I was, I was still, in gay even though it was lower on mine, I was still engaging with it. And we both had appreciation for things in that, like, like there's like a really good, like.
one or long take when, when he's like going through the neighborhood. That's what I always think about. Like that is the scene from the movie that like, whenever I think about it, I'm like, I go back to being in the theater the first time watching that scene being like, fuck, it's so cool watching a Halloween movie. I was just like, it was awesome.
And then if he had just ended there, David Gordon-Green's legacy as a horror director would have been just like forever since cemented. Yeah, he, he would have had a lot of respect, I think, and going out on Exorcist Believer, it. But yeah for me, still worth it because we got to meet my friend Corey Cunningham. That's really how I feel. he's it which again just makes the like the the final chunk sting that much more I'm like this is like the most interesting guy you guys have come up with for a Halloween thing and the the way where I could actually see a future for the franchise of like because because
Mike, I've said Michael's pretty boring, but so like we need to do something else. And so to be Corey was like, yeah, oh, finally some new blood, breathe, breathe some life into this. And like, no, actually do Michael.
It is kind of interesting too that I feel like Halloween is the only one of the iconic slasher franchises. Maybe Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 where you could fully remove the iconic character and be able to have a movie function without them. I don't know because it Nightmare on Elm Street is all Freddy dream based for Friday the 13th. You need Chucky for Chucky. I guess art for Terrifier. So what would a Texas chainsaw without Leatherface be? I feel like he I only say that because I feel like a lot of the times he's not even around a lot.
Yeah, no, I think that is true. And this is me having like seen like one. It almost feels like it's more about the crazy family. I mean, Leatherface is like insanely terrifying and like a giant monster. It seems like you could have the crazy family and probably have like some form of a Texas Chainsaw Massacre story. Oh, yeah. I mean, for me, the family was the scariest part when I finally saw the saw the original because I didn't even know that that was And l i I thought it was he was a one man band that it was just Leatherface chopping people up. But I was like, oh, there's like a whole family of cannibals. This is crazy. And I don't know if people want to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre without Leatherface, but it's like those are the only two franchises I could see reasonably taking out the main character and being like, yeah, you can make a fully functioning and scary horror film.
Cause Halloween, I mean, yeah, the holiday is the title. Like it's not Michael Myers colon, a Halloween story. You know, it should be, it should be the title, you know? Yeah, I don't know. Um, a Halloween saga.
Every other one like is so, like the concept is so tied to the character itself. Like Freddy is the dream monster. Like Jason is like the resurrected, you know, creature. Yeah. Michael is, you know, I mean, kind of the point of him was he was just a kid, a person, you know, the, it could be anybody.
Or if you wanted it to be like your neighbor, you know, it doesn't even have to be the literal, ah like this one, it's literally transferred directly from Michael into another person, but you could just use other entries to explore the nature of evil, like evil taking a different kind of form. Okay. So that one, it's Michael Myers. Another one, it could be, I don't know, something else. Just come up with, with, with, with like some, there's like an, a Besides the holiday itself, you could just have like a thematic through line where it's like, yeah, this is just kind of like an examination of, of, of evil. yeah And like, what does that look like in different forms?
Yeah, a more interesting version of, uh, Pennywise and everything going on in the it movies and stuff like that, you know, a more grounded take on evil, not a supernatural clown, but it's like evil passing through people. And it's like so central to this town, almost like something in this universe is like making like evil cycle through people in this town. And it started with Michael.
And I feel like that would be more in line with like, whatever the franchises has, has gone on long beyond Tim and will after after he dies, they don't have to honor carpenters legacy, I guess. But, but like, if I was handling it, I would want to like, like use that idea.
ah in in in new ways, like that would really be honoring him because like a lot of his movies outside of Halloween, I feel like he is kind of like grappling with like evil in different forms, whether it's in a car. or like So it's it's like very impersonal in a lot of a lot of his his movies. is like like The evil force or killer is not like, something you can talk to. Like but like Prince of Darkness, it's just this force. It's like it's a goo that's infesting people. you know it's ah it's it's ah Even the gang in Assault on Precinct 13, they like never talk. They're like they're the they're almost like ghouls, especially during the night scenes. I've heard of them compared to vampires or zombies. Yeah. Yeah. They're almost like, like, like, Oh, are, do you guys have individual personalities or is there just like some kind of hive mind direction you

Final Reflections on Halloween Series

got? Like, how is this functioning? You guys just seem to be like, like, like one unit or something. Yeah. Got to love fucking carpenter. Um, yeah. You want to get wrapping up soon. I, I'm really glad that we did this. Yeah. Yeah. It was a good choice. I'm glad we did too. And, uh, Hopefully listeners really enjoyed and have a happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Hopefully no one played any tricks on you and you just got your treats or whatever. I don't know. Hopefully no one locked you in a, in an attic room on your like three story home that you're babysitting at. And then when you've like kicked the door open, you like accidentally killed a kid. Like that would be, that would be bad, not a good Halloween. So hopefully you guys didn't have that.
And hopefully you weren't the kid in that situation and you're not a ghost listening to this podcast right now Although also shout out our ghost list. Yeah, rain review is five stars, you know Tell us that you're a ghost That should be another spin-off is that we follow the ghost of that kid. And then he meets Casper. I like that very much. It's time to cross over the two people begging for a Casper. Give Casper back to the fans. You really gotta give him back to the fans. Yeah, give him back to the fans. Well, do you want to do plugs on this episode or? Do we even do plugs on commentaries? I don't remember. They've like become so... Not, which I'm not complaining that, like, I kind of like that we kind of just do them whenever, but that made me forget like what, what our normal, I feel like we don't need them, right? Yeah, we don't need them. You're here, right? You know, you know what the deal is. How we ended. We told you it would end and it did. Ended all over the place. Yeah. Well, um, hmm. Is there anything interesting we can say? Any final words?
What's Michael's catchphrase? Uh, I'm tilting my head. Shamalama ding dong. Doesn't he say something like that? Shoop-a-doop. Yeah, he's a big salt and pepper fan. Well, if he says Shamalama ding dong, I'd be really disappointed. I'd say let's cancel Michael. Yeah. Because if he's saying stuff like that, I think, I think Michael is problematic. Mm-hmm. Ah, fucking Michael. Michael.
Yeah. Well, trying to think of like a good word, a good Halloween related word. Um, stab God bless America. Um, three words have a happy election day. No, that's, that's scarier than any horror movie. Have an unhappy election day. Take care of yourselves out there, people. you know Whatever you got going on, just make sure you're taking care of yourselves. Have a you know nice planned day for self-care. Go see a movie. you know Love yourself. Love the people around you.
go find out if, well, I guess it's only in major city. So if you're not near one, you're, you're in trouble, but like find a major city near you, go see juror number two this weekend might be, uh, I, I like for any elder filmmaker, we're like each new, like, well, this could be his last one. I mean, this could be his, he's like 98. No, he's not that he's in his nineties though. but So.
Maybe it is. Let's go see it. It's supposed to be really good. It's getting good reviews. Hell yeah. Jura number two. Can't wait for Jura number three. It's really just set up for the next one. Yeah, I gotta see Jura number one.
fuck I heard this is one of those sequels where you can kind of just go you know Like how the Dark Knight just catches you up to speed and you don't really had to have seen begin And the thing is when they called it juror number one, I was like, they're probably gonna do a s sequel I should see this but now it's like and Too late He's 94. What if he makes 10 more movies? I Was gonna say yeah, he could a movie a year That's kind of been his rate, and he should end it on, since he can decide when he dies, he should end it on one where he's directing and starring in it. I feel like that would be like a good like arc of- Where he dies on screen. which yeah In the movie, it's like his funeral happens on camera.
he could direct his own funeral but ah He could direct his own funeral reasonably. I think that's my point to get out of here. I'm combining words now. Well guys, have a good night. Have a happy Halloween.