my love for it is a bit stronger than most. I think some people wanted the movie in the trailer because it doesn't, from what I remember the trailer, the trailer is playing like the Rolling Stones and it's kind of edited to almost look like a Scorsese move. It's like. heart bright woman It just seemed kind of cheesy and like lame. It seemed kind of try hard a little bit from the trailer, but watching it, I was like, it just. ah a lovely little movie that I find really comforting and it worked for me in the theater, it worked for me on rewatch. I really enjoy our review that we did of it and I encourage anyone if you haven't checked it out like go see this if you're looking for just a nice a nice movie and like a nice comfort movie. Here's how I would have marketed because for people like me who enjoy, I mean, I enjoy like good performances of any kind, but I specifically love when an actor commits to a voice and is like doing a like just like good fun accent work, which is like, even though these these characters are all theoretically from the same place or the same area that like no, none of their voices like sound the same, yeah which is great. Great, though. the Kind of the nature of the Midwest, I feel like. Yeah, you kind of just you kind of just glom to the center. And then, yeah. Dumb question. Ohio, a part of the Midwest, right? I would say so. yeah Yeah. I went to Cleveland one time. Just I had a different accent than the people there. Then people there were like, you're from Chicago. I was like, I didn't realize I have some type of accent up until this point. I've had people yeah tell me that there is like a specific