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Nosferatu (2024) & The Damned (2025) image

Nosferatu (2024) & The Damned (2025)

These Guys Got Juice
80 Plays1 month ago

What are the logistics of having your coffin transported internationally? Is Druig a folklore creature or an Eternal played by Barry Keoghan? Is Europe real?? The Guys get into the BIG questions in this super sized double feature of the last film they saw in 2024 and the first one they saw this year!  

If you want to watch along with the pre review trailer watches here are the timecodes:

Nosferatu:  7:27

The Damned: 1:44:37


Introduction and Initial Impressions

I'm Doug Davenport. I think yours. And we're These Guys Got Juice.

Musical Debate and Myth Discussions

And we saw
I don't know if that was a good voice. I actually do pretty good. Oh, wait, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm supposed to do. I got a vampire song right here. I was living in a devil town. Didn't know it was the devil town. Oh, Lord, it really brings me down about the devil's town.
all my friends were vampires didn't know they were vampires turns out i was a vampire myself in the devil town
uh is it devils or vampires you gotta pick one well we'll talk about it i mean i don't know that that's a spoiler we can say top that like he's like a demon in it so it's like they're like blurring the lines or just taking it back to like what ah the original vampire myths were like even before Bram Stoker's Dracula. I mean, that has a specific origin story, and I'm going to speak authoritatively on all Dracula stuff. like i've actually read the I haven't even read the book, but ah I think in that he's he

Nosferatu Film Analysis

was a human and then you know studied dark magic and then became a vampire through that. And it seems to the book readers who are picking up on like little things that like
that Eggers put into the background that that's probably because he takes other stuff from the Dracula book. um So I don't know. Uh, but they also make it seem like he is just a demon, which to me is like a demon wasn't, and that when I think a demon, I think of something that was never a person, you know, like that was like never used to be like a living human not world. Not of this like world. Like you came, you came from hell. Like that, that's like where you were born. place Evil with evil energy. You came from an evil dimension and now you're in our world. Uh, but I guess like,
It is an interesting idea of like, this guy got so into dark magic that he made himself a demon, you know? that that That's like... Or that he named himself Demon. That'd be even cooler. My name is Demon now. Demonferatu.
Um, we're going to be doing like a little bit of a different thing. I mean, Nick up top, you already said we're doing like two movies. Um, I don't know. I think this is kind of an interesting way to start the year because it's like.
Nosferatu was the last movie we saw together at the end of 2024. And The Damned is the first movie we saw. And they're both horror movies. There's like a like a monster folklore connection. i You can say they're both like, and this is just, you know, if you've seen the trailers for both of these movies, this isn't a spoiler. They're both like undead. yeah Is the subject matter?
Yeah. Things that should be dead lurking about. yeah You're like, what are you doing around? You should be dead. Get get in get in that coffin. Oh yeah, there is coffin stuff in both too. So honestly,
could have been a little more coffin action because the other Nosferatu's have a scene where I mean yes you know like in all the Dracula's he has a little Renfield who does his bidding but other than that it's just him who has to like make all the stuff happen so there's a scene in the other Nosferatu's where you see him just like dragging He has like extra coffins too that he brings over on the boat in other versions so that he's just like dragging. He has to move them around at night. Like, you know, he does his own work. You're like, respect Nosferatu. We don't, I guess it makes sense for this version that he's like, to guys like I'm not carrying a coffin. I got someone else to do that. Like,
meant Well, this would be spoiler territory. There's like a question I wanted to ask in regards to Nosferatu and transportation, but um we we'll get to that when we get into the meat of the review. The logistics of it, but okay.
ah winding back, though, you were talking about in the trailers for these movies. So that's ah that's another thing that's going to be of that we're going to try out. I mean, we're definitely not going to do this for for every movie, but I thought it'd be fun and a good refresher for me who hasn't seen the movie and like the second thing when I started typing in Nosferatu. No, I do voice. Oh, you've selling me out. I picked it up when you were in the bathroom.
So when you were looking that up, did it confirm that that is him doing the voice? I just look, it was just a clip of, uh, him saying something about something being a disservice or whatever. Oh, okay. I think it was a conversation with him and Holt, Holt. Uh,
Yeah. So we're going to, we're going to watch the Nosferatu trailer. I think this has going to help me who hasn't seen it in like two weeks. You know, like I've, I've talked about are alluded to like how stuff or whatever you're like, where's the Nosferatu review? Yeah. Yeah. I was in the hospital. So I mean, but that's led to this interesting format. So I think this must be AI that's. I've never heard of this. There's been fake trailers like that around. Yeah, screen culture. cultures like um too There isn't a season two trailer. Yes, this is a fake thing. But it's like an Elizabeth Olsen, Keanu Reeves, Dracula trailer. It's like,
Come on. Fuck off screen culture. Yeah. Um, um, ready for a countdown. Cause you want to just get up, right? Yeah. Yeah. Let's think. it I mean, we'll, we'll put it, we'll put some time codes in there, I guess. So you can know, but ah did the yeah, this is be like, like our trailer watch alongs. But then also, like I said, this is for my benefit to like kind of refresh me on What, what, what, what we're dealing with here. So, uh, we'll just have to make sure we don't let any spoilers slip during the reaction. Okay. Yeah, that's true. I'll keep that in mind. We'll, we'll keep each other in check checks and balances. Yeah. Okay. So Nosferatu trailer starts in three, two, one. Oh, wait, I thought we were going to go on play. oh Sorry. Oh, One more time. the Three, two, one play.
I think she's good in the movie. um I mean, we'll get into the specifics. Amber heard Rose's daughter, i their love creation. I see a little bit of both in her. That is who the mother is, right? That came from that relationship. Cause it's something Rose Depp, right? That's her full name.
Yeah, slowly rose. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Johnny Depp was with another.
Rose. This movie looks good on the both times. Did you the second time you saw it? Was it like the Dolby like special projection, you know, that like that bigger theater that almost kind of looks like IMAX was well or or did you just see it like around here at a different theater I just saw it around here. OK. I don't remember where I saw it. I was just curious because I was going to look something up. I was just curious because I've heard people say like, oh, the night scenes, I couldn't see shit. It's so dark. I could clearly see what was it's a dark movie, but like I saw what I was supposed to see. I mean, there's things that are obscured in shadow, but like to me,
were like very intentional use of that like especially in the castle. Didn't want to say so it's not Amber Heard. Her name isn't Rose, it's like Liliana. That's um Amber Heard's middle name. Vanessa Paradise is Lily Rose's mom.
I thought it was someone else. Yeah. Friend, singer, actress. I don't know why I like put the like Rose and Amber Heard's name too. It's weird. It was like a Jada Pinkett Smith. Like they got a little both of each other's names type of thing, but I like invented a part of Amber Heard's name. You just invented like a ah whole new perk that shot with the hand and they do shadow stuff.
mot like That's not a spoiler to say that Nosferatu or Dracula is doing things with shadows. like i wouldn't say that's a spoiler ah like There's a really cool shot in ah Bram Stoker's Dracula. That whole movie looks so beautiful. ah where His shadow is not synced with like he's walking and then the shadow does something else and it's like like an eerie moment I'm like, ooh, that's so cool cool um that That would be really cool to see actually. and So what are your thoughts on uh, Nosferatu?
I want to see this again, but I ranked it pretty high. like Despite the interruption, I mean, the I guess there were interruptions in both theatrical experiences. Yeah. And it kind of takes you out of the movie a little bit, at least for me. No, it takes me. It's so hard to get to lock into a movie normally sometimes. Yeah. and then when i'm pulled out i get just so mad and then i like start to stew in the fact that i'm mad that i'm not as focused on the movie and i mean that i can get derailed and we'll talk about it in the dam.
Yeah, I had that kind of derailing during Wicked, and yeah I was trying to force myself back back into life, but they were still yapping the entire time. So like that was kind of hard to do. It was easier for me to get back into it with Nosferatu just because to AMC's credit, they immediately were like bouncing people out of there. and They're like, all right, leave, and you know. And so luck that during the dam, that happened, too. We'll get into it in that review.
Yeah, they it wasn't. Don't see the damned so you can hear that story. Yeah. is And I would say good spoilers for that good movie. ah Or it's enjoyable. Like i I think it's if you're looking for a spooky, vibey horror movie, I think these are both very vibe heavy movies.

Robert Eggers' Directorial Style

The thing with Nosferatu is I've heard there's a long he's alluded to like a three-ish hour cut and I think I would want to see like I might like that longer version better just because like all the other Dracula movies I see even if they're not that long they feel like they're taking their time you know like like there's like a really like
smooth pace that you're like, kind of almost like gliding through the movie at and like, not that this one was like rushed, but like, I feel like I didn't get enough opportunity and maybe some of that was the theater disruption to like soak in all the details because I've like seen friends or other critics and stuff.
point out like all these cool like little historical details that Eggers puts into the stuff, which he likes doing, like even if it's about shit that's not real. Maybe vampires are real. I don't know. I'm like, write in if you've seen a vampire, or if you are a vampire. Yeah. Yeah. ah i would but I definitely want to hear from you if you're a vampire. I didn't know there was a longer cut, though.
ah What I would hope to see in that cut is more Lily Rose Depp. That's her name, Lily. um I would like to see more Lily Rose Depp in the movie. that i I was expecting more of her and or maybe like more time to spend with her at the very beginning. We were so like, hold um off to what that's a spoiler.
um Well, let's maybe let's just get to it because I do want to talk about that and like the structure of the movie and like how difficult to talk about more difficult than I expected. Actually, it does really get going. it It does. It does. Doesn't really waste time, even though like the time you get to Dracula's castle, maybe some audiences are like, oh, why is there not have the council yet? But for me, that was a pretty fast pacing it was where where you're you're like there yeah i'm like oh fuck okay like i thought we we're getting the like yeah that shift can be a little because then it's yeah let's just go to spoilers um well i'm gonna just say like my initial thought real quick i uh i'm a little i don't know where i don't hate this movie i don't even dislike it i
I kind of wanted, I expected it a little bit more and i've I've seen it twice at this point. I think you had mentioned that already. i So I've seen it twice and I kind of just wanted more. I had my hopes set really high for this one and I don't know what it is. i was i'm like missing from it though. And I was going to say like, maybe it's like an Eggers thing. I've always needed to like revisit an Eggers movie to fully it block, and but I've seen it twice already. So I mean, maybe a third watch, like all of them, I've like needed a little bit of more ah watches except for the lighthouse. That was the only one where I like locked in the first time. Yeah. Like i that's like, was one of my favorite movies of that year, 2019. I would say that was in Great Year for Movies. ah That was ah definitely up there with my favorites. i I'd lock into his stuff pretty easily, honestly. like I don't know what what it is about the vibered tone that he creates, maybe because even if I'm not like actually intellectually catching all the little like historical references or like
Easter eggs of like, ah, you actually did like some research to make this seem like grounded, even though it's like a supernatural thing. But like it maybe it just the vibe of it does feel more real. So even when the more like out there get because lighthouse is very surreal you're dealing with like, like dream like almost like lynching imagery and stuff and like, but it still feels real kind of like does that make sense to like the that his movies like have have this grounded feeling and that that works for me.
No, they do. And it it works for me too. I didn't mean like lock in like I can't get into the world, but it's I don't know how to explain it really. It's I didn't expect to be as like.
Luke Warmatt. I expected it to be over the moon about this movie. I mean i kind of like i rated it four stars and I don't have a lot of criticism. I just don't know what I'm missing. You wanted wanted a strong five, you know? Yeah. I mean, because that trailer probably one of the best, not that one, but the initial teaser ah was like one of the best trailers of last year. I don't know. Maybe that'd be a fun bonus to go through best trailer. I think i was I was a little frustrated with some choices that were made on like a directorial level. um Would this be at the bottom of your Eggers ranking?
It's hard to tell. I have to rewatch the Northman, I think, to determine that. but I think the Northman's at the bottom of mine. Right now, I've got it, um because the Northman is the one I remember the least, so I just put it at the bottom, because I think that says a little bit. But also, Nosferatu's super recent, but I've got ah Lighthouse the Witch, Nosferatu, Northman.
Okay, for me, mine is Witch Lighthouse, Nosferatu, and then the Northman. But there's not a big distance between one and two. Like, they're pretty much on even footing. The only reason I give The Witch the Edge, just because, like, that first theatrical it viewing of it, like, really got to... Because I went, you know, its it was his first movie, and I didn't know what I was really getting. It was just me and a friend were like,
hey, this new horror movie is kind of getting good reviews. And then I was like, huh, okay. And I feel like that was kind of the, like, not that Eggers invented vibey horror movies. No, but like a lot of the A24, even like neon horror movies that were coming out around that time and then moving forward started to have I don't know. Maybe this is dumb to say like to have like more art house vibes, like at the pacing of like those kind of mood, but like it ah it all feels kind of gothic, even though it's not gothic, yeah the pacing, the tone, it all feels like it's inspired by some type of like gothic art visually. I wouldn't say the witch is gothic, but like it has that feeling you know it has the same kind of feeling as Nosferatu there's a little bit of like depravity that's in there i guess you could say um oh there's some depravity yeah for sure like the witch is a movie that only grows more and more every time i watch it i enjoy it more and more every time i pick up on more things every time i watch it but
I put the lighthouse above it just because it's the same thing for you as the witch. I didn't see the witch in theaters. I saw the lighthouse in theaters and I ah I just fully like from the first frame was just sucked into it. My eyes weren't watching anything but the screen. My mind wasn't focused on anything but what was happening on screen. I was so immersed in that movie. It transported me in a way that um his movies haven't fully transported me since The Witch gets there though. like yeah i mean
I was locked in ah for Delight House also to be clear. like i love that I love that movie and the performances in that. I like everything I've seen from him so far, even Northman at the bottom. i'm not like That's not like a one or a two. It's never a bad movie. Yeah, no, there these are all the four stars basically. Yeah, yeah. Four and up. No, I definitely wouldn't go lower than four for Northman, even though that's at the bottom. Like, and I know some people who are straight up like, it's bad. I've heard people say that it's boring and I know it doesn't have the pacing of like, some movies in like older times about a Viking or like some kind of swordsman will be like lots of action. Like they're constantly hacking. He's not. There are some roles. I'm like, I don't know. The movie kind of moves pretty quickly for me. Like that's another one where I was like, I'm wondering is if is there a longer, more, you know, taking its time cut of of of that one? Because that does feel more like a natural vibe for Eggers. I just don't remember it. I saw it on like my iPad and yeah, it was a good looking movie. It was like, uh, I wouldn't even say a halfhearted watch. I just, I don't remember it. It wasn't, uh, my experience around it must not have been that memorable.
I feel like Northman, I don't have the numbers in front of me, but like I think that was one where like not a lot of people did go see it in theaters. I didn't get to see it in theaters, but then retroactively, I was like, I should have. um I think Ella Lager's, like I'm just like, I need to see those in theaters going forward. but like Yeah, I just didn't know about him until The Witch. i The Witch came out in 2015. I found out about him a year later. Okay, yeah, for sure.
Um, yeah yeah, Northman, I wish I had seen a theater, but I heard that that was like, it didn't do that great because that one had a higher budget than his previous ones. You know, there's like action, the scale of it.
um He was he was playing with house money a little more with with with that but then it did pay off more on like VOD and then like home really a lot more people found it there I think it like actually ended up making a profit um and I think that really helped him get the like I don't know if Nosferatu gets made in the same way at the same level if ah Northman didn't actually <unk> like oh it it made some change
Yeah, I don't think so either. Um, one thing that's kind of a funny fact, actually, uh, that since we were talking about the witch, if you go on my voodoo and go back to the very first movie that was ever added to my witch witch. Yeah, that's hell yeah. That's like a good, because what I did, I bought it, um, from Walmart. It was like my first online, like Walmart purchase I must've done. And when I bought it, they were like,
Hey, we own Voodoo, you know, since you bought this and it comes with a digital copy, we made you a Voodoo account. I'd bought that and I bought Kill Bill, um volume one and two. And they're like, we put your three movies on your account for you. And so if you go back, The Witch, what started it all back in 2016, when I like,
fucking really got into movies like The Witch was the first Blu-ray that I ordered. um and And this like new wave of movies I was checking out. So I don't know The Witch, it feels important to me. Edgar's like, I didn't like really realize it, but I'm like, damn, he's like, you know, he's he's been there since I started this film journey. I got like, he started his career when I was starting like this deep dive and love for film.
Yeah. Well, I love that that has that special like jumping off point or the Lighthouse is ranked above it though. I'm just at the lighthouse is so it's good. Fantastic. So for me, I want to watch it again because I just, I don't know the vibes and all his movies are good. you know thiss a Lighthouse review we're doing.
Maybe we should do some kind of like house commentary. I would do it. That would be pretty fun, actually. That sounds like a good blast. And then we start losing our minds throughout the commentary and then start. We don't know for like actually recording or not. And then you're like, are they the same person?
yeah You start questioning the whole premise in reality. You're like, have these guys got juice? I was like, have they been the same person the whole time? And you're just like, I don't know. Something doesn't add up here. I kill you with an axe, or you kill me with an axe. One of us reaches for the TV, and then we fall and break our lights. And then there's just a shot on one of our faces as we're at the center of light. But you don't see what we're seeing. But you're like, oh.
It ends with my dog eating one of us. Well, we're just laying here, can't do anything. Spoilers for the lighthouse. It's, yeah. Spoilers for that whole movie. Sorry, listeners. You should have seen the lighthouse. What are you doing watching? go You should go in order. watch all the watchill You can't watch Nosferatu until you go through all of his movies. I'm gatekeeping right now. I'm like, no, this is how you have to do it. I do feel bad.
I just spoiled the whole plot of the lighthouse. Oh, well, should we happen to

Theater Experiences and Etiquette

spoilers for? Yeah, you know, let's do it.
We're back. You might hear some chewing. It's actually sucking on blood. The sucking sound of the the sound design in this was really strong. I think you commented on it. Like it was like one of the first things you said and when we, after after the movie was over, besides recapping the people getting ah tossed out, but Also, again, giving props to AMC. Well, maybe that was because there were so many other people there. Someone else, you know, could have gotten security and taking care of it, whereas like the times at Chicago Heights when we needed someone to like get the disruptive audience member
Well, no, there were a lot of people in Wicked. Someone else should have stepped up and gotten security. um Now I'm retracting that. You cowards, do something. If someone's talking or being obnoxious, and basically, if someone's in the theater and acting like it's their private living room, ah you should get them kicked out. That's the only way we're going to correct this behavior, because we've gone towards, like especially post-COVID, theater etiquette, and just people how people behave in public. is It's kind of offensive to me. I mean, if you really want to get them kicked out, um go outside. And if there's a seating chart on that side of the theater, go check and see if they even bought tickets and, you know, throw that out there when you go tell security or something. That's what I did yesterday. Well, I like when and fucking. Yeah, I'll talk about it in the damn to review, but I. Yeah, it was pretty shitty with the security guard.
um Oh, I'm glad you were though. Like, I don't know. Sometimes you have to go a little Karen to give them that nudge just to get Get that result that you want. I don't know. Yeah, I guess I'll just say it right here since we're like flirting with it I guess people can hear it like people would not Stop talking. They were taking pictures all throughout the damned. It was like two separate groups of people and I like could not focus at a certain point So I just told Doug I was like I'm going to get security and I went over there gave the security guard just a shitty attitude and like
He came back in with another security guard and the manager and they went through and like went to all the areas i did get kind of shitty though i forgot that i did this when they walked in i pointed to the back and i was like them too.
I forgot that I did that. I'm glad you did that though. you um Oh man, I was on one. I forgot that I did that completely. And this was the second time in like a month that we- So that's how everybody could hear too in the theater. I like wasn't quite like, yeah. You were trying to anonymously snitch on them. below No, I- I pointed and I was like, those people too. Yeah. They need to to go. No, that's honestly, that's what how it needs to be. Like I have a zero tolerance policy for this guy. yeah I shouldn't hear that you're talking about Call of Duty six or whatever. Wasn't he like, Oh, I heard there's Call of Duty six now or something. And then I turned to you, I'm like, I'm getting security. They were on the other side of the theater.
how they were like in the front one the front rows that guy who was on the phone and it was like there was two people there when I walked by so it was two people yeah and then there were there was the couple that I scared that were making out it snuck in the be couple on the back snuck yeah yeah yeah I accidentally scared them twice and the guy got like shitty with me and then I was like I'm glad You happen to be a casualty of me kicking those other two out because I was going for those other two, but I knew there were people in the back that were being shitty. So I'm like, I'm taking everybody in this theater down. I mean, you went through trouble of missing the movie. to That's like the most annoying thing is like, why should we be punished for their shitty, selfish behavior that now I have to go grab someone? Because after the wicked thing, the manager
i mean she's sympathetic to it and she was taking it seriously this time with the damn two to her credit but like. i leaving the movie, I want to see the movie and that's why the sound disruption is a problem. So I then i have to leave the movie to make sure I don't, ah you know, get drawn out of the movie more. and And we were in a further theater too. We were in like the way back, not the furthest away theater, but one of the further theaters. Yeah. Dubbed away in a corner somewhere.
also it's like I don't even understand why are you here like is it just like so cold outside and you have nowhere else to go and you need to be inside that doesn't seem to be the case because they're like homeless people who I've seen do that that's not them but also If you're homeless and you're doing that, fucking behave in the theater or I will get you kicked out. right Like I'm sympathetic to you need some shelter or something. But honestly, the times that we've been encountering this, it's just fucking teens. it's been no I saw the Phantom Menace. I was alone. I was the only one who bought a ticket.
And homeless people kept coming in and security. Like I went out to the bathroom and they were like, did people just go in there? And I was like, yes. And people kept going in and it wouldn't have been an issue, but like they were being fucking loud, talking at full volume the whole time. It was two separate homeless couples that kept sneaking into the theater. Again, if you're doing that,
shouldn't your goal be to not get caught? Yeah. You've already snuck in. So it's like to your benefit to shut the fuck up. Yeah. yeah also there go theater Where there's nobody, I'm sure there's other movies where nobody's seeing. Well, no, that's the issue. From what I heard, if nobody buys a ticket,
um movies cut off after the first like 20 or 30 minutes. Oh, yeah. So I think they have to kind of go and and count that count on like the one person not complaining. But it's like, I feel like there's a greater chance of one person complaining than like a whole group, you know? Yeah, you can blend in better in like a whole theater. But no, it was just ridiculous. ah It's so crazy.
I think the manager, another reason besides the attitude you gave to security guard that she took it seriously is that ah she seemed to remember us from the wicked thing. And so.
I mean, we're most of their business, are we? You know, I was thinking like they see us all the time and like they count on those concessions. I buy full fucking meals almost yeah every time I go there. Like they get a lot of good business from us. Like they should stop giving you a hard time about your fucking backpack. They should treat us like kings.
Well, and now I have like medical reasons to actually, I've like lied before about maybe this is karma that like I've lied and said like the drinker snack I'm smuggling in is like, oh, I need my like heart medicine or something. But, you know, now I do have like braces and like different. They don't care about the drinker snack. I don't even put these in like my drinks in a concealed pocket anymore. I just walk in with them and nobody says anything after I saw like them walk up to you with your backpack while i had drinks visibly in front of me i just stopped hiding them and they stopped caring.

Vampire Myths and Cultural Impact

like My mom tried to hide a drink shoes bring in when we want to see a white christmas are here and i was like mom they don't care just walk in with it as long as you don't have a gun.
Like, that's the real thing they're looking for in the bag and the concern. Like I get that as of, you know, unfortunately today, that's a like someone should be making sure that doesn't happen. But, um, I'm not the one to be worried about. So like the give me a break. Yeah.
Anyway, Nosferatu. I mean, it's relevant. It felt like a good tangent, though. It felt nice to just let it all out. And it was like coherent. We were justified and we handled it pretty well, I think. No, we were. Yeah, we were justified. I was debating on getting like exposed. I was like, I can't. These are teens. I was like, I can't yell at teens, you know. Right. And then there's always the part of me that's like,
even not that I think that they had had them, but I'm like, people are so crazy now that I'm like, are they going to have like some violent reaction to me? Like, it's like, is this going to escalate things? Like, yeah, there's a part of me that's like scared that like that this is going to become a more of a problem instead of solving the problem. Well, what kind of like just made me feel a little off by it too is um the guy who was talking who got kicked out was originally behind us playing music.
Was it music or was he like looking at like sports clips? like i thought i heard like playing There was like a beat playing behind whatever he was doing and I was just like, are you fucking kidding me? There was no music before the movie. The movie started then there was music and I was thinking like.
This seems like behavior like you're trying to get in a fight right now because you were not on your phone doing any of this. But you timed it to when it would be the most annoying. Right when the movie started. And I was like close to saying something. Then he got up and it was a dude baseball cap and hood on. And I was like, that's a sketchy outfit. He's already behaving like an asshole, like I'm just not going to engage with this person. And then I saw them move over by a second person. And then they were talking about video games. I'm like, oh, it's a fucking kid. And I was like, and getting them out of here, like enough of this. Yeah. Yeah. um Mind your manners when you're in the theaters. I'm going to start a theater chain.
It's a rated R movie too, like Grow Up. you know I know I snuck into movies, but I like wanted to see them. That was stuff i I was like, I like Quentin Tarantino. I want to see the new Quentin Tarantino. I was getting kicked out just for my age. you know when i was i've got I got kicked out of Death Race. I almost got banned from Marcus Theater because of that.
Damn. Yeah. That movie's not even like good, but I like wanted to see it. I haven't seen it to this day, actually. Hmm. So you should cover death race. Um, or the early, wasn't there one? Yeah, we covered no sprout at some point. yeah Um, Robert Eggers, no sprout. Um, that, that was a good tangent though. I think the listeners appreciated it.
Well, and it's right because we're going to do the damned. And this is like a sandwich. up There's layers to this episode. So this is like sandwiched in between the talks of the specific movies. You're getting the rundown of like yeah theatrical and maybe it's so disruptive at both movies. Like I said at the top, you know. Yeah. Maybe it's OK. This is a bit more loose. We like fucking put so much on the table with our last two episodes. Yeah. we're I mean, we're giving feels like we're at like commentary energy right now.
a little bit. Yeah. A little bit. Um, but I don't think that's a, that's a bad thing. I mean, again, we've. No, I'm just, I'd usually try to avoid the long, like trying to go on off topic tangents and I fully leaned into it without even resisting. I was like, fuck it. Let's just do it. But again, is it off topic? Because it was, that was part of- Well, I was saving it for the other movie, but I was just like- But now we don't even have to address it then, or we can just like talk the damned. Uh, so if anything, that's good. Let's do a little, uh, Nos Ratu. Nos. Nos. For. Rot.
to or something. There's like a book and a show that I think only lasted for a season with like Zachary Quinto, ah Spock himself, ah where he was like a vampire that just drove around kidnapping and and draining people. It's like modern day, but his license plate like had the, but they were cute with the foreign stuff. I was like,
Okay, man, don't announce that you're a vampire. don't dont Don't drive around with license plate that says, I want to suck your blood. Like, aren't you supposed to be kind of stealth about it?
Jeepers Creepers has a monster, or not a monster, jeez, it has a monster. Jeepers Creepers. He was directed by a monster. Yeah, tell me about it. Jeepers Creepers himself has a license plate that I think gives away he's a monster. It says like, I am creeper or something like that, something weird.
It feels weird when horror villains have cars. They should be driving. yeah You should either be floating somewhere or just appearing. like like like Or have some other weird movement that I couldn't think of or have seen before. like you can Don't use a car. Yeah, unless you're Michael Myers. Because then it becomes a conversation piece where it's like, is it weirder that he's driving? Well, if anything, I've thought about this. I'm like, I don't think Dr. Loomis taught him to drive, so this is more dangerous. like This is like a child behind the wheel, just on a joyride. I'm like, someone he's going to kill more people in the car. Why does this mess, man? Keep yelling, beep, beep.
What if what if he had Michael Myers did talk and he just said shit like that? Beep, beep. As he's pretend honking. Yeah, not even when he's in the car. He just goes beep, beep. It's kind of like the roadrunner going, meep, meep. So we're in the spoiler section for Nosferatu, right? Yeah, we are. All right, so speaking of transportation then, all right, this is a way to take it into it.
So um um is he like asking people like, Hey, can you do me a solid and like load me onto this boat? It seems like they're aware they're with a vampire because his, uh,
little minion is in Germany where they're headed. Like, he's not in Transylvania, so who on that end booked him, chartered him the boat, got his coffin. It seemed like they were cool with him being on the boat until everybody was dead except for, like, two people, and then they're like, we have to do something about this. I think... Like, they seem aware of it. They're like that...
cargo has the plague. Well, that was what the crew was doing. And there was an energy of like, I don't know, was he the captain who was kind of telling them, don't worry about it. So I was i was that this isn't filled in. Maybe the longer cut like explicitly like lays this out ah is the like, did he just pay the captain ah so much money? Like, like, don't ask any questions. There's going to be a like just grab this coffin, I need to get the Germany. It seems like they're all aware of Nosferatu in that area. That's Transylvania that they're in?
I thought the map says Transylvania. No, it it it does. that That's where they're they're they're they're in, like, Romania, Transylvania. Seems like those people know, they're aware of vampires, and it seems like they all kind of know, like, hey, that's where Nosferatu lives. Because even then they said, like, they're selling him a home, and I think someone is like, he doesn't leave here. This is where he lives. Like, what are you talking about? yeah Well, the the people in the like village below the castle definitely know about them. I didn't think that that was the same people crewing the boat. Like, they looked... I mean...
they looked more white, the people on on the boat. like you know i I consider ro ro Romani people to be more of- Were the vampire hunters white people? No, they were like ah native to Transylvania. They were, okay, I couldn't remember too clearly. Yeah. Yeah. so like i I think that they were maybe just- Did they look weird, wasn't white?
I don't know. To me, they, I got a, ah you know, just Hugh Jackman, they're just like fan, you know, a little fan service. I got a vibe that they were all like, well, and I don't know if he he actually ah did this, but hopefully modern movies when depicting those kind of people get actual like Romani or people of that ancestry thing. I don't know. I feel like those he feels like the guy who would do that. Maybe I feel like he thought and I i feel like they just didn't put real pilgrims for the witch. Well, he should have. Yeah.
Yeah, I just feel like there's been a lot of bad depictions and like really unflattering depictions of of those kinds of people. of like ah yeah Yeah, I don't know. i i thought I thought they did a good job of showing that the the native people, the local people, you know, who live below Dracula's castle. One, they know about him. Two, they kind of know what to do with vampires. And three, they're like so much more prepared for this. Because they're playing about Garlic. Do you remember what I texted you? That was like a week ago at this point. So I would have to scroll to find it. But there's something about like.
ah something garlic, like there's a lady chanting something about like using garlic to like do something. i I missed it the first viewing, but no, yeah, you texted me a line of some. Right when I saw it in the theater, I was like, I get a text Doug to remember what it was and that was like so long ago. So so so they know they know the things to do to combat vampires. And to me, that almost felt like some kind of like,
little commentary on like, oh, these proper, upper crust European guys, like proper, quote unquote civilized society is not at all prepared for like this ancient, e like, like that they there's, there's just no, they have no mechanism for dealing with a thing like that, which is why Nosferatu or like why Orlak is just able to just do whatever he and and i I think like other vampires, there is some kind of he's psychically influencing people, right? Like, yeah like that he has some kind of hypnotism of like, like, I think that I think that is going on when Holt is in the castle. But I think whole also is compliant just because he's so fucking scared. Like, like, I think I think it seems like he is like, I want to leave, but I don't want him to do anything. Yeah. I don't know. I almost get the impression like I want to leave. I am doing everything in my power to try and leave. But there is something that isn't allowing me to physically. He is bringing myself to leave when he's in the chair. It feels like he can't get up ah out of it like he wants to. Yeah. It's like he, it looks like he's doing everything in his mind, even when he's sitting there and she's like, you know, telling him to retire for the night or whatever. And he's like, my locket, you know, it, it seems he's like just standing there and like arguing. And it's almost like he's shaking. It seems like he's like trying everything he can to physically just run, but he like can't, he's just stuck there for some reason. And then when he says my locket, it almost, he's like,
It almost seems like he's just saying it just to throw some reason out there why he can't leave. or Yeah, yeah yeah um I love that part. that That is my favorite part of the movie when we're in the... And sorry if I'm probably just going to start calling them the Dracula names. um I'll probably still say Orlok. I think Orlok's a sick name for like a vampire Count Orlok. But for everyone else,
I'm probably just going to slip up and like call Holt like Jonathan Harker or something. and ah They're the same character. and you know This is a Dracula story. oh why I don't know if Defoe actually like explains this, but why is he Orlok, but it's Nosferatu?
Nosferatu just like a legend he goes by seems to be like big use the vampire that he's so keyed into like all this ah ancient lore and mysticism of stuff that he's heard of some kind of because he's doing it after he's like saying all these like synonyms or like phrases that are meant to evoke some kind of like blood curse and so blood curse plague stuff and then he ends up at Nosferatu like i'm like does that translate to some some kind of like blood curse blood plague thing uh i mean because like a lot of you know uh even pre-brambed uh so shroker uh is um
such stoker. Vamp stoker vampire stuff is that this was, because there were a lot of different cultures have had times where like, I think vampires are killing people and it is like some kind of like disease that is maybe transmitted through blood that that's, you know, killing people. Sometimes they're found with thus less blood or or something. And so that's why they think it's like these blood demons doing it. And so I think i think he's aware of of that lore in Nosferatu as some reference to that. Or he's seen the other Nosferatu movies and he's like, this is kind of like Nosferatu.
have you ah or well so you did mention um like him you feel like he's putting this like spell on people and we talked about hope but one thing I really paid attention to this the second time around though um Lily's character like especially at the beginning she's sitting there and she's like in tears talking about this dream she had at like this wedding and everybody's dead and she was so happy but she's like saying that through tears and i'm like yeah i think whatever he's doing these people are feeling these emotions and these feelings genuinely towards it like well not gen it's like he's forcing them to feel that but they also like deep inside like
don't want to, it's almost like there's a part of them that's in a cage that's trying to break out, fit but they are just like under the spell that like, they will do this. They will feel those things, but they are a part of them unless you're like his little servant guy who's like, will now doing head deep into it like there's a part of you in a cage that's like being repressed. That's like also conflicting with this. They don't have control over their own bodies, but they are there present mentally. if She can scheme and plan for the end with Defoe, but like she has to go through with Nosferatu's plan. It's going to like play out that way. She's going to have to give in to him.
But she is also in those final moments, like playing into it because she, well, I don't know if she knows the sun's gonna, unless she's also seen Nosferatu, and she's like, i I saw how this ends, I'm gonna get him with the sun. It seems like Herndapho kind of have that conversation, like,
She's they're like, this is what's going to happen. She's like, I'm going to this is it's all going to play out like this. Well, how do we stop him? We have to burn his home so he has no place to return back to you. And because I heard the Bram Stroker thing is like the opposite where it's like they get him away from his home and it's him trying to return. But this one, they reverse it and it's holt trying to get back home.
Spoilers for Bram Stoker movie I haven't seen so I don't know if that's actually correct. But like this is reverse and it's holt trying to get back home instead of Dracula trying to get back home. but ah Yeah, it's it's a little different across across the version. like The idea like I had like, okay, so it's going to play out this way. She's in love with him. She's like, she's a part of the staging, but regardless, it's always going to play out this way. They're going to meet, like, Nosferatu is just going to get his way. He's going to have her. There's nothing that they can do about it, but they have to burn his home, make sure he has no coffin to return back to. So he's trapped when there's sunlight.
Well, but there's also the moment where it seems like he wants to dip because he like comes up from the sucking and she kind of pushes him back. I think she's like, no, no, no, no, no. yeah yeah We got to keep you here like because she's already formulated. She has ah awareness, but she's fully under his spell, though.
Right, yeah, no. it's we're we're We're saying the same thing in terms of like their bodily autonomy is taken away for for both for everyone who's ah besides his, again, I'm going to just use the drag field of names, besides his Renfield, everyone else that like comes into contact with Orlok kind of just has to submit. there's There's not really a choice of the matter. The Renfield is Holt's boss? Yes. One thing I noticed on second viewing, when Holt is going to walk in there, like Before there's any interaction, you can hear from the office, his little Renfield. I'm going to call him that now too, because I don't have another name for him, but you can hear him like maniacally laughing. Okay. before walks and I wasn't sure about that. When I, my first viewing, I was like, was he that's yeah that him, his role, a normal person in society, just that dark and twisted. That's this almost one of the scariest parts of this movie for me is that guy. because he is not being dominated and like forced to do all this for Orlok. He just, they, the way Willem Dafoe talks about it when they find like all the demonic shit in his office is like, he like basically summoned the, I mean, he didn't bring Nosfer, he like has been, Orlok's been out there, but he made contact with him because he's just into demon shit, you know? Like that he's like found a demon, was like, yo, what do you need? Got it.
yeah I do like the idea to like. Defoe for how much he knows about Nosferatu. They never like meet each other. It's not really like a concern of the movie coming face to face. I do like how I mean Defoe like doesn't actually have any like.
visual proof that this is actually happening. He's just like seeing the things around it and being like, this is no fraud. It's not till the very end where he was like, yep, I see him. Here he is. well in he' guy And he's being ah ah proactive about burning like his resting place or something. But like he's not concerned with I have to see him. I like that. He's not like I have to see the monster for myself. i I feel like I would need to rewatch the original silent version but I remember that yeah the Van Helsing character is not the one who's like like that he's destined to face off with with the vampire it's that more
ah I also just keep going with the Dracula names. It's more that Lucy has to... I mean, that's what they call her in the 70s Herzog version, because they are just using the Dracula names. they And they don't even call him Warlock in that. They are just Dracula, Dracula's castle. um So it's it was's more like that she has to be the one to like put an end to this. Yeah. And I do really just like something about a character or like a group of characters who... Fight the battle without the bad guy even knowing that they're fighting the battle and how much they're like Contributing like you know what? I mean like yeah boys had that feel for a little bit where it's like oh these guys are like not on homelanders radar and that's kind of cool well and that they can't go to even if they knew where and could find them they they can't really go toe-to-toe with ah because if they were to find him and
What would happen? He would just immediately have control over them like everyone else. like Yeah. yeah like Unless he's sleeping. But like, like he's going to just dominate you and then kill you probably. Like, I don't know. That's like his yeah his whole deal. There's just something I really like. And ah there's no attention called to it, but it does feel like a choice, whether it's from the book or it's an egg or a choice. But I do like the big separation of the what would be the Van Helsing character and Nosferatu and how it's just like,
They don't meet, Nosferatu has no idea that Defoe even orchestrated all this and like had this big of a hand and Defoe had no concern with even battling Dracula. He just was like, I'm fucking the brains. Let's just, here's what's going to happen. And then, you know, at the end I've heard people complain about like Defoe laughing maniacally.
or whatever. That's fire. I love that shit. Yeah. Like people are like, it's almost like he's laughing at Nicholas Holt. I heard like another podcast, but I was just like, you know, if I were to foe, I would kind of have to laugh at just the insanity of it all. It's like, it's an absurd scenario yeah to me. It was like,
Because when he's introduced, um now I'm blanking on the British actor's name. He was the father and the witch. He played the Green Knight and the Green Knight. He's in the first omen. Yeah, I guess he's he's going to be Galactus. um that When he talks about Willem Dafoe's character, he's like he's like this disgraced professor, basically, because he got into like alchemy and like magic basically. They brought him in to dismiss Nosferatu originally. they To like disprove that that's what's happening. um But the fact that he's now this deep and even though he doesn't come face to face, everyone's seen enough at this point. No one's questioning him. It's almost like validation of like the shit that I was like,
you know, and made to seem disreputable for is real. Like I'm I and I'm the expert on it that they needs like knowledge for it like I that that that that's like almost like a glee to the like the the the validation of like, you fuckers, I was right. Yeah, I did quite enjoy that. Yeah, as we're talking about the movie, it I'm starting to feel like more and positive about it. I wonder if I just didn't have many people to talk to. There was just something that didn't like fully, like i it didn't fulfill what I thought it would originally, but I do. I'm enjoying talking about it. I guess one thing I guess I can point to now that I'm saying this is, um, ah structure at the structure, the the,
lengths, the the obscuring of Nosferatu as much as he is obscured um in the movie. I kind of got a little tired of it, ah wow especially on like my second watch. I was like, now that I've seen it, I'm like, they really work to not show you him. And I was kind of frustrated with that on the second watch. I was like, I want to, I want to see, I want to see what you guys did. I like it scarier, not seeing them. No, I like, I like, I like the, the obscuring. I didn't find it. I found it scary the entire time at the castle, but when we leave the castle, I wanted to see him a bit more. I wanted to,
to get a bit more of him. um To me, it just enhances it because like ah he does all this stuff, all these shots where you see like shadows moving like the shadow hand that's over the city or when he's creeping into Lucy. I like that. But there are shots where it's like he's there in the room and we're just not getting it. But I'm drawing a connection between that and like that we barely see him even when he's in his physical form because he is shadow like it makes him less human to me like that if we see his because when you see him he looks like a guy who's been around for hundreds of years but you can kind of like be like oh yeah that guy was a human at some point like he just looks like a classic

Nosferatu's Themes and Character Analysis

you know like that this was like a some kind of guy who had
was a warlord in the area, uh, got a castle hunkered down and then, you know, made himself ah an immortal demon. Uh, so, but he still looks, he's not like inhuman, like the other Nosferatu's look so inhuman. And it's interesting that this one does kind of look recognizably human, even though he does look gross, especially like this shit, all the like peeling shit on his back but like he he looks the most recognizedly human but in terms of like his behavior and his motivations is like the least like uh human in a way so it's like this interesting juxtaposition that i he's just trying to get some ass man that's pretty human yeah but in the other crazy lengths for a girl
Yeah, I have just met a girl online. hes But the Dracula ones are ah like the other like Bram Stoker's Dracula, if the Herzog Nosferatu is explicitly like this woman is the reincarnation of the woman he loved when he was human. And that's why he needs to get to her. And he's so lonely and sad. And like this one,
he just wants to dominate and rape people because he can he's a rapist like this and that this makes it very clear of like not just the blood sucking stuff because I would count he's like It feels sexual when he's draining Holt. So he like rapes Holt. He rapes everyone that he's, he's drain is so upsetting. And I really did appreciate that they went there. I can't think of, uh, any vampire movie that makes blood sucking, like upsetting and yeah in this way. I really appreciated Eggers for that. and then I don't know. He was like someone who just went through something so dramatic, like it would make sense.
I can't tell if Holt is under some kind of spell or not. After he leaves. After the castle? After the castle? I think he just has PTSD. He has PTSD and then maybe some kind of insecurity. As he got away, there was some spell he was able to break out of. I think I think the longer he got away from it, the less under a spell because initially when he like jumps out and then is like because he leaves the village before they say he's finished healing. So I I i read that is like he's still under some kind of influence. They didn't properly like heal him and break that. But then over time, it kind of just like withered away um because like in the Herzog one, spoilers for that.
Or like just straight up turns him like he be he becomes he's like a vampire at the end So like I wasn't sure if that's where we were heading of like when he's like ah like, you know, he seems like something's going on. But I also think it's like one the PTSD from being raped. And then also, there's some kind of insecurity because he announces or like announces his intention that he's going after his wife. And then he even says something of like, well, you can never have the kind of love that I and her have. And he's like,
Basically, like, I don't care. Like, I don't care about that. Like, that he doesn't see. He's like, I'm not in this for love. Like, I am an appetite. I am like the manifestation of unchecked desire. And like that I'm just going to dominate your wife. Like, like that the then's only her because she called to him or she called out to anybody and he just answered the call. So it was almost like she unintentionally opened up herself to his spell.
Well, ah like Willem Dafoe says it as like because she seems like she's like so psychically, she's force sensitive. Basically, he says that she's like off the charts, like maybe higher than Anakin's. But like that that she's because she's so in touch in tune with all that stuff, her crying out and just what should have been just like a normal Just one of your normal agonizing prayers where you're yelling at the sky for someone to to help help you or like make contact. But like when the she so was not expecting that kind of response, but she was desperate and calling out for something. And I think that is like to be like, well, now she's like blaming herself because she's like so does straight up say like this is all these people are dying and all this is happening because of I called out like I did this.
and wouldn't his friend have went to another girl if she didn't do it? What would he be doing if she never called out? I was i was thinking about that. like Is his normal emo, chill at the castle, maybe come down, sweep up a ah villager, kill, drain them, because I don't know how often like How often do vampires need to feed? Like even maybe trying to leave for a while. And I don't know if maybe he has connections with multiple women or maybe it maybe it is hard for him to reach out past where he is. And then she opened herself up and he was and that was he found he was like, he's like, finally, I caught something. He's like tuning. It's like in a post apocalypse movie where someone's tuning a radio trying to like, I need to signal someone. ah And then he found like, oh,
I found someone. It seems like it's kind of like that. And then he's like, okay, well now I need, then that's why he didn't go there immediately. He's like, I need like ways to get there. I need a house once I get there. Yeah. He's like, I need to get it all set up. Yeah. He needs a place for his coffin for the sun. He was, and it took him like, but I need a real estate agent, like all of this stuff. And eventually everything got put in place and he was like, all right, I'm on my way. It's all coming. and It's all coming together.
and yeah And then in his idea, he was like, finally, I crossed the ocean. Now I can just do my thing where everybody else is. And I can have all people. And I wonder if maybe he was, I wonder, do you think he was like, okay, this is my woman, my days of raping are over. You know, I can put that life behind me. Or do you think he was like, I'm just gonna do my shit throughout the whole world now. Or maybe he's like,
The world is mine. I bring the plague and it's just me and my wife and it's just us two forever. I think until the end of time, by his very nature of needing to dominate everyone and everything, he would still be doing some raping, but he's just like killed everyone past that. How does he he stop her from getting the plague? Like, can he?
turn people. They don't really clarify if this Nosferatu, this Dracula, whatever, can turn people because Holt doesn't get turned. No, he's like under some influence for a while, but then like I don't think I mean, we don't see it. So we don't know if you see other vampires.
No, there's no other vampire. Oh, wait, there are other vampire. Yeah. So so and I'm like, are those people he turned? I mean, they don't spell it out or get into it. So like, I am just a different thing that doesn't turn people. and Now they're near extinction or something.
Right I do like Nosferatu or Orlok calling them like their ways like depraved or something Yeah, like as they were Holt starts asking him about like the hunting and the ritual they do and he was Nosferatu's got harsh opinions on the way they behave and them killing his people. I find that kind of funny. He sees them as so much lesser. I mean, I think he sees all humans as beneath him, and that's why he feels entitled to dominate and have his way. But he's especially the villagers of like, he's just like these backwater Hicks, these fuck like they were. Yeah, they know nothing. He considers them hunting vampires to be animalistic and demented, basically.
And probably a little bit in the back of his mind, like, fuck, they should stop hunting vampires. I'm a vampire. yeah Like they they they might come after me soon. So cut that out. um Yeah, I don't know. The more we talk about it, I am ah more excited to watch this again. I think for me, the thing that works the most is the just like, ah like,
No one ever says vampire, right? And so it's that he I'm not sure. I can't remember. I think they might in the village. I know I might be bringing my own knowledge of vampire stories to this and being like, oh, these are vampires. And I just assumed someone said it. But for some reason, I have the feeling the word vampire was said maybe in another language or something um when around the time of Holt arriving and right all of this stuff. i could be right I would need to rewatch. Yeah, because i'm I'm curious if anyone says that, but I do want to rewatch this too. I don't like.
I feel like I'm coming off as not liking it as much. I just... I don't know what I... I don't know. No, you you said it was... It's like, I'm mixed, I guess. Yeah. Well, there's nothing wrong with being that way, but sometimes you're not sure... I'm not sure Eggers is sad. I don't want to burn this bridge, man. You were so close before. I know. You've been with me this whole journey and now this is where I start sending him death threats on Twitter.
I can't. Why did he do that? Why are you making me do this? i You're making me do this. Yeah. ah The thing that I really like the most about this movie, besides that ah Orlock is so unsympathetic and is just an evil monster, is that yeah, they're doing it through the lens of like it.
even if they do call them a vampire in the village, it's through the cinematic language and like the kind of, I guess, tropes we would expect from a demonic possession movie. Because that's like how she's acting when she's like writhing. and so like Oh, that was so him choking her at the beginning and then cut to her writhing and nothing's there. That's like, that's so what a way to start a movie.
Yeah, I almost I know I like walked in a little late the first time we saw it. I forgot why. i Oh, I had to like run to the bathroom real quick. Oh, right. right I like walked in as like Nosferatu was speaking. So I like almost missed that. And then the second time I went to see I almost did the same thing again. And I was like, wait, no need to see this. Go to the bathroom.
10 minutes into the movie. I've already seen it. I almost left at like the same point because I'm like, I got a P and I'm like, wait, why would I do this again? Why would I make the same mistake again?
Yeah, the first time it wasn't a mistake. I would rather maybe slightly miss the beginning than miss like a chunk. No, that's the best time to do the bathroom thing. I feel like because the more you wait, there's not going to be a like a ah there's no good time to leave. But like, yeah, it's probably better to do it sooner. But it is such an effective opening. I mean, it sets up. I feel like the all the themes and mission statement of this movie ah because like, yeah, she calls out and is blaming herself, but this is kind of a story about, I mean, they don't give a specific age, but I'm pretty sure we're meant to that she's a teenager ah in this. And like, so this is like about, I don't know how long that is before she married Holt, that she married Holt as a teenager.
I mean, that happened back then, so maybe. ah But that this is a movie about grooming and rape, and that's what he's been doing to her. And that's what demonic possession, like demonic possession is like your bodily autonomy is taken from you. Like like some, I like when movies about demons kind of lean into this idea, like the original Evil Dead kind of is basically like, showing that parallel of like, this is like, your body's not your own anymore. Like, you have no say in this. No, it's for out to you. He's a lot like a funnier Crystalea. If you really think about it. ah Allegedly. Allegedly for Orlok, not Crystalea. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
oh good um just But but no, I think that's such an inch like for for me, it feels fresh for not just a vampire take, but then also when demon things do this for I was starting to watch the Exorcist TV show. Everyone I still got finished the first season, but I'd hardly recommend even if you're like, how, why, how and why would they make a show that it's like, no, it's actually good. But that also depicts the process of like,
a demon approaching and buttering up a young woman before possessing her. I mean, this is kind of in the original movie too, but not as overt, but he is talking to her before, whatever, Pazuzu, before it like takes over her ah and is like forming some kind of bond with her. It's like grooming, but like, and and possessing her is the total removal of yeah of your ah autonomy. So like, I, yeah, I just, I just think that's,
That's that's such an interesting way that Eggers chose to like frame this and like explore the evil of this this this monster in that way because like he is just taking away anyone's will or same matter in ah in a way that like in real life and abusive relationships are grooming i feel like there is probably the little bit of a thing where you start to be like is this my fault that i bring this on and then people know who are being abused you know can start to conflate like well then no this is love or something you know cuz like that does.
That's how we make sense of things in like, I don't know, like hate and love are such interconnected, like emotions. And that i I think that that movie, the movie's like exploring those blurred lines of she thinks of like shit.
Did I make this happen? And that like, then like he is physically making her feel pleasure, which like is more confusing then because she didn't, you know, this is not even if she called to him, it's not consensual. And that if only if you didn't want love, you know.
Yeah, but that that's like, she's like, ah, this is my fault. And that's like what happens in real abusive relationships. Like people start blaming themselves or the being like, yeah, wait, do I love him or something?
And does the movie, I would be interested to see what the three are cut. I assume we're with her more like. That's what I would hope for. I know I said that I think in the pre-spoiler section, but that was the thing I think the movie was lacking with. It seemed like she should have been in it way more, especially for how much I was hearing people talk about like.
Her performance. like She's not really in it a whole lot. And when she is, she gets a lot of time to shine. But I'm like, I wish she was just more of a character like there. She she's cutting. a It's cutting around a lot to all the different characters. And I do like that we're getting like on multiple fronts, especially like the kind of baton pass of like but Aaron Taylor Johnson is more of a presence than she is. um for certain parts. I thought that it was going to be fully like ah she was going to be the lead when it was the torch pass on from Holt basically. I like once he like is fleeing the castle gets out I thought it would be fully her and instead is like we're still kind of cutting around between one checking back in with Holt and then also then we gotta
You know, see Aaron Taylor Johnson, then we got to get to the foe. I mean, I do like thought and Johnson media talking with the one guy who gets them to Defoe and then Lily gets involved again. Then she's just out and we're back with the three dudes and then Holt comes back, you know.
It's almost the... It's like the or patriarchy. Well, Orlok took away her autonomy. movie And it's almost like the movie itself is taking away, like, I mean, because she is bedridden for a lot of part because when she's starting to writhe and then, you know, the family she's staying with sees this, they're like, well, this is a serious, some kind of psychosomatic medical issue. And then they're just drugging her to put her to sleep.
like they don't know what's going on with her. And like, they stop buggging her when defoe comes in he's like, yeah, no, she can't, we need to be able to have some, uh, line of communication to, or ah whatever is, you know, affecting her. So we can't, we can't be, be, be drugging her. But until he shows up, what the,
person who's closest to understanding what this thing is, that they're just like, I don't know, she's like going fucking nuts, like a doper up like she needs to sleep. um And that kind of like the exorcist when there's all so much time is spent, you don't the actual exorcism time in the exorcist is not that much. ah It's like,
really mostly ah initially about a mother trying to find out what's wrong with her daughter and like trying going through all this medical rigmarole doing all these tests in hospitals and like that's what like the people around Ellen, I think is the actual name and knows her name. I kept calling her Lucy Harker, but like ah that that's what they because she's she does try to articulate some point. Like there's something in like, you know, I called out to and it's it's been with me since I was young and it's like just taking over me like I'm it's that like this is something this is another thing. And like they're now they're like, well, she's going crazy. yeah They don't believe her. Holt is like, don't tell anybody this.
He looks so disturbed when she's like talking about the vision she has. He's like, holy shit, lady. I'm under the impression she held off until that very moment. i don't and She's told him about this before. Pretty heavy. And he was like, don't tell anyone this. I'm going to go. I have a work thing. Yeah. I got to go do something completely unrelated to what you were talking about. And then also we're not bringing this up anywhere ever again. Yeah. Keep this to yourself. Yeah. Um, yeah, no, I got that impression too, that like, and like, there probably was part of her that maybe she did quite, you know, if yeah also in demonic possession movies, people start questioning their sanity of like, is this happening to me? You know, so like she probably avoided bringing it up because she's like, I'm going to sound fucking crazy. Like, and that's what happens is that they think that she's crazy.
Yeah. What do you think about Aaron Taylor Johnson climbing in? with the coffin of his wife and dead kids. The did the kids getting murked was like, I was like, I'm not surprised that Eggers would, I mean, a baby gets killed in the witch that, spoilers for the opening five minutes of the witch, but like, ah you don't see it. You see like a witch, you know, mixing up its guts and remains. You see that, we don't see the actual killing. I mean, it wasn't very upsetting.
dumb That's so upsetting in the beginning of The Witch, but then- Let's try to just toss the body off one of them. The mom's coming in, like he's pretty much finished feeding. like We're post feeding, the kids are dead, and then he just takes the mom too. Yeah, he found out that kids don't have a lot of blood. he's like He's like, oh, I need two of them. It's whenever, you know, those Capri Suns, like packets you get, you always want there to be more. See, usually he doesn't go for kids, but they were on each other's shoulders wearing a trench coat. So I thought it was one person. Yeah. And then he's like, oh, there's two of you. Well, two means more blood, right? And then no, he just like goes through it so quick. He's like the one person. Yeah. Like almost less than a person. Like, yeah.
That is like super fucking upsetting. Yeah. And to me, it's upsetting. and It's all because fucking Lily had just this way. You don't let friends stay at your place.
you know Bad house guests. Yeah, it's about it's about yeah, that's what the movies really about Yeah, she's a bad house guest and holds a bad house guest in Orlax Castle He kept trying he just got there and he's like trying to leave and he's like, so you know like dude like mind your manners this is an important client yeah i do really like how uh she rejects him and then he was like ah you have one three nights and then it's a day two and there's caskets in the streets and like half of everybody's just dead basically i'm like
dude works fast it works fast and so that too like we were pondering i think he does have direct control over the plague and the rats and like just like the way he can influence humans maybe he can like control the rats and then the spread of the thing i would almost like it a little bit more if it was kind of like godzilla and it's just like He didn't intend for the play, it just kind of follows him. It just comes with him. Yeah, he just didn't intend, like... That's kind of... It's not like a maniacal thing he controls, it's just a thing that happens when he's near, and he doesn't even acknowledge it, really. Right. It's just what he brings with him. I have to rewatch the silent one, but I feel like that's the vibe of the other ones, like, is he just comes off the boat and these rats, these plague rats are... are there and he's if he is aware of them that he's not like you know consciously doing anything they're just there but the Herzog one I really like has this like apocalyptic vibe is like it's not as like quite
quick expedited. It's like, we're just, we don't know how much time is elapsing because there's not like, oh, three days, but you just keep seeing less and less people in the streets, more of a procession. And then there's like

City as a Character in Nosferatu?

the people who are remaining having just a big fucking banquet because there's almost this energy of like, well, if we're fucking dying, we're going to like party. Like they're getting drunk. They're having like a feast. It like feels like the end times that they're like, okay, well, this is the end of the world.
I like that. I do. ah The like city as a whole isn't really much of a ah character. No, we're way more focused like on just the... it's It's very intimately focused on, these are the people we're following. I was kind of hoping we would have more... like Depravity in the streets I mean cuz when the the trailer and then even the shots in this where his hands gliding over the sea I'm like, oh this city is full I was kind of hoping to see a little bit more of that like the caskets and ah in the streets and everything are a nice touch and But um yeah i I know this is going to be weird. I was kind of hoping to see like suffering like, oh, my God, like he this is so terrible for these people who have nothing to do with this. Right. But it's pretty it's kept pretty.
In the background right there to the what's in the forefront the. We have to figure out what's going on with lily bro step we have to figure out you know what's going on here my kids are sick we have to kill no sprout it's like.
that maybe in the three hour cut, there was more focus on the people. That's what I was wondering. But it also could just be it because like I understand why he would want to make that choice to make it focused on our characters. And I like kind of just want to see the scope of this thing really take hold. That's kind of what I want out of like. ah You know, it's, it gets me excited. Like, what is smile three going to be? You know, this, like, I want to see Nosferatu's like the effect. He's really, really happy. I want to see that too, but I'm, I just don't know. Like, is that in the three hour cut or was that just a choice from the get go of like, no, we're staying in it with. Yeah. Hard to tell cause he, was there more boat stuff? Was there more people stuff? Was there more Lily Rose depth stuff? Maybe it's just like,
Well, I've only seen the director's cut of Doctor Sleep. So like it I've had in the way people explain to me like what is and isn't there. It just sounds like all the scenes have just have more breathing room. So like so maybe that's the thing. And there's not just like one element that's really expanded that it's kind of just like everything's kind of just like a little more can take its time. It's either

Director's Cuts and Film Commentary

stuff like that or it's like an apocalypse now where it's like there's a 20 minute sequence that fully got cut.
Yes. yeah they That would be cool. like And especially if it was focusing on like the civilian pop population of like and then how this like plague is. i don't know it big i'm i mean I don't know if it's been said that if that's getting released, but just release it release all cuts of all even the assembly cuts when they're when they're working on the editing process before the final cut just release i mean we got the assembly cut of alien 3 so like yeah come on come on just give us the fucking all the cuts yeah now i would be fine with the extended director's cut of this ah more so than like
a longer Napoleon or a longer Killers of the Flower Moon, like I had heard discussed. I don't know. Was there a longer kill? I know Napoleon was. I sound like I heard that, but then I can't tell if maybe I conflated two separate things. I think they said that they filmed a lot. I think there was more that they had filmed, but I don't think like the editing had always been like, this is the this is like the version. There was never like, oh, I wanted that stuff and I had to cut it.
And then Napoleon was also Apple TV, so I don't know if I was mixing them up, but for some reason I thought there was like a four hour Killers of the Flower Moon, like that was in talks. I feel like there was an article talking about like,
that I, oh, and now I'm kind of remembering like, wasn't there some kind of title that like, yeah, four hour kills the far moon cut, but then the actual article is like, yeah, that was like basically the assembly cut before they like whittled it down. But that's like, not really a director's cut, that's just like where you're starting from to be like, okay, here's the editor gives to the director, like, this is what I what we have. And then then they start working towards the final cut from there, like that, that I don't think it was ever intended, like, Scorsese doesn't do directors cuts really, probably because he has like, the best editor of all time, Thelma Schoonmaker, or however you say her name, like,
Those movies are like fucking watch casino. That's like the best edited movie ever. It feels like a movie long montage. And that's a three hour movie, but it's just like just fucking goes. Yeah. Yeah. Now you said that I can't really think of any time Scorsese got a director's cut. He's never really needed it. But um I wish there was a director's cut of Last Temptation. And it's not even like a plot thing. It's just like Jesus, Willem Dafoe Jesus just hanging out. Yeah.
But yeah, I could do with more Nosferatu. It does feel like there was something missing a little bit, but it's still ah a four out of five for me, I'd say. I'm going to eventually rewatch it. um Overall, I want to just watch the lighthouse more, if anything. like We should... We'll talk about it. I think we should figure out somewhere to slat in some some lighthouse talk and watch. When that got brought up, I was like,
I'd love to rewatch that will be a really fun movie to do a commentary to I think it could hit like drive level visually There's enough going on and then just this shit that happens and want talk about we have and write The movies just throwing fucking elbows at you and we' like really so so what So what do you think that means yeah there's Yeah, it's on a moment to moment basis that movies just fucking delivering something awesome. So ah yeah right I think that could be a good. ah
commentary. Yeah, it's hard to not put that as my favorite Eggers. It's like so like weird and unique too for how much it's delivered. It's like ah not quite as like weird enough. There's like a dog tooth, but it reminds me of like a dog tooth. and The menu where I'm like, this is like in a weird and specific, like Nick would love this type of zone, but like I don't see myself recommending it to too many people except the menu. I recommend that all the time.
Yeah, right ah menus, great. But ah do you think Nosferatu is like his most crowd pleasing, seems like a wrong word for it, but like accessible? Yeah, I think so. I mean, it seems like the way it's performing, it's doing, which is awesome, like hopefully. Nosferatu, and then the witch I would put second. I've heard people, they have their complaints about the witch. I don't see those. I think especially now, maybe around the time the witch came out, it would have been considered a bit more inaccessible, but A24 Horror,
I think has made people like able to handle things like the witch and not be bored and at least be able to have an appreciation. The detractors ah have said that like it's boring and I'm like, i if you kill a baby in the first five minutes, I don't know that I could ever call a movie boring. I'm like, we're up to the races.
Yeah, I've had ah two people like really like criticize me in my movie taste because of recommending The Witch. And I'm just like, okay, guys, they grow up. That's a situation where I will honestly say grow up. It's like, if you can't look at this and be like, this is competently made, this has like art and like, you know, like,
direction. There's so much talent on screen when you're watching The Witch. It's insane. like ah you can't I don't think you can sit there and say this is garbage or this is awful. it's seen it's like Use a little bit of critical thinking for a second and form an opinion that isn't right out of your asshole. you know I co-sign everything you just said, and the wording too.
yeah All of that was great. um Yeah, I rewatch any Eggers, basically, because in North Main, I feel like also could improve from from from on on rewatch. we Eggers is a director where I think we could get juice out of just doing a commentary on his whole filmography. It's small enough. it's Yeah, we know it's not like we're going to It's going to take up so much time. I have would be totally down to do all of them. Yeah. I think like, I mean, I haven't seen the Northman in a ah while. I only saw it the once I would save it for a commentary. I know we've got like a bunch of things on the list that we can like kind of futz with, but um we can definitely find a time to get it in there. I think I would like to do that. I think we can occasionally sprinkle some Eggers in there, maybe like take them in order if we, or hop around.
If you wanted to do the lighthouse first, I wouldn't mind, but then I i would also do release order. I don't, i but I'm not really fixed on either. I, uh, the one I'm.
the least excited to do is the witch. And that's just because I've seen the witch so many times. I've seen that maybe five or six times. I've only seen the lighthouse three times and I've only seen the North one. So I've just ended up. So should we just do the witch first to like kind of get it out of the way? I was saying I would be fine if we did it lighthouse Northman witch or like any order, but, uh,
I mean, getting it out of the way might be- Usually the least one you want to do should come first. The one you want the most should be that you've worked in towards the thing you want at the end. The one I want the most is in the middle if we do it in order, but we can like, I'm fine with doing it in order, then put the witch first and knock it out. Yeah. Yeah, I'd be done with that.
But, uh, yeah, he's just on a visual level, uh, and just our appreciation of his work. I think he's one of the few directors where we could reasonably just be like, he always gets a commentary. yeah I mean, we're, deaf there's not a movie coming out of his that we're not going to cover. Like Eggers, R.E. Esther might be just like too long to reasonably do commentaries, but like Jordan Peele is someone else I would put on there. I'm trying to think of non-horror directors, but it's kind of hard who like,
have all like commentary with the bangers discussions on Aster, but actual commentary seems like punishing possibly. I mean, I brought up the Midsomer Directors cut the three and a half hour one hour, however long it is doing a commentary on that only because you can't watch it digitally. But then that almost seems like we're hurting people. If you guys actually start subscribing to the Patreon,
and like want that. We'll do it, but you got to pay. for like ah Help us out with these five star reviews, you know, like start putting what you want. Give us, give us something. What we you want in the reviews and, uh, and in a five star review, and we can start delivering like main feeds that way too. Um, cause those five star reviews help you get on like the charts and like help you get up as like a suggested podcast when people are looking up stuff. And the more we grow, you guys are growing with us, especially the ones have been here since the beginning. I mean, more new people, once you've been here since the beginning, if the, the, the more access that other people have on here, I feel like that's just better for everything. Cause then as we grow as a podcast.
Covering other, more extra stuff that might not already be on the schedule might be kind of easier to figure, you know, like, I don't know, like once a day. And by that, I mean like, once they actually have like a bunny and get like a studio or something, like it's easier to justify putting the time in when we have like that level of stuff.
Yeah. And, you know, and the more we grow, that it's just when you get more of a reception, if we're getting like comments or emails or like messages on social media, motivation like, yeah, it is kind of like more of a motivation to do this, like more than a couple of times a week. It's like, what's my motivation here? We love doing this and but but but for the that extra stuff. We get the downloads. I guess we just want more engagement.
I, yeah, I would just, I, for, for, for the extra stuff like that, like I, if you guys are engaging and we know there's a demand for it, that's the thing that's it. Like if, if, cause that's what that will tell us if you're engaging more, it's like, Oh, so you guys want more? Like, uh,
If you guys don't want an Eggers commentary, if you're like, we would actually want like a Boondock Saints commentary. You know, I fucking hate that movie, but it's like, we'll do the Eggers and we'll do a Boondock Saint commentary then. we'll do a scratch own inch and we'll scratch ear We'll do it for you guys. That's how much we love you. yeah we we We do it because we care. movie that i liked and then said I didn't like it, but I don't know. I hope we don't do anything boondocks, saints related. I will fight against that act. duffy mini The two movies he's done, right? He hasn't done any other films. I have no idea. I think he's allowed to make film people because people saw boondocks. He's a criminal now. I don't know. I don't want to.
talk on my, it's like, he could be in some trouble for something, for Maine, but not. Yeah, Congress had to put an end to it, they're like, no more. They put out like a bounty, like the law doesn't even work like that anymore, but you know how there's like an Old West bounty system of like, it's just a wanted picture of someone. log The bounty hunter goes and gets them. But this is like, like the Old West rules, you could shoot on sight. It's like wanted, dead or alive. Troy Duff.
Oh, Troy Duffy, if you're a listener, write five stars and reach out and then maybe we'll cover. Oh, so you want a commentary on your movies and we'll come on the pot. Oh, yeah.
um Should we wrap up the notes for our two end of things? ah We'd covered it a lot more than I actually expected us to cover. Like once it we started going with it, it like, i yeah, I liked the flow we had going in there. But I feel like I've, I mean, until I rewatch it, because like, again, that was like two weeks ago when i so when I saw this. So I would like to be, ah you know, I don't know if down the line we're covering some other ah Dracula or vampire things. And I've rewatched it by then, you know, I might have more things to say or something, but like, I think for now, I think we could pretty much cover it. Yeah, I think. Well, uh, yeah, I think that's about it. You want to take a break and then hop into our review of The Damned? yep Yeah. Yeah.
The damn, I don't know, there's no R I can roll to imitate Nosferatu. And it at two hours, ra to this is, this is a proper, well, I guess we haven't seen the Brutalist yet, but the intermission is probably the two hour mark, right? Like, I don't know. Or if there's a stopping point, there's a dramatic moment right at two in, and then, you know, you get the other two hours. ah Hopefully it's a bump, bump, bump. And then it goes to black and it says intermission. There's a countdown on the screen. You and Brody's eyes are like all white. There's like freezes on that frame. I know the face I made isn't good for a podcast, but no, he did the best Adrian Brody face you've ever seen. So just that's, that's what I want you to picture. My face. Now imagine that face doing an Adrian Brody face.
And that pretty sells. So what I'm saying is like this episode is going to be our brutalist because like we're but we have the intermission and then, you know, you get you get your snacks, you know, get get your drink or.
And then we go two hours on the dam. but i don't I mean, I'm not going to anticipate what how much I got to go. I don't think that's going to be a two hour other thing. So maybe this isn't the brutalist. Yeah. Should we just announce spoilers for the damned right now? And when we get back, we're just spoiler free. We we we could start in spoilers. that sure Yeah. We'll start in spoilers. People don't need our initial thoughts, right? Go see the damned.
it's It's a good time. Yeah. I mean, I have

Transition to The Damned

some things that I want to talk through and like figure out, uh, how I feel about, but like, if you want a good spooky time, it feels like a spooky bedtime store. Uh, like, like, like, I mean, not a bedtime story, but like, like a scary story that's kind of like,
an urban legend. That's what I'm that well what i'm thinking of. Like yeah of something that you've like heard of. And then someone sits down at like a campfire and they're like, you you've heard about the dam. I was going to say, as you were like talking about, I was like, it does feel like I have a campfire story feel to it. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good, ah a good way of of putting it. I am a bit more conflicted on the dam. I, I, I really,
This is one we really need to get into spoilers for. I think, uh, I'm going to, uh, I don't know. I don't know how I feel. Yeah. Well, get into it after the intermission. um bomb ah
what's up guys we're back weeks later I don't why am I out of breath like I'm a little sweaty and out of breath. Like I just like ran here. That was cause you were watching cops. That too. I mean, I was watching cops while I run because I can do that. I'm, I just have the cops app.
i Just use that while I run. Nice. Um, this is our spoiler section for the damned. I think let's just go spoilers at the end of the last one time has passed guys. Things are changed. The world has changed. It's like a Richard Linklater experiment. We're doing to quote Michael Keaton from the trailer of Spider-Man homecoming and probably the movie, but I don't remember when he said it. The world is changing with Michael Keaton's and the Spider-Man movie.
as Batman. I thought he was just in a Morbius movie. As Batman. Good for him. Because of the multiverse. Because Morbius is a Batman. I get it. It was bad. A little stoner humor. fucking fan me um You've seen ah that Dave Chappelle movie. I can't remember half baked. Was that a joke from half baked? Oh, okay. I'm not, I'm not typically a fan of stoner comedy. So it really depends. It's just like, so not my thing, which is weird. Cause I've been told I come off like I'm just perpetually like stoned or something, but no, I'm just hanging out, having a fun time.
I'm happy to be here. everyone Everyone's having a good time inside. I'm just doing right now. Okay. Inside. I'm just clinically depressed, but, uh, happy to be here. Yeah. I'm happy to be here too.
for the damned review. For the damned, a movie that we saw and are now talking about. Really been kicking. The Nosferatu damned can, then the sidewalk. I i think that made for, cause we were worried for Nosferatu of like, man, it was so long ago. Are we going to even have anything thing? And then we went two hours. We're not going to go two hours on the dam, but. We did go two hours. Fuck. I forgot about that. Do you think any of that's good?
I think it's going to be great. Really? I was going to ask today if you wanted to rerecord Nosferatu, then you pitched a commentary. No, no, no, no, no. We keep it. We keep it in and double it. I think, I think I liked what we, where we went with that. Yeah.
I mean, there's like stuff that I forgot to bring up, but I'm like, whatever, next vampire movie or next time they remake Nosferatu, I'll get around to it. Yeah, there's stuff I forgot to you, but we don't have to rehash that. We're going to watch the damned trailer right now, guys, the official trailer. Yeah. Just one for just this episode. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this episode, we watched the Nosferatu trailer and I think this also will help us kind of refresh a little bit. And for what I remember,
It's just a good trailer. Like it was like one of the first, not the first week, cause I knew about other movies coming out this year I wanted to see, but this was like literally the first going to be the first movie out this year that I was like, Oh, I should see this. We should cover this. crazy Um,
I'm gonna say cuz we are in the spoiler section, right? Yeah, we're we're we're we're gonna yeah we're gonna play the trailer we'll talk through it, but let's just say Spoilers from the top if you if it's playing near you and you're want like a kind of moody spooky cold Movie, uh, check it out. I mean, it's not perfect. We're gonna talk through its flaws But I think there's some good stuff there. I don't know. I am gonna say I I think I like the trailer more than the movie. I... My imagination made this movie out to be something that I thought was gonna be different, and I kind of want to see the movie that was in my head now. Yeah, I mean that can happen. It's a movie that hasn't been done conceptually from what I know, and I'm gonna write it down.
Well, we'll talk about it. I'm not going to say that, Mike. I think I'm going to avoid saying what I thought the movie was going to be. Okay, because I think for me, I think the movie is doing a lot of the vibe of this trailer, but let's watch. No, but just conceptually, I thought it was going to be something else, and it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. So I'm like, I'm going to take what I thought it was going to be for myself.
Uh, it wasn't too far from what I thought based on this. Yeah. So, well, yeah, let's, let's so straight do it. Were you going to do a countdown? Uh, three, two, one play. I don't know if you wanted to sync it up. Yeah. Well, if, for those at home who like to follow along, I've seen this actress in something. Okay. The acting MVP, I don't know. I need to rewatch it to like,
comprehensively ranked performances, but the old lady might be the best actor or the best performance, at least. I also do like what was Helga. Yeah, Helga. Yeah. I love the fucking beard dude who died. The helmsman. yeah Yeah, because he his vibe was I've seen that actor and definitely and in stuff. His vibe was great. I think his his character's name is as Ragnar, but like he the way he's he's he's introduced in a really compelling way, in a way that I thought, oh, is he going to continually kind of be a foil for, but he's not just like a one-dimensional asshole because like you understand what he's saying when from his point of view. um Because so much of this movie comes down to like a decision is made and
uh you know she's given some counsel on like what to do about this decision but ultimately it's her call and i don't know i guess we already said spoil she probably made the wrong decision in with regards to the you know the boat right it it was yeah i mean But what do you do also? Because like that's an ah it's a good moral dilemma because I was thinking through it in terms of like this is just a really small fishing outpost. They probably don't they probably they even said at the beginning they barely have enough to feed the people who are already there. And then there's like Houston like maybe yeah that is so difficult. Well because at first I was like
Well, they're goners and like you're just gonna get yourself but yourel was like killed going out there trying to save them. But um I mean, if you know that you can save them, if you know that they're alive, fuck, that does that just complicates it so much. I feel like you morally you have to do it, but you are kind of dooming yourself to starvation.
Right, and but then also it's extra fucked because... Yeah, good trailer. So we're already in the in the talk and talking about the the the thing that that jumps it off because she decides, no, we need to, I do like that they, like, I guess it's just cause her husband died and he owned the boat. So she

Moral Dilemmas in The Damned

she basically calls the shots now of like what what what what their move is. And you know, I like that all the men, and this is going to sound so stupid, I can already tell, but I like that they were all like,
Super respectful of her fucking like There was never like a moment of tension like oh are one of these guys like kind of hurt her or something even when uh You know she starts seeing stuff and in winging out I thought there'd be the part where we have to go through like a almost a whole act of the movie where they're like well She's fucking nuts. I mean there is like a tension where one guy comes up and is like this is your fault, but like that He always apologizes later next to yeah like turns back around, he's like, I'm sorry, I should have said that. That was rude of me. You know, yeah I was complicit in it too. I don't agree with what you did, but it's not all your fault. It's all of our faults. Which was like pretty mature of him to be like, you like oh, okay.
It's like, wow, I i did really like that, actually. I forgot about that. Because that that goes against all the expectations of like the conflicts that these movies ah have to feel like they have to make up to like make the thing interesting. And it's like, no, there's already, I feel like, enough going on in terms of like her dealing with like the guilt of this and then the fallout of that.
um Yeah, it's interesting because she so she says, no, we're not getting them. But then she go back to try and steal their food. They're like, they might have supplies because some shit washes ashore. There's like a barrel of stuff or something. It's like oil that that's dark for me. It wasn't there was meat in there. I thought, oh, they get the oil after they go when they like fought go and find them. And then I think the the oils, they do find some oil because I think that's when I walked out of the theater.
Okay. I don't remember any oil. Um, they think that's when I went to go get security. It's when they come back after they've killed. out of ah yeah we Check out the first part in our nose Friday reveal. I mean, that's why this is times blending together, man.
But when when they come back from after the you know, they went there and and everyone from the other ship died They came back and like we got some there was no food. They're like, well, we got some oil from there So it's kind of like this like thing of like, well, they didn't come back empty handed, but they may as, I mean, I mean, i you need oil to make fire, I guess, but like, it's like almost like they're immediately getting. Carmeled like, like that. That's like, you thought you were going to like strip these guys like vultures, huh? Like you're going to get their food. No, is that's what like.
When ah she tells them, like, no, were we we can't help them, that will doom us, but we're we're not going to fish today out of respect. You know, part of me was like, that's kind of nice. That would be fucking disrespectful. If they saw you they just saw you fishing, if they could see you fishing while they were driving. Those guys fishing over there? Hey! I was like, that's a classy move.
not fishing. I respect it, but then I want her to commit. I'd be like, be evil. as She does. She does something worse and she steals from them. Like after being like, we're respectful, but, and you know, I get it. If they're dead, you know,
I don't believe in their like fucking mumbo-jumbo like curses or whatever like if they're already like gone you know and there's food to be had and it wasn't your intention for them to be dead so you could steal their food it just worked out that way like why not take that food?
I mean, know that's when you're in those kind of like harsh survival conditions. Like we're making these judgments here, but I've never been in a scenario where like the stakes are like the like, like that's a level of like.
Yeah, I'm like slightly hungry now and I'm ready to drown you. I'm kidding. No, that's funny. ah I just, I can't think of another review where I brought this up, ah but I just feel like so much of morality is contextual. Like people are as good as the situation allows them to be. That's very, I like, I know I've heard that before, but God damn it, it sounds so good to hear.
but but But like they're in a shit situation. So it's like they're not even really given a good option. So they don't, you know, they take, they take a not good option, but they didn't have good options, you know?
I was like waiting like are they gonna eat somebody? It feels like the kind of movie where that or scenario or just setting where that would happen. I say like I know where it's taking place. I'm at the vibe of the setting. They're somewhere. Yeah it was snowing so it could either be Russia or Chicago.
at this time of year. I think it's a Christmas movie. So it was the North Pole that guy had a beard. So Santa dies at the beginning, which is fucked up. I'm like, wow, you're going places that even ah the rocks movie wouldn't go like that. This is like. Well, but as far as I know, Mrs. Claus is the only woman at the North Pole. Do you don't think there's female elves?
Uh, not from, maybe, I don't know. I haven't paid attention to that many- Where do you think all those elves are coming from? All of the depictions. Are there female elves in Elf? Those elves are fucking, man. Just thought they're all Will Ferrells. Well, he's the anomaly because- I really don't- I guess there are female elves. I don't know. Most of the elves I've seen are men.
Well, hmm. Says a lot about you. No, there's a lot about a lot more about, you know, society and, you know, who's making South movies. Nick's fucking sweating here. He's like, fuck, busted. I got past the buck to fucking the North Pole patriarchy because I got busted. I mean, no, I'm i'm just teasing. It's Hollywood. Talk to Dinklage. I don't know.
He keeps getting blamed for stuff. He's catching strays. He's like, Snow White, it's your fault, it's fucked up. And it's like, okay, did he make the movie? I mean, they're all CGI now, make them women. Why not, you know? Make them women. Why not women now? See, I turned it around. Make them 10 feet tall. yeah Go the other direction with it.
Like Dinklage's character in Infinity. I mean, he was taller than 10 feet tall, but like, it was like, oh, what if a dwarf was tall? ah Anyway, this is an MCU movie. No, I kinda wanna jump straight to the end because the end's the part that I've been- It might be the least MCU you movie we've covered next to like, Kill. Kill's not in the MCU. There's still at least like, ties to- Okay. So you mean it's like kind of like the eternals where it's like more like, yeah it own they're, they're not going to really reference what happened on that train and other movies. Like just you just, you did it. Yeah. Undermine me. And it's them. See you now. so Sam, Sam Wilson's going to bring up like, Hey, did you hear about all those, yeah that train massacre where like ah zillion people got burnt.
Yeah, by one guy. That guy to fight the Hulk. Oh, wait, we get nearby. I'm not going to smoke anyway. no But that pulled a fart in that guy's face. Ryan Mills cannot wait to fart in that guy's face. Yeah. OK, back to the damned. I want to seriously talk about the movie because I'm still rapping my head. Are we not talking about the movie?
I'm at the end of the movie specifically, uh, cause I think we were already in spoilers. We can, we can jump to, I mean, cause I feel like this informs the whole, it is an ending that kind of recontextualizes the movie, but I, the more I thought about it,
OK, so there was a survivor from the boat and he was on the island hiding. ah You know, it definitely can account for some of the times people heard or saw something and what happened to their food, but.
There's a lot of stuff that kind of just doesn't add up or make sense. How do they get sick? Without the supernatural. So I'm thinking the druid was real. Like there was a real druid haunting them and possessing them and making them see shit while also there was one survivor from the thing. I think both things are true. That's my read.
I like that. That was my first thought. And then the more I sat with it, I was like, I don't know if that that's what it actually is. And if I don't like it, the idea of it being the guy doing it. It didn't feel like just the just the guy. I also, I didn't like the Druigs completely. Oh, I thought it was a great monster. I was fucking shitting my pants. I think I

Supernatural Elements and Endings

yelled audibly at the screen once. I was like, ah! He's like behind her in one shot or something. Or no, it's when she's in bed and like you see his like face and it's like, ah!
there There were a couple times where where I heard you make noises because they're not really jump. I mean, there were some jump scares. There was one where she was staring at it. Then it just cuts to fire out of nowhere. And I was like, oh, that got me. I was like, is this sorcerer or just cutting the images of fire? And it was like a really loud like spike in volume. is sure I was like, oh my God, I like threw my burger in there. I should have made an I said was a source, which was it was as Oppenheimer? Because then they also do that. They just cut the fire. Did feel very Oppenheimer. Yeah. Fucking. And then it did say directed by Nolan and I was like, wow, he quick turnaround. Um, yeah, I found the drugs. Is it druid or druid?
Now I have barbled in the eternals in my brain. right Are these the droids we're looking for? Okay. Um, I'm going to confirm this real. Okay. I probably should have clarified. I just Googled the damned and it was like the damned a band, right? That's what you're looking for. so No, that's not what I'm looking for. Um,
mad dooo june
I hope you guys are diggin' this stuff, guys. Yeah, yeah, I hope it- uh- Oh! nice and same sentence Okay, it's a Draugr? A Draugr? Or Draugr? Draugr?
Draugr. Drog. Drog. Smaug. Smeg. Drog. So yeah, it's just like a Norse. Ooh, this picture on the Wikipedia is kind of cool. Uh, almost wish it looked. I honestly like the way it's depicted because it like, and just like it's whole vibe because like, one, I'm not familiar with this mythology. Norse mythology. I pretty much know what's in the Thor movies and what's in the first got a big hammer and his brother sucks. Yeah. Ed's got an eye patch. I'm, I'm, I'm making myself sound dumb at a place. I'm making myself sound dumber. I know some North stuff was there. He was there. That's in the old, that's like the original mythology. Um, but I definitely have no of other cultures that have this idea of like, it's almost like,
a liminal space between a zombie and a ghost because before we know that that missing body was the survivor, uh, is that you're like, Oh, so this is a physical thing. But then the way it's haunting them, like, cause she's like the old woman was like, it, you know, makes you see things that comes in your dreams. And that's when you know you're fucked. And so it's like, but it's also kind of Freddy. It's a, it's a, it's a ghost too. What do you mean the missing body was a survivor though?
Isn't that what we're supposed to believe by the end reveal that that body from the coffin is, was that guy survived? and is the i Was that not the split face thing that got out? That wasn't the split face guy? No, or maybe it was. I thought that was his coffin. It was empty. Um, okay it was the drug that they were seeing. Okay. Then maybe. So I thought the guy, like, I thought he might've said, and I don't remember how he said he like,
Got to shore. It was hard to follow the subtitles. He was like, I was off screen. I did find that in kind of like jarring. I didn't think it was going to do that at all. I thought that when she walks out. It was like so caught off guard. So I was just like, I got to read what this guy's saying. When she walks out and lights it on fire, that happens so quickly and so assuredly. Did you hear the screams? It sounded very human. I know. I was like, That's not the monster. I thought she killed those two at first. I thought she killed one of the other fishermen. That's what I assumed. Which would have been more interesting, I think. Just this complexity of there was this thing and there was a survivor. Because having him around
is you want her to have something to redirect like her like helplessness and like maybe give her some false sense of like triumph because it makes other people see because you want I'm wondering like POV when everyone else starts wigging out or they get sick and it's like possessing them They're they think they're seeing it when they're attacking other people, right? Like it yeah that's what was happening with her then. So I do think it it was both. Yeah, it feels like it's leaning towards that because it it being it doesn't make sense if it's just this one guy being the one guy just feels like bad screenwriting.
It feels like amateur hour. It would be a twist that makes no... The only things that support... I mean, you see, okay, there's the missing food and you see footprints in the snow. I think the footprints are from him, not the Draugr or whatever, because that probably doesn't need to leave footprints. That's a good catch.
Yeah, but other than that, all the other stuff leads to there's like supernatural shit, like it like everyone having there's an idea of like, yeah, you can get yourself so scared that you do start seeing things. But for everyone to have this like shared delusion like that would not work that I mean, shared delusions are a thing, but like not a folly to do if you will. ah But I'll leave that in last year because then I have about 10 years from now, if that movie's going to be a cult classic or forgotten. It's already been claimed. It's been craven. $100 if that's the case. That it will be reclaimed. That's what you're betting on. Yeah. If it'll be like some type of cult classic or celebrated in some way, or if it'll just be like completely nothing, like just forgotten.
I think it will be a cult classic. We want to get it on the bet. That's what I'm saying. You're doing a side action without me? Getting getting on this stuff. We're there at my grandma's house, man. Gotta come in next time. You guys doing bets in here? It was just a different day. Oh,
Yeah. Uh, anyway, if you want to bet, uh, send us a message. and Um, so yeah, I'm, I, because I was like on the fence of like, was it real? The Draugr was real. I'm all our Norse mythology experts are like banging their head. They're like, it's not Draugr. You guys are stupid. I guess should have wrote in before we recorded. It's all on you. You guys heard the Nosferatu episode.
It's released at the same time. And in between the second parts, you did not write us, so... Yeah, so what can we tell you? we We waited, we took the time. Whose fault is that? Yeah. Think think about your actions. girl to Grow Grow up.
so it just being this lone guy like it is i could have just done without that holy honestly kill one of the other two like is that better or is it different I don't know, it feels less jarring and like a more, like you could maybe have a more interesting ending based off of that. Well, she would have to grapple with- The cat just ends after that. It's just like, well, she lit that on fire and the dude's dead and now what? Right. Like it ends with the implication of like, it was just the guy the whole time.
Well, if, which is way less, because like that ending, if there is still a Draugr out there, then just has this connotation of like, she's like fucked, like they're all fucked still. like you should Should it feel more like the thing ending? where you I kind of would have liked it to not tipped its thumb on either because like I feel like there could have been a way where like you imply maybe there was a survivor but we never actually directly see him we don't like hear him just like have a conversation with her and like you could kind of like have a completely ambiguous ending and walk away with like
a debate on both like like if we had both like one of us was like it was real one of us is like no it was it was just a guy and like you could make the case like this the script would work on a level where it's like both kind of makes sense yeah but instead right now our thing is well which is better and which do we want it to be right now i mean If you leave anything and open to interpretation to me, I'm going to pick the more interest... like I'm like, what do I find more interesting or entertaining or what makes a better story? So it's like, if you don't want me to come to that conclusion, don't leave it up to me. I would and would need a second watch for me to definitively say, but um right now, the the more satisfying thing would be both. But I might rewatch and be like, oh, she'd left the breadcrumbs there the whole time.
But there's like, a yeah, because we don't flashback and see her like leaving the evidence of the thing. ah The thing. um Like, I feel like for me, a good example of because this is always my thing. She like the filmmaker. I just assumed that it was a female filmmaker, actually. I don't know. I think I've been, dude. um There's no picture. No house and we'll never know.
Sounds like a god. Thor. Thor, god of love? Thunder? Whatever. Chris Hemsworth? Chris Kremsworth.
There are really good movies that like do the it's both real like they're both is a supernatural thing and there's like some kind of psychosis the characters experience or at least where you can walk away with that interpretation because for me spoilers for I don't know like a 10 year old horror movie but in the Baba Duke when you learn that like she was leaving some of that stuff my takeaway wasn't that it was all fake it was that the Baba Duke had influenced her to write the book and that like like her it's almost like some kind of tulp of it like her writing that and like making her kid believe it made it more real and like because at the end it's like in their basement and they have to feed it i'm like no there's a real baba duke like that's my read from that like yes it's a metaphor for like their grief and their inability to move on and stuff and their trauma but then also as a goddamn real baba duke
I always bought that there was a real Babadook and it's like they just learn to live with it. Yeah. I mean, you can walk away from that being that it's in their head, but like I. It's more interesting to me if it's real. Man, that is a movie I have grown to dislike over time. Just from how I saw it too many times? Yeah, it's become just an annoyance at this point. It was one where I liked it at first and then it's got put on so many times. I've never seen this. You gotta see this, man. And I'm just like, I would be fine if I never see the Babadook again.
maybe like 10 years 20 years from now it's uh too much i can't think of many movies like that for me honestly because sometimes i'll see something just like over it to the point where i just like don't like it anymore If I see something too many times, I don't really like turn on it. It's usually more like a, I need a break. Like give me like a good, like maybe a couple of years before I see it again. Like, cause when I first saw time crimes, I watched that movie like fucking five times within like two days. I like watched it a lot and then started showing it to everyone I could. And then it like took like a couple of years or something. And then I was like, now I can watch time crimes again. I can watch it. It actually might've just been a year. I didn't take that long of a break. Time crimes rules. Go watch time crimes.
Yeah, I watched Almost Famous fucking three times within a two-day period. I mean, people really look at me strange when I tell them I saw Infinity War ten times in theaters. I don't know, man. I think any movie, you never know. I would just think about it or talk about it casually with a friend and I would be like, I should just go see it. I'm buying my ticket, you know.
Yeah, I mean, you never know which movies are going to like stick in your in your crawl like that. The Infinity War was like such a moment in my life. I had never had that. La La Land is a close second. I saw that like four times in theaters, but that was or no, I think maybe close to six. But I kept bringing people to see that every time. Infinity

Rewatching Films and Personal Insights

War was just I mean, I would be leaving other movies and and then yeah walk into Infinity War. And I don't even count that in the 10. I think rewatching a blockbuster multiple. I don't think rewatching any movie is weird, but I also like rewatching a blockbuster multiple times in theaters like extra normal. Like I don't find that weird. I've only done it to that extent with Infinity War. I find it more weird that even though this movie played like a blockbuster, the people who like saw like Oppenheimer 20 times. Now I love that movie.
But it's a really sad movie about, you know, like it's like three hours about ah doing a genocide with a bomb. You start cheering at the after the bomb, you know, when everyone else is cheering. Yeah, at the rally. They're like, This is good. Yeah. Like I'm just, it's like, you know, when people see wicked and they just can't control themselves and they sing along to it. That's how it is when people see Oppenheimer 20 times. Like I was hearing after Japan gets bombed. I was waiting for that bomb and it delivered. Oh boy. Yeah. ah Yeah.
I haven't had a fun time. So twice at the movies, I was just like, and it was hard to get in that second viewing. It was just hard to get other people to go to a three hour movie with you.
I wish I had seen it a second time just so I mean, I've seen it a second time at home, but I wish I'd seen a second time in theaters just so I could have even better the second time in theaters. I only I didn't see it in IMAX. I only saw a fucking regular ass projection and both times. I just feel like Nolan's mad at me if I don't see his movies in IMAX. He like is just.
Just looking down at me in shame. He did tell me he was mad at you. He was there when I saw an Interstellar and IMAX. He was like, where's Doug? He's not here either. He didn't show up and I never came to show up to Interstellar. I just saw Interstellar and IMAX when it first came out. I saw that Navy Pier at Chris. But Nolan needs your money, man. He's hard up for cash. He's having a hard time.
Yeah, they don't, you know, Oscars don't come with money. Well, just the Captain Phillips guy, you know, he was like broke for a while or something. I don't know. I remember there was some anecdote that was like, yeah, he won the Oscar, but I didn't like change his life around the born director.
but Paul Greengrass? No, no, no. The guy who played the, I'm the captain now. Tom Hanks. Yeah, Tom Hanks is struggling. yeah I mean, just look at his kid. not not Not all his kids, just look at kid. You know which one I'm talking about. It's expensive affording all the blood of the those kids. I wasn't even going there. Is that a real thing people accuse him of or is that just a joke thing online? I think it's a Q and non thing that people made jokes about.
A lot of kids. Yeah. Yeah. How do you know it's a kid's blood? How do you weirdos know? It tastes different. I don't know. It could be pig blood. Pig blood would make sense. Yeah. Easily attainable. I've seen Carrie. Anyway. Where did they get that pig blood, Carrie? Oh, I guess... Never mind. I was like, don't think... You're talking to me like I've seen it.
You remember seeing Carrie? No. Oh, okay. I've seen two of the three carries. Wait, there's this, the Palma one. And the Chloe Grace Maratz one. And then what's the third one? Another one I've just seen the poster for. Was it like a TV movie?
I don't know. Um, I'll look it up real quick and then maybe we can wrap up our Damned I keep almost saying the damn things came on 2002. It's directed by David Carson starring Angela Betis Patricia Clarkson, I don't know if it's a TV movie or not um MGM television. Yeah TV movie Hmm. Interesting. Did not know about that. Anyway, it's unnecessary. It I'm like people like to sit in and call Furios unnecessary. Why don't we call that unnecessary? Yeah, TV remake of ah already adapted by De Palma Stephen King book.
And like, I'm usually pro, let's give a remake a chance even for like, especially for horror, because you could come at like the same story with very different takes, especially in like a different era or like reflecting at it on a different different lens. But like that one specifically, I'm like,
That just seems like a cash-in, like we needed ah a TV movie and this is a popular story. I don't i don't know the context in which it came. Maybe some people, there's like, you don't even know it's the best one. and is is better the That's the Carrie that everyone's actually talking about. They're talking about Carrie and, you know, like all these women talking about it was like a big part of their lives. about that The 2002 Dave.
I was a Dave car i am that dave Carson. but okay yeah So Carson Daley's. See, I got and got Mercedes a Carrie shirt for Christmas, and that's what she said. She was like, it's not the the TV adaptation. It's not the Johnny Carson. The job Dave Carson adaptation. ah Dave must be Johnny's son.
Or I don't know the family tree. thebeta betisee Dave Batista? yes during dave batista Coming soon in that not Resident Evil movie. Looked kind of fun. I hope that's good. I hope it's good. What's it called? um Not Resident Evil? Yeah.
I got it. I'll find it. From the guy who made Resident Evil, not Resident Evil. Paul W.S. Anderson. Is that like land of something? in the lost lands. Oh, okay. Um, looked fun. I thought it said a queer at first, a queen desperate to obtain the gift. I was like, well, you know, at least they're owning it. Like, right. They might be using queen though. Like, dr you know, like, oh, she's queen and, you know, yeah good point. Yeah. So we don't know. But I was like, you know, this seems like how we should be doing it. Right. You know, not pulling a Disney where it's like, it's two people holding hands.
I don't know. Yeah, I feel like sci-fi genre stuff, fantasy. Make it gay. Should be so gay. Yeah. First two words, you know, but, uh, directed by Luke, who already the whole thing. It's so long filled with names of sci-fi characters, but, uh, it looks fun. And even if it ends up being trashy, I'm probably going to see it. I got excited. I got genuinely excited. I think it's because I watched all the resident evils last year, but I was like,
I think I'm in for like WS Anderson's thing. I don't know if he does the underworld movies, if he does those. No, that's the other guy who works with his wife doing stuff. Like I kinda, I like his aesthetic kind of. Um, so yeah, I don't know. Um, I don't know if that's weird, but his aesthetic, and snyder but good. Oh,
I'm joking. There's something that's kind of nice about some of those Resident Evil movies. i need to One of them just really sucks. That's about it. And Apocalypse is boring. There's one he didn't do. Is that the one that sucks? No.
okay um There's two he didn't do. I don't think he did two or three. Oh, okay. Um, I could be wrong. He, I want to say it was two and three he didn't do, but he he wrote them. I need, I need to watch the other ones. Cause some of the clips I've seen from have like such ridiculous action. I think at the time I was just one of those guys was like, Oh, so they're not following the games plot. I who've played the games, but never beaten them because they're so scary. I'm an expert on this. So I'm, I'm judging it.
I'm gonna tell you, maybe he did do three actually, but three and four are good movies that I enjoy. I had a lot of fun with them. Four was surprisingly really good. I kind of want to rewatch four just because I forgot what happened in it. It's for the one with Wesker and then they're having like Matrix fights.
Uh, he's in a lot of them. It becomes a regular thing, but I, I just have seen a scene that's like all of them, the i but specifically like in a white room where he like throws his glasses at like, I think it was like probably 3d, like he throws his glasses at the screen or something. I don't remember. I like marathon all of those movies. They kind of all blended in for a while. I just have my letterbox ranking to go by and I know If I looked at them, I could point out like the second, the last one is where they take a trip down memory lane. That one's really bad to apocalypse. The one I liked when I was a kid is boring. The first one is kind of boring. That's one the one that lost me. was a bor But I want to go back to them before the high points. I would cover them. They're super fun. um I get one and two would probably be the biggest slog of the whole thing if we did a marathon. But um
We watch them off topic ones, but I would do the Resident and Evil franchise in a heartbeat. Those, I had a good time marathoning those last year. It was like one of the highlights of my movie watching things. I would have talked about them in our top 10 watches. I would have talked about afterlife if I didn't see that in high school. Oh, okay. For sure. Yeah. But you saw it with fresh eyes. It was like you were seeing it for noon.
Yeah, I probably could have bumped something off of that list for one of the resident evils. I maybe should have talked about that. mamo I'm talking about it here. Yeah, we're talking about it here and I'm going to see it a bit more buried.
I don't know. i Some people really

Resident Evil and Closing Remarks

look down there and I haven't seen all of them and I don't even have like a fully form. I like what I've seen from Paul, P-T-A-W-S Anderson, Wes Anderson. anderson anderton ah i I like what i've what I've seen from people have this weird like like looking down their nose at at him thinking, I'm like, i I think he's making exactly what he wants to, it's not like he's like trying to do that like some some like highfalutin' thing and is like failing to achieve that and it ends up like being that kind of action when he was like, that's what he was going for. Yeah, I just can't excuse being boring.
But no, that's especially in action movies. Action movies, I mean, that's... It surprised me how boring Apocalypse was because I really liked that one as a kid. That was my favorite as a kid. But I was like, yeah, bored out of my mind. Like I had to get through that and use it just to remember ah how it ended because I was like, how did they get from two to three? Did they get from City to Mad Max?
Right. And I haven't seen the Mad Max one, so I don't know he yet. I can't wait to find out. Yeah, it's super cool. So anyway, this is our ah Resident Evil podcast where we talk Resident Evil. No. ah Do you have any more thoughts on?
Resident Evil of the Damned. This could be like a prequel or something. I don't know. I was trying to think, how's it related to Resident Evil? It could be a, no, I'm not going to go on my tango. It won't play well for the podcast. I was going to make a bad joke, but, um, what's it called? Yeah.
I didn't think this was a bad movie. There were like, you know, issues I had with it, but ah it was a good start to the year. For me, the better first movie starts to the year. I would put it at three, three and a half stars. i think um I think I'm sitting at three and a half. My biggest thing with it, even though like I like the scary parts are really scary, I think I said in the lead up to it that this is almost has like this fable folklore vibe because they the old lady tells a story like a ghost story at the beginning and then the movie itself and the best parts is tapping into that feeling of listening to a campfire ghost story. But then there's like these weird
I don't even want to say lulls because I like when horror movies slow down and you soak in the atmosphere, but the pacing is uneven.
the it All the the best bits that I like, it's not consistently doing it. And it's not like I want chocolate cake all the time. I'm like, just give me the good stuff all the time. I'm fine with it. Like, you know, slowing down a bit so we can like set up the next thing or like, you know, do enough. I just felt like the times when we did slow down, i was I was like, so what is this for? Like, it wasn't like, I don't know, there there there could have they They could have pay either paste it or had some kind of different way to fill the time in between the like big scares or deaths. I don't know. and it's not It's not like a movie ruining thing. It's just something I...
walked away feeling about it. But I don't know, maybe I'll feel differently on rewatch because like we said earlier in this review that there was a really distracting thing. So yeah. You ah said something that um made me think about what I guess I could consider a nitpick but there's something that happens in this movie that I kind of don't always love in these folktale type of movies or whatever. There's a character singing about like a legend of something and in the lyrics they're like singing like describing what's gonna happen. They're giving you the rules in song form. and um
I kind of just don't care for that. It depends. So, like, seldom like works for me. um And it just it the movie like took a full moment to pause and really slowly. One of the characters is like,
Sing me that song that you were s singing. Sing it, boy, sing it. And then he was like, the dreadnoughts are coming for ya, you know, or something like that. I actually really liked that scene. And I was just like, oh, for fuck's sake. See, for me, that that's a good example of doing that thing because I really like that that part. I was in a fucking mood, though, so.
No, I mean, I knew what you're saying. Like, it doesn't always work. The experience happening around that. So that might have contributed. to It might have been easier for me to be frustrated at that scene. But it's also just easy to make fun of.
Oh, absolutely. Yeah. But yeah, I don't know. I kind of like the the vibe of of stuff like that. But I get what you're saying. And like sometimes movies like that can be really like on the nose on hitting you on the head with like they think that's a clever way to give you the extra position. But it's actually like more annoying.
Yeah. Sorry, I'm just laughing at the voice. The dreadnoughts are coming. The wrong voice. Please sir, may I have some more? The dreadnoughts are coming. Please sir. The red keeps are coming. The red keeps are coming. I'm so hungry. Oh, that was terrible. Terrible. I want to, I want to redeem myself. Tell me something to say.
The red capes are coming, but you have to say it like Jesse Eisenberg playing max land is playing. Oh, the red capes. Oh no. The British accent. Oh, the Wait, maybe you like suit. There should be British.
she had offereded penny lot She had a pussy the size of a tangerine. Oh, this is a family podcast. It was the size of a tangerine. Never. Well, that's it. You have to mark it explicit now. Something we've never done. Why do we follow Mr. Wayne? So we can learn the back. What does he say while he's crying?
I couldn't save you. I can't think of the actual line. I can't think of the actual line because there's a meme that's circulated a lot last year. It's the picture of him crying and the text is just, Bane is the scariest guy I've ever seen. He's pretty scary. Man, what if he killed Alfred?
i've I thought that some kind of death like that was going to happen going into them. I was like, Batman's going to die or like someone like in his like inner circle is fucking in God. I messed the of the wines for a millennia. I'm a mortal butler. Why have shoved the wines for millennia?
I am my cocaine. I can't think of any line. and She was good for you, sir. um Rachel would have wanted you to have this. She would have wanted you to stop Batmanning. I can't watch you die. I can't bury another Wayne.
And then what if in my desperation, I'm suddenly going to profile now yeah and and but initiate Butler protocol, must burn letter from childhood love. I have a dream where I say you sit eight in the penny with the Humpty Reinka. I don't know. What does he order? What does he say? he He's going to get at this French cafe. I just called it a Humpty breaker. So
With Catwoman. How many times did he go with Selena to that cat? Because like... Three. That was the third time, and then Alfred was there. Well, I think there were like three flashbacks. It's like some random woman that you don't see her face, and then it's like... It was Anne Hathaway. Yeah. No, I just meant like in the logistics... But he's not banging also. Did they have a kid?
in that movie, no. And when he actually saw them? It was just the two of them. Just the two of us. um They were singing that. No, I'm just thinking from the logistical point of view, like he runs away with Selena. They're not banging. But he's- She's bringing other dudes. He's like not having sex at all. He's getting fucking cucked and then he cries about Rachel. She tries to fuck him and he's like, Rachel dies. like God, you just won't stop talking about your ex.
Where is y'all? yeah to years show Where is she? is she? We're in the other tracks. We don't know about making a choice. They're one location, one on i avenue exit.
My dogs are hungry. I hate dogs. What does he say? Is that a bazooka? I'm not wearing hockey bats. Swear to me. Oh, my, my.
Sorry, guys, we have to get this out of our system. My volumes, but yes. you have to hear it quote fully quoting right in with your favorite uh dark knight trilogy quotes and we'll say him on mic and or not but then say say something you want us to say but as a dark knight character But you have to leave a five star review. That's the conditions. And then, you know, then then we'll talk about it. You know, I could I was about to do a bad bait. Let me let me do a good bait. Or perhaps he's wondering why you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane. That would be very painful for you. You're a big guy.
All the one liners. I'll defeat Bane with my powers, I learn from the mountains.
that's a pete holmes quote i love those videos i'm sure if i what i don't think that's nostalgia i think if i watch those today they're still funny yeah He did some X-Men ones that but lot aren't as popular, but they're pretty good that he's like Professor X auditioning X-Men and like there'll be different comedians coming in playing like the ex the Wolverine ones funny because he's like, okay, so our number one villain controls metal and what are your claws made out of?
He was like, I had a man team, which is a metal. Okay. And so Wolverines or Magneals on the other side of a bridge throwing cars around. What are you going to do? I'm going to run at him and with your metal claw.
I like that. ah Let me wrap it up here. Guys, we're about to record a commentary, if you will. It's like a tree of comments. It's a tree of comments. it's it's ah it's a Yeah, I don't know. It wasn't on something we we scheduled, but it's a movie that's ah very personal to me. And I don't know, it seemed like a good time to throw it on the schedule. So ah you'll be seeing... Actually, no, this is based on time travel. You're going to hear that before this, probably. So this is from the...
future or past, I don't know. And we have a... What is future is but now past? Yeah, this is in two timelines that are going to be surrounding Die Hard Huckabee commentary. Podcast of future past, I don't know, I was trying to just go back to X-Men, but I'm not doing it.
Damn. So yeah, um we have a title discrepancy to discuss and discrepancy might be too strong of a word, but a title thing to discuss with a our commentary coming up. So let's go away. All right. Because I want to get on mic for the actual episode. yeah yeah We can start our record for the next episode with that maybe.
yeah Yeah, let's do it. Uh, but anyway, plug, uh, plug time. You follow me at on Twitter at Doug or not underscore to, uh, the shows, uh, pages at guys got juice. I check out the, that I changed my YouTube channel right now. I can be found under the Doug or not. I might be doing some throwing some stuff out up there soon. I don't know. I have, uh, some.
I guess like video essays I want to do on certain movies. I don't know what form to like put out these things like the, I was like, should I just like write like some kind of really long letterbox review on something? I was like, nah, it doesn't feel right. I kind of want to like use, intercourse incorporate clips from the movie if I can. So I might be doing some of those within the next couple of weeks. YouTube, maybe TikTok. I don't know. I haven't like update my TikTok in so long, but It could be the final day. So now is a good time as any to get in. Uh, I think I'm also dug or not on there. Uh, don't quote me on that, but yeah, you'll find me. I don't know. There'll be links in the thing. We're in then time folks. It's all downhill from here.
You can find me on Letterbox at Nicholas Ewers. Subscribe to my YouTube channel at Nicholas Ewers. I have new music coming out soon. Keep you guys posted on that. Just got drum samples back yesterday, so fuck you things are moving. I'm Nick Ewers. I'm Doug Davenport. And we're The Sky's Got Juice. She makes me so unsure of myself.
Sorry, I forgot the song I was going to do before the dams. Uh, but basically the course of it goes, you ghost love la the la la la even though it's not really a ghost of like the drug or drug is like, it's like a ghost type thing. I don't know. Whatever.