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Mission: Impossible – The Final Reckoning Trailer Reaction image

Mission: Impossible – The Final Reckoning Trailer Reaction

These Guys Got Juice
57 Plays3 months ago

Just how final is this reckoning? Is Ilsa still alive?? We explore all these possiblities and more in our MI Trailer Reaction!!

but but boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom but
and du du du done and then and then then done and then What if the new one instead of doing the things that all instead of like you see clips from the rest of the movie during the opening it does like I don't know what would be the opposite of that. It's like clips that aren't in any of the movies that you just see. I saw the trailer to Horizon Part 2 at the beginning. but Changes the music. Dun dun dun dun dun. Dun dun dun dun dun. That's Terminator doing Terminator music. Yeah. Different drums, you know.
Terminator's paramount. They could show up together. There could be a Terminator in this final one. I mean, he's fighting AI. yeah We said it in our last episode, the 28. Just put Ethan Hunt in it. Everything should be. Why not? Why shouldn't everything have a Mission and Impossible crossover?
Like Mission Possible is the one franchise that I'm fine with them. Like all the shit that annoys me about other franchises. I'm like, really? We got to do callbacks and stuff. And and I mean, they don't really do that in in these movies, but like I'm sure this final one will have lots of cameos, but I'm fine with that. I'm not I'm not going to be like, oh, fucking.
uh this is just like Marvel just cameos out the wazoo because i'm i'll probably like actually feel emotions when the character from this shows up like just look at Tom's face he's feeling emotions He's feeling everything. good one He's feeling a final reckoning, man. That name is interesting. I would want to know what the... Because you would think it's the final reckoning. It's very definitive. Honestly, the final reckoning sounds better than final reckoning.
It does. Final Reckoning just, you know, we've got Final Destination already. So we don't, they've got Final kind of, you know, cornered a little bit. You start a movie title with Final, you're like expecting Destination, but then you hear Reckoning and you're like, it doesn't sound right. Yeah. And and then staring at it, the CK in Reckoning, the O-N that follows it, and there's another N so close to the other N. It's not a pleasant word to look at.
It's an odd word. I like dead reckoning as a title it's better and it actually has like a double meaning within the world and in real world. I mean, I, so I'm pretty sure it's like a real submarine thing or radar thing. Like if you're operating without radar or don't know where you're, you're going, you have no navigation. That's dead reckoning. And so like, I don't, yeah, I don't think final reckoning means anything other than what that means.
I also don't like that there's a second subtitle in this title. If you look at it, it says mission colon impossible dash the final reckoning, then there's like a line and it says teaser trailer. I don't really like that the title's that long. yeah I mean, I think they need to put teaser trailer on the poster though, because like it's But are they going to remove it like part one? Like they got rid of part one just so they could put teaser trailer in the title. Yeah. Yeah. It's very a very weird move on Paramount's part.
I mean, it's it's it's not a move, but hey, still better naming than a lot of franchises. It is on the poster actually. Yeah, it's right there. Yeah. Damn. Look at him. Then you can see the shitty AI one next to it. The official teaser. couldn That's just the difference between a human made thing and AI.
And the fan one is next to it. It's like a picture from The Mummy.
That does, he does have a mummy-esque look in some of these and it does, we'll see throughout the trailer. Cause there might be clues that maybe Nick Morton might show. Ethan Hunt and Nick Morton are in this. Oh man. I just realized that bit I did probably played terrible for a podcast. terriblely they They can't see. I can't see what I'm seeing. I should have, I should have described it, but whatever you had to be there.
Yeah, you had to be there. All right. Should we hop into it? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So Final Reckoned. I'll count it down. Oh, well, do they watch along? I was going to post a version synced up for this one at least. Let's see the countdown. Okay. In three, two, one. Reckoned.
Nice. That was like perfect timing. Yeah. OK, so we're seeing some arctic scenario. I mean, we know that there's plain stuff based on like what they were filming. when I've never seen a plane in a Mission Impossible movie ever underwater. They need to go to space. Why is that? Does everything need to go to space? I mean, it's the one place you don't. You can't go. OK, some of these shots. You think that was Tom Cruise taking a nice water bath?
i'm I'm wondering if kind of similar to Fallout, where we actually see dream sequences like inside Ethan's mind, because there's like a really, really surreal imagery. angela bassett She's like president now. She's gonna be in this man. She's holding shit. She was holding that key. I hope he has to like, shit when she's a bad guy. What if she's um, what if she's Trump? yeah I say the entity, but man there's a there's an image in this where i i don't know if we already missed it that where he's like underwater and there's a woman coming up to him under the water and it looks like it's a dream sequence so i'm wondering if we're going to get stuff like that and fall out
What if the whole movie was a dream sequence? Like that right there. Was there a jail or the hospital? That looked like a scrubs he was wearing, almost. Um, okay. In one of these parts, we may have already talked over it. There's like some Mission Impossible 3 shit because you see the rabbit's foot. Also, see, what is the rabbit's foot? Nice. Oh, my God. Henry Cavill's mustache.
Damn, Tom Cruise really hung from that fucking plane. who do Who do we think he's talking to there? Where he's like, I need you to trust me one last time. Vilsa's twin sister. She's back. Yeah. Should we watch it again? Okay. Yeah. Speaking of Vilsa, let's go back and then let's what we're going to like. Watch it again.
Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna pause at certain points because there's like so we slow down YouTube videos like like you can on any other streaming thing. I don't think so. What was it? What are settings say? If you go settings? Speed normal. Not we need Oh, wait, these are yeah, half speed. Yeah, let's try half speed. I didn't know that was the thing. All right. Now we're really gonna get to the bottom of this.
Oh my god. We're getting way more time with these images. That's nice. OK, so we knew there was going to be underwater stuff because that's where the sub is that he has to go to for the entity. I i mask for the entity.
Yeah, there's a shot here where it looks like the entity is like sitting in a chair like they plugged it up to something and it's like operating something. There's going to be a lot of scuba stuff, a lot of water. I like it. I mean, I like that. Whatever that shot is.
I don't know what's happening there. It's that's what that's that's the entity, right? Yeah. So what's it doing? Also, why is he going to put it on? Is that only gonna be a person? Are we gonna see it? Like, I'm still kinda confused by the entity a little bit. Are we gonna see him go through time? okay well there Is this gonna be a time travel movie? That'd be crazy if they pull, like, an Avengers endgame.
I mean, that that they showed the you know the knife, the guy finding it after the the heist and in the the first one. We knew that that guy was going to be coming back because McCrory had posted a picture of him when Dead Wrecking Part 1 came out. And I thought he was going to be in that. I'm hoping that Ethan finds him. And he still has diarrhea from three like from three decades ago when they like put that shit in his coffee. He's just like,
Like farting and has to keep excusing himself. He's like, I'm sorry Ethan ah There's a shot here. I want you to pause that it's coming up soon where it's like Ethan in the jungle with his crew because I'm like I want to examine something going on here ah this to yes she she she knew care Looking at shit like if she's looking on like some monitors like Stock markets crashing or something. Yeah, the entities like hacking wall and there's protesters like the military Okay, so yeah, we're getting a lot more scuba. I wonder if he's gonna like end up drowning or almost dying in the ice and We're gonna get some kind of near-death dream sequence Well, that's what it looked like when because the woman coming to him when he's underwater is not one of the it's this woman that they added to his backstory in the last one Maria the one that like Gabriel killed and Yeah, I found that like confusing and dead reckoning at first, because I was thinking like, did I miss something? Should I have rewatched it? Yeah, because they talk about it like it's a thing. So that's her. And in like, yeah, they talk about in dead reckoning. As we all know, Ethan had the love of his life taken away by Gabriel.
and and before he joined, I am, yeah, they they do a lot of retconning with it. I don't love it, um but maybe this movie will push it to where it needs to be for me. I do like this. Yeah, I'm wondering, cause he's in a scuba suit a lot of the times. I wonder if some shit goes wrong in like a submarine or whatever, and he ends up, yeah, having like a near death experience. um Or what if that is him dying? What if- I would hope that's not in the trailer.
that'd be weird to put that in the trailer if he dies like just casually he gets hit by like a bus or you know like an hour in bullet and there's like two hours left the rest of the rest of the movies like it's uh what's What's that movie, Enter the Void? It's just like his final DMT. It was a big bomb. Yeah, Ethan's always doing bombs. It looks like this shirtless fight is on the sub. so So like, is their crew still alive? What if they're zombies? po Well, that would be sick. So he's going to move from okay pauses pausezzs he's gonna have to move from plane to plane because he's on the red one in one shot and the yellow in another.
Maybe I'm being there. That is interesting. But like Haley, well, doesn't look like she's wearing Ilse clothes. Like Ilse has worn that exact outfit, right? I don't know about exact outfit, but I've seen her wear stuff in like that style, definitely.
And it's almost like- Simon Pegg looks like he's just fucking over. He ain't in Mission Impossible 3 anymore. I mean, they've all gone through some stuff, except Tom. He looks immaculate. And so did the- did his partner die?
debt reckoning No, he's still alive at the end of Dead Reckoning. So either there's some kind of split up or this happens after. ah um What's his name? Shay Wiggum? He played ah Captain Stacy in Across the Spider-Verse and he's like in lots of good stuff. He's like in Vice Principles, righteous gemstones. So we're learning to playbook.
um Kong Skull Island. Yeah, when he sacrifices himself and it's for nothing, like he pulls out the grenades and like does not matter or save anyone. That's part of the movie. Yeah, it was pretty funny. Or King Kong. Hunting. I like that a lot. That could have been the whole movie for me. Just King Kong. I mean, I'm a defender of Skull Island. I think the main two. I'm the, I think the main two humans. My third favorite King Kong movie.
The main two humans are boring flops, like Hiddleston and Brie Larson. like I like looking at their their faces. no They're very beautiful people in that movie, especially. Yeah, because they're like in 60s-style clothing, too. like But ah their characters are like just nothing. so like i didn't like The emotional heart of that movie is like John C. Riley, kind of like his whole character arc. Maybe I'll like it more now that I like Apocalypse now.
Yeah, because it is doing a lot of Apocalypse Now stuff, um um but with apes. So anyway, in a completely different franchise. Were you getting at that? That might be Elsa.
No, I think it's Heliadwell's character, but I just think it's weird that she- Oh, I thought you were saying like, did they CGI her face over Elsa's to throw us off? Oh, like an Infinity War. I thought that's what you were getting at. I didn't have a theory- Her face is like a different tone and like- Now that I'm looking at it. That's what I thought you were getting at. She looks like she's not in the scene with everybody else. Like maybe her character is not present.
I didn't have like an actual theory of what that meant. I just thought it it was it was odd and I wanted to theorize but now I think maybe you're right. I think I because either that's what's happening. They added her face on it or Ethan's doing some freaky Like I won't spoil Vertigo, but Vertigo's about a guy being obsessed with a woman. He like makes another woman like dress like the woman he's obsessed with. So like, like is Ethan getting into some like weird Hitchcock stuff where he's like, here, just put this on. And can you talk with like an accent or so like a different accent?
Can you just be Rebecca Ferguson? Like, he's just, like, asking her to, like... That would be so creepy. I would be off the Ethan Hunt train if that's what was happening. They just make him a weirdo for the final movie? Yeah. He just, like, can't handle Ilse. I need him mourning Ilse the whole movie. I need him, like, looking at pictures of her and, like, I'll lock it. And he's, like, gently rubbing it like that ah Wolverine meme. He goes back in time to be with her. That's what I want.
I mean because like they did the same way and the game did it just him back in time
and she was in those movies time travel was yeah she was the one he went back in time to whoa buddha what's it called yeah but time travel is not otherwise mentioned in the movie at all it just as this it's hot this is worth traveling back in time it's not set up he just like is like yeah ethan found a time machine or something he just he just did it he can do anything Now, I do really think ah Luther is off the board in some way, like the blue, all blue he's wearing. I don't know. It looks like it's scrubs or some kind of jumpsuit or something. Like he might be in prison or like, and like, you know what I mean? like the Like the government captures him or something because like he, at the end of the last one,
because they're doing the whole train thing at the end. And I think he leaves before that whole mission. He's like, I need to go off grid to, like, devise a way to, like, take on the entity or something. And so I don't know what happens between there and there, maybe. I had to rewatch Dead Reckoning. I've seen that movie four times.
It's a great movie. And also from that, Tom Clementov, Clementov, I don't know how you say her name, but. Clementia. She's the one they call Paris. That's that's how they call her. Proxima Midnight. When you introduce me, can you call me Paris? You bring me jokes here. See you, Luther. Maybe he's in prison. What is he standing behind? Oh, I like how it rewound me.
No, it's okay. We could see shirtless Tom some more. it's fun I feel like this is gonna be so badass. I like that the whole movie is shot in slow motion too. It's an interesting choice. It really emphasizes like the intensity. Okay, let's so pause that. There's like a structure behind him. Yeah, but you know what I mean about like what he's wearing? Doesn't that look like scrubs or something? Like he just got off his like midnight shift at the hospital.
or some kind of jumpsuit, like prison. He's like, I work at Urgent Care now. Ethan, I have a job now. He's like not shaven. It looks like he was hiding or something, you know? Well, like I said, and the end of the last one, he's like, I just got to go somewhere, and he can't find me. So what if he just- I got to go rogue. Nation. Remember that movie we did that? I got to do it again. Well, you did that, and now I got to go rogue, Nation.
Yeah, well, weren't they both rogue nation together? Well, if you're going if you're helping Ethan one while he's rogue nationing, you are rogue. Like it's it's just as treasonous pretty much as long so I mean, even if he's not rogue nationing with him in that movie, he's like rogue nationing with him in Fallout.
And in Dead Reckoning, they explicitly have a conversation where like, time pegs like, oh, this is treason, just us meeting with you. Like- I think he's rogue-nationing with Ethan in every movie except for- Ghost Pro. And two is, do they rogue-nation in two?
I guess he goes under cover in two, but he's not like disavowed. Do you see Rogue Nation in three? Are they Rogue Nationing in that one? just ah Does he get framed for something by ah ah Billy Crudup frames him or something, right? Doesn't Billy Crudup was like, oh, Ethan's rogue. Lawrence Fishbourne lawrence fishbone is chasing Ethan because Billy Crudup's made it look like Instead of that, he's the mole that Ethan's the mole. But then Lawrence Fishburne, he knows though. And he's like, Ethan, as long as I'm working at the um IMF, which is a physical building now, you will never have to go rogue nation again. Yeah. And then
It's weird it took them so long to like make that a title of the movie since they say it in every movie like for two and four. Ethan, I can't believe you're about to rogue me. They should bring launch fish for everyone who's ever been in these that's still alive needs to come back. it's like It's weird, too, because in Ghost Protocol, they have that moment where they're like, it's turned into a ghost protocol. And then someone's like, don't we have a different term for that? It's called the rogue nation. Yeah. Like, well, ghost protocol is a little different. The equipment gets wacky when it's ghost protocol. Rogue nation, the equipment's good when we're on rogue nation, but ghost pro, you know, it's a little wacky. Rogue nation's maybe a little more Hitchcockian or something. Most of the time we're in rogue nation, like,
Ghost protocols like Code Rad. Yeah, I guess that would be a tier above. ah Yeah, it's interesting. I really want to know what they're doing with Luther in this. Do you think he maybe is going to die? The submarine's going down. OK, so the rabbit's foot. All right, I'll keep it positive. God damn it. That's a flashback, right? That's a young Tom. But it doesn't look like a shot from my three. What was his hair like in three? His hair is short in three.
I think you're right that it it is a flashback, but maybe they're shooting new footage and making it look older. There's the sub going down. There's some more shit. Okay. That does look younger, right?
Yeah, but that shot looks like it almost. It looks like it's pulled from three, like not saying it was, but like they shot it to like maybe replicate three. Those colors pop. It does look like and there's almost like a lens flare in the background. Like you're like, oh, JJ Abrams shot this. Yeah. ah So the rabbit, there are clips from other movies in this. I wonder if they just mean nothing and it's just kind of showing us like you this happened to remember.
Well, the one guy that they do show, though, finding a knife, like, yeah, like I said, he is confirmed coming back, whether he still has diarrhea. That's unconfirmed. But the rabbit's foot is interesting because in three, it's just like a MacGuffin that could be anything. Like everyone wants it. What's the rabbit foot? And Benji's like, oh,
It could just be the anti-God or something. They come up with some explanation that could mean anything. I like it, though. I like that it's the only one that does that. it's kind of It's just never brought back again. It's very like serialized television almost. Oh, sure. Which makes sense that that's in the one that the JJ did. But like, do you think that they're now going to recon that to be Cause like they kind of, you almost write yourself into a corner with something as powerful as the entity where you're like, well, Ethan basically has to fight God. So like, how is he going to win? And they're going to be like, Oh, the rabbit's foot is actually a computer virus or something. And like, do you think they're going to explain what the rabbit's foot is? Cause Lauren's Fishburne.
I was like, I'll only tell you if you stay. And then he leaves. And then he comes back though. So did Fishburn and go like, hey, since he came back. anyway i was I was waiting for you. I knew you were coming back. I got i got it right here. I always, even though they never explicitly say, I always just from seeing that and it has a biohazard. I was like, oh, so it's like a virus or something. yeah It's kind of like the Mission Impossible 2 weapon.
Was that like a biochemical weapon, right? Like it was a biological warfare. Andy Newton, is that the actress? Yeah, and then he has to get the thing in time. She's fully out of the movie for 30 minutes. And then she wanders back into frame and you're like, oh, yeah, she's like sick. Bring and then bring her back. Yeah, bring everybody back. Bring bring back Aaron Paul, who plays his brother-in-law in Mission Impossible 3.
Bring back, uh, who's my favorite from ghost protocol? Um, fuck, I can't remember her name. Oh, uh, Paula Ben. Yeah. Paula Patton. Bring Paula Patton back. I just, I rewatched deja vu recently. She's like one of the most beautiful women, women ever. I love her, man. Okay. So, so the rabbit's foot JJ just infecting our movies. So they're fast and fierce saying it.
That is funny that like, that's like a long enough timeline. These movies have to like, you're running out of locations and vehicles and combinations of places that got to bust a summer into the ice. Yeah. Well, if you saw in the Jeremy Renner, trust me.
I love seeing that in slow motion. I need you to trust me one last time. I feel like we're overthinking who he's saying that to, and it's probably like... Luther and Simon Page. Yeah, exactly. No, it means something. Everything means something. He's saying it to his dad, who we never see in the first movie. His parents. is is Okay, because his family's literally only brought up in that one.
What's the backstory? They're not brought up in the third one either. They weren't like, hey, he's married and they don't like mention that your dad got like too drunk and like flashed the, you know, dance floor or something. I don't know. Yeah, they they would have brought that up or something at that point. ah Yeah, I'm pretty much down for bring anyone who's still alive in these back, except for what's that cutie face who played his wife?
I mean, why wouldn't they? These are all people who, like, work together. They're all in this inhabiting the same world. It would make sense that they would cross paths on these world-threatening missions. Especially for something where the... Yeah, for all this high profile.
The threat is so big that he needs to pull in everyone. Yeah. Well, if he even has to team up with so Michelle Monaghan was the extra serious Michelle Monaghan. I don't not that I want to haze or Woody Harrelson's wife. I love. Yeah, I love seeing her and stuff, but I feel like Fallout was the perfect ending to that. Yeah, plot line. So I don't. He could be saying that to Aaron Paul. I don't know if he's saying that already. He could be saying that to Michelle Monaghan's husband. I forget that actor's name, Wes Bentley or something. Yeah, Hunger Games guy. Yeah. They're not even going to show her, but he's just like bringing- Yeah. Everybody back.
yeah Yeah. Everyone else in her life is back, but not her. Who are other people? You could be saying that to the bad guy from the fallout in Rogue Nation. Lane. Lane, Selman Lane. Because they're, when Lane gets recaptured. You had to trust him when they were driving together. He was like, remember that time you trusted me to drive with you? I need you to trust me one last time. There's one thing everyone knows about our relationship. It's trust. It's built on trust. I mean, I do like that even though we've already brought back Lane, I always kind of love the thing where it's like you have to begrudgingly work with a villain that you despise. And like we said, the stakes are so high. I don't think you can like turn down help from like anyone.
I love these movies so much. I'm so excited for this, even though like I've seen dead reckoning a lot. And even though it like I didn't like fucking. Love it immediately like I was hoping to in the way that I like loved Fallout. um I'm so excited for final reckoning. I'm like, I'm just so I love I love momed man is move they're all good. I don't love to, you know, to is the one I rewatch the least.
I'm fine if I never rewatch two again. Like, the last time I watched it was with my mom, her first time watching, and that time I was like, yeah, I think this is the last watch of Mission Impossible 2 that I have in me. I'll sometimes rewatch, like, some of the action in, like, the last 10 minutes is kind of cool. It's a YouTube clip movie. Yeah. It's good for that. But now that I've seen, like, even more John Woo stuff, I'm like, I could get a better version of this in, like, most of his other movies. Yeah, I mean, face off just sounds like it. I was gonna say even more interesting conceptually, even his American movies, you have face off. And then what's the John Claude one hard target is fucking nuts. So like, like, I think a lot of those, I would say those are better than mi2. mi2 is, I would even say the killer remake is probably better than mi2. Yeah, it's at the bottom of my WOO ranking ranking and possible ranking. Silent Night is Silent Night at the bottom. I I like that better than a lot of other people. And that has some interesting stuff. I mean, is Silent Night boring? I find Mission Impossible to boring for a lot of its runs. That's the main issue of it for me is like even when we're not doing action, because like the other movies are exciting outside of the action, like When they're talking about we have to get into the blah, blah, blah, steal the bomb like, yeah, fucking playing ice. Yeah, it's yeah, it's very engaging. Two is the only one in a marathon you either skip or you have to get through. When I was going through, I mean, I'm still going through with my mom, her next one is Fallout. I was like, if I if I show this to her now, I might lose.
in the france She might like think these are boring movies. So I was like, let's just go to three. And I just- From one to three? Yeah, that's a good move. I was like, it never gets referenced or anything happened. Nothing from two matters. Like Andy Newton isn't like coming back. I did the same with my mom. Two was the last one that we watched. We watched them all in order, except for two. Yeah, I mean- Actually, I think they might, my parents might've seen Fallout first.
I don't remember. I think a lot of people went to see that one just based off of how fucking good shoot should we just watch the fallout trailer? Let's just put the fallout trailer on. We were talking about how fucking good it is. It's definitely in the pantheon of like greatest trailers like ever.
It is, I would put it up there. a Fallout, in terms of trailers that got me pumped, Fallout I would put it on top because it was for a franchise I had not seen a single movie from at the time. And the trailer was almost enough to get me to see the trailer combined with the film cast at the time slash film cast doing their Mission Impossible retrospective. um But what's it called? Fallout, I would just have to put up top for that reason, but What are some other all-timer trailers I'm thinking? I would put us up there. That's a great one. um I think that first one. Avengers Infinity War I would put up there.
I think the first Watchmen trailer is really for the Snyder's Watchmen um is is is really good. I'm going to pause it while we go through. They do that smashing pumpkin song that was from was Batman Forever soundtrack or something. ah One of the Schumacher Batman had a smashing pumpkin song. The end is the beginning is the end or something. Nice.
um I really like that like eight minute Cloud Atlas trailer where maybe it's not eight minutes. I feel like I saw a longer version because it had like a Alana Wachowski intro. Just like, hey, basically like the intro before every movie now in a post like Top Gun Maverick world where every every director or actor needs to be like, thanks for coming to my movie. Like, yeah.
i feel like tom did start that right well we i think we determined vin diesel started it with f9 but his isn't a personal thing like he's not he's like hey we got cars you guys cars right he drives up in a car and we drove away from the covid it
Yeah, it doesn't feel personal, like, in the same way that, like, I don't feel like Nicole Kidman is talking to me in the AMC thing. I do. You do? No.
and Like, she's in the theater right now. Yeah. I come to this place for magic, for dreams, for- Heart- For La La Land. I saw La La Land, too.
in Not this one, a different chain actually. It was actually a much shittier theater. but Yeah. But I still saw it. She's watching the same movies that I have seen. Yeah. We're the same person. I don't like that. and It's like I'm in the theater.
don't and Preach of the choir, don't sell me the shit I already bought. I'm already here! Yeah. Don't play mind games with me. The whole Kidman shows up in Final Reckoning. But she's doing, she's her um AMC character. She's herself and she says, Tom, I forgive you. didn't Oh, yeah, they were married. I like her Eyes Wide Shut sequel that is coming out. I know the movie is probably going to be good. That's a fucking awful trailer. Oh, baby girl. Yeah, that trailer looks like trash. The trailer doesn't look good. It's probably going to be good, though. But I'm like sexual, the movie around Christmas time.
Don't market movies if you can't market them. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, just put up a picture. I'll get it. She'd be like, baby girl, and Nicole Kidman, you know. Just show a trailer from this movie show a trailer for Eyes Wide Shut and be like, have you seen this? It's its in the ballpark. we're doing something Yeah, for fans of this. Yeah, if you like this. Yeah. Like when you go on IMDB and they recommend you similar movies. Yeah. to be Like, OK, so you've seen this, right? OK, so what about our movie? Oh, yeah. All right. Basically, if you're not going to do a fallout trailer, just don't do it. All right. So one of the countdown. Three, two, one. Cavill Mustache. Uh oh. Oh, we have it on. We have it on.
This is the new way I watch everything now. What if I was just like, I don't know how like i't low do anything. and like It just stuck like this now. Okay. So new countdown. Three, two, one. Fallout.
and and when did they start doing the pre-trailer like now the trailer yeah here's what I don't even know it's ridiculous that feels like a Super Bowl ad thing right I'm gonna start with one of the Super Bowls you won't believe the trailer you're about to see right now Yeah, it's just, ah I did like, I don't see any of the AMC's out here doing this, but the AMC's I would go to in California at the end of the trailer, it would say the title of the movie and the day it comes out in theaters on like a little card. And I was like, that's helpful. Yeah.
Uh-oh. This is just such a dragon's good movie, but like the shots they're using for this are the perfect. It's just like the editing is so good. Look at her.
Uh-oh. Can't fight the friction. That's the job. Uh-oh. That's my president. That is my president.
It's funny she went from CIA director to president. Look at this. It looks so good. I don't know. I love.
Remember when Elsa was alive? I love that one where she's like, please don't make me go through you. That was the thing in the trailer when I saw this in theaters. I was like, I want to know what's happening with these two characters. They're going to have to fight? Henry Cavill being in it was a big selling point. um But like these two when she's like, don't make me go through you. Yeah, I was like, what history do they have? This feels loaded, you know? And it was just one prior movie of history.
But that's why she's such a good fit. You see just a little tease of the bathroom fight. The bathroom fight is one of my favorite Mission Impossible moments, if it if not my favorite. It's the most rewatched mission impossible moment for me. I watch it on YouTube all the time. Every set piece in this movie, though, is like one of my favorite mission but because I love the fucking motorcycle chase and stuff like I love all of this. Hey, jump this stuff. Yeah.
It's all good. Did you know he really broke his ankle? Did you? Yeah. I listened to We'll See You in Hell and they were reviewing this movie and they were like, I saw it. He crashed the motorcycle and limped away and I'm pretty sure that's where it happened. That's not where it happened. I've like told us where it happened. I like clocked it the first time I saw it in theaters. I was like, yep, it was that jump. What a good trailer.
can't fight the virgin I was so astounded when I was like, that that's a pre-existing song that was written by and check notes. Imagine Dragons. You know, I'm going to just say Tom Cruise wrote it and gave them credit. He was like, I don't need a music career too, guys. I already do so much already. I don't need to save the music industry as well.
he seems like i know i know we're we're big tums and tumble i'm so high
We're big Tomheads here and I'm always praising him. I don't know if I've ever brought up this anecdote of like in Rogue Nation, they were having trouble not just figuring out the ending, but like how to score, because I think the the initial reaction were test audiences. And sometimes I hate test audiences that they like they'll change the ending for the worst, but. Also, let us be test audiences. Yeah, us specifically, just us. Yeah, it'll be like that Simpsons episode.
Yeah, exactly. We'll be writing the next Mick Bain movie. and We'll make it good. ah But but like I think like people were feeling underwhelmed by the Rogue Nation ending. I think there were some differences. They probably didn't put them in a box, which seems obvious in hindsight. You got to put them in a box. Put them in a box. It's in a box. Tom's note was that like the score kept having like it it didn't feel like it was building or crescendoing in the right way so like he left note for the composer of like no if like we keep building it in the right way people will feel the payoff if if it if it like crescendos at the right time instead of like I guess the score originally like kind of felt like disconnected like this scene had a
kind of different energy from the previous part of the finale, but instead of being like, no, let's just build, like keeps building until it, which in hindsight is like an obvious thing, like your movie should build and then it ends. He did the same thing with the Imagine Dragons song. He like pulled out a rubber band and he was like, brang dung number and and and he was like, can you guys do that? yeah And they're like, we'll just record the rubber band. We did not know it could make that sound like mike this rubber band.
no no and don no no no yeah fight the friction and it just uses all of the best like like I already said all the best clips from the movie but then the best lines too because you got the Angela Bassett like that doesn't have the halo jump in it or like it has a small like him very small yeah it's it's like we were saying before off mic like I'm like dead wrecking where it's like like all the marketing was the jump of the like motorcycle cliff thing like they weren't really there was like a featurette that was like Tom's doing this crazy thing that no one's done before but they weren't like front loading it in that same way.
um There's also the way that the trailer is cut. You have Cavill's line. I think it was in that one. We might have talked over it where he's like, how many times, you know, will he be abandoned by his governor? So basically like, how many times can he keep going through this? And and like, almost you're like, is Ethan going to go bad? You're like, yeah, how many times does this guy? Very white privilege of him.
Yeah, he gets to keep going rogue and then they're rogue nation and then they're like welcome back Ethan. Yeah, exactly you People of color only get to go rogue nation once see if they're lucky It's usually once and then nothing else happens in their life because they're dead yeah Oh man. I do think the final Reckoning Trailer is a lot better than the Dead Reckoning Trailer. This is just a teaser though. I'm gonna consider not watching the next trailer, even though we have a full year almost. I'm kind of in the place where... We've got nine months. If it's a movie I'm really looking forward to, after like the first trailer,
I'm kind of like, I'm good. Like if I naturally see it in the theater before something, like I, you know, I can't really help that. But like, I'm not going to like be scouring online. Like, I think there's been a new Nosferatu trailer. And I'm like, I'm I already know I'm seeing this. Yeah, I've even seen reviews and headlines for reviews of Nosferatu. And I'm like, your headline is kind of giving away more about the movie than I want to know.
right like everybody chill the fuck out the movie comes out in more than a month like cool it on the spoiler no sprout doing it good that's all I need to know yeah what's it called good thank you he's gonna be what's he gonna be doing some no sprout doing all right sounds good Robert Eggers directed it fantastic fucking cool I'll be there yeah Christmas Day Christmas Eve that's gonna be a perfect Christmas movie I know I'm excited. I'm super excited to get done with my family stuff and go see a late night Nosferatu. Those screenings are always packed. It's always a nice energy on like a Christmas Eve screening. Um, I'm super pumped on Nosferatu.
Nosferatu is Italian. It's in the Ferrari universe. Adam Driver is also there. called pizzpe This is Nosferatu.
beat Nosferatu is not a nice man. I'm losing it. Should we end it there? Offensive Italian ah impression.
Yeah. And then we're going to go eat some pizza. That's like double. I know we are going to have pizza. I'm so fucking ready for this pizza. I'm ready for it too. Yeah. I mean, I i think i've we we got we got the picture. I I'm kind of with you that I'm I'm kind of don't think I need to see, even though it's going to be so hard because like all my friends, whenever the next final reckoning trailer is out, they're going to be doing the same thing with this one where it's like all over my timeline. So it's like.
Maybe I just, you know, be aware of the date the next trailer's dropping and I'm just like, I'm just going to like stay off social media that day. Yeah. I just, I love, it's hard to ignore Tom Cruise posts on Instagram though. It like always pops up and I'm like.
It's always big news. I like that the poster is like just his face. It's like that the thing you sent me, it's like, that's the poster. And it feels, it feels intimate. It does. You must want to press your face up against your phone screen when you see it. You're like, I'm i'm here. I'm here, Ethan. I'm here. We're going to go final reckoning together. We'll rogue nation it out together.
What if he loses? What if it ends the entity like wins? If AI conquers the world, Ethan's dead. Did I ever tell you the Mission Impossible um story that I wrote, the fan thing? Oh no. It's like kind of a rough outline, but it's kind of like based off that idea.
Really? Because the- You did it before Dead Reckoning came out. It was around the time of Fallout. i Well, because Fallout granted toys with the idea in that opening before- Like they suffer a loss and it's like after this like great loss as a team. Yeah. Yeah. Because the opening of Fallout before they have the reveal of like, oh, it's not even really Wolf Blitzer. It was Simon Pegg. It was like that you're like,
Did they really fuck up this band? Like, nukes went off? Like, did they like, lost these nukes? The terrorists used them, and like, that's where we're starting the movie? I believed it. I bought into- I was- I was on the edge. I was like, holy shit. This is dark. Mm-hmm. Yeah, but then... They got him. Yeah. It was revealed to be...
I don't know. Who's that? My closer? Well, he took off his mask. It was so it was it was ah Benji. I'm trying to think of someone else though, like Mark Marion or should he should be in the super liberal guy in HBO. HBO at HBO, the students on friends with Woody Harrelson.
Oh, Bill Maher? Bill Maher. Yeah, I was gonna say he took off his mask. I don't think he's a liberal anymore. Bill Maher or something. He smokes weed, dude. What are you talking about? He's a liberal. There's former conservative senators who have weed companies like John Boehner. I always want to say boner. I know, but that's like, I feel like Bill Maher's personality now is like, I smoke weed, man. Oh, that's 100%. My jokes aren't funny anymore, man.
I mean, they're not. And but like, I'm just in terms of like his actual politics. He does seem I don't pay attention to his politics. He's kind of annoying now. I don't know. I've never been a fan of him. I've only the most I know about him is religious, religious. I saw that on his ah the time he had Ben Affleck on the show.
That was a very memorable time. I like when people push back against him and kind of own him. ah There was a really funny clip from his before his HBO show, whatever his ABC thing was called. And Rowdy, Rowdy Piper, whatever the day lived.
guys called Like Bill Maher was saying something about wrestling being completely fake and that only dumb people are into it. And Rowdy's like lifting his shirt, pulling down part of his pants to show all his bruises and stuff that he got from various like stunts and like over the years and stuff.
and then but Bill Maher said some dismissive things like, okay, well, I'm not usually like pulling down my clothes in the presence of men or something. And Brody keeps, he starts laughing. He's like, how'd you get the job then?
Yeah. But yeah, I was, uh, basically trying to think of a very underwhelming reveal under the Wolf Blitzer mask, but ah for some reason I couldn't place Bill Maher's name. So all of that for a joke. I didn't even land in time.
No, now retroactively I'm picturing and it's pretty funny. Yeah, it's like that would be who would just be really dumb and unpleasant to see under that mask. Even though again, I don't have anything against the guy. I don't really know much about him, but I do. Fuck you, Bill. I said it. Yeah, William Marr.
Yeah, who do you think you are shortening the bill? You think you're so special? Yeah. Should we wrap up there? Yeah, that's a good note to end on. Yeah, hell guys. Hell guys. Jesus Christ, I can't talk. I don't even know what word you were just trying to say. I was trying to say hell yeah, guys. But I said hell guys instead. Hold on. Write down hell guys.
cool comfortable circle backgroundunds on it see We've said too much on mic. We gotta go. This message will self-destruct.