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Episode 1: The Spiritual Greens image

Episode 1: The Spiritual Greens

E1 · Awaken Bake
205 Plays3 years ago

Welcome to Awaken Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual pot...I’m sorry...PODcast from two girls, one joint and a journey to awaken what’s inside all of us! 

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Introduction to Awake and Bake

Welcome to Awake and Bake, an educational, high vibrational, mystical, spiritual pot, I'm sorry, podcast from two girls, one joint in a journey to awaken what's inside all of us. In the words of the wise Wiz Khalifa, let's roll something and get the day started. Hello and good morning to you all and thank you for being here with us. I'm Kelsey and I'm Dani and we are your spiritual suppliers, your spiritual plug, if you will.
Okay, let's start off by all just taking a second to take a deep breath. Wow, okay, I knew that. I love a nice deep breath.
We are so happy that you're here like I said and on this journey and felt called to join us this morning. Yeah we're happy to be

Kelsey and Dani's Connection

here. Awakened Big is kind of a dream that we've always had in some capacity but we didn't know what it would be and I don't think either of us ever really thought podcast was like
what our future held but we knew we were gonna be special and when we met like a year ago um we were like okay yeah and we're gonna be special together like and in like a really big way too yes yes definitely because when we first met we were outside it was 9am outside of a coffee shop and we immediately started talking about like intense civil rights stuff like so early in the morning i don't even think it was 9 yet
And I was like, oh, so this girl, like I, as soon as I met her, our souls were like, yeah, let's get into it. Yeah. Cause we had actually met like the night before I had just moved it over and, um, her boyfriend and my boyfriend worked together. Well now.
husbands. But our then-boyfriends worked together in the Navy, and we just happened to both move out here to Dover during the pandemic. And so they were like, yeah, they love each other. And so they're like, oh my god, you guys have to meet. They knew we would just get along. And yeah, then we got coffee the next day. And like you said, abortion, Black Lives Matter, weed, everything, trauma experiences, it all came up. And we were just like, wow, yep, this was meant to be. Absolutely.
So you can think of Awake and Big as like your weekly positivity and we love and summon and energy.

Podcast Purpose and Positivity

We are definitely going to be high the whole time. We are probably going to smoke some podcasts as well. But I kind of want to use this as a moment to talk about
Why and like where we're coming from with that? So we totally recognize how not only cringy it is But also kind of tone deaf for these two white girls to be talking about both spirituality and weed on a podcast so we are going to be doing our best to be as respectful as possible and um as self-aware and aware in general and open to like right
Criticism of like how to do be better, you know, yes, like we both We're not claiming any of this is ours or we're the first people to upset or thought these things You know, we're just uh, uh, we're not your teachers. We're not um, you know gurus We're nothing like that. We're just two chicks who like we just kind of are having a great time Yeah, and we want you guys also to have a great time. Yeah, and like we love connecting and uh sharing stories and
um you know like right and getting high and so like we kind of wanted to do that and we think like right we can do it but we just want to also be aware and say that like yes we know and hey like we're owning it like exactly um so this podcast kind of got started because me and Kelsey were just talking one day and we were stoned

From Idea to Reality

and we were just having such great talks and we were like wow I wish everyone could be like as happy as we are and like have these discoveries and realizations and I kind of threw out there we should make a podcast and Kelsey was super down immediately but we just didn't ever commit to it we kind of like put it off to the side and but we would talk about it as if it was always gonna be a thing so out of nowhere it was just honestly perfect timing um Kelsey texted me it's like 10 p.m. one night
She texts me and she's like, dude, tomorrow morning we're smoking. We're going to get coffee and we are planning out this podcast. And we're doing it. And we're doing it. And I was like, yes, absolutely. She's like, cool. I'm working on names. I'll shoot you some ideas. Oh my God. The names. To be fair, my first idea was like really.
uh basic um it was just high vibes but kelsey was like yeah i think we can do better which yeah absolutely we can but kelsey text me at like almost midnight and this was worse okay i've got it i know this is like what i want to go for i just can't get the wording perfect but what i've got is awaken and a bacon i was like um i'm loving this concept but no
So then I was like, awake and bake. And so that's, it's

Origin of 'Awake and Bake'

perfect. It's perfect. Yeah, it literally hits everything. Like, you know, we're all about spirituality, the awakened, but also waking and baking and like- Morning routines. Morning routines and like- The sunrise. Something, the sunrise. I was just gonna say like- It's all about the sunrise.
It's just something that we both it's been an instrumental part of both of our spiritual journeys has been learning how important it is to like Sometimes wake up with the Sun and like see what a day like to just have that fresh start and so that's why you know our whole We want to like release our every episode, you know in the morning and we want to start your day with you and we want you to like get your get off on a good foot of like positivity and like because that's the best way and you change and
You're more than welcome if you enjoy partaking in marijuana to smoke with us while you're listening because I think it will be a little bit You'll kind of be able to vibe. Yeah
for Awaken and Awaken. So welcome to Awaken and Awaken.

Kelsey's Spiritual Journey

So yeah I guess like the best way to jump in is kind of get to know you guys and let you get to know us and so we kind of wanted to both share our own personal kind of background as to where we're coming from and
how we feel like we can talk to you you know like kind of our story of what why we're where we are how we got into it yeah and right and how we've learned and grown and like it's funny because right I started this we we both journal a lot it's one of the nice things about like doing this with Danny is that we have very similar takes to like how we
have been practicing our spirituality while they're very different like we can relate a lot and so one of how I did this was you know I wanted to think about my spiritual journey and as I thought about it the less I was like wow this is my spiritual journey always it wasn't always that it was just
kind of my life and then I only recently kind of learned that like oh no this was a spiritual journey and there was a word for it and not that it needed a label but like it's kind of cool to be like you know have a moment that I was like okay that was my awakening and like you know I grew up in a small town in New York upstate New York and it wasn't a very diverse town it was just like your average like American town like there was nothing special really we had like two streetlights in a bowling alley
right and like six churches so like that kind of town like it just was and i just never really fit in i just was always like just the average person like you know i had friends like you know i wasn't i didn't have a terrible childhood i didn't have an outstanding childhood i played volleyball
I was just kind of like a person I was I used to think of myself like plain Jane like that was like okay Yeah, like my life will just be My life like contentment is like the max kind of like that was what I thought life was yeah
i think a lot of things played into that but like some of the biggest things you know like i had a lot of problems with like my body growing up like i had a lot i had a very now again what i would like recognize as like an eating disorder eating disorder and not what i just like just never put labels on stuff like that i guess i just never saw my life as like worthy of having like those labels of like oh yeah i do have or i did have
You kind of always do have an eating disorder, like it sticks with you. And, um, and like, so, you know, I had all these things that I was like, wow, like looking back, wow, that's what that was. You know, um, I grew up Catholic and I think, uh, that put a lot of guilt and shame in me. Um, I think that there are beautiful parts of all religions. Um, but for me and how I needed to connect with, you know, whatever I connect to, um,
it wasn't the train in the back i know the train i live near the train station sorry about that sorry about that um okay sorry we paused for the train to pass um but yeah like just uh growing up cath it was a big part of my childhood that for me like it just didn't work like i just never really understood what they were getting at it never clicked like
And we'll get into that more like that. I'm sure that'll be a whole episode. There's a lot to talk about that. And for a lot of people, it works. And I think that's amazing. Like whatever you find your connection in is incredible and you should go with it. Like I've kind of created my own style of what I like. And yeah, like I, you know, I went through a lot. I graduated high school and I kind of followed like the plan. I went to nursing school right in my, in Syracuse, which is like the big city near my, the big city.
near my hometown and like I Well, I fucked up and I partied a little too much and I failed out my last semester and that sucked And I kind of wanted that to be like my rock bottom. But if I'm being honest, it wasn't I definitely then spent a couple of years like I Mean getting by like I was so I survived. I'm sorry. My dog is like
really licking her thigh right now yeah really licking it he's going in you'll see him we'll put pictures but um yeah no like i failed and so yeah then a couple years really it was that i was struggling and not even knowing it like i just was drinking a lot i was making dumb decisions um for like the sake of being real i was drinking and driving a lot um
And I own that, those were mistakes that I made, and a big philosophy of mine is that I don't believe in regretting anything. And I think some people think that's naive, but I don't because there's lessons in all of it. And every single time I did that was a chance that I was able to, and I learned my lesson, and I'm grateful that I was able to have as many chances as I did, I guess. It's just...
And I'm grateful for the fact that I was lucky and so like right even things like that like I always kind of felt a little Protected and like there were pieces of stuff that I just didn't know what the labels were I had feelings that now I know were intuition and now I like know that I can label myself as an empath and that I'm I am like I feel powerful right and I always have had these feelings like I've always had like I can I look at people differently and I just think differently and
And spirituality has kind of given me like an identity to then place like okay, this is kind of why and now I'm meeting people and talking with people who like Danny who have like think similarly and have similar thoughts and so Yeah, like a year ago
Well, five years ago I had my first real awakening, probably the only time I would actually call an awakening, and that was just... I almost felt unworthy of that, even to call it that, because I didn't do anything. It literally was just waking up one day, hungover, and being like...
Oh my god, like I see color in life again and like I didn't even know I had lost that piece of me Like I didn't even know there were things that I didn't even know that I was missing Like I didn't even know I was as depressed as I was but then like looking back it's like okay No, but I was like I didn't care if I died like it wasn't like I was suicidal but I didn't really care going through the motions right exactly exactly and like I think we've all kind of been there where you're just kind of like wearing a mask and like I
yeah okay like I can go to work and I but I'm gonna come home and numb it like it's just numbing it um but yeah so I woke up one day and I just was again lucky enough that for some reason the universe source was like okay like you need a jump start like come on like remember the like remember green I forgot that green was my favorite color and I love I mean Danny can attest to anytime I see like anything remotely green I'm just like
So beautiful. She loves moss. Moss. I love moss. I want a moss lawn. Someday I know my husband will give me that. I'm manifesting it now. Hey, start now baby. And even manifesting. I mean like my dog that's on my lap right now is the most prime example of my manifestation power. Like I have always wanted this dog and now I have him. He's perfect and he's mine.
Yeah, like I just yeah and then like a year ago was when I really like kind of after it was a slow progression for me and then it kind of started getting quicker and really the first step was taking care of myself and just like yeah I'm again being real like showering every day like just putting like effort into like myself and not for anything vanity related but just because like
wow i deserve like to be taken care of like that um you know you forget that your body needs you like and you don't like right i didn't feel connected to it and so like right reconnecting to my body was one of the biggest pieces and again like i don't want to get too full into anything but like um yeah and then uh really when i met danny she she recommended a lot of the books and stuff that spiraled me into like learning about things and so well thank you

Dani's Path to Spirituality

So tell us how you learned. Um, so I think that it's kind of interesting how like our paths were like a little bit different. Yeah. Um, where like you said, like you had like a, it wasn't great, but wasn't bad upbringing. So you felt like almost unworthy in ways like we've had conversations before we felt unworthy of even acknowledging trauma. Yes.
Because I always felt very much like a burden to everyone for like how much trauma I had And so it wasn't until I was like 20 years old. I was living in New York City. I was in school This was my second time trying to go to college the first time I mean I went But I was I suffered from a horrible eating disorder and I had to do some time I'm in a rehab center just getting healthy and I was still depressed in New York and
And I was just kind of on my last straw. I'm a Taipei personality, so I have to be the best at everything. And if there's a way to do something and there are steps to take, I just want to know the steps. Tell me what I have to do. I'll do it. So I was really googling how to turn your life around, how to change your life, how to stop being sad. And everybody kept talking about Tony Robbins. I clicked on a Tony Robbins video, and it actually brought me to his next documentary, I Am Not Your Guru.
I do recommend it, it's really powerful. And it kind of, it showed me that people have so much more power than we give ourselves credit for. So that spiraled me into a self help phase, which then got me into books like The Power by Rhonda Byrne, which I highly recommend. Everyone read that, especially if you're just starting. I think it gets you really excited and it shows you all the positives and all the beauty and spirituality.
Yeah, that was the first book that you recommended to me and honestly the first spiritual book I ever read and it was it made me cry You've said it before and you're like, yeah, you're right. Like it gets you excited. Like it's a very positive and like Motivating and exactly inspiring book
And so then from there I got even more into like different sides of spirituality and even Buddhism Isaiah and I were studying that a lot over quarantine and one thing just led to another and during the pandemic I really got a chance to
take some time to myself and start practicing everything I had been learning for the past few years living in New York. Now I was in New Hampshire quarantining with Isaiah. I had so much time to apply everything and keep reading books. And I just never went back to like the lifestyle I had before that. I had about like five ego deaths during quarantine. They were traumatic. It was intense. My face was so puffy and swollen from all that I was going through and experiencing. But it was all worth it because
i felt like so much was changing in those three years that i was going through new york and then transitioning to come um to new hampshire but just in that one year from like quarantine until now yeah i don't know like i think i've grown even the same amount if not more yeah and so i owe it all to spirituality and i do owe a good amount of it to weed um yes plant medicine is a beautiful thing and i'm incredibly grateful for it
thank you to the topic of gratitude. If you don't know where to start, I just think gratitude is really important. And once you start applying that into your everyday life, and start looking for just noticing all the things that are going right, instead of noticing all the things that are going wrong, especially within yourself. And like being easy on yourself and like being grateful, like again, like
To your body and like yeah, your human suit is literally just here to help you experience Earth and it's such a gift and leora alexandra gave me the term human suit. She didn't gift it to me But I thought in her video and it's like it's perfect like it's right and it's like it triggers that emotion of you to like Oh my god, like this is a thing. This is a young thing You are not your human suit, but your human suit is your gift that lets you be on earth and yeah, you want Yeah, I mean I've
completely changed like the way I think about my body and stuff ever since you shared like just those words like just that mindset like with me is like human suit like right because right it makes you realize it's you're different like your mind is just
and I think that's something that also like once I had that kind of word to kind of visualize and understand it even like when I was meditating or like things like that it helped me really connect deeper to that thing because I was like right you're feeling your body now I get what they mean when they're like feel your body but be in your head like it just really made a lot of think like yeah sometimes the smallest phrases just trigger like clarity

Podcast Themes and Conclusion

Yeah, so I think we owe a lot to both spirituality and gratitude as well as marijuana. Yes. And so you're going to be seeing a lot of that on this podcast. Some episodes are going to be more focused on weed and we're going to try different strains and talk about them. And some are going to be focused solely on spirituality. And some are not even going to be any of that. We would love to talk about just life, life improving our self-love and growth.
both, right? You know, we want to share stories really like first and foremost and like I think that's how you learn and especially like right with if you want to grow in any way as a human like you need to see other perspectives and like see other sides and just understand where other people are coming from and so like we were kind of like what a perfect way like have a podcast where we can talk and then you talk back like right we would love to like get feedback and hear other people's stories and have other people on like
yeah we're so excited. some as fancy and whatever as you are too like as average as you are like whoever like we just want to hear people's thoughts yeah so we are so grateful for you guys for tuning in um i leave you with the advice of be kind to yourself um because i often think that we are our own worst critics and
It's, I don't know, something's in the air recently and we all just need to be a little gentler, a little kinder with ourselves. And others. Every one. And I hope you guys are getting high right now or soon. We should do that. Yeah, that's what we're gonna do. It's been really awesome getting to talk to you guys. We're so grateful and we're very excited for the upcoming episodes. Yes. Please stay tuned. We will see you guys next time and thanks for stopping in. Stay high. Bye.