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Ep 117: Shark Exorcist by Bucket of Chum featuring Bad Movies Worse People image

Ep 117: Shark Exorcist by Bucket of Chum featuring Bad Movies Worse People

S2 E62 ยท Bad Movies Worse People
60 Plays2 months ago

Back in May we were guests on our friend Steve's podcast Bucket of Chum for his new Seasick Cinema segment and here we have the audio for the episode presented in full for you, our listeners. Be sure to check out Bucket of Chum anywhere you get podcasts!

Forgive me father, for I have finned...

Mega Mayhem starts with the first episode of the side series "Seasick Cinema"

In this episode, I brought on everyone from the Bad Movies Worse People Podcast, and we dive into a movie that was reviewed very early on on the podcast, "Shark Exorcist" (2015)

With the sequel coming out later this month, we take a look at what this movie is, and what we can expect from a sequel, and maybe I change my mind about this movie?

Tune in now for chaos, puns and a face full of chum.

Check out Bucket of Chum anywhere you get podcasts and and his Patreon for only $2 a month at

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Introduction and Collaboration with 'Bucket of Chum'

Hey, remember her friend, Steve? From Bucket of Chum? Yeah, we we were have shared a couple episodes a couple times. Yeah, he's been on our feed. We've been on his feed. Great guy. We recorded an episode with him. It was called what, Derek? ah Shark Exorcist. Oh, that sounds excellent. And he was just a beautiful person to give us the tape so we could put it on our main feed, even though you should be listening to Bucket of Chum as well. Yeah, you can find Bucket of Chum anywhere you get podcasts and bucket of chum podcast dot com. But he let he let us use this episode for this, our quote unquote season break where we still post content. oh Yeah, it's it's it's us doing stuff without doing work and try kindny the American. Well, you have to do work. I was like, you and I don't do it. We're going to fuck it. We're going to the music box. like the ring Bring your laptop if you want to join your nerd.

Introduction of 'Bad Movies, Worst People' Podcast

Also, I just want to point out Bucket of Chum has one of the most inexpensive Patreon. So if you have a couple extra bucks, it would be beautiful to throw it Steve's way. I think it's only like one or two bucks. It's a couple of bucks. Yeah. Like he even has a free version of his Patreon that you can subscribe to and you'll see like his short videos. He does trailer reacts or he gets his girlfriend really high and makes her watch trailers. Is his Patreon better than ours?
ah How come you don't get me really high and make me react to stuff? Because you get yourself high and react to stuff. But yeah, check out Steve. Check out Bucket of Comp.
Wow. Freddie and Slip. Completely different podcast. ah can't Can't say that on television. Bucket of Chum. And stay tuned for this episode on Shark Exorcist. Forgive me, Father. I offend.
Hey, everybody. Welcome back to another episode of Bucking Up Chum. And this week, it is the first episode of C6 Cinema. And I have three very special guests today. We have Jack, Whitney and Derek from the Bad Movies, Worst People podcast. How are you doing, guys? Hey, how are you doing? Excellent. Excellent. Thanks for having us. Yes. Thank you for having all three of us.
Hell yeah. Yeah. Last time we had a bit of a snafu and we talked about Santa Jaws. I think it was. Yeah. Oh God. I was so sad not to be on that one. Well, now you get to talk about this wonderful movie. Is that what we're calling it? Movie? Yeah.
Yeah, it's a loose

Critique of 'Shark Exorcist' Film

term. So, yeah, we're talking about Shark Exorcist from 2015, directed by Donald Farmer, who after looking at at his filmography, I realized I own three or technically four of his movies on Blu-ray. So I have eric vampire cop.
Red lips. OK. And. Cannibal hookers and hooker with a hacksaw double feature. Oh, man. I may want to borrow that. ah We I own one of his movies, kind of not on Blu-ray, though, because it's never been released on Blu-ray. A previous episode we did called Deadly Run was a made for TV movie. And he he filmed he's credited as filming additional sequences, but he's also credited as the top director of the two. I bet you the additional sequences had ah chicks in it.
Yeah, they were the creepy part. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just guessing sense. Yeah. Yeah. Well, he definitely managed to fucking incorporate it into this movie. Yeah. I mean, I kept waiting for some just like hardcore porn music. Not that the porn would be hardcore. The music would be hardcore porn music. We definitely got softcore porn music. Oh, yeah, we did.
yeah yeah yeah we did and just repetitive over and over the same goddamn music through the whole i will be shocked to find out if none of these actresses ever did adult movies shocked yeah i would i would honestly be surprised i did look it up because i'm just like i'm just gonna assume that and i'm probably right I mean, I, the only thing I saw, and I don't think it's hardcore. I didn't look into it, but there was a movie that the, the, the main girl, uh, Angela Carrick's or whatever, and her husband, Bobby, who plays the priest and his twin brother but were in a movie called thong girl versus Zolta. And she plays the titular thong girl. I got five bucks on Zolta. So that might be poor and I don't know.
Sounds like it. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. It sounds like it, if not like porn adjacent at the very least. I mean, what's the quote? Like, it's hard to define porn, but you know it when you see it. Yeah. That's so true. It's not that hard. Penetration. I mean, the Spice Channel and Playboy never showed penetration. It's not porn.
Well, now we're just nitpicking, we're splitting hairs. Now we're nitpicking. We're nitpicking. I got what you said. Oh, actually, sorry, one more fun fact. She may not have done porn, but she did play a porn actress in Scary Movie 5. Oh, oh, shit. She was uncredited, but she was in it. One of the many I didn't see from that franchise.
Yeah, I mean, after the third one, like I was I got lost. i got lost Yeah. Like I like the first and the second one. The third one was like, well, this is where I get off. This is my stop. Yeah. I mean, I've seen them all, but like if I'm going to rewatch, I'll do the first three if I'm feeling like it. But I will pass out. I'm just like, no. Yeah. I think once Leslie Nielsen is no longer involved, I'm not interested. That's fair. I mean, that's pretty much the rule for any franchise.
Oh, yeah. I mean, after seeing some of what this guy has done and seeing some of the movies that I've owned, and I'm like, I like some of the schlocky shit that he's done. So I'm like, and then I see this shit and I'm just I'm baffled. I'm completely baffled because like the story.
If you want to call it that, it's completely incoherent. Like i I rewatch this again. And I think I've watched this two or three other times before. And I still have no fucking idea what is happening. Actually, I'll read the plot synopsis off of ah letterbox here. I can't feel like I missed something.
Yeah, so here's the this is the plot synopsis. A demonic nun unleashes holy hell when she summons the devil to possess a man eating shark. I i mean, that happened. Yeah, let me just I mean, technically that happened, but I don't understand why that happened, per se, or even really how I guess. So look ah I'll just get the first bad pun out of the way, but that nun just has a bad habit.
Anyway, now we can freely talk. So if you're doing work for the movie, I think she's like an undercover nun. She's really a Satanist that is a big fan of Satan, as most Satanists are. And she's pretending to be a nun, because didn't she torture and kill 13 boys and girls? Like it's a yeah a headline thing that's passed over. Yeah. Yeah. The the newscaster says boys and girls, not children. Or she was blamed for that and she didn't do it. And that's why she's like, the world turned against me. And now I love Satan.
So I don't know been there yeah But you i mean you're not wrong it is a the plot is just is just barely there and you got to work for it Yeah, and I saw it in one of the quotes, like, the filmmakers were like, well, we're describing this as Jaws meets The Exorcist. And I'm like, just because you combined those two things in the titles doesn't mean that this is Jaws meets The Exorcist. I mean, like it just yeah doesn't work like that. You can throw it in orange and water. You don't have orange juice. We do get a line from both movies, kind of. Yeah, we do. We do. so We need a bigger crucifix. Yeah. Oh, Jesus Christ. Your mother swims circles in hell.
Oh, my God. I will say there are times I had had a lot of fun. Like in this movie, there was times that we we just watched it all together. And there was times that we were all three laughing. Oh, for real serious gut holding laughter on

Group Watch Experience and Sequel Discussion

my end. It's more of a group watching experience for sure. Like you cannot watch this on your own. I would just would worry about your health if you did.
yeah i'm concerned for myself it's time to reach out and the thing is we reached like a peak of silly laughter and then in the movie devolved even more into like what is happening and then we were all just like this movie's 70 just under 71 minutes long and we're like okay but when is it over yeah Even even when the credits are rolling it's still not over because we have two after credit scenes Yeah, I didn't even know about the last one until this viewing i mean And they don't do anything like it doesn't really meet like especially the first one that's midway through means nothing
Nothing at all. I am not like, oh, hi, I'm in an aquarium. I like sharks. I'm horny. I'm possessed. Yeah, I think they found a young Shirley Manson, the lead singer of garbage. That's what this chick is. And she's fucking she's only happy when it sharks. And she's I don't the whole thing doesn't make any sense. And I guess it's maybe we'll find out this year because shark exorcist to unholy waters is coming out this year. So yes, yes, it is. It's coming out in May.
Oh, so they're filming it right now. um It's a quick turnaround on that. shoot Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I, I mean, I, although I also would not be surprised if the sequel does not touch upon those end credit scenes whatsoever. Yeah. That makes perfect sense.
I mean, it's almost it's it's what nine years old at this point. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. And it's it's so weird because like there's not really a conclusion to anything in this movie. And it's almost like they were like, we're going to make this sequel for sure. But with these direct to video shot on video things, they should have just made it the next weekend. like why wait a same weekend it would have been fine but i was i was very confused that the ending was just the beginning like it was the same nu and the same first kill allegedly, I don't know if that was the same, right? Yeah, I was very confused about that. So I had it back on again, like when I was doing work on the computer here, and I kept turning back around. And I'm like, what's happening now? And then I watched him like, I have no idea. So then I go back and do a little bit of work. And then I turned back around. I'm like,
What the fuck is happening now? Like, didn't I just see this? Like, what? It's just it's so confusing. So I have a question. is Are people turning into sharks? Like, is it one shark that people are turning into or is it multiple people turning into multiple sharks or are they summoning one shark? I don't get it. I don't.
uh the answer to all those questions are yes because like often you'll see the shark swimming in the water which looks absolutely amazing in the worst way ever um yeah you see that swimming and then there's the girl that jumps underwater and then somebody's eaten so i don't understand Also, yeah, we never see this shark like actually grab on to any. You know, when you are struggling in the water is never act up and touching them in any way, shape or form. They are in like knee high water. We see a shark in like the deep ocean and then suddenly they're falling. Yeah, it's probably been in tights with sharks. I just stand up to swim.
Oh, God. I do have a favorite part in this movie, which I don't know if it should be my favorite. You're talking about pool girl. I'm talking about pool girl. She's fantastic. Oh my God. That whole segment is so much. and he said i can get what She has the best lines in the movie. Yeah.
Oh, my. Do you want to go through that sequence? Oh, yeah. I mean, she ah so what is it? Ali Ali Ali is our our main shark antagonist. The one that looks like a ah less trashy terror read. Yes. Yeah. Wish version of k Christina. Somehow. Somehow, somehow Tara Reid is the team who version of this lady. Yeah. um But then it's this girl playing on that spinny thing in the park. It's like a little carousel type deal. Yeah. The one where you try and knock people off by spinning it really fast. That was not the intention of the inventor. Are you sure? Pretty sure. I don't know. They wanted to kill children. The centrifugal force torture machine. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, dynamic that would be. It's so so this girl is
And you can edit this if you need to. Is she special? I do think she's either she. OK, so I think that's what they were going for. Like, the I just I can't think of any other choice that would, you know, explain anything else.
Yeah, it's just supposed to be special. She's like a 30 year old playing 12. Yeah. which Yeah. I don't i mean i wouldn't point it past them to do that. Right. Like, oh, yeah, she's 30. No, she's 12. This isn't Beverly Hills and a two one. Oh, or I guess for Canadian listeners, Degrassi, like not a 30 year old playing a teenager. I think she's supposed to be special. But like, I don't know. She meets up with her and takes her. Ali meets up with her and takes her to a pool. I like to get wet. Yeah, she says she tells Ali, you ah you said you like to get wet and shoves her in the pool. And I was just like, this is about to be some real uncomfortable. Yeah, I thought that was going at a really weird place.

Analysis of Absurd Scenes and Character Critiques

And I'm just like, should I be watching this? Like, is this a while? Like, what what is it? Just to make it and'm like, ok at least it didn't get too weird.
Yeah, just to make it uncomfortable, Allie does like the sexy seductress thing and this chick looks at her and she's like, I can take a hint and just like peels off her clothes into a swimsuit, so ready to go. And then face flops into this above ground pool. It's followed immediately by, she has only like a little rubber shark that she fills with water and she sprays it on her face. We call that a chum shot, dude. Yeah, it's just a full on chum shot.
I mean, no one's making fun of the special part of it. We're making fun of her performance. Yes, it is. It is one of the only people acting. Yeah, because it's just very bizarre. Mm hmm. Yeah. And she is acting with flat people. Like I don't mean chest wise, like everyone's got this. Just like I'm just reading a script, dude.
Oh, there was definitely a part where the girls are laying on the on towels by the lake before Ali gets becomes a shark and they are literally reading scripts off their phones. Yeah. Yeah. You could fucking see it like right on like when they you when you can't see the glare, you could fucking see the script there. And I'm like, I get I understand like they did not get paid enough to even be like prancing around in bikinis. So I'm like, yeah, I wouldn't memorize my fucking lines either. Really. Did they even get paid? I was going to say, I think you could just stop after the word pay. They did ah get paid i not get They did not get paid. Which was Kraft mac and cheese. They got to keep it close. Oh, you need to bring your own wardrobe.
That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Donald Farmer is like, look, I've got coffee for everyone, ah free peanuts, and they're all just bags that he's collected flying across the country. says Southwest.
ah question but I don't even know how to fully explain this movie to anybody who hasn't seen it. Because even if you try to explain the plot, even if you go back and listen to my episode going through the rundown of it, it just sounds like I'm saying a bunch of sentences from like a bunch of different scripts, like stacked together, and I'm just reading it all in a row without a fucking break. But that's just how this movie is. It's just a bunch of things happen.
And I don't know why. Although I will give this movie one point for the paranormal show called Ghost Whackers. We were joking like Dan Aykroyd from Ghostbusters needs to find out about that show, man. Wait, she's doing what to ghost? hang yeah yeah we were we do we I couldn't even keep a straight face anytime Ghost Whackers was brat but like brought up. And that no that girl, we had to look her up because everything that girl is doing, Nancy, I think is the character's name, is very... Porn-esque. Yes. So we look her up and one of her first IMDB photos is her inches away from another girl about to kiss her. And I was like, oh, OK, so that is what she's doing. And I looked it up and that's from a movie. That's from a movie called Girl Girl Scene, the movie. So so she's yeah adaptation of the book. yeah She's doing these like chess rubs and you can tell she's struggling to avoid the nipple rub.
like she keeps stopping right there and she's just like I don't know what to do with my hands let's go up again yeah I felt like they were like bordering on stuff like they didn't go over all stuff because maybe Donald Farmer thought he could sell this to sci-fi or something and he wanted it to be TV ready I don't know where this was originally produced if it was a streaming straight to streaming thing or if it was on TV But yeah, like it's from Wildeye releasing, so it must have like just spit straight to to be, I would imagine. the original That's a good sign. Yeah. Yeah.
yeah ah So Derek had looked up a couple of the actors and he saw that was what's the guy's name? It's married to Allie Oh ah Bobby Kursik But when you first see him he looks like he's going to a Lincoln Park show Yeah, he's just some random like he's got a barb wire tattoo. He's got his spiky hair spiky hair. He's got elbow stars and I think he has Lincoln Park lyrics tattooed on his rib cage. And I just thought, what a priest. Well, he's he's picking her up. He's picking up Ali while she's hitchhiking and they go. They're supposed to not know each other. Right. And they go swimming in the lake together because I guess it's her first shark kill. Right. Yeah. But they have matching lyric tattoos on their side. I'm like, you're clearly a couple of guys. Yeah. Yeah. That's why he's a priest the rest of the movie, right? Because he's wearing stuff all the way up to his wrist. Yeah. I'm definitely a different dude.
I mean, instead of wearing that white collar that the priests have, he's wearing a white turtleneck underneath. It's insane. As a recovering Catholic, I couldn't stop but notice.
I still feel like 2015 was like way too late for this look, at least by like seven years. Oh yeah, way too late. New Metal's not on the radio anymore. The problem is he got this look when he was going to 311 concerts. Tattoos don't go away. You can change the hair. Now he's just a beautiful disaster.
Jesus Christ. he find a look that works man you stick with it and but like right after he gets killed we get the scene with the same actor being the priest and he gets a letter oh my god this is voiceover and this voiceover from this like mon senior i guess it is whatever is like just crazy old man voice probably donald farmer you say you say uh mon senior i say crip keeper Yeah, I hate to enforce your brother has died.
yeah I'd watch it. I know before the sign off, like we're all trying to think, is this his inner monologue? Like, who is talking like this? That's the place he thinks in.
Oh, man, mine just sounds like Gilbert Godfrey. Oh, God, fuck my life. That's why I drink a lot. I got to drown it out. You need to calm down a bit. oh So I do have a note here and it's related to what you were talking about, things being all over the place. There are two. ah There are more than two, but there are two sequences I can think of right now that have nothing to do with the rest of this movie.
other than a shark and a possession, right? So there's the one we talked about, the mall scene at the end where the girl is just walking around the mall shopping for stuffed sharks. But there's this one right around this time where there's like these girls like the craft light hanging out at like a of a of graveyard. yeah yeah And they're yeah they're cutting away to a possessed girl doing her best Linda Blair. Diet craft. Don't fill up on witchcraft. And it has nothing to do with anything. Like it's just a possessed girl. She's she's not another girl we already knew, right?
I don't think. No, I didn't recognize any of these fucking people. I didn't know why this was here. And that was again, one of those scenes where like, OK, I'm taking notes, I look up, I'm like, how the fuck did we get to here? Who the fuck? So like you rewind to like get some answers and it's like, oh, no, we're we're just here now. That's my answer. We're just fucking here. And they're here. They're doing something. I don't know why or what. But here we are. But one of one of the witches definitely looks like a Boking Woodbine. I don't know if you know that male actor. hey Dude, I was expecting this chick to be in Big Hit or my favorite Boking Woodbine. Yeah, like yeah i that she looks exactly like him. Yeah, same gap tooth and everything. There's so many weird sequences, like you're saying, and and we've all been saying, like, do I know this person? This movie is making this seem very important. Did you dose me? Like, yeah, I did not. yeah
Basically, up until the pool sequence with the special girl, this is somewhat of a cohesive movie. We have the girls who are friends and then there's the nun that possesses the shark or whatever. Worst friends ever, by the way. Worst friends ever. Oh my God. Why are these three friends? It's a storyline.
and then after Presumably she kills this girl as a shark in a pool Like she wakes up like it's like the next day of a werewolf thing where she doesn't remember it or whatever And then after that, it's just a series of disconnected scenes Is there a script on the floor? Like is there editing where there's more star story? There's like a shark cult Yeah, he has like a 40 page script that would have made sense at least even something He only had a 40 page script and he was he was like we can drag it out and then he realized when you were done shooting Oh shit. We only made a 40-minute movie. I need this to be 60 minutes All right. Can you get me a really buff blonde chick in a bikini because I'm gonna have a real long weird sequence about her Oh like
god My Christ. What the fuck? like i don't I did not understand that again. I'm just like, why is this dude creeping around taking pictures? What is happening? How does she not wake up? We thought maybe it was gonna be, let's make him a really scummy scumbag so when the shark eats him, we all cheer for the shark. Right.
You know, he got his comeuppance, but no, no, nothing comes of it. None's there. Stabbing. I don't get it. Because earlier there's another unrelated cutaway with some sorority girls where the girls are an angle, deep water. They get attacked. No, they don't get attacked. They don't. It attacks the. I think I think this is what we gathered from the. Oh, right. It attacks the bitchy girl on the dock.
So we were like, OK, so the shark only eats mean people? Because it fades to black and we just hear like chomp, chomp off screen and these girls are freaking out. Yeah, mean yeah but this block. Yeah, it's it. Show me something, please. Also, yeah, there's the the fun lake scene where Ali just goes up to some random chick that's already in the lake. And I was just going to bring that one up. Five people in the background.
There are so many people in the background of this movie that did not give permission for their likenesses. 100%. Dude, the hospital scene, when like they take her to the hospital, it looks like someone's just holding a camera on their jacket. like They didn't go on permission to fucking film it there. That's what we noticed. There was that. There was the one where they're in like the Dave and Busters. Which I called that, by the way.
And then there's the mall scene. They're all shot with like underarm cameras or like he he just had his cell phone and he's like, I'm I'm sending a text. I'm definitely not recording.
Oh, yeah, it was just I don't know. I feel like the idea behind the movie Like you could make something good, well, good in quotations, something ridiculous. But that also makes sense and is entertaining. Oh, yeah. Whereas like this makes absolutely no fucking sense. I a couple of parts were entertaining like again, ghost whackers. I just keep bringing that up. I still think it's like somebody needs to like make that a YouTube channel. I'll watch it. I don't care like how good it is. Just make it. I'll watch it.
unless maybe I'll have to do it. I'll just be whacking off ghosts like. We're going to make ghost whackers. You've got to make ghost fakers and disprove all of our videos. It's a team. out Yeah, there we go. Yeah. Ghost whackers, what I call it when you've had a long day of masturbating and nothing comes out. Oh, you know, something's there. You just can't see it. It's like when you take your dog on a walk and they keep peeing, but nothing's there. Yes, I am. Oh, my God.
Mine right here, he's right on the couch over there. Fuck does it all the time. Like, oh, I got to pee here. There's nothing left. So why are we doing this? It's cold. Our dog, our dog is a girl and she does it. I'm like, isn't this supposed to be a male thing marking territory? She's like, I'm going to fake pee here. I'm going to fake pee here. It's a domination or domination. It's a dominating thing. I'm like, I'm trying to go on a walk to get some exercise, dog. And she's like, yeah, no, we're stopping every 48 feet.
Oh, my God. Her eyes are fucking nuts. She even lists a leg. It's hilarious. I've got a theory to run by you guys. OK. What if this shark demon thing is gathering followers? And much like a musical group, it's this sharky shark and the bitey bunch. OK. And that's what's happening. Ultimately, Mark Wahlberg is trying to take over.
oh That would explain the weird shark coming from the moon apocalypse thing think about the shark side of the moon yeah yeah yeah that that would actually's already a movie is it really yeah That would actually explain this dude's look though. Mm-hmm. He's trying to be marky-mark from the 90s I'm just trying to get my swim on you know I'm saying i'm just in shocking a funny bunch I'm just a priest man. Forgive me father for I have finned I stole that pun from Jack, I'm sorry. Hey, you know what I'm saying? The teeth shall inherit the earth.
um well yeah Would still be a better movie. Just have a fucking Marky Mark impersonator. Yeah.
I'll do your movie as long as there's no Vietnamese people, bro. Bro, it's got to be just me and my boys. Ouch. I'm super racist in case people didn't know that. Yeah, I was going to say, for listeners, for your listeners who aren't immersed in our history of talking about Marky Mark, he beat the shit out of a Vietnamese guy. Look it up. He's a pizza trash. Marky Mark, not the Vietnamese guy. Thanks for clarification. Yeah, I had to.
Yeah, it is not like the reason he can't his restaurant can't get a liquor license in like California or some shit like I don't know, but I would believe it. I hope that's true. I do, too. Yeah, I think there's one area like the Walburger or whatever, like the they can't get a liquor license because of that charge that he has. And so he's actually trying to get it off of his record. Of course, yeah just so his company can get a fucking liquor license. Yeah.
I thought maybe it was just because ah since Donnie Donnie Wahlberg you know manages all the Wahlbergers because he's not acting except for in Saw movies, I guess maybe still. ah They were just like, we we can't have Donnie Wahlberg in California. So he can't come and sign this that document. It's their I know it's their other brother's restaurant.
Oh, Donnie, just as the line cook. No, no, there's another brother. I know I was making fun of Donnie Mulberger. Well, he's married to Janet McCarthy. He doesn't have to do shit now. He's got to worry about his kids not getting fucking vaccinated. He was on Blue Bloods. Oh, that's right. He's married. Yeah, they'll get measles soon enough.
um So anyway, back to terrible sharks, ah the though the. What the fuck ghost whackers lady Nancy? She has a whole scene where like so she's got this weird dude following around. He's obviously he's her cameraman, but he's just a creep. Yeah.
There's a scene where she like goes out and gets possessed on the beach or whatever the beach in Tennessee where most of this movie was shot. Yeah. um And he like runs away because he's like, I'm not getting paid enough for this shit because she's literally laying on the ground screaming. Come inside me, spirit. Yeah. Fill me up. Yeah. Chum inside me. Chum inside me.
Yeah, and also I wonder if he's the cameraman that we hear breathing. We already talked about the buff blonde scene. If you have the volume up at all, you can hear someone struggling to breathe. Well, first we thought it was maybe like, oh, it's the creepy guy watching. No, this is just a fucking cameraman that's having trouble living.
Well, we did see Donald Farmer in this movie. He plays the news reporter after Ali gets attacked. Yeah. Mr. Molding Potato Head. I saw that guy. I saw his physical shape. That could just be him filming and he just didn't catch it when he was editing. Or he's he's just struggling to breathe because he's still alive. Well, the sound of this movie can be wild sometimes. You hear background noises that you shouldn't that are louder than a dialogue. There's no wind guards on these microphones. just as win but You said you said microphones. This is the this is the camera mounted mic. Yeah. Yeah. I think he had a sure 58 taped to a fucking but a camera like an old VCR camera. That's right. He's not even using digital video. He's just got one of those old big camcorders that's on your shoulder. Your your fucking step grandpa's camera. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, guys, after this episode, I really kind of want to go out and get a beer. What are you thinking? I mean, OK, look, the thing is, I deal with beer so much in my life, I want something else.

Promotions and Off-Topic Discussions

I'm i'm fine with beer, but I want like a stiff cocktail or a nice glass of whiskey. You know, the music box is just down the way and you can get an awesome cocktail when they even have like tombstone and other great beers on tap.
The music box, where would I find that? Oh, you mean the music box at 6951 East 22nd Street in Tucson, Arizona. Right down there at 22nd and Cove. Yeah, they've got a great selection of whiskey, gin, tequila, mezcal, other spirits. Ooh, sometimes they have like putting shots and jello shots. You're putting me on. And depending on the night of the week, we can get karaoke, live music. It's great. Ooh, unhappy hour. on Oh, it's Wednesday. It's unhappy hour. Yeah. I'm in. You guys are shelling me. Let's go to the music box lounge right now. that's oh
You know what? I will give this movie one point that a lot of movies don't get. um They do something. I'm sure it wasn't intentional. Most of the characters in this movie are female. I think we see like, aside from people in the background who didn't know they were in a movie, I think we have like five dudes. This movie does pass the Bechdel test, which is if there's a movie, if there's a scene in a movie where two women are talking,
Generally, they're almost always talking about a man. The Bechdel test is, is there a scene where they aren't doing that? And there are a lot of scenes with women talking where they aren't discussing men. So that's a point. Well, shit. I mean, I don't again, I don't think it was an intentional and I don't think I should actually give them credit, but I will.
I mean, we got to give them something. um I'll also give them credit. They made a movie. true That is true. That is fair. I mean, yeah, I appreciate anybody who go out there and make a fucking movie. And actually, I will say this actually is not the worst.
movie I will be discussing on seasick cinema it's bad but it's not it's not like the worst there's a couple of other ones I have in mind that are way worse than this well's i appreciate it it's also my favorite thing that I hate now I love it but I i hate it I'm mad at it, so I'm gonna come back to it. we had you We had you on for, well, for two episodes now, but one that was wasn't really a shark movie, although it kind of was, ah and then Santa Jaws. So what if the two, like, made for TV, shot on video shark movies that we have done to discuss with you?
This falls far below Santa Jaws. Yeah. Santa Jaws was like a movie. There was a beginning a middle and end. There was a plot. I understood what was happening. There was a guy that had his legs cut off and kept walking. Yeah. Yeah. That was cool. The shark. I believe I more believe a shark with Christmas lights for eyes and a candy corn horn.
Oh, and I don't believe in the ornament. I think it was it was a gar corn oh candy Candy cane. I'm sorry. It's Christmas. Candy cane, candy corn. I don't know. yeah This. Yeah. But um I do have to. This shark that we see at first, Jack was like, is this claymation is hoping it was claymation. It's like a CGI claymation. I think it's a European shark, by the way. OK. Aren't all sharks from Finland?
I was really hoping for a long painful pause right there just to make you guys suffer and sit in it. ah Jack, was it what did I say before? I was like, welcome to jokes your dad tells by starring Jack. I got like stepdad jokes. They just got boundary issues.
um Yeah, the this this shark design though and this shark they all they did was purchase like one CGI shark asset from like adobe and then just reused it because it's the same it does the same motions yeah every single shot that we see it.
Yeah, because the earlier part, I was like, this is actually ah I mean, it it looks like bad CG, but I was like, it's a decent. Yeah, because it has good movement and stuff, but it's the yeah it's yeah same shot. Had we seen have we seen it do anything like bite a person or leap out of the water or something out of the water at the. Yeah. the Yeah. Second of the official movie. air we Yeah. Yeah. Stingers. So real quick, you said candy corn, right? And it makes me wonder, is there a shark movie for Halloween called like maybe Shalloween?
And there is a I have nothing for. Well, I shouldn't say I have nothing for Halloween. We have Sharkenstein and Sharquila. OK. Of course. Of course. why why any worse You say it so naturally. Yeah. But no, other than that, there's like not a whole lot of holiday themed shark movies, which I'm kind of disappointed about. Well, if anybody's got an iPhone, I got a bathtub. Let's ah film Halloween. Come on over. There's plenty of pools in Arizona. We'll go get little shark toys and put them on strings and we'll put the camera down and just it'll look better than the CG in most of these. Let's get that done. I get some more dynamic movements, like maybe some fake blood every once in a while. I don't know. Let's get crazy with it, right? When he wants to talk about the blood in this movie.
I was actually very that first stabbing. I was like, oh, my God, look at all of this blood. This is amazing. I blew their blood. Blood budget. It was. Yeah. So they say different like this and then like that last scene where the nun shows back up, but it's the beginning again or something like whatever. So, yeah, like that's only like really the only blood we see. So like they had the ability and knew how to make fake blood or had access to it. And they're just like,
Nah. When Ally gets attacked and then pulled out of the water, it's like someone slapped a wet fruit roll up on her thigh and was like, there's your gash. You're going to die from this outside of your thigh. Like no femoral artery. No. Speaking of that bite, though, the the fruit roll up, she ends up going to the hospital like we said, but she gets out and she's like, oh, I healed. And like it's supposed to be a miracle because she's possessed or whatever. But she has a bandage on the bloody bloody.
and she takes off the bandage and there's no mark there's no cut i'm like where is the blood where did the blood come from yeah did you leave the hospital and they were like look i know you don't have insurance so we're not going to replace the bandages yeah you know help yourself to use one on the way out that's what your health care plan lets you know we don't have free health care here it's terrible let's say this is another american Oh, yeah don't even fucking get me started on the Canadian health care. So I'll get you started lately. Oh, dude, it's fun. I had to. So I've been to like the emergency room a couple of times in the last like six months or so. And once um I was there with my girlfriend and there was a nurse who like told us to move our chairs. And when I say told us, she told us didn't ask us. I was only sitting in the chairs where they had put them.
that's all ah So, of course, it's like, fuck me, right? Oh, yeah. So I I took the chair and I slid it across to where she wanted it. And then I went and sat down. She was upset by this. ah She was like, what's with the attitude? And I'm like, I'm sitting down like you told me to. Like, I'm in the emergency room. That's the attitude. Yeah.
Yeah. And also, like we had been up for like, I don't know, 36 hours at this point. So like, I just wasn't having any of it. Like, I'm just like, not today. And so I but I went and sat down because I'm like, ah I'm not here for myself. So I'm going to sit down and she's like, what was that? And I'm like, I literally did not say anything. And then she's like, get out. Oh, you got kicked out of an emergency room.
So we were in like the other waiting room. So there was like the emergency waiting room. And then there was the urgent care waiting room before you go into the other room to wait for the doctor. Okay. Yeah. And so we got kicked out of one waiting room. We still kept our place in line. We just got kicked out of the room. So I mean, okay. ah is And then ah would I would have stood up and said, I don't give a sit. I really got to have some of these ready for me because with the amount of bullshit I've had to deal with in like the last three months, I just need some of these one-liners just to confuse people when I leave a situation. you know Jack will punch anything up for you. yeah yeah Including that nurse that gave you trouble.
ah So as I'm getting kicked out, she she's not wearing her mask the whole time. There are signs everywhere. Everybody else is wearing a mask. She's literally the only one not wearing it. So as I walk by.
but Yeah, so I'm like, I'm like, hey, could you put your mask on? And she's like, yours is good enough. if You have a problem. You can report it to my manager. And so I'm like, all right, fuck you. So then as we're walking out, I walk by her again after I had like complained to somebody else at the urgent care desk. And then as I'm walking, she intentionally open mouth coughs in my fucking direction towards my face. What the fuck? She's like,
As she's walking by and um and I turned around and I just said are you fucking kidding me? And so I've been on the phone with the fucking hospital for weeks now, trying to identify who the fuck she is. They say they think they know who it is now, but she hasn't been at work, so they haven't talked to her or anything yet. And like, yeah, we have procedures for this. And I'm like, yeah, it's called getting fucking fired for not doing your job. Like, yeah, she's like at work. She's a nurse. She's been at work for 36 hours a day for the last two weeks. Yeah, like.
they They tell us we're like, we'd have no healthcare workers because there's like nobody in this country even has a fucking family doctor. My girlfriend is from England. She's been living here for 10 plus years. Never had a family doctor. Yeah, that's rough. Kind of sounds like I'm happy I don't have health care. Yeah.
And like we get taxed for our healthcare. Like we pay so much more in taxes. And that's what people don't realize about the free healthcare care system is it just comes out of our taxes. And then when we try to use it, we don't have access to it. I have i have heard that before. I mean, that's the frustrating part is not having access. Cause that's how insurance works here too, is like you pay extra for everybody else who doesn't have it. So you're still paying for everybody either way.
Yeah, but I guess you do have access sometimes Occasionally Um, I do have a note real quick to get back to stupid sharks. Whoa. I love this guy. Uh, there's a scene. Oh, it's the, no, it's not the sorority girls. I don't know. It's some other random disconnected scene. Maybe it was the first scene with the the three girls. I don't remember, but they're riding in a car and I was immediately thinking, I think Donald farmer thinks he's making a Quentin Tarantino. Oh yeah.
Oh, that's the opening scene. Yeah, that's the first scene. Yeah. The three girls are all chatting. The one girl has her feet out the window and their shots on her feet and stuff. I was like, this is just death proof, except for instead of Kurt Russell, we're going to get a CG shark. Yeah. And this guy from 311. That was that was Lauren, the Bobby. He's all mixed up. He don't know what to do, what to do.
Well, I don't I just saw that note and I was like, oh, yeah, I forgot about the Tarantino scene. Oh, and the the the carnival scene. Oh, with Bobby, with Bobby. OK, so I think while we've been talking, that was so weird.
I've put together some pieces, guys. go Oh, so I talked. Oh, OK. This movie was too short. I mean, it's it's barely considered feature length correct at 71 minutes. So I think I was right. I think they shot it. They didn't have enough. So they made a 10 minute long silence with like like ambient noise walking around the carnival scene. They had the 10 minute long stinger scene of the girl in the mall.
all these things just to add up to the bodybuilder girl and the and the buff blonde girl all this stuff just to add up to feature length so he's making a feature length film that he can then sell to somebody that helps but it doesn't explain like the craft light and some of these weird possessions it just explains that those scenes are there for no reason yeah i i 100% think it's just to get it because at 70 minutes if he throws it on uh Sci-fi channel or whoever commercials then with commercials you're at 90 Well more than that depending on I guess but the gear at ah they're like look we can put this in a slot now I guess you're at two hours yeah
But I just made those connections while we were talking about that. I was like, oh, all this stuff is so extended and so boring and so pointless because he ran out of he's like, I got nothing else. It's a demon. That's probably 100 percent what it is. Like, yeah, like I think you're right, too. Like they filmed this movie up until like that pool scene where they probably could have just ended it on a fucking cliffhanger and then be like, hey, yes, fucking stay tuned. And then they're like, oh, but then like what you said, oh, we need more scenes. Here's some scenes that I i wrote.
They don't make any sense, but I wrote them. Here they are. Here's here's my daughter. He's kind of strong. Well, I mean, like in his no tap. She scribbled on a cocktail. now Yeah, he put him on a napkin while he was drinking straight gin at the bar. Ooh, Tom Waits style.
So I'm actually going to go through. I found a couple of reviews, very short ones. um I think everybody else kind of feels the same way we do about this movie.
um So Letterboxd user Oliver Swift gave it half a star. If you like Jaws, do not watch this movie. If you like The Exist, do not watch this movie. In fact, if you like anything at all, do not watch this movie. What if you like really bad movies? Pretty fair, I guess.
Yeah, I like that. So the next one from letterbox user Brax 2090 also gave it a half a star. No, just no. Were there any higher than half stars? Like, were there any? high OK, so there were a couple of like four star reviews. Oh, there was literally one from the director name on letterbox was the movie pussy.
ok And he wrote a fucking essay on this movie. And I got like, I read a couple sentences and I'm just like, I can not get on board with this. He was the director. Yeah, probably. I wouldn't be fucking surprised. like I thought you were going to say the username was Donald Farmer. Like, yeah. The farmer I tried emailing me at Donald Farmers only dot com. I had no reply yet.
um But one review that really disturbs me from IMDB, Duckstar, 61030, they gave it two stars for one, and they said the best effects on the DVD are the menu screen.
They paid money for like a DVD copy of this and then wash it and then gave it two stars. Like that's concerning that somebody paid to like have a physical copy of this in their possession. A rewatchable thing. I'm all about physical media like I like all behind me physical media fucking everywhere. Oh, yeah. I would not you couldn't pay me to have this like someone could say here here you go.
I'm good, man. It's all yours. I might disagree. I think I was going home and buying this. I'm the same. I'm like not on physical media. That's true. I want to force people to watch. So there's something there's something that I like to do where I'll put on movies and turn the sound all the way off and then put on a playlist of sorts. And this would make a great music video. Agreed. Yeah.
i't actually hear bottle talks if You don't have to hear any of these people's delivery or try and make sense of the plot But all of a sudden stabbing westward comes on and this nun is just fucking gutting this chick it um Because you were talking about letterbox reviews I went to look I was like there have to be some five stars. I scrolled through a couple whatever They're just people that are like I love this because did you find the essay?
no but this one is great five stars from someone named john pterodact like pterodactyl with a p and everything uh okay have not watched this but holy hell do i like women undressing while riding on the ground five stars but i'm not a sex pervert Excuse me, sir. You don't have to say sex pervert. It's just pervert's line. Yeah, ah it kind of encompasses the whole thing. We knew what you meant when you started talking about liking women rising on the ground. You didn't have to say sex or pervert. We got you, Mr. Patera Dactyl.
Oh, there was something we noticed in the credits while we were waiting for the Stinger scene that I found out about thanks to the IMDB trivia, which mostly is nothing except for this movie is 71 minutes long and 11 minutes of it is credits. Yep. It's a bad ratio. There was a thing. ah The possessed girl in the credits, she's just credited as possessed girl is misspelled. Oh, yeah.
which like computers have spelled like autocorrect spellcheck autocorrect anything right because it was p o s e s s e d and i'm looking at it and i was even like doesn't possess to have two double s's i fact checked them it does good old american knowledge i do want to know What the end was about though, which like not the mall, but like, so she makes out with a priest and he gets shark possessed. And then the friend runs away after getting bitten and then the shark comes out of the moon.
Yeah, because they were they they were doing the Ozzy Osbourne shark at the moon. They did there was the shark of the moon at the carnival and that's what bit um Emily and then Lauren is chasing Emily down at the docks and she strips making sure she doesn't take off her scab um and jumps in the water and then immediately a shark jumps out and gets I'm telling you guys do way too much work. Just enjoy it. It's beautiful.
You don't have to make sense of it because they didn't choose to what Steve said earlier. The shark flying out of the moon is the same animation as the shark in the water. Yeah. So it is filled with a different fucking background. Yeah. They were like, look, we figure out how to change the background.
All right, look, this this nun is a Satanist, right? And she's got her way. She's got her demon shark doing her business, yada yada. And then all of a sudden, God's like, you know what? I'm going to send back this resurrected person to balance it out, you know, because it's yeah, it's a lot like the force with the sharks. Yeah.
Um, but yeah, we were having a very heated debate about if that's the same girl at the end. Whitney said it's 100% the same girl who comes out of the water. I swear she was blonde and this girl's a redhead. No, it was either ways. Either ways. Good God. Either way. She's definitely like, it's like a Jason Voorhees thing, right? Like it's supposed to be, cause she pops out and like drags the nun in to hell. I don't know. I'm trying to make connections. Yeah.
Oh, we did mention, though, that we get lines from both Jaws and the Exorcist. Yes. ah So the Exorcist one, he fucks that up because he's like, he says the power of Christ orders you, commands you, commands you. Thank you. And I was like, it's all it's compelled guy. But the one that really got me and it's because I just heard it played off of in something else. I don't remember what it was. Oh, Godzilla. Yes.
Uh, he starts doing the exorcism and, uh, the friend Emily is like, we're going to need a bigger cross. It's, it's, I actually liked it. But what is a bigger, is a bigger cross have more Jesus in it? but that's movie it does You present more Christ in every cross. You to make sure you get Christ checks with four brands.
But I do have a note towards the end where I finally just wrote, what is happening? I'm telling you, it was a mushroom fever dream. I had that note at the beginning. Well, it's like I started out as like a loosely woven like blanket that someone was making, but they don't they don't they they don't have the real crocheting abilities to make a good one. But then at the end, it just frayed into a thousand pieces. Yeah.
Oh, they just stapled a bunch of materials together. They like it. They got impatient and just glued it. Yeah, it's like a kindergartner.
Macaroni necklace and all. Yeah, I'm making those. Now, I will say as much as I despise this movie or dislike it, of course I'm going to watch the sequel when it comes out, which is like pretty fucking soon because I mean, I'm more just curious to see like whether they actually take the time to wrap up those other plot points or if they actually do just completely ignore them because as much as I was joking, I'm actually half expecting them to just never go back to any of that stuff. I would take that bet. I mean, like I don't think they're going to have any sort of cohesion.
Well, because they set up at least three different possible, like, villains or yeah antagonists for the next movie, because there's the priest, there's Emily, and there's random mall girl. I got it. Oh, and Nancy. And Nancy. Because they're all still possessed at the end of the movie. I got it. The priest has an illegitimate child, and he gets raised, and he's like, hey, I'm here to pay for the swims of my father.
And it's just. And it's played by the same actor, same actor. I was going to say these actors, this actor and actress, husband, wife, team will be in that movie. You think so? they Because they.
They've been in almost nothing. Every movie he's been in, she's been in. Oh, okay. And you know the biggest movie both of them were in was Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, where they both play uncredited human ah ah prisoners. So they're gonna do the movie. Someone's gotta pay for that weekend coke binge. Seriously? He needs a third barbed wire tattoo.
I got one on my bicep, I've got one on my wrist, I need one right around my abdomen. babe i I was gonna say cock. I'm thinking neck, babe. yeah and no ah Crown of thorns. oh It goes with my haircut.
Yeah, if this priest is not bald with a crown of thorns tattoo, I don't even want to see this movie then. It's a deal breaker. I think we're building ourselves up a little too much. space yeah Yeah, we might be we might be. Well, if if this comes out before they release the movie, you might have time for them to hear this episode and get our ideas before they film it the day before it comes out. That's true. Yeah. Yeah. OK, guys, let's Donald.
Hey, like fix, mix it, make it matter, make it make sense. Fix it in pre. Oh no, he fixes everything in post. Yeah. Well, I think that's just going to about wrap it up unless you guys have any final thoughts, opinions. Um, two fins up for me. i love it i know i It was terribly awesome. And like I said, I'm definitely going to make our roommate watch this.
I was so in up until right after the pool scene when everything just does dissolved into nothingness. That's when you get up and make 10 drinks. Yeah, that's when you put on the you put it on mute and put on the playlist, right? You get all the way up to the the surprise werewolf, were shark, whatever say shark, shark, shark, shark. And then you just put on see if it syncs up with Dark Side of the Moon. Yeah.
Yeah, no, it was it was fun. That's that's I'll say that about it. It was fun and you know fun to be on your podcast. thanks Oh, yeah man I was gonna say let's do this for the sequel Oh, 100 percent. i'm I'm hoping that I can maybe do it around like Halloween time or something like that. We're down. Hopefully I can get or enough time to do that. But yeah, that would be dope. But you're right. don Yeah. ah Why don't you guys tell us about ah or tell the people about ah your podcast about what you do?
Uh, it's bad movies, worse people. We kind of do this, but we go, we go more point by point like you do on your regular show. Uh, we basically watch shitty movies, sometimes good movies, whatever we feel like watching. We get drunk and we talk crap about them on the internet. The puns are just as bad.
Yeah. Yep. Jack is doing just as many puns. More singing um god was singing. And we are. You can find us anywhere you get podcasts. Bad Movies, Worst People. You can go to We also have a Patreon that's only three dollars a month. You get a bonus episode every month. Plus, you'll get some early access to another podcast Jack and I are working on called Hantuk Shots First. That's a Star Wars podcast, obviously.
ah That's all that's right. I heard you guys talking about that on an episode recently We're gonna be going from episode 1 to episode 9 all the live-action stuff So the shows and everything in order plus some other stuff whatever we feel like talking about But you can get that on patreon slash worse people And then also hon took shots first will be on all your platforms as well Hell, yeah. And I'm definitely looking forward to that one, actually. I think you guys see we got Steve on two episodes on the backlog, man. Yeah. Steve's been on two episodes with us already. Oh, we love you, Steve. I'm sure more coming up. and So I'm trying to find something to have you on that doesn't have sharks in it. So you don't have to talk about sharks anymore. I'm totally OK with that. Link Placid. Not a shark. Not a shark.
and still better than most of the movies I watch anyway, so. Thank you for having us on. This was a time, it was a mostly good time. There was parts where I had to cross my legs while laughing. I was just like, what is happening? This is fantastic.
Yeah, it's definitely I will say it's definitely more of a group watch. So if you get together with a bunch of friends, beers, weed, whatever you want to fucking do, then it's an enjoyable experience. But just know it's not a good movie. It's a bad fucking movie. Definitely. But you'll get some kicks out of it. Could be a good time.
All right, everybody, you know that you can find me on all the fucking social medias at Bucket of Chum podcast, patreon forward slash Bucket of Chum. And I'll see all of you next time for another episode of Bucket of Chum.
Hey guys, I don't want to sound needy here. I'm needy. But we have a Patreon at patreon slash people And it only costs three dollars a month. Three dollars a month is nothing. And I know times are hard right now. Real hard for me. Inflation's up. You can't afford your groceries. Can't eat. But you can't afford three dollars a month if you love us. Give us three dollars. Super love us. Please love us.
We're not, we're not begging. I'm begging. We're not pleading. I'm pleading. We're not down on our knees. Oh boy. My my knees hurt. They've been on the Ovid on so long. But we do kind of need the money. I need the money bad. We need new equipment. New equipment. We need to do remote podcasts for all of you. I wouldn't mind eating. We need to have video. I wouldn't mind eating. ah We need more drinks. Food sounds good.
So please check out patreon slash worst people. Please check us out. You get a bonus episode every month and we're going to have more content coming for you. I'll send you pictures. ah Thank you guys. Thank you so much. Please give me a tree on dot com. I'm being held hostage here slash worst people don't pe all out of here. They're going to kill me.