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Taking a hard left after The Prowler, we get into Disney family film territory with the Robin Williams vehicle, FLUBBER. This remake of The Absent-Minded Professor features Williams as a forgetful inventor with a flying robot and a dancing green blob as a friend. We also get an appearance from Wil Wheaton as a shitty little rich kid as well as Clancy Brown and Ted Levine as hapless, silly goons with a penchant for being hit in the head. This was a staple of Derrick's childhood, so this episode will potentially serve as a nostalgia buster of sorts.

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Chaotic Introduction & Episode Focus

Welcome back, everybody. We're here with Flubber. That's not how we start this. I'm Whitney. I'm not playing. I'm Derek.
This is bad movies, worse people. Why do you cry? I'm so dejected. It's fun to let other people do it, too. i I had a plan. It's over now. No, it's over. We're on the episode. What's quote?
Read a quote. It's too late now. It won't No, it's not. Do it.
Welcome back. And this week, we're changing gears extremely from the last two weeks. Flubber sounds like a baby shampoo. I'm Derek. I'm apparently Whitney.
I'm Jack. The whole thing's going to be in there. And this is Bad Movies, Worst People. You are worse people.

Robin Williams' Career & 'Flubber' Context

Yes, this week we're talking about Flubber. We haven't talked about Robin Williams, have we? No, not like yeah him in an episode. It seems like... We've talked about him, yeah but I don't think we've done a movie of his. It's something I've felt weird about because of, you know, but his whole ending.
Sure, but i mean we did we did Chris Farley as well. um We love our sad clowns. Didn't we also... you were telling me that there was like a new... Not a new thing that came out, but... He had had another disease. Yeah, Louie's.
Oh, yeah. Lou Gehrig's? No. what was the What were we watching? It's like the Penguin's Mom. Oh, was the Penguin's Mom. The disease that she had. Degenerative... Louie something syndrome. Control of your body. you have dementia.
All of that. Yeah, apparently that's what Robin Williams found out he had, and that might have... Yeah, he wanted it on his own terms. I mean, being trapped inside your own body sounds fucking awful. Not only that, but putting that on your loved ones.
Yeah, well, i don't have any. Well, he did. He had beautiful wife and a wonderful daughter. Just rub it in. Reverse all that. How meaningful my life is. You have Kage, and us, you have the bleeps. I have a weebo.
You have the bleeps. You have multiple wives. You do. They're just other people. And husbands. Getting sadder by the moment. By the sentence.
Oh, you live in Utah? You have multiple lives. I thought you were going to say Yuma. I was like, damn, he is really throwing punches. Derek is just trying to get me hurt. Yuma worse than Utah. Yeah, it Barely.
Yes. No, by a lot. but Utah has all those beautiful places. Yeah, Yuma's gross and hot. I have a friend from Yuma. Yeah, and Utah's gross and full. If you still let them live there, you ain't that good of a friend. Well, no, he lives here. He's a room he's a roommate. He's a regular.
He listens to the show. Hi, Matt.
Brought it all back. But yes, we are discussing 1997's Flubber. um I've never seen this movie. I had never seen this movie. I did watch it just now. like I've never seen this movie. I'm closing my eyes. I'm going to go out the way I came into this world, never seeing Flubber.
I can't wait to hear what you have to say on recommendations later. I think it'll be apparent as we go. Let's let's talk about that real quick, because this was a pretty big thing. for i asked right away, because i mean we can do whatever movies we want, but we liked them we like them to be bad in one sense or another.
This was not financially bad. No, but it's not it's considered one of Robin Williams' lesser. in this period of time, he was doing a lot of lesser. It was either like... Like he was doing a lot of like sleep. He did some great stuff, but he was doing a lot of like sleeping his way through a comedy or doing stuff that was just manufactured to make you cry. Stuff like Patch Adams. Uh huh. Oh God.
It's based on a true story, bro. But like that's ah he just he was coasting, which is fine because he was getting paid and he deserved it. Yeah. Because he'd worked for it. But this is one of those ones that's considered a lesser one, which, I mean, watching it, you can see he's barely Robin Williams-ing. He's hooking all over this place.
Just because he's flying. And he looks like Peter Pan. This is the most subdued of a Robin Williams without milling it in or without sleeping through it. Yeah. i mean He's as animated as he is in Good Will Hunting, mayhaps.
Yeah, the for the first part where he invents the flubber, we get a little Robin Williams thing, but most of it is just him looking sad and probably because he's annoyed that this is just a complete rip off of the nutty, ah the absent minded. Well, it's it's a remake. It's not a rip off. They they acknowledged it.
I mean, I think it'd be I think he'd be fine with that. It's Derek pointed out ah while we were watching it. He was mad at Disney. Yeah, so he almost didn't do this. Oh, yeah, why is he So there was a whole fucking thing about his... He was supposed to be the only voice of Aladdin.
Genie. Or, sorry, Genie. any genie Any Aladdin property with Genie was going to be just... It was supposed to be just him doing the voice. I think that meant video games and toys as well, but it definitely meant the the sequel.
And the TV show. And that ended

Disney Contract Drama & Casting Humors

up being Dan Castanella, who is Homer from The Simpsons. kenstonello castanel Castanello? Castanello. Castanello. Yeah. Castanello? You know who I'm talking about. Homer Simpson. Yeah.
Homer Simpson ended up doing it. Previous episode, Godzilla 98. Yeah. And just Rob Williams was super pissed about that. There was a whole breach of contract thing, and he was pissed at Disney for it because he was supposed to get all those.
I think he gets royalties if he does the toys and the video games. I have a couple things about that. One... I just saw this thing online the other day, so I don't know if it's true or not because Facebook. But apparently he had done so much riffing for the genie character that there's enough stuff that they could make a a whole other movie.
Yeah. I've also heard that. But in his will, he had that they could not use any of it. And it's probably going back to this. He's like, fuck you guys. Yeah.
Chess clap. Gorilla, smart. yeah But yeah, he was not having good relations with Disney at the time. They obviously mended fences, so he was in this.
But John Hughes, who wrote this movie so one and produced, wanted Robin Williams from the beginning. Okay. But because he wasn't in good standing with Disney, he had a list. wouldn't you want a full-on Robin Williams? Not the version we got, per se. Yeah, right.
But also, I mean, Robin Williams is like the biggest family star at the time. So we did you definitely want that. We hadn't gotten Tim Allen yet. but we got Well, we did get Tim Allen. we Disney had just done a Santa Claus movie. yeah This was in 97. So, yeah. 94, I think, was that first Santa Claus.
But there was a list of other people that John johnny Hughes lined up just in case. Okay, let's play this game. um I'm saying Christopher Lloyd. Definitely Christopher Lloyd. Because his nephew's in this movie. But also, i mean, you you can see Christopher Lloyd. I mean, it's just it's just ah Sam Lloyd.
Ted from The Office. Oh, shit. and From The Office, from Scrubs. Sorry, from Scrubs. different He works in The Office of Scrubs. I'm never wrong. Okay.
i Part of me wants to say Tim Curry, but that's no way. Real quick, Jack, I want you to do Robin Williams as Christopher Lloyd. This character as Christopher Lloyd. Go. Hey, great Scott. I didn't do it once. Miles per hour.
ah Marty. I have to get in the... Great Scott Marty. It's called Flubber Marty. Oh, you have to do that? Okay, I see I did that the other way. yeah Him doing Robin Williams' character. Great Scott Marty.
Oh, it's Flubber. It's but's green, slimy.
All right, wife Give me another one. It's not Tim Curry. No, I know. I can't think. 97? 97? You guys want one? I got a whole list of them, but I'll give you... want to go with a weird one like Jeff Daniels.
There's... Jim Carrey. There's one Jeff. Oh, there we go. But it's not Daniels. Bridges? No. We've talked about him before. Goldbloom? Yeah. oh ah So the thing is, it's Flubber. It's it's ah slimy and bouncy and kinetic and... Oh, elastic.
I have a really good idea. I'm going to put Flubber in this teleporting pod. I'm going to get in the other teleporting pod. Now, science log date is unknown to me. i don't see the outside. I'm going to fuck the flubber.
I'm going to make sweet, passionate love. It just turns into the flubber, and it's Jeff Goldblum slowly turning into a flubber. The flyber. Was Gutenberg on the list? No, no way. Not in 97. 97, Gutenberg is a no-fly zone, dude.
um Why? Hollywood. We never really got an answer for it. Because he did too many Police Academy movies. Adam Sandberg. There it is No. No. Nah. Yeah, give me one if it's not Christopher Walken. John Lithgow is one of the ones. It's Flubber!
It's bouncing! It's flying! It's rubber! It's Flubber! Elastic! It's a squirt gun! out of here, Weebo! We don't want you! Can't you see?
We don't want you anymore, Weebo! French Stewart. No. No one can see me squinting. These other ones don't work nearly as well. French Stewart. Squint. We've Jerry Seinfeld.
do they call it Flubber? It doesn't flub or burr. don't even know. Jerry, you you called it Flubber. Why? Why? Why do they call handcuffs? They don't go on their hands.
ah This one i don't see at all. Bill Clinton. Patrick Stewart. What the fuck? I'm a box of avocados, Logan. and I've invented flubber. Make it I don't have my phone.
Who did Absolute Minded Professor? It wasn't Jim. Oh, I just said it earlier. We were talking about it. No, Frank. but do I like how your wife got to look at my penis. Jimmy Stewart.
That's how she got. Did you hear her say that? It's like, who am I thinking of? Look at my penis. I don't even notice. It took me a second. My brain was like, what the fuck is she talking about? she did fight My brain was like, did she just say, look at my penis? got It's got him Fred McMurray, by the way. It took me a minute to remember. i was like, OK, Bonnie McMurray. Fred McMurray.
And there's one more. And we've already said it, but not in this context. Mr. Tim Allen. ah Do you believe that I'm a genius? ho Yeah. Flubber.
Bounces. yeah It's a man's flubber right there. well you You know you can tell a flubber's a woman? It's not thinking. whole There's no brain up there. hole oh I have bunch of cocaine.
I put it in my car. That's why. why There's a car involved. Yeah. But Chris McDonald, who's also in this movie, yeah wasn't going to do it. He didn't want to do it because the character is too similar to Shooter McGavin.
little bit of ah so Another character. A little bit of dutch Dutch. And then there was another one I can't remember. But he was like i don't want to do it because I've been playing this character and I don't want to be known as this character. And then Robin Williams signed on.
And he's like, well, want to work with Robin Williams. So

Narrative, Themes, and Comedic Elements

sign me up. Yep. I mean, it's a smart choice to want to work with Robin Williams in the fucking 90s or anytime. Not now. I would work with him now still.
Well, not now. Follow that river. I will work with him. be Weird. um He's going to meet you in the What Dreams May Come Yep. Real quick, i I forgot to do this at the top. I wanted to say the description on Disney Plus of this movie.
Go on. They have the little blurb. This is one sentence. And it was hilarious. Philip hopes his super bouncy goo will save his college and his wedding. Woo! Phrasing? Are we doing phrasing? That's a porno.
Oh, look this super bouncy goo. Look at that. Come on here. Come bounces off of her tits under her chest. Oh, oh no no stopping where that cum goes.
It's green. Oh. But this is directed by Les Mayfield, who nobody knows. need Mayfield. But you should know his name. ah You don't pay attention to directors, though, until now. Is it Renegade?
Encino Man. Oh, fuck yeah. And Blue Streak, but no one cares. I like Blue Streak. Oh, okay. I don't love it. And that remake of Miracle on 34th Street. Wait, Blue Streak, is Martin Lawrence one? Martin Lawrence. I think that's one where he's hiding the diamonds and pretends to be a cop. Yeah, it's not as good as when I watched it when I was younger. It doesn't hold up well, but.
But they they do, to to your point earlier, wife, they do acknowledge this is a remake of Absent-Minded Professor. It's not just rip-off. He does I'm not Absent-Minded. Well, and not just that. it's The writing credit is John Hughes, but it's also Bill Walsh, who is the guy who wrote the original Absent-Minded Professor, as well as like very popular. mean, that Disney as well, right?
Yeah. Yeah. So they're not to have an original idea I mean, how many times have they done The Parent Trap? Too to care. times they done Freaky Friday? Yeah. Let's play one more game before we get into this movie. Is it box office budget? The box office game. hey All right. 97 budget.
with With all this CG, Robin Williams. I'm going to go lower than I'd want to just because of the time. I'm going to say 45 million. I want to say 40 million.
forty million It's higher than that, right? 80 million. Yeah. Jesus. 80 million dollars. That's a big budget for this early movie. and how Okay, so box office hits.
So we want to do domestic and worldwide? or do we Yeah, do combine them. Combine them total. Total? All right. Yeah. So worldwide, domestic, it's a profit. 320. You said 80 million, so I'm going to say it made 190 million.
I said 320. 178. So still, I mean, it's basically a $100 million profit, which is still good. So it's not Marvel. I mean, it's a different time, though. Yeah.
It was a different time. I mean, the movie did make my mom want see it. We were in a different place as a country. The movie definitely made my mom. it It's fine. No, i made your mom want to see it.
And then, because we watched that we had watched the absent-minded professor. Was your mom a big Robin Williams fan at this time? Because I know my definitely my mother was. Yes. Direct, lying to her funny bone kind of situation. absolutely, 1,000%. Step from work and Mindy. like yeah i so Yeah, probably the same generation. Yeah.
um They both created failures of children. Fucking cheers to that. Luckily, they don't listen. I watched... you know everything Robin Williams at the time you know so let's let's i mean we talked about a little I mean i know I know people that had a little ad nauseum from him I don't think I ever got tired of him until the two thousands when he was also doing really bad movies but maybe I just got older like that was when it was like man of the year and I don't know if i saw a bad movie did you ever see toy Yeah, the toy. The toy, yeah.
No, loved toys. Toys. Oh, the toys Richard Pryor. yeah That's a very different movie. Yes, it is. Toys. i actually like. I remember liking toys. That's one that is not available on like home video right now. Oh, crazy. i I think, unless somebody picked it up and I didn't know. Yeah. don't know. There's not much that he has done that I didn't like. like Even his creepy shit, like one hour photo. Fucking loved that. That movie's awesome.
But it was like when he did the dramatic stuff and then he tried to get back into comedy because guess the dramatic stuff maybe wasn't doing as well. So people wanted him for comedy and was just not good stuff. But he's so good in the drama. Toys is not streaming. You can't throw money at it.
But the he's also in ah Awakening, The Awakening. And it's with Robert De Niro. He's the doctor. Robert De Niro a comatose patient. And he learns. I've never heard of that one.
It's the best paycheck I've ever made. It's a wonderful movie. I'm going to make you watch it. um But like Jack said, he's never seen this till now. Is it going to horny? I'm going to cry my eyes out. Oh, okay.
So you saw it. Did you see it a lot or do you just see it? I've seen it a couple times. dude I was flabbergasted when I heard Derek's number. Excuse me, you were what? Flubbergasted. Sorry. I was flubbergasted when I heard Derek's amount of time seeds.
Not only has Derek seen this, how many times have you seen this? Probably like 30 times. 97, you were in sixth grade? We had the green VHS tape. Good God. I was 12. I don't know what grade I was in, but I was 12.
Well, actually, 97, I would have been 11. I turned 12 at the end of the year. This was a summer movie. so So yeah, I mean, my brother was six, so we went and saw it as a family, and then we had the green VHS tape and watched it a lot. not I don't think because I just really loved it. i think it's just is one of those things where my parents didn't buy a lot of movies.
So like a the 40 movies that we had, maybe, maybe on the high end, I just pop them in all the time. I'm with you on that. It just i just wasn't one of them. Yeah. Crazy. you didn't have a six-year younger brother.
no He did. But I mean, he still was an age he could not watch. Also, my parents were like, Robin Williams, my son, what's the difference? I'm walking around as an 11-year-old like, hey, mom, look this. What's that? Oh, it's a spatula. Could be a microphone. Exactly. God, I want to see 11-year-old you. Is this thing was a dick. I know that. He was awesome.
this thing on wast that kid he was dick and know that it was awesome Probably not. i don't know. Well, no 11-year-olds are awesome, so I'm going to take that back. You tell that to three ninjas. His mom has wonderful story about how they had to do a parent-teacher conference, and they're like, ah he just doesn't listen. he does not be I don't think it was about you. I think it was about Todd.
think it was about my brother, yeah. The one where he's constantly farting? No, no, no. No, no. That's a story for another podcast. It may have been you. You were acting out or something. yeah And your mom's response was, just fucking spank him.
Hit that kid. The teacher was a mortified face. Like, how dare My school would have been all, fuck yeah, dude. I didn't go to Catholic school. We're going beat the shit that little ginger kid.
We're going to beat the ginger out of him. Wrap his knuckles so there aren't freckles. There's bloody knuckles. But it starts with the crazy inventor stuff, much like Honey, I Shrunk the

Inventiveness & Character Dynamics

Kids. Okay, it's Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, but it works.
yeah He's got the... like Mixed with... Mousetrap thing called... Rube Goldberg device. It's also Pee Wee Herman. His... house though? i mean, he must not live in an HOA. No way. couldn't have a yellow drainage pipe coming out of your fucking window. Well, and all these like vents and tubes. Why is it going from the basement to the top bedroom?
Because there's no bedroom. It's just fucking methane. That's where yeah that's he puts it up there. it reprocesses the methane into fuel and then pumps it back down to the basement. He's recycling. oh Yeah. On the door, it flub around and find out. Like, don't open it.
I also want to know why his trash can is on a launching pad. Because it takes it to the trash. There it is. But it was already at the curb. And he saw it was out back. I think it was el o out back. I thought it was on the curb. And then shot and landed to the curb. Yeah. Oh, OK.
I thought for sure it was going to be an invention that didn't work because I hadn't seen this. i was like, oh, no. I thought it was super failed inventor until Flubber comes along. Oh, no. And when a Flubber comes along, you must bounce it.
I mean, he's kind of ah kind of because it's like Doc Brown or ah Rick Moranis' guy. Yeah, Zelensky. Zelensky. Because i make i make merry I make auto parts for the American working man. Because that's who I am and that's who I care about. Difference in Linsk. I'm going to get a blowjob from a ghost. man man Apparently those guys just thought Polish names were hilarious. They are. Look at that.
This is a Linsk. It's got like an S or a C. um But yeah, it's Robin Williams playing Professor Brainerd. and i wonder if he's smart.
He's got a robot named Weebo played by the voices played by a woman named Jody Benson, who Jack informed us was Ariel. Yeah. Probably not doing this thing.
Yeah, probably. Because the way those old Disney animated movies worked, they were like, we have a voice actor and we're going to hire someone of an ethnic race to sing and then we're going to not give them any money or credit. Probably.
They did that a lot. See Lion King. Apparently she was also Barbie in the Toy Story movie. Oh, yeah, yeah. I think the third Toy Story, maybe the second one.
he's got She's got his like daily itinerary there, and he's like, there's something after school. There's something after school. What am I supposed to be remembering? I don't know. I don't know. What is it? And every time he looks away, she pops up on her little screen, wedding to Sarah Jean Reynolds.
But it's every time he looks, she hides it because she wants to fuck him. There's a horror movie here, by the way. If you change the music, the bad guys get a little bit more menacing, the robot gets a lot more possessive, and the flubber is terrifying. Yes. You just drop all these little, like, sound effects, get rid of all those.
I think they do later on in the movie, not all of the sound effects. No, they just got used to them. You got, you got, right I agree. I agree. Cause out of the gate, it's pretty raw. It is. Cause I, cause towards the end, especially I was noticing, it was just like, buy your own Oh dude, it's a fucking big city AM morning DJ.
ah ah just It's Shooter and Buffalo Bill. just watched Good Morning in Vietnam and Hawk has the horn when he's trying to be the fuck and he's like.
Bruno Kirby. I know I'm He's the actor. i love that guy. oh Lieutenant Steve Frenchy. Beverly Hills Cop, right?
Was that the guy or is that Bruno something else? That's something. Bruno Kirby is City Slickers. yeah ah Godfather 2. Bunch of stuff. He was not in City Slickers 2 because he either died or was dying of stomach cancer. Tragic. Oh, man.
But great actor and shows his range with anywhere from City Slickers to Good Morning Vietnam. My favorite Robin Williams movie, by the way. It's a I definitely cried no less than three times. I'm thinking it's Bronson Pinchot. Oh, Bronson Pinchot. Get the fuck out here. No, cannot.
I'm being serious. That's that's what Bruno Bronson. Yeah, I get you. They look exactly alike. They're both immigrants. no i don't I don't know who Bruno Kirby is top my head, but you said bru Bruno. City Slickers, a dude with the mustache. you Do you not watch City Slickers once a year like I do?
No. That's weird. i saw city Last time I saw City Slickers, I was probably you met me about the same age as the last time I saw Flubber. We could watch it right now, and I'd be a happy boy. But yeah, so Weebo is a serial killer, and she wants to eat Robin Williams' heart.
so who want Who wants some of Weebo? Weebo's changed. I need to know what Weebo stands for. I don't think it stands for anything, is it's spelled W-E-E-B-O. Yeah. There's no... like Women like a woman electronic energy bot orgasm.
I think you're thinking too much about it. I think it's because it weebles through the air. we will Yeah, or like it's a little bot. Like Weebo. It's a weebot. It's a wee robot. Weebo. Look at that. Look at me. I'm a weebo. It's flying rubber. Flopper.
Well, yeah. Yeah, I'm a weebot. Weebo. Weebo. Don't you know? I mean, my mine was might add more north northern, so I went with... This is, by the way, what we need from this movie is Robin Williams just all of a sudden dropping into an Irish accent, Scottish accent. like He doesn't do any impersonation. No, I need him making fun of Ted Levine and Clancy Brown.
Yes. Robin Williams could do a great okay so let's get into that real quick. The two thugs of this movie. God, for Of this comedy movie. And I'm not i'm not complaining. It was just shocking. the The two most terrifying voices and people you could think of, Ted Levine, who is Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs, and Clancy Brown, who's terrifying and everything, but he plays he's the bad guy in Highlander, Kurgan, number one.
Pet Sematary 2 is a fucking terrifying representation of that man. Don't go that way. Like, Clancy Brown. i they both They both are doing a good job of being funny. They did which i think you you made a you were like, oh, this could go either really good or really fucking bad. If it was just scary guys that don't have chops like Michael Ironside, this wouldn't have worked with Michael Ironside, I think. No, Michael michael Ironside getting bonked, he would have just beat up whoever's... He would have headbutt the bowling ball to Bolivia.
um I think that they pulled these actors for the parents because of the year that it was, this was... We're going to get the parents involved. We're going to get the kids involved. And supposedly worked. Yeah.
Supposedly they were chosen because they had played villains before. And it was supposed to be kind of like funny because they were like real villainous. So because Buffalo Bill, the is it the warden in Shawshank? Yeah.
Clancy Brown. So because those are he's the top screw. Yeah. Yeah. He's not the warden. Not the warden. No, because that's a little easily. That's the owl guy. That's a little turd guy. beats him, right? He's one of the. Oh, yeah yeah. He's one of the cops. But like, supposedly that was why they were chosen, because they are like they were known as like real scary villainous dudes. And it's like, let's throw him in here and watch him get bonked.
It'll be funny for the parents basically. is Yeah. Because I mean if you're a parent you probably saw this movie growing up. The the original. Possibly. And now you're you're taking your kid to see it. Disney likes doing shit like that.
That's kind of why like the the Star Wars movies are a big example. that like why I watched the prequels. Now I'm taking my kid to see the sequel trilogy. They'll be sadly disappointed. Summer of 97 I was going i was ended my freshman going into sophomore year.
You were going into freshman year. No way of knowing. No way of knowing. There's no way of knowing. And you were going into sixth grade here. So, yeah, I definitely rented this with my mom. this So this was I thought it was a summer movie. I just looked it up to make sure. November 26th. I'm sorry. November 26th of 97. So Thanksgiving movie. Oh, yeah. So I was a freshman, which makes even more sense. Family Thanksgiving, et cetera.
Yeah. Flubsgiving. They did a good job on that. Oh, gotta try to cut the turkey. Look at, knife bounced right off. Look at, oh, stabbed my knees in the eye. She's dead now. oh I'm glad they did not make it a Christmas movie because that would have been too close to Home Alone.
Yeah, it's not too bad. It's not too close to Home Alone. I mean, I thought it was going to be because Derek had pointed out ah the John Hughes thing. We have two bad guys breaking into the house that don't get a Home Alone moment.
Thank God. I mean, they kind of do. They get beat up by a golf ball. But it's so short, though. It's not like the madhouse of... No. Of death? Yeah, the madhouse of death.
yeah we So we have Sarah Jean Reynolds, who he's supposed to be marrying, who's also a doctor. So it's that way she doesn't ever turn into like a damsel in distress. or you know She's equal to him. yeah yeah she's He's actually the dumb one, Robin Williams. Not dumb, but...
He's absent-minded. He can't remember shit for the first 20 minutes of the movie. He's autistic. After the first 20 minutes of the movie, his memory's fine. But those first 20 minutes, it's rough. Yeah, it's because she no longer loves him. He can't even remember what they're talking about while they're talking about it. The girl, to and he keep she keeps saying her name. The the lady played by the actress that plays Mrs. Poole.
Edie McClurg. Edie McClurg. Oh, how do I forget McClurg? McClurg. McClurg. Yeah, she says her name. She's like, i came i now I can't remember her name, but she says it and he's like, who is?
Sarah? You? Okay. Yeah. And she's credited as Martha, but he keeps calling her like Sally and like he can't remember shit. like His brain decided that these details are not important. Yeah.
ah But basically we find out that they've this is like the third time they're trying to get married. And he better not fuck it up or this is the last time. Because he always forgets. Movie over if Whitney has her way. Because Whitney pointed, like, you really love this guy and you know how he is.
Take him to the fucking place with you. Yeah. yeah That's what I did with this guy. Go pick him up. Movie over. We went to our wedding together. Because you knew he was downstairs trying to put his dick in some green slime.
I knew he was going to be playing video games. Babe, our wedding. I got to level up. No, I was going to get. Look, I'm a little late, but I didn't know that this Cynthia Rothrock movie was two and a half hours. I'm having dinner with Cynthia Rothrock. I donated $800, babe. I thought it was an hour and 45 minutes. It was two hours and 15 minutes.
I don't know what to tell you. She wants me to come look at all of her medals for jujitsu, and I'm gonna. I'm guns to look at them. Yeah. i Sorry I couldn't make it to our wedding. i was on a date with Cynthia Ruffrock and No, I didn't know who she was yet.
yeah you were playing Fallout 4. That's true. dreaming of a cynthia rothrock i i do like this is of the things i remember the most from this movie is when he walks into the wrong classroom yeah getting here it's pretty funny he's doing his whole like theory of relativity whatever the fuck he's doing uh the reason these masses you know go towards each other is because they're they're gravity yada yada let's let's let's take our naked male

'Flubber's' Comedic Impact & CGI Evaluation

and he's pretend he's one body and our female naked females the other body they would move close to each other why don't they do that like he doesn't even notice they're naked Because they're... notices they're naked. He doesn't notice that's abnormal. Yeah, because he walked into a life drawing class, so, you know.
Something about, like, what's what's stopping them? The earth. The earth. I got a couple laughs out of his delivery. He's... He's so matter-of-fact. Thank you to whoever brought me this plate of fruit and the dead pheasant, but it's not extra credit.
It's not until he reads the... Until he pulls the board down he's like, oh, not my class, I see. This... the The female pose, art pose teacher person...
Go on. She looks like actress I've seen before. Let's condense that to model. Thank you. but Let's just get that done. Well, she could have been the teacher. I don't know. She does look familiar, but I don't think she is anybody. She just has that face. She has a face.
Okay. And we meet Wilson Croft. Doesn't matter what his name is. It's you know what? Let me touch on this real quick. Touch Wilson Croft is played by Christopher McDonald. Shooter McGavin, who's been previously on the show in Dutch and the faculty. Yes.
But Wilson Croft is his nemesis. And we don't really get the names of the goons. We get they are credited as Wesson and Croft. Yep.
It's like you forgot to name him. He's like, dude, you don't have names for these two bad guys. ah Wesley Croft. You can't call them Wesley and Croft. Wesson Croft. Dude, John Hughes is fucking lazy. Yeah. What is this? Yeah. You think Robin Williams is mailing it in?
This is a bunch of his old scripts all pieced together with fucking flubber. So this was Disney being like, hey, remake this. We'll give you a big paycheck. dadadada And everybody's just like giving it.
We're going to want new John Hughes movie this year.
I like Absent-Minded Professor. Let's do that. this Is this his least problematic? Yes. um I mean, there are no people of color, but there's no problematic. yeah so The basketball team on the other side.
No, they had the evil basketball team. No, they had a little ethnic kid on the end. Oh, that's true. They had they had an Asian one and a black kid. Yeah, an Asian one. Not the preferred nomenclature. But only extra has no one with names. So they that's what I'm saying. like Yeah, that's it that's very Husey. They didn't name him Long Duck Dong.
It's Husey. That's fair. You know what? Progress. Fucking for about time. It's only been 10, 15 years since he did that. um But we will be seeing Christopher McDonald again this year. like Oh, God. For Sky Timber.
Ow! Because he shows up in Terminal Velocity with Snipes? No. I do that every fucking time. Charlie Sheen? Yes, Charlie Sheen. I'm like the other one. Yeah, what's the Wesley Snipes one? Drop Zone. Drop Zone, yeah.
He's also in Requiem for a Dream. So... It's that time of the year. It is. Hey, guys, I don't want to sound needy here. I'm needy. But we have a Patreon at
And it only costs $3 a month. $3 a month is nothing. And I know times are hard right now. Real hard for me. Inflation's up. no You can't afford your groceries. You can't eat. But you can't afford $3 a month if you love us. Give us $3. Super love us. Please love us.
yeah love we're not We're not begging. I'm begging. We're not pleading. i'm pleading. We're not down on our knees. oh boy. mean. My my knees hurt. They've been on the ove on so long. But we do kind of need the money.
I need the money, Ben. We need new equipment. new equipment. We need to do remote podcasts for all of you. wouldn't mind eating. We need to have video. wouldn't mind eating. We need more drinks.
Food sounds good. So please check out slash worst people. Please check us out. You get a bonus episode every month and we're going to have more content coming for you. I'll send you pictures.
ah Thank you guys. Thank you so much. Please give me more. I'm being held hostage here. Slash worst people. I don't pay my way out of here. They're going to kill me.
This where we find out, you know, they're shutting down this school, question mark. like we're going to shut down your whole college. I don't think that's how colleges work, but... Because they don't have funding? They're borrowing money from a mobster.
Yeah, they're borrowing borrowing money from from Timothy Oliphant's dad. It's Dewey Cox's dad. Wrong Wrong kid, dad. And we also find out that Chris McDonald is basically, he used to be Robin Williams' partner.
But he stole. Yeah, kept stealing his shit. And he even says, he's like, you're lucky I stole those. If you had them, you'd forget about them. You'd never do anything with them. Yeah, and he says something along lines of, like, I'm not ah an innovator like you. I'm ah an adapter.
Yeah. So I took your ideas. I'm not smart. I take advantage of people. Yeah. yeah And now I'm here this weekend to steal your wife. I'm going to tell you about it. Your fiance. Well, because he's not going to remember.
That's true. you say whatever it was. One time when I was younger, me and my cousin touched wieners. What? You're not going to remember that. It's the one thing Robin Williams remembers. He touched wieners.
He touched wieners. If only there was a little flubber on the tip, they would have bounced away from each other. Oh, man, flubber condoms. Like you just spray your kids' dentals a little flubber before they go to prom.
All right. you know it might You know what? You could try to have sex tonight. Go ahead. Try it. brown you gives You put a belt around each other. Like you belt each other together, right? You bungee cord each other? Yeah. And then and then it just it keeps you in there. and So even when you're done, you're like, you're not done yet? Don't worry. I'm still going because I'll never stop.
Honey, you go on that date? Don't forget to bring a flubber. we don't know where she's been. A flubber. I had a buddy who lived with his grandma, and that's not the funny part.
Don't laugh. I'm laughing because we're talking about condoms, and that was where you went. Well, because it's relevant because he's it's he's being sarcastic. She goes, honey, where are you going? Oh, grandma, we're off to buy a bunch of guns, do some coke, and rail some hookers.
And just this chick's in her 80s. She goes, don't forget to bring a condom. And we just died laughing. we're like your grandma just outdid you. thought you were being like, I'm going real gross at my grandma right now.
And I'm like, nope. Jamie got you. That's me. Don't forget to wear condom. That's me as grandma. Yeah. like Oh, you know, bang some hookers? Cool. First of all, don't forget to bring condom. Second all. are you getting your Coke? Is that Coke pure? Is that Coke pure? Is that good Coke?
I know a guy. It's only been stepped on twice. My, my, my, my, can you baby back some of that cocaine? Yeah. I got some shrooms if you wanted to do that in instead, guys. Shrooms and guns, maybe not. Sorry. Shrooms and hookers. i don't know about that either.
ah I just I went to a weird place in my head. That's either a really bad time or a really good time. I think I'm on the ladder. Well, don't get on a ladder. I'm sure. Don't play with fire. No, I feel like I'm on a ladder.
I'm not on one. But like he goes home and he cracks the formula because something something hot and cold. And of course, we knew this was coming. It's the beginning of the movie. ah He forgets his wedding because he's too busy inventing. And Weebo won't show her.
Him. Yep. Weebo's like, oh, no. Drats. I love, like, because she knows that he's supposed to be there. Yeah. And he starts getting wrapped up in this. And she's like, yep, you're fine. You have nothing going on. And when he leaves, she's always playing video clips. Weebo has a little video screen in her head. Anything Disney has the rights to. Yeah. Well, and not even that, because this is pre the Fox buyout. They have the Simpsons in there.
Oh, true. So I think maybe if they're short enough, don't Yeah. But um definitely a clip of- What was The Simpsons? It was when ah she was laughing at someone, ah probably Robin Williams, and it was a bunch of clips of different people laughing, and one of them got to- It was Barton and Lisa oh and Maggie sitting on the couch, and was Barton and laughing.
It was a quick clip, but- I just remember who named Roger Rabbit. This clip is the Cheshire Cat. Oh, yeah. Because it's that evil laugh, like when he's disappearing, like... of me And it made me laugh because I love Alice in Wonderland.
Me too. But yeah, he's ah he figures out needs a little touch of electricity, something, something, house goes bada-boom. Something, something. A little touch of electricity, huh?
Yeah, and you know what? I'm going to say right now, like, we're to make fun of ah bunch of this because it's not great, but think we all laughed ah a lot more than I expected. Wholeheartedly laughed. Oh, yeah. No, there's some genuine stuff here that was, I mean, very Disney of them to make it like funny parts for the adults.
Yes. Yeah. It's not just pure baby shit. Yeah. Your kid would be entertained. I don't know what age, six. We'll use your brother. Like, six would be fucking just loving this, I'm assuming. Yeah. And the the parents are at least like, i don't want to blow my brains out.
I've gotten a couple laughs. Yeah. Look, Buffalo Bill's there. I think I got more laughs out of them than anybody. Yeah. Well, Clancy Brown and Tom Levine or Ted Levine, Ted Levine getting fucking rocked in the head no less than a half a dozen times. Yeah. Pretty funny. Love it.
yeah Yep. yeah But so he invents Flubber. It's multiple. It's foldable. It's ductile. Something, something, something. Oh, look at You can twist it. You can pop it. You can fuck it. Can't do that. Can't marry it, though.
Doesn't. Can't say yes. Can't consent. Oh, weird. It can go.
There's also someone credited as the voice of Flubber. and Not Frank Welker. Not Frank Welker. Rude. Should have been. Well, but then you would have had to give me more of it. Yeah, you'd also have to have pay him more. and It's already an $80 million dollar budget.
but well and you I couldn't find the the you know any kind of like what Robin Williams got paid, but because he was pissed off at Disney, I'm wondering if it was like, we got this $40 million movie. Robin's in.
We got this $80 million dollar movie. yeah like He's like, I'll come back. You want me? You want my star power? has principles, but that just means that he won't be bought off for cheap. Exactly, just like this movie. they did wonder if they did that. i I wonder if that was actually real. Like, for realsies, though. yeah But we get, like, it was all of our favorite thread of this movie because he's fucking around with the flubber and it has this, like, montage of destruction bouncing around the neighborhood. Yeah.
But there's this little fucking kid Hold on. He is credited as as window boy. Yeah. he's in his house and his dad's like look your window's closed nothing can come in through your window everything will be fine trust me I'm an adult yeah and Flubber crashes through the window scaring the shit out of the kid and this just goes throughout the entire movie and it's not even the rule of threes this is the rule of like fives yeah and it fucking ends the movie on him it's the best part of this movie and we are having some genuine laughs but nothing harder than this I guess
And we get a cameo from a previous episode because the Flubber's bouncing on somebody's remote control, changing channels. Oh, yeah. And Gorgo comes on the screen and Flubber turns into a little Gorgo. and goes Derek noticed that a lot quicker than I'd like to admit. You and I both looked at Flubber. Yeah, because Flubber kind of makes a Godzilla. Yeah. But I think that's expensive to get the rights to, mayhaps. That's why I had to rewind it, because I was looking at the Flubber also, and it turned into a little you know monster thing.
But in the background, I was like, did I see those little stupid ears? Yeah. And you sure did. Sure enough. Such as Gorgo. Welcome back, Gorgo. You did. nasty old son of a bitch. Like if it's a movie that Mystery Science Theater can talk about, then it's a movie that they can put in this movie for free.
I wonder if we're on Ireland. Where's your dad? Don't have a dad. We're on Ireland.
I do like the dog and the cat trying to fight the flubbers. Because it's split into a bunch of little ones. That's pretty funny. though yeah it's just good It's good dog and cat acting. It really is. I mean, they obviously like dangled something in front of the cat and then just like i think you can see it with the cat. You can actually see a green thing on a wire front of it. And also...
85% of the CG in this movie, the flubber, Weebo isn't CG. Weebo is actually like real that's superimposed, obviously. Yes, you can tell when it's superimposed. Other times, when and when it's not shown floating, there's a couple scenes where Rob Williams is holding Weebo, and it's supposed to be flying, but you can you just know that he's doing that as an actor. yeah It doesn't look that bad. There are parts, the flying car, i think, definitely has some... some Less than shiny spots, we'll call it. Yeah.
And the basketball, whenever they're doing basketball stuff, and you can see when it's a real basketball and it's not because it goes from like that that dirty brown orange to like cleaner orange. But yeah, it turns into like a five ball. like yourre playing Those are the orange ones, right?
Sounds right. Yeah. But it's like bright orange, like Nickelodeon orange. Everybody's doing a decent job of pretending something's there. It's yeah just we're at the limitations of 97 animation. And that's the thing. 97. flubber looks pretty fucking good, really. We didn't have Phantom Menace yet.
No, which looks way worse. What? ah It does. I know. I mean, Phantom Menace level is when later on when Clancy Brown is going to steal the flubber and it's dripping out of the side of the container and he goes to touch it.
That's Phantom like Menace level. I mean, the worst it looks at Phantom Menace is that fucking fight on Naboo. It becomes a wallpaper from your 96 windows. I already evicted it from my brain, so I don't remember what it looks like. I will watch watch that every year.
I got it on 4K. Okay. okay Oh, yeah.
I just flubbed in my pants. but this He also comes up with the name. He's like, hey, oh, it's flying. It's rubber. What do we call it? Flubber. Flubber. hey Smells together like sandwich. Mm, sandwich. I'm hungry.
Which, which? Sandwich. That's the one. this before? This is before. I was thinking about his his live on Broadway. i watched that with my parents and I was wondering if this is before or after that. this That was after this. Way after. Probably. 2002, probably.
When he goes off about golf. ah That's not what I... The only thing I remember, I watched it with my parents because they were like, Robin Williams, we can watch this as a family. Dude, do they not remember... 70s, 80s? My parents didn't watch stuff.
My parents only started watching movies when they retired because now they got a bunch of free time. There's one where he's coming out of the dressing room. It's probably the late 70s, and he is fucking wiping his nose. And when he starts his stand-up, it's like, good And he's sweating profusely. Sweating is not the right word. We've got to find another word. He is secreting. He's flubbering. The amount of liquids leaving his body is concerning. Doesn't he even have, like, I remember he's wearing rainbow suspenders. He's almost dressed like Mork. He's got, like, a blue cut sleeve rainbow suspenders.
Yeah, red pants maybe. I think yeah. the thing remember from the live on Broadway that I watched with my parents as a teenager is the part where he's talking about going down on a chick. Oh, yeah.
Because his arms are super hairy, and he buries his face and his elbow crook there, and he's like, ah and he's like sitting up he's like, are you done yet? And I'm sitting there with my parents like, funny, not funny.
And how old were you? Well, if we watched it when it came out, 2002, I was...
Yeah, it was cool. Going on 18.
Yeah, no, that's not awkward in my family. i would i've We know. We've heard some of your family's slogans. I'm going to recap what know about your fucking family. you guys Your family never played Knife Tag?
How have you never played lawn darts and Knife Tag? We play that in Iowa all the time. Of course, Lawn darts and Knife Yeah. You're it. Well, game's over. i won because I'm still alive. Guess who has to go to the hospital?
Loser. You got a fucking lawn dart sticking down your gut. I in the gun room at my grandparents' house. I like you, man. That's cool. like that. But you're crazy. You're crazy. Dude, you would have loved my grandpa's gun room. I'm sure would have. ah But Robin Williams alarm goes off because he said it wrong. He said it for 630 a.m. He realizes he's missed the wedding. Sad times.
Shooter Gavin picks up Sarah from the wedding the night before also. And he's like, I'm not scummy. Let me give you a ride in my Range Rover. ah I've never seen him drive a Range Rover. It wasn't a scumbag.
Neither have I. Dennis from ah Always Sunny. Yeah. Scumbag. Scumbag. The implications. Yeah. He tries to win her back by showing her Flubber. He's like, look, this is so cool. And it's doing his dances and it's whatnot. And as soon as she looks, it just lays. Because I'm like Flubber and Weebo both know this lady is a bitch because he makes it. He no, no. Well, maybe he makes these things with a little bit of him in there.
And so they fall in love with them. But there may be something to what you're saying. My cat has only ever hissed at two people, and I should have fucking taken a warning on both of them. i didn't pay i I didn't pay any attention. I was like, oh, i know john she's just a scaredy cat.
You know both of them. and she's scared. She's scared for you. Yeah, she knows. ah But he does like stick it. This is another thing I remember very well. He sticks it in his back pocket. He's like, watch.
going to fucking do a back somersault out your window here, and I'm just going to bounce she should have been so much more concerned. Like, you were going to die. Yeah. she's only the second story. She's like second or third floor. Yeah. Like, if this, you don't believe in this flubber, right?
So now you just think he's getting out there butt first. And just going to fall? Yeah, and laying flat on his back is fine. would have been running over there like, get the fuck out of the window. She's like, quit clowning around. Because she no longer loves him. Yeah, she's also pissed.
So she still loves him, but she's pissed. She's like, fucking die. right, if he falls from here, he's not going to die, but he'll be really badly hurt. and Do it, pussy. And then he won't miss the wedding but because he can't do science. She's going misery him?
Yes. But new moves it shoots out of his pants. Yeah. Just loves right out of his pants, dude. And he hits the ground. forget your flub glove. And it's like, are you hurt?
Just my pride. And I'm like, dude, you were 40 and you just fell out of a second story window. It's more than your pride. Well, he does. As soon as she walks away, he goes, oh, I'm thinking of Tommy Lee Jones and Firebirds right now. Yeah. Getting out of bed. Yeah. I'm sure. Sure. Sure. Could use a fudgy.
And we meet Ted Levine and Clancy Brown here. um By the way, we'll probably see Ted Levine again. I hope so. He's an evolution in Evolution and Wild Wild West and the Fast and the Furious. Yeah.
Yeah, he orders a decaf iced latte. it's the weird It's the weirdest part of the movie that they're all doing this setup. He's like, oh we're going to all use some coffees. want to make a coffee run?
What do you guys think? Like eight decaf iced lattes with frap? That sounds good. It's weird. That's that's not coffee. it's so so coffee it's Yeah, I know. That's why it stuck out of my mind.
I'm like, if I'm working for this FBI guy and he's like, or whoever he is, going to buy coffee. Do you craft? Nope. Nope. We're stopping them there. I'm going to buy a round of beers. Who wants a Heineken Zero? Nope.
Who wants a McUltra? I would rather butt chug a Michelob. And then Clancy Brown, we've of course seen before, cast a deadly spell. ah He was the bad guy in there. And we will see him again. Starship Troopers, Buckaroo Banzai, most recently on the Penguin.
Highlander. Highlander. I'm making you guys watch Highlander. I was like, yeah. I've got it on 4K. Of course you do. Of course you do. You know what? Of course you should. Yeah. going to change the way I say that. Only Highlander, not Highlander 2 or 3 or 10 or 11. There's something to be said about Highlander 2. I was thinking about, I was like, oh, Highlander for Latch Q Vids. That'll be cool.
Five seasons. Yeah. What? But the first season's terrible. The second and third season are great. The fourth and fifth are terrible dismounts. So we only do a couple episodes from one and a couple episodes from four and five? Yeah, no problem.
I'm Duncan McLeod from Claude McLeod. And they work for ah Chester Honecker, played by Raymond Barry, who we mentioned, justified. ah Wrong kid died.
Wrong kid died. He was also just recently on the show in Nothing But Trouble, kind of. Oh, yeah. One of the cops at the end. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool Runnings. So, you know. God, I haven't seen that in forever. Cool Runnings? Yeah.
I haven't seen it in forever. It's been a minute. Dude, we went to Slow Body. There was a scene on the TV that, a tiny little TV, and it didn't have any of the main cast in it. Oh, remember? And I looked over and I was like. I wasn't with you guys. Yeah, I know. But, like, Derek and I were in line. Yeah.
And I looked over and I was like, oh, my God, Cool Runnings. Yeah. I should not have known it that fast without no any of the main guys. It was when John Candy is teaching them to ice skate. ah But it just showed the hockey players. And it just showed the people skating. And it was none of the real cast. And he was like, oh, that's cool running. It's another yearly for me.
Love it. This guy's son, who's kind of in this movie, Will Wheaton Bennett. What was that maneuver? I kissed my lucky head. Oh, I'm sorry. I know. I know that. It looked like when he said Wil Wheaton, you know how people kiss their fingers and point to the sky? It looked like you kiss your finger and fingers and point your vagina.
ah That was the look that I got. And I was like, my God, is that what we do for Wil Wheaton? yeah
Will Whedon, of course, on Star Trek Next Generation. ah Toy Soldiers, Stand By Me. Toy Soldiers for sure. Big Bang Theory, he makes some appearances. he's got Now he just does a nerd gaming for a living, which, you know, good for him. He made he made his nut. Yeah. But we did just see him on that D&D show, Faster, Purple Worm, Kill Kill.
And... He was doing a weird thing. So I've I watched his other show, which I can't think of the name of it right now. Neither can I. ah It's where they each episode they play a different board game and he's got like celebrity friends and like nerd board games. not Yeah. Clue and stuff like the kind of shit I play. Oh.
And, uh, but he's, he's notoriously not good at rolling dice. Oh, that's right. So when he's on faster, purple, warm, kill, kill, and he rolls his dice and he gets, he's like, if anybody's ever watched me on my other show, he's like, you'll be surprised. I just rolled two digits.
Like, so every time he was rolling, he yeah twenty he kept rolling nineteen s though. And he's like, no, no, 19. Oh, that's what it was. No, no, no, no, 19. That's what it's from.
Yeah. But yeah, he's like a stuck-up, shitty kid. he's a spoiled fucking brat, Yeah, his dad- I was supposed to pass and be on it. I'm going to fail chemistry, and now I can't be a lawyer. I don't know why you're taking chemistry to be a lawyer.
You have a science credit still. Take it easier science, dude. Yeah, fair. Chemistry's tough. Earth science. Earth science. Biology, something like that. Rocks. You're taking the- Rocks, dude. it's like Fucking rocks.
what it What are you taking this semester? Rocks. But like he's supposed to pass everything because his dad paid the school a bunch of money and they're all just supposed to give him A's. Yeah. And but the but Clancy Brown and Ted Levine are like, well, we did talk to this brainer. He either forgot or he's not listening. Yeah. And I know you. I know which one it was.
Yeah. I mean, we know, but I don't think they know. Because they don't believe that he's... Oh, no, they believe They're just like, he's just kind of not there. Not realizing, no, he's just not there. But that's where we get that line we referenced earlier. They're like, ah he's he's got principles. And it's like, that just means he needs more money.
Every school has principles. Not colleges, they have deans. Oh, that's true. oh speaking of deans. So they're not your pals. Speaking of deans. Oh? This film was shot by Dean Cundey.
ah Ah. Welcome back, Dean Cundy.

Cinematic Influences & Humorous Moments

yeah Invasion USA? no So close. Let me throw out some movies. I don't remember what he's done that we've talked about.
He did film. ah He did the the two original Halloween movies. um He did ah bunch of cool shit, but I'm going to see a movie that we've done because I know i mean he did like Jurassic Park and stuff, but I know we've talked about him before.
Oh, he shot Hook. Not, like, with a gun. Oh, but... So, I kept saying there were hooky vibes all over this fucking movie. We didn't know what you meant hooky. And apparently, that's why. There are hooker vibes all over this movie. They're they're playing hooky over there. That's the vibe I'm getting.
Okay, here we go. So, maybe not movies we've talked about, but i've talked we've talked about him before. Just not on the episode. We've talked about him before because he has done movies we've done, but, I mean, the stuff I think of... The Fog, Escape from New York, The Thing. So he worked with John Carpenter a lot. Okay, so we did talk about those. Back to the Future movies, Big Trouble, Little China Roadhouse. What? Nothing But Trouble. There we go.
ah The Flintstones. Oh, God. When are we doing that? Any day. any fucking day you want. When it comes up on the random shuffle that gave us this episode. That movie is the reason that Rosie O'Donnell was put on this earth.
yeah i don't normally care for her. I mean, i obviously, League of Their Own, she's great. Yes. But as Betty Rubble was why she's supposed to exist. Did she? I do. I have not.
Again, I have not seen that since a year after it came out. That's when I watched it on DVD or whatever. That's your fault. Um, A League of Their Own, if we watch that together, i need a box of tissues. Me too, because I'm going to get hard for Geena Davis. i I will cry no less than four times. I will match you on orgasms.
ah He's going to be crying out of his penis every time you're crying out of your eyes. It's a cry, Max. You got a drippy dong there? Good. It drips when it should and when it shouldn't. But so Clancy Brown and Ted Levine go to Robin Williams' house to try to, like, intimidate him or get dirt on him or do something. Oh, yeah, i get dirt on him because there's no way. he's He has to have something. Yeah.
But he's doing these experiments with the flubber. They missed the one where he's fucking it, but because he made a hand cream out of it. Oh, yeah. but ah But he's one stroke and it's done. Just keep going.
Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing. Go. But he's he's testing it out on a golf ball. The golf ball bounces around, goes through the window, hits Clancy Brown in the face. And he's out. And that while while Ted Levine is talking to Clancy Brown about getting hit in the face, he's testing it on a bowling ball.
ah Spoiler alert. Okay, now I'm to lube up this ninja star with this flubber cream, and we're to see what happens. Let me see what happens if I lube up a butcher knife.
Okay, so I'm going to lube up this lawnmower blade, and going to set this thing out on the town. Okay, you duct tape a couple of chainsaws together, you lube them up with flubber. You flube them up.
But you know what? Somebody, i don't know if it was the special effects people or if this was in the script or what. Somebody had the brilliant idea, which I think is funny. to keep this So the golf ball and the bowling ball hit them both in the head and shoot up straight up in the air. Yeah.
And they fall back down and hit them in the head again and shoot straight up in the air. And then throughout the movie, they're just bouncing up and down in his driveway. He has no idea. Yeah, probably pretty much. like It'll go and then he'll pull up and it's like...
He doesn't see it. He's pulling out in his car. And like, as soon as he drives past, they both bounce off. It's just for us. Yeah, it's just for us. And I agree. I think it's a smart thing to do yeah because it's not like a laugh out loud. It's just like it carries on throughout the rest of the movie. Yeah.
And I love it. yeah I think you had to carry it on. But then he decides to do this test with his car to make it fly, which also, by the way, speaking of Christopher Lloyd, The way he tested the flubber in his house earlier was using like a radioactive isotope to control it.
i was So that means he has a car with radiation in it. I was expecting the, ah the was Iranians or or whatever? Armenians. Armenians. I expect Armenians to come through AKs and bust his ass off. I'm sure in 1985 could just buy plutonium in any street corner.
Yeah, kind of. I'm sure in 1997 you can get plutonium at a local quick mart.
No, no, we just call them airheads. but That's true. Cheetos. ah Yellow Gatorade. Will that do? um But yeah, he's he makes his car fly, which is not the best part.
It is like the main thing. It's fine. You'd think for it being like such a focal point of the movie, they would have spent more time making that look good. But ah you do what you can, I guess, in 97. It's just because it's a callback to the original.
Yeah, but I think they had to make a choice. I think they'd make a choice. The flubber or this. And they chose the flubber. that That's fair, I guess. But I do like he gets up into the sky and he's like, oh, it's so peaceful.
He just goes to turn off his engine like an idiot. And then the Iron Man's down like he's just plummeting to the earth. OK, guys, guys, turn it back on. Turn it back on. Here we go. That's a little stuck. And that's where we get Weebo with her flashing screens.
And a thousand percent, it's a fucking... Eddie Vallant from Roger Rabbit. Thank you. Bob Hoskins. Bob Hoskins. That was me doing cartoon noises.
Sorry this thing. Yeah, he saves himself at the last second, of course, because the movie's not over yet. How would that have been Like the 45-minute movie, Robin Williams just crashes into the earth. Then Weebo climbs inside of Robin Williams and wears him like an XO for the rest of the movie oh and goes and teaches classes. Oh, hey, I'm Robin Williams. Don't look normal? Hey, I'm Robin Williams.
Because it's Weebo's voice trying to do a Robin Williams, which is kind of just Mickey Mouse. E equals MC Square, motherfucker. I'll fucking teach it again. going to buy your fandom, huh? I'm going to ruin this school.
I really wish this was on camera. Especially with the arm flopping. That's the dead body, by the way. It's Weebo and a dead body. I know. You guys are totally burning this shit all over. We can do flubbers.
There go. Man, what if flubbers- how get the arms to move? She's going to climb inside. She's floating around the head, the arms are just going like flopping. Yeah. you know They're just're just hanging there. She upgrades her equipment. She like plugs that little outlet into the spinal cord.
Oh. And now she's good to go. yeah Oh, shit. I like where this going. Now we're going- Lawnmower man-ish. The things were attaching to their spine, right? in the faculty. No, that's there's something where there was a. That was the. the following Fallen skies. Fallen skies.
Also the tingler. The tingler. I was like, it's a movie we did. All I could think of was Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season one. That scorpion thing or whatever that attaches to the dude's back from Buffy. You can tell the difference between me and these boys is watch more TV shows and they watch more movies. So my answer is always going to be a TV show. But Shield's a TV show.
Yeah, but Falling Skies is these things were... Falling but fall Skies had a great couple seasons. Yes, it did. And it pooped the bed. So that's some good Will Patton.
Yes. Some of the best Will Patton. Yeah, it's probably my favorite Will Patton. Maybe Gone in 60 Seconds. Speaking of, Bleep really wants to do Armageddon with us.
Armageddon! Be prepared for me to do that. I don't want to close my thighs. You know that whole... Be prepared for me to do that. But not close your eyes or sing the song.
Armageddon! Oh, yeah. It's my safe word. Armageddon! Armageddon! It's like the original sound bites on the internet. look um Look, guys, I'm getting out of here if we don't continue. Yeah, it's low-hanging fruit, and that's why you harvested it. and I like it.
You got to get the low ones. They're about to go bad. You can twist my Armageddon, but I'm going to make jokes all you all I can. Oh, speaking of low-hanging fruits, so Robin Williams flies his car over Sarah Jean's house. Nice.
And ah Chris McDonald is there. Nope, hold up. he crashes into an apple tree outside of Window Boy's bedroom. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, because Window Boy also saw the goons. yeah Sorry, we're missing some good Window Boy.
The goons end up getting launched, oh bouncy bounce, and smacked into his window. I had the note here and I was like, wait, that's not important because i was like, oh, they spray the stuff on the ground. They bounce. Right. Right. Who cares? But I forgot. Window boy cares. Yeah. Because they land. They land in the tree outside window boy's house right when he decides I can open the window. He picks up a ray gun and I pose this kid now sleeps with a loaded weapon as an adult.
yeah he is not he He sleeps in rooms that have no windows or he cannot sleep. Someone's like, this has this isn't legally considered ah a bedroom because it doesn't have a window. And he's like, I'll take it.
Sold, bitch. Where do you live? Storage unit 712. yeah But then, yeah, Robin Williams crashes into the tree, too, scaring the kid even more. But it is important because we need the apple. Yeah, yeah he's an as he's hanging out over Sarah Jean's house.
Shooter Gavin's there trying to like s seduce her. He goes in for a kiss. I do i do like Chris McDonald has the line. He's like, it's real nice hanging out without Brainerd just hovering over us. As he's hovering over them. He's hovering them. And again, change the music. Give me a little Donna. Donna.
Donna. this was Danny Elfman, not John Williams. True. But i just you know what I mean. This is a creepy scene if you change the music. But we're all... did did Well, you do see, while they're having this conversation, you see the shadow of the car on the next house.
So it is kind of jazzy. Right. It's just like you see, like, it's the fin. Yeah, you guys you guys caught the shadow. I was too busy trying to look at that bottle of wine. ah Priorities, dude.
But yeah, she she kind of turns away his kiss and goes inside. And Robin Williams just fucking hucks this apple at Shooter McGavin. Right after I'm like, dude, just drop it. the first time he's thrown a piece of fruit.
It's a run by 13. Exactly. other time The other time was Pierce Brosnan. Yeah. Love Chris McDonald, but I think Pierce Brosnan is probably on a higher level. it It depends what you're looking for. If you like sex, then yeah. Dude. Brosnan playing this character. No, movie's over. She goes with Brosnan. She looks at Brosnan next to fucking Robin Williams. you think happened in fucking Mrs. Doubtfire?
She only left him because- Another movie that changes if you change the music. It's a terrifying movie. You dressed up as woman to see your- It's a terrifying movie anyway. did So I have to tell you, the bleeps female bleep loves that movie. I love it. And I do too.
But that is like one of her favorites so to the point that anytime we were trying to figure out to watch, she would suggest that so many times that she started switching the description. where it actually tricked me and Bleep.
She's like, well, I want to watch this movie. It's about this guy. like He's a failed voice actor, and he has an alternate persona, and he ends up moving in with a family, but he's not who he says he is, and he's spying on it because he wants to get with the wife. Me and Bleep are like, that sounds great.
And she's like, it's Mrs. Doubtfire. ah And then she would switch it up. A makeup artist has to help his brother could become a different person. Oh, I love that makeup artist. David. So yeah, just trying to describe that a different way so she could get us to watch it. She's like, what are you describing? It sounds amazing.
I've never seen this. It's a little movie called Mrs. Doubtfire. this is This is a good This is a good Pratt fall from Chris McDonald If it's him and not a stuntman It reminded me of Dutch at the end When he's walking out and slips and fucking hits his head Like I said, it's a thousand percent him Yeah?
Yeah I think it is good you on him usually I'm not doubting it It was him on Dutch also I wouldn't have been mad if it was a stunt double Because that's a big fucking Pratt fall No, it's Chris McDonald. Is Pratt short for practical?
yeah I don't know. No, it's Pratt, not Prack. I just always thought practical. i don't know what it's I don't know what it stands for. Pratt fall. Thousand percent. It's got to be. Thousand percent. Anybody listening, write us in. Nope, keep going.
Nope. too but he doesn't He doesn't like my thousand. The word Pratt fall originated in the nineteen thirty s as a combination of slang of the slang term Pratt and the word fall. The term Pratt has been used as slang for buttocks since the 16th century.
Oh, fuck you. So because as it's literally defined as a fall on one's buttocks. hu So so thousand it's a practical fall on your ass. OK, practically.
We still came. We got we got back there. I do. There's a but they don't work quick thing. It doesn't really matter. i just want mention it cause it made me laugh. was when Ted Levine and Clancy Brown are trying to explain to ah Arlo Given's dad what happened about with the balls bouncing and stuff. And he's like, OK, yeah, tell me this story again. Got it.
ah Were you drinking? No. And I agree. No, they were not. yeah Well, because if Levine says no, then Clancy Brown's like, I had two beers for dinner. He had a white wine. And as podcasters, all three us are like, no, that's not drinking. i haven't even been drinking yet. and we're on our fourth beer. I know. I've yet begun to drink.
I'm like, you know, it's not drinking yet. I mean, that's it's up. Now we're drinking. Do you drink every day of the week? I'm like, no, sometimes I only have a couple of beers. That's why when the doctor said, how many drinks do you have in a week? I was like, three.
Yeah. You meant many days? Also, it's seven. Oh, when you said drinks, were you counting beers? Wait, like if I put the more than a half ounce of whiskey in the glass or I just do half ounces at a time. So it doesn't count. I don't think counts unless I fall down.
Exactly. That's how I really know. So I've only drank once in the last few years. Oh, I've drank a couple of times this year. Oh, yeah. How is your shoulder? Sorry. But so webo makes a ghost woman to molest Robin Williams ah um named Sylvia.
She kind of gives off um Kathy Ireland vibes with a little bit of... Less eyebrow. Yeah, definitely less eyebrow. And it wakes Robin Williams up, and he has the great idea to apply the flubber to basketball.
Smart. He goes and does some tests on it. He's just so much flubber goo on his shoes and the ball. He's spreading thin amount, and he is drenching this ball.
Soapy wet. Just, I think, an open nozzle, 180, done. Yeah. Would have been perfect.
spray a rag. And you rub it on or basketball. or How are you going to rub that? you going to go like... No, you just lightly coat it. You do it like a rooster? I'm going to apply this to the basketball. Or you just dip it in the flubber and call it a day, ah which is what he does. See what happens.
But this inspires him to help the basketball team because they're playing against Shooter McGavin School, Rutland. Correct, because if Rutland wins... They have to go to the mountains. they yeah shooter He doesn't have a cabin. They're going to sleep inside of a carcass of a bear.
And I thought they smelled bad on the outside. You want to bang yet? If you haven't, you guys should check out Hauntung Shots first, where you can just hear these boys jacking each other off.
Hey, by the time this comes the worse when this when this comes out, I think by the time this comes out, well we will have definitely said, ah thought they smelled bad on the outside, because Empire Strikes Back should be out by now. I'm ready.
I don't have a schedule in my brain, so I don't know. but Well, you do You just forgot because you're a genius. Yeah. His brain is only used for podcasting, not for human interaction. Again, i took him to our wedding. Smart.
But so he takes Flubber to the basketball game, puts it on the the these thumbtacks. He takes Flubber to the basketball. Come on. Let's go the let's get to the game. Well, that's what he says. He's like, we're taking Flubber to the basketball game. oh Man, i I want Gary Busey. I'm going take Flubber to the basketball game.
We are going to spray their shoes down. Dude, that, you don't even need to change the music and it's a scarier movie. Instantly. Instantly. Ted Levine. I've got an idea. Flubber toothpaste. Dude, Ted Levine and Clancy Brown is in the corner cowering.
I follow him on TikTok. Yeah. And I'm going to keep sending you. Anytime he shows up, I'm just going to send you. sent me a video, and then I immediately started following him on the podcast TikTok as well. Yes.
Smart. We need him on the show. Oh, my God. If we could get him. No, we can't afford him. don't know. We could afford a cameo. don't know. Eventually. Not right now. Not right now we can't. He leaves Weibo in charge of the house, which really doesn't come to anything other than the Flubber Mambo. No, he makes a promise not to let Flubber out of the thing. Right, but nothing comes of this. Yeah, I thought it was going to be a big bad plot where like, all right, now I can use Flubber to make my fucking Sylvia body or whatever. like Cat in the Hat situation. Yes, yes. They destroy the house and now it's all fucked up. Precisely that. Like, now we have to have a cleaning montage right before Rob Williams walks in. Like...
nothing Maybe that was on the cutting room floor. Could be. Because if we we did get Derek's point, though. They wrapped up this movie and it was like, oh my God, we only have 84 minutes here. Dance scene. Yeah.
That's why we had it. Yep. Slow down the credits. Dance scene. 93 minutes. In and out. Do your best version of the mask Coca Cabana. with them Again, who has this much fruit?
Who has... He's injecting the fruits with things. These are all experiments. He's got a miniature of the Coca-Cabana set up in his house. Who has in a miniature, he shrank it. Wrong movie. He's hanging out with... No, he's got that talent. yeah No, he's hanging out with Zalinski. That's his neighbor. ah This neighborhood hates this part of this they the... They're like, this street, just stay away from it. He's he's the house across the cul-de-sac. Wait, what's his name? Brainman? Like, they just... Brainerd. Brainerd, okay. Like...
So you've got Robin Williams living next door to- Doc Brown? No, the living next door to ah so Rick Moranis. Okay. And then the Burger King that Doc Brown lives in is across the street. Why does Doc Brown live in a Burger King? It's in a Bannerberg. Watch the first ah ah Back

Notable Performances & Emotional Connections

to the Future movie. He lives in a Burger King?
He didn't live in a Burger King. He has his house, and apparently, you know because he's a crazy inventor that's not making any money, he had to sell the land or something. there's a Burger King. His house, his driveway goes into the parking lot of a Burger King.
But we also have the the coach of the basketball team, which made made us happy. Sam Lloyd. Christopher Lloyd's nephew. christopherloyd's nephew It's Ted from Scrubs. From the office of Scrubs.
Just so I'm not wrong. he's all He also shows up in Galaxy Quest. absolutely He shows up in that movie Rising Sun with ah Sean Connery. Oh, and Wesley Snipes? Yeah. I haven't seen that in a minute. Troublesome. though Troublesome movie.
um he gives the opposite of a motivational speech. This team, his basketball team, they've said that they're bad. Then they show them and they are the nerds oh from Revenge of the Nerds. Yeah, except that Jack called one fucking character out. Yeah, I don't know the actor's name, but he's in ah Shameless. He's the guy that owns the motorcycle shop that He's lip sponsor. Sponsor.
Because his he hasn't changed. like he's still He's a little kid, but that's a 40-year-old man's face yeah on this little kid. But I love Sam Lloyd's speech. He's like, sure, they're taller, more talented, better at basketball.
108 games over Have more sex. Their moms love them. They've won 108 games in a row. Sure, their dads are still speaking to them. But his end is just like, but that doesn't mean we can't win. It's the opposite of motivational.
But Robin Williams has put these thumbtacks with Flubber on the bottom of all their shoes so they can bounce around. But they spray painted. But here's the here's the thing that got me, though, is his plan was to not have him work right away.
That way it doesn't seem suspicious. Wait till the second half where they kick in. That's going to seem really suspicious. The fact that you were down like. He said it was 30 minutes for the paint to wear off. So the first half of this game was only 30 minutes.
Yeah. I wish sports were that short. timeouts allowed in college, guess. Well, I guess, you know what? Because the team was just whooping them up, the ball never stopped. Look, I'm to spray my goo on their shoes.
Not what you think. ah Get him out of here. No, no, no, no, no. no I'm not quitting Tarantino. Hey, oh I'm not going to tell you one more time. Don't bring that bag of green shit in this fucking Coliseum.
Look, it's just my goo. all right, we need backup. He is not leaving and he's got goo. He's aiming it right at me. There's a maniac out here with goo pointed at me. I love college basketball. It makes me spray goo everywhere.
Cancel the backup and just let me use my gun. I would like to end this, man. Oh, no, he's covered in green goo. The bullets are coming right back at us. ah Send backup with more guns.
oh But, yeah, they win the basketball game after some obvious fuckery. Nobody is concerned that these guys can now leap over the scoreboard that is hanging from the top of this ceiling. I love that this coach coach of the other team is like, he's he's going to the ref, he's like,
They're obviously cheating. And the coach is like, no rule against jumping too high. Shut the fuck up. joke Joke that got me practical. Well, we we see Rob Williams do an air horn right into Shooter's ear, waving his hair. That's great. And his hair is like flying around. But then the next one, when he's hitting him with the newspaper while he's rallying and Shooter grabs it and he still has some under it, he just looks like...
I got more paper. Loved it, dude. But so they win the game in the most ridiculous fashion. ah the The actor I recognize jumps up and goaltends, so much like Karate Kid, your movie's built on a lie.
ah He goaltends and then jumps from one basket to the other side of the court into โ€“ Like falling into โ€“ swan diving as you would into the basketball of the hoop. yeah And Chris O'Donnell or Chris McDonald just like in the rule book you can't take the ball you nobody's supposed to follow the ball into the hoop with them.
It's not in the rules. Well it's not in the rules because most basketball players aren't skinny enough to fit through the hoop. Yeah. They're not you know football players but they're muscular dudes. Yeah they're big. They're also nine feet tall so they're going little wider too.
I don't know what basketball he's watching. It's that guy. Yummy. yeah Yeah, he was seven foot two. Oh, only. He was nine feet. Nine feet's huge.
That's that guy from. He was bigger than seven, too. That's that guy from Big Fish. seven, seven. Nine feet's like that guy from Big Fish, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. um Rest in pictures, by the way. Was he really nine feet tall?
I don't know. He was eight something. Jesus Christ. How big was he as a babby? Nine something. He shrank.
Benjamin Button of height, dude. Could you imagine? like no I don't have a vagina. You guys aren't women, so you don't think about hearing. I get perturbed when I take a big poop. Nine foot poop, dude.
Yeah. Oh, know of God. Where it takes a couple minutes for your butthole to come back to size. I haven't had that. You take a nine foot shit. You got to flush halfway through. Otherwise, the toilet's going to fill up. like ah da da da da da You just keep flushing. I did at that point. I'm sorry. Just go to the alley, sit in the dumpster, and just fill that thing up.
Oh, flubber. Hopefully somebody's got a compost pile going. Ew, no human waste in composting. eat too much trash. ah you don't You don't know my diet. Yeah, sure, you watch me house a box of Sour Patch Kids, but they don't know my diet.
I gave you some box of Sour Patch Kids. I know, she baited me. also add a box. I also add box. also add it. I add it. I add it. I add Salmana. add Salmana Sour Patch Kids. Let's go. Let's talk about flobbers.
this Now you're just like you' doing like a weird version of Bronson Pinch. Let's talk about flobbers. Is that the jukembar, Barry? no No. he's Perfect Strangers. Carson, Lally, Appleton.
Yes. Okay. But so like Robin Williams goes home and he's sad because Sarah basically blew him off. He's like, I flubbered the team. And she's like, don't tell me that. I don't want to be in court for you. I don't know what that means you tell me you flubbered people. I don't want to have to. i i'm I'm mad at you, but I don't want to have to testify against you when you tell me you flubbered the whole team. I remixed a new song. It's called Meet Me at the Flub.
It's going down. Listen to this. Meet me at the flub. It's going down. Find me in the flub. Bottle flub. Flub. Bottle flub. Flub my mouth. but I'm not a rapper.
I ran flub with flub. I'm not into having sex, but I'm into giving hugs. oh I'm not into sex, but I'm into giving flubs. Look at that. Rhymes. I am a rapper. You tell me he's not a rapper. you haven't seen Fern Gully, man. My name is Batty. I'm totally a rapper.
oh But so he goes home and he's sad and he's waxing poetic to Weebo about his love for Sarah and how like he's not absent minded because he's selfish or whatever. It's because he loves Sarah so much and he gives a scientific reason for why.
and she starts recording the whole thing because now she's feeling like a real bitch. Yeah. So she starts recording the whole thing, goes to Sarah's house. Yes, is feeling like a bitch. Well, this robot has a soul.
She does have a soul. She goes to Sarah's house and shows her the video, and then Sarah goes back, and then they make up, and it's all happy. And now we're together again. We can ride off into the sunset in our T-Bird into the sunset.
Literally into the sun. We can go right for it. If we fly too close, though, it'll melt the flubber. And this is where like, you can sell this. And he's like, yeah, exactly. Foot shoes and basketball players. what Foot shoes? shoes? Hand shoes? Face shoes? Do you mean gloves and masks?
And Sarah's like, Hand shoes? You mean a hat? Yeah. What about back shoes? A backpack? Yes, a thousand percent. Back shoes, foot shoes. I thought you said bat shoes at first. Yeah.
Well, that booby shoes. Are you talking bras? yeah Oh, man. Talk about bouncing. a fucking and It's a luber reverse of the exercise bra. Well, Flubber it fluer is anti-gravity, right? yeah Perfect. You know what? Girls would love a Flubber bra if you could special like get the the formula down so it's not like, oh, I bumped into the countertop and now I'm flying across the kitchen or whatever. Yeah, just like yeah dilute that Flubbs. But like it's anti-gravity. Anti-gravity is Flubber's thing, right? So it's like...
And it's like, there goes all that pressure on my back. Yeah. real and But you can keep it up. Yeah. you just just Just enough to flub your boobs. Yeah. You were making it hot for me. But no, this is where Sarah's like, no, flying this is you You dummy. We are literally in your flying car and you're not thinking about it's already so novelty to him.
He's like, oh oh, yeah, we are flying a car. Weird. I didn't realize nobody was doing that. But yeah, if they if they sell this, they can save the school. um So they go back to his house. The goons and um the wrong kid died waiting in the garage. Yeah.
and And basically, a wrong kid died is like, dude, if you sell me this, I'll forgive the debt to the school. But you were you I own you for two years. Yeah. Anything you invent. Yeah. And you know what? I thought to myself, I just don't do anything.
Rob Williams couldn't. Yeah, exactly. He could Just pretend you're working on something. Right. like You him solve it in 800 days. Give him something stupid. Like I made a Zippo that lasts twice as long.
Happy. I mean, it'd be fine. Yeah. You make some money. Yeah, make give him some money, but don't give him the world hunger fucking remedy. It was a little confusing. These guys explained it to me. I was like, wait, so the school is shutting down because they owe him money? Because if you're giving the school money so your kid can pass, we've seen this in other college movies and stuff.
It's not a loan. you give You donate money to the school, and then your kid Right, but i think this is so shady. Yeah. Also, John Hughes was like, I got nothing.
Yeah. Here's the plot. You want it Wait, I can't do any racist characters? Okay. hu Back to square one. He's loading money to...
someone. The school took out a loan from the mob. Ooh, that's good. Yeah, I like it. i like it. Oh, yeah yeah. Can we get Clancy Brown and Ted Levine on this? There you go. Turns out we did.
And then they take the the car to Ford. And I like the head of Ford here because it's obviously Ford put money into this movie because they're flying around in a Thunderbird. For sure. And then they go to the Ford Motor Company. You see the building and everything and the guy's like, I don't want to meet with this asshole Send him a hat. Give him hat. Well, he's right out your window.
ah He's right outside. oh literally on my eighth floor window. Hello. I've never seen so many zeros because he drops his email address and a little sign.
And they go back home. And then but right before they get there, the goons, Ted Levine and Clancy Brown break in to steal the flubber. Oh, I hate this part. and This is the part that thought was going to be the Home Alone moment. And it it is to a small degree. yeah like Weebo tries to fight them off. She bonks Ted Levine. But Bill kills her. Yeah, he fucking home runs. He Babe Ruths this little fucking robot across the bay. She is out of here. If it wasn't Elfman, if it was my Johnny Dubs, I would have been crying. like I felt it. I wanted to cry. i Randy Newman.
Fuck you. No, I'm not. Oh, you know what? I'm not even saying from that. The reason I say Randy Newman is because she cries to the natural. And guess who fucking scored Randy Newman? Guess who scored Randy Newman? ran The natural. Randy Newman scored Randy Newman.
I'm gonna hit a robot with a baseball bat. It's gonna fly across the room and it's really fat. He doesn't sing in any of that score. I know. I'm just giving him This song doesn't make any sense, but it doesn't matter because I got some sense.
Flubber is like flying rubber. I couldn't choose no other than my flubber. Ooh, it's my step flubber like brother. I'm stuck in my step flubber's gonna help me out.
I'm stuck in my washing machine. Flowers. Your wife is so upset with us for doing this. I'm going to murder them. She hates him and our impersonations of him. Well, I guess this is my last song Whitney hates me so much that when other people sing my songs, she wants to stab them in the butts.
I'm going to break my pickle. Don't rip your pickle. That's going to hurt, not tickle. Don't break pickle. But yes, thought I would have... Your pickle's made of flubber. Boing. 19. 19.
and and and and and and and and and nineteen What are we even doing anymore? I i would have cried. Like, Elfman does a good job. It's fine. It's whatever. Yeah, he's he's well, he's keeping it fun and light. Yes.
So they don't want you to cry. i would have. He was trying to make it depressing. Yeah. And i'm just he just did not hit the correct notes for me to cry. i think he wants you to feel, not cry.
i will say that music here didn't do it, didn't get that emotion. I mean, nothing things don't make me cry. I'm a robot. but Homeward Bound. Well, that was when I was a kid. i didn didn't Play fair. i Iron Man dying. wouldn't cry now because I wouldn't watch Homeward Bounds. I don't want to cry.
Iron dying. don't even own that movie on 4K. I don't. i Why would you? I should. Of course you shouldn't. Iron Man Well, that was the first time. I'm sure I'd be fine if I watched it again. got it on 4K. Let's find out.
But I got to watch all the ones leading up to it for it to really elicit the emotion. True. So we only got to watch. We don't have on to Captain in America. First Avenger. But ah Robin Williams is fucking bringing it here. Like I this dude is heartbroken. Well, and he's. got single tears rolling down. And that's i oh like, i haveve my eyes definitely got wet.
Yeah? hot nose. But my nose did not, I did not get a Bernie nose. No hot nose? Okay. No Bernie nose. Bernie nose sounds like a slogan for Bernie Sanders. I was gonna say, not gonna lie, Bernie nose sounds a little more racist than me. can write in if you know what talking about where you feel like you're going to cry, but you're not crying, but your nose is burning. Bernie Nose is a mobster character. go ask Bernie Nose if he's seen me to come true this way. That's Dick Tracy, too. Let these guys know I'm not crazy, please.
Badmoviesworsepeople at Yeah, email us if you get a hot nose when you get sad. Burning nose. There is this part where like she's laying there and there's like goop around her. oh He's like, oh, she's leaking battery fluid.
Like, oh, it is heartbreaking. It is It is. It's just we aren't human. And you love her. But it's a robot dying. We should be sad. I know. I normally am. This is usually what gets me. But also Weebo's kind of have been a bitch the whole movie. That's why I love her But then she also turned around and was like, Sarah, hey.
Yeah, but they didn't give us enough time to accept that before they killed her. 93 minutes. But it's okay. I know. I'm not complaining. Because she flashes a word that makes them- Stork. Stork. That makes them run up there. It's like Tony Stork.
Oh. She's telling me to look for a stork. I'm going to look through the computer, but all I can find is pork. Baby. And I'm a dork. But Sarah even like points out, she's like, so what was that word that flashed across her screen? he i don't You expect me to remember something? Bitch, I didn't remember our wedding.
Also, he's like. That's what he should have said. Maybe without the bitch, because PG. Girl, didn't remember our fucking wedding. You remember that fucking word that flashed on Weebo's face? I was crying into battery acid. You told me about our wedding and one hour later I forgot. Yeah. Then Sarah kisses him on the cheek and he goes, spring.
It started with an S. And he gets on to like that 90s ergonomic fucking keyboard. It's an early version of it. And I don't think this is like, it's like, oh, look, he uses ergonomic keyboard. cause I think someone in the prop department or the set dressing was like, well, this looks like a smart guy keyboard. Yeah, this is a new technology he would be using. Yeah, it would be.
But ends up the file is their baby. Yep. And like it's we got to talk about that real quick. Got rid of my flaws and it's got parts of you in it. Where did you get parts of me? No, I'm asking you, Weebo.
Where did you get parts of me? Your personality. ok so we saw the ghost. Was I sleeping? I strokes your fucking penis. um Do you know the condom you and Sarah used? Yeah, I took a sample from that. The flub glove?
Yep. Just semen bouncing around inside. The flub glove. Yeah, they didn't die because they were just like, bing, bing, bing, bing. They're like we're not where they're not there yet. She has the Sylvia bot just like talk him off when he's sleeping until he gets nocturnal emissions.
She just comes and screams, yes, for our baby. Oh, mimics that into my beer. don't even want to drink this now. It's got fucking... Well, it's Robin Williams, Goose. All right. You'll be funnier. Bottoms up. That's what That's how i make that's how i masturbate. Bottoms up.
Bottoms up. Bottoms in she makes the he She has she has the the blueprint for the the we bet. ahha But it's because right before that, Robin Williams says, he's like, and Jack, you had been asking this the whole more movie. Jack, this whole Like, why isn't he just selling Weibo bots? Because, yeah, he's but he comes off as a a failed inventor.
i know what you're about to say, but before that, he comes off as a failed inventor. like, you have this ai robot with a soul that can fucking fly, remind you of stuff. Like, this is so far ahead of 97 technology. He also has a house cleaner.
Oh, for sure. That's what you should sell. But Weebo to me was like, you nailed it with Weebo and not Flubber. But then this point. Yeah, he can't. He doesn't know how it happened. It was a it was a fluke.
Her like personality and everything that went into it. He can't recreate it. Because he can create bots. It just wouldn't be exactly. She also tells him in this message, like, you didn't forget how you did it. I didn't tell you how you did it.
Uh-huh. I withheld information. It was luck, but I withheld the extra stuff. Also, you said he should sell the house cleaning bots. you know what the house cleaning bots made me think of? Not in design. Fallout 4. But in their noise. No, No, the gonk droids.
Oh, because it's there like sweeping us stuff and stuff. It's like, man, more. They're the trash can ones with legs. Oh, yeah. They're walking batteries. Yeah. That is like their whole. So I know it's not the same type, but it's just the noises and stuff like because he comes in after they broke into his house and it's sweeping and it looks up at him. It's just like bonk.
But so Flubber's being held hostage at Arlo Givens's house. We're just ignore the fact that he said Flubber's being held hostage. All right, go on. um Robin Williams shows up with Sarah Jean and and they're walking awkwardly and you're like yeah they're walking like they have shit like they had to take shit their butt it looks like they took shit but both the bathrooms they used were out of toilet paper so they're just like There's nothing so suspicious here.
ah no it's as It's somewhat similar to the way that Cheech is running in up in smoke. Stay together, Cheech's still filming now.
But like they're going in, they they they see the flubber, there's this whole like standoff thing. I do love when Ted Levine... every time except for the two times Robin Williams reaches into his pocket to grab this giant remote control for his flying car, ah Ted Levine is like, why youre reaching in your pocket? What you got there, pal?
And the one is that he pulls out a gun, and it's like, Robin Williams is like, it's a squirt gun. And Arlo Givens is like, Give to him. Give it to him. Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt. Dude, I was fucking- Squat, squirt. Both you were just fucking rolling. This is so stupid. It's great because he's like, no, no, stop that.
Give it to him. Squat, squat, squat. No. What'd he say? He's like- Give it to him in his hand. Yeah, put it in his hand. He's giving it to him. He shoots his hand. And he said something else. He's like, no, knock that off and do it. he's- Squat, squat, squat. Put the gun in his hand, bitch. Put the gun in his hand. Fuck, goddammit. It's a combination of things. Robin Williams just deadpan like I'm being squirted in the face look is funny. Yeah. But also Ted Levine just...
yeah cluelessly like one the most terrifying individuals squirt squirt squirt squ i give okay i'm giving it giving it to him square no stop give it to um him squa it's it's arm hilarious like dude them just like fars Oh, was she a big old fat person?
The comedy of the movie sometimes fails, but this... Dude, this was a delight. Jack said right up front, you have Ted Levine and Clancy Brown. He's like, trying to make these guys funny is a tall order. But having these serious, scary dudes doing this silly shit works really well. Do you notice Clancy was not involved in any of that stuff?
Which is funny because I think that he could do it. Yeah. I think Clancy has chops. I think Clancy had funnier, like Ted Levine had more of the comedy moments and I think he had maybe had a better delivery. Uh-huh. But Clancy Brown, when he had his his funniest moments were all facial expressions. And a lot of slapstick. Yes.
And I think it's just, it's big dude getting bonked around. They both delivered very well. yeah Yeah. They were surprisingly good. Mm-hmm. I mean, we had I had two beers and he had a glass of wine. so I'm not drinking. but so he gets the flubber out of the the containment unit and he's like, do it for Weibo and hits the button.

Chaotic Flubber Moments & Conclusion

The car is outside flying and shines the bright lights, which we didn't mention earlier, but the bright lights piss off the flubber. Yeah, that guys we we didn't talk about it because it didn't really matter or Just another montage this thing bouncing around. probably it Probably scared window boy again. It's John el or not john Williams.
John Hughes. Very different person. It's John Hughes, like like i said, just being assigned to write a script and going, fuck.
All right, let me flip through my script book. Oh, Chekhov's gun. That's the thing I need. Yeah. So shiny light at the beginning pisses off the flubber. Shiny light at the end pisses off the flubber. It bounces around. If so, facto we got a story.
All these guys get taken out, basically. But the funniest part is, and it's stupid, but it still made me laugh because Chris McDonald does a good job. Yes. The flubber going into his mouth and he swallows it.
And this is another thing that's burned into my mind from this movie is him like, ha he he's doing this wiggly, squiggly acting. Like this flubber is bouncing around his insides, just shredding them to pieces. It's going through his intestines, dude.
And it shoots out of his ass. Which, I'm glad we didn't get a fart noise. We got like a cannon blast. Yeah, you did. That butthole will never be the same. I just talked about having to take big poops and not being happy about it. This guy's having a terrible day.
ah whole sentient creature came out of his asshole. Yeah, it's pink socks, dude. Oh, God. but She said it, you made it worse. Our friend sent us a video. and That's not a friend.
It shoots out of his butt, and that's the end of the villains, apparently. and So we have the wedding. Tom ah tom Williams? Robin Williams. Robin Williams is wearing this gorgeous top hat. and like Eight foot tall top hat. He's Willy Wonka.
yeah He's about to invite a bunch of fucking kids into his laboratory and they making it out. There's no way of knowing which way the roads are rowing. Come with me. Come with me and you'll see a world of pure imagination. We have so little to do and so much time. Could you imagine Gene Wilder as the absent-minded professor?
Yes, I can. kind love that. Could you imagine Gene Wilder as the genie? Because I can. I can. I mean, Gene Wilder as the ah young Frankenstein is not too far off from what you're what you're asking for. I fucking love it, though And that's my favorite finger quote Mel Brooks movie.
Wasn't the hump on the other side? but What hump? What hump? Their wolf. Their castle. Why are talking that way? thought you wanted to. No. I'm easy. Suit yourself.
No, the other brain got damaged. I grabbed a different one. Who was it? Abby something. Abby something. Abby normal? God damn it, that movie's good. you know that every time they say Fabluca, the horse is ne?
Yeah. Fabluca is German for glue. um So something you wouldn't know unless you they got the translation. Hey, guess what? ah have it on Blu-ray. I have it on Blu-ray too. Fuck.
I was about to say I've got it on four k and i was like, no, I don't. I wish. I will. I'm sure it's on 4K by now. You think so? I have this Mel Brooks box set, so it's hard for me to like buy the new 4Ks of all these movies, because I'm like, but like how much better is it going to get?
Well, they're going to put them all on 4K. Now, if they put them out, and they're like also with 12 hours of special features. Sure. Now you put your fucking other one up on eBay and make a little bit of money off of it. I sell that box set for $8 so I can afford this $40 4K. Economics.
Economics. right, so now's the part. They have their wedding. Kind of. He's at home, but Weebo. We bet. We bet.
His love child with Weebo. Yeah, yeah. ah His new wife kisses his love child from his former relationship with a robot. We're not going to talk about the fact that he fucked a robot. We're not going to talk about it. We're not talking about it.
Well, he didn't fuck her purposefully. She fucked him in his You don't know that. He doesn't remember. That's fair, actually. I was going to say, yeah, we know because he had no idea, but he has no idea about why. doesn't remember. He blacks himself out to help.
He's I'm to robot. Drink a bottle of scotch. oh You're welcome. There's those little things on the bottom that you think are supposed to be like the hover pads, but they're just little pocket pussies. Uh-huh. Exactly. She's got three holes. hu Like a bowling ball.
Or Mr. Bucko.
So she kisses the video screen and they get married. um We have the golf ball and the bowling ball bounce one more time. And then we cut to this airplane, this passenger plane in the sky.
And we were all thinking the balls, the balls are going to fly up. I thought it was going to cut to like the bad guys. Like, fine, we'll just leave and go steal somebody else's invention and the bowling ball taking them out.
But no, it's it's poor little window boy. little poor window boy. And his dad is like, dude, we are 30,000 feet above the ground. You're fine, babe. there's po there no possible way there's a monster or a bad guy a car. There's nothing in the wing. No thing.
ah So he opens the window. And here's Robin Williams and Sarah Jean flying in their Thunderbird with a robot and a little green gloopy monster. The little green gloopy monster fucking flies at you and hits the window. And makes a kissy mouth.
It does like a kissy thing on the window. And then the kid just closes the window and looks at his dad like, you motherfucker. I will never trust again. The look this kid gives his dad. It's disdain. This is the look of, I will never be married. I'm going to murder you in your sleep. Yeah.
Because I will never trust anyone. Dude, this guy is living in a padded room right now. We were talking during the movie about like how we did a movie about this kid growing up. And I was like, yeah, they already did that. It was called Nightcrawler and it starred Jake Gyllenhaal. He loves watching people die and taking pictures of it.
Oh, you made me watch that last year. Yeah. I did too. Yeah, I didn't make you. me He had me watch that last year. There you go. Noice. No, I should've done that. And it also has ah that dude from Rogue One, um the pilot.
Pedro Pesca. No, the pilot. Poe? from Oh, Brody. ah Yeah, i did the Indian actor. i can't think of the actor's name right now, but he's Jake Gyllenhaal's sidekick, and you know he gets killed.
Yeah, fuck. Brody Rook is the character. Spoiler alert for an 11-year-old movie. Sorry. What are going to There's a statue of limitations. um And then that's it. Me and truck have always joked about that. We just want a big statue, but it just says limitations because now people have mispronounced that or insurmountable.
um i even had somebody who I knew whose mom said, well, I don't want to be a barrel of bad news. And ever instead of bearer of bad news, I'm like, for from now on, it's a barrel of bad news. Wow. because That's a bad way to get bad news. It comes by the barrel. Right.
Barrel of monkeys, barrel of bad news. Damn. So yeah. Mine is. Barrel and aged. Expresso. Oh, Expresso is so many people. fucking hate that. I'm like, it's yeah ESS. It's Espresso. But it's America. It's just ES. Yeah, ES. ES comes at the end.
oh there you go. Just like America. Sorry. ah topical Oh, Riveting. Credits. That's the end of the movie. So.
so So, with your round of recommendations, we'll start with Whiff. um I honestly, I haven't seen this. since the 90s and it was still a lot of fun for me.
I'm sure it helped to have the two of you with me. hu So I would definitely have to put some of Jack's caveats in there. Like friends. I didn't drink but friends. well second half we didn't. Did we?
Yeah. all I didn't really. Double IPA. It doesn't count. It was one beer. It was a third of a beer. It's fine. um But no, I definitely recommend this. If you got Littles, dude, watch this with your Littles because they'll get a kick out it. like that that Whitney caveat. Yeah.
Ooh, I get a caveat, guys. Yeah, I will recommend it and a Whitney caveat. If I had my nieces over, I could show them this and not be fucking burnt out. And like, I'm not watching Frozen again, just so everybody fucking knows.
I'll never fucking watch Frozen let it go again. I'm trying to. ah But yeah, did they they I had more fun with this than I thought I would. ah Never seen it.
I don't know often I'll watch it again, but when I have to, it won't be a maddening thing. I'll be happy about it. You like, girls, oh my God, I just found a movie that you guys might like. If they ask me, I'll put it on.
But i don't I don't think I needed the caveats. like we Yes, we watched it together. I think I could have watched it alone and had as much. like there were Yes, our laughter together is great.
But I think I would have gotten all the same jokes. It is more fun with friends. And I'm surprised to find that I would would still recommend this. Barely, though, it's like, like you said, i wouldn't I'm not going to watch this again on my own.
Right. But if you have kids, they might actually like this. Like a lot of the kids movies from the 90s and earlier don't hold up for kids now because they want CG and they want farts and they want all that stuff. Well, this has all that.
No farts, though. Oh, there was plenty of fart noises. Oh, there was fart noises. When Robin's like trying to wait, he first meets Flubber, he goes, Yeah, there's this fart noises. and And something shoots out of a guy's ass. yeah I will watch this again and put on a score to it.
Maybe like Nine Inch Nails or something. oh I want to fuck you like an animal. I want to fuck you like a robot. Right when he's holding Weebo. want to fuck you like an animal.
Black like your soul. You and me, we're in this together now. so Oh, hopefully, ah I don't know if the name of the song, but the head like a hole comes on right around the time ted Levine and Clancy Brown are getting head, hitting the fucking head with bowling balls.
Where does Perfect Drug come When he's crying about Sarah Jean. You are the perfect drug. Right when he invents Flubber. Yeah. Or when Sylvia, the when the robot's jerking him off with the hologram. um But it's a soft recommend in that if you have kids, they might still be interested. Yeah.
And I don't think it's necessarily an adult watch together movie like we did, but, you know, do what you want. Yeah, I'm not in charge. I honestly expected to be like, no, this is not enough Robin Williams. That's my biggest problems. I mean, he's in every scene, basically. Right. But he's not Robin Williams. Like the way we talk about Tom Sizeron, about not being Tom Sizeron. Yeah, he wasn't sizing it. And Nick Cage not being Nick Cage. Don't cage him.
Don't cage Nick. He needs to be Robin Williams and he's not. he's He's Robbie Williams. The reason we watched it. He's Rob. He's just Rob. Bob Williams. The reason we watched this together is because i thought we we thought it was going to suck.
Yeah. like just be Well, i did I've never seen it and you didn't think it would stand up, either of you. So it's like, ah let's just watch it together and at least make fun of it. No, it was better than that. Yeah, we didn't really talk much through it either. we were pretty much. Cracking jokes, but I found myself entertained. Same.
Give it to him. Dope. No, give give it to him. stop Put it in his hand and give it to him. Stop it. Stop it. somemit
But so next week we are going to. hey guys, we had something else planned for next week, but due to the tragic and sudden passing of Gene Hackman, we decided to talk about a Gene Hackman movie.
So next week's episode will be Welcome to Mooseport, which is currently available on Prime Video. i We'll be leaving at the end of the month.
So perfect timing. So you can watch it there on Prime. ah You can rent it on Amazon for $3.79. three seventy nine You can rent it on Apple for $4. ah You can buy it for $13 on eat both of those.
But that will be next week's episode. Welcome to Mooseport, Gene Hackman's final film, co-starring Ray Romano. I think you know how that's going to go.
So tune in next week for Welcome to Mooseport. And now back to the episode. Don't forget, we have a Patreon at slash worstpeople. $3 a month, you get a bonus mental health episode, which this month is... Major League?
Major League. Yeah! Whoop, whoop! We literally recorded an episode yesterday. that was yesterday. You're just not sure what month we're on. I have no idea what month we're on, dude. we record these ahead of time and I never know. of like Is this the next episode coming out or i'm going to hear this next year? Yeah. You want to know where we're at, guys?
We haven't left for the cruise yet. Spoilers. They don't make it back. There's peek behind the fucking

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curtain. and then you also get a Latchkey Vids episode, which is us discussing forgotten or never known television shows from the 90s. Currently, we are talking about Cop Rock.
And this month's episode is episode three, Three-Corps Meal, also known as... Baby merchants, give me a week or two. I'll have your baby for you. That's where we need video. I'll have your baby into the ah big baby belly thing.
And don't forget. Well, you guys might not because this is main feed. A new feature for Patreon people is whenever we record these episodes in video, which this one is not.
But when we do do video, which is as often as we do.
The patrons get the videos ad free on the Patreon feed. If you watch it on YouTube, which is the other place you can watch it or on our website, bad movies, worse
Just remember. If you can pay three, you get it ad free. do but dava daba dedede da da That's our new Patreon theme song. But yeah, you get it ad free on Patreon or you get it with ads on YouTube. So that's a thing.
We have to thank Evasion, of course, for providing the opening. We don't have to, like we but we want to a lot. Oh, yeah, we want to. We really want to. We always will. I will not forget unless I do. I love you, Vison.
So that's it for this week. I've been Derek. I'm Whitney. I'm a window kid. Oh, fuck you are. Good night and go flub yourself.
Flubber, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. You were my slimy boy.