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Ep 135: The Prowler (w Zip) image

Ep 135: The Prowler (w Zip)

S3 E13 · Bad Movies Worse People
41 Plays3 days ago

This week, we go back to Joseph Zito Town with his 1981 slasher classic, THE PROWLER, and we're joined by our good friend and amazing tattoo artist (as well as new Patron) Zip! The soon-to-be graduates of a small California college are being stalked and killed by a mysterious figure dressed in military garb and wielding all manner of weapons, including a pitchfork! We get some of the coolest and most iconic kills in slasher history thanks to the legendary Tom Savini as well as a bunch of kids acting like idiots and some boobage! 

Find Zip on Instagram at @zip_tattooist or @zip_painter

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Introduction and Recurring Guest Appearance

Welcome back. And this week, I'm here for our date, Rose. I'm Derek. I'm Whitney. I'm Jack. I'm Zip. And this is Bad Movies. Worst people.
We're here and we're back. And this week we have a guest with us, Zip. Welcome back. Who has been on the show before twice now. couple times. is third. And he'll be back soon. Before twice is what I meant. Oh, yeah. Did I say that? don't know.
And he'll be back soon. I'm not paying attention to you. He was here for Friday the 13th, the original. And then out of the bag, he drew Friday the 13th, part two. Your favorite No, my favorite is actually part... Four, five? Six.
Oh. It was part six. Part X. Jason in space. Part six, the end of the Tommy Jarvis saga. Okay. Oh, that's the one that we talked... That's one Doug...
We've not seen either never Roy Roy Roy was five. Oh, okay. cause This is after. Okay. Yeah, there's well, yeah, because it is with the do with the hockey mask jumping out. That's right. Yeah, I got It seemed like he's gonna be the killer. Yeah.
Question mark.

Personal Interests and Social Media Plugs

But remind the remind the people who you are profession wise, what you love, what you don't love, what's your favorite flower? um We'll do a big wrap at the end. But do you like long walks on beaches? Are you short walks?
Short walks on the beach. Yeah, short walks. Not too close to the water because just fucked me up for life. It's my favorite movie, but it fucked me. the Yeah, I can't. I relate to that, though, because I love jobs and I hate the water. Dude, we're going to be on a boat in less. Yeah, I know. five days I love porn. I hate gangbangs. So it's crazy to me. which part were you in ah Yeah.
That's one of those fluid things Ah golden shower. That's crazy to me that you're gonna be on a boat Yeah out in the middle of the ocean. Yeah. Yeah, just that's why we spent a month watching movies about oceanic disaster Yeah, we did dronuary nice. Yeah, the abyss Leviathan was a Poseidon deep star six deep star six now We didn't end up doing the sight adventure water world thing. but Yeah, we did do water word Water word. Because that was a water disaster. But when you guys are seeing this and hearing this, we have been back already.
I hope. yeah I hope this is in a podcast from the grave. It might be. It'll be posted. creepy Are you here for date, Rose? Yeah, so what do you want to plug yourself up front ah for the camera?
Plug yourself later. Which camera is it? It's the tall one. The farthest one. How you doing? My name is Zip. I tattoo in Tucson, Arizona. I also do paintings.
So my Instagram is at zip underscore tattooist, T-A-T-T-O-O-I-S-T. Either that or zip underscore painter. Those are my Instagrams.
That's usually the best way to get a hold of me. And I think Derek probably put a link in the description. usually Yeah, I always put a link the description. He does phenomenal work. He's working on my left arm sleeve. Oh, stop. He's um my he's the only one that's ever tattooed my husband.
I get lucky sometimes. i got two. don't know if you can see them. I can see my arms. The screen's very far away. Yeah. We need a man in the chair.
That would be called a producer. We don't have money. did We got to pay them? Oh, you know what? Speaking of money.

Patreon Promotion

Uh-oh. We have a Patreon at slash worstpeople. It's only $3, guys. A month.
A month. A month. $3 a month. But you get all the content. You're kidding me. Is that the top tier? Because I know most Patreons, they have tiers. That's the only tier right now. Yeah. Really? But you can over-pledge a couple people we have. Yeah, we have a couple people who pledged $5. Thank you, Hector. Thank you, Tanker Tom. would encourage people to do so.
Thank you. But for those who aren't familiar, this is something I'm trying to do, but I keep forgetting. This is bad movies where people don't get mad if you love the movie we're talking about. We watch movies that may or may not be considered bad for whatever reason, and then we decide what we think about it. and Bad is relative thing anyway. While we make jokes in between.
Exactly. Most of the time, these movies are trash, and we love them. Yeah. I personally love the movie that we watched this evening. Yeah. It's one of my favorite slashers of all time, I'd have to

Movie Discussion: 'The Prowler'

say. this is This is... Zip brought this to us, right? Yes.
Yeah. Okay, because I've never even heard of this. Oh. Originally titled Rosemary's Killer. Okay. In the UK. And I think before that it was the Pitchfork Murderers.
I like that less. Or Pitchfork Massacre. But this is the Prowler here. I'm going to show that to the camera here. Other camera. Other one. Other camera. But that one can see you too. right. ah Great movie.
Yeah. um We're going to get into how much I like it. Or don't. You said it was originally a Pitchfork Massacre. I saw a thing, and i you might know more than the Raduation something. Well, like, so it was Rosemary's Killer or The Prowler.
And then it was when it came out again in like 2014, probably the Blu-ray is when people found out

Director and Special Effects Spotlight

that it had been re-released in 1984. It was the exact same movie and it was called The Pitchfork Massacre. Yeah. But they can't find who the distributor was. There's no records. So it's like it was like someone got it and they were like, well, I'm putting this out. Fucking guerrilla releases. Yeah. Damn. Was it you in past life?
Maybe. well um It was 1984. It's right before I was born. Yeah. He got murdered for it. He got killed by the Mueller. CIA was like, you ain't putting this out on our watch. The working title even was something different. It was graduation something. I can't remember what it was, but I remember. Dude, who's this cop look like, the deputy? Oh, it's Cueller.
No, no, a serial killer. ah Why am I doing this with my hand? Oh, Richard Ramirez? Richard Ramirez! Yes, thank you! Yeah, okay. How did you get that? The pentagram on the hand. i I've actually tattooed that before.
Okay. Did you tattoo Richard Ramirez? We have to talk. No, no, no, no. Whole new podcast. I tattooed that image on somebody. This guy's a Richard Ramirez looking dude. I didn't trust him right away, which made me think he's not the killer, so I trusted him. They were saying Peter Weller, which I can see. and then i was like I said Peter Weller vibes. He was giving some RoboCop off. This is probably what Richard Lynch looked like before the fire.
Oh, I can see that. Yeah, this is him with lips. Which is a great tie-in segue to talk about the director, Joseph Zito, who we just talked about last week on Invasion USA. What a fucking banger of a movie, by way. Back to Zito Town. Directed by... No, he told me, and I was like, I'm in.
I was delighted. He's going to bring this up anyway. So before we hit record, Whitney was saying it was an interview with like Tom Savini because you had the Blu-ray. I was like... yeah Thank God, because I was wondering. I was like, this is some Savini-level amount of blood. It is. And that's not a complaint for anyone listening. The special effects were phenomenal. I think i think he really raised the bar up to a They need to bring that shit back. Savini needs class.
Every scene had my favorite amount of blood. Yeah. My favorite kill? we have wait? No, let's hear it. My favorite kill is the pool. The pool? The pool. Oh, well, the knife cutting into the throat. The knife into the neck is just some... I was in my house just, like, clapping like was in a fucking Disney movie. It was so real, right? It was so good. What didn't look good was her spasms, but... Yeah, yeah. Special Olympics can't save acting.
My favorite was the pitchfork in the shower up the wall. Uh-huh. Yeah. How real did that look? I don't think I have a least favorite kill. It looks so real. Yeah, pretty much. Even the ones that weren't, you know, Just the balls of this movie to show that throat cut as close and as often as they did as long as they did. Yeah. The knife in the flesh, like, moving back and forth and the blood pouring out.
I read that this is Tom Savini, this is the thing he is the most proud of. Oh, he should be. And he's done a lot of shit. Yeah, he should A thousand percent. He definitely should be. It's only eight kills. and We see a shotgun decimate somebody's head later and it looks awesome, but but they pan away or they cut away as soon as they have to.
Not the throat cut. Yeah. Well, they they cut away. We watched the on the Blu-ray. There's like a reel that Tom Savini recorded basically on ah like a video camera behind the scenes of each special effect.
Yeah. And when he shot the head, only half of it was destroyed. So I think that's why they cut away. But then because then they go back and they show a completely obliterated stump. Gotcha. That makes sense.
I'm not complaining why they cut away. I just I the throat thing was like, keep looking. Yeah. i Dare you a real shotgun. Nice. Yeah. Well, there's all the kills. See you guys next time. All right. So thanks for being here. Great for bringing the Blu-ray. Yeah. A little fun fact here about the director of this movie. He actually directed Friday the 13th part four and had Tom Savini. No, no, that's Nightmare on Elm Street, man. And that was part three. Yeah. yeah But no, no. ah
He had Tom Savini come back for his second Friday the 13th movie. OK, so he did one in four. the special effects. That's fantastic. I'm excited for that. oh yeah, for sure.
We'll get there whenever it comes out of the magic bag. That's not up to us. Yeah, we aren't watching them in order at all, so. Don't forget your magic bag. Yeah, you're going to be on all of them with us, yeah? I would like to, yeah, for sure.
I think this year and next year, there's only one Friday the a lot to say, obviously, about them. A lot to say to you a fucking nerd. I want to mention that quick. apparently surround myself in nerds. You have a type.
They're bearded, glasses, and nerds. were talking before the recording and just going back and forth about all these different movies. my God. Well, I was waiting for you to get here. You couldn't get here fast enough. Which time? ah We were nerding out. The first time.
They were geeking out so hard. He was... Derek was taking him through all the fucking film, all the movies on all the shelves. All the different releases. And I'm just sitting there on my phone like... You should have followed him behind with a camera. I should have.
Yeah, where are you with the reels and the special features? That could have been a tick

Writers and Cult Status

or a talk. Are you paying me for that? Yeah. With kisses. Hershey's Kisses. Sponsor of this podcast. No, they're not. No, they're not. They're just delicious. They should be. And they're also not that good.
This movie is written by like five people, but two of the two main ones are Neil Barbera, not from Hanna-Barbera, And Glenn Leopold cut down a quick joke real quick. Why don't you? But I had to say that because the other things that these people have written besides the prowler are things like Smurfs, not like the cartoon, Johnny Quest, Tom and Jerry, Yogi Bear.
So I mean, it's not Hannah Barbera. That's Joseph Barbera. That's the of Hannah Barbera. This is Neil Barbera. Maybe related, but I didn't see it on the thing I looked up real quick. His middle name is name real name is two. will twin Neil to Barbera. He's a serf for the whole family.
yeah I mean, they could be related. I didn't i mean, like get on your knees. get on your knees you Get on your knees. Yeah, like kneel. Like kneel to the... To the Lord, the king. I couldn't find exact numbers for budget or box office, but we'll still play the game because I have a rough idea.
okay Give us the budget. We've been playing a game of budget versus box office. So the budget budget budget was less than $1 million. dollars IMDB says $1 million, but then online, on like the Wikipedia page and stuff, it says it was less $1 million. That's only because I think Tom Savini was having like a sober month.
He still had a bunch of cocaine left over from when he was doing Maniac right before this. All right Million dollar budget. Just about come from from maniac right into this.
um Did it in it? Ladies first it released in theaters. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I'm going to say. But I'm sure it probably did better in the drive-ins. the drive-in circuit. I don't know that gets counted towards the box. So do we have the whole, like, a total box?
ah just like's There's one one rough number. Seven. Seven million. God, you scallywag. That was going to mine. It was like, it's 80. 12 million. 12.5. 12.5 I'm going to say three.
Also less than one million. Whoa. But there's a C I knew to aim low. because It's an indie film, you know, but every now and then those surprise us. Well, there's a stupid story about why. So the producer, some, some distribution company, I don't remember who approached the producer and said, Hey, we'll distribute your movie for $750,000, which was close to what the movie cost. Right? So the guy was like, fuck you.
I'll put it out myself. um So he self-distributed, and it made less than a million dollars, and Joseph Zito blames that for the reason the movie made no money. Yeah? Yeah. we yeah I would, too. I just did. Is Zito still alive?
I don't know. I think so. Could he get royalties from this? He might. like Depends on what his contract was. Yeah. yeah like I mean, DVD sales have got to be pretty decent, right?
This is pretty cult-y. It feels like. It is very cult-y. have a Blu-ray. It did, like... Well, to find it in VHS format is like a unicorn.
Okay. um To find it in DVD is pretty hard. Blu-ray is even harder for some reason. Weird. Yeah. well But they did a blue underground one yeah that is easier to find now. So that's the one I got here.
Yeah, Blue Underground does a lot of the like that's I have Maniac and Maniac 2 and I think they're both Blue Underground. Oh, classic title. Or Maniac Cop and Maniac Cop 2. Sorry. I know between you two, those are like big swinging dick names. Yeah, but I know you don't know much. Maniac Cop Bruce Campbell in it. so Oh, I'm intrigued. What's the big dude's name? Bruce Campbell. thing oh Robert Zadar. Robert Zadar, yes.
Bruce Campbell and Robert Zadar. Who's Robert Zadar? I know the name. ah you broke You broke that jaw? Oh, I do know him. Yeah. ah Cherry 2000. know that's not what you quoted, but no he was in Cherry 2000.
2000. You always say 3000. Samurai Cop. Yes. Samurai Cop. It's not. Miami Connection or Cherry 2000 right now. Which when are you going to watch?
She hated both. Oh. Gun to your head, dude. Shoot me.
Well, I'm to shoot you with Miami connection because he grabbed that. That's it. Okay. so' throw the I'll throw the vinyl at you later. I mean, i've seen that I've seen and heard it multiple times and I've only seen Sherry 2000.
to that I don't know what she's doing here. It's great. How do you not love that? but So the movie starts with some some more footage. And I was like, Jack's going turn this on and be like, did accidentally start a one of my World War II documentaries? Almost text you. am I watching the right movie? Because I'm like, this is something I was watching last night. This is what is happening, dude. You saw the amount of cocktail straws. You know was watching some World War II shit. Yeah.
Once you get to a certain age, you know, most of us, we go for the World War II shit. Yeah. I hated it like 19. I was like, yeah, I watched all the World War II shows. It took me till about like my 30s, my mid 30s. I've always been an old, old man.
Yeah. 100%. was like, fuck, is this the right movie? And kept hitting like up for information. i was like, 1981, the prowler. i see Zito. I'm doing right. Yeah. it's And it's just kind of a rough setup for the the killer. Right. And so it's like this this news story.
Spokes guy. The guy talking on the newsreels. Newcaster? He's not a newscaster. Reporter? Newsreel people. Here come the boys. The voiceover? Here come the boys back from overseas. Reporter? Look at him go. i don't know this counts as reporters. Boy, he'll get a little lady tonight.
What else would he be? An emcee? A disc jockey? I don't know. It was only on newsreels. That's not how they talked on the news. So i don't know if those guys kind of reporters or if they're just voice actors. Talky talks. I said a voiceover.
But he's saying all this stuff. And then he says something really weird, which I'm like, okay, well, that obviously ties to the movie. Because he's like, and some of these guys got Dear John letters they're going have to rebuild their whole lives. Losers. And then it goes directly into a Dear John letter. Yeah.
I think we could have just is it started at that but Is it a Jody or a Josie that sleeps with it's it's A joy Jody Jody is a military term for someone that sleeps with girl while you're deployed Ah Well we see a Jody getting killed at the beginning of this one Well he's a punk too He's a little shit. He's a fucking punk bitch. But yeah, we get My daddy, he's got all the money. Dude, that... like Your dad's gonna be so jealous. Why?
Walk all the way around the car, get in the car, close the door, fix his jacket. Because my dad has more money than he does. Fuck you. i do love this car, though. I love the car. That was a great car. i don't blame the car. yeah There's no bad cars, just bad drivers.

Setting Clarifications and Advertisements

yeah The suicide doors. The Pinto.
That wasn't a bad car if you didn't get rear-ended. Don't ever stop. It's this couple. It's Rosemary, who's the one who wrote the letter. Hence, Rosemary's Killer.
yeah And ah Roy, not Doug. And it's 1945, Avalon Bay. College graduation. We have come to find out three quarters of the way through the movie. I know, the whole beginning of the movie, I'm like, there's no way this is a high school graduation.
They're hiding the alcohol because maybe it's a dry county, maybe it's only a two-year college. like Wait, the entire thing's a college graduation? yeah Yeah. Oh, that makes it so much better. This cop was like at a high school dance. school Oh my God, this whole time I'm like, this is fucking creepy. And everyone's like, isn't she graduating soon? Yeah.
That's what I said when the guy's like, she graduates soon, right? And he's like, yeah. And he goes, cool. He's like, oh, good. he's She's at least 17. Go for That was my thought. i was like, man, our hero is a fucking, like, a groomer? Our hero is Drake?
I spent so much time. like Derek's like, you weren't focusing on the wrong part of this movie. We'd watching the movie, and 20 minutes later, she'd be like, Maybe it's like a dry county and that's why they can't drink. Just out of nowhere. Let it Whitney. Let it go. I was fixated on it. No, she was.
So hard. Until it came up that it was an actual college and they only say it once in the movie. Yeah, towards the end. Towards the end, no less. So until then, she's like every 10, 15 minutes. There's way this is a high school. I was like, there's no way.
There's way it's high school. These are living in a dorm. They're in a dorm. Oh, I guess that's true, too. I didn't think about that. I just thought of a private school. yeah Fucking Richies. Yeah, because she does say dorm at one point.
But it's Rosemary and and Roy, and they go off to make out. So they go out into the darkness and then walk into the brightly lit gazebo. And they're like, but let's make out on this private property where no one can see us. Oh, he's doing some good sweet talking, too. He's like, you didn't to take your dress off. So, Roy. Girl, I don't need you to get naked. I'm going to come before I even get in there. and he's even talking shit. He's like, in his lap if your boyfriend was here, he'd be fucking wishing he was back on them beaches. You you fucking dodged this whole thing because you're daddy. Yeah, exactly.
But it lights out, and then there is some penetration, but it's not by a penis. That we know of. There may have been. There might have might may have been. It might have s slipped. But what we see is a pitchfork go through both these people. Oh, yeah.
Which is just wonderful. Beautiful. Yeah, especially when he puts his foot into it. Okay, so. Beautiful. I have been drinking a lot of the day. all right. Is there a reason for the pitchfork?
No. That's his thing, dude. That's just his thing. Well, Jason's got a machete. Yeah, no. His thing is a World War II outfit and bayonet. You don't get two things. Well, he has shotgun, too, though.
You don't get three things. ah That could go with the Vietnam vet. That could also go with the farmer. Right. World War II vet. also those What did I say? Vietnam. Oh, okay. Sorry. Because I also don't want to bring up he's wearing the Pacific ah fucking boots, not the fucking European war boots.
Well, the thing was the... Hey, they fought for our country, too. The eyelet with the hook sleeve, I guess, because it's not part of the boot. yeah It's just a sleeve over the boot. No, the some of the ones we did for the Pacific were part of the boot.
the jungle The jungle combat boot. Okay, but the ones he's wearing is a sleeve. He's a hodgepodge of it all. Well, it's also... I think it was his knife holder. You know what they didn't have in World War II? The bayonet holder. Fighting for America?
Farmers. Well, with pitchforks. I know. I was say, I'm pretty sure there was a lot of farmers. There was. My grandfather. They turned my grandfather away. Because he wanted to carry his pitchfork? Well, no, he's a different kind of farmer. He refused to put his pitchfork down. No, because he was.
He's like, going to get me some of them Germans with this pitchfork. Four to Tom. Got him. So then he lays a rose. I'm not going to let go, of by the way, the fact that he's a farmer fucking soldier.
Well, see, OK, so he's got his soldier stuff, right? He's got the bayonet and he's got the shotgun. Because see then when he came home, yeah he went and got his pitchfork because he's like, I'm getting taking care of this dude with my down home stuff.
my pitchfork from my California home. Take a lane, buddy. Because the devil has a pitchfork, and so he's stabbing everybody with the devil's pitchfork, sending them straight to hell. Right. She's doing a little bit of work.
Yeah, Avalon is supposed to be in And that's where they that's where Joseph Zito wanted to film it, too. It's a real city in California. But they ended up filming in Jersey. They filmed in Jersey because this town they filmed in looked like a ghost town.
Oh. That's just Jersey. You know all those beautiful spots. I mean, that's what they claim, but we talked about it while we were watching and it might just be because Jersey was cheaper. Probably. I mean, Friday of the 13th was all made there, so. Yep.
Nobody wanted to visit anyway. yeah And then we cut to Avalon Bay in 1980. 1980, that jarring... She had to ask. I missed the cut. I was like, i like the the note that says, hey, it's 1980 now. And was like, what is happening?
That girl's not from 1945. That style's not 1945. They weren't wearing short shorts in public in 45. you're a woman wearing shorts in 45, you got shot. We're introduced to our hero being a pervert.
Yeah, he is. Deputy Mark London. I didn't get, I got one actor's name because I knew who he was. Everybody else didn't do anything. I saw this guy produced and directed a bunch of soap operas. Such as these movies, though. Yeah.
Yeah. But Deputy Mark London, who's just ogling these girls, which, and again, an hour later, we find out are least in college. I just found out. I just found it out right now.
I had trouble rooting for this guy. Like, yeah, he's our hero, but that girl's 17, 18. Well, I love that he's like- You're in a high school prom. They're going to a cotillion, okay? Ugh. yeah got tell you They're putting up the banner and he's just standing underneath this girl on the ladder. Yeah, like looking at your ass. Lisa's such a whore. And then the girl that he's like courting, Pam, comes out and she's got this document she printed for whatever. And she's like, oh, don't worry. The printing is really small. I wouldn't want you to strain your eyes twice.
And was like, got it god like um I'm going to be taking you to lunch, though, right now. Is that a sex move? For me, it is. Is that like an initiative? I'm going to take you to lunch. You can get in my pants now. I was going to take you to the movies, but they don't let you bring in outside snacks.
That's a good one. Shit. You like it? I like that one. That was a good one. Every now and then. And we meet the sheriff who is going out of town to go fishing and he's like, nothing could possibly go wrong tonight. you're just going couple of drunk kids from the graduation.
You'll be fine, deputy. You can take care this. I was instantly suspicious. Same. Right here. Yeah. Same. And then he's like. Why you trying to find a way out of this movie? Where are you going? What's he doing? You know the people. you have an alibi? Are still the way they are. They don't like that sort of thing. Yeah. And I was like.
Well, we only see that referenced once later on when the guy comes in complaining about kids out in the cemetery. and He's like We never had this problem in the last 30 years. That's where he finally says with this college yeah He's like we haven't had this problem in 30 years. I guess they haven't had graduation parties for 30 years. She said that she said that and then she did so okay I missed that part because of I think what happened because yeah, rosemary yeah okay Because i don't know if you notice on the sheriff's coat when she's wearing it, it says Chatham Sheriff Department.
So like that old Chatham, whatever his name is. oh Chatham. Whatever the wheelchair man is. It's his county. Like the count tin town is his town. Whatever the wheelchair man is. You mean Lawrence Tierney? Talking about reservoir dogs? The only actor to do anything else other than this movie. Yeah. Like reservoir dogs.
I didn't get a One episode of Seinfeld, he plays Elaine Bennis' dad. He's a Junior. He's in Armageddon. He plays someone's dad. Armageddon? Who's he in Armageddon? He's guy in what movie?
Most of them. Oh, yeah. Life. He's in Tough Guys Don't Dance. ah Wait. With Wingshauser. back to Armageddon. He plays someone's dad. I don't know.
It's not Liv Tyler's. Yeah. No, her and her dad share underwears.
Her real dad. Is this your leopard print thong or mine? Isn't Bruce Willis her dad? and and now that's In He's talking real life. I know Liv Tyler's father, Steve Tyler from Aerosmith.
We were talking about this yesterday at work, and Jack was like, dude, laundry in that house has to be confusing. Why are there so many scarves, dad? oh It's a fucking soccer match.
Well, we meet all the roommates, various girls, Lisa, Sherry, and some other ones. I'm not going to remember any of these girls. Lisa and Sherry. I remember because they're the ones who get Lisa's the short hair, short shorts.
Lisa's the slutty one. Yeah, short hair, short shorts. Well, she's the one that's trying to hit on the share of the deputy yeah later on. But not the short, short hair. No. She's the one who gets killed in the pool.
Yes, she bangs the deputy from behind at the dance. Yeah. Yeah. What makes the deputy bang her from behind? No. No. She comes up to the table and just gives him a That's why he spills his wine. Gives him a good goose. His wine, it's the punch. Not with that amount of vodka. That's wine. She just threw a fucking couple of fucking Welch's grapes in a wine glass. Call it whatever you want.
You can't just give me Welch's grape juice with vodka and tell me it's wine. That one actually made sense, though. Ah, damn it. Ross Perot. He's starting to become lucid. But we find out that all these girls are going to die because one of the girls is like, hey, do you have any rolling papers? The other girl's like, yeah, right here.
And then I got these when I was fucking that one dude. The girl with the rolling papers is like, Carl gave them to me. Also, we're going to fuck later. Well, he's such an animal. He's such an animal.
He was also a black dude. Oh, well, we're all fine. You guys are dead. You broke all the rules. All the tropes now. We also get like some cutaways to the prowler suiting up.
Yeah. To tying his laces and stuff. I'm digging the fucking ankle sleeve thing. Little spats. love that. Why don't they make shoes like that? Is the whole thing a thing? He's got like the thing, a hood that goes over his head. i'm sure It's definitely not from World War II. I'm sure it is at some point. I mean, we're talking that's early commando warfare.
Yeah. On both sides. It could exist. It's not like a full ghillie suit. It's just a fucking like hood like ah hood that goes over and... It's his fishing gear. He can see through, they can't see his face. Yeah, because you need to camouflage yourself and fit with fish. They can't see me. Fish are up there like, is that a guy or a tree?
Either way, I'm to eat this worm on this hook. I'm going to think about it. um We also have Lisa flashing Chatham across the street. Because they're like, that old pervert's been watching us all semester. She's like, oh yeah?
Boobles. He does not look happy about it, by the way. No, because... He looks upset. Yeah. Damn kids. I had a stroke. Now you're trying to make me stroke.
It's not fair. Well, now something on him can stand up. I can't hold the curtain open with one hand and jerk off with the other. Only half me works. Speaking of gold fishing. ah real My reel just came alive in my hands. Oh, Lisa.
Let me see what that mount do.
He's more into watching. Yeah. He's like, somebody else is more into watching. There's a lot people into watching this movie. But like, so Pam is leaving and she's like, hey, Sherry, you want me to wait? Pam is the blonde. Pam is the blonde. Pam was giving off Final Girl energy right away. The whole time. Immediately. She's just like, no, I don't want any of that alcohol. Uh-huh. You know, mad at my boyfriend and I'm not just going to go fuck him.
The second Lisa flashed an old man, you're well, you're not our Final Girl. I knew the second, like, the chick asking for rolling papers and- Even the other chicken, I'm like, okay, and the boyfriend that gave them to her. Uh-huh. Like, who am I going to be rooting for? There she is. Found her.
the yeah The sober one. I guess that's who I'm rooting for. The blonde-haired lady. Guess what? She's going to have a big drinking problem after this movie's over. wo yeah Her coping mechanisms are going to be for shit. I do. like i'll I can wait. She'll never look at a pitchfork from World War II the same ever again. A World War II era pitchfork. Yeah. Those are the worst ones. Those are the worst. Or the best. They don't make them like they used to. For a reason.
Yeah. For stabbing. We used them all for killing Nazis, apparently. Hey guys, I'm getting really antsy today. I've been in the house a couple days. um I want to get out. Can we go somewhere? I have some things to do. i mean i don't know if you know this. Music Box, ah the adult beverage place that is, they have live music almost like minimum twice a week, sometimes much more.
love live music. And as a fan of somebody that likes staying on the east side, can't think of a place that does as much live music with zero cover. Can I get shots there? You can get shots there. You can get drinks there. You can get beers there. You can get pudding shots.
You can get jello shots. You're putting me on. I am not putting you on. This is real. Oh, they've got karaoke. They've got unhappy hour every Wednesday. You know I love karaoke. Saturday nights, they've got open mic stand-up comedy.
Yeah, so there's plenty going on over the music box. We can go down there 6951 East in Tucson, Arizona. twenty second street in tucson arizona Oh, right there at 22nd and Colt? Yeah. Did I mention no cover? Like everything we just talked about is no cover.
No cover. No cover charge ever. Just drink alcohol and enjoy your friends. It's just like my insurance. There's no cover. Music Box Lounge. Check it out.
All right. First round's on me, boys.
Hey, guys.

Patreon Plea and Plot Introduction

I don't want to sound needy here. I'm needy. But we have a Patreon at slash person people. Mm-hmm. And it only costs $3 a month. $3 a month is nothing. And I know times are hard right now. Real hard for me.
Inflation's up. You can't afford your groceries. Can't eat. But you can't afford $3 a month if you love us. Give us $3. Super love us. Please love us. we're not We're not begging. I'm begging.
We're not pleading. I'm pleading. We're not down on our knees. Oh, boy. My knees hurt. They've been on the umad on so long. But we do kind of need the money. I need the money bad. We need new equipment.
to equipment. We need to do remote podcasts for all of you. wouldn't mind eating. We need to have video. wouldn't mind eating. ah We need more drinks. Food sounds good. So please check out slash worst people. Please check us out.
You get a bonus episode every month and we're going more content coming for you. I'll send you pictures. ah Thank you guys. Thank you so much. Please give me more. I'm being held hostage here. Slash worst people. i don't pay my way out of here. They're going to kill me.
When I was trying to describe this movie to Jack, I was telling some people at work about it. Oh, was but was it my parents? Yeah, was your parents. No, no, I was telling them about the story. I was at work and I was like, or maybe i was talking to you guys at the bar.
And I was like, it's he's dressed up like a soldier and he's killing people with one of those hay bale stabbers. No, that was with your mom, because we were both like, pitchfork? Okay, either way. Hay bale stabber, you know?
um for they have a name I do. So we were at his parents today and I look over. I'm sitting like that. I'm cross-armed just sitting there. And I look over. His mom and I are sitting exactly the same way. That's a Scrubs moment.
I love her. She's the best. But Pam is leaving and she's like, hey, Sherry, Sherry's in the shower. She's like you want me to wait for you? And she's like, no, my boyfriend gets more horny when he has to wait. Constantly soaping. dying Yes. Constantly soaping.
This girl is taking the world's longest shower. and I mean, it ends up being the world's longest shower. But like even before when you see her boyfriend, she's trying to scrub the clean. She is trying to just wash that filth.
He's a dirty, dirty boy, this Brad. He's an animal. no Sure. No, it was Carl. Carl. So close. Oh, I call him, sorry, he looks like a kind of shitty Brad Pitt and he eats like a Brad Pitt in a movie. Oh, is he in another movie?
No, like Brad Pitt eats in all his movies. ah This guy's eating cake the way Brad Pitt would. That's a different guy. That's a different guy, because this guy doesn't get time to eat cake. That's true. He doesn't even make it. Okay, this is not Brad. No. No.
The kids all leave, and the prowler prowls. Prowler's gonna prowl, dude. Prowler's gonna prowl. And we there is a so ah side thread going on in this, where like a deputy tells us that there is a prowler in town that was like breaking into places.
and So everybody never said no one says the prowler. Everyone says a prowler. You're so fucking close to saying it. Just do it. Oh, no. He says it later on. The prowler was arrested three hours. They kept saying a prowler came out.
All right. Thank God. But he's referencing the other prowler, not the murder prowler. Oh, yeah. the Richard Ramirez. But Carl, Carl shows up and surprises Sherry in the shower and we get some boobs. Yeah, we do.
They're nice. They're coney, but they're nice. They are, they're like 70s boob. It was 81. I know, but that's like a hangover from 1977. Yeah. Hey, bell-bottoms came over until like 1980. That's how I was going to describe these.
I'm currently wearing bell-bottoms. was going to describe these as bell-bottoms. It's perfect. Bell-bottom boobs. Bell-bottom boobs. I think Jinkos were like the hip hop version of ah ah Bell Bottoms. I wouldn't say hip hop. I'd say alternative. Or the Raver kid version. yeah ra kids The skater kids. That's what a lot of my friends would do. The alternative kids.
The Prowler shows up and that's when we get the kills we were talking about. He stabs Carl through the top of his fucking head and right over the bottom. And as he's like pulling it out, his eyes are like rolling back and turning all white and like it's it's fucking good yeah it's blood really good everywhere and again we're not cutting like we're not we're not shy yeah no you are very very proud of your work and you should be yeah it's just yeah wherere we're on this a lot longer than thought it was gonna be you know what i mean like the killing and like you are still just wriggling it's moving his mouth around like the prowler is holding his hand over carl's mouth
and like pulling the knife out, and Carl's trying to scream, and blood's just glooping out. It's fucking good. It's fantastic. And then he goes in and stabs Sherry, and this is the other one. The pitchfork. With the pitchfork, and and it's right in into like right underneath her boobs. Right under the ribcage there.
That's the sweet spot. That's how you move Bays of ah Hail. Hail. Bays of Hail. Nazis of Hail. Weren't you saying that in one of the other ones? We could argue. like No, Bays of Hail. No, sorry.
Bays of Hail. Bays of... it Hales of Bay.
Well, we were watching something recently where it was like rubber half of like rubber torso. They were stabbing. And that's obviously what this is, but it doesn't look like it. This looks like this is stabbing right into this. Yeah. Yeah. Because that other movie, whatever it was, I can't remember, did not hire Tom Savini. It's probably going to have like the it's shared off tips for but then like a flat line so you're getting the impression onto it and then it's squirting the blood from the forks out. Or you just hire a really good surgeon and stab that chick.
Or she's really dead. She could be. Well, there was escalation. I don't way she was dragged up the wall with the pitchfork. You know that one up into the heart. The the heart and the lungs were gun. Gun. Gun. Gun. That wine works quick. I mean, it had a good soundtrack. Don't knock the shit wine until you take a couple sips and you're already fucking... This tastes like shit, but it is good.
Man, you like bad movies, but you don't like bad wine, huh? Yeah. Even though it still gets the job done. Yeah. Much like a bad movie. This wine's disgusting. yeah but Five stars. Bad movies don't leave a buttery taste in my mouth.
Oh, really? Yeah. I'm trying to think one that would. Miami connection. That's a good taste. That's a buttery taste. That's ah that's a good kind of buttery. that's Yeah, that's like popcorn butter. yeah I was just thinking. Sob it up. It's soppy.
But there was a ah story I read, it's anecdotal because it's IMDb trivia, but supposedly Joseph Zito said in some interview that he went to a screening of the movie and was telling the security guard, like, I'm the director. I just want to go in and see how people are reacting, whatever.
And the guy was like, Did you really kill those people? Yeah. No shit. Hey, ah good guys should film, but should we be on the run? I'm just asking.
So then we go to the dance. Do i know too much? We go to the dance and there's this old man perv that's like, I love watching the girls dance. makesgie Randy Quaid.
he was He was somebody that worked at the school. Okay. I think he was like a teacher or something. I think he's a janitor. Janitor maybe. The creepy guy? Yeah. Because doesn't somebody make fun of him?
Like, oh, he's just that creepy guy. I think he lives in the basement. I got like, sorry to say, i got slow janitor vibes. Yeah, for sure. Oh, he sleeps so yeah he sleeps on a mattress in the basement. Yeah, because that's, yeah.
Yeah, I just got that kind of, you know, simple town janitor living there. one really fucking respects him, but he has a moment. But he is he had to have been part of the first part, right? With the the first part of the movie.
Like in 45. Well, he'd probably been around, yeah. Like he looks the age that was there. Sure. I mean, if the killer is the killer. He's only 20. He just had a hard life, dude. and You live in a basement and see what you look like.
And then, yeah, I have lived in a basement. You look great. Hey. But then Pam has to go back to the dorm. You look okay.
Pam has to go back to the dorm because she gets the punch spilled on her like we talked about. And she's this close. home from behind. This close to walking in on dead bodies and said prowler. Yeah, because he's staging the, unknown unbeknownst to us at this point, but he's staging the shower right now. Yeah. Yeah.
he's He's doing his best Jason Voorhees. He's like, all right, now I've got to move these bodies. I've got to pose them. You know it's going to be funny if I have him hung up over there and she's over there. What if they're playing poker? I know there's nobody else here with me, but get me some cards.
I'm going to throw this body up and stab arrows into him so it sticks him into the side of the wall. I need a martini glass full of jelly beans. This is going to be so fucking funny. I don't know why Steve Zahn is the killer. it weren It works. It's terrifying. I was like you're going real Midwest. Steve Zahn is probably Midwest. I feel like he's ill-annoying. Whitney pointed out while we were watching, this girl is fucking clueless.
Because she goes over to the door and she's like, I'm just going to close the door for you. Not questioning that her roommate is still in the shower 40 minutes later. Yeah. There's blood everywhere, but she like doesn't look. There is a water crisis and you've been showering for an hour and 45 And then there's like blood dripping down the bed, but there's just like a dress half draped over it. and She doesn't she's like bends down to do something and doesn't see it. I'm not tired. She's changing into whatever she is. She's worried about her friend banging her fucking...
Deputy boyfriend. She also doesn't even hear. it wasn't the deputy. It was... a No, she's worrying about Lisa. Banging the deputy boyfriend. Yeah. The people at the the party. Yeah, that's why she's like, I am i got no time to look at all this blood. Right.
Maybe she's on her period. She was worried about, ah what's his name? The boyfriend? Carl. Carl. I thought she was worried about Carl's jacket and shit were on the bed. So she's like, that's why she's like, I'm going to close this for you, OK? She's like, don't want to that She thought they were in shower. Again. He's been sending me dick fucking faxes all week.
Faxes? He used ones and zeros to sketch out his dick, and he will not stop faxing me about it. Do you think that was a thing? If it wasn't, I'm going to get a time machine and make it a thing. Do you think Donald Trump was faxing people his dick back in the It's the best fax you're ever going to get. There's bunch of beautiful faxes out there. This is the best.
ah You're going to have to enhance. The fax, ma'am. Nothing with the fax. I was thinking, like, you're sitting on a photocopier, yeah and then you just fax that. Oh, dude. Yeah, faxing Xerox.
Yeah, was that's exactly. At least eight inches. He enlarges it on the paper. He's like, look how big it is. And they're like, it's pixelated. This a little bit of your penis. People tell me it's the best they've ever seen.
Donald, this is black. this is yeah How do you know it's not my penis? is the penis of an African-American male much larger than yourself, sir. Much, much larger than yourself. How do we get on the Trump dick again? You're fired. Faxes.
i think Nothing with the facts. Oh, the facts. Yes. And I just listened to a very long podcast about Donald Trump and his business dealings in the 80s. And we are living in his America. Oh, fuck him. Bow down. hope yeah Well, it's is it his? It's a different podcast. Yeah, it's Emperor Elon's.
but But she goes out and there's the prowler waiting at the top of the stairs. I was surprised to have her like see him like face to face this early. like It's usually like same creepy in the background. yeah Well, yeah, but I mean, it's not really face-to-face.
Well, yeah, but you know what mean? No, no, no. A look at him. Just to see him, yeah. Normally, it's like still kind of shadow games. Yeah. Yeah. Because, I mean, even the first kill with the pitchfork, ah like um with the 1940s kill. Yeah.
At the very beginning of the movie, you really don't see too much of him. Yeah. like It's a quick cut. You see his boots. Yeah. You see his you know a little bit of his torso from bust up.
Those boots were made for stocking. Yeah, they were. And that's just what they'll do. Stomping into the the pitchfork. you know So you yeah don't see him much. But yeah, you get a full head-to-toe shot. We get a full look and the girl gets full look. The money shot. Maybe it's because it's not...
ah phenomenal reveal he's not like a scary prowler yeah per se like design wise i would have been out of there i was scared me we've talked about before i'm not in these movies right because the first chance i get i'm like moving out of whatever town what's this called camp crystal lake uh-uh i'm gone i heard about that last movie i'm out of here i'm moving to haddonfield gotta go
I never understood that or the people in ghost movies, you know, medieval horror and shit like that. You know, if if Whitney's daughter came in right now and was like, hey, all the chairs are on the ceiling and the doors are of the cabinets are all open. I'm like, podcast over.
Yeah, we're recording. We can do remote or yeah, this is dead to me.
ah But so he chases her through the house. I don't believe in ghosts, but I sure I'm scared of them. I don't know exactly understand like the next thing here, because she runs out, and Lawrence Tierney is waiting outside in his wheelchair, which he's not supposed to be able to do, they said. Yeah, that's a dropped fucking... Yeah, he grabs her. I think he was part of the whole diversion.
You think he might be the killer for a second. Not for a second here. And they set up the deputy. Had it figured out since day one. Oh, yeah, I figured it out. Pretty quickly, I was like, well, I think I know who this is.
Because it's the least nefarious looking person that's trying to get out of this movie. There was one part, and it was the graveyard scene, where I was like, oh, it could be him. The simple guy?
No, not the simple guy. Not Otto. The fucking convenience store, man. The creepy convenience guy. No. No. you want to just say... who's like we I think we've talked about who it is, right? Yeah, we I mean, you should have watched it. I told you guys last week when you did watch it. So, yeah, it's the sheriff. Yeah.
And that's why he doesn't kill a deputy. But there is a there is yeah this movie is trying to give you that, I guess, Jalo kind of look every now and then. Yeah. yeah It's the killer's... Or it's ape point of view and you think it's the killer. But it ends up being the simple janitor or it ends up being the convenience store owner.
That's just any stalker movie, though. Sure. Okay, I guess so Jalo's got to be the gloved hand for, like... This guy's got gloves. and And it's also a lot of misdirection. He has to say, say, hello to my little friend or it's not a shallow movie.
She gets out there and finds Mark and she's like, holy shit, dude. There was an army man. There was like a melted army toy in there chasing me. And then ah Lawrence Tierney grabbed my arm and he's like, nothing you're saying makes sense.
I'm going check this out. Stay here. You waited in gep they he Jeep. He should have tried to shake her. Window door Jeep. Yeah, you got shake her and give her a little slap. Hold on, you'll be safe in here. Let me get the windows up. Was that a zipper? Yeah, I got to zip up the vinyl to make sure you're safe. there's There's a couple times they're driving around in it and she's just holding the door closed. It's a fucking Jeep with rags for doors and fucking see-through plastic that's protecting E.T. for a window.
I like the Jeep. I like the Jeep. I'm just saying, doesn't make me feel safe.

Humorous Horror Tropes and Production Insights

You're not supposed to be safe in that shit. We're in bad neighborhood. Zip them up. Zip them up.
Definitely don't take this in Jurassic Park. Well, I don't think it matters. like The T-Rex can just peel the top off anyway. so Yeah, we saw the T-Rex eat real Jeeps. Yeah, like, it might as well just make it easier for them. Maybe you can escape that way. Yeah.
The best thing to do is take your pants to half mass and run away. That way, maybe they slip on the shit you're excreating when you shit yourself sprinting. That's why girls wear dresses. That's why Scotsmen wear kilts.
That plus a sheep can hear a zipper drop from a mile away. It's like one 007's cars where it shoots oil out. Yeah, except you're the oil. That's why I always eat Arby's before I go to a zoo.
slick getaway never know Arby's we got diarrhea sweats no longer a sponsor i never gonna be a sponsor we'll sponsor you guys if you take that episode down I will not be censored this i want art we'll pay you an Arby's I will definitely not be censored this podcast is the voice of the people Arby's, we got the diarrhea. Yeah, dude, you will. yeah you We don't, you do. You will.
But so he checks everything out. He finds the boot prints. He finds the wheelchair tracks. And her purse. And purse, yeah. not her coat. So go to check out Chatham's house. It's true. And don't see any wheelchair ramps or anything like this. Well, he says. That's what fucking said. He says at one point that he goes and checks upstairs. He's like, everything's covered. So he hasn't been up there since he had his stroke.
You have to go upstairs to get into the house. No. Well, yeah, but wasn't he upstairs when old Lisa flashed him? No, he was on the bottom floor. No, was he was he was on like a second floor. That's what I thought. oh Yeah, that's what I thought. ah Dumb waiter.
What? yeah Yeah, I've been one. He's got a dumb waiter. he i don't serve anymore of a bartender. He puts his wheelchair in and he just. Oh, you were saying he had the staircase. Yeah, know. When we were watching, i was like, he's got one of those little lifting chairs.
This is a guy that's related to Dan Aykroyd from Nothing But Trouble. And his whole house is a fucking Rube- Goldberg device. um The reason I said that didn't make sense- In an ambulance, you got a chance. And a hearse bound to be worse.
I'm not happy that you can quote that so regularly. i don't like that movie. I love that movie. Oh, we should have had Zip on because she got outnumbered. I'm a little devil. If we win, we get to keep her.
And if we win, we get another bowl of cereal. I think we just found our Halloween costumes. Oh. You could be Little Devil. I'll be Bobo. no one ever know the difference. Derek can be Demi Moore. Ooh.
I'll be Chevy Chase. I'll wear the waitress. No, you guys have way too much charisma to be those two. I gotta wear the dick nose. Yeah, so they go and check out Chatham's house and... I think part of the reason I think they wrote in the line about everything being covered because I was reading that this was an actual museum and all this stuff was like real, like antique furniture. Do not fuck this up. Yeah. they barely They barely let the crew in like they were a skeleton crew. Like basically who needed to be there could be in the building. Yeah.
And it's like. So that last scene was definitely not in that building. Yeah. Or they brought in their own. ashton Yeah. Either that or they were like. You guys, we had a $700,000 budget. We only spent $650,000. Smash that fucking table. Smash the vase. Smash all those lamps and vases.
But that's a smart that's a smart thing just like to write it in. Pitchfork that chair. Pitchfork that chair. But like this is what I meant earlier, though, when I said that this thing doesn't make sense. Because, like yeah, Lawrence Tierney jumps out and scares her.
yeah And then we never find him again. We never see him again. yeah That's I'm saying. That's what thought that's what I just said. and I was like, there's no reason for him. Like, we don't see him anymore. Maybe to make you think it's him. It was a diversion.
That's what we were saying. Like, it might be a diversion. And plus, his daughter was Rosemary, who got killed in the beginning the movie. Yeah, but what him? We could have got a jump scare of, like, Lawrence Tierney coming out from around the corner, like... They're saving him for the second...
that's The sequel. The Prowler 2. Electric Prowler Lou. Oh, we should be getting it. It should be coming out soon. Because it was the forty s to the 80s. Now it's the 80s to the Wait, is there not an actual sequel to this? No. Surprising.
No. Now they're going to come out with it next year or this year. It'll just be a remake. It's all CG. technology It stars Tom Holland and Zendaya. You ruined it. Timothy Chalamet.
There you go.
and anna taylor joy oh they're in everything but yeah he finds the pictures of rosemary or i guess pam finds the pictures of rosemary and like the dried rose and she starts putting it all together um it's that stupid moment in the fucking every movie like wait rose rosemary rose mary prom killed wait pitchfork i vietnam world war ii vets it's an unneeded line though and she's like I found this dried up rose. He must have called her Rose.
ah Okay. no we got it What a weird assumption. Her name is Rosemary. Nickname for Rose is pretty cool. Well, her name was Frances Rosemary Chatham. That's why that was such big would have called her old Frankie Rose. Well, that's what say. Lawrence Tierney was like, listen, Frank. and She's like, that's not my name. He's like, I wanted a son.
I wish I had a son. You're a great disappointment to me. Well, she did say at one point that us only somebody local would have known that like her nickname was Rose. Yeah. OK, that is valid. All right. That makes sense, because if you're just like, oh, it's Francis. Yeah, that's who the fuck is Rose. But like, but like only people that knew her called her that. So.
Only close friends and family. Yeah, exactly. So the the deputy doesn't know anybody's been killed yet because when he was looking around the house, we do get that cool overhead shot in the shower of like the dude like lynched up on the fucking shower head and the girl laying in the tub. And he like goes to look in and he's like, I don't want to watch him fuck.
And he just leaves. I'm like, somebody look in the fucking room. It does give us a good moment at the end of the movie. Even if you're just a pervert, check it out. Hey, I know y'all fucking, but there's somebody out here. um Honestly, I just want to get some pointers because you've been fucking for like an hour and a half in the water.
You're doing something right Jack, is that you? No, she would make a noise. Why is this water so... How can you do that? The water's freezing. how You got work through it, dude. This is a water heater from 1945. Yeah, for a dorm. For a fucking dorm.
Like, that is not going to be hot for this fucking long. No way. I'm getting all pruney. Yeah, you should see my balls.
How was there steam in the morning? the bodies are putting off their their heat. It's cold in the morning and 98.6, which is what the bodies are slowly losing, you know, temperature to.
Steam. Science, dude. Science, bitch. But meanwhile, back at the dance. Back at the dance. This Miss Allison, this teacher, she goes up to give an announcement. Hey, guys, there's a prowler. because You know how I shouldn't respect you as a teacher?
your Your fucking teacher name is Mrs. First Name. Well, maybe her last name is Allison. Ah, change it. ah Her name was Allie Allison. I got no respect for somebody goes like, you can call me Mr. Tom.
Mr. Smith was my father. You can call me Mr. Tom. Get out here, Mr. Tom. Uncle Smith was my father. You can call me. Never mind. You're going to get caught at one of the fucking high school proms. Not even a college promenade.
But like she makes an announcement that there's a prowler, so everybody has to stay at the party. But Lisa has just left because her boyfriend's puking a lot. A lot. And she's so angry at him. She's like, once you're done hugging that toilet, you can find me at the watering hole whatever. It was somebody's pool, but yeah. No, that's what she calls her vagina. The watering hole? Duh.
Find me at the mucus plug. Paul is her boyfriend, and he's going to try to meet her, but they won't let him leave, and then Mark, ah the sheriff, or the deputy, arrests him, so he's kind of nobody gets to go rescue her. He's kind He's kind of funny when he's getting arrested.
Kind of. Kind of like he's like, book him, Dano, or Pammo, instead of book him, Dano, and he's like, we're escaping in dawn. He's playing at Hammer, and it's kind of funny. feel like that's you.
and yeah I would never... So when my boys find out I'm in here, they're going to come and get out. Hey, Warden! it's It's pretty funny for a character that's not

Intense Scenes and Dark Humor

Yeah. yeah And we we get the second best like duo of kills, because they all come in twos. see ah um Because there are only eight deaths, and it's two. yes so Yeah, because Lisa's going to get out of the pool, and this dude just fucking kicks her in the face. Yeah, and then she seizes in the tub. This is the only part that... She does her synchronized swimming.
Like, what is she doing here? did It looked like he was force-kicking her with the force. Because she's just fucking throwing her head back, and the guy's standing like... well What the hell is she doing?
I kick her in the face. I I'm getting in the pool kill think I snapped her spinal cord. ah Holy shit. I wasn't going to kill her i was just to kick her in the face. going put her out of her misery. yeah I just wanted to fucking incapacitate her. So that was that was a mercy kill right there. Yeah. Okay. The yeah mercy most brutal way ever is a mercy kill. Slowly digging this fucking bayonet knife through her. I'm going to slowly bleed you out from the throat for your own sake. It's for mercy. It's for mercy. And I love when ah Miss Allison shows up right afterwards. She's like well, there's her dress. Can't take it serious. There's a pool full of blood.
Oh my God. Is she swimming on her period? No, she didn't even realize that the pool was full of blood. Like she walked past

Personal Anecdotes with a Dark Twist

the whole pool. She ended up looking over. Yeah, but when she first walked in, she didn't look at the pool at all costs. She didn't even see the clothing at first. She's just like, huh, there's nobody here.
And then wait, there's some clothes. Wait, oh, there's a bunch of blood in the pool, but no body. What the fuck? And she runs off to tell somebody. I don't know if it's because I was a lifeguard, but if I go near a pool, I always look to see if there's a body in the pool. pool So i I saw this blood in the water and I was like, I wonder if Whitney has some just like terribly tragic story. Growing up in fucking Iowa and watching somebody get stabbed to death in a pool.
Um, I had- I got a public- Bummer. I got one of the diving pools at the public pools, you know, i the separate ones with diving boards? I got one of those shut down. Nice, what'd you do? Did you shit in it? Uh, no, I didn't shit in it. Split his head. No, I was running down to the end, slipped.
My leg slipped down the side, and it has the grippy stuff on top, but it wasn't grippy enough. Still not ah supposed to run. Yeah, with the lifeguard yeah lifeard didn't say anything, so it's his fault. ah But i my my foot went down the side, so I guess maybe that's what it was. But like the the grippy stuff on the edge was still very sharp.
Oh, yeah. So it just shredded up the side of my leg and just blood all up in that thing. Yeah. The pool was angry that day, my friend. it Quit running, you fucking dick.
Yeah, well. The pool gods got you. Lesson learned. Derek hasn't swim since. Swim since. Pretty much. Yeah, actually, that's about it. and i You want to go swimming? Thank you, no.
got him at lot of time. I like my legs. Come on, we'll go to a public pool. ah Even grosser for him. Very few band-aids. I had a bad experience at a public pool once, too.
are rachel caught A special person. He was being assisted into the pool, and I think he must have thought that he was getting into a bathtub. Because he started taking his swim trunks off.
And, you know, you you see Wiener and everything and you're like eight years old. You're like, oh, so I got one of those. yeah It was it was it was fucking it was one of those traumatic experiences. Damn.
Yeah. I haven't swam since. And I haven't gone back to a public pool since. Yeah, I was. I i was at Fort Lowell Park. Fort Lowell Park. i had I had a pool in my backyard.

Mix of Historical and Intimate Narratives

Look at you, fancy. Look at you. Oh, I had two parents. um I had four. you. Oh, damn it. Oh, my dad didn't beat me. Four times as many parents as I had. No, but my stepdad threw shit at me. Yeah, you gotta be quick, though.
You gotta be quicker than that. so then we have this other girl sally and her boyfriend fake justin long who are going oh my god yes we glossed over the other kill oh miss allison i got yeah she gets she gets run through and the proper amount of blood gets spilled all over them she yeah right right through her fucking back of her neck into her throat it's pretty i just enjoyed the shot of throat it was through the front because he grabs her from behind and puts it yeah because i was thinking Yeah, and her grabs it from behind it just who drops it in there loves it right this bayonet has most of them do has a ah ditch for the blood to run away yeah She's like I want it from the back in the front. He's like gotcha it's a less fam Easier to pull out it's yeah groove. Yeah, I thought it was to let to bleed more
i've always found it I've always found it easy to pull out. yeah The frickin' Germans used to keep theirs all rusty and dull because it would still work, but it'd fuck you up. Yeah, would. ah But so Sally and fake Justin Long go to the basement to have sex.
yeah On ah the the... It's a secret room. The secret mattress that that old man lives on. She's like, he sleeps on a basement in the a mattress in the basement. That's gross. Let's fuck on it.
Yeah, right? It's gross. Not that gross. You ain't gotta to take your clothes off. Let's make closer. Keep on the fluffy dress. Just move your... big old pull your panties to the side pull your bloomers to the side oh yeah go that's doing it for me now let's undo this corset tummy tuck these two don't get killed i only wanted to mention it because the old man follows them to the basement and you it just watches them they don't get killed yeah they know like show this is mirroring that first scene from the original friday the 13th Yeah. they're Except for they were fucking in ah a Bay Hill attic. Uh-huh. Full of Bay Hills. Full of fucking Bay Hills. It was a Bay hale Hill Hill.
I just wanted to mention it because that old man's watching and he's just like. And then his boner fucking knocks something over. oh And he disappears. Like a fucking kickstand. He's going to sniff the fuck out of that mattress, isn't he? Yeah. like Only because it smells like him.
oh yeah. That's my scent. Yeah. That's my musk. It's my musk mised mixed with adolescent jizz. I haven't bathed in five days. It's kind of grapey,

Fun Facts and Show Recommendations

bleachy smelling. You know what's great? I don't believe in toilet paper.
Ew. Ew. Like, I believe in it. It exists. I don't use it. I find it i find it to be a sin. I like that Alec Baldwin became the janitor in my fucking impersonation. Oh, was thinking Steven Seagal. Oh, even better. go quiing I live in a basement.
Other people live in my basement. There's a basement under my basement. also have a mattress in my basement. I wear rubber diapers. Not because I need to, because I can't. It's better for holding my gun.
It's affordable and comfortable. It helps effectively hide my thunder. it But you can... Hold on, wait. Go as the captain. You can just spray it off. Whoa. What the fuck?
you went You went fucking... I can't go. You went like Vin Diesel huffing tire inflator. verb were i was like, what's the bad guy from Furry Valley called? sound constipated. Hexas. Hexas.
You went Hexas. Yeah, sexy. You know who that voice is, right? Tim Curry? Curry. oh Tim Curry and Fern Gulley. Texas, not shit yeah That's how good of an actor Tim Curry is. He's been my wife this whole time. I'm that good.
Fuck me. But Gary Oldman, right? It's Gary Oldman and Tim Curry is out acting each other.
So Mark and Pam go to the cemetery and there's this open grave. What do you do in a first date? Which is it informed us yeah of a fun fact. Oh, hit me. Okay. So the the grave that they went to in the graveyard.
Okay. It was an actual graveyard and they shot there on Halloween and Yep. For extra spooky ambience on the set. bold maneuver! And, I'll say, but that was an actual grave. Somebody was buried in that, like, the next day. They, like, oh, okay, they didn't, like, exhume it. No. It was just pre- No, they used it.
Yeah, it was already dug. It was already dug. Whew. Do you want a haunted set? Because you are looking for a haunted set, my friend. For sure. That's how you ghosts. so If you see the original poster for this movie, it looks haunted.
This is black and white creepiness. They actually printed it in color. It came out black and white. Haunted. All the faces are kind of scurled. Not all ghosts are grand, by the way. There's an afterlife. Do they try to print it in color? I made it black and white. My soul's at rest. He wanted it collated. didn't do it.
It's like Winston from New Girl. The pranks aren't always yeah big. They're either very little or way too extreme. I've never seen a New Girl.

Sitcom Debate: 'New Girl'

it's No, no, no, no. Hold on. It's not for everybody. yeah I just want to start by saying that because I've i've showed Friends because it's one of my favorite shows in a while.
Yeah. And I love it. But when I show it to certain people, they're like, I don't know why you like that. That is not my brand of humor. And I respect that because it is dumb. It's definitely bingeable though. You can- yeah you If you like it in the first, I would say two two episodes will let you know if you like it or not.
If not, stop there. Winston's character gets crazier and weirder as the series goes. So if Winston is this theoretical ghost that's screwing up people's printing, it would be like, they wanted it in color, I did black and white.
Or, they wanted it in color, so I cut off their head. Yeah. And Spikes shoot out at them instead. cut their genitals made a necklace. What? Oh, God. So i coded the paper in LSD.
Go on.
But yeah, they end opening. There's a whole back and forth. He's like opening the coffin and then goes back to Pam because she's screaming and then goes back to the coffin. She's like, it's open. I'm like, he was opening it. was screaming because she saw Otis. Yeah. Otto. Or Otto. That's what it was. Otis felt little more natural, to honest. felt a little more natural to say that. Another weird creepo who's just watching people.
Do you know who he reminds me of? I know it's not him. Randy Quaid. A little bit. But also ah the ginger... Jack Petty. Legit. The brother. um DJ Qualls' brother. I can't think of his name, but I who you're talking about. The guy with the hair.
Yeah. Without the hair and with the hair. The curly fro. DJ Qualls' brother? in legit. and In legit. Oh, I don't know what that is. It was a Jim Jefferies sitcom. Huh. Two seasons.

Cemetery Scene and Tension Building

he's You would recognize him. He's bald on top, and he's got like ginger floofiness on the side. and ah Kind of an angry-looking face. Yeah, and he know he's always kind of a sad sack.
but So they open they do end up opening the coffin, and there is Lisa. That's where he took her body to. That's exactly who I was thinking of! Oh, okay. I've never seen that guy before in my life.
It's like if Bozo took off his makeup. You know what, though? it' What's really scary? What's really scary, Zip, is he has seen you. He's watching me right now. Speaking of prowling. He's right behind you. I'm the prowler, too.
ah But there's Lisa's staged body in the coffin with the rose. yeah Pam is kind of upset, but then moves on pretty quickly. She does. That's her thing. It's her friend. No, it's not her friend. think it's like her shitty friend. Or her Her frenemy.
Friendmate. Yeah. Fremesis. Fremesis. Well, they so they so they sleep in the same general area. Building. Yeah, but they had like had their like a connecting door. They hadn't had their frenescence yet. If Lisa had her way, they'd used to be sleeping in the same genital area because she was trying to bang the deputy.
She had a boyfriend. How do you feel about threesomes? Just asking for a friend's vagina. But this guy coming up here, this character, they so they go to call the sheriff. This guy's one of my favorite people because the sheriff is at this lake fishing, supposedly. Oh, you like this?
I love this dude. He is so fucking funny. He is so and he is so not interested in their shit. I was mad at him. There's an emergency. ah We need to talk to the sheriff. And the guy's like, because then the guy the guy goes...
Well, everybody's sleeping. Can you go get him? Can you call him anyway? Meanwhile, he's playing solitaire. Yeah. Like he's so frustrated because he's like, i like, i'm trying to play solitaire and drink Rolling Rock. I don't. Where was this film? New Jersey.
Yeah. So this is a giant fuck you having a fucking Boston Red Sox hat. This is somebody in the the productions like we're in Jersey. Boston Red Sox, baby. Fuck him no more. Player from Boston.
I got you. Was. But yeah, basically it's the can't get hold of the sheriff. and the oh Who saw it coming? well he didn't ever he He didn't even try, so you could still assume that the sheriff was there. You are assuming right now. You're assuming the sheriff's there, and we just this guy's just like, let me go get him.
Bye. he does like He's like, let me go check. that Just slams the phone down really hard. Slams the door. He throws a fat fucking chauser in, dude. Oh, he spit it out right afterwards, too.
Well, because it actually gave like the actor head rush. I'm going to this for my character. Oh, that's too much and it's burning my lip. Do we have to do another take? You're not supposed to swallow that, right? You're supposed Because I swallowed a little bit of that.
ah I thought it was a chicken wing. This middle section is a bit sloggy. Blurry. They go through... like When they're searching through Chatham's house, it takes a while. it is good at building tension. and No, it is, but there's no kills. We had all those... we had four kills up front and then we kind of get we get these two kind of spaced apart a little bit in the middle and it's just a lot of like creepy music silence and just focusing on facials Yeah, but this is when we find out that the the prowler that they have been concerned about, not the titular prowler, has been arrested. And he was arrested three hours ago. and they're like, well, then he couldn't have killed Lisa. He didn't fucking make the best kill in the fucking movie for Jack.
It wasn't him doing that beautiful knife work. So they go so go back to Chatham's house. he First, he goes to the the dance and he's like, OK, you go back inside. i'm going to go to Chatham's house.
I'm gonna get this. And she's like, no, fuck no. And they get in that stupid little fight. She turns her back and he's just like, okay, I'm sorry. And she gets back the... Yeah, sheriff. I'm sorry. go play sheriff.
People are dying. I'm the fucking sheriff. It's a sound like Barney Fife. My whole body's a weapon. I mean, he's a deputy. That's what she's saying. he's the sheriff now. he's the acting sheriff. He's the highest level of sheriffing we can get at the moment. Yeah, he's the upper echelon. Until fucking Boston Red Sox Chaucer over there is going to go get the real sheriff.
The guy was annoying, but he was just funny to me. I do like it. I was annoyed. Like, just like, God damn it. You're not going to do a fucking thing. I can't do anything to control you or influence you, and you're just fucking my day.
Sitting there playing solitaire. I hope you don't get any aces. Yeah, I said it. I hope you get no aces. He wasn't even playing it right. He wasn't skipping the three. He was just doing one. Oh, he was doing the beginner solitaire. He just the one.
He's trying to get through as many games in one night as he can. Yeah, as a wind out the clock situation, my friend. It's a shitty job. You got to give him that, I'm sure. It's before podcasts. Otherwise, he'd be listening to bad movies, worse people. Oh, a thousand percent. He'd been on our Patreon for three months month. Nah, he would have been listening to Hontuk Shots first. Patreon. He'd be listening to it. $3 per month. I still can't believe it.
I still can't believe it. Yeah, So much value. So much value for just $3. It's cheaper than sponsoring

Humorous Intermissions and Classic Tropes

a child. It's cheaper than the six pack of Rolling Rock that guy was drinking. That was for less than a cup of coffee a day. Yeah. And a cup of coffee now lot. We're doing less than cup of coffee a month.
Yeah. Yeah. And a cup of coffee is really expensive now. It is. You ain't lying, Brian. like, you know, seven ten bucks. Yeah, on those ads, were they talking about, like, Starbucks? Or they just talking about, like, McDonald's?
Or some shitty diner on the side of the road or Waffle House. Yeah. it's like it's Whose coffee are we talking about? than a cup of coffee a day. I'm like, okay, so are we talking, like, five bucks? um I like a nice frap with a little bit of fucking creme brulee on the top. Are we talking Folgers crystals that I made at fucking home? What's going on? Yeah, we're talking some instant shit. Right. yeah Starbucks don't exist yet. Cafe Bustelo or whatever the fuck it is.
But so Mark is searching through the house again and there's this room with the lights on and the door open and he looks at it and he's like, yeah There's no way anybody could be in there. Meanwhile, the prowler is arming up and he's got his bayonet in hand. And he's in that room watching Mark not walk into it.
Mark's trying to clear this house by holding his shotgun over his shoulder and like casually flipping around a flashlight. Earlier, he's got his his gun in the holster in his right hand and he's using his flashlight with his right hand.
And I'm like, you're fucked if something jumps out at you. Police at that point didn't have that little cross thing down yet. Still use your left hand and just like... grab your gun. No, I agree, I agree. I'm just saying he'd be clearing the house like a fucking pro now.
But back then, he's just... It's that small town, I guess. I've seen you clear a house. He's the new guy. He's never seen an episode of FBI. He's the new guy. It's a small town. Shit hasn't had the most he's had to do is kick a vagrant out of town. And his name was John Rambo.
And it did not go well for him in his mind. That's why there's only two cops left. This is what happens after Rambo. How we got promoted so quick? Something happened to the other guys. I don't exactly what. This town is having a real problem with veterans. But I'm goingnna tell you but i'm going to tell you. yeah This guy just wanted a fucking a fucking Pepsi. All he wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi. Just one Pepsi. They wouldn't give it to him.
Nope. Fuckers. Just one Pepsi. But like the lights go out. um Mark gets knocked out. And you see the guy standing over him with the pitchfork. But you don't see him get killed.
And we don't see Mark again for a while. I thought he got stabbed. No, I didn't see him shit his pants. I knew he wasn't dead. No, he didn't get stabbed. He just got like bunked because he was bleeding out of his head. Yeah. Oh. He got knocked unconscious and then you see the pitchfork being raised. Fuck out!
Yes, he did. You see the pitchfork being raised up like he's gonna kill him, like stab him in the throat or something. And then like, And by myself, Mike, ain't going to kill him. You're the sheriff. He's your deputy. You ain't going to do it, dude. Fucking pussy. Otherwise, you got to open tomorrow.
Well, and then we find out that this guy not only likes staging his new kills, he likes staging his old kills. Uh-huh. Because oh yeah pam Pam sees a necklace yeah hanging out of the fireplace, and she's like, huh, I should go pull on this and see what happens.
Right. And a skeleton comes tumbling out. presumably Rosemary. Presumably rosemary. That's only. Who the fuck is this? Oh, it's rosemary. Yeah. That's where that's where the corpse.
Because Lisa's in her coffin. Because Lisa's in her coffin. This house stinks. Yeah. you just The corpse probably doesn't stink anymore. A little more little cold. You want light a 35 years later. was going to it's been 35 years.
This guy was coming back from war and he'd been gone for a long time. Now, I guess we don't know what Rosemary considers a long time. She's like, you left for six months. That's crazy. It has been three weeks. I thought basic training was going to basic. Like you don't do much. But like, don't know if the sheriff's old enough because this is 1980. Like this guy be 60 today.
But 1980s, 60 looks like Wilford Brimley. He joined when he was 18. It was towards the end of the war. Yeah. So now he's... He takes care of himself. It's only 30. It's only 35 years later. Yeah, but he would have been 19, 20 at best. He's 53. 20 plus 35 is 55. Yeah. He's fine. He's 53.
ah twenty plus thirty five is fifty five yeah' fifty i got we he he's fine he's fifty three Never smoked a day in his life. you know richard back he was saying something Well, he lives in this footloose town where they don't drink or dance. Yeah. yeah Go to the dance, but don't dance.
Go to the dance. don't Don't dance. Go to the dance. Just don't even go. just no no, go there. dont yeah Be safe at the dance. Don't dance. Just go to the party. Just don't dance.
Are you insane? and then we get the the line I started the podcast with. The fucking prowler comes out around the corner and he's the only line in the movie. And it sounds like it's coming through Darth Vader's voice box. Because he's got that whole mask thing going on. Yeah. but it it's not It's just a piece of fabric over his face. He's like,
I'm here for a date, bros.

Coping with Terror Through Humor

ah was That was someone hitting play. It was Michael Winslow. Is that name? Michael Winslow? Yeah. The sound effect? Yeah, it's him just doing it. You ever see them ah those documentaries on like gang members and shit like that, and they have them blacked out? and Oh, yeah. That's what you just said. Yeah. I used to run the streets. I had a pretty tough crew behind me.
If you disrespect us, we're going fucking kill you. You what I'm saying? I'm not like that anymore. Actually, we got to wrap this up. I got to get my kid from preschool. you don't You don't go out there and like, you know, you don't go out there and disrespect your son.
Yours is really good. I very much like that. Because back in the day when you're banging, you know, you got to fucking say he...
I'm trying to be a better person than my father. You don't be like hurt people hurt people. And I don't want my kids to get passed on. Also, was she a great big fat person?
Shit like that will get you a green light, homie. Yeah, mine just goes into Buffalo Bill. I'd love to. And then Pam makes the best horror movie decision ever when she sees him and she runs up the stairs.
He's like clocking it. He's like, if I go in here, she's gonna go out and run up there. So I'm gonna swiftly go in there. Sheepdogging her. Maybe she has she has trust issues with doors from that earlier scene. Because she was trying to run out.
We didn't mention when she was trying to run out of the dorm, every door was locked for some reason. I'm like, people left. One of these doors is unlocked. It has to be. You came home. hook on this There's a hook on this top. There's a You can't that from the outside. There are like three different doors that she's like trying. like Also on that one with the hook, she's like trying to get the hook and can't.
She pushes it at one point and it's almost open. You keep going. You keep going. Shoulder there. they said Put your butt into it. Or dive through it. Yeah. Don't break anything. This is a classic house. so It's going to hurt if you dive through it. no that the That was the other house. This is a piece of shit. New Jersey beach house. You can fuck it up and no one's going to care. It's just like if the Giants won a Super Bowl.
They'll still rent it out next week. the That's how the farmhouse was. like Just that wood and the doorknobs and just like Back when I was summer in Iowa. ah When yeah I watched that kid get fucking killed by that thresher one year. Well, he didn't get killed. He lost his arm.
We found it, but we couldn't reattach it. Much like Dolph Lundgren at the end Universal Studios. I feel like you just always have these stories that just, they're so normalized for you, but for us, it's like 13 car pileup and 14 people died. Like, well, that was the summer in 98. Wasn't yeah wasn't the best year.
I was there in 98. She's hiding under a table and ah Mr. Prowler is looking for, and it takes him a long time to do what I would have Please, Mr. Prowler was my father.
He like looks under one thing and then just starts flipping furniture and smashing shit. He starts stabbing everything in the room with that pitchfork. Except for the bed. Then he starts stabbing underneath everything and that's when she's like, oh fuck.
He wised up. He's gonna get here. This is what I wanted to say earlier. My master plan has been foiled. I love that she wasn't whimpering or making little noises. No, there was that rat came up next to her head. And I was like, of course there's a rat. This is when she's gonna scream. Screamy moment.
yeah She's just dead-eye staring at this rat like, you... I was here first, motherfucker. Get the fuck out of here. Find your own goddamn man. This is not the den you're looking for. Listen here, you rat fuck. It's going to be you or me and it ain't going to be me. No, I loved it. I loved it. She didn't have to close, like cover her face and do the stupid damsel in distress, whimper cry, try and silence herself. yeah I loved it. She fucking sucked her balls up like any other fucking woman would and just... Excuse me? You were you heard her?
Our balls are sucked up. Hey, dude this is the 2020 is OK. When you were looking for your wife's balls, you forgot to look on the inside. And just you, you were quiet. You weren't panting. You weren't like... Is that you pant?
Right? sound like a pug. Part bulldog. Breathing problems. You're brachycephalic. And I'm like, no, you suck that shit up. And you're like, Zen. no yeah. Don't make a fucking noise. In horror movies, it's always like a girl sitting there help me, help me. She's like covering her face.
I'm like... He's gonna find me! He's gonna find me! I'm so startled right now. I'm so startled. Stop yelling, he's gonna find me! But so she's she's running away, she tries she slams this door on him, and he's sticking the pitchfork through the door to stop it.
Not through the door like ah Jack Nicholson in The Shining, but through the opening of the door. chain is Which is a good, like it's not gonna do anything, but it is a good scary shot. All work and no prowl makes Jack a dull boy.
Wendy. are you doing Christian Slater? Yeah, I kind of did more

Climactic Showdown

Christian than Jack, but Christian's doing Jack anyway. yeah Christian's been doing Jack for a while.
you have a Christian? We're not going to trauma dump. But he or she she breaks the end off this thing and he's like, well, fuck. Now I'm down to my bayonet and my shotgun. Whatever will I do? Well, we forgot about the shotgun. At least I did.
She has the business end of the pitchfork at this point Yeah, she does. She's got the important part. Yeah. You now have a cane, really shitty walking cane. You can still stab with it. It's got the pokey ends. Sure, but it's less pokey than this. would go like this. I'd javelin that shit at you. She has like a Raphael Cy, but there's like four of them. Uh-huh, exactly. Yeah, there you go.
Raphael put his Cy's together to make a super Cy. it' a page It's over 9,000. Oh, shit. oh shit But like, i guess he's I guess he's trying to do like a He's just trying to creep her out before he kills her because he's like slowly going up to her, which gives is it Otto that shows up? Yeah. yeah it Okay. It gives Otto time to show up. she With the sheriff's shotgun.
Yeah. Where the fuck did he get that from? He stole it out of the Jeep when she ran away. No, because he had it in there. He saw him and the sheriff didn't wake up, so he just grabbed the shotgun. Well, you see what was happening these hours was watching to see if they were going to.
I was seeing if they were gonna bang and it turns out they didn't bang so I used my secret tunnels to get that shotgun. That's a different creepy guy. Cause I was gonna make him bang. Different creepy gang The old man was one watching the kids bang.
This is the one that was at the graveyard. Yeah he watches bangs too. Yeah. but This whole town is known for watching bangs. you You say that the deputy locked the door. No, no. The prowler.
once Once the deputy was knocked out and you think he's dead. Oh, yeah. You see him stick a key in the door and lock it. And lock on the door behind Oh, i guess he did have a shotgun with him, didn't did have the shotgun with him.
Is this the shopkeeper that has gets the shotgun? It's the shopkeeper's... Special like I don't know why I kept that boy around for so long. He's got a skeleton key to this entire He's the red herring.
Yeah, he delivers groceries all over town This is just the this is the shotgun a deputy lost last week and the sheriff was like, okay, you get one more again replacement Everybody gets one Everybody gets two apparently when it comes to shotguns But this guy just comes out of nowhere like Deus Ex shotgun blast. Shocking. Shoots this fucking dude.
And you're like, oh, he's definitely dead. There's no way he comes. That's a lot of blood. yeah You saw him get shot. He's done. Yeah, he is not doing well. No, they don't give him like the supernatural killer thing because when he gets up here in a second, he can barely fight homegirl. Yeah.
By the way, why is he... you you You had just touched on it where he's like torturing her before he kills her, or at least like trying to psych her out and stuff. Is she related to Rose? Does she look like Rose? No. Nothing at all. ah She's just an innocent. She's just a party goer. Because everybody else gets insta-killed and this is the one where he's got the rose to her he's like, it's time for our date or something.
Maybe it's one that he fixated on, you know like some serial killers. That's what I was wondering. it wass like Was Rose a fucking blonde? No. Oh, you know what? We do get a line earlier on that's it's not fleshed out very well.
Maybe editing, maybe writing. But when the deputy is talking to these two other girls that are going into the store right before the sheriff leaves. Yeah. And he's like, oh, they're in college or they're graduating, whatever. And he's like, yeah, they're friends with Pam. And he's like, don't seem like the type that she would hang out with.
Yeah. So he's like, he's he's got her elevated on a thing. So, yeah, maybe he's got a fixation on her. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. like those serial killers. Yeah. that's Yeah. Fucking mean. Yeah. We're doing some work. But what is this? What is this fucking? The other ones are just throw kills.
What is this thing though? So Otto shoots- was bored. Before the killer gets back up, Otto shoots him, and then Otto and the girl, there are six cuts back and forth of them just like- Yeah, what is the stare? smiling at each other and staring at each other. Oh, before they start tussling? It's supposed to build tension of like- I'd fuck you. Will they, won't they? No, like what are we gonna do? We gonna tussle?
Do we need that gun? No, no, no. It's Otto and Pam.
Yeah. After he shoots the killer. Yes. That was, okay, sorry. They're just staring at each That was being creepy, looking her like she's real pretty. It was her like, I'm going to have to fuck this dude, aren't I? He's like, I saved you. You have to fuck She's like, she played out in her head. She's like, oh no.
Do I have to kiss him? No. He's probably not going to last long. No one's probably ever touched this guy. i think my boyfriend's dead. You know what? i Just in your pants. I bet i can go i bet if i like go I could have him have sex with my feet and tell him that's what sex is.
Foot fetish born. Right? This guy's going to start hanging under fucking stadium bleachers. She's dangling and she doesn't even know it
But this, yeah, the prowler pops up with his shotgun and blows this fucking dude away. And it's a lot of blood. I had forgotten about the shotgun. It came out. I was like, oh, boy. Oh, we're going to get both barrels.
but But apparently it was only one

Narrative Conclusion and Reflections

barrel that she he got because she used the second one to do the other dramatic kill there. I guess at that fucking distance with the sawed off, it's going to spread.
Yeah. She does stick the pit pit. The hay poker. The hay poker. She stabs him in the back and it's awesome. She stabs him in the back. It's a Bay Hill mover.
And it's funny that that behind the scenes reel we were watching of the effects. They're like, you know, they're showing them right before they do the shot and like right after. So the guy is standing there with the costume on and just the pitchfork sticking out of his back. And he's like laughing and talking to someone.
And I didn't mention, i want to mention it just because we talked about it on Friday the 13th. I told you guys before on the the part one, but this, so the prowler is played by three different people throughout the movie. Okay. All of the actual prowling is done by the assistant director.
All of the actual killing, the hands, the closeups are all, of course, Tom Savini. No, the one where... not Miss Allison. Was it like a class ring still? Miss Allison is not.
Because he's out there the special... Oh, that's right because he's pumping the blood for that one. Yeah. yeah and but by By mouth? the pool and the no he's got this like... Oh, okay. um Because the thing I read was like and ah someone was interviewing Tom Savini and but maybe, you know, those years are probably a little foggy.
Yeah, probably. He's like, I did all those. Or was that Friday the 13th? I don't know. Who's got more cocaine? I'm getting tired. Tom, you're 70. I got into a case of Peruvian whites.
But yeah, there's a struggle with the shotgun, and it's like, i mean, you know what's going to happen, but it's it's a tense moment of like, because he's got the shotgun, she's trying to take it, and then she's like pushing it, but it's going back and forth, and you see it going up. So will they, won't they? Slowly underneath his chin, and you're just like,
come on do it do it you see the moment where she realizes too she's like oh oh I don't need to hold the shotgun click trigger and just fucking or I guess he got he unmasked himself right before that yeah that's where we find out it's sheriff because she's just screaming why yeah she's not even screaming it she doesn't scream she's whispering why why she doesn't scream right love it she's a whimper queen she screams at the end she screams at the end Oh, that's true. Okay, we do get a screen.
I sit corrected. That's how you end movie. This head fucking explodes. Yeah. I'm going to coin that term, by the way. I sit corrected. Okay. I don't stand for podcast term. It is. I sit corrected.
um But yes, so shotgun to the dome. It was a rivaled scanners and maniac for sure. Yeah. Just the level of exploding. Yeah. drain hatter Just not like you've seen those and they won't ask you about it. You've seen scanners.
You've seen scanners. Huh? No. What? What? Derek had me watch it last year. What is wrong with you? So much. How much time we have left? They that with a shotgun as well from behind. How much time do we have left? I'm going to tell you what's wrong with me.
It's Scanners. is David Cronenberg, Michael Ironside. The people have the the mind power and they can blow people's heads up. o There's also Scanners 2, Scanners 3, The New World Order, Scanner Cop, Scanner Cop 2. Okay, so obviously you both recommend Scanners. Is there anything else worth watching?
Scanner Cop, at least. Okay. That was good. david I damn it. I grabbed the wrong one. Scanner Cop. Scanner Cop 2. The Showdown.
Scanner Cop was awesome. I haven't watched the second one yet. Still got plastic on it. Whitney, you do have a type.
I think so, sir. I don't blame you. She's like, I love it when people are around talking about things I couldn't give a shit less about. But so it's it's like the next morning, Pam goes back to the dorm. I was like, the head got blown off. I was like, why isn't that just credits? That's how you should end a movie. Yes, we just did Invasion USA, where they end with somebody getting launched out of the fucking window with a rocket and cut. yeah The Fly does a phenomenal job of a shotgun kill.
Credits. But... But we forgot about two bodies that have not been found. Yeah, that's what makes the payoff because she goes up to her room and she's like, it's all over. That bitch is still in the shower. Yeah, she's like, all I want to do is take a shower.
Why is she in the fucking shower still? I wondered too. was like, why are you letting your fucking traumatized girlfriend go to a crime scene right now? an act Oh, you don't know. Oh, oh you don't know. they didn't know. Uh-oh.
They didn't know at all. She was oblivious to all the blood. you know So I wasn't paying attention to the ripped up clothing and blood all over their floor earlier.
And now I'm not either. right Since we're not doing like a supernatural thing with this one, we can't have the killer jump back up. Also, he has no head. so we had to get that would make it more terrifying you jumped back up derrick we have to get that one final scare which this one still doesn't doesn't clock but at least the guy's still got a head it's empty but it's on because she opens it and she finds sherry and carl in the shower and she's like horrified looking and carl fucking reaches out and grabs her all wide-eyed i don't mean wide white-eyed white how is he still alive
That's what I'm saying. There's no way that thing went down his head. merely nerves causing him twitch like that. No, alive. He reaches out and grabs her. Yeah, but then it cuts to her looking and he's sitting there doing nothing. Oh, I thought maybe he just fell back and died.
No, this is just in her. She's traumaticized. Oh, okay No, she's just traumatized. All right, I didn't catch that. Yeah, she screams, and it's like, oh, that it didn't happen. Okay, I'm just really fucked up from watching the World War II farmer kill everybody. I love that like the deputy is downstairs, and you can you he hears her scream and just kind of looks up at the house. He doesn't run.
He's just like... Why is she screaming? Do you want to go shake her, or do you want me to do it? just had a shake her all night. Can you can you get out of the car and go up there? Yeah, just do me a solid. I'm all shaken out. Can you shake her? She's being hysterical. Give her a slap or two. She might be on her period. Can you go see if she needs 200 tampons for the month?
She's going to space. sort of um So that's the end of the movie. So we'll go around the board recommendations. We'll start with the guy who recommended it and brought it on Blu-ray. yeah Do you recommend this movie? This movie you own. and Not at all. No, of course I do. Yeah.
It's one of my favorite slasher films from the 80s. I think it Does a good job in delivering, especially in the special effects and the gore. Yeah. Yeah. And how realistic it looks, know, minus the blood. But they're still working with it back then in the 80s. Yeah. Yeah. In my head, this is what blood looks like. It always had that red paint kind of look it. Yeah. You know? I still... I mean, not quite... The original Dawn of the Dead. Yeah. was going to say, not quite as red paint as some. It's got little bit more deeper hue. But it's still... It's not like we're watching an Italian movie.
But and everyone here will agree it still looks better than whatever CG blood you get. Yeah, exactly. Like, yes, it doesn't look exactly like a fucking blood. But well, hey, but nobody here has seen somebody get fucking taken from behind and stabbed from the front at the same time. Anyone here not from Iowa? Apparently summers there are like the purge.
Jesus Christ. Iowa. you go now I haven't seen the first purge, but I think it takes place in Iowa. ah definitely I definitely recommend it. Two thumbs up. Oh, we go by three. Three thumbs up. She's in Iowa. I was born with an extra thumb. What the fuck is this? What are you talking about? Welcome to my life, Zip.
This is what I've chosen to be. was it Was it just like a nuclear testing ground? No. Okay, I am born in Tucson. I was born in Tucson. What the fuck happened in Iowa to give you a number another thumb? We're witches. It's easier to hitchhike out of there if you have two thumbs. Get me out of here, quick.
My mom was born with extra pinkies. Your mom has extra pinkies? Was born with extra pinkies, but they were just little nubbins. It reminds me of the Saturday Night Live sketch where, you remember that, where with the extra toe? it's like, oh, she would be so hot if it wasn't for that extra toe. Oh, I was just thinking of the six-fingered man.
You're the closest I ever got to threesome. A chick had six toes on one foot. Oh. that's the most amount of toes ever had in the bedroom we're part of an evolution because going have an extra

Final Recommendations and Wrap-Up

digit to do things no you're not we're we're actually devolving to not use hands and feet we have droids doing stuff for us we're going to have uh two fingers and a thumb it's going to be screaming i'm not going to scream her name because it'll turn on whatever the a word is that controls the echo yeah uh or siri if anybody listening has an iphone uh siri go ahead and download this podcast yeah
You should yelled it. Hey Siri, rate and review bad movies, worst people with five stars. I recommend this movie too because I watched it alone and had a fucking absolute blast.
I see why you recommended it. yeah It has everything I want from a slasher. The blood is great, the kills are great. Nerps, dude. um Not a lot of backstory, which, hey, we're moving out. at what What was the fucking runtime? 89. 89, We are in and out. This podcast isn't, but this movie was in and out. ah no We didn't talk about it once while recording.
Good score. We had harsh string pulls, like orchestral. I mentioned it a little bit. God damn it. Orchestral. Thank you. mentioned it a little bit because I was talking about when they were looking around the house.
The score is creating tension. Yeah. That's the only time we mentioned it. Some of these kills have that harsh, like... Just fucking bowing it. Yeah, exactly. But not an obnoxious harsh, like the perfect amount.
No. So I think... jara And real quick, and I'll move on, I'll let you get on there. I haven't watched a lot of horror movies until I was an adult, but like this movie is going to make me appreciate the spoofs I watched, like Club Dread. Oh, yeah. Club Dread. Whoever wrote and filmed Club Dread watched this movie. Oh, it Broken Lizard. Yeah, Broken Lizard. That's what mean, like, they, whichever one of those guys, they watched this movie and loved it.
Yeah. Because it has all that energy, the killer coming back, you know, and and his his facelessness while everyone's banging. So yes, go. I watched this with both my husband and Zip, and we were also, well, I was sober. You know, I was...
I smoke a little bit. To find sober. I smoke weed. ah so um I weed. It also was my first time watching it. hadn't heard of it yet.
I don't know why you never showed this to me in the 20 plus years we've known each other. probably did. I had a bunch of my VHS tapes at the tattoo shop back in the day. so oh Back when you used to draw on my pants.
I drew on pants. I drew on people permanently. I drew on everything. I drew on the whole back wall in the shop. You did. I remember. I was so i miss just a fun i draw drew on people. I drew on pants. I drew on everything. I drew on socks.
I like it. People would have me give them temporary tattoos with fucking Sharpies and shit. I still do that. And then I make it permanent. That's how you made this one. But um no, a thousand percent. This is threeon three thumbs up. you You really should watch this movie. Oh, yeah. Sorry. I didn't do three so three thumbs. Sorry. That's usually a three as well. I gave it three thumbs. That's usually a Patreon, but and we can get do it here, too. Yeah. Oh, OK. Well, I recommend it with three thumbs.
Three dicks. I give it four pitchfork prongs. Oh, um yeah. I'll recommend five or four out four. OK. Good. I'll recommend it, too. um I'm going to be the the wet blanket and say two and a half thumbs.
Oh, because I enjoyed it. But are you not entertained? The middle is just very, very slow. Okay, but I do get what you're saying about the slow middle, and I know you're being wet blanket by giving it two and a half, not three. Yeah, that's I'm saying. So it's fine. I'm still recommending it. It's great. But that part you're complaining about is so short that it's fucking beautifully breezy. If you weren't a fucking sleepy person. It is like, I mean, it's like 45 minutes in the middle of movie, but that's half the movie, but this is a short movie. Yeah.
It's not a problem. it was It's a good movie. Even those scenes that are slow are good. That's the thing I was going to say. like there They're building tension. It's not just like like there are slasher movies you watch where they're like, we're building tension. You're like, no, you're not. I'm waiting for someone to die.
This, because of the music... It was well done. And that museum they were shooting in make a good atmosphere because it's creepy. Yeah. So it does it's good in that aspect. It's just that it's people stop dying.
Yeah. I understand. Only eight people died in this hour and a half. I mean, you are talking about two and a half thumbs out of three. So it's still plus. Yeah. Yeah. So I think I made a good pick then. i Oh, no. Great pick. Golf clap. clap.
I need another mic in the middle so we can do it the right way and put our hands out. um Do you want to plug your stuff again so people don't forget? All right, cool. Just making sure. I'll just you know plug the the Instagram again. you know Zip underscore tattooist and zip underscore painter. Z-I-P as in Z-I-P.
As in your zipper. Z-I-P underscore T-A-T-T-O-O-I-S-T. How did you get that name? Zip. Yeah. ah There was a record store here in town that rented films as well.
And it was called Zips. And Kregger. the piercer at the tattoo shop i was apprenticing for uh he said because there were too many mats hanging around my my real name is matt you can't use that name and he was like dude you're you're not mad anymore you're zip and here we 24 years later and it's stuck and like that's how people mostly just know me because I met you like 20 years ago, and probably at the band rooms, and through like some people I knew that you tattooed. and I was there a lot. I didn't hear a lot of band stuff happening. I mostly was people drinking. Oh, we practiced a lot. But then once we were done practicing, we fucking practiced drinking. Yeah, exactly. Smoking weed. was pretty good at that.
but And we were always doing shows with Ugly Stick and a couple other bands back in the day. Troy's Bucket. Not only there, but Scrappies. Yeah. And also...
I if you heard of Rockin' Billiards. No. There was a venue next to it that used to be called Wild Boys. Yeah. It a strip club with, you know, dudes.
And so you just had to remember anytime you went to the bathroom because the bathroom was on the Wild Boy sides, you had to, like, block this way when you're walking in. oh i'm having away I'm having a peek. I'm curious. i do i i yeah i'm i'm a straight man, but I'm still, like,
What's that dick look like? I think I did see you play then, because I remember going there with Kreger. Probably, yeah. That was just for dicks. No, it was the Rock and Roller. I've been there. born Oh, I know that fucking ad. Yeah.
I just, ahead a he took me somewhere with that fucking ad right there. Flashback to the early 90s and shit, the late 90s. The rumor growing up that, because nobody had the internet, it's just that their fucking availability, and you know, their hand, that that the reason Wild Boys closed down is because somebody got crabs in their eyes from one of the dancers. Oh, my God.
And like, as a kid, was like, that sounds terrible. And was like, that sounds ridiculous. And it's not a real It does sound terrible, but it also sounds incorrect. It also sounds wrong. Speaking of male strippers, ah next week's episode, we change gears and talk about Flubber.
We're starring Robin Williams. ah Is he reaching for that segue? Or does that make sense? He's completely out of lift. Take my clothes off. Look at that. Girating. Flubber's kind of a male stripper. We watched him do a whole tango.
He's wearing any clothes. He's not. He's got a little flubbing dick. the The jury will allow it. And for for those who would like to watch it before we talk about it, it's available on Disney Plus or you can rent it on Amazon and Apple for $4 or buy it for $18. I mean, it was fine, but I wouldn't buy it for $18. As somebody that owns a lot of digital media, $18 is absurd. What you need to do is go to your nearby good but Goodwill, Savers, any place like that. bookman i'm Bookman's, wherever.
And there's guaranteed to be a fucking copy of Flubber somewhere. You also could just listen to our episode and see if it's worth watching. It'll be right there next to Titanic.
Just one and two. Some Jim Carrey movie in there somewhere, too, I'm sure. And we have our Patreon, of course, that we mentioned earlier, but going to mention it again. it. Join it. slash worst people. You get a bonus episode, a mental health episode every month.
Plus, you get our new show, Latchkey Vids. This month for mental health, we're talking about Major League because of Bob Uecker's passing. May he rest in pictures. And then the current episode of Cop Rock is a three corpse meal, which is also known as the baby merchant episode baby that we've been waiting for.
we still haven't got the song that Jack's been waiting for. Let's be careful out there. No, but what song do we get? If you wait a week or two, I'll have your baby for you. Yeah.
And how much is this Patreon? Patreon's only $3 a month. $3 a month. That is cheaper than a cup of coffee. At the time of this comes out, have- Almost everywhere. and you you get You don't just get the new episode, you get everything we've put out. So there's 13 mental health episodes, there's three Cop Rock episodes, and we'll have more stuff. ah You also- I'm sorry, guys.
You also get access to Hontuck Shots first. Yeah, you get Han took shots first. Yeah, but that's just a Star Wars podcast that nobody cares about me. You get it earlier than everybody else, and you get it with no ads and uncut when we do two-part episodes, which happens more often than you'd like. Sounds too good to be true. Let me stop you there.
But I'm going to tease something that we've talked about before that Derek has his ah student project films. yeah He found them. Yes. And we are going to rip them oh and we are going to put them on our Patreon. You will not be able to see those without paying $3 measly dollar a month.
Yep, that's at least worth five. Yeah. there's there's like I might sign up, too. There's like four or five of them. You don't even need to. I don't need to, but i really, really want to see this. You're going to pay to be on the show. Well, I might get it earlier.
Yeah, I found it. I found the discs that have them on there and there's like four or five movies that I made in college and one I made in high school that I talked about on a Clash of the Titans. Yes, you did. So you can watch that and then be like, why is this guy criticizing people?
And then realize that the tagline of the show is a a comedy podcast by unqualified assholes. You actually might be the most qualified asshole, but still unqualified. You have a degree.
um There's also one more thing you get. I have a PhD. You get more? There's actually more stuff. You get a newsletter. You get some other stuff, but you get ad free episodes whenever we do video.
So like this episode that we're doing right now will be on Patreon without ads on video. You can watch it on YouTube with video, but you're also going watch ads. um If you join our Patreon, I'll finish my PhD joke.
oh Oh, that's a good one right there. I have a PhD. Go ahead and finish it, and then I'll just only include it in the Patreon. Pretty hot dick. I've been told. it just Talking to my aunt again, haven't you? Whose circles are you fucking lingering in? Whose circle jerks are you sorry my love life is definitely not a circle. It's a real short line. I'm friends with at least one of his exes. It's like a pencil that's been used a lot. Yeah.
It's just ground down to nothing. It's just eraser. Hold on. I don't like my love life and pencil being in his face. No, his love life is tiny. I think he said I have thin mechanical pencil dick.
No, no, no, no. Just your love life. And it's not mechanical. You don't put a mechanical pencil in a pencil sharpener. It's insane. I have to go home and check something. But that's it for this week. Thank you guys for tuning in.
I've been Derek. I'm Whitney. I'm Jack. I'm Zip. ah You know what? Tom Savini, we love you. do love you. Do more, please. Come back. I've heard you're a dickhead, but I still love you anyway.
And I would love to meet you someday.
to to That's theme song. It almost lost eyes. Are you doing the Ninja Turtles? She did the Ninja Turtles as a jizz band. Yeah, as jizz band. Jizz music.
Good God. Teenage Mutant Jizz of Turtles. we start We starting early this week. What did he do to me?