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You will get through this. image

You will get through this.

Awaken Bake
178 Plays1 year ago

It's Dani and I am here with a solo, channeled message for everyone. Something is going on and you are being called to step up and step into your power. Whether you are being triggered or put thru a new experience that doesn't feel good... you are being protected and you will get thru this. You are not alone. I love u.


Introduction & Anxieties

Welcome to awake and bake an educational high vibrational mystical spiritual pot I'm sorry podcast from one girl one joint in a journey to awaken what's inside all of us in the words of the wise with Khalifa Let's roll something and get the day started. What up sluts. I'm having an anxiety attack. Can't you tell? Yeah, actively right now as we speak so I'm gonna do my best. Please be nice to me
Full transparency, I have restarted this three times because I am literally physically, mentally, and emotionally panicking. I don't usually recommend working when you're in these conditions, but I have a message that I need you all to hear now because through talking to a lot of you and seeing a lot of stuff online, seeing a lot of stuff that my friends are going through, I am not the only one experiencing something like this and I have a message for all of you.
Let's all take a deep breath together because I need to calm the fuck down, okay? We're gonna do a Queen Herbie deep breath where I like suck in really hard. You'll see what I mean. Ready? Here we go.
Well, my shoulders went down a little bit, so that had to do something, right? It's crazy because I swear a lot of my friends have been dealing with a situation very similar to what I'm going through now and have been going through for the last 72 hours. Not exactly the same details, but the same amount of feelings that are being produced, right?

Life Lessons from Pageant Queen Pixie

Intense anxiety, nerves, triggers, all that fun stuff. And you know what? I was sitting up here like, damn, I must be the only one not being hit by this retrograde or whatever the fuck is going on with the stars.
And then, you know, I'm doing my thing. I'm watching Pageant Queen Pixie. We love her. And she mentioned multiple times. She has said this multiple times, but in the episode that I was watching, she happened to repeat again that she thinks that she experiences a lot of things just so that she can talk about them on her YouTube channel or just like for content for her channel in general, because she is a psychic, intuitive person. She does a lot of tarot as well. She's very spiritual and in tune, has her own relationship with source power, God, the universe, all of that. Well,
She thinks that a lot of the things she's had to go through in life aren't even necessarily for her to learn the lesson for, but so that she could learn the lesson and then reiterate it and kind of teach it to her audience.

Advice to Friends & Self

And she does have an audience of people who look up to her. I'm not saying that I have that same kind of reach at all. I am not trying to insinuate that, okay? But this does feel like I am going through something
that I have recently been giving my friends advice on about how they should handle situations like this. And now I'm put in a very similar situation and it's causing me the same amount of stress that my friends have been describing. And I'm like, okay, universe. So I've been over here giving a bunch of advice, talking the talk, telling them, hey, it's not your fault, but this is how you got to handle it. Remember in the office, oh, how the turntables. Yeah, that's me right now.
I was watching queen cups live stream. I don't know if y'all I haven't talked about Queen Cup in a while because I feel like she kind of took a break. I just went and creeped on her channel a while ago and she hadn't done any updates except for this one that I just started watching today. And look, I'm gonna be honest, I only watched like five to 10 minutes of it and it's her live streams are usually like over an hour long. But I do this thing I do this with books to unlike anything honestly that I am taking in as a form of consumption or even educational purposes.
Okay, you'll see what I mean. Basically, once I feel like I got what I needed to get from it, I just stop reading it or watching it or looking into it. Or usually I find something in whatever I'm reading or watching that inspires me and I want to dig into something else. And then I'm like, yeah, nice. I got what I needed to get out of this. We're moving on. So I only watched five to 10 minutes. If this was not the overall theme of their live stream, don't come for me. But this is the theme that I got from it. And this is the message source needed me to have. Therefore, it's the message source needs you to have. Got it?

Tarot Interpretation & Personal Change

So what Queen Cup said was, you are going to experience death by telling the truth. And I want to reiterate Queen Cup does tarot and channeled messages. So in the world of tarot and spirituality, and I guess in a sense, like
Fortune telling, I don't know what I'm saying, but death doesn't mean dying. It usually represents cycles ending, new beginnings, the closing of chapters, okay? So don't freak the fuck out, no one's gonna fucking die. Something is coming to an end though. A chapter is closing, a big change is happening, a new beginning is occurring, some type of definitive, like very clear decision is happening.

Handling Life's Curveballs

And you know what, that's crazy because what's going on with me in the past 72 hours also involves like,
a quote unquote death. And I was shook by it. I was thrown off by it. I was like, what the fuck? Where did this come from? It feels out of left field. But like I said, I'd be talking the talk, right? So I have to walk the walk and I have to be the person and the woman that I know in my heart that I am and I have to just do hard things and do what I know is the right thing to do.
I also had another sign from the universe about this because I saw an Instagram post right after I got that message from the Queen Cup YouTube video.

Removing Negativity

And the Instagram post read, burn cannabis, sage, bridges, and whatever else it takes to get away from negativity. And I'm like, you know what? Yes.
Exactly. Sometimes we have to burn bridges and cannabis to escape negativity and that is our fucking right. Now listen to me, being the bigger person takes a lot of effort and sometimes it's harder than not doing the right thing. A lot of times being the bigger person is way fucking harder to do. It's uncomfortable. That's why it's called being the bigger person because it's just so much more common to be small and not fucking do anything and to be the bigger person takes way more effort.
I love it. I'm like explaining very simple concepts to you guys. Love that. But I promise this all has a point that I am getting to. I feel like there's a situation in your life that you are somehow involved in. And I know maybe you didn't want to be involved in this. Maybe you didn't choose to be involved in this. Listen, baby, you're not being punished.
This is not you being punished. I think sometimes we forget that other people also are powerful. They also have free will. They can also make their own decisions. And those decisions have the power to trickle down and affect other people. So try to remember that. That's what I'm trying to remember. That's what I've been constantly telling my friends who I know are going through a ton of situations similar to this.
So for anybody who has been feeling overwhelmed by life and situations that feel like they're out of your control, but they still involve you and you don't want to be involved, or for anyone who is feeling like your current situation or circumstance that you're dealing with is quite less than ideal and you're fucking annoyed by it and you're stressed and maybe you're worried about it and it's causing physical anxiety or upset and just making you fucking uncomfortable, you guys, you are not alone.

Self-Care & Responsibility

You did nothing wrong. This is not your fault. However,
We are in charge of how we're going to handle it moving forward, okay? This is where we get to take back our power. We get to decide how the fuck are we going to handle this situation that we were put into? And I want to tell you something. You're allowed to be fucking annoyed that you were put into this situation.
You're allowed to be annoyed at whoever the fuck you want to be annoyed at, but especially the person or the situation or the cause of this entire thing that you are going through, you are allowed to have feelings of anger toward them. So listen to me, this is how we're going to handle it. Okay. Number one,
Bitch, you better put yourself first. We are saying no when we need to say no. We are not allowing ourselves to feel guilt for having to fall apart sometimes. Okay, we're gonna feel our feelings so that we can move through them. Okay, you better remember healing is not linear. You are going to have good days and bad days and bad moments and good moments and all mixed in in between. You might feel like it's linear and like you're on the, you know, upward or whatever the fuck.
I don't fucking know what I'm saying, guys, but you get the point. I love that I'm channeling my anxiety into energy right now, and it's not becoming anger, but it kind of is, but it's powerful anger. Ooh, we'll get into it. Sacred rage. Love it.
You are allowed to have days where you don't feel good, moments where you don't feel good and give yourself grace. Things happen and our bodies will react to it. You might be having a physical reaction to whatever situation you're going through. It might be triggering a past situation to whatever you're going through. It might be something you've never fucking experienced before and you are for the very first time experiencing a whole new world of symptoms, reactions, PTSD, whatever the fuck you're going through.
heartache, heartbreak, friendships ending, cycles ending, jobs ending, sickness, unexpected change or loss, disrespect. Okay, I'll be honest with y'all, I didn't go to work today because due to like, what's happening in my life, I have to put myself first in this situation. And my anxiety was way too strong for me to be
at work today and i just had to like let them know and be honest with them like hell fucking no it's not happening sorry like this i might as well have goddamn covid the way that it was definitely not happening so step one bitch you're putting yourself first step two bitch we are stepping into our divine feminine power our dark feminine energy

Embracing Emotions & Expanding Power

Like I said earlier, sacred rage, raw emotion, assertiveness, that is dark feminine energy. It's not bullying. It's not causing pain and harm to others. But it is fucking feeling the full range of emotions because one, you're a human.
You are meant to feel all of them. There is no emotion that you can feel that is bad or wrong. The way we act on it is one thing, but we can choose to transmute this energy however the fuck we want. And we are going to turn this energy into power. Okay, this is how we handle it. We use it as fuel. We use it as energy. I respect myself so fucking much that it actually disrespects my spirit to deal with your bullshit. So I'm not going to deal with your fucking bullshit.
And I'm not going to let you continue to do this fucking bullshit. And I'm not going to let you bring me into some bullshit either. I will not be participating in anything that brings negativity into my fucking energy field. You're not going to lower my fucking vibration. You're not going to put yourself into my beautiful fucking energy and aura and try to fuck it up. You don't get to fucking do that. And if you try to do that and it fucking pisses me off, you're going to know.
and I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I have to do to protect myself and to move accordingly. Got it? That's what we're doing, okay? We can cry and we can show them who's boss. We can do both.
Okay, you guys, there's that one quote from Barbie. This is not a spoiler, so don't worry if you haven't seen it yet. But holy shit, it spoke to me so well, so deeply, and it just pierced my soul. I know you guys are gonna love this. Okay, so the quote was, I have no difficulty holding both logic and emotion at the same time. It does not diminish my powers, it expands them.
Are you kidding? Are you fucking kidding? That movie needs to win every award right now just for that quote, let alone America Ferreira's monologue, but that quote as well. Don't let me spoil it. I'll stop talking about it now, but I use that as an example to let you know that you are allowed to feel however the fuck you feel, whatever emotions come up. That's okay. Those are allowed. Those are valid. Those are not wrong. You didn't do anything wrong and you're allowed to stand up for yourself. Do you understand me? And that's what we're going to fucking do.
You are a beautiful fucking light in this world. And if someone disrespects that, then they don't get access to you anymore. You don't need energies, whether or not you knew it, that are going to bring you down.

Conclusion & Support

I love you guys. I hope this resonated. I really feel like it did because I already know multiple people who I'm thinking of what I'm talking about this that are going through something super similar. I hope that this reaches everyone I needed to reach and stay high. Bye.