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Today on These Guys Got Juice, the guys are reviewing the latest film from Coralie Fargeat, The Substance! Starring Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley, and Dennis Quaid!

Does The Substance continue the streak of juice filled horror movies the guys have seen this year, or does it put a stop to it? Listen and find out!

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Introduction and Concept of 'The Substance'

I'm Doug Damport. I'm Nick Ewers. And we're these guys got juice. And we saw the substance. Have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself? Younger, more beautiful, more perfect. One single injection unlocks your DNA.
starting a new cellular division that will release another version of yourself. This is the substance. You are the matrix. Everything comes from you. Everything is you. This is simply a better version of yourself.

Maintaining Balance and Voice Comparison

You just have to share. One week for one and one week for the other. A perfect balance of seven days each. The one and only thing not to forget. You are one. You can't escape from yourself.
damn nailed it on the first take yeah yeah yeah that was better than the guy who did it in the movie they should have hired you um you know what as you as you were doing that your line read and then me recalling like how he delivers it in
the movie because like you only ever hear this voice over the phone and it's like so like monotone I was like who what does that delivery remind me of it's uh Stephen Wright in reservoir dogs he's like the DJ he almost talks with like a sim I know it's it's a different kind of voice like like I'm pretty I'm sure the voice actor who did it in the substance he might be like the European or something but like
Steven Wright just the way like there's like no emotion. He's like delivering these radio announcements and reservoir dogs like that almost has the same energy.
Yeah, this dude's voice, it's so fucking haunting. It's like completely, it's not that it's cruel, it's just completely apathetic. Yeah, it feels so detached like emotionally, but also like sonically from the movie. You know, just the sound of it doesn't...
It's great. I forgot what the context was. Was it for cuckoo or sound stuff in cuckoo or no? Some other horror movie about like sonically pleasing like sounds like things that make you feel calm. Oh, was that Eraserhead? It was Eraserhead. Yes. Yeah. But this is like the opposite of that soothing tone. You know, like this is just like the void of comfort whatsoever.
Yeah, it puts you a little off. Ooh, man. Ooh, man.

Reactions and Expectations in Horror

This is a movie that, uh, I don't think I, like, should enjoy or should like. It's really weird. I've seen it twice so far, and the first time, um,
I really like watching it. I was like, fuck, because I'd seen that you like your letterbox rating. And so I was like, fuck, am I like not going to like this at all? And then after a little while, just settling into like what's happening, I was like, OK, OK, I'm on board. And then I went home and had nightmares.
Fuck all night about the movie and it was just like Weird and upsetting and it's like I don't even remember what they were but I had a really difficult time sleeping and then I Like wasn't gonna do anything after work Yesterday, I felt like so off. I was just getting over being sick I took a little bit of a nap and I woke up super late and was like
I don't know I kind of have an urge to see this again, so I drove a half hour and saw it at like 11 p.m. and As I was watching it. I was just like Is this movie a masterpiece? I mean I was like I shouldn't Be in love with this movie. It's like
Really gross and I'll get into the grossness because I feel like it could have taken it up a notch. Oh Interesting because I've yeah, I felt like they kept going and like it was
I, it's hard to not say specifically, but it's like, I was cringing and like oohing and eyeing in my seat the whole time. Yeah. And, and, but then it like keeps going. There's like a point where especially, I don't know, maybe this is wrong in me to expect less from like.
I guess, quote unquote, Western horror, a horror that's not like Asia, you know, like Japanese or Korean, where I'm expecting those to be like more fucked up. But like a lot of American horror will have fucked up stuff. But then I'll be like, well, it's not going to like keep go. It's like it will, of course, reach a height of like a threshold of like, OK, that's what people who can people who are into these kind of movies can handle that level of fucked upness. And we won't go further than that.
like it feels it does feel even the most on cover one still feel a degree of safe of like okay we're not like going there there but like this could this kept going past the point where other movies would stop but beyond where i wasn't even i'm not even like scared at the end like it makes sense that you would have nightmares because it's very disturbing imagery but like in terms of like
Most of the time while watching this movie, I'm just having like a hoot, like I'm just like, like laughing and like having a good time even when it's uncomfortable and I'm cringing.

Second Viewing and Audience Reactions

I'm not like scared, scared in that way. Yeah, I, I was.
Uncomfortable, yeah, the first time I watch it, because I was just like, what's going to happen anytime they were setting up like something gross and they kept like setting it up. I was like, they're setting up another thing. I was just like, because originally I was going to say this. I was going to call this movie exhausting. I like when I was halfway through by the end, intentionally so, I think. Yeah.
On my second watch I kind of wanted to I like retracted that a little bit I was like I wouldn't call it exhausting because it's like the first time there was a bit of dread I had because I was like how gross is it gonna get how gross is it gonna get I was able to eat throughout this movie I feel like I shouldn't have been able to eat because there are moments where I was like if this movie takes it to a certain place I'm gonna throw up and
I never got close to the throne. I felt like this movie could have gotten there. It could have gotten me to the point of having a reaction. But the second time watching, I'm like, this movie's a blast. The gross thing kind of wore off on me pretty quick.
I like, but I don't say that as an insulting statement to the movie. I'm just very surprised I got over it and I kind of expected it to be. Maybe these movies are just like way too hyped up. Also, the poster freaked me out. Back shit really weirds me out. Oh sure. Backburster from Covenant.
Yeah, I survived the back scene in this. Oh, well, sorry. It's on the poster. It's on the poster. We're going to be ending the non-spoiler section pretty soon because I feel like most of the things are spoilers. But once I was like, okay, if I can make through that, I was like, I can survive this movie.
Yeah, I am. I'm proud that you made it through it because when I came out of it, one of my reactions was like, I mean, it's like, is Nick going to hate this? It's going to be too much for him. But I think to your point, I suffer from it a little bit too of like the way things get hyped up, especially if there's things like.
sometimes by hoard but a lot of things involving like cannibals like what's that one movie bra the way people talked about that movie for a while made me delay why and then when I watch I'm like yeah there's uncomfortable stuff in it but it's not like unbear like it's it's not it wasn't like insane it's never it never really is to the level of like oh my god that's
Why would anyone want to see this or why would they do this? You know, I've never watched a movie that then I have that feeling of like, well, yeah, that definitely surpassed or lived up to that hype of how gross it was. Like, it's usually not as bad as it people make it sound, except for I'll probably never see these The Terrifier movies. I believe they are will be that gross.
Yeah, Terrifier. I have a feeling that I will be like, this is gross and I maybe don't like this, so I'm just not going to watch them. Hostel is one that I watched the first one and I was just like, I can't do Hostel. I can do Saw a bit more. I don't know why there was something about Hostel that
I couldn't do that. There was a very like saw is so over the top and ridiculous.

Evolution of Horror Franchises

That's what I was about to say, because I put off watching those for a long time when I was like, even when I was in the horror, I had to take baby steps. I was like, torture porn, you know, like that's the reputation it had. I was like, that sounds
It's like, you know, there are 10 in at this point. And to me, I always compare like it's like almost like anime level melodrama, but that then also have like kill traps in them. You know, like there's like gory deaths and crazy traps, but the movies at this point are also so much about the melodrama. Like there's a whole hour of Saw X before even kidnaps anyone. It's about like John Kramer trying to get his cancer treatment. And it's like,
too extreme for me.
It's like played really emotionally and straight. I love that movie for that reason, but I was like, these movies are not what people would expect from them.
Yeah, my love for the saws has really like went away over the years. I like was so into them. I've seen every saw, not in theaters, but like as they came out on like DVD, I would rent them from the family video down the street from my house that used to exist. And I did that for every saw except for Jigsaw, I wanna say. And then Saw X was the only one I think I ever saw in theaters. But,
Yeah, that's the only one I've seen in theaters. I think I've done all, I'm like all sawed out. I think I've been through the saw journey. So I'm like, I didn't have the love for Saw 10. I don't know. Is this, would you say this love for Saw, not to make this a Saw thing, but would you say this is a new development? Like people have just come to Saw now and that's why there's this resurgence.
I think there was a bit of what I went through of like binging them all before the new ones. People being like, hey, well, I never really checked these out. And then having a ton of fun. And then the fans that were already there kind of like were seized on their moment of like, ha, now you want to listen to us. Now you are. Our weird thing is important. I think if I rewatch them, I'd probably get into them. But let's get back to the substance.
The Substance, which is not a Saw movie, has no John Kramer in it whatsoever. I would say this is better than all of the Saw movies.
I mean, yeah, they're pretty different, but yeah, sure, I'll sign off on that. Well, not too different from the first one. There's a lot of bathroom time we get. We get a lot of time in a bathroom in both these movies. Sure. No, I get what you're saying. With the runtime of this one, if you take all the bathroom stuff, it could add up to the runtime of the first Saw movie, or maybe like a good chunk of it.
And I'll say the other crossover is they're like movies with this reputation of being so gross, but then they're also like really funny. Like I thought the substance in a lot of parts is hilarious. Like, especially I will go into the spoilers. There's like some gnarly shit you're seeing at the very end, but I'm also just cackling because I'm like, I can't believe that I'm seeing this in like a theater that in a movie that's
being seen
Almost it all it made me giddy of like oh, this is gonna like this is really gonna piss some people off Maybe but I'm loving it like some people might be feel tricked that they're getting like a different movie than it's presented as initially Oh, no, I
because I mean the trailer doesn't really give much away of what the movies like actually about what happens in the plot but like there was a moment without giving anything away as I was watching everything unfold and I was like
That would be fucking crazy if this movie did this exact thing.

Narrative Choices and Influences in 'The Substance'

And then the movie does the exact thing that I'm thinking of, like, almost to a T. And I was like, I think that's when I really was like, okay, this movie's gonna be one that lives with me for a while. If you're on the fence about seeing it, like, yeah, like,
I get it if you're grossed out like you know I don't know if I can recommend this to someone who's like really grossed out easily but if you can handle like gross out horror go see this I would say like if you can handle body horror stuff like Cronenberg like if you're into those kind of movies check this out like I think
She out Cronenberg's Cronenberg's actual kids like in terms of like even though I do like Possessor and and and I think infinity pool is good But like this this is like out in terms like just sheer like willing to go there and like the filmmaking of how you're like piping up and then showing this this horrific these horrific Transformations like this movie really delivers in terms of that so they yeah if you're into that kind of stuff I think
You can handle this movie, but then I would even say that there's like movies that are maybe less gross that are harder to watch. Like this maybe is a weird comparison point, but I thought of it just because there's so much. I mean, there's a lot of fluids being sprayed everywhere in this movie, including
Blood but like it didn't made me think of like another Favorite horror movie franchise that has like a lot of blood like Evil Dead movies like Evil Dead 2 And I would say the Fedi Alvarez probably have the most blood in terms of just sheer number of like gallons of blood Those probably have the most
Uh, but like, especially the Fetty Alvarez one where they're not like changing the color of it and it's just gore. It's just blood. Like it's being sprung everywhere. Like if you can handle that kind of stuff, I feel like this is, this is manageable and it's all being presented in a very heightened and absurd way. Like this movie is satirical. Like I didn't, I didn't really watch trailers or know
any research going in on like what this movie would be. But I was like, oh, this movie is funny and like trying to be funny. Like it's not it's not like. But without undercutting, like we'll get into it. Like the main character goes on a very like I feel for she's like not a good person, but like I feel for her and like the these the positions that she gets like trapped into. Yeah, like it's it's by her own design, but like.
It's so horrific, though. It's just like one of those like, don't do it. Like, don't do it. Like, stop. Don't do it. It's just offered choices each. We should just get into it because, yeah, I want to talk about the performances in these characters. But I I loved it. It's I honestly my gut reaction coming out of the theater. I was like, I haven't had more fun than this in any movie this year. So it's like my number one of the year. And I can't wait to see it again.
It's your number one that's pretty sweet. Hell yeah. I love that. It's in my top 10 right now. I'm gonna be doing a serious rewatch and reconfiguring in my top 10 coming up.
I do want to say for people like just to touch on like the gore and you know people who could be sensitive to that one thing that I did kind of like and appreciate about this movie is it doesn't abuse the audience there are moments where you think it like it lets you off the hook a little bit I'll just say that like it doesn't
Show you too much or make you go through too much. It does cut away more than you think it would like. There's moments where you're like, no, you're watching this thing, but then it also will spare you occasionally and like be like, like, no, you get the point. Like they're not going to, you know, like just like you, you understand what this is. You have to show you like each step. Yeah. Yeah. You want to happen to spoilers? Yeah, let's do it.
that was like that spoiler bumper had like this groovy techno beat that was like propulsive i wanted okay this movie looks and sounds incredible like just like on i like us coming back from spoilers just
or coming back to the spoiler, uh, just funny. Uh, sorry. Oh no, the score, the score for this movie rips. It's like, yeah, it does kind of sound like club. Like the score that I would put this up against, it was also like probably my favorite score prior to this was how the challengers beat, uh, the challengers soundtrack sounds like club music kind of.
but like it still fits the scenes in the movie and like this has a similar kind of vibe where it's like it's very like propulsive and like like you could you could bounce your booty do it yeah and just like challengers how it works very well for the sport of tennis this works really well like just with the context of the movie and this like
dance like a workout show that our main characters are The center of which I think that's really funny that this big show like this big celebrity like Personality is like from like a dance

Critique of Beauty Standards and Industry Impact

show something. That's like not even really a thing anymore. It hasn't That with the 80s and yeah
There's there's a heightened there. We'll talk about certain characters or how things depict it. Like this movie is actively commenting on like entertainment or how all these image industries like what kind of beauty they they they value and stuff. But then it's doing it through these like really heightened absurd like like like you said, it's like this like jazzercise like a like in their dress like they are in the 80s when they're when they're filming the show. But it's to my knowledge, it's modern time. Right. Like when this is all happening.
I'm not too sure it felt kind of like dystopian in a way it so yeah, that's a good way to describe it It does it the world itself feels kind of dystopian it reminded me of a clockwork orange honestly I that's a movie I just watched recently So I don't know if it's like just easy to make that comparison But it felt like I was watching something that took place in the same world as a clockwork orange
I mean, there's a lot of like Kubrick stuff going on I was gonna I was gonna say we could run down the Kubrick stuff because like just visually There's that one hallway. We always go back to which is the shining. Yeah the bathroom also looks like the shining and like a lot of the shots they have like these fish-eye shots that are in a lot of like Kubrick movies the end has like the score at the beginning of 2001
Yeah And then the guy when he's hooking up with Sue
and he like goes and kind of like grabs her butt. Like that shot almost looks like the beginning of 2001. Like the... Oh, that's a good pull. Yeah. I didn't catch that one. There's a lot of like different things like that in this movie. The really stark white bathroom almost feels a little 2001-y. Also like that white room that Dave's in at the end. Yeah, there's a lot of whites and oranges.
When Dave goes to that room, you know, spoilers for 50 year old movie or whatever, 2001, he goes through a transformation at the end once he gets to that room. And then when she goes into this is like her transformation room where like all the transforming, but like a lot of the body horror is until the very end is contained to one room. It's like this all happens in her bathroom when like the gross body horror transforming stuff happens.
yeah basically up until like the very end yeah right and even like where she goes to pick up the packages um is yes like white and black kind of area it's just yeah there's a lot of cool visual like things like every camera placement from the get-go i was like into but then there's also just like
like good visual storytelling like the very first image we see and this is like I like I said I hadn't even seen trailers I didn't even know this was about like duplicates or like younger versions of yourself and stuff but just you see the syringe get injected into the egg yolk it splits into two and I was I was in me I was like oh okay this is what the movie is gonna be
Yeah. And that was like so clever and cool. And there's also like other little parts. Like when she first, her initial pickup, she goes to get her first dose of the substance. It's like in this like kind of rundown abandoned warehouse looking place from the outside. And like when she scans her key card to open up the door.
It only opens up to like a little height that it won't open all the way. She tries it again, but it still won't open. And like she begrudgingly does like go down so she can get in. But I was like, oh, it's kind of she's stooping to a new low to do this. Like this is like she has to actually get like, yeah, this is like not something you should be proud of doing that she has to do this and go that she's so desperate that she has to stoop to this low.
Yeah, and man props to fucking Demi more too, because like what a fucking performance. Yeah, the shit that she has to do in this fucking movie, even like at the very end, the face acting of just like having to hold her face open when it's attached to like the back of this big monster creation. And she just looks like she's in pain. It cuts to her and you just hear like.
You know occasionally it's it's fucking great. She has to do a lot of like Naked Like crazy acting on the floor that I'm sure like she had to get like in a very vulnerable place to do or I don't know I've never been an actor so I don't really know how it is but that's just my assumption and it's like I
It really like created and like lent to the creation of just a fucking powerful and just great piece of art. This movie just rules. It's one of the best horror movies I've seen. It does feel like a piece of art. It's crazy. I love it though.
Yeah, I I'm totally there with you. I'm like, yeah, this does feel like art as you're watching it. But then also not like some not that like I describe movies in this way as of being like, oh, to fool themselves or like they're like trying to.
Talked down like I don't look at film in that way, but I see people have reactions to things like that We're like oh this movie thinks it's smarter than me or something this movie doesn't like it's like It's it's being everything's being executed extremely high level, but it is also like very blunt and in your face It's not like a subtle movie. It's it is like if I was insulting it I would say it's like spoon feeding you stuff, but I just say it's like giving you everything on the surface and
Because it's also, I feel like that's part of the commentary that it's doing, though, too, because it's talking about the surface level beauty that, like, doesn't, that you don't have to dig deeper into these things that we were being told is beautiful. Whereas the movie has all these things to say, but it's not gonna make, it is just giving it to you upfront of, like, no, this is what it's about.
Yeah. And so I appreciate that unsubtle. To me, I like that. Some people might not, I don't know, some people criticize, think that certain things have to be presented in certain ways sometimes. Like I've seen people with the mindset like when satire is not subtle, that it's not good, but like I don't, I just don't buy into that mindset. Like it doesn't need to be subtle.
Oh, I don't I don't think this isn't the movie. I don't think horror is actually really the place where you should be. Right. It's like everything to an extent, even the most grounded horror movie is still going to be pointed in some way about how it's portraying stuff. And like, yeah, I don't. Yeah, I just never expect that from any. I mean, they live one of John Carpenter's best movies, I'd say is like
That's a pretty unsubtle movie. I mean, like, one of the times he puts on the sunglasses, he looks at the dollar and it just says, this is your God. You know, it's like, it's very blatant about like, it was like, huh, what do I feel is about capitalism and commercialism is very. Yeah. I mean, that's.
part of like the charm and what I mean what makes that movie so great and I think what allows it to like hold up is just how extreme it's like taking its themes and the things it's saying and it just how blatant it is about it like and not being afraid to be silly while it's doing that too or you know come off as goofy it's not taking itself too seriously but it's like
It's being very like blatant about its message. Yeah, and I would I'd say the substance is similarly strong in that way that it's not it I think that's just the benefit of horror is that you can take these things to different extreme not that you can't give intelligent commentary on like beauty standards or like
the entertainment industry's treatment of women in a non-horror thing. But you can just do, just in terms of how far you can take the metaphor and visually what you can do with it. Horror allows so much more latitude in how you can tell those stories.
Yeah, like
Yeah, what I was talking about earlier in the spoiler free section is there is a certain point where she's like in full on monster mode and I was just like When she's gonna be when she's going to this New Year's Eve show
Yeah, I was just like man I wonder if this is gonna turn into a thing where every like a Frankenstein's monster thing where everyone is like monster and then that actually Happens I was like what the fuck they're doing the thing that I like Wanted it to do she gave movies back to the fans
Honestly, this is the correct form of crowd-pleasing entertainment.

Narrative Satisfaction and Character Dynamics

It was servicing me. I was being fan-serviced, but this was the right kind of servicing and catering. Give me this kind of shit.
Yeah, I had the same thought like well, they're not gonna Something's going to stop her before she actually gets on stage in monster mode or like she's gonna realize that this was like her dying dream And she's like on the ground her bathroom still and she never actually made it there, but they're like no no no no no we're gonna She's gonna become this grotesque Deformed monstrosity. Yeah, and then she's gonna go up on stage with a with a glued
She cuts out just a lead up to all that We're just going like oh my god. Yeah, it's happening. It seems like it's coming to what would be like Maybe a nice poetic ending like she murders the shit out of like the older version of herself Elizabeth Sparkle, and then it's just like You know
The assumption is she would die shortly after that, but then she's just like, no, I have a little bit left of that substance from months ago. Okay. I'm just going to take that. It's like a different color kind of now. It looks all gross. And she's like, I'm going to just inject the rest of this single use only thing into me. And that's when I was like,
Oh, it keeps going. It keeps ramping up. This movie like keeps taking it to that next level. It takes you to the point where it's like, okay, we can't go any further. There is an end that is like a logical end point for this thing, you know? We're throwing out being poetic and we're taking this to the furthest end it could possibly go.
But then it does circle back to the ending and last images are kind of poetic because like I feel like you've heard this too. But I have also like in multiple screenwriting classes or something to say like, oh, you're opening and closing images should kind of reflect one another. And it's like after that little tutorial, if we see the egg yolk being duplicated, the first shot we see is of her star on the boulevard being made.
Yeah, we talked about that on our Strange Darling review. Were we saying that then? Oh yeah, we did talk about that on mic for that. But yeah, I just love the way that this movie, I was just immediately on board with everything happening visually. Because yeah, we see like the construction of her Hollywood star on the boulevard, Elizabeth sparkles, and they like time lapses to whenever this movie takes place, presumably modern day. But I love like,
You see people walking over it, it gets kind of trash, and just how people talk about her in passing as they go. Because initially people are posing at it, it's very exciting, all her fans are hyped about this, and then decades later people are like, oh yeah, wasn't she in that? And I think they can't even remember what she's from. They stop mid-muttering of like, ah, she was in the something, they can't remember. Yeah, she was in A Few Good Men or something like that.
Yeah, something like that. Yeah. Um, but also just more credit to, I feel like a lot of, I mean, she's not playing herself or anything. I don't think the movie's trying to like be literal like that, but I feel like a lot of actors would have some kind of vanity about them of playing like a washed up actor, specifically for, you know, women. That's like a thing in this industry of like, when they get older, they're pretty discarded or like,
extremely limited in like what they're allowed to do. And so like for her to like be game to play this role I think is like just it's really cool. So I want to talk more about that but real quick I want to add on to what you were saying too about like the time passing and you getting that view of the star and then carrying that over into the ending where
she's just like a blobby face crawling herself to the star and she lands on top of it dies and then kind of like evaporates or melts a little bit like onto the star then like a street sweeper like cleaner type of thing like a guy rides past her and just like sweeps her up and it's just like
Yeah, except for the dead old version of her upstairs like in her house still like yeah with her like gross back that was very hard to look at like that was one of the more gross things was uh just her like crazy spine and how curved it was and
Oh, not just like when the back opened when it like gave birth to the younger her, but every time she had to go back in to like get more of like spinal fluid, basically that like because like there's like the rules. And I do love another thing about this movie being up front is that it clearly tells you and the character like what the rules are so that we like
understand the consequences and feel the tension when she intentionally starts like fucking with like how it's supposed to work and it's supposed to be Seven days of the old you seven days of the young you and then once you know that that's not gonna last Little taste of the consequences
Yeah, like it's a little bit at first because she only went like a day or a few hours over and then you can see that like fucked up her one finger is like withered and decayed now. And like I love that like the like the gradual deterioration. But anytime it's those scenes where Sue is like going to draw the fluid out of the older Elizabeth, I would always cringe. And then as she gets older and older, it looks grosser when she's going to the spine and it's like oozing out this kind of puss at once.
And she keeps doing it more and more and So you're seeing how much time is passing by just like the empty vials and it's just like oh my god Yeah, and I can I can what were you saying? I was just gonna say it really builds the tension and like makes you horrified of like what she is gonna look like when It's what you're like. Oh my god. Well she once she goes back. What's it even gonna be? Oh
No, the movie does a great job of teaching you the rules, showing you the consequence, and then really hiding the results of a really long and long mistake or thing that you shouldn't be doing. As an audience member, you're like, fuck, I know what happened when she did it once, but what
what could possibly happen? Oh, she keeps doing it. She doesn't stop. Stop while you're not even ahead at this point, but quit now. And it's just like when she has to go into herself again, it's like,
when it's like she has no choice but she has to go back into the body of the old person it's like I'm getting tense like thinking about it now because you can't you can't even imagine like how you don't want to see it you don't want to see it if you don't want her have to see because like her to live it
Uh, cause I'm, I'm in it because she's like I said, she's like, she's a pretty shallow and not good person. Elizabeth just like from standard from the beginning. Like you can tell that like, yeah, she's, she liked the industry that she's buying into is pretty surface level. And like, look, she really just,
wants to have that fame and that glory that she once had and is willing to do anything for it, but I'm still on the journey with her and I feel for her every time she has to come back to the ruined older body and how sad that is for her and how horrific it is to see
the change that like like when she gets to the point that she's so desperate uh that she tries to make a date with that loser old classmate who came up to her like the dorky guy with the glasses who like recognized her from school who she was like kind of dismissed it was like okay yeah whatever that loser but then when she like see has his number and like oh
man this is how desperate she is for validation right now that she needs to like reach out to this guy and then she can't even go on the she's like getting so self-conscious about like her she keeps like wiping off the makeup and redoing it yeah that's hard to watch god damn he's not even worth all this girl
It's the image of her younger self suit that keeps sending her back that billboard. It's a billboard right outside her apartment. Every time she sees it, she's like, I don't look good enough. I need to change how I look, do something different. And it's like,
Which is crazy. Demi Moore is fucking hot, man. Like, until she's, like, in full monster mode at the end, even when she goes back and is, like, kind of graying, I was like, uh, still hotter than Margot Qualley. I would say, like, I mean, Margot Qualley's beautiful, but I just, I think Demi Moore looks incredible. Like, especially for, I don't know, she over 60 or whatever. Whatever age she is, she looks great. I'm, like, all about Margot Qualley right now, just because, like,
I've just been in the worse since, I wanna say, was she in the leftovers?
That's where I first really got into her. I've been following her since then, and it's like, I don't know. She's one of my favorite actresses working right now. I love Demi Moore too, but I can't put one above the other. They're both like... It was just perfect casting with these two. I didn't know I needed Demi Moore right now, but I got her and it was fantastic, and I love having Margot Kweli as much as I've gotten her this year.
Do you know who her mother is? Because she's a Nepo baby, even though she doesn't have the same name. I feel like I heard who her mom is. Who is it? It's Andy McDowell from Groundhog Day. Oh, I didn't know that. She was like the love interest in Groundhog Day. But I would say maybe just because I wasn't super keyed into the industry in the 90s, I would say she's already kind of bigger or just a different kind of career than her mom. Because Margaret Qualley is
in in the context of the movie, but then also now in Hollywood, she is kind of like the girl. Like she's like she's hot. She's young. Like a lot of these other like big directors want to work with her. Like your ghost is putting her in stuff now. And like like I don't know that Andy McDowell ever had like she was in bigger movies like but like she was I don't know that she was like the draw. Like people were going to Groundhog Day because it was Bill Murray. You know, like they weren't like, oh, new Andy McDowell movie.
I'm not like trying to shit on her mom and be like, huh, what a fucking washed up hag. No, I'm just saying it's a different it's a different kind of career that like. Doug slams Margaret Qualley's mom. And this will be the last time this review where I criticize women.
Just listing off all the women I have problems with. I'm kidding. But, oh, speaking of Nepo babies, we got to talk about Dennis Quaid, who's, I guess, just got cast just because his son's famous and on the boys. Like, ew.
Yeah. It's like, how many times have we seen this? A guy who has a famous son who's on like a big Amazon show or whatever, and then they're like, oh, OK, I guess I'll use this to boost my career. It's like, OK, no one's even heard of you. Donny's, Dennis Quaid, whatever your name is. Yeah, sounds like a real parent trap, if you ask me. Real parent trap. Folks. Folks. We know you're listening.
So many people just shut off the podcast. Zero stars. You can't even rate something that low when they do. I thought you can only do like once. Yeah, rate and review is five stars. This is the last episode. We just can't get any better than this.
Yeah, we got to just end while we're ahead. Yeah, ending it at a minute 42 on our substance review. Just like Elizabeth should have ended while she was ahead. Because she has multiple outs in the movie that she could take. Well, hold on. I should circle back. I don't want to just throw off the Dennis Quaid joke. Because I think he's genuinely really, really like I would have to go look through his film. I know I've enjoyed him at other things. But this is up there with my favorite performances of his. He's so.
He's in the parent trap. He's in, uh, traffic. The day after tomorrow. Um, Footloose. G.I. Joe, Rise of Cobra. Oh, that might be his best, actually. A Dog's Purpose. He's in, uh, Your Beloved Legion, the movie. Oh, that one's not the one. I love the show.
I know, I'm just messing with you. Seems everyone to be clear, which legion I like. DQ. He's also in the game timeshifts and played timeshifts. The Dairy Queen himself, Dennis Quaid, DQ. Fuck, I was going to say. Oh yeah, his scenes, man.
I texted you this but those were actually the parts were the only parts where I had to stop

Film's Transformation and Artistic Influences

eating It was the scenes were Dennis Quaid It was just like zoomed in on his mouth just eating chomping that like crayfish or crawfish or shrimp or Whatever the fuck it was that and the vomiting of the boob at the end Then the teeth on the monsters torso like
over his whole final form. It was really weird. The more you focus on different details of the final form at the end, it just continues to get more and more gross and upsetting. It looks like the thing. I think it's intentional, almost an homage, because especially when she's- I thought it looked like the one monster thing in Spy Kids.
the clay monster thing. Yeah, I forgot what they're, I already forgot what they're called. We just watched that movie and I already can't remember the squiggle something. I feel like that's where she was drawn from. That's where Carly Fargier was pulling from Fargier. It was a big.
Spy Kids has influenced a lot of art in popular culture and we can assume this is just one of them. But I am just saying for me, I definitely thought of the thing when I saw that form, especially like her head detaches basically kind of similar, like once your body falls and starts falling apart, like her head detaches kind of like how the spider head detached in the thing. It didn't grow legs. No, I get it. You thought of a horror film and I thought of an art house film. I get it.
It's just we view this movie differently. You just respected more, I guess. I'm just denigrating it. This would be just more than horror to me. Elevated horror. You have horror back to the fans.
the fans Sorry for dear I Kind of hate the term Elevate people who not ironically say elevated horror it makes me think like oh, so you just don't like horror But you like ones that are more suit like you like the kind of horror movies that could maybe get nominated for Oscars like get out or something but like you otherwise think you're above the genre or the genres like lesser than like
That's what I the vibe I get when people say elevated horror. And it's like, oh, well, it's actually about something. It's like, fuck off. Horrors have deeper themes and like political allegories since the beginning. Like it's not like this is like a new thing that or being about Trump. Like like all that stuff's been in there from like the get go. I usually say elevated horror to people when I'm trying to tell them they could possibly be bored by what they're about to watch.
It's like a it's a warning. Yeah, like you know I like midsummer, but I know it bores people So I'm like I'd call it elevated horror This is elevated horror This is like you might find it very elevating elevated you might see it levitating so it's in an elevator. Yeah devil
I was gonna add to that but I think it was perfect as is. 10 out of 10. This almost feels like an anti-elevated horror even though it's like dealing with themes and like messages and stuff and like those performances are excellent but like
No, keep going. Oh, I was just going to say, but it's also extremely trashy, especially by the end. And I mean this in a complimentary way in terms of it's not trying to be like, oh, well, this movie's too classy for there to be gore spraying everywhere in the climax. It's like, no, this is what this movie is. Yeah, all the blood.
It was it was fun. It's like it was gross, but then it reaches the point where it just becomes funny It's just like cuz she keeps spraying. It reminded me of It reminded me of Carrie the fire hose going crazy at the party spraying everybody. That's probably adding blood to that reference
Yeah, it's weird. A lot of movies I watched while being sick. I kind of came up in this movie. You just watched Kubrick and then this movie is very Kubrick. And I just watched Carrie like two days before watching this. It was crazy. But, um, fuck. There was something I wanted to say. Oh, um.
When we were talking about influences, and you were saying that this reminded you of the thing, that kind of surprises me, because not only was there a video-drome kind of reference I noticed with the mouth saying, sue, sue, sue, it kind of reminded me of video-drome. But the monster itself reminded me more of the fly, I would say, than the thing. And I thought that's what you were going to pull from originally when I was watching it.
Oh, I could talk about multiple Cronenberg reference, because yeah, I think all that is in it. I just meant specifically her final form and a couple of moments gave the thing vibes. But yeah, I was thinking of the fly specifically when she's like losing stuff, like when she's racing back to her place to get that final like leftover dose, like her teeth are falling out. Oh, that's so hard to watch. I hate teeth stuff, man. Teeth and nail stuff. And this movie has both.
And they make, there's gross eye and ear stuff because, and I love that. It's like POV too, cause it's like cutting to like, we're hearing her sound go out as her ear falls off. And then we see POV, her eyes, her vision's fading like, Oh fuck, her eyes are next. And then it's like,
It's so intense, and even though we know it's not gonna be the results she wants, you are kind of like, okay, come on, just get to the apartment because you're fucking fucked without, if you don't do something, you're fucked. This might not help you more, but I don't know, maybe we'll buy you some time when she injects the thing. It's such a horrific predicament to be in, and she just makes it so much worse. I would be like, I would probably just kill myself.
or something let myself die it's uh is is the monster is becoming the monster and everything that happens after that a better result is uh man a better result for us the audience not for her
It's so crazy. Oh, man. Don't do it, Demi Moore. Don't do it. Our pursuit of beauty makes us monsters. I mean, that's literally what happens is that she's chasing this unattainable goal. And, you know, I just resent this old or like later generation, just the old resenting the new, you know what I mean?
Right, but then also the old resenting the old too because like because I guess because of the new but like the way that like that when Dennis Quaid is talking about her as his old gross has been she doesn't even really disagree. She's just upset that it's costing her this job. She's like, yeah, she's like, yeah, I am old. You know, like she wants she's she is buying into this narrative that she needs to be
Young and beautiful like in and other people have pointed this out like you know, I'm just a man I'm just speaking as the son of a mother, but I've heard some things about how the beauty standards and of culture can really mess mess with with people and specifically
uh just yeah what that tells young young and older women about like what their body should be but i think it's interesting in this movie about that directed by a woman even the younger margaret quali like i've seen some female critics point out that like it seems like they have
She Mark quality so fucking beautiful, like even her like natural level of beauty would not be enough for these impossible standards that they need to like augment her body more like to like keep this like idealized version. Like it almost feels like an intentional commentary of like, yes, even someone someone who's clearly incredibly beautiful, like that's not good enough for like how what what this industry and world tells you you need to look like.
they put something in her bra.
Well, even just like the woman who's auditioning before, um, Sue walks in for her audition. We never see what she looks like, but they make the comment like, um, you know, it's like, Oh, those too gross guys who are like, Oh, uh, her tits, something about like, Oh, her tits were good, but like, Oh, too bad they can't be on her face or like, they can't be in the middle of it.
It's it's really bad her boobs aren't on her face instead of that nose or something and it's like I love that literally echoes at the end when she's got like titties fallen out of her like her face and fallen out of her like Like that she's re-hearing she has the voices of other people playing in her head regularly And I loved that touch because I was just like yeah, that's like real life I recall like people's voices in my heads when I'm in like
fucked up situations that I regret getting in. I do a mental playback of people warning me that this was all going to go south or whatever. It fucking rules. There was one thing I wanted to touch on too.
If you're cool with going to break after that, we can take a break. But one thing I could really relate to as someone who has a pretty addictive personality is this taking and taking and taking of something where she's like,
Oh, I just need to. It's just going to be one more day. Oh, it's just one more day. I just have this thing. I just have this thing. But once you're in it, once you've already started that and you're like, OK, I did it once, you're just going to keep justifying doing it. The hardest time to do it is the first time. And then after that, it gets easier and easier to justify and rationalize. And like, yeah, it does definitely work from that like addiction
I mean, it's literally called the substance. Instinct gratification, addiction, yeah.

Themes of Addiction and Beauty Standards

Yeah, it's a high she's chasing and then like her come down is the day she has to be the older her. And that's like, you know, been my experience sometimes after drug benders where it's just like, you really feel like the most depressed and alone you've ever felt. Like the scenes of like where she's like crying in the shower and stuff. It's like, yeah, it's fucking real.
Yeah, this movie, it's pretty powerful stuff. Yeah. You want to take a break?
Let's take a break. And we're back! Yeah, that wasn't the energy I had before. I was like, where did that come from? Wow, damn. I was just like, I'm running out of steam. You just do that and throw me off guard, so you'd be like, and we're back, and like fucking jump scare me. The younger version of myself came out. I injected the substance while we were off mic, and now I'm uh...
I don't even know what my name would be, I didn't plan this bit out enough to really think of a name, but the other version of me is in the bathroom unconscious or dead and it's got a food bag attached to it. So would it be like, cause if we're to assume...
Are they roughly playing their regular ages? Demi Moore in real life is 61, so is Elizabeth Sparkle supposed to be her early 60s? And then is Margaret Qualley in her 30s? Is the idea is that the new you is half your age or something? So if we took it, it would be a teenager would come out? Yeah, it'd be 15. Fuck that, I'm not going back to high school. And just look almost the same.
I haven't like really changed a whole lot. I still have long hair. I was gonna say you have more facial hair now, but I feel like you were growing mustaches pretty early. Yeah, when I was in grade school, I was like six feet tall since I was in grade school. I kind of like it was fully formed at a young age and I've just stayed this way.
I'm gonna hit 40 and just fucking age hard. And that's when you should take the substance. That's when I'll take the substance. You know, I don't know if I would take it. This is a really fucked up scenario. I think my takeaway from this movie is I would not. Yeah, this is, it's upsetting just even imagining being in the scenario. And like you take it once and that's it.
There's, well, no, you can go back, actually. You can, and she has multiple outs, which I do like that the movie keeps reminding her, like, when she calls, like, to this compassionate list, like, helpline of, like, like, hey, the other me is, like, not respecting the, the balance and stuff, like, like, you gotta make her, like, follow the rules or something, and, and, and then he's, like, will always ask, like, if you wanna stop the experience, you know, like, let us know, and,
And she will be like, well, no, I don't want to stop because she still wants the fame and success from that. So she can't stop. But I also do like when she finally does opt out how it's really just a syringe that like kills you. It's like extermination on it. It's like got black goo in it.
Maybe it's the Prometheus goo. Ooh. One thing I did really like about that voice that she talks to on the phone is how some of the times, or maybe it's every time when she calls, she's always like, it's Elizabeth Sparkle, and then it's just silence.
503 and then he's like yes, what do you need? It's just like yeah, it doesn't even care who you are this like person on the other end It's like it's so this other person is so Scary just thinking about them. Who are they? How did they create this? like
of this, yeah, like how do they have this access, this influence to technology? Where did this development come from? We only get the smallest, like besides that voice, the only thing we get is that guy at the doctor's office who initially like gives her the number, it said like it changed my life. And I love, I love that, like how it's just like,
this handsome guy, it is like kind of scary and like eerie in the moment, but he's like, it changed my life. And yeah, you're seeing him as like this like handsome looking young guy, but then he follows her back from that like weird facility into the restaurant. And he's like, I just want to see how it's going. And then, oh yeah, the reality sets. And this is who this actually is. This is like this person, this like,
you don't I know because you haven't been introduced to the substance yet it's like not really in your mind when you're seeing him like this younger more handsome version but it's like that realization it was just so like eerie and I felt kind of sad but then I also felt like oh it
It's just creepy that there are these people in like this world like just who aren't who they say they are. You know, it's kind of upsetting of like how many people that she's encountered like she knows him because she's met both versions of him. And he has that good visual tell of like that scar on his hand that we can tell that it's still him. But so many other people she would just never know if they were
are a product of the substance or not. How many people who have successful careers in this world are just the young versions of an older person? I was thinking about that actually applied to real life too. I wonder how many of these older actors out there are also these younger actors at the same time.
I mean, that's kind of what they're talking about, though, like in the sense of like that, like how I guess it is literally extent, but like that, like how much phoniness there is about like for men and women, like as they age, they put filler and get plastic surgery, all these things that kind of like undo the natural march of time because they tell themselves that that's what well, it's not just them telling themselves, it's the whole industry and society of beauty standards saying that like,
No, you need to like reverse this and not be old or like you won't matter. And yeah, I think I think the movies like say like, yeah, that like that phoniness people being something they're not that's like that does happen to a lesser like to a different kind of degree than in the movie, but that is going on.
I think it's also saying to like or it's like kind of drawing these comparisons saying that like the Older generation and the younger generation are kind of the same in a way They're both like slobs in different kinds of ways. They're both like equally Irritating each other just in different kinds of ways They're both incredibly selfish
It's because the main difference between like what besides this, the younger body, what is the difference between Sue and Elizabeth? She's more willing, I guess, because Sue sees her youth like her being the useful one that like needs to do everything. She's more willing to sacrifice that older version, but
Elizabeth is also incredibly selfish, so it's not like that that came from nowhere, that that wasn't a part of her before the split. That just became magnified in her younger self.
Yeah, and she doesn't even like really fully realize or like care about the fact that you need this older person. You need them around. You need to care about them. As they start to die, you start to die. I do really like too how
neither of them can really take accountability when they're in control. They're just they're always blaming the other one for what they inherited or like the circumstance. And I always love the operators like response to that because they're referring to Sue or Elizabeth as different people when they talk about them. And I would be like, well, no, there's not her like there's only you like you are like in the he just repeats like basically the idea of the instruction video of like
there's only one, you are the matrix, it all comes from you, like this is all, there isn't a you in her, it's just, you're the same. Yeah, and you have this older generation, just this older person being like, this person's so selfish, they're irresponsible, they're careless, and then you have the younger person being like, well, the older person doesn't deserve this, they're not equal, I need this, it's,
It's very cool, you know? I know it's like on the surface and I'm probably not like adding more to the conversation, but I'm just talking about what's there, you know?
I don't think it has to be deeper than that. I think I think that's already saying a lot and commenting on very real stuff without, you know, like, like, again, like I said before, I don't need this movie to be subtle or like be hiding its messages to be effective. I think I think the unsubtle is to its benefit and helps. I mean, the it already has like a heightened tone like that. I would.
You know, I brought Cronenberg earlier and as I've been getting more into them, more into Cronenberg and watching his stuff, because it kind of took me a while to get around around him. I was kind of like, oh, I don't know. It might be too gross for me. But now I love his movies. I like that at first you said Cronenberg plural, though, because this did remind me a little bit of Possessor, too.
Oh, 100 Possessors got the duality, like multiple used vying for control. And honestly, if we're talking about other David directors, David Lynch has a lot of doppelganger, multiple used stuff in a lot of his work.
I thought about that for a little bit during during parts of this. I mean, I'm sure maybe because I before we went on mic, I brought up that my brother shot out Bergman's persona and that like he was seeing like a lot of thematic similarities in this. I'm sure both David Cronenberg and Lynch were probably taking things, some at least thematic stuff from from that.

Homages and Casting Speculations

I mean, Bergman was pretty influential because I can only assume that they
were at least aware of or coming from that when they did their stuff. So like, yeah, there's all these other echoes of familiar things in it. You were talking about Perfect Blue also. Perfect Blue, yeah, yeah. That movie Satoshi Kon ripped off of Darren Aronofsky. Yeah, the movie he stole. He stole for sure. Like when Paprika stole Inception.
years before Inception even came out. I don't know how he did that, but it was pretty dastardly. Dream-thiefed it from Nolan. I mean, Nolan did say, I think, he had been writing that idea, he had that idea for a while of dream-thiefs, and like Tenet, or not Tenet, Inception was just when he got around to it. One thing I was wondering, because you bring up that Nolan had this idea for a while, kind of,
I don't know why it made me think of this thought I had while watching the movie but do you think this movie was written just with a general like demi more like type of actress in mind or do you think like
Demi Moore was actually the actress who this was written for. That's stuff that kind of interests me. I'd like to know what was in the filmmaker's mind if there was someone specific they were thinking about or if they just got really lucky and struggled with Demi Moore.
I would love to know that too. I need to look up some interviews because, yeah, a lot of times when these movies work out or are so iconic, you find the backstory of like, oh, this was kind of accidental. Like their first choice was blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, a good, this is a tangent, but a good recent example of that that I'd read recently is that in First Blood, the first Rambo movie, Kirk Douglas was originally going to be like the major at the end. You know, like when when the army guy is like trying to bring Rambo in after he's been like fighting the National Guard and the cops and they're like, hey, you need to like stand down.
that was going to be Kirk Douglas. And it was originally going to be like, first of all, it was based off a book. And in the book, when Rambo like loses it, he's actually going on like a literal killing spree, like he's killing cops and the National Guard and stuff. And so in that final confrontation, like that Colonel kills Rambo because he can't talk him down, you know, the idea is that once he's activated, he can't be shut down and he just needs to be stopped.
And so that's that that that Colonel, who would have been Kirk Douglas, kills, kills Rambo. And so he left the movie because he's like, oh, I wanted that ending where Rambo dies. Which is funny because then there wouldn't have been a franchise. And then later he said to like Sylvester Stallone was like, yeah, I almost talked you out of making millions of dollars like that. There wouldn't have been a franchise if they had done the I don't know. Maybe that would have been a better ending. I should have done that ending.
Maybe. Maybe. We'll have to see. We'll film it, and then we'll... We'll compare it. ... splice it in there. Yeah, we'll compare. We'll use Kirk Douglas to... We'll use AI to recreate Kirk Douglas tastefully. We'll have his family's permission. Yep. And then we'll get his best friend to sign off on it, too.
Gotta really make sure the family and best friend like that's that's what Disney's realizing now. They didn't get the best friends Okay Really is gonna cause some problems. Yeah meant so the substance this movie I really I
I'm always curious what's going to happen with time, but this is a movie that I really kind of hope ends up becoming like a horror cult classic.

Horror Genre's Creativity and Awards Speculation

I hope this is a movie that people continue to talk about and reference.
I think it kind of deserves that. A lot of horror movies this year deserve that. This is a great year for really unique and specific horror. Even though it's horror that like does where its influence is on its sleeve, I would consider it like horror with pretty... that takes like premises... premises is that premises? I don't know which is the correct... premises that we've kind of seen before and takes them to really creative and awesome places.
Yeah, I co-sign this has been just a great year for movies overall, but especially horror. And like you said, like they're they're original, like they're not IP or franchise based, even if like other stuff we've like long legs had some very obvious inspirations it was drawing from of other stuff. But it's like it's still an original movie. It's using those ideas and imagery or moods in like new contexts. It's doing new stuff with it. And I'm always going to prefer that to
You know, there's been several bigger franchise stuff that's returned this year that we both didn't care for to different degrees. And it's like, yeah, I really it just really makes me appreciate the actual original stuff being made. And a lot of the time, at least these days, the way the industry works, like you're going to see that in horror because that's just outside of it. It's harder to take those chances on something that's unknown.
Yeah, I do you think this movie is going to do good at the box office? I don't know if it'll be a box office like hits. I think the word of mouth in the critical praise will like.
will definitely lead to I think it has a shot and is maybe already happening that it'll become some kind of cult classic. And even I think of this more. I'm more of a more cynical mindset and I don't expect much from like the major awards bodies like the Oscars. But like my brother was coming out of this thinking like, oh, Demi Moore could get nominated. Margaret Qualley got
get nominated for it even though this is a wild like gross horror movie like the circumstances of like especially Demi Moore you know like they like rewarding someone who's like paid their dues and like been around in the industry for a while and they almost there's almost like a
Not that she like fell off or anything, but it almost is like a comeback narrative like, oh, yeah, she's back on top with this great movie that everyone loves. And like they do like rewarding stuff like that. So I could see her getting the nomination. I don't know offhand like what her other competition would be that she would actually win. But like that would that would be cool. It would be your that's not the first time I've heard people talk about Demi Moore getting
Um, some type of nomination for this. That would be awesome. I would, like, lose it. I think she deserves- I mean, it's one of my favorite performances of the year, so it's- It's coming out late in the year to where it's like, it won't be like us or hereditary to where you could say, oh, it was like too early in the year. Even though hereditary was like July, that's still like right in the middle. I could see that getting overlooked, but
Yeah, I'm hoping we see something from it, you know? I know it's like not cool to be into like awards right now. There's two reasons why I enjoy the awards run. I like seeing movies I enjoy getting like recognition and attention on like
That's my reality TV, just watching the Oscars. It's like every other year. Has anything on any of the Real Housewife shows been as exciting as Will Smith slapping Chris Rock? I don't think so. Yeah, seeing that live. Ever since I turned off the TV,
a major scale.
right after they announced that La La Land won and didn't care about the speeches, right after I turned that off and didn't find out until the next day about the Moonlight debacle and all of that. After that, I was like, I'm just going to watch the Oscars every year and just watch it all the way through. Just scheduled programming.
Every year. I agree for both of those reasons. And it's like even when the things that I don't 100 percent agree with winning or the things that I wanted to like, I don't know, I'm still into it, at least at least for the Oscars, other awards, stuff of kind of even as big of a TV person has been at times like the Emmy's kind of came and went for me. And I was like, I was like, oh, Shogun broke some records. That's that's neat. I'm definitely going to get around to watching that. I haven't seen Shogun yet.
But a lot of people love it. It's always a surprise when the fucking Emmys are on TV. I'm like, what? This is happening. This came out of nowhere. Yeah. Who could have guessed? Did they advertise this? So like, what is happening? And did Jimmy Kimmel host them?
I think he's, there's only like three people allowed to host stuff like that anymore. Like it's Kimmel and then, who else? I don't know. Like, I don't even know Seth MacFarlane's asked to host stuff again. Didn't some people not like it when he did stuff in the past? Oh, I don't know. I'm fine with Kimmel. He's a talk show host that I enjoy, so yeah. Yeah, I don't have any beef with him. I just feel like,
Like, who's our Billy Crystal? You know, like the like when people like the Alzheimer Oscar hosts Pantheon. Like, I don't know if we have anyone on that level like now, like a new person. Like if John Mulaney actually hosted, he could be the new Billy Crystal.
I just like Kimmel because he he doesn't go full into how the old talk show host used to be but he's one of the only ones who still will show his resentment or disdain like with a guest or like when he's in at the Oscars he'll like yeah show his resentment for what's happening in the moment if he's feeling it
Yeah, yeah, I guess to a degree, I don't know, it always feels like safe resentment or like that he's showing it in a joking way that he knows will be fine and not actually offend anyone. He seems pretty inoffensive to me. Uh, sometimes, the Joaquin Phoenix stuff, there were moments where I was like, damn, he feels like he's kind of being a bully a little bit. I was like,
I was like, Joaquin, why do you keep coming back on these shows, man? Just go to Jimmy Fallon, a guy who's gonna be silly and like say how much he loves you the whole time. Don't go on shows with people who are gonna fucking challenge you and make fun of your shtick, you know?
We need to have a separate Joaquin corner, Joaquin talk. There's been a lot of Joaquin stories lately of like, did you hear that gay detective musical he walked off of? Like, yeah, that he was like producing, I think like right before they were ready to film. And then all these other stories start, sort of like, apparently that's like a regular thing. Like he regularly will just bail on shit. And it's like, damn, like, why does he keep getting hired? Then if that's like everyone knows that he does that.
Well, the one that he walked off of recently, he got that up and off the ground. And he was like a producer and co-writer on it or something. Yeah. So yeah, that's good. He brought that into existence and then walked away from it. It's wild. Apparently James McAvoy said he was originally going to be split walking.
Really? Then he walked off? Yeah, he was cast, they'd written it, they were ready to film, and then he was like, later.
And then McAvoy was like, yeah, I guess I can play 13 characters or whatever. I'll just pull this out of my back pocket. Oh, by the way, I could just do that. That's a weird move. I'd like to know what's going on with all that. What's it called? Yeah, Joker Folly Ado. We're going to be reviewing that soon. I heard that movie's bad. I've been hearing a lot. The advance reviews for it. People have been saying it sounds like he made a purposely bad movie.
I saw that reaction to it, but then also it's pretty much on par with the first Joker did not get good advanced reviews. People like the festivals it screened at weren't like, yeah, it was about at the same place critically in terms of like, if we're just going by like the rotten tomato, like it was kind of, this was like par for the course for Joker one. So like, I thought it, I don't remember. I thought it had like good reviews out of like can and everything.
It got some applause or like an ovation. Didn't it get like a 37 hour standing ovation or something? Yeah, but they do that for literally every move. Todd Phillips like got elected president of Europe.
That's always crazy when I hear of like, I can clap for like 10 seconds and then I'm done. Like I can, doing a half a minute of applause is pushing it. And so like, I have to stand for like a half hour in applause, like that sounds
dumb about doing that. I'll bail on a standing ovation real quick. I'll just be like, I got to go to the bathroom while everybody's standing here clapping. I could take two bathroom breaks in that, you know, typical cans or any film festival standing ovation. At some festival, didn't Adam Driver just like light up a cigarette? Like like because he was like, oh, this is going to be a while. So he was like, has a cigarette.
He doesn't even smoke. I just brought these because I knew the ovations were gonna be wrong. It's more of a statement that I'm making. He wouldn't do that. That was his kneeling during this national anthem. Smoking a cigarette. He's like, I'm rebelling against this whole country. And they're standing ovations.
this whole country of con. Yeah. No, it's an attack on France. Yeah. Well.
Maybe they just, oh, and then he later played French, right? Isn't that where Lent Fry's duel takes place? Aren't they all French? He did have a very French accent in that movie. He was like, oh, oh, the baguette. Oh, yeah. Wow, we really went to whole kinds of tan.
I mean, you know. It was Demi Moore awards talk. You know, she got us excited. We were talking Demi Moore awards. But then we also, you know, this movie talks about the phoniness of the industry and things like that. And we touched upon that a little bit. Just I don't have much more to say other than that. I just love pretty much everything about this movie. But like specifically when you were bringing up the other horror movies this year was making me think of like there's been a lot of not that like
I've I've always seen horror and comedies compatible things like one of the first franchise I got into where the Evil Dead were the rainy Evil Dead movies. So like I've always had that association, but it's like cool to see like bigger horror movies like mainstream stuff that lots of people are seeing have like these blendings of like weird humorous stuff and like this substance definitely has this I've started comparing I think I said this about the the front
room. The humor is kind of Tim and Ericy. Specifically, Tim and Eric had a horror anthology show that lasted for a couple of seasons called Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories. Shout out Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories. I don't know if you can even stream it anywhere, maybe on Adult Swim.
Honestly, it might be worked out. I might just download it or buy it because I have pretty fond memories of that show. But especially now with some of these movies, leaning into it's not just odd characters and line deliveries. There's a pacing to the editing. When they're showing those dance sequences of them filming their
their jazzercise morning show or whatever the fuck it is like and they're just like the music's pulsing we keep zooming in on them thrusting and on her butt and stuff like I was like this does feel like Tim and Eric editing it's also interesting that there is butts are so emphasized like we see yeah a lot of good butts in this movie
A lot of good butts. And this was a female director, so it's not like, you know, it was the male gaze or someone perving out. No, this is a woman tastefully deciding to show us some butts. Well, she gets cancelled tomorrow. Everyone reports that she was a monster and they weren't comfortable with all of that, you know. It's a real Lydia tar on set.
Well, the French are old perverts, so, you know, that is a known thing about them. But hopefully this is one of the good French perverts. I think she's cool so far. I want to see your first movie, Revenge. Yeah. Put that. Just tell me that. French people are perverts. I hope this is one of the good French perverts. Those are the words of Doug Davenport.
I think she's a lot of good. I think if she heard this she would laugh. She probably has a sense of humor. You gotta have a sense of humor to make something like the substance, I think. Which was the whole point I was making about the Tim and Eric comparison. It's like, this movie is very funny. But it's like, funny in a, especially by the end, like,
I'm cackling while covering my face being like, Oh my God, they're really doing this. Like the discomfort of like you fearing for what you're about to see and what you know, you're about to see. You're like, Oh, this is actually going there. You don't know what you're about to see even.
Yeah, well, because like you said, it reaches a point where it would reasonably end, but then we keep going. So you're like, are we going to do it? OK, she's really going to take the thing again. Like, oh, my God. And I think we talked around it. We talked about this vote where she rushes back to like her old hers falling apart and she takes the leftover substance. But
the actual transformation of like when we see it happen is like so wild and like, cause like leading up to, I know, we know that it's like, it's not going to go the way she wants. Cause that's against the, this doesn't work with any version of the rules that we've heard. And every time she's gone against the rules, it's been bad. Like physically there's been consequences for it so that her to just like inject this into her younger self is like,
I don't know what the fuck's gonna happen. Part of me at first was like, is she gonna be like a baby or something?
She's gonna come out just like in a useless, a body that's too young. It's like useless to her. The first time I saw the movie when the mutation happened and like you kind of start to see little glimpses of what she looks like. Like where she peeks up in the mirror and you see the top of it. Yeah, I heard somebody sighed loudly. They were like, she looks like Demi Moore. I was like,
Really no, and then I heard someone else respond like that would make sense
I was like, it doesn't, though. Not even like the fucking obscured image that we're getting. I don't know. Yeah, that was not my reaction to when we first get glimpses of what she turned to. The second time, someone actually walked out like very early on before any like gross horror happened. I think the movie just made someone generally uncomfortable.
I mean, it's lingering and very uncomfortable stuff. And yeah, it's not going to be for everyone. But I feel like if you're already at this point, like by this last 20 minutes, you just got to see it through. Like you like you got to for me, the whole movie, I was loving it and into all of it. But the last 20 minutes is what cemented it is like, oh, this is like all time or stuff for me like this is like.
This is why you make the movie is to show these last 20 minutes of insanity and it retroactively Makes alien Romulus look just so like less corny It looks like child's play like there was so much hype of like and I've still seen people have the reaction after that like oh Fettie Alvarez went so hard. I can't believe a hearty win

Personal Reflections and Anecdotes

on Romulus. I'm like oh
When I can really remember the movie being that the grossest thing is the hybrid baby at the end this like cross Mutation thing is so much better than the baby And it's happening to the main character you've been following so it's that much more devastating like this is a tragedy we're seeing unfold like even though like I said, yeah, it is very
gross and funny, but then it's also you feel for her of like this is fucking horrific that this happened to her. I mean, she did it to herself, but it's like, wow, that like this series of this shit just led to her being stuck like that because you're like, well, I don't think there's any way out of this. You know, like like the operator continually would tell her, you know, I share her older self-help aging is like you can't undo what's already been done. So it's like,
This is no going back now. Yeah Man, this movie makes me smile. This is it. I've said this a lot It's just been such a great year, but this is like yeah, it's just a special movie. I don't know Maybe it's I talked about this on like our legacy sequel things my like year of sobriety Maybe it's a sobriety and I'm just loving movies too much, but god damn it like this movie is so special this movie fucking hit I
It shouldn't have worked for me, but it really did. Maybe it's because it's something that, like... Maybe because movies, like, that gross me out are, like, are so extreme, like... Maybe because I broke down this wall and, like, actually sat down and watched it in a theater. Maybe that's why I love it and it worked for me so much and it feels so special because I don't really enjoy movies like this that often.
Yeah, well now we gotta debrook your cherry. Now we're just gonna watch all the Cronenberg movies where you're watching Crash tonight. You're gonna get back to me on how much it's gonna be your favorite movie. Oh, I've been thinking about rewatching The Fly. I actually really...
Love the fly. I don't know why it's not on my all-time movies. Yes someone so when I first cut off my long hair a Band member of mine said that I looked like Jeff Goldblum, but Jeff Goldblum from the fly specifically that's what they were referencing and they kept calling me Brenda fly and
Yeah, and that like lasted for a while because I had short hair for a couple of years before I grew her back and My friend Caitlin Keller shout out to Caitlin Her last name is different now. I think she's married but uh for Christmas I want to say she got me a blu-ray copy of the fly and it was like I
So like of that time and what was happening in my life It's one of my I mean, it's a blue where you can get anywhere but it's one of my like most cherished movies I own because it's so of that moment of like when I got that nickname and what was happening in my life and I like I
Watched the fly for the first time shortly after that this was back in like 2015 I think and Yeah, I've loved that movie ever since it's very special movie I know like that tangent was long, but maybe that's where this love the love for this movie comes from a little bit. You know I
The fly connects to this. I forgot if that was after we went off mic between parts, but there's definitely a lot of fly esque stuff in her transfer me specifically the parts that was recalling to me is like towards the end when she's racing to get to the the remaining leftover.
substance and like her teeth are falling out like years are falling. I was like, that that that's this is the fly. And because that shit's so gross in both this and the fly and the fly similarly has it like, yeah, this is gross, this is awful. But then there's like this really tragic nature to it. It's not just like gross shock horror. And I think
both of these filmmakers are very like that's that's I could still enjoy something if it just was for the shock value and there wasn't really any higher purpose to it. Like I'm not saying like that doesn't also have its own value. But like when they're actually using it to tell a story or convey these ideas or messages, like it makes it it makes it harder. And I and I appreciate and respect it more like that. That's the substance works for me because it's actually like
doing something with this imagery. It's not just like showing you it just to show you gross shit. I wanted to shout out the sound design for this movie too. There's specific elements where they really use sound to make you feel weird or uncomfortable and a couple of them are
Demi Moore when she's at this little cafe she takes one glove off and then goes to take the other and you can hear like a little sound it's like a Kind of sound and it it's like I don't know if it's supposed to be the sound of like her bone rattling at first I was like damn did she accidentally like take off a nail or something when she was taking that one finger so brittle and like withered that you're like Oh my god, did she snap it off or something?
Yeah, and she doesn't take the glove off and like nothing happened but like that sound design like is so Unsettling and when she's like walking around with her mouth closed because her teeth are falling out You can almost hear it sounds like teeth rattling in her mouth and it's like oh my god It makes it like so uncomfortable and then the final sound design moment is almost it's a the birthing moments when they
first come out of the back. And it's almost like an underwater kind of sound that you're getting. And you hear that when Margaret Qualley is looking in the mirror and everything. And I love that intro thing of her examining herself, her face and everything in the mirror. It looks so clear and pristine and just beautiful on the fucking
the movie screen and honestly that's why when I was like this is why you get a woman to direct these like nudity moments I think because it just it looked gorgeous just the way it was shot and framed and it looked like it was handled with a lot of care it's
It's very different vibe if it was telling the same story with the same images and it was directed by a guy like it just it just helps you feel comfortable about the whole thing. Like I don't have I don't I'm feeling uneasy for the characters in the scenario in the movie, but I don't I'm not like worried about the actresses experience filming it like I at least I trust from what I've seen and heard of like, OK, I think
everyone was taken care of here. I want sick, nasty shit in my movies, but I wanted to be ethically sourced. Yeah, I agree. You got any final thoughts on the substance?
Just I that I love it and I I can't wait. I mean, like I said, I got to see For gay I'm I know I'm so bad at with with names I'm gonna I'm going to get the pronunciation of her name, right? Cuz I think I after substance and I from based on what I've heard I'm probably gonna like revenge that I'm just gonna be
one of her biggest cheerleaders. And yeah, I'm really looking forward to whatever she does next. This is like a unique, you know, we list all these things that like this movie reminded us of or like things that were echoes of it. But this is like a fully unique filmmaking voice that it feels like to me that like there's no one else making stuff with this precise tone and visual language that she's using here. And that's that's exciting. That it's like, oh, shit, I got it, I got to see
she does next. Yeah, she rules. This movie is the bee's knees. It's fucking, I'm so glad it exists. I got, I sound like a broken record. At least I feel that way because of like how many like horror movies have been so good this year, but this, it's a fucking special awesome horror movie. I'm glad it exists.

Theater Experience and Audience Reactions

It has, it's just,
It's got all the right things. It's got so many things that I love and it's influenced by so many things that I love and it's got things in it that pushed me as a viewer outside of my comfort zone into an area that I don't always love being and I'm glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone for this. It doesn't always work out but
There are times where it does I pull the trigger and I see the upsetting movie in theaters like Ra or you know the substance but It really paid off and this movie's special. It's one of those you know
Intense body horror movies that like I get to say that I love this time and I've seen and it's it's fucking awesome You know I'm glad I have this it's probably gonna be in my top 10. It's it's very memorable in almost every way and I noticed new things about it the second time around and found new things to appreciate and
I feel like wherever it ends up in my top 10 this year, I feel like it's gonna probably grow and end up higher and higher on rewatch. I feel like it's probably gonna be one of those movies for me that I enjoy the more that I watch it and I take away something new every time I watch it. It feels that way. I can see it being the way. And I'm glad this movie exists and is in my life now.
Um, yeah, I echo all of that. I'm similarly glad just, just to have this in like, I'm, I'm so excited to see it again. Like I already have an extremely high opinion of it, but I have the feeling that like I'm going to find new things to appreciate or like little details that like.
I didn't pick up on before. And yeah, if you're someone who similarly to Nick is like sometimes body horror or gross stuff like that, you struggle with it, you know, like I know some people probably who haven't seen it listen through the spoilers because I know some people like when they've heard how gross this movie is, they're like, well, I'm going to read the Wikipedia summary of it and just see how gross it is. And like, you know, some people want to want the spoilers beforehand that kind of helps them deal with
the thing that they're about to see. But and so so if you're in that boat, just just just give it a try. Just go see it. You know, I think if you made it through us describing some of that stuff and you still think you might want to see this, I think you should see it. I think I think I think everyone should give this a shot, even if it's not normally their kind of thing. It's just that's how good it is.
Yeah, if you can't if the idea of seeing it in a theater where it's just like in front of you and you're just surrounded by it if that sounds like a lot because it
It is different seeing it in a theater. There is a little bit more anxiety, I think, that comes from seeing a horror movie or a movie that has a reputation for being gross in a movie theater. Because you're there. You're so there. You can't pause it. But this movie is going to be on movie in the near future. So you'll be able to watch it at home. And I would recommend that.
I would still recommend seeing it in theaters before at home. I don't know, I feel like this is definitely, it'll replay well at home still because it's just that good, but like, seeing it, just seeing it communally, like, I don't, like, I get what you're saying. Well, I was saying if it's like too much for you, like, there'll be a way to see it without having to spend like $25 to rent it, you can like, I don't know how expensive movie is, but you could probably get a free trial for a movie, so you're not like,
Paying a crazy crazy price for something that like you might not even be able to sit all the way through For me stuff on a big screen with a theater. I feel safer You know like it's because it's the communal experience like it's actually scarier for me to watch stuff alone so I mean I was basically alone in both times I saw it I I
I don't know if it's just the movie theater or like if Transformers 1 is just like fucking dominating so hard right now. I think it has been cleaning up. There hasn't been more than like four other people in the theater with me. Both times I've seen it. I wonder how people are feeling. Everyone's like for the most part has been like not reacting.
like, to anything from the movie. Aside from the dude who walked out before any gross shit happened, like, um... Yeah, you didn't hear people going like, ah! Ooh! I didn't, like, see any, like, squirming or, like, hear any, like, oh god, you know? Like, I feel like I was, like, the one squirming. That was me watching it. I was going like, oh, Jesus. Oh, fuck. Yeah, I feel like that, yeah, I was, yeah, the guy, too, in the theater.
It was either hearing me like squirm or make some noise or just hearing me fucking munch munch on whatever food I was eating during this thing It didn't deter me there were moments though where I was like fuck I could potentially throw up if they take this to a specific like to a certain degree and The movie doesn't really get there um
level of gore and for that I appreciate that you give it one star and yeah No for that. I appreciate it. It's not like punishing it has gore without being like you You guys are pussies. You know it's yeah. I don't know
Good movie. Good movie. Good movie. Two thumbs up. I mean, yeah, I don't know that I have much else to say other than like, yeah, I love it. And I want to see it again. Yeah, I guess maybe, especially around us, maybe some of these times won't be as cry. I want to see it with like an actual crowd. Like I don't know how possible because I feel like this would crush with like a pack theater.
I was gonna say this would do really good I think with a city crowd but then I remembered like when I saw Killing of a Sacred Deer that movie like it was just it was dead except for me and like the person that I saw it with we were like loving it and laughing and Killing of a Sacred Deer was like a great time and
Yeah, I don't know. With the right crowd, this movie would be a fucking blast. Yeah, with the crowd that I saw in A Violent Nature with, this movie would be a blast. Because that was a crowd that was fucking cheering and laughing at every moment. It made that movie...
elevated, elevated horror. I still need to see it in a violent nature. Damn, there's so much horror this year that I'm not even like fully caught up. That's that's that's exciting.

Closing Remarks and Future Endeavors

I don't know. As a horror fan, it just has a movie fan. It's it's exciting time. There's lots of lots of great stuff. I think we should do a commentary on in a violent nature. I still kind of think that especially if it was your first time watching it, I think it would be a pretty fun time.
Ooh, okay. Yeah, a lot of room to talk, you know, dialogue's not important, so it would just be, yeah. Oh, he's just walking again, okay. There's a walking move. There's all the negative reviews, like, oh, this is just the movie about walking. Yeah, watch this if you just want to see someone walk. Oh, it's so boring. It's like, guys, like, did you not know what you were put- people are such assholes.
It's like, have you not seen Rob Zombie's Halloween 2, one of the top walking movies, horror movies of all time? Yeah, have you not seen? Like, Michael's walking, capital W in that movie. Yeah, have you not seen the smash hit, Billy Lynn's long halftime walk? That whole movie is a walk. Yeah, and it's a blockbuster hit, The Walk. That movie's a walk, or has a walk in it.
Uh, walk hard. Uh, I think he walks at some point in that. Yeah. We're losing the thread here. Yeah. Um, I don't know if you go to like a Chinese restaurant, they might have a walk in there somewhere.
Go see the substance, it's in theaters.
If you made it this far. Yeah. Read and review is five stars. Subscribe. Yeah. I mean, are we doing plugs? I was just, you know, that was such a good bit. I think they're going to want to see what we got going on next. Oh, I agree. I mean, I think I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm ready to. We don't ask. Yeah, we could do our plugs though. I was just saying like, that was a five star bit. Rate is five stars.
Just for the bit, there was another bit you had earlier in the review that I'm already forgetting now that had me cracking up with that one. It was so memorable, you already forgot it. It was so memorable it was that I was like, can't wait to get that out of my head. We have fun folks. Yeah, there's something I said off mic that I can't remember what it was, but it went over pretty well.
No, but there was something on mic that you got me with too, or I don't know. You're funny. I don't know. You say funny stuff sometimes. You're funny too, Doug. This is a- Funny, look it! Oh! No, Doug's funny. I've heard from a lot of people who listen that Doug's funny. They never say I'm funny. They're always like, yeah, you guys are good. Doug's really funny.
That's it. Are you sure they're not just like doing a pun because Doug Funny is the character in Doug? I see what you're doing. I don't think, you know, the people who are saying this are smart enough to make that walk. I'm kidding. I think they're huge Doug heads. I think it was a Doug fandom out there. I was like, what is Doug's theme song? But isn't it just like, there was something like. It's like, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. But then there is the.
Yeah, that's like the score like somebody's standing like there's like transition Music that's almost like Seinfeld like that like he would that has that I don't know. I think I like that. Let's bring that back Reboot duck. Yep. Yeah, Doug's first movie Big big part of my life Doug's first movie the only movie I
It's funny, they called it his first movie. Or is it his big movie? No, I think, yeah. It's his movie. He got a movie. Some people don't even get one. Doug got a movie. Not our Doug. Well, not yet. That's when I reboot Doug. That's when I get it. No. We're talking about the Doug who's got a blue friend named Skeeter.
He has a blue friend named Skeeter that goes honk honk when he talks to be like, hey Doug, how's it going honk honk? Jesus. It's a part of his condition. That's why he's blue. He took the substance and that's what came out. Tie it back. See, I can pivot back to anything. Doug's first movie is kind of Cronenberg-y, actually.
I don't remember it. There's a monster. It's a monster movie. Oh, there's like a Loch Ness monster kind of thing, isn't there? Yeah. That was in the Doug movie. Oh my God. Wow.
only it reinforced my obsession with the Loch Ness Monster like in real world Loch Ness Monster as a kid I was just like Nessie's real this is important why aren't we always talking about this like yeah turn on the news and you're like okay they're just talking about some war somewhere some politician like what's where are the cameras at Loch Ness like come on let's see let's get under that water send James Cameron down there let's find Nessie
Now that you mentioned it, Whiplash is in theaters right now. You were talking about Smooth Jazz earlier. I was trying to make it seem like the Loch Ness Monster and Whiplash. I don't know. Damien Chazelle should do the Doug movie. But speaking of Smooth Jazz, the Smooth Jazz that was in Doug. I almost saw Whiplash in theaters actually.
When I walked up to see the substance I saw Whiplash was playing and it like had just started And I was like fuck am I about to go see Whiplash in theaters right now, but I might go see Whiplash tonight actually I mean good movie would be a good move to make yeah, I haven't rewatched it in a bit Yeah, it'd probably be be good that one to see on a big screen
I would have to leave in 20 minutes, but did you have more on the Loch Ness Monster? Well, that's gonna be a separate Loch Ness Monster podcast, so look out for that. And I don't mean a bonus episode, I just mean I'll start a podcast about Nessie, not even just Cryptid, specifically just the Loch Ness Monster. Every episode will go through a different sighting or something. I don't know.
I don't know what I'm saying. Obviously we've been going to, we're getting, we're getting pretty silly here, but, uh, uh, my actual plugs or things to talk about are, uh, you could follow the show's Twitter at guys got juice. And there's also my personal Twitter at Doug or not underscore two. I'm kind of starting to log stuff on letterbox again. Uh, the Doug or not follow me on there.
You can follow us on Instagram at theseguysgotjuicepod. You can follow me on Instagram, I guess, at Nick, the letter E, then Minaj93. If you want to see whatever I'm up to over there, NickiMinaj93. And then Letterboxd, I'm Nicholas Ewers, and I'm Nick Ewers. I'm Doug Damport. And we're theseguysgotjuice.
Close enough. Have a good night. Good night.
Have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself? Younger? More beautiful? More perfect? One single injection unlocks your DNA, starting a new cellular division that will release another version of yourself. This is the substance. You are the matrix. Everything comes from you. Everything is you. This is a s- Ah, fuck. Damn it. Close.