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Episode 141- The Bad Batch Season 3 Recap Eps 1-3 image

Episode 141- The Bad Batch Season 3 Recap Eps 1-3

The GALactic Podcast
136 Plays1 year ago

Welcome to The GALactic Podcast! In this episode, Andrea and Lauren chat about The Bad Batch Season 3 episodes 1 thru 3! The final season has arrived. Omega has been gone for how long? We have a puppy on the team! Can we trust Emerie? They talk these topics and much more Go listen and enjoy!

Reminder to rate and review where available! And as always, May that force be with you!


Introduction to the Podcast and Hosts

hello everyone and welcome to the Glad to podcast. I'm Lauren Romo with me as always is my cousin and fellow nerd Andrea Gutierrez. I like lurka hounds. We stand lurka hounds around here. What's going on? I love Batcha.
Cute Badger. I think we got a dog in the crew now. Come on. I know. You gotta have a dog. You gotta have one. Lauren, you need a dog. You got a cat. Believe me. I got a cat and I love my cat. I do love dogs, so you know that. We've grown up with dogs. We're up with dogs, so eventually I will get a dog, though, for sure. All right, kids, we're back. We're here. We're ready for some Bad Batch Talk. Whoo! What a start. What a start, Ange. I'm excited. We got a lot to talk about.
So before we dive into all the fun stuff though, if this is your first time listening to us,

Focus on Star Wars and Bad Batch Season

welcome. We are a Star Wars podcast that discuss anything and everything within that galaxy far, far away. In each episode, we will dive into one or two topics and have a general discussion on them. Topics could be movies, TV series, books, comics, a specific character, you name it. And we talk about it. All right, Ange, we're back, baby. Full throttle, we are back with our Bad Batch team.
Wow. Not all. Not all. R.I.P. to a real one tech. But yeah, we we are back with our crew that we that we have now. And man, what a start to season three. I'm excited to talk about what went down because I think there is especially in two of those episodes. Well, all three really had a lot of information. We'll dive into it.
But man, there's some heavy stuff, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy stuff in these episodes. So as we always do, Ang, let's start with overall thoughts, feelings, how we watch the usual.

Themes and Animation in Bad Batch

So start us off, how'd everything go down for you? What'd you feel? How'd you think? Let's talk about it.
Yeah, I did not wake up early and watch it. I had to work and work was pretty important this week, so I kind of couldn't be my normal self where I'm like, oh, I'm going to hide in my office and watch it.
Um, so I, and I stayed off of Twitter, you know, when you're, you stay off of Twitter and then Twitter tries to like bait you into like going on it, like it gives you like notifications of someone posted this, like I was like, what? So, um.
Yeah, I didn't think there was, I mean, after watching it, there wasn't anything spoilery, but I just didn't want anybody's opinions. I just wanted to go in. And I loved it. I really did. The first episode, it was slow, but it was a good, slow burn. It's almost like, this is the last season of this. This is the last time we're gonna see this. I'm cool with dragging it out, you know?
And then the second episode with Wrecker and Hunter was outstanding, just really fun, dark, creepy, just what I love about this show. And then season, I mean, not season three, episode three really just kind of put us in place of like what we're expecting for the rest of the season. And I'm excited. I'm excited. Everything was great.
Yeah, it's gonna be a ride. I mean, just by what we saw in these first three episodes, it's gonna be wild. And I totally agree.

Analysis of Season 3 and Episode Themes

So I was able to, I watched it in the morning before I went to work and I had the earphone ends, the ear pods in, so I got the full effect.
Can we just stand and applause the Kinders? I know. Like that family knows how to play Star Wars music. Dude, episode three, every sound was intentional and was perfect for the mood and what was going on. It was amazing. No, they, I mean, they're, they're ridiculous. They're just absolutely ridiculous.
And like you said, you know the first episode I liked it was that slow but it was just it was what I liked about and or information a Lot of information and it was a good like catching up point, right? I even I usually I don't skip a
Usually I skip I will always I usually skip like the previously on stuff this time I watched it Just to see like what they would show and I and I really actually I liked what they did With that because they showed I think really good big moments big points. I'll see the whole tech Tech falling and just all that like it was a good like okay good reminder of Like okay, this is where we are and they just jump you right in You know and you again the animation
god where i just give me a new full give me a movie man there's gotta be like a movie another show with this type of animation like this can't be it no it can't because this animation is too good it's too good i loved how the first episode made you feel
the anxiousness that was probably felt by Omega in the lab, those drawn out piano strikes that were just repetitive, it just made you feel like
this is going to be it and I'm stuck here and I wish I wasn't like that it was it didn't like put me in this it's so like strange to like describe it it but it put you in and being there in the uncomfortableness and the anxiousness of it it was so like perfectly like performed
No, you're 100% right. The ticking of the vials going around, it was just perfect, right? Because it just gave you that, like you're saying, the anxiety, especially in that last episode of like, oh God, they're going to get to Omega, right? So it's like the timer, right? It was just, oh, it's so good. They use the sound so well. And like we said, the music,
the animation. I mean, that first shot of the episode, in episode one, I swear those were real freaking trees, man. I swear to God that animation is so good. And then even in the next episode, when Hunter and Wrecker see the lab,
that shot of like just that scope shot that like just you know man it's just good i mean again give me a new full theatrical animation star wars movie it's time it's time the animation is it's it's perfect it's just there now to do so again i love what they did in these first three episodes obviously to keep going on my overall thoughts again it's
They put you back into where we left off and it's pushing the storylines forward. What we have talked about with the empire, right? What's going on behind the scenes. We're going to dive into all that in a little bit.
And then again, just catching up with the crew that we have, right? With Omega, with Crosshair, with Wrecker, with Hunter, right? We see where they are, what has been going on these past few months, which I did figure out, we'll talk about it, but I didn't count, but like I figured out the dashes on the
On the on the wall on a wall. Yeah.

Clone Cadets and Empire Experiments

Yeah, I think I figured it out. I think if honestly Alex Damon shout out to Alex Amalia as always Star Wars explain. Mm-hmm. He did it obviously in his video first So funny like he figured it out and then I when I was watching I was like, okay Yeah, that math checks out Alex. Good job. The math math checks out but it was it's just it's fun being back with this With this animation but with this crew specifically, right?
I just love it. I love what they're doing, what we're going to get into, because there's just a lot.
that they can tie in and you, I think, Ann, you talked about it, I think last time we kind of talked about the trailer of how they can really combine and really connect like the sequel trilogy with some stuff, right? And beyond. I mean, we already got there in episode three with a mention of Project Necromancer, so very cool. Right, right.
so there's a lot there's a lot that they can again there it's i feel like and people have said this and i totally agree the bad batch will be that show that enhances i'm not gonna say it's gonna make it better i'm not gonna whatever with the sequel trilogy i both andrea and i like the sequel trilogy for what it was for what it is
Yeah, absolutely. If you listen to our reviews on those movies, well, specifically the Trost one, you know what our thoughts and feelings were. But overall, we like we enjoy those movies. But it's things like
the bad batch and what like the Clone Wars did for the prequel trilogy to enhance, not to make it better, but to enhance those movies. This is what I think the bad batch. This is what I think these live action shows are going to do, right? They're going to enhance the sequel trilogy.
and then connect it all. And that's what I'm really looking forward to because the empires, the empire, Palpatine's Palpatine, he's still doing his stuff. And we got that full effect in these episodes too.
Uh, let's dive into it. So first of all, let's go with the first episode was called. Confined. Confined. Confined. It was, uh, directors were Brad row and then saw Ruiz, uh, obviously writers, uh, that are checking on IMBD or day floating George Lucas, Jennifer Corbett. Uh, and then episode two.
was called Paths Unknown. And that was, again, directors of Brad Row, Nathaniel Villanueva, who I've seen, I'm pretty sure has done other bad batch shows before. And again, writers, Filoni Lucas Corbett. And then episode three,
was called shadows of tantis again directors brad row steward lee as well again he has done previous bad batch stuff as well and again again uh writers were accredited are dave floney george lucas and jennifer corbin
So again, this team is good. I mean, again, I know a lot of people and we've and we say this all the time. A lot of people want to give Floney the flowers and which he deserves. But yeah, you got to give it to Jennifer Corbett, to Brandon, to Brad Rao, because those guys are really the ones doing the show like they're the directors. They are really the ones that are behind the show. Again, not that we're not disregarding Floney at all, but
It's not like he, it's not, it's not Filoni Rebels. It's, he's a part of it, right? But like, Corbin and Rao are the ones that are really steering this ship. So I really, I get it. We always want to say, yes, Filoni, but yes, also.
There's more than just him, right? I mean, he gets a lot of the recognition, but we got to give recognition as well to the other people. So definitely, you know, Jennifer Corbin has done a fantastic job. Brad Row, as well, has done a fantastic job with this series so far. So, Ange, I want to start with the Hunter Rector episode.
Okay, we're gonna start there because there's a obviously it was a Shorter episode it was just them Because there's a lot of Omega crosshair empire stuff to talk about in those yeah episodes which I want to really talk about but I want to talk about this episode first because I think I I loved it because again it was It was a second episode of the actual of the of the season but I like knowing what
What has Hunter and Wrecker been doing, right? Let's catch up with them, because obviously, previous episodes, we caught up with Omega and Crosshair. And of course, they are doing what we expected them to be doing. They're looking for Omega. And they're turning every rock and every lead that they can. And where does it lead them? Back to rolling the round. Nice touch. And I love it, right? It's a good callback.
Right. It was cool to see what obviously they brought the pike that took his horn, that disgraced the family and they brought him back in front of his mom, Lady Duran, who was voiced by I swear at first, I thought it was Helen Mirren. It sounded like Helen Mirren, but it was Angelica Houston. That's so cool. It was fabulous as well. Right.
very, very well, you know, voice actress. And she was Lady Duran. So, but I like, I like, again, I like the callback to that. I love how they got the information. And again, this is just what they know, right? So again, they're on, they're on the hunt trying to find Omega. And of course they are, right? And I just, I love that
That's the, that's never in doubt, especially when you go on their ship, right? It's not just Omega, you see text glasses, you see Lula, right? It's a constant reminder for Hunter, especially Hunter, I feel like. He's the one that I feel like, not that record doesn't want to either, but I feel like Hunter, especially even at the end of season two, this is his mission.
Like I feel like it's a little more personal for him. Would you agree with that? I feel like this is that's the vibe I get from him Yeah, he always he seems very consumed by finding Omega I think he he started to see glimpses of what his future could be and not being so soldier like and to have that taken away from him and then to also know that
There's no purpose for them out there as much. So, of course, this is like his mission. I felt like this episode was really good about showing the themes of loyalty and abandonment. It was really awesome that those kept coming back because
all the clones ever knew was

Omega's Captivity and Relationships

loyalty and now they're being abandoned by their creators and each other. It's each other. I was just going to say, yep. Yeah. And, um, it was just a really good way to explore that in a, in a short little episode with the new cadets. Yeah. I mean, that's a big thing. So it leads them, you know, they, they get a lead and leads them to an old,
lab of hemlocks that had been bombarded on, right? And we find out there are three cadets that survived. Who I think, and I can't, I believe were these ones that we saw in Clone Wars before? They by name, I can't remember if they were by name.
I know mox sounds familiar, but deacon stack doesn't like jog anything for me So my yeah mox did for me too for some reason the course that's voiced by mr. Daniel Logan. Yeah, that's question is really cool Yeah, that was nice little touch, you know again a full circle clone wars do bad batch having him voice the cadet leader Yeah, then they get to this planet and I this is where I think it really gets interesting
when it comes to the empire, is that they're doing experiments like what Mox was kind of explaining. They were doing experiments. They weren't really aware of what kind of experiments. They were doing experiments. One of them, these slither vines, got out of control.
Took over everything and then they literally had to leave because of that and they bombed it So obviously they there couldn't be any information or anything led back to the Empire Which is so again, it's so Empire and I just I love it. It's just It's just it goes with what we have known right pal. This this would be a Palpatine play right destroy any evidence right or it would just it just fits his
his narrative. But I find it fascinating that, again, how many labs have they had, right? This can't have been the only one, I feel like. So, I mean, what other places have they tried experiments and it got out of control and they had to destroy? I feel like this might not be the only one, but who knows?
But you talk about, and I like that theme that you brought up, Ang of Loyalty. When we meet those cadets, they talk about, they thought they were, when they left Camino, they were under the understanding that they were gonna continue being soldiers, but then they became test subjects. Test subjects, yeah.
And then they got, you know, once the experiments got out of control with the slither vines, the clones left and they even were like, you know, they, they left the cadets there, all their friends, you know, and they, they escaped. So it was mocks, like you said, mock stack and beak. And they even told hunter or a hunter and wrecker that like,
Yeah, that they left us. They, we, you know, they said they were following orders and they say it's that theme of loyalty where they thought they, you know, they were born and raised to be soldiers, right? And now.
They're not soldiers anymore right and I like again that kind of harkens to that last scene that we see with hunter and mocks talking about you know you you're not soldiers anymore man, this is new to you like it was due to us, you're beginning your your path like we did. You know so many years, you know, how many years it's been right so.
It's in their take them to I'm assuming. Yeah, which I love. I love that. That's what's happening with them. But yeah, it's this whole again, like you're saying the loyalty versus, you know, abandonment because God, I mean, this is what record them. This is what. Force 99 went through, right? They they had been on the run. They felt abandoned. They felt lost. This is exactly what crosshairs going through.
Right. I mean, it's, it's again, so full circle, so clone wars. So just, I love the storylines of this. So I liked this episode a lot. I liked that. We got to see where how her and record were. Right. Like you're saying short episode kind of gated pushing that story of their, you know, they're trying to get to a mega.
You know, and they, they do get some piece of information where they know the sector, not the exact planet. So at least it's a lead. So yeah, I get all around great. Again, animation is great. Music was great.
that monster, the Slythervine monster gave me Sarlacc Pit vibes. Oh, yeah. That was cool. I like that. Those little ones, those were the creepy ones. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The little mini ones were, yeah, were wild. But yeah, all around good episode. Anything else, Angel, that you kind of picked up from this episode? Any other stuff you want to bring up?
I just liked, you know, seeing new creatures, new monsters, things like that. Um, I thought when they dropped those explosives down into that somewhat sarlacc pit, like bouncing off the teeth was like a really good touch, touch, put like a little bit of suspense in there. Um, and I, I loved that they have gonky and like a power pack backpack.
Um, that was pretty cool. You know, record carrying them around. I really liked that. Um, you know, as they were talking

Empire's Cloning Plans and Crosshair's Health

about how the empire destroyed their own base, that meme of Palpatine saying ironic, just like kept popping in my head. That's a good one.
But it's like a thin line between staying loyal and just trying to preserve your own yourself. Survival. Yeah. And it was really well displayed in that last conversation with Mox and Stack to say like, no, if we can't go now, then we never will. And then for Mox to come back and say, we're soldiers. And these guys are loyal and are coming back for someone.
And that meant a lot to Mox, to see it again because it was so lost while they were in that lab. So overall, I thought it was a great episode. I loved it. Yeah. I mean, that big theme of, again, loyalty, abandonment, but finding it again in those little moments of Hunter and Wrecker just
Wanting just to get any type of information to find Their crew member right that meant like I said that meant so much to mocks and that's why again that think again a big reason why him and Stacked it and leave and went to go get them Was because of what he saw through through hunter through record through their loyalty because that's what they remembered right as cadets That's what loyalty meant to them and they're doing it again. So yeah, I think the big I think I really liked that
that conversation between Mox and Hunter. And when Mox was talking about, we're not soldiers anymore. What do we do? And Hunter's like, you have to carve your own path. And that's just, that's so big, especially for clones, right? Because where do they go? They were discarded, right? They were either taken out or they're being used as text test subjects now.
I mean, they're it's they're not even useful to the Empire anymore. Right. And we even saw that in season two, the phasing of them. Right. So, yeah, I again, it just good stuff. Good Star Wars lore building. Good. Just storytelling. I liked it a lot. I liked it a lot. Anything else before we really dive into the big parts of this three part opener? Nope. Nope. All right. Let's. Who man? Let's go to Tana's because
There's some stuff going on in that mountain that is a lot of questions, man. But we get back to Omega, and it's good to see our friend Omega. And the first time we see her on the wall, it had been 21 days. So it's only been three weeks since she got captured. And
She's with Emory, her sister, right? And then Nala Sei. And they're in the lab. She's basically back to being Nala Sei's assistant, right? It's a routine. It seems like she's been doing it since they caught her, right? She gets up. She
goes with Emory, they draw blood from the clones, she gives them to Nilesay, they do stuff, and then she goes down to the kennels, helps out with theirs, so it's a routine. She's been doing it for 21 days now, and she's kind of getting sick and tired of it, as one would
you know, do for sure. And she has a little bit of like free rein like she gets to go and see crosshair, you know, and talk to him and it was great to see his mentality of being there and I guess like maybe how his health is degrading because he has developed like that tremor in his hand which is huge for him considering that
His advantage was being a sharpshooter, and if you can't hold a gun steady, is your skill no longer needed? Is it not even possible? Yeah, again, I don't remember that either. That's something new, I think, with him and the Tremors, because I don't remember
I don't remember that in the end of the season. No, that was new. And it made me wonder, are they doing something to him to make that tremor develop? So I hope that might come back up. I hope it's just not something that's developing on its own. I mean, either way, I don't know. But I feel like it's something that the lab is doing to them. I agree.
some type of whatever they're doing to these clones or whatever they're doing to him specifically, it's affecting him. But there's that very first conversation between Omega and Crosshair, and they talk about the, when she says, you don't, what does she say? You don't trust enough. And he says, you trust too easily.
And it's true. Right. Fair point. I mean, that's very true. But I think even with Crosshair, I mean, that's true for Omega. 100% she trusts way too easily. But with Crosshair, I think he didn't, right, especially after
Order 66 right he he was only about the Empire being a good soldier I think the moment and season two when he was helping that clone right when they were at that like cold planet and he saved them and then that the officer guy was like he's expendable I'm not gonna
not going to do anything. That was a moment where I think, again, for Crosshair, that was a moment of when he started trusting, and then look what happens, right? And it just, it's like you're saying, it's his character not to trust.
Right, so she goes through that day and you see the 21 days and then the next time we see it, there are a lot more marks on the wall and it's 164 days on the one shot. So we're talking at least like five months-ish, so in five months and she's continually doing the same routine and now she's even more
robotic about

Empire's Projects and Character Motivations

it, right? Because the first time we see her with Omega, she saw Crosshair and she looked at him. Now, she just passes him, right? She's just so like, it's just, it's just her thing now, right? Hopeless. Yes, yes, that's a good word. And she is, at this point, she's hopeless about it. But then what they did, what Emery did though,
started taking vials of blood from Omega because she said it was just routine. And then obviously we learned that now let's say every time that she does that, she's been discarding it because obviously now say no, something's with Omega, which we find out later on that through what, through this experiment of they're trying to, and this is how I understand it. And is there taking who's ever blood, which is that Palpatine's? I don't know.
It's a specimen's blood, and the specimens, which we find out in episode three, is whatever they have in that highly secured lab area that looks very sith-like.
My guess, the specimens are force wielding beings because you want to be able to see, because they keep saying, does it keep the same M count or increase it, right? Right, that's what they want to do, right. They have an M count, which would make me think that they are force wielding. So is it younglings? Is it former Jedi?
Um, cause we all know like they want to be able to create a clone that has a force. That's, that's what Palpatine wants because then he can clone himself and his clones would have the force. And we know through the sequel trilogy in shadows of the Sith, there were many failed experiments where he made clones that were just clones and he.
made clones that were force wielding. So, um, I love it. I love M count. I love midichlorians. I love all that stuff. I think it's great that it's, um, brought up in this, uh, show. Yeah. It's, it's interesting. Cause yeah, who, what, who is the specimen, right? Who is it? I, is it phelps? And maybe we just don't know. And maybe even Hemlock doesn't know.
where they're getting this blood, but they're trying to, like you said, they're trying to successfully transfer that M count to another person, but keep either match or exceed that M count. That's the plan. And when we first saw Omega, so like after three weeks or whatever, they have not done that yet.
And then by the time we catch up 167 days later, they have successfully done it. But as Hemlock told Nalise, it was a diminished M-count. So they're still trying to find the one that can either match or exceed that M-count.
I like that they still don't know that Omega is special, right? She's just there to make Nala say cooperate. That's what Hemlock wants, right? Right. That's like the whole sole reason they brought her there. They have no idea that she is what she is. And I mean, we don't even really truly know what she is either. We just know that she's an
altered original clone of Django fat That's it. That's all we know So the Aussie now say was doing something And we we don't know but she knew Aussie now say knew so when the moment came for her like When she knew well, first of all the Emperor shows up
Cause he's checking on the progress. So Ian McDermott comes and gives a very great voicing performance as always as Emperor Palpatine. And so Nilesay tells Omega because Hamlock tells Nilesay he has to be with her so she can't discard the blood. So it's going to be Emory. And so she's trying to figure out what to do. So that's when she tells Omega, you have to get out of here now. Like,
Because even before that, she told, like, Omega did ask her, like, why are you doing that? And she didn't answer her. And then that's when Omega was like, we're not doing what we were doing in Camino. And she was like, nope. And she's like, it's safer this way. What a great scene. It was so sophisticated, you know, the way that Nala Se was not looking directly at Omega. And she's like whispering and like,
the fear you could detect in her voice. And then when Omega walks away, the sound, the music almost felt like it was muffled or underwater. So you knew she was deep in thought. It was such a sophisticated scene. I thought it was my highlight of the three episodes. Oh, it was good. No, it was perfect. And I think Omega even obviously kind of
figures out what's going on, because then she's trying to like stall Emory almost. And then like, doesn't really know how to do that. But she also knows she has to get Nalise's data pad. So she like obviously acts just kind of weird, Emory's like, well, just go get some rest.
and everything will be copacetic. And she's like, okay. So then she takes the tatapad, runs and goes get crosshair out of jail. First of all, though, I do want to give a shout out to the scene of her going to elevator and then kicking a mouse droid. Oh my God. That was hilarious. So good. And then the mouse droid gets all mad about it. So so good. Yeah. But again, yeah, you we we get crosshair Omega. And I love that conversation.
Because previously to that, as she goes there, it's almost like a daily thing. Again, a routine of her going to talk to him. And he's like, before this, he's like, what is your primary objective? And it's escaping. He's like, then why are you messing around? Get out of here. And again, that's when he says, he's like, if I had a chance, I would leave. I wouldn't think about
I wouldn't hesitate leaving you behind. And she's like, you're lies. And I, I, she's right. I was right. Oh yeah. She called them out because he would have, he would have for sure. So then I like how he's like, so you found a weak point and she's like, ah, kinda.
I'm just winging it. He's like, is that a joke? Really? Like, I just, I just love, I just love the seriousness of Grazier. But then she, you know, he distracts the guard. She opens his cell up. He gets out all the shenanigans. And then one of my, again, they're trying to get on a shuttle because that's what Nellisay said. Get on a shuttle and get out of here. And then of course, cause the emperor's here.
all the shuttles are docked besides his. And even Crosshair was like, you picked the worst day to do this of all days. And then I like the one point, she was like, well, let's just steal his ship. Right? Like, no, no, that's not going to happen. But then they go through the the kennels, which I do like the droids name in there is a K K9. That's like a K. I like that.
So, but they take out like the canine droid down there and then they go through Batcher's cage because previously she let him out because they were going to eliminate it based on it being injured, which Omega was able to heal it.
Did you notice when Emery showed up at that point that Crosshair switched his gun back over to stun before I shot at her? I thought that was so interesting. I like that. It was real quick, like you heard the click. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because I think again, because she did say that, you know, Emery was one of them. So maybe he just didn't, you know, because obviously they stun a lot of clones.
They're okay with the TKs, taking out the new Stormtrooper. But when it's one of their own, they tend to stun it. So yeah, that was cool. Except later when Omega gets to that ship. Oh no, she went ham. I was like, whoa. Yeah, she went ham a little bit. Now, did you think, here's my question to you, Ang. Did you think Emery was going to help at all? Because throughout these two episodes,
You get the feeling that she's, Omega is reaching Emory to a point of like, you have to leave too. Like you know what's going on. You should get out of here with us as well. Did you get that feeling or were you like, no, she's going to turn on them regardless? I get this weird feeling that there's more than one Emory.
Because if you rewatch the episode, there are these lady lab technicians walking around. And they look like Emery. There was this one part when Omega took the data pad and was sneaking away. It almost looked like Emery was standing right there. And I was like, oh, man, she's going to see her.
but and then you think about like how she came in for that inspection with those commandos and they like took her doll and it was like crappy and then but then there's one that came when Emory comes back and gives her back the doll or Emory says like you should just go rest right there it's almost seems like there's multiples right or there's just times where she's reconsidering like I'm not sure if I'm where I'm supposed to be or if I'm supposed to be following
this other clone, this Omega, my sister, whatever it is. So I think it could go either way. There's more than one Emery or Emery is just really going through it. I think it's still, I think it's one Emery and I think it's Omega, again,
Reaching her trying to get her to realize what's going on Right, and I think Emory is resisting is obviously resisting because like she told Omega, you know when she was young She wasn't in Camino because even Omega brought that up like she's like well if you're one of if we're related Why didn't I see you in Camino because she worked in the labs too and that's when she's like well when I was young like you Dr. Hemlock was the one that kind of
pulled her under his wing. And so I think she's, again, feels loyal to Hemlock, but I think what she's realizing through Omega is that what's going on isn't good.
Right. And because, though, when she says we are sisters, I think that bond like I think that is, again, coming together more. And she's I think she's just I think she will be a turn where I think she's going to help the team. I do. That's just my guess. No, you're OK with where she's at. Yeah. I mean, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised either way, but I just feel like it's there's just little moments for me where it just
It seems like it's building to that type of arc, I guess, for me. But we'll find out. We'll find out for sure. Yeah, like you brought up, though, the name of Project Necromancer is big because that was Mando. Mando season three. When they brought that up, and that was when the whole kind of council was together, if I'm not mistaken, right?
Yep. So and we really, that's still, that's a newer thing that we learned in Mando season three. We have not heard of that prior to this. So again, what is that? What's in those tubes? Like there's so much mystery going on in that mountain that I want to know.
So where do you go with it, Ang? What is Project Necromancer? Is it another name for something that we're already aware of? Or is this something completely just... He's cloning something, obviously. Is it Snokes? That's what's in the tubes? I don't want to even go down that road, but... Snokewatch. Snokewatch, yeah, 2024.
What are your thoughts of, again, this is now the second time we've heard this project, so this is pretty big within the empire, and then even beyond this, right? Because years later, they're still talking about it. So Palpatine says nothing's more important to secure the future of this empire, right? And if you read some books and you know Palpatine's obsession with living forever,
And you think of necro, like you think of death or dead beings. You think of bringing dead beings back to life or being able to preserve life. So I mean, I think it just comes, it comes down to that. And I think what they're testing on has to be beings that already have an established high M

Impact on Star Wars Universe

count because he's concerned that if he is cloned, he will no longer have
unlimited power. See what I did there? Well done. Well done. So I don't want to get too deep into it because I feel like that's all it is. But it was interesting how he said that there's people in the empire that will frown upon what they're doing or find it disturbing or however he said it.
Which is true because a lot of a lot of empire leaders lieutenants captains.
grand moths um, they they still believe that the force is like a religion and Like something that's just not even Around anymore, you know, that's like when you think grandma grandma talking right exactly Yeah like if you think of a new hope in them sitting around in that council talking to Darth Vader and and them saying like the ways of the force are no longer So and we're getting to that point. We're almost at that point in the timeline so
Um, I think it's just Palpatine being selfish and he he thinks of himself as the Empire so to preserve the future of the Empire is to preserve him so Yeah, I I tend to agree with that like I feel like that's where it's going but it's gonna be interesting cuz like again what what other specimens
Like you're saying it's got it must be force wielders I mean the big thing in the Clone Wars was him with Cad Bane was getting that list, you know, oh, yeah, that's true all the force Children or sensitive children. Yeah, which bleeds into rebels. Yep. So he's in a bad batch. Yeah, so I I
It's gonna be interesting like is it yeah, is it just force wielders that they've captured to be in this season? Yeah, yeah, yes So we know and then when you when you brought that up, I don't he never got the list, right?
Um, I'm going to have to rewatch. He did. I think he got the list because then he, he went and picked up some children. Remember they actually were testing on that little. Yeah. Or the wrote Rodian. Yeah. Rodian Rodian. I can't, I think they, he had the list and then they got the list back. That doesn't mean he didn't make a copy of the list. Yeah. That's true. That's true.
especially within coming back, it's going to be interesting and be very interesting. Yeah, but this. There's just a lot going on behind the scenes. And then, of course, Hamlock making trying to make a play of like getting more power. Yeah, be the science minister. The hell is that? Never even heard of that before. I was going to say, didn't we hear that in.
Was it Mando season three when we were with the old, what's his name? The doctor. Oh, when he was doing his speech to like the Coruscant, I swear, maybe not, I'd have to rewatch that, but I swear that the minister of science or whatever came up.
Maybe I'm wrong, but anyway. Are you telling me to rewatch Mando season three? Because I will do it. Yeah, I am. It is my Roman Empire. I am telling you to rewatch that. But yeah, it's going to be. And I love his response to him is like all in due time, like. We'll see, buddy. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see. Nothing's guaranteed around here with me. Yeah, clear. Right. Like you're expendable. I hope you know that. So what are you going to do?
But yeah, I, those, these two episodes, I actually, when I did a rewatch, I watched them back to back. So I didn't do like an order. And it was interesting to kind of put both of them together as like a long, like a really super long episode. And it was, it was really good. Like I, I like actually how they did it though, where that was Omega first, then we got with Wrecker and Hunter, and then we're back to Omega and crosshair. I like how they did those first three episodes. I'm glad they did three episodes.
Because if they would've did two, I would've been like, come on man, the third was necessary, I feel like. Because again, in the end, what do we know? Hunt, they find out that Omega's blood is literally the only one so far that they've been testing that
can either match or exceed. So what does that mean? Omega has a force? Well see that, and that's the whole, I know that's the whole maybe debate or whatnot. I don't know if that means she has the force because yeah, we've heard that if you have high M count, you know, back in the day, they would have probably took her to become a Jedi, right? I mean, that's,
But now that that's over and clearly they hit her, right? The, um, now saying all them hit her from all that. So I don't, I don't think it, I don't think that means exactly that she is force sensitive. She has a high M count. I think you have to be trained to write because we've been down this road of like, you have to be trained to wield the force just because you have an high M count.
means maybe you're just more, you are able to use it a little more easily than others. You think you'll have to be trained, right? You think of the explanation of it in the Phantom Menace and you think of Anakin's high M counter midichlorian count and that he's able to
anticipate like the future. And that's why he was so good at pod racing. Um, and there's been plenty of times, and I think we've brought it up even in some of our episodes of, um, Omega has like this, this. Extra something. Yeah. So.
I don't know. Girl has force. It's pretty cool. I'm OK with that. I really don't care either way. And this doesn't mean that I mean, again, just because she has an high M count doesn't mean she's going to be a Jedi or anything like that. Yeah. Like it just means that she has a high M count. And I think even those little moments like you talked about that we have seen, I think we saw that in this episode, the last episode or even prior to of her and Batcher connecting, right?
Like it might seem small, might just seem like a little thing, but it was actually maybe because of that, she's able to connect like Ezra with the animals or like, again, she's, she can connect to things around her easily because of the force, right? Or because of her IM count.
that gives her the, the, those, again, that she's not aware of yet, but maybe that's why she's able to do certain things like we've talked about in the past. So, but they get away because Emory runs in, tells Hemlock before they shoot down the ship that
Omega and Krause here take over which was hilarious. I love that scene plan 72. Yeah, no good Yeah, it was great. And I like how he's like he's like tech taught you all those. She's like, yeah, he's like, of course he did Yeah, well real quick though on that I can't remember it's cross here where the tech
Again, we don't know Tech's faith, but we assume he has passed on. Does Crosshair know that? I would think so. I would think Omega would say it like when they've had their visits for 164 days. You would think it would have got brought up, right? Yeah. Hey, that figure that's just like kind of standing in the background in episode one, is that Tech?
No, I don't know what people think it is. No, I don't. Who is it though? Who is that person? Some new character, probably. Oh, it's Moroc. Yes, Moroc. Yeah, it's Moroc. It's Moroc before he was Moroc. Yeah. No, I think it's just another clone. Like I wonder if it's the guy that is like.
I mean, if it's stacked, it's fine, but I don't think it's stacked, but we'll find out. Again, that's the whole thing. Is he alive? We don't know. We'll find out. But Emory convinces Hemlock to let them go because she proves that Omega is valuable. She is the reason that they can successfully do what they need to do.
And what's interesting is Nala Sei knew this the whole time, right? Nala Sei knew that there was a difference in Omega than any of the other clones that they created and that she was like that. It's so funny that she was the edge for this project Necromancer and she wanted to keep her close to almost keep her hidden in like plain sight, but
Eventually, that was not great, right? And I know, and then it was always funny to me that Hemlock wanted Omega around just to get Nala Sei to cooperate. I would have wished Nala Sei would have been like, no, I don't want her here. I still won't cooperate with you, you know? So I don't know. I think Nala Sei thought that the closer she is that she can protect Omega, the better probably.
So I, I mean, who knows, who knows what Nalise was thinking, right? I mean, who knows at this point, but she's in trouble because obviously they, Hemlock kind of figures out that she's a reason that Omega got out because she was using her data pad, so.
RIP Nala Se, maybe? Question mark? She's still needed. She's the brains behind everything. The fact that Pelpatine was giving Hemlock credit for the advancements of what they were finding has nothing to do with Hemlock, I don't think. I think he's just the kind of person that orchestrates what's going on. And Nala Se is the brains of the experiments.
Yeah, I mean, no, that's fair. I mean, she probably, she 100% is, but I don't think it really matters to Palpatine who's, who's doing it. Yeah, I know. But I don't think then, I don't think Hemlock will get rid of Nalase. I'd be surprised. It'd be interesting. But I mean, yeah, I guess that, that would depend on if he, how much he trusts the other like lab people, like Emery, like maybe he's like, well, you've been around Nalase enough, or you've been around the project long enough.
You could probably take it over. So we'll see. Yeah, it's gonna be interesting. I mean, where do we go from here, Ange? I mean, we go to Pablo. Do you think that's where Crosshair and Omega are going? Where do you think they're going? That's where I think Omega would go. She sees that as a sanctuary. She thinks the Empire doesn't know about it. Yeah, that's true. So I think she would go there. And then obviously Hunter and Wrecker are going there with a cadet.
I mean, that that and we've seen it in the preview. So that's my assumption. Yeah, I mean, we do know that we are going to Pablo. That's true. And we and we know that the empire shows up on Pablo. Yeah, unfortunately, they do, don't they? See now, dang it. Yeah, it's going to be interesting because what? Right. Where do we go from here? Does. Do we if we all go to Pablo, do they does the empire then find them and get Omega back?
Maybe I, I think the empire is going to get omega back mid season. Absolutely. I think that is a given. Yeah. It seems like it's going that way that they will get her back. And then it's again, them trying to get her back.
and then still trying to figure out where they are right because they still don't know where tantis is yet and we don't even know the information that they got from the old base will lead them to tantis they just have a sector we don't even know if that's even the right sector of where tantis is so

Future of Omega and Crosshair

A lot to figure out. A lot to figure out. And this is only three episodes. And we got, what, 13 more to go. That's awesome. Yeah. It's going to be good. Final thoughts, Ange, on these three episodes? Anything you want to bring up? I'm just happy the batch is back. It's a little bittersweet knowing this is the ending. But just like you said earlier in the episode, this just might be the show that
gives a little bit more information towards the future and what we've already seen. So it just kind of enhances it. I think it's great. Yeah, no, I agree. I think it will enhance. The single trilogy, the Mando stuff, maybe even Ahsoka stuff. And who knows? I mean, there's just a lot a lot that we still need to go within the series, but
they can go a lot of different directions. But I think, I feel like we think we know where they're going with it, right? Like we feel like it's going to be Omega getting captured again. It's them trying to get her. It's them stopping this, this project from getting, you know, fully like viable. But we know clearly in Mando, so this is even years later that they're talking about it still.
So it's still a thing. We also know in Shadow of the Sith that Palpatine's cloning adventures did not go well. We'll see, man. There's a lot. Do you think we'll see Palpatine again?
I hope so, man. He is so... Dude, every time I see him in Clone Wars fashion, guess what I think of? Guess what I think of? The Lawless. And I wanna go back and watch The Lawless. That was peak pelps there. That really was peak pelps. Ah, good stuff, good stuff.
All right, kids, that's it. That's the show. Thanks for listening to us. This was our Bad Bad Season three, episodes one through three recap. Stick around. We're obviously going to do more of the reviews on these episodes when they drop.
So get excited. If you guys follow us, please follow us. We're at The Galactic Pod on all the social medias. We're on the major platforms, Apple Pod, Google Play, Spotify, all the major stuff. And

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

then you can follow me, Lauren Romo, at LowroKnows on all the socials.
You can follow me, Andrea Guti, Erez on Twitter and Instagram through r2d2step. Yep, that's my handle. I don't know what I'm saying. Don't follow me. I don't do anything Star Wars related besides like post some art. That's not true. It's worth a follow, kids.
All right, and as always, may the force be with you. Always. Always.